#sorry for responding late at night! im a night owl
asklesbianonceler · 2 months
haiii i bring a silly doodle request :0 i love your drawings of ymir with dramatic long hair so would you draw yuri getting tangled up in it? :3
Thank you! And I'd be more than happy to!! 👉🏻👈🏻 I love the long hair too
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moonlit-imagines · 1 month
Needles and Knives
Jason Todd x reader
warnings: um. needles and knives
a/n: i just wanted to do a tattoo artist au for jason im weak. also no this isnt an nsfw
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It took a bit of thorough deliberation to figure out just what you'd be getting permanently inked on your body, but eventually you'd been able to settle on a meaningful piece. Quite the piece according to your artist, Jason Todd.
You walked into the studio, a bit dark and dingy in an endearing way. Fortunately, Jason's setup was more clean and organized than the rest of the place. "Sorry for the mess, the other guys aren't as concerned about health code as I am." He chuckled as he walked over to the front desk. "Far as I know, there hasn't even been an inspector here in at least five years." You laughed with him as he got everything set up on his end.
"Thanks for taking me this late," you said, "I'm kind of a night owl."
"You're not the only one." Jason tapped the chair you'd be sitting on for the appointment. "Make yourself comfortable, it's gonna be a pretty long session." You'd picked a nicely sized thigh tattoo that would be roughly three hours long, but Jason said he was in no rush and would only charge for two. You didn't think he was in this for the money, he seemed to like what he did. Or maybe he just liked poking people with needles. Either way it was a good deal and you liked being in the studio late and alone, it was more peaceful this way.
He was as gentle as possible, checking in every few minutes no matter how much you assured him you could take a little pain. Judging by the looks of it, you could say the same about him. There were plenty of scars on his arms from what you could see past his t-shirt sleeves. You tried not to make it obvious as you started observing the rest of his exposed skin for other marks. There was definitely a faint bruise around his eye and a few healing cuts and scrapes under bandages. Maybe he was trying to fool you with the “new tattoo” look the way those bandages were wrapped, but you could tell he got roughed up. You wondered if his knuckles were just as bad under the gloves.
“You alright?” Jason asked once again, wiping away at the ink on your skin.
“Uh-huh.” You dully replied.
“Seem a little nervous.” He commented without looking back at you, dragging the needle across your skin again. “You can’t keep still.”
“Oh.” You mumbled. “Just a little restless. Not used to sitting in one spot this long.” You both chuckled lightly.
“I know the feeling.” Jason responded. “Tattooing is really just a side hustle, I don’t do it all that often.”
“Really? You seem pretty experienced.” You complimented him and took a peek at the work so far. “What’s the ‘main hustle’ then?” You pried and watched his lips curl upwards ever so slightly.
“That’s a secret.” He responds after a moment of hesitation. You thought he was joking—just a bit of a tease—but he never did give you a straight answer. You were forced to keep awkwardly staring at the injuries he’d sustained recently and further back and make your assumptions. Maybe he got in a fight with a bear. Maybe several bears.
“Late night tattooing, huh? Any particular reason?” You innocently asked. He laughed just a little—just enough to embarrass you a little bit—and stopped tattooing.
“Let’s take a break. Can I get you a water?” Jason offered and walked over to the mini fridge.
“Oh, uh, sure?” You accepted. “I didn’t offend you, did I?”
“No, not at all.” He assured, handing you a cool bottle and taking his seat once again. “You’re just full of curiosity. Remind me of my brother. Always asking questions.”
“Not always a bad thing.” You took a sip and checked the work in progress. “Looks promising so far.”
“I’d hope so.” Jason used a paper towel to pat it lightly with a gloved hand. “You’re a bleeder.”
“Needles do that.” You nodded playfully. He was charismatic, made you feel welcome and not like a burden for making him do the work. He liked your design, he helped bring it to life, and he made sure you were comfortable when the needle was in your skin. You were just so curious about who this guy was when he wasn’t in this dump of a tattoo shop. “You ever gonna tell me what the main gig is?”
“I’m a pastor.” Jason answered and you rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, I bet.” You noticed your cheeks start to hurt from the smirk you couldn’t shake since you’d started conversation. “Boxing?”
“You could say that.” Jason agreed with that guess. “Why do you think that?”
“The bruise on your face and all your bandages.” You tilted your head to motion what you’d noticed in your short time together. “Is that not it?”
“Oh, no. Right on the nose.” Jason was either very good at lying or had a very dry sense of humor. Either way, you figured it was time to stop prying. He was, after all, just your tattoo artist.
After a few minutes of cooling down, Jason got back to work. He’d been more focused thaan before, brows furrowed as he lost himself in the detail. That could only benefit you, though. And by the end, the tattoo looked beautiful.
“Thank you, it really looks amazing.” You moved to check all angles in the mirror.
“It was a great piece, I’m glad I did it justice.” Jason started cleaning up as you paid, you said your goodbyes and left the building.
Gotham wasn’t exactly the safest of places and you were pushing 2AM as you walked down the street. Of course you knew walking was not the best mode of transportation, it was the one getting you home tonight. Especially after blowing all that money on your tattoo.
Halfway home, you realized that you were being followed by a group of people that definitely did not know you or have any positive intentions. You picked up the pace and upon realizing this, they began advancing. You thought that it was over for you before loud screams caused you to stop and spin around. There you saw a man in a red mask standing over several unconscious bodies, freshly beaten by himself. Red Hood. “Are you alright?” He asked you, which gave you deja-vu. Even with that mask on, the warped voice, the concern in the question could not thwart you.
“Jason Todd?” You asked in a whisper. The mask didn’t convey any emotions, but the pause in his answer did.
“…No.” He said.
“Yes.” You replied. “Boxing.”
“Let’s not talk here.” He requested, walking along with you to a safer location. It took some time, but you got home okay.
“Were you following me?” You finally got the chance to ask him.
“Yes.” Jason responded honestly. “I just wanted to make sure you got home safely. Luckily, I was there. You make it a habit walking alone in Gotham—at night?”
“I ought to do it more often if it means you’ll be watching.” You slyly flirted with him, adrenaline still pumping a bit from the tattoo and the fear of being attacked on your walk home.
“Oh, how hilarious.” Jason took off his helmet after you let him inside. “Don’t do dumb shit like that again. You’re gonna get that pretty face of yours roughed up if you’re not careful.” He warned in the same flirtatious tone.
“What, like yours?” You tapped the side of your facecthat mirrored his bruise and he nodded.
“This isn’t pretty. And I’ve been through much worse, believe me.” Jason put his helmet back on.
“Oh, I’m sure.” You sat down on your couch. “I’m sure you have other beautiful people to follow home and ensure their safety. Have fun out there.”
“Remember the care tips for that tattoo. That’s some of my best work there.” He pointed sternly as he approached the door.
“You’ll just have to check in and make sure. Maybe you can help me with that, too.” You smiled mischievously and wondered if he was blushing under that helmet.
“Maybe I will.” His mask distorted his voice still and he shook his head. “Make sure to lock this.” Jason reminded as he exited out the front door.
“How will you get back in, then?”
