#sorry for the inactivity lately btw
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happyheidi · 4 months ago
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caluupin · 1 year ago
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been catching up on TGAA/DGS !! :D
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dbphantom · 8 months ago
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How its been going if I'm being quite honest
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kazumist · 11 months ago
hi hello mic test 123 (read tags pls)
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adhdtsukasa · 2 months ago
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i think i'm stuck with the aroace ichikasa profile forever because i wanted to try and make myself an aesthetic custom profile for wl and this is all i can do. giving up. i will be haunted by his smile for all eternity i can't do that.
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Joined a fandom Christmas thing, gift exchange type type thing, submissions end jan 1st, and I'm getting kinda nervous cause I haven't received mine yet.
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tartetasin · 1 year ago
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I bite at the hand that feeds me
Slap at the face that eats me
Some kind of animal cannibal
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lovelyamneris · 10 days ago
Do you ever see your faceclaims for your ocs just...SO as your ocs, when you see the actor/actress somewhere else you do a double take like...girl what are you doing here
omg yes! Recently I’ve been making a lot edits for a Saw fanfic concept and using the main girl from Outer Banks as the faceclaim. Since I’ve never watched Outer Banks at all, I only ever think of my Saw OC when I see her actress. I love when that happens too because it can be so funny sometimes.
I haven’t experienced this with Claire from NPC Syndrome (my hoa fanfic) because I’m watching yellowjackets for the first time ever right now and I can only see Sophie as Nat. Speaking of Nat, she’s my favorite on that show I adore her so much.
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chambercultist · 1 year ago
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gentlenotes · 9 months ago
"you broke my fucking heart when you said that" cool bro how do you think mom and i feel on a daily fucking basis when dealing with your insane shit
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spiritually-a-deer · 2 months ago
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im turning 16 today !! i have really mixed feelings about it but yea i just wanted to tell y'all ^^ sorry for being so inactive lately btw schools been really stressful :/ love y'all !! ♡♡
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lightlycareless · 2 months ago
I have a fluffy idea for you! What if Naoya and Y/N had gotten in a fight/argument that’s left them upset with each other but maybe it happened in front of the kids or they eavesdropped. And maybe they’ve never seen them this upset with each other so the kids worry that they might get divorced(after that one fic about death you posted, I wouldn’t be surprised if Naoaki got this in their heads too or maybe that’s too far for him even) so the kids make a plan to make Naoya and Y/N make up
Aww this was really cute to read 🥺 as twisted as that might sound since I never enjoyed the idea of the kids seeing their parents upset lol. Still, didn't stop me from writing a lil something I hope y'all enjoy!!
Also, because of fluff, we have to remove Naoaki of the formula but believe me it would NOT be below him to tell them ugly things about their parents 😡 he'd probably go on saying things like "Oh, no... they're going to divorce now!!) .I.
btw... I am unsure of what fic you mean but I'll tag this one just to be sure 🙈 I'm sorry.
Anyways, here are the warnings: none. fluff. you and naoya are married and have 4 kids hahahahahahahhahaha a tiny bit of angst, there was an argument after all.
Happy reading!
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Arguments between the two most of the time, if not always, consist with you not agreeing to something Naoya’s family demands, and his subsequent inaction to do something about it.
You try to be understanding of his situation, it sucks to be the child of a family that is always looking for their personal benefit, careless how it affects others… but just how much are you be able to excuse before it becomes too much? Before it begins to affect your family?
How much are you willing to tolerate… in the name of the love you have for Naoya?
There were limits to your patience, and once the little things began to bundle up, you snapped.
“Fine! If that’s how it’s going to be, then… then I guess I—I don’t have anything to do here!” you cry, tears in the corner of your eyes as you swiftly turned around and exited the room, leaving behind a frustrated Naoya, too angered to do anything else but stare at your distancing figure, as well as the disheartened children who had unfortunately caught wind of their argument.
The two always made sure to keep discussions out of their earshot, your problems shouldn’t become their burden… however, maybe because it was a heat of a moment kind of thing that led to this oversight, or perhaps you were too loud, they now went through the misfortune of seeing this.
