#sorry about the procreate background
magpiesky · 1 year
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Part of my sisters swap au - Mothpool is a given
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undeaddudling · 2 months
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I had a silly idea…
Plus a textless version, WIPs, and alternate layouts below!!
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ghoatinaytherealone · 2 years
[Click for better quality]
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doodle-girl · 1 year
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OH MY GOD I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS??????? LET'S GO?!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!!!!!!
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kirbsofthestars · 2 years
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Kirbtober Day 1 - Dream (or lack thereof)
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hehearse · 2 days
Sorry if this is a question that's already been asked, but what's your typical drawing process like?
an ask about it exists somewhere but honestly. my process is easier than the process of looking for that ask so!!
i don't do much with art to be fair. it's all flat colors, some blushing and a shadow slapped over it. sometimes some gradient maps to make in more fun?
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(forgot to add, refs are not just for the pose - i collect character refs and additional things on boards in Vizref, so if need be. i just splitscreen it ^^ very useful, i have those for my fandoms and for commissions. and feels better that reference function inside of procreate)
black and white pencil pictures are even easier. almost one layer "keep at it until it's done" with 6b pencil in procreate.
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the ones with watercolors are also easy... honestly the most difficult part about my process is owning watercolor brushes 🥲
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Additionally i do have a few timelapses around here, but that's the last one?
[video ID: a timelapse of an art, it's Lee Hyunsung holding up Yoo Joonghyuk body with a mournful expression on a background of a crumbling wall and a torn portrait. End ID]
so yeah. tldr my process is just very rough sketch - sketch to figure out colors - make the first sketch readable - finish the colors up. :")
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critterbitter · 8 months
actually actually... *pulls out whole stack of paper*...I have. a FEW,, a good few,, questions to ask. they are not many I swear 😇
OK SO FIRST OF ALL HOW DO YOU DRAW SO FAST???? everyday I log onto Tumblr I always see something new from you and I get very very happy. But then I start to question my own existence because not even I CAN SPEED RUN ART LIKE THAT. AND SO SPECTACULARLY TOO
Last question! how do you color and make it look so well?? just. How. I need to know. This is a CRY FOR HE-
anyway thank you for being one of my favorite artists that always feed my brain rot, pls keep making amazing art because like a little yamper I will follow behind and stay updated.
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(Stands there)
Response and thoughts under cut!
First question! What art program I use!
Mostly procreate, along with a handful of brushes! (Specifically the Jing Set and some custom stuff, which is really just a circle brush with the shape changed to a square.)
Second question! How do i draw so much!
Okay so. I am. Ahhah. Unemployed,,,,? No, I do freelance illustration, but hmm. A studio job would be nice.
i graduated college last year and I’m very used to eight hour art shifts. The body sort of remembers to keep working, even though I no longer have storyboards or visdev homework to do.
Also. The hyperfixation is a deep vast tunnel I STILL have not seen the end of the light to, good golly. (I have dreams now about the kids committing shenanigan crimes. I wake up in cold sweat and write them down in a journal. It’s like being the mouthpiece to an angry god.)
So the overall gist is: I was trained to be a storyboard artist with a visdev background, and I’m using that higher education to draw funny muppets because my brain’s funny.
I also DO have a queue, and I’ve been treating this as a sort of inktober project. I am definitely going to slow down soon though! Maybe. Hopefully. Ah… (sheepishly drops my kofi here)
Third question! How do i color!
I. I, uh. I dont know man the coloring demons have a grip on my soul and i just go along for the ride. But also, if it helps, i prefer to limit my pallets to only a few colors at a time. Lighting is king, so if you can figure out if you want to focus on either on your lights or shadows, you’ll have a much easier time composing. That, and symbolic colors— idk, something hits different about art drenched in gold with a tiny hint of a man staring into the blinding horizon, or a green leafy environment with a single dot of artificial red. I also like using blue and purple for shadows, and I’m a big fan of muting colors with only one or two that pop— one of the reasons why I was so attracted to submas in the first place is because from a design aesthetic, they’re both super funny muppet men AND really cool train guys that have a limited pallet and thematic apparel.
