ros3tea · 7 years
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Overwatch (Video Game) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Reaper | Gabriel Reyes/Hanzo Shimada Characters: Hanzo Shimada, Reaper | Gabriel Reyes, Genji Shimada, Sojiro Shimada, Widowmaker | Amélie Lacroix, Jesse McCree, Ana Amari Additional Tags: Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Blood and Violence, Blood and Gore, Threats of Violence, Violence, Explicit Language, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Rough Sex, Drunk Sex, Slow Burn, Slow Romance, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, there needs to be more reapzo, My first public fanfic, Wish me luck, Forgive Me Summary:
The eldest son of the Shimada clan is in trouble when a hit goes wrong. His father summons the help of one of the best bodyguards in the business. Now it's up to the odd pair to make it to their destination, in one piece preferably.
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frze-strm · 7 years
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A redraw of a sketch I drew a year ago.
What I don’t like about this skin is that it isn’t 1:1 to the comic. But they really didn’t care when rendering the portrait. That being said, they gave him black scleras and white eyes…which are the exact colors I give Reaper.
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staldk3 · 7 years
Overwatch Rare Pairs/Unpopular Ships Pixel Art
Hey! I was thinking about making pixel art for less known ships in Overwatch. Any requests?
Thanks for all the suggestions! I’m going to try to do as many as I can. So far I got Symbra and Gencio done. Please no more suggestions unless it’s commission related so I can get through the suggestions I have so far. Thanks!
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hanzotalon · 7 years
warnings? small suicide mention and some nsfw implications but ultimately it’s fade to black though
i wrote this all today for me and decided to not proofread it because i’m tired. i’d post this on ao3 if i had an account but i gotta wait for my invite. so hopefully some ppl like a fic about hanzo being in a poly relationship with talon?
Hanzo woke up, feeling way too warm and sweaty. 'Disgusting,' he thought, groggily rubbing his eyes. He tried getting up but was pinned down by something heavy. Looking over to his left and seeing Akande, Hanzo sighed and then smiled. He wiggled around, trying to get in a good position to kiss this handsome man. After some struggling, he placed a soft one on Akande's forehead and gently made his own touch it. Hanzo immediately regretted this action, because Akande had pulled him closer and his sweaty skin touching more of his very warm and shirtless boyfriend made him too hot. He groaned and felt movement behind him and felt legs tangle with his and arms wrapping around his body. This body was somewhat cooler, but it didn't help the situation.
"Amélie, please..." Hanzo grumbled. He heard his girlfriend make a sound, but she didn't back off. He tried moving again, but he couldn't. "Akande. Amélie...?" He said, trying to wake them both up, but it was to no avail. He was trapped. 'I'm going to die here. Instead of dying from my own hands or my enemies, I'm going to die from the heat and dehydration because of the ones I love... I suppose this is a better way to go.' He laid there with a huge frown on his face.
"Wait!" Fully awake now, Hanzo remembers the other two. "Sombra? Gabriel?!" He tried to sit up again a couple of times to see if those two were still in bed with them. "Sombra?" He didn't see the hacker behind Amélie. "Great..." Sombra often stayed up late, doing who-knows-what on her computer, so she often sleeps in but there were also many times where she was either still up or woke up early. Hanzo tried to sit up and look over again; this time to see if his and Akande's boyfriend was behind Akande. "Gabriel?" He had more difficulty, since Akande was the biggest of all five of them. "Gabriel?" he called out, but again no reply. The Reaper's sleeping habits was also bad: having trouble falling asleep and having nightmares plague him; but he was usually the first to wake up. So Hanzo wasn't sure why he thought his boyfriend would still be on the other side of their boyfriend. 'Because he's been able to sleep in more lately...'
Hanzo hoped those two were close by and not getting lost in their own worlds. He started shouting their names a couple of times and then stopped, when he saw no results -- not even these two beside him stirred. "Am I being punked?" he wondered aloud. Akande and Amélie weren't heavy sleepers; they couldn't be, not in their world. "Hey, you two. Wake up. GABRIEL!" He started thrashing a little, feeling sticky and gross.
