#sorry for the plethora of straight ships
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camvrin · 7 months ago
gang as streamers
maz would be the most problematic alongside me (given sometimes we say things on impulse and then backtrack by smacking a hand over our mouth with "I am so sorry. omg.")... but not "problematic" like Melanie Martinez no like. "oh hell nah y'all are WILDDDD for this 😭" "guys I can't keep defending u."
Devon is an actual Cory like they'll post something they'll stream but then go AWOL for six months and come back like "what's good chat 😈.."
Devon is the least interactive with their fan base outside of streaming unless they're tagged in shit or see something that makes them go "wait wait wait hold on a minute."
Jake has the LEAST problematic fanbase and he's easily more popular because. have you seen his rants he'd be like a Charlie but in a. Jake way
we're all the most problematic people ever whenever we're doing a stream together people have clips of things they shouldn't
ykw I'm talking about Devon being a Cory, I act like I hate my fanbase and proceed to disappear too "OLIVER stop posting on everything BUT yt/twitch. DO A STREAM ITS BEEN MONTHS"
we're like Inquisitormaster we have a plethora of ships left and right and one day we do a reaction and someone comes out and says "guys what if they're just poly?" and we make the mistake of entertaining without clarifying it was a joke and all fanbases go insane
drinking streams... 🤤 except I'm (me and probably Maz.) are raging alcoholics so there's a shit ton of clips which include Jake and Devon being tired of my (our) bullshit
irl streams once we're all comfortable like we do house tourssss, bakingggg, vlogsss,,,
"we've known each other since 2020... we were all still in late elementary or smth HAHA" and we earn the title of #onlinefriendshipgoals
ship clips
we have so many out of context compilations it could be damaging to our careers 😭🙏🏽
we all have roles too like "Jake being that tired older sibling for 13 minutes and 04 seconds" / "Solar being the baby for twenty minutes straight" / "Devon being a D1 Instigator™ during the Among Us stream" / "Cameron giving peak theatre kid for 10 minutes"
erm wait guys add more I'm pooping rn 🤓🤞🏽
@barneysbigstompers @anonoob @mazzywazzy69
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demonicwookie · 2 months ago
Robin Out
Content: Major character death, hurt no comfort, whump. Febuwhump Day 1: Die a hero (vocal chords alternative prompt) Crossposted on AO3 @ DemonicWookie + “Tim! Tim!” Kon’s voice shouts through the doorway to Tim’s left. “Join us!”
He’d been hoping to slip by without being noticed, but it figures that a Kryptonian’s hearing would ruin the attempt. Lingering by the doorway, Tim looks in to see Cassie, Bart, and Kon lounging on sofas with the Yule log livestream burning on the screen.
“Why are you guys watching that, it’s mid-July.”
“The ambiance, Tim.” Cassie replies, her head popping up from behind a couch. “That, and Bart needs something to look at or he’ll go insane.”
The reply comes from across the room, but Bart makes it over to Tim before his voice does. A hand wraps around Tim’s wrist and he’s being tugged into the room, giving him no time to protest.
“Guys, I really need to finish submitting the report for last mission.” He tries anyways. “Batman will skin m-”
The trio groans in unison, Kon piping up to finish Tim’s sentence. “Skin you alive, we know. You say that every time, and yet you remain unskinned.”
Tim huffs, and lets himself be guided to sit on the floor. Rude, considering that there’s a plethora of couches and he’s being coerced into spending time with them, but floor time never hurt anybody.
“Alright, Cassie, go.” Bart orders as he zips back to his spot.
“I think… I’ll go out when it’s thundering. Maybe on a boat somewhere.” Cassie muses, the unexpected topic sending Tim’s brows scrunching towards one another. “I’ll be slowly floating down and it’ll be calm despite the storm above.”
Tim butts in. “Wait, what are we talking about?”
“How we’re going to die in victorious battle, of course.”
“I’m going to sacrifice myself by phasing into a nuclear reactor to stop it from exploding. Kon thinks he’s going to die saving Metropolis from Doomsday.” Bart blurts out, as he is wont to do. “Just like how Supes did.”
“Wait, Superman died like that?” Kon looks over, surprised. “Huh.”
“Yeah, it’s like, infamous as one of the planet’s darkest days dude.”
Cassie sighs. “You guys are interrupting my story.”
“Sorry, sorry.”
“You’re forgiven. So. I’m in the water, right?” She continues on, eyes looking towards the ceiling as she thinks. “I’m thinking ‘this is it’ and then the Hydra follows me down into the sea. We have a massive battle where it takes out a chunk of my guts, and we go down in mutually assured destruction.”
“Damn.” Kon reacts.
“Gnarly.” Bart chirps.
There’s a bout of silence, and then three gazes are turning to look at Tim in unison. Kon’s the one to ask. “So, how about you Tim?”
“Guys, I dunno if-”
“Come on Rob, don’t be a stick in the mud.” Cassie ribs him, throwing a pillow at his head. Tim, of course, dodges.
“Fine. I guess…” Tim thinks back to all the times he’d thought about his death. “I always thought I’d go out getting shot by some random gangster who gets in a lucky hit.”
There’s a pause after he gives them his supposed cause of death, their expressions reading as anticipation. When he doesn’t continue, there’s a series of disappointed sounds before Bart is complaining. “That’s so lame, dude.”
“It’s Gotham!” Tim says as an excuse.
“Yeah, well, you’re wrong.” Cassie decides, turning to the other boys. “We’ll just have to figure out a better story.”
“I think he’d go out on an alien ship that’s just outside Earth’s atmosphere.” There’s a whoosh of air and then Kon is sitting across from Tim, his TTK urging the human’s legs to stretch out straight. “It’d be an ‘all hands on deck’ situation with the Justice League and everyone.”
“Ooooh, yeah.” Bart nods, his head blurring with the pace of his movements. “They’d be like ‘everyone retreat and regroup, there are too many of them’, but our Rob slipped into the vents ages ago and is standing at the controls of the mothership.”
Tim suppresses a smile at ‘our Rob’. “Since when do alien ships need a ventilation system.”
“Have you ever been on a ship without one?” Cassie counters. Fair point. “Anyways, he’d say ‘get to safety, I’m going to blow the whole mainframe’ or something nerdy like that.”
Kon presses the soles of his feet to Tim’s, the tops of his toes poking up a bit higher. “Everyone’s freaking out like ‘no, come back, we can find another way!’, but they know there isn’t one. Tim’s all brave about it, and then boom.”
Funnily enough, Tim can picture it. Bruce would be all gruff and order-y, telling him to get to somewhere that he can be extracted. Superman would be on his way, telling Tim to ‘stay put, son’.”
Then boom.
He smiles. “Seems like you guys got it all figured out.”
“Yep!” Bart replies from beside Kon, appearing like he spawned in there. “But the most important bit is that you’d found a way to get to an escape pod. Problem is, it’s heading to the alien home planet instead of Earth. Then we have to rescue you.”
“So I don’t die.”
Tim is nearly bowled over when Cassie sits beside him, her shoulder slamming against his.
“Nah.” Kon shakes his head. “You always find a way out.”
Oh man, I really did it this time.
The corpses of twisted drones litter the roof of the Belfry, the concrete beneath him charred and cracked. He’s lost count of how many he’s destroyed, moments blending together as he focused on staying alive.
His body aches. His ribs are broken. One leg is busted, the grind of bone-on-bone agonizing. He doesn’t know how many bullets have carved holes into him.
He’s tired.
He says goodbye to Stephanie, hears her plead over their comm link. She’s on her way, will see the fallout of what’s to come.
He tells her he loves her.
It’s final. It’s the worst kind of goodbye, because they both know it’s the last time he’s going to be able to say it.
He doesn’t hear her reply.
He goes to take out his comm, but a gruff voice patches through, a word spoken in a shout. “Tim!”
So much for codenames.
“Get down into the Belfry, now!” There’s the zip of his grapple line, a grunt as Bruce lands hard.
He’s going to see too. The whole of Gotham is watching, eyes trained upward to where the tower’s roof is churning with smoke and flame.
“Bruce, I- I don’t think I can.” Tim gets one foot on the ground, stuck kneeling as his broken leg doesn’t want to take any weight. He coughs, and something wet crawls up his throat. “I’m… not doing so hot up here.”
“Just keep breathing, don’t waste any breath.” Bruce orders, though the low growl of Batman is leeching away.
Huffing out a laugh, Tim quips back. “That your way of telling me to shut up?”
“Tim, please.”
He leans on his bo-staff as he forces his legs under him, a stuttering groan pushing out of his lungs as pain spikes up his injured leg. It nearly buckles as he doubles over in a cough, red splattering across the bright green of his gauntlet.
It feels wrong. He’s sullying Robin’s colours, Dick’s colours, even though he bears only a facsimile of that mantle.
Red Robin. Yeah, right.
“Hey, dad?” He accidentally cuts Bruce off, the man’s words having not registered in his addled state. “I don’t think I’m making it out of this one.”
“I’m on my way, just hold on!”
Tim thinks of who he’d inherited Robin from. Jason went out in a similar way, waiting to be saved from something that couldn’t be stopped.
They’d never talked about that night. It was taboo between the two of them, no-man’s-land, someplace never meant to be trodden.
That didn’t stop Tim from thinking about it. He’d seen Bruce in the aftermath and had worked to keep the man together as he stood in the middle of his grief. He couldn’t help but wonder if the man would’ve reacted the same when he first became the Batman’s partner.
Tim thinks he might know how Jason might have felt in that warehouse, in the moments before he died. Did he also think about all the things that had gone unsaid? Did he feel the frenzied pounding of his heart as he grappled with the coming of the end?
With a startling suddenness, he feels the need to reassure Bruce. One final gift and adieu to the man he’d come to see as a mentor, as a father.
“Think I just… need to catch my breath.” He huffs, and the wheeze in his lungs tells him he won’t get the chance. He hopes Bruce can’t hear the rattle. “Then, tomorrow, I’ll tell everyone how much they meant to me. Right Bruce?”
A pause, then, “Yeah, Tim. They’ll be there to hear it.”
“And I’ll tell you that it was an honour working with you, and that you’ll be fine.” Something wet drips down Tim’s cheek. “That the people around you will keep you going, and that I wouldn’t have changed a thing.”
“I’ll do that tomorrow. Tomorrow, I’ll tell them I’m sorry.” Tim closes his eyes as hundreds of lights illuminate the light sky, blinking down at him like stars. He hears the whirring of the drones, their weapons trained on him. “Bruce, I’m sorry.”
He plucks his comm out.
They don’t need to hear this.
His family doesn’t need to listen to his final moments over an over in the cave’s computer, wondering how they could’ve done better.
Dick would undoubtedly pour over the footage, thinking about how he’d been too far for both of his brothers. Alfred would try to hide it but keep a copy for himself, a small USB stick to weigh down his pocket.
Damian wouldn’t admit a thing, would refuse to listen to the recording a second time, but he’d hear the gunfire of the drones over and over when there was nothing else to occupy his mind.
Jason would wage war on Gotham, would find whoever was responsible and make them pay. He’d lash out, wonder why he couldn’t have been the last.
Cass would retreat again, hide in Bruce’s shadow as she’d take the weight of Tim’s life onto her shoulders. She’s so similar to their father in that way, bearing her guilt in silence.
God, Bruce has lost too much.
Everyone will mourn. There will be a funeral.
But they will move on.
Just another soldier in the war.
Get up, Robin. Get up.
The second wave closes the distance. Their weapons rev, ocular lenses gleaming.
As a kid, Tim loved heroes. His obsession with Batman is what led him on this road, to this moment.
When he’d first put on Robin’s colours, he knew where his story would end. He’d joked about it with Kon, Bart, Cassie, and the others. They made bets on how they’d die in the end. Figures they were all wrong.
Tim believed them when they said he’d die on that alien ship, rewiring it to take down some planetwide threat. Nobody would know he was on the inside until he was monologuing over the comms, Batman sending Superman to get him out, but there wouldn’t be enough time.
There would be tears. The aliens would be panicking. It’d be badass, they all agreed. They all thought he’d be the first to go. Wrong again.
There is one thing he got right, though.
He’d died a hero.
Bullets start to fly.
Robin out.
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bigb-enthusiast · 1 year ago
[Mkay yaoi anon again I just copy and pasted a rant I sent to my girlfriend a couple days ago, hope you don't mind]
Salt and Jay's dynamic is so interesting cuz, they're divorced and yet they've never been married. Jay's a lunar eclipse and salt is a solar eclipse, feel? They can never align. Bcuz Jay's the type of aroace that doesn't care too much about shipping, doesn't have super strong opinions and doesn't really ship anyone too strongly, and salt is absolutely insane about a plethora of ships. Both for just one character, though, that's the thing; they've both got their blorbos, they're both well known to the fans of those blorbos, and their interests don't perfectly line up, neither will the relationship. They agree on many things, and salt is more solar coded so they feel more strongly about things, and jay will agree with them. Always agree, always laugh.. The red string of fate will get lightly tugged in both directions, but they'll never be face-to-face with each other, y'know? Never upfront about what they really feel. Which is why the constant divorce I think; if you're never gonna address the problems the only way to do it is through jokes, through anger through jokes. Never straight about what they really feel, never straight about anything. They're both incredibly queer, but they will never be queer.. for each other.. and they don't want to be either... It's a relationship fueled by laughs, but really it's hatred. But when you're the only two nosy neighbors fans in the universe you gotta look out for each other y'know? You gotta stick up for one another, like it or not. And that's why they'll never leave. And because they're genuinely friends too but that's an entirely different layer I'm not going into the friendship rn
[Yeah I think it's funny when you guys fight on my feed so I take notes. Sorry if this makes you uncomfortable whatsoever lol is all fun and jokes shits and giggles shits and giggles. Also, when I said "the fear", that was about how I'm absolutely terrified of you]
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talesfromasnarkylisa · 9 months ago
Stranded In Arendelle: Chapter 2
July 21st, 1843
7:00 AM in the morning and Eugene was still sleeping. Rapunzel went to wake him up.
“Honey,” she exclaimed, “we’re here!”
Eugene woke up.
“We’ve arrived? Yes!”
There it was. Arendelle with its gorgeous fjords and complex architecture. In the city centre, of course, was the majestic castle where the coronation would be taking place. Other ships were arriving as well. Some with coronation guests, others with middle-class tourists. At last, it was time.
Upon arriving, both Rapunzel and Eugene were greeted with a plethora of questions. To both of their surprises, many of them were about their chaotic adventures from a few years ago. While Eugene mostly enjoyed the questions (save for a couple about his Flynn Rider days), Rapunzel was less than happy. She was constantly pestered about her old hairstyle and Mother Gothel. Oh, and about Cassandra and Varian’s actions as well.
“Man,” Rapunzel whispered to Eugene, “these people are really testing my patience right now!”
“Don’t let them get to you, sweetheart,” he told her. “They’re just random strangers.”
From afar, the two witnessed a red-haired woman in a fancy green dress dance for a bit before falling into the shoreline water. They recognized her as Princess Anna from the Arendelle royal guidebook.
“I’d see why they wouldn’t make her the heiress,” snarked Eugene. 
“She looks very naive and sheltered,” Rapunzel added. “Reminds me of a younger me. Pretty sure that’s what over a decade of isolation does to a person. I kind of feel bad for her.”
The time was 2:00 PM, which meant the coronation would be in an hour. Rapunzel and Eugene had no idea how to enter the castle in time. The old maps of Arendelle’s capital they held onto were extremely outdated due to the security ramping up after 1830. Rapunzel asked around, to no avail. Eventually, they stumbled across Princess Anna near a large building.
“Hiiiiii!” Anna greeted the royal Coronan couple. 
She eyed Rapunzel.
“Are you the tower princess?”
“Please don’t ever call me that,” Rapunzel answered, “but yes, I am Rapunzel.”
“Your Majesty,” asked Eugene, “do you have any idea how to get into the castle?”
“Of course!” she said in glee. “Please, call me Anna. You’re pretty far right now. First, you gotta make a left. It’s a fairly straight path for a while. Then, turn right. This is where it gets tricky.”
She was interrupted by a male voice.
“Anna? They’re preparing for coronation right now.”
“No problem,” she responded, “but I need to explain to some people how to get there.”
“Baby, leave them alone,” he said to her. “Worry about your own duties first.”
“Ok, sweetie,” Anna sighed. “I’m sorry guys. I really have to go now.”
The princess of Arendelle left to find her boyfriend at the castle.
“Now what do we do?” Eugene questioned.
“Ask someone else,” Rapunzel stated. 
“And look how well that’s been working,” told Eugene. 
Rapunzel pondered for a moment.
“You have a point,” Rapunzel stared at the nearby library. “Maybe there are some newer maps at the library over there.”
They were speed walking to the library when a young woman in formal attire approached them. She couldn’t be any older than 18.
“Do you need any help?” the dark-skinned woman asked.
Rapunzel turned around. She recognized the woman as a princess from Africa. Where, she couldn’t exactly remember.
“By God, yes!” Rapunzel said. “Have you been here before?”
“Yes,” the princess answered. “The name’s Nuru.”
“Great!” Rapunzel grinned. “Do you know how to get inside the castle?”
Nuru gave her a newer map of Arendelle.
“Follow me!”
The coronation ceremony was every bit as boring as Rapunzel expected it to be. Churchy, dull, bland. But once that was done, it was time to feast and party. She enjoyed partying much more.
What Rapunzel was mainly here for, though, was to negotiate a trade deal with Arendelle. She tried talking to the newly coronated queen. However, talking to Elsa proved futile, as she always seemed to sidestep questions. The embassy and royal advisors being busy, Rapunzel decided to talk to Anna.
“So…how’s the coronation going?” Rapunzel asked Anna.
“Best day of my life!!!” Anna squealed. “I’ve eaten delicious food, met so many amazing people, and you know what’s the best part?”
“What?” wondered Rapunzel.
“I met the love of my life today! He just proposed to me. And obviously, I said yes! We’re going to get married!”
A red-haired man whom Rapunzel immediately recognized as one of the Westergaards waved to Anna, who waved back. He then went through another hallway.
“Yeahhhh, I’m not sure marrying this guy right now is the best idea,” said Rapunzel. “First of all, you’ve just met him.”
“Isn’t that how you and Eugene got together?” Anna was befuddled.
“He didn’t propose to me the day we met,” Rapunzel told Anna. “It took a few months. Even ignoring the fact you’ve never met your fiancé until now, you do know what the Westergaards are like, right? Power-hungry. Misogynistic. Honestly, I think he just wants your money.”
Anna frowned.
“What’s misogynistic?” she questioned.
“It means they hate women,” Rapunzel responded. “I learned it from an English book.”
“Ohhhh,” Anna finished her drink. “I do know about the reputation of the Southern Isles royal family, by the way. But Hans seems like such a nice guy. And it’s not like children are doomed to inherit their parent’s failings.”
The princess of Corona was instantly reminded of Cassandra and how different she was from her mother. Rapunzel suddenly felt homesick and nostalgic.
“If that’s what your heart wants, then I can’t stop you,” stated Rapunzel. “You might want to talk to your sister, though.”
“I’m sure Elsa will be fine with it!” exclaimed Anna. “She hasn’t cared about my whereabouts these past few years anyways.”
Rapunzel then remembered what she first approached Anna for: the trade deal. 
“Do you have any idea how to make your sister open up?” asked Rapunzel. “I really need to finalize the trade deal.”
“I wish I did,” responded Anna. “But as for the trade deal, you can talk to royal advisor Christian about it. He’ll pass it onto her.”
“Alright then,” Rapunzel said.
Rapunzel considered asking about the alleged ice powered child, but she figured she wouldn’t get an honest response either way. So she just asked about the 1830 palace incident. As far as Anna was concerned, it was just a partly failed foreign attack. 
(Wattpad version: https://www.wattpad.com/1461060873-stranded-in-arendelle-chapter-2)
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astharoshebarvon · 2 months ago
Ranma 1/2- the fact that it made me laugh and be like, uh what, at some scenes again tells me they did this anime right. If i can just ignore those few not so good things, it's still hilarious and interesting and i loved it. Not to mention my old ship of ranma/ryoga came back again. the new anime made me love them even more, and it’s only going to get better as the seasons progress.
Also happy marriage, you gotta love all the so called concerned people who say, “you hate women in gay erotica, slash fics, MM novels”  but when you say this garbage has been present in straight media for so long, in almost all stories, you get complete silence.
why is kiyoka's mom a bitch? and sorry if we dont find her sympathetic or if she changes. Or the girl's family who treated her like garbage and she was still kind to them. uh, dear, what? they literally abused you, why'd you give a damn about them?
And why the hell is wikia lying about this mom? From what angle is she good looking, she isn’t, her daughter is alright, she is not even shown average looking, she is quite bad looking. also, she is not like Kiyoka, please. he looks exactly like his father.
i am not sorry to say this, but it's kiyoka the ml who is so good looking and nice and the fl is such a perfect self insert for het shippers that the story is liked. there is no reason otherwise to think it's a masterpiece, it isnt. just like that annoying, obnoxious pink haired female, i forgot her name and i don't want to remember it of that josei isekai  anime whose husband, arnold, is the main reason it's liked.
that novel's illustrator should be praised and applauded for her beautiful art because the girl is just so insufferable and intolerable. She is exactly like most josei/straight het smut heroines are. you know it's the male lead who draws the viewers and readers, lets not pretend they can ever be like actual good female characters like violet, yona, sakura and Misaki from famous shoujo maid sama .
and lets not forget that none of these so called fem characters fans have anything to say when you say, why dont you like mrs bennet, caroline bingley? they are females, why do you hate them?  you get no answer.
according to these weirdos logic, a celebrated woman author hated women. please get over yourself, in real life too, women are shitty, girls bully other girls, try to come between a couple, sometimes  break marriages, same goes for men. so, yes people will side eye you and ignore you if you rant all fem characters should be praised, because from what i've seen it's this scenario. all straight stories females should be praised even if they are atrocious and if other fem characters in same story are shown as bitch, shrugs.
but we have problem with gay erotica and its popularity, oh god why is slash so popular, why are bl mangas so popular, why is yaoi so popular, oh god, they hate women, oh god why is my het ship not even in any consideration and hated and seen as absurd and laughed at, oh wait, they hate women.
i can tell you, same sentiment is present in ff ships, men are hated, its not such a big deal if females are disliked and side lined in gay erotica and straight stories. Why are you even reading slash and gay erotica if you want a woman, there is plethora of straight stories, go be tired in them. the excuses spoken by het shippers are as bad and tiresome as their ships. no wonder they are forgotten and most are laughed at.
Not gonna lie, it gives me vindictive satisfaction seeing next to no fm ships in top ao3 and tumblr ships, it’s very pleasing to see het ignored and disliked. That’s what you get for laughing at slash fans and readers and being so so bloody homophobic. That’s karma for you. I will never forget those atrocious tags, female will graham and female merlin, just stop. Please stop. Have some decency. Female harry is as irrelevant as the ofc x character stories. Stay mad that you can only feel better by turning a gay, MM ship het and being homophobic to boot. the male lead wont do you no matter what.
and what is up with some people hating on mufasa, they already made it stupid by saying that they are not blood brothers and the whole dumb being after sarabi thing. but the movie was good as an AU of original.
kiros' song is also absolutely fine, mad mikkelsen sung it very well, i doubt any villain song can be as good as be prepared of lion king original movie sung by jeremy irons who voiced scar, everything about it is perfect.
2019 one was just so weird- my mother and i when to see it in hall, we were like but it was so good in anime movie, what is this? neither did my father and sister found it good when we all watched it at home.
but bye bye fits kiros perfectly, it's condescending, eerie and mocking. I like the song. the movie was good too, if anything it showed scar was evil in every universe, whether in original or in live action. how can you just leave your mother to die? what the hell?
i saw comments saying simba was mean, we hated him simba's pride. what?
my god. yes, kovu wasnt bad, he overcome years of brainwashing and grooming of zira, you do feel sorry for him in that song "not" one of us but simba wasnt wrong to doubt him. he was and will remain one of the most beloved and best characters ever. sorry, if you dont like good parents. he was protecting his daughter and he was right to do that.
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dzmoot · 7 months ago
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Queen Aggamillia is dead! The gracious....oh, you probably read the opening text, sorry. Anyhow, you know what happened to our beloved little spider planet and know what's about to unfold so let's just dive right into it, shall we!
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Part 1.....
It all started a little while after my spiders returned from their adventure seeking the Lark Of'Eelio. Everything settled down and was awfully quiet, a little too quiet to be perfectly honest. My academy was thriving like it hadn't for years and my spiders were the most gracious teachers to a new generation of web wielders. I stood by and watched proudly.
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Then, the calamity mentioned above occurred, everything fell to pieces and our planet was no longer a peaceful haven. We had encounters with those scorpions in the past but we never fully understood why they invaded Dinhcara. I think they just did it for the fun of it. It's rumored that Arachnitors don't have hearts after all! Anyway, Rastion became King and his first order of business, don't let anyone from any other planet enter Dinhcara. Now Rastion wasn't a bad guy by any means, even though he looked a little questionable with that metallic helmet and arms but I think the death of his aunt took a toll on his mental wellbeing. His eyes even took on a devilish shade of red.
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He wasn't as talkative nor as welcoming as Aggamillia either. He stood there on his thrown all day, ever paranoid that more invaders would come and do God knows what to our webby orb. He liked to call them "Off Worlder Scum".
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One of the first things he did when he came to power was bolster the ranks of Aggamillia's Red Elite, those red royal guards that carried the staffs. They didn't really get all that aggressive unless provoked, but in the weeks following the queen's assassination, they were found patrolling every webby corner, prowling the webby streets taking heed of any wrongdoing or questionable behavior committed by any spider. They were becoming red pains in the stinger, if you know what I mean!
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But I never could have imagined what happened next. Those cartoon guys my spiders encountered on Gektidas were cruising the galaxy and decided to stop by to pay a visit. They were about to get a little more, a LOT more than they bargained for!
The Spaceslinger finally made it to Dinhcara. All the Tuuns gave a sigh of relief. It seemed like it took them an eternity or two to get there but they were quite looking forward to getting caught up with their spidery friends and seeing the oceans they spoke so highly of. Kruonch pulled a bunch of levers, flicked a few buttons and prepped the sleigh for landing. Along the journey, Siobhan had drawn a picture of Itsy Bitsy she intended to give to her as a present. They thought it was going to be a peaceful end to their cosmic vacation.
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Little did any of them know that the Red Elite was keeping a close eye on any foreign ships entering Dinhcara's atmosphere. Upon getting a tiny glimpse of the small sleigh cruising along, the Red Leader ordered his men to fire at the sleigh with a single torpedo. As the Spaceslinger passed by hundreds of orange clouds, they caught a glimpse of the spiders' city for the first time and were starstruck. Zappy prepared to spew a plethora of web related puns, but Kruonch stopped him in his tracks.
