#sorry about the google translate
percabethownsmybutt · 7 months
annabeth, screaming at percy mid battle: haec est culpa tua!
percy, sighing: yeah i know
grover: when did you learn latin?
percy: i didn't. i just know the phrase "this is all your fault" in every language annabeth speaks
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bigfatbreak · 10 months
Does Chloe tone down her direct bullying/harassment of Marinette after that day to just the dead mom jokes out of guilt, or is it more that Marinette now being homeschooled means Chloe just lost access? Also, does Lila try the whole lying/sabotaging thing on Marinette and just fail or does Marinette just not care?
Lila has no reason to sabotage Marinette because Marinette isn't threatening her little empire she wants to build. In fact, she really wants Marinette on her side BECAUSE she's not apart of the school, so she doesn't need to keep up an elaborate web of lies! She can just try to befriend a talented girl who makes AMAZING food and try to get freebies~
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meanwhile, with Chloe, things got really complicated after the pool incident...
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Tom was not in the mood to put up with this crap.
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strugglingsapphic · 2 months
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Chloe is a heater so she has to sleep in shorts ( they're baby blue ofc) and a tshirt a lot, and red is absolutely FERAL over her because in the mornings Chloe wakes up and her voice is deeper and she looks so boyfriend (Red explains that it's a tiktok thing, Chloe still doesn't get it but she takes the title with pride) And it takes Red all the power in the world to not jump chloe's bones right then and there because they have somewhere to be in an hour and she cannot make them late (again) but chloe is RIGHT THERE looking like THAT and she can't stop staring. So when the blue haired princess knows exactly what she's doing to Red, when she's leaning over and using her voice to her advantage whispering "Nous aurons le temps pour ça plus tard, cerise" in the girls ear and then has the audacity to chuckle at Reds little whine? Nah all bets are off, they'll make time NOW.
Chloe's absolutely melts when Red picks out one of her oversized shirts to sleep in (And only her shirt too, Red knows exactly how chloe likes it when the shirt is not only her baby blue color but her legs aren't covered either so Chloe's sure she's won the lottery), and Chloe has to fight tooth and nail to keep her eyes anywhere but her girlfriend when Red sits in her lap as she moves to get out of bed. And when the shirt pools at her hips (In the way she know drives her blue princess mad, and if she made sure the shirt rode up on purpose that's between her and god) Chloe can feel their difference in temperature when she puts her hands on Red's thighs, she can feel the shiver that goes through Red when she places her palms on her hips, she can feel the contrast of Reds cold lips on her feverish neck, she can feel Red's knees tighten when she whispers french into her ear and goddamnit-
She never had a chance of getting out of bed when she woke up this morning and fuck it she doesn't care anymore, Chad has dipped on Chloe so many times for Audrey that she thinks it's time to return the favor because if she doesn't pay attention to her girlfriend right now she might just die.
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mel-loly · 8 months
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-And yes.. They still understand each other even in different languages :]
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askblueandviolet · 7 months
Tú, alcalde. ¿Hablas español? Eso sería genial :D
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"Yes, I know many languages! Mandarin, cantonese, english, brazilian, french, italian, and of course, spanish!"
Asks Start 💙💜
Previous 💙💜
Next 💙💜
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aliteral-ghost · 1 month
This writing piece was inspired by this art by @azaleastobloom, mostly the pose used and their name for e!False (obsessed, by the way) and also @theminecraftbee's vault hunters aufest fic for the idea of children in the vaults in the first place. Lmao I had fun.
She’s so much smaller than you remember. This only reaffirms the doubts you had earlier, about taking a child into a Vault. Companions make it dangerous enough, always underfoot, and making them a child will only muddy things more.
She looks at you, all spindly arms and legs, and you realize with a jolt of horror that this is not you. See, Iskall had said this event (special for today!) was in an attempt by the Vault Gods to allow the players to reconnect with their inner child, by forcing every hunter to play with themselves as a child. But something must have gone wrong in the portal, somehow, because although those eyes (just barely a shade darker) are not your own you recognize them.
