#sorry for the nosy tony
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I figured she was the one to get in touch first based on Jo knowing she wanted to see her son, but I have SO many questions about that... how does she know her son survived... how does she know Ichiban was her son and not Aoki... how does she know who Jo is and how to contact Jo... (<- tearing my hair out as we speak)
Anyway when you have the opportunity please view the gameplay footage...
obsessed how its addressed to Mr. Jo Sawashiro i dont know why that detail tickles me... thats cute..
chicken-and-egg kinda deal with Who Contacted Who first. like id ASSUME sawashiro'd get in contact with her first if he was feeling guilty enough about The Whole Situation and was willing to dig into arakawa's past imo, esp since akane wouldn't have any reason (or ability to) know who he was until after he joins the yakuza.. and i mean.. shes long gone by then.. tho that's assuming they got in contact early on and they didnt JUST start communicating within the past few years.
BUT EITHER WAY just gotta wait and see for it all to play out.. in three months <- still cant believe its coming out january 26th 👁️💋👁️
IM OBSESSED WITH THE GAMEPLAY FOOTAGE im soooo glad i was right in how they were going to handle the style change aspect (though i guess it wasnt a hard thing to predict but still..). I LOVE HOW KIRYU CAN ACTUALLY ROAM FREE THAT'S SO COOL i remember people kept speculating on how the gameplay was gonna go with how different ichi and kiryu's playstyles are and this is SUUCH a rad way to answer that question. my excitement is immeasurable and im gonna throw up
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 1 month
A corporate barbecue that R brings her godchild to (as they just lost their respective best friend/mom) where reader runs into Bucky. She introduces them to one another, and her 12 y/o anti-wingman watches reader and Bucky flirt with each other (pathetically). Her best friend’s kid has always been incredibly perceptive, especially about other people (it’s a trait inherited from reader’s best friend). When they turn and leave the conversation, the kid asks “So when’s your first date?”
Bucky overhears the remark and realizes that it’ll be very soon. While the tween wasn’t R’s wingman, they sure were his.
IDK, just a thought lol 🩵🩵
Little Matchmaker » Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Pairings: Avenger!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader with goddaughter Lexie
Summary: Your goddaughter plays a little matchmaker to get you and Bucky together.
Warnings: Fluff, language, flirting (pathetically), nicknames/pet names
A/N: Thank you to the lovely anonymous person who requested this🩵
A/N #2: The reader works at Stark Industries in this.
Written on my phone. My apologies for any mistakes.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creator.
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“Remind me why I have to come to this.” Lexie, your goddaughter says.
“Cause all you did this Summer is scroll through your phone and it’s nice to get out of the house.” You say.
You’re at a corporate barbecue for your work and you took your goddaughter with you. Lexie lost her mom, your best friend, almost a year ago and she was left to you.
“That’s not true!” She said. “I went to the beach last month!” She states.
“Point made, but I was with you.” You say.
Lexie made a grumbling noise and continued to walk next to you.
“Is Iron Man and the Avengers going to be here?” Lexie asks.
“Tony Stark has to be here cause it’s his company and as for the Avengers, I don’t know if they’re going to be here.” You answered.
You greeted your coworkers and introduced Lexie to them. As you were talking to them, you couldn’t help but notice a guy staring at you a few feet away. Lexie noticed it too and smirked to herself, coming up with a plan in her head.
“Y/N, I’m going to get something to drink.” Lexie says.
“Ok. Get me something to drink too please.” You say.
She nodded before walking away to the drink table. She did get something to drink, but as she was walking back, she walked up to Bucky.
“Sir?” She says, snapping him out of his thoughts.
“Yes?” Bucky answers.
“Not that I’m being nosy or anything, but I couldn’t help but notice that you’re staring at the woman over there.” She says.
“I’m sorry. I’ll stop.” He apologizes.
“No need to apologize.” She replies. “I can introduce you to her if you want.” She suggests.
“Oh, that’s ok. I don’t want to intrude.” He says.
“It’s ok.” She says with a smile.
Lexie motioned for Bucky to follow her, in which he did after a short hesitation.
“She hasn’t been on a date in a while so go easy on the flirting.” Lexie tells him.
“Oh ok.” Bucky says.
Bucky furrowed his eyebrows, wondering why a 12 year old is telling him this. You excused yourself from the conversation with your coworkers when Lexie walked back to you with the guy who was looking at you.
“I thought you were getting something to drink?” You say in a quiet voice.
“I did.” Lexie hands you your drink. “I also brought you a guy.” She tells you. “Sir, this is Y/N.” She introduces you to Bucky.
“I’m Bucky.” Bucky introduces himself to you, holding his hand out for you to shake, which you did.
“Now that you two know each other’s names, I’m going to let the two of you talk.” She says.
“Stay where I can see you.” You tell her.
Lexie nodded and walked away, leaving you and Bucky alone. You gave him a polite smile, trying not to make anything awkward between the two of you.
“Is that girl your little sister?” Bucky asks curiously.
“No. She’s my goddaughter. We get that a lot.” You answered. “Her name is Lexie and she’s 12. Her mom passed away almost a year ago and I’m all she has.” You explained.
“I’m sorry to hear about that. No kid should go through that.” He says sincerely.
You smile softly and nodded in agreement.
“Lexie mentioned that you haven’t been on any dates in a while.” He says.
“She shouldn’t have said that, but she’s not wrong.” You say.
“So…” He starts. “What do you look for in a man?” He asks curiously and upfront.
“You’re pretty straightforward, aren’t you?” You chuckled. “That’s part of what I like in a man.” You admitted. “I also like when men are sensitive and buy me flowers.” You tell him. “Those are just the basics of what I like in a man.” You say.
“Well, lucky for you, I can do both of those things.” He says with a flirty smile in a flirtatious tone.
Meanwhile, Lexie was sitting at a table where you can see her. She had some chips and a soda while she watched you and Bucky flirt pathetically with each other. She couldn’t hear what you two were saying so she just watched the pathetic flirting. She was also curious to know if Bucky was trying to ask you out on a date.
“What do you look for in a woman?” You curiously asked Bucky.
“So you’re the one who’s being straightforward now, huh?” Bucky playfully jokes and chuckles softly. “Everything I like in women is everything you have, doll.” He says softly and moved a piece of your hair from your face.
“Even if I have a godchild?” You asked.
“Yes.” He replies with a smile.
“If we’re going to see each other again, that means we’re going to have to exchange phone numbers.” You say with a hopeful smile.
“Fine by me.” He says, taking his phone out of his pocket and handed it to you.
You put your name and phone number in Bucky’s phone. You handed Bucky your phone and he did the same thing. Lexie came back at the same time you were giving his phone back to him.
“I hope I’m not interrupting.” Lexie chimes in, looking from you to Bucky.
“You’re not. I have to get back to my friends. It was nice meeting the both of you.” Bucky says before walking away.
You gave him a smile and Lexie waved bye to him.
“So when’s your first date?” Lexie curiously asks you with a grin on her face.
You couldn’t help but blush and softly giggle when she said that. Little did you and Lexie know that Bucky heard her say that. He smiles to himself and put his hands in the pockets of his jacket, knowing that yours and his first date will be very soon. Sooner than you think actually. Little did you know that Lexie was playing matchmaker and was Bucky’s wingman.
-Bucky’s Doll
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captainkirkk · 9 months
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes. Please look at tags and warnings on ao3 before reading.
if you wanna be my lover (you gotta get with my friends) by mindshelter
MJ still remembers Ned’s initial disbelief when Peter—infamous for missing class back in sophomore year, suspended for two weeks freshman year—finished his bit of the group write-up four days early. The work was perfect, and so was Ned's chemistry grade. After that it was Peter this, Peter that, Peter parted the Red Sea, it’s true, MJ, I was there; I saw it. MJ, hey, are you listening?
Then Ned says, “We should invite Peter to join AcaDec.”
or; peter isn’t rock bottom on midtown’s social ladder; he’s underground. friendless, rumoured to get into street fights. ned declares him bestie material anyway, and mj catches feelings.
she also meets tony stark(?) in foodtown, of all places, and makes a spider-man(??) sighting.
law of insomnia by thewunderkind
אנחנו נפגשים שוב” "I'm sorry, I do not understand," And then Iruma lowers himself, getting on his knees and bowing until his forehead meets the ground.
Or the one wherein they're soulmates and only Alice is aware of what is happening.
how's it go again? by timdrakesuperspy
Tim Drake's universe is falling apart. He's surprised when he doesn't fall with it, due only to Mr. Mxyzptlk's misplaced feeling of debt. He's even more surprised when the imp crash-land him in the middle of the Wayne family's dinner.
OR: After Tim fails to bring back enough proof that Bruce isn't dead, his life sucks. So of course the universe falls apart. So of course a nosy interdimensional imp decides to intervene and send Tim to a universe unnervingly off from his.
the back corner booth by destiny919
"Hey, Hood," Rhys says seriously. "I've got something for you, but it's a little outside your usual service range."
Jason raises his eyebrows under the helmet. He never gets kids from outside the Alley, if only because they have no way of meeting one of his liaisons, or any reason to trust the Red Hood. "How far outside?"
Rhys smirks. "Not too far. Just Bristol."
Jason really, really hopes his appalled expression is coming through the helmet.
to find an intended (a bit unintentionally) by nyoomerr
It takes about five minutes after they first meet for Shen Yuan to start flirting with Luo Binghe. Aggressively, too, in a way that even some of Luo Binghe’s most frequent bed partners wouldn’t dare to. It’s shocking and infuriating and, unfortunately, Luo Binghe finds himself charmed.
Too bad Shen Yuan doesn’t actually know that his actions come off as demon-flirting in the first place.
Clone Wars
an ill-advised gift by S_C_G
The Senate tries their hand at some regime change in the Mandalore sector.
It doesn't go well.
The Senate tries their hand at sending a gift to better relations and buy some time.
They couldn't have made a worse choice.
Or, the Senate gives the Mand'alor a child. This, quite predictably, backfires.
let me lie with you by MadMothMadame
The War is over. With the Sith conspiracy uncovered, and Sepratists suing for peace, Obi-Wan knew things would not be the same as they were before. Some changes would be for the worse, but when he thought about Cody, and all they had the potential to become now that rank and the weight of war no longer had to stand between them-
Well, some change could only be for the better.
He should have known better.
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littlemissomega · 1 year
PornStar!Natasha x Influence Y/N
Warnings: SMUT, 18+, strap used, overstimulation, Mommy kink, video sex, live stream sex, cussing, pet names (bunny, luv, luvie, baby, babygirl, etc), praise kink, degradation kink, Y/N says “it hurt” (nothing is physically hurting her tho), bad writing
Author’s Note: Hey luvs! Sorry it took so long for me to post something! Not my best work, but here you go!
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“Hey guys! It’s Y/N Y/L/N! So, for today’s live stream, I’lll be accepting questions, dares, and video ideas! Within reason, of course!”
Y/n smiles brightly into her camera as it records. She started doing videos about a year ago and quickly became a popular influencer in her community. She tugs a fallen curl behind her ear and grabs her phone, viewing her live’s chat.
“Okay, from !booboo cakes ‘What’s it like living with the Avengers? Well it’s definitely… an experience! It was kinda a culture shock to go from living with my aunt to living with a bunch of superheroes and gods from outer space! But at the end of the day, even though they’re faster and stronger than most, they are still pretty normal, I guess? We still fight over who’s gonna do the dishes and what movie to watch just like any group of friends living together!”
Y/N skims through the comments popping in and chooses the next one.
“What is it like partying with the #Avengers and who gets the drunkest? Umm expensive! They’d spend the monthly grocery budget on booze if they could! But they’re definitely party animals. And as far as the turtle of drunkest; Thor, Bucky, and Tony always fight for that,”
It continues like that for a while. Someone asks for a tour of her room, which she gives, another asks to see the training room. When she sees her girlfriend’s name in a comment, her eyes pop to it.
“How are things going with Natasha?” Y/N cheeks flush, “Y’all are so nosy! But if you must know, things are going great!” 
A flood of comments like ‘omg she's totally blushing’ and ‘they’re so cute together!’ stream through the chat.
Most of Y/N’s most popular videos and vlogs include Natasha, more specifically Natasha making crude comments that make Y/N blush and stutter on camera, and when Natasha’s hands stay a little more than appropriate. 
YN’s account is by no means for kids. She openly talks about relationships, sex, and other more sensitive topics. No one under the age of 18 can view her account. But Y/N’s followers never fail to go crazy when Tasha sneaks up behind her to kiss her neck while she records, or joins her for Q&As or dancing TikToks.
But her channel is also popular because of Natasha’s. Natasha has an equally- maybe more popular- BDSM account. She also happens to be a part time prnstar.
Y/N is much shyer than Natasha, so Natasha has never really touched her on her PornStarsToday account. But she often convinced Y/N to join her on her TikTok account. The videos spanned from Natasha demonstrated bandage knots, proper and safe ways to choke your partner, and safe word descosions. So it’s not like she bent Y/N over a counter and recorded fucking her, but it made Y/N wet all the same. As soon as Natasha stopped recording, Y/N never failed to get pulled apart thoroughly.
The dinging of Y/N’s phone snaps her out of her thoughts. She sees her girlfriend’s name again and doesn’t even read the comment before saying it aloud.
“Call Natasha’ Mommy’ on camera and see how she reacts- Oh!’ Y/N’s cheeks turn bright red and she looks away from her phone.
People aggressively like the comment and chime in with agreements.
“Y’all trying to get me in trouble!” Y/N laughs, still blushing, “Sorry, but I very much value my ability to sit and walk, thank you very much!”
But something in the back of her head jumps at the idea. She’d never called Natasha Mommy before. But she’ll never forget how Natasha reacted when Y/N called her Ma’am in bed for the first time.. Needless to say, Y/N couldn’t walk for two days after.
Y/N ponder the idea, becoming warmer at the idea of how Natasha might react. The warmth shoots straight to her core.
“Okay, okay, you horny fuckers, I’ll do it!” Y/N decides, feeling braver than usual, “let’s go find her,”
Y/N grabs her phone and camera before tip-going out of her room and down the hall.
Natasha is in the living room, read, when Y/N finally finds her. She doesn’t notice her at first, so Y/N props her camera up on the counter and starts recording on her phone as well for two angles.
Y/N prances over to Natasha, stopping within arms length. Tasha doesn’t look up, but a small smile forms on her lips, knowing Y/N is recording.
“Hi, mommy,” Y/n voice ever so innocently.
Natasha looks up slowly from her book. Her eyes take Y/N in, starting at her lips, then down to the strip of skin peeking out from her pink crop top, to her thighs barely covered in her short, flowy white skirt with flowers. She’s the definition of sexy innocence. Natasha’s eyes go dark and pool with lust, but she smirks a little, raising an eyebrow.
“Hi, Bunny,”
Y/’s knees go weak. Natasha only calls her Bunny when she’s about to pull her apart until she cries and begs and passes out from pleasure and pain She can’t help but let a whimper slip from her lips. Natasha smirks wider and the sound and grabs the backs of Y/N’s thighs, yanking her into her lap.
“Mommy,” the whimper slips from Y/N’s lips against her will. Natasha chuckles into her ear, lips moving to her neck.
“You’re making all sorts of mischief, aren’t you, Bunny?” Natasha croons.
Y/N lets out a small moan of response as Natasha sucks on her neck. The phone slips from her fingers, clattering to the ground.
“Drop something?” Natsha asks, amusement ringing in her voice.
“”Pick it up,” Natasha orders.
“But, Tasha, it’s record-” Y/”N starts.
“That’s not my fucking name,”
Y/N falls silent.
“Pick. It. Up.” Natasha orders again, slowly and firmly.
Y/N obeys, leaning over the arm of the chair and retrieving her phone. She goes to end the live stream, but Natsha stops her; taking and prying the phone from her fingers. Y/N’s eyes go wide as Natasha props it up on the coffee table before returning to kissing her neck. Y/N’s face is bright red.
“M-mommy, it’s still recording!’ Y/N voices, struggling to string words together as her girlfriend rubs circles on her thighs.
“I know,” Natasha responds. Her lips stray to Y/N’s collarbone, and Y/N can’t help but tilt her neck back.
“People are watching, Mommy!”
“So, say hi to the followers!” Natasha buckles as she pushes Y/N’s crop top up, leaving her black, lacey bra on display.
Natawsha’s fingers skim the top of Y/N’s bra, but she stops.
“Do you remember your safeword?” she asks gently. Y/N nods.
“It’s red,”
The safeword is cliche and overused, but that’s the first word that had popped into Y/N’s head when Natasha asked her all those months ago.
“Good girl,” Natasha whispers before pulling the cup of her bra down..
And she moans. Natashia fucking moans at the slight of her girlfriend’s soft breast and hard nipples. She latches her mouth around one of the painfully hard peaks and swirls her tongue around it. Y/N’s hands fly to Natawsha’s hair and she teg gently.
On the coffee table, Y/”ns phone buzzes and dings as comments flood in like ‘sorry, did I click on the wrong girlfriend’s account?” and “RIP Y/”
“Mommy pleaseee,” Y/N whines breathlessly.
Natasha removes her lips from Y/N’s nipple just long enough to ask, “You were supposed to be accepting requests and questions in this video, right?”
Y/N nods, unable to form words as Natasha continues her tortuous licking . Heat floods Y/N’s core faster than comments flood her phone.
“Then I suppose we should leave the decision to the followers!’ Natasha turns to the phone, “Should I I fuck her now, or keep teasing?”
Tugging at Natasha’s hair, she grinds lightly against her; desperate for any form of stimulation. Natasha picks the phone up and scrolls for a moment, tsksing.
“Poor bunny, your followers aren’t very loyal! This is going to be a very long video for you!” Naatasha chuckles, “Oh, here’s the most popular comment! They think you should keep grinding your pretty pussy against my thigh , but not be allowed to cum!”
Y/ whimpers at the culmination of crude words and disappointment.
‘But Mommy-”
“No buts! Gotta give the people what they want!”
Electricity shoots through Y/N as Natasha gently tugs her panties off, brushing the sensitive skin.
“Fucking soaked!” Natasha tsks, examining Y/N’s panties before throwing them to the side.
Natasha presses Y/N further into her legging-covered thigh.
“Get started, bunny,”
Moans slip from her lips as she juts her hips forward, dragging her pussy against Natasha
“Come on, you can do better than that!” Natasha voices, attempting to egg her on.
Y/N squeaks as Natasha grabs her hips, grinding her against her harder.
“You’re adorable,” 
Y/N’s heart raises as she moves her hips back and forth, painstakingly slow.
“Faster,” Natasha orders like she read her mind.
Y/N obeys,digging her fingernails into Natasha’s shoulder. Her thighs start aching from the effort. Her core tightens as her clit drags against Natasha’s leg. The material is rough but slick with slit under her. Every drag and thrust does nothing to soothe the fire in her core, it just makes it stronger. She jults her hips up desperately and discovers a hard bulge in Natasha’s pants. She’s wearing a strap. Y/N’s hole throbs with the need to be filled.
“Mommy please! Need you so bad! Please, Mommy!” Y/N begs, forgetting about the camera for a moment.
“What do y’all think? SHould I give her what she wants?” Natasha asks the camera. 
Y/N braces her head against Natasha’s shoulder and groans.
“You’re enjoying this way too much,” Y/N mumbles.
Natasha knees the flesh of Y/N’s ass and smirks.
“You look so beautiful, malishka. Let’s see if I get to fuck you yet,”
Natasha picks up the phone yet again and scrolls.
“Lucky bunny,” she smirks, “You get to ride my strap,”
Y/N almost cries at the words as Natasha pulls down the front of her leggings, a thick strap bouncing out.
“M-mommy! That’ll never fit like this!”
“I bet you can make it,” Natasha croons, thumb rubbing Y/N’s cheek.
Natasha never failed to choose long, thick straps despite her girlfriend’s smaller size. She loves watching how Y/N’s eyes glaze over and she cries when Natasha shoves the toy into her.
“No buts,” Natasha repeats firmly, “Hop on it, bunny,”
Y/N’s hands shake as she goes to line the strap up with her squeezing entrance, but Natasha stops her.
“It’d be selfish to not like the followers see such a pretty little pussy! Come on, bunny!”
Natasha grips Y/N’s hips and flips her against in one sweeping motion. She’s now facing the coffee table, her back to Natasha.
“Mommy, I wanna see you!” Y/N whimpers.
“I know, luvie. Be a good girl for Mommy and ride her strap,”
Natasha lines her strap up with Y/N’s entrance, but Y/N doesn’t move.
Natasha pinches her thigh and Y/N’s squeaks.
“Come one, luvie,” Natasha croons.
Y/N braces her hands on Natasha’s thighs as she slowly slides back onto the strap. Her entrance burns and she cries out as the thick strap stretches her. She gets almost a third of it in before she stops, tears burning her eyes.
“You’re only a third of the way there! I know you can do it, Bunny!”
“Mommy can’t!” Y/N babbles, a tear slipping down her hot cheek, “Too much!”
“Do you need some help, luvie?” Natasha croons.
Y/N nods, nails digging into Natasha’s legs. She whimpers as Natasha starts stroking her enlarged clit.
“I know, bunny,” Natasha soothes, “Your tiny baby pussy can hardly fit Mommy’s strap!”
Her other arm hooks around Y/N’s hips and slowly eases her down onto the strap. Y/N cries out at the unbelievable sense of fullness. She collapses back against Natasha, hissing at the shift. Her head lools against her shoulder. Natasha’s lips graze her ear.
“Come on, baby. Be a good girl and ride my strap. You look so pretty!”
Y/N lets out a mix between a huff, a sigh, and a whimper, but obeys. She can no longer hold her moans back as she lifts off Natasha’s lap, the strap sliding out a little, then back down. Her thighs burn as she repeats the movement. Wet, squelching sounds fill the room and Y/N blushes at the crude noise.She wants to touch Natasha so bad she can hardly stand it. Normally when they’re intimate, Y/N spends the whole time running her fingers all over Natasha’s body and holding her hands. She feels herself slipping deeper and deeper into subspace from the lake of comfort.
“Good girl,” Natasha purrs, “You look so pretty fucking youself on Mommy’s strap,”
She continues rubbing lazy circles on Y/N’s sensitive clit.
“Mommyyy, it hurts! Too big!” Y/N cries, her movements slowly.
“Aww, is Mommy’s fat strap too big for your little princess pussy?”
Y/N nods, not even processing the question.
