#sorry I saw the fucking letter again and got angry
lisztig · 10 months
Our landlord has let us know he's planning on installing a video intercom system in the building and every apartment. He did this maybe 2 months ago. Yesterday there was a letter in the mailbox asking us to please let in the workmen next Wednesday (6th) to install the new system in our apartment.
We've asked tentatively a few months ago if he's considering insulating the building as we're wasting a lot of gas for heating and he wanted to renovate the building's facade anyway. He said no. No point in it.
He's giving us less than a week's notice to have an intercom installed that we never fucking asked for but will increase rent. But he's not ever considering insulating the building (despite planning to partly renovate it) because it doesn't really benefit him.
If anyone was wondering why capitalism sucks btw.
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greenunoreversecard · 6 months
hi! can i request remus lupin x reader where reader is going through a break up and remus confesses his feelings for them? hope this makes sense and totally okay if not!
A/N: ofc! I'm just gonna do male bc the gender wasn't specified. Again, don't do fem or fem aligned so sorry if that's what you was hoping for. Also not beta read.
-E/N is exes name
-S/T is stuffed toy. I was gonna do stuffed animal but the letters together... aren't a good thing.
Minor hints to internalized homophobia, but to be fair it's the 70s so what do you expect?
Reader is in Gryffindor and is the fifth person in he Marauder's dorm
Synopsis: When the girl you were dating to distract yourself from Remus breaks up with you, spewing nasty words along the way, Remus is there to show you just how wrong the both of you were.
That Daft Cunts got nothin on me, love
Remus Lupin x M! Reader
Honestly, you knew to expect E/N's breakup. You saw the signs, and you'd known it wasn't long before it ended.
Doesn't mean it hurt any less.
You'd spent a good portion of time, locked in your dorm. No ones heard much from you after the letter you got at breakfast, but with the sun high in it's arch across the sky, nearing late noon it was only a matter of time before someone came to find you.
There's a knock at the door, and a muffled voice follows it, raspy and baritone.
"Y'alright, love? May I come in?"
"Fuck off," You sniffle out in weak retaliation, furiously swiping your eyes and sniffling.
"Do it yourself?" He quips back playfully. A big reason for the breakup, as stated in E/N's letter (not even in person, that fucking wanker. Through a damn letter) was the proximity of you and Remus.
There's not much denying it, you definitely have had the biggest crush on Remus, and E/N was rather a means of hiding the fact, but it doesn't mean you didn't care. It doesn't mean the insults she'd hurled at you hurt any less, either.
"Right then, in I go.." the door gently creaks open and you bury your face in your favorite S/T. As he sees the sight of you, he comes gently, quickly making his way to your bed on the far side of the room and you feel your bed dip next to your head. You feel as his hand gently starts to massage your scalp, lulling you to a sort of blissful calm.
"Nasty breakup with E/N I take it?"
You nod swiftly, not having removed yourself from the stuffy but having wormed yourself partially into Remus's lap.
"Aw, it's alright lovey, 've gotcha now. What's it read, then?"
"The reasoning were true, but the insults where just bloody mean" You muffled whine quietly rings out.
"Is it alright if I read it?"
As his quiet voice asks the question you've so been dreading, you sigh heavily but finally removed yourself from the toy. All you see is the soft smile pulling at the corners of his lips, and the gentle furrow of his brow as he looks down at you.
You reach across Remus to the bedside table behind him, grabbing a crumpled ball of paper and flattening it, before handing it to him.
You both sit quietly for a moment, you with your head and upper shoulders splayed across his lap, grip strong as a vice on he stuffed toy.
His small smile from seeing you has quickly turned into a angry frown at the words she spewed at you.
"This daft fuckin cunt? Who she thinks she is, saying shit like this? Bloody fuck mate- right as hell id be upset if it's at me." He say with a angry huff of breath, body rigid. Though, he quickly remembers your in his presence and softens again.
"'m sorry that twat said those things, lovey."
"it's alright, I guess. Nothing that wasn't deserved."
"You don't though. Not right of her to say that shit," he pauses for a moment, before his demeanor becomes more nervous," is it true, though? The second or third paragraph had said something about you being in love with me?"
This causes you to stiffen, before hiding your face again.
"speak up, love. I can't hear you."
You hurt and remove your face.
"Yes. I dated her to forget about you. About... about being in love with a guy."
He pauses at that, his body stiffening but his hand still gently stroking your hair.
"It's not wrong, you know. Being in love with guys. I mean fuck- you know about Sirius. Does that mean he's wrong for who he loves?"
"But he's different"
"I-" you huff. "I don't know. It just... it doesn't seem fair to you, Remus"
"How is it wrong to me?"
"Because it's putting you in a position where it'll be awkward."
At this he quirks a brow. "And how is that?"
"Cause how? Because I don't love you back? I assure you I do"
You start to speak before his sentence finally hits you. Mouth forming an 'O' shaping and blinking rapidly
"Fucking- what?"
"I love you back. I feel the same towards you as you do me"
"I-..." You pause, face burning a scarlet shade as you lick your lips," Why?"
He laughs lightly as your response.
"Why wouldn't I?"
You blink owlishly at him some more, and he's looking at you mirthfully with that know-it-all smirk of his.
"Kiss me?" You say without thinking.
He laughs heartily leaning down. His lips ghost yours as he murmurs against your lips 'Who am I to deny you, my love?' and gently presses his lips against yours.
He tastes of chocolate and stale coffee. And honestly, he tastes a bit like what you think home would.
as you unwillingly pull away; he murmurs in the love charged quiet; "Promise that daft cunts got noting on me, especially with those fuckin words"
A/N: Sorry if it's not great or ooc. Also, please like reblog and comment!! I love to interact with y'all!!!
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What did John say in his letter to Sherlock? We never find out and I regularly wonder what John could have written. Here's my version of John's letter.
(Also, this is my 1st time writing anything, so this is a bit nerve- wracking stressful. Not a native speaker, not beta'd/ britpicked, and so on.)
Warnings: nothing too bad, just a bit lot of angst.
You broke me, Sherlock. You broke me in so many ways and I don't know if I can ever recover from it.
I have been damaged before. By Mum and Dad, by Harry. Bit by bit, piece by piece I rebuild myself, every time. Then came Afghanistan and it broke me more than anything before, inside and out. It took away my career, my future and I was certain that I could never fix what the war took from me. I was ready to end it all, on my own terms.
But then I met you and to my surprise you could repair what I could not, not on my own. You gave me purpose and brought back joy to my life. I felt alive. Needed. Happy. I don't think I've ever been this happy before, and I am sure I never will be again. I was convinced that you would never do anything to harm my happiness. But you did.
You broke me, shattered me when you jumped off that damn roof. You crushed my heart into a million pieces when you leapt into inevitable death, when I saw your skull cracked open and your dead eyes and the blood. So much blood. I didn't know that it was just a magic trick. A lie. Why did you have to lie to me, Sherlock? Not trust me enough to take me with you? I would have gone everywhere with you, done everything for you. Everything. I think that's what hurt the most. You not trusting me. I trusted you. With everything I had. And you broke that trust by not trusting me.
I don't know how I managed not to fling myself off that same roof. Oh, I've thought about it. Many, many times. But I couldn't do it. I couldn't do this to Mrs. H. or Greg who had already lost a son (or close enough) and a friend. I could not be that selfish. Yes, I thought you were a selfish bastard. Doing that to us. To me. Even made me watch. Cruel doesn't even come close to describe what you did. Did you know that I don't dream about Afghanistan anymore? I dream about your Fall and the cracked skull and the dead eyes and the blood. And how I failed to save you. You never needed saving, but I didn't know that and it haunts me to this day.
I don't know what Mary saw in me. I was a grieving, broken man with no purpose. But she insisted that she liked me and I couldn't convince her that I wasn't worth her time. She distracted me from the grief and in a way she saved me, not unlike you did when we first met.
And then you came back. And I should have been happy, right? The miracle I had asked for so many times. But you treated your return like a joke, like it didn't matter -like I didn't matter- and you ridiculed me and something else inside me broke and this time I broke something of yours in return. Sorry about the nose, but I was so FUCKING angry and you kept talking and you kept being an enormous prick and it made me so angry.
Mary thought she talked me around, to see you again, to talk to you again. The truth is: I needed no one to talk me around. I could have never stayed away from you for too long. As soon as (most of) my anger had vanished,  I was drawn back to you like a moth to the light. And I thought that, maybe, I could be happy again. With you AND Mary by my side. And a little girl on the way.
And then you got shot and I nearly lost you. Again. My heart shattered to pieces, again, while I waited for news at the hospital. And as if it wasn't bad enough with you nearly dying, it was bloody Mary who tried to break me this time by breaking you. How could you not see who she really was? The world's only Consulting Detective and the smartest man I have ever known, and you didn't bloody know??? I could not leave her, not with Rosie on the way. I didn't want my little girl to grow up without a father. I promised her to be a better father than my own and I could never break this promise. Not before she was even born. But you made me break that promise. You didn't pull the trigger, that day in the aquarium, but you might have as well. You SWORE to protect Mary so my little girl would have a mother and she still died. I cannot care for Rosie, not on my own. I can barely take care of myself.
I am a broken man, Sherlock, I am not the man I want to be. Not anymore. I am a washed up soldier and doctor, a single father who can't take care of his daughter, a son and brother being only 1 step away from following his father's and sister's footsteps and becoming a full blown alcoholic.
I can't be near you anymore. Not until I get better. And I don't know if I ever can. I do not trust myself, with all the anger and sadness and guilt and broken promises. Maybe this time I am broken beyond repair.
Do not contact me. Do not follow me. Do not spy on me (same goes for you, Mycroft!). Don't even think about me. Do not! Sherlock, I mean it. This time it has to be my way, not yours.
I don't know when I can bear to see you again, if I can bear to ever see you again. And this thought breaks whatever is left of my already broken heart.
(AO3 link)
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chaifootsteps · 21 days
You know what? This is for the Stan x Blitzo fans. I want to piss them off. Emberlynn x Blitzo
Blitzø sighed as he saw that cat nightmare once again yelling at his window at three A.M.