“I’ll knock.”
taglist: @captainshazamerica // @cipheress-to-k-pop // @the-did-i-ask // @azazel-nyx // @summersimmerus // @deanzboyfriend // @zoeyserpentluck // @mr-mxyzptlk-1940 //
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wikiangela · 5 months
fuck it friday
tagged by @theotherbuckley 💖
can't believe im still not done with this fic but this week has been *a lot* and so chaotic and i just want sunday to have a day off to write lol (I had to check like five times to make sure it is, in fact, friday even tho the episode aired last night on thursday, what is time anyway lol)
so, more 7x06 buck's pov, and hopefully the last snippet before I post this lol
prev snippet
As soon as he sees Tommy walk through the door, he feels heat and want and desire mixed with affection and endearment consume him. Because this man – this gorgeous, cool, interesting man, with the most adorable cleft, and so smooth and charming he makes Buck turn into a blushing blubbering mess – this man is walking in, still in his turnout gear, completely covered in soot and ash, hands held up apologetically, a remorseful, worried look on his face. Tommy seems to have rushed here straight after work, clearly not even stopping by the station to change or shower, or even wipe his face, goddammit. And he looks hot. Buck’s seen firefighters look like this, hell, he looked like this himself many times, but there’s something about Tommy, in his gear, all dirty and disheveled, and here – something about this image takes Buck’s breath away, and he can’t help the smile spreading across his face. 
“Sorry I’m late.” Tommy apologizes, as if him being here at all, instead of passing out in bed after a long, exhausting shift, wasn’t making a thousand butterflies come to life in Buck’s stomach. “That fire was a beast.” he adds, and Buck-
Buck can only respond with a simple “So are you,” and crash his lips against Tommy’s. Because Tommy is. God, he’s such a beast.
no pressure tags: @elvensorceress @thebravebitch @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @watchyourbuck @eowon @loserdiaz @evanbegins @ladydorian05 @wildlife4life @diazpatcher @lover-of-mine @monsterrae1 @weewootruck @spagheddiediaz @rainbow-nerdss @epicbuddieficrecs @pirrusstuff @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @nmcggg @rogerzsteven @bidisasterevankinard @giddyupbuck @sunshinediaz @honestlydarkprincess @911-on-abc @jesuisici33 @steadfastsaturnsrings @buddieswhvre @fortheloveofbuddie @daffi-990 @hoodie-buck @aroeddiediaz @thewolvesof1998 @tizniz @exhuastedpigeon @underwaterninja13 @spotsandsocks @hippolotamus @your-catfish-friend @diazsdimples @dangerpronebuddie @loveyouanyway
btw should i make a separate tag list for snippets and/or fics for bucktommy? bc I know it's not everyone's thing so if anyone wants me to stop tagging them for bucktommy, just lmk - and if anyone wants to start being tagged, also lmk! (I am still writing buddie, and I'll be back to posting them soon-ish but rn this is more fun for me sns haha but whenever i do, bucktommy is not going anywhere anyway 😝)
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aclosetfan · 3 years
Do you have any new ppg headcannon bc I'm starving for some.
:p ive always got some!
But lmao I misread the ask and thought you meant, “new ppg headcannons BC” as in, “for buttercup,” but like I just added the “for” for some reason so 😬 that’s what I wrote. My bad. She’s just on my mind. I’ve got more for the two other girls, their sibling relationships, and other characters, but I don’t want to bore you, so we’ll stick with buttercup 😂
My h/c’s typically depend on the story I’m envisioning in my head, but I’ve got a few that are consistent:
- more jock than punk. I see a lot of people lean hard into the punk aesthetic, which I appreciate, but BC feels more jock to me, she’s too athletic not to be!
- I don’t really get too caught up in the “sexuality” debates, but I lean bisexual, and also pretty androgynous (or non-binary if you prefer that terminology) in gender representation
- but really I don’t think any of that matters much to BC. She doesn’t define herself, basically just vibes and looks good doing it
- rip to her hair tho. She’s always taking scissors to it until she grows up a bit and figures out a good stable “adult” haircut. But her hair never grows past her shoulders and she doesn’t like it in her face.
- I don’t think she’s thinks she’s pretty. I feel she sees her body as a lethal tool, and I think the people around her affirm that thinking, but no one takes the time to remind her she’s pretty (like they do her sisters) and that’s got to have an effect on her. (She’s got ugly duckling syndrome lol)
- also a sad one, but I think she deals with a guilty conscience! She takes her mistakes hard and ends up over apologetic when she gets older. ((For example, she doesn’t like going to the dentist because of that whole dentist episode where she punched out peoples teeth for money lmao; and she’s too friendly to Elmer for bullying him when she was in preschool))
- I like her not having a special power, so I don’t fuss with that debate. Don’t need a special power if you’re already the best 🤷‍♀️ I also don’t think she needs to be the strongest/fastest out of the three sisters to be the “toughest” because those traits dont equal toughness. It’s her endurance and perseverance that make her tough and getting stuck in the weeds of which sister is stronger defeats the point of the show, ya know?
- however I feel she works out/trains the most so she’s probably the best fighter!
- lmao no one’s going to agree with this one, but I think of her as more a morning person than night owl! I think she’s the one who wakes up early to work out, eat, shower, and than throw her sisters out of bed so they (they meaning blossom, who’s a chronic night owl) don’t bitch about being late to school/etc
- idk there’s just something about this girl that makes me feel like one of two things would happen if she went to the beach: 1) she’d bitch about the sand the WHOLE time or 2) she’d bury herself up to her head in the sand and stay there the WHOLE time—-there is no in between
- “what would buttercup be when she grew up???”Thanks for the question you totally actually asked and I didn’t just make up!! I’ve got (5) routes BC could take:
1) (my fave) Healthcare! I think she could take this path in a powers or no-powers au. I don’t see her as a doctor, but I do see her as a nurse ((ER only/though pediatric would be funny with her character, like imagine the cute scrubs lol, and then, imagine she buys cute scrubs with her and her sisters faces plastered on them b/c she’s funny like that)). I also see her in physical therapy! But mostly I see her as an emergency responder! She does good in emergency situations, and I’m assuming because she’s a superhero she has a basic understanding of first aid, so this would fit her skills set. Also, going into healthcare would allow her to do something “physical” while helping others ((she’s very hero-minded 😊))
2) personal trainer who specializes in self defense! Works for stories with powers or no powers. I could also see her owning her own gym
3) just a full time superhero / or in a no powers au, special agent of the PPG (wink to the people who know what I’m referencing)
4) professional athlete. Only for a no power au because having powers would be cheating. But this option is boring to me ngl
5) lmaooo housewife. Listen, tell me BC doesn’t remind you of Izumi from FMAB?! TELL ME IM WRONG!!!! Like she gets pissed off being a hero, retires, and wants to live a normal domestic life but keeps getting sucked out of retirement to save the world!! (Also Izumi marries a butcher 😉) Buttercup would be a kickass mom of 5 unruly little boys and it’d be a good ass time
For example:
Taking care of her kids—
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saving her kids—
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Having a equally retired but badass husband—
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- I’ve got a whole plot about the housewife thing ngl so I’m always a little excited to talk about it
- in line with the domestic au, I feel buttercup would actually be pretty good with kids! Babies would freak her out because she’d be scared she’d break them, but she’d probably be the “cool” babysitter and let you stay up past your bedtime (bubbles is also good with kids, blossom is not)
- physical touch is BC’s love language and she hates when she catches herself leaning into it. Then it goes, acts of service (the whole superhero thing), words of affirmation, quality time (she can have introverted tendencies so this is towards the bottom), and gift giving! (Bubbles would be gift giving, conflicting with BC) (Blossom would be words of affirmation followed very closely by acts of service)
- yeah I def see her as an introverted extrovert. Pretty shy at first, acts cool to cover it up, then really shows you who she is as you get to know her!