Overall response! THANK YOU SO MUCH. This goes out to a BUNCH of people who sent me inbox queries— sorry for not responding, it’s a tad overwhelming because some of them are story questions even I don’t really know will go yet, and others are words of praise and I’m selfish and like scrolling through the inbox to look at them when I feel down. I am more of an artist who sits in the corner and sprouts like a potato rather then a branching vine who socializes, but I really do see people’s responses and they make me go :)))))
Okay ramble over. Thanks for coming to the soapbox, and good luck on creating!
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genericpuff · 3 months
Hey, so I really love Lore Rekindled, and the art is one of my favorite parts! The style, the coloring, the background, all of it is just so… smooth! I don’t really know how to describe it. Recently, I’ve been trying to replicate it, and I was hoping you would give me a few pointers. What brushes do you use for line art? How do you decided what to line, and what to leave blank? What about coloring brushes? Do you use smudge brushes? Whats, like, the step by step process? You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to! But any tips or answers would be great!
Ah thanks so much!!!
Here are the brushes! They're .abr brushes, so they should work in Photoshop, Clip Studio and Procreate :) (they don't work in Krita or other software that utilizes PNG brushes though, sorry ; ; )
There's also a tutorial included with that file that breaks down my process layer by layer! That said, there are a couple things that have changed in my process since doing that tutorial:
I mostly use the Hard Square Pastel brush now for all of that 'crispy' lighting that often happens along the edges of characters' shoulders and heads, such as seen here:
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I now do an extra step of applying a 'blur' layer, where I essentially merge all the layers into a new layer on top of everything, set it to Overlay, and then Gaussian Blur by about 60%. This is how I get that 'dreamy' look that's been present in a lot of the more recent episodes!
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It's subtle, but really effective in making the glow effects and deeper colors really pop!
As for the more nuanced stuff like lineart, it's kinda just something I do by feel! Sometimes I'll shade something in and realize the lineart doesn't need to be there, so then I'll go in and erase, other times I have to be a bit more excessive with it esp if two similar colors are up against each other. I'm actually trying to use less lineart going forward to get more of that authentic LO look but it's hard, I'm very used to doing lineart-heavy drawings so it's forcing me to draw in a way that I'm not used to! 😆 I usually always start with flat colors first though, meaning I start by 'shaping' out the character poses and then lining them in afterwards!
You can see an example of this process in my END OF PERSEPHONE time lapse here:
I also usually stream work sessions of Rekindled over on my Twitch, but I'm currently on hiatus from streaming due to technical difficulties (OBS just... decided it was gonna stop working, sigh). Go give it a follow anyways tho so you can be notified when I start streaming again! I'm thinking in the meantime until I can get my Twitch going again I might start doing some screen sharing sessions in Discord. So keep your eyes peeled for that if you ever wanna catch me working! I'm always happy to talk about and demystify the process <3
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love-3-crimes · 4 months
and ive seen just about everything, but none of it i can keep.
alone with my thoughts is very underrated,,, go listen to it (this is a demand) (/lh)
here are the stills :]
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fun fact time! (i like to make these aksjdl sorry)
the suit is a reference to the astronaut in the album cover of the original song (Noah Floersch)
so is the audio recorder in cjs hand
...and the yellow-pink border
the thing moving on his chest is the audio waves from cjs music video playing the same lyric from this drawing
the words are supposed to resemble sound waves but i could NOT figure out how to make em move (i tried...so many times...i got irritated and left them alone...never again...)
the background was made in like a minute using a tutorial from pinterest lol
procreate dreams glitched at one point and made his right arm go flying off the screen (i thought it was gone forever...totally didnt panic or anything...)
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soupandcats · 1 year
Sorry abt the big ask, but your colours are always really vibrant and interesting! They seem both saturated and subdued. What’s your general method for choosing them or are there any tricks/layer modes you use?
