#sorry gang ily<3< /div>
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daily-pink-character · 6 months ago
Taking a lil break cus i havent been posting and i love u guys too much to not give u an actual warning💔💔💔
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littlestarbigsky · 3 months ago
i took a poll like a week ago on which wip i should finish and this is what the collective decided :)
first of all, this is much longer than i thought it would be lol but also ngl i almost wrote this as chetcherrycola but fear not cherrycola is alive and well in this one🫡 (looking back she’s hardly in it at all lol but trust she is there‼️)
… soda has appendicitis :p
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“where’s your brother?” darry asked ponyboy as he slumped down at the kitchen counter, pulling a piece of toast onto a plate from the platter in the middle of the counter and starting to butter it.
pony pointed to their room, “still in bed. think he’s getting sick, he was burning like a furnace all last night.”
one side of darry’s mouth pulled back and he hummed, “i’ll go check on him. i cut up some of the fruit, you should have some of it before you go.”
“fine,” pony rolled his eyes, taking the serving spoon and putting some of the strawberries onto his plate next to his toast.
“pepsi-cola, it’s almost 7, time to rise and shine!” darry called, wiping his hands on the dish towel thrown over his shoulder and pushing the bedroom door open with his hip.
the room felt stiflingly hot, whether or not that had to do with soda potentially being sick or with the temperature outside finally starting to warm up again, darry wasn’t sure. either way, soda had the covers pulled up over his head.
“soda, c’mon…” darry yanked the sheet back, and his heart dropped clean into his stomach.
soda was laying on his side, drenched in sweat and as pale as the sheet he was tangled up in. his eyes were squeezed shut from the pain and he was desperately clutching his stomach. darry could hear his breath hitching in his throat, his asthmatic lungs trying to compensate for the crying. he flinched as darry pulled the sheet back and looked up at him with the most desperate and terrified eyes darry had ever seen.
“soda…” darry dropped to his knees next to the bed and brushed some of the hair off of soda’s sweaty forehead. “baby, what’s the matter?”
“i don’t know,” soda gasped, and even that seemed like it took far too much effort for comfort. he let out a strangled sounding sob and curled in on himself even tighter.
“hey hey kiddo, look at me, please,” darry grabbed soda’s face and almost had to pull his hands back when he felt the fever. “jesus christmas, pepsi, you’re on fire.”
“please,” soda pleaded, and it broke darry’s heart clean in two. “i don’t know what’s happening, dar, please, it hurts…”
“i know, i know, it’s okay,” darry was already standing up to get his boots on and round up ponyboy to take soda to the hospital. “just hang on for a second, we’re gonna get you help.”
he sprinted from the room to his own, grabbing the first pair of shoes he could find and racing to get them on.
“pony!” he roared, and pony hurried into his room, still with the blanket over his shoulders but at least in his day clothes. “go get my keys and start the truck, we’re taking soda to the hospital.”
“what? what’s wrong with him? can we even afford a hospital?” pony asked, his words slurring slightly with sleepiness.
“ask me that once we get soda help, alright?” darry huffed, finishing tying his boots and sprinting past pony and into their room to get soda.
he grabbed a blanket to wrap soda up in and got to lifting him into his arms. it was no easy task, it seemed like moving soda even the littlest bit was excruciating, but after a few minutes and many muttered apologies, darry managed to maneuver him up and into his arms. he could feel soda shaking and sobbing as he sprinted to the truck.
ponyboy had the truck running and was in the passenger seat, waiting for darry as he laid soda across the front seat with his head in pony’s lap.
“darry, his fever-”
“i know! darry cried, putting the truck in gear, slamming his foot down, and effectively launching them down their street.
pony tried his best to hold soda still as darry took turns too fast and had to stop abruptly, but the vibrations of the truck combined with tulsa’s far from perfect roads made for lots of bumping. pony ran his fingers through sofa’s sweaty hair, holding him close and trying his best to keep him calm, but the tears didn’t stop, and darry could feel them in his own eyes, too.
“soda,” pony pleaded, his voice high and breaking. “soda can you try to take a deep breath? please, you’re gonna start wheezin, and then you won’t be able to tell anyone what’s wrong.”
darry could feel his throat going tight from trying not to cry, he could hear the tears in pony’s terrified voice and the wheeze in soda’s lungs and he just put his foot down to get there faster.
the second darry had pulled up outside of the emergency room, ponyboy sprinted in to tell someone what was happening as darry hopped out of the truck and tried to gently get soda back into his arms. it was harder now that he was in the truck as opposed to in his bed, but it seemed like soda was in so much pain that it really didn’t matter what darry did to try to keep him comfortable.
he sprinted through the door, meeting three nurses who were already wheeling a gurney towards the door. it was mayhem when darry set him down, one nurse immediately starting to tie a band around his arm so they could start an iv as soon as they could, one had a clipboard and was taking his vitals and shaking her head every time she wrote down a number, and the last one was shuffling around to get them moving in the right direction.
“honey, can you tell us what’s hurting you?” the nurse with the clipboard asked as they started to wheel him back through the big metal doors.
“my stomach!” soda wailed, and all three of them exchanged solemn looks.
“you’re the parent or guardian?” one of them asked darry.
he couldn’t answer at first, he was so dazed and confused that he could only sputter out, “he’s my brother.”
the nurse asked again, seeming to understand the jumble his head was in, “are you the guardian, honey?”
darry just nodded numbly, and followed them back through the maze of hallways and sterile smelling rooms until they stopped and wheeled him into a room. they gave him an iv and started the pain meds, but soda was so worked up and panicked that they had to start giving him oxygen.
darry sat in the corner next to soda’s head, brushing his hair back and trying to keep him calm and comfortable while the team worked on his little brother. he was distantly aware that somewhere in the fray, they had lost ponyboy, but darry had long since realized that pony dealt with things better when he was alone. and he was a smart kid; he would either stay in the waiting room or be resourceful enough to find their room. either way, darry didn’t need to worry about pony, not when soda was still sobbing as the nurses tried to get his pain under control while they ruled out all kinds of terrible conditions.
it wasn’t until an hour later when soda let out a truly horrible scream of pain, despite being pumped full of pain medicine, that the doctors and nurses seemed to come to any sort of conclusion.
the doctor pulled darry aside and said quickly, “soda most likely has appendicitis, and with how much pain he’s in, we think his appendix may have already ruptured. the best treatment option at the moment is to give him an emergency appendectomy.”
“do it,” darry barely let the doctor finish before the words were tumbling out of his mouth. “please, just… help him.”
“we’d like to take him now, we just need you to sign this as his guardian,” the doctor nodded, handing him a clipboard and a pen. darry quickly found the signature page and scribbled down his name. they started wheeling soda back to the operating room, and darry jogged to catch up to them.
“darry?” soda whimpered, and darry ran up next to him and grabbed his hand. “darry, what’s happening?”
darry felt something drop in his stomach, “it’s your appendix, baby, they need to take it out.”
“but that’s a surgery!” soda cried, his breath picking up. “we can’t afford that!”
“shh, don’t you dare worry about that, honey, i just want you to get better,” darry leaned down and pressed a kiss to soda’s forehead.
they made it into an operating room and started to get soda prepped. after checking with him one final time, they pushed the medicine to put him to sleep through his iv.
soda squeezed his eyes shut, “that feels funny…”
“you’re gonna be okay, baby, you’re gonna wake up and feel so much better,” darry whispered to soda, smoothing his hair back. “me and pony are gonna be right there when you wake up. i love you so much, sodapop, you know that, don’t you?”
soda nodded weakly, the anesthesia already starting to work, “love you, dar, and pony, too. i can’t feel anything… ‘s nice…”
“just sleep, baby, it’s okay now,” darry felt a tear slip down his cheek as soda closed his eyes.
“pony?” darry called into the near-empty waiting room as he pushed the doors open. it wasn’t more than five seconds before pony had catapulted himself into his arms. “hey, kiddo, it’s okay.”
“what happened? what’s wrong with soda?” pony cried, clinging to darry. “they said he’s in surgery! what’s going on?”
“honey, how did you know he was in surgery?” darry pushed pony back to hold him at arms length.
“i told him,” a voice behind them answered, and darry whipped around to see cherry standing in her hospital uniform, wringing her hands nervously. “i overheard the page.”
darry could hear the anxiety in her voice. he could see her red-rimmed eyes and shaking shoulders. cherry wasn’t just some soc from the west side, she was his girlfriend. she loved him. she was just as worried about soda as they were.
