#sorry for making it all from hanzo's pov
theshimadaslovers · 1 year
"I'm here" (Hanzo version)
Summary: You're exhausted, mentally, emotionally and physically, once you start crying for a silly thing, everything comes down like a waterfall. You breakdown. But...good thing you got your boyfriend.
Genre: Fluffly, drama, romance, partnership.
Warning: Mental health, strong language, breakdown.
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You pov
"Dear diary,
This is my first time writing something so...I hope it works.
It has been years that I'm feeling unlucky, hopeless, not happy with my own self in many ways. I've veing fighting against every demon inside for ages, the way everyone's says for me to do it. I'm trying and why can no one notice?
My only escape from this feeling is, sometimes movies, series, video games and the most important...my boyfriend. I mean, we're not in a official relationship, but he practically live in my house and we sleep together, we cook together, do everything together and he's the only one who listen to every single word I say. I can see in his eyes... He's the one. Hanzo Shimada, my love, my light in the dark.
Everyone knows him as the grumpy old Shimada brother; but he's so much more than that! He pass trought so much pain to became who he is now and I'm with him on this road until my last breath. He saved me and I saved him.
Hanzo is out of town, again. Since he get accepted on Overwatch thanks to his brother, Genji, he's barely stay home. Missions and more missions; he's so important for the hope of every people on earth, I know, but...I miss him so much. I get so worried when he call me saying that Overwatch will have a mission against Talon...Only God knows what they could do with him, but I trust Jack Morrison with my soul to protect them.
And right now...I'm not feeling very well...
Hanzo...I need you save, my love."
You were home all alone, completely worry after Hanzo send you a message saying a bunch of stuff of the new mission against Talon, again. Your heart dropped in the moment you read about it.
"Hi, sweety, how are you doing? I hope you're fine...really, I miss you so much. I'm here to update you from our new and last mission, is been almost 3 months without seeing you, so... I'm kind a mess right now, is hard to focus.Talon is showing up again, so Jack is sending me, Genji, Soujorn and others to try to make them surrender on their own base, that actually we just find out a new one here in China. Is being months, honey... I barely called you. Hope you fine and I'm so sorry...I'll be back soon. I love you with my body and soul."
That was his last massage, weeks ago. You were scared, thinking about the worse and after reading the message again you felt a little of anguishing. Hanzo said to you; "If I disappear, don't worry, ok? I'll be only too busy to send some updates. Jack Morrison rules. Work first, women after and if something happened to me, they'll warn you". He never agreed with this, but, if a rules is given to Hanzo, he'll obey.
Well, Overwatch didn't call you, so...he's fine, right? Right.
You were working at your laptop, block the phone and tried to come back to your work and let a single tear fall from your eye. Wasn't enough, you notice that you would start crying out because of the worriers and stress, but once you always start crying, you don't stop. You try to focus, but the hiccups came and you breakdown on tears. Nonstop, out of nowhere. 2 minutes ago you were "fine"; Hanzo always ask you if you're fine, he knows you better than yourself. One of thr things he's the most scared of, is let you crying all alone... and that happened.
You turn off the computer and goes to the sofa crying out, scared about the situation and all alone. No one to hug you and help control your breath. Starts to talk with yourself, cursing every single second of shit that happens in your life, remembering things of the past and bringing back again. You could not control your body and thoughts.
You tried to control your breath and calm down, but was literally impossible! Is like your body needs that! To put everything out! But this is not so good, not now...All alone!
You cried, cried and cried, laying down on the sofa and hugging a pillow. What could you do? Absolutely nothing.
After one hour crying, you starts to settle down a little, pick up some papers and go back to the sofa still cursing everything and crying, now, in anger.
You could hear keys opening the door and you could only thing "Right now? Really?"...well, you could also see that as a miracle. Hanzo is home and you could hear his warm voice trought the house.
- Baby! I'm home! - He walks until the tv room where he saw you sat with red eyes, swollen face and blowing the nose like a elephant. The skile on his face became almost panic - Honey...what's wrong?
- I'm so sorry...! - You starts to cry again feeling guilty. Almost 3 months without seeing him and you welcome him like that?
- Hey! No no...! - He ran to the sofa sitting in front of you. - Hey, kawaii...What's wrong, uh? Tell me, sweety.
His voice were sweet, low and completely comfortable as always, even his accent dissapeared a little when he speak like that, became more...American british? Not a strong japanese accent.
He hold your face kissing your forehead, then looking at your eyes.
- Something happened? You can tell me, you know that.
- I'm...! I'm just tired...! I'm exhausted about everything, you know?! And...! And I was worried and now I'm thinking how suck I'm at everything! Looks like something put a fucking spell! A fucking dark cloud in my fucking head! Everything is just wrong...!
- Breath, y/n... -He holds your hand tightly. - You're out of control...Tell me...what happened first?
You stopped for a moment and looked at him in tears.
- I...! I was scared...! I read your last massage again!
- The Talon one? But hey...- He smiled getting up and sitting behind you. - I'm here...Is everything ok, sweety.
- Is not only you...! I feel so...so nothing! Like if a don't belong here.. ! I don't have friends, even my colleagues don't like me!
- No, baby, that's not true! - He hugged you tight kissing your neck - Why you think that?
- They always goes out together and never invites me...! Oh, baby, I'm so sorry...! - You hide your face in your hands - you must be so tired and I'm filing your head with shit!
- Y/n... -He called you with his chin on your shoulder. - I'm here because of you. I want to be here, it was my choice to sit here to listen to your "shits"
Hanzo hugs you tightly giving little pecks on your neck and shoulder.
- I'm a different man because of you and I must retribute everything, and because I want to...I love you, y/n. I won't and i can't promise that everything will soon be fine, the world is not helping us, but...I'm here. If you need me, your friend, your boyfriend, your partner...you ninja. - Both laughed. - Call me.
- But Jack doesn't let you use the phone before work.
- If I explain to him that you'll call in emergency times, he'll understand and...for you? I can break all the rules if it is necessary.
You felt butterflies in you stomach and Hanzo tells you for turn around a little bit; holding your legs under his arm and the tattoed one behind your back, holding you in a bride position while sitting on the sofa. He kissed your face everywhere making you laugh and calm down for good. He was the only one that could do that.
- I won't leave you like that...never. I came home a little earlier actually,I felt something...I swear. - He couldn't stop looking at you while talking. - I felt that you needed me, so I finished everything earlier and came.
- Your spirits told you? - You laughed a little feeling a headache. - You told me once that they're became also connected with me after... well...
- At the first time? - He smiled and you nodded. - That's true...I felt my arm shivering a little. So, sweetie...you see? You're part of me too. What you feel I can feel, not completely, but if you're in danger, I'll know.
You smiled laying your head on his chest feeling his heartbeat that made you fall asleep right there. Well...like I said, he's the one.
Hanzo picks you up and walks to the bedroom laying you down and then laying next to you, making caring on your face watching you in a deep sleep.
After Hanzo also fall asleep next to you, his phone starts to ring and he pick it up feeling a little lost.
- Moshi...? - Take a deep breath scratching his sleepy eyes.
- Hanzo? Is Jack Morrison, are you at home?
- Yes, sir... something happened? - Now he looked worry.
- Well, not really... but Genji is having his arm fixed so, there's no one to take care of the base. I need to leave in 1 hour to a reunion with generals and well, wanna see if you're free to come back and take care of the base, I'm kind worry with Reyes, he may try to do something.
While captain Morrison was talking, Hanzo could only look at you and take a deep breath before answer.
- Captain...Sir, I'm sorry but I can't.
- Oh, really? - Jack sounded surprised.- Normally you always say yes, but...something happened?
- I...I need time with y/n, sir.
- Ooh yeah! Of course! - Starting coughing in nervousness.- I forgot about your relationship with her, I apologize, soldier. No worries, I can call Cassidy or maybe Baptiste, someone has to be able to come back.
- I'll send a message to them, captain, they'll help for sure.
- Copy that, soldier...See ya and... good lucky with the girl...she's good for you, fella. You should have asked her hand already.
- Yes...- Hanzo laughed looking at you. - I will, captain...I'm ready for that.
Art by: @chengongzi123
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I don't know if you guys wanna a part 2 of this, I started to write this when I was I my worst so... it was just a idea mixed with feelings. Hope you at least enjoyed;3; It was just a silly little fanfic.
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hanzotalon · 7 years
warnings? small suicide mention and some nsfw implications but ultimately it’s fade to black though
i wrote this all today for me and decided to not proofread it because i’m tired. i’d post this on ao3 if i had an account but i gotta wait for my invite. so hopefully some ppl like a fic about hanzo being in a poly relationship with talon?
Hanzo woke up, feeling way too warm and sweaty. 'Disgusting,' he thought, groggily rubbing his eyes. He tried getting up but was pinned down by something heavy. Looking over to his left and seeing Akande, Hanzo sighed and then smiled. He wiggled around, trying to get in a good position to kiss this handsome man. After some struggling, he placed a soft one on Akande's forehead and gently made his own touch it. Hanzo immediately regretted this action, because Akande had pulled him closer and his sweaty skin touching more of his very warm and shirtless boyfriend made him too hot. He groaned and felt movement behind him and felt legs tangle with his and arms wrapping around his body. This body was somewhat cooler, but it didn't help the situation.
"Amélie, please..." Hanzo grumbled. He heard his girlfriend make a sound, but she didn't back off. He tried moving again, but he couldn't. "Akande. Amélie...?" He said, trying to wake them both up, but it was to no avail. He was trapped. 'I'm going to die here. Instead of dying from my own hands or my enemies, I'm going to die from the heat and dehydration because of the ones I love... I suppose this is a better way to go.' He laid there with a huge frown on his face.
"Wait!" Fully awake now, Hanzo remembers the other two. "Sombra? Gabriel?!" He tried to sit up again a couple of times to see if those two were still in bed with them. "Sombra?" He didn't see the hacker behind Amélie. "Great..." Sombra often stayed up late, doing who-knows-what on her computer, so she often sleeps in but there were also many times where she was either still up or woke up early. Hanzo tried to sit up and look over again; this time to see if his and Akande's boyfriend was behind Akande. "Gabriel?" He had more difficulty, since Akande was the biggest of all five of them. "Gabriel?" he called out, but again no reply. The Reaper's sleeping habits was also bad: having trouble falling asleep and having nightmares plague him; but he was usually the first to wake up. So Hanzo wasn't sure why he thought his boyfriend would still be on the other side of their boyfriend. 'Because he's been able to sleep in more lately...'
Hanzo hoped those two were close by and not getting lost in their own worlds. He started shouting their names a couple of times and then stopped, when he saw no results -- not even these two beside him stirred. "Am I being punked?" he wondered aloud. Akande and Amélie weren't heavy sleepers; they couldn't be, not in their world. "Hey, you two. Wake up. GABRIEL!" He started thrashing a little, feeling sticky and gross.
"What is it, Hanzo?" an amused, gravelly voice asked out of nowhere. Then, he saw that iconic white mask. It had intimidated him before, but once he was told it was based off an owl, Hanzo thought it was cute. "Making a racket this early in the morning." He realized that the damn Reaper was holding a cup of something and watched him hold the straw and take a sip. Hanzo huffed and pouted.
"Do you not see me?" Gabriel laughed and set down his drink on the night table.
"What? You don't like being sandwiched between two attractive people?" Hanzo huffed again, and he felt the left side of the bed sank a little lower as Gabriel sat next to Akande. "Even though, you always try to get in between me and Akande." His voice full of mirth.
Hanzo ignored the statement, asking instead, "Are you three doing this on purpose?"
"Doing what?" The voice got lower and sexier. Hanzo felt a hand touch his face, gently moving it to make him face its owner. He turned his eyes away when he saw that Gabriel took off his mask. He heard him laugh and couldn't help but blush when he felt the other touch his lips.
"Please, it's too hot for this. When is the AC getting fixed?" Hanzo said, trying to sound annoyed. He heard a soft sigh from behind him and felt a pair of legs untangle from his own.
"He is right, monsieurs. Too hot," Amélie said softly. She moved away from Hanzo, and he felt the grip on him loosened and rumbles from Akande's chest as he giggled. Hanzo saw the man next to him open his eyes, and he couldn't help but smile goofily and then hide his face, when he realized that both men's eyes are on him.
"It is not that bad, but I suppose we shouldn't be in bed like this any longer." Akande released Hanzo and sat up, making Gabriel remove his hand from Hanzo's face and make some room.
"Finally..." Hanzo grumbled. He got up and went to the bathroom, but before he could close the door, Amélie stopped him and got in. "Amélie, please," he said softly and urgently. "I need to use the toi--"
"It is fine. I'm just going to shower," she said matter-of-factly, closing the door and taking off her clothes. "I know what you look like with your pants down." Hanzo sputtered for a moment before relenting and doing his business. He watched her get into the shower out of the corner of his eyes and then avert his gaze when he saw her see him watching. She laughed and reached out for his face. They kissed deeply, and he felt weak. As fast as it happened, it felt like it ended too soon, and she knew it. "You're free to join me," she said, closing the glass door. "After you wash your hands, of course."
Hanzo hurried, trying to get in with her as soon as possible. Then, there was a loud knock on the door. "Lacroix, this is not fair. He kissed me first; I should be in there with him." Then, there was a couple of murmurs. "Okay, Gabriel and I should be in there with him."
Hanzo was about to speak, but he was interrupted by some of the most softest lips he has ever kissed in his lifetime. He looked up to the woman before him and they ignored Hanzo's boyfriends as they started to become more physically intimate.
After awhile, they walked to the kitchen, seeing the other three sitting and eating: Sombra with her annoying smile, Akande with a cute pout, and Gabriel with his mask back on. Amélie sat next to Sombra, and Hanzo sat in the middle of the two couples like always. "Wow, took you guys long enough. Thought there may have been an accident," Sombra exclaimed. "Of course, we may have thought it if we didn't hear all the noise you two were making."
Hanzo and Amélie replied almost at the same time.  "Jealous? If only you weren't gone--" "At least I'm not as obnoxious in bed like you are with your moans."
"Hey--!" Sombra protested, but Amélie kissed her, shutting her up. Sombra smiled dumbly, while continuing her work on her laptop.
"Lacroix--" "Widowmaker--" The two men started their complaints, making Hanzo laugh into his hand. He heard Gabriel stop and saw that he had given Amélie and him their own plates of food. He smiled thankfully and started eating. Akande grumbled and pouted but stopped when Hanzo looked at him. Akande kissed him and smiled broadly.
"You know Hanzo, Akande wouldn't let me kiss him until he kissed you first," Gabriel said. He pretended to sulk, until Akande kissed him as well.
"Thought it wouldn't be good if I kissed other men so early in the day."
"I'm your boyfriend too. I'm both of your boyfriend, and I kissed you first." Gabriel continued to sulk.