Their father soon attempted to ease their worries.
“It was just an argument; your mama and I had these before.” Naoya explains. “We’ll be fine.”
“I never seen mom this angry before.” Naomi adds.
“Or angry at all…” Naori adds. “With you, I mean.”
Naoya sighs. Well, he didn’t know whether to be impressed by your diligence or upset that it crumbled today.
“Do you hate mama now?” Naoko dared ask, and Naoya’s eyes snap wide open.
“What? No. I don’t hate her. We just had a disagreement!”
But your consistent ignorance of the bouquet of roses and boxes of mochi he got you right after cooling down, hoping to strike a peace treaty and leave all this behind, started to indicate otherwise.
Your interactions, or lack of, grew more and more prominent…
Yet, it wasn’t until your refusal to sleep in the same bed as him (as if having your meals separately weren’t enough) was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
And ultimately, the ones hurting the most were your children.
Whom at the unfamiliarity of their parent’s differences, decided to make finding a solution their utmost priority, be the ones in charge of saving their family which at a larger scale was like saving the world. For them, at least.
“We have to help them.” Naoko suggested to the council, as Naori named it so. “Before it gets too late!”
“It must’ve been pretty serious if mama isn’t talking to papa anymore…” Naoyuki added. “Does she hate her now?”
“No.” Naomi firmly assessed. Because it’s not the first time she’s questioned this herself, nor the first time she sees them not getting along (which may or may not influenced her perception about her father…)
But it is the first time she’d ever seen her mother so upset. Enough for you to deny it when confronted about it, and you’ve always been transparent when it comes to emotions and how sometimes not everything goes as expected!!
To make matters worse, her aunties aren’t any better, as if sworn absolute secrecy and loyalty towards you, your staff had made it their life mission to avoid all her questions, even going as far as acting like it was all in her imagination.
“Your mom is just busy, that’s all! You know how the life is here at the estate… always chaotic.” Mariya shrugs her worries away.
If Naomi had been 5 years old, maybe she would’ve believed her.
However, her options were far from running out, and when one proved to be inadequate, she simply went onto the next, to the only other person she knew she could trust with her life—your side of the family, her grandfather.
The overbearing grandpa who was always ready to jump into action if need be, yet careful enough to not disclose too much and eventually cause more harm than good. Naomi could see it in her parents’ exhaustion that, as much as they enjoyed his company, he was… quite something.
“Naomi-nee… what if our parents divorce?” Naori dared wonder in the dead of night, in her room after everyone went to sleep. As the eldest, Naomi was the voice of reason amongst all the siblings, but she was always closer to her immediate younger brother—she doesn’t recall ever being so excited to be an older sister than the time she was to become one for the first time. “I… I don’t want them to separate.”
“They won’t, Naori.”
“But I’ve never seen them so upset… do you think mama hates papa now?”
Never. Of course not. You wouldn’t put up with someone as peculiar as her father if you didn’t.
And her father wouldn’t try his hardest to make you happy if he didn’t love you either.
A meeting with her grandfather was long overdue.
“Oh, Naomi… how long have they been like this?” Eiichi laments, imagining how distraught his grandchildren must be because of this situation. But of course, never leaving you out of his mind, equally worried about the mental state you must be in to have done such a thing.
Extending over to Naoya as well, the young man whom he once thought as the worst option for a husband for his lovely daughter—but now, a marriage and 4 children later, that is no longer the case. Naoya has proven to be a good man, someone he could trust with taking care of one of his most precious, and the recipient of his concerns as well.
“For a week now… and it doesn’t seem like it’s getting any better.” Naomi responds. “I need your help, jiji. I want them to make up already before they decide… maybe to—”
“They won’t do anything harsh.” Eiichi reassures her. He knows his daughter; he knows his in-law. They’d rather go through the nine circles of hell than live without the other.
Still, this is a problem that undoubtedly needs attention, for bottled issues lead to even bigger problems in the future, and as a widowed man, the last thing he wants is seeing his daughter live with regret towards her husband.
“Then what do I do?” Naomi asks.
