#one of these days we gotta do a poll for a proper ship name
reapzo · 8 years
Yo We got a Discord!!
Hey guys, so I made a Reapzo discord. If you want the link please leave a little ask and I shall give you one. Though there is a time limit to the link, so if the link does not work just ask me again
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spunky-89 · 4 years
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A/N: So this is the next part in my titans!jason fic. This technically comes before Broken Ship but oh well, I never was good at posting things in a proper timeline  😂
If you haven’t yet, please take my poll to help me name this series because I’m struggling... https://forms.gle/VG6QcMY3nyGJJcTU6
Read part one and two here
WC: 1700
You weren’t thrilled being in San Francisco to hunt down a human assassin, but it was what your father had asked of you, and as much as you wanted to hate him, you wanted to please him. 
You were following the ridiculous feud between the assassin and the child heroes. You flinched when you thought about it. You tried to convince yourself that you weren’t going to run into him while on this quest. Rationalizing it due to the size of the city.
You had gotten a lead on where the assassin would be so you were prepared for him. Deathstroke. The killer of one Aqualad. Apparently, your father took a liking to him and wanted his killer dead.
You realized a few minutes before the broken team that the meet was a distraction from something else. Something with the elder Robin. You had no way to trace them though. So you waited until one of the others noticed and when the alien did, you followed after her. Sticking to rooftops using rainwater or open pipes to make bridges. By the time you got there, you heard something that stopped you cold.
You heard his scream. You saw Him falling to his death. You didn’t have to think twice before busting open a fire hydrant and jetting yourself up to intercept. But some kid jumped and grabbed him first. You used the water to cushion the fall for the unknown boy. You could see Him looking around, trying to spot the source of the water cushion. You stuck to the shadows, frozen in place. You could see his eyes from where you were. They were just as gorgeous as the last time you saw them.
You shook your head as the tears started to gather in your eyes. You moved to walk away when you saw Deathstroke slinking from the building. You moved to intercept him but you felt a searing pain in your shoulder, looking down to see blood spilling from a bullet wound in your chest. You turned around when you heard a second thump. You saw the kid who saved him on the ground with a similar wound to yours. You took a step and reached out to the water before the pain intensified and you let out a scream as you fell to the ground. You heard your name being called just before the black dots overtook your vision. But you knew exactly who it was.
You were in and out of consciousness. You could hear voices, sometimes soft and comforting, and other times loud shouts. All you knew was you were in pain, so you welcomed the unconsciousness each time. Until one time, you managed to stay awake just long enough to hear something that gave you hope.
“We need to get her to the beach!”
“Why? Give me a reason and I’ll agree but I’m not letting you take this girl to the beach on a hunch.”
“It’s not a hunch Dick, you gotta trust me.”
Then you were out again. The next time you woke up, you were underwater. You gasped as you felt the saltwater starting to close your wounds a bit. You let yourself sink to the bottom to breathe for a minute. You took in your surroundings. You were definitely on a beach, and if you had to guess, you’d have to say it was the San Francisco Bay. You took in your surroundings and saw legs covered in rolled-up jeans to your right. The face staring down into the water. You could hear yelling, but the face above you stayed focused on you. 
You swam backward and shot up from the water, breathing heavily due to pain and shock.
“What the fuck?!” You exclaimed, staring at the few people on the beach. You quickly recognized them as members of the Titans. Which meant the person in the water with you was Him. Which made sense. He was the only one who would have known that the water would heal you.
“(YN)?” He asked quietly.
“I’m fine, I’m good.” You spoke, clearing your throat, still refusing to even look in his direction. 
“Are you okay?” A tall man with brown hair and light eyes asked you as you started to walk towards the beach.
“I’m fine, thank you.” You said with a tight-lipped smile.
“How the hell are you dry?” A tall muscular man asked before getting elbowed by a petite blonde.
“Of all the questions you could-Sorry about him. Are you sure you’re doing alright?” She asked.
“Yeah, I promise. I’m all good.” 
“That’s bullshit.” You heard him mutter behind you.
You ignored him and proceeded to talk to the kind woman. “Would you mind pointing me in the direction of the nearest... anything?” You asked when you realized you were in the middle of nowhere. 
