#sorry for not answering this for like. half a year
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1d1195 · 1 day ago
Buttercup - Extra I
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Read Buttercup here ~2.6k words
From me: most of the asks and follow up requests were for showing how in love they are and how Harry' s going to treat her right after she wasn't for so long. Hopefully this will work 💕
Warnings: a little angsty, but fluffy overall. Maybe a little TOO fluffy. Nauseating, if you will. Like eating too many peanut buttercups.
Summary: Moving in next to Harry is one of the best thing that's ever happened to her.
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It seemed like it had been raining for weeks. The wind provided an eerie soundtrack to her dreams. The rain sheeting against her window didn’t help either. She wished she had taken Harry’s offer to install a doorbell camera. However, she worried she would stare at it excessively, worried about who could be approaching her house.
Staring at the ceiling she sighed covering her eyes with her palms groaning to herself. The house was too quiet. Of course, she felt safe. It was just the wind and rain adding to her anxious mind. All she needed to do was fall asleep and in the morning everything would be fine. Her phone said it was just after two she still had ample time to sleep before her alarm went off.
Stupid Levi.
She thought she was a pretty independent person. Given that she kept her secret of leaving Levi for a couple months she felt she deserved the title. It took careful planning. Her heart had been in her throat for well over a year prior to her escape.
A little wind and rain shouldn’t have bothered her.
But it did. Every extra sound made it feel like someone was breaking in. They weren’t and she knew it. There was only one person that would try to break in and despite his threat, he hadn’t been back in the months since he showed up unexpectedly.
Two in the morning was too early. It had to be. There had to be a limit. For God’s sake they’d hardly been dating long at all. Swallowing, she put the phone to her ear and sighed as she listened to the quiet ring. One, two, not even three. “’Lo?” He murmured. Clearly, she woke him. Part of her thought she should just hang up and let him sleep. “Buttercup, baby, y’okay?” His voice clearer as she didn’t answer.
Great. Now he’s worried. “Hi,” she whispered.
He chuffed out a breath of laughter. “Hi kitten,” his voice sounded way too good. It should have been illegal to sound that good half asleep. What was the reason? “Y’okay, Buttercup?”
There was a pause, and she hoped Harry fell back asleep so he wouldn’t worry about her. She could hang up and he wouldn’t even notice. She would tell him he dreamt the whole thing in the morning. “Jus’ wanted t’hear m’voice, then?” He asked.
She sighed heavily. “No...” she shook her head. “Not... no. I woke up and... forget it. I’m sorry. Go back to sleep.”
“Buttercup,” he practically cooed. “Tell me.”
His voice was too soothing. Too enticing. She was pretty sure as independent as she was that if Harry asked or said it, with his pretty voice, she was doomed. He could convince her to rob a bank just by asking. Or quit her job and rub his shoulders all day.
“M’jus’ gonna come over, kitten,” she heard the rustling of his comforter and sheets. The creak of his bedroom door and his quiet footsteps around his house.
“No!” She said quickly, sitting up and pressing a hand to her forehead. “That’s ridiculous, Harry.”
“No, s’not,” he yawned. “S’actually a great idea. This weather keeps waking me up. I need someone t’snuggle with if I want t’save any remainder of m’sleep. I’ll use m’key. See y’in a minute.”
He was gone before she could respond. She threw her covers off and hurried to the front door switching on every light she passed. As she reached the front door, Harry was closing and locking the deadbolt. “Hi, Buttercup,” he grinned, kicking his shoes off. He was soaked from the short walk, the tips of his curls that didn’t stay in his hood dripped on his face. His jacket dripped on her floor (not that she cared). “Let’s go t’bed,” he hung up his coat and pulled her by the hand as he walked back toward her room.
He switched off each light she just turned on, saying nothing about the impromptu visit. In her room he stripped his shirt off making her gulp because even though she had seen Harry many times without a shirt on, he was stunning and made her speechless. He slipped out of his sweats next and all but tossed himself beneath the covers. The poor thing seemed totally exhausted.
“C’mere, kitten,” he mumbled and lifted the covers for her to fall into his arms.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered when she was settled into his embrace. He pulled her in, so she was spooned into his body. He was so warm it was insane. She threaded her fingers between his and tucked his hand beneath her chin. His other hand outstretched below her pillow. His lips were at the back of her head. Softly he pressed kisses along the spot on her neck he could reach.
“What are y’apologizing for, Buttercup?”
“For waking you—”
“Y’didn’t wake me,” he interrupted. She huffed because she knew he was lying. Lying to make her feel better. “S’not a big deal,” he decided after a moment. “Getting t’sleep with you s’a great reward.”
“But you had to go out in the rain and it’s late—”
“M’not gonna melt, baby.” She huffed again, irritation evident in the tone of just her breath. “Talk t’me, kitten.”
“I was scared,” she whispered.
He inched his body closer to hers. It seemed impossible as the heat of his thigh on the back of hers felt like she was suntanning in the tropics. “Scared of what, Buttercup?”
She didn’t answer for a moment. “The weather was just loud I guess, and every little noise bothered—”
“M’sorry,” he mumbled and kissed her skin. “I’ll stay when we have bad weather from now—”
“Harry, that’s not your responsibil—”
“You’re m’girlfriend, Buttercup. S’not a chore or anything. S’what m’supposed to do and more than that, I want t’do it. Sleeping with you is one of m’favorite things,” he explained.
“It’s silly. I’m a grown, independent woman and I shouldn’t need my boyfriend to sleep with me because I’m scared of a little weather.”
There was a long pause. She would have thought Harry had fallen asleep if it wasn’t for the fact that he released her hand to use his fingers to trace the skin on her arm. “Y’not scared of weather, Buttercup,” he whispered. She felt her cheeks warm at his accurate statement. “Y’don’t have t’be brave for me. Y’had t’deal with a really scary thing and frankly I’m scared for you. Not because I think he’s going t’come back, but because I know y’think he might, and it scares you and s’not fair for you t’live like that. S’why I sleep with m’phone on full volume. I would sleep over every night if y’asked. I would love t’do that. Jus’ because y’don’t need a lot from me, doesn’t mean y’can’t ask nor deserve it. Y’can be independent and still need me,” he spoke slowly, his reassuring words felt elongated by the night. She felt her eyes sting with tears. Harry saw her so clearly and easily. He didn’t even have to see her to know he needed her. He was willing to lie to her about her own emotions so she wouldn’t feel embarrassed.
“Can you tell me you love me already so I can say it back?”
He chuckled and twisted her around until she faced him in the dark. He cupped her face stroking his thumbs along her cheeks. “Y’could have said it first at any time, baby.”
“Absolutely not. You would have said something mean if I said it first.”
“Mean? Like what?”
“Like... thank you or something, I don’t know. Some silly prank that would make you laugh.”
He chuckled. “S’a good idea.”
“Exactly. Laugh exactly like that. I’m not saying it first. I don’t care how ridiculous that is.”
He brushed his thumb on her lip and leaned in blindly in the dark to press a gentle, warm, firm, and lovely kiss on her lips. It made her dizzy and she couldn’t believe he liked her so much despite her bad attitude and her stubbornness. “I love you, Buttercup,” he whispered softly, his breath fanning across her face.
She couldn’t believe he loved her.
“Thank you,” she sighed dreamily. He snorted, shook his head, and kissed her forehead. “I love you, too.”
“Go t’sleep, Buttercup,” he murmured and tucked her into his chest. “S’jus’ a little wind and rain.”
She fell asleep before he finished his sentence.
When she came home from work, Harry was on her front step. However, he wasn’t waiting for her this time. His attention was fixed right next to the handle of her door. “Hi Buttercup,” he grinned over his shoulder as she approached. “How was your day?” He asked. She stared at him as he continued installing the doorbell camera. “What did y’have for lunch?”
She watched him silently as he worked. “What are you doing?”
He smiled sheepishly. “Nothing, baby,” he shrugged. “Jus’ making sure y’feel safe.”
She swallowed the lump in her throat. Harry made her feel so safe all the time. “How—”
“I should’ve done this when we discussed it the first time,” he shrugged one shoulder and then put the screwdriver he was using in the small toolbox he laid on the porch at his feet. “Can I see your phone?” He asked. She opened the bag on her shoulder and handed off her phone. He unlocked it with her passcode. “Now y’can see,” he put a hand on her lower back. “Y’can adjust the sensitivity. Y’probably don’t need t’know every time a squirrel runs across the porch,” he kissed her temple while the back of her eyes started to sting with the threat of tears. “What do y’want t’do for dinner, Buttercup?” She shrugged and turned toward him. She pressed her face into his chest. “Hey, s’matter, kitten?” He hummed kissing the top of her head. “Hey,” he chuckled. “What’s wrong?”
“You’re so nice,” she sniffled.
“Buttercup,” he sighed and squeezed her tighter. “S’what a boyfriend is supposed t’do. I love taking care of you,” he promised her. “S’normal things t’do for you. S’what y’do when we’re in love.”
“I don’t do anything like this for you.”
“Oh, Buttercup, s’not true...” he frowned. “Y’make dinner, y’rub my back, y’made our garden look so much better than I ever could’ve done. And, not t’mention y’kiss me and let me do naughty things t’your pretty body,” he smiled impishly. “So y’do sweet things all the time.”
“But you make me feel safe and I don’t—”
“Buttercup, your existence makes me feel safe. S’my job t’make y’feel safe.”
“Are you guys making out in front of the doorbell to save for later?” Louis called from the yard. “That’s weird.”
Harry flipped him off and tipped her chin up. “S’a good idea,” he winked and pressed his lips against hers.
“I love you,” she sighed.
“Thank you,” he grinned.
She shoved him and he chuckled, pulling her back to his chest. “I love you so much, Buttercup.”
Harry woke up to the smell of something coming from the kitchen. It seemed unlikely that Louis was cooking something because the last time he tried, he thought they were going to need a fire extinguisher. He headed down the hall. “El are y’cooking breakfast?” He yawned rubbing his eye as he did.
“Not quite,” she giggled.
Harry perked up excitedly and quickened the last steps to the kitchen. “Good morning, Buttercup, t’what do I owe the pleasure?” He asked, coming up behind her at the counter. He pressed kisses to the crook of her neck while she worked with the waffle maker. There was an upturned bowl beside her little work station. “This is sweet of you, Buttercup. S’it our anniversary already and I forgot?”
“No,” she smiled. “I just, wanted to do something nice for you.”
“You’re always nice t’me, baby.”
“Well really nice then.”
She pulled the waffle from the iron and placed it under the bowl with three others before putting the bowl back to keep them warm. Harry’s couldn’t stop his hands from roaming her hips and sides. “M’in love with this,” he sighed dreamily. He tucked his face into her neck and wrapped his arms around her waist.
“Me making breakfast?” She laughed.
“S’jus’ nice, Buttercup. I would never expect you t’make me breakfast, but s’jus’ thoughtful. You’re perfect.”
“Do you want something extra? You’re being super complimentary.”
“I love you, kitten. Take the compliments,” he chuckled, his words mumbled and obstructed by the way he pressed his mouth to her skin. She focused on the waffle again and remained quiet for a few moments. Then Harry realized the error of his words. “S’probably hard to take the compliments, hmm?” She shrugged one shoulder but didn’t say anything; confirming exactly what Harry already knew. “Well, s’a good thing I like complimenting you. S’good practice for you t’get used to it,” he peppered her cheek with kisses. “Can I help y’with something?” He asked.
She smiled. “No, I’m just going to put this on the table.”
Harry was so distracted by how pretty she looked in his kitchen early in the morning, making him breakfast, he didn’t even notice how cute the table looked. There were flowers in a vase in the middle. Four plates and sets of silverware set up like they were at a restaurant. There were strawberries, blueberries, chocolate chips, whipped cream, and butter. Orange juice and a tray of four coffees from their favorite shop nearby.
“You’re incredible,” he pulled her away from the waffle iron as she set the last one. He wrapped one arm around her waist, cupped her face with the other and tipped her back to kiss her. Her lips were so soft and so warm. his heart started pounding like he had never kissed anyone before. She tasted so good, sweeter than the yummy waffles they were about to eat. He couldn’t help but smile as he kissed her. He used to love pranking her; the joy he felt was unmatched when he made her grumpy. God, kissing her was triple the dopamine, quadruple the serotonin. It felt almost illegal to be so happy. It spread all through his body.
“Harry,” she giggled against his mouth. “Breakfast.”
“You taste better,” he mumbled not pausing his kisses against her mouth.
“At least taste the waffles before you insult them,” she whispered pulling back slightly while he dotted kisses along her face while she spoke.
He squeezed her tight to his body, tucking his face back into her neck as he did. “Hey Buttercup?” His voice muffled once more by her skin and his reluctance to move from her body.
It warmed Harry how easily she answered to the little name. She was lovely. Perfect. The best thing to happen to Harry. While he hated why she had to move into their neighborhood, he was so grateful her pretty self created a home right next door. He pulled back to cup her face, skimmed his thumb on her cheek. “You deserve compliments.”
He didn’t follow it up with anything cute. Didn’t even compliment her afterwards. He wanted it to sink into her brain—even if it only sank in an inch. He would tell her every day. She deserved all the best and Harry was happy to remind her of such and do whatever he needed to make her feel that way.
“Thank you,” she whispered.
He kissed her forehead. “I’ll go get El and Lou.”
“I love you lots.”
“Me too, Buttercup. So much,” he winked heading down the hall.
general taglist: @justlemmeadoreyou @daydreamingofmatilda @sunshinemoonsposts @loving-hazz @likeapplejuicenpeach
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I'm sorry if I missed anyone in the taglist. Please let me know if you'd like to join, if it didn't work, if you no longer want to be included, etc. :)
If you like this, check out my masterlist here
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paracosmicka · 16 hours ago
might be a somewhat awkward question, so feel free to ignore, but how do you usually go about drawing stuff like kissing and cuddling? i would be curious to know your process, because you always manage to portray that stuff as incredibly soft and.. vulnerable? if that makes any ounce of sense. sorry if it doesn’t TvT
No you’re all good this isn’t an awkward question at all! Actually this is kind of a fun ask to answer bc I wanna know if any other people have similar experiences to how I draw lol.
