#sorry I have monster high opinions
jmgangel · 4 months
I literally love G1 Toradeen so much and the fact that their comic wasn’t focused on their enemies to lovers arc so disappointing.
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bunnuyboy · 2 years
when will there be a popular doll line where the men arent ugly
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one-winged-dreams · 9 months
Wakes up in the middle of the night absolutely fucked up on three different sleep aids to rant about how people can not fucking put together the Final Fantasy VII + spinoffs lore and EVEN STILL try to vomit these useless opinions and what x character is the WORST and why y character is blah blah blah
putting these supersoldiers on top of the fridge until y'all learn what a narrative is
#i am so fucking high right now but STOP. SAYING. GENESIS TURNED SEPHIROTH EVIL#i can get into a whole dissertation about how Sephiroth and Genesis did NOT hate each other and taking an out of context final interaction#cutscene spoken for the sake of continuing the drama of the current plotline later#and it is literally a classic story of 'insecure boy becomes friends with big goddamn hero'#'surely he will not build walls of resentment and envy slowly over the course of their friendship until it clashes in one last benign fight#whic is followed up by news that 'hey dude you're fucking dying how about that? :D'#bless his complicated as fuck soul but he didn't do SHIT other than demonstrate to Sephiroth that he had lost his only remaining friend#THAT was what he contributed to the breaking of his psyche after DECADES of misery and trauma and growing up a child soldier#genesis calling him a monster didn't affect him to the level you think it did#he was going to come to that conclusion HIMSELF after learning the truth about the jenova project anyway#no doubt GENESIS probably felt like doodoo after the survivor's guilt kicked in#but he absolutely was not the one to break spehiroth.#it was a literal lifetime of psychological stress and then a release of hatred finding out he was Shinra's perfect prized abomination#who had NEVER been destined for a normal life even if he tried because WHAT IS he?#I'm not a human so fuck it fine I'm a monster I'll take that role fuck all of you#fuck this miserable world that you created for me#I'll burn it down#just me and my mother#EXHALE#i'm sorry I have opinions
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markrosewater · 23 days
Hi mark. It’s me, the guy that was complaining about orphans of the wheat. I wanted to start by apologizing for using the word lazy. I wasn’t trying to say that the people who make this game don’t put a ton of thought and effort and care into it, but I totally get how my wording made it sound like I was trying to say that. I’m genuinely sorry I came off like I was belittling the immense work you all do.
I also want to clarify that I wasn’t trying to say “I don’t like this thing therefore it is bad”. Millions of people play magic, all with very different tastes, and I’m just one weirdo. Everybody is going to have aspects of the game they like and aspects they dislike, my opinion is not objectively correct.
What I was originally trying to get at was that it feels as though a lot of designs that are “based on” something feel like they are getting more overt. Bonny Pall is the example my brain always goes back to because the name is almost the exact same thing as what it’s flavored after, Paul Bunyan. Orphans of the wheat is just a more recent example of this and what sparked me sending my initial message.
A few years ago, I saw a video on YouTube of a speech you made, I think it was your 30 years 30 lessons one. In it you talk about how akroan horse was originally Akroan Lion, and players didn’t get it, but when you changed it to akroan horse, suddenly people loved it and it felt so flavorful. I get that it’s important to make sure that people get the reference when you’re making one. And I get that it’s a delicate balance. Too subtle, and people don’t get it; but too overt, and bozos like me send giant messages complaining.
My qualm with Children of the wheat is that it is an example of a pattern I feel like I’m seeing where you are erring on the side of “gotta make sure they get it”, to the point that sometimes it feels like the reference is being beaten over our head. But I do recognize how that’s just my perspective and other people have different opinions on where the line is for “too obvious”. For example, I think Altanak and say its name are awesome. I like how the art is someone looking in a mirror and if you say its name three times then you summon the big bad monster. But I totally get how someone else might see that and say “well all they did was make Bloody Mary a bug”. And I also totally get how there might be another person who didn’t even get the reference and would’ve needed a card called “mutilated Miranda” to realize it.
This whole *thing* is just my way of saying that designs that are references to something feel like they are more and more often mutilated Miranda or Bonny Pall or orphans of the wheat, and that fewer and fewer of them are getting even one step removed from what they are referencing.
Thanks for taking the time to write back. It means a lot to me. How close we get to references is something we’re constantly reevaluating. We’ve definitely got the note that this year indexes too high on the obvious references.
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hedwig221b · 16 days
Heey, was wondering if you could recommend some magical stiles fics, preferably sterek.
Thank you 😊
Magical Stiles, my beloved!!! 💖
My Mother Told Me by Renmackree
Stiles joined the Emissary program to help Alpha wolves settle into their new roles and to follow in his mother’s footsteps. She had always told him he was destined to run with the wolves, but he thought she meant Scott and his pack.
Instead, Stiles finds himself sent to Thingvallavatn, Iceland, with Alpha Derek Hale. It's clear the Alpha is hiding a part of him that Stiles can’t reach, but when a monster comes to threaten the pack, it’s always great to have someone in your corner with a little mischief up their sleeve
My, What Big Shoulders You Have (The Better to Help You Carry the Weight) by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)
“Talia was just telling me an interesting story,” his dad informed him. Stiles didn’t have the nerve to glance over at him, because he knew no matter how much he argued, the proof was all there. The wolves had found him, Parrish had picked him up on the side of the road, he had a fucking picture on his phone. He was screwed. No point in arguing, all it’d do is piss his father off even more.
“You don’t say,” Stiles offered slowly. “What uh—you know, I like stories. Is it a uh, good one?”
“It seems to be a matter of opinion,” Talia said with another kind smile. “I hear you had quite the night last night.”
Okay, time to cut his losses. He was already fucked, all he could do was apologize and hope she didn’t press for him to get fined and arrested. Given he was her husband’s friend’s son, he had high hopes.
“I’m really sorry,” Stiles blurted out. “It was stupid and-and irresponsible and just—I am so sorry. I shouldn’t have crossed into your territory. I should’ve known better, I do know better! It was a complete lapse in judgement and I am just—I am so sorry.”
Came For The Spark, Stayed For The Flame
Derek felt the panic build up in his chest as Jezebel held out a hand. He smelled it before he saw it, because who could forget the scent of what destroyed your life? Fire and spark and smoke curled from Jezebel's hands, and the wood stacked at Stiles' feet flared up.
When Stiles and Derek get bonded as Emissary-and-Alpha, hidden attractions become a lot harder to hide, secrets are kept and secrets are surfaced, and an evil teenage girl is planning even more ritualistic sacrifice. Canon divergence from the end of 3a.
A Letter From Mom by StilesIsMySpiritAnimal
After waking up at the age of 11 without any memories of his past Stiles spends eight years with his father in the tiny town of Shelter Cove, California. After his father's death he receives a notice from a storage facility in some town called Beacon Hills. Stiles is confused and thinks the manager made a mistake until he finds a letter that should have been for his 18th birthday that his dad never gave him. It's from his mother, who he has no memory of. Weirdly enough, her letter mentions Beacon Hills and some woman named Talia, who he's supposed to trust. Confused and angry at his father, Stiles sets out for Beacon Hills anxious and determined to find out what his dad had been hiding from him all these years.
Truth in Pretense by wanderingeyre
Stiles took the straw from his drink and started chewing on it. He pulled it from his mouth and stood. He grinned at Derek. “Stop frowning, Sourwolf. I have a solution that will solve all our problems.”
“And that would be?” Derek didn’t move as Stiles moved closer to him.
Stiles winked at Derek. “We get married.” --- The one where Derek and Stiles pretend to be mates to help out a neighboring Pack and find there is some truth in pretense.
Actions Speak Louder than Words by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)
“I apologize.” The cop finally looked back up at his face, seeming thrilled. “It’s just—it’s been so long. And we finally have you.”
