#soooo cozy
mens graphic tshirt in size large my beloved
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absentmoon · 1 year
sleeping with my nightlight on todayy
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peachsayshi · 11 months
cozy boyfriend satoru who uses you as his body pillow. who wraps his long arms around your waist and squishes his cheek against your shoulder. who nuzzles his nose into your neck, and softly breathes against your skin as he falls asleep.
your arm is feeling tingly, but you don’t want to disturb him. he looks so soft when he’s relaxed, you completely forget that he’s the strongest being in existence. it gives you a chance to play with his feathery hair, to slowly twirl the angelic locks between your fingers. to trace the shell of his ear, and tenderly massage the back of his neck.
you can’t help but smile, holding in a giggle as you bite your bottom lip. it’s cute when he wakes up - eyes heavy, and he pouts innocently in your direction when he gazes up at you from underneath frosty lashes to ask: “what’s so funny?”
he’s too adorable, too cute for his own good - you can’t help but kiss the top of his head and squeeze his frame that’s snuggled right up into you. your touch gently lulling him back to sleep 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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f1-stuff · 8 months
scuderiaferrari Carlos & Charles take a look at their new 2024 race suits!
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earththings · 7 months
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yume-fanfare · 5 months
early ! era shu is such a funny guy. hes such a pretentious cunt. and it's even funnier now that we know how his development went its
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acuar-io · 5 months
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impromptu pregnancy announcement post~
Guys I swear I did not plan them getting pregnant before the proposal. I totally forgot I made them woohoo before bed & then I had Rosemary use the bathroom in the morning and saw "take pregnancy test" and viola, pregnart. I'd like to make it canon that this is the day they conceived.
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razpberrypie · 2 months
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waking up to fog and rain 4pm 🥺🤍⛈️🌫️
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yearningaces · 8 months
I just wanna be held by a giant. Big, burly, rough and tumble giant that would hold me over their heart like one would hold a cat. Just me looking up at them and them looking down at me with that uneven perfect smile.
Is it too much to ask?!
This was the ask that had me losing my mind enough that I actually wrote a story for the first time in a while
And then they added this to my inbox:
"Imagine feeling and hearing the reverberations of the giant's pleased growl as you smother them in soft kisses and place one over their heart. How they would melt into your tiny hands, while their own enormous, seemingly invincible palms hold you so safe. How soundly you'd be lulled into sleep by raise and fall of their chest as lay on them."
So of course I had to give it my best and let the wholesome giant consume my thoughts
'It's dark, and it's thundering.' Your first thoughts upon waking in the middle of the night, having slept so deeply that you seemingly forgot your placement in this world.
Only after you tried wiggling around did you realize that your sleeping spot isn't warm because of you, it's warming you. And it's not so dark, you're simply covered under a gentle and relaxed hand. It's not storming outside, the thunderous drum underneath where you lay is where the noise is coming from. A massive heartbeat, one beating faster now as if its charge had just woken.
You take a moment to rub the sleep from your eyes, letting out a noise when the giants fingers gently curl under your laying form, raising you up just high enough he can look up at you easily from his spot in the massive bed.
Ofius is the picture of enamored. The scruffy giant gazing up so smitten with your tiny self. "Y'r awake?" His voice is as soft as the low and baritone rumble can be this late into the night, sounding pleased at the chance of late night closeness. He does sound half asleep and without any filter; meaning he can simply hold you and look at you. Appreciating the sight of you so sleepy this late into the night, a sight that only he is allowed. "Why awake, bad dream? I gotta break someone in half?" His low voice turns into a slight growl at the idea of something upsetting you. "... 'll do it. Stomp on anyone stupid enough to-"
"Ofius, honey, I'm alright." Your voice soothed the giants sudden protectiveness, easing his concern into a soft care once more as he watches you with a sleepy, crooked smile.
"I don't know why I'm up though," You call out to him, relaxed in his grip, held directly over his charmed gaze, having learned over the years that Ofius would never let you fall. "-Just woke up I suppose."
The giant shifts slightly, leaning more upright against the headboard he'd carved out by hand. After situating himself, he lowers you closer, pressing you to the soft, warm skin of his cheek with an affectionate rumble. Ofius' eyes fall closed as he so carefully holds you close, cautious and affectionate in his nuzzling against you. "Good. Then you spend time with me before sleep returns." Ofius' voice is a heavy rumbled accent you can never place- often pared with the language only the giants speak. "Want to enjoy you."
You can feel his crooked nose bump against your side lightly as his affectionate sounds and actions continue. And what can you do other than lean into the affection, the indention where the side of his nose ends and his cheek begins has always been a perfect spot to lay against. And it provides you the perfect opportunity to press many little kisses against his face, much to the giants delight.
"Little love is wanting affection?" His tone could almost be called a soft coo if Ofius wasn't so burly and bearish in nature and tone. His dark hair almost always wild, his darker eyes capable of containing such malevolence, yet only ever looking to you with nothing short of reverence. The sturdy giant would have been quite a powerhouse to be wary of even if he was your size.