First off, wanna say that there’s a one specific song I’ve listened to religiously for the past 3 years, and it's also the song I listen to most often while drawing sonadow. I feel like it’s encompasses almost the entire range of human emotion while somehow also being able to match exactly to any single specific emotion on that range.
Typing this out now my feelings and experiences with the song might be a little biased because it’s part of the OST for Signalis (which is such an underrated game and especially the soundtrack), but I feel like even if you haven’t played the game it can still give you this melancholic atmosphere. But really it feels like….I feel like there are words to describe what i’m trying to say but I can’t think of any other than like, … an “ethereal comfort”.
Okay sorry about that ramble I just really wanted to give you some context and also I need more people to play Signalis. But anyway to answer your question:
My “Creative” Process: featuring symptoms of autism and insomnia
I like that people use words like “soft”, “intimate”, “tender” in the replies and stuff of my art because (while that is the intention behind a lot of my art) it makes me think about the actual process that took place while I was drawing and if that in anyway impacts the viewer interpretation.
I might have talked about this before on my blog, but if so I can’t remember. So I wanna ask any other artists (or actually just people in general) if they do this too or if it’s something Not Normal because it does concern me sometimes lol. Like it’s probably not that uncommon, but I’ve just never seen anyone talk about this before:
I always (like 90%) fall asleep while I draw, it’s never usually for long, sometimes I just doze off for like 5 minutes, but more often I get a lot of half-hour naps in. It most likely, probably, definitely, literally guarantee is because I do things that, maybe don’t encourage, but definitely make it easier to not stay awake. I listen to more calm music while drawing, all of my canvas templates absolutely cannot be white and instead have to be a warm color with both the saturation and brightness really toned down so it’s like a comforting hazy-yellow. I also have all the lights turned off in my room, especially in the day, because I hate the light-reflection on my iPad screen while I draw.
I know I just listed all those things I do like they were intentional but I only just recently realized I do this because someone pointed out how my background colors are always like a soft-yellow which is apparently not common and I was like “oh yeah I guess you’re right”.
So, to be honest, I’m not really sure how I do draw sonadow kissing and cuddling other than…I just do? I’m sorry I know that’s not very helpful 😭 Like, literally the only tip I can think of is “try to be really eeby and neebies to sleeby” while drawing soft gay hedgehogs, 10/10 doctors highly recommend and another cool perk: no nightmares (at least so far, I always get warm and nice dreams 💖)
I definitely like to use references tho lol. Kids, if you run out of Heartstopper clips or any other cute kissing scenes in your favorite movies and shows, don't be embarrassed to go on Youtube and search “makeout scenes” and watch almost all 300 videos in a playlist that definitely seems like it was created like a bot, because sometimes those are the only references you’re gonna get for kissing animations.
Well, I think that concludes this edition of Unnecessarily Long Dissertation Papers by Paracosm, thank you for the ask anon!!
OH ACTUALLY sorry for promoting another Spotify playlist but I made one specifically for Soft, Vulnerable, and Intimate Sonadow Vibes™️ because as much as I love using my regular sonadow playlist I needed one for pillow and blanky time. It’s got The Red Gate and a lot of other songs with similar vibes so here’s that if you wanna listen :3
WAIT SORRY ALSO???? A friend said that my playlist is the most liked sonadow playlist on Spotify apparently 😭 but I actually don’t know if that’s true I’m just surprised that people actually save it to their libraries (970 likes last time I checked I didn’t even know that many real human people were on Spotify) bc it’s like a million hours long and there is no consistency at all like the music genres will switch from borderline-hyperpop MGNA Crrrta to soft instrumental OSTs to the loud unidentifiable noises of Nero’s Day at Disneyland/Lauren Bousfield’s music.
Okay actually done talking now, I love answering asks because everyone is always so fucking nice and sweet I have teared up at times but because they make me feel so many things every time I sit down to answer one I probably use a good hour or two writing everything out and then quickly proofreading so that my one coworker that follows me on here won’t bully me in public for being an idiot.
But seriously tho, feel free to send me any asks you might have, you are literally never bothering me I love reading you guys’ messages 😭💖!! I wish I had more time to answer all of them but just know I check my inbox at least once a week and try to read all the new ones. My goal is trying to answer at least one a day, which doesn’t always happen but at the end of the week I always make sure to put myself in a Saw trap to answer at least a couple 💖 Seriously just thank you for all the support I feel like I don’t say it enough I love you guys and I love talking with you guys and I love how everyone here is so nice and we can all be cozy and enjoy our gay hedgehogs ☺️
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dnpbeats · 2 days ago
Dan and Phil/IRL Merch Survey Results!!
Hi phannies 💞 sorry it took me so long to get these results out! There was a lot of data and it took me a while to get everything together and then type this post up ;,) firstly I just want to give a big shoutout to everyone who participated in this survey!!
DISCLAIMER: as I said in my original post asking for responses, this survey is just for fun/personal interest. while I have done my best to present the data in a fair way, please also keep in mind this is not my profession. I also acknowledge that the data is more than likely inherently biased as people with strong opinions are more likely to fill things like this out <3 also, a note on sample size: I was originally hoping to compare the answers of people who own merch vs. those that do not. however, I ended up getting very few responses from people who do not own merch. therefore, it would be unfair of me to compare the two groups of people. instead I will present comparisons of people who own merch who haven't had any issues, and those who own merch who have had issues. at the end I will include the data of people that don't own merch just because I have it, but it is not meant to have conclusions drawn from it in comparison to the other data!! this post is going to get long so results are under the cut <33
General Info
Total respondents: 443
Respondents who own merch: 416 (205 with no issues, 211 with issues)
Respondents who do not own merch: 27
100% of respondents who own merch bought at least one item directly from IRL. While the survey was open to people who bought merch from other IRL shops besides Dan and Phil's, every response I got was from a Dan and Phil fan. (For transparency's sake, I did not actively reach out to any other fandoms as I didn't want to skew the data by reaching out to some fans but not others.)
Results – Overall (all 443 responses)
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The majority of people have neutral feelings towards IRL Merch. A strong positive opinion of the company was more common than a strong negative opinion.
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Most people feel there is adequate information for product descriptions/photos and size information/guides on IRL's shops' websites. Most people feel neutrally towards detailed product information and shop contact information.
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(Cut-off label reads, "I knew they were involved somehow, but did not realized they fully owned it.")
The majority of people knew that Dan, Phil, and Martyn own IRL. "Other" (3 responses) consists of two people who knew Martyn owned it but not that Dan and Phil did, and one person who used to know but forgot. (Note: one respondent said they learned Dan/Phil/Martyn owned IRL through this survey question. Their answer has been counted as a "no.")
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(Cut-off label reads, "Unsure/I have no opinion on this/I haven't been here long enough to tell.")
Most people are either unsure or have no opinion as to whether or not Dan and Phil's interest/investment in their merch has changed. A little less than twice as many people believe their investment has changed for the better, as opposed to changed for the worse.
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The question "Do you feel that Dan and Phil’s interest/investment in their merch has changed over the years?" compared by year the respondent started watching. (Recognize that this graph is adjusted so that each year is represented at 100%. The total number of respondents for each year can be found at the top of each column.)
Results – Those who have merch (416 responses)
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For both those with no merch issues and those with issues, the majority of people have neutral feelings towards IRL Merch. On average, people with no issues have a slightly more positive opinion than those who have had issues.
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(As a reminder, "mode" is the most common answer given!)
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Just over half of respondents with merch have had issues with their merch (211 out of 416). Of people with issues, the average amount of items they had issues with was 1.93 items.
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On average, people with issues had problems with 25.5% of their merch items. The most common percentage of merch people had issues with was 20%. (Note that since this graph is only taking data from people who have had issues, the "Less than 20%" column does NOT include those who had issues with 0% of their merch.)
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For both people with and without issues, the majority did not have strong opinions towards Dan and Phil's interest/investment in their merch over the years. For people with no issues, nearly three times as many people felt as though their interest had changed for the better compared to changed for the worse. For people with issues, it was split almost evenly.
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The two above charts show the answers to the same question, one overall and one split into people with and without issues. On average, people with no issues gave a slightly higher rating for the quality of merch than those with no issues.
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*Excludes answers from those with one item and those who gave a rating for high but not low (and vice-versa)
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For both people with and without issues, the majority selected that they did not have enough items/had not been around long enough to tell if the quality has changed. For people without issues, the second-most common opinion was that the quality has not changed. For people with issues, the second-most common opinion was that the quality has gotten worse.
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"In your opinion, has the overall quality of the merch changed throughout the years?" shown sorted by year the respondent started watching (same format as the previous "by year" graph!).
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Results – Those who had issues with merch (211 responses)
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(Cut-off labels read, "Defective item (misprinted/print was defective/ripped or broke easily/etc)" and "Problems with shipping (item was never delivered/order was stuck and there was no info/tracking information was not correct/etc).")
For this question, people were asked to select issues they have had with any of their merch. Over half the people with issues had problems with their merch generally being low-quality. Note that for some people this was the only issue they cited, whereas for others it was one of multiple issues. "Other" responses included things like issues with sizing, issues with print coming off, and receipt of incorrect items in their orders. (Also, "not mutually exclusive" means that people could select more than one answer :3)
Those who reached out to customer service about their issues (77 responses)
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"Other" responses include things like someone else (i.e. a parent) reaching out on their behalf (so they did not know the details) and having the issue resolved in person (e.g. people with issues with tour merch had the issue resolved in person, at the venue).
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(Cut-off labels read, "Yes, but with problems (had to send multiple emails/took a long time to receive a reply or item/etc)" and "No (I got a response, but not one I wanted.")
"Other" responses include five people who have had issues recently enough that they are still actively waiting for a response and one person who had some issues resolved but not others.
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Most people (48 people, 62.3%) did not have an opinion as to whether or not customer service quality has changed. For those that did have an opinion (29 people), the vast majority felt as though the quality has changed for the worse.
Those who did not reach out to customer service (134 responses)
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Bonus Results – People who do not own merch (27 responses)
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(Cut-off label reads, "I do not like the designs/the items are things I would not wear or use.")
Forgot to say on this graph, but these options are not mutually exclusive!
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And that's the end! Hopefully you found this as interesting as I did <3 Please let me know if you have any questions or need/want any clarification on the data! :)
P.S. I do have written responses for some questions (Does knowing D&P own IRL affect your opinion, more details about issues with merch/customer service, more details about people's feelings towards IRL). I couldn't decide how I wanted to include them in this post so for now I'm just not adding them. But if people are interested in seeing those, let me know and I will find some way to include the answers that people consented to being shared! :)
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sellmysoulforamap · 23 hours ago
You Can Stay
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Raven haired, ocean eyed Perseus Jackson. The Hero of Olympus, bearer of the curse of Achilles, savior of Camp Half Blood.
And a royal pain in your ass.
Normally this wouldn’t be a problem, you’re good at ignoring people, great at it even. When you don’t want to be found no one can find you, except Percy Jackson apparently.
You had saved his life during the Battle of Mannhatan, and apparently that was enough for him to become enamored. As if he weren’t surrounded by pretty people with swords all the time. You’d think he’d be used to it after years at camp.
You like being alone, you’ve always liked being alone. You’re friends get that, they’ve learned that when you wander off and can’t be found not to go looking for you. You know who hasn’t learned that lesson?
Percy Fucking Jackson.
Heading down to the arena to train?
He’s there.
Going down to the lake after the campfire to cool down?
He’s there.
Walking into the woods to get away from life?
He’s not far behind you.
Which is how you’ve ended up in the top of one of the tallest trees around the lake, your back pressed up against the bark and a book balance precariously on your leg. Camp had grown to be too much for you. Too many people trying to pretend the war didn’t happen, that everything was normal, that more than half of their friends and siblings weren’t dead.
Your cabin didn’t feel far enough away, in truth the tree didn’t feel far enough either.
“Are you… okay?”
You let out a frustrated sound, all you wanted was to be alone for five minutes. “I’m great.” Silently you turn back to the pages of your book, the boy below is quiet as well, for a minute you think he may have finally gotten the hint and left you alone, but its soon after you have the thought that you hear the sounds of branches creaking down below.
Percy stops his accent on the branch below yours, where he stands silently for a few minutes staring up at you as if waiting for you to say something, acknowledge him or whatever. Eventually he speaks quietly. “I’m not okay.”
That makes you pause, your fingers wrapped around the corner of a page you were halfway through turning. Slowly you rest the page down again, and look down at him. It doesn’t feel real, the Percy Jackson, the Hero of Olympus, the savoir of camp, isn’t okay.
Percy Jackson is always okay.
“Why aren’t you okay?” You ask quietly.
You’ve finally given in to his game, his little chase, you expect him to look smug, or happy, or anything expect for the lost expression that forms on his face. “I failed them.”
“What do you mean?”
Percy looks up at you again, his head resting against the tree, bark tugging at the dark waves. “Everyone keeps telling me I won, that I saved everyone, but I didn’t. We lost so many people, I lost so many people.”
“It was war, we were always going to lose people.” You answer softly, you’d been running from everyone at camp for months, Percy included, because it felt like nobody else felt the loss the war had saddled them with.
Maybe you were wrong.
Percy seems to have realized that he had dropped that on you unbidden and looks down at the branches below him, as if considering how to climb back down. “‘M sorry, you probably wanted to be alone.” He murmurs, still looking at his feet.
“You can stay.”
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thatsmzbitchtoyou · 1 day ago
Barnes Bakes Chapter 5
A request that turned into a short story. * mudak: moron or blowhard in Russian
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The next Sunday was the day before Veterans’ Day, so both Bucky and Y/N had Monday off, and they used that to their advantage as they ate the new treat she had made that week, a lemon curd tart, and drank a limoncello to go along with it.  The limoncello didn’t do much to Bucky, but after two glasses Y/N was tipsy, which made her a lot more flirty and touchy with him.  
“Alright, sweet pea, your turn,” Y/N giggled.  “Who is your real life hall pass?”
“Nuh-uh,” Bucky shook his head, taking the shot in front of him.  
“Oh come on!” she whined.  “That’s not fair!  I’ve been answering every question–”
“No you haven’t,” Bucky laughed.  “You wouldn’t say what your craziest sexual experience was!”
“Because you couldn’t handle it,” she said seductively, winking at him.  He rolled his eyes at her.  “Come on, please?” she begged, leaning over and pushing his metal arm.  “Who is it?”