Thank you! This is gonna be a long one sorry😭
My favorite digital art trick for color is the curves tool! In procreate you press the wand tool in the top left corner (Adjustments) > Curves. I recommend just playing around with this until something you like happens.
Here’s a study I did with pretty standard colors.
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Here are some versions of it after moving the curves around.
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What I like about this is it’s a really quick way of changing the color scheme that’s more precise than applying a filter. It lets you see how far you can push things outside of what’s expected!
When I first started digital art I had so much trouble with color because unlike traditional, the colors have the ability to be fully opaque. With traditional if you’re doing a painting the paints/colored pencils/etc will naturally mix with one another creating a more cohesive overall image.
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Here’s a drawing I did in 2020. As you can see it’s incredibly saturated. When I was picking colors I was working in the most saturated section for nearly every color.
These days even when I’m trying to make something super colorful I’ll force myself to desaturate it more than I think I need to. There are two ways to desaturate something. You can move it towards white or towards black.
Another thing I try to keep in mind is that colors look different based on what colors are around them. If you put gray next to a color it will look like that color’s complement. If you put a warm color next to a cool color they’ll amplify one another making both look more intense. In that same way if I put a super saturated color against a more neutral background the color will look even brighter.
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I like this tapestry by Sheila Hicks. See how the orange is glowing against the more muted purples and blues?
Another thing I try to keep in mind is value. Like color it’s influenced by its surroundings. If you place a lighter color over a dark background it will look brighter than over a light background.
So in a piece the eye will be drawn to the areas of highest contrast first. And area that’s similar in both value and hue will recede into the background.
I really am not an expert on color I have so much to learn. I recommend Marco Bucci’s videos as well as the book The Art of Color if you’d like more detailed+accurate info! Color theory is the most fascinating thing I’m obsessed with it.
You don’t really need to know theory to be good at color though! Just playing around and figuring out what you like (I LOVE PURPLE) will make you better!
The most satisfying thing is when you’re making a drawing and you decide to add a little gray or a little orange or whatever and suddenly your piece just starts to SING!!!! (That purple/blue/orange part of the Sheila Hicks tapestry is singing to me it will forever make me happy)
Anyways I hope this helps! 💜💜💜
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strange0-0storm · 3 months
hello! hope im not disturbing or anything- just wanted to ask, do you know how to make an SMG4 oc??? couse I've made ones before but they never made it to my server (like- they never became actual OC's), and they never looked officila even in the slightest.
also, NEW FAN!! I've seen your channel just today but im intrigued by the 888 thingy and Smg7 and 8 (i think its 7 and 8-)
sorry for the long message and have a good day/night
YOU'RE NOT DISTURBING ME NOT AT ALL! (IM SORRY IM LATE TOO THIS It's been in my drafts due to my whole procreate sitch)
For my ocs SMG8 and SMG7, I pretty much looked at SMG4 and SMG3 for reference‼️
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Ugh these pathetic men, LORD. But that's just for like my SMGs. I used the style of the models to make my own separate style for like SMG4 characters. I tried too make my characters LOOK like they'd be seen as a model.
As for making them fully, I added different character elements for their personalities and built off of that.
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First SMG8 I knew I wanted him too be based around MUSIC, and I originally based him more off of me in appearance. He still kept the curly hair, that both SMG8 and SMG7 share because I have curly hair.
But I settled on an eccentric funky villian man.
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For SMG7 I knew I wanted him too be the complete opposite of SMG8, originally he was gonna be a timid, shy character, but then I settled on the angry, easily annoyed character. I knew I wanted him too be more reserved, enjoying the activities of reading and writing.
I built their appearance off of their personalities, SMG8 being a crazy all over the place funky character ended him with the split multicolor outfit, while SMG7 was left with a semetrical, neatly put together outfit too show his more serious and organized personality
And I just built their character after they got created, more SMG8 right now due too his comic "The Arrival" under the tag #smg8's arrival
I've been building SMG7 a lot in the background, and I plan to make a comic for him as well once I finish up The Arrival
AND ACTUALLY. FUN FACT IM NOT A NEW FAN, I just haven't been into SMG4 for about 4 years, I just got back into it 2 months ago.
