#sorry for da tag rant
merrigelblogs · 1 year
Trying to remember I'm still sick as I feel like a shithead for staring at a blank page when I'm supposed to be doing retakes
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14dayswithyou · 7 months
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That is all thank you
ANSWERED: Art credit for da first Ren meme goes to @meo-eiru!!
BUT HELPPPPP THESE ARE SO FUNNY JDSGJH T_T The Moth meme + Uno meme had me CACKLING lmaoooooooo
#This has been happening a lot recently (and is by no means directed to OP) but!! Just a reminder to credit artists if you use their art!!#And it's always better to ask for permission beforehand; some artists don't like havin their art shared / reposted / reuploaded / etc.#They put in effort to create content for you to consume; so it's only fair to give them da proper credit and exposure in return!!#''Credits to the original creator'' and ''I found the image on google / pinterest / etc.'' isn't a good enough excuse >.<#If you can't find the creator; don't share it. And at the very least try to reverse image search to locate the source#But!!!! With all that being said:#Everyone is welcome to use the official 14DWY sprites/game assets without asking for my permission or giving credit!#I personally think it's ok because game assets can be found /within/ the game itself; it's not like folks have to go on a search hunt--#--to find a specific artist. They can find the art/asset within the game without having to do the extra steps.#If that makes any sense??#Like the 14DWY style is fairly recognisable if you're familiar with the game; folks don't need to reverse image search for anything.#Anyways I'm done ranting in da tags#I might make this an actual post in the future because; again; this has been happening a lot recently in the 14dwy tag/my askbox#and all these talented artists don't deserve this ;n;#Plus it shouldn't be my job to be the one giving credit..... T_T /lh /nm#OKOK I'm done for realsies now#Thank you OP for making these memes!! And sorry for ranting on what's supposed to be a lighthearted post dghjdgjhsg ^^;#💜 — 14dwy memes.#💌 — answered.#💖 — 14 days with queue.
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*sigh*. So. 3x03 right. "You rigged this table so that no matter what plate Monty was under, he would drop down from under it just as your contestant made their choice!" and how that works with the game motif in 4x10, "Ugh, again? Remind me how this 'game' is supposed to convince me I'm not destined to turn into an evil demon monkey thing again!? Cause every option I pick takes me to this same screen!" "Hey you're finally getting it! No matter what options it's giving you, you're always gonna end up in the same spot." And it's like, losing being inevitable, the game being rigged, the only option being to find a different choice, yet still "every choice has consequences—for someone." Overall I just kinda feel like this:
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chaotictomtom · 1 year
honestly still so upset the blood donation situation. makes me sit on the floor and sulk for an hour each time i think abt it
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myriadfrogs · 2 years
i hate p.e i hate geometry i hate school i am going to Explode i was literally seeing red like 5 mins ago
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hanguangbuns · 2 years
mdzs writers PLEASE learn to write wwx im tired of seeing paragraps and paragraphs describing his own self loathing and how much he hates himself and how little regard he holds for himself like this is NOT the wei wuxian i know!!!!!! that is not my over confident, over arrogant, baby boy. u people will end up writing the most basic, self insert, cookie cutter protagonist in these fics like what the hell this is not wei wuxian. im sorry but sometimes u guys need to stop projecting like jfcc
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driftwooddestiel · 6 months
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haters will never understand the comedic beauty of Da Grunch
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vampthropologist · 11 months
There are downsides to basically being treated like you're 18 by the world when you aren't.
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barisiscourtroom · 2 years
me, to myself: i should try to focus more on just Barisi on this blog, and not the other L&O shows (or the Chicago shows)
also me, watching L&O: JACK MCCOY.
also me, watching L&O: Nolan's sigh sdjskdfls
also me, watching L&O: Sam 😍
also me, watching OC: Bobby Reyes ilu
also me, watching OC: JET.
also me, watching OC: oh no Jet and Stabler
me: yeah, so. uhm.
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fungiviolet · 7 months
Hope this helps explain using #tags on tumblr. sorry its in english, i dont really know spanish but you are welcome here!