I need to concentrate, otherwise I could crash this sucker straight into one of those mountains and there'd be pieces of us all over the darn place!
Before Zappy could fire back, the torpedo hit the Spaceslinger point blank in it's side. The sleigh came plummeting down to the ground in a fiery blaze as everyone ejected the vehicle before it's nose met the rocky outer banks. The Spaceslinger, the sleigh Count Claus had given them many moons ago was now a pile of barbecued debris on the mountainside. No amount of alien fixer uppers could salvage it.
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Almost immediately after the crash, the Tuuns were ambushed by the Red Elite.
Unauthorized inhabitants. You have penetrated our planet's peaceful atmosphere. You are to be detained immediately and taken for questioning at the royal palace.
All the Tuuns were furious and saddened over the loss of the Spaceslinger, but none probably more so than Kruonch, who stormed to the front of the group to speak his mind.
You shitheads destroyed our ship! We were just coming to visit our friends. You varmints better get us a proper transport to get us back to the moon...OR ELSE!
One of the Elite warriors stepped forward and stunned Kruonch with his staff. As he plunged to the ground, Siobhan rushed to her father's side. A pissed off Zappy and Hampire prepared themselves to fight and Yam Yam readied his trusty wand.
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The fight was fierce and the Tuuns fought gallantly as they always did, but it seemed the more guards they fought off, the more rushed to the scene to take their place. Before they could revel in their victory against one guard, another one would show up, weapon in hand, ready to stun or perhaps whack them over the noggin. From afar, the very same guard that order the launch of the torpedo at the Spaceslinger ordered his men to fire another weapon at the Tuuns, a giant gun which they dubbed the "Web Cannon". As the Red Elite guards got out of the way, the Web Cannon fired a mighty blast of sticky stuff at the Tuuns, pinning them all to a metal wall nearby. The Tuuns wrestled the webs in an attempt to get free but nothing was working. No magic nor pointy sword nose could cut that pesky web!
Unauthorized inhabitants! You have resisted arrest which falls under Section B Column 34 of the Rastion Doctrine. You have committed serious crimes to Spiderocian society! Once King Rastion gives his order, you will be promptly executed for your misdoings!
Just then, a great rumble was heard from above the chasm where they were being held. Suddenly, the lights flickered and in the brief darkness, all that was seen were a set of spidery eyes looking down upon the Red Elite guards and the captured Tuuns. Once the lights turned on full blast, they caught the sight of 5 spider warriors looming above them like creatures of the night ready to pounce.
Slinger, Eight Leggs, Weblette, Itsy Bitsy and Leaps immediately sprung to action, warding off the guards as Leaps, with a mighty strong grip, loosened the web and freed his Tuun friends from their entanglement. Zappy was a bit repulsed at first. He hadn't really spent much time with the spiders like the others had, only briefly having an exchange with them on the beaches of Gektidas but trusted them regardless.
Not the welcoming party we were expecting, but we'll take it!
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Slinger and the others made quick work of the guards but it was Itsy Bitsy that noticed something quite peculiar. She ripped the mask off one Elite guard to discover that it was a spider...ROBOT!
A spiderzoid! I thought Queen Aggamillia got rid of these things years ago and replaced them with real spiders! Weblette can't even hypnotize them!
Eight Leggs came forward to observe the robot.
Guess Rastion reinstated the robots!
It took the Tuuns a little bit to put together a hypothesis. Yam Yam spoke.
That must be why these things keep multiplying. Is there like a place where we can shut off these things?
Slinger pondered for a moment then remembered something. There was a control station not too far from where they were that was disguised as a nutrient fluid reservoir. He quickly contacted Cino and his dog spider Webster from their ship, Spidercron I.
Cino, I need you to fire a stunning ray at the nutrient fluid reservoir. It will temporarily deactivate the Red Elite robots which Rastion reactivated! They keep coming at us like no tomorrow!
Cino took up Slinger's orders and positioned Spidercron's main laser zapper at the reservoir, firing once at it and covering it in a blast of electrifying blue energy. It took several moments for the robots to finally shut down as both Spiders and Tuuns worked together to fight off the remaining guards and conjure them up into a pile of red armor and jumbled circuits and screws.
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Once Rastion got word of what had transpired and those involved, he rose from his throne and hurled a platter of tantrula fruit across the room in a fit of rage, his paranoia at an all time high!
I can't believe it, CARTOONS! My faithful robots taken down by mere CARTOONS! And I'm astounded that Father Flydon's spiders were involved as well! I'm going to put those CARTOONS to death and lock those spiders away, FOREVER!
He sat back down upon his throne and began to furiously hack away at a piece of the fruit that landed on his throne, trying vigorously to eat it despite the metallic helmet fuzed to his face!
Yeh, it was something and it certainly wasn't the way I thought the day was going to pan out. All of us Flies, Spiders and Tuuns were forced into hiding shortly therefore. The academy was closed for a while and we went underground, taken in by none other than Queen Aggamillia's great assistant and confidant, Anansi. Now Anansi was replaced as hologram archivist by one of Rastion's robots and went underground as well, feeling betrayed by the very spider he watched grow up while at the grand palace. He took care of everyone and in the weeks following the calamity gathered a bit more information on why the Arachnitors might have invaded Dinhcara.
I firmly believe the Arachnitors were after something in Aggamillia's treasure vault, a powerful possession of some sort. I heard a great rumor making it's rounds lately. I've made contact with a network of Insector spies.
What's the rumor?
Anansi took a sip of his beverage as he continued.
The Arachnitors, the thousand or so that remain are building a superweapon, for what I have no idea. They need something in the treasure trove to power it. Many Insectors died to bring me this information.
The spiders wondered greatly about what was in the vault. It couldn't have been Of'Eelio since he was off getting his time travel mechanism repaired in another area of the universe. Then Anansi sifted through a few of the holograms he smuggled away from the palace, deciphering what could possibly power a great superweapon to do the many bad things a superweapon could do. Finally, he found it, a large green crystal. It was said that Aggamillia discovered it while visiting the planet Melmoxus and that it had great destructive properties if harnessed correctly.
I think the Arachnitors want to use this crystal to power their weapon, not only to destroy Dinhcara but to wipe out their mortal enemy, the Insectors. They did share a planet together at one time after all and when it was destroyed, the scorpions blamed it's destruction on the Insectors, swearing vengeance on them at every turn. They even tortured and brutally murdered the Insector Prince Ootomotos!
The Tuuns surprised Anansi by revealing that Ootomotos wasn't killed but became a half cyborg and took up residence with them on Namasis, shortening his name simply to Moto.
That's great, but it doesn't excuse the fact that the remaining Arachnitors will probably invade Dinhcara again to get the crystal. We need to go and get it, destroy it before they get their claws on it!
Leaps interjected.
And how exactly are we going to do that? We're not necessarily on Rastion's good side after what happened. Even if we disguised ourselves as his Red Elite to get into the palace vault, the palace sensors would probably detect us under the armor and we'd be pounded into mince meat.
Then Anansi, with a scheming smile on his face turned to the five Tuuns, sitting there nibbling away at the weird spider grub he conjured up for them.
The palace sensors would detect you spiders in a heartbeat but they wouldn't detect the Tuuns...if they were spiders!
Everyone stood shellshocked, trying to wrap their heads around what Anansi just said.
Anansi led all of them through an underground corridor. As he opened a door, a bright green glow caught them all off guard. It was a strange liquid brewing in a pot. Hampire smiled as he looked down into it. It reminded him of his beloved potions lab back on Namasis. The liquid, which looked like radioactive Mountain Dew made a sizzling, snake like noise as Anansi approached it.
I've been working on this special mixture for a good while now. I think it's just about right. All I need to do is put it in Wexley and we'll be on our merry way!
Who's Wexley?
Out from the shadows came a robotic spider, about the size of a baseball. It crawled up one of Anansi's arms and Anansi, drawing a metal spoon, poured some of the liquid into the robot's thorax. The liquid lit the creature up like a lava lamp and when Wexley was filled entirely, a long syringe sprung out from it's fangs.
Now Wexley, I want you to give each of these five Tuuns a little BITE on the neck. You see, the Tuuns are fugitives to all spider kind but if they were spiders like us, they could blend in JUST LIKE THAT and no one would bat an eye!
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All the Tuuns gasped at the sight of Wexley and had mixed feelings about being turned into spiders. Zappy, who had a great fear of needles spoke about his reservations.
I know we gotta blend in and all but isn't there another way we could do this? Hampire's got a knowledge full of spells he could use to turn us into spiders! Why don't you let him use one of them?
Anansi, respecting the Tuuns' wishes took Wexley and stood aside as Hampire, whose memory was a bit foggy on what spell it was that turned someone into a spider decided to give it his best effort to spare everyone from the needle. He raised his hands in the air.
Transformaticus, Spideraticus, Peterparkerocatus, Eightlegmanyeyeocus!
As many of Hampire's spells went awry, so did this one. Instead of turning the Tuuns into spiders, the swine sorcerer had accidentally morphed each and every one of them into different bugs entirely. Zappy was a fly just like Flydon, Siobhan was a caterpillar, Kruonch was a dung beetle, Hampire was a mosquito and Yam Yam was a pill bug. When the spell wore off after several minutes, they had no choice but to accept the spider bite. Unpleasant as it was and as painful as the transformation was, the Tuuns embraced their destiny as spiders. After all, with the Spaceslinger destroyed and having no idea on how to get back to Namasis, they might very well join with the spider culture, accept their fates as the Spiders' long lost cousins.
Wexley penetrated each Tuuns' neck. Within seconds, a grizzly metamorphosis took place and each Tuun writhed in agony as the shapeshifting potion entered their bloodstreams. It was almost like that time they returned from Razlaobo and had their bodies all intermingled but new limbs were growing from their rib cages and extra sets of eyes began peeking out of their temples. It was like going from fullscreen vision to WIDESCREEN vision!
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When it was done, dare I say it, the Tuuns actually were glad to be spiders. They found themselves with abilities they had never had before, sensations they had never felt before and out from each of their palms came long sticky webs. Leaps questioned whether he could take the potion and get the ability to conjure webs like his siblings but Anansi stated that the potion only worked on other creatures not Spiderocians themselves. As the new spider Tuuns were having a ball with their new appearances, I stepped forward with a few words of my own.
I am glad you are now amongst the Spider society, Tuuns! However, I believe the time has come for you to learn the ways of Webjitsu and what better teachers than my Spiders. As I taught the spiders to harness their web conjuring abilities, they shall do the same for you! To the academy!!!!
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To be concluded....
0 notes
sherereadssthemanuscript · 8 years ago
Endless Summer Christmas headcanon thread
Because I am scared of and done with whatever is happening in the game.
Long post but since I am on mobile I can’t add ‘keep reading’
-Michelle wants to hold a party for her friendos - She planned it all out and asked her parents if they could hold it in their giant house , three stories, two pools inside and outside - She wants this to be special after the whole … experience on the island. She makes cute little invitation cards. All from scratch - Michelle and Sean are back together so he helps her out with the preparations. - (sorry Sean fans don’t hate me I have suffered enough) - so she goes to invite everyone. - even contacts Jake in Costa Rica and he agrees to come - “hell yeah I could use some Christmas spirit right now” said MC - “Rad. I was already planning my annual accidental reboot of Home Alone for Christmas” said Diego - “Sure I’ll come ! I’ll make gingerbread houses !” Said Quinn - “Oh uhhh I have never been to a Christmas party,,, this will be fun” Said Estela - Raj just cries happy tears and hugs Michelle - “What is that nonsense , Christmas is a celebration of Jesus Christ’s birth and should be celebrated in a chur–” said Aleister “a Christmas party sounds awesome, Meech!” Said Grace “I-uh- I mean yes of course we’d love to come” frantically answers Aleister. - (also I agree with Aleister in my country Christmas is a strictly religious holiday , the gifts and awesome dinners are during New Year) - “You know I’m Muslim, right?” Said Zahra “oh, Zahra I’m so sor–” “nah I am just messing with you , I will come, I am an atheist anyway.” - Michelle keeps knocking on Craig’s door but he doesn’t answer so she calls Sean - “hey, Sean I think your best friend has barricaded himself” - “Nah he’s out of country, visiting his parents in Taiwan” - Meech is a little upset not everyone will be there but she’s fine - Christmas Eve comes , Michelle is nervous about her party but Sean calms her - “hey, you did amazing, I am sure everyone will love this” - the door bell rings. Michelle jumps to open the door. - It’s Quinn “Hey, Meech! This is for you!” She passes Michelle a box full of beautiful gingerbread houses and other cute pastries" She enters and sits down on a couch “Hey, Sean!” Sean gives Quinn a friendly wave - MC and Diego arrive next they greet and hug everyone and Diego looks around the fancy house decorated with snowflakes and other winter things and whistles - “a real Winter castle” he says and approaches Meech “are you the ice queen” she lightly smacks his shoulder and shakes her head. - Jake breaks through the door, shivering from the cold “Can’t believe I replaced Costa Rica with this wintery mass” he shakes snow from his coat “Hey , Maybelline” he gives a quick hug to her and waves at Sean “sup, Cap” also waves to Diego and Quinn at the couch and approaches MC - “fancy seeing you here.” He says flirtatiously “at a party with all our friends” she answers with a laugh “was hoping I’d bump into you” he gives her a wink and they stare at each other. - their gaze is broken by Diego slipping his hand in between them and raising it - he has a little mistletoe. - “see this?” this is my stop-teasing-and-kiss-already…nator - Jake chuckles and wraps his hand around MCs waist and pulls her into a kiss. - (prepare for a lot or shippy moments btw) - Grace and Aleister arrive and Aleister’s nose that is like a dark shade of red from the cold becomes the laughing stock of the evening. Grace hugs him to keep him warm tho - Michelle offers him hot chocolate nearly spilling it from the laughter. - Estela arrives with Raj and they are both wearing reindeer ears - “… he convinced me” was all Estela said - Quinn exploded into a fit of giggles upon seeing Estela but the latter didn’t mind that much - and lastly Zahra arrived, late, she was wearing a Santa hat and a sweater that said “All I want for Christmas is your absence” - “wow , your sweater’s very jolly” Meech says “yeah my grandma gave it to me when I was 17” “Wait , really?” Michelle asked confused and Zahra rolled her eyes “of course not” - Zahra greeted everyone and looked around. - “so where’s uh.. ” she asked “Craig?” Michelle continued and Zahra protested “pfffft that was not what I was gonna ask I was gonna say uhhh where uh… Cocaine! Aren’t we having a White Christmas ?” - “yah sure.. to answer your initial question he’s not gonna come he’s in Taiwan” - “not like I was interested” - so the evening starts they have snacks and hit chocolate they discuss what they’ve been up to during the break and they play games until the Christmas dinner is preparing. - suddenly someone knocks on the door, Michelle opens it and it’s a man in a Santa costume. - “ho ho ho, children!” The man enters and drops a bag of presents on the ground - “Santa Claus brought you some gifts and could use some reward” Santa stood next to Zahra and wiggled his eyebrows , Zahra snorted and pulled the beard and let go so it snaps his chin. - “Ow!” Santa pulls the hat and the beard off altogether and reveals Craig - “Craig!” Sean exclaims and hugs his best friend “dude, you flew all the way back to here from Taiwan?” - “Sure, bro! spending time with family is cool and all but you guys are my family now too!” - “aww, that’s so sweet , Craig!” Quinn said “Yeah that was a very cliche Christmas thing to say” Jake continued - “anyway, open the gifts, guys!” Craig said - the bag was full of expensive alcohol jewelry and other souvenirs and gifts. - Everyone pulled out some gift and Jake hurriedly picked up a bottle of Whiskey. - “Hell yes, I could really go for some if this right now” - Zahra pulls out a necklace with a polished obsidian and puts it on. - “I got something else for you too” Craig told Zahra and gave her a cute teddy bear that was holding a heart. - “are you serious?” she smirked “press it” she pressed its center and nothing happened she tried pressing at different places and finally pressed the area that could be referred to as the ‘crotch’ of the toy - and it said “I love you” , he was already chuckling and she soon joined him. - “did you change the place of the microphone yourself” he nodded while laughing “wanted to get something funny and unique… just like you” he said. - she rolled her eyes and looked down at the ground to hide her blush - “you know I got something for you too…” she said “what?” -Zahra snapped her fingers and Diego approached, one hand behind his back and the other holding up a mistletoe “I have been at this the whole evening…” he said - Zahra and Craig laughed and Zahra pressed a soft kiss on Craig’s lips. - he kissed her back passionately but she broke the kiss soon - “Merry Christmas” she said. - the dinner was ready and everyone sat around a table to eat the food which was delicious - “this is delicious, Michelle!” Grace said moaning a bit. - “All thanks to Raj’s advice!” She answered patting Raj on the shoulder - after they were done Michelle got very excited. - “okay who’s ready to hang out at the pool” - everyone cheered - “I didn’t bring a swimsuit.” Zahra said “What ? I specifically advised bringing one didn’t you read the invitation?!” Michelle asked and Zahra chuckled nervously. - Meech sighed “I’ll give you one of mine.” - the girls went upstairs to change , Grace wore a mustard colored bikini with a green flower print, MC wore a strapless blue bikini, Estela wore a cyan one-piece Quinn wore a white bikini with a silky small swimming robe over it, Michelle wore a purple bikini with Louis Vuitton logos all over it. - “okay Zahra let’s see what I can give you” Michelle passed Zahra a black one piece with cuts in some places and Zahra almost didn’t complain about it. - “i still don’t understand the need of swimming in a pool during a Christmas party.” - the guys were already in the pool. Besides Aleister who was waiting by the wall for Grace, his eyes lit up when he saw her and she ran up to him. She ran her hands down his abs and whispered something with a seductive look on her face. - Jake noticed MC and smiled, she dived into the pool and swam up to him wrapping her hands around his neck. “Doesn’t this feel nice” he said , she ran her hands threw his hair and kissed him passionately “I’d bring the mistletoe but it would get wet!” Diego shouted from across the pool making the couple laugh. “Hope he’s not going to stay in our room holding up a mistletoe while we–” “shut up, Jake” she rolled her eyes. - Zahra sat on the edge of the pool , her legs in the water. Craig splashed her with some of the water “you’re asking for it” she said but he continued splashing her. She rolled her eyes and ignored him, he pulled her into the water making them both go under the surface , he kissed her while they were underwater and when they returned to the surface they were still kissing, she broke the kiss and they stared at each other before she splashed him “okay, okay fair enough” - Raj brought a water gun and was spraying Diego, Quinn and Estela. - Sean wrapped his arms around Michelle - “what a successful party, right?” Sean said - “wouldn’t happen without your help, big guy” she stroked his cheek and was ready to kiss him “wait wait wait wait wait wait waaait” Diego shouted running up to them with the mistletoe “there, now kiss” -Michelle and Sean laughed and gave each other a quick kiss
The End, where everyone is healed, no one is dying and they’re not on a deadly island, yay
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thatasianstereotype · 5 years ago
Fuck. I’m Gay.
I’ve been reading a lot of ml salt fics lately (mainly @unmaskedagain which is a literal goldmine of saltiness). And getting into the Damienette ship. Marinette really does deserves better (Fuck Canon) but so does Adrien. He is not a “sidekick”. Chat Noir and Ladybug are partners = equals. So I decided why not write a fic where Adrien gets his own happy ending in the form of a grumpy assassin-turned-vigilante that loves animals more than people. 
Somewhat of a crack writing where creative liberties were definitely taken. 
Lila Rossi is a bitch and everyone knew it. Well, by everyone, Adrien means himself, his good-amazing-make-pastries-for-him friend Marinette, his maybe-not-really-sure friend Chloe and his-not-that-close-really-classmate Nathaniel. 
Yeah. It was a small number. 
But Lila is still a bitch. 
Anyway, Lila’s lies and manipulations have disturbed the status quo and not in a good way. She ended up making the majority of the class fawn over her like she was a perfect goddess and not a pompous-temperamental-hormonal teenager. Teenagers were prone to be gullible; he can understand his classmates being inclined to believe her. But this was utterly ridiculous (man, Chloe is rubbing off on him). No. You know what’s even more ridiculous? Ms. Bustier letting Lila get away with it. She doesn’t even stop the class mistreating Marinette who claimed she was a bully just because of you know who - Fucking Lila Rossi. The audacity of that bitch and her bitchy followers, am I right? 
Growing up he watched the tv shows and the animes. High schools always had their drama but he thought that was to get some plot going on. He didn’t think it was an actual thing that happens in real life. But he was proven wrong. Françoise Dupont High School had their drama and it was way worse than what he watched on screen. 
The worst part was that he couldn’t get away from Lila. Or he’ll be pulled from school (Fuck you Dad). He had to sit next to that bitch and listen to her drone on and on about things they both knew she didn’t do, about things she promised to do for her ever gullible followers friends. And couldn’t say anything against it if he wanted to stay in school. But even his discreet questioning didn’t do that much. It got some of the class to think something’s possibly fishy with her stories but not enough to think Lila was evil. So he just gave up. Because what was even the point? 
He was distancing himself from Alya and Nino. He couldn’t really be friends with people who thought Lila held the sun and moon. They didn’t hang out as much as they used to and he made excuses when they did invite him to stuff. Lately, he was making outrageous excuses - like he had to take his cat to the vet even though he didn’t have a cat - to see if they caught on. They didn’t. It was fun but he didn’t know whether to feel happy or sad about that. But feeling sad-depressed-pain over it was a bitch so he decided to take his victories as they come. 
Chloe had left the school earlier on. Her mom wanted to spend one-on-one time with her daughter (Yeah, Audrey is better at being a mother here). She was completely out of this drama mess. And Nathaniel kept his head down to not paint a target on himself. 
His only consolation and ally in this whole mess was Marinette. His darling angel. His sunshine incarnate. His own goddess (not like that bitch Lila let’s get one thing straight). 
When he was feeling overwhelmed (which was a lot), he spent it at her house. They spent it discussing fashion, trash talking Liar-la and the sheep class, playing video games, and making/eating the best baked goods in all of Paris. If he wasn’t at his photo shoots or at school, he was at her house. And with how often they spent time with each other, it wasn’t long before they accidentally revealed their alter egos to each other. 
(The class’ Everyday Ladybug was actually Ladybug. How amazing is that! Isn’t Marinette the absolute coolest?!) 
Since they outed themselves to each other, they had to give up their miraculous. And new heroes had to be chosen. As the guardian, Marinette decided to give the Ladybug miraculous to herself and the Cat one to Adrien. And make them the superheros of Paris. 
(Just when he thought that Marinette couldn’t get any cooler) 
They both collectively decided that being friends were for the best and put away their obsession crush over the other far far away. Now they were best friends-almost siblings. Oh who was he kidding? He was an honorary Dupain-Cheng. Marinette and her parents said so. And who was he to deny the goddess? 
All was well. 
Until he met this gorgeous boy with raven black hair and piercing green eyes that made him question everything in life. 
Like fuck. His life wasn’t hard enough already? 
It was a slow patrol. Just stopped a few petty crimes. No akuma tonight. He wasn’t really expecting much to happen.
Mari said patrolling regularly gives citizens a sense of security and it helps if one of them were on scene if an akuma does appear. 
He didn’t mind. He loved running on the rooftops and feeling the wind in his face. After some time, he stopped and stood on top of one of the tallest buildings. Just soaking the view. The peace and serenity of it all. Seeing the glowing lights of his beloved city. Seeing the Eiffel Tower standing tall and proud. 
(Forget school. Forget Liar-la and her hoard of bitches) 
This was his city. This was why he fights Hawk Moth with Ladybug. They had something precious to protect. 
He was done patrolling the regular routes and all his schoolwork was already finished. He could go to sleep but he didn’t feel that tired. And he really didn’t want to go back home. Mari shared her theory on his dad being Hawk Moth. She had really good reasons and a plethora of proof. If they could switch miraculous, why couldn’t he and Mayura - most likely Nathalie? Which would explain how Gabriel got akumatized.
After all her support with dealing with Lila, he was way more inclined to believe her even without the evidence. But those things just made him more wary of his dad. And he wasn’t too stoked on spending more time than what he can get away with with the guy. Because his dad being Hawk Moth explains why he wants Lila (his strongest supporter - Chameleon and Oni-chan, anyone?) close and makes Adrien play nice with her. And anyone who enables Lila’s bitchiness is on his enemy list. 
Anyway, he was out here to enjoy the good mood not think about evil bitches and evil dads. So he sat himself down and enjoyed the sights. It was more calming than you would think. 
He heard cars blaring and even a dog barking. The slight breeze felt nice. The moon was pretty bright tonight. The stars too. There was a lone couple walking through the park. There was also another teen in black running on rooftops a few buildings away. 
He blinked and looked again. Huh, there was another teen in black running on rooftops. And it was not a hallucination. 
What the actual fuck?
He was instantly on his feet, baton already in hand as he raced across the roof to reach said stranger. 
But because he was the lucky owner of the unlucky miraculous, the moment he said that, the guy was about to jump off a building to presumably roll onto the next one like Chat was watching him do beforehand. But his call made him lose focus and Chat watched horrified as the guy slipped and started falling into the alley. 
Oh fuck! Mari was going to fucking kill this dumbass kitty!
He hoped to everything that Mari thinks is holy that he makes it in time. Extending his baton, he used it as a huge Pogo stick to basically catapult himself towards the stranger and wrapped his arms around him as he braced himself for the full weight of hitting the gravel at this height and speed. But he wasn’t that that concerned. His suit protected him from the majority of the injuries that would’ve occurred if he wasn’t wearing it. It hurt but it isn’t as bad as it could’ve been. Remember earlier? He takes his victories as they come. 
This was not the smartest of ideas, he’ll admit. Mari had the brains to be honest. But it wasn’t bad if he say so. And he does say so. 
He rolled over and immediately looked over the stranger that was remarkably unharmed in this whole mess. 
And oh.
The stranger was taller than he was with a lithe and lean frame. He had raven black hair that complimented his tanned skin and gorgeous green eyes that pierced through him, making his heart do funny things. 
He was not expecting him to look as hot as he did. He wore a simply black t-shirt and jeans but he looked like a fucking Adonis, what the fuck.  Even the moon shone down on him, highlighting his handsome features even more.  
He shook himself of those thoughts and focused on what was more important. “I’m so sorry. Are you alright?” 
He was rudely pushed away, but he didn’t take offense. He did cause the guy to fall after all. 
“Do not touch me.” (What kind of accent is that?) “I’m fine. You are truly a moronic imbecile of the highest accord to yell like that. And what are you even supposed to be? Some kind of knock-off Catwoman?” 
