cath-piws · 7 months
Some recent wc fanart I’ve done (one is fanart and the other is oc art)
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I did trace a lil w the sheet of fanart bc I’m relearning the anatomy of cats, so that’s why it looks sorta bland (also I’m so sorry for the ashfur angle bro idk what happened)
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butterflyclan · 10 months
ButterflyClan Allegiances
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Top to bottom, left to right!
Parsleystar, Stormclaw, Mintswirl, Shellpaw Burdockheart, Tumblefern, Honeydew, Zazu Algaesky, Pinedash, Beamsnow, Kitecrash Skyrumble, Oakshimmer, Acornpool, Asphodelfang Ashpelt, Gingerfleck, Sorrelfur, Barleyclaw Foampaw, Basspaw, Seedpaw, Podpaw, Specklepaw Jaykit, Dovekit, Swallowkit, Sparrowkit, Ploverkit, Cormorantkit Lynxfur, Sakari, Pondfang, Shadowbloom
Ohhhh my god this took so long! This is the entire living ButterflyClan allegiance as of the end of the third year. The Clan’s gotten so much bigger!
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pixxyofice · 2 years
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oh hella, we have some kits! and crooked fought for his clan, good
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one of these kits is not like the other
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blorboclaw · 2 years
A few names from Warriors that are way cooler in the French translation:
(be warned, a lot of tail and stripe have been changed for linguistics reasons, tail being a slang word for penis and stripe sounding just weird. on the weird-sounding part we also have the frost, shine and pool ones) (oh and cloud was used as the -paw suffix translation so many of them don’t have it either)
Greystripe -> Plume Grise (or Greyfeather)
Darkstripe -> Eclair Noir (or Black/darkLightning)
Sorreltail -> Poil de Châtaigne (Chestnut/Sorrelfur)
Cloudtail -> Flocon de Neige (Snowflake)
Hazeltail -> Plume de Noisette (Hazelfeather)
Willowpelt -> Fleur de Saule (Willowflower)
Jayfeather -> OEil de Geai (Jayeye)
Stonefur -> Pelage de Silex (Silexfur, way cooler than Pelage de Pierre honestly)
Onestar -> Etoile Solitaire (now technically it can be considered a litteral translation, but a very litteral translation would have been Une-Etoile, which doesn’t fit the french naming system, so now Etoile Solitaire is more a loose translation, the litteral translation of it being... Lonelystar)
Nightcloud -> Belle-de-Nuit (Nightbeauty, which is also the name of a flower... and a very old slang word for high-end prostitute)
Cloudstar -> Etoile de Givre (Froststar, again the cloud pre/suffix was never translated as is)
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I love how some couple names sound like they could be actual warriors names.
probably some others I’m forgetting.
I think Squirrelfur and Fernpelt are already canon names lol
But yeah definitely
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LEADER | Ternstar – a tall, skinny black and white tom with amber eyes.
DEPUTY | Hopfoot – a black tom with a twisted paw and green eyes.
Apprentice, Whitepaw
HEALER | Barkface – a handsome brown tabby tom with a short tail and green eyes.
Wrenflight – a tortoiseshell tabby molly with green eyes.
Stagstep – a large brown spotted tom with white spotting and amber eyes.
Mudclaw – a spotted brown tabby tom with orange eyes.
Apprentice, Weaselpaw
Ashfoot – a gray molly with hazel eyes.
Apprentice, Oatpaw
Thymetail – a gray tabby tom with green eyes.
Sorrelfur – a ginger tabby molly with hazel eyes.
Pigeonbreeze – a gray tabby tom with yellow eyes.
Rainwing – a gray tabby molly with yellow eyes
Oatpaw – a cinnamon tabby tom with green eyes.
Whitepaw – a white molly with green eyes.
Weaselpaw – a wiry brown tabby tom with yellow eyes.
Morningflower – a tortoiseshell molly with orange eyes.
Gorsekit – a ginger and white tom with orange eyes.
Tawnykit – a ginger molly with orange eyes.
Crowfur – a black tom with a graying muzzle and yellow eyes.