Hanzo laughed and Sombra made a face. "Okay, I don't want to see my bosses like this. I'll be in my room. Bye Hanzo." She left, carrying her laptop and plate. Amélie kissed Hanzo on the cheek before following Sombra with her own plate.
Hanzo let his boyfriends flirt and tease each other while he eat. Gabriel took off his mask and they started kissing. "Oh, am I going to be left out now?" Hanzo asked.
"You left us out earlier with Lacroix," Gabriel teased, while Akande gently moved Hanzo to sit on his lap. "Also I thought you didn't like being sandwiched between two attractive people." His voice getting lower with each word as he got closer to them. "I thought it was too hot for this?"
"If it's between you two though..." Hanzo said. His breathing getting heavier. His two handsome boyfriends pressing their bodies even closer. He felt movement around him and all over him.
"Oh? Did you hear that Gabriel?" Akande asked. He chuckled as he kissed Hanzo and then Gabriel.
"How lucky for us that our boyfriend likes us that much..." Hanzo felt hands reaching under his shirt but suddenly everything stopped. "But maybe we should move this to the bedroom so we don't interrupt Lacroix and Sombra."
"Oh my god--" "No--" Akande and Hanzo protested and complained, but they complied as Gabriel left. Hanzo was about to remove himself from Akande's lap, but Akande tutted and just carried him to Gabriel's room.
Everyone came out later, happy and tired, and they decided to watch a movie together.
"Let's watch this!" "No, that is not a good movie. Let's watch this instead." "No, let's watch this." The argument continued for awhile, but they chose to watch a romcom that Gabriel and Amélie wanted to watch. Sombra and Akande weren't happy – Hanzo knew that they would probably be the ones who would like it the most by the end of it – but they got into their usual spots anyways. Sombra sat at one end with her legs on Amélie's lap. Hanzo sat next to Amélie with some space in between for Sombra's feet. Amélie grasped Hanzo's hand and squeezed it. Then, she let go, putting her hands on Sombra's lap. Akande sat next to Hanzo and put his arm around him and Gabriel who immediately snuggled into him.
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Sweets From My Sweet (Scenarios) Hanzo and Genji X Female Reader (Yandere) (Overwatch) (Valentine’s Day)
[Hello  My Sexy Readers, I spent the morning of Valentine's day in work and oh my god am I ready for snuggles from my co author and getting rest of the valentine's day stories out. So here we are with this pleas enjoy it!]
(Hanzo Shimada) (Store Bought Chocolates)
(Hanzo's POV)
I was walking with (Name) when she tells me to stand here and wait. I was confused and see her run off into a store what is she doing? I remember she was not the most romantic so we did not celebrate valentine's day. Except last year where someone from my clan tried to kill her and I gifted her their head once I killed them. After that she said she did not want to celebrate any romantic holiday. I watched her come out with something behind her back.
"Close your eyes and open your mouth." She says and I looked at her confused but do it and then feel her lips on mine and something being pushed in my mouth.
I chewed on it and realized it was my favorite choclates.
"Happy Valentine's day Hanzo." She says blushing and smiling and I kiss her deeply with a chocolate flavored mouth.
She is mine and mine alone and I am going to show her that tonight~ Even if I have to kill for her again I will. I am sure of that she's mine.
(Genji Shimada) (Home Made Chocolates)
(Genji's POV)
I hear cursing from the kitchen all morning long. I did not know what my fiance was trying to do but she seemed to be trying to bake. I tried to check on her but she chuck knives at me each time. Not that she had any chance to hit me. I just did not want to make her angry. I decide to check on her again and see her asleep. Arms folded and head resting on them.
I look to see the mess and then a plate of cookies. I pick up the note with them. 'sorry Genji I am not the best cook tried to make home made chocolates as you probably could tell I failed so I made chocolate chip cookies instead. Their only a little crispy hope you enjoy. Happy Valentine's Day.
-Love (Name).'
I chuckle and she wakes up and look at me blushing hotly her face covered in flours on her cheek and drool on the other.
Her hair was a mess but she never look more beautiful she spent all day trying to make me something and I never loved her more. I kiss her deeply and she blushes at that and hides her face in my chest.
Killing her boyfriend all those years ago was so worth it and now I will have her mine forever and she never knew it was me.
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS as you see Genji killed your boyfriend and you came to nepal to find peace and genji had planned that and their he has you as his and his own I hope you all enjoyed and stay sexy my friends!]
[Should I make a sequel for white day I think it is called in Japan where Males give gifts in return to their love? Comment yes or no :D)
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punprincess321 · 3 years
Mchanzo reddit story!
(This is a sequel to the r/prorevenge story I made a few months ago, I accidentally deleted the original draft of this post so this new version is probably a lot better. This will be from Jesse's POV this time, hope you enjoy! Disclaimer: I made Jesse religious here because I can't look at a cowboy without thinking that they go to church, country music mentions God a lot so blame my fave genre for this interpretation if it bugs you. If you have any subreddits you want Hanzo and Jesse to write to, drop an ask and tell me the context of the sub, I'll find videos covering stories from that sub so I find inspiration)
My husband posted this story a few weeks ago and I decided to browse this website, reading all these stories reminded me of a certain person that me and my darling cherry blossom have had to deal with since we moved to town. I'd recommend reading his story first to get some context.
After I proposed to my husband, I found us a house in the town where I grew up, it was perfect for us since we planned to adopt kids the moment we got settled in. (Here's a pic of the place for those who are interested.) After we bought the place, I had a lot of renovations to take care of and we had already agreed we wanted three kids so I got to work.
I fixed the roof, redid the insulation, replaced floorboards and of course I got rid of the God awful green and painted the house a nice clean white, we sectioned off three rooms for the kids and planned to have them help decorate but we got things ready for them with twin beds, dressers and nightstands. I decided to put in a large back fence and gate for safety and privacy reasons, since Hubby and I like to do target practice and we didn't want stray bullets or arrows flying (my husband is an archer).
All that was left was the landscaping, now the front fence was very flimsy so I put in a new one and the front fence and gate is important: the fence was made with black iron and goes up to an adult mans chest if he's over 5'9 and it's got decorative spikes on top, the gate is in between two white brick pillars with lamps on top of each, the gate's made of the same black iron bars as the fence and has a lock for security, our mailbox is attached to one of the pillars since we keep the gate locked the mailman can't get to our door.
Now one day I was in the front yard with Hubby, we had planted a cherry blossom tree from Japan in the front yard and my husband was watering it, I was tending to my rose garden that was next to the front steps when we heard a voice at the gate... This was the day we met Denise. (H: Hubby, D: demon Denise, Me: me)
D: Hello!~
Me: *turns around to face her* Howdy ma'am.
H: Greetings.
D: I'm Denise, I live next door.
Me: Nice to meet ya. *tips my hat to her* Sorry we haven't been able to introduce ourselves earlier, we've been trying to fix the place up and haven't had much downtime.
D: It looks nice, but this gate and fence makes it seems so unwelcoming.
H: Well we plan to have children around here so it's mostly for their safety.
D: Aw! It must be so nice to have friends and family with kids!
Me: Oh, no ma'am it's for our own kids, we're gonna be adopting soon and want to keep them safe.
D: Wait, you're together? Like as in Gay?
H: Yes, we got married a couple months ago. *shows his ring proudly*
Denise went quiet and looked at us weirdly before she said goodbye and walked away, I then remembered that there aren't always going to be people in Texas who approve of same-sex couples, I told Hubby that Denise is probably not going to be a reoccurring visitor in our lives. Oh how wrong I was...
We soon visited the orphanage and we decided on Ivy, Cory and Tracy, Hubby and I made the orphanage aware of our choice and we prepared the rooms, I replaced one of the beds with a crib for Tracy and we babyproofed EVERYTHING. After we were set up, we brought the kids home, Ivy loved the loft bedroom (She basically has her own apartment on the top floor) and Cory loved how close his room was to Tracy.
The next day we took the kids shopping so they could pick out decorations and toys for their rooms, Cory immediately went for a train set table and Ivy was eyeballing the crafts and video games so I left Hubby with the younglings while I got Ivy a gaming console with three games and some craft supplies to make jewelry and temporary tattoos.
We got home and while Hubby and I watched Cory try to push the box with his train table to the front door (he actually managed to get it to the stairs), I noticed a letter poking out of our mailbox so while Hubby was busy helping Ivy bring her things inside, I walked over to the mailbox and pulled out the letter, I was holding Tracy who was asleep and when I opened that letter... I was so glad Tracy was a baby who couldn't read because if she had woken up and been able to see what was on that paper, I think she would have been scarred for life...
The letter was extremely hateful, calling my husband anti-asian slurs and calling me anti Hispanic and Native slurs (I'm white with tan skin, I have Hispanic roots but I guess the sender couldn't make up their mind) it was filled with homophobic comments about both of us, there was even a couple threats of bodily harm and even death, a lot of talk about God gave it away that the person who sent it was probably religious.
I put the note in my pocket and went inside, I helped Hubby set up Cory's toys and I put Tracy in her crib so she could nap, we helped Ivy set up her console and once that was all taken care of, we went to the kitchen to prepare dinner, that was when I showed my husband the note... We looked at each other in worry and decided to go to the police.
Unfortunately since we didn't know the sender the police were useless, we decided to try and forget about the hurtful letter and we tucked it away in our home office in case we ever found out who sent the letter. We quickly found out who it was the very next day...
That morning, Ivy woke up early due to nightmares about her family (we've gotten her help for them) and decided to sit outside on the porch with her phone and a cup of tea, apparently traumatized teenagers aren't the only ones up at 5AM because Denise was right at the front gate not long after Ivy stepped outside. This is what Ivy told me when I woke up:
D: Good morning dearie!~
Ivy: *still shaken by her nightmare* Uh... Hi?
D: Can you come here please?
Ivy: No thank you, I'm fine here. *sips her tea*
D: it's important, it's about the *Hispanic slur* and the *Asian slur* *homophobic slur*'s inside that house. (She was talking about me and Hubby)
Ivy: Excuse me?
Now Ivy was very emotionally fragile at the time and us being two of the first adults to show her decency and kindness made her latch on, after only a week being with us if she had woken from a nightmare she would come to our room and climb into bed with us like a toddler, oftentimes times we'd wake up and see her between us with tear marks on her face.
That being said, Ivy didn't want anyone speaking badly about us.
Ivy: Take that back. Now.
D: W-What?...
Ivy: Those men are the kindest people I know, take back what you said about them or I'll come over there and make you.
D: How dare you!
Ivy: Keep your voice down, there's people in this neighborhood who are trying to sleep.
Ivy didn't bother to entertain Denise any longer and came back inside, when we got up she explained to us what happened. Hubby and I should've known it would be her... We started ignoring Denise and just focused on living our lives.
Unfortunately we couldn't get away from Denise, I'm Christian and I started attending church on Sundays, Hubby was a bit uncomfortable with religion so I didn't push my beliefs onto him and I wanted the kids to be agnostic so they could choose their own beliefs and Ivy was straight up Atheist but she didn't voice it to me as I'm what she labelled "lovable religious goof" (lol what?)
When I joined the church, I soon found out that it was the same church Denise the devil went to, the first service I attended she saw me and afterwards the priest, Father Joe, approached me.
FJ: Good day my child.
Me: Howdy Father, mighty fine preach ya gave today.
FJ: Thank you, I was hoping to ask of your purpose for why you joined our church?
Me: I just wanted to follow God's path like my mama showed me.
FJ: Odd, sister Denise came to me saying you were living a dangerous life of sin.
Me: Oh my G-... Father, I'm just tryna live my life, love my husband and kids, work to keep em happy and pray I'm doin' it well. If that's somethin' I can't do here, I'll find another church without hassle.
FJ: Anyone is welcome in the house of God, your husband and children are free to come to us if they so wish.
I honestly felt like crying when Father Joe said that to me, I had been kicked out of so many churches that I thought I'd be reading my bible at home for the rest of my life. I thanked Father Joe and went home, Denise was waiting outside on her porch watching me, I flashed the bible the church had given me and flipped her off as I went inside.
Now Denise was pissed about me going to church with her but what really got her goat was that I made friends with a lot of the church goers, our kids would play together in our backyard and on the street, Hubby actually befriended some of them too and Ivy got some business doing temporary tattoos on the teens.
Now it was a bit around this time that Ivy's family started causing trouble, I had to make the fence electric to protect her but somehow the power kept shutting off, someone apparently took an axe to the power box (we already know who as she came demanding we give her axe back).
But Denise had the nerve to try and help Ivy's family get her back, she gave them the name of Ivy's school, her favourite hang out spots around town and the bus route she took to school! When Ivy's family fell apart, I dismantled the electrical system on the fence but I replaced it with a less noticeable one that can't be messed with by outside interference.
Denise then had the balls to come yell at me that she knew I made up lies about Ivy's family and ruined their lives, and that she was trying to save Ivy from us. I swear I don't know how I kept myself from killing her that day.
I filed a restraining order against Denise so she couldn't interact with my property, husband or kids, if she tried to interfere in any of our lives she would be arrested. That made Denise back off, she ignored me at church functions and when I was out gardening. It was peaceful. For a year.
I had gotten a big payday from my last novel and I decided to do something big, I swear hubby and the kids almost tackled me when I told them we're getting a pool. Cory and hubby were the biggest helpers in planning, it became an even split between kids splash park and adult relaxation retreat.
I would watch over the construction of the pool and every time I glanced over at Denise's house, I saw her staring from her bedroom window. The pool was soon completed and I decided my family would be the first to christen it, I invited my adoptive sisters and hubby's brother for a pool party.
Now my sisters are actually my teammates from the military but they were there when I first joined and made me feel like family, the amount of times they pulled me into their slumber parties is probably in the hundreds. I'll give them nicknames for ease of identifying them.
Sister 1: Flash
Sister 2: Falcon
Sister 3: Angel
Hubby's brother: Ninja
Flash had decided to bring her girlfriend along which was even better as I wanted my kids to meet as much of their new family as possible. Ivy was a little nervous about meeting other women because of her mother but Falcon was great with her and made her feel comfortable.
I fired up the grill and got cooking, Ivy was sitting in the shade doodling in her sketchbook with Angel next to her, Cory was swimming with Falcon, Flash and her girlfriend in the pool, and hubby was talking with Ninja while holding Tracy. I had just handed out food when the doorbell rang which made everyone freeze, the front gate was locked and the electric fence was on...
I grabbed my gun and went to the front door, I looked through the peephole and saw no one there, but the front gate had been busted open... Then I heard Ivy scream out back.
I ran to the backyard and saw three men holding shotguns, hubby was holding the kids close and my sisters had their weapons on the men, Flash's girlfriend was also protecting the children and Ninja was also armed with his throwing stars, I pulled out my phone to call 911 but one guy shot at me, I quickly shot back.
