artificervaldi · 1 year
Ever think about XC1 being the only game without a prequel? Well, I can fix that!
Here's a 10 chapter, 26k word fic I wrote about the time of the Giants, Egil, and the possession of Arglas!
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Trick or treat :)
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You get a trick AND a treat because your personalized trick (THE most cursed Xenoblade 1 lore from the art book) is so awful that I feel the need to make up for it with a very cute photo of my dog
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emblemxeno · 4 months
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Omg, gay people lore...
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eaglefairy · 8 months
Mechonis Core.
AAAAA absolute heart attack, I thought we were done in Agniratha and then by sheer random chance we stopped by the Fallen Arm and I realized that we never got the quest for the memory chip in Agniratha. Whoops! That would've been bad!
We're doing a little item collecting before everything goes to shit and this conversation happened: Roommate: "Time to get more..." Me: "Eggplants, yeah." (confused silence) "I call them eggplants because 'aubergine' is just the British word for eggplant." Roommate: "Oh yeahh, I forgot! I just thought they made up a weird name for sci-fi." Me: "No, British English was made up for sci-fi." Roommate: "Oh you're so right."
Roommate: "Wait, so how do Reyn and Sharla work out if Gadolt's alive?" Me: "Eehh..." Roommate: "So he's not alive for long then?"
Egil: *expositing about the Bionis feeding on ether* Roommate: "So? We die on the Bionis and return the ether, it's not a big deal." Me:
Dickson: "Dammit, I was counting on you, runt." Roommate: "Okay listen, Dickson, we tried." Me:
Aha! I've been waiting the whole game for it, but I think Alvis and Meyneth do "interact" at least once: Alvis: So it is her...
I was getting worried because I couldn't think of a single time in game that they interacted and I was beginning to think they didn't ever in canon. Which is like. it'd be crazy if they didn't. It'd be crazy if the game implied that Meyneth didn't know Alvis existed because they never interact in canon. Glad I was wrong about that one.
Roommate: "Why. Does Dickson. Know. EVERYTHING?!" Me: "Well, you are about to find out"
Dickson saying "Let's see who makes it through the battle" goes from banter with Dunban on a first playthrough to Active Threat on repeats
*after Monado Reacts* Reyn: "Ain't you learnt yet, Shulk? If you've got a problem, you tell us about it!" Roommate: "If [Reyn] wasn't here you'd get yourself killed, Shulk"
(Also in reaction to Monado Reacts) Roommate: "I knew Shulk was going to die, I just didn't realize the death arc was going to start now"
Roommate: "Does Shulk die before or after we learn the truth about Dickson?" Me, fucking sweating: "After"
Roommate: "I'm so concerned because this feels like the endgame but I know it's not because there's so much left I have to do!"
"I mean, this can't be the last time we fight Egil. It just can't. There's too much left unresolved for the game to end here, but I don't know how this battle is going to end!"
Oh whoops she lost against Egil the first time but she ended up doing something very interesting: when the energy devices spawned, she ended up targeting one of them with a chain attack while surrounded by other Mechon, which let them just walk right past them. I don't think I've seen that before in this battle!
My roommate has been raring to kill Egil since we first heard his name but she's still happy for Shulk that he decided not to. This game!!! It's so!!!
Roommate: "Arglas. He's not Zanza." Me: "He's not Zanza."
Between Zanza appearing and the fight with Zanza, the only thing my roommate said was one single "what the fuck??" and an "interesting twist to have the life/light(?) guy be evil". Otherwise she was dead silent
Roommate: "Okay, before we continue, we're going to pause you and you're going to tell me everything that just happened."
*seeing the cloud of telethia in the distance* Roommate: "Are those...the Alcamoth people?" *horrified gasp* "NO NO NO THEY'RE NOT NO--"
The thing that finally broke her and made her cry was me confirming for her that her favorite lesbians (Vidian and Lesunia) did get broken up and Lesunia is a Telethia
Roommate doesn't know what to think of Alvis and everything he's done since Zanza's awakening (fair) and I'm just over here almost giggling with glee because she has NO IDEA what kind of secrets he holds
She still loves Dickson
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carpetthecarp · 11 months
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machinavillage · 1 year
would egil and arglas qualify for old man yaoi
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muse-write · 2 years
I was rereading my own fic a few nights ago (now at last i know thee, truth) and why did I have to write Arglas' death so sad?! He was the most hopeful of them all!!
The life of a writer truly is getting attached to those one-off OCs...
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lobcorpconfessions · 2 years
i was gonna say something insightful but all i got is roland and argalia hold hand . i think about them so much i think argla deserves redemption before he gets sent to hell and also i wanna kis he. i have so many reformed argalia thoughts .