At that, Chat looked at Hot-And-Sexy weird. “Are you new here? I’m the superhero Chat Noir. I protect Paris with Ladybug.”
“You’re joking.”
“I know I come off as the goofy hero because I make purr-fect puns all the time but I’m not joking about this.” 
He took out his phone to show the foreign (since he’s obviously not a Parisian) stranger the akuma attacks and Ladybug and Chat Noir being a dynamic duo, saving Paris and beating Hawk Moth. Ok, he showed the stranger a lot of stuff. Sue him. He gets to brag about his Princess. And himself too.
“I never heard about this before.” Hot-And-Sexy (he has got to come up with a better name) said afterward. “3 years this has been going on? Why didn’t you ask for help from the Justice League or other superheros?” 
Chat shrugged. “We tried. But they said we’re obviously pulling a prank and making this all up. So we stopped asking for help.”
For some reason this made Hot-And-Sexy angry. “They ignored your plea for help and left you to fight for yourselves?”
“Pretty much, yea.” 
“You and Ladybug are children.” 
“Excuse me? Are you doubting our ability to protect our city?" He was not apologetic at the sharp edge his voice took. Forget looking hot. How dare he? The audacity really. 
Hot-And-Sexy shook his head. “I’m not. I know some child superheroes who are adequate at their jobs and a few who are remarkable like Robin in Gotham. But the majority of them had adult mentors to guide them. From what you’ve shown me, you and Ladybug had no one. You were left alone to fend for yourself with essentially no help.” 
He never thought of it that way. But hearing it like that made him think: Fuck Adults Who Chose Children to Fight Their War For Them and Fuck Hawk Moth For Putting Them In This Position In The First Place. 
You know what. Just to clear all his bases - Fuck Everyone But The Dupain-Chengs. 
Chat couldn’t help but shrug, not quite knowing what to say to that. “Life is a bitch, I’ve come to find out. But enough of that. Why were you running on rooftops anyway?”
“It calms me down.”
“Is...Is your tail moving?” 
“Huh?” He looked behind him to see his tail was indeed moving lazily. “Yeah. I’m called Chat Noir for a reason.”
“May I touch them?” Chat was used to people (usually kids) pulling on his tail to see if it was real (It was). And it really hurts because they usually rough. Not that he blames them. Kids don’t know any better. Still, he usually says no when people ask. 
But Hot-And-Sexy had such a sincere expression that he said yes. To his surprise and delight, Hot-And-Sexy was extremely gentle (Can this guy be anymore perfect?) and it felt nice to be petted like that. Curse his touch-starvation (again Fuck you Dad).
Hot-And-Sexy was apparently fascinated by his ears and tail. 
“Are you a meta?” He noticed how Hot-And-Sexy’s voice turned softer and fonder (or was he imagining that?).
“Nah. I’m fully human. I just got powers to transform into this.” He looked down at his phone seeing that the time was nearing 2 am.
“Have you suffered any injuries from your stupid stunt?” 
“Hmm?” Chat looked back at him before gesturing to his body. “Don’t worry. I may not look like it but I can take it.”
He can practically feel Hot-And-Sexy rolling his eyes. “What an utter dolt.” 
But there wasn’t any heat behind it so he didn’t take it to heart. 
“Thanks, babe.” 
“That was an insult.”
“And I’m taking it like a compliment.”
Chat stood up and stretched his limbs. Hot-And-Sexy doing the same but dusting off his clothes instead.
“So, uh, need any help getting home?”
“I am perfectly capable of finding my own way, thanks.” 
“Ok. Have a nice night.” He was about to leave when he was caught off guard by Hot-And-Sexy staring at him for a good few seconds, making his limbs freeze in place at the heavy attention.
Before he said. “You should try contacting the Batfamily in Gotham about Hawk Moth. They’re used to dealing with weird things. I’m sure they won’t turn you or Ladybug away.” 
Chat was a bit distracted by how intensely those green eyes focused on him, making his heart beat faster and his cheeks turn a vibrant red. 
He was so screwed. 
He used his baton to shoot himself up so he can run on rooftops, hurrying to the Dupain-Cheng bakery. 
“Mari! I think I’m gay!”
“It’s 2 in the morning, Chaton. Go to sleep and we’ll talk about it in the morning.” 
After a good night’s rest (and thank everything that was right in the world that today was a weekend), Adrien told Mari all about Hot-And-Sexy. And yes, he did call the stranger that out loud. His everything-that-actually-matters sister simply took it in stride after giggling a bit. They spent the majority of the day discussing emotions and everything that came with that bundle. 
Before he finally came to a conclusion. 
He is definitely gay (He liked girls but not like like them). And most definitely had a crush on Hot-And-Sexy with the pretty green eyes. 
Good news: He is no longer having a sexuality crisis. 
Bad news: He is going through an emotional crisis. 
Like dealing with these feelings that is making his stomach flip flop over and over again? The only one he ever had to deal with was the one he had on Ladybug and that (he talked with Mari about it months before. She was amazing with these emotional matters) was more of a hero-worship crush than anything really romantic. 
And his crush on Hot-And-Sexy was so much more. 
So it’s been about 2 weeks since he encountered Hot-And-Sexy. And he still haven’t figured out what else to call him. But the nickname was growing on him. 
(He also told Mari about asking the Batfam for help but she was a bit apprehensive after the disastrous attempts of convincing the Justice League. He shrugged, trusting her opinion and left it at that) 
Anyway, Lila was being her usual bitchy self. Father was being non-existent like always. Mari was his only source of sanity at school. And Hawk Moth was being a bitch. 
Because of course, the day before they have a huge test, he decides to akumatize someone (in this case, a businessman who was really unhappy with getting fired) and cut in on study time. And this akuma took a while to defeat. Guess he drew a lot of strength from his burning hatred of the failings of the corporate world. 
And just yesterday, a teenager who was upset at being grounded got akumatized and terrorized the city for 3 hours before Ladybug could purify her. It did however confirmed her fears. Hawk Moth was getting stronger. It took longer to defeat his monsters. They needed to find him and ended this fast. 
Adrien landed on Mari’s balcony and slipped in her room, crashing on her big comfy bed, de-transforming on the spot. Plagg sleepily floating and laying next to him on the pillow. He was so tired. And photo shoots and school drama were not helping things.
For the record, he was not at all expecting to see Hot-And-Sexy in a bookstore of all places. 
He was so engrossed in looking through the latest Boku no Hero Academia manga (can’t wait until Season 5 comes out) that when someone touched his shoulder, he was not proud to admit he squeaked a bit.
He turned around and his eyes widened his surprise. 
It was indeed the Adonis Adrien had a huge crush on. Today he was wearing a white t-shirt paired with a blue denim jacket and black ripped jeans. Wow. He really can make anything look hot.
No. Bad Adrien. Don’t let him know you actually have a crush on him.
And oh fuck. Hot-And-Sexy was staring at the blonde and Adrien tried not to let himself get flustered. He has a very intense stare. For all he knew, Hot-And-Sexy stares at everyone like that.
Calm the fuck down, heart. You too brain.
He raised a handsome eyebrow in amusement. “Excuse me?”
Adrien felt himself burn with embarrassment, his face turning bright scarlet. No wonder he was fit for the unlucky miraculous or was this just a side-effect? Note to self, ask Mari about this later. 
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t get your name last time. And I just started calling you that in my head. Cause you’re really hot and you have pretty eyes.”
Fuck mouth! Why won’t you stop talking! Please for the love of everything that makes Mari a BAMF stop. Stop digging further into the hole of embarrassment! Abort mission! Abort!
“When did we meet?”
At that, he blink a few times. Oh fuck. He was not Superhero Chat Noir. He was Civilian Adrien Agreste. Mari was definitely murdering his dumbass tonight. Lightning please strike him down right now. Where was an unlucky lightning strike when you need it?
After a few seconds of his horrified silence, Hot-And-Sexy chuckled (he had such a nice laugh). “You are extremely lucky I already figured out your alter ego beforehand, Chaton.”
Before Adrien could even unwrap that statement, he held out a hand and had a dangerously sexy smirk on his face. “My name is Damian Wayne. Would you care to get a cup of coffee with me?”
And Adrien nodded his head, not trusting himself to speak. He can deal with the superhero thing later when he can think straight (hah!) and is not distracted by Damian’s beautiful smile and alluring green eyes and perfect everything.
Guess what?
Ya Boi got game.
(At least, he likes to think he does)
After a successful coffee date (was it a date? Please let it be a date), they exchanged numbers (cue internal squealing) and met up a few times afterward to hang out.
Apparently, Dami was here on business to deal with something for Wayne Enterprises.
“Aren’t you 17?”
“Father believes in preparing us when we’re young.”
Dami was amazingly sweet. Arrogant and pretentious with a stick up his ass but sweet. He treats stray animals with such reverence that Adrien’s heart melt every time he sees it.
It was an added bonus when Damian scorned Lila with cruel words and disgusted looks when she tried to cut in Adrien and Dami’s date(?)/meetup(?)/spending-time-together event.
She cried and whined afterwards and Adrien has to endure his father’s lecture. But it was totally worth it.
Oh yeah. Mari was not pleased that he accidentally outed himself to a civilian. But nothing that a couple of sad kitty eyes can’t fix.
“You are so lucky you’re cute, kitty-cat.” Mari grumbled but she was smiling. “I just need to have a good talk with him on the importance of secrecy.”
That day Damian Wayne learned to fear a certain Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
It was 2 weeks later when Adrien woke up to a package next to his futon in Mari’s room. When he opened it, he saw the Butterfly and Peacock miraculous inside.
There was a card beneath it. And in beautiful cursive script read: 
I dearly hope you enjoy my courting gift, mon amour. Allow me the honor to formally ask you out on a date. I look forward to hearing favorably from you soon.
- Damian Wayne
He couldn’t believe it.
“Mari! Damian likes me back!”
“Chaton, I swear. It is 2 in the morning.”
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louiseechoes · 4 years ago
Why you shouldn't ship Sea Fairy with Men
This is a rewrite of my old post called "Why FireSea and FireMoon are problematic", admittedly very sloppily written and involving a lot of emotional biases (In fact, this is the same post, just, edited). I'm instead choosing to remake this into an informative post on why you shouldn't pair Sea Fairy with male cookies. In order to explain why though, I'm gonna have to tackle the most commonly used arguments, because in all brutal honesty they're very repetitive and they're very weak and bad. a. "She's in love with the moon, not Moonlight." *Sigh* Straight off the bat- this is plain wrong. It's been shown time and time again that "The Moon" in context of Sea Fairy refers to Moonlight- Whether in-game(Ovenbreak Relationships), in bonus content(CookieWars' ending cutscene), external media (The music video, merchandise), or social media (teasing posts), The Moon always refers to Moonlight from the lens of Sea Fairy. That is without taking into consideration the evidence that Moonlight and The Moon are interchangeably the same (See: Wizard Cookie calling both of them mistress, Moonlight being referred to as the moon in her costumes). So, no, you cannot deny their connection. It's a much better look for you to acknowledge their relationship and be on your merry way than it is to fight on the losing hill that is denying this. There is evidence on both ends of the characters. b. "How is she gay?" Sea Fairy's central writing point is her love for another woman, how it empowers her and helps her overcome the curse that keeps her from living her life. I have yet to write a full analysis of this couple and why it means so much, but you need to realize that it's not just a "hinted crush" - It's an actual relationship between two women with weight, depth, and a lot of importance to it. No one is obligated to ship SeaMoon, only acknowledge and respect it- However, as it stands, most people who argue on the validity of Sea Fairy's lesbianism always seem to veer into slander territory and highkey lesbophobia (I'm looking at you, Tiggyloo). c. "Has DevSis ever said Sea Fairy is gay? No." This is why it's called coding, you can't reasonably expect the company that doesn't confirm anything to pay basic respect to one of its most queerbaited ships. SeaMoon is downplayed by DevSisters and the fandom alike, which is why Sea Fairy fans (most of whom are sapphics and lesbians) are outspoken about this character's sexuality. You should at least keep in mind the importance of this character to an underrepresented side of the fandom, steer away from provoking them rather than try force the ideal that they're wrong... because they really aren't. For the record, because I know I technically haven't really answered the question: Sea Fairy is a character who's central writing point is her love for another women, with no positive relationship with men except for one (who wants nothing to do with her for the record, SeaFire doesn't float either). There is little room to interpret that as anything else, and if you want to argue otherwise... Well, sorry to pull the carpet from under you, but if this doesn't hold weight then neither does anything else. d. "You don't have to follow canon" No, you don't, but it's not about following canon. It's about having the basic decency not to undermine something that's important to people. e. "It doesn't hurt anyone" Actually, you'd be surprised how undermining an important WLW relationship can push people away and feel a group unwelcome. This fandom is oversaturated with MLM and you generally won't find people who argue on literally any character headcanon you can come up. Just about every character (minus a few) can be headcanon as bi, or pan, or poly, or anything really, and it'd be valid. But approaching the one character with the most Lesbian coding and insisting on making her something else entirely (when there's a plethora of other characters to do that with) is not fair. It is not biphobic to insist that Sea Fairy is a lesbian, you do not have to erase someone else's representation to get your
own. ...Come to think of it, it's kind of odd how Bisexuality is only ever brought up when an excuse is need to pair her with men, it's almost as if people forget Bisexuality also involves loving women? Of course, at the end of the day, I cannot stop people from doing what they want, and that's not my goal in the slightest either. However I hope this offers more insight into why most Sea Fairy fans dislike seeing her shipped with men, and I implore those who read this entire post to understand that all you have to do is keep your distance. You do not have to engage, you shouldn't try to disprove it- It's how this issue gets brought up time and time again, just be respectful and things will be fine.
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kindasadwriter · 4 years ago
Can you do Marco, Law and Kid getting mad at their SO for pranking them and trying to chase them down on the ship or something and SO just jumps overboard and is sitting in the ocean like..what you gonna do now man?
That’s about my level of maturity if I’m being honest so I’m more than happy to write this. Thanks for the ask!
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‣ Listen the Whitebeard pirates are filled with jokesters and Marco is no exception. While he may not be as loud about it he’s a pretty sneaky prankster himself but see when he pulls pranks he makes sure the blame gets pinned on somebody else so as far as everybody else is concerned-Marco’s a stick in the mud. That’s unrelated though I just felt it needed to be said.
‣He doesn’t mind getting pranked but he was having a bad day so when he went to take a shower he was ready to just relax and unwind-and he did but the issue is when he comes out of the shower to find his clothes gone and replaced with a fundoshi all that stress comes right back.
‣Of course he’s got no choice but to use it because he’s not going to just sit in the shower and wait espically because he knows it’s his s/o who did this because they’re the only one who would dare come in while he was showering(let’s just say others have learned not to mess with him while he’s naked in the past) and do something like this. He’s gonna kill them.
‣Before looking for s/o he’s going to try and go back to their room and change but of course they’ve found a way to barricade the door shut. That won’t stop him though, he’ll break it down before going out onto deck like this. Enough people have already seen him and a few have even tried to snatch the fundoshi away. He’ll make sure to get back at them too but for now his focus is on his s/o.
‣When he finally does make his way on deck s/o is sitting oh so casually on the railing wearing the shirt he’d brought to change into. He won’t deny it looks good on them though.
‣He’ll call them out and s/o is kind of caught off guard by how angry he is because honestly it was a good idea-the only issue is he was having a bad day and they didn’t know that. S/o will apologize for getting him on a bad day and even says they’ll fix the door but Marco’s not relenting on his lecture and so s/o is just like you know what, I’ve apologized and am sorry but I cant do more than that so I’m going overboard and they just straight up jump over the railing and into the ocean which causes not only Marco to panic but the rest of the crew too because yeah they’re anchored but they’re anchored in the new world where the sea is very dangerous.
‣He’ll tell them to stop acting like a child and get back on deck to which s/o will respond with something along the lines of , “If you want to keep lecturing me you can come down here” because they know Marco isn’t done lecturing them.
‣As mature as he is, Marco can be childish too. Now he’s not stupid enough to jump into the sea but he will transform and give himself wings and tallons and swoop down on his s/o from above to continue lecturing them while trying to grab them and get them out of the sea-and you can bet once he grabs them he isn’t letting go.
‣It’s kind of like watching a hawk try and grab a frog out of the water or something.
‣Forget arguing about the prank now the two are arguing about the dangers of jumping into the sea and the dangers of Marco even being so close to the ocean with him saying they need to get back onto the ship and s/o saying he needs to get away from the sea because if a wave catches him off guard they’re going to have to try and save him.
‣Meanwhile Whitebeard’s watching this just thinking both of them are complete idiots.
‣Eveuntally Marco manages to snatch s/o out of the sea and get them back onto deck and he just drags them back to their room to fix the door he broke-because yes it’s their fault it’s broken in the first place it doesn’t matter what they say.
‣S/o will grumble about not even getting to see him in the fundoshi which will just irk him all over again. Though he can’t help but wonder how long they’d been planning this prank because he hadn’t noticed a fundoshi floating around the room lately nor had they docked on any islands that sold something like that.
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‣Law does NOT enjoy pranks. They waste time that could’ve been better spent doing anything else and they’re childish.
‣S/o didn’t really get to finish their prank because Law walked in halfway through them pouring bleach into his shampoo.
‣Big mistake.
‣S/o is cornered and Law knows exactly what they were doing-even if they try to come up with an excuse he knows what bleach looks like and he knows what they were planning. Since he caught them they can’t even try to shift the blame onto somebody else either.
‣Somehow s/o manages to get past them and while he won’t run after them there’s not too many places they can run and hide on a submarine. Plus they’re currently docked in the middle of the ocean so they can’t run off onto an island or anything like that. What he didn’t expect is to see them crawling over the railing when he finally got out onto the sub’s deck.
‣Tries to swap them using devil fruit and does manage to swap them with Penguin but they just jump right back into the ocean and swim a good four feet away from the sub just to be safe.
‣Law will very calmly tell them to get back on the submarine. If they ignore him he will warn them one more time before ordering everybody inside and before going in himself he’ll wish s/o luck and tell them next time they should find a different victim.
‣S/o is like okay so what he’s just going to lock me out of the sub for a bit that’s fine? And then the submarine submerges leaving s/o out in the open water with nowhere to go. Law’s made sure not to submerge too much because he wants s/o to be able to see the it from where they are but it’s not like they could open the hatch even if they did swim down to the sub.
‣Law will not initiate but he will retaliate.
‣When he finally does order Bepo to surface s/o is wrinkly and angry but all this considered it’s their fault for jumping into the sea.
‣Law will very smugly ask them what they learned, warn them not to do it again, and tell them they owe him new shampoo-not that s/o really cares about that last bit.
‣If s/o did manage to pull off the prank and he did wind up bleaching his hair he probably would’ve left them out like that overnight.
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‣Kid has a complicated relationship with pranks because he wont ever bother pulling them himself, and he hates when people try to pull them on him but he enjoys watching others get pranked because he likes watching them squirm.
‣All crew members know that their captains off limits when it comes to pranks and all but his s/o follow that rule. Of course s/o is smart about pranking him though because see...Kid will prank himself if given the right instruments.
‣This particular prank took place shortly after the crew left an island and s/o just happened to buy several extremely hot peppers that looked identical to bell peppers.
‣Really they weren’t planning on pranking Kid but when he walks out and sees Wire and s/o eating bell peppers-he’s a little confused even more so because his fire breather is sweating and fanning his mouth while his s/o is sitting there with what is probably the most smug expression he’s ever seen. So of course he asks what’s happening and when Wire explains it he snatches one of the (hot) peppers and takes a mouthful out of it only to start breathing fire himself.
‣His mouth is on fire, his eyes are watering, his lips feel like they’re swelling and even though he didn’t swallow-it still feels like his throats on fire and while all of this is happening s/o is cracking up on the ground now because they didn’t plan this but it’s perfect until of course Kid regains some composure and grabs the pepper s/o was eating only to find it’s a normal fucking bell pepper.
‣”I’ll fucking kill you right now.”
‣As quickly as he spat out that pepper s/o is out of the room and running for the deck. Kid’s activating his quirk trying to hold them back by the metal on their belt, he’s throwing anything he can their way all while shouting a plethora of threats that even s/o hasn’t heard before.
‣In their absolute terror they just decide to jump off the ship and into the sea, the only issue with this is he can still launch any large metal objects he had on the ship at them and shoot at them-which yeah he’s aiming to miss but getting shot at is never not scary espically when the one shooting at you is your partly deranged pirate boyfriend.
‣Kid will probably try to jump overboard to strangle them himself-fuck the fact he can’t swim. He’ll kill them while they’re trying to keep him above water and then somebody else can jump ship and drag them back on deck after.
‣He won’t just let them stay in the water and he won’t leave them behind so he’ll order Killer to get them back on ship. He gets really childish at this point. He’ll steal their food, bump into them(not crazy hard but enough to knock them back) and when they do dock on island they won’t be allowed to leave the ship. He’ll also assign them all and any chores he can-everybody else is ecstatic about that.
‣He won’t forgive them so much as he’ll just forget about it-or he’ll get horny and just be like yeah that’s more important.
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 4 years ago
Do you think BigHit pays attention to how much things to show to be able to "please" each ship, esp the maknae ships? For example, If a run ep/any content showed a little bit more of vmin, it will somehow highlight jikook or taekook next. For sure, the boys are not faking their interactions, but do u think BigHit consciously monitor these interactions and edit it in a way that can avoid violent reactions from diff ship groups? Sorry I cannot word this ask well. 😕 I'd love to hear ur thoughts.
Thank you so much for the amazing question! And your wording was really good and clear so don’t worry about that.
I think the first major thing we need to remember is that BH is a company, and a company’s main purpose, above all else, is to generate revenue. Which isn’t a bad thing in this case seeing as, depending on how much BH makes, so do the members since their contracts, compared to others in the same industry, have some great percentages in their favor.
With that in mind, the answer to your question is a very simple and straight forward yes. BH monitors and plans things accordingly to please (paying) costumers, in the context of this answer, shippers. Fan service and showing certain interactions in certain ways are a great marketing tool that every idol agency uses for decades now, it isn’t anything new or revolutionary in any shape or form, though it’s clear that the type of fan service the BTS members do nowadays has changed in comparison to earlier years, like Jimin being required to perform shirtless at an award show.
In the context of this answer when using “ship”, I simply mean two members interacting with each other and are liked together by a certain community of people, and not actual pairs that have (in my opinion) chances or signs of being real (in a romantic sense) at all, except for vmin and namjin, since those are the only two we see as fulfilling that criteria of romantic potential and are the only two we focus on on this account. But that at large is a post/discussion for another time.
When it comes to showing different interactions between ships, or even really any kind of duo or trio in the group, editing and what does and doesn’t get shown certainly plays a role and follows some kind of idea as well. A good example of that would be how following the release of Dynamite there was a bigger “focus” on J*k*ok, seeing as they had their own moment together in the choreography and we were shown more of their interactions/”moments” in content around that time. But, while that satisfied one major ship and its devotees, it didn’t satisfy another, so it needed to be balanced out. Which is exactly what BH did.
More below the cut since this got a little long:
If you look at the Break the Silence: Persona movie commentary done by the members, the maknaes sit together in the middle of the sofa (and the screen) with JK between vmin, meaning that both major ships could pay attention to their two members and be “pleased” at the same time by any and all interactions or “moments”. A counter argument to moments involving all three of them working in a positive manner would be the Dynamite performance at Jimmy Fallon (x) that ended with the members skating around on roller-skates where at one point the maknaes were together, JK holding Tae’s wrist while Jimin had his hands on Tae’s hips (?). It was a cute and funny moment of them just helping Tae since he can’t skate, but it caused a plethora of negative/awful reactions among those who ship one and the other “main” maknae ship with, in both cases, either Jimin or Tae being on the receiving end of awful accusations, insults, and alike. Then again, to balance out J*k*ok Dynamite content, we can look at the BE-hind Story video where JK and Tae sat together and were seen interacting more, while Jimin interacted more with Yoongi, where Yo*nm*n is also a rather popular ship.
Perhaps it sounds mean or calculated or like I’m badmouthing other ships as just “tools”, but the thing we have to keep in mind is that every piece of content is planned in a certain manner (BTS are seven people after all so you can’t just tell them to do something and hope it’ll just magically work out somehow), is filmed by a giant crew of staff from stylists to PDs and lighting crews, and while there are certainly also genuine interactions between the members, simply because they enjoy spending together and interacting, being close and have no issue touching each other etc, many of these things are not really anything that would really count as “intimate” moments due to the nature of the content itself. But shippers oftentimes ignore that in favor of enjoying whatever content of their ship they are given, which makes sense, as vminnies and namjinists we do too, but we also know that BH certainly has a hand in what is and isn’t shown, and the way in which it is shown.
Look at the trailer for Memories of 2019 and the famous J*k*ok moment that was front and center. From a marketing standpoint it was a genius move since it made sure that shippers would go and buy the DVD regardless of its price. Look at what we’ve gotten for Winter Package 2021 so far, J*k*ok being playful in the trailer, T*ek*ok squished together in the picture on IG, and J*k*ok next to each other, along with Seokjin, in the preview pictures on Weverse. Of course, there was also a picture of Yoongi and Hoseok together (a popular ship) as well as Namjoon with Yoongi and Namjoon with Tae (far less popular), but those three aren’t really selling arguments the way the major maknae ships are. Even vmin isn’t, seeing as the vmin community is much, much smaller than the other two maknae ships, and also vmin moments are often times written off as ‘friends’ interacting anyway and thus not taken seriously (or being paid attention to), if you know what I mean.
(Admin 1: I, for one, would really love to own the 5th Muster DVD because I love the concert itself but also because the famous vmin dancing together to Spring Day sequence is immortalized in picture form in the photobook, so I’m not innocent or “different” in any way since I fall for this marketing stuff just as much as everyone else.)
But on the other hand, there’s also content that isn’t as controlled by BH as pre-recorded and edited videos or DVD’s, as in their vlives or live content, like the BE/LGO release day vlive in pajamas where, sure, the members were given a general plan of what they’ll be doing and a timeframe for it, but certain things seemed more spur-of-the-moment and unplanned, like the vmin lipstick moment (Tae putting on the lipstick was planned, but the final executions likely wasn’t) and the way the other members reacted to it. Or things they do at concerts, which some of it is surely also rehearsed and planned, we saw Hoseok ask JK if he’d do a heart with him at some point during one of the concerts, as example, or Tae and Seokjin planning their typical moment that happened at every concert, but other ones are more in the moment and not controlled.