You and your twin are not identical, of course, close enough that the untrained eye wouldn’t notice, close enough that you were able to pass as one person for nearly ten years, but you are not identical. And this is not you, sitting folded up as if origami. You were never this lanky. You caught up to her as you grew older, but she shot up first.
“Vera?” You ask slowly, using the name that she would have known at this age. “Uh… hi?”
She widens her eyes at you, in surprise or maybe fear. You don’t look the same as you did at this age, face longer and with no baby fat, taller, wearing strange armor that covers your eyes and face.
“Do you know where we are?” She asks, and you almost laugh. Of course she wouldn’t know. Her eyes are wild, terrified, looking around at the Vault room and hallway that leads off it as if trying to find an exit. There won’t be one, of course, there won’t be one until (as the popup at the edge of your vision says) you collect enough elixir. Should be easy enough.
“We are in a Vault,” you say slowly. “You were meant to help me get out, although I’m not sure Iskall thought this through very well.”
She-Vera-is still sitting on the ground, having chosen to fold her legs up to her chest and hug them. That’s something you recognize, a sign that she is very much not interested in moving from this spot, thank you very much, and that it will take physical force to move her from the tiny ball she’s wrapped herself in.
You are not interested in picking her up like a sack of potatoes, because that feels dangerous to do in a Vault with many many mobs and a child (and you have strong words to say to Iskall later about this, because who thought it would be a good idea), so you sit next to her, cross-legged. The timer hasn’t started yet, thank goodness, because neither of you have left the portal room, so you have all the time in the world. Hopefully no one questions how long it takes you to get out.
Vera looks at you, long bangs nearly covering her eyes. Her hair is longer than you ever remember it being, before you became one person. She never liked having long hair, cutting it short whenever she got the chance to. You were the opposite, and your hair has stayed long throughout all your life. It is, even now.
“I’m sorry I’m not brave,” she says quietly. “My sister is brave. She would be better to have here.”
You swallow hard, trying to think of what to say to comfort her. You are not the person for the job. “I know for a fact you can be-you will be very brave,” You say. You’ve fought a lot with Vera, over the years, and she just gets bolder. “And right now you are the only one that can help me get through this Vault. But you have to get up, because I’m not interested in carrying you through it.”
She just keeps looking at you, eyes narrow and calculating. Vera was always thinking, you remember that. She did enough thinking for the both of you. That thinking caught up to you, of course, when she got out of control. She was always half a step ahead, and you had to run twice as fast to keep up. You’re sure Vera is still thinking, wherever she’s ended up.
“What if I can’t, though?” She asks. “What if… you die?” Her eyes go wide, and you’re reminded of just how small she is.
“I won’t,” you say. “Not forever, at least. That’s what makes it fun.”
Vera curls up further on herself, and you scoot closer, wrapping your arms around her like you used to as a child. She fits better, now that you’re finally taller. “Brea?” Vera whispers. You freeze at the sound of your given name, one you haven’t used in years.
“Yeah,” you say. “I’m sorry for scaring you. I’m so… so sorry.” If you apologized to her now, wherever she is, she wouldn’t accept it. That’s part of the reason why you haven’t. But Vera just tucks her head deeper into your chest and takes a deep breath.
“I know,” Vera says. “I’m sorry, too.” Her voice sounds stronger, older, as if she is possessed by the older version of herself, even though you can feel she’s still smaller than you.
The pair of you sit there for a bit longer before you stand, extending a hand. Vera has uncurled a bit, legs tentatively splayed in front of her, and she takes it, standing for the first time. You take her through the Vault, cautiously leading her to all the spawners and ore rooms and treasure rooms you might need, until you’ve fully collected the elixir you need and have found a lodestone.
“I don’t think you can go back with me,” you say to her. “I’m not-not sure where you’ll go, what time magic has been placed on these Vaults that allowed… this, but I don’t think it’ll be with me.”
Vera nods, standing up straight, hands clasped. “I know,” she says, quiet. “That’s what I thought.”
You walk towards her, wrap her in an embrace that you both relax into. It’s a hug that you haven’t felt in a long, long time. She’s so much smaller than you remember.
