#sorean antiqua
capsource · 4 months
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Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition
Available for anyone who wants to use them, no credit needed but super appreciated. All these caps are 1920x1080. Most of the characters have sub folders to divvy up the caps into more manageable downloads, but if there are any issues, please feel free to let me know!
In this folder, you will find: Alvis | Dickson | Dunban | Egil | Fiora | Gadolt | Juju | Kallian | Linada | Lorithia | Melia | Meyneth | Miqol | Mumkhar | Otharon | Reyn | Riki | Sharla | Shulk | Sorean | Tyrea | Vanea | Yumea | Zanza
Folder can be found [ here ] Buy me a [ ko-fi ] if you’d like!
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theawezomeone · 1 year
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Decided since twitter hates us im gonna post stuff here first now so catching up rn on the daily art
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mirensiart · 7 months
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“I do not demand that you act as Melia’s protector, but as her father, I would be honored if you would be her friend.”
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tayopapayo · 11 months
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Royal Family
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frickingnerd · 1 year
melia dating a hom
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pairing: melia antiqua x gn!reader
tags: wholesome fluff to angst, melia introducing reader to her family, melia worrying about your future + outliving reader
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when melia started dating you, she didn't think about your life spans at all and instead was more focused on maintaining a relationship with you and getting used to each other romantically
the first time she really had to think about what the difference in your life spans meant for your future was when she took you to alcamoth to meet her father and brother
the two of them quickly took a liking in you and it was clear to them that you meant a lot to melia and truly made her happy
however, while sorean was talking to you, kallian took melia aside for a moment to have a talk between siblings, asking her about what kind of future she's hoping to have with you
as her older brother, he wants her to be happy and she's happy when she's with you, but melia will outlive you… and then what? 
melia hadn't considered that yet, focusing more on the here and now with you than on a future together
she knew that she wanted a future with you, but while you'd spend all of your life by her side, she'd likely lose you at some point…
it was something that worried melia, now that she was confronted with it, but she quickly made up her mind about things
she'd figure something out! something to let you live longer! something that would allow you to be by her side just a little bit longer! 
she'd take care of you when you get old and she'd work on a cure for anything that might threaten to shorten your life! 
melia loved you and she knew that with you by her side, she'd manage to find a way! 
and even if she wouldn't, then she knew that you two tried everything you could and she could at least rest easy, knowing that she tried…
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ennipop · 6 years
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Lorithia is the most unlikeable character
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gameotheque · 6 years
The party finally made their way to Prison Island, at the very head of the Bionis, following Shulk’s visions of them fighting Metal Face there... 
To say that the events that happened there were shocking would be an understatement!
First of, the party (and the Emperor, Melia’s father) found out what it was that the High Entia of old sealed in Prison Island - a giant, named Zanza (I SEE YOU VILLAIN) who told Shulk he was the one that made the Monado, and that he himself challenged the Mechonis while wielding it in the past.
Zanza struck a deal with Shulk, offering to unshackle the Monado’s true power to aid in their revenge, at the cost of being releases from his imprisonment (something only Melia was against) and he accepted. Just as Zanza was about to release the lock on the Monado’s power, however, he was slain by Metal Face...
Or so it seemed, as Zanza’s spirit informed Shulk he’d managed to do it in time. Unfortunately, THAT revelation did not come in time for them to save Emperor Sorean, who died to protect his daughter.
And the shock does not end there, either, as Shulk was preparing to end Metal Face with the Monado’s true power, a new Silver Faced Mechon intervened, only to be slashed by Shulk, revealing a cockpit inside... with none other than Fiora herself piloting it, though she did not recognize Shulk, Reyn or even her brother Dunban.
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wittyvitale · 4 years
Incorrect Xenoblade Chronicles Quotes (It’s Always Sunny on Bionis)
Scene: Melia, Kallian, and Sorean are meeting at the fanciest restaurant in Alcamoth for a family dinner.
 Melia: We need to talk to you about something, Father.
Kallian: It's kind of disturbing.
Sorean: You two aren't banging, are you?
Melia: What!?
Kallian : No! What are you talking about?
Melia : No, that's disgusting.
Sorean: Yeah, yeah it is. Stay away from that kind of thing. No good can come of it, trust me.
Kallian: I am not banging my sister.
Yumea enters
Yumea : Bionis Christ! What have I walked into here?
Melia: Oh my Bionis.
Yumea: You two aren't having sex together...
Kallian: No, we're not having sex.
Melia : Sit down please, Mother.
Yumea : I am not getting pulled into any sort of perverted sex talk!
Kallian: It's not perverted!
