#soonyoung palette
nonranghaes · 11 months
heads up! reader wears makeup. thats all :3
soonyoung has way too much trust in you.
his eyes are shut as you look down at the eye shadow palette in your hands, trying to decide which color fits the look you're working on better. you'd been trying to learn this new eye shadow trend, and soonyoung offered to essentially be your canvas. if you learn it while applying it to him, then you'll be able to do it on yourself, right? that was his logic at least, and he'd said something about letting your own skin rest considering you'd wasted several of those round cotton pads wiping off too many rounds of eye shadow by now. so now you're sitting on soonyoung, his hands resting on his stomach as he relaxes, letting you figure out what you're doing.
"are you sure you're comfortable?"
"mmhm." he doesn't budge. "are you making me pretty?"
it earns a giggle from you. you'll have to wipe off this attempt anyway. maybe you'll ditch it, actually: is it really worth it wasting all of your makeup on one trend that'll probably be gone before you know it? you didn't even like it all that much to justify spending so long on it. "you're already pretty."
his noes crinkles a little when he smiles. you reach over to get another cotton round, popping open the cap of the micellar water. he doesn't move as you wipe away the eye shadow and wipe away the remainder of the product.
"you can open your eyes again."
he does a moment later, blinking at you curiously. "did you figure it out? i wanted to see--"
"nah," you shake your head. "just giving up for today. other people make it look so easy," you sigh.
"mmhm... but you'll get it if you want to," he pulls you in, pressing a kiss against your lips. "you're smart like that."
maybe soonyoung trusts you just the right amount, actually, to give you the confidence you were lacking.
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mixtapedoh · 6 months
vernon as highschool crush pls for lonely boy 🧍‍♀️
vernon my bestie beloved bastard ♡ you really are requesting for the people, lindsay.
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;༊ — lonely boy
pairing: hansol vernon chwe x gn!reader genre: fluff, high school au word count: ~3.3k warnings: language, mild threats among friends, a lack of originality (but perhaps ameliorated by an understanding of the conventions of trope?)
olive's notes: firstly, hahaha.......... pretend like this wasn't something you sent me actual months ago.... and pretend like i gave the prompt the justice it deserves....... shhhhhh, i answer things in a timely manner and can still be considered a tumblr writer. secondly, this is quite glaringly based off of and colored by my memories of high school, so expect United States education system nonsense <3.
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☄. *. ⋆ hansol vernon chwe x high school crush.
— the hardest thing about crushing on this fucker is that he's everywhere
simultaneously the biggest cryptid in the whole student body (if you had a nickel for every time your journalism teacher asked: "has anyone seen hansol this week?" to absolute crickets you'd be able to pay for at least 2 years of college) and also the most social person to ever grace your high school halls, hansol was everywhere all at once, and contradictorily, nowhere when you sought him out.
you wanted to avoid seeing him because of something embarrassing you were sure he had noticed? bam. right there beside you, sitting on the same row of auditorium seats for the assembly.
you wanted to catch a glimpse of him while the both of you were assigned to photograph the basketball game? viola. gone, nowhere to be seen; and yet your friend will tell you later that he was there the whole time, snapping the best photos of boo seungkwan's legendary 3-pointers (which you certainly hadn't missed, so where had he been??).
— yes, having a crush on hansol vernon chwe was exhausting. there was no way to save face — trust hansol to be there at your worst hours (like that chemistry presentation where the color palette you used for your PowerPoint was too light for the old projector screen to show properly, and so you half of your graphics were unreadable, inspiring your professor to dock 10 points, despite that fact that when you pulled it up on a computer screen - or any other device that wasn't an old ass projector at least 15 years out of date - the graphics were just fine and the detail above required). it didn't matter the specifics of the occasion, it was simple fact you'd always somehow manage, in your darkest moment, to look out and see hansol — always a kind smile, with something encouraging in his eye, despite, but still horribly, embarrassingly, and irrevocably present.
— and then, as it if weren't bad enough, hansol vernon chwe had the absolute gall to be unbothered, unfazed, unable to be rattled or shaken in any way, by comparison.
oh sure, you'd seen him cringe before at him friend's (mostly kwon soonyoung's) antics; you were familiar with the way vernon expressed any and all emotion with the whole of him — his every muscle tensing and twisting in a way so visceral and real, you could feel embarrassed, too, by just looking at him — but the envy was this: it was never at his expense that such feelings would arise. vernon was never embarrassed because of something he did or caused or felt. his life was far too chill and unbothered for that. others could be embarrassing around him, but all of his actions flowed so smoothly — rolled over the shoulders of everyone else.
the closest he'd ever get was doing something explicitly stupid just for the enjoyment of others. but, the catch was this: they enjoyed it !!!! it was funny and not cringe worthy !!!!! the net effect was positive.
it was infuriating. sometimes you weren't sure if you wanted to kiss hansol or strangle him with your bare hands.