“It’s not really your responsibility to do so, Naomi. But, if you must…”
Remembering the special moments of this relationship is a nice way to start, like what made you decide you wanted to spend the rest of your life with Naoya.
So, after extensive consideration and careful planification, Naomi and the rest of her siblings decide to pester their parents into going to the fair that’s set up this time of year in the city, with all the games and food anyone could enjoy to their hearts delight—the perfect escape from the mundane, repetitive everyday life of the estate.
You were initially against it, and not because you didn’t want to take them (going to the fair sounded delightful) but rather because they insisted so much on bringing Naoya along, which you had yet to make amends with him, and the last thing you wanted was to make things uncomfortable.
But you knew better than to resist your children, and so, you’ve saved the date for Saturday.
“Come on mama, we’re going to be late!” Naoyuki gasped, tugging at your sleeve with such unparalleled enthusiasm you couldn’t help but smile. “We have to get there before it gets too crowded!”
“I’m coming, I’m coming!” you chuckle, letting your youngest guide you towards the exit, where a car was already on standby by the servants. Naoya had gotten a bigger car to accommodate his quickly growing family not so long ago, though unfortunately it’s not used as frequently as you would’ve liked—mainly because you weren’t comfortable driving such a big car, not without Naoya anyways... and because it’s rare that all of you go out together.
Between Naomi’s school life, your growing responsibilities the older Naobito becomes, and Naoya’s availability… yeah. What a waste.
“I hope you brought a sweater, honey. It’s going to be quite cold out there.”
“I did, mama.” He says. “I always do, Naoko doesn’t though…”
“That’s not true!” She cries back. “You’re the one that doesn’t bring one, I always have to share mine!”
“There’s no need to fight over that. dumpling” You smile. “I just need to make sure the two brought something warm to wear later on.”
“I checked if they brought something too.” Naomi adds. “So don’t worry about that, they did.”
“Thank you, pumpkin.” You say. “But it’s your siblings’ responsibility to do that… right?”
The kids nod, Naomi shrugs.
“…what about you, my love? Have you brought something warm?” Naoya suddenly asks, seizing this moment to hopefully get an interaction from you; but you simply dismiss him with a curt hum, followed by a low yes before returning to your children and helping them onto the car.
Your husband pressed his lips together in disappointment before and getting to the driver’s seat, a sight that the children could only take in with great sadness and worry, doubting if their nee-san’s plan even had a purpose.
“It’s too early for that.” Naomi comforts them. “But trust me, it’ll work.”
… she just hopes she isn’t wrong.
“What is the plan?” you murmured, trying to not get overwhelmed by the vast amount of food, games, and all in between to be found from one corner to the other. Wherever you looked, there was not a single spot that wasn’t set up to offer a good time or at least get money out of your pocket.
Well, at least your children will be thoroughly entertained, though they had another goal in mind:
«Remember, we have to make it as casual as possible. Not make anything that might look suspicious!!»
With Naomi’s cautionary words in mind, the children made haste for their attempt of stealthiness, comparable to their father when out working with curses and such—they had it in their blood after all, all they set their mind to is easily achievable.
“Let’s go here first, mama!” Naoko pointed to a nearby stand, a game that consisted of gathering points by throwing hoops. The little girl did her best to score the highest, but in the end, she barely got one.
Luckily, she was not too distraught by that fact, for she knew there was a solution to it. Or perhaps it was all part of her plan?
“Mama, tell papa to win me a prize!” she quickly demands, tugging at your yukata and pulling you towards her dad. “Pleaseeeee?”
“Ah, well, pudding, I’m sure you could tell him—”
“He can win something for mom too, you know?” Naomi suggested, and through the corner of her eye she swears seeing her father get excited at the notion, the briefest opportunity to talk to his wife and make her happy through a silly plushie…
Only to dim the light in his eye when you shake your head, saying:
“No, it’s ok. it’s not necessary, I’m fine just watching.”
Naomi sighs. She didn’t like the idea of taking a harsher approach but your attitude and her dad’s unwillingness to step up too has her reconsidering.
She didn’t want to employ this so soon, but if she must…
“I want to go on the Ferris wheel.” Naomi suddenly declares.