Sorean : Banging your sister is perverted, Kallian!
Kallian : [shouting] I AM NOT BANGING MY SISTER!!
 Restaurant gets deathly quiet, everyone turns to look at the royal family.
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xenobladeimagines · 3 years
Hey I'm pretty sure Sorean IS the half homs sibling, you know, with the whole goal of having a homs consort being to breed out the turn-into-telethia genes and we know half homs high entia often still have the pure blood traits, such as the longer wings. Seeing as Sorean was only ruling for 20 years but Kallian and Melia are much older than that it appears likely that his ruling sibling died with yet no heirs to take over for some reason. This is all just theory though, I'm interested to see what you come up with
Spoiler warning for like, the whole game up ahead. That's a good point I hadn't considered because I forgot half-homs could have big wings. Though it's also possible that some generations, Sorean's included, don't have the half-homs be the ruler because of aptitude or (un)willingness to rule. Personally I think that it was Sorean's parent (either Emperor or Empress) who passed and made him Emperor. Since he was crown prince before that, he already had consorts and kids. Because of that it's possible that his sibling(s) also followed the two consort system, though that lead to a huge family and might lead to some losing their wings entirely through genetic stuff happening.
This wingless offshoot of the Antiqua could be the family of Seers Alvis comes from, since they would be close enough to the royal family to still be influencial while having lost their wings- which from what we see of High Entia culture, wing size and appearance is super important. Since Alvis is Homs but has silver hair, he can be assumed to have High Entia blood in him, no matter how small of an amount.
I don't know enough about genetics to go into too much detail here but also I feel like if Sorean were half-homs, then Kallian might not have shifted? Then again, his mother is pureblooded so that probably doomed him anyway.
Basically I just want to explore the rest of the Antiqua family and their dynamic as a ruling family. Also the bureaucratic nightmare of dealing with consorts and trying to not have the family tree turn into a wreath like the european royal family tree.
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artificervaldi · 3 years
Melia chases after another her, and gains her first Pokemon.
New AU I'm working on with @bionisinterior! First fic, to start off have some Antiqua siblings catching some Pokemon siblings! Available under the cut as well!
Melia knew what a doppelganger was, from the books Mother would read to her. She knew that they were dangerous, but here she was, running down the street after a girl who looked just like her. If it was her doppelganger, that meant she would die. Even at the age of eight, she knew that was a fact.
But she didn’t stop, even when the other her phased through a wall or when Kallian yelled at her to wait. She didn’t stop when she ran through the same wall and found a paradise for Pokemon.
She finds her breath taken away as she runs through the area, right to the other her, swinging happily. The other her smiles and waves and she approaches. She reaches out to touch her hand and--
“Melia!” Kallian has caught up, and he’s pulling her back a bit. “What are you doing?”
“My doppelganger,” Melia points at her. “Am I going to die, brother?”
Kallian pales a bit, as if realizing something. “Melia, we shouldn’t be here. Let’s go--”
The wind picks up and Melia screams, clinging to his leg. He puts a hand over her head and stays stock still. She keeps her eyes closed, even as she hears something making angry noises at them. She was so scared…
She peeks with one eye and the other Melia is standing between the two of them and a Latios. Kallian looks scared, his mouth opening and closing as other Melia and Latios seem to have a conversation of some sort… And then it hits her.
“Oh,” she gasps. “Brother, the other me is a Latias!”
“You’re right,” Kallian swallows hard, holding his hands up. “We mean no harm, please, allow us to go.”
Latias changes forms and turns, making a sound that makes Melia think she’s very sad to hear that… She must be lonely! Just like Melia sometimes was! She couldn’t just leave like that!
“Kallian, Kallian, I want to play with Latias!”
“We can’t stay, Melia,” Kallian shoots back, a small frown on his face. “We aren’t supposed to be here--”
“It should be fine, Kallian,” Father’s voice makes Melia perk up, not expecting to see him there. “Melia is in line for both family traditions, so she should be allowed to know, don’t you think?”
“Both?” Melia looks up at Kallian, curious. “The family tradition is running the local gym! What is the other one, brother?”
“Caring for the city,” Kallian replies, looking at the Pokemon. “Caring for Latios and Latias.”
“Oh!” She hops a bit, realization hitting her. “If Kallian is running the gym, that means I’ll have to care for the city!”
“If you want the gym when you’re older, I’ll step down and do it, but yes, more or less that’s how it will work,” Kallian smiles at her. “What a smart girl you are.”
Melia smiles, proud of herself. “Then I should play with Latias, I need to know how to take care of her, brother.”
