#soot shaw
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utencils · 1 year ago
she will NOT leave him alone
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mages-pandoras-box · 1 year ago
The Final Item (Starter)
Wilbur was minding his own business, out of his village collecting resources for his people. Even though his people were mostly hunters and gathers, there were some things even they needed from modern society and the people of The Origin were not that stuck-up that they couldn't admit it.
Wilbur sighed as he looked at his list; the last thing he needed was a single vile of Compound V. Wilbur's people used it in potions to make them more potent in case of emergencies. Wilbur makes his way to the coordinates his pal Scott Smajor gave him to find more.
Wilbur wasn't looking where he was going and cursed as he bumped into a woman with red hair wearing odd-looking armor.
Wilbur was currently invisible, so to the woman it felt like she hit a invisible wall. Wilbur sighs and blinks back into existence to avoid her freaking out.
"Please don't freak out," he says, hands only made of bone raised in a peaceful gesture, "I didn't mean to bump ya! You okay?"
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us3rnam3-r3dact3d · 2 months ago
the world (it burns through me)
Chapter 13: Darlin’
Ao3 | 3.3k words | Darlin’s POV
Milo has a bad feeling. Engine One is docked for New Years. Angel throws together a party. Darlin’ and Sam ring in the new year. Sam opens up.
TW: descriptions of injury, discussions of amputation, discussions of car accidents, discussion of a toxic relationship, discussion of injuries, discussions of past sexual encounters.
Milo came out of the whole affair with a concussion and three broken ribs. After of such a close call, it wasn’t that bad of a shake. You had seen worse in your time with the 10-19. You’d had worse yourself. You’d all been on scene when Asher’s father had been pinned in a similar fashion during a house fire. That particular incident led to the amputation of his left leg and his early retirement.
Everybody seemed to carry the weight of how bad it could have been around on their shoulders. Asher had a haunted look about him whenever conversation lulled, his cheery disposition disappearing from his features as soon as he was no longer focused entirely on it. He tagged along to pick Milo up from the hospital, and he hovered like a mother hen while Milo carried out his Department mandated desk duty shifts.
Christian filled in Milo’s spot on Engine One, and his nervous energy could have fueled a small town. He jittered about the rig and station, seeming as though he was aching to do something, to help, but unsure how. David kept him moving, gave him busy work that you knew he would usually groan about, put him on hoses on calls, didn’t give him a moment of down time on the job to manifest that anxiety into something dangerous.
David stopped having Asher run scenes. He took over as I.C. on every call, put himself back in control. He stalked around the station on and off shift, body tense, posture strained. He stared down the entrance to the bunk room at night, Little Shaw curled against his chest, like he was waiting for it to burst open under heat or flames or heavy boots. He had stopped sleeping.
You interrogated Milo as soon as it was appropriate in regards to the mystery vic on the charlie wall. He looked rough, even scrubbed down from the soot that had clung to his skin in the hospital, even made up perfectly in his uniform. He had been back on the job for three days, most of that time spent on one of the lounge’s plush couches running expense reports you both knew David had already looked over and approved. A blotchy, dark purple bruise had bloomed across his right temple, swelling around the three, neat stitches that held he delicate skin together. He moved slowly, tenderly, and you knew from experience that every shift and jerk hurt like all hell.
“He was tall.” Milo mused, rubbing at his eyes. “Near as tall as you. I couldn’t make out details through the smoke, but he was on his feet. Don’t know how, and I don’t know why the fuck he hadn’t tried to get out yet.”
“Some people freeze.” You offered, perched on the ottoman next to his seat on the couch. You didn’t dare to sit next to him, to risk him moving in any way that would hurt him. “Shock and all of that.”
“Yeah…” Milo relented, but his face was still screwed up, unconvinced.
“What is it?” You asked. Milo had a way with people, an understanding of those around him that you and your very shitty judgement couldn’t touch. Milo knew before anybody else when a new boyfriend was secretly an asshole, when somebody on a call was going to freak out, when a disagreement was about to devolve into an all out fight. It was like he could smell it on the air. If he thought something was fishy with that vic, even from the split second look he got at him, you trusted that feeling implicitly.
“Something felt off.” Milo shrugged, wincing a moment later. “I don’t know what but… Jesus, something about him made me… shiver.” You met his eye steadily, waited for him to go on. When he didn’t, you nodded and stood.
“Thanks.” You murmured. You had more questions than you had before the conversation.
The week between Christmas and New Years always felt strange and liminal. It was packed with calls. You figured it had something to do with the cold and dark. People went a little crazy when the sun went down at six and the temperature refused to let up. California was pretty temperate most of the year, but this stretch was the worst of it. Fights brewed when people couldn’t escape their home or families for fear of the cold. People didn’t know how to drive when the roads went slick and icy in the early mornings.
By some miracle or the grace of whichever god kept an eye out for first responders, Engine One docked at eleven-forty-five on New Years Eve and the lines went quiet. Usually, dispatch kept buzzing through holidays with little care. Emergencies had no sense of decorum, and they didn’t just stop so you could ring in a new year. You were fairly certain that you’d spent every New Year between eighteen and twenty-five pulling people from mangled cars, pounding CPR into crumbling chests, putting out fires in dormant office buildings. You’d spent the last two alone.
Ash clapped his hand across your shoulder as he swung down from the rig, a smile spread across his face. Christian jogged after him, his voice high and whining. You watched as they raced to the lounge, stopping only long enough to drop their turnouts.
“Fucking kids.” You grumbled. David snorted over your shoulder as he ran through the docking checklist quickly.
“Go eat something, please.” He said. You thought about snapping back, something sharp about him mothering you. You decided against it. You hopped down and dropped your turnouts, set them up carefully on the ground beside the rig just in case you had to get back into them quickly.
The lounge was lit up and loud, voices intermingling and bouncing across the cozy space. You stepped in, ran your eyes across the room. The big screen tv had the ball drop in Times Square blaring. Ryan Seacrest was interviewing some cookie cutter pop star you couldn’t name with a gun to your head. Little Shaw was in the center of a group of firefighters, passing out disposable champagne flutes full of something sparkling. It certainly wasn’t alcoholic, since Milo was sat on the couch nearby with a glass in hand, smiling as his partner gingerly sat next to him, a hand on his thigh, sharp eyes scrutinizing his features for any pain. Asher was hanging over Amanda, singing Aud Lang Syne at the top of his lungs. Vincent was in the corner with his pretty partner, whispering something in their ear that made them blush. They whacked him in the chest, laughing high and light, head tossed back.
Anxiety bloomed in your chest. It was a small gathering, an intimate one. You felt your rough edges grind strangely against the full room. The prey animal in your chest ached to turn tail, to retreat.
Little Shaw grinned, wide and bright as you stepped in. They raced across the room to you, a flute sploshing dangerously in their hand as they held it out to you.
“Trouble!” They laughed, toasting you with their own flute as they bounced on their toes in front of you. “Happy New Year!”
You smiled, clutched the glass to your chest as they smiled up at you.
“Happy New Year.” You replied. “You trying to get me drunk?”