And I’ll end it here! I hope you like them sorry again for misreading the ask and only doing Butters!
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eitelle · 3 years
hey hi, elle ✨ it’s been a while since i popped by, oopsie 😭 anywho, i wanted to say congratulations on the 200! very well-deserved for sure. (also, your blog’s theme is immaculate, no clue if i’ve said anything about it yet) and, if it’s alright, i do have a little order to place for your event ✨ (we’re going to ignore how awkward i am smh)
you know i’ve gotta ask for that romantic bokuto because i am nothing more than a simp for that man 😩💙 my heart needs a little fluff in its life right about now. i’ve got some brief info for you; we’re a chaotic duo—the type that goes on random adventures at any time of day/night. cuddly and clingy. pretty competitive with one another. however, sometimes i get overwhelmed by not having enough space and that’s a cause for trouble some days 😭 i don’t exactly have a set trope but i do like domestic type tropes (if that’s a thing)—love your writing style and any song is fine by me 💙
thank you and congratulations again, lovely! 💙💙
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BESTIE HI I MISSED U HOWVE U BEEN <33 also i think this is rly funny but the meme was like not shown by tumblr bc it was like graphic or smt 😭😭 IT WAS SO FUNNY
hehe dw babe im probably more awk
EHEHEHE I HAVE SUCH A GOOD SONG FOR THIS I LOVE THE DOMESTIC TROPE (yes it is a thing) (i think) (i hope this fit your satisfaction)
the song of the day is: cant help falling in love by elvis presley (aka my fav song sjdhdiux)
im so sorry this is late 😭😭
(cw: teen pregnancy, timeskip!bokuto, baby girl named chisana (baby owl kinda))
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“ Wise men say / Only fools rush in ,,
the way bokuto and you got together was, unconventional to say the least. some may say you two were irresponsible and yes, you were.
“ But I can't help falling in love with you ,,
but to you and bokuto, anything was worth it for your baby girl chisana.
“ Shall I stay? ,,
you two werent dumb or naive. in fact the two of you were quite educated and enlightened. he acted quite childish, but you knew it was because kou was just empathetic and sensitive. but that didn’t mean you two were dumb. thats why it was a shock to everyone at your pregnancy, and a shock to you when he got down on one knee.
“ Would it be a sin / If I can't help falling in love with you? ,,
of course you said no. but that didnt mean you refused, or broke up with him.
“ Like a river flows / Surely to the sea ,,
actually you started crying, nodded your head but said, “not right now. i want to wait until after our little chisana fukurō is born and we’re stable enough to get married.” he respected your decision and the two of you carried on with a baby by your side.
“ Darling, so it goes / Some things are meant to be ,,
but even before chisana was born, you knew koutaro and you were meant to be. and so, you two got married on may 16th, 2018, the half birthday of your daughter 4 years after she was born.
“ Take my hand ,,
“KOU!” you squeal as he hugs you from behind as you cook dinner. “wheres ‘sana?”
“shes playing but you wanna know what im playing?” he asks while reaching to turn off the stove and spin you, the food already being done anyways. “our song.”
“ Take my whole life too ,,
as the two of you dance and laugh in your dining room, your daughter chisana or affectionately referred to as ‘sana, comes out for dinner.
“ For I can't help falling in love with you ,,
as you two sway, sana waddles over and sways to your calf. “mommy, daddy,” she says.
“yes sweetie?” you respond.
“im so glad i know what love looks like when i see you and daddy.”
“arent you cute,” koutaro says while picking her up and spinning her. as he sets her down you pinch her cheeks. “but i think its time to eat the yummy dinner mommy made, hm?”
“ok!” she exclaims with enthusiasm, as you whisper, “youre doing the laundry today,” to your husband on your way to the table a snicker escapibg your lips.
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goblinmanifesto · 3 years
Ive already accidentally deleted this once so fucking kill me (I forgot to save it).
But this is my post for @doinmybesthere Mental Health Awareness May collab! I will be doing Bokuto Koutarou. To explain a bit, to cope with bullshit that is life, I accidentally made myself a coping mechanism that I loving refer to as the ‘Klaus Hargreeves‘ (if you know anything about that character, you already know where my mental state is) because I can’t remember what my therapist said the actual name for it was. To put it simply, it’s like overactive day dreaming. I act out and create scenarios in my head to comfort myself, most of the time using characters or real people as an enabler for the comfort I wish to gain. Side effects being; if caught, considered crazy, sometimes don’t realize I’m doing it which can lead to awkward situations, sometimes I fuck up what’s real and what’s not. So, in these little stories, I will be retelling scenarios I have created through this coping mechanism that relate to both Bokuto and my mental problems! Each will be labeled with what they deal with so you can skip the one that might trigger you. Enjoy and happy reading! (I WILL ALSO BE MENTIONING AND USING STIMMING) ((I will probably use this to make other fics like this in the future mentioning my other ~stuff~ but in the meantime this is all I want to do so enjoy!))
1. ~Anxiety, Self harm, Mentions of Stimming~ He should’ve been home an hour ago! I was pacing in the living room, shaking hands holding my phone. It was 7:13 and Koutarou was supposed to be home at 6:00. I was spiraling and I could feel it, but I didn't know what to do about it. Id sent him text after text, but he was yet to respond. I glanced at my cell, only stopping my frantic shuffling to focus my attention on reading the screen;
Hey, is practice running late? [6:11] When do you think you’ll be home? [6:15] Are you there? [6:19] Koutarou??????? [6:23] Kou pick up your damn phone! [6:27] Did something happen???!! [6:34] Is everything okay?! [6:39] Are you mad or something??? [6:47] Bokuto Koutarou I’m dead serious where are you?!?!?! [6:53] Bo-ku-to!!!! [6:59] Koutarou it’s been hour please text me [7:07] Koutarou!!! [7:12] -Unread-
My eyes scanned the messages again, not leaving the blue screen until until my shin collided with the side of the coffee table. I hadn’t even realized I had started pacing again. I checked the texts I had sent to Akaashi as well, since I knew he was at that practice too, but I hadn’t gotten any responses from him either. Slipping my phone screen up onto the table I continued my pacing, not even processing when my finger nails found their way under my teeth, and how when they left my mouth to scratch at my neck or claw at my shirt, my teeth resorted to gnawing at my lip instead, tearing up the thin skin. All habits I was trying to kill but didn’t have enough brain power to focus on not doing them. My eyes constantly searched the driveway for the headlights of any car, any car at all, but they always came up with nothing. It was 7:24 when my phone struck with the sound of text, the bing of anticipation sent me diving for, and consequently almost dropping, my phone in an attempt to find out if it was Koutarou. It was!