“Then I guess I”ll have to stretch it out! Faster,”
Her leg cramps and everything aches as Y/N collapses against Natasha.
“Can’t, can’t,” she babbles, “Need help, Mommy,”
Y/N’s entrance throbs around the strap.
“Okay, luvie, shhh, it’s okay. Mommy’s gonna help her baby cum,” Natasha soothes, pushing strands of hair off her sticky forehead.
Natasha’s fingers leave Y/N’s clit, causing her to whimper softly. She calms as Natasha knits one hand together with hers, the other going to her hip.Natasha lifts her hips from the chair and starts thrusting up into Y/N. 
“Oh!” Y/N cries, oher mouth forming an o, her eyes wide with pleasure.
The new angle causes the strap to rub every ridge in Y/N perfectly. Her climax building and she writhes.
“You acted so fucking innocent, but you must have known it would end this way, calling me Mommy for the first time, and on camera for that matter!” Natasha voices mocking in her ear.
“Oh fuck Mommy feels so good too much!”
Y/N’s skirt was long ago pushed to her waist, and it rubs against her skin. If she wasn’t so lost in pleasure, Y/N would be petrified at the idea of everything on display for all her followers to see. But she doesn’t even remember the camera anymore.
“Rub that poor clit, bunny,” Natasha orders. Y/N wordlessly obeys, moaning at the sensation.
“I’m g-gonna- '' Y/N starts, but a moan interrupts her and Natsha starts thrusting faster.
“I know, bunny. Cum for Mommy,”
A scream rips from her lips as she obeys, as if her body was waiting for Natasha’s permission. Heat ripples through her as her climax causing her vision to go starry and black. The shred of her consciousness left hears her babbling and moans towards Natasha as she starts coming down. Natasha slows down slightly, but not much. Y/N’s hand falls lip on her clit, but Natasha replaces it with her own. Sensitivity spikes through Y/N, snapping her out of her post climax haze.
“T-too much!” Y/N voices breathlessly
“You can do it, luvie. Just one for time for Mommy<” Natasha purrs in her ear.
“Can’t can’t can’t can’t Mommy can’t!” Y/N chants as her next climax building, threatening to push her over that cliff yet again.
“Yes you can, baby. Just one more, then you’re all done,” Natasha croons.
“Mommy I feel funny,” Y/N squeaks as an odd feeling builds in her core. Not her approching orgasum, but something else.
“Just one more time,” Natasha repeats, panting slightly, “Be a good little bunny and cum one more time.
Babbles and please slip from Y/N’s tongue as her climax hits her like a height train. She feels some kind of hot liquid squirt from her body before blacking out completely.
When Y/N awakens, her whole body is warm and comfortable. Her eyelids flutter open and she finds herself wrapped in Natasha’s arms in their bed.
“Hi, pretty girl,'' Natasha chuckles softly into her ear, “You were out for a hot second,, luvie. How a feeling?”
A heavy sense of exhaustion and leftover bliss hangs over Y/N.
“Good,” Y/N mumbles into Natasha's chest. That’s all she can manage with how subby she still feels. Natasha knows how deep Y/N slipped into subspace.
“You did so good, baby. I’m so proud of you,”
Y/N’s dap hair is cold against her bare shoulder. Natasha must have put her in the bath.
“What happened?” Y/N asks.
“You squirted everywhere, maluska,” 
Y/N looks up from her spot nestled into Natasha.
“I what?” she asks.
Natasha smirks at her before pressing her back into her chest.
“Shhh baby. You did so good,”
Y/N gives up and sinks back into her, inhaling her scent.
“I love you, ‘Tasha,” she mumbles.
“I know you too, Y/N,” Natasha smiles, kissing her head.
They lay like that for a long time before Y/N bolts up, wincing at the pain shooting through her core.
“The camera-”
“Shhh, it’s okay,” Nasha laughs gently, pulling Y;N back down, “You’re famous, baby,”
Y/N blushes at what the video must hold, how desperate she was.
“M-Maybe we can…watch it later?” y?n suggests almost inaudibly.
Natasha’s soft laughter rings through the room.
“Maybe,” she smiles.
Y/N grabs her phone off the nightstand.
“Not right now, baby! You’re still too sensitive,” Natasha explains gently.
“I know!” Y/N responds, clicking the phone on.
Her eyes widen at the amount of notifications and text on her phone. And her number of followers.
“How did I get so many new followers?” she asks, scrolling down.
Her face blushes bright red when she sees the first video pop up, and her eyes linger on the number o
“One and a half milllion vie-”
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beah388love · 4 months
Reader is mad at Steve because hes always busy with his meetings so she accidentally makes Steve jealous by hanging out with Bucky, Steve doesn’t mind though until Y/N passes out tired in Buckys arms
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Never scare me like that again
18+ Minors DNI!!!
Full Masterlist Marvel Masterlist
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
Summary: Steve’s been accidentally ignoring you
Warnings: swearing,fainting,not eating,not sleeping,bad language!!!(please tell me if I missed any!!!)
(Thank you so much for this request nonnie! I love it! I couldn’t wait to write this 🧡💛)
Steve has had so many meetings and paperwork that’s he’s been accidentally ignoring you.
You know he’s got work so you try not to get upset by it but it does hurt a little..
Like when last week you made his favourite dinner and when he got back he didn’t even eat it let alone notice,
“Steve? Are you coming to bed?” You asked when you saw him at his desk with the lamp on.
He shook his head but didn’t even look up, you sighed as you went back upstairs to bed, crying yourself to sleep.
Because of the change of Steve’s and yours time schedules, you was around Bucky a lot more often and you guys slowly became closer friends overtime, eating lunch together,training together etc.
He was so funny and sarcastic, especially when Sam was there.
“Mornin y/n…tinman” Sam teased as he walked past you both and Bucky rolled his eyes with a groan.
“Whatever birdbrain” he replied and Sam chuckled
Thats when you saw Steve, you smiled at him but he didn’t even notice you.
You bit your lip back trying to not let it get to you.
Bucky tapped you on the back, “y/n? Did you hear me?” He asked and you went wide eyed. You didn’t even notice he was talking.
“Sorry what did you say?” You said and he chuckled
“I said are you gonna be at our film night tonight?” He asked and you smiled with a nod.
“I wouldn’t miss it! I love the teams film night” you exclaimed excitedly making Bucky laugh.
Catching Steve’s attention.
Steve looked up confused, and saw you and Bucky laughing together. He noticed you two had grown closer recently, Tony cut off his thoughts
“You jealous?” He asked smirking and Steve coughed
“Jealous? No.. bucky?…No” Steve said as he looked back down at the handful of papers in his hands, his watch ticking off to remind him of his next meeting.
“Ah! I forgot!” Steve groaned as he ran to the meeting room quickly.
You had been feeling shit.
You hadn’t slept.
You only eat breakfast when you was with Bucky in the morning, but other than that you just trained and watched films. Not speaking to Steve for a whole week.
Bucky noticed you hadn’t eaten lunch for the past four days, he didn’t know about dinner but he guessed you didn’t eat that either.
You looked exhausted and he always noticed the tear marks next to your eyes in the morning.
He didn’t know if he should ask if you and Steve were okay or not, he didn’t want to be nosy?
But he realised he didn’t care, he was worried about you and wanted to make sure your okay.
So before movie night, he saw you was in the kitchen with Nat, getting all the food,snacks,films ready.
“Hey uh- y/n? An I talk to you alone?” Bucky asked and you paused before nodding, leaving the kitchen with him.
“Yeah what is it buck?” You asked him with a confused smile.
“Look- I uh- don’t wanna be nosy or anything? But uh- I just wanted to ask if you and Steve were okay?” He asked hesitantly as he scratched the back of his neck.
You looked awful, makeup trying to hide your eye bags and tear stains.
“What? Yes we’re- fine! I’m fine!” you replied looking away from him.
You felt a wave of sickness? Dizziness?
You sucked in a deep breath holding onto the wall.
“Y/n? I didn’t want to- are you okay?!” Bucky asked panicked as he rushed over to you. Holding you up when your body went limp, you fainted.
Everything went black.
“Nat! Steve?!” Bucky yelled as he picked you up in his arms carrying you to the sofa laying you down gently.
“What’s wrong?!” Steve rushed in the room panicked
“It’s Y/n she just fainted?” Bucky replied as he looked at you worried.
“Fuck! Get Banner!” Steve said to Bucky in a panic ad he rushed over to you and grabbed a pillow and blanket for you.
You looked drained. How didn’t he notice?
Your eyes were dark, tear marks on the ends of your eyelids, your lips were a little bloody from biting them. Which you only ever did when you was anxious.
He ran his hand through his hair worried.
“I’m so sorry” he whispered to himself but it was more to you.
He realised he hasn’t even been around you for the past two weeks.
“Steve? Where is she?” Banner asked until he saw you on the sofa, after he checked you over “she’s fine cap, she’ll wake up soon” he said and Steve nodded not taking his eyes off of you.
You woke up to Steve next to you, “Y/n?” He said breathlessly when he looked down at you.
“What happened?” You asked as he ran his fingers through your hair, calming you.
“You fainted baby” he said and you remembered.
“Are you okay? You looked really tired? Was you crying?” Steve asked you softly and you looked away.
“And don’t lie to me” Steve said to you and thi sighed.
“You haven’t spoke to me for the past week! You barely even noticed me” you sighed sadly looking up to Steve and he felt like shit.
“I know and I’m sorry- I don’t mean to- I was worried- I just!” Steve ran his hand through his hair, disappointed with himself.
“Bucky told me you haven’t been eating, or sleeping- is it true?“ Steve asked you concerned and you nodded lightly as played with your hands anxiously.
“I’m sorry…I missed you so much, I thought you was gonna break up with me” you whimpered as you tried to stop your tears.
“Don’t say you’re sorry, it’s not your fault it’s mine. I’m sorry.” Steve said as he held you in his arms, rocking you both giving you an occasional kiss on the head.
“I- I’m so sorry baby, I had meetings and papers- that’s no excuse! I’m sorry baby. I promise to never do that to you again. I’m sorry for ignoring you baby..” Steve said into your ear softly and you nodded into his chest, your tears slowing.
“Oh shit- sorry-“ Bucky went wide eyed as he quickly ran out the room.
“Language!” Steve yelled as he ran away.
You and Steve laughed, “I didn’t like seeing you laugh with Bucky yesterday..I want to be the only one who makes you laugh.” Steve whined and you giggled.
“So jealous” you mumbled into his chest making him chuckle.
“Am not” he whined
“Are to” you giggled
He turns you over onto the sofa, ticking your sides making you scream a laugh.
“Stevie no!” You laughed making him grin.
He stopped when you was nearly crying if laughter as you squirmed.
“Just promise me something?” Steve asked you and you looked at him confused as you panted from laughing so hard.
“Never scare me like that again!” Steve grinned as he held your arms and gave you a deep passionate kiss, taking your breath away again.
“Wanna go watch the movie now?” Steve asked you with a smile, you gasped when you remembered it was today.
You jumped up grabbing his hand and ran to the livingroom.
“Slow down!” Steve laughed as you dragged him along.
You and Steve were cuddle up in the corner of the sofa, him stroking your hair comfortingly.
He had a plate of your favourite snacks,
He was passing them to you, making sure you eat after this past week.
He held one up to you but you didn’t take it.
“Y/n?” He whispered and when he looked down you was asleep.
Your face smushed against his chest.
He smiled giving you a little kiss on the temple, “I love you so much.” He whispered, he didn’t even watch the film, just stared down and admired you.
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real-jane · 1 year
new year, new steve
[steve rogers x f!reader]
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summary: a stranger kisses steve at a new year's party and it ignites something in him that he never lets himself have.
words: 4.5k
notes/warnings: smut, no use of y/n.
a/n: i'm back, baby! please enjoy one of the most unhinged things i've ever written. written especially for @fandoms-writings for her neon party! <3
The door banged against the wall. Steve turned around fast enough to see a panicked woman rush into the room and leap at him–arms akimbo, lips persistent… she kissed him. 
Steve loved kissing. He just didn’t do it very often. Not since his notoriety became a burden, and being attached to Captain America meant more attention than most women were willing to put up with when it came with questions like how’s it feel to suck America’s dick? shouted at you coming out of his apartment building. Natasha Romanov had never once seen an inkling of Steve’s private quarters, but she had come up with a ready answer for nosy paparazzo anyhow–“Patriotic. Now fuck off.” 
Steve liked women, but by nature of his role in the world, he never got within ten feet of a woman who might really know what the country’s preeminent ass looked like outta spandex or khakis.
But this woman clung to his lapels like his tux was made of crepe paper, and kissed him within an inch of his life, and… despite all his assertions to Nat that he wasn’t interested in dating, he sure slipped his fingers into the velvet of this woman’s dress like it was gonna melt in his palms.
“Shit–sorry, Cap–” a surprised man said behind them.
“We didn’t know!” another man piped up.
The woman pulled away enough that Steve could see her aghast expression, but his body shielded her from the view of the men. He cleared his throat, and nodded at her faintly, as if to say… I’ll take it from here.
“Now you know,” Steve said evenly. Lowly. It was the only way his voice would come out after being kissed like he was a CPR dummy in a high school health class. He turned around. 
“We were just talkin’--”
“I’d say she made it pretty clear she wasn’t interested. Or do you make a habit of ignoring basic social cues, such as–say–actively trying to get away from you? Because where I stand… that kinda behavior is about as low as a guy can get. Wouldn’t you agree?” Steve crossed his arms over his chest to keep his hands from shaking. The fury rising in him seemed to come from another time, another era of his life… when soldiers choked out excuses for pursuing the dancers from his USO act, when the suit he wore was sewn from what fabric could be scrapped together in the middle of a world war and not finely woven wool.
He knew the two men before him, but not well enough to have an established rapport. They were both SHIELD recruits from the Air Force who hadn’t been around long enough for Tony to coach the bravado out of them. 
“You’re still standing here, for what?” Steve asked. Neither men had moved an inch; instead, they were both flushed and at a loss for an explanation. The taller of the two looked angry, but not enough to test Steve’s patience. Which was for the best: when it came to bullies, Steve’s patience had been worn to the bone approximately eighty years prior. 
Steved nodded to the door. “You fellas are going home. Aren’t you?” It wasn’t optional.
The angrier man pressed his lips in a thin line and yanked his buddy out of the room by the elbow.
“Cap’s old lady–Jesus, Benny…” one of the men muttered to the other as they beat a hasty retreat back down the hallway, towards the lively sounds of the SHIELD New Year’s bash. The mahogany door shut forcefully, leaving Steve and his new acquaintance alone.
He turned back to the stranger who had kissed the life out of him, and she stepped back. Her hands rose to cover her mouth, and all the anger and frustration fled from his body.
“Shit–I’m sorry–”
“It’s okay,” he said quickly.
“No, I just… they were bothering me and I couldn’t find my sister, and I didn’t realize this place dead-ended back here… you’re–oh my god. I’m so sorry.”
Steve couldn’t help but smile as she dissolved into embarrassment. “No, don’t be. Not every day a lady kisses me for no reason. Well, I suppose you had one–but it doesn’t happen much. These days. So. Happy New Year to me.” He rocked back on his heels and stuffed his hands in his pockets to pretend nonchalance. The woman wasn’t someone he recognized from the roster of agents he worked with, but… she was beautiful. And so very soft and good at kissing. Too good, maybe. Was he even any good at it anymore? Steve didn’t know. 
“Not every day Captain America comes to my rescue, so.”
“I got carried away,” he cringed.
“Agree to disagree. Should’ve heard the shit they were saying out there.”
Steve thumbed at the door. “I can drag ‘em back here for another round–”
“Don’t waste your time. I think the tall guy pissed himself. I’m satisfied.”
Steve covered a smile with a light cough into his fist. 
“You’re hiding in here,” she said softly, less a judgment than an observation. 
Steve toed the ground. “I’m not a party guy. If this wasn’t the penthouse, I probably would’ve crawled out the window.”
“No… but you’re The Guy–”
“Yeah, well,” he sighed. “Hate being looked at.”
“Hate it,” she echoed with a gentle nod. “Looking at you is torture.”
He chuckled. “Sorry to offend, ma’am. Won’t happen again.”
“Nice lips, though.” 
They smiled at one another as if neither was really sure if the other was serious, or if they ought to play it off as a silly mistake. Instead… Steve spied a sideboard with a carafe of some kind of liquor and a set of crystal tumblers. He nodded to it and raised an eyebrow in silent offering. 
“A double?” she asked.
“How about I pour and you tell me when to stop,” he said, pulling the cork from the bottle. 
“Pour it the length of the kiss.”
He peered at her over his shoulder in surprise and something like… amusement, at her candor. But she was sheepish, and just as uncomfortable with reveling in something done in haste. She twisted her hands. Rather than prolong her torture (or his), he handed her over a glass (with a matching amount of whiskey to his own), and clinked them together.
“I know.” She sipped the whiskey and studied him over the rim of the glass.
“It is customary to provide your name in exchange, I believe.” He leaned against the large desk which occupied most of the center of the room.
“Everybody knows you.”
“Your sister works for SHIELD?” he pressed.
She sat in the chair at his knee, crossing her own, which allowed her hem to creep up her leg. Steve definitely didn’t choke on whiskey over a peek of ink on her thigh. 
“We’re not related. Just—my friend didn’t want to come alone so it was the only way to get me on the list. We don’t even look alike, but it worked.”
“These events are a minefield, especially solo. As our two friends demonstrated.”
“No date?”
Steve shook his head. “Not a lot of women lining up to do the song and dance.”
“Which is…?”
“Shaking hands. Kissing babies.”
“Being good enough for Captain America,” she murmured. Her brow furrowed as she studied him. 
“I’m just a guy,” he chuckled. “Put my pants on one leg at a time.”
“Huh. Who’d have thought? I can’t get a bite on any dating app because I don’t hike or take soul-searching trips for enlightenment, and Steve Rogers can’t get a date because he’s too famous.”
“Pathetic,” he said, but it made her throw her head back and laugh warmly. He felt his cheeks flush.
“I’m hungry,” she said, “want to brave the buffet line for some scraps?”
“There’s a new food truck set to arrive every hour on the hour, so. Probably still more than enough for two.”
“Can you bear being seen with me?” 
His head snapped up again at the thought of making her worry, but her face was sanguine. “Be my date?” He countered.
The pleased moue of her lips said it all. Except— “don’t usually kiss a guy until the third date.”
“All the more reason.”
“And… then what?”
Steve shrugged and cleared his throat. “I don’t know.”
“Hmm. Okay.”
“You might want to, um. Adjust yourself. First.”
“I was really hoping you wouldn’t notice,” Steve cringed. His dick was straining in his briefs like he was fresh outta cryosleep seeing a woman for the first time in eighty years.
“I mean. If you wanna walk out into that party like that—“
“No, that’s good, keep it up; the embarrassment will make it go down,” he said, turning his back to her in mortification.
“I’m sorry,” she said quickly, “I’m nervous.”
“You, sweetheart?” Steve huffed, downing the rest of his whiskey. “You got me on the verge of making a fool of myself. I don’t know your name, but my dignity just doesn’t seem to care.”
“You must think I’m desperate,” she said softly. 
Steve shook his head. “Such a thought from me at this moment might be hypocritical.”
Her mouth twisted like she was trying not to laugh, but she looked mortified.
“I’m gonna go. Out there. I’ll meet you. Um. You’re—I haven’t had enough booze to be saying this. You’re uh, a good kisser, Steve Rogers.”
“Love to do it again sometime,” he murmured, once he was alone in the room again. Still didn’t know her name, but he sure as hell was going to follow her to figure it out. Once his trigger-happy awareness cooled down. As long as he didn’t dwell on how good it felt to grasp her waist, to feel her surprised huff of a breath against his mouth when he returned her first kiss, or how good she smelled, or the curve of her calf when she crossed her legs, or… or… or anything. Think of this nameless succubus like an amorphous blob, and not like someone who seemed to map herself to his chest like she was as tailor-made to fit him as his suit.
Which… Steve didn’t remember the last time he let himself indulge in a woman. Maybe he was starved for touch, or some such thing. Regardless, he had to get out of that office, and she was a pretty enticing reason to do so. And everyone at that party had signed an NDA at the door, so he could let himself loose a little. Maybe undo the top button of his shirt. Go wild.
He downed the rest of his drink and hastened out of the haven of Tony’s office.
The hallway was blessedly deserted. Twenty strides to the mouth of the beast, and leaning against the wall on the verge of being swallowed by the throng… a familiar woman waited. He admired her figure, the way she was soft and soft and soft, and–Steve sighed. At that rate, he’d walk into a crowd with dick a-waving, and all for this woman whose name he didn’t know. He calmed his breathing and stepped up beside her. Without peering at her, he brushed his knuckles against the hand which hung at her side. She jumped, and then looped her fingertips with his. Loosely, so he’d have to be diligent about staying beside her if he wanted to keep holding on to her. 
Steve couldn’t think of many things he wanted more than that. 
Someone did catch his eye from across the room, and Steve couldn’t stop what followed. 
“Enjoying the party, Rogers?” Tony patted his shoulder harder than necessary and smiled too brightly at the woman on his arm.
“You know I love your parties.”
“He’s a terrible liar,” Tony mock-whispered to the woman.
“One of his better qualities, I think,” she replied with a tone that made Steve squeeze her fingers to… what, warn her? Stop saying nice things about me, it’s torture! She squeezed back. “I heard talk of a Cubano truck. I hope you aren’t going to let me down, Mr. Stark.”
“Cubanos await you in the front drive, along with just about any cuisine you can think of, other than the pierogis. Gone in ten minutes! I blame Banner. ‘M Tony, by the way,” he said, offering a hand. 
“I know,” she laughed, shaking his hand.
“And you are?”
“You gotta earn it. C’mon, Rogers.” She tugged Steve towards the elevator.
Once they were alone in the lift, Steve wiggled his fingers further into her grasp. She looked up at him. “I haven’t earned it, huh?” he murmured.
“Oh you have. I just like to see you squirm.” Her eyes glinted in amusement. 
Steve straightened so he loomed over her, but she lifted her chin defiantly. And then she leaned against the corner of the lift, and pulled his hand until he shadowed her from the ambient elevator lighting. But it was Steve who felt cornered. By the sweet smile on her lips, and the tug of the plush pink softness between her teeth as she watched the wheels turn in his head, and by his own desperate desire to hold a woman again, to be touched and teased–they were sharing air when he came to, a breath passing between them like it was the last air on earth, and he studied her irises… how her pupils dilated, and slyness dropped from her expression to reveal something like curiosity. She tilted her head as if to say ‘what’s wrong?’ Steve shook his head on floor fifteen, and leaned in on fourteen, and kissed her on thirteen. And twelve. And on down, but never once letting his hands do more than squeeze hers. She was peachy, and sweet like the whiskey they had shared.