“c’mere,” darry held out an arm to her and she fell into him. “it’s gonna be okay.”
“what’s wrong with him? why’s he in surgery?” pony asked, still anxious and obviously scared, but a little less frantic.
“the doctor said it’s his appendix,” darry held both of them close as he tried to explain, doing his best to keep his voice even.
cherry gulped, “oh, god.”
“but he’s gonna be okay, right?” pony pulled back from the hug and wiped the tears from his cheeks.
darry squeezed cherry again before letting her go in an attempt to put off answering the question. he straightened up and took a deep breath before saying, “i… we don’t know yet. the doctors are confident and the procedure is straightforward, but if his appendix ruptured already, there could be infections… we just don’t know yet.”
pony bit the inside of his cheek and nodded, keeping his head down and not looking at either of them.
darry could feel the telltale lump rising in his throat and he realized that he was about to cry, too, the delayed panic and fear finally catching up with him.
“pony,” darry’s voice was hoarse and crackling. “do you wanna go back to his room? i can show you where it is…”
pony nodded quickly, accepting the arm darry threw over his shoulder.
darry turned around and met cherry’s bloodshot eyes, “you’re on the clock, aren’t you?”
“i’m done in forty-five minutes,” she shrugged. “i’ll meet you back there when he’s out.”
darry started to walk with pony, pushed the huge set of double doors open and fell into step with his brother, winding through the hallways of the hospital and finally turning back into the room. with the bed gone, the room seemed massive. it sure hadn’t felt that big with all the people crammed in it twenty minutes ago.
pony started to sink down onto the floor, darry helped keep him on his feet long enough to get them over to the vinyl covered couch in the corner of the room. pony curled up against darry, shaking and crying. he couldn’t even blame ponyboy for being so scared, because truthfully, soda was never the one who scared them whenever he was sick. pony had always been the one to need hospitals and doctors, but soda, if he ever got sick, was able to bounce back after a day or two in bed. aside from small asthma scares every now and again, darry couldn’t think of a time where pony would have ever seen soda sick at all.
he lost track of how long they were there, his baby brother clinging to him like a lifeline and more scared than he had been in a long time, but the sun had risen and was high in the sky by the time the doctor pushed the door open. pony’s head shot up to look at him and darry could feel his heart speeding up, pounding in his throat.
the doctor looked up from his clipboard, taking in the brothers for a moment before his face relaxed into a smile, “everything went perfectly, we have soda in recovery right now.”
pony fell into darry’s shoulder, his hand flying over his mouth.
darry hugged pony to him, still looking up at the doctor, “can we see him?”
the doctor nodded, “you can come with me.”
they hopped up from the couch, pony clutching darry’s arm so hard his fingers started to go numb, and weaved through the maze of hallways behind the doctor. when they found the room, soda was still asleep, his pajamas discarded in favor of a hospital gown. the cannulas were still in place to give him oxygen, but darry found a knot loosening in his chest listening to the monitors beeping, a steady cadence that reminded him that their brother was okay. if nothing else, his heart was still beating.
darry walked over slowly and sat down in the straight-backed chair next to him, grabbing soda’s hand and squeezing it softly, checking the pulse-ox monitor on his finger. pony walked around to the other side, sitting down next to soda on the bed.
“soda…” pony sniffled.
“shh,” darry hushed gently. “let him sleep, kiddo. he needs the rest to get better.”
he reached up and instinctually pressed the back of his hand to soda’s forehead. his fever had gone down, whatever medicine darry had signed off on was working. soda’s eyes began to flutter open. darry sat up quickly, perching on the very end of his chair.
he squeezed his eyes shut for a moment before looking over, following the feeling of whoever was holding his hand, “hey dar…”
darry couldn’t help the smile that broke across his face, “hi, baby. have a good sleep?”
“mmm,” he hummed, not really leaning one way or the other. “feels funny, my head’s all spinny.”
“yeah, they’ve got you pretty hopped up on pain meds, kiddo,” darry leaned forward and brushed soda’s hair out of his eyes.
soda slowly turned to look at ponyboy, “hey, honey.”
pony didn’t seem to be able to keep himself together, a few tears slipped down his cheeks as he pulled soda’s hand up to his face. soda opened up his fingers to hold pony’s cheek in his hand, his thumb brushing away the tears. he gestured next to him and scooted over on the bed, hissing slightly as he moved. pony looked worried for a second, but happily laid down next to soda, his head resting on his brother’s shoulder.
“careful, pepsi, don’t wanna tear those stitches… you feeling alright? comfortable?” darry asked quickly, the euphoria of soda being alright beginning to wear off.
“‘m tired, darry,” he was exhausted. darry could hear in his voice, even if his goofy smile was firmly back in place.
“you can sleep, we’ll be here when you wake up,” darry sighed as soda threw an arm around pony. “cherry might be in soon, too.”
“really?” soda smiled, his eyes already drooping. “she’s gonna be so mad at me… she probably worried herself sick…”
“you’ll be fine, kiddo, i think she’ll understand. just rest, you need it.”
darry smiled, squeezing soda’s hand and smiling at his two baby brothers, both of them already almost asleep.
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dailyloweffortpace · 5 months ago
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Day 83: bros....
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forbidding-souda · 7 months ago
if you haven't already, could you do mondo, kazuichi and hajime with a goth girlfriend who's very feminine? tyty <3
Mondo Oowada, Kazuichi Souda, and Hajime Hinata with a very feminine goth girlfriend
I looked through my masterlists bc i thought already wrote one and that i wrote hella goth fics but appareantly it's only 2 so I'm tweaking. here you go anon ily here.
might be repetitive but who caresss
thumbs up emote
Sorry if it's underwhelming, I didn't realize how short it was until I read it over this morning. Highkey was high when I wrote the small scenario parts and the bold text. [next day, afternoon edit: wtf was i talking about this shit long ash LMFAO]
-Mod Souda
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Mondo Oowada
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❤ Perfect. Perfect for his aesthetic. Perfect for the atmosphere his home presents and you're such a perfect doll to great him at the gate of Hope's Peak every day. People are only surprised to know you two are together because of the fact that he pulled such a baddie. He'll wrap an arm around his shoulder and tell anybody who makes a comment to fuck off. He can pull. Duh. He's got you. But it's hard for anybody to take him seriously when he'll melt at the sound of your laugh.
"If you get your fucking," he wipes his cheek, "lipstick on me one more time." "You're going to what?" He stares down at his hand, the black lipstick smeared on the back of it from his touch. His cheek is stained. It's going to look ridiculous (but not as much as post-smear). His eyes hold a glare that's more intense than if you had just cursed at him. "Nothin'." Once again, he wipes his cheek, smearing it more. "Don't do that shit again." You in fact do that shit again.
❤ Don't get your makeup on him. It ruins his masculinity. His gang makes fun of him when he rides with black lipstick on his face, forehead to chin.
❤ On the back of a motorcycle in all black with heeled shoes brrr brrr.
❤ Yeah but tuck those necklaces in.
❤ And omg he's going to steal some of your hairspray sorry but he will. Whether you mind it or not. He's going to do it.
❤ + your over-the-top makeup yesss the both of you attract so many stares.
❤ I imagine people would want to take pictures of you two. He'd fucking hate it but you're like yes of course!!!!
❤ He tries to avoid main cities anyway as much as he can anyway.
Kazuichi Souda
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❤ Worships you like it's nobodies business. You look just like a dream. The prettiest girl he's ever seen. From the cover of a magazine. Literally that fr. He's that obsessed with you. He's the type to carry you over a sewer grate so you don't get your heels stuck in it. He helps you tie your corsets and he'll buckle your boots for you. He'll kiss your neck whenever you're leaned over the bathroom counter doing your makeup. His intimacy is acts of service, but only for you. He'd do anything for you.
"Kazuichi?" You call from your bedroom. In the early morning, he's in the living room watching TV. At the sound of your call, your tone mildly concerned, he stands without hesitation. But you weren't in danger or anything. You were just having a hard time buckling your bra. Once he opened the door, you glance over. "Do it for me." It was more of a command than a request. "W-Woah there," he laughs nervously, taking a few steps at a time. "Sure, yeah. Sure thing." With no sign of the internal fluster, he hides the urge he gets to just stare at your half-covered chest like it were glowing. He steps behind you, focusing his eyes on your shoulder blades before strapping on the second hook of your bra. You had only managed to get one in. "There you go, gorgeous." You hum, a small smile on your face. "Thank you." Looking over your shoulder at him, you see his composure and how it changed drastically while you weren't looking. His cheeks were pink and his eyebrows were furrowed with distress. "Yeah," he says breathlessly, finally getting a look at your chest. "Anytime."
