#sorry for turning off the reblogs!! the last one of these got so out containment đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«
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kedsandtubesocks · 1 year ago
@perotovar & @beskarandblasters tagged me in this besutifully spooky picrew and y’all knew I had to jump on it lol thank you so much pumpkins! 🎃💕
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in my heart this is my true witchy necromancer form 🔼✹
đŸ–€ no pressure tags: @skeletoncowboys @stellamancer @willowser @andypantsx3 @acerathia @haylzcyon @snem-snem @ofmermaidstories @firein-thesky @nothoughtsjustmeds & anyone else who’d like to join in!
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kazuhaiku · 7 months ago
love story
summary: kinich makes a surprise visit to fontaine and wants to spend the entire day with you, no excuses.
warnings: gender neutral reader, fluff, might be ooc kinich (it's just my interpretation on his personality as of now).
notes: silly little kinich fic as my first post >< reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated :)
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“kinich!” you exclaim from the hunters’ guild, a huge smile on your face as you see him walking towards you, a nonchalant look on his face as usual. “hey! i didn’t know you were visiting fontaine. you should have told me!”
“it wouldn’t be a surprise if i tell now would it?” kinich replies, ajaw beside him nodding in agreement. “what are you doing in the hunters’ guild? did you receive a new commission?”
“mhm,” you hum in reply. “lumine and paimon are taking a day off so i’m taking over their commissions for today!” you hand him the list of commissions that are currently available to do and you swear you can see a faint glint of disappointment in his eyes when he sees how many commissions there are to do. “i’m-”
“let me help.” kinich abruptly cuts you off. “you’ll get this finished faster when i’m helping. i’m allowed to help, right?” his eyes flicker over to katheryne who is smiling amusingly. 
“yes of course, if that’s okay with y/n?” katheryne eyes you knowingly. despite katheryne being a robot, she has a clear understanding of the tension between you and kinich (a little too well, if you must say).
you clear your throat. “oh um- yeah of course you can help!” kinich smiles at your answer. he keeps the piece of paper containing the commission details inside his pocket.
“come on, no time to waste. we have lots of things to do today.” kinich exclaims almost excitedly, and you can’t help but wonder what plans he’s got for you today (because why else would he come all the way from natlan to fontaine?).
kinich indeed wasted no time because as soon as there was a fight, he jumped straight into it, killing the enemies almost instantly. before you know it, the commissions are all done hours before your predicted finish time.
kinich wipes the sweat away from his forehead, acting as if he didn’t just do all the commission for you. he turns around and gives you a big smile. “we’re done now, yeah? you’re finished with work?”
“um, yeah
” you stare at kinich as if he just ate a spider.
kinich tilts his head to the side. “what? why are you staring at me like that?”
“no it’s just,” you let out a small laugh, suddenly finding kinich’s actions a bit funny. “aren’t you acting a bit too
“d-desperate?” kinich stutters, a red hue filling his cheeks. “i don’t- i don’t know what you’re talking about.”
you raise your eyebrows. “really? so you did all my commissions in under ten minutes, used every single teleport waypoint instead of exploring the land like you always do, and made me watch you do the commissions instead of letting me help?”
kinich’s cheeks turn darker as you speak, and he immediately covers his face, as if his plan has been busted. “okay, you’re right. i’m
 desperate.” he removes his hand from his face, pulling you into a tight hug. “i missed you so much, okay? my work lasted much longer than i had expected, and there was no time for me to write a letter to you.”
you can practically hear the pout in his voice. you gently pat his back, consoling him. “i missed you even more, kinich. how long has it been since we last met?”
“four weeks.” kinich says almost instantly.
you hum. kinich lets go of you, however, one of his hands is still holding one of yours tightly. he doesn’t say anything, and only focuses on caressing your hands, as if you are going to disappear when he lets go.
“kinich,” you call out, and his head whips up. “i’m not going anywhere.”
“i know, i’m sorry,” kinich sighs. “i had so many plans for us today but now i can’t even think of what we should do first.”
“well, considering i- we finish the list of commissions earlier than i had expected
 why don’t we start from the top of the list?” you suggest. kinich’s eyes lit up, however, there is a glint of confusion behind it. “of course i know about the list. we’ve been dating for, what, four months now? i know you keep a list whenever we go out.”
kinich makes a sound of surprise and he lowers his head, slowly grabbing the piece of paper from his pocket. he hands it to you silently. “you know me too well, y/n.”
you smile, opening the paper. there aren’t many things on the paper, considering that he listed only five things; explore the court of fontaine, stop by the cafe there and have a nice little coffee date with y/n :), ride the aquabus (seems like fun), visit the opera epiclese, visit the chioriya boutique and gift y/n an outfit!
” you gasp in awe. “chioriya boutique? how’d you know i like her outfits?”
“remember the letter we last sent out to each other?” kinich asks and you nod. “well, you briefly mentioned her. how you love the outfits she makes and you made a little note on the side saying how you really want an outfit from her but you don’t have enough mora to buy one.”
“that- kinich that letter was probably sent a month ago! how do you still remember that?” you ask, surprised that he remembers the small detail.
kinich only smiles in response. “well, no time to explain. come on, let’s ride the aquabus! i’ve been dying to ride them ever since i got here.”
he pulls you and starts running, almost making you tumble. well, since he’s really excited, you can’t really complain. a happy kinich is a sight to behold.
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that-sarcastic-writer · 8 months ago
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Russell Shaw X F!Doctor!Reader
Summary: when your sister's fiance goes missing, you call Colter for help, and he brings along his rugged, but handsome and charming older brother, Russell.
Warnings: mature content, eventual smut so minors dni (always), no use of y/n, this part only contains cursing. I've never written anything so tame (it's okay next part won't be)
WC: 3.6k
A/N: so I finished tracker, yay and Russell owns my thoughts rn so here we are. I'm not exactly sure where I'm going with this. I'm not great at writing series, but this idea called for development I can't do in a one-shot. I started this right after finishing tracker last week and I finally had time to proof read it. I also had a hard time with Russell's characterization, mans been in only one episode, so if i didnt portay him perfectly sorry i tried. Happy readings.
I don't do tag lists, if you'd like keep up with upcoming parts follow @midnightreadinglibrary and turn on notifications (I only reblog my written works on there)
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You have encountered a lot of grief and sorrow in your life. Pain, you were familiar with it. And you could safely say that one of the worst was heartbreak. You were all too familiar with that one. And right now, your baby sister was experiencing it, too.
“Rosie?” You called into your apartment as you kicked your shoes off and tossed your keys like they had offended you. With a heavy sigh, tired from a long and stressful day at the hospital, you dragged your sore feet through your apartment. 
The living room was empty, TV off. The kitchen was dark with the lights off. You frowned, calling your sister’s name, louder again. Couple seconds went by. Silence. You padded down the hall to the guest room. You could hear faint indistinct sounds. The closer you got to the guest room the clearer the sound became. It sounded like crying.
“Rosalie?” Your voice grew louder with concern as you opened the door to the bedroom, and there you saw your sweet baby sister, sobbing into her pillow. Your heart immediately sank and you rushed to her side. “Oh honey, it’s okay.”
You sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her into a hug. She held you tight as she cried. It broke your heart to see her like this.
“It’s not okay! He’s been gone for over a week!” She sobbed. You squeezed her shoulders as she sat up and sniffled. “Our wedding is in three months! Why hasn't he come back?”
You stared into her eyes, the same color as your own and you sighed, only being able to give her a look of sympathy in return. You didn’t want to tell her what you thought.
“I dunno.. I mean.. What if he just.. You know?” The look on your face said everything you couldn’t with words, and Rosie looked like she wanted to cry even more.
“He didn’t bail. He wouldn’t
 I know him. He's missing, why won’t anyone believe me?” She raised her voice, almost choking on a sob, and you immediately felt so horrible for even suggesting such a thing. 
“No, hey, I’m sorry for saying that, I do believe you. Have you heard anything from the cops?” She shook her head and you sighed heavily. 
“I can’t keep waiting, what if he got hurt? What if someone hurt him? Please, I need to do something.” She begged you, eyes filled with tears, you had never seen your sister so sad, so hopeless. She was always the more bubbly, optimistic and lively out of the two of you. But ever since her fiance went missing, you didn’t see that spark anymore. It broke your heart.
“Hey, it’s going to be okay. I think I know someone who can help, alright? We’ll find him.” 
“Hey Doc, to what do I owe this call? It’s been like what, three years?” 
You sighed softly at the voice on the other line. You didn’t exactly want to resort to this, but you didn’t know what else to do, but you had the money, your sister didn’t exactly have a lot to spare with her wedding planning, and all.
“I need a favor, Colter. Well, not exactly a favor, I’ll pay but, I need help asap.” You rubbed the side of your throbbing temple, you heard him hum, telling you to go on. “My sister’s fiance went missing last week. They’re supposed to get married in three months, and the poor thing is a wreck.”
Colter sighed. “A runaway groom? You know what that sounds like, right?”
“Yes, I know. But I know this guy, he’s a decent guy, and I know he loves my sister, he wouldn’t just leave her like this.” You tried to explain, Colter sighed again. “Listen, the guy was in the Army, he’s a Navy SEAL now, went overseas a lot, and my sister told me he’s been acting weird since his last assignment. Just humor me, please? I can’t see her like this.”
Colter stayed silent for a long minute, you honestly thought he had hung up, but you ultimately heard him take a deep breath before responding. “Fine, send me his details, I should get there by morning if I head out now.” 
“Thank you.” 
Chaos, chaos and more chaos.
You just wanted five minutes to breathe. You sat down, for the first time in hours today and took in a deep breath. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Rosie, almost zombie-like as she walked through the emergency department  You called out to her.
“Hey, did you get some sleep?” You asked her with worried eyes. She shrugged. “Listen, I called an old friend, he helps find people. Maybe he can find James, ‘cause the cops clearly aren’t going to.” You saw the smallest smile, and the smallest bit of hope light of her eyes.
“Really? What, is he like a PI or something?” She tilted her head at you, seemingly just as exhausted as you were.
“I mean..” You hesitated, unsure on how to explain Colter’s job to her. “I guess? He collects reward money. When someone goes missing and a reward is offered, he finds people for that reward.”
“But I didn’t offer any reward. I can’t even afford to buy a pair of shoes right now.. On my shitty nurse salary. I’ve already spent so much of my savings on planning the wedding. And these student loans are killing me. I can’t pay him.” She started to ramble in panic, motioning her hands around. You stood up and grabbed her hands.
“It’s fine. I got it covered. Take it as your early wedding gift?” You flashed her a toothy smile, hoping to humor her at least a little. She looked at you with apprehension. “Not a word, okay? I want him to come home to you, I don’t mind spending some money if it means you can be happy.”
She could have the happiness you never could.
Rosie’s eyes filled with tears and you thought she was going to burst into tears in the middle of the emergency department, but instead she hugged you, and she hugged you so fucking hard you thought she broke one of your ribs. You laughed softly and patted her head reassuringly. You were about to say something to her but you heard your name being called. You turned around and saw one of the rotation nurses.
“You have visitors at the front desk.” She told you. You scrunched up your face in confusion.
“Who? I wasn't expecting anyone.”
“Don’t know. The front desk just said two guys asked for you directly.”
Oh. Colter. But who was the other guy?
‘Alright, thanks.” You nodded at her. You then looked at Rosie with a warm reassuring smile and you held her hands in yours. “We’re gonna find James, I know it. I’ll let you know when my friend wants to meet with you, he normally likes to talk with the missing person’s closest relative. Try to focus on work alright?” 
You left her with that, hoping she would trust you. And you hoped you could trust Colter. With a heavy sigh you walked to the front desk of the emergency department. And there you saw Colter, hands in his pockets as he talked with another man you didn’t recognize. With a bit of skepticism, you approached both men, letting your presence be known with a clear of your throat. They both turned to look at you, Colter with a warm welcoming smile, but the other guy, who was arguably the hottest man you had ever seen in your life—not that it was relevant—looked at you like a deer in headlights, like starstruck.
“Hey Colter,” you gave him a cordial smile, then you looked at his slightly shorter companion, though both men were still a good head taller than you. “And Colter’s friend. Didn’t know you had a partner.”
“I don’t. This is—”
“Russell. Colter’s more handsome and charming older brother.” Russell interrupted, extending a hand to you. You looked at Colter, who looked less than impressed and you couldn’t help but snort a bit.
“I see the flirty nature is a family thing then?” You took Russell’s hand with a small laugh but you quickly swallowed when you felt the warmness of his large hand as it engulfed your smaller one. You weren’t really laughing then. You made eye contact with Russell, you had never seen a pair of prettier eyes, a breathtaking shade of green, and an intensity that was equally breathtaking. It didn’t help that he was smiling at you, too. 
You cleared your throat and took your hand back, choosing to look at Colter instead, “So uh, what’s the plan?”
“Right, well, first things first, I need more details about this James, think you could take an early lunch? I would also need to talk to your sister as soon as possible.” 
You chewed on your bottom lip, catching a glimpse of your watch before ultimately nodding, “Yeah, just give me an hour. We can meet at this cafe nearby, I’ll send you the address. You can meet with my sister after her shift. She’s been staying with me.”
They looked at each other for a second, shrugged then nodded at you. These two were definitely brothers. 
You were frantic as you pulled into the cafe, running late after a code blue that took up almost the whole hour to get under control. You were sure that you looked like a mess, still in your scrubs, pieces of hair falling out of your bun as you entered the cafe. You were almost embarrassed that Russell was going to see you like this, you didn’t care too much about Colter, though. When you entered you saw them sitting at a booth, two cups of coffee sitting on the table but no food. You felt a bit bad. Colter noticed you and waved you over, making Russell turn his head to look at you. And somehow he didn’t seem to care about how wild you looked. 
“I’m so sorry. I had a code blue. I hope I didn’t waste your guy’s time.” You said almost frantic, barely able to catch your breath. You unconsciously sat next to Russell, who seemed quite happy about that.
“Nonsense. We were actually waiting for you to order, right Colt?” Russell reassured, and when you turned your head to look at him he was smiling at you, a toothy smile that made the corners of his eyes wrinkle a tiny bit, it was kind of cute, actually. 
“Yep. Russell insisted we waited. Even though we haven't eaten anything in over six hours.” Colter sighed sipping on his coffee. 
“Well at least one of you has manners.” You narrowed your eyes at Colter, and you heard Russell rumble a laugh.
“Y’know what? Let’s just focus on the case, okay?” You held back a laugh and simply nodded, trying to ignore the intoxicating scent of Russell beside you, a mixture of bourbon and sandalwood. 
Colter asked you a million questions, ones you had answers to, and others didn’t, which was probably best if he talked to your sister, too. Your food also arrived quickly, which you were thankful for since you hadn’t had anything other than the Keurig coffee from the doctors lounge. 
“So, you said James was in the army?” You nodded as you munched on a fry. “And is Navy SEAL now?” 
“Yeah, he went overseas every month or so. But after his last assignment a few weeks ago he told my sister about getting out.” You answered as you bit into your cheeseburger. You didn’t often like to indulge in greasy heavy foods, but you were beyond stressed from both work and your sister, so you needed some joy in your life.
“He wanted out? Why?” Russell asked beside you. You shrugged.
“I don’t know. One thing or another about being tired of being on the battlefield, wanting to be home more. Or that’s what Rosie told me.” You answered as you munched on your burger. You thought for a few seconds before speaking again. “But if you ask me, I think something went wrong in his last assignment. Rosie said he didn’t speak to her for a whole day after coming home, and that he was constantly on edge and irritable for weeks leading up to his disappearance.” 
“Maybe. Might be worth looking into.” Colter shrugged as he took a bit out of his sandwich. “You think we’d be able to look into his assignments overseas?” He asked Russell.
“Doubt it. If they’re classified, which most likely they are, they’d either have little to no paper trail, or they would be heavily secured.” Russell said with a mouthful of fries, which Colter clearly disapproved of. But Russell paid no mind to it, his attention was all on you.
“How do you know?” You asked Russell with genuine curiosity. He half grinned a bit.
“I used to be in the Army too. Spec ops. That's why Colter brought me along.” Russell explained, and you almost wanted to sigh out loud. “So I know damn well how secretive some of those overseas assignments can be. Most are black-ops and off the books. It’d be hard to find the files.” 
So much for tall, rugged and handsome. Guess you’re going to have to look from afar.
‘Well fuck. That sounds lovely.” You mumbled into your burger, annoyed and frustrated. Russell actually laughed this time.
“You know that burger isn’t gonna run away, right?” He chuckled at the way you were so aggressively stuffing your face. Colter narrowed his eyes at his older brother and kicked him under the table. “Okay, ow.” 
“Mind your business? Also, you have no room to talk dude.” You scoffed, eyeing his sriracha covered fries with disgust. “That’s actually fucking criminal.”
“Well, this one has a mouth on her. And here I was trying to be a gentleman.” He chuckled, playful grin on his face as he shoved a particularly heavily sriracha-covered fry in his mouth while you watched. “Don’t knock it ‘til you try it, sweetheart.” 
You stared at him with an indescribable feeling. You didn’t remember the last time a man had this much of an effect on you. Sure, in your mind it didn’t do him any favors that he used to be in the military, but you’d gladly break your own rule for just a little taste of him. He was a little rugged, sure, but he was undeniably handsome and carried himself with an alluring sense of self confidence. And the way he smiled at you, God, it made you feel like a schoolgirl, warm and tingly. You didn’t remember the last time a man looked at you like that, either.
“Can we focus here?” Colter, the ever present voice of reason. 
“Who woulda thought, you look even more beautiful without the scrubs.” Those were the first words out of Russell’s mouth when you opened the door. You had told them to stop by in the evening after Rosie’s shift so they could talk to her. 
“Russell,” Colter sighed, looking at his brother with annoyance but Russell simply smiled, unapologetically proud of himself. They both looked at you, you were trying so hard not to smile right now. “Alright, is Rosie home?”
“Yeah, she’s in the living room. Come in.” You shook your head softly as you allowed both brothers into your apartment. 
You led them to the living room, you caught Russell looking around with curiosity. Maybe he was trying to figure you out, figure out how to get on your good side. But he otherwise didn’t say anything. 
“Rosie, the guys I told you about are here.” You called out to her and she immediately shot up to her feet and rushed to your side. You looked at her, poor thing looked like she had been crying again. “This is Colter, the tracker, and that’s his brother, Russell. They’re going to help us, okay? Colter just needs to ask you a few questions about James.”
Rosie was nodding profusely, “Anything, I’ll tell you everything you want to know. Just help me find him? Please?” 
Colter led her to the couch, perhaps she’d feel safer if she was comfortable. You didn’t want to intrude, you probably weren’t needed right at this time, anyway.
“I’m going to get you guys something to drink.” You announced, wanting to give them some privacy. 
“I’ll help.” Russell piped up and you looked at him with curiosity, he simply smiled at you. You didn’t bother to question him.
You went into the kitchen, Russell was close behind you. You could feel his intense gaze burn into the back of your head as you rummaged through your fridge. You tried to ignore it.
“Beer?” You asked, glancing over your shoulder at him. 
You grabbed three beers from the fridge and Rosie’s iced tea. You handed Russell his beer before moving around your kitchen to grab a glass cup from the cupboard. You poured the iced tea into the cup before turning around to find Russell still looking at you, with wonder, and maybe something else you couldn’t quite decipher. 
“So what’s your deal?” He asked you as he sipped his beer. You tilted your head at him and furrowed your eyebrows.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, yeah you’re clearly a kick-ass doctor, and a caring sister but, what else is there? I don’t see any pets, surely no kids, no pictures on the walls, minimal decor, hopefully no boyfriend,” You laughed at the last part. “So, what are you about?”
“Right, well uh,” you chuckled softly, awkwardly sipping on your beer as you leaned on the counter. You shrugged. “I’m a doctor who works sixty-plus hours a week, I have zero social life, I’m not home nearly enough to have a pet. And I certainly have no time for the nonsense of men my age. But hey, if you want to know what I’m about, it’ll take more than just shitty beer and a kitchen conversation to figure me out.”
Russell smiled. Genuinely smiled. But it was a different kind of glint, like he was amused, impressed almost. He chuckled as he nodded, stepping to stand in front of you. You straightened up, looking up at him.
“Surely you’d have time to get a drink with me sometime then? I don’t know if I’m your age but I can assure you I’m not going to waste your time. Would love to try and figure you out while I’m here.” He bit his bottom lip, eyebrows raised and green eyes big with expectancy. 
Yes—said the warmth between your legs.
No—said your rational mind.
” Your voice was a warning, apprehensive as you chewed on your bottom lip. “I don’t think I should be going on dates while my sister’s fiance is missing.” 
“It’s her fiance that’s missing, not yours.” He chuckled. You knew he didn’t mean to sound mean, or mocking but you scoffed softly, moving away from him. His words hit you in ways he could never know.
“I don't do
 That. Y’know, dating? Or hookups. I don’t do romance, period.” You argued, hands on your hips. He tilted his head at you, eyebrows raised as he looked at you with that indescribably charming look of his. God, did he make it hard to say no.
“Don’t have to be anything. I’m not expecting anything. Just drinks, no strings attached, we’ll see where the night takes us, yeah?” He made a very compelling argument, and his unwavering confidence and charm was hard to resist.
Truly, you didn’t remember the last time you felt so tempted to go on a date with someone, and it wasn’t for lack of trying. From coworkers to patients have made advances you’ve always easily turned down. But Russell? You didn’t feel like you wanted to turn him down. You gave in so easily.
“Whadaya say?”
“Yeah, okay. Just drinks. We’ll see what happens. But don’t get any funny ideas, okay?” You warned him. He chuckled but ultimately raised his hands up in defense when you narrowed your eyes at him.
“I am a gentleman, sweetheart. I know how to behave in front of a pretty girl.”
Your concern was if you could behave in front of a hot guy. Especially when he was as hot as Russell.
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gremlin-girly · 10 days ago
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Part of the Green collection
Curtis Everett x f!Roommate! Reader
Banner by me, made in Canva w/ Curtis' pic sourced on Pinterest. Dividers by @/kodaswrld and MDNI/Reblog Banners by @/saradika-graphics
WARNING: This fic not only contains smut but also consumption/use of marujuana. If that's not your bread and butter (or if you are a minor) please do not read.
Additional tags/warnings: roommates to lovers (back with this again ik), blowback, use of a bong, inexperienced reader (with the bong lmao), making out, p-in-v (wrap it), creampie, inebriated fucking/fucking while high, sex while standing, standing carry, fucking in the kitchen, mutual masterbation, post-sex cuddles, petnames (sweetheart, bunny)
Not beta'd and I do not give permission for my work to be reposted, copied, translated or put through an AI machine.
Summary: Your roomie convinces you to take a hit, leading to some fun in the kitchen.
Word count: ~3k (on mobile sorry)
A/N: sorry it took so long! I had ideas for two other fics while doing this one but there's going to (hopefully) be a double whammy of the Green Collection this weekend 👀
Green Collection | Curtis Everett Masterlist | Navigation
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Coming home from a long day at work was nothing short of bliss, especially knowing your roommate was home. Curtis was a perfect roommate, an all-round great guy too, which was why you enjoyed spending time with him when you could.
Curtis worked odd hours, which meant that on your days off he could either be sleeping or at work, however, you both had a system that benefitted you both; he cleaned, you cooked and prepped lunches, both of you would take turns to do laundry. This meant that you didn't have to worry about anything pile up of dishes and Curtis didn't have to eat noodles five days a week and take out on weekends.
The times that your days off synched up, you'd usually do something together. Be it shopping, or a movie, it didn't matter. The only thing you could possibly think of that would make Curtis a bad roommate was the fact he smoked grass on his days off.
He was kind enough to light a candle or to smoke in his room if you were home, and despite the smoky smell, you didn't mind. He had a high-stress job so it was nice to see him relax at least once a week. You couldn't blame him for wanting to take the edge off.
On your way home this particular day, one of your best friends called you up, asking for you to join them for cocktails at a bar across town.
"Can't," you say, fishing in your bag for your keys. "Curtis is off and we've already agreed to watch a movie."
You can hear the groan on the other end of the line.
"You mean your boyfriend?" Your best friend sneers.
"He's not my-" You begin defensively before backing down. "We made plans last week. I can't just ditch him."
"If he's not your boyfriend, you can."
You want to snap at her that you can't; you made a commitment to Curtis first... but part of you knows she's got a point. Even it is a miniscule point. Curtis was a great roomie. Reliable. Fun to be around.... hot.
You shake your head as you pull your keys out. "I can't."
"Alright," she chuckles. "Have fun with your hot roommate. And tell me if anything juicy finally happens."
You frown at your phone as the line goes dead, cheeks warming as you open the door to the apartment. Curtis is leaning against the kitchen counter, grinder in hand, bong already set up beside him.
"Hey," He greets with a short nod.
"Hey." You reply, feeling your chest tighten. He's in his cosy clothes but, sweet mother almighty, he looks delectable. Baggy, dark wash wash jeans that hang low on his hips, tight white t-shirt with a light oversized grey patterned hoodie with a deep v-neck over it and, of course, his signature black beanie. You wished he didn't look so hot; it would give your best friend less ammunition saying he was the reason for your lack of a boyfriend.
"Leftovers were good." Curtis says watching you unload your bag and place your dirty tupperware in the sink. "Thanks."
You can hear the grinding of metal on metal as Curtis twists his grinder.
"It's no problem." You grin, turning on the sink tap and unloading an ungodly amount of dish soap into the bowl. "You need to stop thanking me for it though, Curt. I've been doing it for months."
"Yeah, I know." He grins back at you and you have to steady yourself against the sink so your legs don't give out. "But I want you to know I'm always grateful for it."
Stomach full of butterflies you turn back to the sink, dipping your hands into the hot suds and wishing whatever God was listening to throw you a boon. The flick of a lighter and the bubbling of the bong snap you from your explicit thoughts and you're lucky enough to catch Curtis blowing smoke rings before the smoke disperses.
Fuck me.
You don't know if it's a curse or a wish at this point. Curtis catches your gaze and offers you the bong, large hand over the mouth of it trapping white smoke in the chamber. You shake your head and hold up a soapy hand.
"No thanks."
"Just one drag. Try it." He wiggles the bong at you with a sweet, begging expression. "Please?"
Pursing your lips you consider your options. You'd never done it before, so the opportunity to try it in a safe environment with a 'professional' was a good start. On the other hand, you didn't know how weed would affect you. Would you be a drooling mess? Would you not remember a thing? Would you, as your best friend had described, be so fried out of you mind you would just lie on the sofa and have a minor existential crisis?
You can't lie and say you hadn't been tempted before now but Curtis made it look so easy. The thought of embarrassing yourself in front of him nagged at your brain but the want of the experience under your belt won out. You'd be safe with Curtis. Existential crisis and drooling be dammed.
"Fuck it. Fine." You sigh, taking the bong from him and holding it awkwardly; scared to drop it and unsure how to hold it correctly.
"Hold the top and the base." Curtis instructs with a smirk, watching you frown worriedly as you changed your grip. There's something phallic in the entire procedure that makes your cheeks heat and you feel entirely stupid for thinking it.
"Put your lips on it." Curtis' voice sounds low and breathy, and you have to bite the inside of your cheek to steel your thoughts.
You move to do as he instructed but you're obscured by a stray piece of hair that won't move out of your way no matter how much you shake your head. Curtis chuckles and you can feel warm fingers brush along your forehead, removing the stubborn piece of hair, and tucking it behind your ear. His eyes meet yours as you peek up through your lashes, bottom lip pouting against the lip of the bong. The kitchen suddenly feels a lot hotter and you don't know if Curtis can feel it too.
"Try again." He says quietly, trailing his fingers through your hair as he pulls his hand away. You hadn't even noticed his fingers lingering against your skin but now that they were gone, you wanted them back.
Placing your lips into the mouth of the bong, holding it tight, you meet Curtis' eyes expectantly. Curtis' lighter flickers to life as he burns the ground weed on the other side and after a few seconds, instructs you to suck in as much air as you can.
You try, you really do, watching the smoke twist in the chamber and burn your lungs as you take the deepest breath you've possibly ever taken.
But it still ends with you coughing and sputtering.
"You need to take it into your lungs." He says, patting your back softly. "You don't have to do it quickly. Just like taking deep breaths."
You nod your head as he flicks his lighter again, waiting for your signal (another nod) to light it again.
"Now, inhale."
You breathe in and the bong bubbles angrily, putrid smoke invades your lungs and makes your mouth drier than a desert. Your lips break away from the bong and you cough hard, your lungs screaming at you as you try to breathe. You try to suck in as much air as possible, feeling lightheaded as you continue in your coughing fit, letting Curtis remove the bong from your grasp. Once your breathing is finally steady, Curtis is already blowing another smoke ring smirking over at you.
"You did alright for your first time." He chuckles.
"Show off." You whisper hoarsely, giving him a watery eyed glare.