That was a bad word. Not found.
Stiles wrenched his hand free and took a step back, but before he could even think up a gameplan, he felt a prick in his neck and jerked away, reaching up to slap one hand against it and twisting in the same moment.
One of the others had come up behind him while he hadn’t been paying attention, and his vision began to swim even as his eyes caught sight of the half-empty syringe the guy was holding.
If You’re Going Through Hell (Keep Going)
Stiles thought everything leading up to Allison’s death was hell, but he was wrong. Spending senior year dealing with the pack’s dismissal of him while secretly training to be Deaton’s replacement was hell. Feeling guilty and hating himself for what the Nogitsune did was hell. Being in love with someone who would never love him back was hell. Well, if you’re going through hell, keep going.
Striking Matches by eeyore9990
Stiles has only ever wanted to protect his family and his pack. That’s not easy to do when you're human and sarcasm is your only defense. Now Deaton is telling Stiles he’s a spark, and if that’s a weapon in his arsenal, he’s sure as hell going to learn to use it.
All Stiles needs now, to complete his transformation into a true badass, is a training montage and a decent soundtrack...
A Similar String by snarkatthemoon
Strong bonds made for a strong pack, and he needed a strong pack.
They spent a long time in silence, Derek thinking hard about how he was going to cement the bonds. It needed to be done, and not just because they had the threat of the witch hanging over them, but for the good of the pack.
It felt like hours had passed by the time he came around; he had been so deep in his thoughts that he hadn’t noticed Stiles moving around on the couch so that his head was resting on Derek’s thigh, his long legs hanging over the arm on the far end.
He wasn’t sleeping, but his eyes were closed and his heartbeat wasn’t as fast as it usually was, as if he was just on the edge of sleep. It should have felt weird, having Stiles in such close contact, but Derek found that it really didn’t feel weird at all. His head was a comforting weight in Derek’s lap, another anchor tethering him and keeping him calm and in control. . Or, the one where Derek meets a witch, gets his betas back, and seemingly develops a sense of humour. Also, Stiles is totally magic, manages to accidentally join a werewolf pack, and asks too many goddamn questions. What could possibly go wrong?
here in the heart (of my sanctuary) by crazyassmurdererwall (smartalli)
Talia accelerates through the tunnel, and Derek looks up, watches the light that makes it through the bramble dance and shift over the hood of the car as they drive, fingers gripping the sides of the tank. It’s beautiful, like a gateway to another world. He’s lived in the preserve his whole life, and he didn’t know this was here.
She eyes him. “You should know this man is very important to me. I take the responsibility of his care and counsel very seriously. Handing him over to you…it’s not a small thing. Please keep that in mind.”
No pressure, then.
A Teenage Love Song by HaleHathNoFury (My_Trex_has_fleas)
Stiles is sick and tired of how much he fucks up. His dad is disappointed, his step-mom judges and his step-brother can do no wrong. It's not that he doesn't love them, he just gets so tired of being different. Now he's being moved lock, stock and barrel to Beacon Hills aka the town his mom grew up in so they can go live in his grandma's house and his father can get him back on the straight and narrow.
It's going to suck.
Other fic recs: pack mom!Stiles | angsty fics | historical AU | baby/mpreg | outsider POV | possessive Derek | smut | hurt/comfort | Stiles gets kicked out of the pack | mafia | BAMF!Stiles
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ryescapades · 1 month
Hiii!! I was recently reading some of your writings which absolutely slap ‼️
A scenario came to mind after recently reading a webtoon named Pure Villain(which I defo recommend) and I was wondering if i would be able to request a Narumi Gen x Mitsuri!Reader where the reader is a new officer added into the first division and is somehow on par or even stronger than Narumi himself??
And similarly to Mitsuri i was hoping she would have joined the KDF to help find a man and due to her being so strong and what’s better than fining a man who’s part of the KDF!? And for a little prompt if needed then maybe add a moment where Narumi needs support or in trouble with a Kaiju she’s there to help!!
wild heart | kaiju no.8
— sure, you've thought about giving up on love sometimes, but that doesn't mean you had completely lost hope. luckily, narumi is there to burn that hope back aflame.
genre/warning: narumi gen x fem mitsuri!reader, fluff, reader's former division is not mentioned, set in pre-canon timeline (around b-side era probably??)
a/n: sorry for the delay and thank you for the request anon!! hope i got everything down as per your req :> i read a few chapters of pure villain too!! wanted to understand the plotline so that i could write this better. maybe i'll read the rest of it once i'm through w all my other work TT
1.97k wc
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"you're amazing and all, y/n-san. but i'm sorry, you're just not my type,"
it's been... what? three times? four? five??? you don't even know. you don't bother keeping track anymore. it's always the same reason in the end. confessing to boys you've had a crush on throughout your adolescent years had become something you would dread every time.
you confessed, they acknowledged your immense strength, how clever you were, and then ended up rejecting you, saying you're not their type. which was utter crap in your opinion. those were definitely backhanded compliments.
you've never pointed that out to them, obviously. you were too nice for that.
regardless still, were they intimidated? did they refuse because you were too strong for them? too strategically intelligent for your age? did they just want a sweet, pretty book smart girl as a partner instead?
or maybe it's just the boys from your old high school who were like that. or the ones from the neutralization college that you used to attend. who the heck knows?
hence growing up, you've learned not to easily be swayed by and get attached to those who were too sweet and too friendly, locking away your fragile heart. if you were to settle down, you'd decided it would be with someone who is as strong, as capable and as brilliant as you are. an equal, if not more.
"starting today, all of you here will officially be appointed as defense force officers,"
and where else can you find such a capable partner if not the jakdf?
assigned as the representative of your batch after scoring the highest in most categories, everyone in the division admired you. you were sweet, kind and passionate in your job. not once have you gone a day without expressing your compassion and honest praises to others.
even your superiors admitted you were one of a kind, a talent so outstanding they almost offered you a high-ranked position if not for your current lack of experience in the field at that time.
as you progressed further in the division, you'd become close to your fellow officers. fighting and training alongside them, getting to know them better as you worked together during missions to neutralize kaiju. but alas, none of those you've met in the defense force ever caught your eye. they were astoundingly strong, sure. but no one has been it for you.
along the way, you'd almost gave up in believing that love was ever meant for you, now only focusing on honing your own talents and relishing the satisfaction of getting to save people from the monsters using said skills. it was only until one day you were conveyed a message to meet with your captain, though you were initially not informed of what business you were called for.
“you wanted to see me, captain?” you greet just as you enter the office, the usual shy and sweet smile plastered on your face.
"i received a letter from the headquarters. it's addressed to you," your captain says, handing over a piece of parchment paper.
you eyes rove over the lines of formal sentences as soon as you have the letter in your hands, eventually they widen upon registering the words in your head. "a transfer offer to the first division?" you ponder, fingers idly tracing the ink swirls.
your captain eyes you for a quick moment before speaking, "you should accept it. it's not often that the higher-ups themselves offer a place in the first division. it's a place for the elites, after all. not to mention they'd freshly appointed a new captain there," the almost-grimace in their expression at that last sentence does not go unnoticed by you.
your eyebrows raise in bewilderment, "must be someone extra, extra capable to be replacing captain shinomiya,"
"oh, he's capable, alright..." you hear your soon-to-be former captain mutter quietly, causing you to wonder just what kind of person the first division's new captain is.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
you don't even get to meet your new captain.
hell, you don't even get to introduce yourself to any of the first division members because as soon as you had arrived in koto ward which houses the ariake maritime base, there's already a kaiju attack happening.
you're about ten minutes drive away from the base when you were notified to engage in battle, quickly suiting up and your rifle at the ready as the vehicle you're in immediately changes direction to head towards the location of the attack.
an unfamiliar voice pings in your earpiece. "officer y/n? i'm hasegawa eiji, vice-captain of the first division. firstly, i'd have to apologize that you're not exactly receiving the best welcome to the base right now but we clearly have more pressing matters here,"
your head perks up at that. "no, vice-captain. i'm perfectly fine with it. if anything, i could maybe see how my skills can stack up with the best of the best there is," you say with a giddy smile growing on your face, barely holding in a squeal out of pure excitement..
there's a small chuckle before your new superior continues, "i hope you won't end up disappointed then. feel free to take down any yoju you see on the way here. i wish you luck, officer."