❤ Lord knows he just wants to gobble you whole like om nom nom.
❤ Yes he does the cooking yes he does the cleaning.
❤ He's your malewife.
❤ It makes sense to me somehow that he would be with somebody who's hyper-feminine. It's a good match.
❤ I'm in between the thought that he'd either make goth girlfriend jokes or hate them. I feel like he'd hate seeing memes about it bc it makes him feel like they're about you specifically. Bc you're HIS girlfriend. HIS.
❤ Shows you off.
❤ You'd probably be taller than him in some of your shoes.
❤ You'd get along with his classmates hella.
❤ And he'll give you the cutest pet names. Enchantress, spider, might call you evil as a tease.
Hajime Hinata
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❤ You're both each other's scary dog privileges. With his glare and your outward appearance, it makes you two completely unapproachable. Hangouts in the dark of night have never been safer. You don't have to be scared of shit. He's here, and you're here. Fair's fair. There's not a person in the world that would want to bother you, and the fear of annoying you breaks any onlookers confidence. Plus, you're gorgeous, and it's threatening.
"Press this button to jump." He handed you the controller, and now he's practically leaning over you as he places his hands over your own. "I got it Hajime." "Just making sure." When you try and hone in on the button, your nail gets in the way. You smile to yourself before outstretching your finger to place the pad of your finger on it, your fingerprints practically sticking to it as you press down hard. But your nail had reached the button ahead of it, grazing down, lifting a bit upwards. Your face scrunches up at the sensation. "Uhh, are you alright?" He asks, his eyebrows furrowed but smiling with adoration. "I'm good," you chuckle. "Beauty is pain."
❤ I see him as not gaf or being overly appreciative of the fact that you're goth. It's just your style. Nothing to get handsy over.
❤ He does like uniqueness tho and ofc you're the embodiment of that.
❤ Fucking hates when tourists want to take a picture though because they'll exclude him. I imagine tourists are the people that would walk up to you, locals not so much.
❤ Literally those memes of goth girlfriend with plain gamer boy.
❤ He can work an all-black wardrobe though.
❤ He looks a bit alternative just naturally. So replace those white button-ups with a black one and bam. You'll match.
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highclasshomosexual · 4 months ago
intro post!
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whats up bitches, bros and non binary hoes, idk how 2 do an intro post but we gonna try gang
Ok so, basic info:
Name: alex
Im a therian! :) my therotype is a fox
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Age: I'm a minor lol
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Hair: green, wolfcut
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Sexuality: pan
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Pronouns: he/she!
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Ethnicity: native American, Jewish, German, Russian, Ukrainian (my dad's side is German and Russian literally help)
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I'm not religious but I respect yours as long as your not rude abt it! ^^
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other stuffs
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Fave color: dark green, just earthy tones really and black
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Aethestics???/styles?: goblincore/gremlincore, midwest emo, grungecore, loser core,punk, cryptidcore, mori kei and morute!
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Fandoms/shit I like (I'm so sorry you have to read all of this): gravity falls, toh, amphibia, inside job,rick and morty,smiling friends ,over the garden wall, coraline, south park, ramshackle, spooky month , murder drones, lakadaisy, tadc, PINE POINT, mcr, puptheband (im not obsessed with them swear), green day, Alex g ❤️, tv girl, tfb, modern baseball, american football, mom jeans, McCafferty, the cure, all American rejects, 6arleyhuman, cavetown, school bus graveyard, homesick, d!ckheads, marionetta, high class homos, tmnt (1987, 2012, 2018) sig-verse! Scott pilgrim takes off, homestuck,Bungo stray dogs (dazai is my malewife trust)❤️, BBNO$, jujitsu kaisen, mha (DONT KILL ME PLS)
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Hobbies: diy-ing shit, music (making or listening), art, beading, literally going to any concert I can find because where i live fucking sucks. Canada. Is Canada a hobby? Idk I js rlly love Canada
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DNI: proshipper, p3do, r@pist, s3xist, homophobic, r@cist, Canada haters 😔 , zoophiles (ICK)
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Anyway I love yall 💗
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Follow these peeps plz: @ratseathumans <- made the pine pint awake banner and is my literal bestie boo <3, @zuicidegay (ty for everything u did for me!), @vuvvishere (ily broski!) @chrislikesgorillaz (I'm gonna kidnap u /pos), @girlsnap (ty for always being there for me and others)
Yes I did need to add all of these tags for your information it was totally necessary
My pin is @noshwaffle ^^
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mentally-gone002 · 7 months ago
is it too early to love you? - part 6
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(moodboard made by moi)
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7
summary: readers mom is told about her breakup with james by spencer. he made the mistake of thinking she already knew, but it ended in reader getting annoyed, and later angrier than she was before. 
warnings: our babies kinda fight so angsttttt
a/n: HEHEHAHFIDBIDBEKFBEID i needed to prolong it because this was originally gonna be the last part but the voices were like “NO WE DONT WANT IT TO END” so here we areeee😋😋😋 ily guys sm btw thanks for all the support on this series!!!! ENJOY GANG!!!
i’ve been confused.
ever since spencer told me the reason for the kiss in his hotel room i’ve been reflecting. mostly on my feelings, which sounds like a load of bullshit but it has to be done. 
‘is it too early to love you?’ 
i didn’t know the answer to the question i’d asked until i found out that it was my best friend the whole time instead of the guy i was with for three years. and that shocked me.
i don’t know what to do about that. 
i wasn’t about to let it influence my ability to work. 
“thanks penelope.” i reached for the door handle of her lair after asking her to research something for a case i was finishing the paperwork for. 
she spun in her chair, smiling brightly. “of course! i love your visits mon ami.” 
i smiled back to her and quickly walked the hall back to the bullpen. 
upon my quick arrival through the large glass doors i was surprised to see my mom talking with spencer at my desk. i was expecting her to come by but not until five. 
my eyes went to the clock and i read that it was ten after five. i must’ve spent more time with penelope than i’d thought. 
“hi, mom.” i walked to my desk and set down the file in my hands. my eyes went to spencer’s briefly before i hugged her. “sorry i kept you waiting. i had to get some information on something.” i apologized. 
she patted my back. “it’s alright, your work is important.” she said in understanding. i pulled away and smiled at her. “why didn’t you tell me you broke up with james?” 
i looked at spencer, with wide eyes. “uhm,” i looked back at my mom. “can we talk about this later?” i asked, reaching blindly into my bag for my car keys. she nodded and pursed her lips. “i’ll meet you in the lobby, i need to give something to my boss.” i told her. 
she nodded. “okay. i’ll see you down there.” 
i watched her leave the bullpen, waiting for the glass doors to close all the way before i was looking up at spencer. “why did you tell her james and i broke up?” 
he looked shocked. “i- she asked about you two because she hadn’t heard about him in a while and was wondering why.” he replied. “i’m sorry.” 
i shook my head and gathered my things and started walking. i spun around to look back at spencer. “don’t go around telling people things that isn’t any of your business.” with that i turned and kept walking, faster now because of the annoyance bubbling under my skin. 
why would he do that?
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
“why did you break up with james?” my mom asked over dinner. 
i knew it was coming, i just didn’t realize she would ask as i’m in the middle of swallowing my drink. i coughed slightly and looked away, humming like i had to think about it. “he’s the one who broke up with me.” i told her. 
she frowned. “why? what happened?” 
i shrugged. “he just… got tired of me. he said he couldn’t deal with my job, or me as a whole.” i sifted my fork through the food on my plate. “we broke up like two months ago.”
“why didn’t you tell me?” my mom reached a hand across the small table to touch my hand. 
i gave her a look. “because i knew you’d call him and tell him to change his mind.” she bit the inside of her cheek. “he wouldn’t have anyway.” my eyes rolled slightly. 
she made a sad humming sound. “are you doing okay?” 
i nodded. “yeah, i mean he was kind of a dick because he broke almost all of my dishes, ripped up a bunch of my books and stole my tv after he’d broken up with me, but other than that, i’ve been doing good.” i gave her a tight lipped smile. “i got everything replaced so don’t worry.” i added before she got that sad look back on her face. 