Curtis clicks his tongue dismissively and lifts your chin gently with one hand, thumbing tears from your cheeks. His thumb lingers a moment, brushing the softness of your skin before he moves his hand away to light the bong for another hit.
"You'll get better with time." He says nonchalantly, sucking in smoke. You're still trying to wrap your head around what just happened. Maybe there was a God offering you a boon.
"I don't wanna do that again," you grumble, your voice still raspy. Curtis exhales slowly, no smoke ring this time but he looks over at you curiously, as if contemplating asking you something.
"I could always give you secondhand smoke?" Curtis suggests, inhaling the smoke again. When he breathes out, he pushes the smoke towards you, but you srunch your face at the smell. Curtis laughs at your cute expression.
"You've got to suck in the smoke."
"But it smells gross." You whine. "Is there another way we could try?"
"Actually..." Curtis' eyebrows raise as an idea forms and he beckons you closer. You shuffle forward, an inch or so between you.
Curtis lights up the bong again, and holds the smoke but before releasing it, he takes your chin in his hands delicately and kisses you. You gasp in surprise and Curtis takes the opportunity to blow the smoke into your mouth; you cough and sputter less this time but your lips tingle from the kiss. Curtis watches you closely, waiting for your reaction.
Your mind draws a blank; fuzziness setting in and you don't know if it's him or the contact high but your smiling up at him regardless.
"Could we keep doing that?"
Curtis breaks into a radiant grin. "Yeah. Of course."
The kisses start gentle and tender; sweet pecks that make your body feel tingly and light. It works well; after every kiss you inhale the smoke he blows into your mouth, slowly getting used to the feeling of his lips against yours and having him so close.
Then one kiss lingers for longer than a moment.
You're both a little breathless, only millimetres apart when you break for air, and it takes one millisecond more for your eyes to meet before the floodgates open. Curtis' lips crash into yours, and you welcome them, his arms wrapping around you in a crushing embrace. Your hands rip his beanie from his head and toss it somewhere on the floor, raking your hands through the short, soft buzzcut. Curtis rumbles a chuckle but doesn't stop kissing you.
There's a harsh clink as Curtis sets down his bong and his hands begin to freely wander up and down your sides. Mimicking his actions, you allow your hands to feel along his chest and collarbone. It's harder than you expect; thinking there'd be a slight softness under all his jumpers, not that you care either way. Your hands slip under the layers of his jumper; mapping out every defined muscle your fingers trailed moments before. Muscles twitch under your touch and Curtis sucks in a sharp breath, hands squeezing at your hips.
"This okay?" You ask quietly, gently running your palms downwards against his hot skin, stopping above his belt. Your gaze flickers to his, waiting for confirmation to continue. Which it does - in the form of a low groan as he cranes his neck to kiss you quickly.
"It's more than okay."
Your head's already starting to feel heavy but you can't tell if it's because your being kissed senseless or if the smoke has finally hit you. A large hand knots in your hair, the other making quick work of unbuttoning your jeans, a thick finger dipping under the fabric of your panties to rub tight circles against your clit. You gasp in surprise, your own hands fumbling with his belt as you try to concentrate, but that's all that Curtis needs to push his tongue further into your mouth, deepening the kiss. Curtis' tongue is hot and tastes like the smoke that made you gag not five minutes ago but you don't care; taking a hit of him is better than any bong.
"Already wet for me, huh?" He murmurs against your lips, index finger swirling your clit with your own slick. A moan hitches in your throat making him chuckle, peppering more kisses along your cheek. You can feel your pussy squeeze around nothing, a familiar sensation building between your legs.
His kisses are sloppy but no less passionate. Curtis chases your mouth with his at every pathetic whimper you make in an attempt to keep yourself quiet. You, on the other hand, are a breathless mess as you manage to undo his belt and jeans. Palming over his cock teasingly gets you a firm press against your clit that makes your thighs squeeze around his fingers.
"Don't tease, bunny." Curtis murmurs, nipping along your jawline, making you shiver. "That's not fair."
"Eager?" You tease softly but Curtis pulls back slightly, looking down at you. His pressure and swirling against your clit pause and you grind your hips slowly for some relief.
"Maybe. Is... Is that a problem?"
"You know damn well it's not." You huff impatiently.
Curtis' nostrils flare and he curses, tugging his hand from your jeans and removing his jumper and white tee in one movement, discarding them to the floor before moving to shove his jeans down. You quickly follow suit, adding your shirt to the pile as you wiggle out of your jeans. You don't have time to react when Curtis' mouth finds yours again, more feverent and desperate than before. His fingers tug your panties down your legs and you shyly step out of them, allowing his fingers to slip between your folds and caress your now-aching clit.
You inhale sharply when his thumb grazes your clit, two thick fingers teasing and your cunt's entrance. Curtis' other hand grips the back of your neck, holding you steady when your legs start to tremble and you mewl his name so breathlessly.
Your hands tug his boxers freeing his cock; eager to touch him - finally - and eager to please him. One hand pumps in rhythm to his stroking fingers, the other gently cupping at his heavy balls while your own thighs clench like a vice around Curtis' fingers; struggling to stay standing at the attention he's giving your clit.
"Look at me," He says firmly, voice strained, blue eyes locking with yours. "Look at me when you cum."
"Fuck fuck fuck." Each curse becomes higher in pitch before you let out an airy sigh as your first orgasm ripples through your body. Your eyelids are heavy but you keep your eyes fixed on Curtis' face, a smirk of satisfaction on his swollen lips. His thumb swipes your clit slowly as your body comes back from the orgasm-high. You feel extra elated. Your body feels like every nerve is alert but your muscles are entirely relaxed.
There's a kiss to your forehead that leaves tingling ripples across your skin. Then another to your cheek. Then to your neck...
Your skin prickles to gooseflesh, breath hitching again, dragging your thumb over the tip of Curtis' cock to coat it in his own precum. Curtis' moan is so close to your ear and it's lewd. You'd never have guessed he'd be loud during sex. Curling your head into his neck, you nip along the prominent vein, illiciting more and more filthy noises from Curtis until he slips two fingers into your dripping pussy.
"Oh shit," you whine as your walls clench around his fingers. The stretch isn't painful by any means, but the fullness as his fingers move and curl is euphoric. But any further moans are smothered by his mouth on yours, his fingers spreading you open easily to explore your pussy.
"Curtis," You pant when you're finally granted a gasp for air, trying to focus on pumping his cock and holding off your orgasm. "Bedroom?"
"No." Curtis growls. "'M too impatient. Here will do."
Before you can ask him what he means, he squats down and wraps his muscular arms under your knees. He peeks up at you, placing a gentle kiss to your stomach that makes you shiver and your heart thud violently.
"Hold on to me, sweetheart."
That's the only warning you get before your feet leave the ground. With a yelp, you fling your arms around his neck, holding on until Curtis is back at full height and supporting you in his arms like it's no big deal. You can feel another rush of arousal as you watch the veins in his arms twitch under the strain and the brush of his leaking cock against the backs of your thighs.
Your knees are bent, legs dangling over Curtis' thick arms helplessly, with his large hands groping your ass as he repositions you over his cock. You've never been fucked like this before and you know damn well that gravity is about to work wonders with skewering you onto Curtis' cock and let out a shaky sigh of contentment.
"You ready bunny?" Curtis asks, the fat head of his cock pushing against your dripping cunt ever so slightly. "Because once I start fucking you, I'm not stopping."
"Yes," you nod, biting at your lips to contain a whorish moan. "Fuck, Curtis, please."
Curtis lowers you onto his cock slowly, watching your lips part is ecstacy as his cock slides into your cunt with welcomed ease. Your moans of need are sweet and sultry as he splits you open in the middle of your shared kitchen, toes curling as gravity helps his twitching cock nestle deep inside you.
Once buried to the hilt, Curtis sighs in delight, your walls fluttering around his cock like he'd always imagined. His large hands grope at the flesh of your ass, kneading the muscles as he flashes you a panted grin. You shift in his grip with a shy smile and squeeze his hips with your legs.
"You feel like heaven, bunny." Curtis murmurs, canting his hips upwards into you. Your ass bounces against his thighs, your arms straining as you try to hold onto his neck. Your maneuvered quickly in his grip, your body moving upwards so you can pretzel your arms behind his neck, fingernails clawing at his shoulders, his cock never leaving the warmth of your cunt. Once anchored to him properly, Curtis begins to cant his hips frantically, fucking you into oblivion while you whimper and moan as you cling to him.
"Look at me, sweetheart." Curtis pants and through your fucked-out haze you manage it. There's the satisfied smirk again, his eyes red-rimmed and blown wide but sparkling nonetheless. Your lips are wet and swollen from the kissing, from biting back moans, and Curtis loves to see it. To be the cause of it.
Wet slaps echo against the kitchen walls and your starting to lose control, moaning his name louder, your pussy constricting tighter and tighter, splashing your delicious cum over his legs, balls and cock.
"You look so good getting pounded like this." He muses, watching you hiccup another moan. His eyes trail to your tits, watching them bounce in time to thrusts, loving how you milk his cock so eagerly. He wished you'd smoked sooner or at least wished he'd made a move sooner, had he known that you'd be just as eager for him as he was for you. His eyes flit back to your face. Every part of your face is contorted in pleasure; eyes red, glazed and half-lidded, lips slightly parted and your eyebrows that in-between of surprise-frown as you try to withhold coming again.
"C-Curtis - I - I'm-" you breathing is heavy, you can't even form a thought as he bounces you on his cock and it makes Curtis' balls tighten.
"So am I bunny." He grunts out quickly, fucking your tight pussy harder. More slapping sounds coupled with your half-scream of pleasure echo through the apartment. "You just hold tight okay? Don't think of anything else but this cock."
You hum and nod - barely - you're already too lost to pleasure to even care. Curtis curses when your nails dig into his shoulders. He can feel your cunt convulse desperately as your orgasm begins to rip through you and you shout his name almost in a panic.
"I got you," He coos, his thrusts slowing only slightly as he tries in vain to postpone his release for a few moments longer. Soaking his cock again sends him over the edge and he cums hard when you softly whisper his name repeatedly as you go limp in his grip. His cum is warm and sticky as it slowly drips from your pussy but you're too busy drowning in post-orgasmic bliss to care.
Your head rests against Curtis' shoulder as you catch your breath, the kitchen now quiet apart from your breathing. Your legs wobble when Curtis sets you down gently, wrapping those strong arms around your waist once more, fending off the chill of the kitchen for a few moments longer and placing tender kisses to your neck and shoulders. The silence is comfortable and you push away thoughts that could potentially ruin your night; what did this mean for you both? Was it a one time thing? Did you want it to be a one time thing?
"You were..." Curtis begins but trails as his head buries itself into your neck. "Fuck, that was amazing."
"Speak for yourself." You breathe out, arms still wrapped around his neck as you lean into him, desperate to stay as close as possible before reality kicked in.
You liked Curtis. You knew Curtis. And clearly, your little crush wasn't one-sided otherwise you wouldn't be standing in the kitchen naked right now. However, from the depths of your mind, slow worries began to rear their ugly heads; telling you a relationship with Curtis could still blow up in your face, especially since you already lived together. That seemed like speed-running the dating process just a tad.
Curtis' snort startles you from your thoughts and you glare up at him.
"You're thinking too loud, bunny." He smirks and then, as if it were second nature, lifts his head to capture your lips in a quick peck.
You'd only just regained your breath and it had been stolen all over again. You lean into him more, letting the kiss linger like the one that had kick-start this whole thing. His lips are warm now, not searing like they had been, and you're drawn into him, chasing his lips as he retreats his head.
"Sleep in my bed tonight." He murmurs, giving you a squeeze. His eyes twinkle in the light and the faint smirk he still wears makes your pussy throb all over again. "I'd like to wake up next to you at least once before we decide on what to do next."
"If my legs work." You joke half heartedly, your heart fluttering wildly against your ribs. You're not happy at the squeak that escapes you as Curtis lifts you easily again, half over his shoulder as he pads to his room before throwing you onto the bed. You bounce along the mattress with a laugh, wrapping yourself around Curtis when he crawls over you to pepper kisses over your face again. His eyes are still glassy, but there's a sweet look that sends shivers of desire throughout your body.
"I was doing all the heavy lifting," Curtis teases into the crease of your neck. "My legs are all achy."
"Aw, want me to kiss 'em better?" You tease back, squealing when he rolls you on top of him, gasping when you feel his cock twitch between your thighs.
"Nope. I want to watch you do all the work this time, bunny." Curtis grins up at you with a squeeze of your hips.
Despite your brain swirling lazily with questions, your high brain was far more interested in round two.
At least you'd have some very juicy updates for your best friend tomorrow after all.
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ddejavvu · 2 years ago
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Hungman - Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Reader
Summary: Jake's camboy endeavors are not unbeknownst to you, and one day you take him up on a teasing offer to join
Requested: ohhh how about thoughts on camboy Jake (screen name Hungman) whose best friend walks in on him after a show and he jokingly invites her to join him next time. she accepts (shocking Jake bc she’s lil miss sweet, shy, good girl) and when it comes show time he finds out just how nasty his bestie can be (I’m talking her begging him to be mean and nasty and “spank me daddy please!!!” which blows his mind). he makes bank that night and invites her back to his bed anytime. show or not.
Contents/Warnings: best friend/roommate!jake, smut (minors dni), rough sex, oral sex (m receiving), AFAB/fem!reader, ever-so-slight degradation, p in v but from the back, penetration, no mention of protection, teasing/joking daddy kink (she says it once to piss him off so it's not really a kink i don't think), camboy!jake
WC: 2.8K / navigation
feedback is greatly appreciated! comment, reblog, talk in the tags, send me a message, tell me what you think!
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"Jake, I found the rub you were looking for last week, it was only- woah!"
You come to a screeching halt in the doorway, watching as your roommate doesn't seem rushed at all to cover up his bare lower half. He's got a lazy smirk on his face, standing with his sweat-slicked chest on display as his hands hover almost uselessly over his dick.
"Oh, good," He nods, holding eye contact with you as your gaze threatens to slip lower, "Meat for dinner tonight. then. Sorry," He apologizes a moment too late, glancing down at his bare form, "Stream ended late."
"No worries," You give him a small smile, bag clutched tighter in your hands, "Sometimes I forget you do those things, m'never here to see 'em."
"Oh, yeah? You wanna be?" Jake chuckles, reaching for a towel while keeping one hand still over his cock. As big as his hand is, it's no use there.
"Wouldn't mind joining," You shrug, "It would be nice to have some extra pocket cash."
"Joining?" Jake's laugh is even more incredulous now, and he rubs the towel through his sweaty hair rather than wrapping it around his midsection, "Darlin', the day you join me is the day I'll keel over in shock."
You march towards Jake's room clad in tight lingerie, black lace snug to your skin.
"Get ready to keel over," You command, stepping over a stray sock in his doorway, "Ready to do this thing?"
"Woah!" Jake's eyes widen as he turns, clad in only tight briefs. It gives you a very intimate view of his clothed cock, and all of a sudden the fabric seems a lot tighter.
"What's the plan?" You ask, readjusting the strap of your bra, "Just, drop down on the floor and fuck like rabbits?"
"Y/N," Jake breathes, chest heaving with shock, "What- what are you doing?"
"You said I could be here," You huff, cocking a hip out and crossing your arms, making your tits pop, "What, you changed your mind? I wasn't kidding, I need money."
"You're really joining?" Jake asks, face the picture of a disgruntled Ken doll.
"No, Jake," You sneer, narrowing your eyes, "I was actually planning on going for a walk in the park. Just wanted to see if you'd join me."
"Alright, alright," Jake's shoulder slump from where they're tensed at his ears, "No need to get snippy, missy."
You see his dick twitch. He likes snippy.
After a bout of awkward silence, Jake gestures to a camera set up on his desk.
"Camera's there," He reaches up to scratch the back of his neck, "Not on yet, though. We're gonna go live, so I can't edit out your face. You got a mask, or something?"
"Nah," You shake your head, "Not unless you want me wearing your helmet."
"That's-" Another dick twitch, briefs straining to contain him, "-not a bad idea. But I probably shouldn't use government-issued equipment for porn."
"No fun," You lament, striding over to the bed and crawling onto the mattress on your hands and knees. You're fully presented to him, ass up and head down, wriggling your hips as you wait for the beep of the camera.
"So," You shimmy, "Anytime soon, big guy?"
"You're really ready for this?" Jake asks, hovering by the camera with an uncertain gaze.
"Just-" You huff, straining to meet his eye with a desperate look in your own, "Fuck me, Jake!"
His eyes darken, his jaw clenches, and you swear his briefs nearly rip.
"Okay," He murmurs, low and dangerous, and you hear the click of the camera's recording button.
"You," Jake drawls, sidling up behind you and gripping your hips in his strong hands, "Have been a very naughty girl."
You scoff at his stereotypical porno-style dialogue, playing along anyways, "Oh, yeah? What did I do, daddy?"
You hear his breathing hitch, and his fingers dig harder into your flesh.
"You've been watching my streams," He murmurs, dangerous and accusatory. Your stomach bottoms out, you have. You aren't sure how he's figured you out, but you have, and until now, you'd thought you were getting away with it. He wasn’t hard to find, and you have to give him credit for his creative screen name: Hungman.
"All this time," He hums, slowly smoothing his hand over the fleshy globes of your ass, "You've been buried under the covers in your room, those pretty little hands of yours sinking in your cunt, huh?"
Then, after a moment of silence, he hums, "Yeah?"
You nod, almost shamefully, and you're given a sharp smack to the ass in response.
It makes you cry out, and your voice blends with Jake as he roars, "Answer me!"
"Yes!" You yelp, breathing heavy as you push your ass further towards him, in search of another surge of pleasure, "Yes, I- I've been watching your videos."
"And last week," He drawls, rubbing your sore ass with his massive, rough hand, "Caught me damn near naked. You think I didn't see how flustered you were? Think I didn't notice how tense those shoulders were, huh?" Jake's large hand moves up your back, squeezing at your tight shoulder. You gasp at the feeling, his fingers prodding at sensitive muscles.
"This whole time," He stalks around to the front of the bed, cock out and hard near your face. It makes your mouth water; you nearly choke on your drool.
"This whole time you've been thinkin' about me, haven't you?" Jake asks, running a soft hand through your hair, "Fingers buried in that wet cunt of yours, stuffin' a shirt- my shirt in your mouth to stop from moanin'."
"How do you-" You stammer, but Jake cuts you off, hand tightening in your hair.
"I saw you." He reveals, "'Came in to give you your laundry. You left the door open, baby. Did you want me to see?"
"No," You shake your head, but it doesn't go far with his hand in your hair, "No, I- I didn't know you were home."
"Didn't know," Jake scoffs, dick stiff, "I walk like a damn elephant, Y/N. You knew."
"I didn't mean for you to see me," You insist, but oh, you did, "Honest, Jake, I swear!"
"Don't swear," He sneers, letting go of your hair to lean over and swat at your ass again, "This is what you wanted, baby. This is it," He slips a hand under his hard cock, pushing it towards your face, "Take it, darlin'. Take it, this is what you wanted."
You lean to the side, tongue already out in anticipation of taking Jake's dick into your mouth. But the second before you can get a taste, though, he backs away a step, leaving you open-mouthed and whining.
"Look at that," He chuckles, reaching with his free hand to grip your jaw, thumbs hollowing out your cheeks, "So desperate. You opened right up for me, baby."
"Mhm," You struggle to speak through the grip Jake has on your cheeks, "Yeah. Want your- your cock, Jake."
"Filthy," He scoffs, releasing your face to land yet another smack against your ass. You let out a broken whine through pursed lips, but you feel the head of Jake's cock bump them, and you're opening your mouth eagerly once more.
"Take it," He scoffs, "You want it so damn bad. There," He jerks his hips forward, jamming his dick so far into your mouth that it's nearly down your throat, "That good enough for you, baby? That what'cha wanted?"
"Mhm," You nod vigorously, mouth subsequently sliding up and down the shaft of his cock. "Thank you," You pant around his length, words mumbled and drooly, "Thank you, Jake."
"Good manners," He praises you with a cocky glance towards the camera, "Showing off for the audience?"
You give your hips a wiggle for the camera, and your ass jiggles with the movement. Jake groans, fisting a hand in your hair once more, "Come on baby, don't tease."
He tugs you further onto his cock with the hand he's tangled in your hair, and your throat constricts without warning, an involuntary gag. You choke, spluttering and coughing as he barely lets up, hand not only pulling your head forwards but pushing it down, too, fully taking your mouth with his hard length.
You run your tongue against the underside of his cock and curl it up around the tip. It's difficult to do with how deep he's buried inside your mouth, but you rear back against his hold and take a gulp of fresh air with the motion of your tongue. When your wet muscle flicks through his slit he hisses, hand nearly ripping your hair out.
"God," He gasps, this time using his grip on your hair to pull you off of his cock, grunting and groaning as you chase after him with your mouth, "Ease up, darlin'. Easy, I- I've gotta get inside you."
The only way you'll let him take his cock out of your mouth if is he puts it inside of you. You go limp, knees already tired and arms even worse. But nothing deters you from the excitement of being fucked from behind by Jake.
When you feel his large, rough fingers tug at the strap of your panties, you expect them to ghost over your ass. But they plunge for your cunt instead, prodding at the end of your slit.
"Ah!' You seize up, stiff as you try getting a glimpse of him, "Jake, I-"
"I don't have the patience to work you open," Jake apologizes, thumbing gently over your tight asshole, "Your cunt's already wet, darlin', just- god," His fingers hit a gush of slick and slip easily into your pussy, "I need to be inside you now."
"Okay," You nod, panting as Jake's fingers nudge roughly at your clit, "Oh, god, Jake, just- fuck me!"
"Don't make me spank you again," He grumbles, one hand guiding his dick towards the end of your slick slit, "I am, brat."
"Yeah?" You wriggle your hips, egging him on, "Can't feel you yet. Maybe you don't have as big of a dick as I thought, cowboy."
Jake chooses to show, not tell. In a quick second, his cock is rammed so far into your cunt, you see stars. Your only warning had been the soft stretch of his thick fingers, but this, this is rough, aggressive, demanding.
"Feel it now?" Jake spits, leaning over your back to sneer against your ear, "'S rippin' your pretty little cunt open, darlin'. Still think it ain't that big?"
"Use it," You grunt, gritting your teeth so that you don't moan. You don't want him to have the satisfaction of getting to you, "Move. Fuck. Me."
You're not the only one good at following orders. Maybe it's the navy training in him, but he's obedient, but he rears his hips back, his thick cock dragging deliciously along the walls of your wet, hot cunt.
He sets a merciless pace, jackhammering his hips into your own hard enough to split right through your cunt and jam his dick up through your throat. His balls slap against your thighs, and the speed at which he rams into you shakes the bed, his headboard slamming repeatedly against the wall.
"There," He grits, breath hot against your shoulder "You happy? You're pretty demanding for a bitch on her hands and knees."
"Harder," You beg, finally letting a strangled moan slip through your lips, "Harder, Jake, I need more!"
"Gonna fuck you through the wall if I go harder," Jake scoffs, nipping at your earlobe. He reaches up to pinch your clit between two rough fingers, twisting and teasing the oversensitive bud, "What about that, baby? That better?"
"Ah! Yes," You gush, drilling your hips backwards as Jake's pinch turns to circles over your clit, "More, Jake, I need- I need more!"
"More," He mimics you, bumping his lips into the side of your temple so that you turn and raise your head to try and meet him. It's killer on your neck, but it's the only way you can mouth desperately at his lips.
"So damn greedy. Is that what you were moanin' into that shirt of mine, darlin'? Beggin' for more, for the real thing?"
"Yes," You pant, lips pressing desperately to his own, over and over again from that awkward sideways angle you're barely able to reach, "Yes, Jake, I- I need you!"
"Tell them," Jake urges, parting from the sloppy side kiss he'd attempted and grabbing your face in his free hand. One is still circling your clit, but that means that his weight is on you, and you're barely able to hold yourself up with him on top. He yanks your head to the side, putting your drool-covered chin and fucked-out face on display. He's wearing a cocky smirk. but you can't see it, and only when your face is in position does he plant his hand back on the mattress and take his weight back.
"I need you, Jake," You moan, pathetic and desperate to the camera. You feel Jake's dick twitch inside of you, and his fingers circle faster at your clit. It sends a surge of arousal so powerful rolling under your belly that you nearly cum right then and there, but it fizzles out to wait for another wave.
"Ah! I need you," You repeat, babbling with a half-open mouth now, "I need you, I need you, I need you so bad, Jake!"
"Agh," He grunts, teeth biting and nipping at your bare shoulder as his hips jerk forwards even faster, a near-impossible pace, "Yeah? Yeah, oh fuck, scream for me, baby, come on."
His cock is rock hard, leaking, twitching, and slamming into your most sensitive spot. You let a steady flow of whimpers and moans fall from your lips, but as Jake's dick pistons harder in and out of you, they turn to screams.
Jake's cum floods your cunt. There's no other word for it than flood, it gushes from his tip and gets slammed into your cunt, having nowhere to go but out. You feel it ooze around his shaft, and it's sticky and hot against the walls of your cunt as he chases his high. He does fuck like a rabbit, hard and fast, and the feeling of him milking his dick in your pussy sends you over the edge with another rolling surge of pleasure.
"Ah!" Your mouth hangs open, eyes squeezed shut and thighs trembling with both the force of your orgasm and the effort of holding yourself up. Your climax makes your cunt spasm, and Jake feels the way your cunt squeezes his cock, clenching relentlessly and sporadically as you get fucked through your own high.
"Oh," He pants against your back, lips pressing to your dewy skin, "Oh- Oh my god,"
"Fuck," You hiss, finally slumping forwards where you'd been arching your hips backwards to get more of Jake's length in your cunt, "Oh, fuck! Jake," You breathe, "I- God, that was good."
"Mhm," He hums, dick still nestled snugly inside your cum-filled cunt as he takes a moment to breathe. His hand falls from your clit, and his forehead presses to your back before he breathes, straightening up and alleviating the pressure of his weight against you.
You have no problem collapsing your elbows and letting yourself slump to Jake's mattress. You're drained, and you can barely remember to keep your face turned towards the camera as Jake pulls out of your cunt. Once he's out, you let your knees straighten, your hips falling to the sheets below.
"Jesus," Jake huffs, thumbing at the puffy lips of your cunt and smearing some of his cum against your ass, "I made a real mess of you, darlin'."
"S'okay," You grunt, too spent to care about any clean-up, "Just- turn off the camera and come lay with me."
You do hear the click of the camera, and a few stray keyboard strokes. But your eyes drift shut, and they only reopen when you feel something warm and wet against your cunt.
You almost wish it was Jake's tongue, but it's not. You're too tired for that now, you think, but it's a suggestion for a later date.
It's a washcloth, and you must have been too hazy to hear the sink water running from the bathroom. Jake cleans up your puffy, stiff entrance, placating you with a warm hand on your thigh when you squirm and hiss at the sensitivity.
"I know," He croons, wiping away the last smear of his cum against your ass, "I know, darlin'. It's over now, you can sleep."
"No," You whine, reaching blindly for him, "You too, cowboy."
"Alright," He chuckles, soft and tired, "C'mere."
He tugs you to one side of his bed, and crawls over you to the other. He gathers you in his arms and you let him, limbs going limp as he tucks you against his chest.
"We made a ton of money," He informs you, lips dotting against the tip of your nose. He rubs his large hands over your back, a soothing gesture that helps you slip further towards sleep, "Come back any time, baby. Camera or no camera."
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feedback is greatly appreciated! comment, reblog, talk in the tags, send me a message, tell me what you think!
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dyinglikenarcissus · 1 year ago
Stripped Naked
Warnings: 18+ only! Contains: Virgin reader, stripping, alcohol, vaginal intercourse, a couple consenting adults having a good time. It’s pretty vanilla but sometimes all you want is vanilla
Please don’t copy or repost my work, thanks! Plagiarism is rude
Comments, likes, and reblogs are always appreciated â˜ș
Part I
You really didn’t want to be here.
This was the last place you wanted to spend your Saturday night but it was your friend’s bachelorette party and you were willing to go along with it for her. You put money toward a private booth and a lap dance but you couldn’t focus on any of it.
You got there and followed the group of laughing, chatting women through the throngs of people with men and women dancing on poles and against guests and each other in just their thongs and pasties. Some were even completely naked! You attempted to avert your gaze to all of it.
It’s all so
You try to keep up with the conversations with the women around you while they talk about getting away from their kids and husbands. You can’t relate at all. Not only do you not have either of those things but if you did, you’d hope to love them enough to not want to leave them at home for an evening. You wish you had a little family to cuddle with and watch a movie but right now all you have is a cat and you’d rather be curled up at home with him then watch someone grind against your high school friend.
It was just one evening.
You could do this.
You can’t do this!
You went to the bathroom for five fucking minutes and when you came back, they were gone. They were your ride and your phone was dead leaving you stranded. There was a pay phone but the only number you know by heart is you mom’s. You try to explain Uber to her over the phone but she has no idea what she’s doing so you just give up.