Tags:  (English examples)
Category: #qsmp theory, #qsmp thoughts, #qsmp liveblogging, #qsmp rant, #qsmp pos , #qsmp neg, #qsmp quackity fan art, #qsmp fan art, #qsmp fic,
Name of the character: #qsmp quackity , #qsmp cucurucho 
General : #qsmpblr, #qsmp 
Community: #qsmp crows, #qsmp jorgies 
Oh, no te preocupes por no poder hablar español, la verdad es que yo entiendo muy bien el inglés y el portugués, me gusta que las personas interactúen conmigo en su propio idioma, simplemente soy muy tímida para intentar escribir en inglés porque me da miedo equivocarme y ser señalada jaja.
Aquí nos dejan algunos # que podemos usar para que nuestro contenido llegue a más personas por si son nuevos.
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ilredeiladri · 3 months
Ich muss mal kurz einen kleinen mittelgroßen Hauser-Rant loswerden
(und mit mittelgroß meine ich ungefähr so die Größenordnung, wie Friedrich Merz, wenn er von gehobenem Mittelstand spricht)
Im Laufe der Staffel hatte Hauser ja teilweise ganz gute Ansätze (zB in dem Gespräch mit Ava oder im Umgang mit Massuda), aber was bitte war das mit Simon?!
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Am Anfang der Staffel stellt er super stolz Simons Pokale ins Regal und feiert seinen neuen Lieblingsschüler (auch das schon nicht so geil den anderen gegenüber aber naja), aber leider mag er Simon nur, solange der die gewünschte Leistung bringt.
Simon fehlt einmal beim Training und Hauser macht ihn erstmal rund, obwohl Simon ihm versichert, dass er sich reinhängen will. Dass er dabei total fertig aussieht, ist Hauser komplett schnuppe. (Check doch bitte, dass es dem armen Burschi nicht gut geht?!)
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Simon verkackt natürlich, weil er von Leons An- von Avas Abwesenheit abgelenkt ist, aber anstatt ernsthaft mit ihm zu reden, woran es gelegen hat (ja, woran hat es jeleeeeeejen? sorry^^), will Hauser ihn zwingen, sich vor allen zu rechtfertigen. Simon sagt, er hat einen schlechten Tag und Hauser kackt ihn voll an, ob ihm dazu sonst nichts einfällt. Das ist ein Teenager verdammt, lass den doch mal einen schlechten Tag haben?! In dem Alter ist das doch keine Seltenheit. Und Simon ist immerhin da und gibt sich Mühe, obwohl er aussieht wie das letzte Häufchen Elend. Wie viel Einsatz soll er denn noch zeigen?
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Aber Hauser knallt ihm an den Kopf, dass das nicht die Leistung ist, die er erwartet und dass es auch nicht fair den anderen Sportlerinnen (die direkt daneben stehen und alles mithören - unangenehm?!) gegenüber ist, wenn er "mit so einer Einstellung auftaucht". Was soll er denn machen, wenns ihm dreckig geht? Gar nicht kommen ist ja auch keine Option offenbar... Und zum krönenden Abschluss sagt Hauser Simon dann ohne mit der Wimper zu zucken, dass er damit aus dem Team für die Landesmeisterschaften raus ist (sein lapidares "tut mir Leid" am Ende hätte er sich auch klemmen können, das klang nach der Ansage einfach null aufrichtig). Daraufhin sprintet Simon weg, offensichtlich einfach, um so schnell wie möglich aus der Situation rauszukommen und Hauser denkt sich wohl "jo, ne ganz normale Reaktion, da muss ich mich nicht drum kümmern".
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Ich mein wtf?! Da muss man doch kein Pädagoge für sein, um zu checken, dass Simon grade einfach emotional fertig ist mit der Welt? Aber da hilft es bestimmt, nochmal ordentlich draufzuhauen und emotionalen Druck zu machen, bravo Herr Hauser -.-
Simon kommt danach zum Training, obwohl es ihm sichtlich schlecht geht. Nachdem Hauser Nesrin für ihre Leistung hat bejubeln lassen, nimmt er Simon vor allen anderen zur Seite, macht einen auf verständnisvoll und sagt, Simon könne immer zu ihm kommen (während sie zwei Meter neben den anderen stehen. Safe space am Arsch).