I've been watching sinceeee the Freddy's Spaghettiria video, sooo 9 years ago DAMN
I never made fanart till now though, I mean I PROBABLY did, but I was like 7-8 years old and no one wants too see THAT. AHHAHSHS
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anitalenia · 6 months
hii i luv your work soo much and also the headers and the stuff you make is rlly good 😻 i was wondering if it’s too difficult to make the headers etc? specially the ones that are more like gifs? and also is it too hard to find the images? bc honestly i haven’t seen a lot of them, just wondering! i get it if you don’t want to share i just genuinely think that the work is rlly rlly good<3 (sorry for such a long ask omgg)
Omg thank you so much hi hi 🥹🥹💞💞💖💖🌸🌸 first of all thank you so much for liking my work and supporting me, I so so appreciate it ✨✨🫂🫂💐💐 And omgggg you’re making me BLUSH thank you thank you thank you for the kind words 😭😭🫂💞💞 I love when people compliment my works it makes me feel like I’m doing something right 😫💐💐 flowers for you for being so great ✨💐💐🌷🌷🌹🌹🌸🌸
To answer your question, the dividers and headers are actually very easy to make. The animated dividers I make aren’t difficult per se, they just involve a few more steps than making a normal divider does. As for my animated headers that I use for my fics or masterlists and what not those are also pretty easy. I’ll try to explain a little more about what I use in depth below. If you would like a detailed walk through explaining how I make them I could do that as well 💕 Prepare yourself, there’s a lot 😭💖
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ 𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐒 / 𝐖𝐄𝐁𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐒 𝐈 𝐔𝐒𝐄 — Picsart, Pinterest, PicCollage, Vita, Polarr, GIPHY, Photopea, Etsy, DeviantArt, Phonto, ezgif.com, onlinegiftools.com, Iloveimg.com, various fancy font generators (I don’t use these anymore, I use an app now for fonts, but this is what I used to use the most), various sparkle emoji combos + decorative text ( I use this one a lot + there are a lot of symbol apps on the App Store you can download, I have two apps that I use from time to time )
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ 𝑷𝒊𝒄𝒔𝒂𝒓𝒕 ⊹₊ ⋆ This is a photo editing service / app I use to make regular dividers. They have a lot of aesthetic / cute stickers and pngs like the ones I use in a lot of my dividers. They have a transparent background option I love that makes it easy to make a divider. You can save the stickers you like to a collection and follow artists / users you like as well. I 10/10 recommend this one. They also have a bunch of photo editing software like cropping, retouching, etc. if you’re into that.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐒 — You have to buy Picsart Pro to use a lot of the “pro quality” services, and the better quality stickers not made by an individual user (I.e. stickers Picsart itself has created) are not accessible to users not subscribed to Pro. Also, when you crop an image Picsart has a certain limit to how thin it can go, so I use an image cropping website I mentioned above Iloveimg.com. I only use Picsart for divider making purposes though so I don’t have to worry about allat. Not compatible with animation / gifs
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ 𝑬𝒕𝒔𝒚 ⊹₊ ⋆ This is one of my favorite shopping apps in general. If you don’t know about Etsy it’s a small business / individually owned business kind of shopping app. There’s a lot of different stores / sellers that sell a bunch of different things. It’s a good place to buy dividers for very cheap, less than $5 dollars, I’ve also bought pngs / stickers as well. I’ll buy a divider pack from time to time and edit them however I please. I never just buy a divider pack and claim it as my own on Tumblr, I always edit them in some way that fits more to what I want. It’s just a good starting point in my opinion. Of course, you can probably find simple dividers online, only you know what’s best for you. Also, this is just a good place for anything web related in general ( they have sticker packs, dividers, procreate brushes, decorative elements, really anything you want for a relatively small price)
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ 𝑷𝒉𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒐 ⊹₊ ⋆ This is an app for fonts. Unlike the usual fonts you see in fancy font generators (𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔰, 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼, 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜, 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬, 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔, etc.) Phonto lets you upload your own fonts to use on pics. Using font websites you can upload whatever fonts you like in just a couple seconds. I personally like to use Dafont.com for my fonts. You can also use dingbat fonts / decorative element fonts. Not compatible with animation / gifs
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ 𝑷𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕 ⊹₊ ⋆ Who doesn’t know Pinterest?? Literally my favorite app ever. I use Pinterest for image inspo / my aesthetic images. Here’s my Pinterest if you’re curious. This is besides the point but I used to be a Wattpad girly so I have a lot of boards relating to my past OC’s and wattpad stories (like 2016) 😭💕 You can search up literally anything / any aesthetic and the pictures / gifs that relate to it will pop up. Very easy to use and so much fun to make your own boards and stuff. I spend hours organizing my pins, I need to get back into it tbh 😿
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐒 — Users upload a lot of fan made art that isn’t always crediting the original artists who made it. I have found some jjk fan art I use for my headers but no source as to who the original creator is. A lot of profiles do give credit tho so that’s good.