When it comes to concert DVDs, that is again a different story seeing as a camera can only show as much at a time, so the editors are presented all the footage from the concert and then decide which to show and which not. So, if we see an interaction between JK and Hoseok, for example, at the same time somewhere else Namjoon might be dancing with Seokjin or vmin could be doing something, but we’d simply never know since they can’t show us everything.
That, in a way, is also the case with actual concerts where there’s a difference, somewhat, between concerts that get filmed for DVDs or streamed online, and those that are not. Something that comes to mind would be a vmin moment during Best of Me in Busan on the day that didn’t get filmed where they skipped the first half of the choreography and vmin stood together, half of that sequence being just visible in the background while JK is the primary focus of the cameras that are shown on the side screens, and this whole thing only happened this one time and never again. (x) That’s a moment that, in my opinion, isn’t planned, or other similar moments where vmin change the choreographies (even if just a little) to do something together, like during Spring Day during WINGS Tour Final where Jimin adjusted his solo moment so that he ended up in front of Tae. (x)
There’s also this whole mythos I’ve heard/read about a lot about how supposedly at some of the not filmed Japanese concerts (where I’m not sure if people mean LY:SY or just LY) had some crazy moments between the members (in the sense of “ship” moments and alike) BUT I couldn’t find any proof of that, so if someone perhaps knows anything about this, let me know.
Finally, there’s also things like Bon Voyage and In the SOOP which, you’d expect that they would be less edited and less controlled, but even here a selection takes place of which scenes are shown and which are not. Something I find interesting is how the first half of In the SOOP feels very different to how the second half does when they return to the house after being gone for a few days. In the first half vmin (as well as namjin) seemed to “satellite” around each other and interact much more, playing ping pong or doing things together in some shape or form, but in the second half that was (nearly) completely gone and neither interacted much with each other, if at all. We even had Jimin who outright refused to join Tae and Hoseok on their car adventure, or we saw Seokjin wake up Namjoon to go jogging yet never got to see said jogging happening (if it did happen, that is).
So, to sum all of this up: Yes, BH definitely monitors and guides the way certain things are and aren’t shown in order to achieve certain things or avoid certain reactions, though it’s a complex balancing act and doesn’t always work out. There are things that are unplanned and not controlled, of course, but there’s also a fair amount of marketing play involved. 
After all BTS aren’t rookies anymore, instead they are giant household names and their actions and words move people, move money, and on top of that they are still idols, and part of what it means to be an idol is differentiating between your idol appearance/persona (so what we see in screen) and your personal private life, which is usually kept as secret as only possible. How much they themselves choose to share of their real selves and real feelings toward each other is up to them (as well as up to BH and how much they “allow” them to/don’t edit out). But that, too, is a whole other discussion for another time.
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oh-for-fic-sake · 5 years ago
Brucie Baby~
You decide to top Bruce.
Warning: Adult situations +18, Smut, Oral, Teasing, Femdom switch, Name calling, Swearing, Anal, Dubcon, Spitting (once)
A/n: okay so... Yeah as you can probably tell by now I am more of a bottom, but I really really wanted to give this a shot not to sure how I feel about it but I do hope that people like it, its really smutty. enjoy xx
Taglist @125bluemachine125​
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Brucie Baby~
Bruce was down in the Bat cave working on his latest device upon taking Clark's advice he had taken you to the hospital for a heart check up. As it turned out you do have an abnormal heart rate, an arrhythmia tachycardia no murmur or damage yet and not dangerous thank god but you needed to have it monitored. So Bruce was making you a tiny ecg, much like the ones on sports watches but as you had refused to wear one he was making one in the form of a thin flat delicate chain mail looking bracelet with a small platinum plate with Sweets engraved underneath and a small onyx on the top the bracelet was a modern looking piece small and was versatile, it would go with anything and more importantly it would send the data straight to his phone and computer wirelessly, he even set it up to log in the bat computer just to make sure it was never lost. He may or may not have also put a teeny tiny tracker on it to but you wouldn't be privy to either just yet holding his breath as he clipped the last piece in place holding it to the inside of his wrist then outside checking the data on his phone as it lit up recording his pulse, with one last look he was satisfied he pulled it away tucking it into a velvet lined gift box bought specifically for the piece. Standing he stretched looking up at the time six am he would need to be ready to leave at eight. It was your six month anniversary and you were both going to spend the week at his own little slice of paradise, since what was now called 'the incident' things had changed slightly he was a little hesitant when being intimate, not that he didn’t love you or anything like that he would argue that you didn’t just own his heart, you was his heart but he was afraid of hurting you at first it was because of your injuries, then your it was your heart now he was just worried not wanting to accidentally hurt you, not only that but he was stressed, he kept on replaying that night over and over, the way he slammed the breaks but knew he wasn’t going to stop in time, all he could do was watch as you came closer and closer. He was so close to loosing you that he didn’t want to risk any harm whatsoever including in the bed room. Alfred said he was being silly that you wasn’t going anywhere and that as long as you had your safe word you was safe, he didn't even bother to ask where Alfred had learned about that he thought he was better off not knowing. It was also Alfred who had suggested the week away together noting you was both a bit stressed with the incident then the move. So that what was happening a trip to his small private island in the Maldives, Dick was coming to stay and fill in for him on patrol. He snapped the box shut leaving the cave, when he arrived to the bed room he stopped dead seeing you sitting up reading with a travel mug you turned to him smiling.
"Hey baby, how was it tonight?" he shrugged turning closing the door.
"Not much, stopped a kidnapping and an a few assaults small things really"
"Not to the victims they wont be. I heard the boys come up earlier you stayed down there a while." he smiled slipping off his tight tshirt strategically throwing it on the chair covering the small jewelry box as he dropped that as well.
"Yes working on something"You smiled curling your toes into the bed beneath you.
"Oh really a new gadget? Oh oh is it a lazer? Please tell me its a lazer I have always wanted to play with one like the ones in James bond!" He gave you a look
"No its not a lazer and if it was you definitely wouldn't get your hands on it" you pouted but not for long as your favorite part of the day began it was the best bit of living here full time getting your daily dose of Bruce's delicious body without fail, he smirked dropping his bottoms and pants in one swoop as he made his way across the room. You watched him quietly biting your lip as he snuck into the bed slowly crawling up beside you plucking your kindle from your hand snapping it shut dropping it on the side table then slid higher leaning over you taking your mug from you placing it beside the kindle. You sighed at him shivering a little as his cock brushed the top of your thigh wetting the shorts you wore to bed as it twitched to life against you.
"And just what do you think your doing Mr Wayne? you know we have a flight to catch in what two hours?" he hummed tugging on your arms leaning down to your neck whispering into your neck
"It's my Jet it wont leave without me" you sighed pulling his face up abruptly holding him firm before pressing your lips to his, he was a little shocked to say the least but soon gave into you as you plundered his mouth forcefully taking what you wanted from him twisting and toying with his tongue before making him shiver as you ran the tip of your tongue over the roof of his mouth then sucked harshly pulling on his tongue he moaned when you pulled back. Blinking a little confused as to where that aggression had come from but you felt just how much he had liked the change of pace  as you gripped his now fully erect cock between your delicate hands tugging once twice and one final third time twisting as the went rubbing over his slit making him bite off a groan arching into your hand with eager hips.Perfect.
"Well I don't think it would be nice to keep the pilot waiting, so I'm off to have a shower and recheck my bag and you should to, I'd say sleep but you don't have time" you said he moaned trying to grab you as you slipped out of the bed licking your lips, oh yes this trip would be incredible. You see you had fully healed from the night you discovered Bruce's secret and had been forced to the hospital about your heart and although it wasn't anything to worry about yet. Bruce had been very delicate with you. Not that you haven't enjoyed the sex but it wasn't the same, so you was stuck not sure what to do,you had already asked him but he insisted you wait a few more weeks to be sure. You wanted to do something get him so riled up that he would forget everything that has happened and ravage you once and for all. You smiled to yourself you had gone to Alfred for suggestions Alfred about what you should do to help. Alfred being the good sport he was smirked telling you to leave it with him already having a plan in mind, the next day a note had been slipped under your morning coffee with a single web address. You laughed giddy when you looked and saw a plethora of adult toys all dedicated to one kink Femdom safe to say most of the money you saved since living at the manor had brought you a whole arsenal of toys that was already at the house waiting as Alfred had arranged for it to be shipped directly there. You stopped just before walking through the door to the bathroom turning back to Bruce as he laid sprawled out on his back hand creeping to his cock that tented the blankets
"Oh and Bruce? leave that alone its mine if you don't you'll be sorry" you smirked at the shocked look on his face having to enter the bathroom quickly before you lost your composure and started laughing at the confused man. He through his head back cock twitching, you were up to something and he didn't know what but what he did know is he couldn't fucking wait. Closing his eyes he willed his raging boner to relax a little but he could still feel the tingles left by your hands. Shit. He heaved a sigh once he heard the shower, quickly getting up and hiding the bracelet in his packed bag stuffing the small box in his side pocket before beginning to get ready, he didn't need sleep yet he could wait until the flight and would probably nap by the sea once at the island. He sighed when racing past you when you stepped out of the shower turning it cold to help settle his problem you smirked nodding at him a little.
Thirty seven hours later you found yourselves stepping off of the plane the first thing you noticed was it was hot....Fucking hot you was happy you only had a thin dress on and the second was the sight that greeted you took your breath away you stood looking at what had to be a photo because this could not be real Bruce came up behind you yawning and stretching as he had just woken up, he looked well rested for the first time in weeks. He walked behind you kissing the back of your neck hugging you close.
"You like it?
""It-Bruce this is incredible I've  never seen anything like this not in real life" you was awe struck by the pure white sand and crystal clear water, in front of you was a small thatched building that looked like it was for maintenance, beyond that a lush patch of brightly colored plants you could hear parrots and various other wild life in the trees and peaking thought you could see the beach. A long pier extending out with a large house at the end that you'd seen on the brochures from here you could see the slide that wrapped around it from the roof into the sea. you smiled turning to him excitedly
"Oh my god a slide? does it have one of those nets? you know the one that hangs over the water that you can lay on?" you asked jumping up a little he laughed nodding.
"Yes and the slide was for the boys when they were younger but I'm sure you will make use of it, there is an infinity pool at the back to, Jason got freaked out by the fish when he was little so I had it put in for him." you giggled as you saw someone you didn't recognize pick up your bags piling them into a small jeep Bruce walked you over to it holding you around the waist.
"Jason really? was he frightened of them?"
"No I wouldn't say frightened, he just didn't like the idea of them touching him, he loved watching them hence the pool is glass he would dive holding the top with his goggles and snorkel I was even considering getting some coral around it to encourage more but the more fish would have drawn sharks and I decided against it not with the boys." you snapped your head to him as you sat side by side in the Jeep as it started moving down the dirt road towards the house.
"Sharks? do they come close?" he patted your thigh at the cute expression
"Don't worry most are babies...Tho there was that hammer head that swam straight into the glass pool that one time, and the reef shark of 08 he hung about for a few days swimming below the house I wouldn't let the boys out it was quiet big, turns out they were fucking feeding it! Well Dick was, wanted to tame it and brag to everyone that he had a pet shark." you laughed you could imagine them sneaking out throwing food at the dangerous creature.
"Was that when Jason asked for the pool by any chance?" you said slyly as the jeep rounded the corner pulling out of the trees to the beach parking by the huge pier. You glanced along the beach noticing a large sunken area with a curved stone wall with wooden bench wrapped around it and huge sunken firepit full of smooth glittering stones. You jumped out of the car following Bruce down the the pier both taking your suitcases and rolling them behind you as you walked hand in hand down the long wooden structure hearing the jeep drive off back towards the airfield.
"Never though about it but yes it was it must, have scared him. I only found out they was feeding the damn thing when I caught Dick trying to get in the water with it,the silly little sod was adamant that he had 'tamed the beast' I only just dragged him out of the water in time. I can tell you he didn't try that again after the hiding he got." you chuckled but felt sorry for the boy. You finally arrived at the sleek modern villa upon entering you sighed in relief as the aircon was in full swing cooling the house to a comfortable tempature, it was one story the whole back of the building was huge panes of glass giving an uninterrupted view of the sea beyond it was open planned with the master bedroom on the far left of the house and two rooms for the boys on the far right in the middle was an open plan light and airy kitchen with center island and dining table in front and large living room with sunken u shaped sofa facing a fireplace with tv above, out side you could see the pool and large hammock net beside it to the left was a set of stairs integrated into the side of the house you assumed it was for the slide. It was beautiful he directed you through to the bed room placing your bags down you gasped as the view was stunning you almost felt like you was just skimming the clear water.
"Bruce this is-its beautiful, I've never seen anything like this" he smiled approaching you slowly placing his hands on your shoulders pulling you back against him.
"Good I’m glad you like it, I'm going to have a quick shower and change I will be right back" you nodded turning giving him a deep kiss before letting him go. Once he left through the door you moved fast finding your order that Alfred said was in here and ripping it open finding your toys, you guessed that you had around ten minuets which was enough you raced to the bed with the box quickly unwrapping what you assumed was the comfort hand cuffs, basically normal click hand cuffs with a soft lining they had a quick release to you noted you gave them the once over the chain between them was think so hopefully they would contain him, not wasting time you quickly threaded them threw the bars of the head bored looping it around twice and stuffed it down beside the mattress out of sight then repeated with two separate cuffs on either side of the base board. You quickly made your way back to the box pulling out your other goodies quickly fiddling with them figuring out how each thing worked and moved crawling under the bed finding a plug socket and plugged in the rechargeable wand and plug vibrator you sighed standing back up doing another round of the room checking everything was hidden. Smiling you fist pumped the air and pulled out the final thing you had got the the cherry on the smutty cake as it were. It looked a little tight but you could make do quickly stuffing it back in the box and fished out the rest from your suitcase then kicked it across the room out of the way. You panicked slightly trying to remember everything you had seen in the videos. You had planned this for just over a week using the time he was away at night to watch ridiculous amounts of femdom porn wanting to get this spot on. You knew he would like this just from the way he got turned on when you became as he called it 'Mama bear' you took a deep breath you could do this. You'd pay for it later .but you could do this. You kicked off your shoes and dress lying on the bed in only your panties you had forsaken your bra on the flight you turned facing away from the bathroom door staring out to the sea, it calmed you hearing the waves in the distance and the soft laps of water on the columns holding the house up just below the floor you nearly drifted off to sleep. Suddenly the bathroom door opened and Bruce came waltzing in clad in only a towel."All ready and waiting for me love? I thought we could go relax in the Jacuzzi for a bit but if you insist, after all I do owe you for yesterday" he said quickly throwing the towel away and crawling on the bed you rolled over to meet him half way kissing him lightly at first before moving slowly sitting up deepening the kiss you moaned as he bit your lip sucking it then released opening your mouth you welcomed him letting him explore your mouth slowly before you latched on to his tongue sucking it quickly and biting it lightly rolling over to lounge across him he smirked cupping your ass as you moved straddling him you looked down noticing he was already half hard.smirking you shuffled up sitting on his cock trapping it between your covered pussy and his own abdomen a leaning over kissing him again slowly clasping his hands maneuvering them up past his head. Distracting him by running kisses across his jaw suckling and biting harshly making him moan the he returned the favor sucking a dark mark on your neck. Yes almost there. You guided his hands further across the pillows and grinded on him making sure to keep him occupied then CLICK! he flinched jerking his arms pulling his face away from you. You giggled at the shocked look on his face
"ERR Babe wh-what are you doing there hun?" he asked there was a tremor to his voice. you grinned at him leaning down to him again kissing his chest.
"I want to play Brucie baby~ You see you've been gentle and I just don't know what I have to do to get you to rough me up a bit. First I thought if I was a good girl you'd reward me, fuck me stupid again like you did before. I know you was worried that you'd hurt me again but sometimes a bit of pain is good. Soooo I thought that I'd show you." you winked at him crawling backwards down the length of his body leaving soft kisses. He stared mouth open speechless as you slid off of the bed, you could see it in the way his pupils were blown, eyes clouded with lust he was enjoying himself and the slight bobbing of his semi erect cock was a very good indicator. He shook his head laughing a little and smirked.
"Oh you think you can top me baby girl because you have a set of handcuffs? Fine I will play along give me your best shot"
"Oh baby, you are so going to regret that" you smiled bending down licking your lips as you quickly cuffed each of his ankles spreading him open you tutted and walked across the room to the box pulling out a two little elastic rings towards him,he visibly flinched and gulped a little as you stalked to the bed holding the toys.
"Hey wh-where did you get that? How do you even know what that is? my sweet lovely little girlfreind, you know I love you right babe?" you giggled sitting on the bed as he tested his cuffs trying to shift away from you as you ran the tip of a finger up and down his lower abdomen.
"Of course I know you love me I love you to and I'm pretty sure this is on your list isn't it? the big bad bat of Gotham who is always in control day and night wants to take the back seat once in a while? to be completely at my mercy for once?" he nodded a little swallowing dryly still trying to get his head around the fact that you, tiny innocent y/n had cuffed him to the bed and was stroking his stomach getting him ready for a fucking cock ring. You giggled placing your hand on the crown of his cock rubbing and teasing him with the pads of your fingers making his hiss arching leaning down licking at him then slowly dragged the tips of your nails up and over his whole length until finally he rose fully erect and ready, you made quick work of placing the cock ring over him rolling it down the pulled both balls through it gently moving him through the tight loop letting go he moaned as it started squeezing him tight then you moved quick placing the second one at his base trapping his balls between the two elastics you parted with a kiss and nip to them making him arch off the bed groaning loud panting heavy, he hissed as they constricted his heated flesh keeping him pointing directly up. You then tapped the head lightly sucking on it once then pulled away."Now I will be right back just going to freshen up." you said walking of to the side lifting your new outfit ignoring his protests listening as he tugged at the bonds swearing as he realized he might not be able to break away. He was fucked utterly fucked but oh boy was he going to enjoy it, this was his darkest deepest fantasy that no woman had ever even attempted, in his playboy years he had always been treated like a sugar daddy, they expected him to top each time ,they were desperate just wanting him to dominate them, control them and then fuck them silly. It was a secret desire that he was almost ashamed of, absolutely no one new not even Alfred who knew everything about him. He absolutely loved topping it was his thing but every now and then he wants to be topped, the idea of you using him, controlling him.
"UGH fuuuck" he cried out as the thought made his cock harden bouncing a little as he was held high moaning and twitching as he tried to focus on his breathing instead of the tight delicious throbbing of his cock. Meanwhile you entered the bathroom putting on your new outfit, well you use the term outfit loosely it was one of those cute goth girl type harnesses that looped in v's across your breasts wrapping up around your neck in a choker and matching thong you paired it with Bruce’s favorite stocking and garter set thick band of lace wrapped around your waist attached to matching lace trimmed stockings and killer heels- he liked you in heels- then ruffled your hair applying you expensive red long wear lipstick, this particular one needs a special lipstick remover and had also been a new purchase just for this. You grabbed the last item a fierce looking black riding crop. oh yes this was worth epilating for. You felt so ready for this your insides aching for him if everything went to plan you’d be thoroughly fucked out by the end of the day then took a deep breath pushing aside your own arousal. Not yet today was for Bruce. Hearing the rattle of the cuffs a and a deep frustrated moan. You opened the door strutting to wards the bed watching him whither trying to tug himself free, he hadn't noticed you yet you licked your lips in anticipation. Excellent. you quickly brought the crop down on the v above his angry looking cock making him hiss and stop mouth agape as he saw you.
"Fuck me" he said drinking in your form you smirked sitting on the bed running the tip of the crop up his neck pressing on his jaw to close it humming at him.
"Not yet baby we've only just started, oh honey that looks uncomfortable~" you said tapping his red swollen cock with the crop quickly he grunted, couldn't take his eyes off of you as you got up and walked around the bed sliding beneath it you came back up resting your head on your elbow on the bed level with his face
."I almost feel bad about what I'm going to do you you. But this is a lesson you need isn't it love?" you watched his eyes widen as you lifted your hand holding a Pink wand vibrator. His breath hitched yep he was definitely completely and utterly fucked with capital F. He moaned
"No nono Sweets come on! that's not fair!" You smirked at him as he growled tugging on the cuffs again.
"OH but it is Brucie it is fair, pay back is a bitch and so am I" You picked up the crop striking him across the stomach with it leaving red strips across him then once lightly on the fat head of his cock as you moved taking your place between his spread thighs. Stroking him lightly barely touching him swirling your fingers around him making him swear at your cool hands.
"Today my love you are not Bruce Wayne, you are not the bat or even the boss. No today you are a little subby, little Brucie baby and lastly but definitely not least you are my toy!" You smiled as he grunted loud trying to buck, tho you wasn't sure if it was away or towards your hand.
"Im counting on you using my safe word if things get to much for you ,you remember what it is?" You asked him still stroking him slowly pressing your fingers every so often as you twisted making sure to rub the sensitive underside of his head a little making him hiss and groan
"Brownies" you smiled leaning down ghosting your breath on him. Letting one hand slip to the apex of your own thighs shuddering as you made contact with your engorged clit rubbing lightly coaxing small gasps and moans.
"Good boy, such a good boy" before you licked at his slit he groaned thrusting up trying to penetrate your mouth. You pulled back scraping him with your teeth collecting some precum along the way making a point of sticking out your tongue to him showing him his own seed before swallowing it licking your lips  tutting you moved your hand clenching your hand around him reprimanding him.
"OH baby you want my mouth? you'll have to behave then and I might let you have it" he swore when you placed the wand sneakily beneath both rings pressing it tightly against the flesh below his balls flicking it on.
"OH FUUUCK shitshit thats-Ahh!" he grunted torn between trying to press down and pull away as the vibrations traveled from his root to tip making the elastics tremble against one another teasing his trapped cock, you smiled wickedly before flicking it up not one but two levels enjoying the cry that ripped from deep in his chest, it was an unexpected pleasure watching as his whole upper body tensed curling his muscles bulging trying to free himself he panted a few deep breaths then held his breath grunting before panting quickly again whining trying to rut into it. Quickly you pulled it away before he could cum giggling as he through himself back on the bed panting already covered in sweat you didn’t give him long to recover before pressing it hard to the swollen balls peaking taught from between the rings. The reaction was immediate this time his whole body ceasing, locking and trying to squirm away all at once. Slowly you moved it up to his weeping head rolling it around in delicate circles he grunted throwing his head back into the pillows turning his head to his bicep biting down trying to stifle his moans but couldn't hold back for lone as you tortured him with slow deliberate strokes.
"OH FUCK PLEASE! Pleaseplease baby fuck yes I'm so close! NO! NONONO" Just as he started rocking moaning higher and more desperate you pulled away pouting at him you wriggled on your knees rubbing your thighs together watching him fall apart was the most arousing thing you’d ever seen, unable to take it anymore as you soaked your own thighs you spoke.
"You know your right its not fair" you quickly straddled him placing the wand beneath your swollen folds then pressed down rubbing on it. You moaned as Bruce thrashed beneath you trying to touch .So close yet so far. You as you rocked on the toy crying out as the vibrations made your swollen clit ache and swell with need but at the same soothed you as your pussy clenched leaking on the toy panting softly.
"OH! that's it fuck yesyesyes" you leaned forward hands on his chest looking straight in his eyes mouth open as you tensed quivering feeling his muscles tense the wand low enough on his abdomen to tease the muscles of his pelvis tensing forcing his cock to throb and move before he knew what was happening he was arching shouting his pleasure as he came for the first time bucking despite the cock ring still holding him at a full attention. You laughed at him as you carried on thrusting wildly on him leaning down more to kiss at his open mouth. He met you in a ferocious battle of tongues desperate for any contact he could get panting and shivering. You stopped yourself short gasping sliding off of him taking the toy with you. You would wait.
"Oh baby look at all this mess?" You said flicking off the wand you wouldn't need it now. He panted hissing through his teeth as you began to crawl over him sucking him sharply making him yelp out.
"FUUUCK NONONO BABY DONT IT'S TO MUCH-AHH UGH UGH NO PLEEEAASSEE!" You chuckled as he fought desperate to get away and stop you, ignoring him you pushed onto him swallowing him down until, your nose was flush against him moaning loud onto him he cried out higher then you had ever heard him then pulled back slowly bobbing onto him he panted cried and swore as you continued using your lips as you ran along his length popping off of him he went lax but only for a second choosing to torture his sensitive cock with your hand two fingers at first squeezing him keeping your pumping thumb on the vein underneath it he shook,  thighs tensing and quivering his upper body tense a flush of deep red almost purple creeping down his body.
"BITCH! OH JESUS!Your a fucking bitch you OOOHHH NOO PLEASE! WAIT! Im gonna fuck-shit FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK! fuck you so hard you'll be bed bound for days!" You laughed
"Im counting on it! Aww baby is it sore? Goood I want it to HUUUURT!" Then fisted him with both hands pumping as fast as you could go  your pussy clenched as you drove him beyond pain to the pleasure beyond it he cried throwing his head back cumming a second then third time in what seemed under a minute you stopped then puling away.
"Oh wow that was hot look at all this baby, Is it all for me? So good but whats this my love? Your still hard that must mean you want more musn’t it?" You said scooping up his cum before rubbing it over his torso he groaned pitifully at you shaking his head still trying to catch his breath you crawled up him quickly sliding your thong to the side impaling yourself on him squealing as his hard cock stretched you burning you from the inside out he tensed and shuddered beneath you looking up with tears in his eyes.
"FUUUUUUUUCK no babe I cant! NONONONONOOOO!" You just licked your lips bouncing on him rotating your hips grinding your clit on him  then changed direction forcing him to hit that spot making your eyes roll back you placed your hands either side of his head grinding on him panting breathy moans in his ear.
"Fuck are you gonna cum again Brucie? Come on love do it for me" you moaned loud and clenched around him tight making him whimper unable to speak he just nodded
"Good, such a good boy for me now I want you to cum! To fill me like never before you can just imagine it cant you love fucking me full, so I drip with you for days oh YES! FUCK UGH BABY PLEASE AAHHH!" you tucked your head in the crook of his neck rocking desperately against him as the change in angle brushed both your g spot and cervix you moaned tensing closing your eyes as you tummy quivered and you felt the heat move lower finally reaching your pussy you grunted as you came around his cock twitching as your walls fought to milk him he opened his mouth in a silent scream cumming for the forth time jerking into you tight heat as you came undone over him. You panted laying on him catching your breath as you came down from your high, giggling rolling off of him as he chuckled lightly closing his eyes you thought that was enough for today he looked utterly exhausted you lay beside him kissing his heaving chest patting his stomach
"I love you Bruce" he leaned down kissing your head
"I love you to Sweets, can you uncuff me now think we both need to relax in the Jacuzzi with some wine now" you hummed in response moving to the bottom of the bed releasing his legs then using the quick release on the hand cuffs. With precise movements you was maneuvered far to quickly for your liking being thrown over his shoulder he growled ripping off the cock rings hissing.