The gunfire gave hubby and Flash's girlfriend enough time to get the kids inside while my sisters, Ninja and I held the men at gunpoint, Hubby made the 911 call and police arrived within 10 minutes. (it felt like hours)
The cops quickly got the men to surrender and we were told they were part of a hate group mostly known for their white pointed hats... Someone had paid them to break onto our property, kill us, and take our children! The only thing that the trio didn't expect was that they were walking into a picnic with five decorated and armed military soldiers.
I asked the police to see if they could get the men to expose who hired them and they said they would try before driving off, I was just about to walk back into my property when I heard the rapid clacking of heels and then WHAM! A punch right to the side of my face, I even got a cut on my cheek from the bitch's ring.
Denise was in my face screaming hateful shit like there was no tomorrow, she even had the gall to slap me! I won't write down everything she said because half of it was plain nonsense but the base of it was all LGBT people, immigrants, black people, and those who aren't Christian or religious should be killed in the worst ways possible. (I noticed hubby covering Cory's ears.) But she admitted to being the one who hired the men throughout her rant.
I finally decided to tell her my opinion;
"Denise, I remember our first meeting pretty well, my husband and I were polite, we never said anything negative about you or your own family so what gives you the right to do the same to us? We turned a blind eye to your letter, I ignored the fact you tried to get me thrown outta church, it took all of my mental strength to get ONLY a restraining order on you after what you did to my daughter. But this is the last, motherfucking straw... You endangered me, my husband, my kids, my brother in-law and my sisters. I am going to be calling the police and you're going to prison because like it or not, your shitty views are a fucking crime."
I wanted to hit her so bad but lucky for me Falcon handled that because she walked over and gave Denise the best bitch slap I've ever seen.
I went inside and called the police and told them what happened, hubby took pictures of the cut and bruise on my cheek from Denise punching me as evidence and that's where things went silent. The next day I was replacing the lock on the gate when Ivy came running outside to show me something on her phone, one of our neighbors had filmed the entire incident and uploaded it to the internet!
Now apparently the video reached local news, and soon went all over the country, a lot of people were coming out of the woodwork in support but they didn't have to as Denise was already facing the music.
Denise was kicked out of the church for her hateful and unchristian behavior, she's soon going to court for conspiracy to commit murder, and apparently the demon was married! Wanna know what else? I ALWAYS SAW A DIFFERENT MAN COME TO HER HOUSE EACH WEEK! Our fence gave us privacy but it sure didn't give her any because I once saw her getting it from behind in her kitchen!!!! XD
Apparently Denise's adultery was discovered in the video, after we parted, the guy hadn't stopped recording and saw Denise's guy of the week show up! The church had known but didn't say anything, they didn't have to... Denise's husband was in the Navy and had been gone for a looooong time, so when he came home to surprise her...
Hubby and I were having iced tea on the porch and we saw the guy of the week hightail it out of there half naked with plates being thrown at him and that screaming was hysterical as he learned EVERYTHING. Good on you sir for going to your parent's house.
So now that brings us to now. Denise is faithless, divorced, shunned, and will soon be homeless after prison as the bank is foreclosing on her house soon, hopefully the new neighbors will be more tolerable.
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brunettebitchh · 3 years
𝑅𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝐷𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑜𝑛
by. brunettebitchh
excuse any bad grammar/spelling and punctuation please.
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genji x reader x hanzo (smutshot) *slow beginning*
Warnings - sex, blood play, spanking, choking, threesome, biting, public, cream pie, double penetration, humiliation, spitting.. etc.
Y/n’s POV
I was sitting in my dorm room practicing the meditation that Zenyatta had taught me to help better control my powers.
I opened the book he had given me and lit some candles. I breathed in deeply and sat criss cross applesauce. I put my hands in the traditional “meditation pose” and closed my eyes focusing on my breathing.
I felt myself relax and my joints intense as I sat there just focusing on my breathing. I had a small smile on my face as i felt myself reaching my inner zen.
A loud bang from the garden outside disrupted me but I pushed it off and continued to mediate in peace.
I heard several more bangs and felt the ground shake but I completely ignored it until one of my paintings fell on the ground and the glass shattered.
I snapped my eyes open and looked at the broken picture frame on the floor with glass everywhere.
I puffed my cheeks out and slipped on slippers to go yell at whoever disrupted me.
I walked towards the garden and called out
“Brigitte, why can’t you use the training room like a normal person” I walked into the garden and didn’t see brunette
Instead I saw Genji pinned on the ground with an arrow shoved in his face
I stopped for a second feeling a pit of anxiety strike through me.
‘Oh god it’s Hanzo’ I thought and looked up at the stone cold man
He didn’t glance at me. He continued to point his arrow at Genjis face
“Don’t go hurting our new member on the first month” I said and shoved Hanzos arrow out of the way
“I’m sorry Genji” I said and held out a hand for him to grab
He held onto it and I helped him to his feet.
“If you want to kill each other, do it quietly. You owe me a new picture frame” I said with an irritated tone
“And don’t let Winston catch you or else you’ll both be dead” I said and walked away
I decided to go to out kitchen knowing that I won’t be able to resume meditation in peace like before
I knew the whole brother feud thing that Genji and Hanzo have and the whole thing about Genji being in black watch for a period of time. I don’t care if they kill each other, but if they do they better leave me out of it and do it quietly
I went into the kitchen and saw Lucio speaking to Mercy and the other support members.
“Hey n/n. Come sit with us!” Mercy said to me and waved me over
I sat down next to Brigette and watched her tinker with another new device.
“What are you making?” I asked and she replied
“I’m trying to make it so Tracers pulse bomb will cause a bigger explosion”
“How’s it going?” I asked and watched the bomb spark
“Great” She smiled at me and I smiled back
“Do any of you have a dollar or two i can borrow? I forgot my money in my room” I asked and Lucio handed me a 5
Zenyatta hovered over to us, “How’s the meditation going Y/n?” he asked me and I sighed
“It was going great until dumb and dumber tried to kill each other but ended up killing my picture frame”
“Genji and Hanzo?” Ana asked and I nodded
“Don’t be so harsh on them. Especially Genji, he’s having a hard time dealing with Hanzo. They’re both really great guys once you get to know them” Mercy told me
“I’ll give them a shot. Thank you for the money Lucio” I left the table and went over to one of the vending machines
Winston and some of the other members came down to have lunch.
“Ah Y/n good to see you” Winston called out to me and took his usual banana from the front and sat with Tracer
I waved at him with a smile and tried to put the money in the machine. It declined it a couple of times until it eventually went in.
I had enough to get a candy bar, some chips and a cup of ramen.
I pressed the buttons and grabbed what I ordered from the hatch. I held the stuff in my hands and turned around to go boil water
I stood still for a moment as an arrow was shot towards me. The arrow whipped right past my face and hit the vending machine only a centimeter away from my face
I heard gasps and I slowly turned towards the arrow to see the familiar blue tint.
I felt anger ignite inside me. I grabbed the arrow and ripped it from the machine. I left my food on the table and gripped the arrow in my hand
I left the cafeteria in search for Hanzo. I found him and Genji fighting in front of the building. I stepped forward and shoved the arrow in Hanzos chest
He looked at me angrily and held the arrow in his hand
“You’re lucky i don’t shove that thing through your flesh” I spat at him
He glared at me and I glared back
“This is the second time today you both interrupted me. You broke my picture frame and you almost punctured your arrow through my damn head. Get along with each other or i’ll make you” I tried to walk away again but Genji grabbed my forearm
I turned around feeling more irritated by the second but it softened a bit when Genji started to speak
“I am sorry for the inconvenience I have caused you” he apologized with a slight bow and I felt a little shocked
“No it’s okay Genji you didn’t do anything..” I said realizing how different the brothers are from each other
Hanzo stared at me from afar but looked down at the ground
I sucked in a sharp breath and bit my tongue
“How about i help you get along?” I said and wanted to punch myself in the face
Hanzo “tched” at me sounding unamused
“It will make the team grow better if you get along with one another” I said and Hanzo stared at me with his normal stoic look
“I’ll do it” Genji said. We both looked at Hanzo, his look faltered as he looked at us
“Please. It will be for the greater good, Hanzo” I said looking up at him
He sighed, “Fine. Only for the greater good”
I smiled.
“Meet me here tomorrow morning after breakfast” I said and left them
It’s been a couple of weeks since I started to try and make them get along with one another. It was a bumpy start but now their fighting is only once a week or so.
I sat in the garden meditating. It was around 2 in the morning so whenI heard the sound of footsteps i became alarmed.
I peeked my eyes open and saw Hanzos silhouette in the darkness of the garden staring at me 
“We’re not supposed to meet on Saturdays” I said and motioned for him to sit down with me
He sat down with me awkwardly and stared at me
“What do you need Hanzo?” I asked and i heard him breath in deeply
“Do you remember what happened all those months ago?” He asked me and I felt my stomach drop
“You’ll have to be more specific” I kept my eyes closed and tried to calm my raging heartbeat
“I know you remember. Those two months of us going on dates to fancy restaurants. Those days we spent with one another. What happened to them?” He asked. I felt my eyes starting to water from the anxiety and the sadness
“I don’t know what happened to them. After you found out that Genji was alive, you shut me out.” I said and i heard him pat his finger on his knee
“It’s not that i stopped loving you Hanzo. I know that’s what you’re thinking. I did love you and I knew you were struggling but I decided it would be better if you were alone. You’re just a past love”
My eyes snapped open as I felt my body get pinned to the floor. I looked up to see Hanzos face only inches away from mine
“You knew I was struggling so you left me alone? And then you claim you loved me” He shook me slightly
“Because i knew i couldn’t help you! You wouldn’t let me help you!” I yelled back at him and he gripped my wrists
“Because I was scared Y/n! I was scared to lose you like a lost my brother, and I guess i did” He let go of me and backed away with a soft sigh
I laid on the ground shocked for a second. I sat up and looked at Hanzo who was staring at the bush beside him biting his lip
I sighed and leaned in hugging him around the shoulders. He tensed under my touch but eventually slouched down and hugged me back
I rubbed his exposed arm and sighed into his neck
“Just give me one more night. One more night to prove it. To prove that i still love you” He said quietly and I bit my lip
“Hanzo.. Are you asking to have sex with me?” I asked feeling the same pit from earlier only get bigger
He stuttered a little bit and cleared his throat. “Yes. But only if you’re okay with it”
I debated if i should or not
“Y/n, i know that you have an attraction to Genji.” My breath hitched
“W-What?” I said a little bit more than confused
“The way you look at him, it’s the same way you used to look at me when you first came to overwatch.”
I backed away from the hug and looked down at the ground
“Just one more night Hanzo” I said and he nodded
I felt my face flush red as i reached for his pants.
He helped me take them off and i stared at the tent in his boxers.
I leaned down slightly and placed my hands on his hips tugging at the band.
I pulled them down and his erection sprung out. I gulped and held the base of it in my hand while i placed my lips on the top of it.
I spat on the tip and used my hand to rub in the saliva. He sighed and leaned his head back with his mouth slightly open
I took the tip into my mouth and started to bob my head slightly. he pushed down on my head with one of his hands to go deeper and i gagged and went back up a bit
we continued this process of him pushing my head down and me gagging until after one more push he released inside of my mouth
i lifted my head and had my mouth open slightly. i gagged a little at the texture but swallowed it down with a little wince
“Oh i missed that pretty little mouth” He said and grabbed my chin and gave me a kiss on the lips
“Y/n?” I heard and i pulled away from the kiss and turned around
I saw Genji staring at us from afar. I started to shake in embarrassment as i stared back
He had his mask off and his black spiked hair was poking out of it.
“I heard a commotion so i decided to check it out, but i guess you’re fine” He turned around to take his leave but i quickly got up and grabbed his hands
“Wait no. Don’t go” i said and he turned around quickly. he stared down at me with his face only an inch away
“Maybe, well- if you want y-you could join us” I whispered and felt my cheeks grow hotter
He didn’t reply and i looked away at Hanzo who was staring at us in the darkness.
My heart rate increased and I let go of his hands and cupped his scarred face. I leaned in and closed my eyes giving him a gentle kiss.
He kissed me back and wrapped his hands around my waist and held onto my hips. I pulled away and stared into his eyes for a little bit. I broke away from him and pulled him over to where Hanzo and i were sitting
He sat down and avoided looking at Hanzo and just stared at me.
“Well um-“ I said not really knowing what to do now
I felt Hanzo slide his hands on to my thighs. He gripped them and pulled my lower body closer to him.
I slid down on to my back with my legs on Hanzos shoulders. He grabbed my pants and pulled them down and off of me so my legs were exposed
He placed his hands on my inner thighs and opened them slightly. I felt him open his mouth against my skin and start to bite me gently all over my thighs and calfs
Genji looked down at me and placed his hands on my face rubbing little circles for a couple of seconds. He then slid them down to my clothed chest. He unbuttoned my night shirt and slid his hands inside of my bra
He groped and squeezed my breasts and eventually he started to pinch at my nipples.
He unhooked my bra from the front and leaned forward to suck on my erect nipple while pinching on the other one.
Hanzo continued to bite at my legs which only made the sensation in my core grow.
I felt him pull back and then something cold ran across my thighs then my stomach
I sighed and leaned up to see a tiny blade in Hanzos hand as he rubbed the dull part on my skin. He flipped the blade and ran the sharp part into my skin which made me wince
Genji looked up at Hanzo and then back at my face. He put his hand on top of my head and cradled it. He leaned down to kiss me in hoping to distract me from the slight stinging pain of the knife running across my body.
Genji pulled away when Hanzo was done and under the faint moonlight i saw the red liquid seeping out of the cut.
Hanzo took his fingers and dipped it in the blood. I felt him write symbols on my skin.
I moaned quietly feeling the liquid run across my body and on to my sensitive buds. Hanzo took his bloody fingers and squeezed my nipples inside of them making me tense up a bit from the pain.
Genji moved his hands to my mouth. He punched it open and looked down at me.
I watched as he opened his mouth slightly and a trail of spit came from it. He spat in my mouth and the warm texture hit my tongue. I swallowed it and looked up at him with want in my eyes.
I felt Hanzo move to take the rest of the clothes i had on off of me. He pressed his tongue against my clit and I opened my mouth in shock
Genji ran his fingers across the cut and stuck them down my throat making me taste the metallic liquid along with his cold fingers.
He pressed on my tongue and watched as my legs shook from the feeling of Hanzo rubbing and abusing my bundle of nerves.
I felt him stick two fingers inside of me and start to pump in and out while occasionally curling them inside of me trying to find my g-spot.
He pulled his fingers out of me and crawled up to my face. He shoved Genji away and Genji took his hand out of my mouth with an offended noise
Genji went in between my legs and put them on his shoulders.
