#sorry for formatting weirdness
idanwyn-et-al · 2 years
(XIV||22-27): Hail.
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(Continued from here.) (♪)  
The heaviest sin to bear, of course, was putting her family at risk. House Bale had always been an unusual one, largely keeping its noble status through its ability to produce an Azure Dragoon every few generations. Her father’s brother, Alberic Bale, was one such; his adopted son, Estinien Varlineau, did not claim the rights of her House, but he had no need to. His merits stood on their own.
Perhaps some of her strength was derived from prideful competition with her cousin; they had been close in their youth, the feisty red-headed middle child and the orphan fosterling getting up to largely-harmless mischief in the Pillars.
Anne-Sophie doubted Estinien would be present at her trial; he was far too busy elsewhere with the Warrior of Light; someone that she also knew as the Warrior of Darkness. That heretical knowledge again; she had travelled to places only that vaunted Warrior was supposed to go. Another world; the First Shard. Instead of taking pride in a daughter of Ishgard devising her own independent method of travelling there, she was condemned.
--Previously, in the North Shroud, just outside of Fallgourd Float:--
"Once upon a time---because that is how all such tales start---there was a young noble, born into a minor Ishgardian House. Were it not for said House's ability to produce Azure Dragoons from time to time, they would likely long have fallen out of favor. This House, you see, holds its words in high esteem; suos cultores scientia coronat." The fire opal earrings and signet ring she wears glowed softly in the shade at those words. "Knowledge crowns those who seek her, it means. And this House fervently sought said crown. Knowledge deemed heretical was squirreled away in libraries; a country estate, too, now an icy ruin, but once a bastion of life. But this daughter of House Bale, though she was dutiful, sought another world; one where ceaseless conflict didn't plague her every moment. A land of dreams, of perpetual spring. Il Mheg, she learned it was called; from the faerie tales she consumed like a wildfire from her earliest days."
She paused here, listening to the gentle susurrations of the wind, checking in with her captive audience.
Rae-Hann closed his eyes as he listened, the better to focus on the words and not the oft-oppressive presence of the woods. He knew at least how much stock Ishgardians put into their houses from the little time he lived here, so that made well enough sense. However, he opens one eye as he hears a familiar name, half troubled yet half...well, still curious. "An Eorzean who knew of Il Mheg? I'll admit that was not exactly what I was expecting."
"You have read the tales, too? Then this is made much simpler!" Oppressive though these woods may be, she was either not sensitive to such things, or too focused on them as a place of refuge to allow the doubts to creep in. "Our Mystic Knight, having served her tours in the Dragonsong War, became...focused, she would say, whereas others may rightly call it obsessed with this Il Mheg. The possibility of this world not being an old tale, but a world in sooth!" Here, she closed her eyes and held her arms wide, then let them fall back to center as her eyes opened once more. "This image drove our Mystic Knight. And...she found it. Through dreams, and a faerie of her own coaxed from the ruins of Nym, she made a connection. Time and time again she tried to go, but she failed. Rituals are like that; one little leaf of furymint starts to turn, and the whole thing is rendered useless." Here, she exhaled sharply from her lower lip, sending a ripple through her copper hair. "But our Knight was determined. She found a way there. And...here, you will think me mad, but...our Knight was correct. There *was* a whole other world, and Il Mheg but a sliver of it! Beauty that defies words, but...sadness, too." She paused again, her eyes on the middle distance for a moment before looking to "R'hahn".
He actually laughed at the comment of finding her mad, as that is the general reaction he himself faces whenever mentioning the stuff of dreams. "Maybe it is a sort of madness, that which drives those who chase dreams. That does not make it wrong, however." He considered this for a long moment, but realized that she is implying she found her own way to his world. Some way wholly separate from the event that had brought his own band of Eorzeans there . Curious. "So... she was there, in truth?" he said slowly, not wanting to assume. "Not just in dream or in spirit alone?"