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seagiri · 4 months
i love your lamari art <3, tho i wonder, and dont take this the wrong way, why do you ship them (like besides from them looking cute together, which they are :D), especially as kikimari is more popular.
i keep getting this question and I genuinely don’t know how to reply. I really like Kikimari but I also like the “short, buff and awkward” x “tall nerd” kind of dynamic. The more I think about it, the less sense it would made in canon. But I just think it would be cute, the two of them hanging out from time to time and having that kind of “we don’t talk about it” thing going on, genuinely learning to enjoy each others presence. Laios catching feelings without realizing and Namari having an inner battle about her own is really funny. I guess most DM ships are just like that.
TLDR; bisexuality is a hell of a drug
(Mención de spoilers)
También me gusta mucho que a pesar de que Namari no tenía muchos sentimientos fuertes sobre Laios al inicio del manga, el siempre le ha tenido confianza y la ha visto como alguien a respetar a pesar de que dejó el grupo. El siempre ha confiado en su criterio y en el transcurso del manga ella va y hace cosas para defenderlo o apoyarlo que siento tal vez no habría hecho antes. También se veía en flashbacks que iban a comprar armaduras juntos,,, y ese panel al final cuando Namari ve a Laios con la capa de rey y se sonroja??? Y todos la miran así 🤨?? La idea de que desarrolla un crush a partir de ahí me gusta mucho y Laios no piensa nada al respecto HE IS CLUELESS!! Y el ya tuvo un “finjo amistad pero no te soporto”, “finjo amistad porque no sabia como acercarme a ti (sentimientos complejos. Vamos a ser amigos)” y “finjo interés romántico por mejores tratos/beneficios”, pero qué tal . “No te veía así antes y mientras más tiempo paso contigo mas complicada se vuelve mi imagen de ti, creo que siento algo distinto que simplemente querer ser tu amiga”
Y NAMARI OH NAMARI, su arco es la razón por la que siento que el ship no funciona en canon, pero como lo interpreto yo, es que está un poco reprimida; en toda la historia de DM y en los extras nos revelan su historia y los prejuicios y la injusticia que ha pasado por cosas fuera de su control, y el dolor que eso causó a otros. Con la familia Tansu, Namari encuentra, pues, eso. Una familia. Con el resto del cast, Namari encuentra gente que la aprecia, gente que se preocupa por ella. Siento que con Laios es algo parecido, su party es su familia, y toda la gente que conoció en la mazmorra no son necesariamente amigos, pero confidentes y gente que ha visto de lo que es capaz. Ambos han pasado por discriminación y han lastimado sin querer y han tratado de arreglar sus errores, lastimándose a sí mismos en el proceso. Siento que ambos tienen experiencias similares en espectros muy distintos y que eso les ayuda a entender al otro y por eso mismo siguen regresando otro día a pasar el rato.
Y ni hablé de la vida de rey de Laios,,, me duele un poco el final de DM porque Laios es infeliz hasta cierto punto. Obviamente no se arrepiente de su decisión, y esa era la mejor opción que tuvo, pero no puedo evitar sentirme mal con el hecho de que no puede hacer lo que le gusta, las juntas con extraños, la política, todo esto que se indica que lo estresa y que Kabru es mejor manejando. Namari, Izutsumi y Senshi son lo más cercano que tiene a su vida vieja, y como Izu y Senshi viajan mucho, Namari es a quien tiene más posibilidades de ver (Aunque también viva bien pinches lejos), salir juntos es un escapismo del estrés de su vida actual- no hay responsabilidades, no hay otra persona que sepa que es lo que va a pasar el día siguiente, puede simplemente volver a ser el mismo Laios de siempre y tener la compañía de alguien que entiende la dificultad de tener que llegar a cierto estándar.
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apotipoy · 3 months
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- Let me see, Macaque.
- ...
