pale-silver-comb · 4 years
I'm watching an episode of B99, and Gina is distracting Boyle by asking him what the difference between a skillet and a frying pan is. This scene has such Eliot Spencer vibes and I can't stop thinking about him ranting, talking about the Very Distinctive Difference between the skillet and frying pan, and how dare Hardison implying Eliot doesn't know what he's doing in the kitchen (in the background you can see Parker stealing either some of Eliot's food or cereal and orange soda, Eliot banned.
It starts as a way to steal food without Eliot noticing but, of course, Eliot quickly catches on and replaces all the cereal and orange soda with healthier alternatives (but putting it in the same packaging).
The first day Parker and Hardison successfully retrieve their cereal and orange soda, only to quickly discover it’s a multi-grain cereal and pure orange juice (with pulp) is the best morning Eliot has had in a month as he gets to watch his boyfriend and girlfriend stubbornly pretend to enjoy their stolen goods with Hardison making exaggerated “mmm” sounds, all the while holding Parker back who looks ready to straight up murder Eliot over her missing fortune cookies.
Over the weeks, Hardison and Parker continuously swap the food back in plain sight of Eliot with smug looks but by the next morning it’s always replaced by the healthy options again and, honestly, at this point it’s not even about the food anymore because the loft is open plan - it’s monitored on a video feed - and there’s no way Eliot should be able to sneak in to the kitchen without Hardison, at the very least, seeing him.
And oh, it is ON.
This goes on for months. Parker hiding in the vents while she plans for their next jobs. Hardison setting up motion sensors so he’s alerted to every single time someone enters the kitchen.
Sophie is contacted.
Parker begins to suspect Hardison is a double-agent.
Sex is withheld.
It’s all very tense.
It’s a year to the date when Parker and Hardison watch as Eliot, very deliberately, gets up half-way through the movie they’re watching, crosses the room to the closet where Eliot keeps his more non-essential weapons and first aid kits, only to walk inside and close the door.
Parker and Hardison share a confused look but don’t take their eyes off the door. Especially as nothing happens for several minutes.
That is, until they hear a popping sound, and one of the kitchen cupboard doors- the cereal cupboard door - swings open to reveal a small hole in the back of it and Eliot’s smug, smiling face on the other side as he shakes Parker’s favourite cereal and Hardison’s orange soda at them and winks.
The man dug a whole secret tunnel. In their own home. Just to lower Parker and Hardison’s morning sugar intake.
Hardison doesn’t know whether to be impressed or affronted.
Parker pretends to be angry but she’s too eager to crawl through the tunnel space to care.
And anyway. Not like this game was a con in itself to trick their boyfriend into making them fancy breakfasts every morning when they complained about their missing cereal and soda. No. That would be crazy.
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firewritten · 6 years
for the identity ask: 13, 15, 30 :)
inside or outdoors?
I don’t know. Both are good. I love the grass and the dirt and the trees and the sky and the rocks, and sometimes when my brain is being too silly a walk outside in the sun can really help.
But being inside can be nice too, because it’s where my computer and keyboard live, and it’s nice to be warm and dry when it’s cold and wet out.
five most influential books over your lifetime
My Bondage and My Freedom, by Frederick Douglass
Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte
A collection of Edgar Allan Poe’s stories and poems
all those books I read in elementary school about the Holocaust
Pickwick Papers, by Charles Dickens
pick one of your favorite quotes.
Your Honor, years ago I recognized my kinship with all living beings, and I made up my mind that I was not one bit better than the meanest on earth. I said then, and I say now, that while there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free.
- Eugene V. Debs
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palmettofoxden · 6 years
Hello! Once you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly, then send this on to 10 of your favorite followers! Only if you want to, just trying to spread positivity!
Thanks so much!
1) My sense of humour
2) How many ideas my brain comes up with
3) My puns
4) My taste in music
5) My ability to nap that I never used to have
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pretentious-git · 7 years
thank you!
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coaxionunlimited · 4 years
Griddlehark Fic Recs 2: Electric Boogaloo
Because there’s been way too much good fic written since I put out my last list, here are some more Gideon/Harrow fic recs. 
when all the wild summer by runobody2: AU in which Gideon and Harrow are growing old together. This one includes all of my favorites: Gideon and Harrow acting like a bickering married couple, cinnamon sugar flatbread, Gideon lampshading fanfic tropes - seriously the snark is on point in this one and the sweetness is too. I hope their future in canon looks something like this.
opened my mouth (to scream and shout) by mutterandmumble: It’s pre-canon Harrow on her 17th birthday, introspecting about her life, her choices, and Gideon at the center it all. This one’s got everything - beautifully in-character Gideon dialogue, perfect encapsulation of the inherent tragedy of teenage Harrow, and inappropriately timed memes. 