"What is it, Hanzo?" an amused, gravelly voice asked out of nowhere. Then, he saw that iconic white mask. It had intimidated him before, but once he was told it was based off an owl, Hanzo thought it was cute. "Making a racket this early in the morning." He realized that the damn Reaper was holding a cup of something and watched him hold the straw and take a sip. Hanzo huffed and pouted.
"Do you not see me?" Gabriel laughed and set down his drink on the night table.
"What? You don't like being sandwiched between two attractive people?" Hanzo huffed again, and he felt the left side of the bed sank a little lower as Gabriel sat next to Akande. "Even though, you always try to get in between me and Akande." His voice full of mirth.
Hanzo ignored the statement, asking instead, "Are you three doing this on purpose?"
"Doing what?" The voice got lower and sexier. Hanzo felt a hand touch his face, gently moving it to make him face its owner. He turned his eyes away when he saw that Gabriel took off his mask. He heard him laugh and couldn't help but blush when he felt the other touch his lips.
"Please, it's too hot for this. When is the AC getting fixed?" Hanzo said, trying to sound annoyed. He heard a soft sigh from behind him and felt a pair of legs untangle from his own.
"He is right, monsieurs. Too hot," Amélie said softly. She moved away from Hanzo, and he felt the grip on him loosened and rumbles from Akande's chest as he giggled. Hanzo saw the man next to him open his eyes, and he couldn't help but smile goofily and then hide his face, when he realized that both men's eyes are on him.
"It is not that bad, but I suppose we shouldn't be in bed like this any longer." Akande released Hanzo and sat up, making Gabriel remove his hand from Hanzo's face and make some room.
"Finally..." Hanzo grumbled. He got up and went to the bathroom, but before he could close the door, Amélie stopped him and got in. "Amélie, please," he said softly and urgently. "I need to use the toi--"
"It is fine. I'm just going to shower," she said matter-of-factly, closing the door and taking off her clothes. "I know what you look like with your pants down." Hanzo sputtered for a moment before relenting and doing his business. He watched her get into the shower out of the corner of his eyes and then avert his gaze when he saw her see him watching. She laughed and reached out for his face. They kissed deeply, and he felt weak. As fast as it happened, it felt like it ended too soon, and she knew it. "You're free to join me," she said, closing the glass door. "After you wash your hands, of course."
Hanzo hurried, trying to get in with her as soon as possible. Then, there was a loud knock on the door. "Lacroix, this is not fair. He kissed me first; I should be in there with him." Then, there was a couple of murmurs. "Okay, Gabriel and I should be in there with him."
Hanzo was about to speak, but he was interrupted by some of the most softest lips he has ever kissed in his lifetime. He looked up to the woman before him and they ignored Hanzo's boyfriends as they started to become more physically intimate.
After awhile, they walked to the kitchen, seeing the other three sitting and eating: Sombra with her annoying smile, Akande with a cute pout, and Gabriel with his mask back on. Amélie sat next to Sombra, and Hanzo sat in the middle of the two couples like always. "Wow, took you guys long enough. Thought there may have been an accident," Sombra exclaimed. "Of course, we may have thought it if we didn't hear all the noise you two were making."
Hanzo and Amélie replied almost at the same time.  "Jealous? If only you weren't gone--" "At least I'm not as obnoxious in bed like you are with your moans."
"Hey--!" Sombra protested, but Amélie kissed her, shutting her up. Sombra smiled dumbly, while continuing her work on her laptop.
"Lacroix--" "Widowmaker--" The two men started their complaints, making Hanzo laugh into his hand. He heard Gabriel stop and saw that he had given Amélie and him their own plates of food. He smiled thankfully and started eating. Akande grumbled and pouted but stopped when Hanzo looked at him. Akande kissed him and smiled broadly.
"You know Hanzo, Akande wouldn't let me kiss him until he kissed you first," Gabriel said. He pretended to sulk, until Akande kissed him as well.
"Thought it wouldn't be good if I kissed other men so early in the day."
"I'm your boyfriend too. I'm both of your boyfriend, and I kissed you first." Gabriel continued to sulk.
Hanzo laughed and Sombra made a face. "Okay, I don't want to see my bosses like this. I'll be in my room. Bye Hanzo." She left, carrying her laptop and plate. Amélie kissed Hanzo on the cheek before following Sombra with her own plate.