“Oh yeah,” Little Shaw replied, face suddenly serious, “I’m being very irresponsible with Dahlia’s firefighters.”
“Did you plan all of this?” You asked, taking a look around the room. Most of the 10-19 was present and quite a few of their partners were trickling in as midnight ticked closer. You watched as Asher fished his phone from his pocket, his face lighting up as he picked up a call. He bounced on his toes, tugging Amanda along with him as he spoke animatedly to whoever was on the other end.
“More like… threw it together.” Little Shaw said, surveying the room. “I thought it would just be me and Milo here at midnight so we were gonna have some sparkling grape juice and call it a night. But when we heard over the radio that you guys were heading back in…” they shrugged like it was nothing, but you could see how pleased they were with their own work.
“How’d you get everybody here so fast?”
“I have my ways.”
You watched as their face melted when David stepped into the lounge. Their conversation with you forgotten, Little Shaw pulled David down into an unabashed kiss. He grumbled softly into their lips, but one of his hands fell to their waist as the other steadied the champagne flute they were swinging around like it was empty. David had never been one for PDA, but you watched as he chased their lips when they pulled away.
“Angel,” he breathed into them, relief spreading across his features as he got a good look at them, as though he’d been afraid something would happen while he was gone, “it’s not midnight yet. You’re cheating.”
“Oh, he’s got jokes now?” Little Shaw giggled as they leaned into the hand on their waist, trusting that he would hold their weight.
“You’ve got a bad sense of humor if you think that’s a joke.”
You turned away as Little Shaw basked in David’s arms, uncomfortable with the intimacy, warm inside at the idea of David sounding so fucking happy.
You retreated, stepped out of the lounge and into the quiet of the hall outside. You walked away from the noise until all you could hear was the gentle impressions of voices through the walls. You breathed out as you entered the kitchen, alone.
Alone except for Sam, who was leaning against the counter, staring down at his hands where they were planted on the speckled granite. He looked tired, wrung dry. He had a pair of glasses perched on his nose. You didn’t know he needed them.
You didn’t know a thing about him, really.
“Don’t like parties?” You asked. Sam jumped, looked up at you, surprised. He let out a shaky breath. “Sorry.” You said softly, lowering your voice. “Didn’t meant to-”
“No,” Sam shook his head, an unsure smile breaking out across his features, “no, you’re fine. I’m… yeah. I’m not the biggest fan of parties.”
“Me either.” You supplied, setting down your grape juice and leaning against the counter next to him. “It’s hard to get a good buzz going around those losers.”
“They ain’t so bad.” Sam snorted, nudging you with his elbow. He rested back against the counter, one palm spread right next to your hip, his pinky brushing against you. He was close enough that you could smell his woody cologne. You could smother yourself in that scent. “And you ain’t so bad yourself.”
You could hear chanting from the lounge, muffled and indiscernible.
“What, you like me or something?” You asked, smile pulling on the scar through your top lip. Sam laughed softly, his face flushing. God, you loved it when he blushed, as subtle as it was against his skin. You looked away. You couldn’t take it when he looked like that, smiling and blushing and unburdened. It was like staring directly into the fucking sun. One strong, calloused hand met your cheek and turned your gaze back to meet his. Those fucking brown eyes. You could drown in them.
“Darlin’,” he drawled, his voice deep and edged with something hot, something dangerous, “if I liked you, you would know it.”
“Oh yeah?” You snorted. You tried to look away, but he wouldn’t let you. You could break away if you wanted to. His touch was light and gentle, just barely firm enough to direct your movement. You shuddered under his control, but didn’t pull away. “How?”
Sam considered you for a moment, his lips quirking at the corners. You watched your own face, bright red and barring all, reflected in his fancy glasses. Cheers broke out in the distance, echoes of Happy New Year bouncing through the otherwise deserted house.
His head bobbed towards yours, lips a breath away. He hesitated, just a moment, just long enough for you to protest if you wanted to. And then he was kissing you.
Warmth blossomed in your chest, squeezing out your breath until your stomach burned. It was a chaste press of lips against yours, plump and soft, before Sam pulled back, his hand still cradling your face gently. Nobody had ever touched you like that before. You didn’t know what to do with that, with him, with his soft caresses and innocent kisses.
You chased him instead, threaded your fingers into the collar of his uniform shirt and pulled him back to you. You were stronger than him, and you pulled him towards you until he had to brace himself against the counter, a hand on either side of you, his hips pressing against yours.
This you were familiar with. His body bucked into yours, his want painted across his every movement. The next time your lips met, it was all tongue and teeth and unfettered need. It had been months since anybody had fucked you.
It had been Quinn. That was only a few days before-
You planted a hand against Sam’s shoulder and pushed him back, not hard enough to fully separate you, just enough to slow him down. He let out an unsteady breath as his shaking right hand landed on your hip.
“I’m sorry-” he sighed, his head dipping low.
“No, I-”
“I need-”
“Sam, I can’t-”
“I just need to take it slow.” He let it all out in a tumble, his words tripping over each other. His accent drawled more dramatically than you were used to. You let out a soft laugh, flexed your hand against his chest. “I’m sorry.” He said again.
“No.” You shook your head, dipping it so your foreheads rested against each other. “Don’t say that. I… me too.”
You were quiet for a moment, tangled together against the counter, breathing the same air in an uneven cycle.
“Come on,” Sam pulled back but his hands lingered on you, moved you with him. “Let’s… let’s go sit down somewhere.”
You let him guide you, pull you along as he made for the bunk room. It was usually full at this time of night, but the lights were off and the beds were empty. Sam led you to one, your hand in his, and sat on the edge of it. He closed his eyes as you settled next to him. That weariness had settled back into him, lining his face with exhaustion.
“I wanna tell you something.” He said. “Why… why I need to take this slow.”
“Sam,” you soothed, your hand tightening around his, “you don’t have to. You don’t owe me anything.” You didn’t want Sam to expose the vulnerable parts of him, peel back his skin and show you his beating heart. Not out of some sense of obligation or equity.
“I know more about your past than I rightly should.” Sam shrugged. “And… I want to. I want you to know.”
His eyes met yours, warm and dark and sure. You held them until that certainty bled into you.
“Okay.” You breathed into the quiet. Sam looked away before he started talking, closed his eyes, like he couldn’t face you when he said it.
“I was a doctor.” Sam said eventually. “A surgical resident at Dahlia General. I was in my fourth year, so I had one more to go before I could get hired on as an attending. I was pulling all nighters, running myself into the ground. It was part of the culture.”
You nodded, scooted closer to him, pressing your sides together.
“I was dating the daughter of the chief of surgery. She’s a cardio thoracic surgeon. Her first year as an attending was my first year as an intern. She… took an interest in me, and not as a student. She was… well, Alexis is intense. She was… more into it than I was. And I’m not the type to lead people on.” He shook his head. “We went to dinner. I broke the news to her. I did it in a public place so she wouldn’t… Yeah.” He smiled a humorless, empty smile. “But I had picked her up, so I had to take her back home too. She was laying into me on the drive. And I hadn’t slept in days. I was… I shouldn't have been driving.”