Kallian looks at Father and there’s a moment of silence, before Father nods. Kallian then looks at her and gives her a nod and she gets excited. That means she can play with Latias! She runs past the Pokemon to the swing and hops on, Latias joining behind her.
She giggles and they start going, and she almost feels like she’s flying! Latios seems interested, too, and she thinks she even sees him licking Kallian. That makes her giggle, that much is for certain.
Soon, she is flying, when Latias decides to pick her up and toss her onto her back. It’s a fun feeling, and Kallian is next to her, on top of Latios, soon enough. He looks worried, reaching out for her… but she just giggles as the Pokemon decide to swap who’s on their back.
She’s in the air for a few moments and Kallian is yelling bloody murder, but it goes okay! She clings to Latios with a smile and watches as Kallian nearly falls off as Latias does a few twirls and spins in the air.
“Hold on, silly!” She calls to him, a smile on her face. “If you don’t you might fall off!”
“O-of course…! You just hold on, too!” He calls back, clinging to Latias for dear life.
She nods and nuzzles against Latios, having fun for a few hours more. Soon, the sun is setting and Father is making it clear it’s time to go. She doesn’t like that, but… she has to be good, so she lets Latios set her on the ground.
“Let’s go,” Kallian takes her hand, smiling at her. “Did you have fun?”
“I want to play more,” she admits, looking at her feet. “But yes, I did.”
“We can come tomorrow--” Kallian yells when Latios and Latias both push into him, as if trying to follow after.
Melia giggles. “Do you want to come home with us?”
Kallian frowns. “Melia, they can’t.”
“Why not?” Melia pouts at him. “Our family takes care of them, right? We can take care of them at home, too!”
“That’s not how it works,” Kallian says gently, looking to Father for backup.
“It isn’t,” Sorean hums, before pulling something from his side. Two Pokeballs, both seemingly empty. “But for the two of you? Perhaps there’s another way.”
Things click for Melia and she gasps, running up to him and taking a Pokeball. Kallian is a bit slower, but he takes one as well.
She throws and… aha! Latias is caught! Kallian follows suit and catches Latios. With their new Pokemon in tow, she smiles up at him. She’s so excited, and the smile Kallian gives her makes her think he’s also excited.
“Hmmm,” he holds out the Pokeball to her. “Here, how about you take this?”
“Huh? But he’s yours!”
“I think you deserve him more than I do,” he replies.
Melia thinks for a moment and takes it, but shoves Latias’s ball into his hand at the same time. “Then we’ll trade! I’ll take Latios and you can take Latias. It will be like having two big brothers for me!”
“And I suppose two little sisters for me,” Kallian blinks a few times, before hooking the ball onto his belt. “Alright, if it makes you happy, I’ll take care of Latias in your stead.”
She giggles, hands clasped behind her back. “Thank you, brother!”
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Maybe the pussy indulgence was a thing Sorean introduced, then it was named in his memory after he got stabbed?
we dedicate this pussy indulgence to our beloved emperor, the late sorean antiqua
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reneg661 · 4 years
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Is one of the seven playable characters in Xenoblade Chronicles and is part of the High Entia race. She is a powerful mage-like character who lives in the Royal City of Alcamoth prior to the game's events. Her true age is unknown in the game, though her half-brother Kallian is 151 years old. However the art book "Xenoblade: The Secret File" reveals her age to be 88. Riki calls her "Melly", while the resident Nopon of Frontier Village call her by the term "Bird Lady". Her Arts mainly focus on summoning elemental spirits and affecting enemies with her ether staff. Melia is the daughter of the High Entia Emperor Sorean Antiqua and his second consort. Imperial tradition states that the emperor take two consorts; one a High Entia, and the other a Homs. Melia, daughter of the Homs second consort, is of mixed High Entia and Homs heritage. Melia's mother is never seen and is only alluded to in dialogue as, due to the difference in the rate of aging between Homs and High Entia, she died of old age sometime before the events of the game. An NPC in the imperial palace however does state that Melia has grown up to resemble the second consort as a young woman. Despite her status as the princess (later Empress) of the most advanced race on Bionis, Melia is a very humble, modest and kind person, never once looking down on Homs as inferior beings, though this may partially be because she is half-Homs herself. When Shulk, Dunban, Reyn and Sharla first meet her, Melia slaps Shulk for touching her, suggesting that she was brought up with traditional values. She instantly apologises and offers to help the Homs in exchange for saving her life. She eventually develops romantic feelings for Shulk, although she keeps them to herself. She is implied to be jealous of Fiora, but does not let these feelings of jealousy get in the way of their friendship. Eventually, Melia accepts that Shulk will never reciprocate her feelings and is content to remain friends. Initially, Melia was very reluctant to accept the Homs' help to take down the Telethia who killed her comrades, insisting she was perfectly capable of doing it herself and did not need any assistance. Whether this was because of pride, grief over her friends' sacrifices or a simple desire not to get strangers involved is open to interpretation. However, she reluctantly accepted their help after Chief Dunga provided the group with Riki, having come to realise her limits. She was also very sceptical about the Monado at first, believing Shulk's ability to see the future was rubbish. Only after the group defeated the Telethia did she finally grow to accept its power. Being a princess and due to a fairly strict upbringing, Melia is partial to polite and formal behaviour, and is one of the most serious members of the group along with Dunban. In spite of this, she retains a sense of humour and does not seem to mind Riki calling her "Melly". However, when she jokes, she normally does so with a completely straight face, so people, particularly Reyn, usually think she is being serious, as shown in a Heart-to-Heart when she jokingly demands that Colony 9 pays Alcamoth for their use of Ether Cylinders from the Ancient Wreckage, which Melia deduces to be a crashed High Entia ship.