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
on the other side of the battlefield, narumi frowns as he stands perched on the edge of the bridge, looking over the kaiju in the distance.
the yoju is easy enough to handle. shoot the core, bam, dead. the honju, however, is quite a hassle to deal with. it's fast, incredibly fast. sure, narumi's RT-0001 is able to detect synaptic impulses and produce foresight, but that doesn't mean it's any easier when there's two of the same speedy type of kaiju raging around in the area.
it's even more of a hassle when those two looming honjus response almost similarly to the other, as if their minds are one and the same. what are they, freak twins or something? narumi scoffs, running a hand through his bicolored hair and shaking off the dust from his combat suit where he nearly got crushed twice consecutively between two humongous fists, one from each of the twin kaiju.
well, nothing his ridiculously immense power couldn't beat, actually. but still, it'd have been nice if there's something...— his thoughts are interrupted by a loud gunshot to his right, his head quickly snapping to the side in search of a potential threat.
narumi's expression switches to a mix of a surprise and a little confusion, staring at what seems to be an officer who has her hand holding a... winch cable? he glances at the tow truck nearby, taking note of the slight burnt mark at the spot where the winch cable is supposed to be attached to the crane.
what the heck is that person doing? he thinks incredulously.
when you first shot the pulley that once held the cable in place, you didn't think your plan would work. it's kind of impulsive and a bit suicidal if you were to carry it out alone, you'd thought. but there's nothing else you can come up with, so you end up proceeding with it.
grabbing a dagger strapped on the side of your thigh, you manage to tie several overhand knots with the cable around the hilt before straightening up, bracing yourself for your next action.
"i really shouldn't be doing this... i don't have a death wish. i don't! i'm not even married yet. i can't die now!" you rant to yourself, taking a deep breath. you don't notice that a certain captain is staring at you clumsily fussing to yourself from afar, he himself jolting in shock when you land a harsh slap on your own puffed cheeks, as if sensing the pain himself.
you let out one last exhale before swiftly making your move, dashing forwards with the cable-tied dagger in your hand. your plan consists of only two moves; stab and wrap. stab the dagger into the leg of one of the kaiju, and then with your agility, wrap the cable around both its legs to hinder its movement.
you succeed in doing those two steps, of course. now who's going to get the second honju while you kill the first one? the cable isn't long enough to cover both giants. you could only pray that there's someone around strong enough to do that...
and pray you did.
because as soon as one of the honju had fallen down from having both its legs trapped together, you almost didn't notice the figure rushing forwards beside you, taking the same stance as you ready your rifle, pulling the trigger to finally finish off the first fallen honju at the same time the person next to you pulls his, two explosive gunshots ringing at the same time throughout the area.
the twin monsters fall dead simultaneously, blood pouring out of the large gaping holes as you stagger slightly, not aware of the overuse of your high combat power. a sudden but warm hand immediately grip your bicep, startling you from your exhaustion.
"how did you—?" narumi's astonished. you're so... powerful. you're also flexible and quick on your feet, maneuvering yourself around the stomping feet of the twin kaiju with so much ease. that blow you delivered with your measly rifle was almost as lethal as his own bayonet. probably the same type as ashiro, he wonders.
he stops for a second when he gets a good look on your face. "you're the newbie, aren't you?" he realizes as you too, survey him and his appearance with curious eyes. one thought comes to your mind almost right off the the bat when your sparkling eyes land on him.
"... what?"
the two of you stare at each other, dumbstruck for a moment. the man's cheeks flare, heat creeping up his neck that has your pupils zeroing on them out of pure fascination. "you just said i'm— i..." he sputters, causing you to finally grasp what you had just said. "oh my! sorry, i didn't mean to say that out loud," your own cheeks flush slightly, though your apology doesn't really sound like you mean it at all.
"you— you know what, nevermind! if i wasn't such a nice captain, i would've questioned you for your lack of respect! now report yourself to me, officer!" he fumes, still feeling the abnormal heat under his skin.
your mouth gapes at his statement, your mind backtracking to the fight earlier and remembering how he had quickly yet silently arrived to your aid when you most needed it, how eruptive his killing shot had been, how big and strong his hand felt when he steadied you. of course he's a captain, out of all things.
the sound of heavy footsteps approaching you interrupts both of your predicament. "ah, i see you've met the latest addition to our squad. narumi, allow me to introduce you to your new division member, officer y/n," the burly older man who you assume to be hasegawa states, sending a respectful nod towards your direction.
you've only heard of the name in passing, never seen the person himself as you were constantly stuck in your old division, never really had the chance to venture out on faraway missions and he was barely an icon only until recently. the most naturally talented soldier, on his way to become the strongest combatant of japan's defense force.
and he's your captain.
you don't bother looking at the second-in-command, too engrossed in observing the utterly gorgeous specimen of a man that is narumi gen. your heart thunders against your ribcage, the vibration steady yet tumultuous as if it's trying to free the organ from the chains binding around it.
he's it. he's the one for you. you just know it.
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not a narumi fic of mine if it doesn't consist of at least one(1) blushing narumi lol /hj
©🅁🅈🄴🅂🄲🄰🄿🄰🄳🄴🅂. do not steal, translate or repost my work anywhere else !
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kastheory · 1 year
steve did not bully eddie in "the past" steve was a grade below him for 3 out of 4 years of his high school career freshman steve heard this weird loudass sophomore talking w his friends at 100 decibels in the hallway about fighting elves in the woods or something (steve did not know what larping was nor care to find out) and then he went to class bc are you insane hes not fucking w a sophomore you dont normally fuck w people ahead of your grade especially if they yell at people and wear chains and get into fights in the woods (with elves?) and you dont even have classes w them. you dont even care much about them in the first place beyond passing gossip like HAVE YOU GUYS EVER BEEN IN HIGH SCHOOL. sorry. anyway.
then steve keeps catching this guy in his periphery over the next two years shouting about board games and controversial food opinions and metal bands that steve likes a few songs from but could not ever imagine giving that much of a shit about. like at all. and by (steve's) year 3 the motherfucker is bouncing off the walls giving speeches about what the hell ever and saying he cant fucking WAIT to get out of this FUCKED UP PLACE!!!! YEP ITS TRUE IN LESS THAN ONE MEASLY YEAR ILL BE SAYING MY SWEET SWEET GOODBYES TO THIS BRAINLESS CONFORMIST PRISON!!!! and hardly anyone reacts beyond rolling their eyes or snickering to their friends about it and this includes steve because who cares literally who cares. this guys been causing a ruckus since the beginning of time and hes weird and unpredictable and not worth trying to shove in a locker he would probably evade the attack anyway like a nimble mouse or squirrel he might even try to bite you. and steve didnt shove anybody in lockers in the first place so who cares and yeah he has pretty eyes and a funny way of talking and moving around but WHO CARES
and then steve goes through the first round of nightmarish shit that would become a yearly ordeal and then wraps up junior year in a perfectly normal not haunted whatsoever fashion. and then hes a senior and in his subtly cringefail era (ongoing) and that freak guy is STILL HERE for some reason and kinda pissed off and possibly a bit devastated about it so okay great now steve has a few classes with this angry weirdo loudguy but. crucially. he has had a lot of OTHER SHIT to deal with lately (MONSTERS ARE REAL) (GIRL DIED IN HIS POOL) (GF RESENTS HIM) (HAS NO FRIENDS) (COLLEGE APPS) so the only effect eddie's constantly loudmouthed & often unwarranted input during class ever has is that it adds a little flavor to the constant metaphorical and literal headache of steves life.