She gasped when he ground himself against her, and raised their joined hands to her sides. She arched into the warmth of his fingers. Nipples pebbled. Steve couldn’t decide whether to map her body with his hands or his lips, so he chose both–nipping at the soft skin of her neck and teasing one strap of her dress over the curve of her shoulder until it slid of its own volition. God love a woman, he thought. This one, with her breast exposed to the chilled air and heat of his breath. He wouldn’t let goosebumps go unkissed, or nipples for that matter. The moan at the back of her throat when he fastened his lips around her nipple was his triumph. How much more could he find victory in her pleasure? Was there a limit to such things?
“Kiss me again?” she pleaded. Steve cupped her cheeks like an apology. The drag of her tongue against the seam of his mouth had him cursing inwardly, in language he’d never let himself utter out loud. He wanted to fuck her, but if all he could do for her was kiss her sweet mouth, that might be enough. He’d wrap a hand around his dick driving home, he could take care of himself and not put that pressure on her. She didn’t have to do a thing more than kiss him, but he wanted her to. If she wanted to. If she wanted him, too.
She smiled against his lips when the elevator dinged at their destination. Steve groaned. 
“I–there’s no excuse, I’m so sorry,” he began, but she stopped his words with gentle fingers over his lips.
“Please tell me you’re not drunk,” she whispered, straightening her dress to conceal her body, much to his chagrin.
He chuckled. “Only drink I've had tonight I shared with you, sweetheart.”
“Not one woman in your life?”
Steve shook his head. His answer seemed to satisfy her greatly, if her grin was any indication. She pulled him through the lobby, but on the front drive (despite the fact that the sidewalk was choc-full of agents and party-goers making food selections from a cadre of trucks and mingling), Steve looped her hand through his arm and made a choice. 
She kept stride with him. Away from the party, through the lot, to the over-fancy car Natasha had talked him into buying. She leaned against the passenger door, preventing him from opening it. 
“What do you want?” she whispered. “Hm?” Steve looked down at his shoes sheepishly, but she touched his cheek. “You don’t need to be embarrassed, I–I hope it’s obvious that I want you, Steve. We could go to mine. Nobody even has to know, honestly. I won’t tell. I mean, I’ll tell myself sometimes, but I won’t believe me.”
He chuckled, and then shook his head. “We’ll go to my place.”
Her eyebrows shot up. “Yeah?”
“Yes. What about your friend?”
“I’ll text her.” She whipped a phone from god-knows-where and shot off a quick text. When she looked up at him again, she was flushed. “I don’t do this–”
“Me neither.”
“You don’t even know my name.”
“About that…” Steve levels his eyes with hers. “I gotta know what name I’m supposed to use.”
“Oh? You a talker?”
“A woman gives me the honor of touching her, I’ve got an obligation to a little veneration.”
“Only if you give me your name,” Steve murmured against her neck, making her shiver. 
“Then you’ll fuck me?”
“I’ll fuck you.” 
“Cap’s got a dirty mouth, huh?”
Steve cringed. “Please–if you wanna fuck Captain America, then I can’t do this–”
“No, no.” She grasped his lapels so he wouldn’t step away. “It’s not like that. You’re Steve to me. Okay? I’m sorry.”
“No, I’m–shit, sweetheart. People are going to give you so much guff.”
“Who’s ‘people’?”
“Anybody who knows. I don’t wanna hide you, but you gotta know that. There’s usually a paparazzo outside my apartment, and we’re just asking for a billion stories about ‘Cap’s New Girlfriend’, blah blah blah. You’ll have people dogging you about it–”
Steve blinked. She smiled at him softly.
“You done thinking of reasons why I shouldn’t want you? Because I’m feeling a little jerked around, here–”
“‘M done,” he said. “I just. Want you to know.” She sought the buttons of his coat and undid them so she could snake her hands inside. Steve stepped into the embrace. 
“I’ve seen what you do to bullies, Rogers. I’m not afraid.”
Steve opened the back passenger door and kept eye contact with her as he slid inside. It took her a split second to follow. The moment the door shut behind her, he hit the lock and tossed the keys somewhere and pulled her to straddle him. She nipped his ear lobe and then whispered her name in his ear. Steve rolled the letters around on his tongue and found it most satisfying to see the way her eyes fluttered as he repeated it back to her. And again when he pressed her hips to his.
“N-nice car.”
“I just bought it,” he muttered.
“Happy to help you christen it.”
“Panties off.”
He regretted that it was too dark to see the color of the panties that she shimmied to the floor, but he had every intention of offering her his laundry if they ever made it to his place, so he was confident he’d get to enjoy them on and off her body more than once, god willing. Steve forgot what it was like to slip his fingers between a woman’s thighs and find her wet, and warm–he cursed himself for depriving himself of such things as this beautiful woman shuddered at his touch. Her bundle of nerves swelled as he worried it with gentle circles, and he was in heaven.
“You’re so beautiful, sweetheart. So wet–I’d have no problem working my dick into you and I’ve barely touched you.”
“Kissing–god, kissing makes me so fucking wet,” she breathed. “And you did suck on my nipple in the elevator. You an exhibitionist, Rogers?”
“Maybe I am. Should I roll down the windows so everybody can see you come?”
“I want your fingers. Finger me.”
“I don’t know, you didn’t answer my question.”
“Ugh–crack the windows.”
“You want them to see you.”
“I want you to make me come so hard that I might give us away.”
“Fucking hell, woman.” Steve unzipped his pants in haste. “Roll them down how much you want them, then I’ll make you come.”
As she leaned over to the passenger side window, Steve rucked her skirt up over her hips and moved behind her so her face was inches from the glass. “What’s wrong?” he asked, but his hands made quick work of touching her exactly how he had been dying to since she first kissed him. He sank one finger into her heat as she depressed the window a few inches. 
“Someone might see,” she moaned breathlessly, sitting back to fuck herself on his meaty finger. 
“I hope they do. You’re a goddess.” He stroked her until she was turned on enough to take a second finger, and then he poised her to take them–but only if she sat on them. She worked herself down slowly, head thrown back. Her mouth was open but all coherent words fled from her tongue. Steve yanked her straps off and exposed her breasts. “Fuck, you’re so beautiful.”
“Fuck me, please, please–”
“Soak my hand, sweetheart.” He pushed her shoulders so she had to brace herself on the door. He thrust his fingers into her pussy, taking great care not to touch her clit to prolong her climax. She whined.
“Ruin my suit. Come on. You’re squeezing me like a vice, I know you wanna come.”
“Can’t, can’t.”
“Listen to me. You can.”
“Touch my clit.”
“What do you say?”
“Please?” she breathed.
Steve crowded behind her, pushing his hips against his hand to fuck her harder into his fingers, and then he found the swollen clit again, begging to be touched. Her orgasm hit like a wave; her head fell back against his shoulder, and she keened. Loud enough to be heard from outside, and like it came from guttural pleasure. Steve reveled in the rush of cum which flooded his hand and soaked his cuff. He pressed the window button down again, releasing the glass a few more inches. Their position was shielded by a cadre of SUV’s, but if someone came for the black car beside them, they’d see her tits flushed with a sheen of sweat while she heaved with breaths of relief. Steve flicked her nipple with his free hand and she jolted, but she grinned up at him. 
“Too tired to take my dick?” he growled in her ear. She shook her head.
“Wanna see you,” she said. 
Steve helped her turn to face him, not bothering to wipe his hand or bother with any such thing. How could he think of such things when her soft hands had crept inside his waistband to cup him through his briefs? He rolled his hips as she stroked him through the fabric.
“You’re beautiful.” She bit her lip. “I need you.” She pushed him until he sat back against the seat, and tapped his hip so he’d lift up enough to let her strip his pants down to his ankles. For just a moment, Steve floated out of his body to watch from above as the gorgeous woman who had just come all over his fingers released his dick from his underwear and rubbed his tip between her folds. How lucky–the thought dissipated. She sank down, taking him slowly to savor the stretch. 
Steve blanched. “Fuck–condom–”
“Don’t need it. Birth control.” She rolled her hips and Steve saw stars. It occurred to him how long it had been since he’d felt a woman’s warmth around his dick, but this one was velvet and he didn’t care if he never fucked another woman again. But maybe he could fuck this woman a few more times. Or a lot more. 
“Oh my god, don’t… I’ll come too fast–”
“My bad,” she giggled. She fully seated herself over him and clasped her hands behind his neck with an innocent smile. “Wouldn’t want you to come, would we?” Steve glared at her.
“You think you’re so cute,” he grumbled, nipping her bottom lip.
“Big talk, I can feel you twitching inside me like you wanna come right this second.”
“Keep it up and I might not let you outta my bed for a week.”
She contracted her inner muscles and Steve bit his lip. “You asked for it. Gonna have to fuck that sass right out of you.”
“You can try, big guy.” She rolled her hips and impaled herself on him, riding him hard. She didn’t seem to care if all the world heard them, or saw her, or if he came in three seconds–and for his part, Steve didn’t see a downside. He curled his fingers into her hips and gave her back as good as she gave him. It was fucking, most certainly, but it also felt like time had ceased to tick since he felt her lips touch his for the first time. Maybe the new year wouldn’t come until he did, he thought, but boy if he wasn’t on the verge.
“It’s okay,” she whispered, slowly canting her hips. “You’re allowed to give in.”
“Am I?” His eyes searched her soft gaze, and she nodded. “I don’t get these things, sweetheart.”
“Says who? Who’s been lying to you? You don’t get to be fucked silly in the back of a car like a teenager?” She smiled. “You of all people.”
“Is that what you’re doing?” Steve touched her cheek, almost like he didn’t mean to, but he felt suddenly bashful.
“I’m gonna fuck every doubt outta your head.”
She made good on that promise. When he came, he saw pure light behind his eyelids, like heat through his eyelids on a sunny morning. With every contraction of her inner muscles, he thrust up into her, even though he had nothing left to give. Her second orgasm was his final triumph. Her nails clasped his shoulders, and she moaned into his mouth, and Steve rubbed her clit until she couldn’t take any more. When her fingers found his wrist to pull his hand away, she linked their fingers. They breathed the same air again, foreheads pressed together, and both of them smiled.
“What am I going to tell the dry cleaner?” he murmured.
She laughed, head thrown back in delight. She rolled the window back up and kissed him sweetly. Nobody saw them, that they knew of, and nobody could hear them over the countdown to the New Year, but that didn’t mean that it wasn’t the sexiest moment of his very long life.
Some days or weeks later, when time began to tick again, Steve emerged from his apartment one morning with a woman on his arm. They both wore sunglasses, and they didn’t shy away from smiling at one another like they shared a secret. As promised, there was a paparazzo waiting with indiscreet flashes and even raunchier questions for the woman, but she paused to pose with Steve so the man could get a good photo of them. Then, she dragged her glasses down her nose.
“America can fight me for his dick,” she said brightly to the reporter. Steve shook his head, but he laughed and followed his girlfriend to the car. Try as he might, he just couldn’t fuck the sass out of her.
Sure was fun trying, though.
thanks for reading!
my masterlist - my marvel masterlist
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ironstrange1991 · 1 year
As Strange As It Seems (Final Part)
+18 Smut
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Pairing: Supreme!Strange, Defender!Strange, Doctor!Strange x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: Y/n tries to navigate the constant quarrels between the Stephens and Supreme decides to impress her with a night she will never forget.
Word Count: 10k
Warnings: Polyamorous relationship dinamics, slight toxic behavior. SMUT: Male domination, narcissistic behavior, exhibitionism, male and female masturbation, oral sex with female receiving, choking, umprotected p in v sex, creampie.
A/N: This chapter got really long, but I didn't want to split it up because I think it only makes sense like this. I'm also sure that the end of this series doesn't mean that we won't have more fics with this reader and the three Stephens because I'm already writing at least three more fics with them. Anyway, have a nice reading ;)
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"It's good to know I can count on you, Strange." Tony Stark said staring through his office panoramic window at the Avengers Tower. "I would have made a similar deal with the others if they were less arrogant."
Stephen chuckled "A problem of all Stephens I’m afraid and I'm definitely not an exception. However, I need to make a living here and you need my help. I don't see why we can't work together."
Stark nodded, taking his seat again and clasping his hands together "Exactly. I'm sorry if I sound nosy, but how do you guys deal with all this? I mean, I wouldn't want to meet another me." He said pointing dramatically to himself chuckling and Stephen caught himself thinking about how the Stark he'd known in his universe was different from that one. The two were physically identical, but the Stark who had worked with Stephen at the Baxter Institute was a bitter man and Stephen could not remember ever seeing him smile. Apparently whatever humor or joy the man had died along with his wife and daughter long before Stephen knew him.
"It's not a pleasant feeling, I can assure you Stark, but I'm grateful to have found a place to call home in this universe. It's more than I could have dreamed of after everything that's happened in my world."
Stark gave a condescending smile "Once again, I'm sorry for your loss."
Stephen sighed getting up "Anyway, I'll need an advance payment. If it’s not a problem for you." He smirked "I have a girl to impress."
Stark nodded raising an eyebrown "Of course. I assume you have a bank account..."
Stephen moved his fingers quickly conjuring a business card and then grabbed a pen from the table and scribbled some numbers on it. "You can deposit here."
Stark agreed "I guarantee you won't be disappointed with the amount." He said extending his hand.
Stephen smiled openly shaking his hand. "Nice doing business with you, Stark."
It was Sunday morning and you had just woken up. You patted around the mattress looking for Defender, but he was no longer there. You stretched and let out a small yawn and got up.
The morning was particularly hot, so you showered, brushed your teeth, and left your room. You were reaching the top of the stairs when you heard raised voices coming from below and you hurried down the steps. When you got there you found Stephen and Defender confronting Supreme.
"We don't accept Stark’s money." Stephen practically shouted the words to which Supreme replied in the same tone.
"Yeah, and why is that?"
"Because we have dignity. We don't work for him, and neither should you." Defender pointed.
You stood watching everything from a distance, knowing full well that you shouldn’t intrude.
"Dignity? I've never worked a day in my life without getting paid for it and I'm not going to start doing it now. I don't care if it’s the government or a billionaire who will pay me. I'm going to work for that money and with that I intend to save some lives. It's a good deal."
Stephen chuckled nervously, both hands on his hips "You certainly don't expect us to believe you're interested in saving lives, right? If that were the case, you should have started saving the lives of the people in your universe."
You felt those words. And you knew that Supreme had felt them a lot more. He clenched his fists "You shouldn’t talk about things you know nothing about, Strange."
"Doctor..." Defender called trying to calm Stephen.
"No, Defender, he's right. We don't know, do we?" Stephen answered and then turned back to Supreme "Why don't you tell us? What happened to your universe, Supreme? What happened to your fucking fingers?"
You knew you shouldn't interfere, but when you saw it, you were already between the two Stephens, right in the eye of the hurricane. Both your hands pressed against Supreme's chest who threatened to go for Stephen.
"Stop it. Now!" You yelled at them. "What the fuck do you think you're doing fighting like that?"
Supreme took a step back, but pointed his finger at Stephen’s face. When he spoke again his voice was slightly lower but sounded even more dangerous. "You are not going to talk about my universe or my fingers ever again, or I'm going to fucking kill you."
You stared at him totally suprised by his words, but didn't say anything. Stephen didn't answer either. Defender watched the scene, but didn't interfere again.
Supreme glanced at you. "I'm going to work for this money. It's mine and I'm going to earn it. That's dignity."
He left the room and slammed the front door leaving the Sanctum.
After what happened, you wondered how it was possible to make that deal work. It was clearly different this time. You didn't have answers to that question, you just had to move forward and force things to work out one way or another. What was the other option? You wouldn't give up any of them. It was irrational, but you loved all three of them equally, even though you had so little time with Supreme.
A week had passed since the argument between them and it was Sunday again. You woke up long before the sun came up. Defender was sleeping in his stomach, his face turned towards you. One arm under the pillow, his hair covering his face. You smiled to yourself and gently brush his hair back so you could actually see his face. God, Stephen was so handsome. When they slept, they looked so peaceful, their faces relaxed and there was no sign of worry.
You sighed still admiring him, then got up slowly being careful not to wake him up. You put on your night gown and went downstairs deciding there was no point in trying to sleep. There was so much on your mind, but one specific thing was killing you: You missed talking to Supreme. Since the night you first kissed, you haven't had any time together. He had worked all week.
The day before he had come home with blood in his robes and cuts on his face and you didn't even know what had happened to him and you worried about him as much as you worried about Stephen and Defender except that when it was one of your Stephens that came home injuried you could take care of them and last night you couldn't take care of Supreme and it broke your heart.
You were completely lost in your own thoughts when you heard footsteps coming from the hallway. Stephen was walking straight through the living room when he noticed you sitting in the armchair.
"Sweetheart?" He walked towards you "Why are you awake?"
You smiled "I lost sleep." You took his hand. "You apparently didn't even sleep."
He smirked "Actually I slept for about two hours."
"Wow. Must be some kind of record."
"I sleep better when you're in bed with me." He admitted pulling you to your feet and then sat down on the couch and made you sit on his lap. He caressed your hair in silence for a few seconds then exhaled heavily. "I was think about you."
You smiled "What were you thinking about?"
"That I owe you an apology."
You glanced at him wrapping your arm around his neck. "Why?"
"For that ridiculous scene with Supreme last week."
You did not answer.
"I know I've said more than I should, but he surely deserved..."
"Why is it so absurd for him to work with Tony? Tony needs all the help he can get and you and Defender aren't exactly helpful when he asks for help."
Stephen stared at you in disbelief "I help the Avengers as much as I can."
"I know, but is it really so bad that Supreme works with him? I can think of at least two reasons why that would be a good thing."
Stephen sighed "And what would they be?"
You rested your forehead on his. "He will help the Avengers save innocent people and with that you and Defender will have more free time for me."
Stephen smiled "Well..."
"And he will feel better having a role in this world. This was important for Defender, It’s important for Supreme as well."
Stephen nodded "I think you're right, as usual. Anyway, I'm sorry sweetheart. It was an unpleasant scene."
You kissed his lips softly "It's not me you should apologize to, Stephen. You said absurd things to him."
Stephen rolled his lips "I'm not going to apologize for what I said."
You sighed. "Stephen, how can our agreement work if you guys keep fighting like this?"
He did not answer.
"I'm walking on eggshells here, afraid to upset you, afraid to upset Defender, but it's been over a week since Supreme and I have talked and we've even had time to spend together."
Stephen smirked "So you and him didn’t..."
"How could we? Not exactly complaining, but you and Defender have been taking up all my time."
He smirked "That was the idea. I want him to know you're ours."
"He knows that. You don't have to give me hickeys for that, Stephen. But as far as I'm concerned, I'm his too, isn't that right?"
Stephen sighed "Yeah, I think so."
You cupped his face making him look at you "You will always be my Stephen. My first Stephen. You know me better than any of them. No need to be jealous."
"Don't ask me not to be jealous of you, sweetheart. This is something I can't control."
You kissed his lips deeply.
"But you need to control your temper and stop arguing with Supreme all the time."
He opened his mouth to respond, but you cut him off "Don't worry, I'll tell him the same thing."
Stephen nodded letting out a heavy sigh. "I'll try."
You smiled and pinched his cheek teasingly "Good boy."
"That's not what you call me when I'm fucking you." He teased with a raised eyebrown.
You opened your mouth to respond, but he kissed you instead, his tongue dominating yours as usual. You moaned into his lips and he hummed satisfied.
You were cuddling on the couch long enough for the sun to come up and you didn't realize you had dozed off in his arms until you woke up hearing voices in the living room. Stephen had also slept and you found yourself admiring him just as you did hours ago with Defender. They were so beautiful that looking at them like that took your breath away.
The voices of Supreme and Defender talking brought you out of your contemplation state and you rubbed your hands over your face trying to ward off sleep. The voices drifted towards the kitchen and you found yourself smiling as you noticed they were talking instead of fighting.
You adjusted yourself in Stephen's arms and went back to laying your head against his chest trying to pay attention to what the two were saying. Something related to a car, but you couldn't hear everything.
Maybe things could work out after all.
"So how are things at home now that Supreme has moved back to the Sanctum?" Natasha asked sipping her coffee.
Nat and Yelena had invited you to a coffee shop after work and you had agreed, eager to chat and being able to distracted yourself from your problems. The day had been tiring and although you had managed to escape earlier, it was still 4pm, you could feel the tiredness getting the best of you.
"I didn't know he was back" Yelena said in surprise "Didn't you say that the Stephens had banished him to the Kamar Taj?"
You nodded looking around at the cars rushing down the street. The day was particularly hot so you decided to sit at one of the tables set out on the sidewalk. "He came back two weeks ago and I'm happy to have him back."
"Do you think the other Stephens are happy too?" Natasha glanced at you through her eyelashes already knowing what your answer would be.
"They fight, a lot, but little by little I'm seeing that they are starting to understand each other better and I am hopeful that everything will be okay between them." You answered sipping your coffee again. It was bitter than you would prefer, but somehow it fitted your humor.
Nat and Yelena shared a suspicious look but said nothing.
"I hear he's working with Tony now." You said pretending you didn’t notice anything. "How exactly does this work?"
Natasha frowned "He didn't tell you?"
You shook your head "We haven't had a lot of alone time the last few days. I'm trying to fix this, but he's been working most of the time, so..."
"So you guys are together like really together?" Nat questioned to which you nodded with a shy smile.
"Damn girl, you're so greedy. Three Stephens?!" Yelena pointed out.
Voce let out a small chuckle. "It's not my fault, I can't help it."
Yelena rested her chin on her hand answering your question "He's an ass, but he's been really helpful, unlike your other boyfriends."
"Stephen and Defender help when they can. They have more to do than help the Avengers."
Nat rolled her lips "That's why Tony offered Supreme an exorbitant amount and he accepted. Clearly he's different from the others. He's been working as a sort of magical consultant."
"Why does Tony need a magical consultant?"
It was Yelena who replied "Since Thanos, Tony has been obsessed with the idea of ​​protecting the world against possible magical threats and Supreme provides him ideas and power to do so."
 "I guess it's a good thing after all. We need a sorcerer." Nat completed. "I just wish we'd gotten the least intolerable of them, if such a thing exists between Stephens Stranges." She said with a smirk clearly teasing you.
