#sorry I’m menstruating 💀
h4unted-d4rling · 13 days
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The right ones.
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Pairing: Soft!Joel Miller x reader, no outbreak (Sarah is alive and well)
Summary: Joel buys you pads. ‘Cause Joel provides, you know, no matter the situation.
Tags: established relationship, pet names (baby, honey), reader has period and hair, no other description is given, mention of period symptoms, mention of cramps, mention of pads, mention of Sarah, flirting, kissing, Joel is a sweet pookie bear, I think that’s all? It’s just some tiny little fluff I wrote because I’m about to get my period and I need some comfort 🥲
I tried to write it in a neutral way so that every person who menstruates can identify with it, I hope I succeeded. (if you think there are things that need to be changed, just tell me and I'll do it ❤️)
English is not my first language, no beta and no proofreading so any mistake is all my fault, I’m sorry 💀
Thanks to anyone who will read this!
Your cell phone rings.
“Hey! What’s up, honey?”
“Um… listen, which ones did you say you need?”
“The ones with wings, Joel. Blue box, second shelf from the bottom.”
Usually you are the one who takes care of groceries and hygiene products shopping and by now you know by heart where they are.
“Mh…” you can see him. In the middle of the aisle, frowning, one hand on his hip and the other one holding the phone, one knee slightly forward, as he tries to maneuver through the boxes, they must all look the same to him.
“The ones that say ‘night, with wings, extra long’,” you add to try to help him.
Silence follows, several deep breaths, an undertone of exasperation, you bite your lower lip to keep from bursting out laughing. You don’t want to make fun of him, he’s trying hard to make it right.
He offered to do it for you this morning while you were in the bathroom and you discovered that not only had your period decided to come early but you were also almost out of pads.
You let out a sigh and cursed, “Oh damn!” You were in a foul mood, the cramps were making you squirm, your head was hurting, your back was tormenting you.
He was getting dressed, clearly heard you and asked worried “what’s wrong?”
You walked out of the bathroom with your head down and one hand on your stomach feeling miserable “UGH, my stupid period came and I’m running out of pads”
You sat on the bed and grabbed your phone from the nightstand as a terrible nausea hit you, and you called out of work saying you were sick.
His large hand caressed your face as he leaned down to kiss you.
“I’ll go to the supermarket during lunch break,” he said softly “Stay in bed and rest, okay?”
“Thank you so much” you said, lying down on the bed again and burying your face into your pillow, feeling cramps clawing inside you “you’re the absolute best”
He leaned to kiss your cheek and then left the house to reach the construction site.
He had done it for Sarah one of the first times she had her period and he had bought the wrong type, the thick and bulky ones, she had looked at the box with a downhearted expression that had made his heart sink.
“Those aren't the ones I wanted, Dad! I told you extra thin!” She screamed at him between sobs.
Joel felt like a good-for-nothing.
Making Sarah cry was terrible for him.
He later discovered that his daughter's tantrum was also a side effect of her period and Sarah had apologized to him but Joel still felt that he was the one who had to apologize for his lone wolf status that didn't allow him to have someone by his side to ask for help.
He would have liked to fall in love, yet he had to make it on his own, he certainly didn’t have time to date between work and all the other things he had to take care of. Being a single dad was a full time job.
After that, Joel had memorized the type that Sarah liked best but she had always conveniently made sure to stock up every time they went to the supermarket.
It had been many years since he had bought them for her and he found himself back at square one. Packages are so different, he could swear there are a dozen new ones he's never seen before.
He pinches his nose, takes a deep breath and then he sees it, just like you described it.
"I found them!" you hear him say enthusiastically "I'll be there soon"
"Good job! I'll be waiting for you, love" you coo.
He grabs the box and he goes to the checkout.
You hang up the phone wondering if he really has the ones you want but in any case you’re already grateful that he used his lunch break to bring them to you.
When he met you he was convinced he would be alone forever.
You had reopened his heart little by little, with patience, without pushing him to do or say what he wasn't ready for yet and he had rediscovered himself as a man capable of loving and in need of receiving it. He was grateful for this, he’s madly in love with you and wants to do everything he can to help you in every circumstance.
Joel has quietly entered your room and find you asleep.
He sits on the bed trying not to wake you.
Your hair spread out on the pillow, your face relaxed, your mouth slightly agape and your hand hanging loosely next to your face… you are so beautiful he can’t believe it. He’s the luckiest man in the world and the least he can do is bring you the right damn box. He leave the bag on your nightstand, kisses you on the temple and goes to the kitchen to make some sandwiches.
You wake up after a couple of minutes and see the bag so you grab it to look inside.
Joel wasn’t wrong, they are exactly the ones you wanted. And you find your favorite chocolate bar in it too.
You hear him humming softly in the kitchen so you get up to go and congratulate your hero.