“how come spencer knew about this before i did?” 
i dropped my fork and pressed my fingers into my eyes. “because he confronted me and then correctly guessed what was going on.” my lie was believable because he’d done this type of thing before, and i’ve told her about how strange it was that he could figure me out so fast. 
my mom took a sip of wine. “and then you just forgot to tell me?”
“what? no. i just… kept putting it off. i just didn’t- i don’t want to think about it.” my fingers scratched at the spot in front of my ear. “can we talk about something else, please?” 
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
after i’d gotten home from dinner i was calling spencer. he picked up as i was locking my deadbolt and i didn’t give him a chance to greet me before i was saying, “i just sat through the most uncomfortable dinner that i’ve ever had with my mom because of you.” 
spencer sputtered over the line. “because of me?” 
“yes, because of you. you and your big mouth that told my mom my business.” i paced back and forth behind my couch, one arm wrapped around my middle. 
“this wouldn’t have happened if you would’ve just told her sooner.” spencer retorted. 
i scoffed. “oh, so this is my fault now? what a mature way to handle this.” 
“this is all immature, not mature.” 
“i was being sarcastic.” i rolled my eyes in annoyance. 
“we’re both being immature.” he said. 
i shook my head while staring at the floor. “i just wish you wouldn’t have told her.”
“i thought she already knew.”
i looked up and walked back to my room. “yeah well, she didn’t.” i put the phone on speaker as i started to get undressed. 
spencer hummed. “no kidding.” he scoffed and i could almost hear him rolling his eyes. “i already apologized for this anyway, why are you calling me?” 
i pulled a tank top over my head. “i don’t know, honestly.” i picked up my phone again and pressed it to my ear. 
“how do you not know?” 
“i just don’t, okay?” i raised my voice. “sorry.” i sighed, sitting down heavily on my bed. “i just needed to hear you voice.” 
“and the best way to hear my voice was to start arguing with me?” he wondered. 
i nodded. “i just needed to vent, i didn’t want it to turn into an argument.” my eyes watched as my feet slid over the carpet. “i’m sorry.” 
spencer was quiet for a moment. “it’s okay.” he replied. “how’d your mom react to everything?” 
i scoffed a bit. “oh, you mean what did she say about him vandalizing my place?” 
“yes, that.” spencer laughed. 
i smiled at the sound of his voice. i didn’t like to fight with him. that was our first argument and i hated it. “she… didn’t say anything, believe it or not.” i laid on my back. “she did ask me why you were the first one to know.” 
he hummed. “what did you tell her?”
“i told her you just figured it out on your own.” i answered. “she believed me.”
“good. now she won’t have to cope with the fact that you love me more than her.” 
i laughed softly. “know your place reid, i love my mom. you’re second on that list.” i bit my lip, waiting for him to reply. 
“what about your sister?” he quizzed. 
i sighed. “you’re a close second.” 
“just a close second?” he inquired cheekily. 
i smiled to myself. “fine, you can share the podium.” i bargained. 
“i can work with that.” he agreed after taking a few seconds to reply. i could hear the smile on his lips and the way it infected his words. 
i smiled. he was contagious. perfectly contagious. “i’m… i’m gonna go.” i said it hesitantly. i didn’t want to go but i had things to do. not sure what they are yet but i’d find something. 
“okay.” spencer’s voice was softer now. a little quiet and disappointed. “i’ll see you tomorrow?”
“tomorrows saturday.” i reminded him. 
“right.” spencer murmured. “i’ll see you monday then.” 
i hummed in agreement. “see you monday.” 
“okay. bye.”
“bye, spencer.” 
when the line beeped to signal the end of the call i sighed with my eyes closed. why did it have to be saturday?
i called spencer again. 
“it hasn’t even been thirty seconds-“
“do you wanna do something tomorrow? like… play chess in the park or something?” 
spencer stumbled over a reply. “y- yeah. i’d like that.” i smiled widely and sat up. “what time?” 
“maybe noon? we could get coffee and then go to the park.”
“that sounds perfect.” he was breathy but loud enough so that i could hear him. 
“okay.” i bit my lip. “i’ll see you tomorrow.”
“yeah, see you tomorrow.”
“okay. bye… for real this time.”
spencer laughed. “for real this time.”
i smiled at his repetition and hung up. 
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buried-in-autumn-leaves · 7 months ago
These are by Mizoho Crafts, who is found here on instagram and here on etsy !
Yet again, pictures taken by my partner ily <3
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OLBA first ! I think the prints are super cute and high quality !!! My only comment (which I'm not mad about at all, just confused lmao) is Derek is actually on a smaller base than the other 2. His base is the same size as Qiu and Tama's. Totally fine, just smth I noted because of the order I display them in !
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I am not normal about these I'm sorry ESPECIALLY TAMA LIKE SHE'S SO CUTE ???? I love every Tamarack ever loml fr-
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THE GANG ‼️‼️‼️‼️
I don't see much of this persons art on Tumblr I think because they don't have one, so I'm hoping more people learn about them, go buy stuff !!!
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butteredfrogs · 10 months ago
📩 simblr question of the day: any other simblrs that you love
i did something similar to this a while ago but i just wanna spread some love because there are so many amazing and talented people and i just hope you all know i appreciate all of you! (also this post is super long so i apologise i advance)
@squea honestly you are such a sweet person and you’re so so talented! you inspire me so much and you already know i appreciate you but i really do and i’m so thankful to call you my friend💛
@circusjuney june, you are so cool. not only are your edits amazing, you can make poses as well??? you’re so talented and also i love talking to you you’re honestly so lovely and so sweet <3
@youredreamingofroo you have such cool and chill vibes, and your renders are amazing!! i also love reading about your ocs and stuff or seeing the stuff you reblog that reminds you of them, i told you this already but i legit stalked roo and leo’s tag the other day because i wanted to find out more about them!
@druidberries you already know ily, but honestly i am so invested in the tjol gang i love seeing them pop up on my dash and hello the latest update??? i am so excited for baby 3!! also ofc butterberries is the best duo and no i will not accept criticism thank you💛
@sunyos jaci, every interaction i have with you is so chaotic but you never fail to make me laugh so hard! you are honestly so chill and i love seeing your sims so much and i just love talking to you!!
@fizzytoo i love your sims and your gameplay screenshots so so much! honestly your postcard legacy was one of the reasons i wanted to get the horse ranch pack bc you just made it seem so fun! you also just have such good vibes! (also i saw your posts about playing sdv, i’m expecting updates from your farmer butter!!)
@stellarfalls literally where do i even begin. i mean if you haven’t seen bree’s edits already i’m going to assume you’ve been living under a rock? just so talented and honestly you inspire me so much (although i don’t think my edits will ever be on your level)
@stinkrascal honestly again just such a sweet and lovely person!! also i just love your vlad so much and i love reading your story like i love learning more about your characters and their backstories!
@alelelesimz honestly where would we be without your cc free townies, thank you for your service🫡. but not only that the way you style your sims in general is amazing like their outfits are always so so good
@solargrove you are so so sweet! despite the fact we don’t interact much you sent me such a lovely ask after i was upset by that anon and it just really cheered me up! not only that but your builds and your gameplay screenshots always have such a nice warm and cozy vibe to them like they literally can i live in your game pls?
@folkbreeze your edits your gameplay are so so good every time! your screenshots are always so full of life and literally look like they belong in a photo album i love it so much and i just love the way that you edit them as well
@eljeebee such an amazing story teller! if you guys aren’t following lana you should be!!! you put so much love into your stories and it really shows they’re so good! also you are so lovely and have always been so nice and supportive and i appreciate it so much💛
@citrlet honestly i’ve said this so many times at this point but you are so lovely! also your screenshots are so pretty and soft and i love them so much! i also love seeing your stardew valley screenshots like i really love the fairycore/cottagecore vibe <3
@crazy-lazy-elder-sims i’m so sorry i sound like a broken record but you are so lovely!!! every time i’ve interacted with you you’ve just been super sweet or supportive and i really appreciate it! also in general just the fact you reblog so many posts and support so many people is really nice to see honestly i always love seeing stuff that you reblog whether that be sims or not!