Anne-Sophie, for the second time that evening, found herself relieved. If he was going to think her mad and turn her over to the Inquisitors, he was doing an excellent job of hiding it. "She was, our Knight. Nearly drowned in the waters that had previously drowned the Kingdom of Voeburt...a name that she had not learned of in her tales, yet nevertheless recognized, somehow. Our Knight and her heavy pack made peace with the Pixies---a peace negotiated largely by the Nymian faerie, who has since..." she faltered, but picked herself up and carried on. "Who has since left our Knight. But all of these tales are...secondary. What is the cause of our Knight's heresy? You see, in Ishgard, a great column of aether opened from her tower in the Pillars. In fact, this happened twice; nine days apart, almost to the bell. When the first gate opened, our Knight left this star behind; when it opened again, she returned...and missed her mark, it should be said, crashing into the gardens below. But for our Knight, it had been just over two years. Subtle though it was, she had aged slightly upon her inglorious return to Ishgard; a quandary, wouldn't you agree?"
Rae-Hann recalled the lake in the mountains, a place he'd only had the misfortune of seeing twice despite having desired to visit so many times before that. He rubbed at his chin thoughtfully. "Well, you were lucky that your little friend was able to help you broker said peace because many that enter that place never leave. Even luckier still that those of the water didn't get to you first." Yet, it was with a rather mulish huff that he returned his full attention to Anne-Sophie. "I do find myself slightly vexed that an Ishgardian noble finds a way to travel from Norvrandt and back so completely, and yet I had to seek help from a -different- Ishgardian for a job done half as well. But, alas, nothing to be done about that now. I'm not entirely sure why three years there would equate to only nine days here, though, so yes, that is rather a quandary. Perhaps something did go wrong somewhere in your fumblings."
"Oh, it certainly must have been a miscalculation on my end. Even accounting for the path that the Warrior of Light and Darkness blazed through the rift, the beacon I placed within my mirror should have been absolute. And yet, by my calculations, I was thrown off by that very same esteemed personage's passage through..." she trailed off mid-theorem, stepping back a pace. "Not R'hahn. *Rae-Hann*. Wicked white, you're a *Mystel*?!" Sometimes, the scholarly knight managed to connect a few dots, even if the ink between said dots left her spluttering and smudged. "But...no, that....and your friend, with the souls, and....Norvrandt, yes, that's not written down anywhere, or at least it wasn't until they returned, hailing from the First Shard, and...and..." she sputtered to silence, utterly flummoxed.
The Mystel hummed. He'd heard rumors that the Warrior of Darkness had been from another world, though he hadn't put too much stock in it. From his little corner of Norvrandt, fact very rarely survived the changing of hands. Either way, it didn’t matter overmuch, as Anne-Sophie seemed to have come to a realization or two. "I knew you'd get there eventually. Yes, I am a mystel, not that I get to use that term much anymore." He tilted his head to the side then. "What wasn't written down, though? 'Norvrandt'? A bit strange that they would only name Il Mheg unless perhaps the tales were written by someone who perhaps saw the place in a pixie-given dream? It's possible, I suppose..."
Anne-Sophie was unable to reply sensically. "I...can I touch your hand?" she blurted out.
"Hmmm." Normally he was the one asking for people's hands, and yet this is the second time in as many weeks that it's the inverse. Still, Rae held out one gloved hand. "All right."
"I am going to draw my sword. This was supposed to figure into the next part of the 'faerie tale'," she put a little lilt on the words, sarcastic in nature, "but my Fury's Looking-Glass was a key part of my journey to your world. It serves as something of a focus for me. Do you allow this?"
"My previous comment of not wanting to be stabbed still stands, but so long as we're clear on that then I am fine with this." Probably. Hopefully. Rae was supposed to be working on the whole 'blindly agreeing to everything for curiosity's sake', but... Well. He wasn't very good at that.