You let out a soft sob after hanging up just as someone walks behind you.
“Are those tears? Hey, what’s going on? Are you alright?”
“No,” you whimper. “The people who I thought were my friends left me and my phone is dead and I don’t have a way to get home.” You vent into this random person before turning to see who you’re actually talking to and your eyes go wide. A tall, buff, blond looks down at you in nothing but a patriotic thong while holding a large red, silver, and blue shield. “You-you’re one of them! Y-you-Captain America!” You feel faint having one of those amazingly attractive dancers so close to you. With so few clothes on.
“Call me Steve. I’m just a guy who takes off his clothes for money,” he smirks trying to cut the tension but you can’t stop shaking. All of your emotions are going wild. “It sounds like you could use a phone and a ride. I’m off in ten minutes and I can give you both.” You nod not knowing what else to say and being completely desperate for a way home. “Alright. Give me a second to change. I have one more dance then I’m all yours.” His blue eyes glance beyond you for a second before lighting up. “Nat, you busy right now?”
“Nope. Next dance is in twenty.” A beautiful red head in a black leather lingerie set steps next to you almost making you jump by how quietly she approached.
“Do you mind taking care of
I’m sorry. I never got your name,” he laughs and your cagey demeanor almost cracks at how beautiful his smile is. You quickly introduce yourself and he smiles and repeats your name and your heart melts a little. “Get her a phone charger or something maybe?”
The red head smiles and turns toward you. “The name’s Natasha.” She leads you to a dressing room with few other women preparing for their next dance but it’s quiet otherwise. The thumping music is muffled by several walls and doors. Natasha pulls on a robe before digging through her bag for something. “Phone charger and a sweater. You look cold. What’s going on with you? It takes a lot to get Steve into super hero mode.” You explain what happened and how you got ditched and left alone. “They don’t sound like very good friends.” Natasha sighs while fixing her makeup. She digs though her bag again and pulls out a bundle of clothes and begins to strip. You instantly stiffen and avert your gaze. “Chill. We’re all girls here,” she laughs while pulling on a pair of fishnets. “Or at least identify as girls.” She grins down to a woman doing her makeup on the other side of the room who bursts into giggles.
“It’s just-just so
” you trail.
“Conservative family?” The red head guesses and you nod slightly ashamed by it. “I get it. I was barely allowed to have my own thoughts growing up. Look at me now,” she grins showing off her red thong and string bra with black stilettos.
“You look amazing,” you whisper, unable to keep your thoughts to yourself.
“Why, thank you. I’ve gotta get out there but Steve will come find you.” You nod and stare down at your phone. It was still displaying a picture of a red battery leaving it utterly useless.
You sigh and glance around the room when the same woman Natasha was joking with earlier speaks up.
“Go watch the show. Nat’s one of the best.” You cringe away at the idea of seeing more naked people but your morbid curiosity gets the better of you. You sneak out of the dressing room to peak around the corner at the stage.
“Wow,” you breathe. Natasha is up there, completely lit up and beautiful while she dances around the pole. She’s like a ballerina and a fighter all in one. She looks so poised and dangerous.
“She’s amazing.” You squeak and almost jump out of your skin at the deep voice behind you. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you,” Steve laughs gripping your shoulders.
“No. I’m just a little on edge,” you admit, turning to face him. He’s much less
naked and you can actually focus on his features. Strong jaw, plump lips, god, he’s gorgeous.
“You ready to get out of here or do you want to watch the show?” You feel your face heat at the question. Ten minutes ago, you’d be begging to leave this place but now

“Can we watch her?” You ask timidly. Steve just grins and takes your hand, leading you to a bar stool with an amazing view of the stage.
“This is her new routine. She’s been working on it for months,” Steve mutters close to your ear making you shiver. You try to press the feeling down but he’s so close. It’s hard to completely focus on the dance. But she’s so good, it still manages to draw you in. It’s not so sensual as much as it is artistic. You could easily get past the idea that she was slowly removing her clothes. She truly is someone that demands attention.
“My phone has enough battery. I’ll just order an Uber,” you insist to the blond after exiting the dressing room once more.
“Nah. It’s sketchy around here. I wouldn’t feel right leaving you in the hands of a stranger this late at night.” But Steve is a stranger, too. Sure he rescued you but could you trust him any more than an Uber driver?
You reluctantly follow Steve to his car which is surprisingly nice: a very new looking Range Rover. You weren’t sure what to expect from him. He opens the passenger door for you before closing it behind you. It even smells nice.
“Alright, where to?” You give him directions to your house and he sets out. “Nat’s got a strip off next Friday with probably the only person who can rival her. It’ll be epic. You should come see it,” Steve invites.
You squeak an “oh” at the idea, stiffening up.
“What’s the ‘oh’ for? You busy next weekend. More outings to get left at?” You smile at his joke despite your nervousness and shake your head. “You came in with that bachelorette party, right?” You nod before whispering an affirmative reply. “Your bride coped a feel on my best friend.”
“What?” You cry abruptly turning on the blond.
“Yup,” he chuckles. “Totally palmed his balls. He was going to have them kicked out but then they just left. I’m guessing that’s when all of tonight’s drama went down.”
“D-do you think they meant to leave me?” You whisper.
“Nah. They probably got scared and ran off. Either way, not the best kind of friends.”
You sigh and focus back out of the passenger window. “We’ve known each other since high school and it’s just kinda hard to make friends as an adult so I just stuck with them.”
Steve hums softly. “Yeah, I get that.”
“I’d rather stay home most of the time, honestly.”
“I really get that,” Steve laughs and stops in front of your home. “So, you want to leave home long enough to be my date Friday night?”
“Date?” You almost choke on the word. This gorgeous Adonis was asking you out on a date? That can’t be right

“Too forward?” He smiles.
“A little,” you whisper squirming in your seat.
“You aren’t seeing anyone are you? I just assumed since you tried to call your mom first,” he trails and you canïżœïżœïżœt help but laugh at how ridiculous it all sounds.
“No, I’m not seeing anyone,” you clarify finally facing him. He is gorgeous. High cheek bones. His lips must feel amazing.
“Then I’ll pick you up Friday at 7:30 for not a date?”
“Not a date, huh?” You smile shyly. “Okay,” you whisper.
“What was that?” He jokes.
“Okay,” you say a little louder.
“‘Okay’ what?”
“Okay you can take me out on not a date!” You almost shout making him laugh. You’ll be thinking of his laugh all night.
“Oh, now you’re making demands?”
“Steve,” you giggle.
“I’ll see you Friday,” he grins and lets you out of the car.
What does one wear on a strip club date?
Steve picks you up Friday on a sleek black motorcycle and takes you back to the club but it doesn’t look open. You grip his arm as you walk in and it indeed isn’t. Dancers line the stages stretching, doing tricks in leggings and sweats, holding up outfits to be judged.
“Stevie,” they call in a chorus as the blond walks in.
“I thought you were off today,” a tall dark man asks walking up to the two of you. He doesn’t notice you until he gets close. “Hey, you’re new. I’m Sam.” You whisper your name which earns you a smirk. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”
“This is her?” Another giant man grins walking up to you. “James, but you can call me Bucky,” the new man introduces.
“Hi,” you whisper.
“Damn, Stevie. She is cute,” Bucky laughs before walking away making your face heat as you bury it in Steve’s arm.
“Hey,” Steve laughs putting his other arm around your waist comfortably. “It’s true.”
“Oh my god,” you mutter into his sleeve making him pull you closer and laugh harder.
“You’re back,” you hear a familiar sultry voice call making you peak out.
“Um, Natasha, hi,” you smile shyly.
“You made a friend already,” Steve grins.
“Want to go learn something?” She asks holding out her hand.
“I don’t want to be in the way or anything
” you deny gripping Steve’s arm a little tighter.
“I promise you won’t be in the way. Besides I’m bored out of my mind. Come on. It’ll be fun.”
“Go on,” Steve encourages holding out the arm you’re gripping for dear life. You reluctantly let go and follow the red head to a free pole.
“I’m glad you’re finally getting back out there,” Sam grins leaning back against the stage Natasha took you to.
“Took a while,” Steve sighs and takes the seat across from his friend. “What do you think?”
“I’ve heard her say three words, man,” Sam laughs. “But I’m glad you’re bringing her around. It’s already a better start.” Steve nods and averts his gaze to you doing your first spin on the pole. You look so shy and adorable and, God, you look hot in those skinny jeans and tall boots.
“You know I trust your opinion with these things, almost more than Buck’s. I just want to do this right.”
“Well then, in my opinion, you’re off to a great start.” Sam grips Steve’s shoulder and walks away. You make your first jump at the pole, sliding down gracefully, looking like an absolute natural.
“You ever thought about dancing?” Steve asks, leaning forward in his chair.
“Oh my god, no!” You laugh following Natasha’s instructions.
“You’d be great at it,” the red head encourages. “You’ve got the body for it.”
“No, no, I don’t,” you deny quickly making them both smile.
“Keep getting lessons from Nat and you’ll be coming for her spot soon.”
“One more time then I’ll let you and Steve play,” Natasha smiles and you repeat the steps she taught you once more.
Steve takes a large step up onto the stage making it look so easy with those long legs and grips your waist. “Jump,” he instructs and lifts you much higher than you could ever get on your own. “Wrap this your leg and hold this leg out.” When you hesitate, he steps a little closer. “I’ve got you,” he assures. You slowly follow his instructions. “Right hand on the pole above your head and I’m gonna let you go.”
“No!” You cry leaving him chuckling into your back.
“I’ll be right here. Promise.” You tentatively move your hand and Steve lets go to let you spin down the pole slowly. “Beautiful,” Steve grins.
“Really?” You whisper.
“Wanna try it again?” You nod and he quickly has you back up on the pole.
Soon the night begins and actual paying customers start to flood into the building forcing the two of you to vacate to the bar. You’re already having a much better time then last weekend. Steve orders a beer and you get a cocktail to sip on while he asks all those getting to know you questions. It’s actually very fun. He has a good sense of humor. You learn that he’s known Bucky since he was little and he served in the military and that’s where he met Sam. Steve started stripping for some extra income since being an artist didn’t guarantee a pay check. “Those two biters found out how much I was bringing home a week and started a week later,” he rolls his eyes at the statement making you smile. “It’s starting.”
You spin in your chair to watch the show just in time for them to announce that the Scarlet Witch is making her entrance. A gorgeous strawberry blonde saunters onto the stage in a burgundy body suit. “She’s beautiful,” you breathe.
“That’s Wanda,” Steve intones in your ear. “Can you believe she just had twins?”
“No way! She looks amazing!”
Steve was right. If anyone could beat Natasha, it was Wanda. Her dancing wasn’t as poetic and precise but there was so much passion. It was like comparing a contemporary dancer to a ballerina. The way she flowed was like water or the wind. It was all so natural.
Then they announced the Black Widow and all of Natasha’s precision and perfection entered the stage. It was all calculated and not a hair was out of place. This performance was even better than the one last week and you didn’t think anything could be better than that.
“How do they choose a winner?” You ask Steve as he stands behind you, arms comfortably wrapped around your waist. You didn’t even notice when it happened.
You never wanted him to let go.
“The audience decides. Who do you think did better?”
“They we’re both amazing,” you sigh. “How is anyone supposed to follow this?” You laugh.
“Well, Bucky’s up next and he never needs to do much to get people riled up.”
The women end their performance with a tight embrace and the announcer comes out to help decide the winner.
“Come on,” Steve requests before votes can even be cast.
“But-“ you whimper before seeing the playful glint in his eyes. “Okay.”
You’d follow him to the ends of the earth with that look.
He leads you to the back of the club and up a couple of flights of stairs to the roof.
There’s a large blanket and pillows laid you with utensils and plates and a bottle of wine waiting for the two of you.
“You did this?” You ask looking up at the tall blond. Steve just blushes and leads you to your spot, helping you into a seated position.
“Um, the bar doesn’t have the most extensive menu so I hope you’re okay with pizza.”
“Pizza is perfect,” you grin.
A margarita pizza is brought up to the roof with large salad bowl.
“This is feeling more and more like a date,” you observe while putting some salad on your plate.
“Good!” Steve grins then immediately drops it. “I mean, I’m not making you uncomfortable, am I?”
“No, I’m just warming up to the whole dancer thing. I don’t think I was with the right crowd last week.”
“The right atmosphere will do wonders,” Steve sighs and fills your wine glass.
“I do have one kinda weird question
” you trail sallowing a sip of wine and feeling a little more bold with more alcohol in your system. “Do you
sex?” You whisper the last word like it’ll bite you if you say it too loud.
“Like, in general?” Steve laughs making your face heat as you bury it in your hands.
“No!” You cry dramatically. “I mean, like, for money.”
“Would it be a bad thing if I did?”
“No,” whisper. “I’m just curious
“No, I’m not a sex worker. It honestly sounds like too much work to fake orgasms all the time. I have sex purely for pleasure. I’d love to show you sometime.”
“Steve!” You whine.
“Too forward?” He winks making you smile.
“Just a little,” you joke.
“Come here,” he beckons you closer and wraps an arm around your shoulders as you lean into his side. “So are we having sex next weekend or should we plan an actual date?”
“Steve!” You gasp and swat his chest. His pecs are so firm.
“Already trying to feel me up? We can head to my place right now.”
“Stop,” you cry burying your face in his chest. And he smells so good.
“You’re okay with me being a dancer?” He asks taking a sobering tone.
“Why wouldn’t I be? A job is a job. I just wasn’t the most comfortable being surrounded by naked strangers.”
“I get that,” Steve nods. “Normally women are kinda turned off by it. I like you, I mean, I really like you, and I just don’t want to get my hopes up too soon.”
You watch him for a moment while he stares out at the city skyline. You know there’s some trauma there but for right now, you just want to snuggle into his embrace.
“I like you, too,” you admit and reach up to press a kiss to his cheek.
His face blushes and it’s the cutest thing you’ve seen in a long time.
Steve grabs a pillow and pulls it behind his back to rest on, pulling you down into his chest.
“Who do you think won?” You ask while drawing shapes into the fabric of his shirt, feeling those hard abs just below his skin.
“That’s a tough one. Nat is the crowd favorite but Wanda is a little more personable. Should we bet on it?”
“What are the stakes?” You ask sitting up to watch him. He’s got mischief written all over him.
“If you win, you owe me a kiss. And if I win I get to pick next week’s date.”
“Both of those benefit you!” You argue making Steve grin.
“You asked me what the stakes are!”
You pout for a moment while watching him before laying back down against him. “How about if I win, you owe me a kiss. And if you win, I get to pick next weeks date.”
“Nah, I like my idea better,” Steve laughs. “Who are you betting on, sunshine?”
“Sunshine, huh?”
“Mmmhumm,” Steve hums squeezing you a little tighter.
“I’m betting on Natasha,” you finally decided.
“So, I’m betting on Wanda?” You nod. “Alright.”
Sure enough, Wanda won, leaving you at Steve’s mercy for your next date.
What does one wear for a sex date?
Part II | Master List
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backtothefanfiction · 7 months ago
All The Good Girls Go To Hell | TF!Boys Mafia AU ~ Part TWO
Summary: Phoenix has one last night of freedom before she is forced to go to work for her dad. What better way to spend it than a night on the town? Maybe taking home one of the guys she knows will only wind up Pope... or hopefully get her closer to bedding the man himself?
Warnings: 18+ Only, (Mature Content), Dark Mafia Romance Au, broken family, unhinged female rage, AFAB, OFC, Mixed POV, objectification of the female body, drug and alcohol used, smut, bondage, dom!reader, oral (m!recieving)
Word Count: 5.2k+
A/N: I am sorry this took so long to get done and posted. I also know I could have gone further into things at the end of this chapter but it felt like it ended there for me and it'll give us a place to start in chapter three. Once again we are gonna jump around to a few different character's perspectives. As always if you enjoy please give feedback and reblog, it means a lot. Also I'm posting this without doing a final proofread so may still contain some errors, but hopefully not. Enjoy!
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I haven’t been back in this room for years. Although I was bounced around boarding schools since I was 12, I still came home for the holidays and most weekends- my bedroom becoming a shrine to all the things I loved as a teenage girl. Hunky male actors (who we’re definitely way too old for me) cover my walls. All the half page and sometimes double spread posters from the centerfolds of my favorite magazines. Whatever space lay between was covered in doodles- made by sharpies- in an ever decreasing interest in becoming an artist.
My en-suite cupboards are filled with a plethora of half used bottles of crazy color, that are sat tempting me in my post break up adrenaline. They are probably long past their best before date and not that effective. At least that’s what I tell myself as I’m getting out the old tupperware pots still waiting under the desk and begin dumping out colors. I’ve only really got enough pink and blue to do half my head, so decide to split my hair in half straight down the middle and do a half and half ombrĂ© with the two colors a la Harley Quinn. But when my eyes fall on the toxic neon yellow shade, I know I have to find a way to work it in too. So instead of taking the pink and blue right down to the very ends of my hair, I decide to put the yellow on there instead. 
I’m sat on top of my old hand-me-down four poster bed, reading one of the old teen magazines (that have been kept in a box under my bed all these years) whilst my hair develops, when my Dad finally comes up to find me.
“What in hell’s name have you done to your head?” He says, stopping short in the doorway when he takes in the sight of me.
“What can I say? I was bored.” I say bluntly, barely looking up from between the glossy pages of the magazine.
“Give me that.” He says, stepping forward and snatching it out of my hands.
“Hey- I was reading that!” I protest, but he cuts me off.
“You’re 26 Phoenix, it’s time you start acting like it.”
I genuinely look at him shocked. After all these years he’s finally decided to grow a backbone and discipline me. “Woooow.” I begin to sass him when I spot  Ez over my Father’s shoulder, encouraging me to stop.
“Enjoy your last night of freedom Phoenix, because come tomorrow night you’re going to work with Archie.” my old man continues.
My attention snaps back to him so fast I almost give myself whiplash. “What!”
“Don’t give me that shit. You’re back living under my roof, you pay your way like everyone else in this house.”
“What, even Marina?” I snark, knowing she’s never done a single day’s work in years.
“Yes, actually.” my Dad retorts, “She helps me with the books.”
“Yeah, I bet she does.” I roll my eyes.
“Look, you don’t like it- maybe you shouldn’t have set fire to your life all over again. Jesus!” He turns on his heels, growing exasperated with me. “Your shift starts at 7 tomorrow. You can get a ride with Archie.” my Dad barks before he storms out the room without shutting the door behind him.
“I told you, you’ve really done it this time.” Ez chastises me from the open doorway.
“Oh shut up.” I say, getting up from the bed and slamming the door in his face.
I want to scream the word ‘FUCK’ for the whole house to hear, but I don’t want to give them the satisfaction. Only I would get cheated on and then punished for it. 
My fingers instead rub at my eyes. ‘Fuck this shit,’ I think to myself, storming over to my closet. I fling the doors open and survey what I have to work with. Most of it is from when I was 17 and near anorexic. It takes a few passes back and forth between items before I decide on a couple of items and choose to get a little crafty with them.
An hour later I’ve washed out my hair and styled it, throwing on a full face of makeup- complete with glitter and a dark lip- I now don an outfit made up of two spliced shirts, the front an old silver sequin shirt I’ve cut into a square and then fixed to the straps of a black spaghetti strap top. It hangs low enough to just about cover my pleather hotpants covered ass. My bra and tits are almost completely on display, but it’s just the bait I need to not have to buy a single drink tonight. Given that my Dad runs Medusa’s as well, I won’t even have to pay to get in.
I shove on a pair of bejeweled silver ankle boots to match the makeshift dress I’ve scraped together and throw on my old faithful leather jacket- once an oversized fit, that now fits perfectly- and I’m ready to go.
“Hey, give me a lift down to the club.” I say, knocking on Deano’s door frame two rooms down.
He barely looks away from his TV where he’s in the middle of a racing game. His fingers, glued to the controller in his hand, twiddle the joists and the tires from the car on the screen, screech through the sound system he has hooked up. “What’s in it for me?” 
“I’ll finally introduce you to Lucy.”
“How do you know she’ll be there?”
“It’s a Friday night. She’ll be there.”
“Phe, you haven’t been down to Medusa’s for years,” there’s a beep from the TV as he pauses the game to finally look at me, “how are you so sure- Dad is gonna kill you before he lets you go out dressed like that.” he says.
“Well I wasn’t planning on giving him a fashion show before we left.” I sigh, crossing my arms and legs, leaning my body against the door frame. “Besides, he’s the one who said this was my last night of freedom and I don’t plan on spending it sitting on my bed in my joggers 
watching reruns of the old house wives.”
“Fine.” he sighs, rubbing at his face, “But you’re messaging Lucy to make sure she’s gonna be there.” He points at me.
“Doing it now.” I say, reaching into my jacket pocket for my phone and typing out a hasty message to my old partner in crime. “Get dressed.” I bark at him.
“So bossy.” 
“Yep. And don’t you forget it.”
Although most of the people in the clubbing business are in their 40s and 50s, the actual clubbing lifestyle is not suited for anyone over 35. Unless you are a woman in your 40s that is. (You’ll be surprised at the amount of middle aged Mom’s who band together and make a big deal about going out at least once a month, so that they can hold on to some semblance of themselves and their youth- especially if they have kids.)
No. If I had it my way, I would definitely not be spending my Friday night at a club full of sweaty twenty something year olds, all scantily clad or greasy and sleazy, trying to make a pass at anything else that walks or even just looks too long in their direction.  I can’t say the same about Benny though- but he is and always has been the baby of our little quartet. The man still hasn’t yet hit 40, so this ideally is still his game; and out of all of the clubs we’ve bought over the last few years, Medusa’s is without a doubt his favorite.  Marble stone statues dotted about the place, a large spray painted mural of the lady herself, complete with 3D gold fiberglass snakes that protrude from her head and red lights in her eyes. 
It’s also where most of the rich kids in town come to spend their money, so it always turns a pretty profit; not just from the booze, but also the amount of drugs that are bought and exchanged in the toilets. All of it our gear of course. 
Even when we aren’t dropping by for an inspection, Ben will still opt to spend most of his nights here sampling the merchandise, before taking home the prettiest young thing in a skirt he can find at the end of the night. That poor creature will then wake up at the penthouse the following morning and attempt to slip out before anyone else notices her. Unfortunately though, I’m an early riser and usually already sat having my morning coffee in the kitchen in my t-shirt and underwear, so a clean and easy get away very rarely happens.
We’ve barely made it through the door for the evening when he’s already eyeing up some girl dancing around a pole on top of one of the platforms. She’s barely wearing any clothes and has pink and blue hair, definitely Benny’s type. He’s always been fond of something a little more reckless and different- like him. He’s practically salivating as he comes to a stop to stare at her across the top of a couple of booths.
“Don’t even think about it.” Pope’s serious voice cuts through Benny’s thoughts. It has us all looking then.
Pope has never been one to make a comment or cock block any of us for that matter. He’s always said, what we do in our own time is none of his business; but the mere sight of this chick has him growing tight. 
Benny looks like he’s about to protest, his hands rising into the air to indicate back to the chick in a ‘oh come on, how can you say no to that’ kind of way- and I don’t really blame him; this chick’s even got my eyes lingering to places they shouldn’t. But Pope’s face remains firm. “I’m serious Ben, you don’t want to touch that,” he says. “And that goes for all of you.” He adds quickly, seeing the way both William and myself also seem to be taking her in. Because it’s true, she really is like nothing else here. The way she’s dressed, her colorful hair, her confidence- it’s magnetic. 
She sways her hips more, a naughty smile on her face. She knows we’re looking. But her eyes don’t linger on us. They linger on Pope. 
“You know each other?” I ask, observing the obvious.
“She’s David’s kid.” He states as if he’s already exhausted by her. By us. By this whole conversation.
“The fire starter?” Will chimes in. He seems to be eyeing her up with a whole new kind of appreciation now.
“Fire starter?” Benny’s ears prick up and he begins to bounce on the balls of his feet, palms rubbing together as if he’s gearing up for a competition.
“I told you Ben, hands off.” Pope says again. “Now come on. We’ve got work to do.” He says and continues to walk towards the back of the club to a raised seating area that’s reserved only for us.
“Yeah, yeah.” Benny sasses back to him, but leans into me, nudging my shoulder with his as he says, “what’s he gonna do?” He nods in David’s daughter's direction, before giving me a mischievous smirk.
In all fairness, this so-called ‘last night of freedom’ was turning into a bit of a dud until they walked in. There was no real entertainment. It was boring. Predictable.
Lucy was indeed at the club as predicted, flanked by a couple of nobody guys already hovering around her like mosquitoes, despite the fact she didn’t seem to give a single one of them the time of day. My brother of course quickly joined their ranks. No- she was far more focused on doing blow at the table with her “girls” (I’d never met them before
 couldn’t even remember their names), but I joined nonetheless. After all, Lucy was loaded. 
She worked as one of those so-called “influencers”. She was constantly charging companies upwards of 10 grand a post, claiming it was such hard work to take a picture and write the perfect caption for her 1 million followers who only followed her for her looks, not her substance- of which she had very little.
So I made small talk, bumped a couple of lines and downed the complimentary bottles of bubbly that kept being brought to her booth and over all, tried to block out the mind numbing monotony of the whole situation. I only started dancing on the table to give myself something to do- but then my new buddy and his friends walked in. Gods he was more handsome and mysterious under the cover of night- and his friends weren’t bad looking either. 
They all wore some version of an all black uniform; casual suits with half open button downs, black T-shirts and leather jackets. I didn’t know which one I wanted to sink my newly single teeth into first, because let’s face it, I’d happily fuck each and every one of them
 maybe even twice
 or maybe even more than one of them at the same time.
It’s clear the biggest guy wants me too, the way he stands staring, his tongue practically lolling out of his mouth as he salivates, his eyes taking me in like I’m already his favorite meal and he can’t wait to chow down. No doubt he’d take me for the ride of my life, if I let him, but it’d be too easy. I love a challenge and the way Pope has his eyes on me, I really can’t resist. 
As he ushers them to move on, taking the lead as they make their way towards a VIP booth up a couple steps over to the far left of the DJ booth, giving them the perfect view to survey their goods, my mind begins to whir as quickly as my limbs swing around the pole in my hands. I watch tentatively from a distance, taking mental notes of every little thing he does. The way he runs his hands back through his tight curls when he becomes stressed. The way he struggles to relax, always sitting further forward, reaching for his phone or something on the table, or if that fails, fiddling with the buttons of his open blazer as his fist rests against his hip.
He’s uptight that’s for sure. Typical business type who likes to be in control and run the show. If I’m gonna wear him down, it’s gonna take time and not just on the side lines working in this club, but I have to penetrate his inner circle. As I slump back down next to Lucy in the booth, I slowly realize what I have to do. It’s just like in the olden days, if you wanted to bed the King, you had to get yourself in with someone lower down in his court and work your way up- and I knew just who to start with.
I knew Pope had said no, but when had that ever stopped me before? He knew what I was like. Knew I’d rather act now and enjoy myself and deal with the consequences later. Besides, it didn’t matter whose kid she was, if she was in here, she was clearly legal and the way she’s been eyeing me up since we sat down, clearly meant she wants this too. She’s firmly placing herself down on the table- and damn- if that isn’t that most appealing slice of cherry pie I have ever seen.
Actually scratch that, she looks like the embodiment of one of those slushies you can get down at the 7/11 and all the guys know the blue raspberry, cherry mix is my favorite.
“Yo! Ben!” My brother snaps his fingers in front of my eyes, breaking me once again from my fixation and fantasies. “Brother, have you been listening to a word Pope just said?”
“Yeah, of course.” I bristle, but in all honesty, I haven’t got a fucking clue.
“Oh really. Go on then,” he presses me, as Pope and Frankie stand and begin to leave the booth, making their way over to the bar, “tell me what he just said.”
“Something about going and checking in with the team leader that’s on tonight to check about sales or something.” I murmur my reply.
“Lucky guess.” My brother says, rolling his eyes.
“Hey, why did you call her the fire starter?” I turn and ask him. He’s got that look on his face and struggles to meet my eyes, because he knows it’s a bad idea to answer my question and supply me with no doubt deadly information, but he also knows I’ll just keep asking or find it even more of an intriguing game if he doesn’t.
“She set fire to her school.” He finally says, reaching into his jacket pocket and pulling out a stick of gum, unwrapping it and placing it in his mouth. I’ve never understood his obsession with the stuff, but then again, I’ve never understood why he’s such a neat freak either. And to be honest, given my brother's near compulsive need to always have minty fresh breath (despite the fact I know he ain’t been kissing no girls in a long time- not since Kylie broke up with him) I’d probably place my bets on the two things being linked. “Oh and she set her fiancé’s bed on fire when she found him in bed with another girl. Or should I say ex-fiancĂ© now.” Will continued as he chewed down on his gum.
His words had my eyes growing wide. “No, Ben, don’t even think about it.” He chastises me.