Christ on a stick, did this bitch ever give up?! She had been stalking him for up to a month now and he was at his wits end with this Sinner who couldn't take a hint that he wasn't interested in her. Sure, she was cute in a cat way, he guessed, but her creepy and obsessive personality made her unbearable to be around.
It reminded of a certain horny owl....
No. He's not going there. He's already tried killing her, she keeps coming back, and he's tried hiding. It was time to do what he was afraid to do. Talk to her.
He slunk down his apartment's stairs and came out the back. Emberlynn was belting a love song in his honor while holding a sight that said, I'd die for you again!
"Emberlynn!" Blitzø called out and the girl squealed and tried to hug him as he walked toward her but he sidestepped the bitch before she could touch him.
"Look. Can we sit over there?" Blitzø asked, pointing to a bench. She nodded eagerly, thanking him for finally giving her his attention.
Once they sat down, she tried to kiss him but he pushed her away.
"Look. I'll be fucking blunt," Blitzø began. "I want to ask you a question and I want you to answer honestly. Do you actually like me?"
"Of course I do, Blitzy-kun! You're my soulmate, my dark prince, my—"
"No. I mean really. Do you like me or the idea of me?" Blitzo gestured to his demon attributes, swishing his tail for emphasis. "Would you like me if I wasn't a demon?"
Emberlynn paused as if she was trying to come up with a way to answer but all she could do was stutter. "I—I...uh—"
"Look. Emberlynn, I'm not flattered by any of this. You have to know this. It's creepy and stalkerish, and the fact that I had to kill you a couple times should tell you something."
"I need you to understand that you need to stop trying to get with me. Stop trying to live out your monster fucker kink. Please." Blitzø looked at her and he saw that she was uncharacteristically quiet. "Emberlynn?"
"Have I really been that bad?" She said softly.
"Yes." Blitzø. He wasn't going to sugarcoat this.
"Oh....." Emberlynn stood up. "I'll...leave you alone now." She walked with her sign and threw it away. She didn't look angry with him but she also didn't look happy.
Blitzø sighed in relief. That went better then he expected.
1 year later.
Blitzø finally felt like his life was doing something good for him. Stolas was out of the picture, apparently letting imps borrow something like the spell book got him cut off from everything that was Goetia. His daughter thrived under her new responsibilities and even had grown closer to her mother. Stolas took what little he had and left for Satan knows where but it was far from him.
Blitzø sighed as he looked through his bills until he came across a letter that was pink. Curiouse, he opened.
Dear Blitzø,
I'm sorry for stalking, harassing, and generally being a terrible person to you. You were right. I only liked you as a fetish. I didn't like you for you. I don't even know you. But, I would like to. You have every right to throw this away and ignore me, but I would love to have coffee this Saturday. If you don't want that, just ignore me and throw it away. This will be the only letter I'm sending anyway. If for some reason you're interested, then you can find me at Starrlucs. On 666 St.
- Emberlynn
Blitzø blinked. Well. That was unexpected. He thought long and hard. Should he go? She sounded sincere. Maybe.
Oh, what the hell. He was in a good mood and he had no other plans Saturday. It might be interesting.
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bingbongsupremacy · 1 year
The Letter Pt. 2
Pairing: Ellie Williams x fem! reader
Warnings: She/Her pronouns used, Homophobia
Summary: Ellie and Y/N are in two very different social groups at school. One day when Y/N's crush is cruelly exposed in front of the whole school, Y/N is brutally shot down. Finally, four years later the two run into each other again.
(I changed it to four years so reader could go to college)
High School AU
Next part will probably be the last part. I'll probably upload it tmr.
Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Pt. 3
*Not Proof Read* TLOU Masterlist
Ever since the assembly my life turned into hell. Ellie dropped me as a tutor and I was placed with some random guy who constantly reminded me of what happened. Kids snickered in the halls. Certain teachers would shoot me looks of disapproval. Kids I've never talked to stuffed church pamphlets into my locker or invited me to church.
It went on for the last few months of my senior year. Whenever any major event took place, Vivian was sure to point me out in the bleachers and remind everyone what happened.
It got to the point where I stopped going to assembly's
At least I had Dina and Jesse. They stood by me through it all. I don't know what would've happened without them.
Whenever I saw Ellie in the halls I dodged her. If I didn't, she'd clearly talk about me to her friends who'd snicker and agree.
That stupid fucking letter made my life hell.
-----Five Years Later-----
My car beeps as I lock it. I glance up at the familiar bright sign before quickly making my way into the supermarket.
Things have changed.
With one look around I can already tell they remodeled the place. I have no idea where any of the shit Dina sent me to get is.
I guess that's what I get for staying away so long. I honestly didn't plan on coming back but I miss Dina and Jesse. I fell horrible staying away all these years.
The store is mostly empty. I mean, who the fuck wants to be out at 11 o'clock at night.
I look around for one of the workers. There has to be someone here.
A small laugh catches my attention.
A long strip of smoke floats up into the air. As I walk closer to the register I start to notice a smell: weed.
" Um, hey. Can you help me? " I ask, peeking over the side of the register.
A head jumps up in surprise, bumping against the top of the checkout stand. " Fuck. " They mutter in surprise, rubbing their would with the hand not holding the joint.
" Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. "
The woman shakes her head, shoving her phone into her back pocket. She snuffs the joint out. " It's fine. " She reassures me, not looking up. " Just don't call my boss, yeah? Fuck, I can't get another write up. Fucking Kaylee with have my ass. " She mutters.
I smile at her disheveled appearance. She obviously wasn't planning on anyone coming in. " Chill, I'm not a rat. I don't care what you do. I just need some help finding some stuff. It's been a while since I've been here. " I hand her the list.
I glance over her hunched form. She nods. Her hair is messily pulled back into a half up bun. A light green vest covers some band tee.
I glance down at the the register.
My heart stops.
" Ellie? "
The womans' head snaps up in confusion. The confusion soon spreads to surprise. " Y-Y/N? Fuck, is that you? " Her poster straightens and her grip on my list becomes visibly tighter.
Ellie's face looks much more tired then in high school. She looks much more mature.
My emotions hit me like a brick wall. Every angry and sad feeling I went through senior year comes tumbling back. Every mocking sentence and rude word hits me like a ton of bricks. It feels like I'm going through it again.
At the same time seeing her activates the old crush I had. While my heart feels like it's being torn to shreds, my stomach does summer saults.
My jaw tightens and I reach for the paper. " I don't need your help. " I mutter. I'll be damned if I let her into my life again. Even if it's just for a few minutes. " I'll go to another store. "
Ellie steps back, holding my paper away. With a head shake, she responds. " What other store? It's fucking Jackson. We're the only store here. "
She's right. We both know it.
" Then...then I'll just get it myself. Give me my fucking list. " I hold out my hand.
" Can we please talk. " Ellie's brows are furrowed. " I- "
I roll my eyes. " I have no interest in talking to you, Williams. " I snap. " Fine, I'll fucking find everything without it. " I begin walking away.
" Fine! " Ellie's voice trails after me. " Look, you don't have to talk to me. "
Fuck, what the hell did I put on that list? Why the hell did I give it to her? Fuck fuck fuck.
I think I'm supposed to get mayo? Wait no. Why the fuck would I need Mayo?
" All you have to do is listen. Please, Y/N. I know I don't fucking deserve it after what I put you through-what I did, but please. Just give me a few minutes of your time. " Ellie begs.
I turn to the girl. She doesn't look like the confident girl I knew years ago. She looks...regretful?
I sigh. " Fine. You have three minutes. "
A small smile of relief flashes across Ellie's features. " Fuck, thank you. "
I nod stiffly, crossing my arms across my body.
" I was a fucking asshole in high school. " Ellie swallows. " I let my friends dictate the way I acted. All I wanted was to be popular. During Freshman year, I got bullied so I started playing a bunch of sports. I befriended a bunch of jocks and eventually a bunch of other assholes who hung around them. I became one of them. I was so fucking scared of losing my place in the group. " Ellie blushes slightly. She glances up at the ceiling, obviously not proud of what she's telling me.
" Anyways, I did a bunch of fucked up shit to stay with them. What I did to you was by far the fucking worst. " Her green eyes meet mine. " And I'm so fucking sorry. I really am. The day of the assembly Vivian came into the room and took your letter out of your sketch book. She didn't tell me what was in it. I knew it was fucked up whatever she was planning, but I didn't think it'd be that bad. I thought she'd just...I don't know...Show a not so great picture you drew off to the school-which is still a dick move-but I didn't know what she was planning. " Ellie nervously wrings her wrist.
" I'm so fucking sorry, Y/N. I was so cruel to you. So fucking mean. " Ellie looks up at me. " I knew what I was doing was wrong and I still did it. I could've said something to help but I-I didn't. I was a fucking coward and I'm so sorry. I think about it all the time. What if I was you? What if it had been me? What if I had been outed in front of the school? What if people treated me the way they had treated you? What if I treated me the way I treated you? I was so scared people would find out I'm gay. I wasn't ready for people to know. I guess...I guess I thought that if the attention was on you, I could continue sneaking around without people finding out. I can't hide forever though, Y/N. And these past few years I've realized just how bad you had it. I'm so sorry. I don't know if you can ever forgive me, but I understand if you can't. Honestly, if I were you, I fucking wouldn't. " Ellie's face is red from embarrassment and shame.
She was scared. She was scared of what people would think if they knew she was gay.
" I was scared, Ellie. I was so fucking scared. I didn't want anyone to know either. I never planned on giving you that note. It was a stupid crush. Even though I was scared, I never would've done that shit to you. I never would've talked shit about you in front of my friends or mocked you in public or at games. " I'm so torn. I don't know how I feel.
Ellie nods, closing her eyes. " Fuck, I'm sorry. "
" I don't hate you Ellie. "
" You don't? " Ellie's voice is surprised.
I shake my head. " No. I just don't know if I can trust you. You hurt me so much. "
Ellie thinks for a moment. " Maybe there's a way I can make it up to you. "
I cock my head to the side, slightly skeptical. " How? "
" How long are you in Jackson? " Ellie leans against a shelf.
" About a week, why? " I'm supposed to be hanging out with Dina and Jesse all week.