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sootwhiskers · 3 years
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name: redcloud (she/her)
past names: redkit, redpaw
allegiance: thunderclan
rank: medicine cat (past: warrior, queen)
mates: palestep of thunderclan (deceased), mossnose of thunderclan (deceased)
children: crowstar, sandpaw, acornkit, needlefang, and pebblestep of thunderclan
other family:
granddaughters: raintail and ashcloud of thunderclan
mentor: meadowflower (warrior), creekshade (medicine cat)
apprentices: sorrelfur (warrior), berrypaw(tuft) (medicine cat)
story info under readmore (currently a wip)
torn right eartip, triangle shaped nose, eyes, and face
tail is very long, body is sleek
not the most muscular, but still lean and strong from days as a warrior
square brows, small “eyelashes”
short list of personality traits: decisive, honest, quiet, gentle, righteous, fussy ( (very similar to her daughter crowstar)
redcloud was first mates with palestep, and their daughters were crowpaw and sandpaw. crowpaw, sandpaw, and palestep all came down with greencough one winter, and only crowpaw survived. redcloud was devastated, but she soon moved on and became mates with mossnose. they had three sons: needlekit, pebblekit, and acornkit. sadly acornkit was the runt of the litter and very weak, and he passed away half a moon after birth. not long after, mossnose was attacked by rogues and succumbed to his wounds. tired of feeling helpless to save her family, redcloud chose to become a medicine cat so she could learn to heal. eventually she developed a genuine passion for the role. (might rewrite this later)
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Icestar is the leader of Thunderclan and is rumored to be the one who summoned the Ark, possibly because of some petty feud with Hopstar and his son, Sorrelfur.
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Curlypaw! My girl!!
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Current: Windclan
Medicine cat apprentice
11 Moons
Mother: Sorrelfur
Father:  Cricketleg
Brother: Snakescar, Frogpaw
Sister: Wrenpaw
Mentor: Shorttail
Curlypaw’s a cautious cat and very much a control freak, but that doesn’t stop her from gossiping with elders, queens, and apprentices from her clan and others. A natural healer by trade, she’s very proud of her abilities, even if a bit unorthodox at times. She sticks very closely to the medicine cat code, helping about any cat she comes across, even if it meant getting punished by her mentor.
General Facts
For being a medicine cats apprentice, she hates being in the medicine den. Don’t get her wrong, she loves healing her clanmates, she’d just prefer to be out on the moor than in that stuffy den.
She has a very close relationship with her half brother, Snakescar, often going to him for guidance when she bites off more than she can chew.
Curlypaw had once brought a sick loner into the camp, wanting desperately to help him. Of course, Shorttail flames her for bringing a sick stranger into the heart of the camp, but hesitantly lets her tend to the cat.
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debatchi · 6 years
🐱: If you had a warrior name, what would it be?
Pebblecloud! Or Sorrelfur maybe
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colrana · 8 years
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sorrelfur enjoys honeybreezes company....yet never admits it
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butterflyclan · 10 months
Mid Winter
"You have not been with us long, but you have proven yourself a loyal cat and skilled warrior. Sorrelpaw, from this day on you shall be known as Sorrelfur. We celebrate your skill and tenacity, and we welcome you as a full member of ButterflyClan."
Sorrelfur raised her head proudly. She had done it- she had proved herself a true member of the Clan, worthy of being here. No one could deny her her place. She belonged.
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Shellpaw was feeling stressed. He could not properly express how stressed he was feeling.
Skyrumble's and Pondfang's tail wounds had become infected. Podpaw had caught whitecough, and Acornpool and Basspaw had caught yellowcough. Lynxfur had gone out for too long and came back with frostbite. Mintswirl and Shellpaw were up at all hours of the night, soothing coughs and pains and anything else they could manage. They were running low on supplies, and newleaf was a whole moon away.
Shellpaw had asked Mintswirl if leafbare was always like this, and they had only shrugged and said that these sorts of things tended to come and go in waves.
Shellpaw just... really, really, really needed a break.
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Gingerfleck blinked in surprise and the grey tom in front of him blinked back.
"Oh!" The tom said finally, dropping the mouse he'd been holding. "I'm sorry, is this your territory?"
"Ah- yes, it is."
"I hadn't realized. That's my bad! I was just looking for food for my kits, I hadn't realized I'd crossed into anyone's place."
"You have kits?" Gingerfleck asked, surprised. The tom looked quite young- barely older than Gingerfleck himself.
"Yes! Jay and Dove, they're the lights of my life. Their mother didn't survive their kitting, I'm afraid, but..." the tom trailed off, a shadow of sadness crossing his face before he shook it off. "Well, they seem alright without her!"
"My Clan has a warm place for your kits," Gingerfleck hedged. "We don't have a lot of food, but you seem like a good hunter. I'm sure if you're willing to help out, we could figure something out..?"
"That's... a very kind offer," the tom stuttered, eyes wide. "I... I would like that, please. Thank you."
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pixxyofice · 2 years
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THE LEADER HAS DIED and it wasn’t announced except for that notification! old age, probably... good thing this is where i’m stopping for now, but i must assign a deputy now. oh yeah there’s apprentices too
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Here is our leader: formerly Sorrelfur, compassionate and smart. now, the candidates...
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Daisyleaf! Was here from the beginning as an apprentice, empathetic and smart, and has maxed out on the exp.