The Mystic Knight was content to take the words as given, though she sensed his reservations. "No stabbing; terrible way to use a sword, anyroad." With reassurances thus offered, she drew Glass from its swordbelt. The sword hovered in the air, point towards the earth, as her hands released it. "Mirror, mirror, standing tall; share with me his aether's call." She took Rae-Hann's hand, and Glass completed one deosil rotation around the pair. All things considered, the rite was completed very quickly; under thirty heartbeats. As Glass displayed a telescopic image of Rae-Hann on the forest floor, some six ilms tall, Anne-Sophie spoke. "Curious...though your attunement to earth aether is strong enough to spark levin between its isles...there is but a void, dominating all. And Glass shows you..diminished, somehow."
She released his hand, and Glass returned to its place at her hip, singing through the air as it moved. "Yet you do not appear...lesser, in any way. Tell me, as a native of Norvrandt...how do you feel, here? And how did you come to be here? And what was the First like before the Light subsumed it? And what was it called before only Norvrandt remained? And..." she trailed off, stepping back. "M-my apologies. You were correct; when there is silence, someone will often opt to fill it with questions and chatter."
Rae shrugged as he flexed his hand briefly before crossing his arms. "The ambient aether here was overwhelming at first. Even after becoming accustomed to it, I still find myself tiring easily. I thought that merely a symptom of past maladies, but an aetherologist seems to think it due to the sparseness of mine aether." He took a moment to mull over the many questions before continuing. "However, I was born after the Flood, so I cannot say much as to what it was before. My family was not even from the continent. It's by chance that they were there in the years just prior." As for how he came to be here... "Well, the 'levin' aether you sense is, presumably, the remnants of the one who brought me here. Though, I don't mind sharing if you're truly interested."
"I...I would really love to hear it. Rae-Hann, yes? I did catch the glottal stop correctly this time?"
"Yes, that's correct," he affirmed with a nod. And from there he... stopped. Oh no, now he actually had to try and explain everything. Rae made a face as he tried to decide where to even begin. "I'm not much for storytelling, but I'll try to make it as comprehensible as possible without boring you with extraneous detail. Firstly, I had a device in my possession, meant to heal much as an aetherial healer would. However, it was eventually augmented with machinery, and tied into my own aether as well as that of a pixie's. The ‘why’ isn't exactly important anymore, but it could connect aether and dreams between there and here. When it accidentally pulled the souls of several Eorzeans to Norvrandt while they slept, I wondered if it could similarly allow me to visit this place in my own sleep. It did, and I spent quite near a year visiting in such a fashion."
He lifted a hand to tap at his chest, just below the collar bone. "I met someone on one of those visits. A witch, you could say. After one poor deal later, I realized I'd given her possession of my soul. I carry her still, so that when I die she takes my aether. Seeing as I'd already made one deal, what could another harm? So, I gathered her more aether from here and there, and in exchange she would make for me a body with which my dreaming soul could be placed. Or rather, her partner who had researched Allagan cloning made the body, and she is the one who dealt with transferring my aether safely. So, here I am, in a rented body, I suppose. It's done me well enough." He shrugged as his story concluded. "And... that's about it really. It's fairly straightforward."
Anne-Sophie drank his words in like a plant seeking the barest hint of rain. "By the Fury...your aether seems weak not because of your place of origin, but because you are a Dreamer." She reached out towards him once more, then let her questing hand fall.
"Hm! I hadn't thought of that, but it is very possible indeed." He nodded, glancing back briefly to the mushrooms as he thought this over. When he looked back, he canted his head to the side, bemused at her outstretched hand.
"Your body in Norvrandt; what has become of it?"
"I left it in Il Mheg, funnily enough. There was an amaro that kept following me around... I did tell it to not stick around after I fell asleep, but I honestly couldn't say what happened after for, ah, the obvious reason of being technically dead, I guess."
"Technically...technically dead! And with the Amaro! Those who remember my knight...oh, Oberic, I pray mirth lightens your vigil!" Her throat released a sound that was somewhere between a sob and a laugh. "I am sorry...it is just...all along, you said you were from across the sea, and...I had never expected said sea to be the Rift.” She continued, start-stopping her words; she was more reluctant to share another’s story than she was her own. “There is another like me, by the by...an Ishgardian who found herself in the First, and worked as a Crystarium guard. Sawyer Reeves. We met by chance...both there, and here."