" Perfect. Give me five days. I promise, I'll fix what I fucked up. If I can't, you never have to talk to me or see me again. I swear to god I will never talk to you again if you want. Just give me a week. " Ellie's gaze is unmoving, much more confident then moments ago.
Should I trust her? What if she does something? Well she did just bare her fucking soul to me.
With a sigh I reply. " Fine. I'll give you a week. "
Tag list: Idk if I missed anyone. Sorry if I did. Lmk if I did or if u want to be tagged in the next part.
@octavias-next-meat-bite @ximtiredx
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racergirl-112 · 13 days
Push Me Over - Chapter 9: Wreck Me Again
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**Photo Cred: Google**
Warnings: Language, talks of depression
Dani got to set a while later and saw the paper in her door, she grabbed it and walked inside, setting her stuff down and sitting on her couch. She opened the letter and read what Hugh had to say. She began to cry as she knew this not only solidified her loving this man, but he felt the same way about her. She wanted to talk to him, but knew she didn’t want to be some kind of secret. She set the letter down and began to get ready. 
On today’s episode of trying to not make the people around them feel uncomfortable, Dani and Hugh had to work together on a fight scene. They were set to fight each other, getting them ready for the fight with Cassandra’s people. 
“Alright Hugh, you’re going to come at her with the claws and she is going to zap you. She will end up on top of you when it’s said and done and Logan is supposed to be angry he lost, but turned on that she’s this close to him,” Shawn finished. 
Hugh looked at Dani and vice versa as they nodded in agreement. The crew staging them for the scene and rigging them up. 
“And action,” Shawn yelled. ***************
Stargazer charged at Logan in an attempt to get the leg up on him or to maybe show off as well. Logan catches her with his claws as Stargazer zaps him, throwing him back. 
“Is that all you got, Bub?” he snarls. 
“We’re just getting started,” she smirks. She comes at him again as he catches her by the waist and throws her on the ground. She lets out a scoff. 
“Is this funny to you?” he asks, standing over her. 
“Maybe I just like it,” she jokes, launching herself upward and toward Logan. They continue to fight until one of Stargazer’s zaps sends them into each other, both falling to the ground, her on top of him. 
“You’re a fucking smartass,” Logan smirks. 
“I think it turns you on,” she whispers, their lips inches apart. 
Logan goes to kiss her, but Wade interrupts them.
“Oh yay, he does have a heart and a hard-on after all,” he jokes. Both Logan and Stargazer roll their eyes as they get up off the ground. ************************************************
“And cut,” Shawn said. “That was amazing you two. I can’t wait to see how it looks with all the special effects thrown in.”  
Ryan walked over to where Hugh and Dani stood. “If you two haven’t already fucked, I’d say that scene might as well sent you two over the edge,” he whispered. 
Dani’s eyes got wide at his comment, before covering her face laughing. Hugh also started laughing. 
“Let’s take a break for a bit and we’ll get back to it.” 
Hugh walked over to where his phone was and saw Deb had replied to his text. He walked off set for privacy, hoping to get the news out there sooner than later. 
One Week Later
Hugh and Deb had decided after their phone call what they wanted to say regarding their divorce and after talking to the kids, they agreed when the statement would be released. He felt like it had been the longest week ever. For once, even if the news wasn’t going to be the happiest, it meant that he could be with Dani. Well, if she still wanted to be. 
Today, they were filming the scene where the crew was headed to fight Cassandra. Dani had to sit in the trunk of the van with Hugh. His eyes locked on her and probably her tits that were pushed so far up in her costume. 
“Hey old man, my face is up here,” she joked, trying to break the tension. 
“Oh I know sweetheart,” he replied. “I told you before, I like the view.” Dani should have known that shit would backfire on her. 
Before they began filming, Ryan came to the back of the van. “Hugh, did you know this was published?” He showed his phone to Hugh. The headline reading, Hugh Jackman and wife Deborra-Lee Furness divorce after 27 years of marriage. The couple say they have nothing but respect and love for one another and won’t be commenting any further on the matter.” 
Dani’s face was white as a ghost as Shawn came walking up. “Sorry man, I know it must be hard,” he said, putting his hand on Hugh’s shoulder. He looked at his niece who looked like she might throw up. 
“You ok kiddo?” her uncle asked. 
“Yeah, sure,” she stammered, looking up at Hugh. Her eyes as big as a deer in headlights. 
“Hey Shawn, let’s take 5,” Ryan suggested. The rest of the cast got out of the van, leaving Hugh and Dani. 
“What, why?” she finally mustered. 
“Why not?” he started. “It was bound to get out sometime. It was time for everyone to know. Deb and I knew it was a matter of time.” 
“Hugh, if this is because of what I said…,” she started.
“Dani, listen, you weren’t the cause or the reason. We needed to move on to the next chapter of our lives.” 
Dani just looked dumbfounded, but maybe also relieved. Before she had a chance to reply with something she was going to regret, she removed herself from the situation, getting out of the van and walking back to her trailer. 
“What the fuck was that about? Sorry about that Hugh, Dani isn’t usually like that,” Shawn said. Ryan looked at Hugh. 
“It’s fine. It’s my fault,” he answered. 
“I don’t see how her attitude is your fault,” Shawn replied. Hugh looked at his friend and director with a look that helped Shawn register pretty fast why he said what he said. He pulled Hugh off to the side. “My niece? Fuck, seriously?”
“I’m sorry Shawn. We were afraid to tell anyone, especially her with telling you. She broke it off with me for that purpose and the fact that only a few people knew I was divorced, including her. She’s spectacular.” He watched his friend’s face start to relax. 
“If this works or if it doesn’t, don’t let it ruin your professional relationship. Also, I don’t want to know what a guy who is also one of my best friends is doing with my niece. Now go get her so we can finish shooting.” 
“You got it,” Hugh replied, a huge smile on his face. He went jogging out of the soundstage to the trailer lot. It had begun to rain as he reached Dani’s trailer. He knocked on the door, still in costume. She came to the door, her eyes red and puffy from crying. 
“Can’t you just let me have some space?” she asked, standing in the door, arms crossed.
“Please come out here,” he started. 
“Why?” she challenged. 
“Just do it, please.” She exited the trailer and to where he stood, her arms crossed. “Just so you know, I can’t stay away from you. I did it all for you and for me to be able to be with you. Your Uncle knows too.” 
“What the fuck, Hugh,” she started, covering her face with her hand. He pulled her to him. 
“I did it for us. I’ve fallen in love with you Dani,” he replied, cupping her cheek and kissing her with such force, it felt like lightning strikes throughout her body. 
“Wait, you love me? Isn’t it a bit soon?” she breathed, breaking the kiss. He shook his head. 
“I can’t explain how I feel about you any other way.” Dani wanted to give in so bad, but he literally just announced his divorce that day. She backed away as she could feel the tears beginning to form in her eyes. 
“Hugh,” she whispered, the tears beginning to fall. “Can we talk about this later? This isn’t the place.” She walked back into her trailer, shutting the door and sinking to the floor as she knew she hadn’t just broken Hugh’s heart, but obviated hers at the same time. She pulled herself together the best she could before going back to set. 
He felt like someone had gut-punched him and this one was hurting almost as bad as when he and Deb had decided to divorce. Maybe he had been out of the game for so long that he had overstepped, but he knew he loved her. Plain and simple. He hoped she would actually talk to him and tell him what was really bothering her because it had to be more than just him being newly divorced. 
Ryan was talking to Shawn when they saw Hugh and Dani walk back on set, not together. Dani went back to where she had been staged earlier as Ryan caught Hugh. 
“What the fuck happened?” Ryan questioned. 
“She said she couldn’t do it right now. It fucking hurt mate.” 
“It’s ok man. Maybe she’ll come around if you care about her that much.” Hugh shrugged, defeated. As Hugh walked over to the van, Ryan looked over at Dani and could clearly tell she wasn’t taking the situation well either, but she was holding it together the best she could. Even if they could act fine around each other to finish this movie, he knew that these two lit up around each other and he was determined in their own time to help them along.
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seireitonin · 11 months
please can you do some Nina headcannons I love your version of Nina!!!!
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Yes! My fellow scemo queen I love her! I was pretty indifferent to her before, but seeing her on tumblr and TikTok made me like her a lot more! Especially bc ppl hc/draw her as black and the fandom needs diversity! I like many others hc her as black so these will be written that in mind!
🎀Nina the killer Headcanonns🎀
Nina grew up in the suburbs
So she got bullied really bad
Not just because the way she looks, being scemo but being black and dark skinned
She would sob herself to sleep every night
She started to hate her skin color, bad
Like really bad
She correlated it with being “ugly”
So when she got into Creepypasta and saw Jeff, she was mesmerized by him
I mean he was beautiful. The pale skin, jet black long hair the blue eyes
The opposite of everything Nina was
So she aspired to be like him
So she practiced with knives she stole
Butterfly knife tricks, knife throwing you name is she could do it
She also taught herself how to fight
So next time when her bullies tried it with her, she beat their asses so bad
I mean really really bad
She got suspended
And got stereotyped as the “violent angry black girl” causing her to get isolated even more
It wasn’t fair. She was just defending herself and retaliating
Her mental health was awful and she was severely insecure
So she dove into Creepypasta and Jeff even more
When Jeff started putting letters in her locker she was so happy
She would do anything to be his and Jeff knew that
He came into her life when she was unwell and vulnerable
So he manipulated a 17 year old Nina into doing what he wanted
He made her cut a smile in her face
He encouraged her to bleach her skin, playing on her insecurities
“Don’t you want to be beautiful like me?”
She went along with it, she hated her skin color anyway
And he told her to killer her family last. She did it.
Then he abandoned her in the mess she made
Nina thought Jeff was her only purpose and put all her value into being Jeff’s
She thought Jeff gave her her worth and she thought she “loved” him
She looked for him and found him when she was 20
Jeff, impressed with her finding him kept her around, but he’s never liked her
This was all Nina thought she was worthy of and the closest thing she thought she was gonna get to love
This went on till she was 26
One day Jeff told Nina to find and kill Jane
Jane being the baddie she is talked some sense into her as they fought
“Fighting me? Because Jeff told you to? You and I both know he doesn’t like you. Why do you listen to him?”