and then he goes through round 2 of shit and finishes his senior year with little hope for a satisfying future ahead of him and never once thinks about that guy again except when his fellow grads whisper about oh my godd did you hear that the freak flunked out again hahaha and yep sure enough eddie's not there at the graduation ceremony. and he thinks huh i wonder what his fucking problem is and then he MOVES ON. the end. thats the extent of """their past""" at least in terms of any actual interactions btwn the two of them i promise okay listen to me. i was there
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yuurei20 · 5 months
Idia Info Compilation part 13: Self Depreciation (pt1)
Idia is often combining pride and confidence in his abilities with self depreciation: he thanks Ace and the others who save him from Eliza with “I couldn’t hold a candle to that…I’m like the monster in some tragic tale! A hidden boss just minding my own business, chilling in my cave, until I get driven out and flee into town, where all the people fear me…”
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Feeling sorry for him, the other characters begin to compliment how nice he looks in his suit and Idia shifts gears, saying, “I’m not that special. But you all keep taking about me like I’m the best, so what does that say about you? Maybe I’m just the best option in THIS group…People did call me a ‘promising prodigy’ when I was a kid. And I’ve only gotten better, so I guess it’s no surprise.”
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Riddle says, “For all his self-depreciation, he thinks rather highly of himself,” which is a running theme.
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When Idia says, “There’s no one in Ignihyde who’s smarter or more competent than I am” Azul makes a similar observation to Riddle, saying, “For all your vociferous protestations, you seem to have quite a high opinion of your own abilities,” while Ruggie points out that Idia isn’t “even trying to modesty” during Glorious Masquerade.
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Despite calling himself a “hot mess,” saying he can barely deliver research reports in class, no one wants to listen to “a geek like (him) mumbling into a microphone" he will never live up to the King of the Underworld and he respect the prefect for being able to “greet a loner line (him),” Idia also teases the prefect for having trouble with textbook questions (“That’s, like, baby mode stuff”).
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milaisreading · 1 year
🌱🩷: pt5 of Crossdresser!Yn x Blue Lock! Sorry for the angst in the last part...
Masterlist to this series
Warnings: Reader uses she/her. In the story the boys will be using he/him when addressing Yn. Requests for this series are open.
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
"What are you picking your food for?" Barou questioned as (Y/n) picked on the tofu that was served for her to eat. She shook her head and looked ar Barou for a few moments, then at her food.
"Oh... sorry." She said silently and took a small piece of tofu and rice, silently eating it while looking off to the side. Barou raised an eyebrow as he watched the girl silently.
'What is wrong with her now? Just today she was over the moon because she can play with that Isagi guy, and now she looks like someone kicked her dog.' Barou squinted his eyes as he observed her a little more.
'I just don't know what I did to them... but the more I think about either Reo or Nagi, the more I will be distracted from my goal... which is staying in Blue Lock as long as possible.'
Barou watched worry as she started eating her food faster and faster, until she started coughing.
"Idiot! What is your issue even?" Barou scolded her as he reached over the table to pat her back.
"I...I am fine... sorry..." She coughed between her words as she reached for her glass of water.
"Why are you even apologizing? Are you sure you are fit for practice later?" He asked, trying to mask his worry as (Y/n) slowly nodded her head, finishing off her water.
"I am! I am! I guess, I still have jitters from the game earlier. Let's just finish our food and prepare the practice room."
She resumed eating her food calmly this time.
"Whatever you say."
"For a king, you sure listen to all my words." (Y/n) commented as Barou blushed in embarrassment and glared at her.
"Shut it!"
"Isagi! You really did come!" (Y/n) said excitedly as the boy walked into the practice room with Bachira following close behind.
"Oh, Bachira, you are here, too!" She greeted the boy, surprised that he was there too, but she didn't complain much. After all, Bachira's dribbling was impressive to her, so might as well train with him.
"Yep!" Bachira said excitedly as Isagi looked back at (Y/n) nervously.
"Sorry about him. He wanted to practice with us." Isagi explained as he noted Barou's glare.
"It's alright! Should we start then? We can team up Barou and I, and Bachira and you!" (Y/n) suggested as the two just nodded their heads.
"Let's start then." Barou said, grabbing (Y/n)'s shoulder and pulling her away from the duo.
The night went on with the 4 of them training for a few hours. They switched teams a few times, and as much as Barou didn't enjoy this arrangement, he wasn't leaving her alone with these 2.
"Great job, Bachira! The dribbling was amazing!" (Y/n) cheered on her current partner as she raised her arm for a high five.
"You think? Thanks! Yours isn't bad either, tho your precision always catches me off guard." Bachira said back as they high-fived each other. The two turned to look at Isagi and Barou, watching as the duo exchanged a few words and then Barou surpringly left the room.
"Barou!" (Y/n) scolded the taller, but Isagi just shook it off.
"We just had a small dispute. By the way, thanks for letting us play with you two. It was a great experience." Isagi said.
"Nothing to thank me for, it was nice training with you both! We should do it tomorrow too." (Y/n) suggested, as the two boys look at each other, and then nodded their heads.
"Good idea!"
"So, what is your opinion on that guy? (Y/n) seems very nice in my opinion." Isagi said as both him and Bachira were walking back to their room.
"He sure is! He also wasn't freaked out when I told him about my monster! He even said it was cool." Bachira grinned widely as Isagi nodded his head slowly.
"It's cool that he wasn't weirded out... aside from you and my mom, everyone always called me a freak for it." Bachira commented again.
"I like him. I expected (Y/n) to be this rude and obnoxious player, but he is very down to earth."
"True. And he seems eager to practice with anyone. He also helped me with my shots while we were paired up."
"He is pretty cool."
"And cute."
"Bachira!" Isagi scolded the boy with a flustered face.
"He is! You can't deny that~"
Isagi stayed quiet for the rest of the walk.
'Nagi... Reo...why can't I get their words out of my head? I never had issues like that before.' (Y/n) sighed while finishing washing her hair, the same wave of pain hitting her as she looked at the door where Barou was standing behind.
"Hey, Barou!"
"What?" He called out from the hallway, looking around to make sure nobody was close by.
"Who are we playing against tomorrow?"
"Hm... Team W, I believe. After that, we just have Team V and Team Y left."
'Team V... Nagi and Reo's team!' (Y/n)'s eyes widened for a moment.
"Ok. I will be out in a minute. Sorry for all of this, again."
"No need to apologize." He said back, yawning a little.
'I will have to treat him for some lunch if we ever get out of here.' (Y/n) smiled as she put her shirt back on.
'As for Team V... we will win against them. We have to.' She gulped and then nodded to herself.