Hanzo looked at me with a smirk and whispered in my ear
“You don’t think Genji just came here on his own do you?” He asked and my eyes widened as i looked at him
He wrapped his hand around my throat and started to apply light pressure. I looked down at Genji who was staring at me in a way of asking if what he could do was okay
I nodded at him and I felt him rub the tip of his dick against me. I closed my eyes and looked up feeling him push in slowly until he was all the way in.
I opened my mouth to moan but Hanzo constricted my airways tightly. Genji moved his hips slowly at first but he quickly picked up the pace until he was at a rhythm that was most comfortable for us.
He moaned quietly under his breath and Hanzo smirked at me one more time and gave me a little kiss on my cheek. He released his hold on my neck and sat me up so I was in Genjis lap
Genji stopped thrusting for a moment and hugged me breathing heavily in my ear.
I felt Hanzo line up with my back entrance and heard him spit on it. I clenched slightly and Hanzo rubbed my back and ran his fingers through my hair as he slipped inside of me.
I dug my nails into Genjis back and Hanzo snuck his hand around to cover my mouth so i wouldn’t make any noises to wake up the entire headquarters.
Genji kissed and sucked on my neck and rubbed circles on my hips with his robotic hands.
Hanzo slid all the way in and i felt tears prick my eyes from the pain of being stretched out.
From the angel i was in i could feel every pulsating vein from Genji.
Genji moved his hands away from my hips and Hanzo took his hand off my mouth.
Genji gripped my thighs and kissed me as he started to thrust up inside of me. Hanzo also started to thrust with him. I bit down on Genjis lip and drew blood. I licked and sucked the blood off of it and continued to kiss him
Hanzo snuck one of his hands up to my breast and squeezed my nipple while the other one rested on my ass. I felt a hard slap on my behind and my eyes shot open.
I heard Hanzo chuckle and smack me again. I moaned against Genjis lip. He moved one of his hands and started to rub on my clit. He rubbed it slowly in circles which made my legs shake out of pure pleasure.
I felt myself start to pulsate from the overstimulation I was getting from the both of them. I noticed the sun was starting to come up and it hit the garden making it easier to see everyone
Hanzo spanked me again and I cried out and tightened my grip on Genji. Genji moaned quietly too and gripped my thigh with his one hand while rubbing my clit fast.
I felt his dick start to pulse inside of me. He slammed upwards inside of me until he hit my g-spot. My mouth opened and my eyes rolled back as I was getting railed by the both of them
Hanzo lifted me up by my hips and slammed me down on to them. I could feel each and everyone of their pulsating veins hitting the inside of me.
“I’m-I’m gonna” I moaned quietly and bit my hand trying not to scream.
After one more thrust inside of me I came. My eyes rolled backwards and my whole body shook from the mass amounts of pleasure my body had just gone through.
Genji thrusted quickly inside of me and let his warm seed inside of me.
I moaned at the feeling and leaned down on to him. Hanzo kissed my shoulder and pulled out. He started to jack himself off and eventually he came on my back.
I breathed heavily and felt Genji pull out of me. Hanzo got up and put his clothes back on and he helped me get dressed as well.
Genji and Hanzo took me back to my room and helped me wipe off the dried blood and semen that was on my body.
Hanzo helped me bathe and Genji made me some food.
After my bath and i ate they laid me down in my bed and patted my head
“We’ll be back later N/n” Hanzo said and kissed my forehead
“Rest up” Genji said and hugged me tightly
They left my room and I turned on my side feeling a slight pain in my hips and thighs. I got comfortable and was about to fall asleep when i noticed my picture that Hanzo and Genji had broken was in a new picture frame
I smiled and drifted off to sleep..
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thataveragewriter · 6 years
Hello, I will please like to as for a request if its not a bother,Hanzo a fem s\o, she is a trainee in overwatch and she wants to join, due to that she has to fight against hanzo cause he is one of the best fighters, but everyone readers loses of course, and hanzo feels bad for her, but he can't let her win because Jack will know if he is doing it, han starts falling for reader but she actually starts "hating him" because she can't win, then Hanzo tries to give her some flowers or m... (1\2)
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A/N : right, I will forever apologize for the lateness of everything! But its finished! well kind of, This will be a two-part series cuz its long and … yeah! Also I'm terrible with fight scenes, forgive me T_T wait for the next part, which will be possibly done soon…. :’)
Hanzo x reader - fight me
Being a new recruit was never easy. You were treated as the underling from the lack of experience you had, much unlike your peers who seem to come from a military background. With only sports as your background experience, you went through more rigorous training than the other trainees. You wished to show your supervisors, in this case, was the head of overwatch Jack Morrison, that you were more than a pretty face. Spending numerous hours in the training suit, you managed to work yourself to death trying to develop your physical strength with sheer fortitude.
“Agent [l/n], you’ve exceeded your latest physical combat and endurance examination with an impeccable score. It is most impressive, good work soldier” The older male said, his lips formed a small smile of approval.
“Thank you, sir” you said as you tried to contain your heavy breathing. The firm gaze the Commander had on you was intimidating yet you did not wither under his scrutiny.
“However, in order to truly improve yourself and rank up, you must be faced with a more advanced opponent” Jack continued. You wondered whether the commander himself would spare with you, though it was a daunting task. You cocked your head in confusion, silently prompting him to continue. The commander chuckled lightly at your uncertain look.
“I’m assigning you to work with Hanzo Shimada from the recon squad. His skill is admirable in both combat and on the battlefield, so I feel you will greatly benefit from this, agent” Jack said as he placed a hand on your shoulder as a sign of reassurance.
“I…yes sir, thank you for this opportunity!” You say, a little too loud and excitedly. The other trainees look in your direction and you cower a little from the attention. An embarrassed blush forms as you fidget.
“Tomorrow at 0700 sharp, come to the training grounds and I will introduce you.”
“Don’t take it easy yet Agent, I assure you Hanzo will not be an easy opponent” The commander chuckled as he walked away, leaving you to soak in his words.
As you watched Jack form disappearing, you heaved a deep sigh you’ve been holding in. You then stretched, feeling your bones crack and ‘pop’ in certain joints released the built-up tension you’ve been building up.
‘Mann, I just wanna rest all week, my bones are gonna break any day’  you thought as you let out another sigh then headed back to your room for a shower. The day went on without another hitch. A couple of scouting lessons and then dinner.
Your mind wandered to the oncoming task, you realised you haven’t once met the mentioned male. Sure, you’ve heard of Hanzo, a renowned archer for his unprecedented skill with the bow, and how he caused a form of anxiety amongst the trainees due to his background and impressive status. Though you have yet to meet the man in question, it didn’t deter your determination as you had confidence in your combating skills.
It was evening, in time for dinner. You were a naturally reserved individual yet you made acquaintances with a couple of members from the other squads. Swiftly, you finished your dinner and decided to head back to your bedroom.
After a while of wandering through the white pristine halls, your anxious mind kept thinking of the possible outcomes tomorrow. With a sigh, you headed out toward the garden, behind the building. Stepping out into the cool air of the night, you felt revitalised from the comforting cold breeze.
“it is a fine night, would you not agree?” A voice said behind you, catching you off guard. You yelped a little as you flinched at the sudden voice. You turn, coming face to face with the owner of the voice. A hint of a smile was present on the male’s features.
“My apologies for my unannounced presence” The male said. You glanced up, taking in his unusual choice of clothing yet admired his silky locks and intricate sleeve of tattoo that covered his arm and chest.
“I-It’s no problem, I was just  …a little surprised that’s all” you nervously chuckled. The male cracked a small smile as he looked over your figure. You felt small under his gaze, you looked away and out at the sky.
Unbeknownst to you, Hanzo found you ethereal in the moonlight. He couldn’t help himself when he began approaching you from behind, his heart seems to have controlled his movements when he found himself speaking to you. Watching you flinch, caused a warm swelling in his usual cold being, you were causing a mystical change to the older Shimada.
“Sorry, I don’t think I introduced myself. I’m [y/n] [l/n]” you smiled as you stretched your hand out toward the male. He gladly accepted with a hint of a smile. His firm grip caused excited flutters in your
“It’s a pleasure [y/n]. I’m afraid I must take my leave. I am certain faith will make our paths cross once more in the near future” the taller Asian male said, his accent noticeable and soothing.
Before you could interject, the unnamed male took his leave. You felt a little foolish for not getting the handsome Asians name and mentally scolded yourself.
‘What the heck [y/n]??! You didn’t even get his name, you fool!” you screamed in your head, your hands tangled in your hair in frustration.
With a sigh, you calmed yourself down and headed to your room, getting ready for tomorrows task.
Hanzo’s POV.
Hanzo left you outside with a feeling of minimal satisfaction. Earlier, the strike commander approached the archer to request a friendly sparring with another agent, you. Whilst slightly reluctant he still accepted the proposal given by Jack. Jack had mentioned you were easily climbing your way up the ranks with your combat and intellectual skills and Hanzo wanted to get a first-hand impression of the so-called ‘advanced trainee’.  
The Japanese male was meditating in his room, mentally preparing for tomorrow’s sparring when thoughts of you entered his once calm mind. After he saw you, his heart began hammering at an alarming rate, severely confusing the male. Emotions like these were never enticed before and this was an odd sensation he welcomed.
With a ‘tut’, a sly smirk began forming at the corners of his firm lips as he remembered what he had told you.
“Our paths will certainly cross more than once, my dear [y/n]” he said to himself, a humorless chuckle followed.
Time Skip
The day had arrived of the fated combat. Despite it being labeled as ‘friendly sparring against talented agents’ you took it much more personal. The strike commander himself was testing your abilities and if you won, you were promised an advancement in your ranks.
The passing of breakfast and an early morning run was quick and you left for the training room, where a number of trainees gathered along with Jack. As you opened the door, all eyes immediately shifter toward your approaching form. The golden commander looked back and greeted you.
“Morning agent, glad to see you didn’t chicken out” Morrison chuckled, his eyes glinting with anticipation for the days’ event.
“This is my only opportunity to prove myself, of course, I wouldn’t flee that easily” you say with a grin, excitement and adrenaline filling your veins.
A sly grin makes its appearance on his face as he commends you for your determined attitude.
“Now then, just to wait- never mind he’s here” Jack began before being interrupted by the door once more. Everyone including you turned toward the door to see your opponent.
In that instant, you felt your heart flip in a million different directions. The same attractive male from yesterday! A flaming blush began forming as you gaped at the sight of him.
“I-it’s… You!” you yelled accusingly as you pointed at the figure.
“Did I not tell you, our paths would cross sooner than you anticipated” He said, a hint of smugness noticeable in his words.
“Well, I sense some familiarity here, but let me give a proper introduction. [y/n], this is Hanzo Shimada, a respectable archer from the Shimada clan located in Hanamura, Japan. Hanzo, this is –“Before the commander could finish, Hanzo interjected.
“I am familiar with agent [y/n] [l/n], thank you” He said, a monotonous manner.
You rolled your eyes at his manner, despite his handsome looks, his smug demeanor seemed to irritate you.
“Let get this over with!” you say, a little too loud for your own liking. Both Hanzo and Jack looked at you.
A smile formed on the commander’s lips as he clapped to get everyone’s attention.
“Ya heard the girl, get to positions!” with an authoritative voice, everyone moved aside and let you and Hanzo in the middle of the room.
Your intent gaze met the dark pairs of Hanzo’s soulful eyes.
“I will not take it easy on you, dear [y/n]” Hanzo spoke to you, a slight smile visible.
“I wouldn’t wish for it” you smirk and stand in position.
Jack stood between you two, to commence the fight.
“Ready? Start!” with that, you launched yourself at the male.
You began with a solid punch toward his handsome face. In a swift manner, his hand countered your punch. Then in a split second, you retrieve your hand and move out the way for his oncoming blow. You missed his leg trying to swipe under you and fell with a thud. With a groan look up and see Hanzo’s fist coming to strike you for which you fluidly grab it and pull him close enough to head-but the smug male. You took advantage of his dazed state, as you grabbed his arm and attempted to twist it behind his back. It was as if he snapped back to reality and foresaw your endeavor. Hanzo lifted his leg and with full force drove it in your gut. You staggered back, coughing in the process. Before you knew it, you were being held down by the more experienced Japanese male. You struggled against his hold but that only prompted him to further drive to dig you into the ground with his weight and grasp tightening on your arm.
“That’s enough Hanzo” upon hearing that, Hanzo promptly got off you. You got up, refusing his outstretched arm and glared at him.
You stood aback from Hanzo and watched with fire in your eyes. How could you let him win?!
“It was a fair fight but seemed like Hanzo had the upper hand” Jack concluded.
Hanzo watched your glare with apologetic eyes. He felt a tinge of regret and frustration, he must’ve hurt you in the process he thought. But, he couldn’t help but admire the way you held your form in battle. With such grace and force, you were an ideal partner for both sparrings and on the battlefield. A warmth had spread through his being as he watched you squirm beneath him, filling his mind with indecent thoughts.
“Looks like you’ve got a bit to work on there agent [y/n]” Jack said before telling the other trainees to go for their next session. Jack left with the others, leaving you alone with Hanzo.
“I apologize if I have caused you any discomfort [y/n]” He said sincerely, with no trace of mocking.
You scoffed and walked away.
“You’re obviously a much better fighter than me, there’s no need for such familiarity” you spoke coldly.
“But [y/n], I wish to indulge in a mutual friendship with you, if you would allow” He pleaded for you to give him a chance. 
You were being slightly unreasonably cold to the male for winning against you, yet this was the only obstacle in your way of further advancing in the next ranks. However, it was an order from the commander for which he could not disobey, nor would you have been satisfied if he was to purposely lose against you. It was a rather uncomfortable predicament you’ve landed into.
“I wish to be nothing more than opponents, agent Shimada. So… please don’t try to incite something more” you softly trailed away, feeling disappointed in yourself and looking toward the ground for some form of comfort.
You waited a moment, hoping for him to try and stop you again. The air was filled with a tense silence. You sighed and left the room with more on your mind than disappointment and frustration.
Hanzo stood there and watched your retrieving form disappear through the doors. He had noticed the change in your demeanor yet he kept it to himself. He saw the feeling of dismay took over you as your head hung low and your feet lightly dragging on the ground as you left. Hanzo clutched his chest as it felt like his heart dropped at that moment. He cursed himself for doing this, though he was not given a choice.
‘This cannot go on. I must make amends with [y/n], perhaps then will I feel at ease’
He needed you to acknowledge his regret and these mysterious build-ups of emotions he had not experienced before. He wished to experience them with you and you only. Hanzo pledged to himself gain your trust and perhaps something more along the way. 
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thefemalethatwrites · 6 years
Dragons Mischief (Hanzo Shimada x Reader)
Request; Nope.
Prompt; Hanzo has had a crush on you for awhile so his little noodle dragons decide to do something about it for him.