@windslar honestly your gameplay screenshots and your edits are so good!! and literally where would simblr be without your psds we would literally be so lost like they’re so good and so useful
@orbitsuns your gameplay posts are so pretty. they have such a sweet and wholesome vibe to them if that makes sense? esp your secret garden screenshots they just feel very cozy and wholesome. also you have the sweetest vibes <3
@wildmelon you have always been one of my biggest inspo esp when it comes to fantasy! also even though you don’t just post sims i love your blog so much. it has such a whimsical vibe and i just always associate you with fantasy <33 (also your sims are STUNNING)
this is already super long so quick fire of some of the other people on here that i love and that you should go show some love to as well @glittermutt @simelune @cottageivy @thefunniestjester @flovoid @finnsim @kopimoss @futurelabs @velvet-disc @aliengirl @zleepyhollow and so so many others that i’m probably missing honestly anyone that i follow has inspired me in some way or another and i appreciate each and everyone of you 💛💛 also just anyone who has liked commented on or reblogged any of my posts i appreciate it so so much thank you all for being here 🫶
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kel-lance · 10 months ago
JJK Mafia Au (JJK x Reader) PART 3
- TW: Dead dove dont read (DDDR) Minors do not interact (MDNI): SA, Physical Assault, DubCon, NonCon, Mindbreak, Public Humiliation, Breeding, Ownership, Gaslighting, Multiple manipulation, RWORD, PTSD, a lot more toxic sh.
Reader lives in a city where the two biggest gangs keep things line until the third gang showed up. That had nothing to do with you though, until dumb luck just happened to favor you one day. Basically You’re picked up and used by every dangerous criminal within the clans due to some alliances they had to create due to some members messing up the previous alliances. ((Almost everyone’s gonna have a turn 🤗)) ( i have 12 chapters planned out right now meaning after i write those ill still be writing more.)
AN: Sorry for the long update im trying not to get evicted bc i was fired a while ago bc of a protest (surprise surprise big companies dont like or care about palestine or other places like it.) but i had to give away my cats and am still struggling i have my socials in my masterpost if you could help if not its okay ily
You weren’t even conscious when you realized that you were still full of him. “Now he just thinks he can do as he pleases, oh my god, what a prick.” You were about to tell him off until he put his hand on your back. Stirring awake, Sukuna can feel as you tighten yourself around him. You realize you’re being stretched while laying upright on his chest. 
You don’t think opening your eyes right now would be a good idea. Mostly because you could hear other people nearby? Sukuna laughs as he feels your realization. You could only pray that this phone call ends soon, and glad no one could see how red you thought you were, as your skin was glowing hot.
The base of your spine and neck  were sore, like the rest of your body. Your back started to hurt, you needed more support. Sukuna caught this and moves you off of him, making a fwopping noise, and putting you back onto him with your back to him, like you wanted. But now you were facing his table, and he wasn’t on a phone call, you two were in a meeting. He was sat at the head, and quickly you catch a few pairs of eyes on you, your left hand grabs onto him and your right hides, your face.
“No way no way no way no way, oh my god,” You shook as Sukuna pushes himself into you. It was a lot, you could only throw your head down and cringe your face as this angle put pressure on another part of your sore body. 
You stifle your yelps, trying not to look at anyone sitting in front of you.  No one else is trying to look, most were red and blushing while the rest tried to ignore it. You didn’t need to be saved in this situation, but this was a worse way to wake up than not waking up at all. Your squirming had the leader release into you like it was nothing, his body and breathing stayed the same as he twitched violently inside of you. “He’s got to have done this before.” —————————————————————
“I couldn’t just leave you in that room. I needed all my men this morning, it was important.” Sukuna was talking out loud as he carried you to the infirmary. Now that everyone was free to go back to their posts, he wanted to bring you back to the twins to be able to go back to work. 
“So I’m left to guess, you’re really just a random citizen that I met in an alley way?” He asks as he approaches the doors. He looks down at your pouting self, embarrassed to hell and back about what he just did to you infront of 20+ people. 
Taking that as a yes, he heads in and instructs the girls to take care of you again. There are still no words spoken between you 3, not even the twins talked to each other, they can just telepathically communicate, adding to the creepiness they were embodying. You almost wanted to close your eyes and let them do what they needed to but this wasn’t a spa, and they weren’t happy with where they were currently. All you knew was that Sukuna was holding someone important to them hostage, and they were good nurses too so it seemed to be in Sukuna’s favor to have them all. After they finished, they gave you a few napkins w different pills on them, about 2-3 pills on each napkin. They finally spoke, explaining that each one would be for the next day in the morning and at night. You needed to rest and they would be busy, yet back to care for you randomly as they’re needed for the upcoming missions. 
After they leave, you’re left to just lay there and thing about last night. Was it really worth it? You acted out due to desperation, in your head you didn’t feel bad because he did it to you first, and worse things after that. You just wanted some relief and god you got more than 7 times worth last night. You added 2 more this morning as Sukuna fucked you in front of his people. 
You were briefly given time to think before the door opened suddenly, and a new man came in. It was one of your guards from the first few nights, you think he might be the one who fell asleep outside your door last night. You were still sat upright from what Nanako showed you to be the morning and nightly pills you were supposed to take. 
The strange man comes up to you with urgent speed, his hand finds itself around your face as he pushes you into the wall, your head pounding from the collision. “Why would you do that? Why did you do that? What the fuck is wrong with you?” His voice was high in dismay, eyes wild and pink hair like Sukuna’s. Speaking of which he looked so similar to him, the man in front of you had a kinder face, his eyes glowed red but his features were younger, softer. 
His fingers squeezed your face together like he was trying to ball it up. You could only raise your hands enough to try and push him away but your aching body was barely letting you move. His grasp spoke volumes, you just wished you knew what you did. Was he mad because you broke out? He didn’t look hurt or punished in anyway, so what was his problem?
“You fucking idiot.” He spat out, letting go of your face, he sits at the end of your bed with his head in his hands. Youre left to check on the bruises his fingers left on the sides of your face, not scared but apart of this new man who barged in, not knowing if Sukuna knew if he was with you currently. 
“What did I do?” 
“WHAT DO YOU THINK?!” The younger man was so upset you’d even ask. “Another few days and you would’ve been set free, I talked to him and we made a bet,” What was he taking about? “If you aren’t part of the other two gangs, that we’d let you go and he’d never bother you again, but if you were part of them, and especially if you broke out to do something stupid, we’d send your head back as a message.”
He throws his head back up to look at you. “I already know you’re not part of this, but why the fuck did you do that last night?” 
He could be anybody, it didn’t matter if they looked similar. You weren’t about to make more trouble so you decided you weren’t going to tell him anything. You could only trust the people he assigned to you. “Listen dude, I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about-“ 
“Of course you don’t!” He slammed his fist into the bed. “You could at least play along to get out of this! Ughhhh.” He groans further into his hands. “At this rate everything could go to shit.” He grabs your hands from your face and holds them in his, looking you square in the face. He stares at you for a second, examining your expression and the bruises his older brother inflicted on you. “What you did could have trapped you here forever, but you deserve a life of freedom, especially since you were dragged in this by accident.” He squeezed your hands tightly. “But seeing how you acted last night… Seriously do u want to die?”
You were pissed, how was it your fault? Why did you have to explain yourself in this situation? “He started it.” You huffed. The man’s hands let you go, reeled back, and backhanded you across the face, having you hit the wall behind you. “This isn’t a game. I’m gonna have to set you free myself.” He rips the blanket off from you and climbs on top. His large body has you immobile, and he wasted no time. He pulled apart your robes, flipped you around, and spat in-between your legs, taking his already hard on and smearing the spit around with his head before stuffing himself in, not caring if he covered himself fully or not. 
The sudden entered had you scream into the pillow, writhing as the dry skin hooked at you from the inside. What was going on, is this allowed? You had so many questions. Living through another rape was nothing, living through another beating, just to still end up alive, you couldn’t be worried, you were more bothered that everyone was just doing what they wanted to you. Much to your surprise, this man who invaded your body, he stopped moving once he was fully in you, and he started to whimper. 
The noises he was making weren’t something that should be coming out of a violent gang member, you would’ve never thought you’d witness something like that, much less actually feeling him start to slowly sob as he lets himself go, coating your walls inside, pressing himself deeper in, his dick twitching consecutively as his chest caved in and his voice wavered, trying to break out of the choke in his throat. 
You were more confused than anything. Being used as an object, okay whatever, but why is he crying?? You hated people like that, it’s not up to them in this situation to feel that way, but whatever, he was done right? What was his deal? Now you were going to need another shower. 