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ 𝑷𝒊𝒄𝑪𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒂𝒈𝒆 ⊹₊ ⋆ This is the same service made by the people who created Picsart. I use this for many purposes. I mainly use it to combine my animated gifs with still images and combine animated dividers together with other dividers. To be honest it’s hard to explain what I use it for specifically but it’s just good for combining gifs and still images into one.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐒 — I don’t think there is a transparent background option, so I have to use a certain website mentioned above to remove gif backgrounds. You also can’t crop the image and unless you pay for no watermark it gives you one. It saves animated dividers / gifs as videos, so I go to Ezgif to make it into a gif and crop the image to remove the watermark. Again, this one is a little hard to explain.
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ 𝑽𝒊𝒕𝒂 ⊹₊ ⋆ This is a free app I use that’s a rip off of the “real app” I used to have. The “real app” started charging for its services and so I moved to this one. It’s completely the same and FREE. This is where I apply text to my gifs and add the motion to it. Like how my masterlist header is, where it spins and flips, this is the app where I apply those effects. Side note, this is a good starting app for making edit videos like you see on Tiktok. You can turn off the watermark for free.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐒 — This app also turns gifs / animations into a video when you go to save it, so again I go to Ezgif to turn it back into a gif.
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ 𝑷𝒐𝒍𝒂𝒓𝒓 ⊹₊ ⋆ This is my favorite filter app for photos. Has very aesthetic filters that I use for my still images and as of recently my Pinterest boards as well. Not compatible with animation / gifs
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ 𝑮𝒊𝒑𝒉𝒚 ⊹₊ ⋆ I use this app solely for its stickers. You can find sparkles, butterflies, hearts, anything you want with a transparent background and turn it into a divider. I use this app mostly for gathering animated stickers to make my animated dividers.
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ 𝑷𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒂 ⊹₊ ⋆ This is my go-to for applying effects / filters to gifs or animations. I use this to add filters to my animated headers. I download PSD’s from DeviantArt and use those filters for my gifs. This is not an app, just a browser I’ve added to my Home Screen. I recommend using on a computer because there’s a lot of stuff on the screen and you’ll want to see it all spread out. I use it on mobile only because I know which buttons I need to press so it’s not a problem.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐒 — You have to upload your own filters to be able to add one to a gif. Once you open up the site it can be very overwhelming and confusing with all the buttons and drop downs and yada yada. Photopea is like an animations version of photoshop. I recommend searching for a tutorial, or if requested I can personally make a separate post showing you how to add filters to a gif.
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ 𝑬𝒛𝒈𝒊𝒇 ⊹₊ ⋆ my go-to website for literally anything gif related. Cropping, removing frames, optimizing a gif, making a gif, turning a video into a gif, and many more. I even use the effects tab from time to time to add a border around my gifs (like the one around the Sugar Water Series header) There’s other stuff you can do of course, I recommend checking it out, I’ve been using it for years.