Relationship; Hanzo Shimada x Reader
Warnings; Cursing,
Word Count; 1216
(Y/N)’s POV
I entered the training room to find Hanzo practicing, I smiled and went over to him, over the year that I had been at Overwatch, Hanzo had caught my eye the moment I entered the building and had intrigued me over the course of the year, I watched him shoot a couple more arrows,
“You call yourself the best archer? Your arm is bent that’s why you can’t hit the dead centre” I commented and made my presence known to the archer,
“If you’re so good, show me how it’s really done” He said handing his bow over, I smirked and took it from him before loading it with an arrow and retracting the wire as I aimed at the target, which already had multiple arrows in, I shot the arrow and it in bedded itself into the dead centre of the target, I smiled and turned to him to see him with his jaw hanging,
“Didn’t think I could do it” I say as I closed his jaw for him,
“No-I-How-” He stammered, I chuckled and handed him his bow,
“Your mind was too busy on something else that’s the real reason you were missing the centre” I winked and left him to his business, I walked through the corridors towards my room before I noticed two blue things perched on my shoulder, I stopped and took them both in my hands to see that they were Hanzo’s dragons, I smiled “Let’s see how long it takes him to realise that your gone” I say before they both perched themselves back on my shoulder.
“(Y/N) he-Why’ve you got Hanzo’s dragons?” Genji asked as he cut himself off from greeting me,
“I don’t know. They just appeared on my shoulders. Whatever you do, don’t tell Hanzo” I say, he placed a finger up to where his mouth should be and nodded before we continued our way to our destinations, I arrived in my room and flopped down in my bed, “It’s not even dinner and I’m exhausted” I say, the dragons perched themselves on my chest and looked down at me making me smile, I closed my eyes to have a nap, before I felt them curl up to my side.
I woke up to something nudging my face making me groan as I sat up rubbing my eyes, I looked down and saw the dragons sat on my lap, I checked the time and did a mini air punch, dinner time, I made my way to the Mess hall with the dragons perched on my shoulders, I got my food and sat on the table sighing,
“So that’s where they went” Hanzo’s voice said from behind me before he sat in front of me, I gave a half-smile
“They’re good company” I say, he nodded
“They are but they shouldn’t have disappeared like that” He scolded them, they returned to him making me pout slightly, I finished my meal and sighed as I rested my head on my hand feeling my eyes get heavy, “(Y/N)?” Hanzo asked, I looked at him
“Yeah?” I answered,
“Are you alright?” He asked, I nodded as I covered up a yawn,
“Just tired” I say, he hummed
“Well, before you turn in for the night could you join me on a walk?” He asked, I nodded standing up and followed him, we wandered outside for a while before sitting down on the grass and enjoyed the quietness, I felt myself falling asleep, so I fought it off the best I could without Hanzo noticing, “If you’re tired you can-”
“No, I’m enjoying this quiet with you” I say cutting him off,
“But you’re fighting off sleep, you should rest. You’ve had a busy week” He said, I shook my head before laying down and looking up at the stars, he raised an eyebrow looking down at me, I patted the space behind him
“Join me” I say, he sighed and did so making me give off a sleepy smile,
“What are we supposed to be doing?” He asked turning his head to me, I sighed
“Just enjoy the view and the peace” I say, he looked back up at the sky before I closed my eyes for a second, but that’s all I needed to drift asleep.
Hanzo’s POV
A blue glow erupted from my arm and my dragons came out and curled up next to (Y/N) who was finally asleep, a small smile came to my face as I admired her features, I sighed sitting up and positioned myself to pick her up without disturbing her, I carefully picked her up and the dragons curled up on her stomach as I made my way to her room, I opened the door to her room and set her under the covers of her bed, she had a death grip on my clothing making me sigh,
“(Y/N) let go” I whispered,
“Stay” She mumbled, I felt my cheeks heat up as I climbed into bed next to her but made sure she had her personal space before falling asleep myself.
3rd Person’s POV
As Hanzo drifted asleep, his two dragons were perched on the edge of (Y/N)’s bed before they began to move, they pushed the two together, placing (Y/N)’s head on top of Hanzo’s chest and wrapping his hand around her waist, before they returned to the bottom of the bed and admired their work, they nodded at each other before curling up between their master and his crush.
(Y/N)’s POV I woke up and raised an eyebrow at my surroundings, I was in my bed with Hanzo…how? I smiled and admired his features before I felt something move against my stomach, I looked down and saw Hanzo’s dragons curled up between us fast asleep, I sighed and closed my eyes trying to get more sleep but instead my brain had other ideas like listen to Hanzo’s heartbeat, it was calm and soothing to hear, I felt him moved underneath me
“What? (Y/N)?” He mumbled with a husky morning voice, I hummed as I continued to listen to his heart, “How-?”
“I’m suspecting two dragons” I answered cutting him off, he groaned
“(Y/N)?” He asked,
“Hanzo” I say as I looked at him as I rested my chin on my hand on his chest.
“I…like you…a lot” He said as his cheeks began to gain colour, I smiled and cupped his face before pecking his lips,
“You’ve been on my eye since I’ve arrived Hanzo” I whispered, a smile came to his face before he cupped my face with his left hand and kissed me, I returned it as my hands went behind his neck,
“Hey (Y/N)-Oh my god! I’m so sorry!” Angela exclaimed as she entered my room breaking us apart, she smiled “Well it’s about time. Honestly the way you two have been gawking at each other this year…” She rambled as she walked out of the room, a distant cheer was heard before footsteps got louder and Genji appeared in the doorway,
“Congratulations! Now, when am I becoming an uncle?” He asked, my eyes widened as heat rushed to my face and I shoved my head into a pillow as Hanzo jumped out of bed and chased after Genji yelling things in Japanese.
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Hanzo x Neko!Reader
(Hanzo’s POV)
I love you
It’s what I wanted to say. Every time I looked at her I wanted to say it. And so much more.
The torture must have been unbearable for her but she still smiled as if she were seeing the world for the first time. I stopped smiling a long time ago.
I wish she needed something, anything. I wish I had something to offer her. But all I have is guilt. I can’t show her that. It would only burden her. She would take it upon herself to fix me. Nothing will fix what I’ve done.
I love you
The words stay at the edge of my tongue, taunting me. My throat constricted. I can’t swallow the words. I sit in agonizing silence thinking of nothing but those three words as I watch her lift a fish from the lake. Her soft black tail swishes and she turns towards me.
Her beaming face whiskes all my agony away.
“Well done. It is a large fish.” I spoke with my usual solemn tone. My grasp of her language was far better than her grasp of mine.
“Does nothing make you smile?” She chuckled.
“I have no need.”
“If you say so.” She chirped.
As she bent down to gut her fresh catch, her shirt lifted revealing deep, ragged scars. My heart clenched thinking of the pain they must’ve caused her. I’ve seen such wounds before. I’ve made them.
I hear her singing a song I’ve never heard before. The tune is contented and cheerful.
“How can you sing?” I can’t hide the contempt in my voice.
“What do you mean?”
“I see your scars. You’ve been treated cruelly and imprisoned for years. How can you sing as if everything is fine?”
“I don’t sing because everything is fine,” she smiled, “I sing because I’m finally free.”
“Do you not resent who did this to you?”
“I don’t see the point,” her modified ears twitched, “hating them won’t change what happened.”
I looked away from her gaze. She may not hate them but I did.
“Besides,” she continued, “I would never have my cool abilities if it weren’t for them.”
She splayed her paws and her claws extended. She looked at them with immense pride and fascination. Talon had apparently hoped to create a new weapon. A human with the reflexes, senses, and arsenal of a feline. They’d no doubt try to return her to her cage. And when they do I’ll be waiting for them. I won’t let this happen to her again.
“Hm?” I returned my gaze to hers.
“Are you okay? I mean, you’re always miserable, but today you seem angry.”
Damn. I underestimated her ability to read me. “I am concerned for your well-being.”
“You think they’re going to come for me.”
“They won’t. They were planning on killing me. It’s how I escaped.”
“I think it’s because their brainwashing attempts weren’t as successful as they’d hoped.”
“You are naive. They will still come for you.”
“What? Why?”
“You are a loose end.”
“Oh.” Her face fell. She sat silently for a long moment. “I can’t fight them all myself,” she murmured. Tears started to slide down her face.
My heart felt like it was in a vice. “I won’t let them harm you.”
She looked me in the eyes again. How I wished I could spend forever staring into those eyes. “Promise?”
“I promise.”
She smiled and wiped the tears from her face. “Thank you.”
“Hm.” I looked away towards the edge of the lake.
Her arms wrapped around my torso.
“W-What are you doing?” I stammered.
“Isn’t it obvious?” She said brightly as she pressed her body against mine.
“N-no. In Japan a hug is a very personal act.”
“What do you mean ‘very personal’?” She did not let go. Her head rested against my chest. Her skin is touching mine. Every nerve in my body is screaming. It takes all of my strength not to return her embrace; to relieve the longing of my arms and the ache of my lips.
She asked me something.
“I mean it is meant for lovers in the privacy of their home.” I said in a hurried tone.
“That’s funny,” she chuckled. The vibrations radiated through my chest. “For a man not interested in being a lover, you sure hang around a lot.” She lifted her head and smiled at my gaping expression. “I’m naive but I’m not blind.”
I placed my hands on her shoulders, resisting the urge to massage her skin with my thumbs, and pushed her away. “I cannot,” I said.
“Why not?”
“I am unworthy of such affection.”
“Oh.” She looked away, staring at a rock for a long moment. One side of her mouth stretched to form an unsure expression. “You know, life isn’t about what we deserve,” she said quietly. “But,” she looked back up at me with a warm smile, “when whatever’s going on with you gets resolved, I’ll still be waiting.”
I can never be at peace with what I’ve done. But I cannot bring myself to rebuke her hopeful expression. “Hm,” I acknowledged.
Her smile is so beautiful. Her lips so soft. She’s standing so close to me. I could kiss her if I wanted. And I do want it. I knew that if I did, she wouldn’t back away. I would only have to lean in a little ways and our lips would meet. My hands rested on her hips. I pulled her towards me as I leaned down and pressed my lips against hers. The reaction was instant. My hands tightened around her hips. My arms reflexively tugged her into me as a wave of desire roiled throughout my body. My face flushed. My breathing became audible. I needed more. My hands reached underneath her shirt. The feel of her skin was intoxicating.
“Ouch!” She whispered and inhaled sharply.
The kiss was broken.
I immeadiately withdrew my hands and stepped back. “I’m sorry. I did not wish to hurt you.”
My mind feels clouded. I can barely hear my own voice.
“No no it’s okay,” she replied, “I just haven’t fully recovered is all.”
“Even so, I shouldn’t have done that.”
After tending to her stitches she lifted her head to say something else. But I was already gone. I lost control of myself and harmed the one I love. I seem to have a propensity for such things.
Ignoring her panicked screams of my name as I disappeared into the wilderness was the hardest task I’ve ever had to complete.
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otome-reviews · 6 years
SLBP “To Those Who Keep Us” Pt 1 Review
I have a feeling that this event is supposed to be the prequel to SLBP’s famous wedding events, but I’m not 100% sure? In any case, have no fear: you definitely don’t need to have read the wedding events to enjoy these stories! Anyway, here are my quick thoughts on the first batch of warlords:
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There are quite a few things going on in Hideyoshi’s route. For starters, Kiyomasa and Masanori, both of whom I adore, are in town and ready to be Hideyoshi’s retainers again! There’s a backstory there that I’m missing, I think. Meanwhile, H’s been overworking himself, and it’s up to MC to keep him from getting too sick. And finally, MC’s volunteered to replace Umeko as a shrine maiden for a festival, held in a village that’s kind of suspicious of Hideyoshi because they’ve never met him. Spoiler: he shows up. Despite all thats going on, there actually isn’t much of a central plot, tbh. But the overarching theme of the story seems to be “Hideyoshi learns to rely on people” I guess!
Which is cute and all, but (and I hate to say this given how much I love the guy), I did not like this story! The plot’s kind of all over the place, and not that fantastic imho. Hideyoshi never proposes to MC, and instead, simply announces that they’re getting hitched at the end of the story. Wtf is up with that?! And most concerningly, when MC gets mad at Hideyoshi for the first time ever in this story (because he’s overworking himself), the story enters his POV briefly, and we learn that he’s secretly uncomfortable over MC’s rage. Not remorseful, not surprised, but uncomfortable. Seems like a bit of a red flag, especially for a couple who’s supposed to be engaged! 😬
Personal enjoyment: 3/10
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Shingen’s ES is an intriguing story in which the charismatic, confident warlord has to face his internal demons. He has to confront his past, when he travels incognito with MC to Imagawa to retrieve his exiled (and deceased) father’s old sword. He also has to confront his present/future, as he contemplates whether he truly wants Divine Rule, and has a run-in with young Nobunaga and Hideyoshi. I thought the non-romance plot of this story was quite good: everything ties together well, and when Shingen and Nobunga briefly allied to fight some ronin who’d broken into his father’s home, I was on the edge of my seat and in awe over the epicness of the scenario!
That said, I am not a fan of how Shingen treats MC in this story. He “smiles bitterly” every time MC almost calls him Shingen instead of Harunobu by accident (what even is a bitter smile?!). He’s cold when MC tells him about his father’s post-death gift. And when MC pushes the issue, he kisses her to shut her up basically, and MC is definitely not into it! People aren’t perfect, and I can honestly forgive Shingen being kind of an ass for a moment if he said sorry, but he never apologizes for his actions, even by the end of the story! The mature way Shingen typically interacts with MC is one of my favorite aspects of his character, so overall, it was disappointing (and not very romantic) to see him act un-remorsefully crappy here. That said, there is one highlight: when Shingen calls MC a “a formidable woman” early in the story. Now that’s the kind of Shingen statement I like!
Personal enjoyment: 4/10
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Ieyasu’s ES is a story in which MC, who’s led the guy to display some small amount of compassion for his retainers over time, convinces him to appreciate his ninjas as well. One ninja, to be specific: Nice Hattori Hanzo, aka Kiyohiro! When MC’s expresses unsolicited concerns over Kiyohiro’s many injuries, Ieyasu ends up asking K about his living circumstances for the first time ever: “When you are not working, where do you sleep, and what are you eating?” Answer: Kiyohiro has nowhere to sleep, and he eats whatever he can get his hands on. The poor guy!! :( Kiyohiro ends up hanging on as Ieyasu’s ninja though, and even saves MC from a murderous Saizo (and then Ieyasu’s retainers save him back!). Makes you wonder why our gentle ninja would ever do a thing. My favorite theory is that he’s in love with MC, haha.