— but let's take things back to journalism.
— because of course he took journalism.
not exactly the most exalted of the journalism students or anything, hansol was mostly known for his opinion piece articles and, of course, availability and willingness to go to any school event to take pictures and help fill in the blanks of the article anyone was writing.
he had friends in any and all school functions and events. from sports to musicals, science fairs to choir recitals, you could say, "is anyone going to this very obscure and random FBLA presentation?" or "did you know that the coding club is going to be attending an event at another high school this saturday?" and hansol would immediately perk up, pull out one of his headphones and go, "yeah, i'm gonna check it out. did you need a ride?"
— and it was because of that — his being everywhere, inescapable and offhandedly thoughtful, open and so easily warm — that these pesky feelings even started, in the first place.
— just when it happened is perhaps inconsequential (in all actuality, it likely started before your journalism daily exposure, just slowly, more of an itch at the back of your mind than the brash insistence it was, now) but it was definitely the fault of journalism. maybe that band and orchestra festival in 11th grade where you went with hansol to do a write up on all the high schools attending (placing undue emphasis on your high school's multi-talented band leader, lee jihoon, who could play half the instruments in the room), or maybe that series of debate tournaments you both covered in 11th grade, or when the two of you took over the baseball column that same year and when the heatwave spiked early, vernon would attend each game in sleeveless tops, always with an extra ball cap in tow since you would (conveniently, perhaps?) forget one of your own and the sun made it impossible to see what was happening, beyond.
yes, just when it hit was neither here nor there, because at the end of the day, the problem remained: you were hopelessly down bad for one hansol vernon chwe. fuck.
— and you couldn't escape him if you tried.
and trust me, at one point, try, you had.
— after all, at the beginning of your senior year, you somehow ended up being in the same spanish class as him and his friend joshua, and after a whole year (and subsequent summer break, when your journalism teacher found an opportunity to have a section of the city newspaper be dedicated to "the youth of journalism," and weekly, your journalism club was able to publish in the city newspaper) of crushing on hansol with a vehemence perhaps concerning, you knew you couldn't handle having to have embarrassing debates, conversations, and role play scenarios with him.
in perhaps two weeks you were in the counselor's office, exploring alternate class blocks. in the end, you were stuck in a ceramics course instead of your preferred electives, but at least when the unit on "la familia, el amor y todo lo interpersonal" came up, you were role playing as a couple alongside jeon jungkook, who couldn't stop making you wheeze with laughter from his overextention of the r at every available chance, rather than your crush, hansol.
(all it would have taken was one "te extraño" from hansol through your fake hand phones to absolutely floor you. someone call the school nurse, you're fallen and perhaps can never get back up again.)
— so you avoided him there, and even before that, during your junior year, you had mostly eaten off campus on your second schedule days when you and hansol had the same lunch hour and the risk of running into him at a time potentially embarrassing was at an all time high, seeing as nowhere was safe — the social butterfly he was, hansol managed to have business in every hallway of the school. not a single area was risk free.
yeah, junior year really had just been a mess of emotions you hadn't wanted to name, and so instead, elected to pointedly ignore. you were glad to say that while spending your hard earned money to eat out 2-3 times a week was a bit of a low, you had solidly moved out of that phase of your life by spring that year, and could stomach the risk of Being Seen by someone who had captured your attention so strongly.
and yeah, even though you had a bit of a backslide when changing spanish classes senior year (which could be chalked up to self-preservation, truly), you had solidly moved past that whole Avoidance Stage of your Crippling Crush on One Hansol Vernon Chwe.
— so hansol couldn't be avoided. that much was abundantly clear. and you had to interact with him in journalism and (god willing) be normal while doing so, and luckily, while all that exposure didn't exactly desensitize you to his overwhelming charm, admirable confidence, infectious smile, endearing jokes, comfortable aura, and oh so beautiful eyes, it had forced you to just,,,,,,, accept some things.
— accept that you had a raging crush on hansol, but that it could be managed... so long as none of your mutual friends found out.