“Just say it,” she said.  
“No,” he shook his head.  Y/N gave him a half-hearted glare, then a mischievous grin grew on her face.  “What’s that look?” he asked, frowning at her.  Suddenly she pounced on him, straddling his lap as her fingers tickled at his neck.  Bucky yelped, toppling out of the chair and onto the floor with her still on top of him.
“Say it!” she squealed as he tried to swipe her hands away.  “Say it, sweet pea!”
“Y/N stop, ah!” he laughed, trying to be careful to not hurt her even as his body tensed up from being tickled for the first time in years.  
Her hands moved quickly from his neck to his armpits, then down his sides, which made him laugh even harder.  “Who knew the White Wolf was so ticklish, huh?” she teased him.  “Say it and I’ll stop!”
“Y/N, it’s…oh my god fine!  It’s you!” he said, trying to twist away but unable to with her sat so squarely on his core.  Her hands froze by his hips, her eyes widening as she looked down at him.  Her smile slowly slipped off her face and Bucky tensed up with anxiety.  He should have fought her off, made her stop sooner, now he’d ruined things.  He bit his lip and shut his eyes.  “I’m sorry,” he said.  “I shouldn’t have said that.”
“No, it’s…it’s okay,” she said quietly.  He felt her hands leave him, but she didn’t get up.  He slowly opened his eyes to look up at her just as she leaned forward to hover over him and put herself at eye level with him.  Her eyes flickered over his face, then she nuzzled his nose.  “You want me?” she whispered.
Bucky couldn’t tell what was happening, his own eyes widening at how close she was and how serious she was acting.  He slowly nodded, making her smile come back.  Her gaze moved to his lips, and she closed the distance between them and kissed him.  Bucky’s eyes fluttered shut, and he kissed her back hesitantly.  Alarm bells were going off in his head.  You just got out of a relationship a few months ago.  You’re gone all of the time for missions.  She’s busy with the bakery.  You’re neighbors, what if it doesn't work out?  She’s friends with your friends now… Then her hands cupped his face gently, she angled her head and deepened the kiss and let out a short, low hum that almost sounded like a whimper, and he was done for.
Fuck it, he thought as he kissed her back firmly, his hands wrapping around her back and holding her close.  She let out a surprised sound that he quickly covered with his mouth.  He licked at her lips, and she gladly granted him access to her tongue.  Her hips pressed harder against his core, and he moaned at the feeling as his cock hardened beneath her, the pressure making his abs tense with anticipation.  His hands slipped down her back, squeezing her hips before reaching down and gripping her large ass cheeks that he couldn’t fit in his hands.  He kneaded the flesh there then pulled her harder against his groin.
Y/N giggled against his mouth and broke the kiss, sitting up so she sat on his lap again, her hands keeping herself up on his chest.  She smirked as she rolled her hips over him, and his eyes rolled back at the way his cock dragged through her slit, even with all the fabric in the way.  “You wanna fuck me, sweet pea?” she asked teasingly.
“Fuck yes,” Bucky groaned, his hands pushing her ass to keep moving over him.  “Please doll?  Can I?”  
Her face twisted into a look of pure desire, and she nodded as she scratched down his chest.  “Yes,” she breathed.
Bucky didn’t need to hear anything else.  He pushed himself up, heaving her up into his arms.  She shrieked as he carried her to her room, her arms and legs wrapping around him so she wouldn’t fall.  She started kissing and sucking at his neck, making him shudder at how good it felt before he entered her room and quickly laid her on her bed.  He pulled away and tugged his shirt off before rucking up her dress.  Y/N helped him as she maneuvered her body for him to slip it up and off of her, revealing that she wasn’t wearing a bra.  He immediately touched her breasts, leaning down and moaning as he kissed, licked and sucked at them, the squishiness and fullness of them making him almost delirious as he shoved them together and stuck his face between them.
“So soft,” he said breathlessly.  “Good god, babydoll.”
“Babydoll?” she asked.  “I like that.”
He looked up at her and smirked as she watched him suck her nipple into his mouth.  Y/N moaned as her nipple pebbled under his touch, her hands going back to his hair, keeping him close to her chest.  He used his free hand to undo his pants then shove them and his underwear down, kicking them off wildly.  Once his cock was free he humped against her still-clothed core, his precum and her arousal making her panties wet.  Her hands tugged at his hair, the dull pain making him moan against her chest.  “Do we need anything?” he asked.
“No,” Y/N said.  
“Thank god,” he grunted before pulling away.  His metal fingers slid along the rim of her panties before grasping them tight and ripping them away from her.  Y/N gasped and looked at him with an incredulous expression, a wry smile creeping on her lips.  Bucky stared at her now naked pussy, already wet and throbbing.  “Fuck, babydoll,” he groaned.  “Look at this pretty, chubby pussy.”  His hands moved to caress her thighs, up over her hips and kneading the rolls on her stomach.  “Everything is so soft and curvy.”  His hands moved back down as he moved himself backwards until he could lay down and come face to face with her core.  “Do you taste as sweet as you look?”
Bucky hoisted her legs over his shoulders, his hands holding her thighs down as he leaned in and gave her slit a long, broad lick with his tongue.  She gasped and gripped his wrists, her hips already starting to tremble.  He took his time kissing, sucking and licking at her, finding her clit and lapping at it slowly, wanting to taste every inch of her and pull her apart.  Y/N’s gasps and whimpers egged him on, her legs looping behind his head and holding him tightly between her legs as her hips rut against his face.  He sucked on her clit with a loud, slurping sound, his cheeks hollowing as his lips puckered around it completely.  She whimpered and then shuddered, her grip on his wrists tightening impressively as she started cumming, painting his mouth and chin with her cum.
He moaned loudly, licking up what he could as his hold on her thighs was sure to leave bruises in the morning.  He continued to lick at her, making out with her pussy then focusing on her clit again.  “Buck, I, mmh!” she moaned, one of her hands moving down to try and push him away.  “I’m so sensitive, please, I can’t!”
“You can,” Bucky said lowly, speaking against her pussy lips.  “Give me another one, babydoll.  I can’t just have one taste.”
Y/N’s fingers scratched into his hair, her hips trying but failing to twist away from the onslaught of his tongue.  He doubled his efforts, pulling himself up so his mouth almost engulfed her slit.  His eyes were nearly rolling at the wetness still leaking from her that he would use to lube her clit, then suck it into his mouth again.  Her breaths staggered, her stomach flinching and making her body shake as he built the pressure again.  Without warning she came again with a scream, even more cum gushing from her.  Bucky groaned again as he swallowed what he could catch, his eyes closing as he let himself get lost in the quivering of her thighs against his face and the smell and taste of her cunt.
When he finished he stared at her pussy again for a moment, catching his breath before releasing her legs and pulling himself up to hover over her.  Y/N’s head was lolled to the side, her chest heaving heavy breaths as her hand went limp from his hair and fell on the bed next to her.  Bucky chuckled at her expression, his metal hand gripping her chin and pulling her face up straight so he could kiss her with her cum all over his mouth.  “So sweet,” he murmured against her lips.  “Almost as sweet as your treats.”
She giggled, licking at his lips and humming at the taste of herself.  “Can I have a taste?” she asked, a mischievous look in her eye.
“Yes please,” Bucky groaned.  He pulled away and laid back on the bed next to her as she hoisted herself up then slotted between his legs.  She gripped his cock in her hand, slowly pumping him as her free hand felt along his chest and down his abs, ogling his body appreciatively before feeling down the “V” of his hips.  Her touch was like an electric current, sending tingles down his body as her fingers traversed his skin almost reverently.  She leaned down and licked at the head of his cock, and he shivered at the sensation.  Her licks became more insistent, then she opened her mouth wide and took him deep in her mouth, her tongue still feeling along the underside of his shaft until he hit the back of her throat.  “Fuck!  Oh god, babydoll!” he whimpered.  
Y/N hummed, the sound vibrating around his cock deliciously.  She hollowed her cheeks and sucked him hard as she pulled back up off of him, releasing the tip from her lips with a loud pop.  “You’re so yummy, sweet pea,” she complimented him.  “Such a pretty cock.  Feels so good on my tongue.”
He didn’t get a chance to say anything before she dipped her head back down and took him in her mouth again, bobbing her head up and down on him as her one hand held the base of his shaft upright and her other hand moved down to his balls, rolling them in her palm and between her fingers, adding even more intense pleasure to the experience.  His eyes rolled back, and he couldn't help but compare this with his last relationship.  His ex-girlfriend would barely suck him off, gagged excessively and wouldn’t dare even go near his balls.  It was a chore for her.  Y/N seemed to be enjoying herself, sucking and licking him languidly then randomly switching it up and loving on the tip of his cock while her hand would twist at the wrist and stroke him perfectly.  Her fingers at his balls slightly moved down and rubbed along his perineal area, massaging it while she cupped his balls in her palm.  That had never happened before, and he tensed slightly, feeling a weird mix of uncertainty but pleasure from it.  Then her fingers reached his asshole, massaging along the rim.
“Y/N, baby, I’ve never, mmmh,” he tried to steady his breathing.  “I don’t think I’m ready for that.”
“That’s okay, sweet pea,” Y/N giggled, licking at the slit in the tip of his cock.  “Maybe someday.”  She moved her fingers away and squeezed his balls as she sucked harshly at the head while her tongue laved at the underside of it.
“Holy shit!  Babydoll, I-I’m gonna cum if you keep doing that,” he warned, his hands cupping both sides of her face.
“Do you wanna cum in my mouth?” she asked, arching an eyebrow at him.
“Oh my god,” he groaned.  “Yes, but…” his gaze met hers and he let out a shuddered breath.  She looked so pretty like this, her spit combining with his precum and leaving a thread connected between his cock and her lips, her eyes slightly glossy with how much she had been holding back from gagging on him, and yet she looked so pleased with herself.  He smirked.  “Maybe someday,” he said.
Y/N smiled knowingly.  “Whatever you want, sweet pea,” she said, giving him a few more good strokes before sitting up.  “You gonna fuck me?”
He nodded and pulled her back onto the bed, climbing over her once again.  He kissed her deeply as he pumped himself a couple of times before lining up with her entrance.  He slowly started to push inside, but then she hooked her ankles behind his ass and pulled him all the way into her pussy in one hard thrust.  He buckled at the sudden movement, her pussy swallowing him whole.  It was overwhelming how good she felt around him, and he tensed every muscle in his body to stop himself from cumming too fast.  Bucky grunted and nuzzled her face as Y/N let out a high pitched whine.  “Babydoll…” he said, his own voice sounding like a deep whine.  “What are you tryna do, kill me?  Fucking hell.”
“Got me throbbing from how good you ate me out, Bucky, I couldn’t wait anymore,” she said desperately.  “You feel so fucking good, sweet pea.  Please fuck me.  Fuck me hard.”
Bucky lifted his head and looked at her in astonishment.  She was looking at him like he hung the stars, making it all the more intimate.  No one he had ever been with before looked at him like that, worshipped his body like she did, accepted his personally perceived flaws as easily as she did.  His metal hand cupped the side of her face gently, and she leaned her face further into it with a soft smile, turning her head and kissing his palm.  “My babydoll,” he whispered, his thumb sweeping across her cheekbone.  He kissed her again and rolled his hips into her, pulling a low hum from her mouth.  “My Y/N.”
Y/N inhaled shakily, nodding against his mouth.  “Yours,” she whispered, then nibbled at his lower lip.  “My sweet pea.”
Bucky smiled and kissed her again before rolling his hips into her.  He set a steady pace at first, adjusting to the feeling of being inside her.  He wouldn’t admit it to himself before, but he had woken up from dreams of doing this very thing with her multiple times.  He had dreamt of what her kisses tasted like, what her pussy tasted like, how her mouth would feel on his cock, how she would feel with him fucking deep into her, and yet none of those dreams did justice to the real thing.  With the sweetest noises falling from her lips egging him on, his cock felt so sensitive after she had nearly made him cum earlier that after a few minutes of thrusting when her pussy contracted around him he whimpered.
“You gonna cum, babydoll?” he whispered in her ear.  
“Y-yeah,” she nodded, her voice getting interrupted with the speed and force of his thrusts.  Her hand moved from his lower back to in between them, her fingers rubbing at her clit quickly.  “Can you fuck me harder, sweet pea?  Hard and fast?”
“Jesus,” Bucky huffed.  “Yes, ma’am.”  She giggled at the nickname and he shifted on his knees to give himself more leverage before he started pounding into her.  She gasped, her fingers rubbing and flicking faster on her clit, her other hand scratching down his back, pulling another grunt from his chest.  “That’s it, babydoll,” he said, his hands looping over her shoulders from behind to keep her still as he fucked her.  “Let me have it.  Where do you want me to cum?”
“Wherever you want,” she said breathlessly, her face pinched into a lustful frown.  “I’m gonna cum!”
“Wherever I want?” Bucky chuckled.  “Fuck yes.  Cum, Y/N…cum!”
She twitched under him, her middle finger flicking her clit fast, then stiffened as she screamed, cumming and gushing on his cock.  Her pussy gripped him impossibly tight, and Bucky shuddered above her, holding off his release until the waves of her orgasm lessened.  He fucked her through it then sat up and pulled out of her.  “Fuck, baby…doll…mmh!” he stroked himself, his breathing getting heavy and faster, then he slapped her clit with his cock and came with a loud groan, the long ropey spurts of cum coating her pussy and up her stomach.  “Oh baby,” he moaned when he finally finished.  He rubbed the head of his cock on her clit, making her twitch and gasp.  “You look so pretty like this. Covered in my cum.”  He took her hand and set it on her stomach, then held her wrist to make her fingers run through it.  
Y/N hummed as she watched her fingers move through the warm stickiness.  “Well now I’ve gotta get cleaned up,” she said as she sighed.  “You wanna take a shower?”
Bucky was almost instantly hard again.  He smirked at her before getting off the bed then lifting her bridal style.  She yelped as he picked her up and walked her over to the bathroom.  “Yes ma’am.”
