#sorry for the negativity
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so-what-then · 7 months ago
Idgaf what anyone ships.
What I care about is that an entire show was ruined in order to force a Rhaenicent relationship. I care about how everything and everyone in HotD - every plot development, every character choice, the finale - is meant to bend around this stupid ship to the detriment of the entire series. How the purity of Rhaenyra and Alicent and of their fRiEnDshIp can't be sullied no matter what.
I don't usually check out interviews with writers but from the ones I've seen it's clear HotD writers are expecting props for this shit. But its 2024: I don't need to be patronized to about misogyny and patriarchy, and I don't need to squint for queer subtext or have random fanservice (which is what that Rhaenyra x Mysaria scene is) for queer representation.
Angling for a more complex relationship between Alicent and Rhaenyra is one thing. Using a book adaptation to create a Rhaenicent fanfic is another. And thats exactly what the writers did.
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autumn-foxfire · 2 months ago
I bitch a lot about the bad writing for the women but I assure you the feelings are mutual for the men.
Shinichi and Kaito's misogyny and sexism are something is find incredibly painful about their characters and there are actions committed by the both of them that I would never forgive if they weren't fictional characters.
For Kaito it's how he harrasses Aoko. The skirt flipping and sharing the colour of her panties is awful and I don't care if it's a "product of it's time" as it should have NEVER been a product of its time. And the anime has been remade twice and both times they include him doing this to her. And with Gosho making the movies canon too, which we see with him including more and more movie things into the series, that means him trying to grope Ran was also canon...
For Shinichi his treatment of Ran is beyond gross but there is a thing he's done that is just as gross as Kaito's behaviour and that's trying to keep a picture of a sexual nature (Ran's boobs taken without and then given to him without her permission) that she asked him to delete and he tried to save it instead. That is unforgivable and when I saw that in the anime I was beyond creeped out. He has also tried to get into the bath with Ran again, but this time on purpose knowing that it would be wrong to do so.
There are probably more instances with the two of them but these are the ones at the top of my head.
Now I am completely aware these are tropes meant to be funny in nature but as a woman I can't find them funny. They make me feel gross. How the author writes and treats women in his series is beyond appalling to be honest, but this is the standard for many anime and manga too, and he's not the only one doing so.
You're probably thinking "if she's so disgusted why does she keep consuming the series?" and I don't blame you for thinking that way, but I'm just being critical of a piece of media that I otherwise enjoy a lot and if I stopped consuming stuff I had problems with I would end up with nothing to enjoy because everything has problems. I just want to vent my feelings in my personal blog about how frustrated I am with the writing of these characters at times.
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nondelphic · 2 months ago
lol i'm most likely not going to get any student loans this semester because my mental health caused me to fail too many assignments and i don't meet the result requirements lollllllll i'm literally gonna not be able to pay rent!!!!!!! 😭😭😭
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official-penis-posts · 4 months ago
i really want a penis but I don't want to take hormones to enlarge my clit to do it (I'm an operationally trained soprano and would die before losing my whistle tone) and this seems like it'll make getting bottom surgery very difficult. I can't figure out which surgery would be better suited to my specific circumstances:( do you or any of your followers have any info?
You should be able to get a penis and not have to take hormones so that you could still sing beautifully and also swagger around brandishing your member.
But as of today, you’ll be lucky if you don’t end up as a handmaiden
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arttsuka · 24 days ago
I can't believe I'm gonna be the one who writes a post like this but here we go. Comment etiquette
When you want to leave a comment
DON'T say stuff like 'I like the original better', 'this wouldn't happen' etc, except if the creator asked for your input. Otherwise just keep your thoughts to yourself.
DON'T try to promote yourself. This isn't about you, comments like 'wow, nice artwork, check out my stuff too' is a big no-no. Nobody gives a fuck about you, especially if you do that. Post your stuff and leave others. Even if you actually like their work, saying something like that makes you seem insincere.