— you were pretty sure that wonwoo knew, but at least he was ✨subtle✨ and generally checked out of things like that. genuinely, he could not care less, and so he made it no one's problem. you could probably tell him your most rancid, vulgar thoughts, and he would just file it away in his mind as: "nasty shit i can never unhear" and go about his day. compare that to your other mutual acquaintance, seungkwan, and well...
— but for the most part, it seemed that senior year was inching away, another year with a crush on hansol, and another year where you didn't say a damn thing and refused to leave anything close to a hint for him to pick up on.
— but mercy didn't exactly exist for you, now did it.
— the horrible series of Epic Fumblings and Incriminating Moments began in october, when hansol and joshua decided to make a podcast to convince the school that an AV club could be a fun addition to the roster of School Sanctioned Clubs (an idea they really should have had back in august
— the horrible series of Epic Fumblings and Incriminating Moments began in october, when hansol and joshua decided to make a podcast to convince the school that an AV club could be a fun addition to the roster of School Sanctioned Clubs (an idea they really should have had back in august — you know, when clubs were first getting registered and students were accosted in the hallways with club information slapped on astrobrights with strong ~graphic design is my passion~ presentation)
they had needed someone tech savvy enough to get them the podcast equipment and teach them how to use it (and just,,, do all the technical aspects for them 🥺👉👈 pwetty pwease 🥺👉👈 we're just silly boys who want to talk about random shit but are trying to pass it off as being Constructive in Some Sense so that it looks good on college applications) and so obviously their search had sent them in the way of wonwoo, who only seemed to have free time on the exact day and time you two would joint study for your college level government and politics course.
so of course he asked if the two of you could move your study sessions to a different location (he swore he could multitask? okay overacheiver) so that he could both study with you and help the stupidly handsome hansol and joshua with their brilliant podcast idea.
and of course, you'd forget the first time and wonwoo would conveniently not answer his texts for 20 minutes, allowing for the most embarrassing stage of him finally picking up his phone (on speaker?) to you yelling "jeon wonwoo, i will personally castrate you and throw it in the ocean so you can be eaten alive by the creatures birthed from the subsequent sea foam if you don't come to the library to study right now. i have been waiting for 20. minutes. where are you?" and hansol and joshua would hear you. and have the gall to laugh.
and of course wonwoo wouldn't even give you the grace of not having to show up to his house (your new study location) to study for the day. in fact, hansol gave him the brilliant idea of threatening to train an eagle to peck at your liver daily - not eating it fully, just put in it's beak and twist the flesh. since you can't grow another liver overnight, of course. don't you just love mythological punishment.
(and that wouldn't be the end of the embarrassing podcast adventures, either. the time shua cajoled you into being a special guest????? truly, you dodged a bullet not being in spanish with that fool. he's impossible to refuse and the worst of it was that he knew it.)
— or what about the december gift exchange in journalism?? that was certainly not your finest moment, trying to get chaewon to change names with you so that you could gift something to hansol (something lady luck had never granted you despite all the blood, sweat, and tears you sunk into this journalism group of yours), and he heard you, mid-conversation.
seungkwan had told you hansol had been talking about it later, and you quite literally saw him connect the dots in slow-motion as he recounted the story. "y/n, do you have a crush on hansol????" it would have been bad enough that he practically yelled the accusation in the stands of the football field, but then he had the gall to triumphantly gasp and break into hysterical laughter upon your clear embarrassment at being caught. it was during lunch! you're shared lunch break with hansol! who knew where that fucker was! he probably saw the whole exchange!
(in the end, chaewon didn't change names with you (she traded with some other journalism traitor so she could gift to sakura) and even though hansol didn't have your name, he got you something regardless, saying it was thanks for putting up with he and shua stealing wonwoo during your (once peaceful) study sessions. you had decided against getting him a gift regardless, and so you had to awkwardly seek him out during winter break to shove a poorly wrapped box in his hands, with a mumbled apology for your tardiness in gifting, something he pushed away cooly, as expected (but were those red ears of his from just the cold, alone?).)
— and then, well, once everyone came back from winter break and seungkwan knew of your crush on hansol... school became less a Place of Learning and more a Viscous Time Loop of Shutting Seungkwan Up Before He Spilled The Beans.
kicking him under the table. threatening his livelihood. slapping a hand over his mouth on one occasion because seungkwan couldn't take a joke and his retaliation of choice was calling over hansol right there and then and forcing you both to awkwardly sit in the bitter soup of Revelation.