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In dem Setting und nach der Behandlung vorher wundert es mich so gar nicht, dass Simon das Angebot nicht mit Begeisterung annimmt, aber Hauser ist direkt voll eingeschnappt. Excuse me? Wenn du willst, dass dein Schüler mir dir redet, dann bau halt ne Vertrauensbasis auf, du Pflaume.
Hauser geht nochmal auf Simon zu (bzw überfällt ihn völlig unvorbereitet und ohne zu fragen, ob es gerade passt beim Essen machen), aber anstatt mit ihm gemeinsam zu überlegen, was sie tun können, damit es Simon besser geht, labert er wieder nur was von Leistung und dass Simon wieder "auf Kurs kommen" muss. Er sagt, er sieht bei ihm gerade keine Motivation und seine Lösung ist, ihn zu einem Sportcamp zu schicken, damit er "nächstes Jahr wieder mithalten kann", weil er sonst kein Profilsportler mehr sein kann. Aaaaaargh, das macht mich so wütend!!!
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Hauser tut in dem Gespräch die ganze Zeit so, als interessiere er sich für Simon, aber eigentlich interessiert er sich null für dessen aktuelle Situation und seine Bedürfnisse, sondern nur dafür, dass er in das Bild passt, das Hauser von ihm hat. Er verhält sich auf so eine toxische "ich bin nicht wütend, ich bin nur enttäuscht"-Weise, die einfach gar nicht klar geht, weil es an der Stelle verdammt nochmal nicht um ihn geht! In keinen anderen Szenen sieht Simon so miserable aus wie wenn er mit Hauser redet. Man sieht, dass es ihm total nahe geht, Hauser zu enttäuschen, aber der checkt einfach gar nicht, was er da grade für einen Schaden anrichtet.
Nach dem Gespräch glaubt Simon natürlich, dass er der absolute Komplettversager ist. Ava will nichts von ihm, Hauser ist enttäuscht, vielleicht muss er vom Einstein oder sich zumindest ganz neu ausrichten, weil er aus dem Sportprofil fliegen könnte.
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Ich mein, hallo? Er sagt über sich selbst, dass er ein Problemfall und die Enttäuschung des Jahres ist, weil Hauser ihm genau dieses Gefühl gibt! Der Junge steckt total in einem Loch und weiß sich nicht mehr alleine zu helfen - und alles was Hauser macht, ist ihn nur immer weiter reinzureiten.
Ihn aus dem Tief wieder rauszuholen darf dann schön Leons übernehmen (er nimmt ihn einfach so lange in den Arm, bis alles wieder gut ist <3). Und natürlich ist es super cute, dass Leon so für Simon da ist und es schafft, ihm wieder Mut zuzusprechen, aber es ist Hausers fucking Job zu sehen, wenn es einem Schüler so schlecht geht und dann angemessen zu reagieren und nicht immer wieder nachzutreten. Was soll das?!
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Wenn Leon nicht gewesen wäre, hätte Simon wahrscheinlich hingeschmissen - und Hauser hätte dann sowas gesagt wie "ich hab ja noch versucht, ihm zu helfen, aber er wollte einfach nicht mit mir reden. Wenn die Motivation fehlt, kann man eben auch nichts machen" ja, fuck you. Wohl hättest du was machen können, zB Simons Probleme ernst nehmen und ihm zeigen, dass er auch noch was wert ist, wenn er nicht die Leistung bringt, die er bisher gebracht hat! Was für eine pädagogische Nulpe einfach...
Und das Schlimmste ist eigentlich: Auf der Metaebene find ich's noch viel kritischer. Weil natürlich gibt es solche Lehrer, das kann man ruhig in so einer Serie auch thematisieren. Aber es wird halt nicht drauf eingegangen, dass Hausers Verhalten absolut scheiße ist. Am Ende wählt Simon ja (mit Leon) das vorgeschlagene Camp, was Hauser quasi in seinem Vorgehen Recht gibt. Das macht mich richtig mad. Warum haben die das so geschrieben? Warum haben sie Hauser sich nicht wenigstens entschuldigen lassen? Ich verstehs nicht. Sendet in meinen Augen die absolut falsche Message raus.