 They fucked over and over again that night until Y/N passed out from exhaustion.  Bucky fell asleep and woke up in the same position, wrapped around her body with his face nuzzling her breasts.  He looked up at her, smiling at her face being squished against her pillow, her deep breaths fanning along the top of his hair.  He couldn’t believe what had happened the night before.  It all seemed like a dream.  She stirred in her sleep and held him close against her chest, her hand running through his hair.  Just as he thought he could go back to sleep for a while longer his heart jumped, and a flare of anxiety felt like ice in his veins.  What did this mean?  What were they now?  Last night had surely ruined their friendship, a friendship that he cherished.  Why was he so stupid?  Why couldn’t he have said somebody’s else’s name for their little game?  
He started to panic and felt the need to get away.  He pulled himself away and out of her embrace slowly, trying not to wake her up.  He slipped out of the bed and gathered his clothes up, quickly putting them on and silently leaving her bedroom.  As he was getting his shoes on and slipping his jacket on her door opened and she walked out in her robe.
“Hey, did you want–” Y/N stopped when she saw what he was doing.  Bucky froze.  He was sure his guilt and shame shone bright on his face.  “Oh, you’re leaving?” she asked.  As much as he could tell that she tried not to show it hurt, he could see it did and it made him grimace.
“Uh, yeah, um…” he stuttered.  “I…I had a lot of fun last night–”
Y/N’s face hardened, and she crossed her arms in front of herself and leaned her hip against the kitchen counter.  She sighed heavily, her jaw ticking in anger as her frown deepened, but it was the fire in her eyes that scared him the most.  “So you fuck me, praise me, talk about claiming me, and then try to slip out the next morning and say the classic ‘I had fun last night’ speech to me?”  Bucky’s mouth opened and closed repeatedly.  He knew he fucked up, but had no way to explain himself.  Y/N shook her head disappointedly then closed her eyes.  “Get out,” she grumbled.
“Y/N,” Bucky said, walking toward her.  “I’m sorry, I’m not trying to hurt you–”
“I said get out,” she said, more firmly and loudly.
“No!” she yelled, opening her eyes and standing tall, walking up to him.  “You don’t get to call me that.  You lied.  I’m not your babydoll.  Fuck off and get out of my house.”  He stared at her in shock as she walked around him to the front door and opened it, gesturing for him to leave.  “Congratulations on getting what you wanted from me.  Now leave!”
Bucky’s heart broke, and the only person he had to blame was himself.  He slowly walked to the front door, fighting back his tears as he walked over the threshold.  He turned to look at her.  “Y/N–”
She gave him a scathing glare and then slammed the door in his face.  He stared at the door for a moment, then trudged back into his apartment.  He made it to his bedroom before breaking down into sobs.  He felt so stupid and unworthy of her.  And now because of his own personal issues he had hurt her, losing one of the few bright lights in his life that he had since he’d been freed from the Winter Soldier programming.  He cried heavily for what felt like hours.  Why couldn’t he have just chilled out?  Been honest?  Now he’d made it all so dramatic, and Y/N didn’t do drama.  
@wintrsoldrluvr @greatenthusiasttidalwave @itsteambarnes @440mxs-wife
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maskedcrawford · 1 day ago
Hidden Secrets
G-Dragon x Reader
Summary: Fate has a funny way of working things out.
Warnings: Angst, panic attack, fluffy fluff
A/N: To make this a little easier on myself I'm posting both chapters 6 and 7 tonight. I really hope you enjoy and I appreciate everyone who has ridden this insane rollercoaster so far. I also thank you for the love and support for my work, I put my all into it <3
Chapter 5
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Chapter 6- Fate
It was a month and a half after your blow up with Jiyong and he still hadn’t gotten over it. He’d seen your calls, gotten your voicemails and he even would read your texts, letting you see that he read it, but he wouldn’t respond. He couldn’t, not when he made the promise to you that he was done. Not when he promised himself, he wouldn’t let you destroy him anymore.
Jiyong stares at the envelope he receivedfrom the mail man that morning on the counter. It had his name in your hand writing on it. He took a shot before deciding to open it.
“Ji, I know I’m the last person you want to hear from right now, but this wasn’t something I could put in a text. I miss you, a lot. I know you said you’re done, and I don’t blame you. I just really really miss you. I don’t deserve it, after what I did, and I don’t blame you for shutting me out, I deserve that. But I would really like the chance to talk. I’ve had a lot of time to think, alone in my apartment, and I’ve realized some things. Please at least consider it.
Y/n, FKA Your Girl.”
He sighs and sets the note down, noting the small tear marks on the page. He wanted to see you, he wanted to believe you’d changed or at least that you’d want to. Not having you beside him these last 6 weeks has been crazy, the sudden transition of seeing you everyday for years to now not talking has been extremely difficult and in all honesty, he had time to think too. Time to think about his own mistakes, time to question if he really did everything he could, but he wasn’t sure of the answer.
Despite his brain screaming at him, telling him its a mistake, he picks up the phone and presses your name. It rings a few times before he hears your hesitant and soft voice pick up.
“Hey,” is all he can mutter.
“I um,” he clears his throat, “I got the letter,” he squeezes his eyes tight, unsure of whether or not this is the right choice.
“I’m open to talking,” he says lowly. Your breath hitches and he waits to hear you respond.
“You still there?” he asks when he doesn’t hear anything.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m here, um what about today?” you ask still unsure. He pinches the bridge of his nose in stress.
“Yeah, I can be there in 45 minutes,” he sighs.
“Ok, I’ll leave the door open.” He hangs up the phone and gets in the shower, allowing the hot water to beat his skin, trying to clear his mind. He constantly wondered if he was making the right choice, he wasn’t sure if he could trust you. He gets himself dressed and gets into his car.
Stopped at a red light, he sends you a text saying he’s 5 minutes out. When the light turns green all Jiyong can process is that its his turn to go. Then there's a loud crash and suddenly his body is lodged between the driver side door of his car and his console.
You pace your apartment; it’s been 15 minutes since he sent that text. You didn’t want to bug him, but you were concerned too. Jiyong was nothing if not punctual. After another 5 minutes you pick up your phone. You just want to know he’s safe. He’d understand that, right?
Before you can press the call button, his name comes up on your phone.
“Ji, I was just about to call you,”
“Uh,” you hear a random man’s voice begin to speak.
“I’m sorry who is this?”
“I’m officer Park, your friend here has been in an accident, you’re the Emergency Contact in his phone so we wanted you to know he’s going to ASAN Medical Center if you would like to see him.”
“Oh, wait, what, ok,” is all you can stammer out as your heart drops into your stomach.
“Is he alive?” your voice is filled with fear.
“Barely, your friend here got lucky. An inch closer to his door he would’ve been dead on impact,” your body shakes slightly with the anxiety coursing through it.
“I’ll be at the hospital in 10 minutes. Do I go to the ER side or,” you can’t think your mind is so jumbled.
“We’ll give the front desk your name at the hospital and they’ll bring you to him.” The man is sympathetic. You mumble a thank you and speed down the hospital.
You walk in, give the front desk woman your name she doesn’t have it.
“But, the guy, officer-officer Park said he’d give it to you, please I need to see him,” you plead with her.
“I don’t even see him in the system,” she looks at you helplessly.
“What,” you breathe out and hunch over some before you pass out or start hyperventilating. Your body feels like its shaking from the inside out. Just then you hear a man giving the woman your name and you stand straight up.
“I’m y/n, where is he?” the fear and worry in your eyes can’t be hidden. He gives you as solemn look and the woman opens the doors that lead back to the ER area. You go down the halls like a rat in a maze, growing more anxious by the minute. When you finally get to his room, the officer stops you before you open the door.
“He’s not going to look like you remember. It was bad, really bad,” you search his eyes. They’re sympathetic towards your plight.
“Thank you for taking care of him,” you nod your head and purse your lips in a tight line. You take a deep breath before you gently open the door and walk in.
You gasp at what you see, his hair is sticking up, bruises and cuts to his face, he’s unconscious with a tube down his throat. Your eyes water at the sight of his body. You slowly walk over to his beside and sit down in the chair beside the bed.
“Oh, baby I’m so sorry,” you sob quietly.
“If I hadn’t asked you to talk, you never would’ve left, and you wouldn’t be here,” you grab his hand gently. It’s warm, but lifeless. You look at him with blurry vision.
“Hi, I’m his nurse for the evening. You must be his wife,” she smiles. That’s a shot to the chest.
“Actually, I’m his ex,” you utter.
“Oh,” she offers you a smile that you aren’t sure is genuine.
“Well, he’s going into surgery, we need to get him prepped.” Your eyes grow wide.
“Sur-surgery? What does he need surgery for?” your vison once again starts to get blurry.
“He’s got multiple broken bones and some internal bleeding and a punctured lung.” She lowers the railing to his bed. The tears continue to fall to the cold floor beneath you.
“Oh, aein, I’m so sorry,” you whisper as you kiss his forehead and rest yours on his for a brief moment.
“I love you, my sweet boy,” you whisper to him, “So so much,” with one last kiss to the forehead you tear yourself away.
“Please take care of him,” you say with a weak voice and she nods.
“We’ll do our very best.” You give him one last look and walk out of the room. There are nurses and doctors rushing by you and you watch as they go into the room. They wheel him out and the nurse informs you that you can stay put in the room if you’d like. You nod your head and decide to call Taeyang to let him know what’s going on.
“I’ll be there in 15 minutes,” is his response. You go out to the lobby to wait for him and when you see him, all you can do is embrace one another.
“How is he?” Taeyang was always like a brother to you, he cups your face looking into your eyes.
“I don’t have an update yet,” you say solemnly. You both walk back his room.
“What the hell, y/n,” he mumbles.
“What?” you ask caught off guard.
“I mean, don’t get me wrong you guys had your share of issues,” he trails off.
“Yeah, and?”
“I just never thought I’d see the day you guys didn’t talk. That you weren’t apart of each other somehow someway,” your guilt pings in your chest.
“Yeah, well, here are now. So can we please focus on that until its settled,” you can’t meet his gaze. You both sit silent for a minute before he speaks up again.
“I let the guys know, they asked me to let them know when he’s out of surgery.” You nod your head.
“It’s been over an hour; you want anything to eat or drink?” you shake your head no. You couldn’t think of eating anything when your worry and guilt was eating away at you.
“I’m going to grab something, call me if there’s a change.” He leaves you alone with your thoughts. You can’t control the sobs that burst out of you when the door closes behind him. You start hyperventilating and luckily a nurse comes by the room and she notices you gasping for air. She opens the door and brings you a brown paper bag to help you breathe.
“In and out, there ya go.” She stands at a distance, giving you space to calm down. You slowly start breathing normally again, the bag helping and she offers you a small smile before stepping out.
“Wait,” you call and she turns on her heel.
“Is there any update on my boy- ex boyfriend,” your voice is hopeful but she nods her head no. Your shoulders sink and you nod. You close the door to the room and try to take your mind off the current situation.
Another few minutes later the doctor walks in.
“So, we were able to stop the bleeding, but he’s going to need help, a lot of it, he’s got some compressed nerves that are limiting the function of his hands and legs. Due to the extent of the compression it’s going to take at least 6-8 weeks to get some of his feeling back, if not a little longer. His body is in a lot of pain and its pretty broken even with our efforts. He won’t be able to do much on his own. Are you able to stay with him?” the doctor says and you raise your brows.
“I, uh, I’m not sure, I mean I will if no one else can, but I’m not sure he would want me there,” you glance at the floor.
“If he wants to live and have any quality of life again, he’ll take what he can get.” The doctor says.
“We’ll bring him down in about an hour. He’s waking up now,” you nod and thank the doctor.
Taeyang comes back in the room just as you’re about to call him and you explain what the doctor said.
“Can you stay with him?” you know it’s a long shot with his family.
“Not constantly.”
“It was worth a shot.” You shrug your shoulders.
“Can you, can you call his mom and sister?” You ask hopeful.
“Ji would kill me,” he jokes but seeing your face confused he explains, “He never wants them to worry, even when they would have a reason to,” you nod. He never really did like when people fussed over him too much.
“Listen, it might be awkward, but you’re the only one with the time on your hands,” he gently explains.
“I don’t know, Youngbae,” you sigh.
“We were supposed to talk but then this happened,” you trail off looking into the distance.
“Then that must mean he was at least willing to hear you out,” he reasons.
“Yeah, but this would require me to literally live there again.”
“So, do that. As friends and only friends,” he scolds as he wags a finger at you. You direct your gaze to the floor. You guys wait for the next hour and when the door opens and his bed rolls in you can see a groggy Jiyong with his eyes half open looking and smiling at Taeyang. You stay seated as he walks over to see his best friend.
“You look rough,” Taeyang jokes and Jiyong tries to laugh, but he lets out a groan.
“We’ll give him something for the pain,” the nurse says gently and you both nod at her and Taeyang makes eye contact with you. Jiyong notices and follows his gaze to see you sitting there sheepishly. His eyes open a little more.
“I’m going to call the guys and let them know you’re out of surgery and they can come up tomorrow to see you,” he puts a hand on Jiyong’s shoulder and exists the room. It’s silent, an awkward silence but you decide to stand up anyway. He watches you tiptoe to him, holding your arms over your frame, as if that makes this less intimidating. You instinctively reach out and touch his cheek, but he pulls his face away.
“You can go,” his tone is angry, harsh, and the words, they sting.
“What if I don’t want to,” you ask sitting on the edge of his bed. He looks at you, and for the first time you get to see the damage done in detail. A black eye, bruised cheek, a cut the lip and small bruises on his forehead. You exhale when he just stares at you, cold and unfeeling.
“What if I want you to?” he glances up from the blanket he was looking at when he spoke.
“If that’s what you want, tell me to leave and I’ll go.” You stand up, bracing yourself for the words. He parts his lips for a moment, but he can’t make himself tell you to leave. He closes his mouth and purses his lips with closed eyes. You exhale a small breath you didn’t realize you were holding. You relax your shoulders and sit down on the bed again.
“Doc says you’ll need help once you get out of here,” you mumble after a moment of silence.
“I’ll figure something out,”
“I don’t mind helping, Jiyong. That is, if you want it,” you can’t look at him, but instead the floor of the emergency room.
The nurse comes in before he can even try to protest.
“We need to get you moved to a room. You’ll be here for a few days so we can monitor you.” The nurse takes the bed and you update everyone on what’s happening.