— and then there was february. oh, february. how easy it is to loathe february.
— it was already hard enough getting through the embarrassment of valentine's day themed fundraising — every year, your literature teacher (who oversaw the student body officers — that first exposure to the cruel reality of rigged elections, a popularity win if there ever was one) offered extra credit for students who volunteered time to help the sbo's with their silly little business venture of "roses for $3, sugar cookies with shocking pink frosting for $2, heart suckers for $1, sonnets written by the creative writing and theatre kids for $7.
every year you volunteered for some reason or another - maybe your grade needed it, maybe you were doing sbo president seungcheol a favor because no one signed up, maybe you were following the stupid advice of seokmin and were doing it for the plot (code for: please don't leave me alone at the stand, i will buy you all the sugar cookies you'd like, just don't consign me to spending my lunch break in this particular layer of hell in solitude). this year was no different in you signing up to do time, but seungkwan sure was different, asking you every day if you managed to see if vernon sent anyone something (he had — soonyoung had convinced him to pitch in to send jihoon 16 sonnets, to be read aloud in the middle of class). if he had sent you something (he hadn't).
but when you got an anonymous rose sent to your 2nd class of the day, with a cryptic note attached, your friends wouldn't let you live it down all week. (who had sent it, though? they would have had to be very strategic as to when they placed the order — you had certainly never seen one for yourself in your daily exchange of goods, and seokmin was suspiciously tight lipped about the whole thing (very uncharacteristic of him — who had the ability to buy dk's silence, and better yet, how had they done it???)).
— yes, valentine's day was bad enough. but to add to the mix was always hansol's birthday. last year you'd gotten him a gift since you had worked quite a lot together during that month, and it just felt... normal. comfortable. something kind to do that wasn't weird in anyway. but these days, facing hansol was almost as embarrassing as it had been during junior year when you avoided the mere sight of him like seeing him smile would end in you contracting the plague.
as the day inched ever closer, you were seriously considering missing the day entirely. taking the day off. pretending to be sick. but that wouldn't get you out of seeing him the day after. and the day after that.
perhaps fleeing the country would be a totally normal reaction and solid plan.
— and then joshua invited you to hansol's surprise birthday party.
well. at least that cleared up whether you should get him a gift or not.
— to say that, at that moment and for the subsequent days afterward, were overthinking the whole thing would be to extremely understate reality.
you were about to pop a blood vessel over this shit.
wonwoo was invited, too (how charitable of them. making sure there'd be someone there to scrape you off the floor when you inevitably discovered the power of self combustion) and it was rather comical to see the two of you: cool and calm wonwoo, and you with the internal dialogue of WHATTHEFUCKWHATTHEFUCKWHATTHEFUCKWHATTHEFUCKWHATTHEFUCKWHATTHEFUCKWHA
all holding a cute little gift between you.
— and the surprise birthday party really was a Legitimate, 5-Star, Genuine Quality, Surprise Bona Fide™ - a success by all measures. a shock in more ways than one: a surprise for hansol who had no idea the party was happening in the first place, getting called over for what he expected was a casual videogame night; a surprise for lee chan, somehow, when he saw that shua got you to come 15 minutes before show time to help blow up balloons - a shock so big he started to say something with a wild grin and was immediately dogpiled by mingyu, junhui, and hoshi; a surprise for all the friends amassed when you proved to be quite adept at party games like their incredibly convoluted version of mafia; and a surprise for you, later that night, when hansol offered to take you home
— the two you decided to stop at an empty playground before parting ways and see who could jump farther off of the swings. he won by a wide margin, but you had the skinned knees to prove your effort and the memory of hansol laughing so hard he could barely breathe — his smile so wide it could've filled you completely, banish any longing from your chest for a moment of unique closeness and bliss — and perhaps that was a consolation prize, enough.
but then you and hansol were on the swings again, seeing who could tighten the swing chain the most and spin the longest, and between the motion blur, you heard hansol admit defeat and when the swing stopped, his face was all too close to yours to shrug off as friendly, and his hands were holding the swing chain on either side, and when he spoke soft and low to crown you the victor, you kissed him.
and the biggest surprise of the night was when he kissed you back.