“No. You don’t know what you’re talking about!”
Nina was deeply in denial
“Come on Nina. Cant you see Jeff is using you to do his dirty work and for fun? I don’t believe you’re that stupid.”
Nina gets teary eyed and runs back to Jeff
“Do you like me at all?”
Nina knew the answer but part of her wanted to prove Jane wrong. But she knew that wouldn’t happen
“Like you? I like that you do what I say. Did you kill that bitch Jane like I told you to?” He laughs in her face
Nina attacks Jeff out of anger. She gave her whole life to this man since she was 17 and he didn’t even respect her?
Nina got a few hits and stabs in but Jeff ultimately won. You can’t outdo the doer
He kicked her out and screamed at her. He called her every insult. Pointed out every insecurity. Made her feel worthless
Nina wanders through the forest sobbing and injured and comes across Jane again
“Jane, I’m sorry I-“
“You’re injured, did Jeff do that?”
Nina nods and cries
Jane takes her to EJ and lets Nina stay with her
Nina wasted her years on a guy she never loved and a man who never even liked her
They grow closer over the months and have multiple conversations
“How could I have fallen for that? I’m so fucking stupid Jane.”
“You were a child, Nina. You have to forgive yourself”
“Jane…I hated you. Why are you being so nice to me?”
“You need space to heal from Jeff. Besides, we’re both his victims in our own ways.”
That word “victim” broke Nina. She killed and got stronger so she wouldn’t be a victim of anyone. But she willingly became Jeff’s victim by being so insecure
She cried and cried for months
She wasted her life on Jeff
While she was going through the process she started her relationship with Toby (I went into detail on that on TikTok)
She asked Toby and Jane to come with her to EJ to get her smile stitched up permanently, leaving every piece of Jeff behind
She’s also letting her skin heal and go back to its natural color and she’s super insecure about it
“Toby…what if you don’t think I’m pretty anymore?”
“My skin…”
“Oh, that. I don’t care about that. I think it’s really pretty. You’re really pretty. I don’t care about your skin. I care about you.”
Nina let some silent tears stream down her face and smiles. She knows Toby only says what he means. And bluntly. “Thank you, Toby”
Nina is 27 years old
She’s 5’8
Nina is full scemo in looks and music
Nina listens to emo, scene, dubstep, hardcore, post hardcore, metalcore and pop punk. But she’ll listen to anything she likes
She loves going to concerts and raves, since she never got to go as a teenager
She drags Toby along, even though he’s not a people person(he enjoys himself bc he’s emo too even though he won’t admit it)
Toby let Nina cut his hair because she begged him to. She wanted to give him straight emo hair with layers and a fringe and she did just that
She wants to dye it pink and black to match hers but he won’t let her. She still begs him every day though.
She’s always been good at doing emo hair because she’s been cutting her own hair for years and dying it too
Nina loves thrifting and shopping (Toby goes with her so she doesn’t get harassed)
The skin where her smile is stitched up is textured and scarred
Nina sometimes misses her smile and will draw it on with makeup
Her favorite foundation is Fenty Beauty and her shade is 430 :3
She loves making Candi bracelets especially with Toby and Jane
She “steals” Toby and Jane’s clothes
Nina’s favorite foods are cosmic brownies, birthday cake milkshakes, sushi, burritos and kettle corn
She loves sugar a lot and any food that’s rainbow like her
She’s always switching hair colors but always goes back to pink and black
Nina and Toby have matching piercings! (Canine bites, septum, tongue, eyebrows, and a whole bunch of ear piercings)
Nina has band posters all over her room and plushies too!
Her pillow is always stained with hair dye
Nina teases her hair every day so it’s super big
Nina kills people still, but mainly shitty boyfriends
Nina has tried to be friends with clockwork but Clockwork REALLY doesn’t like her because she’s dating Toby now
Nina is sweet, bubbly, outgoing and kind so a lot of creeps like her :3
She’s a bit more mature now that she’s away from Jeff and a lot happier too
When Nina teases and straightens her hair she teases and straightens Toby’s hair as well. He doesn’t care. He’s actually impressed with how cool it looks
Nina loves practicing her screaming while Toby sings and plays drums but she’ll practice screaming on her own too
Nina has big round light brown eyes
She feels horrible about stuff she’s done in the past
Nina gets really insecure about people not liking her and she’s scared Toby and Jane secretly hate her
She’s much smarter than she was before but you can’t really tell by the way she acts
Nina hugs Jane and thanks her once a day. She wouldn’t have gotten away from Jeff without her
Take Toby’s goggles and wears them to raves
His mouth guard sometimes too
She’s just healing her inner child by being her beautiful self
And having people around her that truly love her
She loves wearing pink lipgloss and black lipliner to match her hair
Her makeup is traditional emo/ scene makeup circular eyeshadow and big eyeliner
She convinced Toby to wear a bit of eyeliner
Nina is bisexual!
She had a crush on Jane first but didn’t act on it since Jane’s married
Nina has an extremely high pain tolerance and plans go get tattoo sleeves all in one sitting
Mixes her black culture with scemo culture
Brown lip liner and large hoop earrings with some 90s/y2k fashion seen on black women at the time along with all her emo fashion
She’s truly accepting herself we love that for her she would’ve never done that before what a queen
Nina is a huge people pleaser
She’s extremely hyper, expressive and jumpy!
(God I love her!)
When she likes someone or falls in love she’s extremely obsessive and will do literally anything for them
Unironically likes the ham egg and cheese hot pockets
Doesn’t wear purple as much as she used to reminds her of when she met Jeff
Constantly getting candy from LJ
She enjoys rolling the dice to see if it’s poisonous or not
She’s impulsive and a risk taker like that
Wow this is long can you tell I’ve thought about her character a lot?
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badbf-cb · 7 months
We’re Back…
“Like hell I’m just going to sit around and let you handle it,” Minji sneered at Jaebeom across the table. Her usual sweet and comforting voice dripped with malice. She threw a crumpled note to her friend and leaned on his desk. “You didn’t handle it then! I can’t this happen again. Not with her.”
Tag Minzy- Youre it.
Im coming for what’s mine -HJ
Jaebeom couldn’t be upset with her. For months she had been getting letters from Hanjae, her living nightmare. JB held his hand to steady Wonho from approaching the angry woman. “I get you’re mad but Min… You have to let me do this. I know he’s working with Choi now. He reached out to my father. We just need-”
Her frustrated cry cut off the older man. “Need to what? He humiliated you last time! Your brother got shot! Hongjoong almost lost his eye! Fuck, Jaebeom- Taeyong almost died on the kitchen table.” She pointed an accusatory finger at each man in the room. “Did you forget what happened to Lisa?” Her eyes searched the room but felt relief knowing her young friend wasn’t around for this meeting.
“ENOUGH!” JB’s voice boomed through the room. Everyone but Minji took a step back and recoiled. “Everyone out, except you, Dr. Gong.” One by one they all left the two alone.
Even after an hour of being locked up alone and Changkyun’s best efforts to listen at the door… No one knew what happened behind the door. All they can agree on is a few windows rattled when Mingi left the office, slamming the door behind her.
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Minji signed a note and folded it quickly before tucking inside Yoona’s little back pack. “Ok, baby. Be good for Auntie Em ok? I promise I’ll see you soon.” She stole a kiss from the little girl as Chanyeol carried her off. Having purposely let the girl skip nap time, Minji knew that she would be sleeping before she arrived. “Bye baby,” she whispered, swiping her tears away.
One down… two to go. With Yoona away, she needed to get the others out of the house. She knew that she couldn’t keep Lisa out of this but at least Mina and Sunmi could be sent out… with a little persuasion.
“I’m not playing doctor with anyone,” Sunmi protested as she looked through the ‘care package’ Mina held. “I don’t care how cute they are!”
Mina laughed and pulled her friend from the house. “Stop! I know you missed him. Maybe he missed us… or you.” She swung the bag to her friend and grabbed the tray of cookies and brownies, making sure to grab the one marked ‘For Jake’. “Min, are you sure you can’t come?”
“No, sorry,” Minji kept the answer short. “They’ve been through a lot and just need an extra hand. Since Lisa has to go… just make sure Kyun is ok while she’s gone. Tell the boys I send my love.” She kissed her friend on the cheek and sent them on their way.
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“What do you mean he isn’t here?” Jaebeom asked looking for Chanyeol. “Where is he?” He didn’t need to ask more when he saw the satisfied look Minji had on her face. “Seriously? You did this didn’t you?” His question only answered with a shrug.
“Is this going to take long? I have more important things to do,” Lisa whined and grabbed Jungkook as she walked from the house and tothe third of the four identical waiting cars.
Wonho sighed heavily as he tried to usher Changkyun out. “Your dad doesn’t pay me to babysit you. Get the fuck out of here,” he barked at the middle sibling. The second car waiting for them.
To everyone’s surprise, Hanse and Gyu were the most cooperative pair. It was almost unsettling. The last car designated for them.
“I’ll be waiting. We need to make this as smooth as possible. I can’t miss this,” Hongjoong warns JB. He kisses Minji on the cheek and leans against the first car patiently.
JB looked around the oddly empty house and faced Minji. “You don’t trust me? Touché. Taeyong will be here soon… you can’t stop that. Hyunjin will stay with you until we get back since you won’t listen to me.”
“I’m counting on it. I just need to see where his loyalty lies. Good luck JB,” Minji hugs him tightly. “It’s been an honor knowing you as a friend and boss.”
“I don’t know what you’re doing Minji… Just be careful. You’re playing with fire and we both know this isn’t going to end well,” JB said from the door. He wasn’t able to look back at his friend.
Minji stood outside with Hyunjin and watched the four cars leave with her friends. She looked up and down the street for the pair of lights that brought Taeyong with them. “Game on,” she whispered as the crumpled note fell from her hands.
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hannahssimblr · 9 months
Chapter Fifteen
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Dean immediately throws his hands up in the air as if he thinks I’m about to whip out a gun on him. “Woah woah hey, wait a second…”
“What are you doing here?” I demand, shocked by the invasion of my personal space. “You can’t just come to my house.”
“Okay, look, you weren’t texting back, I wanted to check that you were okay.”