You could see the weight as it fell on his shoulders, as he shouldered the blame before he could even lay it out in front of you.
“I drifted into the other lane, nearly hit somebody head on. I jerked the wheel, and drove us off the road. We hit a tree. It was… it was a bad crash.”
You blinked away visions of a dark, siren bathed road, of Gabe Shaw’s truck twisted into a ball around his broken body. Sam’s voice took on a cracking, emotional edge. You were terrified that he would cry.
“There was a piece of the car in me,” he hovered his hand over his side, “the seatbelt had broken my collarbone. My hand went through the dashboard. I was in bad shape. Alexis… she moved me. I don’t know what the fuck she was thinking, she’s a doctor and a damn good one. But… she was in shock. She pulled me outta the car, took the shrapnel out of my side. I bled a lot more than I should have.”
You snaked an arm around his middle as he sniffled, pressed his face into your shoulder. He tugged his glasses off and sighed into you, let his weight go. You held him up effortlessly.
“I don’t care about the scar.” He said. “I don’t care about the car or any of that shit… but my hand…” He held his right hand out, and you watched, with patient eyes, as his long fingers trembled. You took it gently in your own and traced your fingers over the concave lines of scars. You’d never noticed them before, but they seemed impossible to miss now. “I’ve got some nerve damage. Can’t feel nothing under the scar tissue. My doctors don’t know if the tremor is neuromuscular or if Alexis fucked something in my central nervous system… either way, there’s nothing to do about it now. I’m likely to have a shake for the rest of my life.”
“So you can’t…”
“I can’t be a surgeon.” He nodded. “Nobody wants shaky hands messing around in their guts.”
You were quiet for a long moment.
“What kind of surgeon were you gonna be?”
Sam ducked his head, let out a quiet puff of air, almost like a laugh, but hollow.
“A trauma surgeon.” He replied. “I could have fixed myself.” He looked up. His eyes were watery. “If I’d had a scalpel and an OR and some good drugs, I could have fixed every bit of damage that wreck did to me. And I wouldn’t have left such a big scar.”
“You were good.” You replied.
“I was good.”
You stayed like that for a long while, curled together in the quiet and dark. You let every tremor that ran across Sam’s nerves echo through your own fingers, up your arm. You held him as he fought tears, pretended you didn’t hear him sniffle.
And then the bell rang, ear splitting in the silence. The code called over the intercom; fire and medical. You sighed as Sam untangled himself from you. His hand lingered in yours for just a moment.
He leaned in to kiss you again, softer, slower. Fireworks broke out in your chest again.
“Happy New Year, Sammy.” You breathed, your lips against his. You felt it when he smiled.
“Happy New Year, Darlin’.”
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pupsmailbox · 2 months ago
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MASCULINE︰ sacheverell. sage. saint. sal. salem. salvador. sam. samir. sammie. sammy. sampson. samson. samuel. sandford. sandy. santana. santiago. santino. santos. saul. sawyer. saxon. scot. scott. scottie. scotty. scout. sean. sebastian. sefton. selby. sergio. seth. seven. sevyn. seymour. shae. shane. shaun. shaw. shawn. shayne. shelby. sheldon. shelton. shepard. shepherd. sherman. shiloh. sid. sidney. silas. silis. silver. silvester. simon. sincere. sinclair. sinjin. sky. skylar. skyler. slade. sloan. sly. smith. solomon. sonny. soren. sparrow. spencer. spike. stafford. stan. stanford. stanley. stefan. steph. stephen. sterling. stetson. steve. steven. stevie. stewart. stone. storm. stryker. stu. stuart. sullivan. sully. sunday. sutton. syd. sydney. sylas. sylvan. sylvanus. sylvester. symon. syncere.
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FEMININE︰ sabella. sable. sabrina. sabryna. sadie. saffron. sage. saige. sal. salem. salena. salina. sallie. sally. salome. sam. samantha. samara. sammi. sammie. sammy. sandie. sandra. sandy. santana. saoirse. saphire. sapphire. sara. sarah. sarai. saranna. sarina. sariyah. sasha. saundra. savanna. savannah. sawyer. saylor. scarlet. scarlett. scarlette. schuyler. scottie. scout. seanna. sela. selah. selby. selena. selma. september. sequoia. sera. serena. serenity. serina. serrena. sevan. sevyn. shae. shaelyn. shana. shanae. shanelle. shanene. shania. shanna. shannah. shannen. shannon. shanon. shantae. shantel. shantelle. sharalyn. shari. sharise. sharla. sharleen. sharlene. sharmaine. sharon. sharona. sharron. sharyl. sharyn. shauna. shavon. shavonne. shawna. shawnda. shawnee. shaye. shayla. shayley. shaylyn. sheelagh. sheena. sheila. shelagh. shelby. shelia. shell. shelley. shelly. shena. sheree. sheri. sheridan. sherie. sherill. sherilyn. sherisse. sherley. sherlyn. sherri. sherrie. sherry. sheryl. sheryll. shevaun. shevon. shilo. shiloh. shirlee. shirley. shonda. shyla. siara. sibyl. sidney. sidony. siena. sienna. sierra. silver. simone. simonette. sinclair. sindy. sky. skye. skyla. skylar. skyler. skylynn. sloan. sloane. snow. sofia. soledad. sommer. sondra. sonia. sonya. sookie. sophia. sophie. sophy. soraya. sorrel. spirit. spring. stace. stacee. stacey. staci. stacia. stacie. stacy. star. starla. starr. stefani. stella. steph. stephani. stephania. stephanie. stephany. stevie. stormi. stormy. sue. suellen. suki. sukie. summer. sunday. sunny. sunshine. susan. susanna. susanne. susie. sutton. suz. suzan. suzanna. suzanne. suzi. suzie. suzy. sybella. sybil. syd. sydne. sydneey. sydney. sydnie. sylvia. sylvie. symphony.
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NEUTRAL︰ saccharine. saffron. saga. sage. saige. sailor. saint. sakae. salem. saline. sam. sami. samie. sammy. sandi. sandy. santana. sapphire. sasha. satsuki. sawyer. saxon. scape. scarlet. scorpion. scottie. scout. scribbles. sea. secret. seer. sekani. semaj. semi. september. serenity. seven. sevyn. shade. shadow. shai. shale. shalom. shan. shannon. shark. shay. shea. shelby. sheridan. shi. shia. shield. shiloh. shiro. shiver. shook. should. sid. sidney. silver. sincere. sincerity. siren. skeptic. skull. skunk. sky. skye. skyler. slate. slider. sloan. smash. sneaky. sniff. snitch. snooze. snow. soap. sock. soda. sol. solace. solo. solstice. soma. sonny. soot. sora. soren. sorrel. soul. sour. south. spark. sparrow. spear. specter. speedy. spell. spencer. spider. spiral. spirit. spot. spy. stab. stacy. stag. stall. star. stark. starling. static. stay. steady. steel. stereo. sterling. stitch. stock. stone. storm. stormi. stormy. stranger. strawberry. stray. stricken. studio. subwoofer. suede. sugar. sulfur. sullivan. summer. summit. sun. sunday. sunny. sutton. sway. swing. switch. sychophant. symphony. syncere. synth.