The Tournament by SonOfJade (incomplete): Medieval AU! Wherein Harrow is an engineer and the lady of Drearburh and Gideon is her unwilling champion in the tournament. Even in the four chapters we’ve got so far there’s enough hints and foreshadowing that I know the conclusion to this one is going to be wild. Also contains sick swordfights, Gideon and Harrow getting to smooch, and the vow of silence fitting in perfectly. Give it a look!
By Faith Or By The Sword by pipistrelle: Post-canon happy ending speculation. In which Harrow and Gideon fail at communicating, succeed at communicating, and then there is a party. I like the way pipistrelle does griddlehark, where nothing quite comes easy to them but they refuse to give up on each other. Also, Gideon tries to make seven minutes in heaven a holiday tradition, and I think that’s beautiful. 
Cheap Work Pal by sophoklesworld: After everything, Palamedes becomes a doctor on the Ninth. This one is a bit light on the griddlehark, but it makes up for it in quantity of Team 69 interactions, which I desperately need more of. Also got some nice slice of life Ninth ambiance and good Palamedes backstory. 
Necromantic Grad School AU series by pipistrelle: It’s a modern AU, but it gives me exactly the same kind of tragic mutual pining lesbian heart attacks that canon does AND this time they get to kiss. If you’re curious about the content of the series, everyone is at necromancer graduate school. We have two delicious sickfics, one fic where Harrow is sleep deprived and gets to cuddle, and one where Gideon tapes a knife to a roomba and names it after Harrow. The roomba beats Naberius in a duel. It’s great.
Your Necro Questions Answered by Magichorse: Post-Canon, established relationship, Gideon runs an advice column for cavaliers in a porno mag. I’m a sucker for a good epistolary, and this one is more than just good. Seriously, the titles for the magazine are pure joy. Gideon’s voice is amazing, and so is everyone else’s - Magichorse manages to put a whole lot of character and personality into every single letter.
Abigail/Magnus Bonus Rec:
fret not, dear heart by darlingofdots: Magnus and Abigail, all the way from their horrible teenage years to marriage. I crave good Magnus/Abigail content like mountain goats crave that mineral and this really is the definitive fic for them in the fandom right now. I love their dynamic, I love the way darlingofdots characterizes Magnus, and I love that they get to be dysfunctional babies before they climb the steep, steep road to the parental units we know and love. Seriously, read this one, it’s worth it.
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christinesficrecs · 4 years
Im looking for a Sterek fic where Stiles keeps asking hypothetical crime scene questions and saying it’s for his book, but no one believes him. Turns out it was actually for a book. I think it was short and funny, but I’m not sure. Werewolves are still a thing though. Thank you, whether you find it or not! Love your fic recs.
Thank you!!! Sorry, this isn’t ringing any bells for me.
Can someone else help with this fic?
Thanks to everyone that helped find this fic!!! 
Hypothetically by sophoklesworld | 12.4K 
"What are you doing?", asked the Sheriff incredulously, leaning on Stiles’ opened door.
"I’m researching for a book", Stiles answered not looking up from where he was scribbling into a notebook.
"Kid, I didn’t believe that before I knew about werewolves, why do you think I’ll believe it now?"
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koalaschaf · 5 years
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@sophoklesworld is asking the important questions
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pale-silver-comb · 4 years
I was about to say "imagine the leverage crew going undercover in college - like community" but then I remember they actually went undercover in Harvard. But still, Sophie taking Drama classes? Nate maybe even as a teacher - 'I tutor those people after class that's why we're in the study room together'. (they all take his class - art history or criminology) Hardison taking random classes, acing them all. Actually, him and Eliot end up competing for valedictorian. Parker takes an botany class.
I’M SORRY THIS HAS TAKEN ME SO LONG TO ANSWER SOPHIE. You are such a sweetheart leaving lovely headcanons in my inbox to cheer me up when I’m down! <3
I am OBSESSED with Parker taking a botany class because “I STILL DON’T GET WHAT DO PLANTS DO.”  Then suddenly she has all this knowledge about plants and the Portland apartment is slowly filled with them, with little tags on each pot saying what it’s for and how to care for it. Hardison tries to make her a little garden, possibly in the kitchen of the Brewery, but Parker isn’t interested. She doesn’t want to garden. She just wants to put this Spider Plant in the bathroom! Meanwhile, Eliot is just edging closer and closer to the garden patch like “If Parker isn’t going to use it...can I plant some herbs here?” Periodically, you just see Hardison watering Parker’s plants in the background when the team recuperate at the apartment to discuss the con. Meanwhile, there is a scene where the whole team are arguing about something and then, in the background, there’s Eliot. Eliot’s surprised face when he spots seed packets laid out for him, smiling softly as he touches them and then frowning, embarrassed, when Hardison notices and smiles to himself. (Hardison marks it as a win when he notices the seed packets gone 30 minutes later.) 