DON'T say stuff like 'I'm retracting my like' (I've had this one happen before). We don't care. Nobody forced you to like the post in the first place.
DON'T be a smartass. 'Actually in canon bla bla bla', I didn't ask. Let me have my random headcanon in peace.
'This is nice but I ship xyz' or 'this is good but I like X character better' again, we don't care. This post wasn't made for your satisfaction, don't expect to like everything you see online.
Nice comments are always appreciated. It's ok to ask for clarification for something or even state your opinion. But remember, these posts aren't made for specifically you. Sometimes your opinion is completely irrelevant. Always remember you are dealing with real human beings.
Artists are not obliged to share their works with you, we do it because we want to. Don't expect everything to meet your personal standards. For the majority of people, art is just a fun hobby. Respect and understand that.
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margheritart · 13 days ago
Unpopular opinion (maybe) but am I the only one who thinks Yellowjackets has become a really BAD show? Tbh it might be too early to judge as we’re only 4 episodes into s3, so I hope they will actually pull off something great, but so far it feels like the quality of the show has sunk since s1. Especially wrt the adult timeline.
S1 was so great and compelling, it had so much potential, then s2 had many flaws but still mostly delivered imo, especially in the wilderness timeline. But s3 to me feels like the writers have no idea what to do anymore with the characters they have. The adult timeline feels very disconnected from the teen timeline, and has become far less interesting than it was in s1, it feels messy and ridiculous and directionless, like they're just throwing plot points after plot points to try to keep it alive (like in the last episode with ******'s death), but nothing of it actually matters or makes any sense. Adult TaiVan seems dumb and more like fan service when it could have had interesting and meaningful implications (i.e. Tai having to choose between her family and career=normal life vs Van=the past=the wilderness=her trauma), and adult Tai's arc from s1 is now completely abandoned despite being one of the best parts about the adult timeline. Travis' death was hyped up as something important, but it was just a stupid accident, I suppose. Same with Lottie being set up at the end of s1 as possibly a big villain only to turn out to be some lame woo woo wellness guru and then killed off??? And don't get me started on all of Shauna's arc basically going to shit.
I feel like the show is raising higher and higher stakes in the adult timeline, while also kinda dropping them in the wilderness timeline, while it should be the contrary???
The wilderness timeline still seems somewhat better in s3, but I still get the feeling they're dragging it a bit too much and they don't know what to do with some of the characters (like Nat and Tai). And the time skip from the aftermath of the cabin burning to now being spring with them living in this sort of "glamping" village seems like a terrible cop out from what could’ve been a great way to start the season.
Overall, I feel like this show is kinda getting the "Marvel treatment", where the writers overdo the comedy part and seem too afraid to actually dig deeper on the dark and gritty aspects, unless they can be used for shock value.
I really don't know how they think they can pull off 5 seasons if the result is this, but at this rate I’ll keep watching only because I want to see when and how they get rescued.
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eddyneedssleep · 5 months ago
I need to get better at traditional art WHY IS COLORING A PAIN
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+ dumb Sonic doodle that highkey sucks
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coralhoneyrose · 3 months ago
Oof. The problem with publishing a fic across more than three years while working consistently on improving your writing during that time is that it makes it REALLY hard to enjoy the early parts of the story when you look back at them.
Idk, there's just something deeply ironic about the fact that I wrote this story for myself and that the very act of continuing to write has made me less capable of enjoying it. Because all I see now is what I could have / should have done differently if only I'd learned some of these lessons earlier T-T
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kuronobirthday · 19 hours ago
[Beware, Ave Mujica: The Die is Cast spoilers below]
[Also, this is a rant. You are under no obligation to read this, and what I will say next is merely my opinion and not an objective universal truth]
The thing is that the whole "they're related" works in more serious gothic works because they're, well, serious. You cannot expect a franchise like Bandori (which was already baited the fandom with shitty incest cards) to treat the matter normally. Hell: we only have TWO episodes left! Yes, they've done well with the little time they had to portray serious issues so far, but being so close to the finale I have my doubts.