Melia (c) Nintendo Art (c) reneg661
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xenobladehistorian · 6 years
Here’s some epic High Entia genetics
As Melia is canonically 80-percent Homs and her mother is a pure Homs, something can’t be right—that means that Sorean must be 60-percent Homs (so mathematically, since her mother is pure Homs, she’d receive 50-percent Homs from her and 30-percent Homs from Sorean, plus 20-percent High Entia from Sorean). While this makes sense with the fact that they’ve been diluting the bloodline, that means that Kallian shouldn’t have turned, as he’d be part-homs himself (to be specific, 20-percent Homs, 80-percent High Entia). Now, it could have been an incomplete transformation due to this, yet Tyrea didn’t go through any incomplete transformations, nor did Melia or any of the other survivors. The first Antiqua emperor in the Tomb did say that Melia’s genetics are pure of the Telethia gene and that it requires a specific “gene set” to unlock the curse—so Kallian could have still inherited that specific gene yet couldn’t fully turn.
- Sorean: 60-percent Homs, 40-percent High Entia
- Melia: 80-percent Homs, 20-percent High Entia
- Kallian: 20-percent Homs, 80-percent High Entia
(correct me if my mathematics are wrong)
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pun-ctual · 6 years
Prompt: Anything
Description: Two scenes in which the Antiquas lose their mother, and accept the loss of their father.
1. Yumea
“What have you done?” shrieked Yumea, her long hair nearly hitting Kallian in the face as she swung round to face him. “The wish of your mother, the pride of our people, our culture, history and privileges- even the power you could have gained- all thrown away! You betrayed your own mother- for the sake of that half-breed brat?”
“She is my sister,” Kallian replied, fighting to keep himself impassive. “And more suited for the throne than I am.”
“And what brings you to that conclusion? Oh, you can’t use that seer’s visions as an excuse. It is our purpose. We remain loyal to the Bionis. Have you forgotten who you are? Have you forgotten that you are a High Entia?”
“I am indeed a High Entia. But that does not mean I cannot treat those of other races with equality-”
Yumea hissed. “They are inferior! Homs are nothing more than animals. They are weak, filthy and stupid. Have you forgotten all I have warned you about them? This consort system-” she spat the words out- “introduces them into the imperial family, gives them a position of honour that they will never deserve! It divides the affections of the emperor or empress, and what if the Homs consort is favoured over the High Entia consort? Such an imbalance! If not for those meddling Homs, she would be dead by now, and rightly so!”
“Melia Antiqua is no less a member of the imperial family than I am. What difference does her Homs blood make? Shorter wings? Relative physical weakness? Will that matter when Alcamoth needs a ruler like her to unite the people, both half-Homs and pure-blooded? Will that matter when we transform into Telethia and none of us are left to gather the survivors?”
Yumea’s eyes widened, then the sound of a slap echoed in the room.  “Alcamoth does not need her! What on Bionis has gotten into you? You, my very son- no. You no longer mean anything to me. Leave me. Go to the half-breeds you love so much!”
The doors opened and five imperial guards entered to bring Yumea to the Tower of Investigation. She let herself be hustled away, casting a last hateful glance at the prince. He stood as if frozen, a handprint visible on his right cheek.
“Your Highness-“ One of the guards looked at him, awaiting any further instruction, but froze at the chilling gaze Kallian directed at them. His eyes were shards of ice- cold and sharp, but with a definite fragility.
“Go,” was all Kallian managed before he pushed past the guards and left the room.