Hey, is practice running late? [6:11] When do you think you’ll be home? [6:15] Are you there? [6:19] Koutarou??????? [6:23] Kou pick up your damn phone! [6:27] Did something happen???!! [6:34] Is everything okay?! [6:39] Are you mad or something??? [6:47] Bokuto Koutarou I’m dead serious where are you?!?!?! [6:53] Bo-ku-to!!!! [6:59] Koutarou it’s been hour please text me [7:07] Koutarou!!! [7:12]
Im so sorry!! Yes practice did end up running late! But something else happened and I
wasn’t able to text you! I’m not mad about
anything I promise!! What happened is also
minor and nothing to worry about and I’ll explain when I get home in about ten
[7:21] minutes!! I’m so sorry!! -Read-
I sighed, relieved, the weight on my chest and in my head dissolved and I felt like I could finally breathe again. Though, as I came down from my anxiety rush, I became aware of a lot of things all at once. The first was a good deal of pain. From knocking my leg into a table and pacing for over an hour, to bitten lips and nails, and my scraped neck. I groaned, I need to get a better handle on this.
But that wasnt important. Koutarou was okay and on his way home! I waited at the window, feeling a bit like a dog waiting on its owner (that was a kink joke yes), and leaped to the front door when I saw his car in the driveway. Throwing open the door, I pulled him inside the second I could get my hands on him and pulled him through the doorway. The moment he was inside, I shoved myself into his arms in a tight hug, so glad he was okay. He returned the hug and held me tightly, I let out a shuddering breathe and he let out comforting sounds I sometimes use to stim. “Hey, hey, hey, I’m so sorry to have you worry, it was about Akaashi! We were running extra practice with a handful of the other guys and I literally had half a text to you written out when he a spike to the face! I was the only one left with a car so I drove him to hospital! I’m so sorry you are so worried you sent like 15 texts! I’m so-“ I cut him short with a hand over his mouth since that was one of the only ways to get him to stop talking. “Kou, it’s okay, I understand, it just really scared me ‘is all-“ he pried my hand off his face but held it in his own.
”I know, but that doesn’t mean I can’t apologize for it, whether I was in complete control of the situation or not! Which I was not, by the way, no control what-so-fucking-ever, I had four other guys in the car and one of them was bleeding and concussed, it was chaos!!” His eyes were wide and he went off on the stress of the situation and, for a moment, I forgot that it was 7:26 at night on a Thursday and I had a biology test in the morning, and that Koutarou just got home and I hadn’t even eaten yet and all the other things that werent right in the world. Everything was fine in that moment. But that ended when Koutarou took a good hard look at me. The redness and scratch marks on my neck, the bitten to bleeding finger nails, the small bruise forming on my shin, my blotchy face and my probably-way-too-red lips. He stopped dead in his words and I felt my eyebrows scrunch up.
“Whats wrong?-“
“You did the things again didn’t you?!” He sounded distressed and his broad shoulders sunk. Koutarous hands rubbed my shoulders as he stared into my eyes with the most concerned look I’d ever seen. He pulled me back to his chest again and promised it wouldn’t happen again.
7:46, Koutarou insisted on taking care of my ‘injuries’ since he was who I was having anxiety over anyway. I protested a little, but gave up when he gave me the baby-owl eyes.
First, he had wrapped bandaids on my fingers. Thankfully, they were black, and I made a comment on it was like a 2-second manicure just to hear him chuckle.
Then, Kou applied a moisturizer to my neck. “Kou, I can do this myself-“
”Nope! I insist!”
”I’m not a child-“
”Don’t care, I’m doing it so just shush up and let me do what I need to do!”
Next, he made me apply ice to my bruise even though it was tiny and caused by a damn two-foot-tall coffee table.
Lastly, he gave me chapstick. Again, wouldn’t let me do it myself, so I made several sarcastic remarks to make him blush, all working quite well. Koutarou had to tell me to stop giggling multiple times so I could stay still.
”Alright, are you done playing nurse?”
”Forgive me for wanting to take care of you!!” He stuck his tongue out at me with an audible “bleh!” and I cackled.
”You are forgiven, Nurse Bokuto.”
2. ~Tourette’s, Stimming~ My neck painfully popped when it jerked to the left, my tics had been bad all day and I no clue why. Could be exams, or the fucking toaster for all I knew. I hissed, rubbing at my neck and adjusting the water can I almost dropped, trying to continue about my Saturday.
It was obnoxious, really, having to me-proof everything around in case I end up kicking it, dropping it, or hitting it. My joints constantly cracking and snapping and jolting in the strangest ways at any given moment. Sometimes repeating what people say back at them in perfect mirror-like fashion. Though that last one can be kind of funny.
Clicking my toungue to make nice noises to try and stim the tic away, I returned back to my plants. I could feel them chuckling at me and, in that moment, I understood everything about Crowley from ‘Good Omens’.
I heard the door unlock in the other room and I put my can down as a precaution and peeked out of the doorway.
A moment later, Koutarou popped through the door after his morning jog. He called out; “Hey, hey, hey!” as a greeting.
I felt my hands go up behind my head and I thought Oh gods dammit, and then my jaw jutted forward in a very unattractive way and I repeated his phrase in the same manner as him, then immediately dropped, as my body decreed.
I groaned, looking up at him, who looked slightly bewildered at my little madness ritual. His hair laid flat on his head, he had chosen not to mess with it this morning, much to my delight, his amber eyes a little wide and his eyebrows raised. He was barely even in the house yet.
We just kind of stared at each other for a hot second before I awkwardly waved ‘hello’ and cracked a weird grin. He grinned back, his more pleasant than mine. Walking over, he opened his arms for a hug, and I accepted, since he wasn’t all that sweaty this time around, and it was the least I could do since he had to witness that.
Koutarou planted a kiss on the top of my head, cheering “Good morning!”
I muttered a response into his shirt.
“One of those days, huh?” I nodded.
“Coffee? I think we have muffins in the cabinet?” I nodded again and he lead me into the kitchen to set up some breakfast. It was 9:00 am on a Saturday after all. A weird Saturday, but watching Koutarou finagle through the cabinets, it couldn’t be that bad.
That is all for now! Have a wonderful day and I am going to sleep for three years see y’all (edited: June 18 2021, because I can’t spell)
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bookcrook · 5 years
Absolutely Smitten
Dang. I really suck at keeping my word, don’t I? Whelp, for those who care, it’s here now! This is the first of I don’t know how many parts of “Six Foot Seven”, a new series/book thing I’ve been working on lately, requested by @i-cant-reach-im-too-short! The entirety of the series will be based on her real-life love story, as well as a playlist she gave me. First song was Absolutely Smitten by Dodie Clark. Hope you all enjoy! :)
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“Teddy, come eat!” I call out from the kitchen, rattling his food around the large metal bowl. I wait a few minutes before yelling out his name again. “Teddy! Teddy Bear! C’mon! I have to leave soon and you need to eat.” Still no response.