I stand across from him with my arms crossed. “Well, here I am, I’m fine. What do you want?”
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He gives me this loping smile that I’m sure he thinks is very charming and no doubt has practised in the mirror. He leans back against the iron railings. “I thought your housemate was lying when she said you weren’t home.”
“You rang the bell?”
“Yeah and she told me to go away.”
“I’m telling you to go away too.” I snip. “Don’t come to my house.”
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He adopts a very concerned expression, his eyebrows pulled together in a frown. “Evie, am I after doing something wrong? You just stopped talking to me after last weekend.”
“You got thrown out of my birthday party for being so fucked up, I didn’t feel comfortable texting you after seeing you like that.”
He sighs and rubs the heels of his hands into his eye sockets. “I know, I know, I messed up, I’ve just been going through a lot lately. I shouldn’t have gone to the party, I just really wanted to be there for you.”
I arch my eyebrow. “Did you.”
“Yes of course! And I know, I know that the present I got you was shite, in fact, it was an insult of a present and like, I got in trouble for stealing it from work and all, it just really wasn’t good enough for you.”
“Well you can have the whiskey back if you want it. I never drank it.”
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“Nah you can keep it. I deserved the trouble I got into.” His eyes get really big and soulful. “I’m so sorry, you shouldn’t have to put up with me, or with anybody, who acts like that around you.”
I shift from one foot to the other and try to keep my chin up, hoping that I have the kind of look in my eye that might turn him into stone.
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“I have your real present with me, if it’s any consolation.” He says, and I watch him dig through his backpack to produce something flat and square, wrapped in paper. He holds it out to me. “I should have given you this instead of the whiskey, and also, I should have come to the party sober. I won’t ever be like that around you again.”
“It’s alright.”
“It’s not really, you can tell me I’m a dickhead if you want.”
I don’t want to tell him that. Reluctantly I take the present. It’s heavy. “Will I open it in front of you or should I do it later?”
“Whatever suits you.”
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So I flip it over and peel the sellotape at the back. He���s done a very neat job of it, like, it’s as though he actually sat down at a table and spent time cutting the paper straight, folding all of the corners into neat, perfect little points. “I have no idea what this might be” I admit. 
“Well I hope that you like it.”
I fold open the paper to reveal a large, square book. “The Art of Mulan.” I read aloud, and then my eyes flick to his. “This is my favourite movie.”
“I know, you told me before.”
“I did tell you… but it must have been ages ago.”
“Yeah it was but I remembered.” His eyes are steady on my face, watchful, even.
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I smooth my hand over the cover, bright red with Mulan and her horse Khan in the centre painted in striking black ink, the letters of the title beautifully embossed with gold. Despite myself, I feel my animosity toward Dean begin to thaw, I’ve never been very good at staying angry with anybody. “Thank you.” I say. “This was really nice of you.” 
He shrugs and looks away bashfully. “Ah, well, you know, it was nothing really. When I saw it in the bookshop I thought of you straight away.” 
His words strike an immediate chord with me. He thought of me… But still, I’m on edge around him. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do in a situation like this. I tuck the book under my arm and start throwing glances at the door. “Well.” I begin. “I suppose I should go-”
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“So I don’t suppose you want to talk more.” He interjects. “I feel like I have some serious explaining to do.”
I hesitate. “Well, Claire, my housemate and her boyfriend are upstairs. I don’t think they’d be very pleased if I showed up with you.”
A sigh. “Why? Did I make a fool out of myself in front of them too?”
I shrug and he puts his face in his hands. “Oh Christ. I’m actually such a bloody mess sometimes, that’s so embarrassing.”
“It’s alright, it wasn’t that bad, they’re just… a bit protective of me.” He keeps his face buried and I reach out to touch his arm in a stilted gesture of comfort. “Don’t worry about it Dean, honestly, it wasn’t a big deal.”
“You don’t think so?”
“No, like not at all. It’s whatever. I was probably just being too sensitive.” 
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He drops his hands and makes a sad face. “I understand if you don’t want to talk to me.”
“I do.”
“Really. We can hang out, I just can’t really let you come in. Why don’t we go to the park instead?”
“Okay.” He says. “As long as you don’t mind the cold too much.”
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“I don’t mind.” I promise. “Let’s do that, come on.” As we head down the snowy streets together I steal a quick glance up at the windows of the apartment, just in case somebody might be watching us go. 
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wonwussy · 1 year
Aretha Franklin and Otis Redding
pairing; seungkwan x reader
genre; fluff, angst
notes/warnings; 70's au, talk of death and war, food... i took liberties with laffy taffy and it's creation timeline, since i cannot find an exact year it was created and put out in the world. this isn't a romance. this is part of the 70s;teen collab with svthub
word count; 2400
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Three years ago, you last saw your brother. The day he left for boot camp, to join his place in the Army during the Vietnam War. You had hugged him tightly, holding back tears as he told you to be strong, that he would write whenever he had the chance. And all you could do was nod and sniffle into his jacket.
Two years ago, you last heard from him. His final letter arrived at the house, addressed to the family, but you knew the beat up envelope held a special letter just for you. Your letters always contained things he’d never share with your parents, claiming he didn’t want to worry your mother. You still remember the last words he wrote to you. “When I get back, we’re going to listen to all the records I’ve missed.”
One year and ten months ago, your mom stood at the kitchen counter, tears streaming down her cheeks as a telegram sat on the counter. Your breath caught in your chest, ice in your veins. You didn’t dare ask what happened, what she read, but you had to know. You reached her side and picked up the telegram, hands shaking as you read the words. Missing in action.
One year ago, it was official. Another telegram arrived, and any hope of your brother coming home vanished. No body to bury. Your father cursed your brother, your mother cursed your father, and you cursed the war. But none of it mattered. Your brother was gone. Dead.
Today, you stand at the headstone that marks his empty grave. Reading his name, again. His years of life, again. “Beloved son, brother, friend”, again. You draw in a shaky breath and sit on the grass in front of it, fingers twisting around the green blades as you try to come up with words to say to him.
There is so much you want to say to him, to tell him. How you are still angry that he enlisted, how he got himself killed for some stupid war that wasn’t his to fight. How you miss him every day, and how music doesn’t sound the same with him gone. How he hurt your mother, who still cries herself to sleep. How he hardened your father, closed off from the world.
“Fuck you,” is all you manage to get out before a bubble of laughter spills from you. You don’t know why, but you’re laughing. And then you’re laughing harder. Next thing you know, tears are stinging the corners of your eyes, and there’s a stab of pain in your side from laughing so hard. You know you must look certifiable, clutching your side as you laugh on the ground in front of a gravestone.
“Are– are you okay?” you hear someone ask from behind you, sounding a little unsure on whether they should actually be talking to you or not.
You startle in your spot, the small jumpscare only causing you to laugh more. You twist as you wipe your eyes and look up at the man behind you, shaking your head. “No. I mean, yes. No. I’m sorry, I don’t know,” you reply as you force your laughter down, before real tears spill over.
He just quirks an eyebrow at you, looking even more wary of the situation. Coming across someone laughing their ass off in a graveyard wasn’t exactly a situation anyone warned him about. “Okay… well, I’ll just leave you to it then.”
He turns and starts to walk away, and you scramble to your feet. You don’t know why, but you feel like you need to explain yourself to him. You wipe at your cheeks as you follow after him, clearing your throat quietly. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to disturb you. I just… sorry,” you tell him as you reach his side.
You come to a stop as he does, hugging your arms around yourself as he turns to face you. He studies you, head tipping to the side, and smiles a little. “You didn’t. I was finished anyway.” He pauses as he starts walking again. “I should be sorry for interrupting you.”
You couldn’t help but smile when he smiles, and you find yourself following him again. You don’t even know his name, yet you’re going after him. “No, you didn’t. To be honest, I hadn’t even gotten started.”
He simply nods in response, falling silent as you two make your way out of the graveyard. “There’s a diner not far from here, if you want to join me,” he offers once you hit the sidewalk. “They may have terrible coffee, but their burgers are pretty good.”
The offer takes you aback, and you shoot him a funny look. “I don’t even know you, and you’re asking me out?”
“I’m asking if you want to go sit in the same booth at a diner that serves shitty coffee and good burgers, not on a date,” he muses as he stops to face you again. “Boo Seungkwan. And now you know me.”
You’re flabbergasted, and you know you should say no. Name or not, he’s still a stranger. However, you don’t say no. Instead, you nod and cross your arms over your chest. “I guess I could go for some fries,” you answer.
“Alright.” And he was walking again.
You can’t help but smile and fall into step beside him, unsure of what to say. Going with “so, what brings you to the cemetery?” probably wasn’t the best conversation starter. Instead, you both fall silent as you walk, your mind drifting to your brother once again.
It’s almost as if you can hear him whisper in your ear, half teasing and half warning you about going off with some guy you just met. “You think he’s cute, don’t you, Laffy? He seems like a square to me. Though, picking up chicks in the graveyard is kind of strange,” he echoes in your head, and you can’t stop the heat crawling up your neck.
Fingers snap in front of your face, and you blink as your head clears, looking at Seungkwan. He smirks and reaches for the door handle, pulling the door open for you as he steps back. “We’re here,” he announces, causing the heat to spread to your cheeks.
“Right. Sorry,” you mutter as you enter the diner, embarrassment crawling through your veins.
He shrugs as he leads you to a back corner booth, allowing you to pick your side before he slides into the other seat. He smiles at the waitress that hands you two menus, before taking your drink orders. Seungkwan orders a coffee, which surprises you. You could have sworn he said the coffee was bad.
He must notice the look on your face, and laughs as he leans back in the booth. “My friends say I have coffee instead of blood in my veins. Just because I drink coffee… a lot. Though, it’s not as much as they think. I just like the taste, I guess,” he explains, his gaze dropping down to his hands.
You let out a huff of laughter and pull one leg up so your foot is flat on the bench. “My brother would call me Laffy, because I’d eat so many Laffy Taffy’s growing up. I used to have a stash of them in my room, mostly because he’d sneak them to me,” you remember fondly, a half smile tugging at the corner of your mouth. “Haven’t had one in a while though,” you add quietly.