"Wha? Bruce how are you?" You was interrupted with a harsh spank on your pussy whining you moved your hands trying to cover yourself as you was dumped in the sunken hot tub out on the deck, grabbed again from behind as you surfaced the shaking your hair out blindly grabbing for anything using your confusion he pulled harshly at the thong snapping it clean off throwing it on the deck. He held both arms behind you pressing you to kneel on one of the hot tub seats knees spread and bending you forward slightly having your ass hang just over the bottom of the seat ,gulping as a very pissed of Bruce towered over you from behind gripping your throat restricting your air flow holding you still leaning his chest into you.
"B-Brucie?" He dug his fingers in to your neck before growling into your ear"Shut the fuck up woman! You really thought I'd let you get away with that?" He moved shuffling his still hard cock to your sopping entrance that was still twitching tapping it on your clit, sliding up and down between your lips, your walls spasmed and quivered, he was definitely going to make you pay and you couldn't wait.
"OH GOd! plEASE FUCK MEE! please Bruce I want your cum! PLEASE fill me again I want it!"
"You think your getting this cock Up your greedy cunt after that? Oh baby no, I'm gonna fuck your ass good and proper, your going to feel me for days, your pussy might not be worthy of my cock right now but I can do this" you screeched as he started the jets realizing why he held you here as a powerful jet sent a constant stream of water up to your pussy massaging your poor clit you curled into yourself letting out a long drawn out groan pressing into him he chuckled as you cried out loud, it was incredible and painful all in one as the water massaged your swollen flesh you rocked and withered against it
"OH OH FUCK BRUCE PLEASE PLEASEPLEASE IM SORRY!" He smiled licking at your neck making sure to stand firm holding you still as you moaned and panted before he used on hand to line himself up with your tight pucker his blunt head pressing hard in warning your eyes widened tilting back mouth open in one continuous cry with out wasting time he lurched forward past the tight ring of muscle grunting as the tight ring nearly chocked his cock he rocked slowly feeding you inch after inch.
"Oh baby girl your so tight shit yes fuck! You want to be fucked full? Well baby girl there was no need for all of this You could have asked." You whimpered moaning as he drove in deeper filling you to the hilt you grunted in pain as he pressed his balls to your cheeks, as painful as it was the jets directed to your clit abusing it eased you overall experience you panted gasping and whining as he fucked you harshly not giving much care to you as he pulled and pushed his way up into you, and you love every second of it moaning loud as the water lapped at you you screamed trying to wriggle away from him as your body trembled your walls clenched so tight they almost cramped in on themselves as you was left empty as you came looking up at him tears rolling down your face as he carried on fucking into your sore ass, not letting you escape the jet below you moving down to spit into your open mouth. The filthy gesture made you clench again around nothing in the middle of your orgasm you whined frustrated and over sensitive panting harshly as he pulled out of you tipping you further forward bending you completely over the side you stared into the clear ocean below as he moved forward plowing into your swollen abused pussy
"AH SHIT BRUCE PLEASE I CANT" he growled at you
"You can and you fucking WILL! UGH! SHIT!  yesyesyes take it babe ah ah ah!TAKE IT BABE COME ON YOU WANTED THIS NOW YOU'VE GOT IT" you shivered clenching your hands and curling your toes as he battered your cervix pressing down as he went to stroke your sensitive soft spot, still trembling you shouted out as your clit throbbed an your pussy hummed to life as he took you above and beyond anything you’d felt with him before, one hand was gripping your ass as he thrusted forward with no mercy legs shaking as the water jet used to torment you now pulsed over his balls as he pounded into you. You wailed as he moved his hand to your clit pinching and tugging on it forcing you to orgasm again this time his hips stuttered and with one last pound forward he lifted your knees off of the seat completely forcing you to straighten your legs holding his hands on the edge of the deck either side of you holding trapping you pushing stretching your cervix forcing the tip of his cock inside before he came you screeched loud as he did feeling his hot cum spurt into your fluttering womb he held you still as you panted in shock of what just happened still feeling him twitching inside of you.
"Thats it THATS IT!! FUCK FUCK GOOD GIRL! AH AH yesyesyes shit shit! You feel that? UGH! Thats what you get! My.Fat.Cock deep inside of you, marking you as mine! Because that what you are my little slut! Mine to fuck and fill as I see fit, you wanted to be full now you are and if you let so much as one drop escape I will drag you to the bed and start all over again and again until you learn to keep my cum inside of you where it belongs!" He ground himself against your stinging clit laughing as you whined
"Bruuuuce I'm sore" he kissed your back
"Good I wanted it to hurt" he threw your own words back at you nipping your ear load before pulling out you hissed when he twisted to sit in the water with you on his lap cradling you to his chest kissing you.
"I love you babe , that was the best sex we have had in a long time isn't it?" You nodded cupping his jaw kissing it.
"Yeah... sorry if I was to much I kind of got into it... more than I thought I would actually" its true you was surprised at how much it had turned you on to have him to the point of tears. He smiled rubbing your back his other hand moving to change the jets to a low hum massaging your tired muscles.
“Nonsense you were perfect, it was incredible more than i could have ever hoped for, but where did you get the stuff? And where the fuck did you learn about all this femdom stuff?" You blushed twiddling his light dusting of chest hair smileing coyly at him.
"Well Alfred slipped me a note with a web address on it and that was all she wrote." You kissed him as his face dropped
"WHAT? Alfred as in Alfred Alfred? The man who raised me Alfred? Our Alfred?" You giggled nodding he sighed
"Holy shit" you sat up tugging your new harness off wincing as you saw the red marks it left where your large breasts were pressing on it he looked down hissing on your behalf running a finger across it.
"And I watched a shit load of femdom porn when you was out patrolling, I planned this for over a week ... nearly two I just wanted us to go back to the way we used to have sex, wanted to prove to you that I'm fine now, you don't have to worry about hurting me, I promise I will stop you if its too much the only way I could think of was to top you, so you knew what it was like you know?" He nodded as you leaned against him resting your head on his chest.
"I definitely understand, I'm sorry I just got so caught up in wanting to make sure you was completely healed, I was considering asking superman to come and double check that your ribs were fine, that's when Alfred pulled me aside telling me I was being stupid and suggested this trip." You scoffed then froze "Wait he suggested this trip? He told me it was you? And he-THAT LITTLE SHIT! Bruce he has had us both over!" You growled then pouted
"Come again?" You snorted at him
"Not yet love still tender" he bellowed a laugh at that
"Any way what I mean is he suggested the trip gave me the website link and arranged for the stuff to be hear for our arrival.... he set us up, and to be honest I’m greatful but damn your butlers pretty cunning... I suppose its true the butler really did do it." Bruce belly laughed
"Hey I've got something for you" he said before standing taking you with him you giggled as he carried you to the bed room placing you on the bed softly leaving with a kiss kneeling routing around in his case pulling out his gift.
"Here I made this for you, I know I shouldn't worry but I do" you took the box tentatively opening it seeing a beautiful silver chainmail bracelet with small plate and strategically placed onyx. You gasped slowly pulling it out.
"Bruce? What I don’t know what to say its beautiful" he sat beside you placing it on your wrist smiling as it fit perfect, not that he doubted the fit he may have measured your wrist when you was sleeping.
"Its a heart monitor and sends the data to my phone computer and even the bat computer, so I wont worry as much, the hospital said to monitor it but going to the hospital for and ecg every three months wasn't good enough for me so I made this, I want you to wear it as much as possible, its water proof so you can swim and shower with it.Happy six month anniversary" You leant forward kissing him deeply and pulled away admiring your new bracelet.
"Thank you I feel bad I didn't get you anything" he bellowed a laugh
"Babe you gave me the best orgasm of my life and I got to fuck your ass that's plenty trust me, tho if your really that upset I wouldn't say no if you bent over again for me" you squeaked blushing slapping his chest
"Oh? Whats all this then? How can you go from being a hot sexy mistress to a innocent little baby doll in what ten minutes?"you pouted pushing on him whining embarrassed. Then you heard a small beep below the bed you froze. You had forgotten about that. Bruce looked at you curiously then went under the bed sighing as he came up holding the specially designed prostate massager you chuckled nervously as he cock an eyebrow at you.
"Were you gonna try and stick this up my ass?" You shrugged
"Hehe well I err funny thing-sort of? maybe.....The guys on the videos liked it..... So I kind of you know thought I'd try it." You explained rubbing the back of your neck as he just stared.
"Haha no. Absolutly not, you are not sticking anything up my ass babe." He said placeing it beside the bed. You pouted muttering under your breath
"Like you'll have a choice when I do." He snapped his gaze at you.
"What was that? You want it up yours? well why didn't you say babe" your eyes bugged out as he stepped towards you grinning mischievously, you screamed giggling getting off the bed running out into the deck as he chased you diving at you plunging you both into the pool. You giggled as he held you against him in the water holding your ass as you wrapped your legs around him kissing one another.
"I love you so much you know I'd do anything for you right?" he asked staring straight into your eyes you nodded
"I love you to Bruce honestly couldn't imagine ever being with out you,I truly believe your my soulmate" he smiled pressing his forehead to yours closing your eyes you stayed there with him just enjoying being held. Then Bruce had to ruin the sweet moment.
"Soo hammock sex yes or no?" You deadpanned pulling away
"Let me guess its on your list?" He shook his head
"Nope not that list... I have a different list for holidays" you groaned shaking your head at him swimming to the edge on the pool watching the colorful fish swim just beyond the glass.
"Tomorrow? Lets just relax for today" he swam up beside you crossing his arms on the rim of the glass.
"Fine by me" you both stayed there enjoying the peaceful surroundings. You was content thing were definitely back to normal. you snuck another kiss pulling yourself up to the glass beside him as he held you by the waist leaning on him looking at your new bracelet twinkly in the sun.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years ago
The first sign; Jack Kline x reader
*Author’s note*
Hey guys well it’s been awhile since I updated my Rock angel series and for good reason too because here is where things get DARK!! As you’ll see in the taglist below I’ve started putting trigger warnings cause in this part it involves stalking, dog attacks (some people fear dogs so I wanted to be respectful). Now the next chapter after this will REALLY be insane so I hope you all buckle up cause you’re in for one hell of a ride.
Also face cast for Steve I put the gif for Joe Keery, and for the Rock Angel’s manager just look up actor James Woods (aka Hades from Hercules).
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Everyone thinks it won’t happen to me, that I’m immune to such evil.  No one thinks they’ll ever experience such a thing but you’d sadly be lying, or in complete denial.  At least everyone goes through this type of evil at one point in their lives.  And for celebrities, it’s a living hell because the world will only watch with a bucket of popcorn and enjoy your pain and suffering.
The only ones you can depend on are your family.  And don’t ever say they wouldn’t understand because they will.  Had I not told my family about what was going on—you know what fuck it they were forced into this.  But even so if they didn’t know what was going on, this part of my story would’ve ended very, very, very, very differently.
*2 months after the tribute concert*
I hadn’t slept in a week.  I was exhausted with trying to put the final touches on my tribute album for Freddie.  My manager James Woods was really putting the heat on me with trying to get this album up so that I could ring in the money for him.  Wait first let me backup just a tick and explain some things first.
When I first transferred out of EMI and went to Hollywood Records, my manager at the time was a man known as Desmond Roberts.  He was a generous, kind man who saw my potential as a female musician and like Miami, pushed me to do my best.  He was a family man as well; at the time he had become a grandfather for the first time at the age of 52.
But earlier this year he had to retire because it was by law of the company that all representatives must retire by the age of 65. With that my new manager was his young and vibrant VP James Woods.  James is—well let’s just say he’d make a better car salesman than a recording manager.
A man born and bred in the heart of Boston, he’s the kind of man who sees his own vision and wants other people to execute it for him. Hell he’s even been pressuring me to go more into Pop music as that is the rising fame of music now.  Artists like Madonna, Gwen Stefani, rising star Christina Aguilera, and Mariah Carey.  He wanted to push me to going in their direction.
But I reminded him of my original contract that I signed on between Miami and Desmond.  That my image was to never, ever, ever under any circumstances be changed. Yes he even tried to make me change my stage name into the Spicy Angel (yeah that didn’t sit right with me).
To put it frank—my current manager is a stubborn, two-headed, forked-tongue, snake in the grass.  Sleezy, and can make some vulgar comments either towards me or some of my roadies.
But the one step he took too far was when he hired his own nephew to be my PA (he claimed that he was trying to help out his sister). At first I was against it but with that pleading and begging persuasionistic tone of his, for some reason I ended up agreeing and his nephew Steve Harrison became my new PA.
Steve Harrison.  He was the same age as Jack, had deep brown eyes, a fairly handsome face, but his crown jewel was his hair.  He always bragged and fussed about his hair.  Brown and fluffed up beyond anything, like cotton candy.  Silky and moosed to no end.  Wow and I thought I was bad when it came to doing my air before a show.
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Now Steve definitely knew his way around the recording station.  Made sure that every song I recorded sounded to perfection, always sought to my every need, ensured that for upcoming tours I was given updates on the schedule, and he even took my calls and wrote them down for me.  He kept his work profession throughout all of 1991.
But when the summer of 92 came around, things began to change.
As I said before, I hadn’t slept a week.  The Freddie Mercury tribute album was taking longer than the company expected.  That’s because I wanted to make sure every song, especially the cover ones that Fred had given me legal rights to do, were perfect.
I was at the controls listening to my version of Somebody to love when the door opened behind me.
“I would’ve thought her royal highness would’ve gone home?”
“Perfectionists never stop. I learned that from the best group of men I know.” He took the empty seat next to me and presented me with a cup of coffee.  I softly thanked him and went back to listening to my song.
When the last vibrato rang out on the word ‘love’, Steve sighed and said.
“It’s beautiful.”
“It’s shit!” I complained. “God why did he give me such responsibility to do these songs I-I-I—not I’m even worthy to do his songs. At least not without him.”
“This version is the best. Better than I’ve ever heard it been played. In fact……I think you’re better than Freddie Mercury.” I snapped my head towards him.
“Freddie Mercury was and will always be a genius. His voice is unlike any other performer’s and his style of writing will forever go down in music history as the best damn thing the world will ever know! So don’t you ever say that someone is better than him. Especially me!” I shot up from the chair, it rolled back and slammed against the wall and I turned towards the wall with my arms crossed over my chest, and breathed heavily trying to calm down.
“I—I’m sorry. I was just speaking my opinion. I—didn’t know how much you cared about him. He…..must’ve really meant something to you.” He spoke softly.
“More than you’ll ever know.” I muttered as I fingered the bracelet Fred gave me as a birthday gift. “And I’m sorry Steve I—I didn’t mean to shout. I’m……just exhausted and stressed. With your uncle—”
“Hey, I get it. Uncle James can be a real pain in the ass at times.” I turned towards him and saw him standing a few inches away from me. “Hell one time when I was 16, I had asked him if I could take his mustang for a test drive and he told me ‘kid you so much as even leave a fingerprint you’re as dead as a doornail and I don’t care if you’re my nephew’.” The two of us laughed at his uncle’s impersonation.
“And I thought I was the only one with a douche uncle.”
“Oh trust me, you think he’s demanding at work? You should see him round the holidays.” I softly laughed.  That’s when I felt his finger slightly graze against the back of my palm.
My heart stopped and that’s when I noticed that he had gotten a little closer to me.  Closer and closer his face came but I quickly got out of his way and said.
“Excuse me, I gotta sign off this track and ship it off by tomorrow morning.” I grabbed Steve’s chair and went straight back into my work.  As I was fiddling around with the switches and buttons, I could feel that he was standing right there beside me.  I tried to ignore him and focus on my work but his lingering presence grew too much.
Like a moth to the flame.  Silent but fluttering around too close.
I turned to say something to him, that’s when his lips suddenly crashed with mine.  My eyes widened and my body froze for a moment before my brain snapped back into reality.
I pushed him away and slapped him across the face. Standing up and my chest heaving in so many mixed emotions, but the one main emotion going out about me was anger.
“What the fuck Steve!? Why did you do that!? You know I’m happily married and have children!”
“I—I’m sorry I just…..I’ve always been a fan of yours and I just….I’m sorry. Please don’t tell my uncle. You know as well as I do what he’s like. He’ll beat me to a pulp if he finds out. Please Angel I beg of you, don’t tell him.” His eyes going fearful and tears shined at the corner of his eyes.
I wish I could say that I told him that I was going to rat him out, have him fired even but—I didn’t.  He’s right I did know what it was like to have an abusive uncle.  Now while my uncle never really touched my physical, he did have his temper and would throw things at me just barely missing me (that mostly happened when he was on the bottle).
“Only if you promise me you won’t do shit like that again. And never speak of this to anyone.”
“I promise. Cross my heart and hope to die.” He said as he crossed his heart with his finger.  I narrowed my eyes at him and grabbed my purse.
“Take the day off tomorrow. Then come back on Monday to work. Professionally.” I emphasized the last word and he nodded and I walked out without another word.
I wish I could take it all back.  That I had fired him right then and there, if I had then what would eventually come, wouldn’t have happened.  Or at least not gotten to the scale that it did get to.
*3 weeks after the kiss*
I was on the Late Show with David Letterman doing a television interview about the upcoming album as well as my tour coming later in the year.
“So Rock Angel your upcoming album ‘Fly High Mercury’ is said to be unlike your previous albums is that right? It also was the one that also took you the longest to make correct?”
“Yes it is.”
“Care to explain?”
“Well as you can tell by the title this is a tribute album to Freddie Mercury.” The audience applauded.  I nodded and swallowed a lump in my throat.  “Some of the songs are what I’ve written but another half of them are Queen songs that Freddie himself gave me legal rights to make a cover to. In fact they were some of my favorites.”
“Now how long did it take you to make this album?” David asked me.
“Well the songs I did, took roughly a couple of months but when—Freddie passed away I took a few months off to grieve and then as you all may have seen I was a part of the tribute concert so in total almost ten months.”
“Wow ten months.” I nodded. “And you said Freddie gave you the rights to some of Queen’s songs to cover?”
“How did it feel to have that kind of pressure on you?”
“I’ll be honest it was tough. How-how do you compete with someone like Freddie Mercury? His voice and musical talents were unlike anything anyone’s ever seen or will ever see most likely. And when he asked me to do some of Queen’s works, particularly the songs he himself had written, I felt like I was going up against goliath and I was David. But—Fred has his reasons for why he does what he does, and—he must’ve felt like I could help embrace his memory further by introducing a new audience to some of Queen’s work, especially their earliest songs.” The crowd applauded.
“Well said, well said. Freddie will truly be forever missed. When we come back we have Kurt Russel joining us and then after that the Rock Angel will perform one of her hit songs from her recent album Fly High Mercury which is now available in stores. The Rock Angel (Y/n) Kline everybody!” the crowd applauded and David and I shook hands with each other as his theme song played us out on the commercial break.
I went backstage to change out from my black sequin interview dress and into some regular but dressy performance clothes.  A black leather jacket, a white blouse, tight jeans, and some high-heeled black boots.
“Oh angel.” I internally groaned.  Speak of the devil.  James Woods soon came into my dressing room without a single care in the world (he’s lucky I’ve learned to do quick changes otherwise we’d have a problem). “Now darling please remind me again why you’ve declined Donald Trump’s hotel gig? He’s offered plenty of money for your performance especially since it’s his son’s birthday that day.”
“When I went to talk to him he also made me an offer I simply had to refuse.” I shuddered. “He’s a pig and an upright asshole with no respect for anyone but himself and his precious hotel business. God help us if he ever becomes President.”
“Fine. Instead of adding to the profit we would’ve gotten from this, we’ll take it out of your next pay how bout that?” I glared at him.
“You really wanna go toe to toe with me regarding money? Go ahead. Just know I’ve got the best lawyers in all of London on my side and they’ve been good to me for 10 years. So you better pucker your lips and do some serious arse kissing to the judge because they’ve won every. Single. Case I’ve ever had to do. From false stories to paparazzi stalking.” I stared him down even though I only came up to his chest.
Even through those cold, greedy eyes of his, I saw that he was afraid.
“Ahh court cases are a waste of time and a waste of profit. Now go on out there and give them a show baby cakes.”
“Never call me baby cakes.” I trudged out of my dressing room with my red special in hand and headed back towards the stage to sing my song.
After the show ended, I was back in my hotel room in Manhattan.  I had just gotten done with my shower and soon coming into the room was Jack with some late night takeout.
“Chinatown special for the Rock Angel.” I smiled and splayed myself across the bed as he came toward me with the food.
“Mmm room service and a cute delivery boy. I am one lucky girl.”
“Well then Mrs. Kline, do I get a special tip for my services?” Jack played along with a grin.  I smirked and placed my hand on the back of his head and brought his lips towards mine.  His hands soon came to my waist as we separated but I kissed him again.  Jack hummed in surprise. “A double tip? Well then, guess I need to be the delivery boy more often.” I giggled and took my food out of the bag.
“But serious babe, thanks for getting the food.”
“Hey no problem, anything for my beautiful rock star. I know that with your schedule firing back up, you don’t have time for a normal meal like we did before.”
“Did you call your mom about the kids?”
“Yep. Kids are safe and healthy. Well Little Jack had a slight fever but he was better within a day thanks to mama’s secret chicken noodle soup. I know that thing saved my life as a kid.”
“Well then she better……” a knock was soon heard at the door. Jack and I looked at each other confused.  He stood up from the bed and answered the door.  I held my robe tighter around me and soon I heard the door slam shut and Jack soon came in with a bouquet of a dozen roses.  “Did you order those?”
“Nope. But I’ve got a feeling who did.” He turned as he glared to the room opposite of our suite.
Well of course I told Jack about the kiss.  I know what it’s like to have been cheated on so there was no way in fucking hell I was gonna keep this a secret from Jack.  As you can see he has not taken it well, in fact he’s grown very angry and jealous when Steve gets mentioned.
“Let me see the card.” He tossed the bouquet down on the bed. I sent him a glare and went to pick the card out and I opened it up.  And low and behold it was from Steve.  Even though it didn’t have his name on it, I recognized his handwriting anywhere.  He wrote.
Fabulous performance (as always).  A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
Your secret admirer and #1 fan
“You should’ve fired him.”
“Oh so you’re saying this is my fault!?” I snapped.
“No that’s not what I’m saying!” Jack snapped back at me. “I just…..” he exhaled deeply trying to release his anger. “I don’t trust him anymore. Not after what he did. In fact ever since he’s kissed you he’s been sending you a lot of stuff. The flowers, your favorite German chocolates, he even gave a teddy bear to our daughter! I’m telling you something about him now is just……” I walked up to him and embraced him.
“I know love, I know. I don’t feel comfortable around him too. But—he is James’ nephew and unfortunately he wants his sister to get off his back with this favor.”
“That shouldn’t matter! If he makes you uncomfortable you should just fire him and not even worry about what that sales talker of a manager tells you.” He is right.  It shouldn’t have to go on like this but unfortunately the business world isn’t on my side when it comes to choosing my PA’s, I was thankful enough to keep my touring roadies and not get some rookies or 40 year old perverts who get high or drunk.
“The likes of a woman in a men’s workforce. I wish I could Jack but I can’t. Legally anyways. Look I’m exhausted right now can we please just go to bed?”
“Alright. But we will come back to this. (Y/n) I’m only stressed about this because I don’t want to lose you. What if—”
“Hey!” I put my finger of his lips. “Don’t you dare think like that. I know celebrities are always the first to die when it comes to crazed fans. But I swear to you Jack Kline, I will not be one of those singers to die at the hands of a so called ‘fan’. I’m your lioness.”
“And no one can break you down.” We pressed our forehead together and just stayed like that for a good long moment.  I then softly kissed him and went to change out of my robe into my nightdress.  Jack stripped down to his boxers and we put our takeout in the mini-fridge by the bed and turned off the lights before cuddling close together.
*September 8th, 1992*
It was Kelly’s first day of 1st grade.  Jack and I couldn’t believe that our little girl was on her way to 1st grade.  Of course to me it was the first day of primary school but still it was a big day for her.  So Jack and I were sure to be there to see her off but sadly both of us had a long day today so we couldn’t go pick her up.
I was busy prepping for my upcoming tour while Jack got backed up with the car dealership.  But thankfully Jack’s cousin Jared (who was working a case at the time) volunteered to go pick Kelly up after school.  Now this school was at the top with their security, only those who were approved by the Parent or Guardian could pick up the child (which was good with us).
So Jack and I made sure to list the family members down in order so we went from Kelly Kline, Misha Kline, Roger Taylor, Brian May, John Deacon, and Jared and Jensen Walker as the adults to pick Kelly Kline up from school should Jack and I not be available.
It was late in the afternoon, around 3:30ish and I was talking with my tour manager Phillipe about where each performance was gonna take place when the phone suddenly rang.  One of the assistants answered it and she said.
“Hollywood Records how may I help you?” there was a pause and suddenly her voice went frantic. “Whoa, whoa, whoa wait a minute slow down. Slow down who are you wanting to talk to?” I turned to her confused. “Okay hold on I’ll get her,” she turned to me and said as she held the phone close to her breast, “Mrs. Kline someone wants to speak to you. Says his name is Jared Walker.” I immediately shot up and took the phone and said frantically.
“Jared what’s happened?”
‘I-I-I-I went to pick Kelly up like I said I would, but when I got there they had said you had already sent approval of someone else to come get her!’
My heart stopped.  They say it’s every parent’s worse nightmare come true, but it’s never fully real until it happens to you.
I dropped the phone as Jared’s voice echoed through the speakers calling out my name.
The search for my daughter was—one of the worst things I ever had to go through.  Just who in the hell would know where exactly her school was? Not only that but who got my approval to sign off for her release?
I was frantic to the bone.  I kept pacing with anxiety as every fiber of my being was buzzing with all kinds of emotions.  Jack and Jared tried their best to calm me down but I wasn’t going to be calm till I had my baby in my arms.
After an hour and a half grueling search, the home phone suddenly rang.  I went up to the phone and answered it.
“Hello?!” there was silence at the end of it for awhile till finally his voice came up.
‘Lose your little cub?’ my eyes narrowed and now only rage filled my body.
“Where is she Steve?” I sneered.
‘Just meet me by the spot where the first action sequence of Terminator 2 was shot.’ Then the line went dead.  I hung up the phone, grabbed my keys and dragged Jared by the arm towards my car and we raced down the highway.
When we arrived at Bull Creek, I told Jared to stay in the car while I handled Steve.  I got out of the car and right there at the very track where the first action chase scene of the film took place at.