Okay, das war's. Thank you for coming to my (angry) Ted Talk :D
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not-5-rats · 29 days
It's been a while since I posted Bug questions...here 🤲
1) what's a nickname you have for your Bug?
2) uh oh your Bug is dead, again, is any of their family at their funeral?
3) does your Bug have any disabilities?
a. a song ur Bug likes?
b. a song that makes u think of ur Bug?
(lil note, I know i always say this but...I ramble, alot. The scenarios ain't even that interesting but I'm ranting anyways...so ehmmmmm extreme rambles warning)
5) scenario #1! (new Markins lore characters!?!?! :0000)
Bug had been out to town that day, they needed to collect some more resources and was finally making their way back to the house. They were walking through the forest when they heard two voices arguing, they hid behind a tree to try and listen into what was being said
"I told you we should turn back! I mean think about it, it's been years! He's probably gonna turn us away-"
"Harper! We've been over this, he told us we could always come to him if we needed support"
Bug leaned around the tree, cautiously peering around it. As they did they spotted two people, a taller, more feminine individual with brown and blue hair was stood beside a shorter individual with darker hair and glowing yellow eyes
"Yeah back when Milo was around! Back when we were linked in some way! Now we're just a couple of old strangers, begging for a place to stay!"
"I've told you already, he won't mind. We may not have been as close to him as we were Milo but we were still good friends...Chester wouldn't turn us awa-"
Bug stepped back slightly, trapping a twig under their foot. It snapped, the sound startling the two strangers, they jumped slightly and the taller ones hand seemed to reach into their pocket as though they were preparing for an attack...but when they saw Bug they both calmed slightly
"Holy shi-! Oh- apologies, you startled us-"
The shorter spoke first
"Apologies if we disturbed you, we were on our way to a fr-"
"A walk!" The other interrupted, who still appeared a bit shaken by Bugs arrival "we were out on a walk and we're heading home now, sorry for distrupting your da-"
"Harper! We were looking for a friends house, Chester Markins, you wouldn't happen to know where he's staying would you?"
Do you know him?
6) scenario #2
The garden. When where they not in the garden. For some reason Chester bad been quite...ehm...clingy? recently, he was constantly dragging Bug outside so they could spend time together, chilling with them in the house, tagging along to their training, he just seemed to be around all the fucking time
Bug had mixed feelings on this, sure some company was nice but this? This was too much
They were once again in the garden, Chester rambling abt whatever flower was sat infront of them. Bug couldn't deal with this anymore, sure flowers are cool, sure seeing him so happy was cool but they were tired.
"Why are you doing all this?"
Bug spoke, their vocie was louder than usual and a bit more assertive, Chester seemed slightly suprised, confused even. He glanced back at them, then back at flowers
"All what?"
They sighed, clearly irritated, they explained that they were tired of him acting like an overly attached dog, following them around for no clear reason. They were annoyed that they never got a break. Chester didn't seem upset, he just stared at them as they spoke...and smiled slightly when they finished
"Ah, sorry *Bug* I, didn't mean to be so...ehm, intrusive. I- I'm...gonna go, give you some space"
He stood up, walked away and left Bug in a tense silence. They sat there for a moment...they were happy to finally gave some peace but maybe they could have been a bit less...loud with him. Their mind went black, they zoned out slightly...then a paper airplane landed infront of them. They looked at it, then up to see who threw it. There stood Fran, she pointed to the plane then made a gesture indicating they should open the plane
Inside there was a note, it said
'I no hes anoyeeng annoying but I promise there a reason hes following you, it's the anuversy anniversy aniversary anniversary of Milos deth today. He gets woreed worried when its coming up, he worries somebody he cares about is going to get hurt. It can be difficult but don't be to upset with Chez, please'
(She's tried her best, spelling is hard)
They look back up only to see Fran's dissapeared, they were left alone in the garden with the note
What do they do?