In the room you sit beside him in one of those reclining chairs beside the bed. He dozes off from the pain medication and you start sketching something in a book you brought in your purse. A nurse brings his dinner in and she politely brings something for you as well.
“Ji,” you touch him as gentle as dove, trying not to hurt him. He stirs and opens his eyes to look at you.
“Hmm,” he mutters.
“Your dinner is here,” you point at the table sitting above his bed. He looks at it and tries to pick up the fork but his hand won’t grasp it.
“Shit,” he says under his breath and for a moment you watch him, unsure if you should step in. After a couple of failed attempts he turns his head to the side.
“I’m not hungry,” his voice is quiet but frustrated. You lower the railing to his bed and he looks at you surprised. Quietly you get some food on his fork and hold it to his mouth. He looks in your eyes with a frustrated look.
“If you’re gonna survive this, you gotta eat. Plain and simple,” he slowly opens his mouth with furrowed brows, looking like a small child.
“You don’t have to feed me,” he says with food in his mouth.
“No, I don’t,” you get another bite for him.
“But I’m going to.” You grab a napkin and dab his mouth. You both stare at each other. You clear your throat and turn your attention to his tray. You pick up a drink for him and he takes a sip. Once he’s finishes you sit down and eat the small snack the nurse brought for you.
“Go get something to actually eat, I’ll be fine.” He says.
“I’m not leaving.”
“Y/N,” he starts, but you cut him off.
“Ji, I’m not leaving you.” Your stubbornness evident.
“Not again,” you mumble to yourself.
“Then at least order some real food,” he stares at the TV.
“Will that make you happy,” you ask and he glances at you.
“Wouldn’t make me angry,” he slightly shrugged before wincing in pain.
“Being a sarcastic smart ass is gonna cost for a little while,” you smirk and he rolls his eyes. You order something to eat and as you go to put your card info in, he protests.
“Just use mine, I know it’s stored,” he says his eyes not looking away from the TV on the wall.
“I have my own money, I don’t need,”
“Just like I don’t need you here helping me, but you’re doing it anyway.” He look at you with a small smirk, using your own logic against you.
“Ji, really,” you try to protest.
“It’s fine, just use my card. You relent just using his money get something to eat. It arrives and you go to the nurses station to pick it up. Walking back in he watches you closely.
“Here, don’t tell the nurse,” you wink as you set the vanilla shake down on the tray. He quirks a brow up at you.
“I didn’t ask for-”
“No, but you also didn’t ask for this,” you motion around the room, “and I’m trying to be nice.”
He sighs in defeat, once again wincing in pain. You check the clock.
“I’ll grab the nurse, it’s time for your medication.” Before he can even protest you’re out the door looking for one.
She comes in a dispenses the necessary pain meds and leaves once he takes them. The room is awkwardly silent again.
“Thank you,” he mumbles when you come over to put the cup up to his lips.
“For what?” you ask confused.
“For being here, staying, here.” His voice is quiet and you offer him a sweet smile.
“There’s no where else I’d rather be.”
That night the two of you get little to no sleep, the chair there is completely uncomfortable and the nurses keep waking him up to get his vitals. You hold on to his left arm anytime they need to get his blood pressure because of how bad it hurts and you’re trying to offer him some comfort.
The next morning comes and the guys all show up to the hospital with gifts from the gift shop and Taeyang brings a bag over to you.
"Some snacks and a word search to help pass the time." He shrugs.
“Thank you,” you hug his neck and for a moment you feel like everything might somehow wind up being ok. The guys stay for a while and you decide to take a minute to get some fresh air. Seunghyun follows you out.
“Hey,” he calls as you get on the elevator. You offer him a smile.
“Thanks for taking such good care of him, if we could,” he offers you a sincere look.
“I know,” you nod and sigh.
“I just didn’t expect this to be, what it is.” You can’t really describe it because you don’t really know what it is. Is it awkward, is it easy, is it stressful? All of the above.
“It’s not easy,” he puts a hand on your shoulder. You rub your forehead.
“And I feel like it’s my fault he’s even here. You pinch the bridge of your nose.
“If I hadn’t asked him to talk,”
“Hey,” Seunghyun’s arm goes around your shoulder pulling you into his side.
“He offered to come over, this isn’t your fault and this isn’t his fault. It’s the dumbass driver who hit him. He ran a red light.” He tries to reason with you, to ease some of the guilt.
“You really should go home, even if it’s just for a little while. Take a nap, get some actual rest. I can stay today until you can come back.” He offers.
“What if something happens? No, I need to be here.”
“IF something happens, I’ll call you myself.”
“I just don’t want to be away from him,” you mumble as you step outside into the cool spring air.
“Trust me, you’ll thank me later. Rest while you can, because he’s likely to be a handful at home.” You nod your head knowing he’s right.
“Call me in an hour,” you point at him. He nods as he walks you to your car. You go back to your apartment for a quick nap, or at least that’s what you tried to do. You kept tossing and turning your mind slowly starting to process the craziness of the day. You stare at the ceiling before deciding you can’t sleep. You pick up your phone and see a text from Seunghyun.
Doctor came in, said Jiyong looks good and he can go home tomorrow morning. Ji wants me to help you move some of your stuff back to his place so you have what you need.
You get up immediately and call him.
“Hey, I’m on my way to your place now.”
“Is someone with him?”
“Daesung is staying, calm down.” He chuckles.
“Don’t laugh at me,” you grumble.
“Relax, I wouldn’t leave him by himself, knowing him, he’d try to get up and walk out now.” You both chuckle at his stubbornness. Seunghyun gets to your place and you guys start boxing stuff up.
“From now on, I’m living out of boxes,” you joke and he smiles nodding his head.
“You know,” he starts as he packs some of your clothes in a box, “He really hasn’t been the same since you left.” You freeze and look at him through the vanity mirror where you were gathering up your makeup.
“Seunghyun, I,”
“Just listen,” he asks but in a way that’s telling you to do so.
“Don’t get me wrong you two are no where near perfect, but when things were good, it was obvious and he thrived.” You smile fondly on the memories.
“But when things were bad,” you dared to ask.
“It was obvious in his countenance. But he still talked about you like you were the love of his life. Even after he told us about your big blow up.” You nod sadly.
“At the hospital,” he beings as he tapes a box up for you as he lets out a breathy laugh.
“He was talking about how you were there and he didn’t necessarily need you, and we all jumped his ass for it because he knows he does.” Seunghyun shakes his head.
“And he admitted something that you can’t tell him, not yet at least.” You turn around and put your full attention on him.
“Despite everything, he admitted he misses you and that it’s going be nice to have you, and I quote, ‘home’.” Your heart skips a beat and for a moment your breath hitches and you can’t breathe.
“But, don’t tell him you know. He isn’t ready for that conversation yet. The doctors also said he needs to stay as calm as possible. So no teasing,” he scolds playfully. You give him a genuine hug.
“Thank you, for everything.”
“Come on, let’s get this stuff back to his place, so you can unpack and get settled before he gets home.” You drive in your car to familiar house that sits back off the road. Opening the door it smells like home, it smells like what you remember. Princess Zoa even comes to greet you at the door.
“Hi, baby,” you coo as you set the box down and scratch behind her ears. She purrs and meows at you endlessly as she goes in between your legs. After a moment you make sure to put her up so she can’t get out while you unload your things for a second time in this house.
As you spread a blanket out in the living room, you do a double take. You notice a familiar painting in a beautiful gold frame.
“He-he framed it?” you ask yourself.
“Oh, yeah, you know when he first saw that, he went on and on about it. He even took a picture of it and sent it to us.” Your eyes water and you blink it back.
“I can’t believe he kept it,” you mumble. And you can feel Seunghyun’s gaze on you, carefully. He smiles feeling a sense nostalgia.
“We should get this finished,” he mumbles tapping the box in his hands with his fingertips.
“Yeah,” you sniffle slightly. You hadn’t expected the gesture to hit you so hard.
“He really did love me,” you say to yourself with a deprecating laugh, your voice is sorrowful.
“Yeah.” Seunghyun agrees.
“And I was horrible to him,” you whimper as you cover your face. He looks at you for a moment before wrapping his arms around you.
“It’s not too late to start fresh,” he reminds you.
“He said he was done forever, Seung,”
“I know what he said.” He strokes your hair trying to help you calm down.
“Look, just do what you’ve been doing. Show him the love you really have for him. And when the time comes, after he’s healed and feeling better, talk to him. Explain it all.” You nod and pull away from him. He smiles at you and after a few hours everything is unpacked, even your art supplies and canvases.
Back at the hospital that night, Jiyong and Daesung are chatting.
“Man, if you miss her just tell her that,” Jiyong cuts his eyes at his bandmember.
“Ok, or don’t,” he trails off and darts his gaze elsewhere.
“You know why I can’t tell her that. I told her I was done, that we were done forever. So regardless of whether or not I miss her, I need to keep my word,” his voice is serious.
“Dude, respectfully, shut the fuck up,” Jiyong shoots his brows up and his eyes are big as saucers.
“What the,” he’s interrupted by his friend once more.
“You're going crazy without her,”
“I went crazy with her!”
“Yeah, fair point, but you still love her and you know it,” he points at his friend. Jiyong looks at his hands in his lap. He doesn’t protest. He knows he does. Part of him can’t wait to have you back at home, but part of him is scared too. He just got used to how quiet the house was without you. Now you’re coming back and he had no idea what was going to happen.
There’s a knock on the door.
“Come in!” Daesung calls out. You and Seunghyun walk in and you have on a large jacket with a bump under it. Jiyong eyes you suspiciously as a soft meow comes from it. Before you know it, Zoa has popped her little head out and meows looking around.
Jiyong can’t help the genuine smile that grows from ear to ear, causing his eyes to squint slightly with a soft laugh. You put the cat in his lap gently and she purrs.
“I can’t let her stay long, but I figured she missed you and you missed her,” he looks at his fur-child with all the love in the world and for the first time since this morning, things felt somewhat calm and under control.
There’s a knock on the door and you scramble to grab Zoa who hisses when you try to pick her up. The nurse comes in and spots the cat, eyeing you guys suspiciously. You give her an awkward smile, one that’s trying to apologize for sneaking in a cat.
“Just get her out of here by the time shift change happens. Which is in,” she looks at her watch, “An hour,” she says and you nod.
“Thank you,” you wave her off and Jiyong, while he can’t pick much of anything up due to numbness in his hands, pets his cat the best he can. The room is silent for a minute other than the sound of the purring from Zoa.
“Thank you, he says suddenly, “For bringing her.”
“Yeah, it’s no problem," you gently smile.
“Were you able to get everything moved in?” He doesn’t look at you, only at his furbaby as the guys stand there feeling like they are watching an awkward movie.
“Yeah, Seunghyun was a big help and I got everything squared away.” You rock on your heels looking at the guys who look just as unsure as you do.
“As much as I want to keep her here, take her home. I’ll see her tomorrow,” he gives the cat a few kisses and snuggles before handing her to Seunghyun.
“You don’t want me to take her back?” you ask with a quirked brow.
“No, I want you to stay." Your breath hitches in your throat.
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If you enjoyed please consider buying me a coffee
I'm working on Chapter 7 now and I'll tag you guys when it's out later today.
Tags: @loveesiren @natalicss @mashtatosworld @multifanxtvshows @kjydrgnnnn
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y2ashlee · 9 hours ago
Twisted Wonderland House warden x Male! Mute/Bind/Deaf! Reader
This was an anonymous request I tired to make it sweet. I did my best I have not written sweet oneshots in years. I tired my best. I also added deaf just to ad them hope that’s ok. I also added a half blind reader as I know a few people who are blind but they are not completely blind but no amount of surgery or glasses helps.
The Reader is the Ramshackle Prefect/Yuu. Is referred to as he/him/his and the prefect or prefect.
Hope you like it anonymous.
Riddle Rosehearts (Mute! Male! Reader)-
Riddle was unsure how to react when he found out the Ramshackle prefect was mute but looking back it made sense why they were signing or writing on paper to communicate. In hindsight he wishes he wasn’t as ignorant as he was. He just thought the prefect was shy until Cater and Trey explained to him after his overblot. Luckily he did know some sign language as it was part of the curriculum his mother taught him. Unfortunately he struggled to understand the prefect’s answers sometimes as his other worldly origins meant that to sign language was slightly different from the one he himself had learnt. So he had to work double time to translate the meanings sometimes. After a while he had a good understanding of what the prefect’s answers sometimes meant but somethings were still hard to understand. ‘Riddle, could you help me with my alchemy homework?’ The prefect signed to Riddle. He smirked with satisfaction at the fact that he came to him. “Of course, but you must get to the answers on your own. I will just push you in the right direction-!” His sentence was cut short as the prefect hugged him with gratitude before pulling away and signing a thank you. He places his hand over his mouth and averts his gaze clearing his throat for no reason his face flushed red. “Y-you are most welcome..” he says taking a breath before straightening his back. “Now shall we go to my dorm room as it will be more quiet then the library. We can even have afternoon tea.” He says smiling softly. The prefect smiled with him and nodded. ‘That sounds wonderful!’ He signed. The both of them went to Riddle’s room to study sharing little smiles and touches, blushes and gaze avertions throughout their time together.
Leona Kingscholar (Deaf! Male! Reader)-
Leona grimaced a scowl firmly on his face as he crept up on the defenceless student who had stepped on his tail. “Hey! You got some nerve stepping’ on my tail.” He said with a growl yet the culprit did not turn around. “Prefect! Behind you!” Grim said shocked and pointed behind the prefect. Said Prefect quirked an eyebrow before he turned around face to face with a very handsome but extremely angry man. “You’re gonna pay for stepping on my tail.” He said quickly drawing out the last word. The prefect said nothing confused as he couldn’t read his lips fast enough. He put his hands up in shock before quickly trying to sign an apology before his hands were stopped. “..your that herbivore from orientation, the one that can’t use magic.” Leona leans in a sniff him. “..don’t smell any magic on ya.” The prefect blushes at the closeness. “So you gonna apologise for stepping on my tail or just stare while you get a beating.” Leona says. The prefect’s eyes widen and frantically looks at Grim to signal him to explain or tell him. “Mewh! H-he’s sorry he just can’t say it!!” He his eyes narrow as his stares Grim down. “H-he’s DEAF!” Leona’s eyes widen and he lets go of the prefect’s hands. “Is that true your deaf?” He looks him up and down. The prefect nods profusely bowing his head in apology. “Can you read lips?” Leona asked. The prefect nodded and waved his had in the sort of gesture. Leona nodded. “I know sign language, explain.” He said looking him straight in the face. The prefect nodded and quickly started to sign. ‘I am so sorry for stepping on your tail I literally did not see it!’ He explained that when he woke up here he did not have his hearing aids on him and Crowley said he’d try to get him some. After that awkward situation and after Leona’s overblot and several others the two of them were on friendly terms. Leona even inviting himself over to Ramshackle simple because “it’s quiet here” a few games of chess made them even closer even if the prefect lost every game. Each time they played Leona would find a reason to touch the prefect just a little and each time his face would flush and he’d look away bashfully.