Okay, but YES TO HARDISON AND ELIOT COMPETING. I mean, they won’t be there long, so maybe not valedictorian, but maybe for the con they need to be, like, rival students. Competing for signatures or something. Eliot flirting with everyone, petting puppies, wearing his nerdy glasses. Hardison listening to everyone’s needs and effortlessly getting rid of parking tickets for them, upgrading them to better student accommodation for free. Parker thinks it’s hilarious and you see her campaigning for both Hardison and Eliot in a series of random costumes, telling people about the time Eliot fought a bear and how Hardison is secretly Banksy. At first, people don’t know what to make of her. Some think she’s actually a twin and one twin is in Eliot’s corner and the other in Hardison’s. Finally, people decide Parker must be friends with, or is torn between dating, both Eliot and Hardison. They have a bet going on who Parker is going to end up with. Will she pick the winner or console the loser? Then, come election day, Parker surprises everyone by revealing she has the most signatures for *insert con related thing here* and has been playing Hardison and Eliot the whole time. (Nate is very proud of her.) Eliot is irked over the betting pool because “do people really think the only reason Parker would help us both is because she wants to date us? That’s just sexist” only to stop mid-rant, blushing, when he sees Sophie’s alias at the bottom, who bet Eliot’s alias is actually the one in love with Hardison and Parker’s aliases. There’s a bunch of tally marks next to Sophie’’s alias from other students. Eliot tears up the paper before Hardison or Parker can see.
Sophie taking drama classes and the Professor borderline wondering if it’s justifiable to kick a student out of class for being The Worst Drama Student He’s Ever Seen. Just. This poor woman has no future as an actress. None. Still, he can’t just kick her out. Maybe there is room for improvement. Hopefully. On opening night, all of Sophie’s acting troop comes to see her and applauds furiously because they think she’s acting bad on purpose. (Must be one of Miss Devereaux’s “bits”, they decide.) They all bring her flowers and the Professor. Just. Doesn’t. Get. It. 
The students at the college can’t tell if Nate is a Professor or a student. They keep seeing him in both capacities. Theories start developing about him. He’s clearly smart. Some think he’s some kind of crazy ex-scientist and he’s here to uncover the seedy underbelly of the college. Others swear he’s being going here for years and deliberately fails all his classes. Why? No-one knows. Others say he’s a teacher who only pretends to be a student to help him become a better teacher. Like, method-acting. Only with teaching. Even after the con is finished, students are still convinced they see him lurking in dark corners and hear rumors of classes he teaches in the dead of night. 
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January 2nd Reveals!
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Enjoy today's offering of 4 new fics!
Girls' Night Out 0.5, for ziazippy5379
Coming Home, for BabylonsFall
The Home Sweet Home Job, for sophoklesworld
Trust Fall, for whimseyrhodes
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palmettofoxden · 6 years
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Rules: Describe yourself only using photos you have already saved, no searching or downloading new ones.
This is made much easier by the fact that I have moodboards @jeanmoreauz and @read-this-watch-that made for me already saved.
I was tagged by @blurredmxnds  💕
And I don’t know who has and hasn’t done this but I’m going to tag @jeanmoreauz @read-this-watch-that @m1nyards @foxes-evermore @sophoklesworld
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by sophoklesworld
Eliot gets an apology-sandwich and Hardison gets an Eliot-made sandwich. Win-Win.
Words: 1506, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 6 of The Job Chronicles
Fandoms: Leverage
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Alec Hardison, Eliot Spencer (Leverage), Parker (Leverage)
Relationships: Alec Hardison/Parker/Eliot Spencer, Pre-Relationship - Relationship
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Canon-Typical Violence, at least implied, a bit crack-y, post-episode: The Office Job, Episode: s04e12 The Office Job
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koalaschaf · 3 years
Hello! @thrashertearex nominated to to participate in this tag game. He wants to see my current home screen pic, the last song I listened to on my phone and my last saved selfie… For once I will share this very private information.
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Conclude from this what you want.