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aggro-my-beloved · 9 months ago
Angel Face → David Shaw x Reader Imagine
note: i can’t write a grumpy david shaw i’m sorry he’s like .03% tsundere in this re-imagined meet cute between him and angel and his anger isn’t even directed towards them. i’ll be leaving a poll at the end for which paring you’d like me to write for next in this scenario. please like and reblog as it’d really mean a lot!
pairing: david shaw x gn!reader
summary: solstice bar is packed tonight for an up-and-coming performance by a local band, and security guard david is left as a stand-in for the usual bartender. just when he thinks he’s at his wit’s end, a stranger in desperate need of conversation and something to soothe their nerves makes this shifter’s thursday a bit more tolerable.
warnings: mentions of alcohol, mild swearing, damn crew as frat bois and other shenanigans
wc: 2.1k
estimated reading time: 10.5 mins
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“Welcome to Solstice!” 
At a certain point in the night, the patron’s slurred chattering morphs into white noise for David’s ears. While manning the bar, beckons and calls for another round are less distinguishable but still audible if he concentrates hard enough. 
“Kitchen’s closed!” 
“Soda or seltzer?” 
“Special is a…” he turns the still full bottle on the center of the bar to face him. “A Port Charlotte single malt whiskey. You in?” Seconds later, he heaves a mix between a grumble and a sigh. “Course not.” 
“I said the kitchen’s closed!” 
“Try saying it louder,” chortles Milo. His dark stature barrels through the swinging door leading to the kitchen, behind the bar. Amidst his rapid collecting of fingerprint-stamped brandy bowls and red-kissed crystal stems, his hand flies up to release his chestnut waves from the hairnet securing them. “Don’t think they heard you the seventeenth time.” 
“Remind me why I agreed to pick up a Thursday for Sam. I never work Thursdays.” David raises his voice the farther Milo retreats into the kitchen. The clinks of glasses tickle his ears but do little to nothing to ease his nerves. The cook returns with a pristine array of cocktail glasses sat on a black tray. If there’s anything David admires more than his colleague’s house-made wings, it’s how he can make the same dingy glasses sparkle night after night with a quick wash. 
“Because…” he sets down the tray carefully on the open bar space perpendicular to David, in between the ripened limes he prepped hours ago, and the beer taps. “Ash and his band finally wrote enough decent songs for a gig here and we agreed to be here tonight to support him.” What Milo didn’t know is that the extra tips made between David and Asher tonight were in contribution to the soot-covered kitchen drawers at their home–courtesy of the main act’s drummer insisting he fulfill his oatmeal craving. There wasn’t a chance in hell those two were getting the security deposit back, not if the cherry-oak wood soaked in gray and smelling of cinder and their landlord’s new vendetta had anything to say about it. The two shifters were already ripped a new one last week for their scratch marks on the recently renovated hardwood flooring, which they credited to “dog sitting for a friend.”
“And no more animals!” The unempowered and oblivious landlord scolds them, red in the face. 
“Yes sir.” They reply in unison.
Ash tries choking down a smug laugh and fails miserably. David smacks him on his chest. 
Milo grabs a handful of peanuts from a stray bowl set aside to be washed, and pops them in his mouth, savoring the salt dancing on his taste buds. “Also,” he makes out through munches, “Sam’s out tonight from sun poisoning.”
David scoffs at this. “So he says. Tank was flirting with him so much last night, I could hear them from my post at the front giving stamps.” The promises of what his younger sibling would do to the fanged creature behind closed doors cued David to shudder. Before disappearing behind the kitchen door once again, Milo quips:
“Better hearing it than smelling it.” David refuses to ask the cook to elaborate and instead shifts his attention to the front entrance, where drunken yells and chants resound. His lips curl down in a fierce scowl as the melded odor of sweat and liquor becomes six bodies more pungent. Like a cavalry, they march in with arms looped through one another’s to keep stable. If the young faces weren’t already a dead giveaway for what would be in store for David tonight, their tacky shirts did enough talking. Each one color-coordinated for a significance the man was too exhausted to mull over, but all reading: “Straight Outta D.A.M.N” in giant, bold font. 
“You’ve gotta be shitting me–Hey, Milo, were you just not gonna tell me it’s the E and E’s Annual Frat Bar Crawl tonight? Because that’s a pretty fucked up thing to do to a bartending security guard!” 
“What!” Milo’s accented shriek rings through the building, and he peeks his head out of the aluminum swing door to view the staggering group of drunkards for himself. “Ah, fuckin’ hell..” He fully steps out from behind the door and cups his hands around his mouth. “Hey, hammered frat dudes!” A couple of heads from the group turn in his direction. “Yeah, you guys! Kitchen’s closed!” He turns to pat David on the back of his shoulder, over the white rag he’d been drying glasses and countertops with all night. “You got this, buddy.”
“Uh uh, I don’t think so.” The man shakes his head in disbelief, and a chorus of whines echo from the group of empowered frat members. One brave soul steps forward, the beefiest of them all. He dons a shamrock green shirt with the sleeves (poorly) cut off and a pleading set of eyes. His deep voice floats to the bar from where he stands, almost devastated. “Even for fries?” 
Milo is halfway through his strut back into the kitchen but is halted by David’s hand gripping his shoulder. “Even for fries, Milo?” The man cocks his head to the side, jutting out his bottom lip in a pout. They both knew why he was playing so coyly; resorting to the rarely used puppy dog eyes; mimicking the man’s tone from moments before. It was the same reason they consulted Asher’s band to play tonight. As much as either of them try to deny it, the bar needs the business. And if Sam’s claims during their Super Smash Bros tournament from weeks beforehand weren’t all talk, he’d hate to see what the vampire could do with just a walker and pure unbridled rage at tonight’s numbers. 
Through gritted teeth, the shorter of the two mutters something about putting his hairnet back on before continuing his journey to the clean fryers. 
“Come on in, people!” He waves a hesitant arm in his direction, encouraging the clan to venture further. The solemn whines morph into cheers as they proceed their march to the bar.  Though he was dreading it at first, the orders were easy enough. Bud Lite, Rum and Coke, two more Bud Lites, another Rum and Coke, and a Mojito. In addition to this, anungodly amount of fries, but that is for Milo to deal with. 
Halfway through the intoxicated army's orders, he spots a straggler trying to squeeze through the ever-growing crowd anticipating their next round and tonight’s show from the local, up-and-coming Howl’s Highway. Asher thinks the name is awesome. David thinks it’s one step closer to breaching covert to several unempowered beings who may be wandering into Dalia from out of town. They agree to disagree.
“Excuse me,” the voice croaks. “Sorry.” It pipes up every few seconds, complemented by the sight of shuffling bodies. Finally, a face pops up before him, splotched with red and with bloodshot eyes, but not from any addictive or bitter-tasting substance, other than heartbreak. David can sense their aura with the proximity. They are devastated, even more so than the student begging for a plate of fries. 