“Don’t you want to try out some of the games first?” You ask, somehow a bit… unsettled by her request. The reason? Only you will know.
“No, right now is perfect; if we wait a little longer there’ll be a long queue.” She explains. “And I don’t want to wait.”
“Makes sense… sure; let’s go. Anyone else wants to go?” you look at your children, they all nod.
“I think all of us.” Naomi responded. “But I’m not sure if we all fit in the same pod...”
“I’m sure we can arrange something so none of the kids are alone, how about I go with Naoyuki and Naoko, and your papa goes with Naomi and Naori?”
“But I want to go with you, mom.” Naori whines.
“Yeah, me too.” Naomi adds. “No offense, dad.”
“I’ll sit this one out, then.” Naoya responds.
“Ah, no, that’s not fair either.” Naomi frowns—she’s not about to let her father ruin this too! “We all go, or no one does.”
Naoya raises an eyebrow; since when did his little girl become so bold? Ah, he sure misses the days where she’d happily go along with whatever her parents said… but at the same time, he was glad to see the sturdy young woman, that will not take any garbage thrown at her, she had become.
“Fine, I’ll go.” Naoya says, and the family heads over to the ride, but not without him gesturing the kids to go in front of them of course, which Naomi did not agree with, not if her plan was to unfold appropriately… thankfully, she had her sibling’s loyalty to rely on, which she did not hesitate to exploit.
“Kids…” You warned, trying to take hold of one of your children but they only seemed to do what you told them not to even more! Just as… well, not really. They were always obedient. What’s gotten into them? “I need you to stand before me, please. Or we won’t go.”
“Don’t worry mom, I got it.” Naomi reassures, making you sigh. Always the reliable one, you’re glad that your daughter is someone you can trust when support is needed, though you’re not happy at the fact she seemed to have more authority than you over her siblings. Ah, but if you only knew what she was planning. “You and dad go on; I’ll get my siblings to join soon.”
Wholeheartedly expecting to see just that: your kids waiting for you to get ready before helping them up—
But the moment you and Naoya were inside, the door was firmly shut, and the ride set in motion! The employee simply doing what he was bribed into after getting a taste of the Zen’in fortune by your eldest, ensuing an exasperated, rightfully furious set of parents that quickly demanded the door to be open, less he wished to suffer the consequences.
“Hey, I’m talking to you, bastard!” Naoya fumed, still debating whether to use his technique to break free, and bring along even more severe problems, such as endangering you and everyone around… or not. He chose not to. “Open this door, now!”
“Naoya—the kids, they’re—” you fret, all kinds of horrible scenarios crossing through your mind as you glanced out the window and down to them: anticipating finding them equally distraught by this occurrence, tears soaking their cheeks as they cried to be reunited with their parents—
Only to be shocked at their reactions, not only different to what you expected, but the vast opposite!
Naomi, Naori, Naoko, and Naoyuki bearing bright smiles on their faces while waving goodbye to you and Naoya, in such optimistic matter that you could only assume was intentional.
You didn’t know whether to be elated they were far away from any immediate danger or be angry to have pulled something like this!
“Have fun!!” Naomi cheers when the two start going up.
But when you were still debating, Naoya had long set his mind.
“I’m giving all of them a piece of my mind once we get down.” Naoya warned, no one was to escape a much-deserved reprimand; though a bit harsher on the employee than with his own kids.
Until then, however. the two were forced to remain in this situation that grew quickly familiar the higher you went, culminating at the very top where each pod would have a few seconds to rejoice the view of the city at night.
The exact same situation Naoya and you found themselves many years ago, when you first—
“Are you cold?” Naoya suddenly asks, and you blink out of your thoughts, completely unprepared for his approach.
But who are you trying to fool? Naoya has been nothing but insistent when it came to reaching out to you; if anything, it should’ve been obvious he’d do so again. Perhaps your reaction stemmed more from the fact he still tried.
Even after all your rejections, he still tries.
Will this occasion be any different?
“No, I’m… fine.” You murmur, it was impossible considering all the layers underneath your kimono. “You?”