2. Sorean
When Kallian, flanked by four guards, arrives at Prison Island and Melia opens the door for him, the first thing he sees is the blood on her clothes. The world begins to freeze, but it is only when she stares at her hands and says three simple words that his heart nearly stops.
“Father… he’s gone.”
They run to the place and Kallian stares at his father’s broken body, unable to speak.
Melia tries to stop crying as they carry their father back home, but her teardrops trail the ground all the way back to the Imperial Palace. She can’t stop thinking of her father saying, for the first and the last time, that he loved her.
Kallian doesn’t let himself cry in public. When he and Melia finally return to the Palace, her shawl soaks up the last of her tears. The rain has washed her hands, but her clothes are still marred by drying bloodstains. After she has changed, she hurries down to her brother’s room - Sorean was their father, after all.
Kallian has paced around his chambers so many times he’s lost count. He’s still in his original clothes, wet from the rain, but he barely notices the cold. All he can think of is that the father who nurtured and guided him - the emperor who he had advised from the beginning of his reign - is dead. He is incredibly alone and helpless. It’s just him now. Just him and Melia. Even the first consort is gone. He doesn’t know if he will be able to take care of his sister, or if he can finish training her to become Empress.
But, most importantly, he doesn’t know if he can comfort her.
Kallian finally sinks into a chair, not caring about how damp the seat will be when he gets up and puts his head in his hands. It’s in this state that Melia finds him. She drapes a blanket over his shaking shoulders, not knowing if the cold is getting to him, or if he’s finally grieving.
Twenty minutes later, with both siblings in clean, fresh clothes, they sit on Kallian’s bed in silence. Melia puts an arm around her brother. After some time, he relaxes and returns the gesture, unconsciously holding her a little tighter as if she’ll vanish the next moment.
Melia looks over at him and realises that he’s actually afraid. Of what to do next, of facing the reality of life without their father, and of what the Mechon have done to their home. Kallian is lost. Their way of life has been interrupted. Laws have been challenged. There is no way the High Entia can continue as before.
But we are not broken. Not yet, brother. I’ll always be at your side. At least, that’s what she wants to tell Kallian, but he speaks before the words can make it out of her mouth.
“Melia.” His voice is a little low, but it remains steady. “We cannot keep our people waiting for long. Parts of the capital have been damaged. There are over a hundred casualties, and we are now without our Emperor. You are our crown princess. Will you take the reins immediately, or do you wish to have me serve as regent until you feel you are ready?”
“Give me… a year more. I still have much to learn. Allow me to assist you in your regency.”
“A year is reasonable,” he sighs. “Forgive your brother, Melia. I myself am not sure how best to proceed from this point, but I will do everything I can.”
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frickingnerd · 3 months
poly relationship with melia & kallian
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pairing: melia antiqua x gn!reader x kallian antiqua
tags: established relationship (no melia x kallian), wholesome fluff, physical affection (cuddling), confession (kallian + melia to reader)
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somehow, you had caught both the attention of the princess of the high entia, as well as their prince!
and while you were a bit oblivious about it at first, melia and kallian were the first ones to notice how the other one felt about you
both of them were ready to let the other one have you, as they didn't want some love triangle to ruin their sibling bond
though kallian was the one that ended up deciding it would be best for both of them to confess to you and let you decide which one you'd want to be with
only that you chose both of them! and while melia was quite open to that idea, kallian was a bit reluctant at first, before you began to propose a few rules for your relationship, which was when he accepted the proposal
dates are only between you and one of the two siblings each. while melia and kallian don't mind sharing a partner, they aren't necessarily eager to see their partner be that close to their sibling
usually, you spend more time with melia, as kallian is often busy with his royal duties. but when you do get to spend time with kallian, he makes sure to get a day off just to spend with you
while melia likes to be the Iittle spoon when cuddling, kallian likes to be the big spoon! so depending on the position you want to be in, you can pick one of the two to cuddle with
melia and kallian's family is a bit torn on whether they accept you as their children's partner or not
while king sorean is very supportive of your relationship, yumea often tries to disturb the relationship the three of you have and force you to pick just one of them…
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catgirlcourtjester · 6 years
Wii Fit Trainer, Dr Eggman, Sheep Man (Megaman), Hatty (Mario Odyssey), Sorean Antiqua (Xenoblade Chronicles), Tidus.
Hmm let’s see
Push off a cliff: Cappy (I’m sorry but he can float so it should be fine)Kiss: Wii Fit TrainerMarry: Sorean Antiqua Set on fire: TidusWrap a blanket around: Sheep ManBe Roommates with: Dr. Eggman
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