Seungkwan studies you for a moment, before glancing up as the waitress drops off your drinks. You both order quickly, before he is looking back at you, his hands wrapping around the mug of coffee in front of him. “What was your favorite flavor?”
You meet his eyes as you take a sip of your Coke, shrugging one shoulder. “Banana. Or the sparkle cherry. I loved the little hard candy pieces in it. My brother always read the jokes, that are on the wrappers, and thought they were the funniest thing.”
He laughs and rolls his eyes. “They had some really awful ones, if I remember correctly,” he says as he lifts his mug to his lips.
“Oh, they were all bad. But I couldn’t help but laugh with him. His laugh was so… infectious.” You pause as your heart squeezes painfully at the memories, pulling in a shaky breath. “That’s who I was seeing. My brother. He, uh… he was killed. The war,” you explain softly, shifting your focus out the window on the side of your booth.
He did figure as much, when he had caught the name and years on the gravestone you were at. He didn’t want to push or pry, but didn’t expect you to share on your own. “I’m sorry. That must be so hard,” he whispers, resisting the urge to rest his hand over yours. “He sounds like he was a great brother.”
“Yeah, he was. Soon as he could, he enlisted. He said he had to do something,” you recall, rolling your eyes. “He left. No one knew just how bad it was though. He’d write me, and tell me things that they weren’t showing on the news. It was so much worse than anyone could have known. And it wasn’t even our war. One day, he was labeled MIA. We got no details, and I don’t think anyone really looked for him. We just hoped and prayed he’d show up and come home. That he’d walk through the door one day.”
You sniffed and could feel the familiar sting of tears in your eyes. You wiped at your eyes and shook your head, looking back at Seungkwan. “I’m sorry. You don’t want to hear all this. We just met, and I’m giving you the tragedy of my soldier brother that never came home,” you joke weakly.
He doesn’t say anything for a moment as he drinks his coffee, shooting you a tiny smile. “My grandpa served in World War Two. My uncle was in the Korean War. While they physically came home, I think a part of them stayed behind. They don’t talk about what happened over there, but you can see it. In their eyes,” he says with a sigh. “War doesn’t just affect those who serve, it affects those around them.”
The waitress drops off your food as you let Seungkwan’s words roll around in your head, reaching for a fry. He’s right, and you know it. Your own grandfather never talked about his time during World War Two, and you never asked. You just knew it wasn’t something to bring up around him.
The pair of you start in on your food, falling into a comfortable silence with the sounds of the diner settling in around you. You glance up at Seungkwan and study him as he eats, only to look away shyly when he catches you. You’re grateful he doesn’t say anything, though you catch a smirk while he chews on his burger.
You stop mid-chew when a familiar song starts playing over the speakers in the diner, and you can’t help but grin. Otis Redding’s “(Sittin’ On) The Dock of the Bay” is one of your favorite songs, and you remember listening to it for the first time with your brother. “We used to go to the record store, every couple of weeks, and just search for records. We found Otis Redding one day, and never looked back,” you told him with a laugh. “We, of course, had differing opinions on which song was his best. And how… devastated we were when he died in that plane crash.”
He half smiles as he swallows, reaching for a few fries. “I am partial to Aretha Franklin myself. Her cover of “Respect” is, sorry to say, better than Otis’. She made it her own and brought a whole new interpretation to the song,” he states confidently, before biting into the fries.
Scoffing, you shake your head and sit up a little straighter. “No way. Sure, Aretha made it her own, and I respect that. It’s great. But no one can outdo Otis and his original,” you argue. “I think you need to get your ears checked.”
He laughs, and you smile at the sound. You find yourself liking the sound of his laugh, how he looks when he smiles. How good it makes you feel just to be there, discussing music with someone again. You don’t realize it, but a tiny crack in your heart starts to heal.
The meal continues with you two discussing, sometimes heatedly, more music. You tell him about the record store you frequent, he shares where he goes to watch live shows. It’s easy, just to sit and forget for a while, especially with Seungkwan. He doesn’t push where he shouldn’t, never makes you feel uncomfortable. And you enjoy yourself, for the first time in what seems like forever.
Soon, you are both paying for your meals (paying separately, of course, since it’s not a date), and are back out on the sidewalk. “You were right. The burgers were really good. Can’t believe I haven’t been there before,” you say as you both start walking in no particular direction.
“And the coffee never gets better. You think I’d learn not to order it,” he jokes with a laugh. He looks up and stops short, before telling you to wait a moment.
You are confused as he enters a store, and emerges several moments later with a huge grin on his face. “Should I be asking if you’re okay?” you tease, pointing to the drug store name. “Did that coffee get you that bad?”
He shakes his head and folds a piece of candy into your hand. “I thought you’d want some dessert.”
You look down at your hand and blink at the Laffy Taffy there, sparkling cherry flavor. “I–” you start, only to stop as you look back at him. “Thanks,” you finish in a whisper.
“So, what’s the joke?”
You can’t help but grin as you look down at the wrapper to read it, rolling your eyes at what’s printed. “Why did the orange lose the race?”
“Because it ran out of juice.”
“That’s terrible! Who is writing these jokes? I think I should go ask for a refund,” Seungkwan says with a roll of his eyes, though he is laughing.
His laugh that you can get used to hearing. You hope you can keep hanging out with him, keep some kind of relationship with him. “I’m y/n, by the way. Now you know my name.”
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japhan2024 · 1 year
Haha I wrote a little story I couldn't help myself... I'm so sorry lmao.
Ian was in a great mood lately. And how could he not be: he had rekindled the friendship between him and his best friend Anthony, they had bought back their own channel and brand SMOSH and they were making videos again, just the two of them with no 'higher-ups' guilting them into doing things with the channel they didn't want to. Ian was in such high spirits even that he was being way more social than he had been the past few years. He was chilling with the SMOSH fam and various other fellow youtubers, and everyone was so happy for him. And when his best friend looked at him with such beaming brown eyes, he felt a warmth, which he hadn't felt.. maybe ever.
So he was quite surprised when he saw Anthony stand on his apartment doorstep. Ian just returned from a get-together with his friend Jasmine and was a bit tipsy, so he did not notice the slender, curly haired, and heavily tattooed guy's body language. He jovially called out 'Anthony!'
Anthony gasped. "Ian..."
"Hey, what's the matter?" Up-close Anthony looked kind of like a mess. His hair fell over his eyes and they were not beaming - they were pleading.
"Ian, I'm so sorry, I feel so terrible," Anthony said in a panicky, high-pitched whisper.
"What do you mean?" Ian scanned his best friends face. "Fuck, come inside, can I get you a glass of water or something? Let's calm you down". Ian knew the signs of a panic attack. At least, of how it manifested when it happened to Anthony. Usually, Anthony could mask it and act normal, but Ian noticed the tenseness in his mannerisms, the slight strain trickling into his speech. Rarely had he witnessed it this bad, though. He didn't wait for Anthony to answer his question and got a large glass of water from the kitchen. When he returned, Anthony still stood by the door, nor had he taken off his jacket.
"Dude, it's okay, whatever it is, you're safe here, okay?"
Anthony looked at Ian, gasped for air a couple of times, and started to ramble: "I'm so sorry about the letter. It was so long ago, Ian. I was a different person. I was just so angry at Defy, and I took it out on you, I blamed you for not coming with me, for not running away together with me, Ian. I'm so much, so much better now, I've grown so much, please forgive me, I thought it would be funny to read it to you for the video but it was a terrible idea, I never wanted to hurt you..." He finally moved. Grasping Ian by the shoulders, he whispered "I'm so happy to have you back in my life, I don't want to lose you again."
Anthony had no idea. No idea of just how fucked up Ian had been without him. Ian tried, but he couldn't bring himself to share how he had wandered through a world without hope, without purpose, the channel keeping him busy but he wasn't there, even though he tried to be. Smosh was the only thing he had left of his and Anthony's friendship. So he couldn't let go. But without Anthony there, it had felt like an empty home.
Ian put his arms around Anthony and patted his back. "It's okay, man, it's okay." Anthony buried his face into the embrace. Ian knew not to argue with Anthony right now, or he might make it worse. The video where Anthony read Ian his 'angry' letter had been a blast. It wasn't even that bad, and Ian was thankful that Anthony shared so much of his feelings with him now. Their friendship had evolved, matured, and they were so close. But apparently, Anthony was badly affected by the ordeal. Ian led Anthony into his living room onto the couch and put down the glass of water on the side table.
Hand shaking, Anthony reached for the glass of water. He took a sip but then spilled the rest on the ground. "Fuck!" He groaned.
"Hey, don't worry about it, it's just water." Ian took Anthony's hand in his. He couldn't help but notice how beautiful the tattoo looked on him. Ian had given him grief about it, but it suited Anthony. It maybe signified how he had built his own career and painted his own story in bold strokes.
Anthony's grip was painfully strong. Ian smiled through it, though, and waited until Anthony finally calmed down.
"Anthony, you don't have to worry, okay?" Ian began. "You really, really don't have to worry. I thought your letter was sweet! I totally understand that you were resentful, I was too, remember? We were going through it, both of us! But it all worked out, and I will NEVER," Ian let go of Anthony's hand and gently yet firmly cupped his face, turning his head towards him, "NEVER let anything come between us, ever again".
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Ruminating once again about Luther McDonald. How he’s the kind of man who, when he couldn’t afford Christmas presents, went house to house stealing other people’s so that his family still got to celebrate. The way how, even though he and Mrs Mac clearly don’t love each other (the fan theory that they’re in a lavender marriage is my best friend), he still always comes home to her when he can and she still covers for his crimes. The implication, however vague, that at one point there was at least friendship between them that shines through even after years of apathy and hate. The picture of the three of them hugging and smiling that Mac has on his bedside table. There was something there, before he was sent to prison. In Dennis Looks Like a Registered Sex Offender, the first thing Luther does is go and spend time with Mac while also apologizing to people he’s wronged. He makes plans to take Mac and Charlie to the baseball hall of fame like he knows Mac’s always wanted. He’s genuinely trying to be a good dad in this episode. And yeah, at the end he says he’s gonna kill Mac next time he sees him, which is an awful thing to say even if you don’t mean it, but when he actually does see Mac and Charlie again in Mac and Charlie Die, he immediately clarifies he just doesn’t want to see either of them again. In his letter at the end, he clarifies further to Mac that he wants some distance to “learn how to forgive you”, even adding, “P.S. I still love you”. Before he’s put back in prison.