Unsurprisingly, Rae-Hann didn't recognize the name of the enstoned knight, nor that of the other Ishgardian. Still, he drummed his fingers along his arm. "Hm. Two of my wayward Eorzeans were also Ishgardian, and another from Tailfeather. I almost half wonder if those from the area are more predisposed to phenomena involving the two."
"It might be, Rae. Because, you see," she took on her Scholasticate manner once more, "for those of us from Ishgard...we have ever sought the 'lived happily ever after'." Her lips pursed into a moue before she continued. "There are many parallels between Voeburt and Ishgard, too. Rak'tika and the Shroud; Amh Araeng and Thanalan and Gyr Abania, both. Nothing so neat and pat as to be perfect, but...reflections. Eulmore, even, reflects the fatuous nature of Limsans that fancy themselves nobility." She took a relieved breath, and concluded, "But I have ended the tale of our fair Knight, for now. She learned that the happily ever after is what you make of it. And so she returned like a comet, striking the earth, recovering from it for a full season or two."
Rae-Hann grinned at that, though without mirth. "Yes, it was fascinating to see how similar they all are despite their differences. Though, the other that told me that the worlds are but reflections seemed bent on the notion that only my own was the reflection. That this here is in fact the source of the reflection, hence its name. Might I ask what your view on that would be?"
She stepped back. "I do not have enough data points to determine a proper response to your question, Rae-Hann. By your own admission, you have curious points in your aetherial makeup that can be attributed to the one who gave you physical form, yes?"
He tilted his head to the side, bemused, but didn't press the matter. Eventually, he nodded. "That is true. Wouldn't do for her to lose track of me, after all. Are you saying that the fact that aether from both places can coexist would have a bearing on which point is true or not?"
"I am of the opinion that there is but one place that all originated from, and it is not even the Source; at least not as we know it. This theorem is heretical, even among the progressive minds of Ishgard." Anne-Sophie lifted her hands in a shrug, amused resignation playing across her foxlike features in the fading sunlight. "If I am going to be taken in for heresy...let them hear the full extent of my bizarre theories. Though I be found guilty, the words will lead those who walk after."
"So, you would posit that the Source is in fact... not the true source at all? Heretical or not, it is rather interesting." After considering this further, Rae arched a brow. "Mind if I ask why you believe that, though?"
She introduced her answer more like a professor leading a lecture than a peer; something that she was too awkward to notice as irritating at best, insufferable at worst. Using a bracelet with a shell-shaped gem as its sole ornament, she described her theory; that the shards were strung as a bracelet about some unknowable wrist, the chain between each bead a small portal that connected the worlds. In truth, Anne-Sophie had reached this conclusion by reading the works of much sharper minds than her own. From time to time, her wayward foster cousin Estinien would send her some treatise or the other that his companions were working on, and she devoured each one.
When she’d concluded her lesson, Rae ran his hand over his face, ears flicking backward as he filed what he’d learned away for later. Things to chew on after having some time to think on them, to consider over tea or something. He frowned, then spoke. “Knowledge does have its consequences. Though I am surprised that is what would cause Ishgard to pursue you to such an extent. I was more expecting... horrific experiments or something, not theory and knowledge." He paused. "I'm no oracle, so I couldn't say as to what will happen in the future, of course."
At length, the Mystic Knight stepped back, and offered him an awkward little bow in gratitude. "Keep the bracelet, petty a token as it is. Knowledge crowns those who seek her...and we risk much in seeking that crown. They have, ah." She frowned, then specified who ‘they’ were. "My House has suffered much for my reach. But I never conducted any horrific experiments; at least, not by your measure, nor mine. I am wanted because I sought another world, and found it. In so doing, I did make the Holy See of Ishgard aetherically vulnerable; twice, in nine days, actually.