(A Shadowcoding idea, Syntax worries about Macaque and wants to check his eye. )
ˢⁱᵐᵖˡʸ ᵗʰᵃᵗ, ⁠⁽⁠ ⁠ˊ⁠ᵕ⁠ˋ"⁠⁾
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nicolacoughlan · 11 months
It is a massacre behind closed doors, an ethnic cleansing, since the beginning of the offensive, 6 Hamas members were shot down and 7,000 Palestinian civilians murdered. This is absolute genocide. Communications are cut. What we saw daily was truly terrifying, so I'll let you imagine now. Gaza is besieged, assaulted and bombarded as perhaps it has never been in its entire existence... This oppressed people, victims of a human massacre without precedent in the history of humanity. Gaza is collapsing under the bombs but the Arab world and everyone else has still not moved... their deliberate inertia will act as complicity. It is a historical drama that is unfolding before our eyes.
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coffinsister · 9 months
"I don't speak English very well but it's our love for Andy and Leyley which connects us!"
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Does this random person who just commented on my fic knows how much I love them can they feel my love through the screen can they can they
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agodth · 3 months
Nah I just found out one of my mutuals is fake af. Like... you follow me and act like THIS about me behind my back? Why follow me then?
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lesbianjonimitchell · 10 months
i hate how much english is, like, permeating the danish language. probably all languages. but man, no one speaks proper danish anymore. journalists don't, many writers don't. i don't – i try my hardest to, but often i don't know if something is proper danish or if im directly translating from english and using expressions that aren't actually correct. i suppose it's hard to avoid when we engage so much with the english language, but i find it devastating. danish is beautiful and having different cultures is beautiful. i wish people would make more of an effort, especially journalists and writers who influence the rest of the people. try not to contribute too much to the homogenisation of language and cultures. we have to resist while we can
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shi0n · 5 months
i was once a member on a chinese anonymous anti-mafumafu textboard bc who else has the most robust mafumafu archives if not his most passionate haters
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soultiio · 5 months
Necesito saber más sobre tu AU de izaya ángel caído me va a dar algo por fAVOR CUÉNTAME MÁS NECESITO COMERME ESE AU
- scrambled
holii la verdad me pone muy feliz que a muchos les haya gustado la idea. he decidido hacer un breve webcomic(?) del au, más temprano empecé con los diálogos y el storyboarding para ir ubicándome mejor en la historia pero aún así hay cosas que aún no se muy bien como colocar.
so here's the thing, izaya cae del cielo en un pueblo costero, no sabe por qué que es lo que ha hecho, se siente abandonado, resultado de esto polariza estas nuevas emociones que tiene y se resiente con dios por lo que le ha hecho, ese vendría a ser el izaya que todos conocemos amamos y adoramos. ahora producto de esta nueva vida que va a llevar va a empezar a meterse con la gente más específicamente con shizuo.
ahora el tema con shizuo no quiero spoilearlo mucho pero básicamente está teniendo problemas con diferenciar el bien del mal, primero pq todos sabemos q la vida es una escala de grises pero a veces en l religión, la gente es muy estricta, extrema. empieza a dudar mucho de su fe, de lo que hace y de dios mismo y ahora con el pesado de izaya IMAGINATE
por último esto ya es un poco de la sinopsis, shizuo se encuentra a izaya en las orillas de la playa, nota el mal estado en el que está, sus alas en mala condición, su cuerpo casi desnudo exceptuando la tela blanca que cubre parte de sus piernas, decide ver por él, porque eso es lo correcto, pero ya luego izaya dice algo q no debe y shizuo entra en crisis y empeora todo :3
pero el uno al otro terminarán aliviando este malestar que sienten, si dios los ha abandonado, ahora solo se tienen entre pecadores no?
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esta es una parte de lo q trabajé en la mañana probablemente habrán cambios y tal pero estoy empezando a hacer todo en español pq siento que me fluyen mejor las ideas. claro q lo traduciría al inglés pero me gustaría mantener y publicar ambas versiones.
creo q eso sería una parte para no alargar mucho este post. si tienes ideas dudas opiniones etc con total confianza pq platicando se pueden lograr muchas más cosas y mejores.