This isn’t to say that Luther is a good father by any means. He’s a homophobic dick. But I think he’s more complicated than some people give him credit for. There’s this ongoing thread about how the American prison system harms people, harms families. There’s this impression that I get watching through the series that Luther was a kind of scummy guy who was trying his best to provide for his and love his family and being sent to prison where he experienced violence and had to become more violent in return just continued to deteriorate his mental state which in turn deteriorated the mental state of everyone in his life. Each time he gets sent back to prison, he gets more cruel, more angry. And I know that even the show sometimes likes to act like he’s just always been this awful person, but I don’t think the text taken as a whole actually supports that. I think Dennis sees Mac’s hope that his dad will one day say he loves him again as delusional because Dennis accepted at a young age that his own father doesn’t love him (even though Frank clearly does love him to some capacity he’s just a deeply fucked up person and—sorry, this isn’t about Frank). But I think Mac’s hope comes from this belief that the decent person his father once was still exists. Mac’s love for his father is based on something, even if that something has been far away for an increasing number of years.
And I think taking all this in about Luther just makes Mac Finds His Pride even more fucked up. Because Mac’s dance isn’t just about coming out as gay, it’s about his feelings about God and his feelings about his father. Mac was using performance art, something which the show has established is very important and personal to him and the rest of the gang (it’s pretty much the only way any of them express genuine emotion), to reach for a moment of connection with this person who he hasn’t felt connected to since his early childhood. To express to the man who wasn’t around to see him grow up what it was like for him. The way he saw God and love and men and women as only being able to exist in an extremely specific way that were all tied into each other and tied into each other in a way his own personal feelings didn’t align with and the way that fact tore him apart. Because he always just wanted to be the perfect straight Catholic son his dad wanted instead of just letting himself be himself. But he realized the only way he could be happy was by being himself, and he accepted (hoped) that was something God could forgive him for, and in turn hoped was something his dad could forgive him for. But Luther had already given up on Mac as a son before he even said he was gay. He doesn’t want a moment of connection with him, a spark of recognition or understanding. Maybe at one point he would have tried, would have at least stayed for the whole performance, but that point is long gone. He can only see Mac as someone who ruined his life—who sent him back to prison when he finally got out, who made his case against murder charges and his time in prison more difficult. He wants a son who never wavered in their devotion or love for him (the way God in Catholicism is often depicted as wanting unwavering love and devotion), and he doesn’t see Mac as that kind of person. But Mac’s love for his father wavering or being thrown into question doesn’t change the intensity or existence of that love, just like his relationship with God. And if Luther tried, he’d see that. And maybe on some level he knows he’d find that connection if he tried. So he doesn’t.
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altschmerzes · 1 year
augh. the fuckening continues. Some More Stuff has gone down with my shitty shitty dad. yes. the one that died. It Continues To Go Down, Some Fucking How.
if you saw me talk about this somewhere else already sorry lmao. i don't even know why i'm like. i know there are people who i want to know things about how my life is going and who are invested in how i'm doing who follow me here and wouldn't have seen this elsewhere so it's like. sort of a bulletin and also i'm still just. it's circling around in my head kind of inescapably so. here's this. sorry for the continued oversharing re: The Fuckening, hopefully this'll be the last of it but apparently there is no way to remotely guarantee that he will stop pulling shit like this despite literally no longer being alive.
theres been a whole Thing where my dad had a life insurance policy through his work and the people from his job contacted our family and said that my sister and i were listed as the beneficiaries on the policy and so they needed the death certificate and our information to get that taken care of. i have been the one primarily in contact with the lady handling it, we emailed and talked on the phone a few times. and then recently my sister got something in the mail from the insurance people and i didn’t and we wondered if it was a problem with my address being canadian or my name change and so i called the insurance company today to get that sorted. according to them, based on the information provided by his work, I Am Not A Beneficiary. it’s just my sister, im listed as a contingency in case something happened to them before him or whatever i guess. so now there’s. that. going on. which, like. it makes sense, my sister is the one he had a relationship with and that’s a choice i made and it’s not like im owed anything but it’s still like. once again my sister is everyone’s favourite and im Nobody to my family unless they’re directly reminded i exist. except that like. he did remember i existed. he deliberately and specifically listed me as the backup and it was like- i felt weird about the whole thing already. Really Weird about it but this did not. make me feel Less Weird.
and it's like i just. why couldn’t the HR person from his job have read the fucking form correctly if that’s what it said this whole time. why was i listed as a CONTINGENCY beneficiary in the first place. i knew that man, i knew how his mind worked, i remember how every time i saw him when we WERE speaking he would inevitably bring up my brother and how my brother wouldn’t talk to him and how much that sucked. listing my sister for this policy and then adding me as a Backup Plan was like. this wasn’t about wanting to take care of my sister and just not thinking of me at all. so it’s like all the rest of it and now just. knowing, like knowing this was a choice he made to Punish Me for not being involved in his life. because his focus was never on what he had it was always on what he didn’t and how unfair and horrible it was that he didn’t have it. if he just hadn’t thought about me at all his partner of 11 years would be listed as the contingency if they Needed him to have one, the only reason to have put my name down like that was to Make A Point and to get back at me for walking away from him and it just?
like who does that. i cant get my mind around it. there is literally no reason for my name to have been included the way it was except to make a point and that’s what im upset about, not the inheritance stuff, it’s just. he was a vicious, petty, vindictive person and he got one last shot in to hurt me the only way he could because i wouldn’t talk to him. that letter he sent last year to my grandmothers house, this, he like. he hated me, i think. some part of him was so angry at me that he hated me and wanted to hurt me in any way he could even just by writing my name down like Not You Though, The Other One Is The One I’m Acknowledging As My Child Who I Want To Care For And Protect In The Event Of My Death, But I Need It To Be Clear It’s NOT You on paperwork he probably never thought anyone else would see. how pissed and resentful do you have to be for that to be something you think to do.
just like. was it not enough. was what he did to me when i was a kid not enough. why do things have to KEEP happening. why does he KEEP needing to find ways to hurt me as bad as possible because that is the outcome he wanted. was to hurt me as bad as he could in whatever way he could. just. what the fuck.
yknow in my like. ninth grade english class there was this one super insane day after it was made extremely clear that my teacher had no control over the class and wasn’t gonna try and rectify that where these two kids who hated each other got in this big fight like. mid-class. and the way this fight took place is one of them was shouting across the room and the other was, and this is not a joke, repeatedly changing the name of a wifi hotspot on his phone, as a way of responding to her. this is about that level of petty, immature bullshit. conducting a fight with someone by changing the name of a wifi hotspot. getting back at your bitch of a daughter who won’t talk to you by filling out HR paperwork so that it’s SUPER clear you only meant the other one and NOT this one SO THERE. etc. what a fucking child.
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fanficsfreeideas · 3 months
The night on the rooftop marked a pivotal moment
chapter 13
Adam sat in the room with a stern frown, his eyes fixed on Lucifer, who sat opposite him. Azrael, visibly tired from being dragged into this, sat in the middle, trying to mediate between the two. The tension was thick, but Azrael spoke up with a weary voice, addressing them both.
"Which of you wants to go first?" Azrael asked, hoping to facilitate a resolution.
Lucifer glanced up at Adam, who met his gaze with an icy glare. Lucifer quickly looked down, gathering his thoughts before speaking. "Look, I'm sorry for everything I did to you. I didn't mean to hurt you. I just... I wanted to be helpful. When Lilith wasn't happy with you, and then with Eve, Lilith told me things that made me think I was doing the right thing by intervening. Lilith and I convinced Eve about the apple—it was wrong. I should have talked to both of you to see if what I was told was true. I'm honestly sorry, Adam."
He paused, then added with sincerity, "And for always watching you back in Eden, though the only time I ever watched was when you were playing with ducks. I really love ducks—they're my favorite birds. My goal was never to take your wives from you, and I should have never brought up your kids when you have mated Alastor. That was very cold-hearted of me. I had grown bitter about how Lilith and I were cast away from heaven when all we wanted to do was help Eve. So, I'm sorry. I'm also sorry for watching you and Alastor. That was truly a mistake, and I should have left."
Azrael nodded, then turned to Adam, who remained silent as he processed Lucifer's words. Adam then sighed, "So, the king of hell is just stupid and doesn't think, and Lilith talked him into giving Eve the apple. Oh, he also loves ducks." Adam then asked, "So why did you follow me around Eden then? Don't lie."
Lucifer's eyes grew big, and he looked at Adam with a goofy smile. "Because the ducks would follow you around, so I followed the ducks."
Lucifer was about to go on about his love of ducks again, but Azrael stopped him before it could begin. "Alright, let's stay focused," Azrael said, trying to keep the conversation on track.
"So, little brother, you never watched Adam for any sexual reason?" Azrael asked, narrowing his eyes at Lucifer.
Lucifer shook his head. "The only time I ever felt something was when I came across Adam and Alastor having sex. I never knew there was a name for that type of thing, and I would never do it again, even if it did make me feel things."
Adam gasped. "The fucker isn't afraid to admit he enjoyed what he saw!" He started to get visibly angry.
Azrael intervened quickly. "Calm down, Adam. Lucifer said he wouldn't do it again. So, did he run away after catching you and your mate in the kitchen?"
Adam sighed, "Yes, he did run away." He nodded, deciding to forgive Lucifer. "I'll have to teach the little fucker what kinks are. He seems clueless. Lilith did like to take charge; the poor guy never had a chance once she got a hold of him. Like father, like daughter—fucking doormats, the both of them."
"Wait," Adam shouted suddenly, "where the fuck is Lilith?"
Lucifer looked down at the floor. "She left years ago. No one has seen her. She left a letter saying she was tired of being with a useless husband who cries over everything, gets overly happy, and won't try new things in the bedroom. Plus, I was depressed and didn't want to do anything most of the time. Charlie doesn't even know why her mother left me."