It’s always impressive to me just how much of a massive psychopathic shit Ieyasu can be, when MC isn’t around to teach him empathy! That said, Ieyasu was relatively kind to MC in this ES - his quiet, smiley reaction to MC’s delight over a wedding hairpin was pretty cute, ngl. Speaking of weddings, though, I guess warlords just don’t know how to propose?! Ieyasu’s wedding declaration to MC was only slightly better than Hideyoshi’s, since at least it wasn’t in a public venue, lmao. ^_^
Personal enjoyment: 6/10 Kiyohiro enjoyment: 10/10 this guy is amazing 💕
You’ll notice that I rated Hideyoshi and Shingen pretty poorly, even though objectively, I still think both of them are much nicer than Ieyasu. It might be bias: Hideyoshi and Shingen are two of my favorite characters, and I expect more out of them! Anyways, overall, I didn’t enjoy this event all too much, although the CG’s are certainly great! Here’s to hoping the second batch is better, haha. What did you think about these stories? :)
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hungnitan · 6 years
Review for ALL Ninja Route Main Story
I already read ALL ninja’s light ending so this review only based on that and don’t lean on anyone eventhough I’m Hotaru’s fan I like roller coaster stories (not just peaceful and ends) and strong MC, so here’s the rate from mine (maybe bit spoiler) :
1. Sakuya : I kinda like his story started from episode 8 or 9. At first, I think he’s just like Toshiie <I mean childhood friend and finish>, and turned out to be he’s more cruel than I thought... But Voltage tend to make weak MC and this story are like that too~
Storyline : 6/10 <I don’t like weak MC and his first half story sooo boring> Enjoyment : 8/10 <with roller coaster feels and some good looking CG> Overall : 7/10 ----------> PRETTY RECOMMENDED
2. Sasuke : I only read his story because it’s MUST and his involment with Takeda clan. I already knew his main story would be boring before read it and it’s really true !!! I can’t explain this story beside IT’S REALLY BORING AND TOO FAST PACED, the only thing I can bear read this is just Saizo and Masanari’s appearance... Basically Sasuke is one or two most strongest playable ninja, and there’s one scene that makes him looks weak as side characters plus his MC maybe is the weakest amongst all...ugh The positive things about his main story maybe just his light ending
Storyline : 3/10 <believe me, I already generous> Enjoyment : 2/10 <that 2 just from Saizo and Masanari, with Masanari still not avaliable at that time> Overall : 2/10 ----------------> IT’S BETTER YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT HIS MAIN STORY AND JUST READ HIS EVENT STORY
3. Genya : To sum his story it’s just his doubt to take his brother first love or not XD... well, for me it’s boring but if you like Masamune or Kojuro main story, this one is pretty good choice~ but, his story have a pretty fast pace so some part kinda skipped like how Genya fall in love to MC, even I still don’t know just what makes Genya love MC
Storyline : 5/10 <sorry, I don’t like Masa or Kojuro like stories> Enjoyment : 6/10 <like I said above but there’s some good CG> Overall : 5/10 ----------------> SOUNDS LIKE STANDARD OTOGE STORIES TO ME, but then again it’s from me
4. Hanzo (Masanari) : I like his roller coaster feels story <plus he’s good looking> and his MC grow stronger too. But I don’t really like one scene around episode 14 with he betrayed Yasu like Voltage added that scene just for make Masanari MC and Masanari Tokugawa clan bond stronger <or they can’t thing any good conclusion for his story>
Storyline : 8/10 <from start until episode 14 first half and light end are awesome> Enjoyment : 8/10 <really enjoy read his story and his second cg have a good story and really touch my feeling> Overall : 8/10 -------------------> RECOMMENDED but I heard his shadow ending isn’t good as his light ending
5. Kyoichiro : Beside my disliking for Kyoichiro’s appearance, I kinda like his story, with his backstory moreless exposed enough <I still wondering for why voltage put his background explanations at light end lol> and his MC grew with him too <eventhough she’s really useless in beginning>. Plus I really like message behind his story “power can change a person completely” like Hideyoshi in real life
Storyline : 7/10 <with his background story are good to read> Enjoyment : 6/10 <it’s just I don’t feel bored read his story but some cg meh> Overall : 7/10 ----------------------> PRETTY RECOMMENDED
6. Hotaru : to be honest, Hotaru is the very first ninja <beside Saizo> I really interest since Moment Stolen in Shadow event around 2 years ago, so I put my heart and soul read his main story lol. His story really arrange well enough for everyone to understand his main problem soon but too bad that main problem isn’t solve in this main story <it’s his pov or sequel I forgot> and his story’s conclusion too kinda weak with Yuki and Saizo become half ass antagonist character. For his MC, I can say for sure that his MC is the strongest <willpower and supporting> with she support Hotaru in so many ways and I can’t blame her to be weak in his story with she pressed with Kirigakure siblings XD
Storyline : 9/10 <roller coaster feels from fuwafuwa into pitfall despair> Enjoyment : 10/10 <HOW CAN ANYONE RESIST HIS PURE AND CUTE SMILE !!! AND... HIS FIRST CG !!!> Overall : 9.5/10 ------------------------> REALLLLLY RECOMMENDED JUST READ THAT DAMN PURE FIREFLY STORY
THAT’S ALL, NEXT MAYBE I’LL PUT ACT 2 LORD’S REVIEW <I only need to read one yukkin end>
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vaguely-concerned · 6 years
Let’s Read Victory of Eagles; the Prepare to Cry About William Laurence Edition
earlier temeraire let’s reads (yes I’m sticking with it)
- oh man starting with temeraire’s pov is such a good call, I don’t know if I could take getting plunged straight into laurence’s misery without some (very slight) levity first 
- lol and also crey @ laurence gently reminding these young guys how to keep him prisoner 
- temeraire on his way to revolutionize dragon politics after one damn month... I’m so proud ;___; on the other hand him thinking laurence is dead is... nope not processing this laurence is fine let’s not worry about it
looool he just keeps coming to get laurence and finding him embroiled in some fresh catastrophe... I’m sorry ur bro is in another castle/war camp/ship wreck/prison tharkay you’re a champ for tracking him down again and again
- He has a new birb!!! good stuff. this part of them walking through the quiet ruined town is really striking too
- laurence feels like he can be just himself for the first time in months huh... cool cool cool
- “You and Temeraire would be welcome in other parts of the world. You may recall there is some semblance of civilization,” he added dryly, “in a few places, beyond the borders of England.”
fsdakhfdasdfsaflj a) I love him so much b) I  g u e s s  Tharkay kind of just asked Laurence to run away with him in his low-key sardonic way... super triple extra cool cool cool extremely admirable even if he and everyone else in the world knows it to be doomed 
resting his hand on his shoulder because he knows Laurence is gonna be Laurence about this... yeah okay just punch me in the heart
- tfw the guy you sort of have a thing for is determined to get himself killed for a government you feel exactly zero personal loyalty to and now you have to watch his back 🙄
- lol laurence is like ‘I’m not gonna start a fistfight’ 
five minutes later: granby pulls laurence out of a fistfight he started because someone talked shit about his dragon
- aw demane and sipho! good boys bein’ good boys 
- temeraire reciting principia mathematica to himself and changing his voice so he can pretend it’s laurence reading to him... that is under the belt naomi novik that is just mean
(all the funnier/more heartbreaking for knowing laurence has no fucking idea what he’s reading out loud when it comes to that book and would never have touched it if temeraire didn’t love it so much)
- “Oh,” Temeraire said, and sat back on his haunches. He was not quite sure what to say. “I am very sorry?” he offered, uncertainly. He supposed it must be very unpleasant to be a coward.
fjfjghfgj how is he so darling
- tbh perscitia is very much me when it comes to fighting; I too am small and slow and cripplingly overly aware of all the ways things can go wrong which everyone seems happy to overlook
- as a professional tharkay spotter: he is in fact present in the proceedings right now, he arrived at the same time as granby and had one (1) line of dialogue! I am not sure why everyone’s talking about this napoleon fella instead of specifying to me what precise dragon he hitched a ride with or what kind of babysitter arrangement he has put in place for his birb but y’know I’ll take what I can get
(there is a peculiar sort of satisfaction in getting reeeeaaal attached to a side character; this reminds me a lot of being nine and scrupulously scanning every page of a harry potter book for mentions of sirius, no matter how peripheral or inconsequential) 
- all of temeraire’s dragons are pure gold tbh, I especially like majestatis and his laconic competency (I may have a type)
- temeraire not getting why laurence isn’t responding to him quite as he should and laurence basically getting his affairs in order... William Laurence if you break both our hearts I will never fucking forgive you this is my stern voice
- adding a second (and tonally very different) pov is such a genius move at this point in the story; it really breathes new life into everything. 
- lady allendale is the real mvp, you can really see a lot of laurence’s good sides in a straight line from her to him
- oooooooooooooooooooooh roland dropping some truth bombs on laurence for being so very very honorable and so very very dumb
thank you jane I guess at least he’s pretty
- having to read laurence trying to convince all the people who love him to basically let him kill himself is extremely upsetting and I Do Not Care for it
- temeraire absent-mindedly putting ‘coming up with some way to let laurence live as long as me’ on his ‘to do’ list is Everything
but also he doesn’t even realize how wrong things are with his captain and I want to curl up in a ball. no bb no one is going to take him but he’s halfway through taking himself out :(
(I will say that there’s something about laurence’s incredible inflexibility and self loathing that is very relatable, which is probably why I’m so mad at him and also so scared for him. incidentally one of hanzo’s traits I really identify with. anyway onwards)
- ah of course granby was kidnapped I was wondering when something bad would happen to him in this book
- “You are not obliged -- ” Laurence began.
“No,” Tharkay agreed civilly, with one raised brow, and Laurence bowed and left it there. 
fdsfdklsalkjhfkjasdhfjkadshdsfhksdfjakh how... how can anyone be so impossibly lovely and so sarcastic in one word... my heart feels so full
but also ow b/c I think tharkay does see the state laurence is in and it must be extremely stressful to look out for all the swords your bro is determined to throw himself on 
- oF ALL THE DOORSTEPS IN ALL OF LONDON THEY HAD TO END UP AT LAURENCE’S EX’S how many mirrors has this poor man broken to end up here 
- oh uh wow I think I just murdered woolvey’s shitty racist ass with my mind I never even knew I had the power
- Tharkay seeming to suss out the whole Situation here at a glance... *prayer hands emoji*
-  Tharkay shook his head, and when Laurence looked at him said quietly: “It must be difficult to follow an officer of public repute, in the affections of a woman who loves courage.”
“My reputation is hardly one any sensible man would covet.”
“It does not name you a coward,” Tharkay said. “Whatever has Bertram Woolvey done?”
as observed completely impartially except for that one awful enormous crush he is developing lol
- oh no... woolvey died... this is... terrible.... *insert ‘shocked’ captain kirk reaction image here*
okay it does put edith in a genuinely awful situation, which super sucks. everything around her is like the one part of laurence’s self loathing that is sort of justified: he’s been making her life so much harder for so long. first she had to worry about her not-even-husband-yet getting lost at sea and he seems pretty emotionally distant, for all that he can be sweet, then he adopts a dragon and she is SUCH AN AFTERTHOUGHT to him in that process (because, as I have discussed earlier, william laurence should just not ask people to marry him b/c he never. actually. means. it. he just thinks he should I think)
and then, after finally disentangling herself emotionally from that she manages to marry a dude who’s a twit, but a twit who by all appearances treats her well and she’s happy -- and then Laurence shows up for three fucking hours and her HUSBAND IS SHOT DEAD 
most of laurence’s guilt is the useless self-flagellation of depression, but in this one case I’m a bit more ‘yeah okay valid bro’
- Laurence’s tendency to describe, in minute detail, what some dude is wearing even under the most dire of circumstances is so endearing. (also he barely ever does it with women; usually it’s like ‘and she was wearing idk a dress?’ lol)
- laurence’s superpower is inspiring people’s affection and loyalty and then wondering why they’re all not cool with him throwing himself off a cliff
- is tharkay like basically a scottish lord on his dad’s side and has been fucked over by either the system or the rest of his family. are you fucking kidding me jfksadflsadfj
- oh. oh okay that’s the king that’s super extra salt in the wound for our golden boy :I
- okay so this is all very bleak and... borderline war crime-y and laurence is clearly In A Bad Way but also demane has just put every scrap of clothing he could find on his little brother, who now can barely walk for all the layers but is presumably nice and warm, and my heart is doing strange things in my chest
- “Laurence, what are you doing?” 
this whole scene is so brief but so good fkdslahfaklsdhfaskld laurence literally slipping back out of dissociation and noticing the smells and sounds around him again... this is So Much, tharkay you fucking miracle of a man  
- there is something incredibly interesting about how laurence is just viscerally terrified by the things tharkay seems to represent to him -- that’s at least twice now that he’s thought straight out, in pretty much the same words, that tharkay’s way of living seems achingly lonely and untethered and frightening to him. (the first time is in black powder war, just as he’s about to give the offer of friendship that tharkay seems equal parts confused and touched by lol) laurence has this intense need to be part of something bigger than himself and doesn’t trust himself to know what’s right (...even tho he’ll historically still occasionally go off and do The Right Thing despite orders anyway because he’s a beautiful idiot), while tharkay obviously puts freedom and autonomy faaaar above any of that (understandably, from his background lol) 
and still it’s exactly this dude who woke laurence up to himself again and reminded him who he really is. this is the man he knew he’d be ‘sorrier to lose than yet I know’ and gooooddamn if he wasn’t right about that. I’m not ready to be coherent about it yet but uh wow this is A Lot
- the way novik writes laurence dissociating is. a bit too close to home, I’m not thrilled about this haha 
- also let me specify that tharkay coming in and ending laurence’s breakdown by just showing him that he, y’know. doesn’t have to commit borderline war crimes if he doesn’t want to is... yeah. when he’s like ‘yeah no bro I like you and all but this is fucked up I’m out’ and Laurence slowly puts the pieces together and goes ‘...that... is an option? F U C K’  is the Good Stuff (I’m being flippant about it but also I really mean it lol)  
- temeraire is giving the french uniforms the side eye for being boring and admiring the kilts... god bless him, focusing on the real things on the eve of battle
- gOD lien is so fucking COOL, celestial who actually knows wtf she’s doing OP pls nerf
ETA: also I’ve looked up some spoilers for the rest of this series (b/c there’s a couple of characters now who I’m so attached to that if they die I don’t even fucking care anymore lol), and apparently they never get to fight lien/meet her for too long again and can I just say... What The Fuck, why would you come up with such a compelling antagonist and not use her???  