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒈𝒊𝒇𝒕𝒐𝒐𝒍𝒔 ⊹₊ ⋆ This is a browser I use to remove the background from gifs.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐒 — It doesn’t do the best job at removing a gif background unless it’s a solid color. I always do solid black and it removes it pretty well. If your background is white it will have a hard time differentiating the gif from the white background and will clip out parts of the gif and make it choppy. I recommend having a plain black background as that works best for me. Also it just recently had an update where you need to wait 10 seconds before you can download the finished product. It also claims you can only use it a certain amount of times a day but tbh I’ve used it a bunch in one day and never seem to have a limit. So idk. Like I said this update is recent. I guess a lot more people started using it and now they want to charge people.
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ 𝑰𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒊𝒎𝒈 ⊹₊ ⋆ This is the browser I mentioned in the picsart section where I crop really thin images. Does not have a limit on how thin you can make an image. I’m not positive but I’m pretty sure this is not animation / gif compatible.
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ 𝒇𝒐𝒏𝒕 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒔 ⊹₊ ⋆ ONE TWO THREE
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ 𝒔𝒚𝒎𝒃𝒐𝒍 𝒅𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒓 ⊹₊ ⋆ ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ 𝒉𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒓𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 ⊹₊ ⋆ Evernote (a notes organizing app I use to organize my fics + I love it so so much), Amino (can find clubs / communities dedicated to bio decor & symbols), Gif Toaster (the og app I used in the very beginning to apply text to gifs), Canva (good stickers / elements + can find aesthetic / cute stickers with keywords on Pinterest), Videoleap (a video editing software I used to use), Remini (an app that upgrades the quality of an image), Symbol Pad & Symbol (apps I use for individual symbols) Snow (has cute animated effects I used to use sometimes a long time ago), VLLO (the app I used before Vita that charged for some of its services), DeviantArt (where I get all of my PSD’s + they have a lot of stuff you can use, pngs and whatnot, I just don’t really use it for those purposes)
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moonuru · 2 years
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also sorry about my terrible handwriting as this was done in procreate and... ye but eyyy I did some snazzy backgrounds for this o v o (also some of the panels are hard to see thanks to the lighting, dang it) This needs that one song from the little mermaid. Kiss the girl? but they actually kiss n’ stuff.
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kaybreezy3000 · 5 months
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See below for how I made this, if you are interested.
I call this Five's WTF face, and it's the same one I had this morning when someone sent me an ASK, not specifying one particular post I have done, with one word that said, "AI." See below if you want to see how I made this. (not AI 😉)
Link to my other Tumblr art and story posts
Disclaimer: I am not a professional artist. My background is in painting, and I started sketching people a little over a year ago, and I have a post on A03 (Link to that) to show my progression with that to this based on the lovey character of Five.
I just do this for fun and I haven't found my style yet, other than I like to try everything. I use Procreate digital drawing app, not AI for my art or the stories I post.
I have done things for other people on occasion that use a photo filter-like to dress up a pic for them or for a cover or something, but that's about as AI as I get.
I totally understand the AI question because it's out there everywhere, so I figured since I got 'asked,' I'd show how I do things this time.
This one above was done with a painting style, but the process is very similar for the more cartoonish/anime or sketch/line art I have done.
Here is the picture I looked at. (I always use a picture or several pictures or models as reference.)
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This next one is my step one, which is getting the main lines right, and in this case, not much detail because it's for a painting. For this, I like to use the studio pen tool. (Looks very bad at this point. Sorry, Five. 😆)
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This next one is the start of me adding colors and messing around with where shadows and highlights will be, but very little blending yet, and I am only using the basic 'soft brush' tool and smudger.
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For the next step, I just keep going, adding more color and try to get things looking closer to the actual photo, but I also start using the wet acrylic brush and the dry acrylic brush-nothing fancy.
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After that, it's what we get at the top of my post, with simply finishing it by adding more and more paint until I get it dark enough in the darkest spots and then I get to play with lighter colors on top again. I also go back and use my studio pen to darken areas and correct the sharper lines that got painted over.
~So that's it. If anyone ever wants to know how I do something, never hesitate to ask; I am an open book.