Just ahead of me was a blue Ferrari leaning against it was Steve Harrison.  And through the windows I could see Kelly playing with her favorite doll that she took with her to school, without a care in the world.
“So glad you finally made it Angel. Didn’t think I’d expect to see you to take my advice so quick.”
“Open the door.” I sneered.
“Gee not even a thank you?” he joked.
“I don’t have time for bullocks right now Harrison! Now open your bloody car door and give me back my baby!” he went over and opened the door and once Kelly saw me, her smile on her face grew wider.
“Mummy!” she cheered as she got out and raced towards me. I immediately knelt down and picked her up in my arms.
“Oh my baby girl. Oh thank god you’re safe! Are you okay? Look at me. We were all so worried about you.” I said as I kept kissing all over her face.  She groaned and tried to get me to stop.
“I’m fine mum! Mum stop it stop kissing me! Mr. Steve said you changed your mind about uncle Jared coming to pick me up.” I glared over to Steve and said.
“Honey go in mummy’s car and wait there with Uncle Jared.” I kissed her one last time and she did as I asked her to.  I walked closer to Steve as he kept talking.
“Lovely reunion. See I knew you’d appreciate what I’d done. After all as your personal—” I sucker punched him hard across the face sending him down to the ground.  Blood even dripped down his nose. “Wow. Wow!” he scoffed. “I-I-I-I know that girls could punch but that…..that was—”
“What the fuck is wrong with you!?” I snapped at him.
“You should be grateful. I did you a favor. I picked up your daughter from her first day of school.” He tried to reason with me.
“You had no legal right too! You kidnapped her!”
“Kidnapped?! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa wait time out!” he stood up and wiped his bloody nose. “Wow head rush. Okay hang on a minute. You were incredibly business with the tour manager so I knew you wouldn’t be able to pick her up. And of course Jack……” he sneered out Jack’s name with anger and jealousy. “He works now right? I mean about damn time too, can’t be the house husband forever right?” My glare deepened, “Anyways, so no one else was there to pick up sweet, little Kelly so I volunteered myself to pick her up. Didn’t want her staying at the school all by herself, now did we?”
“She wasn’t going to be alone we arranged for Jared to pick her up!” at that Steve’s face turned to shock as he said.
“Oh. Well—this is awkward.” Oh he was an incredible actor I’ll give him that.
“What is wrong with you Steve? What were you trying to accomplish here?” that’s when his eyes darkened and grew cold.  His voice even changed to a possessive tone as he walked closer to me.
“Jack doesn’t deserve you. A farm boy like that? No you need a real man at your side. Someone who gets the business, someone who is always by your side. I know who you are (Y/n) Kline.”
He tried to grab my chin but I clenched his hand in mine and dug my nails into his skin.  My hand shaking with rage as I stared him down.
“Is that what you think? You think by doing all this you actually believe I would leave Jack for you? You’re even more delusional than Jack painted you. Now I see it for myself.” I threw his hand down and backed away from him. “A wise man once said to another slime like yourself, ‘you just see what you want to see’. Next time you even touch or go near any of my kids, I swear to you there won’t be a courthouse that your uncle can bride with what I’ll charge you for.” I turned and walked back to the car and took Kelly home.
Of course I wish I could say that was the last time I ever saw Steve’s face again.  But due to lack of evidence in the fact that Steve had given a false document allowing him to take Kelly, he wasn’t charged with kidnapping.  
Plus his uncle got involved and swindled with his business talk saying that I was under a lot of pressure with the upcoming tour and that police action at the time of Kelly’s disappearance wasn’t necessary.  He also emphasized that Kelly wasn’t harmed in anyway so it’s not like his nephew was an evil person.  So the police believed James’ story and no charges were filed and Steve was a free man to do as he pleased.
Jack and I reinforced the school and even gave them Steve’s picture saying that if he ever came into the school again asking for Kelly again, they were to call the police because Steve Harrison does not have access to take Kelly out of school.
Little did I know that things were only going to get worse after that day.
*October 3rd, 1992. Jack’s POV*
It first began with the constant phone calls to the house. The phone was constantly ringing and everytime I picked it up, there was no one there.  Just heavy breathing and then they’d hang up.  It happened for hours on end, even at some odd hours in the night.
Soon enough I had had enough and decided to unplug all the house phones and I got me my first cellphone.  If anyone in the family wanted to reach me, I told them to call by my new cellphone and that’s where I was talking to my Angel at.
‘Have the phone calls kept coming?’
“Unfortunately yes they did. But I unplugged the house phone so hopefully whoever it is gets the point and drops these crank calls and finds someone else to torment.”
‘I don’t know Jack. Maybe I should just come back and forget this tour.’
“No, no. Look, you nearly missed out the Angel-Queen tour back when we first met, I won’t let you cancel this tour either. Besides the world needs their Angel right now.” I assured her.
‘Yeah but—’
“What would he say right now?” I interrupted her.  I heard her softly scoff and I knew she was smiling on the other end.
‘He’d tell me ‘Angel darling stop being so dramatic. There’s only room in this partnership for one hysterical Queen. Plus you’ll get early wrinkles’.’ We both laughed. ‘God I miss him so much. I can’t believe it’ll almost be a year come November.’
“I know. Have you talked to the guys at all since the concert?”
‘Not really. Figure I’d give them some space. They know my team’s number if they want to talk to me.’ I nodded and hummed in understandment so that she knew I was still listening.
“So you made it to Phoenix in one piece?”
‘Yeah thankfully. I’ll give you a call right after the show. Give the kids a kiss and cuddle for me.’
“Oh you know I will.” I said with a smile.
‘I love you Jack Kline; you know that right?’
“Of course I do. And I love you to the moon and back. Have a good show baby.”
‘I will. I love you.’
“I love you infinity times infinity there. Now you can’t say you love me more.” I heard her giggle. “Knock ‘em dead Angel.”
‘I will, bye.’
“Bye.” We both hung up and I deeply sighed.
“Daddy?” I looked up and there was Kelly in her nightdress holding her stuffed lion that her godfather gifted her.
“Hey baby girl, why are you awake?” I asked concerned. She walked up to me and sat down in my lap and said.
“I couldn’t sleep. Can you tell me a bedtime story? You know how like uncle Freddie used to tell me?” I stroked down her hair and said.
“Well, I’m not as extravagant or detailed as he used to make it but—I’ll do my best. C’mon I’ll make you some warm milk and tuck you back into bed, sound good?” she nodded.  I picked her up, set her on the kitchen counter and prepared her some warm milk.
After that I carried her back to her bed and tucked her back under her covers and she took a sip of her milk.
“Okay so, what shall it be tonight? Do you want a story about—fairies?” she shook her head. “Unicorns?” again she shook her head. “Oh how about the story of a beautiful princess who gets saved by a knight in shining armor?”
“No daddy. Do you know the story of the lioness Queen?”
“The lioness Queen?”
“Uncle Freddie once told me a story about the lioness Queen who was raised by evil wolves but soon came on top as Queen of her own pride. He was gonna finish the story of how she would find herself a king but then—” she trailed off and I could see the tears prickling in her eyes.  Oh that Freddie, of course he would tell our story like we were two lions.
“I think I know that story. Now again I may not be as good of a storyteller as Uncle Freddie was but I’ll do my best.” I sat down by her bedside and she cuddled up into her pillow, her stuffed lion in her arms. “Now let’s see……the Lioness Queen had reached the height of her reign. Everyone loved her because of her kindness and loyalty, but she was very much lonely. Sure she had the support of her new family but she still longed for someone she could love more than the family love she had from her new pride. So one day when she was out hunting, she was suddenly ambushed by the no good jackal. Now this jackal had particularly taken an interest in our brave Lioness Queen but she knew to not take any of his bullying. However he had brought his entire pack and they ganged up on the poor lioness.”
“Daddy don’t make it too scary.”
“Right, right, right I’m sorry angel. But the lioness Queen didn’t have to fear anymore. Because leaping from over the tall savannah grass was a dashing, handsome and powerful lion.  He beat the jackals away and told the head jackal to leave and never bother the lioness again. Soon the jackal tucked his tail in like a frightened dog and fled the savannah and was never seen again. The lioness Queen was in debt to the young lion that saved her so she asked him if they could go to the watering hole together to talk and get to know each other more.”
I continued on to tell her mine and (Y/n)’s story of the day we met and fell in love with each other.  Then about midway through the story I looked down and saw Kelly was finally back asleep.  I smiled and kissed her forehead.
“Sleep tight my little lioness cub.” I walked out of her room and shut her door and walked back downstairs.
I walked towards the kitchen and I saw Sammy lying asleep on his doggie bed and Bucky asleep on his.  But as soon as I came in, the two of them looked up at me.
“Hey Buck, Sammy.” Buck grunted as he sat up and came up towards me and sat down.  I ruffled the top of his head. “Okay so what do you say last quick trip outside then time for you guys to get in your pin?” Sammy’s tail wagged as he immediately went towards the backdoor.  I opened it up and he immediately went outside. “Alright Buck come on outside go out and go potty.”
But Bucky seemed tense.  He lowly growled before racing towards the front door.
“Bucky? Buck!” Bucky went over to the front door and suddenly began barking aggressively and very loudly. “Buck! Buck shh! Quiet!” but he refused to listen to me.  He kept barking and barking and barking.  His fangs were out as he raced from the door to the windows.  Growls came out of him and I noticed that his fur was on end.
Okay maybe it’s another dog or a raccoon or something, he tends to do that and we’re trying to break him of that habit.  I grabbed his leash and when he was finally still I got it hooked to his collar and forced him towards his pin.
“Get in your pin now!” he snapped at him.  I got him in his pin and as soon as I shut the door he started whimpering frantically, pacing around his pin letting out bark after bark.  “Shhhh! You’re gonna wake the kids Buck now quiet!” I looked towards the front door and sighed heavily.  Might as well just see just what’s out there.
I grabbed a flashlight and quickly stepped outside. I shined the light in every corner of darkness but I didn’t see a thing.  No stray dog, nor a racoon, a cat not even a squirrel.
“That Buck is crazy sometimes.” It was then I noticed that our trashcan had somehow gone out to the side of the road.  “I thought I brought that in when I came in this afternoon? Damn pranksters.” I left the front gate that surrounded our house and walked out to the curb to grab our trashcan and bring it back towards the side of the garage.
That’s when a loud purr of an engine roared through the quiet streets and bright headlights flashed right towards me.  I heard the screeching of tires coming right towards me and without even thinking I ducked right up towards my driveway and I heard the sound of our garbage can being hit and tossed across the road.
The car’s lights soon turned off and sped off down the street. I panted heavily, my adrenaline now starting to collapse as I began to realize what could’ve happened just now.
Someone was trying to run me over and kill me.  I knew that couldn’t be a mechanical problem cause why would the headlights suddenly come on and then accelerate straight towards me before driving normally down the road?
Only one person came across my mind as to who would go so far as to get rid of me.  Steve.
I called up Jared and using his lawyer expertise he asked me various questions but unfortunately since I couldn’t identify the model of the car clear enough and couldn’t read the license plate in time there was no way for me to truly say it was him unless I could physically prove it.
But after that night I didn’t see Steve again, and I hoped that was the end of it.  Until Halloween came around.
*Halloween night, 1992. 8:30pm*
I had just brought the kids in from our night of trick or treating.  You know I’m glad we decided to allow the kids some time to know the American holidays cause I had to explain this to the guys as well as (Y/n) just what Halloween really was (since they don’t really celebrate it there in jolly old England).
I dressed the boys up as little lions while Kelly went as a witch this year.  We all came in carrying our bags of candy.
“Candy!” Georgie exclaimed.
“That’s right buddy. We got candy, lots and lots of candy.” I told him as I got them out of their little red wagon.
“Daddy, daddy can we eat all the candy tonight please?” Kelly begged.
“You know your mother will kill me if she finds out I let you eat sweets before bedtime.” She whined before giving me her mother’s puppy dog face.
“Please daddy. Not even one itty bitty, teeny tiny bite?” I playfully placed my hands over her face which made her exclaim and shoo away my hand.
“You can have just one. Piece. But that’s it okay?” she cheered and quickly went through her bag and got out a blueberry flavored lollipop.
“Hey daddy? How come we can’t do trick or treating back where uncle Brian, uncle Deacy and papa Roger live?”
“Well sweetie, sometimes other countries don’t do the things we do. And sadly Halloween is just another day for them.”
“They should. Maybe next year papa Roger and I can be Star wars characters together.” I chuckled.
“I think your uncle Brian would enjoy that more than papa Roger.”
“But I wanted papa Roger and I to be Han and Princess Leia. Uncle Brian can be Chewie.”
“And uhh—who-who did you have in mind to be Luke?” I said brushing my fingers through my hair.
“Mommy! Cause she’s brave and strong just like Luke is! Georgie and Jackson can be R2.”
“And just who will uncle Deacy and I be?”
“Well uncle Deacy can be Obi-Wan and you’re C3-PO.” Wow she gives me the nagging droid.
“Oh so you think I’m a mindless philosopher ehh!? Come here you!” I quickly grabbed her and began tickling her which made her shriek and squirm.  “Have me be Luke Skywalker or the tickling continues your highness!” I mimicked Darth Vader’s voice.
“Ne-nevheherererer!” she said through her laughter.  I proceeded with the tickling till I heard the sound of a car engine coming down the street.
My mind suddenly went back to that night when I nearly got ran over.  I set Kelly down on the floor and peeked through the curtains and could see someone standing right beside a familiar shape of a car that I knew well.
“Daddy? Is……everything okay?” I looked down at Kelly before quickly looking back towards the window.
“Kelly I need you to listen to me very carefully sweetheart. I want you to take your brothers and go to mommy and daddy’s room and hide in the closet. And no matter what happens do not come out till I come and get you, okay?”
“But why daddy? What’s going on?”
“Just!” I snapped but clenched my hand tightly and said as I knelt down to her height. “Please Kelly, do as your father tells you. Remember not a word or even let me see you till I tell you it’s safe, promise?”
“I promise.” I hugged her tightly and gave her a kiss and told her to go get her brothers and get upstairs.  I glared at the door and opened it up before closing it.  I walked towards the front gate and that’s when I heard his voice say.
“Well, well, well, Jack Kline I’ll be damned. Still around eh?”
“Yeah, yeah it’s me don’t cream your pants.” I sassed bluntly at him.
“Saw that you and the kiddies were doing a little trick or treating. That’s nice of you but umm…..what are you supposed to be? A new kid on the block?” I scoffed.
“What do you want Harrison?”
“What can’t a PA come up to check on his superstar?”
“I don’t know what world you live in but (Y/n) fired you last week.”
“Yeah, you see that-that-that’s…..that’s another reason why I came here. See, I personally am the best and most qualified PA that the Rock Angel could ever have. But while we were in Pittsburg, I get a notice saying that I’ve been fired. Now she never told me why so I thought who is more jealous of me and brainwashing the Rock Angel, than her own husband? So—care to explain?”
“Guess you were dropped as a child one too many times.” I walked closer to the front gate and said in Steve’s face. “She got tired of your advancements towards her.  My wife isn’t like all other rock stars cause she’s been on the end of the cheating stick. And she knows to not put me or our kids through something like that.”
“Really lives up to her angel name huh?” he smart mouthed me. “Let me tell you though buddy boy. We have fucked with each other, and boy is she a freak in the sheets.” Bullshit I know he’s lying.  “We’ve even fucked with each other here at your own house when you were away on business. I mean—who can say no to this?” he gestured to himself.
“You are even worse than we thought. Now do yourself a favor and fuck off Steve before I call the cops.”
“One problem with that amigo.”
“And what’s that? Amigo.” Suddenly I was grabbed by my shirt and a punch went straight through my stomach.  I collapsed to the ground and the gate opened up.  Steve stood over me and he sneered down.
“The cops are working for me.” I was then kicked in the ribs and I watched in horror as Steve kicked the door in and walked right on in the house.
*3rd Person POV*
As Steve entered the Kline residence, a place he had actually been inside a lot with his uncle on the meetings with (Y/n) to discuss further progress with her albums, brandings, etc.  He walked up the stairs and went straight for the master bedroom where Jack and (Y/n) slept.
He looked around as he slowly walked around the bedroom before seeing the closet at the corner of his eyes.  He turned towards it and walked right up to it before slowly reaching for the door.  With a quick flick, the door was opened but no one was there.  He then saw some of (Y/n)’s stuff like her hats and scarves.
He took a red scarf and inhaled it before pocketing it into his back pocket.  That’s when he suddenly heard a thump from the corner of the room.  That’s when his attention went to the wardrobe.  A smirk spread across his face and as he opened it there he saw Kelly, Georgie and Jackson all huddled together.
“Hey kids, whatcha doin in here?”
“Go away! Mommy and daddy don’t like you anymore and neither do we!” Steve laughed at Kelly’s empty demand.
“Kids today. Guess I’m gonna have to teach you some manners little missy.” Suddenly he was turned around and a hard punch sent him down to the ground.
“Daddy!” Kelly cheered.
“Daddy! Daddy!” the boys repeated.
*Jack’s POV*
Like hell I was gonna just sit there and allow Steve to take whatever the hell he wants or worse find the kids.  Spitting out some blood I staggered towards the house and walked up the stairs.  That’s when I heard Kelly’s voice cry out.
“Mommy and daddy don’t like you anymore and neither do we!”
“Kids today. Guess I’m gonna have to teach you some manners little missy.” Like hell you will! I raced as Steve was talking and immediately grabbed him by the shoulder of his jacket, turned him around and sucker punched him across the face.  My kids cried out for me while Steve staggered to stand up.
He soon began laughing before letting out a hoot.  His nose bleeding from the punch I just gave him as well as his mouth.
“Looks like I underestimated you farm boy! I took you for a pushover but now I see just what that bitch sees in you! Lion King Jack she likes to call you!”
“Get. Out.” I demanded.  Steve chuckled icily and said.
“And what if I don’t?” he spat blood in my face.  I then let out a whistle and said two commands.
“Sick. Em.” Soon running past my right leg Sammy attacked Steve at his ankles tripping him over.  Sammy maybe all sweet and innocent but when he needs to be (especially since Steve’s been around) he knows when someone needs to get bit.
Steve fell right onto his back as Sammy continued to bite and tear at his pants.
“You gonna surrender now?”
“FUCK. YOU!” I let out another whistle and soon barking in aggressively was Bucky.  And being a German shepherd he was not holding back.  Sammy released Steve’s leg for a moment and allowed his brother to take over.
Bucky bit Steve’s shoulder and tackled him to the ground and I knew he was biting down harder cause Steve’s screams got louder and more painful.
“Boys come!” the boys came back and stood guard of the wardrobe growling and protectively standing guard over my kids. “You wanna test me again or shall I give them a second chance at a new chew toy?”
Even with multiple dog bites, Steve managed to somehow stand up and he glared with pure hatred at me.
“I’ll—I’ll see to it……that those mutts are put down for attacking me. My uncle will hear about this! And I’ll be sure that you’re put away for a long, long time. I know you guys have no cameras in or outside of this house, so no cameras, no proof.” His sick twisting smirk widened across his face.
He staggered out of the bedroom but I heard the sound of him collapsing down to the ground.  The dogs immediately went towards him but I didn’t hear any snarling or growling, instead I heard happy whimpering.
“Stay here kids.” I told them as I quickly I came out and I was shocked to see standing before Steve with a baseball bat in her hand was my wife, (Y/n).  She panted softly as she dropped the bat and then took out one of our large kitchen knives.
Bucky and Sammy stood guard of the stairs to ensure that Steve didn’t even try to escape and that’s when (Y/n) sneered down at Steve.
“From now on you are no never come near me or my family again. I don’t care what kind of connections you have; we’ve got enough evidence with you in this house without consent and a struggle going on in my very bedroom.”
“Screw you…….bitch.” Steve murmured.  Then I witnessed with my own eyes as my wife took that large 7in knife and slam it right down to the floor, very close to Steve’s dick.  Any further up and she would’ve removed his very identity as a man.
“SAY YOU UNDERSTAND! Say it. SAY IT!!!” She roared down at him.
“I understand.” He muttered quietly.
“You what?!”
“I understand.” He said a bit louder.  Her eyes steaming with hatred and fierce mother instincts stared Steve down as she removed the knife and she looked up to me and simply told me. “Call the police.”
Within minutes the police arrived and Steve was finally arrested. The police took our testimonies and a trial date was set for the 1st of December.
Now as I’m sure my wife as explained I wish we could say that was the last time we’d ever see Steve Harrison in our lives but we underestimated just how fucked up the legal system was here in California.
Thanks to his smooth, fast talking Uncle in trying to bride the judges and the jury, Steve didn’t serve any jail time. Only that he would have a restraining order set against him.  By law he wasn’t to get anywhere within 50ft of (Y/n) or our family.
Steve Harrison was once again a free man.
By the start of 1993, my wife was once again trying to contact the judge, police, and any other law enforcement about taking Steve’s advances seriously.  But all the same they kept turning her down saying there’s nothing else they can do.
That the restraining order will protect her, and if Steve does violate that then and only then could they talk serious jail time for him.
“Well then I want you guys to do one thing for me, the next time you bastards come to this house will be when my body is dead on the ground with a message in blood saying I told you so!” she hung up the phone and sobbed into her hands.
I slowly walked towards her and hesitantly sat down beside her. God I hate seeing her like this, she’s been worrying herself sick over this while still going on with the tour which will resume after this week.
“I—I don’t know what else to do Jack. I……” I refused to allow her to speak again.  I embraced her as tightly as I could and she wept hysterically into my arms.  Bucky and Sammy whimpering at our feet with Sammy licking her feet and Bucky nuzzling his head into her lap.
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ufonaut · 3 years ago
isn’t hal a pedo?
oh i'm sorry, do you send this to people who ship hal with ollie? to batlantern shippers? to the people who engage in the much more questionable act of shipping hal with kyle or a plethora of youngers characters? or am i special because i joked about hal's very canonical threesome with two consenting adult women in cry for justice #2?
i've spoken about this before and as far as i know, i'm one of the few hal fans to have done so. yes, hal dated an underage girl and admitted to being attracted to another one and it's undeniably messed up -- anyone with a brain knows it's messed up -- but ollie (check the post! hal's outright like "who are you, ollie?" @ himself) and carter have slept with teenagers too, the age difference between the jsa and most of their wives must be insane with an updated timeline that accounts for all their kids being in their twenties in the present day, etc etc
this isn't new but it's unfortunately very normalized, these are the actions of straight men written by straight men. i mean, hell, look at the average r/relationships or r/aita post and check the age differences between most women and their husbands/boyfriends -- you won't be pleasantly surprised! what i mean by this is that hal's never written as some kind of predator as you seem to imply but merely a straight man being exactly that. you gotta come to terms sooner or later with the fact that the actions of your faves are sometimes unforgivable in completely average dude ways and that's that, hardly any of these guys are gonna be paragons of good politics while also simultaneously trying to do their best in a sort of generally blandly heroic way
in the future, please try to gauge what's appropriate to randomly send people out of the blue though because i think you can see how this is pretty upsetting wording
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7to3sorcerer · 4 years ago
Of Waltzes and Sugar Plum Fairies
Tumblr media
rating: explicit hehe
word count: 11.5k i am so sorry
warnings: fluff! angst! daddy!kink if you squint, loss of virginity, uhhhh sexy times? porn WITH plot because i can. this is truly filthy and totally self indulgent, enjoy at your own risk.
a/n: ok so first fic on here, yay! also, i recommend visiting this page to give you some context about Arkanians if you don’t know about them. idk if the nutcracker exists in star wars, so just go with it. listen to this if you wanna get immersed in the sounds of the dance scene.
ao3 link here
Din Djarin knew exactly what he was doing bringing her to Chandrila in the winter.
His princess - a literal one at that - from Arkanis, had missed the taste of home. Not in so many words, but he could tell by the wistful look on her face whenever they passed a shop with dancing gear or a music store.
He also knew that Life Day was her favorite holiday.
“It’s perfect,” she had said one day in the cockpit, her eyes starry as she watched the planets fly by. “You just spend the day with your family, dancing and eating and celebrating. Some cultures even give presents.”
He didn’t know what to say to that then, just gave a grunt and kept his eyes on the nav chart.
But since that day, he’s thought of what that would be like, spending a Life Day with his foundling and his crewmate who he wished would be so much more.
Ever since she dropped everything and ran off with him and the child, his life has been so much...brighter. Full of color when she skips around the ship, the child in her arms as they play dress up with her seemingly endless wardrobe (Din still doesn’t how she manages to keep her quarters clean). It’s full of sound when she plays her holorecords from her favorite ballets, the child following behind her as she does allégros and arabesques.
When she agreed to join his crew to take care of the child and give her extensive knowledge of cultures and history that she gleaned from university, he also made a pact: he would give her firsthand experiences of the galaxy that her life as a royal had robbed her of. 
Her first wish was to visit a cantina, a wish that was fulfilled within her first three days aboard the Razor Crest. Though the dingy, thin clothes she bought from a merchant blended her in well, her stark white hair, white eyes, and ethereal beauty caused a bar fight, one that may or may not have ended with Din breaking a man’s arm, simply because he looked at her suggestively.
In the year that she’d been traveling with him, he’d tried to accommodate her wishes as best as he could, but with the Empire constantly on their trail, their time had mostly been devoted to tracking down the child’s people. But it seemed that the galaxy was on his side for once.
Life Day was rapidly approaching, and Din was scrambling to try and make it special for her, and with the information that Bo-Katan had given them about Ahsoka Tano, Din was torn about what to do. That was, until he charted a path to Corvus and realized it sent them right by Chandrila - the dance capital of the galaxy. A couple of holonet searches later, and he found a showing of The Nutcracker.
He knew it’d make his princess happy, he just didn’t know how to tell her that there weren’t anymore tickets left. He wasn’t surprised really, after all, it was already Life Day Eve, and he knew The Nutcracker was wildly popular, even though it was a Wookiee ballet that was centuries old.
The rapid beeping of the proximity indicator dragged him out of his thoughts. He disengaged and the ship lurched into real time, the blue streaks of stars fading into black mottled with blinking white. He made up his mind in that moment. Squaring his shoulders, Din set the ship on autopilot and made his way down to the cargo hold.
Stopping in front of her room, he could hear giggles and her soft voice as she spoke to the child.
“...and then he transforms into a handsome prince, and leads Masha away into the forest!”
He hears the child giggle again, and can only assume they’re playing with the wooden toys she had crafted once while bored when Din was on a hunt.
Steeling himself, Din knocks.
“Hey, we’re landing...put on something...nice,” he says through the door. He moves to return to the cockpit when the door whooshes open, revealing the princess’s glowing smile.
“Why?” She asks, her eyes wide.