“Hey, gorgeous!” he says to you as soon as he sees you at the kitchen door. “How are you feeling?”
“Better.” you say, stretching your arms. Luckily the painkiller you took worked.
“I’m happy to hear that. Go back to bed, I’ll bring you a sandwich in a bit” You move closer and wrap your arms around his waist, leaning against his back as he spreads mayo on the bread.
“You don’t have to do all this, but thank you” you whisper “I love you so much” His body is warm and welcoming, you bury your face in his plaid shirt inhaling his woody scent, so familiar and seductive.
Joel is like that, he had never been good with words, his love language is gestures. And he makes tons of them, constantly, small and big. He remembers which flowers you like best, he brings you Chinese food when you tell him you had a bad day, he watches your romantic comedies with you even if they bore him, he lets you choose the music in the car even if he's old school and you're belting out Billie Eilish and Chappell Roan these days, if something in the house broke, you find it repaired the next day without even asking.
“I love you too” he says, dropping the knife on the counter and placing his hands on yours, holding you close.
“You got the right ones, I'm proud of you” you tell him softly.
He turns to kiss you “Good, I’m glad I could help”
The tip of your tongue grazes his lips and you gently make your way into his mouth, moaning against him while he fills his hands with your ass squeezing it.
“Mmm baby, don't provoke me, I don't have much time left before coming back to work unfortunately"
“We can always have a quickie, they say orgasms help with cramps, you know” you say in a slightly pleading voice, looking at his big brown beautiful eyes through your eyelashes.
“Oh well then if it's for a good cause…” he replies huskily.
“And then you deserve a prize”
“I also got you some chocolate, did you see?”
“Oh yes” you say grabbing him by the shirt and dragging him into the bedroom “I saw it and I love it, but I crave something else sweet right now”
Joel chuckles as he follows you into your shared bedroom “such a dirty little thing you are”
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Ok cool!! So, this is extremely random but I need comfort. Can we have some headcannons on Wally with a reader on her period (I’m pretty puppets can’t have periods but just roll with it 😅)
Can you also make it we’re reader has a heavy flow and bad cramps and gets EXTREMELY moody? That’s basically me on my period 💀
This is such a sweet ask, we all need comfort sometimes. :) I'll also make these headcannons to be gender inclusive for my trans kings and nonbinary folks <3
Also I'm sorry this took me forever to write, I've been literally addicted to Minecraft lately 💀
Wally Darling with a partner who is on their period.
While puppets don't really have the same anatomy as humans, and not totally understand some things, they can realize when you're uncomfortable or in pain.
Which grabs the attention of the absolute most of a neighbor, and he doesn't understand why you're in so much pain that you're curled up and crying. He does know that something is wrong though and will try and help you in any way he can.
Will also ask so. many. questions. and try and know everything there is to know, even if he doesn't understand why the human body even does the whole "menstruation" thing anyways.
He doesn't strike me as someone who would be grossed out with any bodily fluid really because puppets don't have any, and therefore don't understand what they even are.
Is attached to your hip for however long it lasts, constantly attending to your every need.
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“…hello?” a hand waves in front of your face.
You blink for a moment before fixing your gaze on the person talking to you, “…huh?”
“Are you feeling alright neighbor?” you make eye contact with Wally as he places a hand on your arm “you look a little red, did you forget to put on sunscreen?”
You did feel rather hot. And uncomfortable. And in pain. Why did you agree to a neighborhood picnic anyways? As you open your mouth to brush Wally off, a violent pain overwhelms you, making you let out a strangled cry and you double over in pain on instinct.
“Oh goodness! Are you okay neighbor?!” Wally rushes to your side and rubs your back soothingly.
Embarrassment and irritation flooded through you as a scene was beginning to form, “yes, just..." you clench your jaw for a moment, "argh!” you growled and pushed Wally away from you.
You didn’t look at him as you pushed yourself to your feet and started to walk away. You didn’t see his pupils shrink and a look of total devastation painted across his face. Even in the way he held himself, he was truly hurt.
You couldn’t even begin to think about your actions, the wave of anger that suddenly washed over you took control as you briskly walked towards a quieter and shadier part of the woods. The harsh sun beat down on you as you tried to breathe through the pain.
You didn't even notice that you were being followed.
"Neighbor!" A voice called out to you. When you turned, you saw Wally running to catch up with you, "I'm sorry neighbor, I didn't mean to embarrass you. I was just worried about you!"
While he was rambling, you got a moment to look at him. He seemed sweaty and frazzled, and it dawns on you that you were incredibly mean to him for no reason, and yet he is still in front of you, worried and apologizing. Your anger and irritation melted away and a feeling of guilt settled on your chest. Your face felt flushed, and you were sweating a ton. From the sun, or from the embarrassment you weren’t too sure anymore.
Another wave of pain washed over you, which made you bend over and wrap your arms around your lower torso.