Azul Ashengrotto (Half Blind! Reader)-
“Now Prefect if you could sign this here we will have a deal.” The prefect took the contract that Azul held and squinted at it feeling it with his hands before handing it to Jack. “Could you read it for me, Jack.” He asked. Azul quirked an eyebrow confused at what he was witnessing. “I assure you that it’s not that complicated-“ before he could finish the prefect cut in. “I understand but I can’t read it and you didn’t put it in a form that I can read so, I’m asking a trusted party of mine to read it for me.” The prefect explain. “If you hadn’t guessed it already I’m actually mostly blind so I can only read braille. Azul’s eyes widened. “I-I’m so sorry I didn’t realise I apologise from not considering your circumstances.” Azul said standing up and bowing. “It’s fine i usually have a cane but unfortunately my one was not brought along with me when I was brought here and I had one from Crowley but it was broken recently by accident so until I get another replacement I have to ask my friends for help.” After that awkward blunder of Azul’s and his overblot they became friends. Or close acquaintances as Azul puts it. “Now Prefect is like to offer you this.” He said placing a flyer in the prefects hand his gloved fingers quickly brushing against the palm of his hand. “Azul you know I can’t read this-!” He stopped his eyes widened as he felt the piece of paper in his hand. “..it’s..braille..” he said flabbergasted. “It is indeed I realised that I need to accommodate for all types of clientele.” The prefect chuckles honoured before tracing the braille. “..thirty percent off..drinks for seven..drinks..only can be used once a day..hmm thank you very much, Azul.” Azul smirks proudly. “You are very welcome.” The prefect smiles and places a hand on Azul’s arm. “Can I cash in one of those drinks now? You’ll have to lead me to a table though since I lost my cane..” Azul flushes slightly before nodding. “O-of course, I’ll lead the way.” He said placing his hand on top of his and leading him to a table before taking his order.
Kalim Al Asim (Partly Deaf! Reader)-
After the explanation that the Ramshackle dorm prefect was partly deaf he tried to learn sign language so they can communicate more efficiently the prefect agreed to teach him even though he did not need to but they continue their lessons and hangouts each time getting closer the prefect would often need correct his hand movements with his own hands making Kalim flustered each time. They got closer and closer each time until he didn’t need to lessons but they still decided to just hang out sometimes Kalim would take him on a flying carpet ride through the school and the Scarabia dorm. They laughed and smiled their time together precious like an illustrious blue diamond.
Vil Schoenheit (Partly Deaf! Reader)
“Potato, you shouldn’t do that. If you need help ask.” Vil said watching the ramshackle dorm prefect carry serval items for the SDC. He just thought that he was ignoring him. “WATCH OUT!!” Vil said quickly grabbing onto the prefect’s shoulder to stop them from slamming into someone. “Oh my god I’m sorry and thank you, Vil!” The prefect said. “I did warn you.” He said unamused. “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you…I should’ve probably told you this the other day but I’m actually partly deaf so I can only hear things if their really REALLY loud. And I can read lips and I know sign language but still it’s hard..” he said signing. “Don’t you have hearing aids?” Vil asked his hand on his hip. “Well yes but I didn’t have them on me when I got here sooo…yeah..” Vil was shocked to hear this. “Surely the headmage can get you some.” The prefect chuckled. “Ha! No way would he ever do that.” He said. “Well how much are they?” Vil asked. “Hmm about 3,000 thumarks, if I’ve done the math right..” Vil nodded thinking. “Well how about I loan you the money for a pair and you can pay me back when you can.” He stated. The prefect’s eyes widened tears prickling his eyes before he hugged Vil tightly. “That would be amazing, thank you, thank you, thank you!!” He said excitedly. Vil’s face flushed as he patted the prefect’s back. “You are most welcome.”
Idia Shroud (Mute! Reader)-
One day after the Ramshackle dorm prefect had befriended the shroud brothers as after several overblot Ortho asked the prefect to hand out with his brother while he went with his club members to see a movie. The prefect agreed saying it’ll be fun and so the two of them played a fighting game together Idia using his default usual character while the prefect uses the one he thought was cool. After a while they got bored Idia obviously winning almost every time. “So I’ve noticed you type a reply instead of signing to me.” He said looking over at the prefect. ‘Sorry I thought you didn’t know sign so I’ve just been typing it’s just a natural thing.’ The prefect showed him his answer. “Oh I see well it’s true I don’t know sign..but I was thinking..would you like me to make it so your words a said? Like after you type your answers your phone can speak them..” he says his hands in his pockets becoming sweaty. The prefect’s eyes widened as they looked up at him and nodded profusely. ‘Yes! Yes please.’ They typed. He smiled slightly and looked away. “Ok I’ll need to borrow your phone to set it up.” The prefect nodded eagerly and handed Idia his phone. After a while Idia handed it back. “Ok you just need to press this button before you start typing and as soon as your done press this one and it should work try it out.” Idia said looking up at the prefect as they nodded and did what he said. Hi fingers quickly typing before clicking the button. “Thank you so much Idia! This is amazing! You’re awesome!” The text to speech said robotically. “Hmm I’ll have to see if I can make it sound more human but they’ll take a longer.” He said mostly to himself. The prefect grinned widely and hugged Idia scaring the poor shut in his eyes wide his face showing how shocked he was. “I’m glad you like it.” He said his face hot and hair turning red from embarrassment. “L-let me know if you want me to make the voice sound human.” He said patting the prefects back awkwardly. Idia started to make a program to make the text to speech sound more human and what he’d think the prefect would sound like. The two of them continued to grow closer.
Malleus Draconia (Blind! Reader)-
Malleus was enjoying his nightly constitutional along with the ramshackle dorm prefect. “Sorry to make you walk slower for me. I may not be able to see but based on your footsteps I can tell your tall or have long legs.” The prefect said apologetically. “It’s quite fine child of man, I enjoy having you as a conversation partner so walking slower is of no concern.” The prefect chuckled as smiled. “Well thank you, same here.” They smiled reassured. “Though I do wish you could see how beautiful the moon is.” He said melancholy lacing his voice. “Well you can describe it for me I guess, but that’s probably be hard maybe you could describe how it feels?” He said stopping for a moment before walking once more unfortunately tripping over something in his path. Malleus quickly reacting and catching him before the fall. “Are you alright?” The prefect nods. “Y-yes thank you for the save.” He said placing his hands on what he assumes is his chest. “Maybe I should lead you until we return to you dorm the ground is quite unstable here.” Malleus said. “Thank you that sound perfect.” The prefect said taking his arm as they continued their walk chatting about nothing important until their time came to a close both of their cheeks slightly flushed but only Malleus would know that. “Until next time” he said patting the prefects hand. “Yes until next time, I’m looking forward to it.” The prefect smiled as they parted ways closing the door behind him after binding Malleus a good night.
Well I tried have not written anything like that for a long time hope anonymous enjoyed.
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tornoleander · 20 hours ago
Finally Ironed out some ninja designs! I Usually don’t share references but with the behind the scenes stuff I’m doing on my Skybound project I don’t have much else I can share yet.
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There is a few headcanon/ Fic stuff in references and powers and the all ninja shot is for first part of Skybound project.
I can share Skybound project Updates! I’m making lots of progress! Trying to focus on p1 stuff so I can put full force into the p2 stuff!
P1 may be ready Summer? 2025
My Skybound talk Video:
* God I have so much to ramble about just when I think I covered something a new angle gets me
* How TF am I supposed to sanely transition from the wholesome reasons I love this season into the horribly problem stuff. Sigh*
* Actually studying videos covering serious topics to navigate how to word things.
* I have to stop drawing so much art for everything or no one will ever see this video.
* The desire to animate my character lipsinking to me is an evolutionary disadvantage I will resist.
Cannon compliant Animatic:
* Song is Ironed out fought a while adding voice lines and I’m way more excited than I thought I’d be for this animatic because I thought it would be overshadowed by how strongly I feel about the other 2. But damn.
* I’m storyboarding after like my life depends on it rn
* Really trying to capture Nya’s character Ark which sent me right back to the video script because I remembered that one reddit post calling her a bitch and rage wrote for 2 hours.
* I am determined to make people see how good her character arc actually is.
* Throwing Jay shade in this one lol he was kinda awful even with being manipulated.
* Trying to convey clear Ideas and story through art is pain but also addicting.
* This is meant as a leading to both part two animatics, but bbnb Kai is shorter than wytyaa Kai. The difference is significant everything else pre dinner with Nadakhan is the same. The other head cannons are almost aligned as far as I know. It’s JUST Kai. What do I do with him?!? Lmao Might just distance him from the other ninja so you can’t tell how tall he is. Thank goodness he is the most gullible and first to wish it all away
P2 out like December if I’M lucky TT
Even though I should focus on first things first, I can’t help myself. these fics have lived rent free in my brain for like 2 years and despite plans shifting the excitement of drawing the story I read and put to music in my head is a force of nature. Thanks Adhd
* I storyboarded about half the scenes I want to. Songs are decided but a few parts I’m waiting for the rest of the story for.
* I think I’m going to mess with color palette. I really want to capture the emotion and intensity. I’m learning the full potential of my art and
* I need Final ch released for maping out the second half.
* BUT I AM NOT READY TO READ IT @mondothebombo And from what you told me I don’t think I’ll be able to finish P1 by then. cries*
* I wanna capture the feeling reading wytyaa.
* May make my wytyaa specific refs so I can make animatic art I can post early.
* It’s all storyboarded and half animated
* Thinking about redoing most the earlier stuff, consistency has been a problem
* Also was to mess with colors, dark backgrounds and intense colors.
* I fought with my ref forever to find good enough lightning scar colors cause figuring out the right amount of contrast is pain.
* So now I want to redraw my bbnb scar references a third time.
* May draw other bbnb specific refs so I can make some art for the animatic I can post here early or on on my old A03 book
If you have Any questions feel free to leave an ask! I answer all eventually sometimes I do save em up though so if I didn’t answer something yet, Sorry I will get to you.
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pupslimes · 2 days ago
don't let me in with no intention to keep me... part 4!
okay. listen. listen listen listen. i'm sorry. there's gonna be at least five parts i'm SORRY. but its all pure porn still so enjoy. if you're mean to me i'll cum or whatever
If you’d been asked a few hours ago what you thought you’d be doing tonight, one of the last answers would have been fingering yourself open in front of the guy you’d been seeing after already cumming twice at his command too. You would have giggled and blushed at the thought, perhaps let yourself imagine it, but you never would have considered things would have turned out this way. Not in a million years.
It was, however, exactly where you were now. Charlie still lounges on the couch across from you, an arm slung over the back. His cock lays neglected, flush against his stomach, leaking the same fluid you were so interested in tasting just a little while ago. Your cheeks flush with heat, but you can’t help but look at it again, wondering what it would feel like inside you.
“Ah, ah,” Charlie chastises you gently, reaching over to press a finger beneath your jaw. He tilts your chin up until you have no choice but to look him in the eyes. “Be a good puppy, yeah? You can have my cock later if you still want it,” A whine escapes your throat, and the look in his eyes flashes predatory for just a second, until he grins at you. You’re suddenly wishing he’d sink his teeth into you. Your hips buck uncontrollably into the hand between your thighs. You remember what he said at the beginning of your… encounter. “Like if I touched you I wouldn’t be able to stop.” He’s been holding himself back still, and the realization sends a shiver through you as you press into your bent knuckles still resting on your cock
“Feel good, baby boy?” Right. He’s still watching.
You nod at him, gently rutting your overstimulated cock against the heel of your hand as your fingers unfold, slipping down to spread yourself open.. 
‘Keep going then, yeah?”
Another slow nod, and you start to circle your entrance with a single finger. You poke and prod gently, softening up the muscles that have tensed up since your earlier ministrations. As you relax, you can’t stop the moans that start slipping out. Charlie’s ears seem to perk up at them, and his hand returns to his cock, slowly slipping up and down, staving off the pressure he's undoubtedly feeling right now. How hasn’t he cum yet? He must be unbelievably pent up. The thought of him practically edging himself to watch you make yourself cum, mixing with hearing the sounds of your soaking wet pussy mingling with Charlie’s precum working its way down his shaft has your head spinning, and you can’t help yourself but to slip a finger inside. Of course, this results in even more whining, a whimper that was trapped in the back of your throat finally slipping out. “Char…”
He smiles again, that same lazy half smirk, half excited grin, and his eyes flick down to your hand. “Whatcha doin’ there, puppy?”
An indignant whine works its way out of you. His head tilts back as he chuckles, and his cock twitches under his hand. “Baby, baby, shhhhhh,” he coos at you. “Can’t I tease my boy a little? Thought you liked that,”
Your eyelashes flutter at his words, and he hums happily at the sight. “That’s what I thought. Whatever you’re doing, you should keep going,” He’s still teasing you, but now you can’t help yourself.
You nod, dazedly, sliding your finger further into yourself, until you’ve passed the second knuckle. A crook of it inside you has you shuddering, and you can hear Charlie’s hand speed up on his dick. “Hope you know I’m taking notes, puppy. Love figuring out what’s going to make you scream,”
You can barely blink at him, but a rush of heat rises to your cheeks, darkening the shade of red already upon them. The heat is almost unbearable by now. Charlie seems only somewhat affected, besides his ability to speak remaining. His cheeks are flushed too, but only lightly, and he's barely broken a sweat by now. On the other hand, you’re pretty sure you’ve sweat through the fabric of your couch and stained it forever. Worth it for him. He quirks an eyebrow at you, and you nearly have to shove a hand into your mouth as well to muffle the noises that are slipping out of you. You can’t imagine he’d take too kindly to that. Images of him muffling the sounds with his cock instead send a second finger inside you, aborted thrusts of your hips sending sticky slapping sounds through the room. Your head falls back again as your eyes close again
“Tell me how good it feels,”
The command has you stilling, flicking open your eyes at him. A sound both confused and extremely turned on is worming its way out of you as he bares his teeth in what is slowly seeming less and less like a smile, and more and more like the gaping maw of a predator that is about to swallow you whole.