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seriousbrat · 5 months
I'm extremely unfair to Remus on this blog, the truth is fanon remus is personally offensive to me on many levels so I'm loath to give him protagonism of any kind lol. But that's not fair at all to a character that actually, when all's said and done, I do love. perhaps the marauder I'm least interested in (lol) but he still rates high on my list of fave hp characters and I honestly find him a very pleasant perspective to write from. he's just like some guy. his big crime is negligence/avoidance and I love that for him. to be honest I think his position is a difficult one to fully understand, he is a character that I'm able to muster up a lot of empathy for because of that. like can any of us irl understand what it's like to turn into a literal monster every month since childhood, the point-blank rejection and hatred from society, and what effect that might have on someone's psyche? it's interesting!!!
moony's worst hits, lets go:
remus tolerating the marauders' bullying: obv this was wrong. he was the only one who recognised it was wrong, and he tolerated it. he 'made them feel ashamed of themselves' sometimes per sirius, but honestly I can understand why he never spoke up. I don't think we should underestimate how rare the marauders' tolerance, not only tolerance but the lengths they went to to help remus with his condition was. for a teenager? I can only imagine how that must have felt tbh. he likely thought that he barely deserved their friendship and loyalty and that he was lucky to have it so why would he do anything to ruin that
remus not telling anyone about sirius being an animagus: bad lol, his worst moment probably. again, though, I can understand it even though I don't justify it. the trust dumbledore had placed in him, first to accept him at hogwarts and then again as a professor (we know how difficult it is for werewolves to find employment of any kind) and he just couldn't face betraying that trust. Luckily for Remus it turned out ok but it is kind of insane that he didn't tell dumbledore tbh.
remus not writing to harry: idc about this personally lol but to me it ties into remus's inferiority complex. he doesnt, and will never, see himself as anything like a father figure to harry the way sirius does. he barely sees himself as a worthy father to his own kid let alone the complex case that is harry. is that unfair to harry and unempathetic? yeah probs but also it makes sense to me even beyond the reason Remus gives in canon for not writing. He put Harry in terrible danger in PoA and given Remus's self-hatred he probably feels guilty about that lol.
walking out on Tonks: his other worst hit. But I can understand him, even though I think Harry was 100% right to tell him off. Again we've got this man's crippling inferiority complex, from what he says he thinks he's a burden and a curse to both Tonks and Teddy-- and you know what, society isn't exactly contradicting this belief. Obviously Tonks doesn't agree and that should be all that matters, but sometimes it doesn't seem that way. There's avoidance here (Remus's big flaw) and I legit think he thought he was doing Tonks a favour by disappearing on some quest with Harry and likely dying in the process. Interesting stuff but also very sad.
all this to say, I don't believe in "defending" characters, just understanding them, and even though I barely post about him I do find Remus very interesting, worthy of empathy in many ways. I'll admit the werewolf thing leads me to give him more of a pass than other characters just because I find that so horrible lol and feel so sorry for him but anyway. a good character in my opinion.
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Honestly, I feel sorry for firestar… if he still trained brambleclaw, he had such high hopes of him, tried his best and everything and bramble still turn out like that?
It gets to a point where "I'm not mad, just disappointed" stops describing it.
"Actually... I am mad. I'm glad you're not a serial killer, but that's a really low bar, and you still acted like this."
He already has so much on his plate with Starclan, having to work to reform everything. He missed his own sister's death just because he was busy speaking to older Starclan cats who wanted to damn his daughters.
Then to look down and see his former apprentice, his ex-deputy who he finally put trust in after everything, having put him into the Deputy position specifically to keep an eye on him, and he goes and mistreats his grandchildren like THIS?
"Juniperkit, buddy, why don't you go ask Nanny (Sandstorm) to play hide and seek with you? Papa needs to do something..."
He sits by the Starpool, watching as Bramblestar snarls at his beloved granddaughter, a cat he raised until he tossed her aside like rotten meat when she didn't have enough of his blood for his liking. He insults his own child, Dandeliontuft, the molly who only ever wanted the love of her father who couldn't bear looking at her.
Firestar watches, embers burning at his paws, flickering through the air as a dark cloud gathers within Starclan. His body is rigid, muscles tensed, tail lashing back and forth as he watches the leader of Thunderclan greedily cling to his remaining lives, refusing to give them up to his rightfully ascending deputy. Firestar's body shakes with rage, and his breath comes in heavy shudders as Bramblestar snaps at Sparkpelt and Jayfeather, making himself bigger as he curses at his daughter and his former son, blaming his long faded father for their doubt in him. Blaming them for his behavior.
But Tigerstar was a murderer. He never hurt his children. Firestar remembers Tigerclaw standing outside of the nursery, looking exhausted as he waited for Spottedleaf to finish giving his tiny daughter Lynxkit her medicine. Cuddling with Goldenflower afterwards in the cramped den...
Tigerclaw was a monster, but not that kind. There are many kinds.
Bramblestar lift a massive paw, claws extended, towards Squirrelflight, who backs away in fear from the threat that, while never meant to be followed through, spoke enough volumes. His eyes flash amber in the bright autumn sun. Fire blazes in Firestar's body. Bramblestar will not hurt his daughter, not ever again.
The next flash is blinding, and suddenly, Firestar feels drained. He looks back over the Starpool... What was that? Was that him? He wanted to send a sign, what happened?
He looks at Brambleclaw's body, cats around him stood still in shock, most of their fur now on end.
"Starclan has spoken..." Hollyleaf remarks in a voice that only barely shakes, steeling herself. "They've made their opinion clear."
The Starpool goes gray again, blocking out the sight of them once more. It's been doing that a lot lately...
Suddenly, Juniperkit bumps into Firestar's back leg, snapping him out of his thoughts. He hadn't realized he'd jumped up in anger.
"Papaaa! I can't find Nanny anywhere! She hid too good."
Firestar's fur settles. "Oh no, silly Nanny." He purrs softly. "Let's go find her together."
He walks off with his little grandson into the beautiful forest. He has a meeting with Thunderstar and Lightning Tail tomorrow, and Juniperkit will go play with his uncle Swiftpaw, or perhaps his cousin Flametail will show him around a new place in Star-Shadowclan's land...
Around the Starpool, the ground is scorched black. The grass smolders where Firestar stood, the embers slowly fading off and drifting into nothing.
A lone spirit lingers, and fades off, unwelcome.
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siren-serenity · 1 year
the takeover of crews has begun...
𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐃 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐎𝐅 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 they call the second generation shitty and filled with fucking pussies...i think they need to be fucked up to oblivion.
-all written by 𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐍-
note: the ones with (nsfw) are not suitable for minors! minors dni. however, those without any other labelling are safe for everyone :)
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𝐈 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔…𝐓𝐎 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐖𝐒. 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐈𝐓 𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐒. note: i will only write platonic/romantic for the students of J-High School unless they are aged up because they are minors. i will allow romantic/nsfw as long as the reader is appropriately aged compared to the character (no large age gaps allowed) ex. all J-High students must be aged up for nsfw work. i will not write for anyone in the first generation or pre-generation unless they are for platonic purposes (james lee is 21~23 years old so nsfw and romantic is allowed) all my LOOKISM works contain spoilers from the webtoon. you have been warned!
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𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐄𝐋 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊 ↳˳;; ❝ a hopeless romantic all my lifeᵕ̈೫˚∗
"quick daniel!" you drag him away from the chaotic group at lotte world and to the photobooths. daniel is stuck in a stupor of wonder as he stares at the bright and colorful decorations around him, like he just entered a whole new world. lotte world is just that amazing, in your honest opinion. you gesture for him to lean down and you put the silly mickey mouse ears in his hair before pointing at the camera. "one, two, three!" just as the camera flashes, daniel turns around to press his lips to your cheeks, his own cheeks flushing bright red at his actions.
𝐙𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐋𝐄𝐄 ↳˳;; ❝ _______________ᵕ̈೫˚∗
"i'm sorry," zack apologizes. the room is barren and quiet, save for you two. you dab a small cotton fluff that was previously dipped in alcohol and press it to his cut, making him let out a wince. "sorry for fighting when you said you hate it." you hum before smiling. "but that guy ended up way worse, right?" zack's chest huffs up as he gives you a grin. "of course! no one insults my lover and gets away with it that easily!"
𝐄𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐄 𝐋𝐄𝐄/𝐕𝐀𝐒𝐂𝐎 ↳˳;; ❝ cuteness overloadᵕ̈೫˚∗
vasco calls out your name eagerly; his voice echos in the halls of j-high, making everyone stare at the two of you. he dashes through the corridors before taking a leap into your arms. if it weren't for your strength, you both would have crashed into the floor painfully. "good morning, vasco," you greet him with a kiss to his forehead. his eyelids flutter at the action before grinning at you back. "morning y/n! i love you!"