As much as I've praised this anime I was never really too keen on its pacing and I think it showed here perfectly. I liked what they tried to do with the episode being a monologue from Uika to an empty audience paralleling the last shot of the OP, but I think it's better in concept than in its execution. I don't really like this odd "tell don't show approach": we didn't even get any scenes to give credibility to what Uika was saying. If anything, this episode seemed to be a result of not giving Uika any screentime, as clever of a narrative tool it was at first. And this isn't even the first time this has happened, I also didn't really like how it rushed Nyamu and Umiri's backstories and how it barely even showed a single scene of the Wakaba system and Sakiko being childhood friends.
Some people are saying that this could be foreshadowing towards everything being a lie. But be fr. Why would they spend 20 minutes building a single lie instead of using small moments in the past 20 (!!!) episodes that pointed towards Uika being a pathological liar?
People have also proposed that Uika may have Munchausen syndrome due to an interview with Kakimoto, director of the anime. Thing is that's not what Munchausen is lol. And Kakimoto only mentioned Munchausen when he was contrasting the inspiration behind other character's to Uika's.
Sure, you could say Uika's feelings were never meant to be portrayed as romantic and I'd agree, because we've only seen her being irrationally obsessed with Sakiko at best... but there's no other way to read certain lyrics, which are CANONICALLY written by Uika btw. It's just so dumb to pander to a ship so much only to pull the rug at the very last minute.
Also, finally, my biggest gripe wrt this episode is that it's such a cheap fucking twist lmao. "They're related" is cheap drama and "she's just supplanting her [not even twin mind you] sister" is literally the plot of several afternoon soap operas. You can't expect me to take it seriously.
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soobiesworld · 6 months ago
i finally found my nintendo ds lite after searching for a few years now, and the screen was already broken and in my excitement for finding it, i dropped it. and now it won’t work at all! and won’t turn on🙃
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mr-weirdo-mcgee · 6 months ago
The funniest take on Greek gods (I've seen at least) is this boy on TikTok who said (or y'know the text) "you can't worship aphrodite, it's a sin" like.. a sin to what?? YOUR religion?? 😂 Like dude, I think **some** Christians might also worship her?? Like I saw one person saying it but he knows that ...there's people who worship aphrodite and are... Pagan? Or y'know... They worship Greek gods?
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cheriafreya · 2 months ago
still kind of shocked about how quickly my hype for Genshin's Natlan region faded like I never expected something like this to happen this fast...
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oswildin · 4 months ago
I have had the worst 48 hours of my life.
I’m feeling somewhat better, thankfully.
Antibiotic side effects are no joke ya’ll. Turns out I’d suddenly developed a severe sensitivity/mild allergic reaction to the antibiotic (even though I’d taken it once before years ago). One doctor told me to KEEP taking them?! Hello?!?!?! Are you insane?!?!?!
Ofc, I refused and spoke to another doctor today who did tell me to stop taking them and gave me anti-sickness tablets amongst other tablets to settle the reaction.
Chronic illness sucks and being autistic whilst experiencing such bad symptoms is horrible, it’s triggered meltdown galore.
Male doctors need to listen to women patients more and take our reactions seriously!!!
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pekoeboo · 1 month ago
trying to work on art for antony's birthday today (he's 3 years old 😭) but i'm just. really tired and can't focus and it probably won't get done before the night's over :c
i know i can post some kind of belated thing instead but that always feels Bad to me hhhh. i just wanted to celebrate my boy on the day that he was initially created, you know? ;n;;
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faeriesandfables · 2 months ago
why are acnh treasure islands so dang hard to get into. i've been sat here for a solid half-hour
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maharellasa · 5 months ago
I guess...
No husband after all.
okay, I'm gonna be mean, but the ONLY reason I tuned into this story every week was the hope of hearing Solas. And now I feel tricked 😅 I couldn't care less about Nadia or Drayden or Elio, sorry. they could have at least given us a Dorian cameo. Oh well. Total waste of time.
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