“What?” I say indignantly. “How do you know what I was thinking?” I ask him.
“Because I know you. You’re probably wondering what it’s gonna take for her to set you on fire.” I can’t help the small grunt that escapes me as I cross my arms and spread my legs, sitting myself back in the booth. “Yeah- exactly.” My brother says with his know it all attitude. 
I hate it when he does that. He pretends like he’s all high and mighty, but I know for a fact he checked her out too, when we first arrived. And I know he would definitely hit that if given the chance. No doubt she’d be too much for his uptight ass though. But then again, I think to myself as my eyes glance back across the room to her as she gets back up from her seat to begin dancing and wrapping herself seductively around that pole again, maybe that’s exactly what he needs to loosen him up a bit. But given the way she’s currently eyeballing me, there’s no way I’m letting him tap that before me.
I take my time as I wait for the rest of them to finish up for the night and leave- knowing all too well that Benny would stay behind. Between drinks, and the odd extra sniff of blow off the back of one of Lucy’s guy friends’ hands, me and my target for the night have been eye fucking each other like it’s a sport. At 1am he approached the bar. At 1:15 a pink and blue bubblegum flavored drink made its way over to me. It didn’t take two guesses to work out who had sent it- but the bartender told me anyway. 
I raised it in his direction, with a polite smile of thanks, before I seductively brought the straw to my lips. I kept eye contact with him as I began to suck it down and he gave me the dirtiest smirk, before he turned his attention back to Pope and the rest of their group. When I flashed a look towards the elder gentleman he quickly turned his eyes back away from me, but unfortunately for him he wasn’t quick enough for me to not see the look of contempt in his eyes. Oh yeah, this was gonna be fun.
It was another hour and a half before the rest of them left. At this point Lucy was too far gone. Half of her mates had disappeared. There was only one other girl left at the table with us who was talking to my brother, whilst two other guys who had been thirsting over Lucy all night, finally seized their moment.
“We’re gonna take her home.” one of them shouted as the other attempted to pull a very inebriated Lucy out of the booth. I thought for sure Deano would protest being the sober one and designated driver, but he was far too wrapped up in the red head sat next to him; who also seemed fairly sober considering the state the rest of our group had been getting in most of the night.
Overall though, I couldn’t care less- I had my eyes on my own prize. 
The tall fair haired man finally began to make his way over to me now his companions had officially left the building. He looked like he could be a boxer
 or a football player. As he got closer I noticed his eyes were a piercing baby blue. 
“Benny.” He said, holding his hand out to me.
“Phoenix.” I replied with a smile in the corner of my lips, taking his hand carefully in my own and giving it a shake. I noticed Deano notice him and bristle slightly, it was clear he wanted to say something, but the way Benny turned his eye on him, he quickly lost his nerve.
“Deano.” Benny said, laying on the charm.
My brother swallowed hard. “Benny.” He said a little tightly.
“Here-“ Benny said to Dean, slipping a hand into the inside pocket of his blazer, “why don’t you two go treat yourself to a couple of drinks on me,” he said, pulling out a money clip. He peeled off a couple of bills, handing them over to my brother, before he slipped the money back into his pocket. Deano gave me a small reluctant and protective look, but when he looked back to Benny, he knew not to protest- after all he did work for him and knew not to get on Ben’s bad side.
“Come on, Isla.” He said to the red headed girl beside him, offering her his hand before leading her over to the bar.
As Benny sat himself down next to me in the booth, I couldn’t help but smirk. “You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Deano that scared of anyone.” 
Ben let out a scoff, “Nahh.” He said, denying the claim with a small wave of his hand. “It’s nothing really. Dean’s a good guy. I fought him once actually.”
My brow furrowed at the piece of information- so he was a boxer. “Really?” I pondered.
“Ehh just a small little work match.” He said, sitting himself back and smoothing out his trousers. “We’ve got this boxing gym down near the docks. Some of the guys like to go down there sometimes, let off a little steam.”
“Does Pope go?”
“Pope?” His brow furrowed slightly, but his tone was one of surprise. “Nahh
 nah.” He said, shaking his head. “My brother and Frankie do sometimes, more to support me and just watch, but no- Pope doesn’t really go there. It’s not really his thing.”
I pause for a moment, just to take in the information. “So what does he do to let off steam then? I mean, the man seems pretty uptight.” I say the second part of the sentence lightly, I don’t want Benny thinking I’m only using him for information about his Boss.
“To be honest
 I don’t really know.” Ben confides in you. “I mean, I come here and do my boxing, my brother likes his bikes. Frankie likes to take off into the woods and go fishing. But Pope, honestly, I don’t know.” He goes quiet then. He’s contemplative, as if he’s never really put much thought into it before. I shuffle myself slightly next to him and he quickly snaps back out of it though. “What about you?” He turns his head and asks me, his eyes raking over me and lingering over my chest on the way. “What do you like to do to let off steam?”
I’m barely thinking about how I just ditched my brother, leaving him alone at the club without even saying goodbye, as Benny slams my back into the door to the penthouse apartment. His lips have been on mine since the elevator doors closed. When the bell dinged to signal we had reached the top floor, we hadn’t even parted; he hooked his large hands underneath my ass and lifted me up, my legs and arms wrapping tightly around his shoulders and hips as I allowed him to carry me like a literal child to the door.
He propped me against it with his hips as he fumbled in his pockets looking for a key card. “Wait, wait, wait
” he said against my lips as he reluctantly parted from them, “just give me a
 second.” He said as he finally located the card and held it to the small black box beside the door. There was a beep and the tiny light went green as the door went click. “There we go.” He muttered to himself, pulling on the door handle and pushing it open before latching his lips back onto mine and taking me inside. 
He carried me over to the kitchen island, where he finally put me down atop the cold marble countertop, parting with me for only a moment so that he could take off his, no doubt expensive, designer blazer and hand it over the back of one of the bar stools at the end of the island. The quick break allowed me to survey the room in the city lights that streamed in through the large floor to ceiling windows that lined the far left wall and wrapped around the side of the stairs at the end of the large open plan living space, that no doubt lead up to the bedrooms.
“Is anyone else home?” I asked breathlessly, as he moved back around the island to nestle himself between my legs, his large palms sliding up and down my bare legs.
He shook his head, a small glint of excitement in his eyes. “No, my brother and Frankie had business to attend to.” He explained, his eyes moving up and down my body, taking me in like I was a meal, as he spoke. “They won’t be back for at least another couple of hours.” As soon as he finished his sentence, he immediately began to attack my lips with his own again. 
It was thrilling to finally kiss another man after being with Freddie for nearly five years, even his Ben’s lips were a little rougher. It was clear already that Benny was all about force; his job, his muscles, the boxing, his kissing- and although in the right person a little force in sex can be a good thing, I knew sex with Benny would no doubt be fast hard and over way too soon before my orgasm had even had a chance to build. But I’d been watching him all night, saw that look in his eye when he first saw me. Noticed the double take he did when his brother no doubt told him who I was and what I’d done. I’d seen that hunger in him grow and I knew what he truly wanted.
I broke my lips from his, feigning the need to take a breather; and to my delight, felt his lips begin to travel down my neck instead, affording me a chance to look over his shoulder towards the dining table right in front of the window and formulate a plan. I slowly began to walk my fingers down his chest, making a path right for his belt. My lips attached themselves to his once more in an attempt to distract as I began to push him back, hopping down from the counter as I walked him slowly backwards towards the table, carefully maneuvering him around it in front of the large window that overlooked the city. I gently hooked my toes around the chair leg at my side, pushing it out from under the table and shifting it to just the right position behind him, all the while my fingers worked to undo his belt. He smiled against my lips with a knowing chuff as I swiftly pulled the belt from the loops, the metal of the buckle jangling in my grasp.
I met his eyes with a devilish look as I pulled away from him, gently nibbling on my lower lip and he grunted slightly in anticipation. However that grunt turned into a small moan as I pushed him back down into the chair and sat myself on top of him. I could already feel how hard he was in his slacks, eager to get inside me. 
He reached his arms around my back as he tried to grind up into my sex, but I shook my head. “Nuh, uh, uh.” I chastised him, reaching behind me for his wrists. At my words, he pouted, but that childlike look of wonder quickly returned to his eyes when I moved his arms behind his back and began to wrap his belt around them, fastening them tightly into place, before I stood up and began to step back from him.
“What ya gonna do fire starter?” Benny asked me teasingly as I began to sway my hips back and forth; looking him up and down, taking in the sight before me.
“Who, me?” I teased as I slowly began to lift up my top to reveal myself to him.
“You gonna set me on fire too?” He asked almost excitedly.
 someday.” I said, as I began to slide my shorts down, leaving them in a puddle of fabric on the floor with my top. Now stood only in my underwear and heels, I began to slowly walk towards him again. “But tonight
” I teased as I circled him, my finger dragging across his chest, up across the back of his shoulders and back again. When I was back in front of him I slowly began to drop to my knees before him, my hands sliding up his thighs and back down again as I parted his knees, “-tonight,” I said again, my fingers beginning to inch back up towards the opening of his slack, “I think I’m just gonna blow-” I unbuttoned his trousers, pulling the fabric and forcing the zip open, “your-” I reached my hands in below his waistband and pulled out his cock, it was so hard and thick just the sight of it made me begin to salivate. “Mind.” I finally said as I wrapped my lips around his cock, my tongue swirling around his tip, making him moan loudly into the dark room.
Tag List (if you want to be added, you have to tell me in writing)
@casa-boiardi @southernbe @littlenosoul @movievillainess721 @pastawench @littlemisspascal
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ollie-lolly · 2 years ago
The first gift
Began writing on the 7th of march 2023
Finished on the 8th of march 2023
Media: Obey me
Relationship: Gender neutral MC x Leviathan
Word count: 814
Summary: Leviathan gives his first gift to you. Let's see how it goes, shall we (date)? 
Note: I just got a tamagotchi pix and that made me think of this concept! If you want the other brothers or dateables in the same situation let me know. I'd love to write about it <3.
As always constructive criticism, help on how to run a tumblr blog and reblogs are always appreciated!
Warnings: A little bit suggestive!
"HERE!" Leviathan bowed with arms reaching out. In his hands rested a small gift box. You took it out of his shaking hands. "Thank you Levi" you unwrapped the gift. In an even smaller box contained a small egg shaped thing(?) "It's a tamagotchi" Leviathan quickly spoke after seeing your confused expression. "It's a small animal that you take care of!" He used the screwdriver and batteries resting on his desk to turn it on. After doing so he placed your hands over the three buttons with excitement while he explained the features. Your smile grew wider the longer he talked. Levi quickly came back from his geeking out session. "S- s- so that's pretty much it." Levi looked at you in anticipation "Do you like it? i can just keep it if you don't-". "I love it Levi" you said in response. "It would be fun if we could be her parents! Like we can take care of it together" You said hesitantly. A blush quickly started growing on his face "T- THAT'S A- A GREAT IDEA SO UHH TAKE GOOD CARE OF IT FOR TODAY BYE". He rambles when he softly ushered you towards his door.
As time went on you visited Leviathan's room more and more. All to make sure your little guy (who you thought was a girl) was in the best condition. He was always so happy when you knocked on his door. Secretly you liked it too much, all the accidental hand touches and short conversations made you weak in the knees. The best part was that it made him more at ease when talking to you face to face. Stuttering from the 3rd born soon became a thing of the past. During one 'digital parenting session' Levi said that he was not going to be at school due to navy duties. Just a small "Goodluck Levi" made his heart still grow fonder.
Well your little son was not everyone's favorite. "MC stop playing with that thing" Mammon whined at breakfast. "THAT 'THINGS' NAME IS TAMA THANK YOU VERY MUCH" you pouted. "It's cute," Asmo said over your shoulder. "Thanks, I gave it a little tie" you said with loving words. Lucifer soon interrupted the conversation "Hurry up before Beel eats it all". Breakfast soon came to an end. 
When it was school lunchtime you being the great parent you are, went in to check on your Tama and then it dawned on you. "No no no no" as you realized that precious little Tama was nowhere to be found within your bag. Your panic spiral began to worsen by the minute. "What's up?" Mammon uttered beside you. "i lost Tama" you said nervously. "Why do ya care so much about that thing anyway" Mammon said out of jealousy. "Because it is the first gift Leviathan ever gave to me, what if I dropped it somewhere". "It's probably somewhere home it will be fine" Mammon assured.
After your last class you quickly rushed home. "Please be there, please be there" You rushed to the breakfast table where you had it last, but it was nowhere to be seen. "Shit" you made your tour around the giant building, but alas it was deemed lost. You had to tell Levi at some point. After a long internal debate you slowly made your way to his room. After some careful knocks and an excruciatingly long password you entered.You took a deep breath "Levi i am sorry but i-". 
"Oh hi MC '' Levi said while taking his headphones off. "Uhm i hope you don't mind but i took care of Tama while you were away" You quickly glanced to indeed see the tamagotchi resting on his desk. "Thank you Levi" you went in for a hug. "AHH!" accidentally leaning a little too far, which made the two of you fall in the process. Your fall being cushend by poor Levi on the bottom. Leviathan's head played a thousand anime scenes where the exact same thing happened. The long nervous-less Levi was no more. He almost passed out right then and there. He was paralyzed, what could he do in this situation? After many failed attempts in trying to get his attention, you stood up and gently picked him up. "Awhh you are so cute like this Levi" you cooed. "PUT ME DOWN" the purple haired demon flusteredly yelled. You quickly put him down afterwards. After he came back from the shock you quickly apologized. "Sorry i got a little too excited".  "I-I it's okay" Levi said with still flushed cheeks. "I am happy that you opened up to me more Levi" you uttered with soft spoken words. "I am sorry that it took one of my yucky otaku things for it to happen MC, you make me actually feel appreciated". He shakingly took your hand into his. "I love you Levi''
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sidehowriting · 2 years ago
Here's a rough rough draft of something I'm working on. Since there's next to nothing with Gideon I figured I'd share and that gives me the motivation to keep writing lol. *also posted on my OG post as a reblog*
The sun was warm against your skin. The grass softer than you expected. Of course, that was on you for not thinking the Gemstone's kept their grass immaculate. Regardless, the sun and the grass and Gideon next to you made you feel relaxed and at ease.
"I can't tell you the last time I just
 laid in the grass for fun!" You nearly giggled.
"Can you tell me the last time you were on Go Karts?" Gideon asked.
The breeze was gentle as it swept over you. Closing your eyes, you exhaled. Breathing in, well, everything.
"Y/N?" Gideon's voice brought you back.
"I'm glad you're here."
You peaked open your eyes, turning your head to the side to look at him. The brightness of the sun brought out his blue of his eyes. His hair looking even sandier. Every single freckle noticeable.
"I am too."
"I'm sorry it's under these circumstances."
You shrugged. "It's alright." It wasn't though. You knew it. He knew it. Everyone knew it. But at this particular moment, the how and why didn't matter. This moment was all that did. "I just missed you." You blinked nice and long. Mind running back to one of the last times you saw Gideon.
The after party was already in full swing when you arrived. You wanted to be fashionably late but maybe this was a bit too much. Brooke was already hammered when you found her.
"Hey, bitch!" She slurred, draping a long arm around you. "We've been doing shots!"
You laughed, putting your arm around her waist. "I can see that!"
"There's plenty more!" Her free arm held a red solo cup and you knew that that contained some incredibly strong mixed drink. You took the cup from her and took a sip. Yep. The rum and coke (mostly rum) burned in the best way.
You passed her back her drink. "Guess who's been asking about you?"
Your heart skipped a beat. "Gideon?"
"No." She stumbled as she lead you to where the shots were. "Randy."
That was more disappointing than Gideon not asking about you. "Oh," you mustered.
"He just can't take a hint."
"No, he cannot."
"How many times has he asked you out?"
"Like seven."
"Jesus fucking christ what a- oh! Shots"!
One of the other girls you worked with on the movie - Heather? Halle? Harlow? - had a full tray of shots she was carrying around.
"Brooke! Y/N! Here!" She thrusted the tray towards the two of you. You grabbed one, feeling bad she remembered your name and you didn't.
"Thanks!" You and Brooke both said. You raised the small glasses in the air, a cheers to another successful movie and to each other, before knocking them back. Ah, straight vodka.
Finding a flat, uninhabited surface, you placed the shot glass down. Heather/Halle/Harlow had already walked away with the tray. She was off in the distance, offering them to more party goers.
"Have you seen Gideon at all?" You asked, not yet feeling the buzz of the alcohol but you knew it was coming.
"Um," Brooke though, taking a sip of her drink. "Like when I first got here. Like an hour ago?"
"Was he with anyone?"
She shook her head, drinking more. "I don't think so."
You reached out towards her and she passed you her cup again. Now, there wasn't much left so you downed it. "I'm gonna find him."
"And tell him you're in loooooove?" She teased.
You shoved the now empty cup back at her, trying unsuccessfully to hide the smile from your face. "I don't love him," you said.
"I just, sorta, like him a lot."
"Fuck off, Brooke."
"Whatever," she said, laughing as she walked away. Leaving you alone to find Gideon Gemstone.
Thankfully, the alcohol started to do its job. The warmth was spreading through your body and you cared less and less about what you said to Gideon. Something about your feelings for him. Something before he runs off with Scotty. Fuck, you might just kiss him.
Unfortunately, that was not what Fate had intended. The room you found him in wasn't crowded and that seemed to be the intended goal. He was there with Heather/Halle/Harlow nestled in a corner. Their faces glued together and hands roaming everywhere on each other.
Well fuck. Goddammit. Son of a bitch.
You definitely needed more to drink.
Once again, Fate took that into its own hands. "Hey, Y/N." Randy approached you with two red solo cups in his hands. You tried to ignore him, the sadness eating away at your insides. Fuck, after months and months of working with Gideon, hanging out, growing closer, this happens. He's making out with Heather/Halle/Harlow.
"Y/N!" Randy persisted. "Care for a drink?"
Fuck it. Why not? What could go wrong?
"Missed you too," he said, bringing you from your memories.
Another comfortable silence fell between you two. As you turned your head back up to the sun, you stretched out your arms. Your hands running through the grass.
"You know," he said, looking at you again. "You can stay with us, with me, as long as you like."
Tiny tingles erupted from where his fingers now touched yours in the grass. Not quite holding hands, but not not holding hands. Enough to make your heart skip a beat.
"Thank you," you said, eyes connecting. "I really appreciate that."
This moment was nothing but Gideon Gemstone and you. Simply being. And that was enough for you.
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scienceoftheidiot · 1 month ago
Okay so some writer's rant under the cut because URGH I need it out
You ever had a piece of art you made you LOVE that has been loved by other people but ALSO got recurring jabs for being something it is not ?
And it's not like, these people were expecting something that in the end didn't happen.
No. They are inventing things that do not. Happen. In this work. So they can shit on it.
If you've read until here you've seen me reblog the link to our body swap fic. This is the one. We had a new comment. Now deleted like the others.
Here are a handful of things these people whined about this fic containing :
03 Roy, AND pictured in a not condemning light (admittedly this one is pretty funny. This is one of the points of the fic. Dude.)
Cuckolding fetish (last comment from yesterday)
This fic. Contains. Nothing of that.
Well except for 03 Roy obviously.
Like. For real. If you can't read, don't read. Or at least do not make us the victim of your inability to comprehend words being put next to each other in a specific order.
But let's humor the brain dead people and go point by point :
Cheating : can't happen because there is no established relationship on any side. One has never happened and the other happened, then *someone* fucked off to the mountains to sulk in peace
Rape : there is no single sexual act in this fic. Every close physical interaction (amounting to a kiss on one side and a hug on the other) are fully consented by everyone. Explicitly. The fic is rated M for descriptions of wounds and scars and, yes, the passing mention of Roy's body possibly reacting in a way he doesn't want. And he hides it. That's all. Everyone know what is going on and everyone know who is who for real and everyone is in possessions of their full wits. And they all agree to the meagre physical contact they end up having because they know the other won't stay around long.
03 Roy: sorry you clicked on the 03 Roy body swaps with BH Roy fic and got 50% of 03 Roy. Sorry you are unable to read.
Cuckolding fetish : I... What. The. Hell. Okay, first, see (1). No established relationship = no cheating. No cuckolding. The comment also puts this burden only on Roy. As far as I know you gotta be two for this, especially since EVERYONE IS FULLY KNOWLEDGEABLE OF WHAT IS HAPPENING. See also (2), no sexual act. One could argue a kiss counts, and I wouldn't disagree, but then go back to (1). Also... Unless we have wildly different definitions, both Roys would have to be in the same place and/or be knowledgeable of/see what is happening with the Riza they knew first for this to work. It isn't what happens.
I'm going to give more spoilers here, but I am very, very sorry these people can't read and project their insecurities about sex on this fic. Which doesn't contain any sex.
I'm very sorry they see two (four because both Riza are very much a main protagonist in this fic) characters who have been through hell and back and who end up in a world that is the same but different and weird and upside down/in front of someone who is suddenly changed in a weird and upside down way, and find solace in sharing some tenderness with that weird different version of their love, and all these readers think about is rape and dark fetishes.
Which, let me be clear, are perfecting fine to depict in fiction. Because fiction is not real life.
Thing is, this is not what is depicted in this fic.
BH Roy allows himself to be weak in front of 03 Riza, who in turns finds her love for 03 Roy hasn't lessened. BH Roy realises he needs to open up to BH Riza on his side.
03 Roy finds that BH Riza has followed BH Roy through hell and will do it again, and considers 03 Riza's loyalty with a new eye, and decides that he has to apologise for his stupidity - not because he wants something from her in return, but because he owes it to her. BH Riza... Has the same arc as BH Roy and by allowing herself something she would never have with BH Roy before, understands she's living in a lie and it has to stop.
For fuck's sake, most of these comments have been made after we finished writing and posting, on the fucking last chapter, WHERE EVERYONE IS BACK IN THEIR OWN WORLD AND ACTS ON THE LESSONS THEY HAVE LEARNT THROUGH THIS ADVENTURE
By showing up in our comments you manage two things : making me feel angry and shitty enough so that I need to get it out on here and showing off your massive reading comprehension problem.
Holy shit I didn't think this would make me so angry but GODDAMMIT THESE PEOPLE CAN VOTE FOR THE MAJORITY OF THEM
I don't care that people don't like our fic. I don't even care that they tell us so (don't do that for fucks sake this is so fucking improper). I care that people are thick enough to see rape and cuckolding and cheating and fetishes in a fic that has none of that. I care that these people are unable to understand what we were going for. I care that people are dumb as a brick and inflicting it on us.
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nebulaeternal · 3 months ago
âŠč˚₊‧──── The Dragon's Claim ────‧₊˚âŠč
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―୚୧⋆ ˚GENRE/WARNING: f!xm, feral Sylus, double cocks, marking, biting, scratching, breeding, eating out, pre-release Sylus myth, swearing, hybrid, porn w/little plot, overstim, blood, aphrodisiac saliva, feral sylus, and did I say feral sylus? yeah-
―୚୧⋆ ˚SUMMARY: After being exiled from Philos, you set out beyond the borders of your home in search of the crimson gem that would reinstate your citizenship. However, fate had other plans in store for you. You stumble into the dragon lair, unaware of its fate.
―୚୧⋆ ˚WORD COUNT: 3.6K
―୚୧⋆ ˚A/N: AAAAAA SYLUS MYTH! I'm sorry I got so excited when it was announced and wrote this as fast as I could. I'm so sorry if it's not my best work; I just wanted to get it out as fast as possible. I hope you all enjoy it and share your thoughts on it! Please reblog and share, it would be greatly appreciated!
(Side note: I apologize for the messy tagging, this is my first time doing, bear with me. I did go back and edit this, so if you're rereading, let me know how the new changes are ;3)
―୚୧⋆ ˚LINKS: AO3 Version, Taglist Sign-up, Twitter
―୚୧⋆ ˚TAGLIST: @bookfreakk , @comatosebunny09, @local-twat, @alfredosaws, @n109dove, @rokuxx6, @minvirsa, @kyokoyya, @sapphic-daze, @quiet-oracle, @trishiepo0, @ikeepgettingloggedout, @lowkaylove, @nappatheyappa, @celestialforce, @acasualattempt, @le-monchou, @binibininghermosa, @chwesuh-imnida, @insidious-innocence, @heavenly-qingxin, @savourtheflavourgeez, @satansdaughter123, @mesaonline, @vampiirl, @kamisatomay018, @liireoe, @paradisekissmoon, @shitsylus , @jollibeaaa, @boinkboinkkitten, @magpie-the-goblin-girl, @tumbling-through-deepspace, @spirianaluna, @beykyuns , @aly4khq, @san5zu, @rafshottestgf, @mr-crawlings-wife, @twistedlaces1909, @deathrye , @elysiums-light, @xduskydollx , @meowchu7, @sylusloml, @chaoticfivesworld, @rene-lads-trashcan
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You stood at the city's edge, casting one final glance back as the guards leveled their spears at you. The captain stepped forward, his voice as cold and commanding as it rang out into the silence. "Bring back the crimson gem from the dragon's cave beyond the border. Only then will you prove yourself worthy of rejoining the citizens of Philos."
The weight of his words sank in like stones. The city had been your whole life—your whole world, it was all you ever knew; the people, the community, everything—Now you were exiled, doomed to face the harsh unknown. Desperately, you pleaded, hoping for just a sliver of mercy. "Please—grant me a retri–"
"Silence!" The captain barked out, cutting you off sharply. "You are forbidden to speak unless you have the gem in hand. Only then will you earn another chance. Now go!"
The guards thrust their spears forward, forcing you to cross the threshold as you shuffled backward, stumbling on your feet. This was it. With your last ounce of hope shriveled, you turned around and stepped into the wilderness. Your heart thrummed loudly in your ears as you ventured further into the uncharted lands, left with nothing but a small satchel containing only a few days' worth of provisions. How you would survive beyond that was a question only time could answer. 
In the first few hours, you barely managed to go a hundred meters beyond the city threshold. The sight of Philos served as a tether to familiarity, a comfort you desperately clung to despite the rejection. However, as the sun dipped lower into the sky and the shadows stretched into darkness, waiting became a death sentence of its own. Your resolve now reformed–it was better to attempt to escape find this treasure than to face a perilous doom. It was a better fate than withering outside the city gates.
With a heavy heart, you ventured deeper into the uncharted wilderness, clutching your satchel as though its scarce contents could quell the turmoil within you. Hours turned to days, days to weeks, slowly blurring into months. Each step turns into a survival instinct. The wilderness you had once feared was now becoming a part of you, and you with it. A symphony of the unknown that you now call your new home. 
With each sunrise, the sting of longing for Philos dulled. You found peace within the wilderness, looking forward to each new day. You had been roaming around for quite a bit this particular day when the sky darkened with little warning. Looking around, you could faintly spot a jagged opening in the side of the rock face. You dashed for the opening, relieved to be sheltered from the heavy onslaught of the rain. 
Taking a moment to catch your breath, you wrung out your clothes. The cave walls danced faintly with shadows, lightning illuminating it brightly on occasion. Only then did it strike you—This was the cave. The one you had been banished to find, your only chance at regaining citizenship in Philos, was right under your feet.
A chill ran through you as its weight sunk in. You stared into the void, its darkness staring back at you, mocking you even. Another strike of lightning illuminated the cave, giving you a glimpse of what lies beyond. Swallowing up your fear, you cautiously made your way further inside, unable to shake the fear that the darkness wasn't empty. 
You clung desperately to your satchel, its meager contents unable to protect you now as the darkness swallowed you whole. Unable to see even your own hands in front of you, you took each step with caution. Almost as if the cave itself exhaled, you felt warm breath fanning your skin and immediately froze. Your breath caught in your chest, shallow and strained. 
Your blood ran cold when you felt something scaly and rigid run along your leg, wrapping itself around your waist. Every fiber in your being screamed at you to run, but instinct held you still, praying the creature would lose interest and retreat. But fate was not so kind. Not given a chance to react, this thing had tightened its grip, yanking you off your feet. You were mercilessly dragged further, your body sliding along the cold stone.
A shriek was torn from your throat as you fought and thrashed in an attempt to escape your mystery captor. As you were hauled further, the darkness began to shift, soft light flickering along the grimy cave walls, casting shadows that almost looked alive. Your screams quieted as your surroundings grew clearer, dread hanging in the air.
The scent of ash filled your nostrils. A voice booming into the silence, "Another miserable human sent to die a meaningless death by my hands." Your heart was pounding in your chest, unsure of how you would escape this time. "Nonetheless, I have other plans for you." the creature drawled as it finally entered the light.
As frightened as you should be, a part of you couldn't deny that he was the most gorgeous being you had ever laid your eyes on. The dragon-man that stood before you had an otherworldly allure. His silver hair glinted in the faint light, and his sharp, inhuman features were both menacing and beautiful, and those crimson eyes—you almost forgot the peril you were in.
The tail that had dragged you to your doom, now lazily traced a line around you as he prowled in slow circles, his piercing gaze examining you. "Yes
You'll do nicely.."