- Tharkay, straight(hah)-faced: yeah I’m coming with you to australia on this prison ship nbd just curious about it that’s all 
Laurence, blinking back tears, barely getting the words out: cool bro 
(I think laurence has been like. crying or on the verge of crying in every single scene he and tharkay have been alone in this entire book. tharkay saw laurence through an ugly ugly divorce (with the government of england if not the land) and is still going with him to fucking australia. that’s how you know it’s love tbh, he’s done for)
ALSO also: tharkay getting granby a drink fdsafjsalkdjfh best boy, best friend 
- not connected to anything but I do appreciate that laurence is a rare extremely extroverted protagonist. he just really needs people around him and sort of wilts when he’s isolated, whether by circumstance or his own Stuff.  
- Oh man I really liked this one! the pacing worked better than the last one, the dual pov really shook things up, the new dragon characters were cool and Laurence had a lot of character development that has been in the cards since book 1, even if it was really upsetting while it happened. and Tharkay was there a lot, which is the surest way to my heart at this point, to be fair. 
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Sugar Daddy Hanzo part 10
Good evening everyone! Or whatever time of day it is where you are. I’ve got another chapter for you today, but first a few announcement-y things:
1. Just moved and started grad school so I’m busy AF, so if chapters continue to be a bit shorter than they were at the beginning, that’s why.
2. I am starting up a new tag on my blog that will be side info about this story - stuff written from Hanzo’s POV, fun facts, ideas I’m considering, and questions for you! You can always submit questions too via the ask feature on Tumblr or you can use the tag #sugardaddyhanzoextras (sugar daddy hanzo extras). That is the tag I will be using for all this type of content and if you would like to be tagged, feel free to let me know!
3. I love you. 
So yeah, that’s it! Here are 2,800ish words of mush essentially. 
BTW, this whole business world AU is based on my bud @watch-your-grammer‘s post here. She’s glorious and so is her work.
The rest of the story: pt one, pt two, pt three, pt four, pt five, pt six, pt seven, part eight, part nine
Waking up had never been so difficult. Your eyelids dragged, almost impossibly heavy, but not nearly as stiff as your arms. Every shallow, tentative breath was a struggle, and your chest ached with each inhale. Each exhale. You looked around the brightly lit room and frowned. “Guess we’re not in Kansas anymore, Toto,” you grumbled to yourself, “or maybe I’m the witch – certainly feel like I’ve been hit with a house.”
By some odd circumstance, it looked like you had the room to yourself, the bed to your right was folded up tight with precise corners as starkly white as the walls and ceiling above you. Everything was so . . . sterile, as if you had been transported to your very own dimension, removed from the rest of Earth. It was unsettling.
And sad.
Your chest tightened in a familiar way that had nothing to do with your injury, it was a painful manifestation of your growing disappointment and loneliness.
“You’d think the gals would at least come by to see me,” you whispered as tears welled in your eyes, “and if getting shot isn’t enough to get Mom and Dad to come visit me, what is?”
In a burst of realization, you remembered what had happened and put a hand over your breast, a powerful tenderness warning you to be gentle.
“Holy fuck I got shot,” you gulped looking for the nurse call button and slamming it while trying to tame your breathing.
After a brief pause that seemed to last ages, a nurse swung open your door and scuttled in, but not before you saw what looked like a dark suit a dark expressing in the hallway.
“Well, hello there,” the tall man in scrubs said with a smile. The bright corgi pattern on his shirt relaxed you for some reason, maybe it was because that was the first bit of color you had seen since you awoke.
“Hi,” you said softly.
“You look scared,” he murmured kindly, “don’t be. We got you all patched up, and you’re going to be fine.”
“Oh thank goodness,” you sighed, running your hands over your face. Of course you knew that you were alive, but hearing a nurse say ‘you’re not dying’ still made you feel a thousand times better.
“Do you remember what happened,” he asked. You nodded. “Good. And how are you feeling?”
“Uh,” you hesitated, “pretty shitty? But not dead so, I could be worse?”
He chuckled, “Very true. Feeling sore in your chest, right?”
“Oh yeah,” you groaned.
“We will get you something to help with that and check over your bandages here in a sec, I just want to tell you what we’ve done on our end if you’re feeling up to that.”
“Sure,” you nodded, trying to glance out the window so you could figure out if what you had seen was what you were desperately hoping to see. Then again, it was a hospital, and there were likely hundreds of patients here with worried family.
And Hanzo wasn’t family.
And he hadn’t taken you back.
And the nurse in all his corgi covered glory was in your way.
“Alright,” he said looking at the digital display on his arm, “you were brought in with a bullet wound in the chest, it went right through you, but went through your lung.”
“My lung,” you gaped in horror.
“Yes,” he confirmed, “that is what caused you so much trouble, but medicine has come a long way, and we were able to have your stem cells from your baby teeth flown in and have started growing you some new lung tissue. We had to do one surgery to keep you alive, so your left lung is currently dormant, and your right is doing all the work, which is probably why you’re likely feeling a little like you’ve been running a lot and haven’t quite caught your breath. Once your new tissue is ready, we will get you into the OR again have you feeling right as rain before you know it.”
“Wait,” you said reeling at what he’d just said. You knew your baby teeth could provide stem cells for fancy medical stuff, but patching up your lung? “So . . . you’re going to be able to just cover up the holes in my lung?”
“Yes, ma’am, just like a punctured tire.”
“Ew,” you grimaced at his analogy.
He laughed, “Yeah, sorry. The other nurses say I’ve got a way with words, but I’m not sure if they mean that as a compliment.”
“I mean, it helped me understand,” you shrugged, “but is my lung still going to be able to function normally with a patch? Am I not going to live as long or something because of this?”
“Actually, the procedure has been tested very thoroughly on patients with lung cancer, and there is very little if any loss of functionality. Patients with renewed lungs climb Everest, run marathons, and live long healthy lives – so long as they take care of themselves, that is. If you eat fast food every day or do drugs and die young, you can’t blame that on the new tissue.”
“Of course,” you nodded. “That’s pretty god-damned amazing.”
“It sure is,” he beamed, “the biggest inconvenience is the post-op checkups and drugs to help encourage faster healing, but all that will be finished up in a few months.”
“Good to know,” you sighed, a thin smile forming on your lips.
“Anything else you need right now, or should I start taking a look at you?”
“I – well, actually,” you fumbled, try to lean over and see the window, but you cringed at the pain, “could you just tell me if I have anyone out there waiting to see me? I – I thought I recognized someone.”
“You sure do,” the nurse said with a playful shake of his head, “you’ve had lots of people come in and out to see you, but it’s late at night right now, so the only one here at the moment is the older gentleman in the suit who basically never leaves. Man’s practically a part of the furniture now.”
You grinned so wide your chapped lips hurt, but you couldn’t stop. “Is his name Hanzo? Is he still out there? Will you tell him not to leave yet?”
“Calm down, calm down,” he laughed, backing toward the door, “I’m sure he’s still here, and I’d be happy to tell him you want to speak with him.”
“Thanks,” you said, blushing at your girlish excited outburst.
Without entirely closing the door behind him, the nurse spoke quietly with Hanzo, who had been waiting with an impatient look on his face. The instant you saw him you were relieved. In all honesty, you would have been happy to see anyone you knew out there, but knowing it was him was almost too good to be true.
The nurse came back in and asked you a few more questions while surveying your condition and giving you a bit of pain medication, but ‘not enough to make you all loopy,’ as per your request. Pain meds had always given you the creeps. It was awkward to have a man you’d never met poking your bandaged up boob while the other one laid out in all its glory, but thankfully as soon as you wrapped your hospital gown back up, Hanzo was waved in.
“Hey,” you said as he closed the door behind him. You did your best not to look like a giddy schoolchild, but you were far too happy to be in the same room as him again. Part of your uncontrolled emotion was definitely the drugs, but not all of it. You didn’t care if you shouldn’t be so enraptured to see him, at least not now. You had been shot, you could feel however the fuck you wanted.
“Good evening,” he responded lowly. The distant tone in his voice made you face fall flat, and the physical distance he kept between you made you pull your knees closer to your chest sadly.
“I was, um, well I was kind of surprised to see you here,” you admitted sheepishly.
Hanzo sighed and looked away. “Yes, I probably should not have come, but I felt I had to. That, and I could not find the will or focus to do anything other than sit here and wait for news on your condition.”
“I’m glad you’re here,” you said softly, “extremely so.”
His lips pursed as his gaze landed on something next to your head. “You are the only one who has been happy to see me here.”
You twisted around as far as you could until your chest muscles griped at you to stop. There was a tiny speaker clipped to the bed frame with a note attached to it. “That sweetie,” you chuckled as you read Lucio’s message:
‘Sorry I couldn’t stick around ‘til you woke up! If I missed another tour date, the bosses were going to have some fried frog legs at their next meeting. Call me THE SECOND you wake up and know that I’m thinking of you. Lots of hugs, your best-est client.’
“He’s always so good to me,” you said shaking your head and the sad frog sketch Lucio had done on the other side of the card.
“I am glad you have found someone that has made you happy,” Hanzo said almost inaudibly, his eyes turned to the ground, bangs in his face as if trying to hide the sour look on his features.
Was he . . . jealous? Clearly you were feeling a little better because the devious part of your mind was suddenly much more awake. No, you shouldn’t be happy that Hanzo was feeling all put out at the fact that you had someone new if your life, but shit! How many people got to see the illustrious Hanzo Shimada practically dripping in envy?
Plus, it meant that maybe – just maybe – you had a chance to have him back.
Maybe it took almost dying to realize that you were willing to give Hanzo another chance, or maybe that bullet had torn right through your resolve, but you knew what you wanted now, and you were ready to admit it. More than that, you were ready to fight for it.
If Hanzo really wanted you to find love with someone else, fine, you understood, but you weren’t going to just walk away. Not again.
“Perhaps I should go,” Hanzo said abruptly, “the nurse assured me that you will be fine and now that I have seen you for myself I believe I am feeling much more assured. Goodbye, and I hope you – ”
“Woah, woah, woah,” you shouted, sitting up and groaning at the way your body protested. You were shot in the chest, so why did your back feel like agony, too?
Hanzo turned back you, looking very unsure of himself. “What is it?”
“You know Lucio is just a friend, right,” you asked.
He scoffed and glowered at the door. “That is not what the tabloids say.”
“Since when do you put stock in the tabloids,” you said giving him a skeptical look.
“There are photos,” he said grimly, crossing his arms and keeping his gaze off you.
“Of what? Me and my friend walking into a party together? We may have been ‘arm in arm’ and all that, but people do that all the time. He’s just a public figure, so everything gets blown out of proportion,” you said matter-of-factly.
“The pictures of him covered in your blood and sobbing as they brought you to the hospital are quite . . . telling,” he insisted.
“Hanzo! I had just been shot! And he’s one of my friends! One of my best friends, in fact. If Gabe were to be gunned down in front of you wouldn’t you be looking a little disheveled?”
His head bobbed as an admittance that you had a point.
“Come here,” you demanded, holding a hand out to him. His body went rigid, and he didn’t move. “Please,” you pouted, beckoning him again.
This time he slowly made his way to you, stopping far enough away that you had to lunge forward a bit to grab his hand and yank him closer. His eyes were wide with surprise, or maybe concern, but fingers curled automatically around yours. You brought his knuckles to your lips and place a gentle kiss on them, the tension in Hanzo’s shoulders floating away, letting his perfect posture slip into a more relaxed stance. You were glad you still had that effect on him. Big oaf needed to pull that stick out of his ass every now and again.
“Lucio means a lot to me, but not the way you do,” you told him in the most earnest tone you could muster. “You’re the only person I want to be with, you’re the one that I wanted with me more than anyone else when I thought I was dying, and you’re the person I most wanted to see when I opened up my eyes in this place.”
“You know,” Hanzo said with a small smile, “you make it very hard to stay away from you.”
He leaned against the rail of your bed and set his palm on your cheek gingerly, you leaned into its warmth. “I guess getting shot has its silver lining.”
“I vehemently disagree,” he barked firmly, “it should not have taken a gunshot to bring us back together. A conversation would have done just as well.”
“Hey, for the record, I tried that,” you retaliated. “That night in your brother’s big fancy bathroom I wanted to talk about it but you – ”
Hanzo silenced you by placing his thumb over your lips, and you giggled, kissing the pad of his finger in delight. Having him this close again was everything you had hoped it would be. “I am sorry for that night,” he said tenderly, “I was only trying to – ”
“Trying to do the right thing,” you finished for him, nodding understandingly. “I know, and I was, too. But I don’t care about what’s ‘right’ anymore. I don’t want to give up on what we could have together, and I know you’re on the way to changing. I’m tired of chasing the ideal of what should happen. I just want to be happy, and you make me happy.”
“My beauty,” he cooed, placing a long kiss on each of your temples, “you make me happy, too.”
“Does that mean you’ll be with me again,” you asked, wriggling closer to him.
“How could I say no,” he chuckled, dancing his fingers along your exposed arm until you shivered, making him grin.
The two of you basked in each other’s presence, but no matter how hard you tried to keep from overthinking things, you had to ask him something.
“Will I be your sugar baby again or . . . ?”
“I – well – ” he stammered, clearing his throat to buy him time to find an answer.
“The full-fledged relationship idea still freaks you out, doesn’t it,” you asked worriedly.
“Yes,” he huffed frustratedly, “though I do not know why. I know I want to be with you, and I know that I want more than that sort of arrangement with you, but there is something about that word, that step that just . . . fills me with a dread I do not understand.” Hanzo looked down to you, an ashamed expression on. “I am sorry.”
“Don’t be,” you said stroking his jawbone, “I don’t mind being your sugar baby again, but I’d like to set down a new set of rules and whatnot.”
“Of course,” he said, sounding relieved, “I believe that would be necessary.”
“But you are still going to your therapist, right?”
“Yes,” he said with a strong nod, “and this is something we have discussed lightly, but, as you know, there is much about me that needs to be . . . dealt with.”
“We’re all a work in progress,” you assured Hanzo, pulling him down so you could kiss him on the nose. The token of affection made his face go a little red, and you burst out laughing. “Good god I missed you and the way you blush, handsome.”
“I am quite convinced that you are the only one who can make me blush,” he grumbled, smirking just a tinge.
“Oh I bet Genji could tell me some fun stories that would make you all flustered,” you teased.
“Just who’s side are you on,” he said with a scowl.
“Mine,” you said brightly, “a girl’s got to put herself first, you know, and that’s what I do.”
“And I adore you for it,” Hanzo hummed, meshing his fingers into yours.
“Don’t worry,” you said, giving him a gentle squeeze, “I’ll always be in your corner, though.”
“A fact that makes me infinitely stronger.”
“I’m glad you realize that,” you said, beaming at his progress, “a couple of months ago I pegged you for the ‘I don’t need anyone’ type.”
“I have since learned a few things, met a few people who have shown me otherwise,” Hanzo said, holding your clasped hands to his heart.