"Defender is the Stephen you wanted" You stated. "Unfortunately, Wong keeps him at the Kamar Taj most of the time."
"That's what I heard." Nat said.
You sighed. "Anyway, Stephen wasn't happy to find out that Supreme was working with Tony, but I managed to calm them down." You looked inside your empty cup "It seems my role now is to be a conciliatory force between them. It can be very tiring.”
"That bad?" Yelena asked sympathetic.
"They love you" Nat said trying to comfort you and reaching out to take your hand in hers. "And you love them. It's not a common situation but if you're finding a way to make this work you should be proud."
You forced yourself to smile "You think so?'
Nat nodded and Yelena opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by the sound of a car approaching very fast. The black Lamborghini parked right in front of the table you girls were sat at blocking your entire view and Supreme got out of the car slamming the door and coming towards you.
He was wearing black trousers and a navy blue button up shirt, the sleeves purposefully pulled up to his elbows, exposing his veined forearms. Hair carefully combed to the side, sunglasses on.
You were almost drooling when he walked over taking off his sunglasses and hanging them on the collar of his shirt.
"Hello girls" He greeted and then bent down to place a kiss on your lips. "I went to the office, but they told me you had already left."
"How did you know I was here?" You asked still stunned by his glorious presence.
He smirked "Simple tracking spell."
"Creepy" Nat replied, causing his smirk to turn into that beautiful open smile that you loved.
You just nodded, still staring and trying to convince yourself how a man could be so handsome.
"I came to evite you to dinner tonight. I made reservations at the best restaurant in town and" He waved his hands in an exaggerated gesture and a long black velvet box appeared in the air. He gave it to you. "I bought this for you, I want you to wear it tonight. Maybe with something…blue?"
You opened the box to find a necklace of diamonds and sapphires. Your mouth fell open.
Nat and Yelena exchanged glances but remained silent.
"So?" He pressed.
You looked at him still with your mouth open "Stephen this is beautiful… and terribly expensive."
His smile widened even more like somehow he understood what you said as a compliment. "You liked it then."
You nodded "Yes, yes of course." You were speechless.
Although you had a comfortable life with Stephen and Defender, you weren't used to that level of luxury. Stephen always provided for you, but money was always tight and he was always extremely proud. Both were. A jewel like that was something you never dreamed of getting in your life.
"Dinner then, 7pm" He confirmed to you and you just nodded again.
He grabbed your chin and kissed you, this time with more tongue and saliva, definitely an inappropriate kiss for where you were, even more so when you knew all eyes were on you. But Stephen seemed to like it.
"See you tonight, honey." He said pulling away and putting his sunglasses back on. "See you at work, girls." He said waving goodbye at Nat and Yelena and then got in his car and screeched away.
"And you still wonder why the other Stephens don't like him?!" Yelena said.
"He can be annoying, but we can't deny that wealth has suited him very well" Natasha completed.
You were in your own room at the Sanctum, sitting at the vanity table finishing up your makeup. You had chosen a blue dress that you had bought to wear at one of Tony's parties, but ended up not wearing on the occasion because the night was too cold for a dress completely open in the back. It was long with a slit that went up to thigh height. You chose black stilettos to complete the look and simple makeup. You weren't a fan of heavy makeup, usually you prepared your skin well and finished it off with eyeliner, blush and lipstick. You rarely wore eyeshadow.
You had your hair up in a neat bun and were putting on your earrings when you heard a soft knock on the door.
"Come in"
Defender entered and approached stopping right behind you. "You're going out...with Supreme I presume."
You turned to look at him. "He invited me to dinner and I accepted."
He tried to smile, but you could see in his face that the idea didn't sit well with him.
"I know I need to learn to share you, but now I understand how difficult it was for Stephen when we had our first date."
You got up and cupped his face "He said it was the hardest thing he had ever done in his life and I always feel so guilty for breaking your hearts like that."
He held your hand to his face "You are a remarkable woman, any Stephen who has the opportunity to take you on a date is a lucky man."
"And I am the luckiest woman ever." You kissed him softly and then turned around and opened the drawer taking the gift Supreme gave you. You opened the box and took the necklace.
"Allow me" Stephen said holding out his hand. You placed the necklace in his hands and watched through the mirror the admiring way he looked at the jewel. He didn't say anything though, just wrapped his arms around your shoulders and closed the jewel with some difficulty.
You turned back to him.
"You look beautiful."
You smiled and held his hand tight in yours. "I love you, Defender Strange."
He cupped your face "And I love you, baby." He kissed you softly one more time and then tried his best to smile. "Now, enjoy your evening."
Supreme drove very fast. Much faster than you would expect for someone who has been traumatized by a car accident.
You found yourself admiring the car's interior, but what you liked most was the smell. The mix of leather and metal mixed with the cologne he wore and the cigarette smell you hated to admit but loved.
He was attentive to the avenue you were going down, his eyes fixed straight ahead, but you couldn't pay attention to the path, your eyes couldn't deviate from him. Handsome, beautiful, gorgeous in a black suit and white shirt, his hair carefully combed and the slightly red of his skin fresh shaved. You could stare at him all night, but you doubted the admiration would wear off.
When he parked in front of the restaurant, he came around to open the door for you and tossed the car keys to the valet. His arm quickly wrapped around your waist and he ushered you inside. You were received by an extremely elegant man who kindly took you to a table arranged in the best place in the large and sophisticated hall. A crystal chandelier completed the elegance of the place and a group of violinists played in the background.
"The wine you ordered, the menu, sparkling water and lemon and a private waiter to serve you however you wish." The man reported when you sat down. "I hope everything is up to your requirements, sir."
Stephen nodded "It's Doctor, actually. Everything seems perfect."
The man gestured to a waiter who immediately approached, "This is Augusto. He will attend to you tonight."
Stephen nodded and man left. You smiled sympathetically to Augusto who was still standing waiting for instructions. Stephen then waved his hands indicating that he could leave as well.
"So? What do you think?" He asked gesturing around and opening the wine and pouring the two glasses. He raised the glass to his nose and inhaled deeply.
You smirked "It's nice."
He took a sip of the wine and smiled almost offended. "Nice?"
He clearly hoped to impress you that night.
You looked around at the tables filled with people so elegant that you wondered if your dress wasn't too simple for the occasion. "Too fancy, don't you think?"
His smile widened as if your statement was the compliment he'd been waiting for. "Never."
Stephen smiled, wiping his lips on his napkin and reveling in your presence. He was still learning how he felt about you, but he knew he loved hearing you talk, about anything, but especially about yourself. He knew so little about you, he felt in terrible disadvantage with the other Stephens, which is why he had you talking about yourself all night.
You had just ordered dessert when you engaged in a long explanation of why you wouldn't quit your job even though you were clearly tired of it and he heard you nodding and smiling, but basically he just let you talk.
You two seemed to have completely different opinions about a lot of things, but he didn't mind at all. At that moment, for example, he wanted to say that once he got such a good deal with Stark you would never need to work again in your life, but he knew better than that. Besides, he was pretty sure that your work was much more than the money for you.
"Anyway, I enjoy what I do. I'm good with numbers and at work I get the opportunity to get out of the Sanctum and interact with normal people." You said taking a long drink of your sparkling water. "Don't get me wrong, I love the Sanctum, it's my home, but sometimes it's so gloomy and I don't know, I think it's nice to be in a normal environment sometimes."
Exactly as Stephen had thought.
"I'm sorry I'm not part of the select group of normal people you have the opportunity to interact with." He teased making you chuckle.
"There is nothing ordinary in you Stephens, but I can’t complain, that's what I love about you, you make me feel special and safe."
He reached for your hand and wrapped it in his. "You are safe." He said smiling reassuringly. "But, I wonder if your job isn't also a way to get away from us. I imagine it must be exhausting having to live with the same man under these circumstances."
You vehemently denied "I never get tired of you, and I think I know why.”
“Care to elaborate?”
You shrugged. “ It's like I said, although you're the same person you act different, you think different, you have different tastes in almost everything, you're different persons and that explains why I fell in love with you I guess."
"How so?"
"If Defender and you were just an exact version of Stephen there would be no reason for me to be enchanted by you. It would just be a repetition of what I already know."
Stephen smiled smugly. "It's not the similarities then."
You shook your head "It's the differences."
When you got back to the car, Stephen started to feel a little more anxious than he remembered feeling before when he used to take lots of women in dates. He was out of practice, but much more than that, he was scared because this wasn't just another one of the many one-night stands he was used to having. You mean something to him and that terrified him. It didn’t help that he felt compelled to be better or at least as good as the other Stephens you already knew.
When he took a different path than the one that was supposed to take you back to the Sanctum, he questioned whether he had made the best choice. Perhaps you were more comfortable at home, but on the other hand, you had just told him that you liked being in normal places and there was nothing more normal than a hotel room. Although he was quite satisfied with the chosen room. The question was whether you would like it or not.
He could feel your eyes on him. In fact your eyes had been on him all night and he loved that feeling. It was no secret to Stephen that he liked to be looked at, he took pleasure in it and for that reason he could feel his pants getting tighter around his hips.
He cleared his throat before telling you what his real intentions were for the night.
"Y/n, I made something that I hope you like, well, come to think of it, maybe you will think I was taking for granted that you would want..." He allowed himself deviate his eyes from the road from a split second to look at you and study your expressions. You rolled your lips and the corners of your mouth were curved in a smile. He sighed "I booked a hotel room for us to spend the night, but it's okay if you want to go home..."
You shifted in your seat and he heard your seat belt release and you leaned in to kiss his cheek, your lips made their way to his earlobe and his cock throbbed in his pants with your answer whispered provocatively. "I don't want to go home, Stephen. Take me wherever you want."
You shouldn't be surprised to see the size of the hotel room Supreme had booked for you. It was clear he wanted to impress you with all that luxury and you were actually impressed because, aside from the times you've been to the Avengers Tower, you've never been in such a beautiful place, but the truth was, you didn't care as much for that kind of thing as Stephen expected you to and what really did it for you was his presence. Him.
He locked the door behind you and stood silently watching you. The suite was beautiful, luxurious and of a very good taste. It was huge, divided into two ambiences, one of which had a fireplace and a recamier accompanied by two other armchairs and a small coffee table in the Victorian style. The other was where the huge king size bed was, accompanied by two nightstands and a bedroom bench at the foot of the bed.
"So... what do you think?" He asked and you smiled a little shyly. "It's perfect."
He grabbed your hand and pulled you closer to him, wrapping his arms around your waist.
"You have no idea how I've waited for this moment. To finally being able to be alone with you. To do whatever I want to you.”
He took your hand and placed it on his chest, you could feel his heart beating as fast as yours. "You asked me before if I missed you when I was away, the honest answer is I've never missed anyone more in my entire life. It was almost a physical pain and when I'm around you... this is how my body responds."
You took his hand and placed it on your chest. "I know how you feel because I feel the same. I want this, Stephen. I've wanted this for a long time."
He grabbed you by the back of your head and pulled you to his lips, but this time the kiss wasn't gentle like the first kiss your shared, it was big and wet and desperate. A clash of tongues and teeth that drew a loud moan from deep in your throat, which seemed to goad him even further.
He lowered the hand that was at your waist grabbing your ass cheek and squeezing it, pulling you closer, rubbing you against his hip making you feel his hard on.
You pushed him against the wall, your two hands gripping the collar of his suit jacket pulling it down his shoulders. He let you take it off and you started undoing the first few buttons of his shirt, but then he grabbed your wrists and pinned you against the wall. He grabbed your chin making you look at him and went back to kiss you. Your hands continued your work of freeing him from his shirt and then moved down to his belt, unbuckling it.
Stephen lowered his lips to your neck, tracing the skin with the tip of his tongue, kissing, biting and sucking on your skin. He kept running his lips down your cleavage, he bit your breasts lightly and kept his mouth down your belly, kneeling in front of you and lifting your dress, taking off your panties. He made you hold your dress up for him and pulled you closer, wrapping your legs around his shoulders and diving between them. You leaned against the wall to keep your balance and threw your head back closing your eyes and surrendering to the feel of his lips and tongue ravishing you.
You've wondered many times how his smooth face would feel between your legs and the answer was heaven. It felt like you had died and gone straight to heaven. He knew exactly what he was doing and he wasted no time, his mouth never left your clit, sucking it with the exact intensity that made you see stars and you couldn't help it, your body seemed to have a mind of its own and your hips started to move, rubbing yourself against his face to get the maximum amount of friction.
"Fuck..." You tugged at his hair as hard as you could and he groaned with the sensation, but proceeded to eat you with even more ferocity. "Stephen, you're going to make me cum."
He just hummed and continued without ever getting his fill until you were squirming, your moans so loud you wondered if anyone could hear them, but he wasn't worried, on the contrary, you were pretty sure he wished the whole world could hear you.
"Stephen..." He wouldn't listen to you until he got exactly what he wanted. You let out a choked scream and came in his mouth, your entire body shaking with the force of your release. He licked you, savoring your release, drinking all your juices like a thirsty man. When he finally was satisfied he got up and turned you over, face against the wall.
You heard him unbutton his pants and unzip them. He held your hand flat on the wall and lifted your dress. He spat into his hand and brought the saliva to your slit and with a single thrust entered you to which you both moaned loudly.
He bit down on your shoulder in surrender to his own pleasure and thrusted into you with a force that caught you by surprise. You didn't know what to expect from Supreme, but you definitely didn't imagine that. However, you couldn't say you weren't enjoying the violent way he was fucking you. It was different and different was everything you wanted him to be.
"Fuck honey, look how good you take it. You like this, don't you?" He teased. His hand on your hip pressed so tight to your skin you knew it would leave marks, but you were sure that was what he wanted.
"Fuck yes... feels good." You managed to say through your groans.
He let go of your hand and grabbed your neck squeezing slowly but enough to make you gasp in surprise, but at the same time your hips moved against his thrusts wanting him to fuck you harder.
He got the message, his hands tightened around your neck, choking you.
"You like this, I can see it. Tell me what you want."
You tried to grab his hand that was firm around your waist, but he grabbed your hand and pinned it against the wall again, thrusting hard into you. His face nuzzling yours, his mouth on your skin teasing you. "Let go for me, honey. I'm in control, all you have to do is submit."
Voce moaned loudly totally caught in his web of lust. "Harder." You begged.
And harder he fucked you. You were surprised at yourself, you never thought you could surrender so easily, but there you were completely at his mercy and oh he loved it. You could feel know good you were making him feel, he was pulsing inside you and his hand tightened on your throat.
"S-Stephen... I need to breathe." You asked when the grip of his hand became almost unbearable. He let go just a bit and you felt the air rushing back into your lungs and your whole body shaking, the knot deep in your stomach threatening to break, your pussy tightening around him, your walls fluttering.
"Don't hold back, give it to me." He demanded pounding into you with such force your whole body shook.
"Want you to cum too."
He let out a noise that was somehow a moan and a chuckle at the same time. You shivered. "Want to make me cum, uh? I’m almost there. Now do as I told you."
Voce let go of the little control you still had of your body and surrendered to the feeling, his thrusts got faster, his breathing got more irregular in your ear, his hand wrapped around your neck choked you harder and you came with a plea. “Please, Stephen, please.”
And because you were so good to him, he granted your request cuming hard spurting his warm cum inside you with a groan right in your ear.
"Now you're mine too." He whispered in your ear and pulled out.
Stephen went to the coffee table where there was an ice bucket and a bottle of champagne as he had requested. He opened the bottle and poured two glasses and handed it to you. You were panting, your makeup was ruined, your hair was disheveled, your dress was all wrinkled and he knew his cum was running down your thighs, but you've never looked more beautiful in his eyes. You gazed at him in silence and then took a long drink of your champagne, he did the same, and then pulled you to his lips. You kissed him passionately, an equally passionate little moan escaping your lips.
Stephen could hardly believe that you were there with him, that this was real and even though he had just cum, he was hard again, in fact he didn't even soften.
"I'm going to fill the bathtub, I'll be right back." He said walking away towards the bathroom. He didn't take long to come back, but when he did he found you quickly typing on your cell phone. Stephen wasn't sure why, but he felt an enormous discomfort about it. A twinge of jealousy that was more like a snakebite.
"I thought tonight was mine. It's one of your rules, isn't it?" He didn't even try to hide the bitter tone in his voice.
You put your cell phone quickly in your purse and went back to pick up your glass from the table and smiled shyly. You were barefoot now. Your shoes thrown to the corner of the wall. "I needed to let Stephen know. He'd be worried if I didn't. I don't usually spend the night out."
He nodded. He knew you were probably right, but he still wished you hadn't done it.
"He can't go one night without you, huh?"
You shook your head "It's not that, he would just be worried, he might think something happened."
"He knows you're with me, doesn't he?"
You nodded.
"Then he would be a fool to think I would let something happen to you."
You chewed on your lip clearly understanding that you made him upset. "Stephen, it's okay. He's not here right now. It's just you and me."
He sighed letting go and held his hand out to you. He wrapped his arms around your waist. "I swear, I can't control how I feel about you. It makes me mad." He confessed kissing your lips softly.
"I'm here. I'm yours."
He smiled smugly and kissed your neck teasing you. "You're right honey Come on, let's take a bath together."
He helped you undress and got rid of his pants and boxers, and you finally got into the tub. It was a big round tub, the water was hot and there were a lot of foam. The scent of lavender was inviting and comforting.
"This feels so good." You praised, resting your head on the leather pillow and closing your eyes for a moment. He took the time to admire you. Your hair was still tied back in a bun, but now there were several loose strands falling across your face. Your face was slightly flushed and your lips were red and swollen. You were so beautiful.
The bathtub was big enough to fit the two of you side by side comfortably, but he couldn't stay away from you. Before you knew it he was between your legs again. He touched your face and you opened your eyes biting your lower lip. He caressed your cheek, his thumb pressing your lower lip. He kissed you. His tongue snaking inside your mouth, sucking yours in a kiss that screamed sex. He grabbed one of your breasts under the water and squeezed, pinching the nipple hard enough to make you moan into his lips and your hips moved beneath him searching for him, asking for what was right there.
"You want it so much, don't you?" He teased nibbling your ear lobe. He held you by the neck, but he didn't squeeze, he just left his hand there. "I think you like when I hold you like this."
You nodded biting your lip and giving him your most innocent gaze, but a mischievous smile played at the corner of your lips.
"Oh honey, I'm going to fucking ruin you."
He reached between you and directed his cock toward your entrance and felt your walls stretch to accommodate him. You were so tight and so warm. Stephen never thought much of the concept of home, but there between your legs, inside you, he felt he had found his home and like an addict, once he had tasted it, he could no longer imagine his life without it.
Your hands slid down his back and cupped his ass cheeks as you shamelessly moved to the rhythm of his thrusts. Your moans got louder as you let go and he loved hearing the sound of them.
"Oh Stephen..." His name falling from your lips in that context was so deliciously inviting.
"Open your eyes, honey, look at me." He cupped your chin and placed a desperate kiss on your lips, his other hand resting on the edge of the tub, water spilling over the sides and making a mess, but he couldn't care less. "Tell me how good it feels."
"Feels good, Stephen. You're fucking me so good. Your cock feels amazing, so big."
He grinned  "Yeah? Cock feels amazing inside your pussy?"
You nodded.
"I know, you are taking me so well. Pussy feels amazing, honey."
Stephen buried his face in your neck and increased his pace, your legs intertwined behind his back and your nails biting into his skin. He could feel your walls fluttering around his cock and your moans turned into sweet pleas for more. Faster, harder, more of his cock, more of him.
"Fuck, you're gonna cum already? You're so easy to please, honey."
You opened your mouth to respond but nothing came out and he kissed you passionately "It's okay, I'm here, I'm gonna make you cum."
He put one hand between you and started rubbing your clit as you moaned loudly.
"Yes, yes, Stephen, right there."
Stephen could feel his body on the edge. His balls were swollen and starting to tighten, his cock was pulsing violently inside you and when you came your walls clenched around him so hard it was humanly impossible to resist.
"S-Stephen" You sobbed in the midst of your climax, your eyes closing instinctively.
"No, no, look at me, I wanna see you. You look so beautiful, so perfect. I'm gonna cum too, can you feel it?"
You nodded obligingly. "Oh, fuck honey... take it." He sank his teeth into your shoulder letting himself be carried away by the euphoria of his orgasm. You two ended up panting, gasping for air and kissing desperately.
You were lying facing each other in the bathtub. Your feet were on Stephen's chest and he was absently massaging one of them. Your body felt like jelly. Time seemed to have stopped, the world outside that hotel room seemed not to exist.
"Can I ask you something?" You asked. You were looking at him for some time in silence, admiring his absurd beauty, the wet hair he sloppily brushed back with his hand, the broad shoulders. Your face was rested lazily on one of your hands.
"Anything." He answered.
You smiled "You told me earlier that you were out of practice. How long has it been since you…?"
He didn't seem surprised by the question. "Since I got here. Well, a little longer." He shrugged.
"Not exactly a long time."
He disagreed "To me it's an absurd amount of time."
You chuckled, poking his chest with your foot, teasing him. "That's the difference between men and women. For men sex is a necessity, for women it's a choice."
He grabbed your foot and bit your toe, making you laugh.
"What's the longest you've gone without sex?" He asked.
You thought for a moment, without coming up with an exact answer. "Well, before I met Stephen...a couple of years I think."
He stared in disbelief. "How..."
You shrugged, "I never needed it that much. It's safe to say that I was never very sexually active before Stephen. Probably because men my age are disappointing."
He thought for a moment. "It occured to me now that I don't know your age."
"Why the surprise, do I look older?"
He smirked. "No. Of course not. It's just that I never thought about it. So, you and Stephen... how old were you when you met him?"
“I've been with him for 4 years. I was 25."
Stephen let out a low whistle. "It's a huge age gap. Don't you think?"
You shook your head. "I like it. Like I said, men my age are disappointing. Thinkin now, I wonder if the three of you are exactly the same age."
He smirked. "I am 45."
You nodded "Stephen is 45."
"Defender must be older. He looks older. "
You vehemently denied it. "Of course not. It's the beard."
He rolled his lips, probably holding back from saying anything that would provoke you. "So you think I look younger than I am since I don't have a beard or that hideous goatee?"
You poked him with your foot again. Supreme was annoying, cocky, and there was definitely a streak of narcissism in him, but you kind of liked that. "Yeah, a little."