Your voice trembled as you managed to speak, "What—" In an instant, he moved like a blur, pinning you to the cold stone floor with a growl that emanated from deep within his chest. "Who gave you permission to speak?" He snarled, his voice low and threatening.
"Silence." The warmth of his breath fanned across your skin as he lowered his head, nose brushing against your neck. The contact sent a jolt rushing through you. Instinctively, you tried pulling away, realizing far too late that you had given him the perfect opening.
Without so much as a warning, he sank his sharp teeth into the sensitive flesh of your neck. A cry escaped your lips, pain and shock flaring through your body. He felt your pulse thrumming against his lips as his brows scrunched, lips suctioning around his bite. He pulled back, a smudge of your blood glistening on the corner of his mouth.
He licked it away slowly, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction as he murmured, "Sweet
" He smacked his lips, "I knew you were the one." Panic surged within you as you began to struggle against him. However, an unsettling heat began to spread throughout your body. Your lungs felt heavy, and your body felt weaker, slowly succumbing to the warmth beyond your control.
You groaned weakly, the unfamiliar sensation overcoming your body and slowly clouding your mind. This heat was unlike any other. It burned hot through your veins, igniting a flame so primal you couldn't shake it off. Scurrying from underneath him, you managed to rise to your feet, doing your best to keep your distance, but your blood burned like fire, immense heat radiating from your skin.
"Ah." He chuckled darkly, his tail reaching out to coil around you once more as he pressed against you impossibly closer. "There you go~"
did you do..?" You managed to whimper out, to which he chuckled, "Aphrodisiac. You'll understand soon enough...This was meant to be." You stepped out of his grasp, stumbling into the pile of gold and treasure behind you. You hadn't quite taken note of the obscene amount of gold he had within his cave, but you could not say you were surprised. 
He chuckled, sauntering closer to you, his movements deliberate and calculated. Your instincts screamed at you to run, to put as much space between you and him as possible, but no matter how you tried, your body would not move. It betrayed you. You felt yourself dragging forward, drawn to him against your will. The heat within you took control, fueling a deeply hidden desire. 
His smirk widened, watching you struggle to regain control. "Don't fight it, you were made for this..for me." His words sent a chill down your spine, the uncertainty scaring you in a way you couldn't imagine.
Finally, you stopped right before him. You could feel the heat emanating from his body as he took one final step closer. His tail wrapped around your body, pulling you to your feet. His clawed hands reached for your waist, grazing your delicate skin.
"Please let me go.." You whimpered out despite leaning into his touch and becoming putty in his hands. "Now, why would I do that when I can see how much you're enjoying this?" he purred, still fully pressed against you.
He lowered his head to your neck once more, sharp teeth piercing into your flesh. A moan was torn from your throat as your hands instinctively flew up to grab his shoulders, wrapping around his neck. Your knees buckled, your strength fading as the heat within you grew and spread like wildfire. It was intoxicating, hard to resist, and impossible to ignore. Pleasure coiled tightly within you, growing with each passing second until resisting felt futile. Your resolve crumbled, and you succumbed to his desire, knowing you could only delay the inevitable for so long.
"Good girl~ I knew you'd come around." He murmured low and husky into your ear. His words sent a chill down your spine, his tone a perfect blend of dominance and seduction, luring you toward your demise. Your breath quickened, your chest rising and falling with an intensity you thought your heart would explode.
He let out a growl, tackling you to the ground once more. The coldness of the stone serves as a stark contrast to the heat that emanates from both your bodies. He made quick work of your clothes, quite literally tearing them away in one swift motion, causing you to yelp out. Instinctively, you brought your arms to cover up what you could while you clenched your legs, holding them closer to your torso.
Sylus was having none of that. He took his tail and pulled your arms away from your body while he spread your thighs apart with his arms. The pungent scent hit his nose, causing his eyes to roll back as he inhaled deeply. He let out a groan, bringing his head down to your core, unable to resist as he licked a fat stripe from your hole to your clit.
Your back arched off the cold floor, a moan escaping your lips as your thighs unconsciously wrapped around his head, hips bucking against his face. Sylus enjoyed every reaction he could elicit from you, kissing along the inner curve of the flesh, sucking and marking a trail that led closer to your core. Finally getting to the apex of your legs, he cupped his mouth over your heat, worming his tongue into your hole, causing you to jolt, the pleasure becoming too much to handle.
He pulled away momentarily, "The name in your mouth should be Sylus, nothing more." with that, he dove back in, sucking viciously at your clit, causing you to moan out and grip his rigid horns. Each curve in his horns fit your fingers perfectly, almost like he was made for you and only you.
"Ah!" You cry out, back arched so high you thought your spine would snap. His ministrations didn't falter in the slightest. Sylus continued to ravage you with his tongue alone, his grip becoming more eager and hungry, claws subtly digging into your thighs as he pulled you closer to his face, making sure you couldn't escape. "Sylus!"
He smirked, a slight huff escaping him at the use of his name as continuing to plunge his tongue deeper into your core, lips still clasped around your mound. Your body was scorching, the cold stone doing little to quell the heat. You felt as though you were going to burst. The pleasure was so overwhelmingly delicious that all sense of control you had was long abandoned.
A knot had started to form in the pit of your stomach, hips bucking wildly in an attempt to escape. "Please! I-" Your orgasm crashed through you unexpectedly as you threw your head back. Still gripping his horns, you pull his face closer as you reach your peak. He happily obliged and slurped up all you had to give him till you went limp in his hold.
Sylus admired his work. Red claw marks and hickeys decorated your thighs as your pussy leaked with juices from the prior engagement. "Tired already?" he asked, licking his lips, his lizard-like tongue flicking out. "The fun has just begun." He spoke with a teasing lilt in his voice. His claws wrap around your thighs once more, and he drags you towards him before flipping you over.
He pulls your hips up, leaving your torso slumped against the ground and your pussy on display, enticing him more. He couldn't help the primal growl that escaped his lips when he saw how slick your thighs became, the sweet essence dripping slowly along your slit. You yelp out, feeling his rough hand come down harshly onto your exposed skin. You were left defenseless, however, you weren't ready to put an end to such a blissful experience just yet. "Who are you?" You whined out, feeling him toss you around like a ragdoll.
"Your beloved. The one destined for you. Don't you feel it?" He said lowly, his hips lining up with yours. You couldn't place it, but something deep within you couldn't resist him, and it wasn't just the aphrodisiac. Your whole being screamed to let him consume you. It was as he said. It was meant to be.
The tip of his cock grazed your wet entrance. The sliver of clarity he had left was now gone with the wind. His primal instincts taking over him once more.
"Gonna stuff you full and breed you." He murmured to himself. "Make you mine forever." You could barely catch what he said when he plunged himself deep into you. Another cry escaped your lips. The sensation was overwhelming. You were full beyond comprehension.
Sylus's incoherent rambling paired with the sensation—of what you now realize as both your holes being plugged—has you reeling, eyes rolled back, mouth agape while your spit pooled below you.
You felt the ribbing and barbs grazing your sensitive walls and felt your mind starting to go blank. Never in your life had you experienced something so unique. So blissful. You almost threw caution to the wind, struggling to fight his allure.
"Taking my cocks so well-" he grunted out as he continued to thrust into you with no abandon. Desperately, you claw at the ground, unable to find purchase in the flat rocky surface.
"W-Wait!" However, your cries went unheard as lust overtook his mind fully. His only objective was breeding you. Unfortunately for you, you managed to saunter into his lair during mating season, completely oblivious to what the cycles and rituals entail. You fell into his claws at the exact moment he needed you most.
You felt yourself slip further into lust, finding it hard to resist throwing your hips back onto him, which he was pleased to see. "That's my good fucking girl." He growled, claws digging deeper into your skin, drawing blood. His wings began to beat loudly against the air as his pleasure heightened.
The sting of pain caused you to wail out, to which he leaned down and bit the flesh of your body, sinking his fangs in. The pain soon turned to pleasure, your whimpers of discomfort turning to moans of pleasure as he plowed your holes mercilessly.
"Better?" His pace slowed as he asked. You nodded vigorously, praying he didn't stop. "Please—don't stop." You choked out. You were starting to think his pace couldn't be more feral, but you were wrong. His pace quickened, hips slamming harshly against yours.
The familiar coil in your stomach pulls tighter, feeling the tip of his cock assault your cervix. You clawed at the stone, needing desperately to ground yourself for this deliciously impending high.
"Sylus! I'm almost-"he cut you off, claws digging further into your hips. You managed to get onto your palms, throwing your head back, reaching for him in the process. He noticed this and leaned down, growls spilling into your ear, and he continued to thrust into you. "I'm so close, Love." He grunted out, his movements growing sloppy, wings beating faster.
You could feel yourself creeping closer to your climax. He bit down harshly on your shoulder, another wave of ecstasy coursing through your veins, your moans echoing loudly in the cave.
"Cumming!" You screamed, throwing your head back onto his shoulder. A surge came through you, squirting onto his cock. This sent him tumbling over the edge, his cum flooding your walls as he let out a final grunt, emptying himself into you. 
You attempted to pull yourself off him with the little energy you could muster but found yourself unable to move. Clenching around him, he hissed. "Stay still." He commanded, his knot buried deep inside you. Unaware of your situation, you make an attempt once more to pull yourself off but felt that same resistance.
"Sylus what—"he hissed out, his resolve weakening the more you moved. "Stay. Still." You obeyed and didn't move. Before you could react, he quickly pulled out with a pop. Turning you to face him.
"My gods, you're beautiful." The tear stains on your cheeks, the flush of your face, and the bite marks and hickeys that littered your skin were a sight to behold. He could feel himself getting hard again.
Not giving you much of a choice, he plunged one of his cocks inside you, the other resting on your clit, creating a delicious friction against your bundle of nerves. The dual sensation fills your senses with nothing but pleasure. Your legs locked around his waist, the scales of his tail brushing harshly against your skin.
"Oh fuck—" Not waiting a moment longer. He began thrusting deep into your womb, creating a bulge in your tummy. Sylus drew back, leaving just the tip of his cock inside, the other one flicking your clit when he shoved himself back in.
Your mouth fell open in a silent cry, eyes screwed shut as he continued his punishing pace. Tears pricked your eyes, spilling past your eyelids and cascading down your cheek.
Sylus leaned down once more, biting your skin and leaving yet another mark, the pleasure flowing throughout your body. You let out broken sobs and cries of pleasure as he plunged in and out of you, his other cock abusing your clit.
You couldn't help but squirm. The sensation was too much for you to bear, seeing as you barely recovered from your last orgasm. In an attempt to scramble away, your thighs subconsciously pushed against him, trying to force his body away from yours.
His tail whipped up and wrapped around your thigh, prying your legs open, creating more room for him. "Relax. You can handle it." He said lowly into your ear. Your thigh was pressed firmly against the surface of the stone, his hips not faltering in their abusive pace.
With nothing more left within you, your arms wrapped around his shoulders, nails digging into his back, grazing dangerously close to his wings. He moaned loudly, almost stumbling into your shoulder.
You noticed this and toyed with the joining of his wings and shoulder blades. His throaty moans spill from his lips and into your ear. Wings beating loudly.
Watching in a lustful daze, his movements became as desperate as ever, chasing his high that was dangling within reach. "S-Sorry love." He groaned out. Sorry?
"S-Sorry for w-" his arms wrapped fully around you. His large figure covering yours entirely as he squeezed your body against his, pounding into your swollen cunt. "Oh, gods!" You cried out, feeling the brute force of his body against your weaker one.
He couldn't help the pleasure that wracked through him. The feeling of your velvety walls wrapping him perfectly coaxed out of him another orgasm, sending you tumbling with him. His wings flared out as he filled you up once more, the echo of your moans dying at the far ends of the cave. 
You felt the warmth of his cum seeping into your walls and simultaneously puul on your stomach, pooling in your belly button before dribbling down the sides of your body.
You whimpered out weakly, feeling him collapse onto you, the sticky mess between your bodies emitting a wet lewd noise. "Sylus." Every bit of your body ached in a way that made you want more. You felt him shift, resting on his elbows to stare at you.
"Yes, My Love?" You couldn't help but question him. How uniquely he greeted you, how does he even know what he claimed was true? "Why?" You managed to breathe out. "You don't even know me."
"My Love, I have waited centuries for you, and finally, you fell into my lap. I knew it was you when you walked in." None of it made sense; logically, it was something you could not fathom, but deep within, you couldn't deny the undeniable allure he had on you.
"It must have been fate for me to be cast out of Philos then." Your statement hung in the air silently. His response was nothing more than a hum as he nuzzled into your neck.
"It seems we have lost time to make up for then." His tongue flicked out to lick your old bite marks. His hips moved slowly against yours once more, causing you to whimper out. He chuckled at your little whimper, and you couldn't help but return it with a giggle, pulling him closer. "Well, what are we waiting for?"
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beyondthesefourwalls · 2 years ago
Remember You Even When I Don't (8)
Summary: A training accident, the doctor had told him. A nasty one that led him here, laying in a hospital bed with a splitting headache and an inability to remember the woman sitting beside him. What he did know, though, was that you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and you felt important to him. That, as it turns out, would become an understatement.
Words: 5.5K
Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw/Reader (no use of y/n, so can be read as unnamed oc)
Warnings: angst, hospitals, memory loss, language, suggestive themes, smut
Notes: Please note the updated warnings. These next few chapters are a new stage of Bradley and Pumpkin growing back together, and while I'm very excited about it, I know it may not be for everyone. For everyone who sticks around, please continue to comment and reblog, and my inbox is always open! I love to talk about these two :)
This was inspired by a one shot by the lovely @roosterforme and would not exist without her assistance. If you haven't read any of her stuff, please check out her masterlist - you won't be disappointed! All of the thanks to her and @mak-32 for being the best cheerleaders and friends I could ask for!
You’re working today. You hadn’t wanted to, but a local congresswoman you had requested an interview with months ago finally agreed to a conversation in her office, and Bradley wouldn’t let you pass it up. It was only for a few hours, but he finds himself missing you while you’re gone. 
This is the first time he had really been alone in the house for a long period of time since he got back from the hospital a month ago, and he didn’t quite know what to do with himself. He had tried to read a book, or get lost in a movie, but nothing had really kept his attention. He was laying on the couch, the news on the tv in the background, aimlessly scrolling through his phone. He hadn’t fully dove into all that it contained, and he figured now was the time to do it, even if you weren’t here to answer any questions that he might have. 
It’s interesting, seeing himself this way. Groupchats where he was an active participant, talking about parties or plans he has no recollection of, or discussing flight schedules for the week. He swaps Star Wars and Harry Potter trivia with Fanboy and gym regimes with Hangman and sends music back and forth with Coyote.  
When he opens the text thread he has with you, the only one pinned to the top of his messages, his breath catches at the last message received. 
 I love you so much. Please don’t leave me.
It was sent the day of his accident, and he knew by the time stamp that it was sent after the crash. You must have texted that to him while you were waiting for news on his condition, and not for the first time, he feels both guilt and gratitude go through him; he’s so sorry that he’s hurt you like this, but he’s so glad he’s here now. 
He scrolls for a while, reading you rambling to him about your work day and bouncing ideas for articles off of him, jumping from one topic to the next while you know he’s in the air or teaching a class so he doesn’t have his phone on him. Based on his responses that come later on, he knows he never minded the almost nonsensical messages. Even now, he finds it adorable and enjoys reading through them. There are conversations about dinner and what true crime documentary the two of you were going to watch that weekend. 
There’s a little bit of everything in these messages between the two of you, but his brow furrows when he gets to a point about a week before his accident. 
I’m on my way home, he had texted you, You better be ready for me, Pumpkin. 
He scrolls further up, trying to find the beginning of the conversation that led to that, and he almost wishes he wouldn’t have. 
You had texted him earlier that morning, when he barely must have left the house to go to base, a picture of you. There was a playful smirk on your lips, and you had what looked to be the cap from his formal dress whites perched crooked on your head. That in and of itself wasn’t what made his breath hitch, though. It was the fact that you were still in bed, your arm draped over your chest where he could see everything but everything, you hanging onto only a single shred of decency. 
Fly well today, Lieutenant Commander. 
It had descended into a day full of teasing from there, each message dirtier than the one before. Descriptions of what you wanted him to do to you and him warning you of what he would do when he got his hands on you. He feels flushed all over, but he keeps scrolling up. He bypasses recipes you wanted his opinion on and a reminder of what the Hulu password was, and eventually finds more pictures. Some are more risque than others, but all of them make him feel like the temperature in the room rose by multiple degrees. 
There’s a tickle in his brain again, and he finds himself closing the messaging app and going to his photo albums. There’s a locked album there, and he knows, he just knows what it’s going to contain. 
He shouldn’t. He knows that he shouldn’t. It feels like a strange invasion of privacy. But he’s wracking his mind to try and remember what the code would be to get into it anyway, and he curses when he gets it wrong first once, then a second time. He enters your birthday on the third attempt and groans out loud when he’s immediately met with the filthiest images he’s ever seen. 
It’s a whole gallery of you, or the two of you together, and Bradley can’t stop himself from looking. He bites his lip as he takes in the photos, his mind so overrun with thoughts of how fucking stunning you are that he can barely think straight at all. 
He stops at one in particular, clicking to enlarge it, and loses all thoughts entirely. Neither of your faces are in it, but he doesn’t need to guess that it’s the two of you. You’re sitting back against his chest, his ankles hooked over your legs, forcing them wide for him. He can see your nails biting into his thighs, but it’s his own hand that draws his attention. With the hand that’s not taking the selfie style photo, his fingers are gliding through the wetness gathered between your legs. You shine against the dark wedding band on his left land, one that’s noticeably absent from his finger now. He’s practically panting as he stares. 
He’s so hypnotized by the way the two of you look together that he doesn’t hear the garage door open or the sound of you walking into the house. 
Your voice makes him jump so high that his phone goes flying out of his hand, a curse leaving his lips. He scrambles to pick it up when he sees you reaching for it as well, and your eyebrows are raised high as you look at him in surprise. 
“Hey,” his voice cracks, higher pitched than normal, and he blushes. Your eyebrows raise a little bit higher. “Hi, sorry. Didn’t hear you come in.” 
“Are you okay?” 
“Yup,” he nods, faking a cough so he could try to clear his throat, his face flushed. “Totally fine.” 
It’s not difficult to see how skeptical you are, and it’s hard for him to maintain eye contact with you and not let his eyes flicker down your body now that he has an idea of what rests underneath the smart dress you wore. 
You eye him suspiciously, “Are you sure?”  
He contemplates for a moment, trying to figure out a way to get himself out of this conversation, because the longer you looked at him like that the hotter he became under the collar. He took a deep breath, nodding again. 
“I was looking at messages and pictures,” he says all in one breath, not liking the idea of completely lying to you. He rationalized that a different version of the truth was okay, even as the pictures flashed in his mind again. “Trying to see if anything jogged my memory.” 
You search his eyes, and he tries his best to appear innocent, willing the hardening in his jeans to go down before you took notice. He suspected you already might have from the hint of a blush on your cheeks. “Did it?” 
If he thought hard enough he swore he could almost feel you. Your back against his chest, how soft your inner thighs left. How warm your wetness felt against his fingers as he took you to the edge. 
“No,” he stutters out after a moment, shaking his head, his face burning, “nothing yet.” 
He finds himself rubbing his thumb against the fading tan line on his left ring finger, something he had seen you do time and time again. He hadn’t really wondered up until this point where his ring was, but ever since he saw the picture with it so clearly against your skin, he couldn’t get it out of his head. 
He’s helping you in the kitchen a few days later, mesmerized as always by how efficient and easy you made everything look. You roll your eyes when he comments on it.
“It’s cookies, Bradley. Nothing fancy.”
“But they’re from scratch. The dough isn’t pre-made. That’s fancy!” 
You laugh at him in response, shaking your head. You take the rings on your left hand off, sitting them beside the sink as you wash your hands before the two of you get started. It raises the subject back to the forefront of his mind. He had been desperate to ask you for the last few days, but hadn’t built up the courage to do it. But he can almost feel it on his finger now, can feel a ghost of your fingers as you slide it into place, and it’s suddenly more of a need to know. 
“Can I uh
can I ask you something?” 
“Of course.” 
“What happened to my wedding ring?” 
You pause from where you’re cracking an egg into the mixing bowl, your eyebrows raised high. You set it down gently, turning to face him. 
“Does it bother you
that I wear mine, still?” 
“No!” he insists, hating even the idea of you taking it off. “It doesn’t bother me at all. I promise. We just have never acknowledged mine? I know that I wear one - I remember wearing one, and I’ve seen it in pictures, too.” 
“You love your ring,” you tell him softly, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. 
“We don’t have to talk about it,” he says, not wanting to make you uncomfortable. But you give him a small smile, though he can see the pain in your eyes, and shake your head. 
“You don’t fly with it on,” you explain, “you tried, at first, but you had been flying so long without anything on your hands that you couldn’t get used to it being there when you were operating the controls.” 
He thinks for a moment and the words come to him slowly. “You were the one who told me to start taking it off when I fly.” 
“I was.” 
Your lips quirk and you shrug. “I’m more worried about you flying safely than wearing your ring at all times. You keep it in one of the pockets of your flight suit when you go up in the air now.” 
Of course you were more worried for him. He should have expected nothing less from you and the way you effortlessly care for him. He can also picture that, he thinks. It’s easy to imagine not wanting to be separated from the physical reminder that he belongs to you, so even if he couldn’t wear it, he’d at least have it on him, in the inner chest pocket right above his heart. 
“So..” He doesn’t quite know how to ask his question, but you must read it on his face. 
You twist your own ring on your finger in the way you always seemed to do to center yourself. Pain flashed across your face and Bradley knew you were remembering, too. “They uh..they had to cut your flight suit off, before you went into surgery. You weren’t breathing and were bleeding
” you cut yourself off, squeezing your eyes shut and shaking the visual from your head. “But it was still in your pocket. So. I have it.” 
He sets down the bag of chocolate chips he had been holding and walks the few steps to where you’re standing at the counter. When he holds his arms open, you don’t hesitate to step into them. He presses a kiss to the top of your head as he breathes in your scent. 
“I’m so sorry I put you through that,” he whispers into the strands of your hair, and he feels the way you squeeze him in response. 
“You’re okay now,” you speak into his chest, and he thinks he might feel you press a kiss there, directly over the spot where that inner pocket of his flight suit would be, where he kept you when he had no other choice. 
The two of you stand there wrapped up together for a long moment. When you lift your head, your eyes are glassy, but you give him a smile and a small kiss to his lips. 
Later, after the cookies have been made and devoured, you join him on the back porch. You had taken to sitting on the swing together and when you sit beside him tonight, he sees you rolling something between your fingers. His breath catches when he sees exactly what it is. You’re staring at it too, your gaze intense and pondering. He doesn’t speak, not quite knowing what to say. Eventually, you break out of your haze and meet his eyes. 
“You don’t have to put it back on,” you tell him, holding your hand out to him. His wedding band sits on your palm, shining against your skin. For a moment he sees you in white standing right in front of him, wildflowers in your hair.  
His fingertips brush yours when he takes it from you, admiring the piece of jewelry he wasn’t aware that he missed until it was back in his possession. 
“But it’s yours. I want - I want you to have it.”
He rolls it between his fingers, contemplating for a moment. He swallows, suddenly overcome with emotion he hadn’t seen coming and that tingling that’s starting to become familiar to him. You had picked it out yourself and he knows when he looks, he’ll see an engraving of your initials beside his. He was always so proud to be able to wear this, knowing that it symbolized being with you, a small way of telling anyone who saw it that he was lucky enough to be your husband. 
But he wasn’t him - not yet, not completely. Everyday brought him closer to thinking that he could be, though.
“Pumpkin, I
” he trailed off, not sure what to say. 
“Hey,” you murmur, cupping his cheek and turning his head to meet your eyes. You didn’t look mad, or upset, and you’re giving him the gentlest, kindest look anyone ever had. But your eyes didn’t hold pity or sympathy either - just a trust and love that he’s still not sure what he could have ever done to deserve. “Whenever you’re ready. And if you never are-” 
“I will be,” he cut you off; he wanted nothing more than to be ready. “I just
I still have something to prove to myself.” 
You nod, and Bradley leans forward to kiss you softly. He leaves his forehead pressed against yours when he pulls away, relishing in the calm you brought him. 
“I’ll get there,” he says, “I promise.” 
He’s spent time alone, but he hasn’t spent time away from you with other people. He’s hesitant to accept the invite from Mav to visit the hanger he had here. But planes and his godfather had been a staple of Bradley’s childhood, an influence on his whole life, really. He had been cleared to drive earlier in the week, so that Saturday, he leaves early. He’s anxious at the thought of being away from you but he knows that the him from before wouldn’t have said no to the invitation and he was so determined to get back to who that was. And he knows that you have a life outside of taking care of him, too. You’re getting brunch with Nat and Coyote’s wife later and he knows you’re excited, even if you hung onto him a little bit longer than a normal hug when he said goodbye. You had made him promise that he would call you if he needed anything and the whole way to the desert, his fingers twitched, wanting to call you just to hear your voice. 
Mav greets him with a large smile and a tight hug, “I’m glad you could make it.” 
“Me too,” Bradley says. He means it, even if he does miss you already. He looks around the hanger, taking note of the few planes and motorcycles throughout the long stretch. It was a lot more than the collection he had when Bradley was 17. “What are we working on today?” 
Mav gives him his signature grin. “I want to show you something.” 
He follows him to the end of the hanger, where a large blue tarp is covering what can’t be anything but a plane. His godfather gestures to it. Bradley raises an eyebrow but walks up to it, grabbing hold of the tarp and yanking it back. Like he suspected, he’s greeted by a Cessna. It’s a classic 172 by the looks of it, a smaller four seater. It’s a sleek white in color with subtle burnt orange line work. Bradley whistles. It was beautiful in a way that only planes like this could be. 
“When’d you get this one?” 
Mav smirks, shaking his head. “I didn’t.” 
“Take a look at the other side.” He nods his head, urging Bradley forward. Confused and intrigued, he follows the instructions, walking around to the other side of the small plane. He gets what Mav was saying, then, and sucks in a breath. Right there emblazoned on the side, in an elegant script, was Pumpkin.
This wasn’t Mav’s plane; it was his. 
“You got her about six months ago,” he says softly when he joins him at his side. 
Bradley reaches up and runs his fingers over the name. It’s foggy, but he thinks he can remember now. He had always wanted to own his own plane since the first time his godfather took him up in one at 6 years old. It was always a pipedream, though. He was never in one place for long enough, and while he was generally good with saving money, it was a bigger purchase than he had ever made. But then the two of you got married and a permanent station here in California. Between both of your savings and what he still had of his parents life insurance, the funds were there. It was you who had made the suggestion of finally pulling the trigger, and it was him who had suggested a four seater instead of a two seater so that if the two of you ever had children, you could all fly together. You cried when he showed you the name he had painted on it. 
“Still needs some work done before she’s flyable. I thought maybe you’d want to work on it today.” 
An eager smile appears on his face and he nods, already peeling his jacket off and heading toward the toolbox. If Mav noticed that he didn’t need to instruct him on where it was, he didn’t comment on it. 
The two work in tandem for hours. It had only been six weeks since his accident, but he couldn’t recall a time since flight school that he had gone this long without being near a plane and it felt good doing so again. It’s easy, getting into the rhythm of twisting bolts and tinkering with the engine wires. He thinks it won’t be long until he can get this cleared to go in the air and he knows without a doubt that you’re going to be the first passenger. 
His phone buzzes in the early afternoon and he doesn’t hesitate to put down the wrench he was working with and dig it out of his jeans pocket. You had sent him a selfie earlier when you had gotten to brunch, sunglasses on and a bright smile on your face with a mimosa in your hand, and he hoped it was another picture. His eyebrows furrow when he sees it’s Phoenix calling him, instead. He picks up, bringing the phone to his ear. 
“Your wife got stung by a bee. We’re on our way to the hospital.” 
He can feel the dread as it settles over him. His heart beats faster in his chest. “What?” 
She sighs on the other line, and he can hear commotion in the background. “She’s severely allergic, Rooster. We sat outside at brunch and we didn’t even realize it happened at first. She didn’t have her epipen on her so we had to call an ambulance. She’s going to be fine, but you should get here anyway, okay?” 
He feels like he can barely breathe, like the room is closing in on him a little bit. Mav must notice the panic written all over him because he’s quick to come over and take the phone out of his hand, taking over the conversation. He can barely hear him over the roaring in his head. You were hurt. He knew you were extremely allergic to bees. That was something he had remembered. You were supposed to carry an epipen on you at all times. He can’t remember if you’d ever gotten stung when he was there. He can’t remember how bad it got if you ever were. But now you were in the back of an ambulance and on your way to a hospital and he could feel his fear all the way down to his bones. 
“Bradley, hey. Look at me.” 