𝐉𝐀𝐘 𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐆 ↳˳;; ❝ _______________ᵕ̈೫˚∗
his body language conveys all the emotions he doesn't convey with his voice. your hands entangle with his and squeeze his fingers tight, reassuring him that you'll always be here for him. jay hong gives you a gentle smile before pressing a gentle kiss to your exposed collarbone. it speaks more than whatever flimsy compliments you earn from your 'fanbase'. 'i love you', jay hong expresses.
𝐕𝐈𝐍 𝐉𝐈𝐍 ↳˳;; ❝ _______________ᵕ̈೫˚∗
"i'm a monster," vin jin mutters, stubbornly looking away from you. his big, tacky sunglasses remain perched on his face and the blood boiling in your veins itches to take them off. you know the story, you know the truth, but why is he so stubborn to refuse? "you'll hate me." your hand reaches out to grab his chin, tilting it to meet your loving eyes. you lean in, lips only inches away from his before murmuring. "you aren't a monster. you're my lover - you are my vin jin. forever."
𝐉𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐊𝐈𝐌 ↳˳;; ❝ bunny boy!jake headcanons (slight nsfw)ᵕ̈೫˚∗ ↳˳;; ❝ oversizedᵕ̈೫˚∗ ↳˳;; ❝ sunsets in two different waysᵕ̈೫˚∗
the streets of big deal are empty, which was to be expected since it was late at night. jake kim bids goodbye to his crew members with a warm smile before slinging his black jacket over his shoulders and striding back home. home, that was a new word to his vocabulary but only added because of you. "what's for dinner?" he sneaks up and cuddles you from behind, making you yelp and hit him on the head. "wash up, jake kim! i can still smell blood on you!" you push him away but not before sneaking a tiny kiss on his cheek. he only pouts and goes off to do so, but not before yelling a quick "dinner smells good, love!"
𝐆𝐔𝐍 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊 ↳˳;; ❝ good boy (nsfw)ᵕ̈೫˚∗
"holy shit," gun park breathes out in awe. he tears the sunglasses away from his face, revealing fully black sclera and stunningly white pupils that make him seem like a devil. groaning bodies surrounding the manmade devil and blood is splattered all over the alleys. "fight me!" you scoff and walk away from your own pile of bodies, away from the bloodshed, away from your past, and away from the mysterious handsome man that seems to be enamored by you. "no thanks. i'm done." you dodge a brazillian kick, hissing at the newly-forming bruise on your arm. gun's eyes widen and something within him stirs up, something he hasn't felt in a long, long time. "it wasn't a question, love."
𝐆𝐎𝐎 𝐊𝐈𝐌 ↳˳;; ❝ boredom (nsfw)ᵕ̈೫˚∗
"i'll beat you at mario kart one day!" goo cries out as you dance in victory, throwing him the childish 'L' signs and laughing at the fake-blond. you throw yourself onto the couch and in the process, threw goo off the couch and onto the carpet. "hey!" he yells before pouncing on you, fingers dancing across your sides and you let out high-pitched laughs. "s-stop!" "not until you say i'm the best at mario kart!" goo responds with a twinkle in his eyes as you continue to fill the house with warmth and so much laughter.
𝐉𝐎𝐇𝐀𝐍 𝐒𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐆 ↳˳;; ❝ _______________ᵕ̈೫˚∗
ruffling eden's fur, you couldn't help the smile on your face from the absolutely lovely weather today. johan seong couldn't help but disagree and it was clear by the way his jacket was stubbornly wrapped around you like a burrito - god dog's proud logo drawn on the back. "you're going to get cold," he says, blushing. you only tilt your head back to laugh. "it's spring, johan. i'm not going to get a cold." "you never know," he huffs and stuffs his hands in his pockets. the bright red blush on his ears gives away all his emotions and you give him a teasing push.
𝐒𝐀𝐌𝐔𝐄𝐋 𝐒𝐄𝐎 ↳˳;; ❝ markedᵕ̈೫˚∗
"are you done yet?" samuel scrolls on his phone as he sits on the cheap leather couch. he gives no attention to all the blushing people blatantly staring at him, only to his phone which was filled with numbers and words. "done!" you smile and walk out of the fitting room. samuel immediately puts away his phone and stares at you with adoring eyes. "we're buying it immediately. along with everything else," he smirks at your face. he takes out his thick wallet and walks to the counter, blowing you a kiss in return.
𝐄𝐋𝐈 𝐉𝐀𝐍𝐆 ↳˳;; ❝ hair dyeᵕ̈೫˚∗ ↳˳;; ❝ a hopeless romantic all my lifeᵕ̈೫˚∗
the day you met yenna, it was like an angel descended onto the world. eli jang couldn't help the gentle smile crawling onto his face as he sat next to you on the old carpet. your hands fiddled with yenna's chubby ones, a smile filled with glee on your face like it was permanently engraved there. little murmurs of 'so cute!' were repeated like a mantra and eli couldn't help the pride blossoming in his soul. "love you," he presses a kiss onto your cheek and you blink at him cluelessly. "that was so random, but," you snuggled into him. "love you too."
𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐔 𝐇𝐀𝐍 ↳˳;; ❝ sunsets in two different waysᵕ̈೫˚∗
"come on now," sinu han's arms snaked around your waist and tugged you closer to him. his face naturally and automatically buried into the crook of your collarbone and the edges of his black hair tickled against your skin. you laughed, the carefree noise making sinu's heart race, and he couldn't help his teasing words. "keep laughing like that and i will never let you go!"
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unl1f3-x-c0ll3cts · 23 days
late post but…kinda rant…sorry in advance
With the now fully confirmed news that Monster High G3 season 3 cartoon and 3rd live action movie are cancelled, the cmnt section of those post have mainly been full of praise that its getting cancelled...like huh???🙁 they are acting like its the worst thing ever made in existence.(and yes ik everyone is entitled to their own opinion but still.)
The cartoon was actually entertaining and you got to know these new versions of the characters sm better because of it. can agree the live-action movies could have been better but i don't blame the actors they brought the characters even more to life.
i can also admit i was hesitant when the reboot and the dolls first came out but after some time + actually watching it and getting these dolls with a new lens i love it so much. And knowing that now multiple generations are loving monster high too thats even more awesome.
Theres like so many characters and things we’ve yet to see in show yet and character depth yet to be revealed and explored!
sorry, but it just makes me upset that so many ppl are just so hateful towards MH-G3 even after all this time that it has been out now. I would’ve loved a show like this as a kid but now as a adult i can say this has helped heal some of my inner child like fr.
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delirious-donna · 2 years
What’s Different? [Kakashi Hatake]
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an: based on a thirst from two months ago!! I’m a monster for leaving it so long. I also softened it up a lot but I couldn’t help myself… it was meant to be a quick thirst but here we are. Anyone surprised?
prompt: something is different and Kakashi can’t quite figure out what it is…
pairing: Kakashi Hatake x female reader
warnings: lingerie, flirting, just a huge load of playing with tits (I’m sorry but how else was I gonna tag that?!), Kakashi being a flirtatious boy as always, established relationship
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Something had changed.
A difference that he couldn’t quite put his finger on and it was so very frustrating.
Kakashi watched you curiously from his chair, ankle draped over the other and a book propped open in his hand. His chin rested on his fist and he cocked his head further to follow your movements in the kitchen.
You weren’t doing anything suspicious, far from it, you stood at the counter pouring orange juice into two tall glasses and humming some song that he had never heard before. Smiling gently, his gaze trailed your figure as you turned to return the juice to the fridge.
Everything seemed the norm, beautiful in his opinion, his eyes lingering in the areas he liked the most but he still couldn’t understand what it was that sent his senses on high alert.
Kakashi was quick to glance down at his book as you made your way over, yet from his periphery, he could still see exactly how your hips swayed gently in the tight hold of your jeans and the way your sweater hugged your soft waist. He must have read the same sentence at least ten times and he still had no clue what it had said.