When you finally managed to untangle yourself from each other to get out of the tub, you dressed in one of the hotel's robes neatly folded in the cupboard under the sink. The plush, soft fabric smelled fresh and inviting. Stephen wrapped a towel around his waist and busied himself with brushing his teeth and applying some deodorant. You stood there admiring him. "You don't even make an effort to look beautiful, it comes naturally to you. Isn’t it?"
He grinned, clearly pleased with the compliment and walked over to pinning you against the wall. "Careful, I really like to be praised, it does things to me and then I'll have to do things to you." He threatened, tracing the collar of your robe with his index finger.
You made the most innocent face you could muster. "And what kind of things would those be?"
He smirked and in one swift movement he scooped you up and you crossed your legs behind his back giggling as he carried you across the room. He laid you down on the bed and you patted the mattress biting your bottom lip to tease him.
"Come here."
But he seemed to think twice and denied moving away from you. With a gesture of his fingers the armchair that was near the fireplace slid across the floor stopping at the foot of the bed. He rummaged in his suit jacket that was neatly laid out on the bedroom bench and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. He took one and lit it quickly and then sat in the armchair and gave you a leering look. "Come on, honey. Let me see you."
You feigned confusion "But you are seeing me."
He raised an eyebrow "Take off that robe and spread your legs for me."
You chewed on your lip and shook your head stubbornly.
"Keep this attitude and I promise I won't let you cum when you ask me."
You pouted but nodded, untying your robe and letting it slide off your shoulders. You propped yourself back up on one of your arms and opened your legs for him.
He smirked satisfied taking a drag on the cigarette and then exhaling the smoke slowly through his nostrils "Beautiful. Now touch yourself for me."
You felt your face blushing. You had never done that. Of course, you had already touched yourself while Stephen was fucking you, but it was different. What Supreme wanted was just to watch you while you did it without taking part in it. It looked so pornographic. "I... I don't know Stephen..."
"Do as I say." His voice retained a tone of order that you didn't dare disobey.
You closed your eyes and began circling your clit with your fingers gently, testing the water to see how you would feel, but Stephen wasn't in the patience to wait.
"Open your eyes, honey. Fuck yourself on your fingers. Give me a show."
You opened your eyes and brought your index and ring fingers to your mouth and then thrusted them deep into your pussy, but you weren't having any of it, your shyness getting in the way.
Stephen took a long drag on his cigarette and then sighed making it disappear with a subtle movement of his fingers. "I think you need an incentive." He said pulling the towel from his waist and letting it fall to the floor. He stood there completely bare for you, his cock hard as a rock curved deliciously to his abdomen, the veins bulging, the tip a deep pink, almost red.
"Like what you see?" he asked in such a cocky tone you would have rolled your eyes if you hadn't been completely intoxicated by the sight of him looking that good right in front of you. Stephen gave you a cocky smile. He clearly had no problem getting naked in front of you, in fact you were pretty sure he loved it and the way you were staring, mouth open in total admiration, only served to inflate his ego even more.
He spat on his cock head and spread the saliva slowly starting to pump his cock while keeping eye contact with you the whole time. He was bewitching you like the sorcerer he was, but not using magic, just showing you his perfect body.
His hand movements were slow but had an insistent rhythm.
A low moan escaped his lips. "Come on honey"
You could feel the shyness disappearing and giving way to desire. Your fingers began to move in and out of your pussy as you were coaxed by the filth words that easily came out of his mouth.
"Just like that, honey, you have such a pretty pussy. Oh yes, finger this pussy for me. Do you think you can get off just looking at me pumping my cock?"
You let out a moan, your head nodding to his question.
"Yeah, just like that? Such a good girl doing as she's told." His voice was cut off by a long moan and he increased his pace for an instant, but then stopped, holding his cock by the base. "Look at it, honey. So fucking hard and pulsing just for you."
You took your fingers out of your pussy only to spit into your hand and drive the saliva back down your entrance, fucking yourself with your fingers. The loud, wet noise only added to your pleasure.. You could feel that you were close. "Fuck Stephen..."
He smirked, his cock throbbing violently now that it was being neglected. He clearly didn't want to come before you did. "Tell me how much you want it."
Your voice sounded shaky when you answered. "S-So much. I want it so much, Stephen."
He bit his bottom lip "You'll have it, but first, let me see you cum."
You nodded obediently, increasing the pace of your fingers. "Stephen, I need to see..."
"Need to see me jerking off? That will make you cum?"
He grinned, spat into his palm and went back to pump his cock nice and hard. The obscenity of the scene added to the wet sounds that the friction of his hand on his cock made was what did it for you. You felt the knot breaking. Your fingers dipping into your own cum.
Stephen moaned loudly watching the scene and then hurried to you. "Open your mouth for me."
You just did what he said.
He shoved his cock into your mouth, gave a couple of deep thrusts and spilled his warm cum in your mouth. His two hands firmly in your hair keeping you there until he was finished.
He groaned and demanded "Don't swallow it."
You did like you were told and he pulled you to his lips and stuck his tongue in your mouth tasting his own cum with such lust. You moaned loudly into his lips, letting him control the kiss like you let him control everything else, cum leaking from the corners of your mouth.
 When he let go of you he wiped his own mouth with the back of his hand and wiped the corners of your mouth with his thumb making you suck on it afterwards.
Not just your body, but even your mind seemed tired after all the sex you made and Stephen seemed to realize that, because he quickly changed his demeanor and started to treat you with much more affection.
He caressed your cheek and kissed your lips lightly and dedicated himself to cleaning you of all the mess you had made on yourself and helped you to crawl under the comforter and laid next to you on the bed, but contrary to what you expected he didn't pull you to his chest, he just lay there on his side looking at you. His hand sought yours and your fingers intertwined.
"I don't want to be one of those guys who has to ask if the girl liked it, but... Did you... liked it?"
You smiled lazily. He suddenly seemed so unsure about everything.
"I did. Very much."
He nodded and tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear. The gesture felt so intimate, as if the two of you had done it so many times before.
"You're different." You stated.
He lifted his head from the pillow, staring at you "A good different?"
You held his hand and brought it to your lips kissing his palm. He stiffed a bit, but let go when you smiled at him. You kissed each of his blackened fingertips to which he looked surprised and a little uncomfortable, but you continued until you had kissed them all.
"A very good different." You finally answered.
You woke up in the morning feeling lost. In place, in time. You looked around at the unfamiliar hotel room and suddenly felt homesick. Whichever room you used to slept in, Stephen's or Defender's, it was certainly much warmer than the irritatingly white walls and sheets that now burned your sensitive eyes. Yet there was one thing there that was warm and felt like home: Stephen.
He was sleeping heavily on his stomach, one of his arms wrapped tight around your waist.
You allowed yourself to admire him for a few seconds before waking him up. His hair was all messed up, a few strands falling over his forehead. You gently set them in place, taking the opportunity to touch his face, tracing his cheekbones and his sharp jaw with your index finger. God, he was so beautiful. When he was sleeping he lose all his arrogance and became exactly like Stephen and Defender. Perhaps that was why you found it so fascinating to watch them sleep, because it was in those moments that you realized that they were exactly the same person.
You got distracted looking at him until he mumbled something you couldn't understand. You waited thinking he was waking up and talking to you, but then he went back to utterly unintelligible muttering and you smiled to yourself realizing he was talking in his sleep. Stephen and Defender didn't do that.
You lay there for several minutes watching him sleep and trying to control your little giggles every time he said something. You even managed to understand a few words like book, spell, Kamar Taj, but they were just loose words, most of which you could decipher.
It took some time for you to realize that there was indeed life outside that room, as much as you had forgotten about it in the last few hours, there was also work on which you were definitely late. You got up looking for your bag, but your cell phone wasn't inside it. You looked around trying to think where you had left it when you found it on top of the bedside table next to Stephen.
You picked it up and were speechless when you saw the time. It was past 10am. You should be at work at 7am. It was Friday, there was always so much work on Fridays. Phil would kill you. You sighed trying to understand why your alarm didn't go off until you saw that your alarm had been deleted. You stood there looking at your phone and at Supreme sleeping and you knew you should be mad but at the same time you couldn't help but smile at the realization.
You sighed surrendering and answered the thousand messages Phil had sent you with a simple: I'M NOT FEELING WELL. I'M SORRY.
You left your cell phone on the bedside table and walked around back to bed. You would talk to him about what he did, but in another moment, in that moment you would appreciate him a little bit more.
Sleep has always been an issue for Stephen. He always had trouble sleeping and even more trouble waking up. There was nothing he hated more than having to wake up early and that’s why his days at Kamar Taj were always a torture, because he had to wake up at sunrise every day.
Anyway, he was pretty sure he had never slept so well in his entire life and likewise never woken up more pleasantly than to the sweet sound of your voice.
He opened his eyes to see your looking at him with what he could only describe as love and tenderness. Your hand caressed his cheek gently.
"Good morning, sleeping beauty." You teased with a smirk. "Do you have any idea how long I've been trying to wake you up?"
He ran a hand over his face. "What time is it?" he asked and he could see from your face that you weren't pleased that he'd turned off your alarm, but you didn't look mad either.
"It's almost 11am." You sighed "I'm not going to argue with you today, but I want you to know that I'm not pleased and I hope you don't do that again."
He smirked. You really did look even more beautiful when you spoke to him in that authoritative tone. It was as scary as a hissing kitten though. "Noted."
He held out his arms for you to settle between them. "Now come here, kiss me good morning."
You complied, kissing his lips softly, then pulled back and traced his lips with your fingertip. "You have beautiful lips. I like the way they stand out without the beard."
Oh honey. How could he resist you when you were a flatterer and he loved to be flattered? "What did I tell you about complimenting me?"
You bit your bottom lip "I can't help it." You said with a mischievous smile and then let out a small giggle. "I discovered something new about you today."
He raised an eyebrow "And what would that be?"
"You talk in your sleep." You said and kissed him again. Just a peck, like it was the most casual thing in the world. And he blushed. Stephen wasn't shy, not at all. He was a damned exhibitionist, but this newfound intimacy was something new to him. He hadn't been this close to a woman since Christine, but it sure as hell wasn't the same. You were important, you were the love of his life, he just knew it.
"So the great Supreme Strange is capable of blushing." You teased.
He cupped your chin between his thumb and index finger "I love you. I've never felt this way about anyone and it scares me. This love is so big that would make me do anything to keep it, and when I say that..." He held his hand up in the air staring at his fingers. All the memories flooding back to his mind. "I mean it."
You held his hand and directed it to cup your cheek. You kept it there. "I love you too, Stephen."
He kissed you deeply and rolled over to stand on top of you and held both of your hands above your head, with his knee he spread your legs to position himself between them.
"Stephen…we need to go home."
He shushed you "We will. But first I'm going to make love to you one more time before I hand you back to them."
You let out a small giggle. "As you wish, sir."
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stinkysam · 1 year
Peter Parker - Ever heard of privacy
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Warning : none
Genre : fluff
Synopsis : Tom's peter and his bf trying to spend time together but always getting interrupted by the avengers or their friends. Peter can be straddling his bf's lap making out with him, the making out is getting heated peter reaching under his bfs shirt to touch his body and reader is grabbing and playing with peters ass then the avengers barge in arguing making them jump and get off each other. So they try again in different places but never catch a break.
Reader : gender neutral (you/yours)
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Peter was really nice and sweet, really. But his friends or rather the adults he hung out with, not so much.
It's not they weren't nice and welcoming but they were a bit too… present.
All week each time you grew more intimate together, there was someone to interrupt you.
You could just be giving him a quick peck and you'd get a comment to stop sucking each other's face. Mainly from Tony.
Now, you adored the man, you admired him even, but hearing his comments each time you dared to touch Peter began to be a bit annoying. A let down. You didn't know he was so nosy.
You don't know how they always found you and how they always did so when you and Peter grew more touchy. It's not like you did it in plain sight. The first few times, yes, you weren't very discreet, but you quickly changed that and began to avoid the Avengers in order for some alone time with Peter.
Like now.
You had Peter sitting on your lap, giggling. He was not used to such proximity and especially not to sit on someone's lap but he didn't mind it. Blushing bashfully.
"You sure this is fine ?" He asks quietly as he leans closer.
"Everyone is on the highest floor, we're on the first floor, it should be fine. If they find us at this point it's on purpose." You say as you kiss him, his jaw then his neck, making him chuckle as it tickled him.
He kisses you back, shyly.
It's still as shyly his hands moved to your shirt, sliding under it to touch your skin, gently caressing you.
He moaned in surprise as you bit his earlobe "[Name] ! Don't do that !"
"Shhhh or they're gonna find us and that'll be your fault."
"They're 10 floors up, they can't hear that."
"Then why are you so scared ?" You say before sucking at his throat, leaving a dark hickey as he tried to contain his whine.
"I'm not…"
"Mhmh" you lick his skin before gently biting him and sucking in, giving him another hickey.
His hands were still under your shirt, holding you close to him as if you'd want to let go.
"I knew I'd find you here." A voice said from behind you, making you both jump to your feet, Peter still fumbling with his hands stuck in your shirt.
"Are you doing this on purpose ?" You ask Steve quickly to hide your inner embarrassment.
"I'm sorry ?" It seems like your question took him off guard, as he looked at you with surprised eyes, blinking several times.
"Each time Peter and I touch, one of you appears and acts like you've never seen a couple before."
Steve racks his throat awkwardly, unsure of what to say. He didn't know it was how you felt, unaware of how much he and the rest of the Avengers had separated you all week.
"I just wanted to let Peter know the reunion had started."
"Oh, I'll come right away, sir." Peter says, hurriedly leaving your side to go with Steve. Giving you an apologetic stare as he left the room.
"This isn't over !" You yelled as Steve laughed quietly at your words.
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robertdowneyjjr · 9 months
omg happy birthday!! for a prompt, how about some secret santa shenanigans for stevetony?
THIS IS SO VERY LATE i’m sorry!! december just completely got away from me. but ask and ye shall receive (albeit belatedly)
“Sooo, who did you get for Secret Santa?” Natasha asks as she plops herself down on the opposite end of the couch.
“I thought the whole point of Secret Santa was that it’s supposed to be a secret,” Tony says. He raises his eyebrow and spares her a short glance before looking back at his phone. He hopes he comes off as casual as he’s trying to sound and Nat doesn’t realize he’s frantically scrolling on his phone for gift ideas.
“It is. But it looks like you’re already panicking and I thought maybe I could help.” She looks pointedly at the way he’s holding his phone, his thumb flicking the screen too fast for him to really absorb anything.
“How do you know I’m not doing some important work for SI here?”
“Please. We all know you’d prefer holograms for that. What you’re doing now you’re trying to keep secret.”
“Ugh, fine.” Tony sits up and tosses his phone at Natasha. “I got Steve.”
“Oh, I know,” Nat says as she looks through the bookmarks Tony already has saved. “I rigged it so you’d get him.”
“What the fuck, Nat!”
She shrugs. “I figured I’d help you guys get over your pining so you can finally just bone. Anyway, none of these will do. Come on, let’s go out.”
She stands up and heads towards the elevator without even looking back to see if Tony is following. He sighs and goes after her. She’s still holding his phone hostage after all.
Tony holds his breath as he watches Steve unwrap his present. The Avengers are all sitting in a circle in front of their tree, and they’d agreed to all open their gifts at the same time after their Christmas dinner. Tony is so nervous about how Steve would react that he hasn’t even looked small package he’d pulled from under the tree into his lap.
His heart bursts when he sees Steve positively light up at the series of framed photographs Tony had customized for him. The pictures range from the bits of Steve’s past that Howard had collected to recent photos of him with their team. At Nat’s urging, Tony had also hid pictures of himself posing pinup-style behind some of the photos. If he ever does get up the courage to ask Steve out, maybe one day he’ll tell Steve about it.
Steve reads the card and beams when he looks back up at Tony, who can do nothing else but smile back. Steve is so handsome when he’s happy. Tony wants to keep making him smile like that.
“Tony?” Bruce asks. “Aren’t you going to open your present?”
“Oh!” He’d entirely forgotten about the little bundle he has in front of him. “Right, I’ll do that now,” he says as he starts to untie the ribbon on the box.
“Wait!” Steve reaches across the circle and puts a hand on top of Tony’s.
Tony pauses and looks questioningly at Steve. “What’s up?”
“Um. Listen, I’m not really sure about what I got for you. How about you give me until tomorrow to get you something new? Please, Tony, after such a thoughtful gift from you I really just want to be sure that what I get you is perfect.”
“Oh, no it’s okay! I’m sure whatever you got me will be wonderful.”
“Don’t worry so much, Steve. I’m sure Tony will love your gift,” Nat chimes in with a shit-eating grin.
Tony narrows his eyes at her. Of course her nosy ass got involved with Steve’s gift-giving too. But to be fair, she did help Tony figure out the perfect present for Steve, so while she can sometimes be the worst, she is also truly the best. And though her methods may not always be conventional, when it comes to the team she always means well. Tony knows he can trust that she helped Steve to the best of her abilities.
Not to mention he’s really curious about what Steve got him that he’s blushing so hard right now.
He hastily unwraps his present and takes the lid off the box. Inside, nestled in delicate tissue paper, is a set of absolutely gorgeous navy blue lingerie. The card on top simply says, “Perhaps this is something we can enjoy together.”
His eyes widen at the brazen assumption in those words, though Steve’s not wrong. He looks back up at the man.
“Steve? Is this…”
“Nat said I needed to be braver and just put myself out there and she said that you feel the same way I do so I thought maybe she’s right, maybe I should take a chance and if she was wrong, if I was wrong, I could just play it off as a joke and we could just forget about it and I could just kick her ass a little harder in training as revenge and it would be fine, because you have to know I would never usually do something like this, I’m just always too nervous to ask you out but I really am crazy about you and —”
“Steve. Steve!” Tony cuts off his adorable rambling. “Steve, she’s right. I do feel the same.” He looks back down at his gift and runs a finger down the soft lace. La Perla. Nice. “I love it.”
Steve grins, eyes crinkling and all too beautiful. “Yeah? You do?” he breathes. “I don’t have to kill Nat now?”
That startles a laugh out of Tony.
“You don’t. Come here.” He pulls Steve close and gently kisses him. Those lips are just as soft as he always imagined they would be. “Thank you. Let’s get dinner tomorrow?”
“Yes. Yeah, let’s do that.”
“Sooooooo, are you going to try it on for us?” Clint asks, breaking the spell over them and reminding Tony that they’re not alone.
Steve shoots him a glare. “No, he won’t be doing that.” He moves to sit next to Tony, wrapping an arm around his waist and tugging him closer.
“It won’t fit him anyway. It’s in Steve’s size,” Nat says casually. “Anyway, time to watch Elf.”
Tony sits frozen as the rest of them start getting ready for the movie, head stuck on the image of Steve decked out in blue lace and satin. He glances at Steve, who’s now laying out snacks on the coffee table for the team. Steve senses Tony’s eyes on him and looks back, winking before setting his attention back on his task.
Tony can’t wait for their date tomorrow.
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teddiee · 10 months
Into Each Life: Chapter 8
“Tiberius is there?”
Tony shivers, mind drifting involuntarily to his father’s protégé. “He’s dad’s shadow, Jarvis. He’s politicking with every rich geriatric in New York but somehow manages to keep eyes on me like a fucking sleeper agent.” Tony’s eyes dart to Patrick, braced dutifully in the doorway with his sight trained on the outside hallway. He drops his own voice to a whisper. "I only managed to slip away because I announced to half the ballroom that I had to use the little Omega’s room.”
“How did you manage to find a telephone? Ana told you to befriend waitstaff. Are you in the kitchens?”
Tony shuffles awkwardly from a crouch into a sitting position. He chances another glance at Patrick.
“I may have seduced a waiter.”
Jarvis doesn’t bother dignifying that with a response.
Words: 6,790
Two minutes into Tony Stark’s eighteenth birthday, he was swapping spit with a handsome, smooth-talking Alpha.
Twenty-two hours into Tony Stark’s birthday, he’s mere moments away from threatening a young Beta waiter with a champagne glass to the jugular.
“I don’t give a fuck what ‘society protocol’ is, and I don’t require a fucking chaperone to make a call. Lead me to the nearest telephone now, or I swear to god I will take this cup and shove it so far up your—”
The Beta waiter interrupts him with a squeak, a bead of sweat dripping from his temple as he casts a desperate glance in either direction. There’s no one around, of course. Tony had easily cornered the boy into a private hallway after downing two consecutive glasses of champagne from his tray and casting him a glance that was, perhaps, a bit more than suggestive.
Desperate times call for desperate measures, after all.
The Beta, no more than nineteen, had gulped audibly, nearly dropped his tray, and stumbled after Tony with the discretion of a newborn baby deer. Consequently, Tony only had minutes to threaten the location of the nearest parlor room out of this bumbling idiot before they were inevitably interrupted by a nosy gala chairman and dubbed the latest scandal of the season.
“S-sir, I’m sorry, but I really think that you should allow me to escort you back to the ballroom.”
Tony closes his eyes and takes a deep, calculated breath.
He is on a mission. He doesn’t have time for reckless homicide.
“Not really an option, Paul.”
“Whatever. In case you haven’t noticed, I don’t really have all day here, Patrick,” Tony hisses, and he knows his distress spikes the air when the waiter lets out a wince.
Tony takes a step back, doing his best impression of a man collected as he straightens his back and tilts up his chin. “Enough with the grandstanding. What’s your price, pal?”
It’s a cheap, last-ditch tactic, and Tony almost laughs sardonically when Patrick-Not-Paul’s bushy eyebrows shoot up to his sweaty hairline.
Momentarily, he almost feels like his father. Charming unassuming men into sleazy, back-alley deals under poorly disguised desperation.
“… I b-beg your pardon, sir?”
Tony rolls his eyes up to an dark, ornate wooden ceiling. He wants to unbutton his shirt collar. He wants to climb out the nearest window and sprint down Fifth Avenue.
He wants to be in Brooklyn. Preferably yesterday.
Sucking on his teeth, Tony digs into the pants pocket of his rich Italian suit and pulls out a wallet. He has one bill.
He curses his father, a few foreign deities, and Ulysses Simpson Grant.
Patrick-Not-Paul makes a choking sound when Tony dangles the crisp fifty in his face.
“Do you have a problem for our esteemed eighteenth president, Peter?”
“Are you fucking with me right now, Patrick?”
Patrick’s eyes widen to the size of dinner plates. “No! No sir. That is awfully generous, sir.”