“Evening, Angel. What can I get for you?” The patron’s mouth falls open, and without intent, David does the same. He was never fond of pet names at the bar, rather he viewed it unprofessional as much as he did embarrassing. This is why Sam mans the bar, and he manhandles the bastards before they can order a drink. But no, tonight he needs to strip off the leather jacket and tough exterior and ask himself: what would Sam do? 
I can name someone. 
Milo, politely get the fuck out of my head and cook your goddamn–
“Uh…” The unempowered stranger gnaws on their bottom lip in thought. 
“Hey man, we weren’t through ordering!” His mouth retraces the snarl from earlier, and he apologetically directs his attention away from the distressed figure and to another fart member. The most inebriated and demanding of them all, if David had to guess from his words coming out like fondue. This one had a red shirt and an overall bad attitude. 
“Ah,” he holds a finger up, allowing the man to pause. “Let me take their order, and I’ll come back to you, okay?” He offers a thumbs up to the man, hoping this will mollify him. 
“No, not okay.” He crosses his arms, a newfound flame lit in his eyes. Oh great, just when I thought I was done putting out fires this week. Now the red shirt makes sense–fire elemental. “We were here first-“
He hopes for his friends’ sakes, he’s much more pleasant sober. 
“Dames,” Greenie butts into the argument. The one in red simmers down at the feeling of the large hand resting on the small of his back and drawing gentle circles. “It’s alright, he’ll only be a minute.”
“Y-yeah, maybe we can go find some uh–some good seats for the band tonight and come back?” A meek voice offers. He’s hidden behind the other members of the group, all that is visible of him is a pair of round frames and a flash of gray on his upper body. Similar to how they breached the entrance of the place, the squad links arms to continue their journey deeper into the crowd.
“God, those were some tacky shirts. Straight Outta DAMN? What does that even mean?” The newest customer shakes their head in disgust as they eye the backside of the frat disappearing into the sea of bodies. “Seems like you’ve got your work cut out for you tonight.” 
“Who, the Bud Lite bunch?” He waves a hand nonchalantly. “We get ten of those on nights like these.” 
“Well, I hope that was your tenth and final bunch of the night. I don’t do too well around rowdy people.” 
“So what brings you to one of the most packed bars in town tonight?” David quirks a brow at the stranger. 
“Well, the pictures online made it seem a lot less busy.” They rub the back of their neck with a sheepish smile coating their face. “I just needed to get away from…I got dumped tonight and wanted to drown my sorrows.” David tries not to be offended by how invisible they are to the public and the stranger’s acknowledgment of it. The bigger chains are killing them. More recently, they’re treading on the outskirts of Dalia and monopolizing over each empty plot of land they deem a cash cow.
“Your wish is my command. What’ll it be?” David crosses his arms, causing his muscular arms to bulge against the thin fabric of his white tee. Simultaneously, the hem of his shirt rides up to reveal a very tan, very toned v-line vulnerable to the wandering eyes of the one sitting before him. They try not to make it obvious. Menu, eyes, menu, abs, arms, back to menu. 
“Maybe an Espresso Martini?” They peer up to lock eyes with him again. Truthfully, they hadn’t read a description of any drink on the list and were taking a lucky guess. 
A few seconds of silence transpire before David responds firmly. “No.” They almost choke in disbelief, and their heart rate picks up.  
“You need something stronger.” He decides, ultimately picking up a few bottles that the dejected newbie couldn’t decipher the labels of. Their eyebrows stay furrowed as David fills the cobbler shaker with a handful of ice cubes and a generous amount of liquor. 
“C’mon, trust me. What’s in here,” he shakes the stainless steel vigorously for emphasis, “ain’t gonna kill you.” 
“I think a hole-in-the-wall bar is the last place I should be told to trust  a stranger.” David considers this and hums. 
“I think the alley in the back of this place might take the cake.” Wiggling in the leather barstool from anticipation, their eyes stay concentrated on the clear glass as a slow strain of amber liquid occupies it. Before sliding it to their side of the bar, David is sure to garnish it with some orange zest.
“Go ahead, it’s on the house,” David smirks, before retreating to the kitchen to help Milo plate the heaps of fries. 
“For real? No, I have to owe something.” 
“It’s a new recipe. I wouldn’t even know what to charge you.” The man admits. “Go on,” he insists, prior to disappearing behind the swing door and being greeted with Milo’s sassy commentary on how David’s going to be working overtime to help him clean tonight. 
As the cook is balancing plates onto his arms, he hardly feels the burn of ceramic against his arms. For all his senses are concentrated on his new patron–more specifically, the sound of them sipping his innovation and a delightful hum leaving their lips. 
“Damn, that’s good.” 
He ponders shortly after, amidst delivering fries to the ravenous elemental crew, I think I’ll call it Angel Face.
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mages-pandoras-box · 1 year ago
Wilbur seemed unbothered by the rain, letting it soak his clothes and hair as he slowly materialized on Maeve's right. The action almost looked like a camera trying to focus on something, the shimmers reflecting the raindrops until he fully becomes corporal.
"What are you doing out here?" he asks softly, "I don't see many humans actively trying to stand in the rain. Supe or not, you'll make yourself sick,"
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rainstorm - Mage's Pandoras Box (Wilbur Soot)
After a long evening of pointless meetings, Maeve needed a break. As she made her way to her apartment within the Vought building, she just happened to look out of the big windows for a moment and noticed that it was raining heavily.
Standing there watching it rain for a minute, she made the decision to head back in the direction she'd just come from and pressed the button for the elevator. Once she eventually made her way out of the building, she stood herself by the doors, vape in hand just having a moment to herself.
But it wasn't long before she noticed she wasn't alone...
"Wilbur. What do you want?"
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crystalbeetle888 · 6 months ago
Animal Instinct Pt.1
Charles X reader X Erik
In the wake of losing a friend, you seek out revenge on Sebastian Shaw. However, you are not the only one after him, as a team of meddling mutants try to convince you to join forces. Will you give in to these persuasive outcasts, and join their family? or do it alone as you always have?
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Master List Pt.1 - Pt.2
Word Count: 2,289
Content: Violence, swearing, sexual references, possible bigotry it’s the 60s, slow burn, some angst, eventual happy ending, maybe smut?
1932, Western Australia
The summer sun beats down on the curious community. A sign, ‘Miss Miracles’ Marvelous Exhibition and Oddities’, stands proudly in the tall, dry, grass. Eleanor, a tall woman with luscious dark curly locks, and an equally well groomed beard, sits idly in the shade of some gumtrees, sipping on a chilled Cola. The sound of a distant cry interrupts Eleanors' peaceful evening. Looking back towards the rest of the circus performers none of them seem to notice. Another cry sounds out over the grassy field causing Eleanor to stand in concern, leaving her Cola on the dirt. Walking out into the grass, she follows the cries until she finds a small wrapped bundle laying in the weeds. Eleanor quickly scoops up the child, cradling them close as she looks around, hopeful to find their guardian. The field around her is empty, without any sign of life. The baby's cries increase in the midday heat. “Oh there you go” She coos, unwrapping the fragile being, the child's arms springing free from their confines in anger. Eleanor gasps in surprise, tracing the birthmark across their little face. “Oh my” She smiles gently “You’re just like us”.