Mav is in front of him, hands gripping his shoulders. He meets his eyes and tries to breathe, but all he can see is you, struggling to catch a breath and being loaded into the back of an ambulance. 
“I’ll drive, okay? Let’s go.” 
He follows him to the car, not really calculating anything other than the fact that he was almost an hour away from you and what if there was traffic and why didn’t you have your epipen on you? 
“She’s going to be okay.” 
“Phoenix said the paramedics administered epi as soon as they arrived, and it didn’t take them long to get to her. She was awake and was already breathing easier when they left for the hospital. Didn’t even need to use the sirens.” 
That doesn’t make him feel better. Not really. Knowing that trained professionals weren’t panicking must have meant that you were okay, but he knows how serious anaphylaxis is, too. 
He can’t reconcile everything that he’s feeling right now. He has never, ever felt like this before. The thought of something happening to you is scarier than any mission he had ever been on, any enemy he had encountered in the air. 
“Mav I can’t - I can’t lose her. I just got her.” 
“You aren’t going to.” 
Bradley doesn’t say anything, can’t think of a single thing to say, and instead buries his head in his hands from his spot in the passenger seat. You were going to be okay. You had to be okay. Because he may not remember everything about the two of you, but he did know for certain that if something ever happened to you, he would never, ever recover from it. 
He doesn’t wait for Mav once they get to the hospital, the older man opting to drop him off at the front before going to find parking. He’s practically sprinting as he goes through the emergency room doors and vaguely, he remembers you telling him about the time this happened before, when you took yourself to the hospital and ended up needing surgery. He can almost feel that panic now, and it makes what he’s already feeling worse. 
“Can I help-“
“I’m looking for my wife. She was brought in because of a bee sting-“
“She’s really allergic and-“
“Sir!” The nurse behind the counter snaps, raising her voice over his to get through to him. “I need your wife’s name if I’m going to find her for you.”
Oh. Yes, he thinks, your name. They need your name. 
It’s the first time he’s said your full name, and your first and his last name feel so right coming off his tongue. But he can’t focus on that right now, giving all of his attention to the nurse who is typing so slowly. 
Before she can even hit enter, though, he hears his callsign echo behind him. He spins, heart racing with anxiety, and spots Nat making her way over to him. She gives the annoyed nurse a kind, charming smile as she grabs Bradley by the arm 
“Sorry about him, ma’am. I got him from here.”
She pulls him away without another word, heading toward the hallway off the packed waiting room. 
“Is she okay? Nat, is-“
“She’s fine, Rooster. Coming down from the adrenaline rush that the epinephrine gave her, but she’ll be okay.”
“What about-“
Nat stops in front of a closed door, lowering her voice. “Bradley. She’s okay.” 
He’s pushing past her before she even finishes, spotting you on the bed through the glass and half drawn curtain. You look so small amongst the crinkly white sheets, still in the clothes you wore to brunch. Your makeup is a bit smudged and your eyes are red and he hates to think that you were scared enough to start crying. You’re holding an oxygen mask in your hand at your side. 
“Hi baby.” Even your voice sounds more pitched. He’s quick to make it to your side. 
Your breathing is slightly elevated, and the heart monitor is beating a little bit faster than he thinks is normal. He grabs the hand holding the mask, placing it over your mouth to start providing you with the supplemental air again. You make a small sound of surprise, but take in a deep breath of it anyway before pushing his hand away. 
“I’m okay.”
But your hands are shaking and your eyes are wider than normal. The skin that he can see is splotchy with hives. 
He looks back at Nat, who is still hovering in the doorway, an eyebrow arched and a small smirk on her face. He ignores the look. “Can you grab a doctor?”
You protest from the bed, but Bradley doesn’t waiver. With a fond roll of her eyes, Nat disappears from view. 
“Bradley. Sweetheart.” You grip his wrist, trying to get him to focus on you. “Hey, it’s okay. I’m fine.”
“You’re in the emergency room because you went into anaphylactic shock. You are not fine.” 
“But I am,” you insist, smiling softly at him, even as your body trembles as it works to burn through the adrenaline that was injected into it, “medicine worked just fine.” 
The door slides open before he can respond, an attending doctor who looks like he’s been up for longer than is healthy and in wrinkled green scrubs introducing himself as he walks in.
“Is she okay?” Bradley demands immediately, and the tired man looks startled for a moment at how abrupt the question was. Bradley stares at him, his eyes wide and unblinking as he waits for the answer. His heart is still pounding in his chest. He feels you tangle one of your hands with one of his and he squeezes back when he feels the pressure from you. He knows you’re trying to reassure him. 
“And you are
“I’m her husband,” he answers easily, the words falling off his tongue like he had said them a thousand times before. You suck in a small breath and tighten your grip on his hand again. 
“Ah,” the doctor hums, flipping through the chart he’s holding. Bradley wonders if all non-military hospitals move this slowly or if it was just because of how anxious he is at this moment, but he really, really needs him to answer his question. 
“Is she okay?” he repeats. 
“Bradley,” you murmur, but he keeps his eyes trained on the man in the scrubs and white coat. 
“She responded well to the epinephrine that was administered by the paramedics who brought her in,” he finally says, looking up from the chart and taking a step toward your side. He stops when he sees that Bradley doesn’t move an inch. He sighs, switching direction to go to your other side instead. “How are you feeling Mrs. Bradshaw?”
You answer his questions as they come, Bradley paying rapt attention the whole time. Your throat doesn’t feel tight anymore. You aren’t lightheaded, but you do feel a little shortness of breath. You feel jittery - wired, almost. You’re both assured that it’s completely normal as the drug works its way out of your system. They can give you something to try and calm you down, and they want you to stay for a few hours to make sure you don’t go back into the allergic reaction once the epinephrine has worn off. The thought makes his blood run cold. 
“Should she stay overnight?” he asks, but the doctor shakes his head no. 
“The standard observation timeslot should be just fine, Mr. Bradshaw. But we’ll make sure you both know what to look out for when you leave.” 
He walks out without saying much else. Bradley feels you tug on his hand, his name leaving your lips in a whisper. He meets your gaze and he watches as your eyes soften even more. 
“Sit down, honey.” 
He listens to you, dragging the chair beside your bed as close as possible. He rests his elbows on the mattress beside you, holding your hand tightly between both of his. 
“I’m okay,” you repeat again.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, pressing a kiss to your fingers and taking a deep breath. “I
this really scared me.” 
“I’m sorry for scaring you,” you say softly, running your thumb over one of the hands holding yours, soothing the skin and helping his racing heart. Your touch is like magic to him, providing an almost instant calm that he desperately needed. Guilt curled in his stomach, knowing that even now, you’re the one helping him. 
“I should be the one comforting you, not the other way around.” 
“We comfort each other, baby. That’s how this works.” 
“Why didn’t you have your epipen on you, Pumpkin? Don’t you normally carry it?” he asks quietly, a touch of urgency still in his tone. He couldn’t stop thinking about what would have happened if you were alone and this happened, with no one around to call 911. He could have lost you, all over a silly little bee sting, and he can’t wrap his mind around that. He just got you. He had had you, he knew. But he was just getting you back. 
“I switched bags this morning and forgot to take it out of the pocket of the old one, I guess. I haven’t had to use one since college. I forget about it, sometimes.” 
He takes a deep breath, closing his eyes and trying to rid himself of the worst case scenarios. He’s the one that normally reminds you to always have it on you, he thinks. He vaguely recalls having a spare in the glove compartment of the Bronco, and in the drawer in the kitchen and maybe one in the bedroom, too. 
Not for the first time, he curses his memory and the accident that took it from him. 
When he opens his eyes, his look is intense, “Never again, okay?” 
“Okay,” you say, but Bradley shakes his head. 
“No. Promise me. Please?”
Your lips part and you stare at him for a long moment. His gaze never waivers from yours. He needs you to listen to him. To hear him. 
“I promise,” you finally whisper. 
He rises from the chair, pressing a kiss to your lips. He keeps his forehead against yours, breathing you in. 
“Will you lay with me?” You ask quietly, shy in a way reminiscent of when you asked him to say I love you on the porch all those weeks ago. He hates that you felt you even needed to ask. 
With no hesitation, he maneuvered himself into the small bed beside you. He kisses your forehead once, twice, three times, holding you as tightly as he could. Your body still gave the occasional tremble but they had lessened now, your breaths coming a little bit easier, and he felt the tightness in his chest ease. 
“Sorry for being a mess,” he whispers into your hair. 
“Don’t,” you whisper back, and he feels you shake your head from where it’s tucked into his chest. “It means you care.”
The words are there, right on the tip of his tongue, but he can’t say them, not yet or here. You deserve more than a frantic hospital room confession.
Part Nine :: Series Masterlist :: Main Masterlist
Notes: I hope you liked this one! We're nearing the end, but I think everyone is really going to like the next chapter. Would love to hear any thoughts you may have :)
Tag List: @roosterforme - @mak-32 - @hoyaharper - @wildxwidow - @gretagerwigsmuse - @bradshawburner - @iamaslytherin0 - @lilyevanswhore - @too-fangirl-to-fuction - @fav-fanficssss - @benhardysdrumstick - @fandomxpreferences - @acatwriteshere - @1234-angelika - @double-j - @cocoskween - @sunflowersteves - @teacupsandtopgun - @littlezee80 - @sometimesanalice - @je-suis-prest-rachel - @khaylin27 - @infamous-reindeer - @hotch-meeeeeuppppp - @sarahjoestewy-blog - @sunnysidesidra - @notroosterbradshaw - @yanna-banana - @inthestars-underthesun -@avengersfan25 - @wkndwlff - @zbeez-outlet - @lt-spork - @indynerdgirl - @loveforaugust - @mssleepy876b
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kenjakusbrainstem · 3 years ago
Rip Your Brain Out (Kenjaku x Reader x Mahito)
Contains: dubcon, kidnapping, dacryphillia, face slapping, tongue fucking, oral (f receiving), restrained reader, body horror (multiple arms), p-i-v sex, spitting, biting to draw blood, mild mind break, technically choking, cumswapping, reader can't see Mahito, mmf 3 way but only one of them gets it in.
I wrote this in like 3 days because I couldn't get it out of my head. Using writing as a coping mechanism to work through my trauma has been nice. I fear I made Kenjaku a little ooc so I actually cut a page and a half from this where I got too in my own feelings about him (rip). Never written a multiple partner scenario so hopefully this practice helps me actually write something better. Please reblog if you enjoy and leave tags or comments, seeing them makes me motivated! Thank you!
You, were a fool, you thought to yourself as you walked through the rain at 3am. Not even ten minutes ago you were dry inside your apartment, getting ready for a long day at work.
Everything was fine until you stepped outside to get a better look at the weather. Unfortunately your muscle memory took over and as you stepped out your hand locked the door behind you as it shut. Your phone and keys sitting just on the other side.
After standing, staring in disbelief at the door for a few moments you resigned yourself to an unpleasant two mile walk to work in the rain. You'd be a little late and wet upon arrival but there wasn't anything else you could do this early in the morning.
Not accustomed to walking in the dark during a storm, you kept your eyes down on your feet watching your step. The last thing you needed was to trip.
The streets in your neighborhood were normally busy, as they were lined with different apartment complexes and small shops. However, they were desolate at this moment.
You'd been walking for about five minutes before you walked straight into a person. The collision didn't seem to phase them, but you nearly jumped out of your skin. You stumbled back and fell right on your ass.
Looking up you watched as the person, a large man with an umbrella, turned around to face you. He simply stood there and stared at you on the ground.
"I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" you asked, trying not to get too upset by focusing on how you could help him. Not that he looked like he needed it. The surreality of the situation made you unsure of what to do or say.
You couldn't see much other than the dark jacket he wore, everything above the waist blocked out by the darkness and the umbrella's shadow.
When you moved to stand, a large hand presented itself in your face. Despite being unsure about the man you assumed he might just not know what to say. This was a weird situation after all. You took his hand and stood.
Now that you were standing you could see him a bit better. His hair a dark curtain around his face and a bored look in his eyes as he stared at you. You frantically tried to brush yourself off, but the rain made it impossible.
"Thank you for the help, sorry for bothering you," you attempted to excuse yourself and step around him, but his large frame made it hard to pass him. It made you nervous the way he just stood there. "I need to get past you."
He stepped closer instead of to the side, placing the umbrella over both of you. You could feel the heat radiating off his body with how close he was.
"What are you doing out alone so late at night?" the stranger asked, his tone hard to distinguish.
"I locked myself out and I'm now just trying to go to work. I'm already going to be late," you figured honesty couldn't hurt at this point. Maybe he would let you leave knowing you were in a hurry and not just out for a walk.
He nodded at you, as if he understood your plight. You couldn't help but feel like he was scrutinizing you more than a normal person would. It was so hard to guess what was strange about this man and this situation because of how odd it was.
"Come with me, someone like you shouldn't be out at this time or in this weather," he pulled you in closer to his side, you somehow hadn't noticed that he still had a grip on your hand. One arm now around your shoulders, he pressed you firmly into his side as his fingers dug into your arm.
You could barely stutter out a confirmation before he was walking the two of you into the direction you had originally been headed. His presence, the aura he gave off just felt so commanding, like going against him would be a bigger mistake than whatever he could do to you.
Regardless of how nervous he made you, you were going in the right direction. And he was keeping you dry. Maybe he was just socially awkward and trying to be kind.
"So, what's your name?" you figured breaking the ice might put ease to the feelings of anxiety in your stomach. The fingers on your arm stroked gentle circles on the wet flesh, like he was soothing a frightened animal.
"My name?" he asked, pausing to think for a moment. It made your anxiety spike, why would he have to think about his name?. "You can call me Kenjaku. That's my name."
You looked up from your feet to his face. He was still looking straight ahead, his side profile much clearer this close up. He must have been at least a foot taller than you, with a strong jaw and very handsome facial features.
For some reason, perhaps foolishness, his striking looks put you at ease. It would be easy to remember his face, if you ever needed to pick him out of a crowd. No matter how strange this was, he was helping you though. Pushing your doubt and anxiety aside you tried again.
"What are you doing out so early, Kenjaku?" you asked, trying to put your nerves at ease. It also helped that you were only about four blocks away from the cafe you worked at. You wouldn't have to deal with this strangeness for much longer.
The laugh that left his throat felt wrong. He pulled your body against him a bit tighter and quickened your pace.
"Oh I was just looking for someone," Kenjaku said, his voice made it sound like he was telling you a joke. You didn't see the humor.
You wanted to vomit. Or run ahead, but based on your height difference and the muscles you could feel pressed against you, you knew that would be a mistake. He would be able to catch you with no trouble.
"I'm sorry to disturb your search! I- I can just go on by myself, we're almost to my workplace anyway," you suggested, squirming in his hold. Even if he was just a helpful stranger, this could be a good chance for you to not only get out of this scenario, but leave him to his own devices.
The hand on your shoulder lifted only to rest on the back of your neck underneath your hair, his grip much lighter here.
"Nonsense, I think I might have found you," his words made your blood run cold. Before you could process what was happening, the hand on your neck harshly struck the back of your neck.
As consciousness left you, you felt him hoist your body in a bridal carry, the umbrella laying forgotten on the sidewalk.
Kenjaku smiled to himself, even if you weren't suitable for his original plan, he might get some use out of you.
Kenjaku didn't take to visiting Mahito's sewer hideout very often. Choosing to leave the young curse to his own devices, plus the smell bothered him. However it was very close by and secluded enough for his potential plans.
He needed to see if you could see curses, at the very least. Kenjaku had set out this evening with the intention of scouting for a potential new vessel. However perfect Suguru Geto's body was, it irked him the way he was recognized by people that could cause potential issues for him. He tried to be out of the monks robes whenever he might be seen, but he was quite fond of the more traditional dress.
He really only needed this vessel until October 31st, which wasn't too far away now. He hadn't expected to find anyone so soon, or even at all. Only happening on you by chance, but what is chance if not the universe's chaos in motion?
Now seeing you in a more well lit area, he could already tell that your form would be unsuitable for him and his plans. At the very least though, your supple form could entertain him for a night.
"Geto! What a surprise!" Mahito exclaimed, he was like a puppy who's master had finally returned home. "What did you bring me?"
Kenjaku scoffed, setting your soft body down somewhat gently on a raised surface that was similar to a table.
"They're not for you. I'm going to run a small test, and if they pass they might be useful for me. If not, they'll be discarded," he explained.
Mahito approached your unconscious body, pressing a hand into the flesh of your stomach, where your shirt had ridden up from being manhandled. Kenjaku reached out and slapped the curse's hand away. A wordless way of letting him know to back off.
"Oh are you going to take their body? Use it like a puppet like in those silly human movies? If you use her for that, can I watch?" Mahito twirled his fingers in his long hair.
He knew enough about Kenjaku's technique to know that he could use bodies, but didn't know anything specific. It's not like Kenjaku went around telling everyone he was involved with his deepest secrets.
Kenjaku thought for a moment, he supposed a show wouldn't hurt. Not that he planned on abandoning this vessel at the moment. Mahito's curiosity unknowingly sealing your fate. Mahito could just assist him in using you, he could find some type of lesson in that for the young curse.
"If you behave. Now, I need you to hold their wrists down. I'm going to wake them up," Kenjaku straddled your hips, putting his weight on you to immobilize your legs.
Instead of speaking, Mahito went to stand above your head at the end of the table. Pulling both your arms above your head and holding your wrists in his large hands.
Looming above you, Kenjaku took in your form for a moment. Your body wasn't perfect, none of the ones he'd inhabited had been. Though he'd already decided against using you as a vessel, he couldn't help himself from imagining using you to bring another cursed womb into the world. You certainly weren't fit to bear another like the Itadori child, but perhaps another death painting couldn't hurt.
Lifting his hand to your cheek Kenjaku slapped your face, hard.
A breath ripped itself from your lungs as awareness was forced upon you.
You attempted to cover your sore face but your hands were stuck above your head. Opening your eyes you saw something unfortunately not too surprising. The man from earlier, sitting on your pelvis.
He was smiling down at you. The hand that slapped you now rested on your throat. Not choking, just caressing your flesh, as if he were feeling for a pulse.
"Good morning, how are you feeling?" the cold voice above you asked.
You felt so stupid for trusting a stranger. For locking yourself out. You really were a fool.
"Why?" was all you could think to ask. Trying not to cry as you struggled against his weight. You couldn't free your arms either, though it didn't look like you were caught in anything, it certainly felt like they were in some type of vice.
Kenjaku shifted his hips against yours. Like he was trying to apply pressure, you couldn't tell if he was trying to grind against your core or just discourage you from moving. Feeling tears prick at your eyes, you started to cry, smudging your already rain ruined makeup.
"Geto! She's such a cutie when she cries!" Mahito exclaimed, once again his overly excited nature getting the better of him.
Instead of responding to Mahito, he simply observed your face for a reaction to Mahito's outburst. You looked troubled to say the least, but no more after his strange words.
"Because I thought you might be able to help me," Kenjaku explained, a bit of disappointment evident in his voice. The way he sounded you almost felt sorry for letting him down, shaking your head you pushed the absurd thought down.
His hand rose to cup your cheek again, thumb stroking below your eye, wiping up a mixture of tears and mascara. Perhaps if he interacted with Mahito you might notice, but he doubted it. Lifting his hand, Kenjaku wiped the streak of black across Mahito's cheek, under his eye.
"I'll do whatever you want!" you exclaimed. The gentle action confused you, it also didn't make sense why he was waving his hand in the air above your head. Regardless, begging was the only thing you could think to do in the moment.
"Tell me, are we alone?" Kenjaku asked, knowing your answer before you even looked around the room. Tipping your head back and staring straight into Mahito's chest, staring through it.
The pressure on your wrists lessened, the grip sliding up your arms as if the invisible cuff on each wrist was sliding up to the elbows. Yet you could see nothing, an itch in your mind told you that something was there, just beyond your perception.
"Maybe? I don't know, I'm sorr-!" your sentence was cut off by a shriek as he slapped your face again.
Looking up at him, his expression changed. He was clearly more annoyed than disappointed.
"She's just a normal human and can't see me. Is that what the test was about?" Mahito understood why you were there now, still feeling the need to ask. He squeezed your arms, moving them around a bit, watching the panic in your face intensify.
"Shut up Mahito, I told you to behave," Kenjaku spat out, annoyed at the childish curse. "I'll let you watch if you're quiet."
Your mind was swimming, cheek stinging from the slaps. Trying to wriggle free again, you pressed your hips up and move your legs. You only succeeded in grinding against your captor.
"Mahito? I think you have me confused for someone else. You can let me go, I won't tell anyone I promise!" you saw a ray of hope. If he was after this Mahito person, maybe he'd let you go once you explained you weren't them.
Kenjaku bent over, putting his face right above yours. Kissing at the cheek he slapped. Despite feeling both of his hands at your sides, you felt a hand in your hair holding your head in place.
The annoyed look in his eyes shifted back to disappointment, resting the tip of his nose against yours, he sighed in your face. When he opened his eyes back up, all emotion had left him. Just a blank void staring into your eyes.
"You don't even know I'm not the only one holding you down. He's going to watch me ruin you, then we will see what to do with you from there," Kenjaku kissed the tip of your nose, "If you put on a good enough show I won't rip your brain out."
When he finally kissed you, it was with none of the gentleness his lips had shown your face. Biting into your lip to get you to open your mouth, as you gasped he shoved his tongue down your throat.
His hands snaked their way under your back, nails digging into your skin as he scratched the flesh while pushing up your shirt.
You moaned into the kiss, the pain was unexpected but you still tried to keep up with the kiss. Just so you didn't choke on the tongue working its way around your mouth.
The hand, feeling of a hand, in your hair tightened. You gasped again at the sharp sensation, Kenjaku taking the chance to bite at your tongue as it slowed down in trying to tangle with his own. The taste of blood filling your mouth. He liked an active subject, it was more exciting than one that just cowered in fear.
"Are you trying to suffocate her?" Mahito asked. He wasn't stupid enough to not recognize a kiss, but he'd never seen the man before him express so much emotion without killing someone or speaking about their future.
Kenjaku ignored Mahito for a moment, choosing instead to suck the blood from your mouth. He must have bit your tongue harder than he realized. The taste of your blood in his mouth aroused him though. It had been too long since he'd partaken in pleasures of the flesh in a male body. And his vessel seemed more than capable of reproduction.
Pulling away from your face an inch, Kenjaku hovered above your gasping mouth. Bringing out one of his hands from behind your back, he used his fingers to hold your mouth open. He inspected the damage he'd done to your lips, it seems he'd made those bleed too.
Perhaps this would be good for him, since he seemed so eager already.
"Do you want to see how Noritoshi Kamo created those death painting cursed wombs?" Kenjaku asked Mahito as he continued playing with your lips. You were still breathing deeply, mouth open. Before Mahito could reply Kenjaku spat your blood and his saliva back into your mouth. Covering your mouth with his palm he forced you to swallow.
"We can just make more? Then why do I have to infiltrate their stupid school?" Mahito asked, bored of watching already. Though he did like to watch you squirm, he would prefer to be the source of your trembling.
Kenjaku shook his head, sliding off of your hips to settle himself between your legs. You attempted to kick him but he manipulated your limbs with such ease you weren't sure you were doing anything but making yourself more exhausted. For now Kenjaku just sat, pressed up against your spread legs, his hardening cock lining up with your core.
"No it takes too long, but I can show you the beginning of the process. Do you know much about human impregnation?" Kenjaku asked as he ran his hands across your plush thighs. Even through your clothes he could feel your warmth.
At the mention of impregnation you attempted to close your legs. Unfortunately he was snugly pressed up against you, causing you to wrap your legs around him. His large hands squeezing your thighs, holding them in place.
It was obvious you were only hearing part of a conversation. As if he were talking to himself, but the hands on your arms and in your hair made you sure you were the crazy one and not him. At least you assumed they were hands, the ghost of a touch with the pain of a vice grip.
"You can't! Please, you can still let me go!" you begged. You knew where this was going. Even without the words, the hardness pressing against you and his violent kisses eluded to what he wanted out of you.
Lightly grinding his hips into yours, Kenjaku stroked your thighs in a psuedo calming gesture.
"Don't worry pet, the process has to be at least a little pleasant for you. I'll make your cunt beg for this vessels cock," Kenjaku's fingers reached to undo your belt as he spoke.
"So are ya gonna impregnate her or kill her? If you're gonna kill her can I just transfigure her into one of my toys?" Mahito asked. The young curse had already forgotten what was mentioned about body snatching earlier, he just wanted another human to play with.
Kenjaku's hands stilled on your zipper. His eyes raising to meet yours, tear filled, cheeks stained red from being slapped. The desperation made his mouth water and cock harden painfully.
His hands tore at your jeans, instead of using the zipper. They ripped in two pieces, the tear forming at the seam and splitting cleanly with his brute force. He pushed your legs up, tearing the clothing from them. Laying the palm of his hand against your mound, he rubbed the sensitive flesh through your panties.
Kenjaku's other hand lifted again to Mahito's face before slapping the curse's cheek. The sound of an impact above your head startled you even more, as you couldn't see what he made contact with.
"If you're so bored, than leave before I make you. They're mine to 'play' with as you call it. I don't need you here for this vessel to fuck them," Kenjaku's hand soothed the cheek he slapped before returning it to your thighs. Pressing them wide open as he lowered himself to his knees.
His hands on your thighs jerked your body toward him, scratching your bare skin on the rough table under you.
You didn't know why he was being possessive, wishing you could hear the rest of the conversation. Not that it'd help, you just wanted to feel less crazy. Part of you thought this might just be an elaborate nightmare, but the large hands on your skin and the pain in your back grounded you in reality.
Kenjaku nipped at your thigh, bringing your eyes back to him. His hands leaving your thighs to pull his long hair up into a tight bun. You wished he wasn't so handsome. You hated to admit that under other circumstances you'd love to see a man this beautiful between your thighs. The only unsettling thing about his appearance the stitches on his forehead.
With his hair tied up he pushed your thighs back, the stretch of your muscle was almost unbearable.
"Hold these still too, I'll reward you if she doesn't move," Kenjaku spoke into your thigh. His seductive gaze landing somewhere above your head. You felt a similar pressure on your ankles to the ones on your arms. The force pulled your ankles to hover above your chest.
Whatever he was talking to, whatever was holding you, had to have at least four arms, maybe even five counting the grip on your hair. The thought made your head ache.
"Good boy," Kenjaku whispered, as he moved his hand to your still covered pussy.
You watched with morbid fascination and mild disgust as he moved your lace panties to the side. He slid a large finger through your folds before holding his soaked finger up to his face. Sticking the appendage in his mouth and sucking off the juices, his eyes never leaving yours.
A filthy heat wormed its way to your core and you felt yourself growing more aroused at the sight. Disgusted with yourself you tried again to wiggle away but the invisible grip kept you still.
With a smirk Kenjaku lowered his face to your wet pussy and began exploring with his tongue. You fought the urge to keep quiet, biting your lip and closing your eyes. His hot tongue sliding through your folds felt divine. It had been so long since you'd felt the touch of another.
Yet despite how good it felt he deliberately avoided licking too close to your clit. His tongue lapping up all of your arousal as it just kept flowing out of you.
Licking down further, his thick fingers spread your flesh open. Exposing your wet hold to the cold air. You shivered at how on display you felt. His tongue circled your entrance before sliding in.
A gasp left your clenched teeth at the sensation. His tongue wasn't extra long or thick, but the hot muscle licking at your walls, truly eating you out as he sucked your essence into his mouth had your legs trembling in place.
Daring to look down you opened your eyes again, noticing he was still staring back up at you. You couldn't help but grind down on his face, it felt so good and shameful at the same time.
When you pressed your hips closer to his face, his nose brushed up against your neglected clit, causing a moan to finally break through your lips. You felt his blunt nails dig into the flesh of your thighs, satisfied with your reaction
The obscene sounds of Kenjaku slurping and sucking your juices as he tongue fucked you added to how overwhelmed you were. Soft moans now spilling continuously from your lips.
He lifted his head, mouth and chin coated in your essence, licking at his own lips.
"Did you know, over one hundred years ago, men of science used to claim that you could tell how fertile a woman was based on their taste? I still don't know if it's true or just a myth used by perverted doctors," Kenjaku spoke. Again he was looking above you, obviously not speaking to you, which was a good thing as the words weren't fully processing in your mind.
Mahito seemed curios, tilting his head to the side. The gesture didn't suit his now uncanny form, two extra arms sprouting from his shoulders to keep your legs in place.
"What's it supposed to taste like?" the curse asked, not willing to say aloud that he wanted to taste.
Kenjaku lowered his mouth back to your pussy, tongue finally giving you the relief you desired by swirling it around your clit before sucking harshly at the bundle of nerves.
Your moan turned into a desperate whine as he sat up, hovering over your body, again interacting with the person you couldn't see.
Kenjaku again rested his palm on Mahito's cheek as he leaned in and kissed the curse. Mahito's mouth opened immediately, allowing Kenjaku's tongue in and swirling it with his own. Mahito sucked at the arousal coating the invading tongue.