Tony smiles wryly, and tucks the money into Patrick’s uniform lapel. Patrick’s cheeks tinge pink. He smells faint, like most Betas do, but underneath the unobtrusive pheromones lies undertones of damp sweat and cheap cologne.
Omegas and Betas aren’t common pairings. Catching a trace of Patrick’s underwhelming aroma, Tony wonders if his mother ever finds herself yearning for compatibility that Tony’s father is biologically incapable of providing.
Tony’s only been separated from Bucky for a few short hours, and he already finds that there’s an itch to his skin that he knows won’t subside until he’s back in the presence of the Alpha. It probably doesn’t help that Bucky pushed Tony against the side of a building last night and sucked a faint bruise into the sensitive, pulsing scent gland at the base of his neck.
It’s been throbbing all day, a hot and constant reminder.
Tony takes a step back and adjusts his own tie. It scratches at tender skin.
“To the telephone, Patrick?”
“R-right this way, Mr. Stark.”
Tony gave Patrick more money than he’ll make in a month serving champagne at events for Manhattan’s high society, so he makes the Beta keep watch at the parlor door while he instructs the operator to connect him to the Jarvis’s private line.
He has to be quick. Howard will notice his absence, sooner than later.
Or someone else will. Tony shudders.
The telephone rings. And rings. Tony winds and the cord arounds his finger, and then unwinds it. Winds it again.
Finally, the receiver clicks. And then:
“Stark residence. Edwin Jarvis speaking.”
Tony could sing. He wants to kiss his faithful, dependable butler on the mouth.
“Anthony.” Jarvis sounds alarmed. With sudden urgency, his voice drops to a conspiratorial whisper. “You were supposed to call hours ago.”
Tony chokes down a desperate wail, his heart ricocheting off his ribcage. He clutches the telephone in both hands, voice thready as he crouches behind a gaudy velvet chaise.“God, Jarvis. I couldn’t get away from Howard. Or Stone.” He swallows audibly, and runs a hand through his hair. It was stiff with pomade when Tony left the house earlier in the evening, but after hours of nervous fidgeting, the strands are beginning to soften back into their natural curl.
His thoughts travel to Bucky’s hands weaving through his hair. Tugging. Running his fingers through his locks and angling Tony’s head to kiss him deeper.
He shakes the image away wildly.
Not the time.
“Tiberius is there?”
Tony shivers, mind drifting involuntarily to his father’s protégé. “He’s dad’s shadow, Jarvis. He’s politicking with every rich geriatric in New York but somehow manages to keep eyes on me like a fucking sleeper agent.” Tony’s eyes dart to Patrick, braced dutifully in the doorway with his sight trained on the outside hallway. He drops his own voice to a whisper. "I only managed to slip away because I announced to half the ballroom that I had to use the little Omega’s room.”
“How did you manage to find a telephone? Ana told you to befriend waitstaff. Are you in the kitchens?”
Tony shuffles awkwardly from a crouch into a sitting position. He chances another glance at Patrick.
“I may have seduced a waiter.”
Jarvis doesn’t bother dignifying that with a response.
Tony sighs.
“Keep your pants on, J, it was only to get the poor guy alone. I actually threatened him with bodily harm.” Another pause. “And then bribed him. Y’know, financially.”
Jarvis lets out a long, deep sigh over the receiver. Tony grimaces. “Oh, Anthony.”
“Jarvis,” Tony’s voice cracks in desperation, and he squeezes his eyes shut at the impending migraine threatening to explode behind his eyelids. “Jarvis, I need you and Ana to get me out of here.”
A glance at the ornate, gold-plated grandfather clock in Tony’s peripheral tells him that he’s already been missing for close to fifteen minutes. Any second now, and Howard’s goon squad will come bursting through the door to deliver Tony’s pomade-slicked head on a silver platter to a ninety-seven year old railroad tycoon.
It’s already been four hours, give or take, of Tony being shuffled around a garish, elaborate banquet hall by the scruff of his neck. Four hours of senators, oil barrens, and New York’s wealthiest (and sleaziest) moguls ogling Tony like he’s nothing more than a slab of meat, entertaining surface-level conversations with Tony’s father while they gawk openly at Tony’s flushed cheeks and red-bitten lips (a nervous, untimely habit), and make mental assessments of Tony’s fuckability under the guise of shoptalk.
“He’s gorgeous,” Representative Richard… Something? had husked out a mere twenty minutes ago, chairman of the United States Committee on Armed Forces and Howard’s latest pit stop on their torturous merry-go-round of corporate ass-kissing.
Tony - who had tuned out most of the evening, and had just started contemplating stealing a bottle opener off of a nearby serving platter to skewer between his ears - went rigid in his father’s grasp.
Howard’s hand tightened its grip on his shoulder.
A warning.
Representative Richard-Something was already several glasses of bubbly on his way to a slurred, public spectacle, and he had clearly gotten sick of Howard’s cordial attempt at negotiating private (and discrete) contracts for Stark weapons to be distributed at the front lines of Western Europe. His red, watery gaze was firmly on Tony, whose own eyes were burning holes into the marble floor. Waiting for it to swallow him whole.
“Happy birthday, gorgeous,” Bucky has murmured before he had taken Tony’s face in his hands like he was a fragile thing and kissed him like he was a man starved.
Tony ached.
“Eighteen yet?” The Representative grunted. He assessed Tony head-to-toe like one would evaluate a prized thoroughbred, and Tony wondered if he was going to be sick on his shoes. If his father would leave him as an unconscious, undignified heap on the floor, were he to pass out from mere mortification.
Howard, to his credit, and a testimony to the ease in which he navigated these sort of dirtbags on a daily basis, let out a good-natured chuckle.
“You always were the man willing to get straight to the point, Rich,” Howard grinned with an edge, teeth sharp and eyes calculating. “And here I thought we were having a nice conversation. My contractors are willing to negotiate - ”
“The longer you go without bonding them, the more trouble they are,” Richard interrupted, unfazed. Howard’s jaw snapped shut. “They become harder to tame. A slave to their burgeoning hormones and wiles, that’s what the experts are saying these days.”
Tony didn’t think he has ever seen his father stunned speechless.
Meanwhile, somewhere over his shoulder, Tiberius Stone loomed like a phantom. All night, Tony could sense his father’s trusted business partner’s presence like a distant apparition, something akin to cold water trickling down the length of his spine whenever he sensed ice blue irises boring into the back of his head.
Tony suppressed a tremor.
“You think I can’t handle my son, Rich?” Howard let out another laugh, this one purely forced and leeched of humor. “He’ll bond when I tell him to bond, obviously. He knows this.”
“And is he pure?”
Tony’s face blanched.
Jesus fucking christ.
Howard’s eyes narrowed to slits and his jaw clicked, his resolve finally slipping.
“What kind of Omega do you think I am raising?” Howard’s voice dropped to a whisper, his words dripping with venom. “He is untouched, and will remain so until he is bonded with his Alpha. I am not raising my son to be some sort of common tramp, Representative. He knows his place in society, as do I.”
Bucky’s thigh slanted between Tony’s. The outline of Bucky’s cock digging into Tony’s hip. Tony’s slick dampening his underwear, permeating the air, Bucky’s pupils dilating…
Tony bit his cheek hard enough to draw blood.
Under different circumstances, Tony might had enjoyed witnessing someone crack his father’s exterior facade; reducing the carefully composed Beta into the bitter, vitriolic fear monger Tony knew better than most.
But at this present moment, all Tony wanted to do was escape the drunk, fascinated leer of an aging congressman. He had been waiting all night for an opportunity to slip away, and he wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth.
“I can assure you, Representative, that my hormonal temptations are fully dormant,” Tony piped up, ignoring his father’s murder-stare. “No wiles to worry about here. Burgeoning or otherwise.”
Representative Richard-Something blinked at him.
“Now, look here, Omega -”
“ - If you gentlemen will excuse me, I’m afraid I must seek out the washroom. Too much champagne; I’m sure you understand, sir.”
Tony slithered out of Howard’s grasp before the Beta could throttle his neck with his bare hands, air trapped in his lungs and heart galloping in his ribs as he slipped into a crowd full of ball gowns and tuxedos.
Find a friend. Find a friend. Find a friend.
Across the ballroom and blessedly alone… Peter.
Of course, Tony found that mindless charm and simple seduction came to him easier around just about anyone who wasn’t a particular stormy-eyed, pine-scented Alpha. Go figure.
“I’m just around the block, Tony. I’ve been circling the car for hours,” says Jarvis, yanking Tony back into the present. ”Did you really think I was going to leave you there, given everything?” He has the gall to sound offended.
Not for the first time, Tony is stunned into silence by his loyal companion.
"Give me, oh, ten minutes to meet you out front? Perhaps twelve. Midtown traffic is always a nightmare at this time. So many… ugh.” A car horn screams in the distance. “Taxis.”
Jarvis’s tinny voice reverberates from the brass receiver, but Tony’s overworked and overstimulated brain is too busy trying to calculate his next move.
Ten minutes. Only six hundred seconds. He can find a hiding spot and map out something resembling an escape route in ten minutes, he’s sure of it…
“Wait, Jarvis, is this not your private line? I don’t understand - ”
“Yes, well,” Jarvis clears his throat, and Tony realizes that if he listens closely, he can hear the faint sounds of city traffic travel through his end of the receiver. “Ana and I decided that it could be most beneficial to have our personal calls transferred to the company vehicle, in the case of such emergencies.”
Tony processes this for exactly six seconds.
“Edwin Jarvis, you fucking scoundrel, you jerry-rigged an operating telephone to dad’s car?” Tony can’t help as his tone quickly changes from a concealed whisper to a delighted cackle, and his voice carries to Patrick. The young waiter briefly perks his head up from the doorway in intrigue until Tony shoots his a scathing look that sends him withering back to his post.
And in the midst of everything, Tony can’t help but be momentarily, sickly envious of accomplishing a technological feat of any capacity.
He misses his father’s lab. He misses applying his brain to something other than Omega homework, or the daily navigations of his own complex emotions.
Tony knows that Jarvis spent time in the British Armed Forces. He knows that’s where Jarvis met Ana. He doesn’t know much else; he doesn’t ask, and Jarvis doesn’t divulge.
(Tony has always suspected espionage, of sorts. His butler is not to be reckoned with.)
“I will not confirm or deny any sort of accusations or speculation about such an invention existing within the confines of a proprietary vehicle.”
“I have also,” Jarvis is momentarily interrupted by another blaring car horn, and a string of curses that would send Mrs. Harrell into a coma. “Apologies. I have also, within a framework of primarily legal resources, managed to track down the address of a certain Brooklyn apartment.”
Tony freezes, his breath hitching in his chest.
“Do you - ” Tony shudders, sparing one last glance at Patrick. The Beta has his head poked out into the hallway, posture rigid, and something uneasy swirls in Tony’s gut.
He’s running out of time.
“You found them.” Tony whispers. He feels faint.
“Keep your trousers on, young sir. One of your friends is an enrolled student at a public Brooklyn art university. One simply needed to find his legal name, and search for a fitting description in the yellow pages. It was hardly a task respectable of espionage.” Jarvis’s posh tongue sounds uncharacteristically smug.
“You found them,” Tony repeats, stunned.
“Ten minutes, Anthony. I will meet you out front. Scale a balcony if you must, I know you are so fond of doing so.” Click.
Ten minutes.
Tony doesn’t make it one full step out of the parlor room doorway before his nose nearly smacks into the chest of an imposing obstacle.
To be fair, Patrick might have attempted to warn him. But Patrick was gone by the time Tony hung the telephone back onto the cradle, put his head between his knees, and gave himself the grace to take exactly three deep breaths to get his act together.
His idealistic, impractical plan to escape out of the grand foyer unnoticed explodes to dust in the form of Tiberius Stone - tall, present, and very, very close.
Also, alone.
Tony is never alone with Alphas.
Alright. Tony is usually never alone with Alphas.
It’s been a very complicated twenty-four hours.
Tony doesn’t yelp as his face comes in close contact with Tiberius Stone’s upper body, but it’s a close thing. The Alpha reaches out in the knick of time, bracing Tony by the biceps and saving the both of them from a collision.
His grip is too tight. It lingers too long.
“I dismissed your partner-in-crime. Perry, was it?” Tiberius asks lightly, taking a step back from the younger boy. He reaches into the breast pocket of his waistcoat and pulls out a pack of Luckies.
“Patrick,” Tony replies dumbly.
“Ah. Yes, Patrick.” Tiberius nods, a gesture of exaggerated interest. His long, slender fingers pluck out a lone cigarette.
Tony doesn’t move. He doesn’t breathe. He’s not even sure that he blinks.
“Did the two of you get lost, navigating the washroom together?” Tiberius returns the pack to his pocket and twirls the cigarette delicately between his fingers. His eyes are ice blue, full of mirth, and Tony feels like a caged animal. “Scandalous, the kind of talk that would follow two young boys tumbling out of a private room together.”
He peers over Tony suddenly, towering almost a full head the Omega’s own stature. The Alpha’s nostrils flare, an almost imperceptible thing, except Tony is so close that he also notices Tiberius’s pupils double in size.
He’s scenting him.
“Funny, you don’t smell like Beta cum,” Tiberius says, casual as anything. He sighs, a deep, full-bodied movement, and his gaze trails lazily towards Tony’s neck.
Tony’s scent gland is concealed under his suit collar, but the existing bruise throbs unpleasantly under the curious leer of another Alpha.
“I needed to borrow a telephone. After the washroom,” Tony says, willing his voice not to waver. He clears his throat, dropping Tiberius’s gaze and taking a small step back. He tilts his head, just barely, but enough to pull attention away from his gland. “I, uh. I needed to call a classmate. She had a question about a homework assignment.”
Tiberius quirks a blonde brow.
“On a Friday evening?"
Tony doesn’t rise to the bait.
“I’m a good student.”
Tiberius’s calculating eyes travel slowly from Tony’s face to his throat. Expression vacant, movements bored. Unabashed.
“I bet.”
Tony flushes.
He’s cornered, and he knows it. For as long as Tiberius has been in Howard’s life - flying under the radar in contrast to Howard’s widely public persona, signing contracts in hushed whispers behind closed doors, floating money for his father under crooked tables - Tony has never once felt at ease in the presence of the enigmatic Alpha.
Howard, never being one to enjoy a challenge - personal or professional - surrounded himself with fellow Beta employers at Stark Industries.
Alpha interactions were limited to external negotiations. Contractors, investors, lobbyists and the like; inevitable dealings within the world that Howard Stark operated in. Howard never liked feeling like the smallest man in the room, so he doled out his authority toward the things that he could control within the confines of his own empire.
Stark Industries: A kingdom of Betas, with Howard Stark as their fragile monarch.
Tony doesn’t know when, or how, Tiberius was able to worm his way under his father’s thumb. How an Alpha was able to earn the trust of the most insecure Beta in Manhattan, and prove himself a worthy underling.
Tony thinks that Tiberius is the son he always wished he had.
Or the man Howard himself always believed he was cheated out of becoming.
Growing up, Tiberius’s presence in the mansion was a constant thing. He attached himself to  Howard like a silhouette, and for half of Tony’s life, Tiberius Stone has existed as an extension of his father.
It wasn’t until Tony presented that he started feeling the searing penetration of the Alpha’s gaze following him around every shared room, every joined dinner, every brief moment Howard required their simultaneous presence.
It wasn’t often. Howard has limited use for Tony these days, and Tony doesn’t live at home most of the time anyway.
He forgets, mostly. He goes months without encountering Tiberius.
He forgets, of course, until he doesn’t.
“I needed a bit of fresh air. One can only discuss the upcoming state election for so long before they require a cigarette break, I suppose,” Tiberius says, redirecting the conversation.
Tony is pretty much certain that none of the whispering Tiberius has done into the ears of New York’s most rich and influential tonight has anything to do with the gubernatorial race. 
But, alas.
Tiberius pivots on his heel and turns back down the hall. He doesn’t break his stride or turn back towards Tony as he calls out, “Join me for a smoke, Omega?”
It’s not a suggestion.
Ten minutes.
Tony fidgets. His feet stay stuck in place.
“I should find my dad, before he comes looking for me,” Tony suggests, even though he knows it’s a lost cause. His heart is hammering, and he wonders if Tiberius can hear it.
“Five minutes,” Tiberius lobbies back. “Come, I’m sure you’ll want to discuss the logistics of your inevitable bonding.”
In the end, they find a balcony.
Propped up against the railing, perched on his forearms to draw his mouth near his lighter, the cuff of Tiberius’s right sleeve edges past his wrist. A bite mark peeks out. Black. Twisted. Rotted.
A prematurely broken bond.
Dread twists in Tony’s gut, acrid and pungent. He looks away.
If Tiberius can smell his unease, he makes no mention of it.
“How’s school?” He asks instead, after a few moments of uncomfortable (one-sided) silence. He takes a deep inhale, chin tilted towards the sky. His long, pale neck is practically translucent in the reflection of the moonlight.
When he exhales, smoke curls around his lips and blends in with the sharp punch of his pheromones.
Tony has never been close enough to the older Alpha to dial in on his scent. Tonight, in such near proximity, it’s an unavoidable curse. 
All Alphas scent strong to Tony. It’s biological. Even the old geezers inside, though muted with age and a general diminishing libido, release pheromones that appeal to Tony’s genetic makeup.
During the height of his heat, he would hypothetically crave any random Alpha’s knot over a physical connection with the most dashing, intimately familiar Beta.
It’s why every Alpha in this building feels entitled to fuck him.
Tiberius is not old. Not compared to the median population of current gala attendees, anyway. Tony supposes he’s roughly twenty-eight, give or take a year. He’s a tall, objectively handsome Alpha in peak physical condition at the prime of his adulthood.
His pheromones cling to Tony like a vice.
He smells earthy, and abrasive, and loud. Like the tense, fraught pause in a terrible storm between bursts of thunder.
It makes Tony’s blood sing and his skin crawl, concurrently.
When Tony says nothing, he sighs, rotating his body so that his back presses against the railing. He holds the cigarette out as an offering.
“Relax, Omega.”
“Don’t call me that.”
Tiberius laughs; a harsh, terrible sound.
“There’s no use denying what you are, Tony. The world will never let you forget it.”
“Thanks for the pep talk, Socrates. Is that your mantra for coasting through life as Howard’s bitch?”
Tiberius’s eyes narrow. He withdraws the cigarette. Tony expects a slap in the face, but instead, he gets, “Do you speak to your Alpha like this?”
He stills. His fingers spasm around their grip on the balcony rail.
“I don’t have an Alpha,” he says through gritted teeth.
Tiberius hums.
“No, I suppose you don’t.”
“What do you want, Stone?” Tony whirls around, and he’s angry. He’s wasting time, and after the events of the night, he feels strung tight enough to snap. “Are you trying to blackmail me? Scare me with threats of telling Daddy that I was hiding in the broom closet with some Beta schoolboy?” Tony laughs, though it’s closer to a sob, and he yanks a hand through his hair so he doesn’t accidentally lay a punch right into Tiberius’s razor sharp jaw line. “Go right ahead, asshole. You might ruin my reputation, but not my fate. I’m fucked either way.”
Tiberius scoffs, dismissing Tony’s outburst.
“You’re such a child. I forget, sometimes, looking the way that you do,” Tiberius muses, and Tony might push him off the balcony.
“Says the evil henchman.”
“Grow up, Anthony,” Tiberius snaps, and Tony recoils. "You’re too self-involved to perceive the reality that’s laid out before you. Aren’t you supposed to be a genius, Omega?”
He pushes off the balcony and crowds into Tony’s air. He presses the younger boy’s back up against the metal railing. Tony’s brain fogs with the sudden, abrupt display of dominance, pheromones curling into his nostrils.
“It’s my eighteenth birthday. My reality is somewhere in that room, sucking up to my father.” Tony’s tongue feels fuzzy in his mouth. He hates this.
“You may be an idiot, but your father is not. He is never going to bond you with someone whose expiration date is several decades closer than his own. It would be a foolish waste of time, given your worth.”
“What the fuck are you going on about?” Tony fires back, appalled. “Why the hell would I even be here, if not for the fact that my father needs to auction me off like a prized pig? I’m an Omega, I’m male. I’m tied to a multi-billion dollar empire. There’s nothing else for me. Howard has made that very clear.”
“Howard will do what’s best for his company, what’s best for him.” Tiberius looks at him with disdain, the way a tired mother does when she scolds a misbehaved child. “Do you really think that Howard Stark will find long-term security in a match between you and some senator, whose remaining days in Congress, therefore his influence, are limited? Or an aging aristocrat, whose entire fortune will ultimately pass through to an oldest son?”
Somewhere, undetectable, the universe shifts minutely on its axis.
Tony stares up at Tiberius, eyes wide, mouth slack.
“You, Anthony Stark, are much more valuable than you even know,” Tiberius voice drops into a whisper. His words slither down Tony’s spine like poison. “Yes, you are an Omega. Yes, you are male. You will breed no heirs. You will secure no inheritance.” He steps even closer, ice eyes burning. Tony’s back curves over the rail, chest-to-chest with Tiberius Stone. He can feel the Alpha’s heartbeat. He feels sickly, achingly dizzy.
His skin buzzes for a different touch. Yearns for it, like a drug. Everything else burns like betrayal.
“But you are young. You are… untouched. You are absolutely fucking delectable.” Tiberius’s left hand comes up to cup Tony’s jaw, the pad of his thumb tracing his cheekbone. His palm is ice cold. Tony flinches.
Tiberius’s breath wafts across Tony’s face, and Tony’s insides twist.
“Any man in that room with half a functioning cock would sign their life away to Howard for the opportunity to bond you, keep you, and stick their knot in you for the next decade.”
Tony squeezes his eyes shut.
“Stark Industries requires more than a decade. Howard is a selfish bastard, but he is no fool. Whatever ideas he has been planting in your head about your upcoming match, he has been deceiving you.”
When Tony speaks, he can’t summon more than a whisper.
“Tiberius… what do you know that I don’t?”
Tiberius doesn’t say anything, at first. He just looks at Tony, unimpressed yet contemplative. Restrained, yet hungry.
The hand cupping Tony’s face travels down to grip at his jaw, tight. Locking him in place. His other hand comes up, and Tony spots a flash of blackened, broken skin before his fingers are pulling Tony’s collar to the side. Revealing his bruised, worried scent gland.
Tiberius presses his thumb into the gland, molds it into the mark left by the shape of Bucky’s mouth, and Tony’s knees buckle. He screws his eyes shut when tears start to burn. It feels wrong, and it hurts.