“I’m good.” He responds. Though the conversation runs ironically cold, with the two continuing to mindlessly look anywhere else but at each other.
While fidgeting at the edges of your sleeve, you try to push away the thought of that wonderful moment out of your mind. You’re probably the only one that’s thinking about it, and it would be in bad taste to bring it up after all you’ve done.
Unless he were to do it.
“This is where we shared our first kiss, wasn’t it?” Naoya notes, still gazing out the horizon. “Under the guise of wanting to enjoy the fair, you took me to the Ferris wheel and kissed me.
I didn’t expect you to do it, you know? I genuinely believed were just hanging out, that you only wanted to show your gratitude after I helped you out with school and some missions—the fair seemed to be the right place for it.”
You swallow, followed by a few seconds of silence that made Naoya believe you weren’t to respond, as usual, until you did.
“…That was my intention.” You slowly explain. “At least until we got here.”
“What made you change your mind?” he wonders, taken aback by this sudden, new side of the story he fondly guarded in his heart.
“I… I guess I just got overwhelmed by everything. How beautiful the city looked at night, the two of us alone, up here… and the sentiments I’ve begun to have for you after all you’ve done for me.” You confess. “I don’t know how else to explain it. I guess my heart simply… needed to do it.”
“Don’t be coy, now. You just couldn’t resist me, could you?” Naoya teases, looking at you. You blush.
“No. I guess I couldn’t.” you murmur, glancing back at him. Flustered, but mostly out of shame. Pressing your trembling lips together, you once again do what your heart demands you to.
“… I’m sorry, Naoya—for… for the horrible way I’ve been acting.” You sniveled, Naoya’s eyes widened.
“Y/N…”  He leans closer, hoping to be near enough to comfort you once the tears in your eyes threaten to fall. “I tried approaching you, make things up, but… you just kept rejecting me. Why?”
“Because I…I was ashamed.” You confess, he blinks. “I treated you horribly, spoke ill behind your back, Naoya—and the—the longer it went on, the more I felt terrible about myself. I simply couldn’t approach you. How—how could I ever look at you again after all that?”
Naoya won’t deny that your admission hurt him deeply. To hear you openly question why you even married him is a strike that reopened many of his old wounds.
But being here again, in the same exact moment that made you fall in love even more with Naoya, that you couldn’t help but pour your heart out of fear of him not feeling the same way for you anymore after all the times you’ve rejected him.
Or worse, that he had already moved on to someone else, the mere thought enough to make you delirious with sadness—
You never wanted anyone else so much in your life as you do now for him.
So how did you even dare question your relationship with him?
Had he been dreadful as a partner? Given you any indications of a poor parentage towards your kids?
No. Of course not. Never.
Naoya was, and is, the love of your life. The man of your dreams and the only person you wished to spend the rest of your days with. You will never look for anyone else if it’s not him.
It’s just that sometimes… the two might say things neither truly mean. You’re both human, after all. Emotional beings so heavily intertwined with one another; it made every little interaction far more intense.
Like your love.
“I didn’t know how to—how to make amends. I shouldn’t have said what I did but… I just… I didn’t know how to make it stop.” You continue. “So, I just foolishly kept on acting like that…hoping it would just stop.”
“You know, a simple smile from you would’ve been enough for me to forget everything.”
“This is serious, Naoya.” You refute. “I acted like a child—how could you…”
“I know, I know.” He chuckles. “But I’m not angry, not anymore that is. I’m just happy that my wife is talking to me again.”
Your lip trembles, gasping at the way his words made you feel.
“I never stopped loving you.” Naoya murmurs, leaning closer to you, up to the point where his face was simply mere inches away from you. “Nor did I ever feel anything else that wasn’t complete adoration for you during these days we were apart.”
“Even when we stopped sleeping in the same bed? Or eating at the same table?” you wonder. “Not even then did your love dwindle?”
“Well, I might’ve felt a bit resentful that I didn’t have my warm adorable mochi to cuddle with.” he says, carefully placing his arm around your waist and pulling you even closer to him. “Or my wife to talk to after a long day of work… but as I said, those things fail to matter in time when all I wanted was to see you happy again.”