The sight above you was so bizarre, and also unfortunately arousing. Kenjaku was obviously kissing someone, his lips pressing in and tongue moving in the air. You couldn't help but miss the feeling of him inside you. Your now empty pussy clenching around nothing.
"Please," you gasped out, still unable to use any of your limbs despite Kenjaku only having one hand on your hip.
Kenjaku used the hand resting on Mahito's cheek to push the curse away.
Both of Kenjaku's hands left you as he stepped back, taking in the sight before him. You spread open, covered in your own arousal, face flushed and covered in tears. Mahito above you and holding your still. It really was a shame you couldn't see him. At least you could still feel him.
Hands dropping to his own belt, Kenjaku stepped back up to you, rubbing the tip of his now free cock against your soaked pussy.
"I can't tell if you're begging me to stop or begging me to make your cunt cum all over this vessels cock. Which is it?" Kenjaku asked teasingly, the head of his cock rubbing against your entrance. His tone playful for the situation he'd forced upon you.
His words made you feel sick, despite the heat swirling in your guts you didn't actually want him to continue. Did you?
Your eyes widened as he started to press the head of his cock into you. You had definitely not been prepared enough for this. His tongue inside you was nothing compared to the thick cock stretching your entrance.
Thankful for his slow pace you tried to breathe steadily as he pressed into you.
"Fuck, your cunt is too tight. Can you relax for me, pet?" Kenjaku whispered. His voice measured, if not slightly strained.
His words and the hands now running up and down your pinned thighs made you want to listen to him. Every time he spoke you felt more compelled to obey, it had been that way since he first spoke to you. No matter how wrong this was, he felt so soothing.
You felt your muscles relaxing, allowing him to slip further into you. Your walls still stretching too far to accommodate his thick cock. While he hadn't fully filled you up, you felt him slide back out of you. Relief flooding your veins at him not being as big as you expected.
Kenjaku locked eyes with you, his hand guiding your face to make sure you were making eye contact. He smiled peacefully before winking at you. A sinking dread replacing the relief in your guts.
He snapped his hips forward, bottoming out far deeper in your pussy than you expected. A choked moan leaving your lips as he split you open. Instead of giving you time to adjust to his size Kenjaku set a punishing pace, slamming his hips into yours.
A chorus of shrieks and moans left your lips, unable to contain the feelings of pain and pleasure his thrusts were giving you. You were trying to stay relaxed but you couldn't help but clench at the violent intrusion. You felt your legs shake against the invisible grip holding you.
Sliding his large hand down from your face while still fucking into you, Kenjaku took hold of one of your legs. Freeing it from the grip it was in and holding it against his body. He manipulated your leg to hold you open at a different angle. Kissing at the ankle that was now in front of his face, his cock pressed even deeper inside of you.
The angle, while allowing him to go deeper also allowed him to brush up against a spot inside you that made your eyes roll back in pleasure. Your voice all moans and choked sobs as you felt your self crying again while he forced you toward orgasm.
"Can you- shut them up- Mahito?" Kenjaku asked, voice lower in pitch and strained from pleasure. While he wasn't moaning, hearing his voice quiver gave you some twisted pleasure. To know you were affecting him like this without doing anything made you not even notice his words.
You also didn't notice the smile forming on the curse above you's face, not that you could anyway.
Mahito lowered his face to yours, pausing just above you to study your face a little closer. He had never heard a human scream in pleasure before, though he guessed from your tears that it wasn't all pleasure. He loved the sounds you were making, but a command is a command.
Mahito slipped his tongue into your open mouth, sloppily kissing you. The angle was odd as is face was upside down, his nose brushing your chin. His tongue moving in your mouth with much less grace than Kenjaku's had with either of you.
Your eyes snapped open, choking on the intrusion. When you looked up you only saw Kenjaku, gripping your leg and fucking his thick cock into your spot with bruising accuracy. Whatever was kissing you must be the person holding you down, Mahito, you think you remember him say.
You tried to close your mouth, the feeling of kissing something you couldn't see unsettling. Though the sloppy movements of the eager tongue in your mouth did feel good, you felt yourself getting even wetter around Kenjaku's cock.
The feeling of the tongue in your mouth growing in size made you panic. What started as a normal muscle now filled your mouth. You could feel your spit seeping out of your mouth and mixing with your tears on your face. The kiss was too much, you couldn't breathe.
The lack of oxygen and the constant assault on your pussy ripped your orgasm from you. Pussy gushing cum around Kenjaku's cock and clenching your already tight hole around him, as if begging to be filled by his release.
The tongue in your mouth eased up into a more normal kiss as you gasped and gagged, choking on the force of your orgasm and your full mouth.
Suddenly the mouth was ripped from yours, leaving you panting and whimpering from overstimulation.
Kenjaku threaded the hand not holding your leg in Mahito's hair, yanking the curse's mouth away from you before forcing him into a bruising kiss. Kenjaku kissed Mahito with more tongue and teeth than last time. Moaning into the curse's mouth as your pussy squeezed his release out.
Kenjaku's thrusts slowing but still pushing so deep inside of you as he painted your womb and walls with his hot cum. Mahito took advantage of Kenjaku's moan by taking over the kiss, greedily sucking on his tongue again and exploring his mouth.
In your post orgasm haze you stared up at a slack-jawed Kenjaku, obviously being kissed the same way you had been. You watched him pull away slowly as his thrusts finally stopped inside of you. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, his cock still buried in your pussy.
"You're lucky this was so much fun. Maybe I'll keep you around for a while as my pet until I tire of you. Unless you'd rather me keep my promise of ripping your brain out?"
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wiypt-writes · 3 years ago
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Chapter 12: Islands In The Stream
Summary: Following your abduction and subsequent rescue from Hydra, Steve deems your home unsafe and therefore the both of you head to a Shield safe house. But the last thing either of you expected to need safety from was each other

Warnings: NSFW. Smut (18+). Bad language, arguments and Steve playing his Alpha card
being a bit of a bossy bastard and displaying some questionable behaviour
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction. I do not own any characters contained within, bar the reader and any other OCs that may be mentioned. I do not give consent for my work to be reposted/translated to any other site. Reblogs are fine.
W/C: 8.2k
A/N: Steve is actually a bit of a jerk here
lol, sorry not sorry
 Thanks to my beta/co-writer for this one, @spectre-posts and @caffiend-queen who did the honours of casting a second eye over this
as it’s a ram packed chapter and I needed to make sure the links/dots/lines all joined

Rawhide Masterlist// Main Masterlist
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It was hours later and you felt drained. Not just from your ordeal but from the - for want of a better word - interrogation Steve had put you through on the journey to the safe house. Despite the fact Fury had pretty much explained everything in far more detail than you could, your Alpha still wanted to comb over every aspect with you. You recounted what had happened when you’d woken, what they’d threatened to do, how they’d injected you with the fake serum, how you’d pulled on your training and resisted a direct Alpha command from Rumlow but instead had faked your compliance...
At that point you had averted your eyes, not wanting to tell Steve you’d kissed Rumlow as part of your ruse, and you’d taken a deep, shuddering breath and your hand tangled into Commando’s fur, as the faithful dog lay his head in your lap.
“Rogers, c’mon.” Natasha sighed, “leave her alone. There’s clearly nothing else she can tell you.”
Steve shot her a glare before he ran his hand through his hair. “You’re hiding something, ‘mega.” He said softly to you, as the jet began to descend.
You looked at him, your eyes wide, but he didn’t press you. Instead, he simply remained silent until you had all descended down the ramp of the jet. Bucky and Sam were waiting for you, Steve greeting them both first before Sam gave you a huge hug.
“How are you feeling?”
“Tired, but I’m okay.”
“The ranch is fine,” Bucky looked at Steve, “no sign that anyone’s been there. We’ll do another round later before we crash but-“
“I’m not risking it.” Steve shook his head, “I know everyone keeps telling me that it’s the last place they’d try but
until I’ve dealt with Rumlow, then she, we, stay here.”
“Sure.” Bucky popped a shoulder, his eyes straying to Natasha who was standing off to the side with Clint, Peter, and Bruce. “So where’s Carter?”
“With Fury.” Steve took a deep breath. “Her cover will have been blown now so Hydra will know what she has on them. As such, we suspect they’ll be going even deeper underground than before. But we’ve got Hill and Coulson out looking for them. First sniff, then I’m going in.”
“In?” Bucky ignored you, “as in
“I’ll demand an Alpha Battle.” Steve said, his jaw set, and you felt your blood run cold.
“No, Steve-“
“You’ll be my second, I assume?” This time it was Steve that ignored you.
“Of course
” Bucky nodded, “but
“Then it’s settled.”
“You can’t
Steve-“ you protested again but were once more ignored.
“You know he won’t fight fair, right?” Bucky looked at Steve, “He’ll come mob-handed and tooled up
“Oh, I’m counting on it.” Steve grit his teeth, “But we’ll do the same-“
“WILL YOU FUCKING LISTEN TO ME!” The force of your yell made everyone turn to look at you, not just the two men in front of you. You felt the eyes of everyone in the room on you, but you didn’t care. “An Alpha Battle, are you insane?”
“No, quite the opposite,” Steve looked at you. “It’s the oldest Alpha law of the land, it goes back to the days when we lived in packs.“
“I know what it is!” You snapped.
“Then you’ll also know that consent to a straight-up Alpha Battle binds an Alpha to the outcome.” Thor cut in, his voice loud but calm, “Magpie, the Alpha who wins takes whatever the wager was and it becomes his right. It is a law of nature that cannot be broken, any more than the Soul Bond you and the Captain share.”
“But you have to win!” You looked at Steve, and were annoyed to see that his face simply wore a look of amusement.
“You don’t think I can?”
“You Alpha Battled him before, you said he almost had you beat
Steve sighed, “It wasn’t a straight-up Alpha Battle as such, but
 he distracted me. He was armed, it wasn’t a clean fight. He brought more than his one second, and
“And if he does it again?”
“We’ll be ready.” Steve said, “Doll, the point isn’t for me to win the Alpha Battle, or to take control of Hydra. It’s to rip his fucking head off.”
You looked at Steve, painfully aware that everyone else in the lounge of the safe house was watching. You could also feel the red hot determination and anger bubbling within him.
"I need some air," you swallowed back the thick knot in your throat. You were sweating, a heat burning from deep inside. Anger, frustration, irritation. It was mixing like shaken oil and water. If you didn't get a moment to sort yourself out, you weren't sure which emotion would separate first. You didn’t wait for anyone to try and stop you, instead you headed to the door but annoyingly found it locked.
“Seriously?” You growled as you whipped to glare at your Alpha.
“Hey, look
we should be going.” Sam quickly suggested to the rest of the gathered team.
"Where the hell are you gonna go? The door’s locked." You bit in annoyance.
“Y/N, stop.” Steve snapped a little, he then took a deep breath. “You guys go, let me know if anything comes up.”
As you stared at him, the rest of the team began to move to the door, Natasha keying in a code on the keypad you had failed to notice.
“Stay safe,” Bucky’s words were the final ones any of them said, and as Steve jerked his head in acknowledgment, the door clicked shut and locked behind them.
You stared. You stared and you stared, for how long you weren't sure. Your body language was rigid, arms folded over your chest, teeth gnawing on the corner of your lip. You were huffing and puffing through your nose.
why don’t you go take a bath?” Steve spoke softly.
“Are you hungry?”
You softened a little, "Steve we need to talk about this. This is reckless."
“It’s the only way we can end this once and for all. You’ve seen what their defences are like, it took pretty much our entire Special Ops team to get you out. He won’t stop.”
"I know he won't stop. That's what scares me. Terrifies me. He'll kill you."
“He won’t.”
"This makes me sick."
“You know what makes me sick?” Steve’s tone grew suddenly impatient and slightly snappy. You frowned as he continued. “You, standing there, reeking of him and hiding something from me.”
"Are you fucking kidding me?"
“No, I’m not. And the fact you’re keeping something from me makes me worried, sweetheart, really worried.”
"The fact that you suddenly don't trust me disgusts me." You shook your head and stormed away, but a heavy hand caught your bicep.
“It’s not you that I don’t trust.” Steve let go of your arm as you wrenched it from his grip.
"Doesn't fucking feel like it." Your voice was sad, tone wet. “I knew this would catch up with me eventually, I knew it would. Everything else has just been collateral damage."
” Steve blinked, “what
what are you talking about? What is collateral?”
"You, the team, this fucking new war. The people that died. That's on me."
“No, it’s not. It’s on Hydra!” Steve pointed out of the door, “this is not your fault.“
There was silence and you felt Steve’s Alpha warmth curl around you, like a serum itself. And then you felt an overwhelming sense of disgust and shame as the image of Rumlow kissing you flashed across your mind.
“What are you hiding?” Steve pressed.
“Nothing.” You turned and walked off for the third time.
Steve snarled. You felt weighted down and then came his Alpha command. “Omega, don’t walk away from me. Stop. Now.”
But you kept going. It was painful, agonising and physically ailing. It was much harder to disobey than Rumlow’s direct one had been for some reason
but, you could still do it.
And then you realised, actually, no, you didn’t want to. And you didn’t want Steve realising how hard you found all of this.
“Fuck you!” You yelled and suddenly, your mind and vision and senses went black. A split second later, the room reappeared but you were facing Steve. He looked at you, astonished. Your eyes were flashing gold and as he straightened up, blinking as the pain in his head subsided he realised you’d pushed him out of your mind. You’d managed to shield your thoughts and feelings in a way that it was believed only Alphas could.
And, had you not been so pissed off and upset, Steve might have dwelled a little on that, pointed it out to you. But as it was, he could sense and feel you were full of nothing but rage towards him.
"How dare you!" You clenched your fists, causing painful indents in your palms. “You Alpha commanded me, you absolute bastard!“
you’re hiding something from me!“
“So, I’m not allowed to keep anything to myself now? You know what? You say you’re different from Rumlow or Bryce, but you’re just the same! Can’t stand the face of your lowly Omega
“I’m nothing like those fuckers.” Steve snarled, anger seeping from every inch of his body but you didn’t care. It didn’t scare you, in fact, it angered you. Angered you to the point that you had every notion to snag his jaw with your right hook.
However, your tough resolve broke as you tightened your jaw and swallowed hard. "You want me to tell you what happened? You won’t allow me to keep anything to myself, then fine!” Steve took a deep breath, his arms falling to his hips as he waited. “I’ll fucking show you.”
He then saw you raise your hand to your mark. Instantly his mind was flooded with an image, which was like a collection of snapshots, a slide show almost which showed you, where you’d been, your brother slapping you, the injection, the alpha command, the kiss
and through it all, he felt everything you had. Fear, anger, upset, pain and then hope when you realised who Sharon was

His mind went blank as he winced, blinking a little before he raised his head to look at you.
"I lied. I lied to Rumlow, I made him think he had control over me by giving in to what he wanted, to make him think he'd won.” You took a breath, tears filling your eyes. “You wanna see more, find out what I really felt, how disgusted I was, how afraid?” Steve stayed still, but you didn’t miss the wave of emotion that was spilling from him. You could feel it. Anger, guilt, hurt.
“I don’t need to.” He whispered softly, “I already felt it.” He looked at you, then swallowed and his head dropped. “I let you down, I
I failed you, I should have kept you safe.”
His pain and guilt overwhelmed you, and you wanted to break and sob, the pain he was feeling crippled you. But you were still angry. Angry at what you felt was a betrayal, his attempt to use his Alpha powers on you.
“I need to take a bath or a shower
whatever.” And without looking back you left, storming up the stairs, Commando following you.
You slammed the door to the bathroom, gripped the small sink, and stared at your reflection. You were tired, worn down and the remnants of your rescue remained. Hair unkempt, dirt and smoke caked to your skin from explosions and flying debris. A bath wouldn't help, not even a shower would cut the grime that seeped deeply into your soul. The harder you stared, the more focused you became. You white-knuckled the cheap porcelain and with a feral shout, you screamed in an abundance of distress, your eyes glowing yellow.
The change shocked you. You’d never seen that before, bar the night you slept with Steve for the first time- his eyes had done the same.
“Fucking soul bond.” You cursed, turning to start the bath which stood against the wall of the plainly decorated, but clean and reasonably comfortable bathroom of the safe house. You knew Steve would have heard you, felt you, and you expected him to appear in the door. But he didn’t. There was nothing.
“Good, stay there." You snorted. "Bastard."
Commando nudged your hand with his nose.
"Hey boy," you sighed. "I'm okay." He gave a little noise that was halfway between a grunt and a whine as he sat down beside you. "I promise," you kneeled and scratched at his chest and ears.
He licked your face, his tail thumping on the tiled floor. You stayed like that, gently talking to him and scratching him whilst the tub filled up. You ran the water so hot that you could see the steam coming from the surface. Kicking Commando out, you stripped bare and slipped into the tub. You hissed as the water burned your skin. You lay back, allowing the warmth to seep into your tired muscles. Your shoulders ached, your legs were restless and your cheek was starting to throb again from the slap your brother had delivered to you.
So much ran through your head, and not just about Hydra. You’d managed to ignore two direct Alpha orders now. One with relative ease, and the other with a certain about of pain but you’d still done it, in a way you’d never been able to before. What was going on with you? Were these changes simply down to the soul bond? Was it just that you were taking on Steve’s traits, as that research has suggested?
Would Thor know? Maybe you could ask
that said, you had no idea what was going to happen over the next day or so. If Shield managed to track Hydra down, then
 You didn’t even want to think about that, about what Steve’s plan was. With the war raging between two sides, you feared it could be the last battle he undertook. And that was enough to destroy you.
You took a deep breath, your stomach, which was churning was also now starting to object at the lack of sustenance you’d had over
well, actually, when was the last time you’d eaten? You supposed it had been, what, yesterday's breakfast? Some 36 hours or so? You dunked your head and scrubbed away the traumas so roughly that your skin tingled. You wrapped in towels and padded across to the bedroom. Commando was on the bed and you could smell food being prepared below. It made you feel ravenous.
You then realised you had nothing to wear. With a groan, you set about rifling through the closet. It wasn’t full, but there were a few tee shirts, a hoodie, and a pair of sweats which from the smell belonged to Steve. They were a little musty, clearly having been stored for a while. You dressed, pulled the tie on the waistband to suit your hips and then slipped the tee over your head. It'd have to do.
Steve’s smell washed over you, but in your current state and mindset, his scent repulsed you and that made you want to cry. But you didn't. You swallowed them back and carried on. You flopped onto the bed, which was surprisingly soft, and stared at the ceiling before you turned on your side. Exhaustion was creeping in, the adrenaline on its last tendrils through your veins. As your eyes grew heavy, you barely registered the bedroom door opening.
Soft footsteps made their way to the bed, and you heard the familiar sound of a glass being placed down on the wooden surface. You opened one eye, just in time to see Steve leave, a glass of juice on the nightstand by the bed.
As sleep took over, your mind played back everything from the time the lights in the tower had gone out.
The smells, noises, the feel of the uncomfortable cot on which you’d laid
 The burning eyes of your brother and his vile stench that permeated off of him as he confronted you. It made you retch and you twitched in your sleep, your head snapping to the side as you dreamed. Rumlow’s appearance sent your head in the other direction and from there it moved fast but clear. With a sudden gasp you sat bolt upright, shaking with fear. The room was dark, the bed beside you empty. At your feet, you heard commando stir and you reached out for him automatically.
Running one hand over his coat and the other over your face and down your neck, you brushed your bond marking, unintentionally.
Immediately you heard Steve as his voice filled your head.
"Just a dream."
“Oh. Okay. Are you hungry, do you need anything?”
"I could eat."
“I’ll fetch you some dinner.”
"I'll come out."
You sighed and lowered your hand. You were starving, you wanted food.
You climbed off the bed and headed downstairs. You crossed the strange feeling open-plan living space to the little table in the kitchen and Steve watched you as you sat down.
“I made tacos.” He spoke, his voice soft. “If you don’t want that then
well, I’m limited as that’s all Pete appears to have had time to stick in the fridge.”
"Tacos are fine." You grabbed a plate and began filling it.
Silence stretched before you, and eventually, Steve cleared his throat. “I’m
I'm gonna take Commando outside. Leave you to eat. I won’t go far.”
You nodded and when the door closed, you tossed your taco shell to the plate and sighed harshly. "For fucks sakes."
Taking a moment, you bit your cheek before you continued to grab what you wanted from the dishes Steve had left prepared and you sat down to eat.
Outside, Steve hadn't gone far at all. In fact, he stayed merely a stone’s toss from the door.
He absentmindedly tossed a stick for Commando to chase as he thought back over the last day or so. He had been through every single emotion that could possibly exist. Now, you were back. But his relief had lasted mere hours and given way to this horrific feeling of guilt and shame at his actions.
He took a seat on the tallest porch step, the shack of a safe house behind him, you inside. Each burning emotion you felt since he'd found you had been felt by him through your bond. He was angry at himself, for so many things, but commanding you as he had done was unforgivable, and he deserved your ire. He'd never betrayed anyone’s trust like that before. So what possessed him now to do so was unbeknownst to even him. Your comments about mind and reaction, and physical feeling all floored him. But what was killing him most was the fact that he just wanted to hold you, keep you close, feel you by his side as you fell into a comfortable sleep, knowing you were safe. He wanted to kiss the back of your neck as you slept, whisper that he loved you even though he knew you were so deep in the land of nod you wouldn’t hear. He wanted to be there to kiss away your tears when the inevitable nightmares arrived.
The physical ache of one’s mate being so out of reach was painful.
With a sigh, he watched as Commando dropped the stick at his feet again. “Fucked it up, huh, boy?” With a whine and grunt, the dog leaned at Steve's feet, nosing the stick toward him. He bent over, groaning a little at the click in his back as he did so, and then flung it out over the dimly lit yard.
Steve knew you wanted answers, needed them. He did too. But he wanted this war to be over far more. He couldn’t see any other way than the one he’d suggested. He knew that scared you, but what choice did he have?
He yearned for the comfort of his ranch, for the familiarity of his horses, the simplicity of his job. He wanted the carefree nature of his life back, where the most pressing things he needed to consider were pasture rotations, potential footrot in the cattle, and making sure he had ordered enough feed and baled enough hay. He wanted to take you out riding the trails again, see the sunlight as it bounced off your hair and twinkled in your eyes. It seemed like an age since either of you had done anything like that, and right now, Steve would give anything to just ignore the problem at hand and walk away.
But he couldn’t.
Commando's head and ears perked up as he heard you move through the house. Steve did too, a sense in him changing. You felt calmer in your aura but he could still smell the scent of your distress as if he were next to you. Steve looked down at his four-legged best friend and sighed, "Let's go see if we can sort this mess, huh?"
Commando wagged his tail and headed in through the door before Steve, who paused to lock it. You looked around from where you’d been rinsing your plate in the sink.
“I put the leftovers in the fridge.” You turned back to your task.
“Y/N... Please, can we talk?" He saw your shoulders stiffen, and he sighed. “Okay. It doesn’t matter
I’ll wait.”
"I don't know what to say that you can't already feel from me, Steve."
He licked his lips, “you’re right. Forget it. I’ll
I’m just gonna nip and use the bathroom. I’ll sleep down here tonight.”
When he came back, you were sitting on the love seat, waiting. "I won't sleep much tonight." You popped a shoulder in explanation.
He nodded, “okay.”
As he sat, you moved to the armrest as far as you could. You pulled your knees to your chest and wrapped your arms around your legs, closing yourself off from him physically. Your chin rested against your kneecap.
It was quiet, too quiet. And then you sniffed, staring ahead at the non-existent flames of an empty fireplace. "Why would you do that to me, Steve?"
“Because I’m an asshole. A stubborn asshole who always thinks he’s right.” He said, his voice quiet as he licked his lips. “And, despite what I try and protest to the contrary, I’m an alpha and I crave control. When there are things that affect the people I care about, it makes me feel powerless
and I can’t deal with it.”
"Why control me if you want me to be an equal? I may be an Omega but this bond between us signifies so much more than that." Your eyes burned with the sting of your tears.
“It wasn’t about controlling you.”
"Could have fooled me."
“It’s about controlling me. I can’t deal with feeling powerless.”
"So to make YOU feel better you abused our bond?"
“Basically, yeah.” He took a deep breath, “like I said, asshole.”
You were speechless. You didn't know what to say.
“The worst thing about you being taken
it was that I couldn’t stop it. I failed you, after I promised never to do that. I promised I’d keep you safe and that no one would hurt you
and I couldn’t
You looked at him as he spoke.
“Then when I found out that Fury had been lying and that everything we’d been looking into and chasing for the last fuck knows how long was just a huge fuckin’ lie
” he swallowed, his eyes fixed on his hands as they were clasped in his lap. “Then when you wouldn’t tell me the whole story, I guess
well, that was one thing I could control in this whole shitty ass mess. And I fucked up. Big time. And I understand you’re angry. I betrayed you. I know. I used my power against you, and you’re right, that makes me no better than your brother or Rumlow.”
"I didn't enjoy it if that's what you're assuming. If that's what you think you saw. It made me sick. But I had to make him believe, Steve. I had to play along or Sharon and I would've both been dead."
“No, I
” he shook his head as he looked at you, “I don’t. I never thought that. I told you, I thought he hurt you.”
"What would it have mattered if he did? Would you take him on sooner as an even high risk?"
“I don’t know.”
"I'm heartbroken, Steve. I'm scared. I'm hurt."
“I know, I feel it.” He took a deep breath, and then his voice cracked, “and the thought you’re stuck here with me, with someone you can’t stand the sight of, all because of this-“ he gestured to his mark, “makes me feel sick. I should have listened to my head, controlled myself when I bonded you, let you get to know me more
Rumlow might not have taken you, and you
well, you’d be able to just leave and carry on your life as normal.”
"What are you saying?"
“That I’m sorry you can’t leave like I know you want to.”
At that, your anger boiled over, and this time you couldn’t stop yourself from landing a stinging slap on his left cheek. His head whipped to the side and his eyes closed, as he took a deep breath.
"Don't you ever say that to me again." You snarled, “yes, we moved incredibly fast. But we know why. And I may be hurt and broken, but damn it the worst part of it is I love you so much and it scares me.” You were full-on sobbing now, and Steve looked at you, his face contorted with the pain he was feeling at resisting the urge to hold you and soothe you. “It scares me the control you have without even pushing for it. Now I know what it feels like when you do. But never would I think of just walking away."
You took a deep breath and shifted a little in your seat, cuddling deeper into Steve’s hoodie.
“I’m sorry.” He offered, gently, and you knew he was.
You wiped your eyes furiously with the heel of your palm and swallowed. "So now what?”
“I’d like you to get some rest. I can feel you. You’re tired and hurt.” Steve was careful to phrase it as a request. “Tomorrow we’ll regroup.“
You nodded. Then you sighed, and you gave in to your fear, another tear trickling down your face. "I'm scared to sleep, Steve."
“Nothing is gonna happen to you whilst I’m here. We’re safe, that I can promise you.”
He watched as you gnawed your lip. Your inner turmoil seeping out of you in waves. You wanted him to hold you, comfort you, but you were still pissed. “Y/N
“What do you want me to do?“
"I don't know," you whispered as your rough exterior started to rattle.
Steve felt your pain, and he swallowed, taking a deep breath. His hands hung by his side, opening and fisting as he fought the desire to sweep you into his arms.
"I want to be mad and angry as hell, but I need you."
“You can be all three,” he shrugged, “they’re not exclusive.”
Your lip started to wobble, "Steve... Please..."
In a flash, he closed the distance between you on the seat and you were in his strong arms. One hand firmly at the base of your back, the other cupping your head as you pressed your face into his neck.
“I gotchu, Doll.”
"Don't let me go."
You pulled back to gaze up at him and his bearded lips sealed over yours.
As your Alpha kissed you, your bond became the driving force. Your hands slid up his chest and neck, his jaw cradled by your palms and your finger grazed his mark. Your mind flooded with feelings and senses. You could feel the bond working, golden tendrils moving through you like the sea moving into shore. And like a needle and thread, the bond sought to stitch gaping wounds and embalm sores like a salve.
Your hands gripped his face tighter as you deepened the kiss, pouring everything you had into him. The hurt, fear, anger
none of it mattered now. You needed your Alpha. A vibration sounded from his chest as he grunted in reply. The call of your bond was stronger than your frustrations and now carnal desire stood between you.
” you whispered, your voice lowly and full of want.
“I need you.”
His hands easily found your hips and soon the back of your thighs as he lifted you from your feet to his waist. His lips not leaving yours as he carried you to the back room. You heard the door thud shut as he kicked it with his boot-clad foot, and soon your back touched the comforter of the bed as he lay you down, never once breaking your kiss. Shedding your clothes was easy, the oversized tee and gray sweats tossed to the floor. You had nothing on under and now you were completely bare.