But as he stands, he's as tall as the trees, and being as he is- he has so much more love to give.
After a moment of pondering, you finally respond to his remark, "I always want your affection." You can only relax and grin, feeling his fingers tense and untense repeatedly, the clear sign he's wanting to squeeze you close and adore you, but doesn't risk harming you. Instead- one hand so carefully presses against your back, fingers gently stroking along your spine as the other hand clutches onto the pillow beside him, needing to squeeze something close. Ofius breath is just ragged enough for you to recognize him as spiralling into his adorations for you.
"My little love-" it takes no effort for him to easily pluck you into his palm and shift so he's laying on his stomach with you held in his hands, under his looming face. "-My little human. I hold you in my hands, yet I want you closer. I sew pockets over my heart on all of my shirts for you to rest safely, but it is not close enough." He leans down carefully, so very carefully, pressing a giant kiss to your entire toreso with a deep resounding rumble from his chest before pulling back just slightly. "I wonder, are you tiny enough to fit in my own heart? I would happily build a way to ensure your comfort."
Meanwhile you can only be seen as the cat who caught the canary because here this massive giant is, big, and burly, and powerful, and so adoring, he's practically obsessed. And there you lay in his hands, not even trying. "I don't know if you want me in your heart, Ofius. You wouldn't get any more kisses if I was there instead of right here.
Ofius for all of his prowess seems to hesitate as if such a fate is a horrible thought indeed. "... Then stay in my grasp and kiss me." His eyes are unwavering as he watches you before showing some hesitation and remembering his manners. "...Please?"
With a tilt of your head you consider your giant partner, turning slightly to press a kiss to his finger too that's supporting your shoulder.
You feel your giant tremble at the gesture, his face lowering to be closer to yours.
It's easy to lean up and press another kiss against his nose, his cheeks, under his eyes, against his forehead, against the corners of his mouth.
Ofius closes his eyes, leaning closer and closer to you, his hands tensing and untensing under you before he lifts you quickly once again, dropping onto his back in the soft bed and pressing you over his heart on his soft, warm chest. Back to where you first woke.
You can feel his heart hammering and out of an overwhelming affection, press a kiss to the skin just over the thunderous beating before curling up against that spot once more.
Ofius heart stutters in its beating before racing once more- something that has you smiling.
Eventually, the racing heart slows into a deep relaxed and content rhythm. Ofius is home in bed and safe to rest. His most beloved is within his grasp, protected and kept safe to rest as well. He could never ask for more than this moment right now. A giant finger gingerly stroking your back, looking down at you with such adoration, watching you rise and fall with his deep breaths from where you lay on his chest, knowing the action will lull you to sleep as it always does. "My little love. 'm glad you're happy here. 'm glad I was the one to find you that day. 'm glad you've not worried of your past home. You're gonna be safe here, always."
Ofius hand settles over you, keeping you warm amidst the frozen mountain sky just outside of the hand built cabin. Ofius will see to your comfort and happiness. He has since he first found you stranded in these lands. And he will continue to do so until his very heart gives out, maybe even longer.
He will.
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favoritejohn · 2 months
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never beating the husband allegations
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amid-fandoms · 4 months
dan and phil not only releasing two albums on spotify but also coming up with the silly little names for each track that relate to their lives or their fanbase is adding to the warmth i feel in my chest when i'm listening to the albums
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joeypotterdaily · 24 days
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241/366 days of joey potter 6x09- everything put together falls apart
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earththings · 7 months
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tabbi-mysteries · 10 months
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Episodes 1-601 Mouri Ran's Wardrobe!
+Films 1-14 & OVAs 1-10 & Lupin TV Special & Magic Files 2-4
(Better quality images under the cut)
The next update is here! We're at the beginning of what I'm dubbing pastel era Ran it's really cool to see the colours and style change as time goes on to be honest I hope you find it as fascinating as I do!
Let me know your favourites / least favourites in the tags / comments!
The new addition this time is her Joke Cards, the Magic Files and the TV special, I hope from now on (unless I've made mistakes!) that I won't need to go back and insert an outfit into the older eras any more as I go forward. (Fingers crossed!)
P.S saying that I'm still willing to include merch/promotional art looks if people know of a resource that documents those!
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Okay to be perfectly honest I'm still worried Tumblr will fudge with the quality of these images, I have plans later to do collections (I.e uniforms, swimwear, nightwear etc. to show those off in groups and see how they've changed but if you want to see any outfit in better quality shoot me a message and I can post it on it's own! There's just no way to get around having to group them up currently :(
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acuar-io · 5 months
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guys i did it, i made a cute white girl
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amygdalae · 2 years
October has been extended through November for all the sleepiest flickering ghosts and skulking ghouls and shambling horrors and shuffling corpses that slept late or otherwise only just got here
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