“Use your words, puppy. Want to hear you tell me about how good it feels. Maybe you’ll get a reward if you do,”
Your mouth gapes open at him slightly, jaw working open and closed several times before you can find it in yourself to speak. “You want me to…what?”
Charlie cocks his head, his tone matching the condescension of his body language. “I thought it was pretty obvious. I want you to tell me how good you feel with your fingers stuffed into your cunt. I know my good boy can do that for me,” What the fuck?
“I… ah…” 
Charlie does nothing but wait expectantly, an eyebrow raising at you once more as his neck straightens back up. The hand on his cock is still working infuriatingly slow, and you can’t help but pout at it slightly, forgetting your original embarrassment briefly. Charlie snorts at you, actually snorts, and you’re immediately drawn back into your current situation. Oops.
“You seemed pretty interested when I mentioned a reward a few seconds ago. What happened to that?”
“What’s my reward?” You somehow manage to pull words out of yourself, although you’re not sure what depths they come from, your teasing tone shocking even you as Charlie’s eyes widen at it. His eyes sparkle again, smile never leaving his face as he croons at you. 
“I’ll cum all over you, pet,”
Your heart is pounding in your ears. You have never wanted anything more than for this man to work his cock above you and spill all over you. You imagine how good it would feel to be dripping in his cum… face, chest, stomach… your own cock. Another noise flies past your lips, somewhere between a startled “Oh, fuck” and a brazen moan, and you can see Charlie’s chest puff up slightly at the reaction, almost as if he wasn’t quite sure his suggestion would be taken so well.
“Yeah? Like that, puppy?”
“Yes, sir,” you choke out, the title slipping past your lips like a prayer to a merciful god.
“Oh… sir, huh? I like that one. I’m sure we can take it further than that, but for right now we can work with that. You’re such a good boy for me, you know that? Now keep talking,”
You grit your teeth with the effort of not cumming right then and there, clenching around your fingers. Of course, Charlie notices your reaction. 
“That good, huh? You like being my good boy that much?” All you can manage is a nod.
Oh fuck. Yeah.. that’s going to do it for you again. You’re seeing white. You’re not sure if you’ve ever cum so hard in your fucking life at this point. You can’t hear anything except the rushing of blood in your head, and you’re sure that your eyes are screwed up tight, mouth open in a silent scream. You feel fingers grazing your thighs, Charlie’s fingers, and you press up into the touch, hips lifting completely off the couch as your breath catches in your throat. He digs them in, and you writhe at the sensation of his nails scraping your tender skin. Eventually, you come to enough to hear him working you through it, muttering above you. “Good boy, good boy, there’s my good puppy, come on honey… let go…”
You manage to squint open your eyes, the hulking form of Charlie looming over you as he now pets your face, the back of his hand running gently over your cheek. His nails pass over your skin and you shudder at the sensation, a reminder of where they just were coursing through your veins. Tears run freely down your face now, and oh that’s why Charlie’s hand is there and oh…when did you start crying?
“Felt that good, huh puppy?” You drink in the sight of him now that you can see again, gaze drifting down to where his hand is white knuckled at the base of his shaft. Is he… getting off to this? To you crying? Something stirs in your gut. Fuck.
“Look at me,” Your eyes shoot up to meet his.
“Good boy. You’re so pretty when you cry, you know that?” The grin returns again. “But don’t think that got you out of the woods. You’re still talking me through how you make yourself cum. Call it returning the favor,”
You think you’re going to pass out.
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ivystoryweaver · 2 days ago
Cosmic - Poe Dameron
Episode 4: It Came From Outer Space previous
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Cosmic Masterlist | Poe Dameron Masterlist | Main Masterlist
Pairing: Poe Dameron x gn!reader
Summary: Quality time and a day at the fall festival with Poe, who doesn't really get the point of a ferris wheel. Oh and your ex is there.
Content/Notes: fluff, tw food, language
Word Count: 3.2k
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"That everything?" Poe asked, securing the final basket in the back of your truck. Heaps of fresh organic produce, homemade jellies, herbs and eggs from your chickens were loaded and ready for your little farm's booth at the fair.
The warmish weather had finally eased into a crisp, cool morning, invigorating your fall spirit and giving you a boost of energy needed to peddle your wares.
Poe, dressed in his boots, jeans and a flannel button up of your dads - a dark green and navy plaid over a white t-shirt - gazed at you expectantly, hands on his hips.
"I think so," you answered, granting him a bright smile. "Thank you so much for doing this. It would have been a lot with Chester away in New Jersey. I've never done it by myself." Your thoughts briefly drifted to your father. This was only your second year without him at the festival.
"Glad I can help," he grinned, pushing a hand through his curls.
Since you'd bought him hair products and toiletries, he'd attempted new styles with gel and hairspray, usually preferring his hair off his face. Today it seemed he didn't bother, remarking how his hair had grown longer than ever, and beyond his control.
You offered to cut it for him soon, after the festival was behind you.
Right then, your cat Cheddar darted out of the barn, with Marigold and Kit Kat hot on his trail. Your three barn cats had added themselves to the long list of animals who instantly loved Poe. Cheddar had almost convinced the both of you that he was truly a house cat who needed to sleep in Poe's room at night, rather than out in the barn with his siblings. Almost.
Curling around Poe's legs adoringly, Cheddar meowed, waiting for attention, which Poe was more than willing to give.
"Heyyyy, little buddy, came to say goodbye? Don't worry, I'll be back."
Kneeling down, he granted some attention to Marigold, while Kit Kat hissed in jealous protest.
"All right, you guys, go back to catching things. We have to go." You playfully rubbed each of their heads before gently shooing them away.
It was then that you noticed Poe eyeing you with about as much fondness as Cheddar had displayed. It caught you off guard for a moment, until he held up the truck's key and dangled it in front of you.
"Can I drive?"
"Give me those," you laughed, yanking them out of his hand and bumping shoulders with him as you headed for the driver's side.
"Come onnn, please," he whined, following you closely.
You reached for the truck's door, but he pushed his arm up against it to stop you, trapping you there against the side of the truck, with his arm caging you in. Noticing how close your bodies were, he lowered his arm slowly, licking his lips as your eyes locked with his.
"Sorry." He backed away to give you some space, noticing how your breath stuttered and your eyelashes fluttered. "I'm the best pilot in our fleet, I swear. I can definitely handle a truck."
"Wow," you whistled, pulling open the truck door finally, but Poe noticed you still had a playful glint in your eye. "You actually insulted my truck while bragging. Well done. Passenger's seat for you."
He groaned, but complied, leaving it alone while you cranked the truck and backed it away from the house. Stopping at the end of your long driveway, you peered over at him.
"I know you can drive my truck. It took you like half a day to get what usually takes us regular people a few months to learn. It's just that you don't have a license and we cannot have any questions asked about who you are and where you're from. You understand, right?"
Poe swallowed, nodding, noting how serious you were. "Sorry. I just thought it would be fun. I didn't realize..."
"It's okay," you smiled warmly. "I just...I get nervous thinking about if someone found out. I mean, Poe, to think of what could happen to you..."
"Is it really that dangerous here? In the United States?" He asked, as you eased onto the main road and started driving.
"It could be. It really could. We are in a kind of war right now. A cold war. No one's firing, but it's tense. And if they find out you're from space, they'll never let you go. We have to keep it a secret no matter what. Let's go over our cover story again."
So you spent the drive into town reviewing the story you'd concocted. Poe had come to work on your farm temporarily, as a replacement for Chester, who was with his ill mom in New Jersey. Simple enough. For now, the story would be that Chester gave a friend of a friend-type recommendation. You would loop Chester in on the plan ASAP, when he wasn't preoccupied with helping his mom.
Poe would be called Joe, which sounded a little more run-of-the-mill Earthy, and would be from Florida. The next step was to somehow get him some convincing documents without drawing attention from the wrong people.
This story should be easy enough to maintain. If someone were to question you about Poe's past, you could simply claim to not know, since you truly met him so recently.
Something heavy settled in your stomach as you drove toward the first public outing with this man who fell to earth.
"Look, I'm sorry about the driving thing," he offered, once you'd double checked your story together. "I know we have to be careful. I promise I won't get you in any trouble."
Glancing over at him, you realized this must all be frightening to him, or at least alarming. "It's okay. You must be bored out of your mind on the farm." Pulling into a parking space in the grassy field outside the fair's entrance, you turned to face him. "You don't have to stay in the booth with me all day. You should ride some rides. They're fast. Probably not as fast as an X-wing, but...could be fun."
"Okay. Only if you ride with me."
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To absolutely no one's surprise, Poe was a perfect addition to your booth. Chester was a great help when he was around, but he was more of a behind the scenes worker.
Poe was a people person, charming customers, introducing himself as Joe, as instructed, and making them feel at ease. With the way he was able to add a dozen farm fresh eggs or a jar of your jelly to each order, you were certain he could probably persuade anyone to do anything.
"You know, maybe I should go ride rides, since you've almost sold all the eggs before lunch," you teased during the briefest lull in customers.
Dark eyes went wide until he realized you were messing with him. "Oh...I thought I was doing it wrong for a second."
"No, please. The sooner we sell out, the sooner we can pack up and the less we have to carry home. Be my guest," you grinned, folding your arms over your chest. "Exactly how many dangerous situations have you charmed your way out of?"
Poe laughed, pushing his fingers through his curls again. "Way too many, Trix. You have no idea."
"Oh shit," you whispered, ducking behind the corner of your booth, frantically waving Poe over to join you.
"What's wrong?" He whispered, conspiratorially huddling with you. "Is it someone from the government?"
Shit, you probably scared him. "No. Sorry, no, it's just my ex."
He gazed into your eyes. "Your ex...boyfriend? Girlfriend?"
"Ex asshole," you failed to clarify, groaning as you realized it was too late. You'd been spotted.
"Heyyyy, it's my favorite organic farmer," your ex boomed, embarrassingly loudly, as he was often prone to do. At one time, you had adored his exuberance and bold personality.
"Hey there," Poe interjected, "what can I help you find today? We have homemade jelly."
Your ex made a sour face at you and hitched his thumb at your new, shorter friend. "Who's this guy?"
"Joe," Poe responded, thrusting his hand between you and your ex for a handshake. "Just started at the farm a few weeks ago, while Chester's away. So what can we get you?"
Ignoring Poe, your ex stared at you, waiting for your attention. Fighting a smile, you returned his rudeness and instead turned to Poe. "I think you've got this covered, so I'm gonna unbox a few more things."
"Take your time. We're good here." Poe sent you off with a wink.
Your heart raced as you darted around the side of your tent, so thankful for the embarrassing situation that didn't just happen. It wasn't that you couldn't take care of yourself, or handle your ex. Hell, you were the one who dumped him. You simply weren't in the mood for his loud mouth and embarrassing antics, especially if he tried to give Poe the third degree for simply existing in the same space as you.
Wondering, for a second, if you felt managed by Poe, or dismissed, you sighed in relief, realizing that his reaction was spot on, and just what you needed. He minimized someone who loved to make everything about himself. He kept the focus on your booth and your products, allowing you to get to tasks that needed your attention.
To be seen and understood so effortlessly felt really good.
Another hour passed before the two of you took a break for lunch, closing your booth for about twenty minutes to sit near the back and munch on some ridiculously fried fair food you insisted Poe try.
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By mid afternoon, you'd sold out of everything except a few greens, but Poe was determined, continuing to sell while you started packing up.
As the sun set, your booth was empty and cleared, leaving the two of you free to enjoy the festivities.
"Thank you so much for today," you sweetly said, bumping shoulders as you walked along rows of various carnival style games. "This is the most successful year I've ever had."
"Happy to help," He smiled over at you, "with getting rid of produce...or ex-boyfriends."
"Oh my god, I'm sorry about that," you chuckled. "I appreciate it though. I was not in the mood to talk to him, believe me."
Poe focused his eyes ahead, enjoying the music drifting through the air, the smell of what you called popcorn and brightly colored balloons. "I thought it would be good practice for getting rid of unwanted attention," he shrugged. Waiting a bit, he added, "He didn't hurt you, did he?"
You let out a long sigh, prompting Poe to say, "sorry."
"No, it's okay," you assured him. "We had some good times. He helped out, you know...when my father got sick. But I found out he was going to propose. And then I found out why he wanted to propose."
Poe groaned, "Don't say he wanted your farm."
"Bingo," you remarked, snapping your fingers and pointing at him. "I mean, really, is this 1881 or 1981? He was after my land?"
"I guess there are worse reasons to marry. But I see your point," Poe conceded. "Was he good to you?" He flinched. "Is that okay to ask?"
"He was until he wasn't," you confessed. "Kind of ruined the whole, benevolent 'help my father' thing when I caught him with another woman."
Poe whistled. "Okay, now I have to kick his ass."
That made you laugh. "He's not worth it. Come on, let's ride the ferris wheel."
Less that ten minutes later, you and Poe sat side-by-side in the bucket seat...of the world's slowest ride, apparently.
"What does this thing do?" he questioned. "It's really slow. And goes in a circle. Is that fun in Iowa?"
You burst out laughing, swatting him on the arm. "It's peaceful and kind of magical because it goes up high and you can see the town." You explained this as your gondola climbed to the ferris wheel's highest point.
Poe nodded, taking a moment to enjoy the highest vantage point he'd seen in weeks, since his ship crashed here. Normally, he was used to being up in the air on a daily basis, so this was nothing too special. Until he glanced over and noticed your eyes shining as you gazed out across the festival and surrounding, rural fields.
Peering over the edge, you remarked how high up you were, bouncing with excitement before looking back at Poe, eyes bright and filled with wonder.
"You're right about the view," he said softly, eyes never leaving your face as the ferris wheel slowly brought you back down to earth.