Sighing and shuttering, you were still regaining yourself from hitting the wall and the injuries his hands inflicted just minutes before, the shock of it all just put fear on the back burner. No, you couldn’t be scared of men, you were only angry. 
“I- I’m sorry.” He managed. “I’m so sorry.” It wasn’t like he had realized what he did was wrongs but that he had to do that. “My brother, he doesn’t like to share, rather, he hates me so if I touch anything of his-“ 
Once again the door swings open. The man still inside of you is frozen, and youre still facedown into the bed, but you can only guess who it was. “You’re wrong, Yuuji.” 
Yuuji slides out of and covers himself while sitting beside you. Raising your head, you watch to see how this new situation was going to play out. You only got that this brat was throwing a tantrum over his older relative, and he was trying to act equally as cruel, but the truth was surprising. 
“You really thought they wanted to leave? I told you about them, and you asked yourself to guard them bc you believed they wouldn’t try anything…” He walks in further to taunt his sibling. 
All you could do was watch. Yuuji, being the big guy he was, looked like he shrank in size as his brothers footsteps led him closer to your bed. Sukuna had reeled his fist back and sent Yuuji flying back, knocking into the next bed around. 
“You see Yuuji, I was starting to like this one, but you’re right, sharing isn’t really my thing.” He walks closer to you now, his aura would be enough to choke anyone up, and his eyes glowed, not like anything you’ve seen before. “That’s why I’m going to surprise you all today. I’ll share. I’ll be as generous a guy as you couldn’t believe… COME IN!” 
His words were instructed as a group of people walked in the door. It was a few men, and one woman. Only two paid Yuuji’s back hand some mind while the rest stood at the end of your bed. Sukuna’s at your side now, trying to figure out how to be gentle and play with your hair, but only managed to pick it up and toss it out of your face. 
Someone from the group groaned, he was a taller man but around the same age as Yuuji. He was huge, buff and with a wild ponytail, to be honest he looked as equally scary as Yuuji and Sukuna combine if that made sense. Sukuna points him out, “Ever since Todo brought you to our attention, Yuuji just couldn’t help himself. He actually wanted you first.” He looked back at his glaring relative, “And I would have let him have it too if you didn’t break into my room last night.” He pulls you to him, his eyes eating up the sight of you before the feast. “Was it worth it Yuuji?”
Yuuji tries to get up and lunge at Sukuna but Todo and someone else hold him back. “Keep holding him, I’m gonna show him how badly he failed.” The large man picks you up, flip you around and splay you legs out, exposing you to the rest of the room. You can’t fight much, letting them see Yuuji’s remnants leak out of you.
“Yuuji, we’re not gonna stop until you finish, too.” That’s when you really looked up, there were six other people in the room with you, and what sucked was that you knew he was serious. “You might even be the dad, that’s the only way how I’ll let you have her.” Though you were in his arms just hours before, even had spent the night with him, yet now you’re squirming away. He grabs your bruised cheeks and shows you the line.
“Who wants to go first?” What do you even think in this situation? Were you scared? Were you ready? Were you angry? Would you adapt? Or would you freeze? It all didn’t matter, you didn’t get any time to think about how you were feeling for even a minute after they started.
A man with messy dark hair stepped forward. His dead eyes and face tattoo made him look so pretty, along with all the jewelry, brought out by his cool yet mean look. “Choso! Not a surprise; Hurrying to not hurt Yuuji?”
“I have shit to do.” He growled back to Sukuna. Coming forward he takes you away from the older man, pushing him adjacent the crowd. Driving right in, he kisses you roughly and climbs on top of you. His hands find their way up your torso, pulling your body closer to his, you’re basically a toy to him.
Because it was so sudden, you couldn’t really respond quick enough to hold him off. At this point there was really no fighting it. You sure did try, and you could but you thought with this group, they’d just get off on it. Knowing Sukuna, just meeting his brother, and now their other “brothers” are just here to try you out, especially remembering that they’re the new gang that pushed the Kamos out.
The large man has pushed you back into the bed, putting his weight on your legs as he completely buries you. Remembering that you’re fully naked now, your body goes into flight mode, all you can try to do is flail or move your face away but Choso has more control of your body than you did.
“Choso, you’re doing it wrong.” The woman chimes in. Walking over to critique his abrasive actions, the blonde comes from across the room to the side of the bed next to you two.
Choso parts his face from yours to groan into your chest. “We gotta hurry up…”
“I get that, but this is a break! And a great one at that,” she turns around and gives Sukuna a thumbs up.
“What the fuck? Why is she in on this?” The blonde lady was scaring you more than the men, it was like she was having fun just being invited.
“Here Choso, like this.” She nudges him off of you, and picks you up by the arms to sit you on her lap. Her muscles bulged, she made it look so easy picking you up like that. Your legs wrapped around her waist, as there was no other way to position yourself comfortably. She places her hand on your back as she brings you closer. “Good girl.”
You could only blush as her other hand found its way across your hip, caressing you up and down that sends a shiver down your spine. She kisses at your beck and teases your ear lobe so much your hips start to move on their own. She catches you with her fingers, plunging two deeply in you. “See? She’ll come right to you if you do it right.”
She has you sitting back pressed up against her, her changing movements kept you excited from her unpredictability. Digging her fingers deeper, she twirls them around to spread around Yuuji’s kids within you, not letting anything spill out. The only reaction you were strong enough to let go was just uncontrollable moaning. She has you in such a mess that you could only be vocal.
She takes out her fingers and uses the wet to flick at your clit, holding you down with each jolt and spasm the lady got out of you. “Kamo Jr.~ come ‘ere.” She calls to someone across the room.
“Stop fucking calling me that.” Finally, the last man you hadn’t observed yet started to make his way towards you, his hair was cut short and neat, but his face was stone cold. That comment riled him up enough to have him start unbuckling his pants.
“You act like you hate it~.” The woman caresses your body, making a display for the upcoming man. “I got her all ready for ya, so give us a show..”
You lol your head up and hold onto her forearm for support, looking up at ‘Kamo Jr.’ who was standing between your legs. This was the closet you’ve come to regain control in this situation, just being conscious enough to know who was next, you could only hope your mind erases and forgets it all.
“C’mon Kamo, you need to let your anger out…” She spreads your lips apart while her other hand moves your head enough to expose your neck. “And Sukuna’s given us a treat.”
Kamo stood there silently, upset wasn’t even the word for it. It looked like he was holding himself back for a while, considering that they broke up his family with recent discoveries. He was the promised heir, that idea was now thrown out the window the second sukuna killed his father.
He just learned that Choso was alive too, another rogue from the family who was stronger, smarter, older, etc. His future fell apart in seconds, and he hadn’t a moment to take it all in as they started bossing him around as one of the heirs of the top three gangs in the area. He just couldn’t catch a break really.
When he got to the bed, he gripped your thigh so hard he moved your entire body towards him in one movement. Your thoughts of his fingertips leaving bruises was quickly dropped to your stomach as he pressed himself onto you.
“Jesus fuck, what’s in their DNA why are all these dudes so hung?” Your poor mind and pussy, you really couldn’t continue this session if you wanted to keep the last peace of mind you had. You couldn’t lie though, the blonde lady’s tactics really did help to relax you, but knowing she’s just there to help them get off makes you still anxious about her.
This new guy though, as cold as Choso, was quick about it. He pulled himself out of his pants, only exposing what he needed as to say “Let’s get this over with.” Finally peering down at you, his eyes were almost dead until the lady brought up his anger. His remaining family was taken hostage and was released when Kamo offered to help Sukuna in exchange for their lives.
This was probably the last thing he could have wanted. Given his situation, with no other options, literally commanded to do something morally and ethically wrong, there was just so much going on in Kamo's head while he roughly repositioned you. To be honest it didn't seem like he was paying much attention until he realized he had pushed himself inside.
His mind was engulfed by only things he couldn't control, to now groaning due to the sudden change of overstimulation. Obviously you couldn't do much, but being on your back, spread out and being quickly devoured by the crowd invited, you had just a moment, a quick second to regain your senses and be in control. The last thing you remembered was Kamo starting to pick up speed, making your whole body involuntarily start to shake from each stroke, while the blonde woman brought her lips to yours and told you to eat.
The sequence of events went like this, Kamo fucked the shit out of you, basically blacked out when it started to really take off. As you struggled to stay focused on helping Yuki, Choso came to join, while all you could offer him was a hand, he pushed Yuki out of your face and shoved himself down your throat.