☄. *. ⋆
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wheeboo · 1 year
7pm | kwon soonyoung
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SYNOPSIS. in which soonyoung helps you unwind at the han river. PAIRING. kwon soonyoung x gn!reader GENRE. fluff, established relationship WARNINGS. mentions of food WORD COUNT. 1.03k
booseoksoon ‘second wind’ track 01: fighting!  track 02: lunch track 03: now playing ‘7pm’
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A tired yawn escapes your lips and into the cool, evening air as you walk your way down the Han River to meet at the spot your boyfriend had texted you to come to. You weren't entirely sure why Soonyoung had suddenly surprised you with a date after an exhausting day, but who were you to complain anyway?
Your footsteps aren't full of any sort of rush, admiring eyes gazing off into the glistening waters of the Han River as the sky became a colourful palette of yellow, orange, and purple. It was perhaps the most beautiful time of the day to be outside and let the evening air refresh you after your tiresome shift. These days, there was barely any time to unwind comfortably since your workplace has been constantly calling you in, as well as loads of personal matters on top of your shoulders.
It was hard to recall the last time you were able to have a decent break from life in general.
You notice a tree in the distance and the familiar colour of a sweater that you knew you had seen somewhere, or maybe even worn at some point. Quickening your feet, a smile crosses your lips as you approach.
"Soonyoung!" You call out, voice tinged with excitement.
The figure turns around at the sound of your voice, and before you knew it, you find yourself being scooped up into the air with a pair of strong arms wrapped around your waist. You and Soonyoung's chuckles emanate into the air together, a mixture of happiness and relief. It felt all too unreal to be finally reunited in your boyfriend's arms after being separated for the entire day.
"Gosh, I missed you so much." Soonyoung buries his face in your shoulder, keeping his arms wrapped around you. He finds himself easily settling into your presence, your bodies pressed against one another in a soothing hug. "Been away from you for too long."
"I missed you too, Soon," You say, and Soonyoung pulls back to finally look at you. You take his bare face in your hands, cupping his puffed out cheeks lightly, his eyes full of nothing but adoration.
Unable to help himself, Soonyoung leans down to press a quick peck to your lips, feeling satisifed just from the brief contact and leaving you a bit dazed and flustered.
"I gotta show you something." Then he reaches down to grab your hand, leading you towards the tree where you couldn't help but gasp at the sight of a picnic blanket on the ground and containers of food spread out evenly on top.
"What is all this?" You ask as Soonyoung lets his free hand take out the remaining food out of the bag.
"I wanted to treat you. We haven't been able to go out on a date lately since you've been called into work every day," He motions for you to sit down on the blanket next to him. "and you've been really stressed, so I wanted to help you... unwind."
You didn't know how to respond, only grinning from Soonyoung's acts of services. And maybe in that same moment, you felt your heart do a leap𑁋a feeling that still lingers even after being together for the last two years.
"Kwon Soonyoung, you are just..." You ball your hands up into a fist as if trying to emphasise just how in love you are with this damn man. "I can't thank you enough for this."
Soonyoung just shakes his head, unable to hide the proud smirk on his face as he opens some of the containers of food. He hands you some utensils, and the two of you begin to chow down in comfortable silence, simply basking in the evening air and the peace serenaded by the river. You feel yourself already beginning to unwind, the effects of the food on your tastebuds already replenishing your energy.
"Is it good?" he asks you.
You nod your head, swallowing down the bits of food. "It's amazing, babe. Where did you find the time to make all this?"
"Ah... well I asked Mingyu to help me..."
That was enough to elicit a laugh from you, knowing how clumsy your boyfriend is in the kitchen, and Soonyoung can feel himself melt from the sight. Despite the embarrassed redness growing on his face, making you laugh has always been one of his top priorities.
Even though your boyfriend can be quite the ball of energy himself at times, you can never deny the power he has in refueling your exhaustion. Being with him never seems to overwhelm you in any way; you can never feel tired from being around him. He seems to be the only person in the world whose energy exudes onto you. It was one of the many things you love about him.
Once the two of you finish eating, you find your head resting atop of Soonyoung's lap. Soonyoung keeps a comfortable arm around you, fingers lightly caressing circles on your arm as your eyes struggle to stay fully open. You hear him humming a low tune, and you silently swear you can fall asleep that very moment.
"Is there anything you want to do before we leave?" Soonyoung looks down at you, noticing the way your eyes lazily flutter back open to the sound of his voice.
"Mmmh... just staying here is nice."
Soonyoung gently pinches your face, causing you to whine. "You're about to fall asleep."
"Am not!"
"You are!"
"Okay, maybe I am," You admit defeatedly. "Just been a long week, you know?"