Walking back towards the trailers and tents Eleanors’ body is flooded with love for the child. And in that moment she decides to raise the very special babe as her very own. 
1962, London
You walk through the dark cobblestone streets, the air is crisp and reeks with the stench on alcohol as you weave through the crowd of drunks. You duck down a skinny alley, stopping at a set of large metal doors. Knocking, the door cracks open to reveal a grumpy old man “You’re late Animal” Richard coughs. “Yeah, I know, I had some shit to deal with” you step inside. He scoffs at you, closing the door behind you both “Yeah well don’t let it happen again, you’re up against Bolt today” Nodding, you take off your Afghan coat and place it on a hook “When?” “Now” he replies before walking off. Sighing, you quickly smear some soot across your eyes and bandage your knuckles before stalking down the hallway. The sound of the roaring crowd is muffled behind the large metal door you stop at. Rolling your shoulder and stretching your neck you ready yourself “For tonight's final battle allow me to introduce to you the young and electrifying Bolt!” The crowd bellows and cheers, loud thunderous zaps echo throughout the building, your hair standing up from static. Patting your hair down, you groan allowing your signature wolf tail to extend from your spine, your ears growing long and pointed, covered in fur. “Our next contendant needs no introduction”
Your fingernails stretch into long sharp claws, your hands and feet elongating into a stretched out sort of paw. “She is the undefeated, the unchallenged, the untamable”
Your eyes honed in and teeth sharpened. You’re ready. “Ladies and Gentlemen give it up for the Animal!”.
The door rolls upwards from the floor and you step through into the blinding lights. The people cheer, shaking and rattling the cage in excitement. In front of you stands a tall, shirtless, sandy haired man, with fingers of electricity crackling from his skin. You roll your eyes and snarl at him ‘They can never keep their clothes on can they?’ you think. Crouching down as you leap towards him, he launches several strikes of lighting towards you in retaliation. “And they’re off folks! Animal makes the first move, but Bolt manages to keep this terrible beast at bay!”
You dodge and roll out of the way as he attacks you, running on all four attempting to get close to him. “It seems like Animal can’t catch a break, Bolts got her successfully locked out!” He keeps you back with his consistent assault. “This doesn't look good for Animal, she may have finally met her match!”
Beyond frustrated, you run to the opposite side of the cage and launch yourself off of the chainmail fence towards him. “But what is this? Animal has finally found an opening! Will Bolt survive the Animals' savage attack?”
Landing on top of him you manage to get in several hard punches to his face before he zaps you off, sending you flying across the cage. “Oh and it looks like the little miss wolf might have bitten off more than she can chew!”
Clutching your chest you groan in pain as the singed flesh regenerates, looking down you notice the front of your shirt fried off revealing some cleavage “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me” you growl. A sudden zap to your back snaps you out of your thoughts. “Oo that’s gonna piss her off, watch out Bolt!” 
Turning around in anger you retract your wolf features and replace them with a large set of tan wings, sharper eyes, and razor sharp bird talons. “It seems like the Animal has a few more tricks up her sleeve”
Flapping your wings you fly across the cage, dodging the lighting strikes and jumping off the fence looking for another opening. Bolts’ moves get sloppier as time passes, he’s clearly getting exhausted ‘It’s only a matter of time’ you think. Thanks to your regenerative powers it takes an incredible amount of physical exertion before you become tired. “And it looks like Bolt might be running out of fuel people, what will he do next?” ‘God I wish he would stop commenting on everything’ you think, irritated.
Finally an opening occurs, Bolt throws himself off balance and stumbles. Leaping on the opportunity, you spring from the fence down into Bolt, throwing him across the cage and knocking him out. “Would you look at that! Animal has done it again!” The crowd goes wild hollering and whistling as you throw both fists above your head in triumph. 
“Well done Animal” Richard pats you firmly on the back before shoving an envelope in your hands “Now put your tits away woman, this isn’t a brothel” he grunts before disappearing once again, leaving you alone in the dark hall. The sound of footsteps approaching from behind causes you to turn, a lone pale man with auburn hair approaches. You take notice of his crisp suit and cigar scent. “You’re not supposed to be back here” You watch him with caution. The man smiles gently, yet no kindness can be found. “I’m only here to talk Y/N” he stops a few metres away. You narrow your eyes “How do you know my name?” You ask. “Dear, I know many things about you, I know you were abandoned to the freaks. I know you’ve suffered through great violence. I also know you’ve taken revenge on those who’ve crossed you-” “Yeah I do” He stares at you with an unreadable expression before chuckling “I think we got off on the wrong foot, my name is Sebatian Shaw and I am here with a once in a lifetime opportunity for you” You raise your eyebrow in question “There is a revolution coming when men will no longer tolerate our kind, not even as entertainment. Each of us will make a choice to be enslaved, or to rise up and rule. You are free to choose however know, if you are not with me, you are against me” 
You stare at the stupid man, wondering how someone could be so presumptuous.“With you leading us?” you ask unimpressed, “Yes” he nods, “So I’m still enslaved to a man” you question. Shaw chuckles clearly not expecting that reaction “I’ll take my chances on my own, now get the fuck out of my way before I mince you” The mans smile flattens as he steps to the side of the hall, allowing you to pass. Walking past him, he places a hand on your shoulder “You will regret this Animal” Turing to face him, you jerk your shoulder out of his grip and lean in close “Fuck off” you spit angrily before striding off down the hallway. Shrugging on your coat, you shove your earnings into your pocket and step back out into the cold night “I thought you’d never show up” A woman's voice calls out in the alley. Looking over, Star stands there hugging herself for warmth, a cigarette in hand. Star is a prostitute you’ve become unlikely friends with, her wild orange hair and intensely freckled face reminds you of home. Outcast by her folks for wanting to be an free-loving artist, Star found herself struggling to find work or friends. Something you could relate to. You have always found it difficult to keep a regular job or bond with well adjusted ‘normal’ people. Star reminded you of the carny folk, free-spirited, kind, accepting, slightly deranged and unhinged. Despite being worlds away from family, Star always made you feel at home.
“Had some shit to deal with first”, she smiles rolling her eyes “You always have shit to deal with” Chuckling you offer your arm to her, “Shall we?” “We shall” she giggles linking her arm with yours. Star likes to wait so the both of you can walk home together after work, given that you both live at the same dingy ass motel. Star rambles about her current clients, recent politics and fashion crazes, you nodding along as you walk down the abandoned streets. Your ears prick at the slightest noise. ‘It’s too quiet’ you note to yourself, the hair on the back of your neck stands on end as the air shifts. You stop walking, head swivelling at your surroundings. “What’s wrong?” Star whispers. You sniff the air, turning your back to her, cigars and heavy cologne, your brows furrow. Suddenly, the air flutters behind you and Star lets out a pained yelp. Spinning around, time seems to slow as you see Star gasping for air, a silver blade sticking out from her chest, blood pooling around it. A menacing red man stands behind her with a dark grin. You attempt to reach him but before you can produce your claws, he vanishes. Star stumbles forward and you catch her in your arms, her breath shudders. “It’s alright, you’re okay, you’re going to be okay” You whisper to her panicked. Sliding the both of you to the ground, you press on the wound, fruitlessly trying to stop the blood from seeping out. “Oh no, oh Star please don’t” You plead as her eyes begin to flutter in and out of focus and her breath shallows. “No, please, no, no” You cry, looking at your red stained hands uselessly. Your body shakes, breath lodged in your throat, as you watch helplessly as the light in Stars’ eyes fades and her body stills. You gasp for air, in shock at the death of your only friend.