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saixpuppy · 5 months
🦐 for the ask game!!!
the emotions really DO be shrimpin'....
so beatmania iidx has me by the throat rn and i'm absolutely in love with all the roots26 characters. they're very interconnected, and all sorts of little mundane details about each one make them feel like people i could know. i've got two favorites but the one who's currently eating most of my fucking brain real estate is
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real name "leonard baxter," which is a very silly name in my honest onion. i am never going to call him that ever in my life. the aliases are basically just IIDX usernames anyway so that's cute in a way i guess.
he's a british weeaboo. completely seriously. i'm going mostly off the arcadia version of his profile here - he was a sweet kid who liked soccer, but got screwed over after his parents' store went bankrupt, started fucking around as a broker in the black market because poverty. got stabbed, got inspired to move to japan from a movie he saw while he was in the hospital, and now he writes books about culture and uses his black market sales skills to export weeb shit.
oh, and as per heroic verse and rage, apparently he's also some kind of dog-mecha-suit-wearing demon-assassination-strike-team-member who's on the leash of one of the more morally dubious recurring characters.
"isn't this a game about being a dj," someone asked me recently. (it is.)
siren calls him shady basically to his face. iirc one of the girls says he talks strange (he does - from what i can see he tends to quote stuff and has other...quirks.) he dresses like a mall ninja military fetishist. (he's never been in the military - though another fucking iidx dj has. nix my beloved.) i threw some actual official art of him on a customized eamusement card decal and my friend said i shouldn't use it because it has actual gang imagery in it. (i only mention this because i think it's hilarious in retrospect.)
i hate this man. i want to put him in the dryer spin cycle. his fashion choices make me want to eat my own iidx controller. he's the exact kind of person i'd kill to be friends with because he'd invite me to go to japanese history museums. his tits are out in the newest art of him that i've found. if he wanted to put a dog collar on me i probably would not tell him no.
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shrimp emotions indeed
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vinyls-and-valentines · 3 months
V1 was rolled out with some criticizng remarks. Some unfortunate stuff has been said to/about myself, but Im willing to overlook it in the spirit of mcr. With that said, I have redesigned the rules and i think there fair. I took you peoples thoughts into considertion even thoug most of you were rude, but lets set that aside to focus on July 26, the.........
On July 26 we're going to post fics, hcs, art, cosplays, vids etc to show ppl that were back with a force 💣👏 Ive set some ground rules for OPERATION HOT CHIMP and all DD content going forward. Lets face it, DD is in shambles but this will place us at the top of the fandom:
🦍 You CAN say you wanna fuck the witch, but idk why you WOULD.
🦍 OC names should be no more than 3 words. Any more than that and your just playin yourself
🦍 OC names should be more original in general, for example mine is Ricky Bobby, its funny, reference to my fav will ferell movie etc.
🦍 No more sayin that Kobra Kid is 🇬🇧british. Im not budgin on that one bcuz it makes no sense. WHy would brits be in california. All flights are grounded, no cruise ships etc. What do you people thnk the end of the world is, its not "la dee da" land
🦍 If you write/draw stuff about the four you HAVE to include the girl. Some of you agree (thank you) so Im keepin this one.
🦍 No makin fun of me, OR ANYONE ELSE for any reason
Ok so I think this is pretty fair to everyone. Call it CODENAME GORILLA when your around non-DD ppl (normies). We're going to blow their minds with the biggest blast the MCRmy has ever seen🤯🤯 July 26, write it down 📝
No this is not a joke....someone needs to straighten things up around here....might as well be me🤌
As Ricky Bobby said shake....and BAKE🤛
I mean this as respectfully as possible, but: Dacă vrei să predici fă-te popă. Nu-mi pasă ce fac alții atâta timp cât nu rănește pe nimeni, și cum e evidențiat de faptul că asta este limba mea nativa, nu sunt de acord cu felul în care ai abordat subiectul naționalității lui Kobra. Dumnezeu să-ți dea sănătate și te rog nu mă mai îmi trimite mesaje pe subiectul ăsta— nu mă interesează nimic mai puțin în viață decât a mă da polțai.
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