Tags -
@rozeliyawashereyall @willowve01 @asmrbrainrot @kaiamtt @iistxrmyskyii @insignificant-anarchy @aspenm00n @keyaartz @fangsshadow @rustycopper4use @piffany666 @dreamyshape @lunaritychuwolf @littlesiren79 @castbracelet240 @strayharmony943 @proxdragon @tiefling-chaos @threeweekinsomnia @recated @wilderrorcard @diamondzoey @fennaboysenberry @lunnats @lightdragon789 @pinkcocopuff-aqualoid @astralbulldragon13 @ccstiles @puffin-smoke @fruity0salad @takashishihoin @reefhastoomanyaccs
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struck-by-the-rain · 2 months
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idk if this is me being a massive bitch on main or what but it is Annoying when the only replies ppl leave on art are like,,, haha funni jokes or "woah is that [funny character]?" (when it's obviously not [funny character]) especially when you've spent ages on something!!!! like obviously it's different if the art has a jokey element to it and u know what I do like being a bit Silly on main sometimes so I don't wanna sound too upright... but it is frustrating as hell when u post something that u spent ages on (and felt a bit scared sharing in the first place) and someone comes and replies w some random ass meme reference that's barely related????? like girl huh????
idk sorry i probs sound like that squilliam guy from spongebob and i don't wanna be snobby but I kinda think if u wanna leave a Funny Comment on art 1) maybe say something about the art itself too! 2) make it actually Funny? sorryyy for da rant. i just think maybe some ppl aren't familiar w artist comment etiquette or whatever
(not about tumblr ppl at all btw y'all are lovely and the tags you leave keep me drawing!! i just wanted to bitch on main! the lil space kicker is just there to be silly he's not relevant)
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red-tomato-sauce · 3 months
Tagged by @momonica05 and @skywayoctane !!!
list 5 topics you can talk about for an hour without prepping any material
How roboky went from a joke character to the best guilty gear character, why he's literally me, why him and venom were BORN to be friends and why i think gg strive NEEDS him in the roster.
Why i am obsessed with john cena along with fun facts about him. I already made my friends listen to me talking about him for more than a hour btw (sorry ayla), and that was BEFORE the oscars.
Monster high dolls, i've been in this collecting bullshit since i was 7. By that i mean actually watching reviews in other languages i coudn't understand yet, checking out the prettiest dolls to show to my aunt that lives in the united states so she could buy them for me since it would be cheaper that way, i'd wait months for them to arrive. My most recently aquired possesion was the jack and sally skullector dolls.
The entire apocalipse saga from the turma da monica jovem manga. You've seen those archie comics with a more realistic comic book artsyle right? Yeah a similar thing happened in brazil with the most famous brazillian comic series of all time, it got a manga version instead tho. I am a proud owner of all the first 110 chapters.
Jibaku shounen hanako kun. Like, in general. The artstyle, the protagonist, the worldbuilding, how yashiro and hanako are a lovely pair, the way the minamoto family dynamics are written, how aoi is literally me, whatever the fuck kou and mitsuba have going on, the list goes on.
Lists of damage that toxic chemicals like lead, mercury, cadmium and arsenic can cause on the human body. The reason i don't need to prepare any material is because wverything is already prepared
Teenage mutant ninja turtles, i've been in love with the tmnt franchise since i was a little kid with my tmnt backpack. I have at least a little something to say about most versions, and there are lots of them. The rant about why micheal bay's version is actually peak would last a decent portion of the time limit i think
Shiori experience, it's one of my favorite mangas rn and i could go on forever about it. The story, the protagonist, the characters, FUCKING JIMI HENDRIX, the artstyle, the movement on each panel, the fact that somehow they managed to draw MUSIC in a way that makes you almost hear it by just looking at the panels without even writing out the lyrics for you.
That was more than six actually my bad. You're supposed to tag people to do the same right? It's been months since i've been tagged and i can't remember teehee~ @aygaaazef1r0 @amndrkwe @belateeegfya14 start writting chop chop
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aliothbuzzsawshark · 11 months
Day 1 @ygoc-week
(sorry for being a day late!)