“Poured you some juice, is the book any good?” you asked with genuine curiosity.
His mouth opened to reply, to tell you that it wasn’t too bad but he had read better when he stopped with his mouth hanging open like a snake unhinging his jaw.
The sight that greeted him was exquisite and now he knew what was different, what exactly had bothered him since the moment you walked into the room. Bent at the waist to set down his drink, the low neck of your sweater offered a more than appreciated eyeful of your cleavage and it seemed… Fuller? Tighter? More rounded?
What exactly he couldn’t make his mind up but it caught his attention wholly, and his cheeks warmed in reaction. To this day you were able to make him blush, the countless times between the sheets and on every other surface imaginable could not stop Kakashi from the heat that invaded his face when you turned him on unexpectedly.
“Hey, did you hear me, Kashi?”
“I - uh - sorry. It’s alright, I guess.” Before you could retreat to the space you favoured on the couch, his free hand coiled around your hip until his palm rested on the small of your back.
You giggled, finding yourself seated sideways on his lap whilst his book lay discarded on the small side table. Roughened fingers caught your jaw, tilting your face to him as his eyes slid closed and he offered a small hum of contentment.
“What’s different, princess?”
“What on earth do you mean?” Your fingers wound into the hairs at the nape of his neck, twisting them lightly and pressing a chaste kiss to his oh-so-warm cheek.
Kakashi chuckled at your coy reply, allowing the hand at your side to trace your waist and up to the curve of your breast. “Hmm, if I’m not mistaken, you are looking somewhat… bustier than usual. Care to explain?”
It was so very fun to tease your man, the push and pull of flirtatious banter had never weakened nor dissipated throughout your relationship and you knew exactly what was causing him such turmoil.
“Have you been staring at my boobs, sweetheart? That’s not very gentlemanly behaviour.”
“When did I ever claim to be a gentleman?”
Your fingers found his, twinning them together as you stood without protest from Kakashi, pulling him behind you with the glasses of orange juice very much forgotten.
Appreciative wasn’t a strong enough sentiment, stormy grey irises sweeping the delicate lace that had been the source of his earlier confusion.
A new bra; how something so simple could cause this reaction he would never know but it had.
He had always adored your breasts, along with every other part of you but this seemingly innocuous scrap of fabric had tantalised him to the point of distraction.
With you both twisting in the sheets of your bed, he cooed softly whilst you whimpered and tried to struggle. One hand held your wrists above your head, his tongue tracing sinfully hot patterns against the rough scratch of the lace cups and he loved those desperate noises you were making.
“Feel good?” he asked, not pausing for your answer, teeth tugging so very gently at your hardened nipple until he flicked the bud with the tip of his tongue.
“Kashi, please.”
Propped on his elbow, his free hand lowered each cup until you were bare and trussed by the garment, the spill of your breasts looked mouth-wateringly delicious and he was dying for a proper taste.
Your eyes couldn’t look away even if they wanted, the searing heat of his gaze freezing you in place as his lips wrapped around your taut bud. You squealed when his teeth nipped, tender and careful in his ministrations but surprising enough to have that familiar tightness coil in your stomach.
Kakashi worshipped you, finally releasing your hands which swept deep into the lush forest of his silver hair whilst he palmed you. Felt the weight of you in his hands, thumbs stroking the gentle curve of your breasts and sighing when your spine arched up to push more of you into his touch.
He wanted you so badly, how achingly hard he was but he wouldn’t take his pleasure until he had ensured your own and it wouldn’t be long. He knew you intimately, could tell by the way your hips ground into the mattress, how your grip tightened in his hair and the accelerated pants and mewls from your lips.
Your skin was dewy from his saliva, his fingers danced across the valley of your breasts and you keened for him, for only him and he answered that call with fervour. Hot sweeps of his tongue, teasing around your silken flesh until he could suckle you once more.
“Gonna cum f’me?” he murmured hotly, the vibration of his voice sinking into your chest and making you throb between your legs. Untouched down there but slick with arousal, your eyes sprang open in question.
“How - how do you —?”
“How do I know that you're close? You expect me not to notice these things after being together for so long? You wound me, princess. Now, hush and let me make you fall apart.”
And fall apart you did. It was an orgasm unlike most, a steady flood of pleasure rather than the intense spike you were used to. It was akin to being submerged in a steaming hot bath, satisfaction flowing through your limbs and filling your veins.
You were boneless, swept into an ecstasy that made you giggle like you were intoxicated. Hands flailing blindly until you could pull him to you, Kakashi’s chest flush against yours and his lips devouring your own hungrily.
“You’re too good to me Kashi, let me repay that favour,” you purred, leaning up to tug his ear between your teeth and winding your legs around his slim waist.
“Go right ahead, sweetheart, I won’t stop you…”
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lets-try-some-writing · 5 months
Let's do some au mixing.. Hmm.. What kind of opinion do you think the big five (or four and a half sorry Pluto) would have on your Pretenders? Would they provide any aid?
Would Earth try protecting Jack, Miko and Raf? If Megatron used dark energon would Cron provide his aid? I bet he would try do some dramatic ominous talking(he's still the Unmaker he has reputation to upkeep) while trying to ignore his roommates
Unicron: S̸p̴a̷w̴n̴ ̶o̴f̶ ̷P̵r̵i̷m̸u̵s̸ ̸w̸h̵y̷ ̴h̶a̶v̴e̷ ̷y̴o̴u̷ ̴d̷e̶c̴i̶d̸e̴d̶ ̷t̸o̷ ̴c̵u̵r̵s̴e̷ ̴y̵o̴u̴r̵ ̷s̶p̴a̴r̶k̶ ̸w̷i̷t̴h̶ ̸m̵y̶ ̶d̸a̸r̴k̵b̵l̸o̷o̶d̶?̸
Earth: *whispering* Is that really necessary?
Unicron: Shh let me have this
[Pluto hated that]
Anyway, yeeeees au mixing. I love au mixing. 99% of my daydreams are au mixes. That said, I am personally of the belief that in regards to the Pretenders, Earth would be losing her mind over them. They are capable of spreading and potentially infecting her humans, and that cannot stand. She would throw a fit over their presence, which would in turn set Moon and Unicron on high alert. Those are HER children and those THINGS that mimic her cousins need to burn in the pits of Kaon.
Unicron probably wouldn't be all that torn up over them. If anything, I think he would actually like the Pretenders because of their nature and tendency to slowly overtake whatever they are trying to claim. Of course he would shut up about his opinions regarding them around Moon and Earth. However, I think he would quietly aid them every now and then. Nothing too serious, just an extra boost here and there to help them kill the children of Primus. He champions Ratchet and Optimus a great deal. He thinks its fragging hilarious that a monster was made a Prime and a Doctor turned into a vicious murderer.
Moon is of similar mind to Earth, but largely because he and all other Cybrtronians are threatened by the Pretenders. If they can claim small hosts, who is to say they can't infect Titans? He's terrified of them and would constantly check his frame for potential infection. He would take great care to keep his EM field silent except for when absolutely required in order to fly under the radar. Mars would agree with him and hide his rovers and any sign that he lives. None of the nearby Titans want to touch the Pretenders with a ten foot pole.