“I wouldn’t have married you if I didn’t know you’d be a good partner and father.” You murmur. “How… how can I make it up to you?”
“I know a way you can do just that.” He teases, you blush. “But I’ll settle for something better.”
“How about a kiss? For old times’ sake.” He suggests with a sly smirk. “Since it’s been so long, it might as well be just like the first time.”
Your eyes widen before giggling.
“Nothing, I guess I’m glad to see you’re just as silly as ever.”
And without anything else to say, you finally close the distance between the two by softly pressing your lips onto his, just like you did all those years ago.
But instead of pouring out your newfound love, which still lives, through the form of 4 lovely children, you give him a bittersweet kiss that signified your regret, and your desire to move past this situation, to return to your husband’s arms every night and bask in his adoration.
Which he was more than glad to commit, given the way he placed his hand over your head and pulled you even closer—almost as if he were afraid of losing you the moment this kiss ended, unwilling to do so again.
Yet deep within his heart, he knew that after today, it won’t happen. Never, in fact.
“You’re sweet as ever, too.” Naoya murmurs once freeing your lips of his relentless grasp, cupping your face soon after and wiping your tears. “My spoiled princess.”
“I’m not…” you sigh, succumbing to his words. You might as well give him this small victory after all you made him go through. “Fine.”
“There she is, my bratty mochi.” He continues to tease you, pressing your cheeks together into a pout and pecking your lips once again. “My beautiful, darling mochi.”
“You’re lucky that your handsome.” You tease back, Naoya laughs.
“Really so?” he says. “I believe my true charm comes beyond my good looks.”
“It does.” You reassure him, giving him one last kiss as the ride begins to descend. “It’s always been more than that.”
Waiting by the sideline, your children anxiously glued their eyes to your pod in anticipation of results. Of the reassurance that their plans had ultimately worked and their parents returned to their usual, loving ways… if not, prepare themselves for a stage in their lives they all knew would loathe, impossible to recuperate from as they see their family crumble.
Thankfully, the sight of you smiling, a bright streak of red across your face as you allowed your husband to help you down the ride quickly struck those awful thoughts out of their mind, rushing to their parents side as they demanded one last vocal confirmation of your forgiveness, just to be sure.
Their bright, big teary eyes inspire you to kneel to their level, taking them into your arms, before doing so.
“I think we owe you an apology for involving you in our issues, and for the way I’ve been behaving. It was never your responsibility to look after us… but you still did, all of you. Thank you.” You say, looking over to Naomi whom you had no doubt was the leader of the whole thing. Her sudden interest in visiting her grandfather suddenly made sense—still, you were proud of the fact that she knew how and where to act. Oh, she’s not a baby anymore, is she? “We couldn’t have asked for better children.”
“Does it mean you still love each other?” Naoyuki asked.
“You won’t get divorced… right?” Naoko adds, Naoya scowls.
“Never. Who even mentioned anything about a divorce?” It was such an awful word to him, he would completely barren it from their vocabulary if possible. But he can’t, so instead, he’ll reassure them that it would never happen—as many times as they need. “Your mama and I love each other very much; it’ll take a whole lot for her to get rid of me.”
You chuckle.
“Really?” Naori’s eyes brighten, diving deeper into your embrace. “I’m so happy!”
“Does this mean we’ll finally enjoy the fair as a family, like we should’ve?” Naomi asks, your grin widens.
“Yeah. We will—but only if your papa goes on the rollercoaster with me! Do you know that he’s quite afraid of them? I had to bride him a few times before just to get him to ride with me!”
“That’s not true, not at all!” Naoya gasps. “You’re the one screaming all the time…”
“Of excitement! Not fear.” You jest back. “Come on now, don’t tell me you’re still scared?”
The children laugh, Naoya quickly grows red as a tomato.
While Naomi, contrary to the usual embarrassment she would’ve gotten at these very humiliating displays, doing her best to cower from the public view, smiles. Glad to see that her parents were back on their obnoxious nature—
Their overburdening, quite uncomfortable, yet ultimately endearing behavior Naomi wouldn’t want to change for anything in the world.