Wally places his hands on your upper arms and looks up at you, “I know what's wrong, I remember you telling me about this, neighbor. You should go home and rest."
You allowed yourself to be tugged in the direction of your home by Wally, who took great care in guiding you and comforting you whenever you grimaced in pain.
When you made it to your house, Wally escorted you inside and lead you over to the sofa in your living room.
"Can I get you anything? What can I do for you?"
Looking into his eyes, seeing the concern written all over his face was too much for you.
"I don't know what's wrong with me!" You cried out, tears quickly forming in your eyes as you begin to breakdown, "I'm sorry Wally, I'm so sorry!"
As you're sobbing, Wally comes closer, trying to comfort you which leads you to wrap your arms around him and pull him in for an embrace.
"I know you didn't mean to," Wally mumbled, "but let me help, please neighbor."
You took a couple of breaths, trying to calm down, "I-I don't want help" you whimpered, "I just want you here with me."
Wally's eyes widened for a moment, before he gently wrapped his arms around you, "of course I'll stay neighbor," he nestled into the crook of your neck, "you are the absolute most after all."
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themanirealityshifter · 4 months
when ur male friend thinks that your menstruate from ur ass: 💀
like I have one male friends who knows everything about woman(cuz he has two sisters) and then my other male friend knows absolutely NOTHING(cuz he has two brothers)
like pls, that sounds worse than cramps 😭
(I’m sorry if this made u uncomfy as a transmasc ( T-T) I just needed to share his stupid shit- )
we must educate him immediately 👹
AND YES IT SO DOES, it sounds sooooo uncomfortable fs
(no it doesn’t at all😭 i just call mine a man period which hijacks the dysphoria most days)
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the-doomed-witch · 2 years
I am sorry, but I am still laughing hard at the scene of you unlocking your phone to a very obvious smut lesbian gif 🤭🤭 (horrifying x 10^9 I can't imagine going through the coming out again... it gave me chills just remembering.... staystrong 😅)
Hahaha I understand you. I am the other way around, I can't write something that is less than a 2-3 part.. or a 10k 😅
YEEEEEEES! YOU GOT IT *-*-*-*-*. ARGH, I can already hear her little whimps... #someonesaveme #justkiddingdontsaveme
* cuts to me swaging back to my lovely seat 💺*<maybe on the crew area>
Well, if I was the teacher I would simply place a bucket on the ground and throw the files up in the air. The ones inside the bucket gets 88%, the ones off 65%, the one stuck on the light feature 0% and the one hovering unnaturaly above my head 100% 😌 there is NO WAY I would read it all...
I have no idea who the fuck invented the whole menstruational necessity.. come on, (1) is not possible THAT is evolution - nature isn't that stupid and (2) if any God/gods/people-with-very-big-and-loose-shirt-who-speaks-with-an-ethereal-voice did this... they SHOULDN'T !!! JUST SNAP AND CHANGE THIS SHIT! *screams to the universe* Argh!.. (Stark could have added that in the snap... just saying...)
I shouldn't go into that thought .... waaay down the anatomical road (I am anonymous, tho. 🤔 I can say whatever :o) (ok, this anon thing is growing on me)(here to never coming out of anon 🥛) (milk because is 7 am there) (Google images " gracilis muscle" and that is the ideal location/path for kiss/lick/ni.... I AM NOT smutting anatomical knowledge!) (Stop it, My/N)(Jesus, I am beyond saving 🥲)
. . 🌿👵 (two dots being exorcized by a christian old lady)
living in this household ain’t easy if i come out i’ll be in some serious danger and i’m not joking😭 so well anyways
I DON’T UNDERSTAND HOW 10K WORD FICS ARE WRITTEN!!! i don’t even want to talk further into it because i’m feeling guilty about not writing more than 4-5k words rn 🥲
PLEASE I AM CRACKING UP AT YOUR GRADING METHOD 😭🤣💀 being a teacher sounds like a great job to me but i hate children so much i cannot explain how annoying they can be! they can be the scariest creatures ever
in some of our mythological stories, the men were the ones who menstruated initially (like there’s a whole diff detailing there but let’s just say that’s the thing). like???? why do they want anyone to suffer through that at all???????? peace & love on the planet earth, please😐🥲
no no keep going i just googled gracilis muscle & you’re so right. it’s the milk for me though 😭 cheers 🥛🥛 *quickly adds some instant chocolate mix thingie*
not the exorcising BYEEEE😭
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fragileizywriting · 2 years
Lol marinette crying on her period is literally me 🤧 one time i cried bc the flight attendant was so nice to me bc i asked for water with no ice and he gave me with ice and i was like im so sorry but i asked with no ice 😔 and he was like nooo im sorry here's your water ☺️ and i was like 😭 the nicest flight attendant ever, i cried the whole way home after that 💀
omg anon what a MOOD ANON
the amount of stuff i cry about when i’m menstruating, oh my god, it’s honestly such a miracle i hadn’t gotten dumped earlier by my ex because holy shit
i had a moment where i cried because i was so happy because he’d gotten me lunch like he usually did, no idea why that moment was so important but it WAS
i’m an emotional BALL of STRESS for two days and i’m such a wreck and i’m always so In My Head and i think marinette deserves it
also marinette hugging the love of her life, her boyfriend and saying how much she loves them while crying, very fitting for the author rn
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the-doomed-witch · 2 years
Ok, after some "post-reading-smut time alone"... now I can properly answer you with my fangirling attitude 🤭
Thank YOU for that. So damn good... SO FUCKING DAMN GOOOOOD. Tell me there is a part 2. Pretty please, tell me.. come on.. she is so dreamy to be a stand alone kind of thing.....