These are six ocs for Arc V if there was a DM dimension, Vrains Dimension, and Sevens Dimension!
long text below!
Starting with DM counterparts!
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Yui Owaga and Ayaka Kobayashi!
Yui and Ayaka know each other by Yui being Ayaka’s tutor, however a lot of their tutoring ends up with them ranting or dueling each other. They call each other Rivals but they’re more friends than anything! They even have friendship rings!
By Arc V, Ayaka is on the run from DA soldiers and Yui keeps trying (and falling) to find her. Neither of them really care about the war, they just want life to go back to normal. (Ayaka has her own post here btw)
Then onto Vrains!
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Yuko and Kanami Kikuchi! (Yeah they only have sketches so far)
These two were childhood friends until Yuko disappeared and Kanami thought he was a bitch for this, (they were like 8 here) however, Kanami has to see him all the time now since she’s managing Yuko’s Charisma Dueling. Good pay beats out years of hatred.
During Arc V Kanami gets kidnapped, but is able to break out before being put in a cell, so she’s on the island just trying anything to help the other girls out. Yuko, meanwhile, becomes a Duel Academy soldier and tries kidnapping Yuzu and gets tangled up with the last set of counterparts.
Speaking of the last counterparts, The Sevens ones!
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Yusa and Sae!
Yusa and Sae are siblings, however Yusa kinda sort definitely got banned from Goha City. Sae, however, is one of the top Goha employees (She probably helps with Marking). Because of this, they only get to see each other around once a month. Sad.
But that’s fine, because they work together as lancers during the show! They tag duel and it’s great until Yusa gets kidnapped by DA instead of Sae and they both have a horrible time.
Uhhhh yeah. I’ll (hopefully) go more into each of them throughout the week! I hope you have a great day!
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foggyfanfic · 6 months
Rant about ship wars in the ATLA fandom under the cut
With the live action coming out recently, I dipped my toes back in the ATLA fandom and I just… why are the ship wars STILL so vitriolic?! It ended like fifteen years ago, why are people still getting so angry about this? I guess these days I identify as a multi shipper (even if I will always have my favorite), because it’s actually not that hard to see the different ways different characters fit together. Honestly, it’s kind of fun to explore how Toph might foil Aang vs Sokka, or so on or so forth. I don’t know, there are ships I vibe with more than others, but they all have good and bad traits to them. They all bring out different sides to the characters and that’s fun. I can understand arguing why the dynamics of your Otp fit the show’s narrative better then the dynamics of your Notp, but why has it become a question of morals? Even at my most Thirteen I never saw my ship as morally superior to another ship because…? Why would I?
I get why people get up in arms for things like incest or pedo ships, I don’t think attacking somebody for their fictional ship is ok, but at least I get the outrage. Ngl I do tend to block that sort of stuff on sight cuz I don’t want to see it, but that’s kind of the point. This doesn’t need to be a huge drama. If somebody’s ship really bothers you that much just block the tag. Ta da! Now it’s gone, yaaay.
Sorry to rant, I’m just bummed I have to wade through essays on why shipping these two characters together makes you a rape apologist or a colonizer or whatever to get to the essays on themes and symbolism. I was scrolling on Reddit and somebody asked why there are people who don’t ship Kataang, like a fool I put in my two cents (I do like them but some of the season three writing decisions call for fix it fics). Oof! People did not like that. I didn’t even go into detail because I know one person’s “Hm :/“ is another person’s “Aaaw :D”, and I try to avoid raining on parades. I made an active effort to clarify this is my opinion and I’m only giving it to answer the question but I had a whole deluge of people acting like I shot their dog and danced on its corpse. The thing is I want to discuss what I see as weak writing because I know other people will have a different perspective than I do, and they can point out things that didn’t occur to me. I don’t want to fight anyone about cartoon characters kissing, but I do want to explore the story with other people.
Ah well, maybe if I give it another 15 years people will finally settle down.
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