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lilynoobz · 9 months ago
i wish i could get this song injected into my fucking viens and bloodstream. i need this engraved in my brain. i need this to be in my last seven minutes of thoughts before i die.
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highclasshomosexual · 4 months ago
intro post!
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whats up bitches, bros and non binary hoes, idk how 2 do an intro post but we gonna try gang
Ok so, basic info:
Name: alex
Im a therian! :) my therotype is a fox
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Age: I'm a minor lol
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Hair: green, wolfcut
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Sexuality: pan
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Pronouns: he/she!
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Ethnicity: native American, Jewish, German, Russian, Ukrainian (my dad's side is German and Russian literally help)
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I'm not religious but I respect yours as long as your not rude abt it! ^^
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other stuffs
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Fave color: dark green, just earthy tones really and black
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Aethestics???/styles?: goblincore/gremlincore, midwest emo, grungecore, loser core,punk, cryptidcore, mori kei and morute!
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Fandoms/shit I like (I'm so sorry you have to read all of this): gravity falls, toh, amphibia, inside job,rick and morty,smiling friends ,over the garden wall, coraline, south park, ramshackle, spooky month , murder drones, lakadaisy, tadc, PINE POINT, mcr, puptheband (im not obsessed with them swear), green day, Alex g ❤️, tv girl, tfb, modern baseball, american football, mom jeans, McCafferty, the cure, all American rejects, 6arleyhuman, cavetown, school bus graveyard, homesick, d!ckheads, marionetta, high class homos, tmnt (1987, 2012, 2018) sig-verse! Scott pilgrim takes off, homestuck,Bungo stray dogs (dazai is my malewife trust)❤️, BBNO$, jujitsu kaisen, mha (DONT KILL ME PLS)
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Hobbies: diy-ing shit, music (making or listening), art, beading, literally going to any concert I can find because where i live fucking sucks. Canada. Is Canada a hobby? Idk I js rlly love Canada
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DNI: proshipper, p3do, r@pist, s3xist, homophobic, r@cist, Canada haters 😔 , zoophiles (ICK)
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Anyway I love yall 💗
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Follow these peeps plz: @ratseathumans <- made the pine pint awake banner and is my literal bestie boo <3, @zuicidegay (ty for everything u did for me!), @vuvvishere (ily broski!) @chrislikesgorillaz (I'm gonna kidnap u /pos), @girlsnap (ty for always being there for me and others)
Yes I did need to add all of these tags for your information it was totally necessary
My pin is @noshwaffle ^^
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socte-blue · 5 months ago
I don’t consume stuff made by J. K. Rowling if I can help it, doesn’t mean you cant. Not everyone HAS to boycott stuff. you can still disagree with something/someone and enjoy the content. that doesn’t make you a bad person and it’s ridiculous to shame people for it
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los3rmonologuee · 5 months ago
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uzi-x33 · 6 months ago
I hate having to separate the art from the artist like- bro js don’t be problematic 😾😾 like- I love msi’s music but hate the actions of Jimmy + the band, I love mcafferty’s music but I don’t support the action of the lead singer, and I love Melanie Martinez’s music but I don’t support her actions but bro- WHY IS EVERYONE SO PROBLEMATIC WHAT THE FLIP😭😭😭
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michiimi0 · 2 months ago
✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶ - ✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶
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helo! welcome to my page ^_^ ⋆-. ALAN ; PLUS! mickey and michii ; . ; he / they ; pansexual + genderfluid ; 14 yo. ; .
tiktok ; pinterest ; twitter ; instagram ; youtube
; what do i do? ART! ; i animate and draw! ;p ; what fandoms r u in? ALOT! ; ROBLOX , OSC , FURRY , WARRIOR CATS , HORROR GAMES . [ specifics : brandonworks , forsaken , hfjone ,bfdi , tnm , cry of fear , etc! ]
; what music do u liek? too much... ; MSI , jack conte , mcafferty , will wood , she wants revenge , the paper chase , the happy fits , the crane wives , they might be giants , vyncent flaw , MUCH MORE..... >;3
I DO REQUESTS! [not weird ones.] - LETS BE MOOT'S! :3
did i mention that you're #### ?
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rottedg1rl · 4 months ago
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music heals the soul ☆
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corr-upted-s-avefil-e · 1 year ago
I wish people were nicer. im tired of enjoying something only to learn of the abuse that happened to make things I enjoy. it poisoned everything.
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starzzmissthesun · 8 months ago
Nothing like listening to mcafferty on a night road trip on empty highways surrounded by forrests😔
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yourspineislookingsharp · 1 year ago
Listening to desperately sad music loud enough that you drown in it, imagine the blood pooling in the corners of your ears, its non existent salty warmth the same as the tears you never felt safe enough to let out. this is a formative experience the way you break and reform so many times under the beautiful acid ocean of THEIR WORDS, imagining the bass boiling the flesh from your bone, strings running along your desiccated spine.
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l0v3r-g1rl-0nl1n3 · 4 months ago
time to listen to every Mcafferty song I can find
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this-reminds-me-of-a-song · 4 months ago
I’m sitting so hard on the take that media made by criminals or people who have done terrible things should not be condemned as something to be forgotten about or not worth anything, because songs and poems written by abusers and killers and rapists allow view into those kind of people, what is going through their minds, and adds more meaning to a song by giving it a new perspective to examine it from.