Next you dragged him to a mini roller coaster, promising it would go at least somewhat faster. Hands gripping the safety rails, you squealed in delight as Poe grinned, enjoying the ride almost as much as he loved riding full speed on your horse Annabelle a week ago.
"I'll take you flying someday. Somehow," he promised. You appreciated the gesture, but your heart burned at the faraway look in his eyes. It sobered you to remember, again, that he needed to find a way to get out of here eventually.
"I'll probably embarrass myself and scream or get sick, but I would love to see you in action."
As soon as the words left your mouth, your face heated up. And he noticed.
Leaning closer his eyes dropped to your lips before he smiled knowingly, nodding behind you. "You want to see me in action, let's go."
Brushing past you, he left you a bit speechless until you realized he intended to play a shooting game. With perfect precision, he used rubber darts and a plastic gun to take aim at, and perfectly eliminate yellow duckies in a row, earning some oohs and ahhs from interested onlookers, and the game's attendant.
"Best shootin' I've seen all day, son. Pick a prize from the top row there." The older gentleman pointed up to the row of ridiculously oversized stuffed animals.
Poe grinned at you. "Which one?"
"You won it," you giggled. "You pick."
He chose a gigantic plush lizard.
"For you." He presented it with a dramatic flare.
"Wowww, this is...this is really something. Thank you." You laughed in spite of the weird but oddly cute offering.
"Well you have lots of animals at home, so I thought you might like something different," he explained as you headed for the cotton candy tent. "Besides, all the animals here are really...hairy." He squeezed the giant lizard. "This guy looks more like my galaxy."
"I love it then," you decided. "What should we call him?"
"Toe Dameron," he teased, a twinkle in his brown eyes. "That way, you'll think of me when you hug him."
For the first time in a while, you enjoyed a good belly laugh. "I don't need a giant lizard named Toe to think about you, but okay."
Poe carried Toe Dameron around while you bought some cotton candy, which intrigued him immensely. He gobbled it up quickly, which let both of you know he was actually hungry. So next up was the pizza stand, of which Poe was definitely a fan, polishing off three slices while you sat at a small table with Toe Dameron on the ground beside you.
"A picture for the lovely couple?" A photographer asked, appearing beside your table, with his camera at the ready.
"Uhh, not a couple, and no, actually, it's okay." You waved him off. Digging into your pocket, you gave him a small tip. "Thanks anyway."
"What was that?" Poe asked through a mouthful of pizza.
"Nothing, he just wanted to take our picture - like the ones in my hall, you know? A photograph?"
Poe nodded, polishing off his meal.
"But, even though I would love to have a picture with you, I just think it could be dangerous. Better to keep a low profile."
"Right, good thinking." Glancing around, the idea that he was an unwelcome guest on planet Earth seemed to sober him. "You're sure it's safe to be here?"
"Yes, it's fine," you assured him.
Hoping to cheer him up, you took him to a very spinny, very fast ride that he loved. But as soon as it ended, you both realized what a terrible idea it was to ride the spinning ride after eating a ton of pizza.
"Ready to go?"
Poe was gazing past you again, as he'd been doing all day, his interest piqued by every different or similar thing to his home galaxy.
This time, his ears perked up at the sound of live music and his eyes gazed at couples dancing on a makeshift dance floor.
"Come on," he urged, taking you by the hand. "Dance with me."
"Oh...okay," you smiled at his exuberance. Poe was so full of life, so interested in every little thing.
Swallowing down any trepidation you felt about making a fool of yourself on the dance floor, you eased into an embrace with him, swaying to a medium tempo song, getting used to the feel of one another.
The song cadenced and the beat kicked off a lively tune, which delighted Poe. He took the lead, guiding you through steps that were probably not of this world, but seemed to make sense. He certainly had a good sense of rhythm and was no stranger to dancing.
You slightly stumbled once, but he steadied you with his palm spread across your back. "Just follow me, I've got you." He smiled brilliantly, giving you a twirl and guiding you around to his opposite side, before somehow doing the same thing in reverse. You weren't sure how he managed it, but it was fun and you found yourself laughing and relaxing all the way through the end of the song.
The music slowed into a couples' dance, so you stepped back to give Poe an out, but he held out his hand. "One more?"
You smiled sweetly at him in spite of yourself, taking his hand as he pulled you close, somehow still keeping time even with the slow tempo.
"Is this okay?" He breathed against your cheek, arm cinching you closer even as he asked permission.
"Yeah...it's okay. You're a good dancer," you breathlessly whispered on his ear. "Which isn't surprising. You're good at everything."
"Thank you," he granted you a sincere reply, which you appreciated. "We danced a lot growing up. Not exactly like this but...anyway."
Easing back, you gazed at him questioningly. "What is it?"
He gently smiled, eyes fixing on yours. "Nothing. I just...I haven't had a day like this in years. A day off, to have fun and dance and eat and laugh." He sighed, peering up at the night sky. "I think this is one of the best days I've ever had."
"Really?" You gasped, surprised and touched, honestly.
"Yeah," he nodded, eyes finding yours again. "Really. I think maybe Iowa is a special place."
That made you laugh.
"Or maybe it's because you're here." His arms wrapped all the way around you now, palm pressing along the curve of your back.
You reached up to push a stray curl out of his eyes. "Bet you say that on every planet you land on."
"Maybe, maybe not. But there's definitely only one Trix."
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thanks to @silvernight-m for the names-that-rhyme-with-Poe exchange and @reallyrallyauthor for pointing out that many animals in Star Wars world are reptilian
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the-copycat-hero · 6 months ago
watched last week's episode again and the Monoma & Aizawa dynamic has got me in a chokehold, so have some headcanons
Eraserhead used to be one of Monoma's favorite heroes, but some of the hero worship wore off when he saw how Aizawa approached teaching for the first time. part of it was petulant dismay over Aizawa teaching Class A, but some of it was also legitimate criticism of Aizawa's methods.
regardless, a lot of that admiration comes rushing back after the war when Monoma realizes how hard Aizawa's role has been, both physically and emotionally. (watching Bakugo die haunts them both, but it was particularly humbling to realize that Aizawa had to have seen similar things happen in the past).
Aizawa's perception of Monoma underwent it's own evolution as well. at first, he saw Monoma as clever and talented, but overall aggravating and unreliable. then, when Aizawa saw Monoma interact with Eri for the first time, he moved him into the "dependable but annoying" category. it wasn't until after the war that his perception of Monoma became predominantly positive.
Aizawa was one of the first people to check on Monoma in the hospital after the war. Monoma was so out of it that he can't even remember the visit, but Vlad King made sure to let him know that Aizawa had swung by when he was finally cognizant enough to hold a coherent conversation.
both Aizawa and Monoma carry unspoken guilt. Monoma feels guilty that he got taken out of commission and potentially left millions to die, and Aizawa feels guilty that he dragged a child into the conflict to take on his role in the first place. neither of them have properly spoken about it, but it's only a matter of time.
when school starts back up, Monoma begins making a multitude of guest appearances at the Class A lecture room. he spends a lot of his time subtly checking on Bakugo and flirting chatting with Shinsou, but he usually ends up bothering Aizawa for a while as well.
Aizawa bears it with a patience that most students do not expect of him, but it really isn't all that surprising. (Aizawa realized that he had effectively fed a stray the minute that he and Monoma witnessed The Horrors together. it's only natural that Monoma would seek him out.)
even after the final battle, Aizawa occasionally enlists Monoma's help using Erasure. he's able to handle most smaller situations by himself, but there are a number of (typically PTSD-driven) moments where a student's quirk gets out of hand and he needs reinforcement.
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ozuzo · 4 months ago
30. Fave lyricstuck?
34. Fave Homestuck writer/fan artist?
48. Do you like your god tier or would you modify it to better suit your taste?
52. What character interactions would you have liked to see/see more of?
57. Quick! You gotta prototype your kernel sprite, what are you dropping in there?
80. If you could uncanonize one thing and one thing only, what would it be?
85. Do you have any crackships or rare ships?
87. Do you have any voice claims for the cast?
(sorry you had a lot of fun questions for the HS ask game)
30. Fave lyricstuck?
Prepare to cry! Hard! (for real, I'm ugly sobbing as I type this) → Home, Highwayman and Run To You
34. Fave Homestuck writer/fan artist?
I don't think I can choose a Singular Fave, so I'm going to randomly list some cool people that come to mind: @kimquach, @pastabaguette, @askinsufferableprick, @grriib, @appliedjuice, @faygos, @beescake, @pancakemolybdenum, @brokuma, @meruz, @weaselmcdiesel @impulsefungus, @tgcg, @snilm, @indigonite and @xagave! (as for writers, I don't read much fics at all, so I'm going to say @jakeenglishapologist)
48. Do you like your god tier or would you modify it to better suit your taste?
I actually don't know what my god tier is as of now! (←fake Homestuck fan spotted). Every time I take the test, I get a different result and I'm not savvy enough to classpect myself... That being said, last time I got Rogue of Heart (which I'm not too sure about) and you wouldn't catch me dead in a sleeveless shirt and leggings!!! So yes, I would absolutely change my godly pajamas into something more baggy and comfy ✨
52. What character interactions would you have liked to see/see more of?
I would have liked to see more beta troll interactions in general, but to be more specific I would have reaaaally liked to see how Eridan interacted with the trolls he actually had a pretty decent relationship with, like Karkat and Kanaya. And more of Jake and Jade!
57. Quick! You gotta prototype your kernel sprite, what are you dropping in there?
I'm not sure about the second prototyping because I would realistically struggle A Lot with the decision and I don't have ashes or meaningful stuff like that laying around, but for the first one maybe a huge blue teddy bear I have! (because anthropomorphic objects make for better guides, obviously!!!)
80. If you could uncanonize one thing and one thing only, what would it be?
I would definitely uncanonize Karkat not godtiering because it makes me sad to even think about...
85. Do you have any crackships or rare ships?
I'm super mega normal about ships, so this is a plain and boring "not really"! I could probably be swayed by most ships if the characterization was good enough, though!
87. Do you have any voice claims for the cast?
Not voice claims per se, but most trolls have a distinct voice in my head, which I think might have been influenced by cosplay panels and comic dubs back in the day. But yeah, I'm going to say Octopimp for Dave because his Dave rap changed me as a person. And Ke$ha for Roxy because it just fits!
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ask-pokecats · 5 months ago
(askcinderpizza) Buffy@Bella: Meow Kitchen? Is this one of those small type breakfast cafe's or is there something to it? And no menus? Just order anything we want? Okayyy in that case, I'll just have curry...simple and spicy
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The only things I can cook right now are Galarian curry and sandwiches. Sandwiches are VERY yummy! Big J loves to make them, and I'm regularly seeing her doing this... Mrow... But what about curry? Well, follow mew!
Bella goes outside with Buffy. She puts the pot in a grid and prepare some wood. She carefully ignites the flame with the lighter
Step 1
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You also need to put a key ingredient, like cheese, meat, veggies, etc., but since we're makin' a simple curry, it's not required. For the spicy one, I'm putting some Cheri berries.
Step 2
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Step 3
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Step 4
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*sniff* *sniff*... AND MEOW DA! It's done! Now to put it on the plate...
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Obtained: A Spicy Curry!
[ @askcinderpizza ]
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misfit-alley · 5 months ago
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surana (mage, ♡ alistair) // hawke (rogue, ♡ n/a) // lavellan (rogue, ♡ cullen)
@kibellah tagged us for our dragon age elves in this picrew so !!!!! :)
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luimagines · 1 year ago
What do you think about the massive totk spoilers?
(no spoilers just venting lmao)
Honestly I'm very disappointed of the tloz Fandom, there are many zelda fans that just don't have that much time to grind this game up to a 100% in a day (I only have 5 hearts and 1 map explored) and tiktok already casually spills out the ending.
It honestly shredded all my motivation to play this game because of these spoilers, now the story doesn't make any sense to me and it just seems so random.
Most importantly.
The audacity people have to just splur out the whole story. It made me so mad.
Never in these past 6 years of botw ever was I spoiled.
Why now totk?
- your sad anon
Ok. I got this, like, back in July but I struggled to put into words for the longest time what I wanted to say and then I decided to wait for the Game Awards in just in case any one was still burning with a flaming passion for this game.
And while I could have probably have had more to say if I responded when I first received this, I feel as if I might have made it seem more accusatory than strictly necessary. So I feel more confident to say what I want to now that things have relatively calmed down.
I can't say I'll be able to mentioned all of my thoughts but frankly, you're not here for that.
First of all, I agree completely.
While I completely understand the hype that was surrounding the game, not to mentioned that I'm more lenient than many when it comes to spoilers, the fact that the end game was so blatantly spoiled truly showed a massive disregard for the fandom and community as a whole.
When I first got a few people complaining that it was spoiled on tiktok, my first reaction was more "Well that's all the more reason to not be on tiktok." Admittedly, the point went over my head due to my dislike of the app... until it happened to me. On this blog. Right in my inbox.
And I understood the point then.
Because that person didn't bother to ask me if I have even played the game. They didn't ask if it as ok to talk about the game or about spoilers and just assumed that I had been spoiled as well.
At that time, I hadn't even touched the game yet. (I haven't touched it since because I got busy with other projects and I'm not so inclined to play video games as it is but that's on me)
If they had started with at least trying to meet me halfway by asking where I was in the game or if I had even heard of the spoiler, I wouldn't have been so irritated with this person. (I never back form that anon (to my knowledge) so there's that).
The whole fiasco with what happened with Tears of the Kingdom was incredibly disrespectful and almost downright malicious. And frankly, I think this new culture that's coming about in social media is to blame. In my heart, I still want to blame mostly TikTok. That app has done way more harm than good when it comes to sharing information and videos and other media content. But that post is neither here nor now.
However, I think that if tiktok was around for the time of Breath of the Wild the same way it is today, I'm positive the same result would have happened with people blatantly exposing the ending of the game.
Shame on them.
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monkeyislandtwo · 10 months ago
im surpised he/she pronoun pins are so hard to find since ive seen a lotta people using he/she pronouns. though i could just be running in a VERY particular circle
yeah im thinkin something like that, it seems like he/she on its own isnt often seen as a common set, and a lot of ppl seem to think 'they' is always attached to it bc surely any not binary person uses some form of they or gender neutral pronouns which like. no not all of us do
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