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delemenko · 3 years
Zanza at the dinner party with his Disciples, Hot Computer, Skinny Hulk Hogan, and Insolence is Actually Free And his vessels, Moldy Santa and Shulk Hogan.
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Man I wish we had a Torna-style prequel story with these guys
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You've heard about a XC1 movie. You've heard about a XC1 pinball game. Now. Get ready for an XC1 series on the CW about Egil, set before Arglas found the monado.
[egil voice] in case you havent noticed, im weird. im a weirdo. i dont fit in. and i dont want to fit in. have you ever seen me without this stupid hat on? thats weird.
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so like is there egil/arglas art out there or am i stuck with screencaps from that flashback
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xenobladeimagines · 7 years
Any headcanons on how Arglas and Egil first came to know each other?
>Technology and knowledge was being exchanged between the civilisations of the Mechonis and Bionis. 
>Arglas was representing the Giants, and Miqol the Machina. Miqol brought Egil along, who at the time was barely an adult. 
>Arglas and Egil hung out, talking up until the early hours of the morning about their work. 
>While Arglas was always more of a philosopher than Egil, he was also pretty good with machinery. 
>The two quickly became friends, through working together for so long. 
>They decided to work together for both of their people, and make lives better for everyone. 
>They truly believed the two worlds could live in harmony, and were setting things up for the future. 
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eaglefairy · 8 months
This is more like it! I finally have more to write about than just "we did sidequests"!
Started with a bang today, as Tranquil Morax locked on and started a battle immediately upon loading the game. I was expecting to hear the Sword Valley theme and nearly jumped out of my skin at instant You Will Know Our Names
Not sure if I've mentioned it before, but my roommate has quite the abysmal talent for the platforming in this game. Mechonis Field has many edges just perfect for falling (or accidentally jumping...) off of so our progress is going slowly, to say the least
Ok confession time: I've only ever used sword drones on Fiora, so I had no idea what shield drones or gun drones did. Shield on just Fiora is...cool? I guess?? It happened to be useful in exactly the battle we tried it out in (Hush Chop moment) but we both agreed that we wouldn't use it again
Then we tried gun drones and now my roommate won't use anything else
I wasn't actually looking at the screen when she did it, so all I heard was a truly massive number of hit sounds and my roommate's gleeful cackling. (She showed it to me again and I can agree that it is in fact spectacular)
First-ever use of a fall defence gem recorded when my roommate (extremely fall-prone in-game as discussed) went down the great battle scar for items
oh this is a mess. This is just terrible.
So to explain: joysticks are funny like that in when you're shopping, it's very easy to nudge a direction and buy the maximum number of equipment pieces when you meant to buy just one. So that was 1 million+ gold down the drain
And of course selling back to the shop does not give you what you paid for it so I was like "just reset, it autosaved when you discovered the machina refuge"
Well first she loaded the last manual save again as opposed to the last autosave, so there was that minor heart attack again
Upon loading the autosave we found ourselves...at the great battle scar. Not at the refuge. Apparently it doesn't autosave when you discover that secret area?
Well no problem, we can just go back. Two steps taken and Sharla is sailing off the edge of the Mechonis. I die laughing forever
My roommate's takeaway from the Sharla flashback cutscenes is that Reyn isn't Gadolt, he's better than Gadolt
Oh good news she's completely forgotten who Zanza is. Egil mentioned him in the chapter 14 intro cutscenes and she literally said "who's that?"
This is the point where Alvis first brings up the true Monado stuff while Shulk is dreaming in Memory Space and I can tell she didn't quite know what to think of it. She was definitely startled by Zanza being "the progenitor of the Homs"
What intrigued me though is the implication that Vanea might not actually know the truth about Zanza and Arglas. Of course, it's likely she's being purposely obtuse so as not to overload the party with information while they still don't trust her (or so that the writers don't give the game away to the audience too early)
Vanea's design is absolutely throwing my roommate off. (I am long since used to the robot titties so it doesn't faze me anymore. and it's definitely not worse than anything in the second game!)
And we finished the night by doing a little affinity grinding to get Sharla and Fiora and Fiora and Melia up to pink (but not, unfortunately, Sharla and Melia) and a little colony 6 reconstruction. Overall a very productive day!
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It’s lavender scented!
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carpetthecarp · 1 year
I made another fic.
The giant Arglas stumbled through the woods of Makna forest, laughing all the while as his young nephew followed after him, being delightful company. Though his laughter didn't last for long as he spotted quite the oddity among the foliage. making him walk over with a curious hum and oh what a oddity it was. a red blade, stuck in the soft ground and easily allowing itself to be drawn from said ground. A swirl of blue ether enveloping it as he held it in one hand, and he laughed in glee as he looked it over, and the blade laughed with him. Though it's laugh was far more nefarious than his.
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