And so begins my daily game of “Find the Giant Dog Hiding in my Tiny Apartment and Hope He Didn’t Run Off and Start the Zombie Apocalypse Without Me”. Such a great way to start my day…
I search behind couches and loveseats, inside closets and my bathroom only to find absolutely nothing. “Where, oh where has my Teddy gone, oh where, oh where could he be,” I sing softly under my breath, “In the closet he’s not, with me he’s… Also not, oh where, oh where could he be.” I continue with my non-rhyming song, raising my volume a little as I get closer and closer to my bedroom, the only other place he could be hiding. 
When I finally reach the doorway, I hear a playful bark come out from beneath my bed. I lower myself down to my knees, pull up the flashlight on my phone, and put my right cheek against the carpet. And, sure enough, I’m staring into the eyes of my slightly-obnoxious-but-still-very-lovable German Shepard. Who also just so happens to be stuck underneath the bed I just got. 
How he got there is beyond me and getting him out is going to be a serious victory on my end. As in, the kind of victory that deserves a pint and a half of double chocolate chip ice cream and a box of Cheez-Its after work. I try coaxing him out, seeing if he can squeeze himself just enough to remove himself from the tight spot. I bribe him with treats and squeaky toys, but he doesn’t move a muscle. So, I move on to what I knew was, ultimately, inevitable and would no doubt break all of my limbs off of my body.
Have you ever seen a 5’2 Asian girl trying to lift up a Queen size metal bed frame (with the mattress on top of it because she had just woken up half an hour ago and was still extremely tired, so she wasn’t smart enough to take it off) at least a foot off the ground completely and utterly by herself? I haven’t, but God damn it must be hilarious to look at. Actually doing it, though? Terrible. Absolutely horrid. The worst thing I’ve ever done in my 22 years of living. I mean, seriously. What is this thing made out of? Steel with a brick-filled mattress? Ridiculousness, I tell you!
Twenty minutes later, Teddy is roaming free around our brand new home while I’m lying on my bedroom floor exhausted and trying to find a will to live, which immediately comes with an alarm going off on my phone. Who would’ve thought I’d be so ecstatic to leave the comfort of my apartment for an entire day of work behind a desk only running on four hours of sleep. I force myself up and attempt to wipe as much dog hair off of my once clean clothes, abandoning hope soon after---there’s just no escaping it.
Collecting my things, I make my way toward the door, glancing quickly at the clock on my stove. Right on time, I think to myself. Waiting for the elevator was maddening. Come on... 
I mash the button impatiently, muttering curse words under my breath in frustration. I do the same when the doors finally slide open, revealing a small family of three with a tiny puppy on a leash. The slow background music only fueled my anxiety. 
Before the doors are even wide enough to accommodate an entire person, I slip through the tiny gap and race outside. I flatten my hair and my eyes immediately dart to the left, finding exactly what---or, more specifically, who---I was looking for walking toward me.
“Holy shit,” I murmur softly. How is it possible for one person to look so amazing just walking down the street? I soon realize I’m staring like a literal stalker, so before I’m caught, I turn and start walking swiftly in the same direction he’s going.
“Megan!” I hear a familiar, deep voice call from behind me, “Wait up!”
“Not a chance! I’d say you’ve got long enough legs to catch up to me,” I respond, an air of fake confidence in my voice. I slow down only slightly, despite my original statement, and, sure enough, Owen manages to reach me in a few long strides. 
“You’re difficult, you know that?” he laughs softly. I pray that no one saw my insides turn into literal jelly. What am I even supposed to do? My legs keep moving, but my mind is such a jumbled mush that it can’t comprehend anything around me. Which shouldn’t be happening. I’m a strong, independent woman---I don’t need him telling me if I’m pretty or not. I don’t.
So, as we walk, I begin concentrating on not concentrating on him. I quickly find that doing so is no use to me and caused me to not hear a single word Owen just spoke.
“You still there, shorty?” he teases, poking the top of my head.
“Hmm? Oh, yeah! Sorry. Just a little out of it, I guess.” Which was true, to be fair---I just decided it would be better to give him only half of the truth, for my heart’s sake. “What’d you say?”
Owen’s shoulder bumps into mine slightly, “I asked if you were eating in the office today. Thought I’d join you, but it looks as though you’re empty-handed.”
I stop in my tracks as he finishes speaking. “Idiot. Idiot, idiot, idiot,” I whisper to myself, hoping he doesn’t hear me. Because my luck is shit today, he does, and he seems to believe I was talking to him. 
“Excuse me?” Owen laughs nervously, surprised by my comment.
“No!” I exclaim a little too loudly, “Not you! I was talking to myself. Didn’t realize it until you mentioned it, but I forgot my food at home; it’s been a crazy morning, so I didn’t really think about grabbing to before I left.”
“What happened?”
“Oh, nothing important, really. Just stuff with my dog…” I wanted to add ‘and you’, but it seems a bit… Forward. Creepy. Stalker-ish. Take your pick. “Made some grilled chicken, noodles, and asparagus last night, too. Looks like it’s the vending machine for me today! Yay.”
“I mean, you don’t have to…” Owen looks away slightly as his sentence trails off.
I let out a bitter laugh. “Unless you’re suggesting that I turn back and risk being late just for a bag of mediocre food, I’m afraid I do.”
“Fair point, but no. ‘Tis not what I mean by that, miss,” he taunts, putting on one of the worst fake British accents I’ve ever heard. It’s something he does often. Why? No clue---not even an inkling of an idea, but it makes my heart melt every time.
“Then what do you have in mind?”
“We could always go out to lunch. There’s this cafe-diner-thing a block or two down from the office that serve the best grilled cheese known to man. If you haven’t tried don’t think I won’t drag you there myself,” Owen laughs. I can feel my eyes light up at the prospect of that. “It can be a group thing or something.”
My shoulders deflate just a tiny bit. I knew it wasn’t going to be a date---I’m not that stupid, but I hoped it could at least be just the two of us. It’s okay, I think to myself, taking in a deep breath, It doesn’t matter. We’re just friends. I force a smile before agreeing. “Oh, yeah. Totally! Sounds great. I can see if Laura and Chelsea want to come.”
We’d finally reached our destination when the conversation began and are now parting ways as it ends. “Awesome! See you then?”
“Definitely,” I say softly. Despite my disappointment, I’m able to produce a small---but very genuine---smile.
I’m practically floating as I make my way to my tiny desk and collapse onto my rolling chair. Slumped completely down (in a way that is terrible for my back), I let out a startled screech as a voice, seemingly coming from nowhere, scares me senseless.
“You’re late,” Chelsea teases in a sing-song tone from above me.
“...No I’m not.” I point at the large clock across the room.
“How…” she stumbles over words, “How do you know I didn’t come in early and change the time on all of the clocks because... Pranks?”
“Chels, you’re still wearing your coat.”
“It’s cold.”
“How about the fact that, one, your coffee is still steaming and you refuse to drink the tar that they have here. Two, you don’t wake up any earlier than you absolutely have to because you’re the definition of a night owl. Or, and I’d say this is my most convincing argument, three, you just don’t care enough to do that.” I sit up as I rest my case and begin pulling out my things for the day.
“You’re no fun,” Chelsea pouts, lowering herself behind the cork board wall that separates us.
Ignoring her very hurtful words, I continue the conversation as though nothing happened, “Has Laura come in yet?”
She scoots her chair over to your side as she answers, “I don’t think so. Or if she has I haven’t seen her. Why?”