Twice, in the span of twenty-four hours, he finds himself exposed. At the mercy of an Alpha.
The second experience certainly hasn’t been anything to write in his diary about.
“I broke my first bond,” Tiberius states simply, like he’s commenting on the weather and not speaking a dangerous, abhorrent rumor into existence. “She didn’t mean anything to me. It was a match created by our parents when we were both in grade school. She was a silly, pretty little thing.” His fingers tighten on Tony’s jaw and Tony’s muscles coil with unrestrained wrath. “She loved me, I presume. Until she didn’t. By then, it didn’t matter. She was in my way.”
Tony’s gut churns. It’s a savage, malicious thing, to break a mating bond prematurely. Mating bonds are delicate, powerful manifestations of two physical entities. The individuals become biologically hardwired to depend on one another. To exist as one.
To break one requires severing your soul. At least, that’s what Tony’s orthodox teachers have always warned. The subject is too taboo to discuss in depth. There are hardly any texts.
Tony doesn’t believe in souls, necessarily.
But if they existed, he wouldn’t doubt that whatever was left of Tiberius’s resembled something that had journeyed through a paper shredder.
“I never should have let her bite me, but we were teenagers. We thought it would be progressive. A show of collaboration, if you will.” Tiberius smiles, all teeth and no charm. Wrist mating bites for Alphas are more symbolic than anything, after all. Only a bite to the Omega’s mating gland is necessary to secure the bond.
“Either way, I’m branded now. A reminder to myself, and everyone else, of my unfortunate… transgressions.”
Tiberius leans down and inspects Tony’s gland. The Alpha’s breath caresses the spot where another Alpha lay claim mere hours ago. Tony wants to spit on him.
“The point, Tony, is that we are both outcasts. Societal rejects, if you will. Damned by the public because of fates beyond our control.”
If Tony’s jaw wasn’t currently secure in the mitts of his father’s lackey, he might laugh.
“I think our circumstances might be a little different here, Alpha,” he scoffs, speech garbled. He attempts to tug out of Tiberius’s grip. “I was born like this. You were born into privilege, and you set it on fire. You destined yourself to a life of exile here, pal.”
Tiberius slackens his grip, but before Tony can yank himself away, he grips the Omega by the neck. Tony’s vision goes soft and his knees wobble.
“I would stuff this smart mouth full of my cock day and night to keep your loose tongue quiet, you insolent creature.” Tiberius’s words whip at Tony’s skin.
“Fuck off,” Tony slurs, exhausted by this entire ordeal.
God, he knows it’s been way more than ten minutes.
“You would do right to consider me an ally, Stark,” Tiberius warns. His thumbnail digs into Tony’s gland, and Tony snarls. Thrashes like a wild animal.
“Your father trusts me. He confides in me. My guidance is priceless to him.”
“You think my dad will bond me to you?” Tony laughs to hide the crippling, paralyzing realization that creeps into his bones. “His glorified manservant? My father operates a business that functions at the level of a world power. You are nothing.”
“Your father owes everything to me, and he knows it,” Stone growls. “I am more valuable to him than every man in that room, ten times over. I walk away, and S.I. crumbles.”
He releases Tony, and the Omega stumbles out of his grip, finding purchasing on the railing behind him. Both of their chests heave.
Tony swallows. His jaw aches. His scent gland throbs, and not in a pleasant way. His skin feels hot, his chest heavy, his resolve weak.
Still, he speaks first.
“Well. As positively delightful as this has all been, I’m sorry to say that my butler is waiting for me outside.” He tugs his suit jacket back into place.
Tiberius sneers at him.
“Run to your Alpha, young Anthony. Lord knows you should make the most of this pathetic affair before your father burns it to ash.”
Tony pales.
“I don’t - ”
“And know, sweet Omega, that when you fall into his arms tonight,” Tiberius words are a soft murmur as he leans forward to an immobilized Tony, once more, to stroke the young boy’s cheek. “I will be the first thing he smells.”
With that, Tiberius Stone withdraws his hand, stubs out his performative cigarette, and leaves Tony alone on the balcony.
It’s not hard to find Jarvis, after that.
No one impedes his departure. Howard is nowhere to be found.
That’s a problem for another night.
Wordlessly, Tony descends the front steps of the hotel and slips into the front passenger seat of his father’s Rolls Royce.
Jarvis casts him a peripheral glance, sighs, and pulls out into Fifth Avenue traffic.
Neither of them speak for twenty minutes. The radio croons Bing Crosby. Tony’s forehead is plastered to passenger window. He breathes condensation onto the glass. Inhales it back in. Repeats.
Jarvis casts him another glance.
“You made it out in one piece, it appears.”
Tony snorts. “Barely.”
“Any respectable suitors?”
Tony smiles, despite himself. He presses his cheek to the cool glass.
“Depends; are liver spots the new fashion?”
“Liver spots and cataracts, I believe, are what the magazines are pushing.”
“Well thank fuck,” Tony mumbles. He shuts his eyes. “I guess you can say that I found the Garden of Eden.”
Jarvis is smiling now, too, a subtle thing, and Tony loves him. He loves him unconditionally.
“Jarvis,” he says. “Jarvis, they don’t know I’m coming.”
“Who, Tony?”
“Bucky. And Steve. They don’t know. I didn’t tell them. I didn’t - they might not want me.”
Jarvis hums, and turns down the radio dial. Tony turns away, focusing his attention back out the window. He feels like a coward.
“These men, they care about you?”
Tony’s eyes burn. He’s tired. He’s so, so tired.
He’s only been eighteen for one day and he’s so very tired.
“I mean, I think so. They’re friends.”
“Friends, like we’re friends?”
Because Jarvis is his friend. Jarvis is his best friend.
“Well… yes. And No. Both.” Tony rubs at his eyes, and is mortified to find that his knuckles come away damp. “Neither? I don’t know.”
“Tony, look at me.”
Tony blinks up at the roof of the car. He sniffles, a little. He feels small, and vulnerable, and his jaw still aches.
“I will stop this car and make you walk across the bridge.”
He won’t, and they both know it, but Tony looks at him anyway.
“Tony, if these boys feel for you even a fraction of the care I feel for, and that Ana feels for you, they will want you.”
Tony’s a near-blubbering mess, but he does his best to tamper it.
“It’s different, J,” he says softly.
Jarvis is quiet for a moment. And then:
Tony blinks.
“No. Not… both.” He clears his throat awkwardly. “Not like that.”
Jarvis nods, contemplative.
“I would not be driving you here, and Ana would not be letting me drive you here, if we didn’t trust your intuition.” He gives Tony a pointed look - no pity, no sadness, just trust.
And gee, Tony finds himself without a quick retort for once.
“Okay,” he whispers. He twists his fingers in his lap.
“Okay,” Jarvis agrees. And then, “And if you’re truly that miserable, or they make you sleep on the floor, and the cooking is terrible, I am only a phone call away.”
And Tony does not let himself entertain the idea of sleeping arrangements.
Because there is still a chance that the Alphas will see the Omega show up on their doorstep in the middle of the night, broken and weak, and slam the door in his face.
“When you fall into his arms tonight, I will be the first thing he smells.”
Bucky may have wanted him last night, but who’s to say that the Alpha will want anything to do with a boy who found himself in close proximity with a different Alpha, not even twenty-four hours later?
There is still a faint buzz to Tony’s skin - the same thrum in his veins that has pulsed since Bucky last kissed him goodnight. An anticipation; a current drawing him back towards the young soldier.
But now, all Tony wishes is that he could scrub his skin raw. That he could erase the presence of Tiberius Stone from his body forever.
“You don’t suppose we could stop home for a quick bath, huh, J?” He aims for the delivery to land like a joke.
It falls flat.
Jarvis gives him a strange look.
“Did you spill something on yourself?”
Tony bites the inside of his cheek.
“Sir, we are less than five minutes from your acquaintances’ apartment. I’m sure that there are adequate accommodations for you to bathe, if you so desire.”
Tony’s cheeks bloom pink.
“And,” Jarvis continues, tone hinging on delicate. “Perhaps some ice for your jaw, if you have the time. To prevent swelling.”
Fucking Tiberius.
Tony nearly panics, but it resolves itself quickly when he realizes that Jarvis can’t smell anything suspicious. It’s more likely than not that the Beta simply assumes that Howards got a little handsy.
It wouldn’t be the first time.
“Is it bad?” He asks, voice flat.
“To the untrained eye, it’s hardly noticeable. Perfectly explainable.” Usually so reserved, there is something inexplicably sad in Jarvis’s careful reassurance.
Tony thinks back to the last time Bucky caught him with a bruised face. How he explained himself into the gutter, metaphorically speaking.
“Great,” he says instead.
Jarvis eventually pulls down a quiet Brooklyn street. He parks the car across from a narrow tenement building, red-bricked and unassuming and modest. A fire escape scales the exterior.
Tony swallows.
“I’m not sure which - ”
“Their apartment is second from the top, on the left. Four flights up.”
Tony regards his butler with careful suspicion.  
“The yellow pages, huh?”
Jarvis shrugs, posh as always. “I did specify ‘primarily’ legal resources, did I not?”
Tony squints. “Do I want to know?”
“I wouldn’t tell you either way,” Jarvis dismisses, and the reality of the situation sets in when Tony’s heart leaps into his throat.
“I can’t do this, J. This is nuts. What if they’re not even home?”
“They’re home.”
Alright, then.
“Give yourself a weekend of grace, sir. You’ve had a long day. Find comfort with friends.”
“And when I come back?”
Jarvis reaches over Tony’s shoulder to unlock the passenger door. Tony fidgets in his seat.
“And when you come back, we will navigate accordingly.”
“Do you want me to escort you like a child, or are you capable of climbing stairs on your own?”
Tony imagines knocking on Bucky and Steve’s bedroom window with his thoroughly pretentious butler in tow. He snorts.
“I’m sure I’ll manage.” And then, quieter: “Will you stay until I get inside?”
“As if I would leave you on this street alone.”
Tony’s stalling, probably, but he reaches for the door handle and pushes it open, welcoming in the late Spring breeze.
“Jarvis? Thank you.” He should say more. He can’t.
Jarvis, of course, understands. He leans over and gives Tony’s shoulder a small squeeze.
“Be safe, Anthony. Happy birthday.”
Tony does not cry.
Instead, he nods.
He exits the car.
He crosses the street.
He navigates a chipped, rusty fire escape with the grace and dexterity of a drunk toddler. His heart pounds in his ears. His palms are slick as they grip the railing.
He climbs four flights, and finds himself facing a large window. The curtains are drawn, but too dark to peer inside. He turns around to look at Jarvis.
His butler flashes the Rolls Royce high beams twice in encouragement.
Rip the bandaid off, Stark.
God, Tony feels rude, more than anything. It’s the middle of the fucking night.
He rolls his shoulders and lifts a fist to knock, running his desperate, rehearsed plea through his head in preparation when the wide window suddenly opens and he finds himself face-to-face with a brunette, sleep-rumpled Alpha.
Bucky blinks.
Tony blinks. And then:
“I guess we should really stop meeting like this.”
29 notes · View notes
novastories · 2 years
Title and chapter inspired the song “repercussions” by Bea Miller.
Summary: Aurora loves working for NCIS, but this case will uncover a lot of what she’s been trying to hide.  
Disclaimer: This story is fictitious. All works are written by me and only posted here. Please do not copy, repost, or plagiarize on any other platform without my permission!
Warnings: Mentions of dead body, torture (not in graphic detail), and language.
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: Sorry this chapter is a bit late! I’ve watched all the original NCIS seasons (20 seasons), and a few episodes of NCIS: New Orleans. I’ve had this idea for a long time, and have been waiting for this chapter. I hope you like this as much as I do. Also to note, there are no more huge time jumps!
Thank you to my editor and beta reader, @reginleight. I made her watch an episode of NCIS to help understand the character dynamics. 🤭💛
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“Give it back to me Tony!” a voice yells out across the NCIS bullpen.
Anthony Dinozzo was holding a postcard out of reach from Aurora as she was trying to grab it from his hand. She reaches for it as Tony holds it up, trying to read it from his height.
“Why are you nosy?!” Aurora grunts, trying to reach for it still.
“Because it is my job as senior agent to know what you’re up to, and this postcard seems suspicious.” Tony answers, trying to get a read of the postcard. Aurora, then deciding to take matters into her own hands, stomps on his foot causing the man to bend over in pain. Taking the opportunity, Aurora grabs the postcard and turns away from him.
“What did you do, Tony?” asks Ziva David walking into the bullpen alongside Timothy McGee.
“DiNosy over here tried grabbing and reading my mail!” Aurora hisses, pointing to Tony who was still recovering from the attack.
“Well you shouldn’t have shown it to me.”
“It was laying on my desk!”
“Well that’s just irresponsible, leaving it there.”
Aurora groans, as she puts the postcard into a drawer in her desk making certain to lock it. Her charm bracelet was also safe in the drawer, as she didn’t ever want to lose one of her prized possessions. Aurora’s desk was on the other side of their team leader’s desk, Gibbs, who still had yet to appear in the bullpen. Across from McGee, they had made an open room for her desk when she had officially joined the team. 
“Why are you so worked up over a postcard?” McGee asks, setting down his go bag near his desk before sitting down.
“Because it’s my business and no one else’s!”
“What are you trying to hide?” Tony walks to Aurora, still sitting at her desk.
“I value privacy, something YOU should learn!”
“Please, we’re a team, we know everything about each other! And if we don't, we should.”
“You don’t have to know everything.” Ziva chimes in, backing Aurora up.
“Yes, I do. We know almost everything about each other.” Tony explains.
Little did Dinozzo know, Aurora’s profile wasn’t all the way transparent. When Aurora had applied for the NCIS internship position, she had left out her father’s last name and kept her mother’s maiden name. She didn’t want to be treated any differently by nepotism.
The only one who knew her full background was Gibbs and the director of NCIS. Having an uncle as an Admiral, who was also the Commander of the Pacific Fleet is useful at times, especially when you want to work at NCIS without being compared to your brother. Or father. The Mitchell name became popular in the Navy, so Aurora didn’t want to carry that burden. Her father agreed with it, as did her mom and brother. 
“Rifling through my mail is a federal offense.”
“Well it’s not if it’s just laying there.”
Aurora rolls her eyes, leaning on her desk. “Can we talk about something else?”
“Yeah, like, what about where the postcard came from?” McGee asks, curious why she was making this postcard a big deal. 
“Oh my gosh!” Aurora exclaims.
“Dinozzo, McGee, leave Artemis alone.” Walking in with a coffee in hand, Gibbs was quick to shut the situation down upon his entry proceeding straight to his desk. 
“Yes, boss!” “Shutting up boss!” 
Aurora was given the nickname Artemis her first week of her NCIS internship. She had rambled on about Greek mythology during a case, but had coincidentally helped them close it. Tony had nicknamed her Artemis after the goddess of hunt, due to how she’d been very persistent in the hunt of the killer during that case. Plus the throwing knife she usually had strapped on made Tony name her that. It didn’t help that he also happened to be on the receiving end of the knife at one point. 
Coincidentally, Peyton was given a nickname between his navy friends and the naval aviators he worked with. Due to a fire he set on accident during a training exercise, he was nicknamed Apollo. The twins laugh about their work nickname being the Greek twin duo coincidentally, as no one knew the connection between them.
“Grab your gear, dead naval officer in Norfolk,” Gibbs says, grabbing his gun and badge. With those words, the team quickly sprung into action.
“It’s a postcard from Japan, by the way. What do you have hiding over there?” Dinozzo wonders aloud as they all get in the elevator.
“Your dead body if you don’t shut up about it.” Aurora turns to him with a menacing smile on her face. The startled look that had gotten out of Tony had the other three of their group in the elevator laughing as the elevator doors shut. 
They get to the crime scene, each team member doing their designated job that Gibbs had assigned for them that day. Tony and Ziva were interviewing witnesses, McGee taking crime scene photos and IDing the body, Aurora collecting evidence, Gibbs talking to local law enforcement officers who were on the scene first.
The medical examiner, Ducky, and his assistant, Jimmy Palmer, had just gotten to the scene and were approaching the body.
“Who do we have here?” Ducky asks McGee.
“Petty Officer Derek Hayes, arresting gear operator assigned to the USS Seahawk.”
“Cause of death Ducky?” Gibbs asks, as he approaches them.
“Blunt force trauma with the pipe that happens to be next to the body,” Ducky recounts,  “I’ll know more once I get him back on the table.”
Aurora sighs. “Another murder. Whoopee.”
Gibbs gives her a look that makes her cringe, going right back to bagging and tagging evidence.
“Time of death, Duck?” Gibbs asks.
“Well, let’s see here.” Ducky examines the body. “I’d say about 12 to 14 hours, rough estimate.”
“Alright. Get the body out of here.” Gibbs tells Ducky.
“Get the gurney, Mr. Palmer.” Ducky calls out to his assistant.
“Right away!”
“Boss!” McGee calls out.
“What d’ya got, McGee?” Gibbs asks, turning to him.
“Hayes was reported UA about two days ago.”
“You and Dinozzo go to the USS Seahawk and talk to his shipmates. Benjamin, David, head back to the Navy yard after you’re done processing the scene. Give me everything you got on our petty officer.” Gibbs shouts the orders out to them.
“Got it boss!” They all reply in unison.
“Looks like it’s girl time for us, Ziva!” Aurora smiles at her. Ziva winks, giving Aurora a high five.
The two women had gotten very close, along with Abby, their forensic scientist when Aurora first started at NCIS. Ziva had taught her many tricks and how to fight, while Aurora helped her with her English and American culture. The trio became so close, Aurora considered both her and Abby older sisters, since she never had one.
“Aww don’t miss us too much, Arty.”
“In your dreams, DiNutsos.” Aurora sticks out her tongue at him. He copies the gesture back, as Gibbs smacks him on the back of the head.
“Now Dinozzo.”
“Right boss!”
Dinozzo hussles after McGee as Ziva and Aurora wrap everything up. Gibbs passes by Aurora and smacks her on the head. She hisses from it while he walks away as Ziva chuckles.
“So a Japanese postcard?” Ziva questions Aurora, leaning on her desk. 
“Let it go Ziva,” Aurora says in a singsong voice as she sits in her chair.
“Oh c’mon, Arty. No secrets, remember?” 
“Some things are kept private.”
“Well, I want to know every private thing about our dead petty officer,” Gibbs says as he walks into the bullpen. Ziva and Aurora get up as Ziva gets the remote for the tv screen to display information that they had found. 
“What do you got for me?” Gibbs asks. 
“Petty Officer Derek Hayes, assigned to the USS Seahawk. Works as an arresting gear operator. In the Navy for five years after graduating from the Naval Academy.” Ziva presents the background. 
“No misconduct charge, or any strikes. No parents, wife, or children. Has a girlfriend who is coming in soon.” Aurora adds on from her desk. 
“There’s not much on this guy, Gibbs.” Ziva tells him.
“Well, then find me more, Ziva.”
“I got something.” Tony announces as he and McGee walk into the squad room.
“I think you mean we, Tony,” McGee interjects.
“Yeah, whatever. Anyways! Turns out our petty officer got into an altercation with another person on board.”
“Why wasn’t it reported?” Gibbs asks.
“It just happened yesterday, paperwork hasn’t gone through.” McGee replies.
“Who did he have a fight with?”
“A naval aviator on board the USS Seahawk, he should be coming in soon.”
“Good,” Gibbs nods. “While McGee interviews the petty officer’s girlfriend, you and Artemis can interview him.”
“Wait, Gibbs I don’t think-” she pauses as he turns to stare at her. She bites the inside of her cheek, then caves.
“Right, okay, fine.”
Gibbs heads upstairs to update Director Vance about the case. Tony smiles at Aurora.
“Aww what? Are you scared of me?”
“More like what I will do to you if you keep getting on my nerves.” Aurora mumbles as she goes back to work.
Aurora heads to the restroom with the postcard she had received earlier in her hand. She wanted privacy to read it, and the bullpen was not an option. She heads to a stall and locks it. She sighs and begins reading the postcard.
‘Dear Rory,
Life at sea is a bit rough. Still don’t understand how dad does it. But I guess it helps to have a friend on board! Missing you tons, wish you were here. Hope you’re doing well. 
She lightly chuckles at the paragraph as she moves on to the next one, who she knew who had written it.
‘Hi princess,
Who knew life at sea with your brother would make me miss you more? I hope you’re doing well. The view may be great at sea, but nothing beats being near you. Hopefully we will be back soon for the holidays. I miss you lots. Be safe. 
-Love your knight in shining armor, B’
She weakly smiles at his words and gently brushes a finger over his writing. Aurora missed both her best friend and brother so dearly. If only they knew all that she’s been through. She didn’t like talking about her job with them, because she knew they would worry. In fact, she doesn’t talk to any of her family about her job, except maybe her Uncle Ice, but that’s only because he’s the Admiral of the Pacific Fleet and would hear about her through scuttlebutt, aka Navy gossip. No one in her family knew about the one case that had changed her.
A slap sounded through the air. Aurora was tied to a chair, covered in her own blood, grime and dirt. Her hair was matted a bit from being pulled on by the man in front of her.
“That all you got?” she remarks, spitting out the blood that had begun to fill her mouth. She looks up to her attacker as he chuckles before landing another slap across her face. The man was a murderer that the team was looking for. Apparently he had an eye on the team and took their weakest link, Aurora. 
“Your team will never find you. And if they do, it will be your dead body that they find.” 
“They’ll find you, and they’ll kill you.” Aurora grunts from pain as he tugs on her hair. 
“Not before I have a little fun with you.” Another slap echoes through the air. 
Aurora is brought out from that flashback, feeling herself shake from the memory. That day, Aurora became a different person. She was still herself, just a little bit stronger and tougher. The team had found her and shot the man who had her held captive. The only one who knew about her panic attacks and nightmares was her team. She kept her family in the dark, even Bradley. The only thing she had to show for what she had gone through were the scars and the mental trauma. 
Reigning in the emotions that those memories had stirred, she began focusing on regulating her breaths. Counting from one to five on each breath she takes in, and the same as she breathes out. Slowly beginning to calm, she wipes the tears from her face. Minutes pass by until Aurora hears a knock coming from the bathroom door. 
“Artemis, are you okay? Tony is looking for you.” McGee calls out from the restroom door.
“Coming, McGee!”