Rae-Hann glanced back down to the bracelet with a nod. "Petty? Perhaps. Though I will find a use for it." When he looks back to her, Rae swivels one ear forward at her words. "I've never been one to get in the way of one with the ambition to bring their dreams to fruition, so there's little reason I would report your location to the Holy See. However, I do believe you are likely not safe here. This is the main means of travel between Ishgard and Gridania, after all."
"You are...quite correct, Rae-Hann. I have been made, as they say, twice in a sennight."
The Mystel sighed once more, turning his gaze to the heavens. "Ah. Stars above. How are you still a free woman? I'm not surprised that someone else has already spotted you. You haven't exactly made much effort to avoid public places, and you're fairly recognizable when compared to those posters they've got posted in the city. Who knows how far they've distributed those, as well."
"I actually was spotted. Before you did, I mean. By Baron Rosaire, as it happens!" She laughed; it had the tinge of exhausted madness to it. "Ahhh. And, at the end, he decided that my heresy was not meet with the current orthodoxy. What do you think, Rae-Hann? Was my crime worthy of Witchdrop? Ah...that is, being shoved over the edge of a cliff, left to fall to my death for heresy."
"A man of some common sense, from the sounds of it. I'd thought Ishgard was reevaluating its stance on heresy these days. Hm." At the mention of Witchdrop, his eyes glazed over. Right. "Yes, I know the place. But, no, I do not think that an appropriate response in this situation. If anything, what you really need to some proper sleep."
"Sleep! Yes. I do. I enjoy the Bobbing Cork, and its inn rooms immune to the orthodoxy. In a few moons, I will be on trial, and I will confess that I created a portal to your world for my own personal gain. My obsession that led to discovery. If...if you can find it in your heart to advocate for me, I would appreciate it. Futhermore, my trial aside...full glad am I that you avoided Witchdrop, and would like to know more about you. Possibly too much more. And...next time, I will buy you the meal of your choosing."
He blinked. "Advocate for you... If you think it would help, I don't see why not. I haven't been to Ishgard in some time, so that will make for an excuse to do so." His expression brightened at her offer. "Ah, but I could never turn down a free meal. You've an interesting mind, so I could see myself taking the opportunity to see what else is hanging about in there. Try not to get into too much trouble until then, though, hm?"
"I will...actually try to not. I am ashamed that I was so easily spotted, twice in a sennight. I think...I will spend one more night here, then retreat to the Gyshal's Greens until my summons take effect." She fiddled with Glass’s crossguard. "I have to ask, for personal interest. Are you lonely, here, in this world? This bead of the bracelet around the wrist none of us chose to adorn?"
Rae-Hann nodded, apparently satisfied with this place. However, as he turned to make his way back toward Fallgourd, he stopped in his tracks. He really didn't have to answer that, but... "No. Not here. Not anymore." With that, Rae shrugged before making his way back up the trail.
Anne-Sophie remained behind for half a bell longer, looking upon the fungi on the boulder. Now that night had fallen, their spots and gills emitted a faint glow. Life sprung from a stone. In time, she returned to her inn room and slept a dreamless sleep.
((Thanks again to @yokasaris for the awesome RP that spawned today's and yesterday's posts!))
(Continued here!)
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jondrettegirls · 2 years
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[ID: A page of a play. It reads as follows, "Theseus: Stop. Give me your hand. I am your friend. / Herakles: I fear to stain your clothes with blood. / Theseus: Stain them, I don't care." End text.]
Herakles - Euripides (Tr. Anne Carson)
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nemkero · 2 years
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rise meets mayhem!
        —  (part 1 & 2/?)
part 3
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daily-odile · 2 months
sorry i was gone for a while i just got back from the mountains
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916 notes · View notes
maroonracoon · 2 years
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Hi it’s my birthday so please have one of my childhood memories
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ninjasmudge · 10 months
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g1 autobots
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3K notes · View notes
xavathun · 2 months
i am fucking Thinking about how death is handled in destiny 2 once again.