Art done by people who have done questionable if not horrific things is very interesting type of art that’s really important to study and understand that can both prevent dehumanization and allow people to better understand and come to terms with the fact that you can relate or have the same emotions as someone who has done something horrible, and that doesn’t make you a horrible person.
Like let’s take Scotland by Mccafferty and see where we end up
Now the band was started by Nick Hartkop, who was later revealed to be pretty abusive and racist. Scotland is a song that came out before this all came to light
Now obviously Nick’s a shitty damn guy from the sounds of things, and that’s enough for most people to never listen to the song. Let’s try a different approach, just as an experiment, let’s take some lyrics and examine them with this in mind about Nick as from what I could find, this was almost certainly written and sung by Nick
I don't want to go through the entire song in this post so we'll start in verse 2
What kinda God lets children die? They probably went in her room They probably thought she's asleep What kinda God lets children die? They probably thought that she stayed the same But she's not the same, no, no, not the same girl Bodies will wander, and eyes will ponder I need to know, will I make it? I need to know, will I make it?
We can now take the concept of dying and no one noticing that you aren’t the same, begging to god to know why and if you’ll make it, and apply it
We now have a lyric from an abusive cruel man talking about having died as a child and coming back wrong with no one noticing, begging god to know why, why he “died” and if he’ll still keep going
In verse 3 God answers
He said, "grow up, grow up, grow up, grow up" yeah, yeah
He’s told that he’s growing up, that's why he changed, that he still needs to keep growing up, and this TORMENTS the singer, the entire verse 3 is him repeating “grow up” in a more desperate and erratic tone with each line. The entire song before he’s begging to be saved by the idea of a king
King of Scotland save me (Will I, will I? Will I rely?)
to not be a dog but a wolf
Run with the wolves, but disappear
Never on top, just always your pet dog
However, it very quickly becomes clear that what he actually wants is to be the king, to not have to grow up but still be in control and on top, to have power and not have to face growing up and who you've come. When he does get an answer to his pleas it’s “you have to change yourself, you have to mature” and as shown by the final line…
And I will stay away and I will stay
He can’t, or he refuses, he’ll stay like this, he’ll not change, he will never save himself. He can only beg for a savior while biting like a canine to the hand anyone who tries because he can’t handle someone actually having that power over him.
Which while poignant on its own, when you add into the fact that Nick has done some awful awful things, deepens these themes. It shows he knows he’s a monster, that he considers himself to be in some way “dead” that he both begs to be saved but knows he can only save himself but refuses. He can’t take accountability, but he can’t let someone have power over him. He doesn’t want to be saved by a higher power, he wants to escape his skin he feels like an imposter to be that higher power, to have that justification. It’s both self loathing and an utter excuse for how that means he won’t change, he’s stuck, he’s not the same, he can’t go back, and if he can’t go back, he won’t go further either. He can beg for god all he wants, but he knows that he can’t help him, but if he begs for god, then it’s out of his own hands isn’t it? The appearance of growth without growth.
Listening to the song while acknowledging the awful person behind it doesn’t actually ruin the song, it gives perspective and in many cases, that perspective reveals something sad, pathetic, and lashing out whether they know it or not, and that’s FASCINATING, it’s fascinating to think about, it’s fascinating to consider. It better lends itself to being able to better understand why people like him are doing what they do. The reasons they justify, why those justifications aren’t enough, it helps you understand a certain kind of person you may deem “other” and doing so, helps you better understand your own self and better understand that anyone can have these emotions, these feelings, and that some people, no matter how much you might not think they can, will use these feelings to cause immeasurable harm.
While understanding them better doesn’t absolve them or something stupid like that, it serves as a great view into the outlooks and mindset of people who do things like that. It helps remind you that abusers, racists, misogynists… they aren’t some pillar of control and calculation and constant manipulations and evil rationality, they’re not a monster in the dark that spawned in with a human disguise to terrorize and isn’t One Of Us… because they’re actually just human after all.
They are one of us, and we have to come to terms with what that means, and that means coming to terms that the fact their art is part of the human experience. Their art can’t be sanctioned off as “not ours, evil” because it is ours, it says something, it tells us something about who we are and what society is, and sometimes that answer can be bleak, but that doesn’t mean it should be looked away from. It means that it’s complicated and worth discussing
I will never believe there’s a person who’s art doesn’t bring some kind of meaning worth examining and thinking about. So while the context of who this person was is very important; acknowledging the bad and then using that bad to better analyze and understand something is also very important. It’s critical thinking, it’s critical analysis, it’s a skill worth learning. Art made by bad people isn’t some tainted impure art to be burned, it’s art with an uncomfortable depth that people aren’t used to exploring.
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socte-blue · 6 months ago
MIDWEST EMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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chaoticfvckingdisaster · 2 months ago
Love Midwestern emo because when it's not acceptable to scream "FUCK" as loud as my lungs can handle at least a malnourished whiny white twink can do it in my headphones
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uzi-x33 · 2 months ago
what if I told yall I was editing beachboy by mcaffetry to soukoku rn…
Edit!! It’s done :3
here 💥
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los3rmonologuee · 4 months ago
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