Hanzo let his boyfriends flirt and tease each other while he eat. Gabriel took off his mask and they started kissing. "Oh, am I going to be left out now?" Hanzo asked.
"You left us out earlier with Lacroix," Gabriel teased, while Akande gently moved Hanzo to sit on his lap. "Also I thought you didn't like being sandwiched between two attractive people." His voice getting lower with each word as he got closer to them. "I thought it was too hot for this?"
"If it's between you two though..." Hanzo said. His breathing getting heavier. His two handsome boyfriends pressing their bodies even closer. He felt movement around him and all over him.
"Oh? Did you hear that Gabriel?" Akande asked. He chuckled as he kissed Hanzo and then Gabriel.
"How lucky for us that our boyfriend likes us that much..." Hanzo felt hands reaching under his shirt but suddenly everything stopped. "But maybe we should move this to the bedroom so we don't interrupt Lacroix and Sombra."
"Oh my god--" "No--" Akande and Hanzo protested and complained, but they complied as Gabriel left. Hanzo was about to remove himself from Akande's lap, but Akande tutted and just carried him to Gabriel's room.
Everyone came out later, happy and tired, and they decided to watch a movie together.
"Let's watch this!" "No, that is not a good movie. Let's watch this instead." "No, let's watch this." The argument continued for awhile, but they chose to watch a romcom that Gabriel and Amélie wanted to watch. Sombra and Akande weren't happy – Hanzo knew that they would probably be the ones who would like it the most by the end of it – but they got into their usual spots anyways. Sombra sat at one end with her legs on Amélie's lap. Hanzo sat next to Amélie with some space in between for Sombra's feet. Amélie grasped Hanzo's hand and squeezed it. Then, she let go, putting her hands on Sombra's lap. Akande sat next to Hanzo and put his arm around him and Gabriel who immediately snuggled into him.
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puncake-paradice · 7 years
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[REUPLOAD] (It got away for some reason??)
I am late. I know and I am very sorry ;n;
Reapzo Week - 27th “Role Reversal”
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reapers-carino · 8 years
((I actually had not heard of this pairing until today. The rarest of rarepairs!))
notp / not really / meh / I could / sometimes / maker, yes / my otp babbies
and answer:
Who is the most affectionate?
So….I’m just laughing imagining either one of these mofos being openly affectionate. I say Reaper and in private. He loves to see Hanzo blush, he teases him about it
Big spoon/Little spoon?
Reaper, he loves to hold Hanzo against himself and Hanzo just really needs to be held. There are nights that they switch off on that because they both suffer from nightmares
Most common argument?
Moral grounds, each other’s fashion taste (hipster vs. goth)
Favorite non-sexual activity?
Art. Reaper is an excellent artist and he enjoys Hanzo’s painting abilities
Who is most likely to carry the other?
Reaper enjoys freaking the archer out by carrying him and shadow stepping with him to vantage points
Carino, querida, amorcito (cuz he is angry smol), arquero
Koibito, Fukurou, Gabe
Who worries the most?
Hanzo. They are on two different sides even if he understands Gabe’s reasoning, he still worries about him getting hurt
Who tops?
Reaper, hands down
Who initiates kisses?
This is a game of cat and mouse and who will break first. The man practically purring and demanding kisses or the tsundere who is playing the ‘I don’t need kisses’? It’s a tie really
Who wakes up first?
Hanzo technically. Reaper is a literal night owl and unless he has a mission , he sleeps in
Who says I love you first?
It takes a very long time for them to actually say the I love you but they say it constantly in how they worry and tell one another to be careful and ask how the others day was. Reaper does say it in words first, a soft ‘te quiero’ 
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reapzo · 8 years
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Ey! We’re doing a Reapzo week!! With me making this blog and all the other ship weeks dying down a bit, I thought it would be an excellent idea to spread the word of Reapzo week!
Everyone is welcome to participate! Art? Heck yeah. Fics? Awww ye boi. Edits? Headcanons? AWWWW YEAH MAN. Everything is welcome no matter what you make!! And all of the prompts are up for interpretation so you can do as you please with them!