I let out a groan and drop my head onto my desk, smashing the keys on my laptop. “Great. I needed her to help me make some copies because I have to meet with some clients later today and I have no clue how to work that… Thing.”
Chelsea opens her mouth, prepared to offer help, but I cut her off before she can, “Don’t. I love you, but she’s the only one who can tame the beast. I swear that if anyone looked at it the wrong way it would set the entire building on fire. Especially if it were either of us.”
“That’s fair,” she relinquishes. Suddenly, a tornado in human form tears through the office dropping a pile of things on Laura’s desk and races into a conference room, all in a matter of .04357 milliseconds.
“She’s here,” I chuckle slightly.
Twenty minutes later, Laura races back into the room and all but sprints to her desk. Thinking she might actually be done in there, I try to ask for her help. And, before I’m ever able to finish saying her name, she explains, “Can’t talk right now. Still doing the presentation; just forget some papers.”
Not long after that, Laura is finally free and snatches my papers from my desk, taking them to that dreaded machine and returning with 15 more than I need.
“Sorry about the extras,” she sighs as she drops them in my lap, “There was an error with the copier, but at least you have those if you need them.”
“Thank you!” I exclaim in a hushed voice, “You are a life saver, I swear!”
“Are you just now figuring that out?” Laura laughs.
I stick my tongue out at her before continuing my work.
I later feel a light tap on my shoulder. Turning around, I find Owen standing there, a large stack of papers in his hand. “Hey, what’s up?”
“I was just on my way to steal Anthony’s copier, but I thought I’d let you know that James, Benny, and the others can’t make it to lunch. Any luck with you?”
Before I can even consider speaking, Laura immediately turned the focus of the conversation to Anthony. “Wait. Wait just a second. Anthony’s been hiding a perfectly working copier from us?!”
“Guess so.” Owen gives a small shrug.
“What the hell!” she exclaims angrily.
To avoid the situation from escalating, I direct us back to our original topic. “I completely forgot to ask about lunch. Umm… Chels, Laura, either of you doing anything for lunch? I forgot my food this morning, so we thought it’d be a fun idea to get a little group together to go out.” My friends share a conspiratorial look when I’m finished. 
Chelsea’s the first to respond. “I really wish I could, but,” she pauses, “I have to run home and feed Pepper. Planned on just stopping by McDonald’s or something on my way back.”
“Neither can I,” Laura sighs with an ingenuine sadness in her voice, “Thomas wanted to take me out at that new sushi place across town. Sorry. Hope you guys have fun.”
A smile twitching on his lips, Owen turns back to me. “Just the two of us, then.”
“Yep,” I mumble quietly, my face growing warmer by the second.
“See you in a bit?” 
“Yep,” I repeat myself. His smile was now a grin as he left. Once he’s gone, I snap my eyes back to the two girls, glaring.
“What the fuck was that about?! First of all, you,” I point at Chelsea’s floating head, “Don’t a cat. Or a dog. Or any kind of pet! As for you, Laura. Don’t think I don’t know that Thomas won’t be home for another week. That’s all you’ve been talking about since he left!”
“It’s a week and three days,” she corrects me.
“Exactly my point!”
“Sorry, but we had to!” Chelsea cuts in, “You’ve had one of Cupid’s little arrows stuck in your ass since you started working here two years ago!”
“Not to mention the fact that this is probably the happiest we’ve seen you since your sister made you move out all because what’s-his-name told her to,” Laura adds.
I sigh, sinking into my chair for the second time today. “I know you guys are just trying to be nice. And, you’re right; I have been. He just makes me feel all kinds of weird inside. It’s like I can’t control anything when I’m around him, but that doesn’t mean I need your help with him.”
Laura scoffs and Chelsea rolls her eyes at my obvious lie. “Okay. Fine, I do. But don’t do it so obviously next time!”
My personal matchmakers lower themselves back down and I spin back to my computer. Just another hour to go…
Lunch seemed to fly by quickly. As we waited on our food, conversations were had about simple, silly things like our favorite color, or how we drink our coffee. Others were about how work had been going and what movies we’d watched recently.
“Okay...” he pondered as he took a sip of his sweet tea, “What’s your favorite scary movie?” Shocked by the question, I couldn’t come up with an answer, so I gave him the most definite one that I could. Kind of. 
“Probably anything but the Chuckie movies,” I laughed.
The moment that sentence left my mouth, he immediately corrected me. “It’s Child’s Play, you know?”
“The movies.”
“Whatever it’s called, it scarred me for life, and I want absolutely nothing to do with it.” I crossed my arms and shuddered at the thought of even possibly watching it again. I knew it was a terrible movie, but that didn’t change anything.
The stroll back was uneventful, but peaceful. And, now, as we wait out the last couple minutes before we had to return to our respective desks, Owen and I have found ourselves walking slowly back to mine, trying to make our time together stretch as long as possible. 
Suddenly, Owen grabs my arm gently, pulling me to a stop just a few feet short of my destination, and leans in. My breaths shorten and my body goes frigid as he does so.
His lips brush against my ear as he says softly, “Please don’t think I’m weird for doing this, but Laura and Chelsea have been eavesdropping since we were within listening distance. Anyway, I was wondering if you’d maybe like to go out to dinner tonight? Or this weekend? Or just, at any point in time that would conveniently work for you?”
I let out a chuckle---no, a giggle---at his awkwardness, but then I’m immediately hit by butterflies flooding my stomach as I take in his words. Once I finally come to my senses, my head is frantically bobbing up in down in complete and utter agreement. 
After we shared out little… Moment, I make my way to my desk. At this point, I’m not even trying to hide the giant grin on my face. Or my blushing cheeks. Or the fact that my heart is thudding in my chest with pure excitement and joy.
Chelsea and Laura don’t bother pretending that they didn’t see what just happened, and they were sure to let me know about that. 
“Did you see the way he was looking at you?” Laura gushes, “And that smile?! What’d he say?”
“What are you even talking about? It was nothing,” I roll my eyes at the rambunctious, gossip-hungry pair, but tell them anyway. “He just asked if I wanted to go out for dinner sometime.”
“Nothing?” Chelsea practically yells, “Are you kidding? There’s no way he doesn’t like you!”
I roll my eyes yet again, knowing not to get my hopes up, but I can’t help but wonder. I’d like to believe I’m not completely clueless; it’s obvious he just asked me on a date, but will it actually go anywhere? 
The days that followed were spent trying to coordinate Owen and I’s schedules on the way to work, and deciding where we could go. We also found ourselves around each other outside of work more than usual as we waited for the day to come.
One more week… That’s all I’ve gotta do; make it one more week and I’ll know for sure if this will work out.
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llampacaeatingguppy · 6 years
*me, shaking* if it's not too late, is it okay for me to ask for all 15 of those oc questions for jasper/friday? if that's too much, feel free to pick and choose, buT ALL ARE GREAT QUESTIONS??
1. Have they ever pranked someone? If so, who was it, what did they do and did the prank work?
He LOVES to pull pranks!! Just harmless, fun ones, and he feels like they have to be on “equal footing,” so to speak, so no pranking teachers/bosses/older adults or little kids in general (with the exception of his dads), but it’s definitely there. Shawn and Emily are two favorites
2. What makes them smile the brightest?
The BRIGHTEST? oof, that’d probably be pleasant surprises.