“I told you, you would regret it Animal” You look up to see Shaw standing a few metres away, the red devil man standing behind him. “Humans are such fragile things really, and this one, well, I don’t think she could have been lower on the food chain if she tried” He chuckles, hands casually in pockets like he didn’t just take away the one person keeping you grounded. Your blood boils at his words, your claws and teeth quickly growing as you stand. “Such dirty business streetwalking, it’s a shame wasting such a pretty face like that-” You lunge at him with a roar, the devil man teleporting the both of them behind you as you fall and roll to the ground. Turning to face them, Shaw wipes his cheek of blood, you just managed to nick him. “Tsk Tsk, you really are a savage animal aren’t you?” He mocks. You snarl at him ready to lunge again “Don’t bother beasty, we could play cat and mouse all night” You bear your teeth, and tense to jump at him “When you’ve come to your senses I’m sure you’ll be able to find me” 
“I’ll fucking kill you Shaw!” You yell, overwhelmed by anger. He smiles “I seriously doubt that” and with that the two of them disappear once more, leaving you completely and utterly alone in the world. You feel empty, looking down at your friend's bloodied body on the sidewalk. Kneeling down, your hands ghost over her skin, almost afraid to touch her. You gently cup her cheek and brush some of her hair away from her face. You softly graze over her face with your hand, careful not to wipe any blood on her, as you attempt to burn the image of her face into your memory one last time. “Okay, it’s time for me to go Star” you whisper to her, leaning down and kissing her forehead. “I’m so sorry” pulling away you cry before grasping a lock of her hair and cutting it with your claws. Stuffing the hair in your pocket, you wobble to your feet and stubble away from her. You fear if you look back that it would somehow make this all the more real, and you might not be able to leave her body until someone made you. You knew you couldn't risk that. And Star would never want that for you anyway. So you stumble through the streets. You can’t tell how long you've walked for but suddenly you're back at the motel staring at your door. Unlocking it, you shakily step inside before closing the door behind you. You let out a shuttered breath, sliding down the door and onto the floor. Curling in on yourself you hug your head between your arms, letting out a muffled whimper. Your mind is numb and your body aches as you continue to lay huddled on the floor all throughout the night.
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baarra · 1 month ago
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In this room,   the background surrounds him,   permitting undisturbed sleep and the shadow’s encroach:   whispered turning of year-sullied pages.     You stay your hand,   to feast with gaze and mind.     Something of their slant in this book.     How a fire lingers in its rocked pit.     Soot on your elbows:   angles to their brow and bone,   echoes in their cadence.     A light that can’t predate shadow.     Even in sleep;   especially there,   where I becomes most prominent.     The final sip of oneiric wine:   rind of I and nothing of you.     Reduced to the barest sight,   retaining the strongest tang.     Stiff to the skin.     Pine-needles for pores.     He decides this is enough.     The book   –   inanimate and obliging to hands’ wants,   as such bearing their full name   –   knocks against the gritless shelf’s edge.     There is a sound that he needn’t identify nor entreat.     It is silence and static melded into one.     Bleating peals of morning light that wake and hush at once.     They will be too much,   and then nothing at all.     Like a deep splinter in a severed finger.     Soundless,   like him,   and incensed,   unlike him.     He can already feel a glare in his periphery.     Teeth rolling his bottom lip from left to right and then,   posed sighing,   his train of thought.     ‘   Where did you get that?     Your name,   Lie-bo-witz.   ’     This time,   in their accrual of times,   his voice stays.     Beholden to the quick banquet of syllables,   wherein oblique and errant coalesce into a single name.     Unto you,   the musts fall.     Pearled trinkets for an incarnadine maw.     Nick doesn’t look at   @solidgrovnd,   still tracing the front page with his pointer.     He doesn’t want the book to close.     Yet.     ‘   From your mother,   or your father   ––   or yourself?   ’
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dr-gears-kin · 2 years ago
My name is Dr Charles Ogden Gears, and I am a fictionkin of Dr Gears, so I made this blog to express myself more than I can on my main
I use he/they/it pronouns + occasionally fae/faer (feel free to ask if you are unsure)
I am a minor, any inapropriate acts, asks or comments will be deleted and blocked
I will be writing a lot of posts from my perspective, as it is easier and more comfortable for me
Please do not repost any of my art, reblogging is perfectly fine, however
My kin tag is -⚙️
Please feel free to ask about something if you are curious
My ask box is open, however...
Radqueers of any kind
Anti kin
Anti system
Elias Shaw fans (I have had some unpleasant experiences with plenty of them, and while I know there are a lot of decent ones, please, if you support Elias Shaw, stay off this blog to keep it out of the algorithm of other more aggressive Shaw fans)
Wilbur soot fans/Stans/supporters, he abused someone, get over it, just because he is your comfort doesn't mean you should still support him.
Triggers/Do not mention:
Ask in DMs First please
Imagery of hospitals/illness
Images that may induce derealization
Existential crisis
Topics of organised/institutionalized religion
Enjoy my blog
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noirstims · 6 months ago
📞 intro / pinned post 📌
hello, you can call me noir.
the main theme of this blog is mostly grayscale / black & white (and to a lesser extent mystery / detectives). requested stimboards will usually be made in full grayscale, but you can request 1-2 highlight colors for them.
banner credit : edited by me, from here
icon credit : edited by me, screenshot from here (timestamp is 2:30)
below the cut is a list of fandoms / music interests i have (plus my blacklist & tag list at the bottom). feel free to ask for things outside of the fandom and music lists (im always looking for new music / songs to listen to), but dni / blacklist still apply.