His hand itches to brush the wisps of hair that got displaced from her bun when the door opened.
“I um, I have a surprise,” he says tentatively, suddenly feeling unsure of himself. He shifts his weight as she turns to the child.
“You hear that? Daddy has a surprise for us!” She coos, sweeping him up into her arms as he laughs. She turns back to Din.
His stomach does flips hearing that word come out of her mouth, no matter how innocent the context.
“Well, what is it?”
“That kind of ruins the point of the surprise, don’t you think?” He says, a hint of humor in his modulated voice. He finally gives in to his urges and gently tucks he hair behind her slightly pointed ear.
Din’s heart feels as though it might burst out of his chestplate as she tries to hide her blush behind the baby’s ear, playing it off as though she’s giving him kisses. She hums before looking back up at Din.
“Okay, well what should I wear?”
“I don’t know, something nice.” It comes out a little rough, and Din mentally kicks himself, seeing her face turn into a slight frown.
“Din, I’m a...” she pauses, covering the child’s ears before continuing. “I’m a fucking princess, Din. You can’t just say ‘wear something nice’ expect me to know exactly what you mean by that.”
He huffs. “Move.”
She complies, and he enters her small quarters, stepping over the various toys that litter the floor. He opens her closet, running his gloved fingers along the plethora of lush fabrics inside.
Life Day, Life Day, Life Day, he thinks to himself. What colors go with Life Day?
He pauses on a silky green gown, thinking about how good it would contrast with her skin tone. He hesitates a moment before removing it from the hanger and holding it out to her.
She sets the child down before taking it from him and examining it, a slightly confused look on her face. 
“Din, this is...this is one of my nicer ones. Are we doing something quite fancy?”
He says nothing for a moment, watching the way her milky eyes scan the dress before deciding on his answer.
“I just think...that it’ll look good on you,” he says, so quietly that the modulator barely picks it up.
Her head shoots up to stare him straight in the visor, the very faint grey of her irises making her expression unreadable. Everyone likes to think he’s intimidating, but they’ve obviously never never made eye contact with an Arkanian. Arkanians that belong to the oldest bloodlines have pure white eyes, but if you catch them in the right light, you can barely make out grey irises and darker grey pupils.
Experiencing second thoughts, Din quickly exits her room without another word and the door whooshes shut again.
He leans on the wall next to the ladder leading up to the cockpit feeling like he’s just run a marathon. His heart races as he begins to worry that he was too forward.
“Fuck...” he mutters, leaning his head on the wall behind him. “Too late now I guess.”
Sitting back down in the cockpit, he guides the Crest into the docking bay that air traffic control instructed him to, and sets the ship down as gently as possible, not wanting to disturb anything the princess may be doing to get ready.
If she’s even getting ready at all, his conscious supplies. She’s probably gonna bolt as soon as the cabin depressurizes. 
But as he descends back into the hold, he’s pleased to hear her puttering around in her room. He checks the time on his chrono.
“Hey, I’m going out for a few. I should be back in a bit...make sure you’re ready by then, okay?” He calls out, holstering his gun and attaching his jet pack.
Something in her room clatters to the floor, causing her so let out a string of curses. He hears her give the child an apology, who just giggles in return before he himself gets a response.
“Yeah! Sure, sure, yeah I’ll be ready!” She says from behind the door, but her voice is unsteady, like she knows she won’t be ready in time.
Din just huffs out a slight laugh before exiting the ship.
He returns to find her heels click clacking back and forth between the ‘fresher and where the child sits perched on a box, wiping his face down with a rag and the spots of food on his clothes. She turns to Din, who stands just inside the ship, a dumbfounded look on his hidden face.
Her hair is in a low, loose bun with a few pieces of hair framing her face that he can only assume came out while she was getting the child ready. The matte maroon lipstick she wears gives the allusion that she’s much older than 23, but the subtle blush and highlight adorning her cheeks and nose do well to bring back her youthfulness.
“I tried to get him cleaned up as best as I could. I also fashioned this little hat to fit his head as best I could. I don’t want him to be spotted, and I know it’s cold out there,” she rushes out breathlessly, running back into her room and grabbing the beanie and smushing it on the child’s head. “I know it’s not perfect, but I just want us to be able to have one night where we’re not constantly looking over our shoulders.”
She runs back into her room and returns with a small scarf, wrapping it around the child’s neck. Din wants to reassure her that everything’s okay, but he’s speechless, admiring the way the silk hangs on her body, accentuating her curves. His eyes are first drawn to the slit that exposes her leg almost to her hip when she bends down to pick up a toy the child dropped.
She speaks again, but he still can’t answer. He’s transfixed by the way the neckline plunges down her sternum, just shy of where her ribs start. Her tits are unbound, supported by the fabric that stretches up and over her shoulders, turning into yards of thinner fabric that cinch the dress up across her back.  The straps criss cross her exposed back and end in a bow just below the dimples of her lower back, highlighting the expanse of tight muscles that she’s earned in her tenure as a crewmate, and from her earlier days as a dancer.
He watches as that enticing triangle of missing fabric on her chest gets closer and closer until it’s right in front of him.
“Hey, laser brain! Are you listening to me?” She says, waving her hand in front of his visor and snapping him out of his trance.
“What?” He asks, his voice cracking and making it sound like he hasn’t had anything to drink in days.
She huffs, before saying “I was asking if you were ready to go.”
“Oh,” he coughs out. “Y-yeah, I’m ready. Let’s go.”
“Are we taking the pod, or just carrying him?” She asks, holding the child on her hip.
He thinks a moment before saying “The pod.”
The princess sets him in his pod before slipping on a long black coat and following Din out of the ship. They head out into the busy streets, the child floating in between the two of them.
“Soooooo,” she drawls out, clasping her hands and giving Din doe eyes. “Where are we headed?”
“Uh uh,” he tuts. “Don’t even try that on me. That’s cheating.”
“Why?” She asks, jutting her lip out. “Because it works every time?”
“Yes,” he sighs. “Because it does work every time.”
She just hmphs and says nothing else as they walk along the sidewalks dusted with a light covering of snow. The streetlamps above cast an orangey-yellow glow on the pedestrians that pass them, many of them carrying parcels covered in paper, or large sacks filled with delicious smelling food.
The child makes grabby hands at some of them and the princess chuckles. Din glances over at her and sees the corners of her eyes crinkle as she laughs. They make eye contact for a brief moment before she looks at something above his head and her eyes go wide.
Din flinches, looking up for the threat, but all he sees is snowflakes beginning to fall from the sky. He looks back down at the princess and watches her stick out her tongue to catch a snowflake. They make eye contact again, but this time, she doesn’t look away. She keeps her tongue out until a small fleck of snow lands on it, then she pulls it back into her mouth. She throws him a sideways grin and then looks away, facing her eyes forward.
Din feels his hands get clammy as blood starts to flow south. Fuck, nononononononono, he thinks, balling his hands into fists and trying to think of literally anything else besides they way that snow looked on her tongue. He grits his teeth and looks around, hoping they’re close to the theatre. Thank the Maker.
Just ahead across the street sits the theatre, its twinkling lights and marquee sign dazzling in the white snow. He peeks at the princess without turning his head, and comes away satisfied when she doesn’t seem to notice it yet. He quickly grabs her elbow and pulls her into an alleyway on their right, covering her mouth with his gloved hand when she lets out a yelp.
“Do you trust me?” He breathes out, his chest mere inches away from hers. She nods her head and he lets go of her mouth. He looks down and presses some buttons on his vambrace, quickly recalibrating the child’s pod before shutting its hatch. “Hold onto me.”
She arches her eyebrows before stepping forward and pressing her chest against his, hissing at the frigidness of his beskar against her clavicle. She wraps her arms around his neck as he hooks an arm just below her ass.
“Din...” she warns, not sure where this is going.
“Just be quiet and hang on.” He commands, and with that, they shoot up and into the sky, the baby’s pod going up with them. He feels the princess bury her face into his cape and groan. In his excitement about the surprise, he forgot she doesn’t care for heights.
They land on the rooftop of the theatre, his knees and his back protesting from the extra weight that he’s not used to. Din gently sets the princess down and opens the child’s pod to make sure he’s okay. He smiles up at Din, who waggles a finger in his face.
The princess still hasn’t let go of Din, and Din still hasn’t entirely let go of the princess.
“Hey,” he says softly, and she pulls her head back from his shoulder but keeps her eyes squeezed shut. “It’s okay, we’re done with the flying.”
She exhales a breath he didn’t know she was holding and lets go, opening her eyes. Din reluctantly lets go of her and she takes a step back, looking at their surroundings. The faint sound of instruments taking their final warmups can be heard through the duracrete below them, and the princess finally puts two and two together.
“Din,” she gasps, shaking her head and covering her mouth with her hands. “You didn’t...that’s like, impossible. These are impossible to get. There’s no way...”
He grimaces behind his helmet and sighs. “I’m sorry. You’re right. I couldn’t. But I came by earlier and figured out another way for us to get insi-oof.”
He’s cut off when the princess envelops him in a hug so tight, he feels his back creak in objection.
“I thought you forgot a-about Life Day,” she says into his neck. “You didn’t have to do all this. N-no one’s ever-”
This time, it’s his turn to cut her off. He gently pulls her back until he can see her face, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.
“You can thank me later...it’s cold out here, and we don’t wanna miss the show.”
She nods and sniffles, dabbing under her eyes and motioning to the roof access. “Lead the way then, captain.” She says with a blinding smile.
A wall of warmth greets them as Din slices the door open. He glances around to make sure no crew members are up this high before motioning the princess in. The door zips shut behind the three of them and they’re sheathed in darkness, save the warm glow coming from the theatre below them. Catwalks stretch out in either direction, one going across the crowd, the other going adjacent to it toward the stage. They have to be at least 20 meters above the crowd.
The princess rushes toward the railing on the catwalk above the crowd and peaks down and Din finds himself surprised she’s not fainted yet. She answers his question before he asks it.
“This, I’m fine with. What I’m not fine with is careening up 100 feet into the air and 60 miles an hour with no warning and no seatbelt,” she says, fixing him with a glare that could cut durasteel.
This time, he doesn’t hide his chuckle, moving to stand next to her as she removes her coat and drapes it over the guardrail. He leans against the railing, the child floating just to his left, the princess on his right.
“You’re sure no one will see us up here?” She asks, lowering her voice as the lights begin to dim and the music starts.
“Would you be looking up to the rafters during this show?” 
“Fair point, but I meant the dancers...”
“No, I think we’ll be fine, it’s dark up here.” 
She just nods in return and keeps her focus on the stage as the curtains draw up and reveal the setting of Act I.
Din looks down at the child whose eyes light up at the glimmering tree on the stage. Underneath it sit huge presents wrapped in patterns of paper that Din couldn’t even think up. Multicolored garland hangs from the windows on the backdrop. Fairy lights dangle from the ceiling, bathing the stage in a magical light. He sees the children on stage laughing with each other as their parents dance to the music and suddenly feels the urge to cry,
His heart sinks at the thought that he could’ve had all this if the Separatists hadn’t invaded Aq Vetina that fateful day - and maybe he did have all of this, he just doesn’t remember. Did he have brothers and sisters? He hardly even remembers what his parents look like, just blurry features, sad eyes as they locked him away in that cellar to save him. What did he used ask for for Life Day? Did his parents dance with each other like that? 
Resentment burns so hot inside of him that he has to tear his eyes away from the ballet and stare down at the crowd below. He grits his teeth and wills the tears threating to fall away. His bitterness flares briefly toward the princess as he catches the gleam in her eyes, the joy on her face as she looks on with glee as the act progresses. But it fades as quickly as it grew, his features softening under his helmet.
Who am I to be spiteful toward her for something I had no control over?
He looks down at the stage again, having not even noticed that Act II began. The music crescendos as the Nutcracker, having just turned into the Prince, begins to dance with Masha. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees the chlid giggle in delight.
Just because I don’t have happy memories of my parents, doesn’t mean he can’t. Woah shit wait fuck. No, Din, shut the fuck up and don’t overthink the weight of that. 
Carefully, Din removes both of his gloves and tucks them into his belt before gently resting his hand on the princess’s lower back.
He feels her gasp before she melts into his touch. She looks over her shoulder at him, the light from below causing her features to look sharp and dangerously beautiful. He leans forward so that his helmet is right next to her ear.
“Show me how you’d dance...if that were you on that stage down there,” he whispers, and this time the modulator doesn’t pick it up, so all she hears is his raw, unfiltered voice.
The princess looks up at his visor and smiles before nodding enthusiastically and backing away. She leans down and ties her dress in a knot at her knees before unbuckling her heels.
Din finds himself thinking that she wanted this all along, that she was made for this. His little wild fairy, stripping herself of the titles and the pageantry, barefooted and relaxed with a mischievous sparkle in her eyes.   
She hasn’t taught him much, but he’s tried to listen as best as he could when she’d be doing a routine on the ship.
That’s a pirouette...I think. Okay, okay, plié. That’s first position? No...? Okay, yes, that was first position because this is second position, and now she’s in third.
Din finds himself swaying back and forth and nodding his head to the sweeping instrumentals, and the princess seems to smile when she notices this. She completes an attitude devant before slowing and giggling at him.
“What?” He asks, not quite laughing, but the smile in his voice is evident.
She just shakes her head, her own brilliant smile still plastered on her face before holding out her hand.
“Come on...look, he wants you to,” she says, pointing at the child who has long forgotten the ballet below, instead focusing on the ballerina in front of him.
Din watches the child for a moment more before pushing himself off the railing and taking her outstretched hand. He would be lying if he said this wasn’t the outcome he was hoping for, but when she pulls him into position, he realizes he’s in way over his head. 
“I...I really don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing...” he murmurs, trailing off when she places his hand on her waist, his fingertips meeting the bare skin of her back. She grabs his other hand and holds it up at a 90° angle and it completely swallows her own. He watches her eye their conjoined hands for a moment, an almost awestruck look on her face.
“I’ve never...I’ve never touched you before,” she whispers, looking into his visor where his eyes are. “Like this at least. Your skin.”
He leans in closer to her before whispering “Would you like this to be the last time?”
She slowly shakes her head, keeping her eyes trained on his visor.
“Me neither,” he breathes out. “Now show me what to do.”
She inhales as if falling out of a haze. Clearing her throat, she adjusts Din’s legs by tapping them with her feet before getting into her own position.
“Okay, now I’m not going to tell you it’s simple but you are a fast learner, so I expect you to excel, unless you have two left feet,” she chuckles, straightening her back. “But I’ve seen you in a fight, and fighting and dancing are actually more similar than you’d think. Just like in fighting, if you’re not doing a practiced routine, you have to predict your partner’s moves, and for you, this isn’t a routine.”
“Mmm, cocky are we?” He teases, her reassurance easing a bit of his tension.
“For good reason,” she purrs, giving him a smirk. He doesn’t have time for a smartass reply because she’s already moved on. “Now, the music should be at a good tempo for us to start at any moment if I remember correctly. We’ll take it slow, just remember, feel me, okay? Anticipate my movements, and you’ll be fine. Nothing fancy for now until you get the footwork down.”
She taps her foot and looks out over the balcony, and Din swears he can see the notes swimming in her brain. He notices that in this light, he can see her irises better than he ever has before. But again, before he can complete the thought, she begins moving.
He follows her feet, feeling the way her muscles tense and flex underneath the tips of his fingers. Her eyes move back to his visor from their position over his shoulder and it’s like it clicks for him. If he weren’t going to sound crazy, he’d say it was like she transferred her consciousness to his.
They glide together like that across the catwalk, the child’s giggles following them as the pod, still connected to his vambrace, moves with them. The princess moves to twirl them around and Din’s foot catches a little, but he quickly corrects himself, getting back into step with her. 
She suppresses a laugh before asking “Ready to step it up a notch?”
He just nods and she - seemingly reluctantly - lets go of her grip on his hand and twists so that her back is facing his chest. He readjusts so his grip is on her opposite hip, and she guides him to take her other hand.
“Same steps as before...yeah, good job,” she instructs, and it kindles a fire in his stomach that he thought he had quelled about an hour previous. “Okay, when I tell you to, keep stepping but lift me as you do a 180°, got it?”
His heart stutters, mostly out of fear of his poor, abused back. At 37, he shouldn’t be groaning every time he gets out of bed. But when he glances over at the kid, who is excitedly clapping his hands, he decides he’ll do it.
“Sure, but you’re gonna have to give me a few bacta patches on my shoulders later,” he says, slight amusement in his voice.
“I’ll do whatever you want...now!”
He falters for a moment, his brain short-circuiting like a C-1 series astromech before he realizes she means the lift is now, not...everything else that he wants. She pushes off of her right foot and he lifts her into the air, spinning counter clockwise before setting her down just as the music crescendos and finishes with a loud clash of cymbals and flutes.
They’re both breathing heavily as she turns in his arms to face him, and neither one of them go to move away. The tension is palpable at this point, with Din wanting to just bend her over and take her right there. His helmet tilts down to where her chest heaves and he swears he can see her heart beat in the pulse point on her neck. The thought of sinking his teeth into it and marking up her skin is suddenly overwhelming.
It’s only when the child squeals in delight that they’re snapped back to reality.
“I...I think we should go,” he says, catching his breath and tightening his grip on her waist. “Y’know, because the show’s over and crewmembers are gonna be up here any minute.”
She nods.
“Do you wanna take the elevator this time?” He asks her, hesitantly removing his grasp on her.
Again she shakes her head. “No,” she says hastily, donning her coat and looking like a ball of nervous energy. “Just do whatever gets us to the ship faster.”
They exit the way they came in, the princess clinging to Din, but he notices she’s not nearly as stiff as she was on the short flight up. They land near the same alleyway as before. The princess immediately exits the alley, setting course for the ship as Din struggles to keep up with her brisk pace.
“Hey,” he says, grabbing her arm. “You okay?”
She huffs air out of her nose before crossing her arms and shifting her weight. The snow has picked up since they entered the theatre, big enough now to cling to her hair and eyelashes. He watches as she leans over and snaps the child’s pod shut.
“I don’t know how to say this...” she begins, and Din’s heart sinks.
Dank farrik, I’ve gone and fucked this up, he thinks, his thoughts so loud that he only catches onto the last part of her sentence.
“...a virgin because of tradition on Arkanis, but I’ve wanted you to fuck me on every surface of the Crest since you asked me to join you. And I know this is forward, and maybe too brash, but I can’t stand it anymore and I just think that...I think I lo-”
“Woah, woah, woah. Slow down. I...” he licks his lips under his helmet and lets his brain catch up. “You want to...you want to have sex with me?”
She fixes him with a look that says “duh, weren’t you listening, dumbass?”
He sighs before responding. “Okay, look, I want this too, I have since the first time Karga, Dune, and I saw you at that library on Coruscant. But listen, if you’re...if you’re a virgin, then this is something I don’t want you to just decide to do on a whim, you understand me? That’s something that should be done with s-someone you care about.”
“Is that how your first time went?” She questions, narrowing her eyes. It’s a low blow because he revealed the answer to her one night while they were both drinking up in the cockpit. In this light, he can’t see her irises at all, and it’s extremely intimidating.
“I, well, no, but you’re missing the point-”
“Am I? I care about you, Din. Do you care about me?”
There’s no trepidation in his voice when he answers this time. “Yes.”
“Then what’s the holdup, hm?”
“Because I don’t want to hurt you!” He shouts, earning furtive glances from the few last minute shoppers out and about. He sighs. “I’m not a prince, okay? I’m not some nutcracker that turns into a handsome prince and runs away with you into the forest. I’m not what you were taught to look for in your happily ever after. I’m not supposed to be your forever. I’m not even supposed to be the kid’s forever...”
The princess glares at the sky, clenching her jaw, and Din can tell from past experiences with the cauterizer that she’s trying not to cry.
“And don’t even try to tell me that it’s not about that. I know you. You crave connection, you feed off of it. You just deserve someone better than me. After I find his people, I’m gonna go back to the only thing I was ever any good at: killing.”
She sniffles and he suddenly, selfishly wishes he hadn’t been honest with her. That he would’ve just lied and whisked her back into the ship so he could fuck her every day until he inevitably broke her heart.
She looks back down, and the placid look on her face terrifies him more than the thought of someone ripping his helmet off (though his faith in the Creed is becoming increasingly shaky). She just sets her jaw and nods, turning on her heel and getting back to her brisk pace from before. It’s then that Din realizes he’s turned the sexual tension into the need for a nasty, ugly fight, having denied his feelings for so long that he’s used to feeling anger and frustration after a close encounter with her.
“Since when are you one to run away like a Corellian hellhound with your tail tucked between your legs, huh?” He says, grabbing her elbow again once he’s caught up with her.
She yanks her arm out of his grip and faces him with a scowl on her face. “Since you decided you were so unlovable, that’s when. You think you’re this horrific, terrible person. Well, Din, I’ve got news for you; plenty of people all over this galaxy do what you do for a living, and then go home and eat dinner with their partners and kids. It’s you,” she says, jabbing a finger into his chest. “That has decided you’re so unlovable. Not this galaxy, not your profession, you. You can’t even call your son yours because you’re so afraid of what? Commitment? Someone giving a damn? And guess what? Even more bad news; you’ve failed so fucking miserably at that, because he loves you. You’re his father, Din, and he loves you. I love you. And you’re not doing yourself any favors by ignoring those two blatantly obvious facts.”
The unshed tears in her eyes start to fall and Din wants to rip his helmet off right there and kiss them off her face, but he doesn’t even know what to say except that she’s right. She’s exactly right and oh, Maker, he’s a dumbass.
“To have you sit here and say that you even might possibly feel the same way about me but in the same breath say that you’re afraid of breaking my heart is...well it’s fucking stupid!” She exclaims, tossing her hands up in the air. “I’d be stupid not to love you, I would know, I literally have three degrees, Din. You risked your life to save your son, you’ve risked your life to save me, Karga, and Dune on multiple occasions. You’re trekking halfway across the galaxy to find some fabled wizard, all for your kid to be reunited with his people. You are one of the most selfless people I’ve ever met, and the only person you’re convincing that you’re some bad guy is you. You’re the good guy...that much is true.”
“I’ve done...I’ve done bad things, sweetheart. I can’t even begin to name them all...” he mutters, looking over at the child’s closed bassinet.
“Okay? We all have. My parents were grooming me to be a politician for fucks sake. What could possibly be worse than that?”
She turns and walks away then again, while he sits there staring at her before his brain, reliable as ever, finally does the mental math. “Oh, Maker, I insulted you, didn’t I?” He calls out.
“Yes!” She barks without turning around, stomping through the snow that builds up on the sidewalk. “If you got me a present for Life Day, I’ll consider it forgiven. Come on, it’s cold, we can talk in the ship...after you’ve fixed that.”
Things Din Djarin needs to stop forgetting: 1) don’t ever insult an Arkanian, or you’ll spend your whole life savings trying to get back in their good graces.
They don’t speak a word until they get back to the ship, and even then, words spoken aren’t to each other, only the child. The princess gets him fed and tucked in for the night before disappearing into the ‘fresher. Din fiddles around, unsure if he wants to keep going on their journey or stay on Chandrila for the night. Eventually, he decides to keep going, knowing that the temperatures will drop too much overnight on Chandrila to keep the engine off.
He hears her emerge from the ‘fresher just as the ship lurches into hyperspace, and he reaches over and grabs a parcel from underneath the control panel before heading down into the hold. He gets a strange sense of déja vu, except this time, he knows where he stands.
She’s in her quarters, but the door isn’t shut, so he takes that as an invitation to enter. He sits on her bed, watching her wrestle a chunky knit sweater over her wet hair.
“That’s more like it,” he says, and she turns to face him, a quizzical look on her face. She spots the parcel in his hands, but says nothing of it, just looks at him expectantly. “Your look, I mean. You looked, incredible tonight, but this feels more authentic, more you. You look freer.”
She just nods and bends down to slip on some socks. He holds the parcel out to her when she’s finished and she takes it without a word, sitting down next to him and unwrapping it.
The paper reveals a box. Even though her irritation at his earlier behavior rolls off of her in waves, he can almost feel her excitement piquing.
She opens the box to reveal a pair of pointe shoes in a blush pink color, delicately wrapped in red and green paper.
“...does this make up for me being a fucking idiot?”
She holds the shoes up to the light to inspect them, a revered look upon her face.
“I...I don’t even know what to say.” She whispers.
“Well, you could start with ‘thanks’.” He says, which earns him a light punch on his pauldron. 
“I hope you know it’s customary to give the present on Life Day, not the night before, so don’t think this means you get yours tonight. But how did you know?” She asks, finally turning to look at him.
“Well you only drool all over the sidewalk every time we pass a store that sells them, so I picked some up a few rotations ago when we stopped to fuel up.” He answers softly.
She smiles bashfully and tucks her hands into her lap, suddenly finding a spot on the floor very interesting. Din gently takes her chin in between his pointer finger and thumb, guiding her to look at him again.
“I’m sorry...for everything I said. I’m not used to this, any of it. I didn’t mean to insult you in anyway, but you understand that you and I come from completely different worlds, different realities...” he trails off, trying to find the right words to say. “The truth is...I’m scared, terrified of you leaving me. Everyone I’ve ever loved has...has, well, left. I know the kid is gonna have to leave at some point...I don’t want you to, too.
“After we left Nevarro, before we came here, I wanted nothing more than to take off my helmet and tell you...tell you how I love you face to face, and I’ve wanted to do it so many times tonight, but I don’t think I’m ready yet...to take off the helmet, that is. I-I don’t want you to think less of me for that, but I do love you.”
The princess, his princess, cocks her head to the side.
“I knew what I was signing up for, silly. I never expected you to take it off in front of me, not now and maybe not ever. That doesn’t make it any less meaningful.” She tells him with a smile, resting her hand where his cheek would be. “Even though I would really like to kiss you right now.”
“Well, that I can make an exception for.” He says, and removes his hand from her chin, moving it to the lip of his helmet and pulling up slightly.
He knows she’s staring at his bronzed skin and three day old stubble when he says “Well, kiss me then.”
It’s awkward at first when their lips meet, the angle of the helmet meaning that she has to tilt her head almost sideways to avoid a large gash on her nose from the sharp edge, but after a second or two, it’s like magic. They move in sync, chapped lips moving against perfectly moisturized ones. After a moment, Din takes the lead and deepens the kiss, keeping one hand on the helmet and moving the other to the back of her neck. He tentatively pushes his tongue into her mouth, but his eyes almost pop out of their sockets when she starts to suck on it. He groans and she moves her hands up to the sides of his neck.
“How’d you get so good at this?” He asks as they both pause to take a breath.