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Maplebeam! Has also maxed out on exp, might’ve also been here at the beginning, has apprenticed a lot of cats.
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Goldnoise! I like her, and also wants to be the deputy. Points against her might be her insecurity, though...
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Stagsky! i like her as well.
vote now on your phones or whatever
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antipositivity · 6 years
Prime Warrior of StormClan
Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground
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Name - Snakestrike
Age - 22 moons
Gender - Male
Rank - Prime Warrior ; ex-medicine cat apprentice
Clan - StormClan
Mentor - Blossomshine (med. cat) ; self ; the Clan (brief warrior training)
Apprentice - Koipaw
Sexuality - Pansexual
Being a genuinely kind feline who hates seeing anyone upset or uncomfortable, he will do his best to bring them out of that funk. Perhaps that’s just the medicine cat in him coming out. He can come across as stern when others start encroaching on him and who he’s attempting to comfort. This makes him feel bad as usually that will lead to another saddened cat.  As a new warrior, he’s quite hard on himself as he was previously trained as a medicine cat and only became a warrior because of a mission StarClan sent him on. After returning, it was shown he could protect and fend for himself so he was granted with the title of a warrior after returning. However, he’s still fairly uncomfortable with the idea so he needs reassurance at times. 
Snakestrike carries a pelt of ginger and white fur with dark ginger tabby stripes. His pelt is rather long and fluffy and can appear messy even after he tries neatening it up. His eyes are a bright, yet dark amber colour.
His chest fur is a giant white poofy cloud, fluffing around his muzzle if he looks down, scrunched up, or laying. His butt fur is the same way and it spreads to his tail. He can end up looking like a teddy bear on occasion.
Currently, he has no scars despite the fight between dogs he participated in when he was a newly made apprentice. He has no identifiable markings either.
Sonny Carisi from Law & Order: SVU 
Theme Song
to be decided
abandonment - due to the death of Larksong, his aunt, he fears that one day his family will be gone and leave him alone
predators - quite obviously, he fears anything that can kill him right then and there
starclan losing faith in him - due to his faith and previously being a medicine cat apprentice, he fears his ancestors losing faith in him 
Likes & Dislikes 
likes - family, friends, herbs, helping others, flowers, learning, joking around, starclan
dislikes - his fears, death, fighting, ignorance, annoying behaviour, being lied to 
Parents - Morningsong & Berrynose
Sisters - Cloverheart, Dreampaw, Wishpaw
Brothers - Birchbelly, Lionpaw
Mate - N/A
Kits - N/A
Grandfathers - Ashenstar (Berrynose) & Cobrafang (Morningsong)
Grandmothers - Cherryeye † (Morningsong)
Grand-Uncle - Owlclaw † (Morningsong)
Grand-Aunt - Sorrelfur † (Berrynose)
Uncles - Otterfur, Stormwatcher, Flamebelly, Wolfheart* (Berrynose)
Aunts - Goldenleaf, Larksong † (Berrynose) Fawnpaw † (Morningsong)
Cousins - Blackpaw †, Dappleleaf, Windpaw (Goldenleaf x Wolfheart), Honeypaw, Hollowpaw (Larksong x kittypet) Thunderpaw, Riverpaw (Wolfheart x loner)
* - through mate-ship, past or present
Berrynose - 10/10 - His father. He looks up to Berrynose and wishes to make his father proud of him. Raised solely by him, he holds a deep connection to him. Going to him for advice, it’s clear he idolizes the warrior. In a sense, he wishes to be like him.
Morningsong - 8/10 - His mother. Throughout his kithood and apprenticeship, he never saw her except for the first few moons of his life. Due to this, he has a slight disconnect with her. When he was on his journey, she arrived only to not see her firstborn kit. Thankfully, the two managed to reconnect when he came back home.
Cloverheart - 9/10 - His beloved sister. The two of them always stuck together like glue. He loves her company and would do anything for her. The two of them always got up to mischief when they were younger. Sadly, he hasn’t seen her much recently.
Birchbelly - 7/10 - His brother. He has never had the same connection to his introverted brother like he has with their sister. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t love him. He just wishes he could get to know him more.
Dreampaw - 9/10 - His younger sister. He adores the butterfly-nosed apprentice even though he didn’t know her for the first six moons of her life. Coming back to the Clan after his journey, he noticed that his spot as a medicine cat apprentice was taken, but learning that it was taken by a sibling made him gleeful. He helps her when he’s able and/or needed.
Wishpaw - 5/10 - His younger sister. He’s never really spoken to her since he came back to the Clan. Due to this, he hasn’t formed much of an opinion on her. He still holds the sibling love though.