As a final note. Thank you to all who have liked and reblogged my art and my stories, and for all the people/artists/writers/meme makers on here just trying to make stuff because they like to. I adore you all. 💕
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tartrat · 2 months
Proving to myself that i can do digital art (Ft. Kapyy, again)
I'm posting this on tumblr first so if you see this pop on twitter that would be me reposting there. Wanted to practice art properly and take my time with it after finishing my a levels. Kapyy will forever be my test subject. also more general thoughts below the art
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I started this whilst i was in Greece on a family holiday. I used myself as the pose reference and used a custom water colour brush i made and the turpentine brush to blend on procreate. I finished this on the flight back home from Greece with my mum sitting next to me and she thinks that he looks like me. All i can say on that is that i am a tall ginger guy and that's sorta where the similarities end. I think that the lighting looks awkward on the clothes. I couldn't think of what to have him sit on so he's sort of floating in the void. Background was made by just blurring the colours, making a new black layer and erasing with the procreate nebula brush
I actually really like how this one came out. The speed paint is 10 minutes long though.
I'm not too sure why i made him sad. I sorta headcanon that he bottles up a lot of things and masks his true emotions. This headcanon basically implies that he is putting up an act in I'm good (Blue) - Extreme Version. In this headcanon i think that he would eventually find peace so there would be a happy ending.
I've been thinking about him a lot recently. You can sort of create stories for the coaches that can contradict what's shown in game. Like when i was trying to sleep the other night i was like, what if Kapyy is the twin brother of Talia Sway and he was kidnapped at birth, and the giddy on up coach is their mother. Doesn't make sense but its fun to think about how they would interact. Also if i was in charge, everything has changed could work for a map for this headcanon but make it about family (this would also imply kapyy is ed sheeran so don't think about that). Talia is the next coach i want to do art of and i will probably be basing it off of better than revenge.
Also heres the quick sketch (Thumbnail sketch?) i did to get what i wanted this piece to look like. You can also see the water colour brush i made when it isn't blended by the turpentine brush.
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I'm sorry if i typed a lot.
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mafuyuakgae · 5 months
YOUR ART IS LITERALLY ENCHANTING HELLO??? I feel like I'll get sucked into it Narnia style... Would you mind talking about your art process 👀
thank you so much?!! i dont mind if you dont mind me taking this chance to yap
my art process has changed a bit since i last posted a step by step... i would say my ideation phase is still
seeing something that really makes me want to draw (ie alien stage round 6 or a really good gacha card (sorry) ) or forcing out thumbnails
go on my pinterest board of poses/colours from other artists i like for the general vibe (i reference a lot from my own photos as well, usually pics i take around my city/a lot of selfies taken from 0.5x angle LOL)
and then start the drawing. usually not a lot of thumbnailing..i would like to get better at that to explore more interesting compositions >_< also trying to flatten my art style a bit but i still go overboard with rendering extraneously oops
these days im also switching back to paint tool sai/csp on my pen tablet rather than procreate..i really dont like the blending engine sometimes and it makes it really difficult for me to motivate myself to paint there. i guess walking through a recent painting i like:
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sketch on a colour bg ( usually this kind of decides the colour palette for the rest of the painting, building off of this main bg colour) (i erased some of it bc i was using it in the final painting ^^;;; it gets redrawn on top a little)
blocking the main foreground - sword, horse - just going from dark foreground > middle > background lightest as a frame of reference, having the least amount of detail at the right since i want the horse's hind legs to fade out in perspective
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3. layer at a light opacity using a big brush to just suggest light/shadows (yellow at bottom right and around her face to complement and contrast the blue/purple)
4. render details (this is what gets me and i am very lazy and typically give up on a piece once we get here. working on it..)
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5. yeah. done! outline some desaturated areas (horse hind legs) with a saturated colour found elsewhere in the painting (lighter colour of the bg) and then add final touchups on top of everything. my layers dont make sense. also i love using the fringe effect on sai to fake edges/lines (every layer has it. yay)
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