She’ll have plenty of other occasions to cringe at her parents, for now, she just wants to be happy.
Like she once was when nothing short of a child.
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Naomi to the rescue 👉👈 as the oldest, she feels burdened to keep her family together. I don't like that, because it shows some degree of carelessness in Y/N and Naoya, but she's driven by her caring nature to do what she must to protect her loved ones—if you didn't want those traits on her then maybe you shouldn't have married a stubborn man like Naoya lol.
I don't have anything else to say except that I'm going to write that first kiss :) It's like one of the many variations of it lol. Of course, in the high school au. I already have it set up, it's just a matter of getting down to actually write it 🙈
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed reading this!! I do love it when I get asks with fluff + the kids 🥹❤️❤️❤️ Thank you so much.
Now, take care and hope to see you soon!
p.s. naomi feeling like a child at that one last sentence makes me all warm inside 🥺😭 it's like she's my firstborn lmao. maybe she is.
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prettyinpwn · 1 year ago
Does anyone else feel like... something new is brewing for GF?
Sorry I've been posting a lot out of the blue after months of inactivity, but, you all get it... the GF fixation train comes and goes.
Anyways, I'm getting some spidey senses going on about GF lately. There's The Book of Bill coming out, Alex Hirsch doing an interview with ThatGFFan and Fordtato/Hana Hyperfixates (you folks are awesome btw), Alex himself has been super, super quiet for a while as far as I know...
I especially am a bit curious about why The Book of Bill is being released so many damn years after the show was released. There's no big anniversary coming up (the 10 year passed in 2022), the show is - let's just admit it so I can feel like the old ass lady I am - old itself, and usually stuff like this gets greenlit around other materials for promo reasons.
My point is, is usually something like The Book of Bill, you'd expect to have been released long ago to capitalize on the show's success post-finale, like how Journal 3 and Lost Legends were published. But... all of the sudden 10+ years down the line, we're seeing stuff like the soundtrack vinyl, the Bill purse, and I believe there were Ford and Stan plushies iirc, and now The Book of Bill being released.
And there are details about these two things that are... weird. The soundtrack had a full version of "We'll Meet Again" with all the characters voiced by Alex Hirsch (e.g Bill, Stan, Soos, McGucket, etc). Very strange thing to be added to the record, hm... and The Book of Bill is set to be more adult in flavor.
I'll just bluntly state it: I think they're testing the waters for more Gravity Falls with a more adult audience, capitalizing on old as dust fans like me who were active when the series aired, plus newer fans given Gravity Falls' seemingly evergreen appeal. Like I'm about... 80% certain on this. I'm not saying this to clickbait anyone but it really feels like something new is on the horizon. I'm not saying it's a new show, maybe comics or some sort of prequel or continuation in another medium, but my spidey senses are tingling, like I said.
Does anyone else feel the same, or am I just... too hopeful?
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darkwater-reservoir · 1 year ago
Well this post aged poorly...
I will personally advocate on tucker's behalf because we all know he would have killed dr.kevins in any way but drowning him in darkwater. He also didn't seem to want to be on anyone's bad side, so him killing dr.kevins makes absolutely no sense since that would immediately put him on everyone's shit list.
It's probably lucid, especially since they threatened nat, but I think samier is also a valid suspect since he has the motive (wanting nat to like him and therefore doing anything to get her to like him which may include killing the man she hated most) and the resources (he would have drowned him in darkwater especially since we the people probably has a reservoir of it somewhere).
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goon2venture · 2 months ago
Eros <3
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veeeery lazy sketch that I'll fix sometime not 2day ,,,,,, happy late new years love u guys sm sorry 4 inactivity :3
finished squid games season 2 btw mmmhmmm ,,,,, expect venture content soon
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yatagarasuarchive · 6 months ago
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Ok, I think I've calmed down now.
This week we have the girlfriends ever!
Source: Yatagarasu anime's official account (drawn by Natsuki-sensei).
(Sorry for the inactivity btw. I haven't really felt like posting too much lately).
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