in regards to guardians it’s almost treated as like a joke or something deeply unserious? possibly even alien in a way due to how we kill and destroy and wreck havoc against our alien foes, but we ourselves never die. it’s really interesting to me cause there really isn’t a lot that can permanently kill a guardian so it makes sense we’d have this perception. like off the top of my head you have weapons of sorrow, hive rituals where the light is drained from a guardian, and paracausal beings which ofc includes other guardians. but that isn’t a lot, most deaths are not permanent and so this perception of death among guardians seems like death really isnt that big of a deal.
we jump off the tower and then get resurrected and have a little laugh about it. guardians constantly kill each other for fun in crucible. we are always doing incredibly stupid shit but we are rewarded because our enemies do not share in our immortality. it’s fascinating bc this not only makes us become riskier as time goes on due to being rewarded (enemies defeated) for our lack of self preservation, but this also makes guardians as a whole uniquely unsuited to handle grief and loss. if you spend your whole unlife winning and thinking that if a friend dies they’ll just come right back, it’s such a shock if (or rather when) they actually do die permanently. and then that guardian has to spend the rest of their immortal, undying life remembering. they have to live with that while they watch the newer guardians flood into the tower with the same naive disposition as they once had.
i’m sure guardians know theoretically they could die permanently at any point, especially because of those like dredgen yor, but i feel like for most it’s one of those things that most would say “well that would never happen to me” until it does happen. guardians seem to just have this inability to let go and it makes me want to bite drywall because i think abt it too long and start going feral. like!! the past may be the past but it sure doesn’t feel like it when you’re immortal and you remember that shit clear as day!!! aghhhh pacing around my room in circles and eating ROCKS
571 notes · View notes
laurrelise · 1 month
did you ever think you’d see number five cosplaying sir reginald hargreeves?
probably not.
anyway enjoy nicky acting like number five 🔥🔥
(and you’re welcome)
443 notes · View notes
laundy · 1 year
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this literally happened
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snarkystarseeker · 1 year
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Short headcanons and individual pics below 👇💕🎉
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Starscream will only drink fancy and expensive energon. Usually strong or bitter but honestly he has a little sweet-tooth.(He wants to keep up his bad persona hehe) He usually prefers anything that originated from his home on Cybertron (Vos)
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Windblade's taste is exotic and unique since she comes from another colony (Caminus), she likes tangy, savory, and bittersweet energon.
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Bumblebee drinks literal sugar. He likes to add candies, syrups, basically anything tooth-rottingly sweet.
2K notes · View notes
omega-e123 · 24 days
Warning: Suggestive (nsfw)
Based by: “I wanna be your slave” by Måneskin
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I love you since this morning, not just for aesthetic. I wanna touch your body, so fucking electric. I know you're scared of me, you say that I'm too eccentric I'm crying all my tears and that's fucking pathetic
Every time you and Shadow get heated up, he backs off. It never gets past a make out session. Once it feels like he’s gone too far, he pulls apart and apologizes. Opting to distract himself from you.
You thought that maybe there was something wrong with you. That’s not right. The theory was easily written off seeing as Shadow has chosen to stay with you all this time. He’s blunt. Most of the time, you don’t need to ask what’s wrong because he’ll straight up tell you. It’s what you love about him. No need to walk on eggshells or play the guessing game.
So why… is it when it comes to this, he’s dodging the situation like he’s in the matrix?
It came up again. You two were on the couch, supposed to be watching a show. One thing led to another and now here you are, straddling his lap. Bare hands graze along your spine. Lips connected in an intimate tango.
He wants to pull you closer. Tighter. Shadow needs to feel more of you. An animalistic growl escapes him. Your touch is a drug he’s horrendously addicted to. You are his lifeline. Separated, he’s nothing. Yet..
Shadows fingers twitch, feeling the need to claw up your back. To mark you so everyone knows you’re his. Fuck, he wants to sink his nails and fangs into you so bad.
Abruptly he stops. Eyes snap open and his hands rest on either of your shoulders, pushing you away. Breathing synchronized, panting, slowing down into a steady rhythm.
Your dumbfounded expression twists into a worried face. It’s your chance to ask what’s wrong. This time you will get an answer. Shadow is not allowed to leave until he spills.