3. If they made a five song playlist, what songs would they want on it and why?
Mr. Blue Sky – Electric Light Orchestra – honestly? because this is the most Jasper song I know
Devil in Disguise – Elvis Presley – his favorite Elvis song
Somebody to Love – Queen – Because I said so and this boy is a sap who loves being in love
Don’t Go Breaking My Heart – Elton John – his dads would sing it a lot and it’s just attached to good memories
Overtime – Cash Cash – Bouncy
4. It is 3am, your OC is in the loopy giggling stages of being sleepy, what are they laughing about and who are they with?
This happens a LOT with Shawn, because 1) Shawn’s naturally a night owl and WILL keep Jasper up late, and 2) he’s usually been roped into helping him with his homemade monster movie projects, which all HAVE to have that “it happened in the dead of night” vibe because that’s just how Shawn is (and shot in the dead of night for authenticity). And they’re usually laughing about something cheesy and ridiculous
5. Your OC befriends a little bird who, every morning sits on their window sill, what name do they give the bird? What type of bird is it?
He’s probably call it something like Bird, and it’d probably be something mundane, like a pigeon
6. Your OC is at a karaoke bar and they see a cute person across the bar who they want to impress, what song do they sing?
Here’s the thing: my brain tells me that this would not at all happen because Jasper can’t sing without sounding like a wounded moose. My heart tells me he’s going to go completely ham on the first Elvis song he finds and humiliates himself and everyone he’s with
7. Out of an impulsive decision your OC dyes their hair and gets a whole new outfit, what do they now look like?
I can see him going with a dark maroon for the hair. It’d be fun/not a natural hair color that he might justify dying his hair, while still being understated enough to not be competing with his casino-sign-reincarnated-as fashion outfits (he actually does put effort into things like that, which is why he’s never gone through dying his hair even though he likes the idea. Who wants to match their clothes with their hair all the time? Too restricting). As for a whole new outfit? Anything is possible.
8. What is your OC’s favourite joke?
*insert bad pun here*
9. Your OC makes a poster and ships it to their best friend, what does the poster have on it and how does their best friend respond?
A badly-drawn picture of mothman. Shawn doodles little hearts and raunchy phrases all over it and sends it back
10. Your OC just got up, they are groggy and in a dark room, all of a sudden they are attacked by lots of kisses from a dog they do not own, what is their next decision?
Next (unconscious) decision: scream like a little girl
Next conscious decision: turn on lights and locate nearest father to see if they can keep it
11. Your OC is at a party and decides to start some chaotic fun, what do they do?
Unleash a jar of charmed anarchist origami frogs
12. If your OC has to describe their best friend, how would they describe them?
“Pretty chill, for a kinky weirdo.” 
13. Your OC is taking care of a child that is not theirs, what happens next?
Depends on the kid, really, but if they’re even remotely high-energy he’s probably going to have as much fun as they do running around playing games until the kid’s tired out. But Jasper’s good with kids, and has been the favorite babysitter of multiple childhoods
14. Your OC decides to live life on the edge for a day, what do they do?
Jasper: I’m gonna try deep dish pizza
Shawn: Dude sweet!! Is it a recipe or did you find a place that sells it?
Jasper, holding a box of very not gluten free deep dish pizza: uhhhh yeah… that’s totally what I mean… of course I’m not going to potentially hospitalize myself just because I want to try the mysterious mushy crusted pizza
15. The moonlight is shines upon your OC as the stars dance upon them, there is a near by river filled with gentle waters as fireflies hover above the tall grass. What does your OC do next?
Stares at the fireflies. Maybe tries to get close to one after a while, but I don’t actually know if Jasper’s seen fireflies before and they’d completely mesmerize him
1. Have they ever pranked someone? If so, who was it, what did they do and did the prank work?
She has, actually! She would attempt to prank her parents when she was little. They didn’t really work, because she wasn’t good at it, but her dad would have the decency to pretend they did
2. What makes them smile the brightest?
Any sort of recognition/positive feedback from her mom
3. If they made a five song playlist, what songs would they want on it and why?
Istanbul (not Constantinople) – Milan & Phoenix (electroswing remix) – This has always been a Friday song. No idea why. She’s an electroswing girl
Big Bad Handsome Man – Imelda May – she just likes it
Jasper and Winter are the two characters I have with much of a playlist so I’m going to cheat out of this one I guess Mom did raise a quitter. Sorry, Mom.
4. It is 3am, your OC is in the loopy giggling stages of being sleepy, what are they laughing about and who are they with?
Her Dad’s bad radio karaoke on the drive home from a convention
5. Your OC befriends a little bird who, every morning sits on their window sill, what name do they give the bird? What type of bird is it?
What name: Ferdinand
What type of bird: some kind of chubby-looking finch thing
6. Your OC is at a karaoke bar and they see a cute person across the bar who they want to impress, what song do they sing?
I’m too busy trying to imagine Friday trying to impress a cute person instead of just trying to exist in their presence, awkwardly give them gifts, and hope that they notice to even think of anything
7. Out of an impulsive decision your OC dyes their hair and gets a whole new outfit, what do they now look like?
Friday’s always wanted to try the biker look, but doesn’t think she can pull it off, so we’ll go with that. And red hair, because she’d look pretty with red hair and that’s a great hair color anyways (so sayeth the ginger)
8. What is your OC’s favourite joke?
Sarcastically saying “no” when someone asks you to do something, while doing the thing
9. Your OC makes a poster and ships it to their best friend, what does the poster have on it and how does their best friend respond?
A collage of some sort, probably based off of something she found on Pinterest. It’s hanging on the wall next time she comes to visit
10. Your OC just got up, they are groggy and in a dark room, all of a sudden they are attacked by lots of kisses from a dog they do not own, what is their next decision?
“Get off me, get off, yeah, you’re a nice dog, but you need to get off-”
11. Your OC is at a party and decides to start some chaotic fun, what do they do?
Friday doesn’t really start chaotic fun. Well, there was one snowball fight she started with Jasper, but that doesn’t count it totally does she just doesn’t want to admit to it because she lost
12. If your OC has to describe their best friend, how would they describe them?
Lovable idiot that must be protected at all costs
13. Your OC is taking care of a child that is not theirs, what happens next?
Nothing bad while the kid’s there, but she’ll be so done if they stay for too long. She loves kids, but they drain her energy like tiny gasoline thieves if she has to interact with them for too long
14. Your OC decides to live life on the edge for a day, what do they do?
Throws a party. Does a sexy cosplay. Talks about her feelings instead of living in a state of constant emotional constipation. Any of those would work, really.
15. The moonlight is shines upon your OC as the stars dance upon them, there is a near by river filled with gentle waters as fireflies hover above the tall grass. What does your OC do next?
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satoruvt · 7 years
you’re enough
i listened to ‘james dean and audrey hepburn’ (acoustic) by sleeping with sirens while writing this and also cried. i really love eds
request →  can you do #14 angst with Eddie? // 14: “am i not good enough?”
pairing → eddie kaspbrak x reader
word count → 990 im sorry
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 Loving you was perhaps one of the best feelings Eddie Kaspbrak had ever felt.