Soonyoung sighs. He wish he could do so much more to relieve your stress.
"Yeah, I know."
"But..." You sit up to crawl your way into the space next to him, letting his arms encapsulate around you once more. "Tonight was a perfect way to end it."
For a moment, Soonyoung could’ve sworn his brain malfunctioned. He couldn't help but pull you closer to him, pressing small kisses all over your face and making your body vibrate with happiness. The two of you find yourselves sprawled on top of the blanket with your legs entangled together, watching as the moon slowly but surely claimed its rightful place in the night sky.
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bluehoodiewoozi · 11 months
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NOTE: i've tried to upload this so many times but tumblr's anti-tiger, apparently. idk. i'm on the verge of tears of rage.
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You swore his eyes were sparkling. With you seated on the bathroom counter and him standing between your legs, practically nose-to-nose with you, you had the perfect view of them.
But not even the enchanting twinkle of his brown eyes was not enough to ease your concern for his actions.
“Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” you asked him for the third time in the past 10 minutes, growing a little more worried by the minute.
In his hands, Soonyoung held a face paint palette and a brush he had “borrowed” from Minghao for this very purpose. The orange and black paints were becoming muddier by the minute in colour, and less and less in amount (as was your confidence in his abilities).
Your boyfriend paused his movements to scoff at you, his smile disappearing momentarily. “I’m starting to think you don’t like me.”
“I do! I do like you,” you quickly comforted him, reaching to rest your hands on his cheeks. “But are you sure – like, 100% sure – that you know what you’re doing?”
“Babe, I’ve watched so many tutorials for this,” he emphasised with a confident nod. “Let me do my thing.”
“Face painting is not your thing,” you whispered to him, practically begging him to reconsider. “Your thing is singing. Your thing is dancing. Your thing is being funny. Face paint is not.”
He rolled his eyes, fighting a smile. “But tigers are.”
Realising there was no use in arguing with him, you sighed in defeat and agreed before leaning back into your original position. “Just get it done with. My butt’s starting to get sore.”
“I just need to add two more stripes, I swear. And then you’ll get to return the favour and paint me.”
“... I still can’t believe you convinced me to do this.”
“Stop acting like dressing up as tigers for Joshua’s Halloween party is a crime,” he replied and continued his masterpiece.
“Besides,” he paused again to smile at you before pressing a swift kiss to your lips, “you’re the cutest tiger I’ve ever seen.” His smile brightened and he lifted a hand to make a paw motion. “Rawr!”
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txt, seventeen, the boyz, p1harmony, treasure, ive, bts
completed (💟)  
[last updated: july 23rd 2024]
       - all
       - choi line
love is (not) easy (💟)
       - choi yeonjun
background character vibes (💟)
bad hair day (💟)
cool it! (💟)
disguise (💟)
gamer bf!!! (💟)
heart attack (💟)
lo$er (💟)
meetings (💟)
nevertheless, i still love you 
ring my alarm. . . !
       - choi soobin
fairy of shampoo (💟)
       - choi beomgyu
gamer bf!!! (💟)
       - kang taehyun
stalker (💟)
       - huening kai
      - 96 line
wanted: new roommate (💟)
       - yoon jeonghan     
       - hong jisoo
       - kwon soonyoung
love hard (💟)
       - kim mingyu
if we never met 
love lines (💟)
       - lee chan
imperfect love 
yours truly
       - lee sangyeon
salty (💟)
       - lee jaehyun
love playlist (💟)
       - lee juyeon
affogato tell yuu smth (💟)
idolised (💟)
princess’ journal (💟)
running from romeo
scarlet flwrs 
sugar, spice and everything nice
to feel free (💟)
what is love? (💟)
       - ji changmin
break your rules (💟)
come thru
idolised (💟)
       - kim sunwoo
color palette (💟)
love foolish  
my oh my (💟)
soothe me daily (💟)
       - son youngjae
soothe me daily (💟)
       - hwang intak
you menace! (💟)
       - choi hyunsuk
happy anniversary to me (💟)
       - hamada asahi
letters and love!