His gaze goes everywhere but you. He can’t bear to look at you. It’s almost as if he’s.. ashamed? No. Under careful observation, the look on his face appears more afraid.
Once confident hands now tremble. Shadow’s head hanging low as his forehead rests on your chest.
Quiet as a mouse, he whispers, “I’m sorry. I don’t want to hurt you.”
Clarify. Please. Those words sound awful all on their own. There are a million different things that sentence could mean.
'Cause I'm the devil who's searching for redemption. And I'm a lawyer who's searching for redemption. And I'm a killer who's searching for redemption. A motherfucking monster who's searching for redemption
“I don’t know what I’d do with myself if I hurt you. Physically,” Shadow adds, finally making eye contact. A stray tear or two has found its way down his cheek.
“Trust me, I do want you..” Fangs sink into his bottom lip, drawing blood. He sighs, admitting, “I’ve never— done.. with anyone.”
You couldn’t find it in yourself to chuckle. Not when he’s in this state. Cupping his face, you wipe the tears with your thumbs, giving Shadow a reassuring smile. There's no need to rush things. Take it slow, take it easy. You're perfectly content with waiting however long. Silence follows after pecking his forehead.
Chaos, he doesn’t deserve you. Every fiber of his body screams at him, ‘he doesn’t.’ After all he’s done in the past, what he’s been through. Shadow is so lucky to have you. It’s a wonder how you could love a ‘monster’..
That’s not who or what he is. Not to you.
Shadow the hedgehog.
The ultimate life form.
For you he’s… your partner. Your lover.
A friend. A rock.
The one who has been by your side no matter what.
To him, you are a beacon of light. One he should protect. Another reason for him to keep existing. He’d follow you to the ends of the earth.. Like a.. Well a shadow, of course.
I wanna be your sex toy, I wanna be your teacher
I wanna be your slave, I wanna be your master. I wanna make your heartbeat run like rollercoasters
“Teach me,” Shadow speaks up.
Tilting his head, he leans in towards so that it rests on your shoulder, breath hitting your neck. The urge to bite and suck on your neck is overwhelming.
Shadow tentatively licks your throat before placing a kiss.
“Teach me how to make you feel good.”
231 notes · View notes
sunatsubu · 7 days
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A scene from Ch 4 of What Keeps You Here by @avoidcrow and @every-captain (link in replies). This laundry scene was what made me really fall in love with the fic, the first of many PAINFULLY relateable moments T_T
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droopywrites · 11 months
did you ever did a part 2 to jjk dudes meeting their child who’s from the future?
⋆。Part || of JJK MEN meeting their future kids。⋆
Author's notes: I don't think I've posted it! Considering it kind of left my mind and the old draft is gone, but I did write everything I remember here. Also, it's like 3am and I wrote this crying, not proofread.
CW: Swearing, killing, cannibalism(?) like mention of eating people, children.
Pronouns used for the kids: She/her for Geto and It/its for Sukuna.
Part | (Warning, it's from 2021)
Starting off strong with Geto.
Definitely another girl. He's such a girl dad.
On a regularly scheduled day like always; it was wake up, talk with his connections, mingle with his family, check on Mimi and Nana, see whatever the hell the non-sorcerers wanted, get greeted by a little girl that wasn't supposed to be on the estate...
What the fuck.
How did she even get here? Why is she here?
Geto would stare at this child in confusion and look around, waiting for someone to claim her.
He has a soft spot for children. Sorcerers, of course. Non-sorcerers, debatable.
So, low and behold this little girl running up to him to clutch at his robes. Him trying to pry her off of him with her relieved cries of "Papa! Papa!" escaping her lips.
Holds her by the shirt's scruff like a cat and squints, ready to scold her but pauses when he sees her face.
Because, holy shit, that's literally his twin. And suddenly every rare hookup played in his mind.
But no, she looked no older than 3. He hadn't been with anyone at that time, or ever yet. Not that far.
Drops everything for the next couple of days just to make sense of the situation, only telling his beloved family.