His eyes grew dark as he took in the sight of you, before his mouth gently peppered warm kisses across your collar bone. Your body curled around his, your knees open to allow his frame to slot between before they bent at his hips. Your hands fanned through his longer hair as they took fistfuls of those darkened blonde locks. Your head tilted back as a sigh escaped you.
His beard scratched at your sensitive skin, the slight burn soothed by his soft mouth. It was a juxtaposition that echoed him perfectly; his rough, tough Alpha nature contrasting to the soft, caring side he held for you.
"Please, Alpha..."
Steve moved back, stripping off his own clothes as you watched, your chest heaving with a heady combination of lust and anticipation. Your eyes were more than occupied with the specimen before you. The smattering of hair across bulging pectorals, the cut abs, and scarred skin from war and ranch work. The strength you knew behind those thick thighs. His muscles flexed and twitched as he climbed back on the bed, leaning over you, those strong arms supporting his weight as he bent down to kiss you again. Your nails scratched down his sides and you found your way to his hard cock. Your warm palm wrapped around him and his arms faltered a little as his eyes closed, a grunt catching in his throat. Your warm palm wrapped around him and his arms faltered a little as his eyes closed, a grunt catching in his throat.
"'Mega...." He strained.
You twisted your wrist, slowly. Once, twice, and on the third go his lips plunged back to yours as he moved, his fingers gripping the forearm of the hand that was wrapped around his cock. You wanted him, and you wanted to allow those golden threads to seal that last wound.
He could feel you, feel your Omega calling to him as he threaded his fingers between yours and pressed your hands into the mattress, either side of your head. “I hear you, doll."
You let out a soft moan, his lips caressed your bonding mark and you shivered as tiny prickles of pleasure erupted across your skin.
"Alpha, please..."
With a shuffle of his hips, he let go of your left hand to reach down with his right. A quick pump of himself left him lining up with your entrance. He ran his tip through your folds and teased your clit.
"I don't... I can't fight it, sweetheart."
"Don't. Just let go."
His fingers tightened around yours as he pushed into you. You felt each inch as he bottomed out, his arms straining, the tension clear in his jaw.
"Oh fuck," you choked on the feeling. You were being stretched wide, almost like it was the first time.
His hips moved back, slowly, before he thrust back into you. Again, and again. Despite what he had said, his movements were measured, slow, a deliberate pull and push between your bodies as his eyes studied yours from above, his torso held up by his strong arms.
You nipped at the skin of his inner bicep as he rolled in and out of you. His grunts were feral but his rhythm was very much who he was, controlled. You could feel his control, the fight he was having internally, but it no longer hurt him. As you were bonded now, there was no fear behind any of it, just a desire to please and love on you.
"More Alpha, I want more," you rasped. Your end of the bond pulled at his Alpha, beckoning him with your scent
“Fuck, ‘mega
” he growled, his teeth nipping your bond as he sped up slightly.
Slicked skin from arousal between you and sticky with sweat as your bodies metaphorically ignited in flames as he took you. You panted in his ear and moaned as his dirty grind changed into an up tilt to hit your soft spot deep inside. You moved with him, his body lower now, your nipples like diamond peaks as hard muscles of his pecs skimmed them with each push and pull he gave you.
You hooked your legs over his narrowed hips and locked your ankles at the small of Steve's back. You pushed him inward with each forward thrust and your newfound strength didn't keep him far on the pullout either.
“Shit, baby
” he grunted as your nails dug into the back of his knuckles, “Jesus you feel good
"Mmmmhhmmmm," you whimpered. "I... Fuck... I... I love you."
“I love you too
So much
you’re mine
” his teeth nipped at your skin, right at the hollow of your throat. “All mine.”
"I'm yours Steve, I'm yours. You... Own...me." You gasped between thrusts.
” his hands quickly released yours and you felt his arms slide between your back and the comforter. He then moved, lifting you up as he sat back on his ankles, causing you to gasp and groan as he seated you in his lap.
He thrust up into you, strong arms around you holding you close. His face buried into your cleavage, nose trailing up your sternum. His hand then gripped the back of your neck and pulled you down for a kiss that was a fierce gnash of teeth and tongues.
“I’ll tear the fucking world down to keep you safe.” His lips spoke against yours, the ferocious undertone to his words made you shiver.
There was your Alpha, the one that burned around the edges of control and held a hardened tenacity. His growl sent your edge teetering.
"Fuck, Alpha, I'm gonna...." You whined.
“Let go
I gotchu, doll.”
With a snap of his hips three more times, you clenched around him, his given name a cry on your lips as you followed it with a shuddering whimper. Your whole body responded to your orgasm, opening up your mind and soul to your bond, allowing your entire being to connect with Steve.
Steve felt the warmth of your body as it surrendered to him and he groaned, holding you tighter as he shuffled on his knees, rising taller as he continued to thrust in and out of you. Your body was limp as you blissfully took what was left of him, for in no time his stamina gave way and he was releasing inside you.
The pair of you clung to one another, his face pressed to your chest as your chin rested on his head. You could feel his heart through your own chest and undoubtedly he could feel yours. Your eyes felt hazy and you wondered if their color changed again as it had before.
Eventually, you felt him move, his lips pressing soft kisses to the swell of your breasts before he looked up at you, those blue eyes back to their crystal azure shade, pupils no longer blown.
“You okay?”
Your hands danced up his back, over his shoulders before your fingers thread through his hair, brushing it back off his forehead. “Yeah, I’m good
more than good. Are you?"
“I am now I know you’re safe
” he whispered.
Your eyes shone with tears as the sentiment of his words hit you.
He swallowed, his hands moving to cup your cheeks as he pulled you down for a soft, slow kiss. “I’m sorry
"I know." The words stuck in your throat, for within his apology lay the reason you now suddenly felt overwhelmingly guilty at having even suggested he was anything like Rumlow or your brother. Because whilst Steve might need control, and had tried to use it over you, he didn’t enjoy it. It made him ache, feel dirty, and wrong.
"I'm sorry, Steve," you cried, "I'm so sorry."
“Hey, shush
” he soothed you, his hands tucking your hair behind your ears. “Don’t
please don’t.”
"I was horrible."
“And I was a fucking asshole. You had every right to be angry and upset.” His lips kissed away your tears as they fell down your cheeks.
"Never again, never, I swear it."
” Steve hushed you. “Please.”
"Okay," you inhaled deeply. His scent had changed, a calming feeling emitted from him, like a chamomile tea or lavender bath.
With a gentle, easy movement he set you down, and scooped you into his arms.
"Where are we going?" You sniffed as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
"A bath and then sleep, 'Mega."
“I already had a bath,” you nuzzled into him as he opened the door and carried you down the hall.
"Not with me you haven't."
You giggled as his bare feet slapped softly against the bare wooden floor, his skin still warm against yours as he held you effortlessly in his arms.
You knew now you'd sleep peacefully tonight, open wounds stitched and sores of heartache healed between you.
Steve, however, did not sleep peacefully. He was restless all night, tossing and turning as you lay beside him.
It was about four in the morning when you moved to straddle him. The pads of your fingers cupped his bearded jawline as you leaned down and kissed every frown and worry line you could see or feel on his face. Soon after, with his large cock once more stuffed inside of you, you were slowly rolling your hips as his large hands gripped your waist. As you rode him, he could think about nothing but you; feel nothing but you; sense nothing but you. And when you’d both reached your climax, you collapsed forward onto him, his arms holding you close.
Your sweat-slicked bodies stayed pressed together, your minds were quiet and sated, which meant Steve managed to finally drift off to sleep. He was awoken a few hours later, far earlier than he would have liked, when the safe house alarm system tripped, signalling the arrival of Bucky and Sam.
You were soon joined by the rest of the team, and you helped Pete and Natasha prepare a hearty breakfast for you all before conversations struck up around the group. And you beelined for Thor, keen to see if he had any further understanding on the abilities you suspected were coming from your Soul Bond.
“You’re brooding.” Bucky observed as he sat next to Steve. “And doing a crappy job at shielding.”
“I fucked up.” Steve sighed, his eyes straying to where you were sitting with Thor.
Bucky frowned, “how do you mean?”
“I knew she was hiding something, about what Rumlow did. She wouldn’t tell me, and was about to walk away so...”
“You Alpha commanded her, didn’t you?”
Steve nodded, “and I broke her trust.”
“Idiot.” Bucky rolled his eyes. “So how did that work out for you?”
Steve glared at Bucky. “Not good. She was so mad and angry. And she completely ignored me to start with.”
“She ignored you?”
Steve nodded. “She did it to Rumlow, too.” He raised his brows a little and following a questioning glance from Bucky he explained what you had shown him.
“He kissed her. He alpha commanded her to do it
well, she was faking it.”
Bucky blinked, “she managed to do that?”
“I mean I know she’s been training but, wow.” Bucky exhaled, “that’s
well, she’s managed to ignore me and Nat but it’s really taken it out of her. To be able to resist in such a weak position is, well, almost unbelievable
and she’s never managed to ignore you before.”
“I know.” Steve bit his cheek. “And last night, she actively managed to push me out
you know how we can shield our feelings? Well, it was like that but ten times as strong. I felt it in my own head, it hurt.”
Both Alphas watched you for a second as you looked at the screen Thor was pointing at and Bucky let out a low whistle. “Do you think it’s the soul bond, giving her this extra strength?“
“Well, she found some old research which seemed to suggest with a soul bond, Omegas can take on elements of traits of the Alpha and vice versa. It actually mentions that the Omega they studied needed far less strength to refuse Alpha commands, even those of her own Alpha
” Steve shrugged, “so
maybe. All I know is that I’m thankful she could. Or her time with Hydra could have been a lot worse.”
“How’re things now?”
“Okay. I mean I think they are. She threw down at me pretty hard and I wasn’t exactly totally passive in the argument myself,” Steve couldn’t help a little chuckle at Bucky’s loud snort, “but I apologised, so did she, we
we made up
Smugly, Bucky nodded, "well done, Captain."
Steve rolled his eyes, then shook his head, “I shouldn’t have done it.”
Bucky thought for a minute. He'd been friends with Steve for ages, since they were children. He remembered briefly all their times together, from tragedy to discovering love and acceptance. Steve had never batted an eye when he came to him about his feelings for Sam. He was warm and honest. Bucky remembered Steve's time with Peggy and how markedly different his quick-fire relationship with his Omega was now.
"It's a lesson learned. And given your history, I'm going to suggest it's one of many. Look, pal, I don't have advice outside of the obvious. She’s not like Peg and she never will be. Clearly, fate has a different sense of humor this time around."
“You can say that again,” Steve muttered, his eyes flicking back to you.
You could feel your alpha looking at you and you raised your head from the screen and shot him a small smile which he returned.
“Forgive me for prying, Magpie, but I’m sensing something between you and the Captain. Something, well, troubled?”
"Not exactly, anymore at least. We're both just...it's the bond, this war. My newfound enhancements, we'll call them..." your words faded off as you looked back to your Alpha, your mate, your everything. "The speed that all this has happened is overwhelming and confusing. It leaves me feeling out of control and lost but full of curious determination." You looked back to the extremely large blonde man next to you with the two colored eyes and sheered hair.
“You cannot fight fate,” Thor spoke wisely, “and what you two have is, I believe, something that was already destined before you even knew about each other.”
"That's the thing, isn't it. With little known or what we could find, it's almost maddening. But he has his war and I can't help but feel deep down I'm a key or undiscovered piece to victory for our side. Call it a feeling or maybe the bond has something to do with it, but we're running out of time for answers, that I'm sure of."
Thor pondered for a moment, “you might not know what it is you possess that is key until the time comes for you to use it.”
"You really suck at helping, you know that, right?"
“Apologies, little one.” Thor laughed.
You rolled your eyes and continued to scan through the research, although there was nothing new that was jumping out at you. It was the same in every little snippet you read; the bond transcends death, even if a mate dies the one which remains alive is destined to stay alone
can never bond to another.
None of this had on the surface seemed to bother Rumlow. You could recall clearly his words, how he had said he didn’t need to bond you, he wasn’t interested in breeding, just using you. But, the more you thought about it, the more you knew that was bullshit. He was an Alpha. Driven by desire and need. He was smug enough, arrogant enough, full of enough Alpha Male pride that you knew procreating and cementing his legacy would matter to him.
That was part of the reason he’d been so happy when you had faked your subservience.
“See, the bond means shit, you’re powerless now to do anything but obey.”
His words hit you and you let out a loud exhale. He really was such an ignorant asshole, refusing to even contemplate an Omega could be more than what an Alpha made her.
It made you shiver, the fact of the matter was, if he beat Steve he’d try and bond you regardless of what any myth or legend told him. That was one thing you were a hundred percent certain of. Because he wouldn’t believe for a second it would be impossible for him not to. Especially if he thought the serum he possessed would make him stronger. Although you knew as soon as he tried to take it, he would realise that wasn’t the case.
“You’re miles away.” Thor spoke, nudging you with his elbow and you jerked your head up to look at him.”
“I was saying to not be too downhearted. I have said to the Captain before, Hydra’s downfall will come from something they cannot understand or something they refuse to believe.”
Tony’s phone rang out clearly across the room and everyone fell silent.
“It’s the goth pirate
Steve nodded, and Tony swiped to answer, placing the phone into speaker mode before putting it down on the table.
“Any news?” Steve didn’t even wait for Fury to speak.
“We have a few leads but nothing concrete, as suggested, we believe they’ve gone deeper underground.”
“How good are the leads, anything we can do?” Tony asked.
“We’re checking them out. It’s a little harder now we don’t have anyone on the inside. My eyes and ears are gone, I’m chasing shadows and listening to whispers.”
Steve groaned as Tony cut the call.
“Pissing in the wind
” Bucky shook his head. “They got shit.”
A few rolls and rumbles of chatter spread across the group, but you remained silent. Truth was, what Fury said about listening to whispers had set your analytical brain off.
If Rumlow hadn’t sussed it already, knowing Sharon had been working for Fury all this time would surely make him even more suspicious of the serum. That said, come to think of it, he had given you the serum first, so he must have been a little suspicious or wary of taking it himself even when he thought it was real. God, he was going to be pissed when he realised his plan to get super strength had actually failed. If anything, it would make him even more vicious, especially seeing as such a lowly Omega had been able to get one better on him. You also knew, despite his attitude, that Rumlow had absolutely no regard for the Soul Bond you and Steve shared. He would have tried to bond you regardless of the mark on your neck or what any of the research or history showed. He wouldn’t understand that it was more than merely a normal pure bond, and he would refuse to believe that he would be unable to bond you once the serum had


You blinked
“something they cannot understand
something they refuse to believe
That white-hot feeling of sudden realisation flushed through your body. Sensing it, Steve’s head whipped round to look at you and he frowned. “Y/N, what is it?”
“I think I know how we can draw them out
and more importantly, I might have a way we can finish this.”
The room fell silent as all eyes flicked to you.
“Draw them out?“ Sam arched a brow. “They won’t fall for that.”
“They will if we give Rumlow enough of an incentive.” You spoke clearly, your voice carrying across the room. “We know the serum ain’t gonna work when he takes it, but all we have to do is make him believe that it will
You looked at your alpha. You could see the storm behind his eyes, and you didn’t need any kind of bonding at all to see the war raging inside him. He was torn. He didn’t want you part of this, but he also wanted to let you have your moment, because you deserved that.
“I know Rumlow, and I know my brother.” You implored Steve, “let me help.”
Steve took a deep breath before he nodded. “Okay, Y/N
tell us what you got in mind.”
***** Chapter 13
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fairy-writes · 2 years ago
a second option for the event? 👀 never gonna let you down for yuliy (do i write this correctly...) from sirius the jaeger? been a while since i last saw that fandom on my dash!
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Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Requester: thewaterlily
Fandom(s): Sirius the Jaeger
Pairing(s): Yuliy Jirov x Gender Neutral!Reader
Song: Never Gonna Let You Down by Colbie Caillat
Genre: Fluff with some hints of angst
Notes: PLATONIC RELATIONSHIP WITH YULIY, pre-Sirius the Jaeger plotline.
This is based on the song, but not a song fic because it was already getting sooo long, and I was slowly wasting away. 
A pounding on your door in the middle of the night woke you with a startle. You instinctively wrapped your hand around the pistol under your pillow. It was a habit after being a Jaeger for so long. You silently crept toward the stairs of your home. 
The pounding continued as you descended the stairs, hand clutching your gun as you tried to peek out the window and into the rain streaking down in a torrent that flooded the street. Finally, however, once you saw just who was pounding at your door, you flung it open in haste.
It was Willard. Cold, wet, shivering and holding something covered in blankets. He said your name quietly, and you hurriedly ushered him inside. 
“What sort of time do you call this?! I thought you were still in Russia looking for—” Willard shushed you, and before you could retaliate, he uncovered the lump of whatever he was holding, draping the soaking-wet blankets over the back of the couch.
It was a boy, no older than seven or eight years old. Dressed in clothes you didn’t recognize, the boy had black hair with a shock of white plastered to his forehead. His eyes were screwed shut, and his cheeks were flushed a bright red, chest heaving as he battled whatever ailment he had. 
He was sick. That much was obvious. 
“Willard, what—”
“His name is Yuliy. I found him abandoned in Russia. Vampires destroyed his entire village.” Willard said, and your brows furrowed, taking in the boy’s sick appearance once more. Then, you spun on your heel, tucking your gun in the waistband of the pajama pants. 
“Wait—where are you going?” He asked as you left his side. You looked over your shoulder,
“To get something to help him feel better. That’s why you brought him here, right?” This effectively shut the professor up, and he set Yuliy down on the recliner in the corner of your living room, putting a new blanket over him as you rummaged through your home for things that could help.
Eventually, you came back with a set of pajamas tucked under your arm, a tray of three steaming mugs, and a towel. Willard had brought the sopping wet blankets to your laundry room and was currently talking in quiet tones to Yuliy, who still refused to open his eyes. Finally, you uncovered Yuliy and picked him up gently. He was painfully light for his age. 
He curled into your chest, one cold arm wrapping around your neck and the other clutching his wet clothes to his body in an attempt to preserve any sort of warmth.
“I’m going to help him get changed. You wait here.” You explained to Willard, who nodded. Once inside the guest bedroom, you set Yuliy down on the bed and got on your knees, so you were at eye level with him. 
“Yuliy? I need to get these clothes off of you. They’re helping keep you sick. Can you help me?” You spoke in quiet tones, and Yuliy slowly opened his eyes. You couldn’t contain your gasp. They were the most brilliant blue color, though they were hazy with exhaustion and a hint of deep, deep sadness. But nonetheless, he nodded, and you quickly got him changed, turning your back when he stripped himself of his underwear and put the new on. The pajamas were painfully oversized on him, the shirt hanging down to his thighs and the trousers having to be cinched as tight as they would go and rolled up at the bottom. 
Now dressed in dry clothes and wrapped in a blanket, he sat with his mug of hot cocoa as you dried his hair. He had his small hands wrapped tightly around the mug as Willard nursed his cup of tea. 
“What happens now, Willard?” You asked, and he frowned as he set the cup down on the coffee table. 
“I’m going to kill vampires,” Yuliy said, uttering the first words you had heard him speak. He spoke with such conviction that you actually believed he could do it. 

The first time you saw Yuliy cry was almost precisely one year after he came to live with you. Perhaps living with you wasn’t the correct phrase. He accompanied Willard on missions more often than he didn’t, but you still kept the spare bedroom made up for him for when he would come around. 
Now was one of those times. Willard was asleep on the couch, and Yuliy was upstairs in the guest bedroom. You had got up to get a glass of water when you heard his quiet cries. Your heart shattered when you heard how he tried to stifle them. Then, opening his door as silently as you could, you saw him hunched in the corner, fist to his lips as he tried to keep quiet. 
All he needed to do was look at you before you were gathering him in your lap on the bed and rocking him back and forth. He clung to your clothes, nose buried in the crook of your neck. You rubbed his back and rocked slowly, saying soft words of encouragement as he calmed down. 
“They died last week
 My family. It’s the one-year anniversary.” He finally whispered, and your heart broke even more. He was trying so hard to be strong, but he was just a boy. 
“I’m supposed to be strong! I shouldn’t be crying! I should—”
“Let yourself be a child, Yuliy.” You cut him off gently and leaned your head on his. His grip tightened, and he dissolved into tears again. 

The first time you saw him kill a vampire was when he was sixteen—nine years of raising the young Sirius to the best of your abilities with Willard at your side. 
You were there through his heartaches, tears, injuries, everything. You were there when Phillip, Dorothea, and Fallon joined the little group. You had become something of a parent to all of them. They often joked that they were a family and that you and Willard were the parents.
You were hidden in wait for their mission to conclude so you could treat their injuries. You didn’t participate in fighting anymore, not after your last mission had your entire team killed years ago. But that didn’t mean you had to miss out on all the fun. 
So you waited. 
Yuliy was beautiful to watch as he fought. He twisted through the air and used his three-sectioned staff (that you had gotten for him) with such grace and practice it was mesmerizing. 

A knock on your door distracted you from your book, and you looked out the window to your left. 
It was Yuliy. 
He had been gone on a mission for weeks that he wouldn’t tell you about. He didn’t have his case with his staff which was odd. He was staring down where he was fiddling with his fingers. What was strange was his white streak of hair had gotten more prominent, and his right eye was clamped shut. 
With a frown, you opened the door,
“Yuliy? You know you don’t have to knock, right?” He shrunk in on himself, and your frown grew.
“What’s wrong?”
Before you knew it, Yuliy had wrapped his arms tightly around your middle, head in the crook of your neck like he used to when he was small. 
“He’s dead.” He whispered,
“Mikhail. My older brother. He got killed in a fight over the Arc.” Yuliy sounded close to tears, so you wrapped your around his shoulders and pulled him even closer. 
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart.” You whispered and felt hot tears soak into your skin as Yuliy began to cry. 
The two of you stood like that for a while, you rocking Yuliy back and forth much like you had when you had found him crying for the first time. His cries were quiet like always, but he never wavered and never let go. 
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buckybarnesdiaries · 4 years ago
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© @captaincentenarian
bucky barnes x reader. ⎱ masterlist.
Bucky needed to be spoiled.
word count: 1.2k
warnings/tags: nsfw, +18!!! sub!bucky (more or less), handjob, mention of bodily fluids, praise!kink, language, cockwarming.
author notes: this isn't proofread, sorry for possible mistakes. none of my stories contain reader’s body descriptions to be inclusive.
Join the tag list here.
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“Oh, fu— fuck”.
A muffled moaning escaped his lips when your thumb caressed his reddened tip. Since Bucky woke you up some minutes ago, with curses and groans, you knew perfectly what he needed. Now he was sprawled between your legs and his back was stuck to your chest. The soldier tossed his head to your shoulder, having a better view of his tongue strongly licking his lips and his eyelids closed.
Your right hand pumped his most sensitive skin, up and down, at a medium pace. Enough to please him, but not to make him cum too soon. Bucky was stirring under your strokes, gripping his balls with his cold fingers as the flesh ones got tangled in your hair. Sometimes, he just needed to be touched. Touched by you, and no one else. Be treated with care and tenderness. The last mission had some complications and that took its toll.
“Does it feel good?” You whispered using a honeyed tone of voice into his ear.
 so damn good, doll”. He replied as he could.
“You deserve it”. You hummed spreading sweet kisses on the connection of vibranium and skin.
Increasing the pace a little more just to tease him, Bucky responded with a soft growl, rubbing his abdomen with the palm of his free hand, slightly stretching back his head. His hard cock felt warmer with every move of your fingers around it, using some more pressure to give him an added pleasure. Bucky had to settle himself better against your chest, stealing the air from his lungs when you nailed your teeth in his neck. His digits got closed tighter in the back of your head, watching him trying to breathe through his parted lips.
James wasn't too loud while having sex, except in moments like those where your only purpose was to make him enjoy. He couldn't control his vocals, babbling your name with a wrecked tone. You used the tip of your tongue to draw a mark on his skin, sucking and hollowing your cheeks slightly. You loved to mark your territory, although those hickies never lasted longer than a day.
“Puts your hands on my thighs”. You ordered him, placing your legs over his to keep them wide open at any moment.
He obeyed with a soft pout, landing your free fingers on his balls to massage them slowly, contrary to how you were pumping his firm dick. Bucky would never recognize it, but he loved when you took control and told him what he should do. Tilting his head, he kissed you slowly, invading his mouth with your tongue as you felt his anxiety by digging his fingertips in the sides of your legs. Both were hungry for each other, jerking his length faster till earning again his moans and his curses.
Bucky looked like the most beautiful piece of art with the pearls of sweat decorating his forehead and some tufts of his black hair stuck on it. He bit his bottom lip fixing his pale blue eyes on yours, not needing words to express to you what you were making him feel.
“You're such a good boy, aren't you?” You purred against his lips, brushing them with yours. “My good boy”.
 I am”. Bucky whined when the pleasure started to be too much for his body.
“Of course you are, and you belong to me”. You spoke this time with a hoarse voice that gave him goosebumps, watching your boyfriend swallow. “Say it”.
 you— yours, doll
 only yours
 I swear it”. His dick was twitching between your fingers, getting tensed as you squeezed his balls tighter. “Fu— Fuck
 I need to
 I need to cum
“Beg for it, my good boy”. You murmured, licking his parted lips with the tip of your tongue while slowing down the pace of your strokes, causing him to sob.
“Don' be
 petty, doll
 C'mon, lemme cum, please”. Bucky growled in gasps, starting to rock his hips against your hand unconsciously.
He needed to release all the frustration running through his body. And he wanted you to help him with it. For you, it was a little funny how easy it was to make your big bad boyfriend plead. Although he hated you for it, trying to do his best to not push you apart and finish by himself.
“Baby, ple— please
” Bucky moaned closing his eyes strongly, gripping your thighs with his huge hands. “God
 I ca— can't wait
 I can't
“You 'gonna disobey me?”
At the moment you replaced your left hand from his balls to his throat, forcing him to look at you again, his breathing became erratic, keen. His chest rose and fell furiously, not being able to control a single action of his anatomy.
” He begged you one last time, feeling all his blood concentrated in a concrete point of his cock and the knot within his low abdomen growing. “Doll
“Cum for me. Now, James”. You commanded jerking him off faster than before, receiving a delighted cry from him.
Soon, the white ropes fell and stained his torso. His whole body was shaking, his Adam's apple was dancing under the palm of your hand still gripping his throat, the toes of his feet were curled and his abdomen was tense because of the orgasm exploding within him. Shutting up his vocals by devouring his mouth, your tongue fought his with dominance, while he was trying to breathe through his nose.
Collecting his arousal with your fingertips, you broke the kiss leaving him running out of air, sucking clean your digits under his attentive and exhausted gaze.
“Should be illegal to taste like that”. You purred giving him a whole show. “Wanna try it?”
“Please”. He mumbled leaning his head enough to lick your lips and suck the tip of your tongue. Bucky couldn't help but gasp at the savor of his jizz mixed with your saliva.
Not saying a single word, after placing one last kiss on his sweaty forehead, you stood up from your bed to go to the bathroom. Wetting a small towel with warm water, you came back to find your big soldier lying on his back and trying to recover. You kneeled on the mattress to clean first his face from the sweat, before continuing with his chest and abdomen and finishing with his —yet— twitching erection. Bucky sighed because of the careful caress, placing his hand made of vibranium on your back.
You tossed the towel somewhere over the floor, stripping yourself after that to lie by his side. “Come here
Using a sweet thread of voice, you urged him to turn and to let you embrace him. What he wasn't expecting was one of your hands to be snaked among your bodies, while you put a leg over his waist. Bucky understood your intentions when he was buried deep inside your soaked walls, sinking a more than pleased growl in your neck. He closed his arms around your body, forcing his cock to beyond your limits and holding it within your warm pussy.
“You're an angel, babydoll”. Bucky whimpered, feeling your walls clenching his sensible erection. “I love you
 I love you”.
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feedback is appreciated, please, leave a comment to let me know if you liked it and/or reblog it.
TAG LIST: @mystic-232 @homesicam @theresnoplatypus @i-love-scott-mccall @slutfornat @goldielocks2004 @whatrambles @the-mystery-spot @multiyfandomgirl40 @purrrrfect @spidergirla5 @wanniiieeee @fanofalltheficsx @spideysimpossiblegirl @nocturnalherb16 @jointhehunt67 @the-witty-pen-name @valenquei @golden-hoax @hunter-of-baker-street @missusstark @vhscherry @warm-sensations @addictedtofictionalcharacters @sarahsmcu @tinylumpiaa @amelia-song-pond @heartislubbingdubbing @stolenxkissess @clean-and-claire @winchestersgirl222 @virgoroses @marvel-ousnesss @me-a-hopeless-romantic @rvgrsbrns @maccasbeard @haileygarciasunshine @lewd-alien @kait-is-always-late @mckenna @mayans-sauce @petlaufeyson @sheeshgivemeabreak @megapeacelovemusic-blog @greeneyedblondie44 @phoenixhalliwell
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