First: I cannot unsee Olsen in a air-hostess uniform... is burned in my mind.
Second: Holy mama...mommy/daddy play is just so.. 👌
Third: yes to oral in the crew seat, yep, yep.. totally worth the googling "where do they seat on an airplane" mishap...
Uuuh, I liked to know I have requests freedom! Don't give me too much opening, I will use it 🤭. Oh, I have so many... let me get my best one forward and I will send you later.. (claps excitedly)
About reading my fics... uhm.. hard pass. 😂 I am joking. I will get off anon and DM you one of this days - you are so nice to talk to 😊. I am writing one for Lizzie. But is far from over.
GOOGLE CAN BE SO DAMN STUPID! Like.. just ANSWER ME! Sometimes I feel like it is mansplaning me.. 😅
No new dehli? Really? Where I would stay is so very nice! My cousin lived there for... like... 10 years? Maybe is because it was a very fancy place 🤣. His photos are extraordinary! But thanks for the advice ;) I will definitely consider it when I am ready to board on a 24hour wanda-less flight 😂
Oh, I am sorry. I shouldn't have anticipated your suffering :x... I had nightmares about balance sheets not matching for years.. hahaha. I can TOTALLY see you doing 34 pages of ledgers by hand. That was a very weird phase in life for me :x.
Well, my biology is more into human anatomy and physiologic, buuut mitochondria being a gift from your mother ... who gots from you grandma, and after grandma.. and so on..is so poetic. Hahaha my geek feminist side showing...
Ok, NOW I AM INTERESTED. We need to exchange smuts indications one of this days.... 😗
My god, exactly!! And I thought I was in a very dark path when I got to know slight smut.. then I stumbled on midnightcrimson and Wanda a few weeks ago? Is safe to say my soul if on the line to take the lift down to hell. 🤣
(Arrrgh, how can I add a freaking image here?? I got a Lizzie doing yoga one!! 😒)
. .
JUBGBKDDJHJKGB 😭😭😭 i’m so so glad that you liked it anon! 🖤🖤 i’m not sure if i’ll have a part two, but i am planning a small drabble in continuation about the strap-on 🫣 still, not very sure because one thing abt me is i suck at series or multiple parts of a story 🥲
olsen in an air hostess uniform yes. yes exactly. you seriously get me. that’s what i had in my mind the whole time 🤤 sitting in the crew cabin and eating out wanda? COUNT ME IN!
also!!!!! i’ll be eagerly waiting for your request <333 & enthusiastically waiting to read your fics!! 🖤
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google a mansplainer? YOU ARE SO REAL FOR THIS. like my dudes don’t try to explain me shit #GenderfluidBossing (because girlbossing sounds very gender dysphoric to me hehe)
delhi has deteriorated a LOT over the time, the air quality index has risen to a very disturbing amount… if you plan on coming here then i suggest you to do a bit of a research, because it’s seriously dangerous. nothing is more dangerous than a flight with wanda tho. iykwim
34 pages is an understatement 😭🥲 the last time i wrote an accounts exam, i used up 70+ pages in three hours! queue this genre of taylor swift lyrics:
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human anatomy is my only strong topic in the entirety of biology. reminds me of the time i scored 50/50 in science in 7th grade 💀😭🤣 yeah no i’ll never forget that, it was the smartest in science i could ever be! but scientific poetry can consume my heart. the thing is, i love learning about science but for academic purposes is a no.
a geek feminist? you’re like a billion times more iconic to me. i am a geek feminist too. but more of in a way where they should allow people who menstruate to have considerate holidays and exam timings. having cramps while writing a stupid ass 20 mark test should be banned fr😐
the moment i started reading smut i only confirmed my place in hell. i haven’t spared myself. funny part is, i cannot even stop thinking about it 😩 sometimes when i cannot sleep i keep thinking abt smut …should i be concerned?
if you have a pinterest link to the image, you can link it to the text :)
(again, i’m so sorry, i geniunely forgot to answer the ask!)
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