She walks out of the stall, splashes water on her face from the sink, stuffs the postcard into her jacket pocket (that fell on the floor during her small breakdown) and she grabs her eye drops she has in her pants pocket. She gets dry eyes on occasion and usually has them in emergencies.After putting some in her eyes, she checks herself over once more in the mirror before letting out a sigh and walking out of the restroom.
“You alright? I thought I heard you crying.” McGee asks, concerned for the girl. He always looked out for her, as she became a younger sister to him.
“Fine, McGee. Tony in the conference room?”
“Yeah, just try not to strangle him so much. He may be irritating but that’s just how he is.”
“I know, McGee. Besides, if he irritates me anymore, I always have my knife,” she smiles and winks at him before heading to the conference room. 
Aurora walks into the conference room where Tony and the person they were interviewing were. “Sorry, Tony, I had something to take care of.”
“About time, probie,” Tony turns to her.
“Not a probie anymore, Tony.” She points out.
She looks and sees the person that Tony was sitting across from, the one that they were supposed to be interviewing. Aurora had to admit, he was really handsome, but had a stupid smirk on his face that she would love to slap off. He had brown-blonde hair and green eyes. His energy reminded her of her dad, with a mix of her Uncle Ice. As he stood up to shake her hand, she noted that he was about 6 feet, which was the same height as Bradley. 
“Lieutenant Jake Seresin, ma'am,” he puts his hand out and winks at her. She looks at him incredulously. She shakes his hand.
“Aurora Benjamin.”
She lets go of his hand, and sits down next to Tony.
“So, what did I miss?”
“Well probie, Lieutenant Seresin here was just about to tell me his alibi for the night of the petty officer’s murder.”
“Look, like I said I had nothing to do with his murder,” Jake replies as he sits back down in his chair. “I was on board the USS Seahawk at the time. I was tired after a flight routine check, so I passed out in my bunk.”
“Uh huh, and what exactly do you do for a flight routine check that made you tired?” Tony asks.
“Making sure the aircraft is up to date, checking the mechanics, and depending on the mission, they’d perform overall mission exercises,” Aurora replies, as she looks down in her notepad, reciting what naval aviators normally do, since she had practice whenever anyone asked about her father.
The two men stare at her as she still had yet to make eye contact, as she was still looking through her notepad. Feeling eyes on her, she looks up and sees them looking at her.
“How do you know that?” Tony questions.
She freezes. “It’s naval aviator common sense, Tony. You’ve been with NCIS for a long time, and you don’t know what naval aviators do?”
“Well not like that. You said that as if you know it.” Tony eyes her skeptically.
“Can we please just get back to the case?”
“You look familiar,” Jake says, as he looks at her, trying to figure out how he knows her.
Aurora chuckles. “I have a feeling I don’t.”
“So I haven’t slept with you before?”
“Trust me when I say, highly doubtful,” she scoffs. “Now can we get back to the murder we’re trying to solve.”
“Right. So, why did you fight with Petty Officer Hayes?” Tony questions.
“He came onto me. Accused me of sleeping with his girlfriend.”
“And did you?” Aurora asks.
“No. I didn’t sleep with another man’s girlfriend. I may be a dick sometimes, but I’m not that much of a dick,” he explains. “Are you sure we haven’t met before? Have you ever been to the Academy?”
“Lieutenant, trust me. I’ve never met you before nor have I attended the Naval Academy,” she sighs, as she writes notes down in her notebook.
“Maybe you know me by my callsign,” he flashes a smile at her.
“Which is?”
Aurora stills for a moment then shakes her head.
“Nope, still don’t know who you are.”
Of course she knew who he was. Peyton and Bradley wouldn’t shut up about him. Peyton knew him from the Naval Academy, and Bradley knew him from Top Gun. Both of them would complain about him, Bradley specifically.
Peyton would always say, “I would love to ride his airplane,” and “He may be an ass, but with an ass like his I wouldn’t mind--” and that was when she would cut her brother off. She just prayed to God that Jake really didn’t know her from them. She didn’t want her background to be revealed, let alone due to a case. 
“Well, I think that’s all the questions we have. But if we need anything else, we will call you back in. The USS Seahawk isn’t set to sail for another couple of days, to which we should have solved this case by then. Shouldn’t affect your deployment.” Tony tells him, as he stands up from his seat. 
Jake and Aurora do the same. They all walk out the door as they lead Jake back to the elevators to let him out of the building. As they pass the bullpen, Ziva looks at Aurora and gives her a stare and a motion to go next to her. Aurora walks to Ziva and sighs. 
“What, Ziva?”
“He’s hot,” Ziva whispers. Ziva always wondered why Aurora never dated, so she always tried her best to get Aurora to open up to dating someone. 
“Ziva, he’s a suspect.”
“Still hot. He flirt with you?”
“Oh big time.”
Aurora scoffs. “In his dreams,” she rolls her eyes as they spy Tony and Jake who were by the elevators. 
“Thanks again for coming in on such short notice, Lieutenant,” Tony says, shaking Jake’s hand. 
“Not a problem. Sorry I wasn’t much help.”
The elevator dings, and out walks McGee, a security guy, and a woman who was presumably the petty officer’s girlfriend. 
“Oh hey Tony, hold on real quick. Miss, you can follow this gentleman to the conference room and I’ll be there shortly.”
The lady nods, her eyes watery and still quite obviously deep in her grief. The security man helps guide her to the conference room, as McGee talks to Tony.
“Do you know where Art is?”
“At her desk, just making sure Lieutenant Seresin finds his way out.”
McGee and Jake nod in hello at each other.
“Hey Artemis!” McGee calls out causing Aurora to groan. Apparently unaware he was interrupting her conversation with Ziva.
“What do you want, McGee?” She asks, turning to him.
“Gibbs is asking for you down at Abby’s lab.”
“Well shit McGee, why didn’t you say that earlier?!” She gets up from her desk and panics as she runs to the elevators to go down to Abby’s lab. 
“Artemis?” Jake asks, as he and Tony all walk into the elevator. 
“Oh yeah, it’s a nickname we gave her.” McGee replies, as he holds the elevator door for Aurora. 
“Yeah, plus the knife she always has on her, and loves to throw kind of sealed the deal on her nickname.” Tony adds.
Jake hums in thought as Aurora runs into the elevator. 
“Thanks, McGee.” 
McGee nods and walks to the conference room to interview the petty officer’s girlfriend, as the elevator door closes. Aurora chooses the floor number where Abby’s lab is.
Jake chuckles to himself.
“What?” Aurora questions him.
“Nothing, nothing. I think I know how I know you.”
“Like I said Lieutenant, you and I have never met before.”
“You’re right we haven’t.”
Aurora nods as Tony just stands awkwardly. The elevator dings and music blasts as soon as the door opens on the floor to Abby’s lab, an indication of Abby hard at work.
“Well, have a nice day Lieutenant,” Aurora smiles at him as she walks out.
“You too,” Jake smirks at her.
Just as she was about to walk away, she heard him mutter, “Tell Apollo and Rooster I said hi.”
Aurora froze, turning to face him just in time to see him wink at her before the elevator doors shut.
Well shit.
If you would like to be on the taglist or removed, please let me know! 
Taglist: @call-sign-jinx​ @sqrlgrl22 @luckyladycreator2​
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tealeavesandthorns · 1 year
Maria & Declan | Refills
Maria stacked another short sack of coffee onto the counter and added a sticky note label to it. Rourke, she'd still yet to meet the mysterious buyer but she hoped maybe this morning she could. She liked to know her regular customers. Partly because she was nosy, mostly so she could suggests new flavours and varieties too them though. Most people still didn't realise just how much coffee and tea varied.
Maria knew it was a gentleman because Alice and Tony, who helped her run The Grasshopper had told her as much but they couldn't remember which one it was; the old guy with a bad comb-over or the 'rancher Alice blushed at' in Tony's words.
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"Oh, morning," Maria said as she turned to find a gentlemen stood at the counter. "-sorry I was just sorting some orders, some people like to buy in bulk so they can enjoy at home and I can't say I blame them. What can I get for you?"
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carmenized-onions · 11 days
Been a while since ive done one of these. Im re-reading AGAIN and forever will be. im obsessed, truly.
Through re-reading this hit SO hard.
“The other shoe still hangs in the air; but not in your bed.”
LIKE WHAT? HELLO? KILL ME? Your writing is phenomenal. i cannot fathom how you do this EVERY CHAPTER.
Anyway, im so exited to read every chapter to come. Am i in love with Tony? maybe a little (a lot). I was also wondering if you have anything planned for after you finish Chicago's finest? Another The Bear book? or maybe something else entirely? Not to rush you or anything, obviously. Im just so incredibly nosy. My deep apologies.
Just to tell you for the millionth time, im in love with you, youre writing, Tony, how you write the characters, EVERYTHING. gives me life.
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me when i hear anyone coming even CLOSE to me while im reading Chicago's finest.
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me planning a characters slow and painful demise when they upset Tony. (love you Carmy. not really. no, joking i do. maybe not. NO I DO I SWEAR.)
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me trying to act casual when i see you've posted.
me trying to act casual when Tony and Syd are interacting. (Dont worry, babe! by Chappell Roan? Who said that...?)
ANYWAY (for the second time) very sorry that this is just me rambling about stuff you dont want to hear.
Hope you're having an amazing day/night, lovely!!
I've stuck you in perpetual re-reading hell have I? My deepest apologies. Esp since I've been chronically re-reading in my brief basically hiatus as i write, I USE SO MANY COMMAS GUYS??? WHY WERE YOU LETTING ME GET AWAY WITH THAT??
the revisions once the series is finished is gonna go CRAZY.
Anyways, SUCH A DELIGHT to hear what silly prose of mine sticks out to you!! thank god you think i do it every chapter!! i am constantly doubting each chapter (man why do you think 15 has been so delayed? LMAO)
I adored using the other shoe as a through line throughout the Troubled Angst arc, one because it's very canon, but also because its very much a thing for me, like, when a good thing happens, cannot HELP but wonder how it's going to get fucked in the end.
which, after telling my doctor that, got reccomended the same books i reccomended carmen LMAO. love you son <3
THANK YOU FOR LOVING TONY!!! I love her dearly, I put so much of myself in her and also so much of what I see and love about my darling friends; my sweet darling dashing hero complex burden carrying the guy overconfident yet under confident tony. My sweet babe. the people love you!!
As for when I finish Chicago's Kindest (PUNCH BUGGY ACAB!! FUCK THE FINEST!!), I'll probably certainly absolutely take a break from writing for The Bear for a bit (though I'll definitely be around to answer asks!! duh!!). But once I return, I am hoping to...
If you send in little blurb requests for Chicago's Kindest, I'll do em!! I know esp with like Mikey/Chip there's a lot of bits that have been spoken about but never actually written out and lived. So like. If you got requests, send em in, I might write em.
I promised a SquidInk spinoff and bitch you're getting one!! There's two different ideas I've got twirling around for them at the moment, they might combine into one one off, or two separate things, who's to say!
More and More I cannot see RiChip as anything more than a platonic duo, but like, maybe I'll try to write something about them? I do adore those two. I just cant see em doin a kiss. that's just bad for my brain.
And I have no hard plans atm, but like, I'd like to write something for RIchie in general at some point. What about and what of? Idk. Certainly not a series this long. that's for fucking sure.
I don't think I can ever write for Carmen though again LMAOOO, it's only Tony for me atp. Like I can't pair him with a new reader, I'll fucking freak out. It's Chip or Die, y'know?
And while I have an epilogue planned, once Season 4 comes out, if there's something interesting that I feel like I wanna throw my hat in on, I'll come back for a Chicago's Kindest Season 2, so to speak. But no promises. They will probably give me nothing to work with, with how our stories diverge. who's to say.
anyways! not nosy!! sorry for talking about it for so fucking long!!!
i'm so glad I write the characters well, please note that it's cause I'm always freaking out about it. I am re-writing bits of lines all the time to make sure it suits their voices and decisions ,and even still i have changes i wanna make looking back LMAO
DONT CRASH OUT WHEN READING CHICAGO'S KINDEST LMAOSOD where is everyone typically when reading CK?? I'm usually on the subway editing my google doc lmao
and listen, every time i re-read Just Dropped i'm like damn. why did i not go with the punching route. should've cold clocked his ass. (love you carmy but JESUS CHRIST I WROTE ALL THAT??? WHAT WAS I GOING THROUGH MY WORD???)
Always rant and ramble to me!! Love to wake up to spam in my inbox. even if it takes me ten years to answer (sorry to everyone still trapped in my inbox, i love you babies)
all of you are really gonna hoot and holler when you see the squidink playlist, truly, it's so gay and sad. i love those idiots. when do i get to make them kiss. is it now? i hope it's now.
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dracwife · 2 years
a match into water
ship: about this dream & you → mickey/tim word count: 765 summary: tim asks mickey about his scars. tw for implications of (past) selfharm, set early on in the relationship.
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Timothy McGee did not fancy himself a particularly nosy person. Perhaps a tad oblivious, at times, but never so much as to overstep boundaries. He certainly was no Tony DiNozzo, overly intrusive and terribly persistent, nor was he any Leroy Gibbs, with the cold hard stare that would coax any secret out tumbling terrified into the open. It was with no malicious intent did he on occasion peruse Tony's desk drawers in search of uncovering what he so curiously and frequently tucked away in there, nor with any ill will did he capture a glance at Abby's texts after she so enthusiastically expressed in anticipation of her evening plans; Rather, it was his curiosity that so often led him down these paths. And never once did he intend to step on toes, or interrupt conversations, or allow it to steal his focus. No, his curiosity is what made him such a good investigator. And what good of an investigator would he be if he did not ask questions?
He was not afraid to ask them, nor was he naive, simply curious. And maybe that curiosity led him astray down paths he should not have so eagerly crossed, but for the better or the worse, he did traverse them.
And one such path, for once he almost regretted, when with anxious interest did he approach Mickey, who stood back turned to him in the kitchen of his own apartment. 
He watched him for a moment, from just into the den, from the doorway to the bedroom where he had barely a view of the other man. He was wearing Tim's shirt, something that did not go unnoticed, which left most of him regrettably bare; He caught a glimpse again of Mickey as he bustled about, gathering snacks and bowls. 
Tim'd be lying if he said he didn't feel a particular sort of fondness for the way the other found himself so at home here. He walked slowly towards the kitchen, and rounding the corner he finally saw the other man in full -- he let himself take in every patch of exposed skin, hair still damp from the shower, the way his head fell to the side as he hit 'Start' on the microwave. 
Tim wondered if it was out of line to ask. But that curiosity irked him more than the anxiety pressed.
The other turns, "Did you set up the movie?"
Tim nods, smiles. Pauses. 
"Can I ask you something?"
Mickey shrugs. "Anything."
He's unsure how to ask. Not outright. His head tilts to the side, he opens his mouth. Closes it. His brows furrow.
"Have you ever…Been hurt on the job? Like, seriously hurt?"
Mickey looks at him, confused. 
"Rolled my ankle once, while training. Hurt like hell. Uhm…" He thinks back. "Broke my wrist tackling a suspect. That sucked."
"That's all?"
Mickey chuckles under his breath, a nervous laugh, afraid to answer incorrectly maybe. 
"Uh, yeah. That's all. Why do you ask?"
Tim's eyes fall to the counter. "Just…Curious."
"You always are."
"I --" he stops himself. Whatever brevity and bravery he'd been so used to having was suddenly gone. He never really felt the need to keep them around when it was just them, alone. But maybe now would've been a good time to.
He finally resigns whatever mask he so desperately tried to fit to his asking. "I noticed the scars. I'm sorry for asking."
"They're not -- I really shouldn't have asked, I didn't mean to bring up anything, any -- Memories, or…I don't mean that they're…They're not distracting, or, or --"
"No! God, no. No, that's not what I meant. I'm sorry."
"It's alright. I don't mind."
Tim waited, but so did Mickey. They stood in silence briefly. Solemnly.
"They're old. They used to be much worse."
"...The uh…The wounds must have been pretty deep."
"Yeah. Yeah, they were."
Tim's fingers find their way underneath Mickey's chin, and push gently up, tearing his gaze from his arms. 
"I didn't mean to be intrusive. You don't have to talk about it."
"I know," Mickey's answer is quick. Too quick, maybe. He softens his voice, "I know."
Tim uses his leverage to press a gentle kiss to Mickey's lips. His other hand finds its way to Mimi's own, tense and anxiously fidgeting fingers intertwine with stable. Tim's thumb runs softly over the rough skin of the other's wrist in reassurance.
"Maybe one day?" he asks. It's understanding, not urging in the way Mickey's used to people asking. Something sweeter. Quieter. More delicate. 
"Maybe one day." 
He answers in kind. A promise. 
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boltlightning · 1 year
tagged by dearest @tortoisesshells to spell my url in songs. i must admit i've been thinking about what i need to do get the url 'bolt' lately and this is not deterring me from that mission
ahem. here you are:
🅱️us stop — the hollies out there — the hunchback of notre dame 1996, tony jay & tom hulce let's face the music and dance — nat king cole this must be the place — kishi bashi, talking heads ladybug — the altogether (but also listen to the original version of this from 2014, it's so cute) in our bedroom after the war — stars galveston — house of heroes ...history is made at night — smash ost things i'll never know — juliana zachariou nothing at all — the crane wives in the flame — supergiant 10th anniversary, darren korb & ashley barrett (which contains maybe my favorite 30 seconds in music ever. please enjoy) the nearness of you — laufey & the icelandic symphony orchestra fuck it. the game of love — santana, michelle branch
i can't recommend this as a playlist but you can listen to it here on spotify too
no pressure BUT tagging @madethemright and @thesumdancekid because i'm always nosy about your guys' music, and. @viktorvektor rayla i'm sorry i am tagging you to complete the triumvirate but i know finding v songs will be a pain. good luck <3
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aurumacadicus · 2 years
Fictober 9/31 -- “Sounds like a you problem.”
Lottie’s back! And sassier than ever! Surprising absolutely no one, she is a twin, but she is also The Baby because her twin saw one older kid give her a look askance when finding out she was a mutant and decided from then on that it was her job to protect Lottie. This comes back to bite both of them in the butt but that’s for a future installment.
“I’m leaving,” Lottie announced to the room at large. She watched as each Avenger swiveled to face her with various expressions of shock and dismay and remembered, belatedly, that that wasn’t how people normally announced they were going out. So she added, unhelpfully, “I mean, I’ll be back. Eventually.”
“That sounds ominous,” Thor told her, with far more pleasantness than it probably deserved.
“Sorry. My family would usually answer ‘good riddance’ and then ask what time I’d be back,” Lottie offered, shuffling in place. “I’m going out. I’ll be back in a couple of hours.”
“Where are you going?” Clint asked.
Lottie turned to blink at him, raising her eyebrows in surprise. “Nosy much?”
Natasha put her foot on his shoulder and shoved him off the couch, ignoring his squawk. “Just in case something happens,” she said, looking over at Lottie. “Like if your phone dies, or you need us to come get you in a hurry, or… villains attack New York.” She scowled a little. “It’s Tuesday. They usually don’t attack on Tuesday.”
“You said it out loud and jinxed everything,” Tony exclaimed, wounded.
Natasha looked like she was in physical pain. “I regretted it even as I said it.”
Lottie crossed her arms over her chest and frowned thoughtfully. “Um, well, since apparently an attack is now imminent, I’m just meeting my old neighbor to go shopping. We’re going to the Asian market and then lunch. We normally don’t pick a place until we finish shopping. I can text when we decide, if you want.”
“That would be really nice, Lottie. Thanks,” Steve said, smiling at her.
She smiled back. “I promise I won’t act like I’m fucking off forever next time.”
“If you’re going to the Asian market, will you get me some chili oil?” Bruce added, looking up from his book. “I used the last of mine and was just going to have JARVIS order some, but if you’re going out—”
“That sounds like a you problem,” Lottie replied, on instinct, then grimaced. She pulled out her phone. “Sorry. Force of habit. I’m the youngest of three so I’m really annoying sometimes without meaning to be. I’ll make a note right now.”
“Oh, shit, if you find any, will you get me some wasabi-soy rice crackers?” Tony asked, leaning over the back of the couch. “Just use the credit card I gave you for the whole order.”
“Wasabi… soy,” Lottie muttered, tapping it into her phone. “And chili oil. Okay. If anyone needs anything else, just text me, and I’ll see if I can find it.”
There was a scuffling noise. She looked up to find that Clint had wrapped an arm around Natasha’s neck. Natasha looked like she was about to make him regret it. She looked back down at her phone. She had sisters. She’d learned to mind her own business. If they were getting into a scuffle about him being nosy, she wasn’t going to get involved.
Then she jerked her head back up. “Oh my god. Wait. Are you guys doing that thing my parents did? Who are you going with, will their mom be there? I’m an adult.”
Steve and Bruce, at least, had the decency to wince. “You’ve… made it quite clear that you feel unsafe outside,” Steve finally admitted. “So are you really that surprised we’re curious?”
Lottie sucked in a deep breath, then let it back out in a sigh. “I guess not.” She dropped her arms and swung them a few times, trying to shake out the irritation she’d felt. “She’s my neighbor from the apartment building I moved from. Mrs. Tse. We met in the laundry room. She gets lonely because her kids are away at college, and I said I’d smelled her cooking some nights and it smelled really good, so she picks out a new recipe for me to make each month, and we go shopping for it, and then we go out to lunch. It lets her get a little mothering in, and I get to practice my Cantonese.”
“You know Cantonese?” Bruce asked in surprise.
“Yeah, I’ve got like… a two-hundred-day streak on Duolingo,” Lottie replied with a shrug. “I’m really excited. I’ve been working on my nasal tones so now maybe Mr. Cheung won’t make fun of me when I say ‘orange.’”
Natasha looked up from casually strangling Clint with her thighs. “‘Orange’ is a hard word. Good on you for practicing. Have fun, Lottie,” she added. “We definitely won’t be following you two.”
“Wow! That’s not convincing. Thanks anyway, I guess. Don’t bring Thor,” Lottie added, checking her purse for her wallet. “He’s very visible. No offense, Thor.”
“I’ll forgive you if you bring me something sweet,” Thor replied, unoffended.
“Something sweet,” Lottie murmured, typing it into her phone as well. “Anyway I’m going to be late if I don’t leave. Bye for real now.”
“Be safe!” Tony called out after her. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”
Lottie blinked at him. Opened her mouth. Closed it. Nodded, deciding she wasn’t going to say anything.
“Don’t do a lot of what he would do, either,” Steve added, and Lottie ran into the elevator to the sound of Tony’s offended squawk.
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