@collinssie @watch-your-grammer @zarcake-writes @yesthisisbae @eebbapanda1@deercapitate @missbumblina @skyrina @justjaaaay@thewetbones@skyelentnight @ilovebva @punk-dork @cbrokeherboobs@sobanoodledragon@sydniesamm @honeyburger @knightofsexyness @queenoflabyrinths@speakingishard @iknowimcutethanks @ninevast @ivymarquis @sydniesamm@barbie-the-centrist @tumblertrash @angle0fthegourd@shaybae1997 @lillypet95 @rusty-potato @tt-nikithakppr
** please let me know if you would like to be tagged or removed from the tags in future updates and sorry if I missed anyone, I feel like tumblr is deleting my shit**
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robo-cryptid · 6 years
In ohajh, did talon monitor Jesse and Hanzo or were they killed off by overwatch? And how did overwatch discover where they were? (This fic got me some confusion I'm sorry)
Hey, it was meant to be confusing, heh, especially with the limited POV/unreliable narration, so it’s fine! I wrote up some notes on it here when I was first starting it (all the way back in March, holy shit why did I let this drag out), and I didn’t really deviate from those. 
I meant to actually make actual footnotes and explain all the stuff and then I… didn’t. Because I’m lazy, mostly.
But Talon was monitoring them in the beginning: neighbor Karen, Jesse’s “therapist” and any time Hanzo went to work, plus cameras in the house – which is what Fareeha removed when she showed up with Sombra and what Hanzo was patching over in chapter two. The agents responsible were mostly killed, but some just run off, by Overwatch over the course of their investigation/rescue operation.
Behind the scenes (so stuff Hanzo never saw), Overwatch found them through good old fashioned detective work and a little help from Sombra (who I HC as generally chaotic neutral but kind of skeeved out by powerful organizations controlling less powerful individuals, like any good Rogue Type). 
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Stripper Dear 2 (One Shot) Hanzo X Stripper Marie OC X Genji (Overwatch) (Yandere)
[Hello My Sexy Readers, I am back with part two and this one does have the first sex scenes with Hanzo and Genji and their will be more in part three. Anyways I hope that you all enjoy this chapter!]
(Genji's POV)
I had barely caught her when she collapsed and Hanzo order me to get food for her, when I made it back he had her lying on the couch and was stroking her cheek with love and affection. I glared at him and set the food down and and crossed my arms. Slowly Marie came too.
I immediately pushed Hanzo out of the way. "..am... am I home?"
"No your-"
"I want to go home back to Canada...." she says obviously out of it.
"I.. I need to, to get home--"
"shh, I don't think you should get up yet." I said placing a hand on her
As her fave went red as she let out a shaky breath as I looked down to see I had accidentally put a hand on her breast
I smirked and massage it as she slowly came to and she looked at me shocked and embarrassed panting softly. "Why you grabbing my chest?" She asks.
(I mean after stressful situations I can get hyper sexual oh god Genji has no idea the box he opened up)
(XD No he does not XD)
Yet she made no move to take my hand away. "They feel real, are they?" I asked smirking, ignoring the question as she shuddered.
"Wh-I-I mean I-I've never had any surgery done on any of my body..' she said, her voice wavering as it was clear she was holding back a moan
"Your breasts are amazing~ So Soft and perky~ Your not even wearing a bra~" I purr.
She let out a soft moan finally as I looked at my brother. He was more of a breast man than I was. I smirk at him as my hands ran down her sides.
"And don't get me started on your ass~" I said as her face went red
"So toned but still so juicy~ Just begging to be spank~~" I say
"oh come on brother." I said as I grab his hands and make him touch her breasts as she let out a low, long moan that even made shudder
She takes Hanzo hands and has him massage her breast. I smirked and put a cushion under hips and slipped off her skirt and panties. I stop.
"Marie the safe word is Dragons if you want us to stop say that." I say and started to spread her legs. "We love you."
(you've known her for a day Genji, hanzo has known her for a few hours)
She looked at me, eyes lidded as she slowly nodded as I kiss her thigh as hanzo kissed her neck. She moaned softly as we left love bites in our wake. I pulled up to bite the other side of her neck, and right on Hanzo's side too as I smirk at him.
(Little bastard xD)
He glares at me and she whines as we were not paying attention to her. I smirked and spread her ass cheeks and lick my lips.
Her eyes widen "W-Wait I-I-I've never.. I-I've never had sex ..a-and I'm pretty su-sure that's the wrong hole" she moaned out shaking slightly.
(All they heard was she's a virgin. Never tell them about them being first)
(XD Not at all)
"You will see~" I purr and lick her puckered hole and she gives out a strangled moan instantly her hands going to grip my hair.
"when you said you've never had sex--" "I-I haven't even had my first kiss .." (hanzo will fix that, sorry Genji
Hanzo cups her cheek and then kisses her. I glared at him as I lick her hole and slowly stick my tongue in her ass causing her to moan in my brothers mouth. However one of her hands left my hair and gripped his.
(She living her best life ;3)
We continue like this until she clamps down on my tongue and my upper face is covered in her cum and she cries out in ecstasy. She fell back panting as she closed her eyes, gathering herself as I lick as much as I can off of me
"That was. Oh~" She moans as he sensitive folds are licked.
I smirked at her as she weakly tried to wrap her legs around me before I was pushed aside as I looked up, shocked at Hanzo as he pulled her forward, pushing his face into her legs as she moaned out for him
I glared at him but I did offer. He is instantly eating her out and making her moan.
(Hanzo pov)
"Oh god...~" she let out a loud moan as she yanked on my hair when she's jerk or spasam
She was already close to another orgasm and I smirked I loved this and I wanted to see how far I could take it~ I pull away, instead biting on her thigh and licking the bites to tease her. She moaned and arched into me more.
"p-please..I'm so close..."
I smirked and bit on her clit making her cum. She gripped onto me as she moaned before letting her arms fall. She fell back and panted catching her breath.
I smirked. "Ready for the main course~"
She looked up as she blushed and bit her lip, breathlessly nodding as I went it lean in. I smirked and kisses her and then slowly began to slip my cock in after pulling it out. She moaned and clench around me so tight. She looked up as she blushed and bit her lip, breathlessly nodding as I went it lean in. I smirked and kisses her and then slowly began to slip my cock in after pulling it out. She moaned and clench around me so tight. She gripped the sheets as I hit her hymen as she cried out.
She gripped onto me as I kiss away the tears. "good girl, it's okay, you're okay." I said as she buried her head in my neck
"Your doing so good for me~ We can take this as long as you want~" I tell her and she nods in my neck.
I could tell she was in pain, it hurt to see her mile that as I stroke her hair as she took deep slow breaths as her grip slowly loosened after a few minutes as Genji left. just what in the hell was he planning? I didn't get to think for long as I feel her pull away as she kissed me before smiling.
"Y-You can move if you want..I-I can handle it i think.." She said softly as she looked away. "I-I'm sorry about that.. a-and I'm sorry if I'm not very good at this.." She muttered shyly, her face red.
I take her face and kiss her deeply. "No you are perfect and I just want you to feel good and beautiful~" He says. "Just the way I see you~"
She blushed darkly as she immedietly hid her face back in my neck
I smile and slowly start to thrust into her hard and fast. She moaned and bit my neck.
"Does it feel good?" I asked her smiling. "I-It feels amazing~ Master~" she moaned out before she stopped as I did as well
"I-I am s-" I cut her off kissing her again.
"No I like it~" I say and she blushes darkly.
And I did, I really liked it~ "I think that's what you should be moaning from now on~" I said as I pull out so I can sit down and pull her on top of me as she moaned as I enter her once more in a new position. She blushed darkly and I start thrusting up into her and spank her to move with me. She does moaning and clenching around me.
"Yes Master~~~" She moans riding me.
"Good girl~ Keep going~" I said as she gripped my shoulders, trying to keep her balance.
I smirked and she continued moving up and down my cock so smoothly. She let out loud moans as eventually it was her that was doing all the moving as I smirked leaning back so I could watch. She was so stunning and I loved watching her like this~ I praise her as she does so and soon she was milking me dry and I groaned flipping us over wanting to fill her womb to the brim.
I push in as far as I can as she cried out. "w-Wait Wait! I'm not on the pill!"
"It is okay~" I say and she looked at me shocked.
I filled her where she was overfilled and then pull out.
"You did not pull out." She says seeming to be in shock.
"Because I want you and I want a family with you." I say rubbing her hips. "And I will have it~"
[Another chapter done I hope you all enjoyed and stay sexy all of my friends!]
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cherry-bomble · 6 years
Honor to us All (McHanzo)(Part 1 because of the text block limit)
Ok so I had this idea to make a fanfic out of ‘Honor to us all’ from Mulan. So, this is finna be some McHanzo for you. Before I start, here’s a little note for you.
B) Yes, I know Mulan takes place in China, and Hanzo is Japanese. THIS IS JUST A STORY.
C) Instead of it being a girl (Mulan) being dressed up and all that, it’s Hanzo having to choose a bride. Since it’s a bit different, I’ve changed around some lyrics, taken some out and added some in. You’ll (hopefully) understand it once you read it.
Hanzo’s POV
“Are you ready son? Today is the day you choose your wife!” My father cried out. This seemed like the worst possible way to find your love. I barely got a choice! They just bring in all the girls in the area, have them do meaningless tasks, like pouring tea and using a fan ‘properly’. It’s useless. It’s even more useless when you already know who you want to marry, but are still stuck with someone else. But alas, I got up prepared for my choice.
My father basically dragged me to the tent my ancestors set up. “You know son, this is where I prepared to meet your mother, and my father did the same before me.” He explained. “That’s very interesting, father” I said sarcastically, but since my voice was still laced with tiredness, it came out the opposite. As I entered the tent, my ancestors (as they insisted I called them) scanned me up and down. They glared at me.
“This is what you give me to work with? Well, honey, I've seen worse”
Wow, they’re up-front about that. I’ve only been here for a minute, and they’ve already started being rude about me. Hey, it’s not like I wanted to be here. Stupid ‘Matchmaker’. They kept talking about me as if I wasn’t there.
“We're going to turn this sow's ear into a silk purse”
Ugh, this is exactly what I didn’t want to happen. I hate when people make a fuss over me. Unless it’s Lena or Hana. They make it fun. I sniggered, and the ancestors glared at me again. “I’m sorry, ancestors” I said, bowing my head. “Apology accepted.” One of them said bluntly. But while I wasn’t looking, one of them pulled my kimono, and the other pushed me into a bath, scrubbing my hair intensely.
“We'll have you washed and dried, primped and polished
Till you glow with pride”
Them saying that made me smile. Not how they’re going to spend an eternity trying to find my future wife, but mentioning the word ‘Pride’ made me smile, as it reminded me of Jesse McCree, the boy I fell for when we first met. He told me he was going to a festival of the same name. We hung out the whole day there, and I fell head over heels for him. I still want him.
“Trust my recipe to find your bride”
That’s the thing, I don’t want to find a bride. I don’t want any of the girls in the area. I only want Jesse McCree. But whether or not he wants me is a mystery. God, I feel bad for the girl I choose, more, the girl that gets stuck with me. Why must this tradition exist? I can’t bring them much joy with my true decision, so why must I disappoint others?
“You'll bring honor to us all”
They sang it so happily, like they believed if they kept singing it, it would come true.
But I knew it wouldn’t.
“Wait and see, when we're through
Girls will gladly stay at home for you”
Wait, that doesn’t seem fair! Girls can do things just as well as boys, so why do they have to stay home? Hana and Lena could definitely fight better then me. But I think I better not mess with tradition. Rolling my eyes, we continued.
“With good fortune
And a great hairdo
You'll bring honor to us all”
They had finally finished doing all of their rituals, each one seeming more pointless than the one before. I looked in the mirror, this wasn’t me. Everything about me had changed. They had untied my hair, making it fall to below my shoulder blades, and even my parting looked completely different. They had swapped my usual dark coloured kimono for a deep red one, tying it completely different too. My chest was completely covered.
I looked so, boring. So, average. So not myself. But the ancestors insisted that I looked better. “All of the ladies in the area will want to marry you!” They kept saying. My father shot me a grin. I knew he meant well, but he looked sinister. The ancestors dragged me to a temple. “This is where you will chose your bride, Hanzo.” Said my father. One of the ancestors opened the doors to reveal six women standing in the courtyard. “Ladies! Present yourselves to Hanzo Shimada, the next heir to the Shimada Clan”. The ancestors shouted. As if on cue, all of the girls bowed in unison. Afterwards, they all sang out together.
“A girl can bring her family great honor in one way
By striking a good match and this could be the day”
“Angela Ziegler!” One of the ancestors shouted. Slowly, a blonde woman opened her parasol, bowing her head behind her. She wore a white kimono, with a green ribbon from her hips to her chest. A gold ribbon snatched back her waist, making it impossibly small. The ancestors kept calling out names, most of which I didn’t recognise. But one of them, Fareeah Amari, sounded familiar. She had been my childhood friend. “Gosh, what have they done to you, Pharrah?” I whispered beneath my breath.
“Men want girls with good taste” the ancestors explained to the girls.
Not me. I couldn’t care less what they wear or what they look like.
“Who work fast-paced”
No. Why do they think they can decide what I like?
“With good breeding”
“And a tiny waist”
Ok, that’s just patronising to everyone.
“You'll bring honor to us all”
Another lie. I can’t do that
They brought in the first girl. Her name was Amelie Lacroix. She was tall, but that’s about all I could tell. Her black and purple kimono had also tied her waist back, making it look like she would snap in half at any moment. The amount of makeup on her face made it impossible to tell what she really looked like. She took a seat at the table that had been set up prior. I checked the list of things the girls must complete, none of which I agreed with.
“Okay Amelie, recite the ‘Code of Honor’ , please” I said, hoping this would be over soon. A surprising French accent began to speak.
“We all must serve our Emperor, who guards us from the Huns.
A man by bearing arms, a girl by bearing sons”
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tiefworks · 6 years
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“Thunder” - CHAPTER THREE [On AO3]  →
Summary: The year is 20XX. The world has fallen into disarray from the growing threat of vampires. Only one group of men and women are brave enough to slay these monsters and search for a cure for the virus - Overwatch. But it’s not always so easy to resist a vampire.
Vampire/Vampire Slayer AU. Alternating POVs. Boombox (Junkrat/Lúcio) is the primary relationship, with MercyHog (Roadhog/Mercy) as a secondary relationship and McHanzo (McCree/Hanzo) as a tertiary relationship. All chapter art is done by me!
ARCHIVE WARNING: Contains graphic depictions of violence.
SHE LIVES! I just wanted to say, I am so sorry for the enormous delay in getting this chapter out - this past semester has been incredibly difficult and I had very little time or energy to write. Thankfully, though, this chapter is extra long, and that might make up for it a tiny bit. Any comments/kudos are appreciated greatly. Please stay tuned for the next chapters!
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