(anything tagged with a * at the end means read blacklist before requesting)
proship, map, anti-semitic, zionist, nsfw / kink blogs, ageplay, petplay, terfs, radqueer, anti-lgbts
[ fandoms ]
problem sleuth
scp foundation*
among us (yes, really)
angel hare
disco elysium
mystery flesh pit
fallen london
ace attorney
cookie run
moral orel
the stanley parable
five nights at freddys
superliminal (the one by pillow castle games)
the mandala catalogue*
my little pony (g4)
lifesteal smp
dream smp*
[ music ]
vylet pony
porter robinson
city girl
in love with a ghost
billie ellish
sydney gish
carly rae jepsen
glass beach
frank ocean
drain gang
miracle musical*
six impala
candy claws
tyler, the creator
liana flores
1 800 pain
jack stauber
100 gecs
owl city
tv girl
charli xcx
dr. jack bright (elias shaw is okay)
hazbin hotel
helluva boss
harry potter
wilbur soot
dream (the minecraft youtuber)
joe hawley
alex kister
mindless self indulgence
anything on my dni
[tag list]
⚖️ “read my ass. i’m a cop.” - pinned
🗣️ “mister dragon you’re under arrest!” - announcements
🪪 “you’re expecting somebody huh mrs?” - others answered requests
💭 “and aren't all detectives philosophers?” - my requests answered
🗄️ case closed - my stimboards
📁 case files - my gifs
👣 new leads - reblogged stimboards
🖇️ newspaper clippings - reblogged gifs
🌫️ old flames - favs
👥 in kahoots - fandom stims
🃏 red herrings - joke stims
🔍 p.i. (pickle inspector) - detective stims
📽️ silent film - full grayscale
📺 tv color - partial grayscale
👁️‍🗨️ shadow play - silhouette stims
🔦 street light - liminal stims
0 notes
inasince1987 · 1 year ago
0 notes
utencils · 1 year ago
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double posting fr her
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yoursecretsmutblog · 4 years ago
Will Shaw. He’s been on my brain a lot the last few days
*With the words I'm still alive*
I've never written for Will before, but here I go!!
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Hearing a car door shut, you jump up, rush to the front and look out the window, excitement bubbling but dying just as quick.
It was just the neighbor.
Sighing, you sit back down, looking around to see if there is anything you can distract yourself from your thoughts.
Where was he?
He should be home already.
What if..
“No. We are not thinking that.” You chide yourself.
A soft knock pulls your attention before the door slowly opens, revealing a tired Will.
Gasping, you jump up and run to him.
“I’m still alive.” he whispers, holding you tight.
Thank you so much for the ask!
Y'all, send me a character and 3 words!
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stachedocs · 3 years ago
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Kat's beloved plotbunnies | The Sandman | Introducing JUNIPER SHAW in THE PRECOGNITIONS OF JUNIPER SHAW Sister, whispered a voice, or three voices all at once. Ah, fuck, thought Juniper Shaw. Sister. Oracle, overlapped the voices from the darkness and the point of light behind Juniper's eyelid moved, now shaped like the face of a woman, or the faces of three women all at once. A maiden. A mother. A crone. He's back, said the maiden. Juniper didn't ask who. That was knowledge placed inside her mind a moment and ions ago. Oracle, he's back. He'll be searching. Impossible. Juniper had seen him vanish, then she'd seen him die. The she'd seen him wallow in a silent rage behind a crystal wall. It was them who'd shown her all this and she really wished they would make up their mind, so that at least once to the question 'Where is Dream?' she could answer anything else than 'I don't know'. He's free. We'd seen him. Can't be. He'd been gone a hundred years and still his kingdom was blackened and desolate when she walked through it each night in a search for clarity to the ideas they had put within her, a pilgrim bound to wander until death, and she found nothing but silence and abandonment. Each morning she woke tired, for a hundred and five years, soles dirty with soot that wouldn't wash away and without a single answer to a thousand questions pooling at the back of skull.
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notasapleasure · 2 years ago
Emerald City S01E04 (2017)
We're looking for Jeremiah, but Bix and Maarva seem to be here too, from the 'previously on...' (I knew Adria Arjona was in it but not Fiona Shaw)
I didn't check out any context for this and I know nothing of the Oz mythos (bar obviously the Judy Garland film and.....some anime film with a huge paper crane in it I had as a kid??), so I'm going to be a bit ???? about it sorry
Oh, cold city with burned bodies and knights but I'd recognise those shoulders and that protective stance anywhere!!! (I didn’t screencap the shot taken from behind him)
Captain: "Wizard ordered me to burn down Nimbo"
Presumably Jeremiah and the pregnant lady (wife?) are survivors of the massacre (knight's words), given the blood and the soot (I'm trying not to sound approving sorry sorry)
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Ooooh evil Joely Richardson 😍 sjdjdjdjffff she's?? Glinda???? Her sister is like a Death of the Endless comic cosplay, smokey eyes for miles and miles
Adria is a Dark and Gritty Dorothy. Did....did anyone ask for that? Is that a thing? She's...a trigger-happy cop?
The...the Tin Man is a victim of nonconsensual cybernetic steampunk surgery?
I don't understand why they made Gina McKee do that ugly husky US accent :(
This man has a grievance indeed...
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OH that's....his daughter? oop. Same L for me that I felt watching Fishermans’ Friends where James Purefoy was the dad of the woman in the romance plot. It is better than perpetuating massive age differences in fictional couples though so ok ok
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Anyway, he's the spokesman for Nimbo's bereaved I guess. And that snowflake is stuck on his beautiful long lashes 🥺
The Wizard (Vincent d'Onofrio yes I said what I said imagine him behind a great big bushy beard!) is in Nimbo looking for magic.
The magic is presumably the little lost girl 'Sylvie' with shells in her ears who apparently can just..... petrify people
Is Jeremiah the alderman who must be turned by the Wizard rather than killed and made a martyr?
He IS! Oh dear :')
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smh this show is so dark, but I’m doing my best for the sake of that beard scruff :’)
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"You're the village alderman."
"I have no village."
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Ok so he's a magic believer not a science believer and uhhhh there's some weird cultic sounding shit about how the Beast that came to their village wasn't something they needed saving from because it 'cleansed and purified' then he asks if the Wizard's ""''"SCIENCE""''" can save his unborn grandchild and the Wizard's like: itsfreerealestate.jpg
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Maybe it's a good thing? Bringing obgyn to the people?
(whoever shot this scene hates Me personally)
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Nope. Jeremiah's conversation to Science happens because the Wizard gets his dudes to hold a sword to his daughter's bump 🙃 while Bill Withers (Dorothy's idea of magic, via her iPod, which she put on in another scene that preceded this one) plays in the background. Surreal. But it gets Dorothy some action, so yay?
And the episode ends with a woad-painted Ólafur Darri Ólafsson slinging a boomerang at Dorothy.
Hm! Ok.
Dead? Nope
Evil? I’ve no idea what the deal with magic vs science is here but I’m going to say no, not evil, because the Wizard is the one threatening people and burning their villages
Affects the plot? Presumably by agreeing to side with the Wizard he has some effect but fuck knows what it is
Look, I can’t deny that I see a character covered in grot and blood and want to lick them (Ironclad awoke something in me), but these scenes were hard to screencap and the character’s not around long enough for anyone to get invested. 2.5/5 because it is a good look still.
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peony-pearl · 2 years ago
So in Soot/Silk/Steel I’m thinking that Iroh is most likely going to go and kill Ran and Shaw, if not one or both. He might find a clutch of eggs and bring them back to the palace so they’ll have a loyal army of dragons - only Ozai doesn’t want anything to do with that because he’s jealous Iroh killed both dragons and the eggs should go as well since that’s customary and he wants to suck up to Azulon (who is just about on his last leg)
Iroh gives 2 of the three eggs to Zuko and Azula, and he keeps the third (Zion is just a baby)
Basically all this is being written bc of the mental image of Azula hastily writing a letter to Mai and Ty Lee about her new dragon egg and this is drawn at the bottom of the letters they get
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