 Of course, when he realized he loved you, he was freaking the hell out, because the timing couldn’t be worse. Everything was pure chaos, encounters with IT were happening amongst all of you in the Losers’ Club, and Bill was insisting that you all needed to fight it, together, because it wasn’t going to leave anytime soon. Being in love with someone and fighting a demonic clown didn’t exactly go well together.
 Eddie had never done anything truly wild in his life - the biggest thing he’d ever done was stolen from that pharmacy a few weeks prior to this event. But there he was, creeping out of his house silently while his smothering mother was asleep in the next room. His heart was racing in both a good and bad way - God, this was unnaturally thrilling.
 Eddie had gotten on his bike at one thirty in the morning and pedaled as fast as he could to your house - he knew you would be up this late, as you always were. After knowing you for so long he knew you were a night owl.
 The light in your window was faint, covered by the curtains, but there nonetheless. He’d knocked on your window - thank God he didn’t have to worry about climbing up the side of your house, that’d be a wreck - and for a moment thought that maybe you had actually fallen asleep. But then your face had appeared from in between the curtains with a confused smile. You’d opened your window and said, “Eddie, it’s half past one. What are you doing here?”
 Instead of answering he’d instead crawled through your window with some struggling. Eddie landed on your floor with a soft thump and you giggled, watching him get up from the floor. You were about to say something else, but then he had shushed you, looking you in the eye with complete seriousness.
 “I know - I know this isn’t like me at all, and to be honest I’m freaking the hell out but I had a fucking revelation fifteen minutes ago and I don’t think I’d be able to survive to tomorrow to tell you.” Eddie said, and by the time he was finished he was right in front of you, looking at you with worried yet fearless eyes. What he was about to say he knew he could never take back.
 “I love you, Y/N.” He had said, right there by your window at one thirty on a hot summer night. A few agonizing seconds of silence passed before you had smiled, and leaned forward to place a kiss right on the corner of his lips. Eddie was awestruck.
 “I love you too.” You had then replied, with rosy cheeks and starlit eyes.
 Since that memorable summer night, you had been getting hurt more often than usual. When IT was right in front of Eddie after he’d fallen and broken his arm, you had tried to fight with whatever weapon was around you. You managed to get one good hit in with a broken table leg before you were thrown against a wall, trying to help. After that, you had cut your leg trying to help Eddie out of the grey water in the sewers when everyone was looking for Beverly.
 And now you’re laying in a hospital bed with a gigantic gash over your chest and stomach because you, once again, tried to protect Eddie.
 It’s been a few days since the fight with IT, the one that perhaps ended it, at least for another 27 years. Eddie’s barely left your side since, always trying to be awake and alert in case you woke up. Richie had to pull his best friend out of your hospital room because he hadn’t left in 13 hours, not even for a bite to eat or to go to the bathroom.
 You stir while Eddie’s lost in thought, but the short sigh that comes from your lips as you wake gathers Eddie’s attention. He’s almost in tears by the time he notices your familiar eyes brightening upon seeing him, and he moves forward to gently fold your hand in his.
 “Hey, Eds,” you say with a weak smile and hoarse voice.
 “Hey, love,” he responds, voice soft and calming. “How are you feeling?”
 “Never better.”
 There’s a lot of silence; comfortable at first, but it then shifts to worried. You notice Eddie looking at you with worried eyes, no longer the warm brown you’d gotten to know. They’re tired and frustrated and cold, now.
 “Eddie? What’s wrong?” You ask, and your boyfriend sighs shortly, before avoiding eye contact with you and answering solemnly.
 “Am I… am I not good enough?” Eddie asks, and you furrow your brows.
 “I can never keep you safe. You always end up getting hurt because of me,” Eddie says, meeting your eyes again. “Am I not good enough to keep you safe?”
 You see now that the warmth in his eyes have come back, but with sadness and worry and plenty of other negative emotions. He’s sincere and doe-eyed, now, wondering if he’ll ever be enough to keep you safe, to make sure you’re alright.
 You slide to one side of the small hospital bed as best you can with your injuries, then pat the empty space beside you, telling him silently to lay down next to you.
 He does as you silently ask, crawling next to you and then holding you against his chest, your head in the crook of his neck. Eddie’s always loved this feeling.
 “You’re enough,” you say after a while, pushing away to look at him with a soft smile. “You’re enough and you always will be. Eds, I love you. You’re always going to be enough.”
 Eddie smiles, a tired one, and kisses your forehead before the two of you drift to sleep.
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Tagged by @musicanddancingthroughlife​, thanks!
answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs I’d like to get to know
•Nicknames: Shadow (on tumblr), Em, Emmy (only my mom though)
•Gender: Female
•Star sign: Virgo
•Height: like 5′3
•Time: 8:40 pm
•Birthday: August 26
•Favourite bands: Owl City
•Favourite solo artist: Technically I could probably put Owl City here as well... hmm.. Enya, lately I’ve been into Cosy Sheridan and Eleanor McEvoy for certain songs though.
•Song stuck in my head: depends on the day/time.  lately I’ve been having random songs from childhood stuck in my head out of the blue with nothing in particular bringing them out...
•Last movie watched: hmm.  probably something a family member was watching while I was in the room.  easier to remember a show though.  
•When did I create this blog: I think it was Halloween of my senior year of high school.  so... 2013?  Holy cow I feel old now.... (to be fair, I was like 2nd youngest in my year, but still... )
•What do I post: usually reblog humorous stuff.  or cool stuff.  basically whatever, as long as I find it interesting and it doesn’t swear.
•Last thing I googled: I was trying to find a keyword on a specific site
•Do I have other blogs: I have a couple side blogs.  two are dead, the other is @realizationsofmyself​ where I pretty much reblog stuff about adhd and other mental health stuff (with the same rules for my main blog about no swearing or suggestive content)
•Do I get asks: occasionally.  more often than I answer them.. (sorry anyone who’s sent me an ask.  they make me happy and I plan to respond and then I forget and it’s been 6 months and I decide I should probably just not)
•Why did I choose my url: I wrote some sort of poem on my rooftop at night when I was all depressed and stuff, but I had a line about how even shadows have stories, which I liked and yeah.  
•Following blogs: like, who am I following?  or like, how many?  *shrug* I don’t have the energy to check right now... cool people though.
•Followers: uhh... 103 apparently *shrug*
•Average hours of sleep: either fewer than I should be getting, or more than I should be getting because I keep putting off sleep until I’m almost sick and my body forces me to go to bed at a semi-reasonable time
•Lucky number: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
•How many blankets I sleep with: as many as I can find, but at least two
•Dream job: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
•Dream trip: Denmark maybe, cuz my grandma is from there, but... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
•Favourite food: uh..... most things are pretty good.  American food.
•Nationality: American
•Favourite song now: “Lennon and McCartney” by Dala  (also, “Lonely Lullaby” by Owl City is my long-standing favorite... probably my most listened to song of all time...)
Tagged: @icebats-universe​, @im-a-silhou-ette​ @pinkkittehs-galaxy​ @thelilliellama​ @gorgeous-freak-of-nature​ and anyone else who wants to, I have a bad memory and couldn’t remember all the urls. (no pressure though)
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