Ashenstar - 7/10 - His paternal grandfather. While the two don’t interact regularly, he still loves the tom dearly. StarClan also sent him on a journey to find out about the future of the Clan and he was to report to Ashenstar about it. Due to this, he feels they hold a bond that goes beyond familial. 
Cobrafang - 6/10 - His maternal grandfather. He’s only ever interacted with the deputy a few times but he still holds respect for the elder. He wishes to know the tom more, however, it’s hard to catch the tom at a decent time.
Wolfheart - 6/10 - His paternal uncle-in-law. Though not being related by blood or through mate-ship anymore, the tom is still viewed as family. Sadly though, he hasn’t interacted with him very much... but Snakestrike wishes to change that.
Blossomshine - 9/10 - His former mentor. He loved the she-cat’s company and he found his love of healing when he was only a few moons old and helped deliver his cousins, Honeypaw and Hollowpaw, alongside Blossomshine. It was from then on did he wish to accompany her with medicine cat duties. He wishes he was able to reconnect with her.
Daisyheart - 7/10 - A good friend. The tom has interacted with the she-cat quite a bit between his apprenticeship and present day. He enjoys spending time with her when he gets the chance. She also happened to be one of the first few faces he encountered when he came back from his journey. He wishes to continue their friendship.
Lilyhop - 6/10 - A friend. While he doesn’t know the daughter of Daisyheart as well as he knows her mother, he still enjoys his time he spends with the she-cat. The odd patrol here or there with her definitely boosts his mood. He wishes to continue and boost their friendship.
Dovewing - 9/10 - A best friend. While he wasn’t fond of her at first due to her, what he considers, naivety, he grew to appreciate the former kittypet’s company. Over the moons they’ve known each other, they’ve bonded very well. Dovewing did confess her love, however, Snakestrike doesn’t know if he feels the same way or not.
Honeypaw - 9/10 - His cousin. He helped deliver Honeypaw and her brother, Hollowpaw, when he was only four moons old. Sadly, with this, he lost his aunt, Larksong, but he doesn’t let that hinder his and Honeypaw’s closely bonded relationship. He adores the apprentice so much and would do anything for her.
Koipaw - 6/10 - His apprentice. While he hasn’t spent much time with her, he wishes to get to know the sphynx more. He finds her introvertedness interesting and wishes to know her better.
Riverpaw - 5/10 - His unrelated cousin. Being Wolfheart’s daughter makes them unrelated but related all the same. He wishes to form a connection with her but he’s finding that difficult at the moment. Hopefully it becomes easier in time.   
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butterflyclan · 10 months
Late Autumn
Skyrumble hissed, his claws flexing as Mintswirl handled his tail. "I need marigold petals- Shellpaw, do you remember what marigold does?"
The apprentice nodded, the bright yellow petals in his mouth as he hurried over. "They stop bleeding and... uh... Infection?"
"Correct! Chew them up and place them on the wound." Mintswirl turned their attention back to Skyrumble. "It looks fine for now, but I'd recommend that you take it easy for now. I don't want it getting infected, especially not right before leafbare."
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Acornpool let out a little shriek as a brown tom leapt in front of the patrol, his tail waving excitedly. Asphodelfang rolled her eyes.
"You guys are ButterflyClan, right? I've trained so, so hard and I'm finally ready to join!"
Asphodelfang snorted. "Sorry, you've... what?"
"Trained! I know it's tough out here, but I can catch food and I'm perfectly okay with sleeping outside!"
"Well, Parsleystar was okay with allowing Algaesky and Honeydew in," Acornpool hedged. "Maybe she'd be okay with...?"
"If he joins, he'll have to change that name. Stan. Whoever heard of a name like that?"
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Burdockheart led Barleypaw along the DogwoodClan border, casting nervous glances across the meadow into the shaded copse of trees. She bristled upon noticing a grey shape up ahead, and Barleypaw, taking note of her body language, tensed as well.
"Hello," the cat mewed, and Burdockheart relaxed slightly when she realized this was just an apprentice.
"What are you doing on our border?"
"I... I don't want to be in DogwoodClan anymore. They don't like me there." The apprentice flattened herself against the ground, looking up at Burdockheart and Barleypaw with wide, pleading eyes. "Please! I just want to be around cats who care about me! I don't have anyone in DogwoodClan!"
Burdockheart glanced down at Barleypaw, who was staring at the DogwoodClan apprentice with sad eyes. "Alright, then," she sighed. "What's your name?"
"I'm sure we could find a place for you, Sorrelpaw."
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pixxyofice · 2 years
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our first kits have become apprentices! (sorrelfur’s kits)
... oh and i figured out what the blank moon was
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i was about to say ‘he doesn’t even have stripes’ but no he does have them
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