Adam felt a pang of sympathy for Lucifer. "Damn it," he thought, "I want to stay mad at the fucker, but he's just too pathetic. It's like kicking a puppy." He sighed deeply. "Fine, whatever. You are forgiven, but don't touch my mate," Adam said, getting out of his chair. "And your daughter is still yours. I may have marked her as mine, but you are her real father. So stop your fucking crying before I really punch you in the face. Oh yeah, one day you and I are going to fucking sit down and talk about something called kinks. You're fucking clueless. Your own kid knows what they are."
Azrael coughed, thinking, "He does not want to be part of that meeting. Hopefully, they can deal with that by themselves. The great seducer, my ass."
Charlie was waiting outside. Adam smiled and nodded at her. "Everything is fine, kid. Go inside and speak to your dad. He's been keeping things from you that you should know."
Charlie frowned. "Thanks, Adam." She then walked into the room to have a heart-to-heart with her dad.
Adam went upstairs, eager to snuggle up with his mate and their little ones. Both of his sons had wings, but his little girl was 100% her mama. Alastor was half asleep, holding their little fawns. His boys were loud and boisterous, just like their father, but their daughter was a perfect little lady.
Adam flew into their nest, grateful that his mate was healing well. He slowly walked over, knelt down, kissed Alastor on the cheek, and wrapped his wings around him and the little ones. Alastor sighed, looked up at his loving mate, and asked, "So, how did it go?"
Adam began, "The fuc—" but stopped when his little mate glared at him. "Lucifer is honestly just stupid and has one brain cell, and it's focused on ducks. He never followed me around Eden for perverted reasons; it was because of ducks."
Alastor stopped playing with his fawns to look up at Adam and laugh. "Don't laugh, it's true. Your great king of hell loves ducks, and because the ducks followed me, he followed them."
Alastor then asked, "Why did he watch us then?"
Adam coughed and said, "That was the first time he ever saw me have sex, and it turned him on."
Alastor stared. "What did you say, dear?"
Adam laughed. "He never knew what voyeurism was. He's completely clueless about kinks."
Alastor chuckled. "But, dear, I was lost on that type of stuff too until you taught me."
Adam grinned. "I'm the first man; who else would be the best teacher than I?" He snuggled closer to his mate and whispered, "I can't wait to hunt you down, pin you, and take you fast and hard while mid-air, my mate. So rest up while you can."
Alastor grinned, rubbing his face into Adam's neck before biting him gently. "Behave, dear. Our bet was for twins, not for triplets."
"Ahh, come on."
Alastor snorted. "Pick which one you want, but I will not fully reward someone who also lost a bet."
Adam grinned. "Hunt and pin you down. I want to watch you run naked, your little tail moving and your ears listening for me, waiting for me to catch you. How does that sound, my mate?"
Alastor blushed and whispered, "Whatever you want, my dear. It's time for us to go to sleep."
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elizabeth-blood · 2 years
Tate Langdon x Y/N
This will not be a series
Red = you
Orange = random extra
Pink = Tate
Ghost!Tate x fem!reader
This is not a love story
Tumblr media
You laid in your new bed. It smelt like dust and febreeze. You sat up and looked around the room. It was covered in cardboard boxes filled with memories. You heard a creak in the hallway and got off the bed. A sigh came out of your mouth as you took off your shirt to change. You suddenly turned since you saw someone in the corner of your eye. Nobody was there so you continued. You went to pick up your shirt but it was gone so you walked around the bed shirtless. “Where the fuck is it!” You began to become agitated and threw a pillow at the wall. You saw your shirt in the hallway and walked over to it. As you bent over to pick it up, you heard a knock. It was coming from another bedroom. The door opened slowly and you picked up your shirt. “Who’s there?” You walked back into your room and sat on your bed. You put on a new shirt and everything suddenly became warm. Like something was angry. You stood up and walked into the hallway. You finally went into the room that had the open door. “This better not be a prank!” You walked out of the room and the door shut after you took one step toward the exit of the room. A squeal came out of your mouth as it slammed. It was so quiet you could hear dust settling. Your body was paralysed in fear. You moved another step and the floor boards creaked loudly as you moved. You put your hand on the door knob and twisted it. The door creaked as well. You opened the door and walked out scared. Someone then knocked on the front door. You walked over to it and opened the door. “Oh. Hi.” You smiled at the person who gave you the house. “I need to tell you about this place. I’m sorry I’m so late but it’s urgent now.” You moved so they could enter and they immediately did. They sat on your sofa like they’d seen a ghost. “Are…..you ok?” They looked into your eyes and shook their head. “What is it?” You crossed your arms whilst you stood by them. “The original owner killed his mom’s boyfriend and then did a school shooting!” You lowered your eyebrows in confusion. “Why is that relevant?” They stood up and walked in front of you. “Has anything weird been happening?” You remembered the door and nodded at them. “Well. He might be coming back for revenge on this town.” You chuckled and they kept a blank face. “Oh. You’re serious.” They sighed and stood up to leave. “No. Don’t leave! I’m so sorry.” They continued to leave, they opened the door and walked out. You laughed uncontrollably and went back to your room. You walked toward your bed and sat on it again. The room was really warm so you took off your shirt. You stood up and walked into the bathroom. There was lettering in the dust. “Leave.” You brushed it away ignoring the word. You then saw a very obvious silhouette of a person in the corner of your eye. It was too realistic to be fake. You turned around and you saw someone but when you blinked again he was gone. “What the hell.” You giggled and spoke again. “Are you being a peeking Tom?” It couldn’t be a hallucination. It had to be a ghost. You turned the tap on and then washed your face. You turned it again and dried your face with a towel. You walked out of the bathroom and looked around. Someone was sitting on your bed. “Hi, I’m dead. Wanna hook up?” You walked over to him making sure he wasn’t fake. “You’re real?” You raised your arm and touched his chest with the palm of your hand. “Yes I am.” You remembered him from the newspaper. “You died.” You still couldn’t believe he was real. You looked away to pick up something that fell and he was gone. A sigh slipped out your mouth as you turned around to walk away. “Don’t leave. I don’t want you to leave.” You turned around to follow the voice. He was there again but standing. “You don’t want me to leave?” He walked over to you. “I want you…….to stay.” He stood in front of you and raised his arm. Tate put his hand on your cheek. It was cold which made a shiver travel down your spine.
“I love you.” Your eyes widened. “I can’t be with a ghost.” Tate removed his hand from your cheek. His face became angry. He walked backwards and shouted. “I LOVE YOU!!” A tear fell down your cheek. “GO AWAY!!!” You closed your eyes and opened them again. He was gone. You breathed heavily then sat on the floor and cried.
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marirynryn · 2 years
Hi uuuuuhhhh can we talk abt how much of a fucker Bosie was??? I'm reading 'De Profundis' of Oscar Wilde (A letter he wrote for Alfred Douglas, aka Bosie, while he was in prision) and it's I'm not even in the half but for now Oscar has recompiled a lot of shitty things that Bosie has done to him in all of the years they've been "friends". Like. Bosie at one point, due to all the extravagances and luxuries he afforded daily WITH THE MONEY OF WILDE got him to bankruptcy. In words of Wilde, "...If I remember you that all the time we were together I didn't never wrote not even a single line-...-Mi life, while you were at my side, was completely sterile and uncreative" : Bosie freaking drained the life and inspiration out of Wilde, and all the times they were together, he couldn't focus on anything but Bosie bc if he did Bosie would get mad. Oscar was tired of getting away from Bosie just to go back to him again, he even tried to convince Bosie's mother to get him out of the country (and his mother agreed with Wilde, confirming that Bosie had the Bitch temper™ of his father), but some time later Bosie begged his mother to know how Wilde was, where he was, and said that he "wanted to see him again, even though it was only once". Oscar even says something like (I won't quote bc I would probably get it bad lol) 'Every three months I would try to break our friendship, and every three months you would convince me again of being close to you, even if I know what danger you mean to me'. LIKE BOSIE LITERALLY ATTEMPTED AGAINST WILDE'S LIFE MORE THAN ONCE WTF there is one part in this letter that narrates a time when Bosie got sick, and after 5 days of Wilde taking care of him in the most endearing way, Wilde falls ill thanks to Bosie, and what did that bitch do? Go to eat at a fancy restaurant with Oscar's money while Wilde was dying in an apartment he rented. My men made Bosie promise to 'at least eat dinner with him', and when he didn't appeared at dinner time, Wilde wrote him a note remembering the promise and goes to try to sleep, but after getting insomnia due to his sickness wakes up and goes to the kitchen for some water, and there it is, Bosie, angry af with Wilde bc of the note, and fcking attackes him verbally like 😭 and not even a day after, Bosie gets into Wilde's room to make up excuses, and when Wilde just says to him to get the fuck out of his room, the bitch with Bitch temper ™ once again tried to hurt him.
I'm open to opinions, I haven't finished the whole letter, but I felt like saying all of this because, of the little things and image I've got to see people have of Oscar's and Bosie's relationship, is really not mentioned all of the crap Bosie made to Oscar, and is more like "hehe Wilde was a gay gay homosexual gay who love Bosie", I mean- It's true- but still, Bosie didn't really showed affection or AT LEAST care for Wilde, and lemme quote this bc this words of Wilde narrating the time when he and Alfred met after Alfred being like three months out of the country: "When I got to Paris, your tears, spilled over and over again throughout the whole evening, that fell on your cheeks like rain while we ate first at Voisin and ate dinner after at Paillard; the unfeigned joy that you showed when you saw me, taking my hand whenever you could, like a sweet and petinent child..." Is SO beautifully sad because this is one of the only times Wilde mentions that kind of affection coming from Bosie, and also days before Bosie's father accused him from sodomy, accusation that got him in prision.
Like yeah I get it Alfred Douglas was fine af but all that crap isn't worth it for just a dick Mr. Wilde, you freaking masochistic.
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OK THANKS FOR HEARING ME OUT I REALLY NEEDED TO GET OUT THAT FROM MY SYSTEM sorry if the English is really broken, it's not my first language, also the quotes are not the ones from the English translation of the letter(? I think idk I'm reading it in my language so I took the quotes and translated them literally.
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