“Just because I’m a virgin doesn’t mean I wasn’t a horny teenager once. I spent plenty of summers at the Young Senators Retreat and-”
“Yeah, okay I get the picture,” Din huffs.
She laughs a full bellied laugh, the kind that crinkles the skin around her eyes and shows her teeth.
“Aw, is someone jealous?” She teases, poking the sliver of his cheek that was revealed to her.
He slips the helmet down and moves to stand up, and she does the same.
“Wait I didn’t mean to-”
“Sit down. I’ll be right back.”
He exits her room and takes a deep breath. He’s wanted this for so long, to be touched by another...to touch another. To touch her.
He returns moments later with a strip of thick black cloth in his hand and shuts the door behind him.
“As much as I want to see the look in your eyes when I make you come, I’d much rather be able to see the pretty little expressions you make when I eat you out.” He says moving to kneel on the edge of the bed. Her mouth drops into an “o” shape, her face flushing as bright red as it possibly can.
She clears her throat as he ties the cloth around her head, sheathing her in darkness. “You’re, um, good at complimenting.”
He laughs darkly, removing his helmet all the way and setting it on the floor at the foot of the bed before placing his lips next to her ear. “I think you mean dirty talk, angel.”
If it was possible for her to flush anymore, she would’ve, he thinks. He suddenly stops when a thought flashes across his mind that maybe she’s just doing this because he wants to.
“Hey, is this okay? I don’t want you to do anything you’re not comfortable with or not ready for, so if you want me to turn off the lights, or we can just stop altogether, just-”
“Din,” she whispers, reaching her hand out until she finds purchase on his knee. “It’s okay. Please, just touch me before I melt into a puddle of goo.”
Din just hums and stands, beginning to remove his armor. The pieces clank to the floor by the edge of the bed one by one, and he swears her face gets redder and redder from the anticipation. Finally, he’s left only in his underwear. He reaches out and grabs her hand, pulling her to stand. His fingertips move down to brush against the hem of her heavy sweater.
“Is this okay?” He asks, tapping his finger over her stomach and he feels her muscles flutter. She nods her head and he tries again.
“No, you have to use your words, sweet girl. Is this okay?” This time, his tone is more firm.
“Yes,” she replies breathlessly. “Please, Din.”
“Please what? What do you want?”
At this point, he knows he’s just riling her up, making the tension palpable before she snaps. He hears a whine in the back of her throat before she responds.
“I-I want you t-to do what you said you’d d-do to me earlier.” She mumbles, looking down at the ground as if to avoid his gaze, even though she can’t see anything.
“Mmm,” he tuts, stepping closer to her and leaning down to nuzzle his nose against the pulse point in her neck. “Which was?”
She huffs. “I want you to eat my pussy until I cry, and then pin me down and fuck me however you want.”
He pulls back at her sudden forwardness, not expecting her to be baited by his teasing. Her hands are balled into fists at her sides and her chest heaves. She huffs again and starts pulling at her clothes.
When her sweater comes off, Din’s cock gets ten times harder at the sight of her bare chest. He’s so caught up in the way her nipples harden and her chest flushes that he doesn’t realize she completely naked until she gingerly steps back toward the bed and flops down.
“Are you even still alive?”
When Din catches a glimpse of wet slick in between her legs, he decides that he’s not.
“N-no, I’m still here...you’re just. Looks like you were sculpted by the Maker himself. I’m not ever gonna to be able to keep my hands to myself around you.” He murmurs, stepping in between her legs and drawing a finger up her calf.
“You haven’t even hardly done that yet.” She grumbles, twitching as his hand trails behind her knee.
“Mmm, that may be true, but I’m never gonna want to leave this room ever again.”
She smirks and he leans over her to plant a kiss on her mouth, his body not yet touching hers. She wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him in closer, winding her legs around his torso. When Din feels her wet heat touch the skin just below his bellybutton, his patience thins. He deepens the kiss, carding his hands through her hair and holding her flush to him. She lets a soft moan out and he thinks he might explode.
He pulls away and moves down her body, leaving wet kisses in his wake that have her shivering. He licks a long stripe with the tip of his tongue from just above her clit to her navel and she claps a hand over her mouth.
He stops himself from drowning in her cunt and reaches up to pull her hand away from her mouth. “I shouldn’t have to tell you that I wanna hear you, sweet girl.”
As soon as she says okay, he dives in, immediately attaching his lips to her clit and sucking gently. Her hands fly to his hair and tug, which makes him groan at an ungodly loud volume into her pussy. He releases her clit and licks figure 8′s on her fluttering hole and back up to her clit. 
She squeals and brings her thighs up to cage his head, and Din resolves that if he dies, this is how he wants to go; devouring her pussy and soaking up the cute little noises she makes, getting his head squeezed by her thighs and his hair pulled by her tiny hands.
He sucks on her clit again and she lets out a long moan.
“Din, please, s-something put something-”
He cuts her off by slowly wedging his pointer finger into her and starting to thrust. Her back arches off the bed and she lets out an even longer moan than before.
He lets go of her clit and asks “Is this what you wanted, angel? My thick fingers? Or just my mouth?”
She hums before shaking her head. “I-Is both an option? I w-want both, please.”
“Good job using your manners. And yes, both is an option.” He says before diving back in.
This time, instead of hearing her moans, he’s not even sure he can hear her breathing. He inserts a second finger and she exhales, letting go of his hair to fist the sheets. His dick jumps at the loud squelching sound his fingers make in her pussy as he picks up the pace.
“Ohh,” she groans out, and his eyes flick up to see her tits moving slightly with the force of his fingers. “Din, that feels so good.”
“Mhm, I’m gonna have to give you one more finger, sweet girl. Do you think you can take one more?” He asks, his voice muffled as he keeps slurping on her clit.
“One more? B-But it already feels so...so...” she trails off into a whine when he curls his fingers up and gives her the ‘come here’ motion.
“Tight? Yeah, angel, I know. But I’ve gotta do one more if you wanna be able to take it.”
Her pelvic floor contracts at his words and she squirms, bringing her hands back up to his hair and tugging.
He slowly gives her a third finger and watches her face to control his pace. It scrunches up into a frown that wrinkles her nose, but relaxes when he uses his tongue to lick a flat stripe across her clit. She uses her purchase on his hair to guide him to suck her clit again, and shortly after that, she’s moaning again.
He scissors his fingers on every thrust, trying to get her as relaxed as possible for the real thing. He curls his fingers up one more time and she’s inhaling loudly, her thighs shaking around his head and her fingers tightening around his locks. She screams as she meets her release, the sound coming out rough and scratchy. She curls in around his head, refusing to let go of his hair as he continues to suck on her clit.
She finally lets go and Din keeps thrusting as she exhales and it turns into a whimper. He slowly removes his fingers and crawls back up her body, pushing her legs back up to his torso as he goes. Her chest is still heaving from her orgasm as he leans down to give her a thorough kiss.
“Suck,” he gently commands, bringing the three fingers that were just inside of her to her lips. She hesitates a moment before opening her mouth and doing as he says. He groans as her tongue slips in between each digit and she licks off her come.
Din feels his heart stutter as he watches her.
“You look so perfect like this, all open for me, being a good girl.”
She hums around his fingers and he removes them, shucking his underwear off and fisting his cock with her spit.
“Are you on the implant?” He questions.
“Yeah, it’s against the law not to be on Arkanis...is it going to hurt?” She asks softly, clutching her hands to her chest.
“I think I’ve got you pretty wet and worked open, but we’ll go slow. It might hurt a little,” he answers, rubbing his thumb on the inside of her thigh while his hand spreads her spit around the head of his dick. “Are you ready?”
“Mhm,” she says, nodding her head, but she replies again, seemingly remembering his warning from earlier. “Yes.”
He adjusts her legs so that her calves are resting on his hipbones. He brings his thumb back to her clit and rubs gently as he starts to push the head in.
Now, Din is a cocky bastard by any means, but he’s not surprised when she starts to scrunch her face up and hold her breath when his cock gets about an inch in.
“Uh-ooh uh Din...Din it’s thick. Let me...can I feel...” he slows his movements as she trails off, grabbing her hand and bringing it down to the rest of his length that isn’t inside of her yet.
“H-how is the rest of this supposed to fit in me, what the fuck?” She asks incredulously, barely able to wrap her hand around the diameter.
Din laughs lightly, reaching up and grabbing one of her pillows before lifting her hips up and sticking it under her.
“This might help. Just relax, the more relaxed you are, the quicker you’ll adjust.” He tells her, leaning down to give her a lingering kiss. He stays there, hovering over her as he gently pushes in some more, kissing her again when her face scrunches.
He gets about halfway in before she finally relaxes and Din’s cock doesn’t feel like it’s being strangled. He sits back up and watches as her pussy swallows the rest of his length.
“Oh, sweet girl you’re doing such a good job already. I wish you could see how good your little pussy takes this dick.” He tells her, choking on his words when her muscles flex and squeeze his dick. He pulls out a fraction of an inch before pushing in again and she mewls. “It’s like you were made for me.”
She brings her arms up to drape over her already covered eyes.
“I-it feels good...go faster, please, I want it.” She whines and Din can’t help but run a hand up her stomach and to one of her tits, pinching her nipple lightly before pulling back and giving her what she wants.
“I love it when you beg,” he breathes out, enunciating each word with a thrust that’s not too hard, but just hard enough to redden her chest and make her tits bounce. “Look at you, I’ve got a little princess speared on my cock, hardly able to even talk. Have you thought about this? Huh? Thought about how my cock would feel? I knew you were wearing those tight little leggings and those little tank tops with no bra on for a reason. Dancing around my ship like I didn’t want to bend you over a crate and take you right there.”
She moans, long and loud, and he picks up his pace, lifting up her legs and holding them against his chest.
“K-keep talking, please, please, ple-” Her voice turns into a whine when he angles his hips up and hits a spot inside of her that has her legs locking up and her ankles tightening behind his head. He has to grit his teeth to stop himself from coming too soon because of how much tighter her velvet heat gets.
“Yeah, you like that? This pussy feels so good, baby. I-I wanna spend the rest of my life just fucking you.” He grunts out, emphasizing his last few words with a hard thrust.
She lets out an absolutely pornographic moan when he does that, but it turns into a whine when Din abruptly pulls out. He pulls away to grab his helmet and slip it back on before plopping down on the bed next to her and pulling her hips up and over so she’s straddling his. He reaches up and yanks off the blindfold, causing her to reflexively cover her eyes.
“I have the helmet on, it’s fine,” he tells her, watching her shoulders deflate. “I want you to watch the way I fuck you, angel. Uncover your eyes.”
She tentatively does as he asks and when she looks down at his cock that rests on his stomach, her eyes bulge. When she takes it in her small hand, Din wants to burn the image into his brain. She looks back up at him with a look of amazement.
“There’s no way this was in me...” she trails off, lightly stroking it.
“Mm, yeah, well you can have it back in you if you’d stop talking. I like it more when you beg.”
He watches as the look of amazement turns to mischief, similar to the look she gave him earlier at the theatre. Her milky eyes pierce his visor as she licks her hand and then rubs her pussy, dragging her other hand up her body to grab a handful of her tit.
“Then why don’t you put it back in and keep fucking me?” She asks, looking down at him through her lashes.
“Every fucking day you’re full of surprises, angel,” he groans, grabbing his cock and teasing her clit with it before pushing up and into her. She throws her head back and Din suddenly wishes she had the blindfold back on so he could fulfill his earlier wishes of marking her up.
He grabs her hips and pulls her down to meet his thrusts.
“Look,” he barks, causing her to jerk her head down to the place they meet. “Look at how this cock stretches you. Look at how well you’re doing, such a good girl. Always such a good girl for me, doing what I ask you to.”
He rambles as his thrusts get harder and faster and the princess starts to clench around him again.
“Are you gonna come for me? Gonna come all over this cock? One of these days, I’m gonna make you squirt all over my armor and then I’m-I’m not even gonna clean it, I’m just g-gonna go pick up a bounty.”
The princess lets out a laugh at that, clapping a hand over her mouth as she does and Din slows his pace.
“I’m sorry this feels really good still, but that was just funny. Hot, but also funny. I-I think it was just your delivery,” she giggles, removing her hand from her mouth and placing it on his chest.
Din’s heart skips a beat at the sight of his girl straddling his cock with a smile on her face, looking at him so lovingly. It’s a gaze he hasn’t been on the receiving side of in a long time. He finds himself thankful for once that the helmet is on because of the tears that spring to his eyes. Crying during sex? Not Din Djarin.
He sits up then, holding onto her back and folding his knees under him, hearing them protest as he does. He pushes her shoulders down so that he’s bottomed out inside her pussy and she groans.
“Please don’t ever leave me,” he pleads, looking up and fixing his visor on her face. “Him and I, we need you.”
“I-wh-where did that come from? Are you okay?” She asks, placing her hands on either side of his helmet and looking concerned.
He ignores her question, opting to bury his helmet into her chest and hug her tight while starting to thrust back into her.
“Din...” she warns, but hugs him back anyway.
They stay like that for a few minutes, just slowly moving back and forth together until Din’s patience breaks and he can’t help but start thrusting harder and faster. His hand snakes down her front to rub at her clit and he can feel her start to come undone. Her cunt clenches around him as she’s quickly and quietly tipped over the edge, her thighs and back spasming. She says nothing, just pants heavily above him, clutching his shoulders and brushing the strands of hair at the back of his neck that have escaped his helmet.
“Can I-can I come inside? Please-”
“Yes,” she cuts him off breathlessly. “Please, Maker, yes.”
He thrusts in a few more times before speaking again.
“Tell me you-mmm. Tell me you love me, cyare.”
“Oh, Din, I love you so much. You’re so special, you’re such a special man. I loveyouIloveyouIloveyou.”
He comes inside of her with a long groan, burying his face further into her chest as she repeats herself over and over.
Eventually, Din flops back onto her bed and she follows. He notices she takes extra care to make sure his cock doesn’t slip out of her.
“Wanted to keep all that come in there, huh?” He jokes lightly, giving her a soft pat on the butt.
“Shut up,” she huffs with a laugh into his neck. “I’m gonna have to get up eventually though to turn off the light. Are you...will you stay with me? If the lights are off?”
He rubs his hands up and down her back before exhaling deeply and responding.
“I would sleep in all of my armor just for the honor of falling asleep next to you.”
“Mmm,” she hums, tracing her finger along his collarbone. “Well lucky for you, I have a strict ‘no armor’ policy in my bed. It reads like this: ‘No beskar? No problem.’.”
Din awakes with a start to a loud thwump, thwump, thwump from somewhere in the ship. Immediately fearing the worst, he throws his undershirt and pants on and rushes into the hold.
There she sits, his princess, in one of his long-sleeve tunics and a pair of his underwear that fit her like shorts, banging the absolute shit out of one of her pointe shoes. The child, his son, he reminds himself, sits across from her holding the other shoe, trying to mimic her and bobbing his head along to the music playing softly in the background.
He calms his racing heartbeat as he goes to take a seat on the floor next to them.
“Happy Life Day,” she says, leaning over to place a kiss where his cheek would be.
“Happy Life Day to you, too,” he responds tenderly, booping her nose. She looks down to return to her work and Din turns to his son. “Happy Life Day, buddy.”
He babbles in delight, holding up the shoe to show Din all the work he’s (not) done on it.
“Sorry if I woke you up...actually, no I’m not. He told me to,” she says without looking up, nodding her head toward the child who just laughs. “He wants his presents, daddy.”
Din clears his throat and stands back up while the princess just smirks, knowing exactly what she does to him.
“Oh, and while you’re at it, there’s one for you underneath my bed.” She calls out to him as he leaves to go retrieve the Life Day presents.
“Alright, but next time I sit down, I’m not getting back up for at least 20 minutes.” He calls back from the ladder.
When he returns, he sees that they’ve switched shoes.
“So what does that do anyway?” He asks, setting the presents on the floor in between them. The child immediately makes grabby hands.
“Oh, it just breaks them in, but trust me, you’re not gonna want to see my feet for at least a week once you see what pointe shoes do to them,” she laughs.
Din’s helmet tilts, trying to gauge if he should have even bought them.
“Hey,” she says softly, placing a warm hand on his shoulder. “Thank you. They’re perfect. You have to do this with all of them, I promise.”
He just nods and pats her hand before reaching over and handing the child his present.
“This one’s mine?” He asks, holding up a large box wrapped in purple paper with a silver bow on top.
“Mhm,” she responds with a smile, tossing the shoe aside to pull his son into her lap and help him unwrap his present. “There’s a few things in there, but I could only do one box because the paper tax on Vardos was high.”
“That’s rich coming from the princess,” he teases, gently tearing into the paper.
“Hey! You know I don’t like using my parents’ capitalist credits,” she frowns.
He laughs, the modulator making it sound raspy. Their attention is grabbed by the child, who finally gets the box open and squeals in delight at the objects inside.
“Show dad what you got!” She tells him.
Din ignores his own present for a moment to watch as his son shows him a red shirt and black pants.
“Wow! That’s cool! Do you like them?” He asks.
The child babbles and Din looks at the princess. “Where’d you find something that small?”
“A maternity store,” she responds with a shrug, still looking down at the child. “Show him the next one!”
Din’s thoughts are swimming with the idea of her walking around a maternity store when the kid shows him his next present. The mental image has his blood rushing south until he reminds himself where he is and what he’s doing.
He clears his throat for the second time that morning because of explicit thoughts. “Oh, that’s neat!”
His son holds a tukka doll close to his chest with bright eyes and a beaming smile that shows his little teeth.
“Tell your dad to open his present,” the princess leans down and tells him, giving him a scratch on the head. When he babbles at Din again, his heart melts.
“Okay, okay, I’m on it hang on,” he responds, gently peeling open the cardboard.
In the box sits a camera, a photo, a cushion of some sort, and a folded piece of deep red fabric. The first thing he pulls out of the box is the photo. It takes him approximately ten seconds to realize that it’s a picture of him, smiling, as a boy. Next to him sits a girl, about four years older than him, and behind them stand his parents. There’s a tree with lights and ornaments decorating it in the background.
“Do you like it?” She softly asks him, placing a hand on his knee.
“I...how?” Is all he can muster.
“Well, I did some digging...a lot, actually. I found this on the holonet on an Aq Vetina tribute page,” she says, scratching the back of her neck and looking away. “It’s sad how many of those there are. Anyways, I saw your last name, your family’s last name, and figured it had to be you guys. I, uh, had it printed out because having to boot up a piece of technology every time you want to see that seems silly.”
“Is that...did I have a sister?” He whispers, drawing his finger over her picture.
“Seems that way. I could probably do some more digging if you’d like...maybe teach you how to use the holonet while I’m at it, old man.” She softly teases, squeezing his knee.
He’s scared that he broke something when he practically tackles her in a hug. His son hoots in delight, crawling his way up her front to be in the middle of the embrace.
“Thank you...so much,” he whispers in her ear, this time doing nothing to stop the tears that roll down his cheeks and catch on the lining of his helmet.
“It’s the least I could do,” she replies, giving him a soft smile when he pulls away. “If you need a moment, we can take a break before you-”
“No, no it’s okay. I’m fine,” he reassures her, the barest hint of a smile in his voice. “I’m right here where I want to be.”
He pulls the camera out of the box and inspects this.
“This is an older model,” he comments, looking through the viewfinder. “This must’ve been hard to find.”
“Yeah, but I wanted one that prints the photos out so you can keep them on you,” she responds.
“What’s this?” He asks, holding up the cushion.
She laughs. “It’s for your butt. For your chair in the cockpit. It’s supposed to help with back pain.”
He gently pops her on the head with it and she giggles. “Thanks, sweetheart.”
“Mhm...pull out the last one.” She tells him, nodding to the box.
He removes the fabric from the box and it unfolds as he holds it up.
“It’s a new cape. I got it so you guys could match.”
The smile on Din’s face threatens to break his helmet in half. “Hey, buddy, look...we’re matching.” He says, holding the cape out to his son.
The child giggles and wraps it around himself like a cape, and goes parading around the little half circle they’ve formed.
“This is...this is nice,” Din compliments, scooting over and slinging his arm over the princess’s shoulder. “All we need now is a tree.”
She leans her head into the crook of his arm and sighs contentedly. “Yeah, well they don’t survive in extended periods of hyperspace...trust me, I already thought about it.”
“I feel bad I only got you the one present,” he remarks, a tinge of disappointment in his voice.
“Mm, I’ve got everything I want right here,” she singsongs, poking him in his side. “Now lets get all this paper cleaned up so we can eat.”
She holds her hands out and he follows her up.
“What if we...uh, can we recreate that picture? The one of my parents?” He asks tentatively once he’s fully standing.
“Like...with the three of us?” She inquires, her eyes widening.
“Of course,” she answers with a soft smile. “It’d be best to do it after breakfast before his nap though.”
He watches for a moment as she starts cleaning up the multicolored wrapping paper, thinking about how peaceful and domestic this moment seems. He almost brings up getting their implants removed and having a few more monsters running around the ship, but he decides that maybe that’s a conversation for next Life Day, where hopefully they won’t have to live in the ship anymore or be on the run.
Even if there aren’t any more kids in the picture, or if we never settle down somewhere, this is more than enough, he thinks before joining his princess and his son in the kitchenette for a Life Day feast.
And for a day, all is well with the Mudhorn Clan.
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primasveraas-writing · 5 years ago
Anakin & Maternal!reader Headcanons
Request: “May I please get a reader who feels really maternal towards Anakin? Like they know about his mother and know not to overstep his boundaries, but they offer him a shoulder, an ear or a hug whenever he needs one and they're just really protective of him? They love him as their own child, even when he's Vader and reassures him that "its okay" when he kills them at the order of the Emperor? Sorry if it's to detailed. Thank you.”
Thanks for the request love!! I hope you enjoy!
Part Two
All requests are open!
Upon meeting Anakin as a child for the first time, it’s clear how much he misses his mother and desperately needs guidance in his young life
He has Obi-wan, but the detached, sometimes misguided ways of the Jedi aren’t enough for this young boy and you feel the immediate need to step in and do what you can for him
So whenever he needs a break from the Jedi, or becomes overwhelmed by his life, he knows he can comm you and you’ll do whatever it takes to help him
Against any potential protests of the Jedi, you’ll take Anakin out for an afternoon, and buy him ice cream, or show him your favorite parts of Coruscant. Mostly, as he adjusts to Jedi training, he just needs distractions, which you gladly provide
Obi-wan knows this technically violates the Jedi Code, but it’s undeniable how much Anakin requires this escape, so he allows it without complaint
The outings continue as Anakin grows, and he quickly learns how much he can trust you. You become his main confidant and you listen to his every struggle, frustration, and sorrow
He always tells you that you give the best hugs; you pride yourself on this
On bad days, you spend hours trying to make him smile, and you’re largely successful too. This is another point of pride
It’s the only unconditional love he knows, after being separated from his mother
Anakin grows up faster than you realize; tensions escalate between Republic separatists and he is gone on missions longer and longer
When war is declared, Anakin is gone, and you anxiously refresh the holos, hoping for some news about the fate of the Jedi
You know it’s impossible, but there is a significant, compelling part of you that wishes you could be there with him, protecting him from the dangers of the galaxy
You’re there to comfort him when he returns several weeks later, sporting a new arm and a plethora of secrets
He allows you to cheer him up about his arm. At first, all you do is hold him, but you spend the next several visits reassuring him about his abilities and trying to reinstill confidence after such a great loss
Despite the depth of his hurt about his mother, Anakin tells you right away that they were briefly reunited before Shmi died in his arms
It is an absolute demonstration of his trust in you that he allows you to hug him, drawing him close in your arms while he cries quietly on your shoulder
Now more than ever, he is afraid of losing you, but you comfort him the best you can: you are still here, you still love him, his mother always loved him and always will, that he should live out her memory by being the happiest he can
He also confesses what happened with the Tusken Raiders, and you push aside any horror because your love for him is and should be stronger than any anger and shock that you feel
It takes several weeks before he confesses his marriage with Padmé
You have your own reservations about the fact that he will be deceiving all but the two people closest to him, about the rashness of the decision, but he takes you to meet Padmé, and they are clearly in love, for better or for worse
There is little you can do but support him and offer what advice you can
You see him less and less with the war raging on; you start to worry more and more that he won’t survive, or that he will never be the same after the conflict ends
It drives you insane knowing how much pressure is on him, as he is the Hero with No Fear and evolves into the perfect, infallible face of the war effort
You constantly tell Anakin that all you want for him is for him to settle down with Padmé on Naboo, away from the danger and the fighting
He usually chuckles at this, pressing a loving kiss to your forehead and hugging you tight. He replies that this is an impossible dream; you counter with reminding him to get some well-deserved sleep and to hope for better, more peaceful days
Anakin comes to you straight away when Padmé reveals that she is pregnant; he is both scared and filled with endless concern
You just hold him and tell him it will all work out, one way or another
But before you can get your bearings, Anakin is being whisked away by the Jedi and the Chancellor, and the next thing you know, an Empire rises as the Republic falls
Anakin goes missing for two days without a word. Padmé initially says she can’t tell you where he is, then she goes silent too
When the Jedi are declared public enemies and begin to be hunted, you fear the worst for Anakin, especially as Padmé is declared dead on Naboo
Yet instinct urges you to find him, and you begin to scour the galaxy for clues to his survival or whereabouts
This search rapidly gains the attention of the Emperor, who orders his new servant to kill you
Vader finds you before you are able to find Anakin
He greets you, confronting you alone on your ship, interrupted in your travels
Somehow, you know it’s him. You’ve already heard the whispers about Vader, about his power and might. How he emerged suddenly from the shadows, without warning or previous recognition
Especially in the last days of the war, the darkness within Anakin had been ever more clear. It’s more than plausible to you that he could have succumbed to the evil, even if you’d never want to believe it
One of the initial reasons that you wanted to take care of Anakin was to guide and support him, to show him love without terms or limits
But there was never a moment where it was easy to ignore his growing anger and frustration at the galaxy around him, and more than anything, you worried for his fate
Darth Vader stands before you, a broken and ruined man, and you know that this is what’s left of Anakin
Padmé is dead, and you are one of the few ties to Anakin remaining
You know that you must be next. It’s inevitable, Vader is to thrive
The galaxy has truly failed Anakin, and you only wish that there was more kindness that could have saved him
So when he raised his gloved hand, clenched in anger, slowly choking the life out of you, you use your last remaining breaths to tell him that it’s all okay
He is like a son to you. Your love is stronger than your repulsion, your hurt at what he’s done and who he’s become
More than anything, you hope that one day, he will be redeemed, and know the light again. You hope Anakin will be saved, and as the world fades around you, you tell him that you forgive him, and that you will always love him, no matter he who is or what he becomes
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