       - watanabe haruto
        - jang wonyoung
banana (💟)
       - jung jungkook
academic validation
i’d love you to stay but that’s simply insane (💟)
sleepwalking (💟)
     - jung sungchan
behind the scene (💟)
      - huh yunjin
let’s not get caught
      - kim minji
      - sung hanbin
boys like u! (💟)
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kpop masterlist
🍓 = fluff themes
❄️ = angst themes
🚧 = smut themes
🤸‍♀️ = slice of life / bish idek what theme this is
🚀 = crack fic themes
🎩 = dark and/or violent themes
🏩 = genre fic, i.e. mystery, horror, fantasy, etc
🍳 = slow burn
🦕 = personal favorite
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Memory | 🍓❄️🦕 Kim Byeongkwan x Reader + Park Junhee x Reader (University AU) [Blurb]
Only One | 🍓❄️❄️❄️🍳🦕 CEO!Choi San x Reader
It’s An Act [WBU I] | ❄️ Choi Seunghyun (TOP) x Reader
Smoke | 🍓🤸‍♀️ Choi Seunghyun (TOP) x Reader
Runaway | 🍓❄️🏩 Mafia!Kim Seokjin (Jin) x Reader (Mafia AU) Preview 1 2 3 4 x
Mah Boyfriend | 🍓🍓🤸‍♀️🦕 Jung Jungkook x Idol!Reader
Hidden Heart | 🍓🍓🍓🤸‍♀️🚀🍳 Lee Minhyuk (HUTA) x Idol!Reader [Headcanon]
A University Dilemma | 🤸‍♀️ Kang Younghyun (Young-K) x Reader (Univeristy AU)
What A Joke | ❄️ Kang Younghyun (Young K) x Reader + Park Jaehyung x Reader (University AU) [Blurb]
So... Haha... I Like You | 🍓🦕 Park Jaehyung x Reader (Fake Dating AU)
Wheel Of Fortune | 🍓🍳🚀 Park Chanyeol x Reader [Headcanon]
Welcome To The Jungle | 🚀🚀🚀🏩 Park Chanyeol & Oh Sehun (Jungle AU)
Maybe We Still Have A Shot [WBU III] | 🍓🍓🏩 CatHybid!Oh Sehun x Reader (University AU)
Unrequited Attraction | 🚧🏩🍳🦕 Mafia!Kim Jongdae (Chen) x Retail Worker!Reader
Color Palette | 🍓 Byun Baekhyun x Reader [Blurb]
Brown Leaves | 🍓 Kim Jongin (Kai) x Reader (University AU)
One Million In One Day | 🍓🍓❄️❄️🍳 Sugar Daddy!Jackson Wang x Reader Preview ~ Alternate Moodboard ~ Moodboard Teaser  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
Car Rides | 🍓 Jackson Wang x Reader [Blurb]
Juice Box | 🍓🚀🏩🦕 Kunpimook Bhuwakul Bambam x Reader [Blurb] (Pre-Schooler AU)
Somewhere In Between | ❄️❄️Civil Engineer!Park Jinyoung x Reader + Architect!Henry Lau x Reader
Trading Secrets | 🍓🍓 Kim Yugyeom x WangSis!Reader
Winning Losses | ❄️ Kim Jaejoong x Idol!Reader
Monsta X
Introspect | 🍓🤸‍♀️ Lee Jooheon x Reader [Blurb]
Letting Off Steam | 🤸‍♀️ Lee Hoseok (Wonho) x ArtStudent!Reader (University AU)
December Dates | 🍓🚀 bf!Seventeen x Reader [Headcanon]
The Stroke Of Midnight | 🍓❄️🏩🦕 Mafia!Kwon Soonyoung (Hoshi) x Reader
Here's My Problem: I Can't Get You Out Of My Head | ❄️❄️❄️🎩🎩🎩🏩🍳🦕 Detective!Jeon Wonwoo x Actress!Reader
10 Ways To Get Over Gyu | 🍓❄️❄️❄️🍳🍳🦕 Kim Mingyu x Reader + others (Childhood AU)
Half Of My Heart | 🍓❄️🤸‍♀️🍳 Kim Mingyu x Reader + Jeon Wonwoo x Reader (CEO AU)
On A Thread | ❄️❄️ CEO!Joshua Hong (Hong Jisoo) x Nurse!Reader
A Final Offering | 🍓🍓❄️🏩🦕 Deity!Kim Inseong & Child!Reader + Baek Juho (Zuho) x Mom  
What Does It Mean? | 🍓❄️🤸‍♀️ Kim Inseong x Reader + Lee Jaeyoon x Reader (University AU) 
16th Floor | 🍓🤸‍♀️ Kim Seokwoo (Rowoon) x Reader (Office AU)
Understand This |❄️ Choi Minho x Reader I Don’t Understand [Understand This II] | ❄️ Choi Minho x Reader
It’s All A Big Joke [WBU II] | ❄️ Lee Taemin x Reader
Th-that’s Not | ❄️❄️🚧🦕 Lee Taemin x Reader Regrets [Th-that’s Not II] | ❄️ Lee Taemin x Reader
Angel Bride | ❄️🚧🏩🦕 Pirate!Lee Taemin x Reader
Noona, You're So Pretty | 🍓 Lee Taemin x Noona!Reader
Stray Kids
Professional Boundaries | 🍓❄️🚧🦕 CEO!Bang Chan x Pre-School Teacher!Reader + CEO!Hwang Hyunjin x Pre-School Teacher!Reader 1 2 3 4 
Bootylicious | 🍓🚀 Bang Chan x Idol!Reader
Super Junior
The Soup | 🍓🍓🚀🚀 SuJu x SuJu Maknae!Reader [Headcanon]
Secrets Of A Maknae | 🍓🚀🚀 Kim Heechul x SuJuMaknae!Reader
The Boyz
Gentle With Me | 🍓🍓🤸‍♀️ Lee Sangyeon x Reader