For the next round of this game I will nominate @sophoklesworld, @shannarous, @schwul-kat, @valentiae, @mimi-mindless, @moss-dragon, @famburasch-sohn-des-partram, @rootsthroughmyheart, @melpomenc, @pinewhisky, @tooomanyfandoms, @foreverravenclaw ☺🙈
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ao3feed-leverage · 4 years
What's it all worth
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/326JbJO
by sophoklesworld
What’s it all worth, you start wondering one day. The next your jumping off a building and think "This is why".
Words: 237, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Leverage
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Parker (Leverage)
Additional Tags: potentially counts as, Prose Poem, Ficlet, Found Family
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/326JbJO
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pale-silver-comb · 4 years
Imagine Parker stumbling over Hardison's fanfiction about them. He started that after he found some conspiracies, headcanons and even RPF about them written by some of their clients, and surprisingly even one or two collaterals (ppl working for the CEOs they took out), so now he's fueling whatever he feels like. Imagine Parker starting to write (maybe even poetry) because "writing is cool, even though I haven't understood the use so far."
Now I am just imagining some bad guy they put away being told to channel their anger into writing for therapy reasons, and that writing turns into some kind of weird revenge fantasy on the team. The thing is, this is at a time when none of them are together, not even Hardison and Parker, and this dude is clearly writing them as some kind of romantic triad??? 
Which, you know, may or may not, lead Hardison down a rabbit hole where he stumbles upon fan-fiction or similar “therapy writing exercises” about them from other criminals or clients. It makes him weirdly happy that people see them like that, even if it is kind of weird. 
Cut to four years later and Hardison may have several aliases he’s carefully cultivated over the years where they are all in a relationship. There’s back story, drama, how they met, how they got together, their daily routine. The works. He justifies it by telling himself it’s not fantasy, just pragmatic. You know, in case they ever have to go into hiding and don’t feel like splitting up. 
Hardison gets such joy out of creating these aliases. It’s almost like his version of The Sims. He loves imagining all these other lives they could have. And yeah, one day Parker is being nosy and stumbles across them. At first Hardison is embarrassed and still tries to play it off as nothing more than back-up plans but it’s no use because it’s painfully obvious some of the aliases would be of absolutely no use if push came to shove and they needed to get out of dodge, like the alias where Eliot is a Professional Cowboy (”what does that even mean, Alec? Does he wear hats and big belt buckles for a living?”). 
Of course, Parker doesn’t make fun. Instead, she begins to add to them and comes up with all sorts of quirky new details, even suggesting some brand new aliases to add to the collection. 
They don’t tell Eliot; Hardison, out of embarrassment, and Parker because she doesn’t actually realise they aren’t telling him. 
Of course, this all comes to a head one night when Parker says she wants to do role play in the bedroom and Hardison is left speechless when Eliot comes into the room, more than a little smug, decked out in full cowboy gear saying, “the lil’ lady told me you got a wild west fantasy?”. And the drawl is so strong and Hardison is going to kill Parker, but not before he swoons just a little at the way Eliot tips his hat at him and winks like a 40s movie star, lets Hardison haul him in by his *cough* massive belt buckle and kiss him senseless. (Parker doesn’t understand the appeal of the cowboy look but she does like the low voice Eliot uses for the character and the way Hardison can’t take his eyes off of him.) 
After that, Hardison is much more willing to share his aliases with Eliot and Parker (even if he does get mocked for some of them- “professional dinosaur wrangler, Hardison, seriously??”). 
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ao3feed-sterek · 7 years
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2DyiAfk
by sophoklesworld
"What are you doing?", asked the Sheriff incredulously, leaning on Stiles’ opened door. 
"I’m researching for a book", Stiles answered not looking up from where he was scribbling into a notebook.
"Kid, I didn’t believe that before I knew about werewolves, why do you think I’ll believe it now?"
Words: 12401, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Sheriff Stilinski
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Additional Tags: Crack, ish, i'd say, talk about violence, Sheriff Stilinski Finds Out, POV Stiles, POV Sheriff Stilinski
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2DyiAfk
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buvky · 5 years
@sophoklesworld replied to your post: “you know, I already made an apprenticeship as a...”
don't sell yourself short! there may be people better at some of the things, but that doesn't necessarily make them more suitable! you may be more hardworking, you will be able to get better with time (teach your self something or whatever) and maybe more fitting for the whole work-environment! Try it out, if you then don't like it, you don't have to stay there, if they are not fine with your work, you can improve, and go to a better place!
mmhh, well you’re right but I’m still scared that I’m not good enough. I always try to teach myself new stuff and I feel very good when I can do this and that but idk .. life is hard oh man
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