Day 1 (26th): First Touch Day 2 (27th): Role Reversal Day 3 (28th): Domestic Day 4 (29th): AU Day 5 (30th): Rainy Day Day 6 (31st): Under the Mask Day 7 (1st): April Fools Day 8 (2nd): NSFW
Tag your posts under #reapzoweek so it will be easy to find all of the wonderful things everyone has made!
You may start early on the prompts, but please wait until the event to post them! Can’t wait to see what comes of this week, but man it’s going to be great!! And with how rare of a pair this is please reblog this to get the word out!
graphic made by the lovely: @vaxince
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kenzakikazuma · 8 years
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hey go!!! commission!! @pharmas !! right now!!!
also @jetstreamsam lOOOOOk
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salottoitalia · 4 years
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𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 ブルー Everyday it seems my smile's a little harder And everyday i seem to laugh a little less 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 ブルー Living this way it seems my sky's a little darker You went away and left me lonely in success Can't you see me falling apart? 𝘽𝙡𝙪𝙚 (𝘼𝙧𝙢𝙚𝙙 𝙒𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚), Wham, 1983 (b-side dal singolo Cʟᴜʙ Tʀᴏᴘɪᴄᴀɴᴀ). Soundtrack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGMROouJH84 Ci scusiamo per l’assenza di questi giorni. Stiamo lavorando per voi.
foto tratta da Il peggio di Novella 2000 di Roberto D’Agostino e Renzo Arbore
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suohenki · 8 years
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ubercharge · 8 years
Mercy and Reaper for the OW ask
answered mercy here!
how often i play them: rarely nowadays, but i did main him for a pretty long period (back in s2, i believe). he’s still my 6th most played in qp.
which maps i like to use them on: ehh he’s p good on koth, used to play him a decent amount on any map though
equipped skin: my current one is mariachi, but i’ve played with a lot of his skins - blackwatch for a long time (origins reppin), plague dr, pumpkin during halloween, frostbite during, now mariachi. i want the nevermore skin tho >:(
ships: genreaper mtotherufcuckers make me the patron saint of genreaper, reanzo is good ... used to be. so into r76. fun fact there was a time i cared about r76 more than mchanzo, but that did not last long. it happened because of a specific comic, which really jabbed me in the heart. good times.
after i had my period of playing a lot of genji, playing reaper was almost painful because i craved that fucking mobility. the double jump. the dash. deflect. dwall climb. y’know, just genji things. well i guess wall climb is a shimada thing, but BESIDES that................... i was a good reaper but he just felt 2 slow and 2 clunky next to genji (and pharah). i was jonesing for that goddamn MOBILITY.
and i don’t play him much now, but i think i should at least try sometimes. i miss shredding through people. fucking tank meta :( you’d think that he’d’ve been good against the tank meta but no
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frze-strm · 7 years
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Blizzard, where is my goddamn Hanzo skin?
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puncake-paradice · 7 years
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The first day of the Reapzo- Week by @reapzo!
26th - “First Touch”
It’s a small scene from my very first rp with @ruvikkin!
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reapzo · 8 years
Yo We got a Discord!!
Hey guys, so I made a Reapzo discord. If you want the link please leave a little ask and I shall give you one. Though there is a time limit to the link, so if the link does not work just ask me again
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ubercharge · 8 years
Hanzo (mainly asking because it's my main)
how often i play them: i try not to but listen, sometimes i just can’t resist the urge
which maps i like to use them on: payload attack, mostly. he’s good on payload attack
equipped skin: lone wolf ever since i unboxed it during the summer games. best fucking hanzo skin. okami is pretty good too but i’ve gotten attached to lone wolf and i like it more.
ships: hit me UP with that mcfucking mchanzo … as yall know i also enjoy Uncommon/Rare Ships like healing arrow (s/o to the healing arrow discord, sorry i never talk), and widowhanzo (blame @scatterarrow). and reanzo. which is. next to non-existent, so
i don’t regret buying hanzo’s golden gun, ESPECIALLY NOW THAT ANA’S BEING NERFED … was overdue but it’s still tragic
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milkypersimmon · 8 years
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Small therapeutic doodle
I love them...
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