Pluto though? He would want to hunt them all down. He would see Earth, Moon, and Mars's fears and would take it PERSONALLY. Especially since Unicron likes the Pretenders, Pluto would start trying to quietly fly closer to attempt a targeted strike (if he can convince Moon and Mars to let him)
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simplegenius042 · 8 days
WIP Wednesday, Enemies To Lovers Meme & OC Dialogue Meme
Tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat and @imogenkol
Tagging @inafieldofdaisies @voidika @cassietrn @adelaidedrubman @aceghosts @josephseedismyfather @icecutioner @derelictheretic @shallow-gravy @strangefable @statichvm @cloudofbutterflies92 @carlosoliveiraa @wrathfulrook @raresvtm @starsandskies @ladyoriza @la-grosse-patate @minilev @thewanderer-000 @omen-speaker @justasmolbard @alypink @noodlecupcakes @aceghosts @shellibisshe @josephslittledeputy @skoll-sun-eater @g0dspeeed @afarcryfrommymain @strafethesesinners @turbo-virgins @softtidesworld @florbelles and @yokobai + anyone who wants to join.
[Edit: Sorry for the second tagging, I had to fix a mistake on my post and my laptop for some reason negates the tagging I made so… yeah.]
WIP for Life, Despair & Monsters, the Enemies to Lovers Meme for The Silver Chronicles, specifically for Silva and Faith, and the Dialogue Meme for Archangel Metatron and Xiang Ba'al for Wings And Horns WIP.
A snippet of my DDLC WIP You Make My Heart Go Doki Doki Literature Club! Monika has the opportunity to taste her first meal in the real world... a bowl of rice porridge. This WIP is still under heavy construction so things may change in the near future:
Once she had found a relatively empty area, devoid of prying students (and concerned clubmates), Monika sat down on the corner of a stone slab.
Taking one last look around for any lingering peers, Monika's relief was interrupted by the grumble of her empty stomach, yearning for the hot consumable in her hands.
She seated herself down on the cool stone, the shade of the cherry acting as additional protection from the eyes of others. Her skirt acted as a blanket against the slab's roughness.
Monika, though having no previous set opinion on buildings like her high school (the falsity of that reality notwithstanding), however, here she couldn't stop herself from really admiring the architecture. If this were a digital world, as she feared it could still be, she'd still be impressed by the level of detail that its developer's implemented.
But if this really was the reality she yearned for... she was absolutely breathless.
Her stomach rumbled in demand of sustenance once more.
And hungry, she reminded herself, placing the heated bowl of boiled grains on her lap. Faced once more with one of the mandatory functions of having a real body, the anticipation set in.
Hunger was never a concern she had prior in the game unless it was demanded for a scene, but with her new life, she was going to have to make this a daily occurrence.
She looked down at the simple rice porridge, or rather, okayu. At first, she hesitated stabbing her spoon into the bowl. After all, the mix of hot soggy rice drenched in boiled water hadn't looked very appealing. However, it was amongst the few meals she found out could soothe an ailing stomach (after the incident that occurred prior to the week), and the alternative dishes weren't optional today.
In addition, it wasn't something that had existed in the game.
I will give credit though, Monika thought as she dipped the spoon's head into the melted grains, It does smell way too good for something that looks so unappealing.
She brought a small spoonful up to her lips, blowing gently on the heated rice, she closed her eyes before swiftly shoving it in her mouth.
Her eyes involuntarily opened, green irises widening at the new sense. Spoon still in her mouth, her tongue slathered itself in the porridge. The watery texture of the rice grains was dull, and yet, softly comforting in its heat. The mix of boiled rice and water tasted surprisingly nice, and when swallowing it, she hummed in satisfaction as .
It was nothing she had ever felt before; she could never have any sense of taste in the few moments she got to eat in the game. All it was in that prison was nothing. Less than nothing. But here...
Her eyes welled with tears as she stabbed another spoonful into the porridge. She didn't know if this was reality or a less limited version of her former one, but she was grateful for this all the same. In quick succession, she had nearly devoured half the porridge, and savored in a dish by looks alone shouldn't be this good.
She wouldn't be satisfied until the entire porridge was empty in the bowl.
[NOTE: I will most likely rewrite this scene in the future, as I want Monika's reaction to be a lot more impactful, considering in the game she probably could never truly "taste" the food she "ate" (if she was given the chance to eat anything that is)]
Anyway, have an enemies-to-lovers meme for the slowest-burn couple I've ever had the pleasure to make; "Boa Lurking In The Bliss", or rather my FC5 Deputy OC Silva Omar x Faith Seed ship. Also, for some reason, Silva has a questionable taste in women; most of whom (Irene and Faith) are powerful, feared and dangerous & manipulative, with the only normal commonality between them that Silva finds attractive and mesmerizing being their green eyes. Anyway, meme and template below:
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To clarify, these two change a lot throughout their... uh, for a lack of better words, complicated romance. Especially when it comes to Faith. Also for the "would kill", Faith would have killed Silva if Joseph gave the a-okay during the "I hate this woman for destroying my weed crops" phase, however, this ultimately changes later down the line when she realizes she has feelings. Also it's not that Silva doesn't hold a little contempt towards Faith's actions in the "Hate Meter", but she's honestly got worse people to hate (a prominent figure being her father, Adam Omar). Things get better... eventually.
I've got two Dialogue memes for two major characters in my Wings And Horns WIP; that being Archangel Metatron and Xiang Ba'al. Metatron's is first:
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Translation for the small text:
Have them introduce themself:
"Greetings to you, saintly soul. Have no fear. I am the Archangel Metatron, and from the Heavens, I seek your assistance."
Describe their voice, generally: (e.x. accent/type/inflection)
There's a certain gentle divinity in it, with an atmosphere of wisdom retained, like an experienced worker or an older man. Clearly masculine but not too deep.
In their own words, what are they proud of/what is their most passionate interest?
"I am impassioned by my service to the Allfather of the Heavens. Any work I do under his name I find to be an honor. One of my proudest achievements would be leading an exodus of a flock of believers out of harms way."
They've been caught doing... something! Can they talk their way out of it?
"If I can, on my word, blessedly sworn by the Allfather, his kingdoms and his children… I have a reason and probable jurisdiction too which I can and will explain."
Free space/Dramatic Monologue!
"Cadet… I wish you the best. And should your journey be… opposed by non-believers… you have my endorsement to proceed to the next life. If that means much anyway…"
[Image Reference Credits: Art of Archangel Metatron that I found posted on Quora]
And here's Xiang Ba'al's:
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Translation for the small text:
Have them introduce themself:
"Well, well, well… Hello there good pedestrian. You look a little down. Perhaps horrified even? All because of that dreadful soul mark isn't it? No need to worry, I'm not here to judge. I'm here to give an escape from this cursed "destiny". Who am I? Silly me, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Xiang Ba'al… and I offer you freedom."
Describe their voice, generally: (e.x. accent/type/inflection)
Xiang's voice is deep and rough, but in spite of this, he holds a certain mix of showmanship and a upperclassman (which he is not). Whether this is an act of playfulness or a mockery towards the Heavens, he often uses it when freeing humans of their red string.
In their own words, what are they proud of/what is their most passionate interest?
"I'd have to say removing those restrictive marks from those humans above had been quite liberating. Not to mention, it eventually worked in our favour… the lord dickheads in charge realised the system was collapsing and axed it before it could get worse."
Free space/Dramatic Monologue!
"Jezebel was long abandoned by her family when they allowed that perversion of a marriage to go ahead. To them, she was just property to benefit off. To me, she is my reason to continue this crusade against those pricks up above. She is why I got off my ass in Hell. She is why I learned to cook. She is why I learned to read, to write, to travel and work and do all the things a demon of Sloth would think ridiculous and a waste. They told me, "She will be the undoing of your nature." And maybe they're right. I no longer sleep the millenia away. I no longer wish for a final ending. I no longer let the rot of regret and shame chain me. But I'm not unhappy with that. Why? Because she is my reason to live. Her smile. Her cheer. Her obsession with scissors. And if bringing down the system that damned her in the first place makes her sleeps ever more peaceful, then Archangel, you can fucking bet I'm not going to stop until your superiors FINALLY GET OFF THEIR ASSES!"
[Image References: Kagetane Hiruko from Black Bullet and a picture of a sloth].
And here are the empty templates below:
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