Mimi and Nana fawn over the idea of a little sister but are a bit restrictive if it's not a permanent thing.
The girl didn't speak much except for addressing Geto, the twins, oh and you.
You, who had just returned from your trip overseas to oversee some tasks involving curses.
You, who the little girl immediately ran to and called "Mama! Mama!"
You, who Geto stared wide-eyed at and surprised as you two tried to settle the fact nothing even happened between you.
When that little girl eventually left to her own time, with everything still fresh and confusing, Geto eventually approached you.
Because, well, he wanted to see that little girl again.
After few dates, then a relationship, then marriage. Maybe.
Listen, he is NOT spreading those cursed genes of his pre-human/post-cursed-spirit.
Man hates love.
But, during the Heian period. When some stupid kid wandered into his life as if it always belonged there, maybe, maybe, there was something else in that space in his chest but hunger and his definition of love.
So, there it was. Whatever it was. Standing there with large eyes focused on him with a semblance of admiration and malice.
"What are you looking at, brat?"
The audacity of this thing. He killed it immediately.
And then it came back. So, he killed it again. And again. And... what the fuck.
This little shit was persistent.
His kid. He doesn't know how. But definitely his kid.
A worthy successor? Fuck no, he's not dying or leaving it as some birthright to a hindrance.
Learning of its origins was pretty interesting, to say the least.
"Not a human? I figured. A curse made from me, huh? Someone weak must hate me so much."
That meant a human parent. Or multiple human parents. Gross.
He wasn't getting into that.
The kid was though.
It often visited this village to... eat? Kill? Fight? Whatever makes it happy.
The hell do you mean it was visiting its human mother?
It had a mother? It had a mother that cursed him so much it resulted in a personalized cursed child?
He could see it stare longingly at that woman's village and before he could even kill her, his offspring said goodbye.
"I'll see you in the future, yeah?"
And then Sukuna was sealed.
He probably searched for his offspring in the Modern era.
Author's notes 2: Stopping with these two because it's been a while since I've posted seriously on this account, 2 years? Maybe I've gotten better, maybe not. This was the idea but with updated better minds. Maybe I'll do the others separately again, Yuji, Yuta, Megumi, Toge. Just did the adults first. Doing Choso and Higuruma definitely.
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o-cinnamonstickz · 1 year
A while back @naffeclipse answered a question from @boxofcreampuffs’s asking: “what would the boys do if they lost their vessel?” (This post)
@pure-plum came up with the adorable idea of the hunter sewing up a rag doll for the boys to settle in while they searched for a more suitable vessel for both the boys and their little hunter to enjoy.
Needless to say I fell in love with the concept and jumped to draw it immediately XD
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re-colligere · 27 days
Can i see the miss and agent kissing?(joy and sadnessin your au) i love your artstyle :)
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Requests are technically closed rn but I also really wanted to draw the gay women.............................so I'm using this as an excuse to draw them. sorry they're kind of insufferable someone needs to get them away from me before i explode them with my mind (JOKE)
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Happy disability pride to everyone whose disability makes it hard/impossible for them to leave the house.
Happy disability pride to everyone who WANTS to do something they love, but can't because of their disability.
Happy disability pride to everyone who has ever been ignored, side-eyed or scoffed at (or otherwise judged) for being themselves in public.
Happy disability pride to people in constant pain, that doesn't end or break.
Happy disability pride to people who can't/don't want an official diagnosis because it would fuck up their lives, but they need the accommodations anyway.
Happy disability pride to people who did get/have gotten/had to get a diagnosis, because they needed what came from it.
Happy disability pride to the under-represented disabilities that people don't talk about much, or that get ignored both online and IRL.
Happy disability pride to those whose disabilities get represented in ways that do not match your experience at all.
Happy disability pride to the physically and mentally disabled people who are reading this. If you are one, the other, or (more often) both, you are still a valid person who faces discrimination and hardship from ableists, and we must all band together to vouch for our rights- ALL of our rights.
Happy disability pride to all of you, I love you all, and may we get through this month, and all the rest, together.
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