As Choso roughly played with you as he facefucked you, tugging your hair back and slapping your cheeks to feel the vibrations inside, Yuki snaked her way down to help pleasure/torture you more as Kamo was getting all his allowed frustration out. If you could get a glance at Sukuna, he would be smiling proud, you didn't know if it was because he was proud of his family, maybe even you for being good enough to satiate them, or maybe it was even just the thought of being in control once again.
If you got a glance at Yuuji, he would be looking away or have some weird look on his face. Was it pity? Was it sorrow? Regret? What was with this guy? "He called dibs." What is that supposed to mean, there's literally no common factor between us, so why would he really be feeling this way?
Choso started to bruise you throat, Kamo and Choso both ramming into you from opposite ends, basically using you for their anger, it was honestly becoming the best fuck of your life. It almost couldn't matter anymore, you were already getting fucked crazy with another man's cum lubricating the next man's round. Seriously if they didn't get you pregnant by now, the next set of people surely would.
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sadie-bug345 · 11 months ago
gang as after school snacks🫵🫶
i main oreos and milk ANYDAY OF THE WEEK🧍‍♀️👹❤️
prob apples or sum shit😭
like something kinda random but also reasonable
ngl apples and peanut butter HIT sometimes
so he’s real for that
6/10 also gives pudding cup guy
either doesn’t have anything as an after school snack
in all seriousness i feel so incredibly bad for johnny and his home life
OR he makes like a whole meal
no in between
like he’ll come home and just put together a whole sandwich, juice, apple, the whole thing
5/10 i’m sorry😭
just has a can of coke or smth
this is not a joke on his name but it does go very well with it
but i think he just THRIVES off caffeinated sodas
comes home and cracks open a dr pepper, pepsi, whatever
thats enough to fuel him thru the rest of the day
also when he’s had a bad day he’ll just sit in his and pony’s room in the dark and sip his soda ominously LMAOOO
8/10 my mom does this
yoghurt and granola typa guy
probably calls granola “cereal”
ily darry but this is unacceptable 🫶🥰
he def pressures pony and soda to have healthy snacks which pony listens to but soda…well we know what soda does💀
everyone makes fun of him for his taste but he gets so pressed so fast (trust me he’s mad at me already for writing this)
religiously has bowls of cereal
or just cigarettes yk
just sits in the dark and eats his lucky charms whilst contemplating everything annoying he !everyone else! did that day
thinks about how much homework he has and how hes not gonna do a lick of it
calls up friends asking them to share their answers to the spanish hw
and on the other side of the line they can just hear him munching away and just like “…what are you eating🧍‍♀️”
dal’s just like “the bones of your dead dreams now tell me what the fuck a conjugation is and how i do it”
9/10 y’all prob know im an intense cereal lover
gushers or fruit snacks typa thing
prob drinks kool-aid like it’s the water of life
he’s real for that to a degree
like sometimes too many ritz crackers is too much 😭
probably just eats packs after packs of fruit snacks
struggle meals all the way💀
just drinks a glass of milk or smth
straight from the carton
just a total scavenger of the pantry
so disrespectful💀
in general i think he steals all the gangs food as a joke
darry just bought some cookies from the grocery store and by the time he gets home from work they’re gone😭😭
ANYWAYS request hcs, imagines, anything! i do platonic and romantic y/ns too🫶
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goldfades · 2 years ago
✮ '𝟐𝟐 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐮𝐦𝐩, zegras' have more fun
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♡ ─ summary | little flashback to when y/n posts her 2022 summer dump on instagram to update everyone on where she's going to college.
♡ ─ warnings | literally just fun, fake arguments, mention of ohio state.., literally nothing else.
♡ ─ taglist | tbd
♡ ─ ev's notes | i'm so excited for this au, i already fell with all the dynamics lmao. i'm trying something relatively new with the best friend oc's, please lmk how u feel about them!
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ynzegras bedford, new york
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Liked by trevorzegras, briesbagels, jhughes and 2,832 more
ynzegras | summer dumpie '22... also let's all take a guess on where i am going 4 uni (hint: it's red) tagged: pchandler68, briesbagels, avazegras, trevorzegras, griffinzegras august 7th, 2022
View all 234 comments
briesbagels | ohio state????
↳ ynzegras bingo!
briesbagels | gorgeous gorgeous best friend <3
↳ ynzegras ALL U BRIE, ILY
↳ trevorzegras ha ha ha, i'll fr make u laugh your ass off with those screenshots in my camera roll
↳ jhughes sorry king, u look good man
lhughes_06 | new fav wolverine
↳ ynzegras love ya lukey pookie
↳ pchandler68 what about me bro 😢
↳ lhughes_06 sorry man, ur both my fav
↳ ynzegras it's okay lukey you can be honest.. (it's me)
_quinnhughes | growing up too fast little z 🥹
↳ trevorzegras why didn't you cry when i grow up too fast??
↳ _quinnhughes i had an aneurysm reading that and because i dont fw you like that buddy
↳ ynzegras damn... u rly gonna take that trev??
↳ trevorzegras shut up """"LITTLE Z."""" 😐😐😐
↳ _quinnhughes im jk, trev (jk)
pchandler68 photo creds????
↳ briesbagels YA TO ME?? 😑
↳ pchandler68 yeah no, to ME
↳ briesbagels it's clearly MY digital camera parker
↳ ynzegras ooo she's going by first name basis, you're in real trouble chandler 👀
↳ trevorzegras guys stop arguing
↳ briesbagels tf asked you, trevor
↳ trevorzegras 😐😶
avazegras | don't remind me 😭😭 you're leaving me!!!!!
griffinzegras | gtfo you're no longer invited back to the house after u posted that pic
↳ ynzegras be nice griff i'm leaving in 2 weeks
↳ griffinzegras yeah good, ur no longer gonna eat my leftover wings and take my shirts for gym cover-ups 😑
↳ trevorzegras SHE DOES THAT SHIT TO YOU TOO???? you have a problem y/n
↳ ynzegras bruh. im getting ganged up on
↳ briesbagels leave her alone, she's just a teenage girl!!!!!
↳ trevorzegras fucking barely, she's 17 🙄
↳ ynzegras when he literally doesn't understand numbers????? 😭😭
umichwsoccer | 👀👀
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salbertwolf · 10 months ago
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(Additional sketches of ideas under the context-)
I actually haven't played Ultra Dispair Girls I'm sorry-
Komaru Naegi - Makoto's Hostage -Was the second in command to Makoto's gang, the Lucky Clover's, however when he left for Hope's Peak she very much became the new leader. Definetly not having a good day right now.
-Could probably kick your ass and not even try.
-Nobody tell her about Makoto.
-"G-girls? Pretty???" Komaru probably
Yuta Asahina - Aoi's Hostage -Lucky Clover's 3rd in command, wears an eyepatch just because he thinks he looks cool.
-Sees the Naegi's as family, and in turn it led to Hina and Makoto having friction's for a while in Hope's Peak (reason for her murder in case 2 of THH)
-Joins Komaru waaaay earlier, and spends a bit of time with her until he DIES (y'know, for plot!)
-Misses his sister so much
Takemichi Yukimaru "Defectokuma" - Escapee -Due to Daiya being alive and taken as Mondo's Hostage, Takemichi managed to escape, barely, and when the Remants attack the city, Takemichi is captured and locked into a Monokuma head, however it appears the artifact doesn't work properly, as he doesn't attack and seems to appear just out of it. Komaru encounters him in the camp, and becomes a companion for a while.
And now context on what the fuck is happening Sal
So UDG still follows Komaru, however she's trying to figure out what happened to her brother unsure if he's even alive (he's not), along the way she'll help to capture the Remnants of Despair and save the other hostages (if she can)
"But Sal the children!!!" I don't like children dying ngl, they got babysitters that day and were at home yw.
POSSIBLE DUO(s)? Sayaka is still the one that saves Komaru at first (Byakuya's role remember), so I thought about having Mukuro survive THH and join Komaru, but then Chihiro...
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While thinking of this, it also occured to me of making DR2 Talent Swaps as well, and leaving it to fate (random numbers, I have the list dw) actually led me to having probably THE most narratively perfect swaps I could ever wish, maybe I was the lucky student all along...