“Um, we’re about-”
“Why are you in a hurry?” asked the first man, cutting off the nice blonde.
 “Because I was kidnapped and now I’d like to know what direction to go to get back to civilization before all hell breaks loose at my disappearance.”
“We saved your life and that’s all you have to say?” The taller man asked, his voice dripping with distaste. 
“Thank you for saving my life, may I go now?”
“Are you just going to ignore me or are you going to acknowledge the fact that I’m the reason you’re alive.” You heard him say behind you, hearing him wading back to shore. 
“I said thank you, what more do you want? And might I remind you that the only reason my life was in danger was because I decided to save some dumbass who was falling from a building.” You turned to look at him and voice dripping with venom said, “If I’d known it was you I would have just let you fall and save myself the trouble.”
“WHoa! Let’s calm down here.” The blonde lady said, bringing my attention back to her.
“I’m perfectly calm right now, you’d know if I wasn’t. But I am getting annoyed that no one has given me any form of an answer as to where the fuck we are and if I’m getting a ride back to the city or have to find my own way.”
“Look, we’ll drive you back, we just want to make sure you��re okay.” She said as her eyes flicked down to my shoulder. 
You rolled your eyes and said, “Then let's go so I can move on with my life.”
“But seriously how are you dry and bonehead is sopping wet?” The muscular man asked.
“Oh I'm so stealing that name. But I’m surprised the bonehead in question didn’t give you the 411.” 
You all started walking off the beach to where an SUV was parked. As you walked you started taking a quick inventory of her appearance. She was in clothes that weren’t hers, but she was glad to feel the cold metal of her necklace against her collarbone. 
“Nah, said something about respecting a secret that isn’t his.” 
“Wow, didn’t think he had any honor so that’s a shock.”
The rest of the walk and the drive was quiet after that. You had been given the front seat so you weren’t squished in with people you didn’t know/like. You soon noticed that the driver, Dick as he’d introduced himself, was taking you to wherever their little lair was. It was a long and tense ride. When you pulled into a dark underground parking garage you whipped out a dagger and held it up to Dick’s throat. 
“If this is anything but what I think it is I will not hesitate to eliminate any or all of you. Do you understand?” You threatened.
“(Y/N)! Chill out!” he exclaimed.
“It’s okay Jason. Her point is valid.” Dick said calmly. “Just know that you pull another stunt like this and we will get a lot less friendly.” He threatened back.
You nodded and made a show of making your blade disappear in an instant. He raised an eyebrow, showing he was unimpressed. You smirked and exited the car, your Jackson attitude showing full force.
“Well your wound is definitely much better, but it’s still nowhere near healed.” A dark-skinned woman, Kori, informed you as she examined your shoulder.
“So I can go?” You asked hopefully.
“I’d feel more comfortable if you stayed here a few days so we can monitor your wound. Samples from your wound could help us save our other patient.” Dick said.
“I’m not playing guinea pig.” You said firmly.
“I’m not saying that. You can leave if you want, but we could use your help on this.” He said walking towards the door. He stopped in the threshold and turned back to you to say; “And I want to know exactly who you are and what the extent of your abilities are.”
You scoffed as he walked out. “Did he really just say that to me?”
The woman laughed and said, “Yes he did. He has the best intentions but,”
“His execution might need some work.”
“Yeah, you’d think with all that charm he’d be better at communicating with people.” She smiled as she shook her head.
“Oh gods you’re sleeping with him aren’t you.” You spoke as the dots connected in your head.
“I don’t think you have much grounds to stand on, cause the way I see things, we have a similar taste in men.”
“We so totally do not!” You defended quickly.
“So you were in a relationship though?”
“Look the past is in the past, leave it there please.”
“So that’s a yes then,” She smirked
“It’s a never was never will be kinda a situation.” You said, venom in your voice.
“You say that, but your first instinct was to catch him as he fell.”
“If I’d known it was him-”
“You’d have let him fall, yeah I heard. But I think you’re full of shit.”
“Look, lady, I’m cooperating cause I don’t feel like starting a war. Nothing more. So if you could please mind your own damn business it would be much appreciated.” You snapped as you stormed out of the room. Preparing yourself for the days to come.
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