Anyway Ibuki switched with Kazuichi, and I quote:
Consider, Ibuki and Komaru knew from before because she did modifications to Komaru's bike -Me YOU TORTURE KOMARU YOU MAKE HER SAD - My good friend beans
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Anyway that's all guys ily let me know what you think these drawings are so old lmao
Part 1 <-
Part 2 <-
Part 3 <-
Part 4 <-
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mimastuff · 2 years ago
May I request Headcannons for the rottmnt boys hearing their s/o sing for the first time. (But with a twist.)
Here's the scenario: the boys are planning a thingy to get into big Mama's hotel for a mission and y/n and April are planning a distraction, and the distraction is y/n has to pretend to be a singer and go sing on stage (big mama doesn't know that y/n is with the turtles so she just thinks there's a nice singer on stage) and April is in charge of something else in the back idk.
(to me it's funny if y/n sings a spicy song, not too spicy but enough)
I've been thinking about this for weeks
Yes this sounds amazing ! Ily thank you for the request !!! <33
Voice of gold
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TW: mild swearing, anxiety
Pairings: Donnie x singer!reader
Established relationship
- The plan was simple.
- You and the gang had planned out a mission to sneak into big mamas hotel.
- To do this they would need a distractor.
- That is where you and April come in.
- It was easy, to sing on a stage well enough to get big mamas attention so the rest can sneak out.
- They all re lived the events of them catching April singing alone in her apartment
- Donnie still gets sick just thinking about it to this day.
- The way her voice so easily cracked could put a dying cat to shame.
- So they all looked towards you
- Even your boyfriend joined in on the major puppy dog eyes
- You folded and now you’re here.
- In the hotel setting up to have your big moment
- You have always beat yourself up on your singing voice
- It had always been hard to get you to sing to even your closest people
- Now you had to do it, with a huge crowd.
- A room full of strangers
- Ready to creep their judgmental eyes on you
- The music started to play all around you
- Back to black by Amy Winehouse
- You took a deep breath in and started to sing
- “He left no time to regret~”
- You could feel your anxiety through your feet and finger tips
- As you sung you gained your confidence
- A big crowd had by now gathered around you cheering you on
- Big mama turned on her seat and walked to towards you
- Her eyes full of sparkles when she heard your angelic voice
- “I go back to back~”
- The cheers grew louder as you began to sing with a bright smile on your face
- You turned to the behind the stage to see a mesmerised April and …..
- Donnie.
- Shit.
- He has heard you know ? What would he think ? Does he like it?
- As the song faded out and finished and the whole room cheered for you
- You turned to your turtle boyfriend who was cheering and clapping for you louder than anyone else.
- You bowed on stage and said your goodbyes.
- You headed straight to back stage.
- The smile on your face to light up millions
- Donnie ran up and hugged you and spun you around
- “Why didn’t you tell me that you could sing dear ? You have a voice of gold”
- The other 3 turtles had successfully carried out the mission and now all was left was to sneak out of here
- That was until as you were leaving the hotel someone tapped you on your shoulders
- You turned to see big mama. The big mama.
- “Hello dearest, I heard you voice and had to congratulate you!”
- You smiled but with confusion.
- “Thank you~”
- “You might be wondering what for and that is for your new job as our singer!”
- Oh.
- The 4 turtles and April were all hiding so when they heard the job offer looks of surprised played out on their faces
- You didn’t know how to feel.
- It would be a lot of money but she’s a villain!
- So the question is , do you accept the offer?
To be continued…..
Hope you guys liked this one! It was fun , I’m sorry it took so long . I have had an incredibly busy week love you all and have a good day or night <33
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trevination · 17 days ago
Also 5, 14, 17, or 19 for the creation behind any of them!
5. How did you choose their name and why? Was it simply based on vibes or is there any specific meaning behind the name? Are the reasons behind their name different in- and out of universe?
literally like. all of their names are just based off vibes LMAO. obviously some r like heritage based and stuff but lots of them r just. what vibe do they give. what fits them. let me tell you, sometimes it takes like 30 seconds and other times a MONTH. like we names jay (jena's greaser) in like 5 minutes but it took up like 3 days to name jesse (cole's greaser). it took us A MONTH to name dean (dre's greaser) 😭
14. Do you have any quotes tied to the character, either from the story itself or from another source that fit them?
the first one that came to mind were these from my first ever writing about these ocs lmao
charlie -- “I ain’t a fighter, Micah. I’m useless right now and seeing you all beat and bruised makes me feel sick or somethin’.”
micah -- “I’ve done this a million times alone and I don’t need no one to fuckin' lick my wounds for me.”
17. Are there any motifs or symbols associated with the character? How are they represented, in their design, personality or in some other way?
hmmm. javi has his anchor necklace that he wears in the show when he's on as a greaser!! that's the biggest thing i can think of rn. but it just like... represents who he is, his heritage, his family, all that stuff. there a whole thing where during a rough patch (which oh boy. there's many) the necklace breaks and he's just devastated and keeps it on his dresser, but after him and nico finally get together, nico spots it and gets it fixed for him :(
oh also!! jesse has his camera :) it's the only thing he has of his dad's (he left a long long while ago and his mom only talks about him shittily) so he cherishes it, barely ever takes it out, etc. if it were to break... he would lose his shit lets just say.... but it represents. idk. how unhappy he is? lost? feeling like he don't belong anywhere with anyone? his mom and her random boyfriends always yelling at him, never feeling like he's close with no one like others are, the shit happening with lucuas later on.... at least he still got his camera. he's terrified to actually look at the photos his dad took on that camera though. he still hasn't
19. What is your general favourite thing about the character? What is your least favourite?
how can i even chose ?? i rlly think one of my fav characters is charlie. like. time and time again, he's beaten down and he just keeps on pushing on bc what else can he do? like he does through so fucking much, and he keeps that kindness and love in his heart. and when he finally breaks, when he's traumatized and wounded and depressed, he's got his people to fall back on, even if it takes him a while to allow himself to do so.
i think my least favorite thing about him... god can i even choose??? i would say like 'he's too trusting of everyone' but like i don't hate that about him, it just pains me because it causes him so much pain. even the technical flaws about him, i don't hate them because like. we put them into his character, we created him :( i will say though! i hate how stubborn micah is ^_^ cause oh my goodness his stubbornness and anger issues cause so much shit. ESPECIALLY because tommy and rosie are exactly like him and it causes so much drama (teenage rosie.... oh my teenage girl <33)
I LOVE YAPPING YAYYYYYYY ^_^ tagging the gang once again sorry for the spam ily @wassupmygays @elisadoreyou @farawayfromtulsa
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the-shadow-creature · 10 months ago
Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome <3
[I am not going to throw this into people's askbox. So I'm just gonna tag them instead and pretend I did. 😅]
[1. @dotbot2012 I am throwing this right back at you!]
[2. @mikebeanz FATHER! ILY. :3]
[3. @troublesjunkyard You! I both hate you and love you. (/p)]
[4. @averagetmntfan I still haven't forgotten about how I essentially became your friend. I made my way into this gang, and we tried to get you to sleep. They escaped my blanket burrito prison and fled the contrary just so they didn't have to sleep, guys. 😔]
[5. @ - Wait. We have to do 12 of these!? *sigh* Alright.]
[5. @ghosty-0w0 My child. :3 ILY.]
[6. @magicmike5000 My other child. :3 ILY as well.]
[7. @hugzfromcaseyjr My first child. :3 I also LY.]
[8. @kraang5 I am totally not scared of you at all. (/hj)]
[9. @amat3ured1t0r Hello, my friend. :3]
[10. @riseleon *hissssss* Ahem. I mean, I love you sib. (/p)]
[11. @allyheart707 YOU! HI! :3]
[12. @ - I am running out of people here guys! I don't have that many friends! 😭]
[12. @dinosaurthedealmaker My grandchild. :3 ILY.]
[13. @acid-da-monster I am adding you now because, to be honest, I kinda forgot about your existence because you kinda fell off the face of the planet and died. Sorry. ILY tho. (/p)]
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syunkiss · 8 months ago
hi sunny im so sorry abt allat bullshit euagh, take any breaks you need and if you need a distraction flood my ask box with info dumps abt jojos(im trying to learn more abt it anyway bc my gfs brother likes the show but i cant watch it myself)/gen/nf
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me btw totally fr ^
HII thank you!! ill send you some asks about jojo. Just because you said that ;3
ILY TOO!!! And thats so you!!! I never watched jjk but this silly lil guy is cuteee
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