Pitter-Patter | 🍓 Jung Yunho (U-Know) x Reader (Pre-School Teacher AU)
The Art Of Deception | ❄️🎩🏩 Shim Changmin x Reader (Secret Agent/Spy AU)
Forget About It | 🍓❄️🤸‍♀️🍳🦕 Choi Soobin x Reader (University AU)  
I’m Not Playing | 🍓❄️❄️ Gangster!Song Minho (Mino) x Reader 1 2 3 
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cosmickyeom · 2 years
Well now that you’ve so perfectly done vocal unit and hhu the only thing left now is dance unit 😊
If you don’t mind of course 😆
a/n: the teeny tiny text definitely made me laugh, HAHAH. thanks for sending in the request, lemon! i hope you have nothing less than a wonderful day today! a/n(2): thank you to everyone who has given this series so much love! opening this app to find requests in my inbox always had me starting me day off on a good note! be sure to check out the other units here: vocal unit, hip hop unit! word count: 0.4k genre: fluff
⋆ ﹕₊˚ junhui ! as a play off of the korean version of his last name, where he is the moon, you're the sun. despite existing perfectly independently from each other, one does not exist without the other and that's what makes your relationship so special. i don't see him using this nickname super often. instead, i think more often than not, he leans towards treasure/baobei. when he's being more playful and mischievous than usual, he would definitely pull this out of his arsenal to get on your good side again. HAHA. imagine, his arms are securely wrapped around your shoulders as he's swaying you both back and forth, whining for you to look at him again. how could you ever say ignore him? ⋆ ﹕₊˚ soonyoung ! it's cheesy, but i see him tossing around favorite, a lot. he would pick up the phone and ask how his favorite baby is doing. whenever you both spend time alone together, he would make comments about how there's nothing he would rather be doing than being with his favorite person. by being his favorite, you get all the preferential treatment and it definitely shows. you will always get the first and last bite of your shared meals, the better seat when you're together, and most of the coverage when sharing the same umbrella on a rainy day. soonyoung also enjoys making a scene by going 'IS THAT MY FAVORITE PERSON?!' every single time you walk into the same room as him. ⋆ ﹕₊˚ minghao/myungho ! for the artistic soul in minghao, he calls on his significant other as his muse. despite it not being in his repertoire to only paint portraits, most of the inspiration for his works comes from all of the different ways that you make him feel. warm, bold, and calm. sometimes, the colors of his palette are pulled from memories that you two share. for example, the color scheme of the quirky cafe where you both met, or the outfit that you wore when he asked you to make things official. like with his art, each word and gesture is done with so much purpose and care. he's able to create wonderful pieces for others to appreciate because of the wondrous beauty that you bring into his life, his muse. ⋆ ﹕₊˚ chan ! his significant other, without question, his safe space, his home. despite being so well loved by his hyungs, chan finds a great sense of security in the company in you. when the day seems to be running a little longer than usual, or the teasings are a bit too much, you're the one that he seeks out for. there's something to be said about your relationship where you feel comfortable enough to be the unfiltered versions of yourselves, knowing that you'll always be met with support and love.
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sketchguk · 2 years
Hi! I sent the previous soonyoung nsfw ask. Thanks for answering! You saying their first time would be so soft reminded me of this ! He would do that .... With all the pet names and just ahhhhhhhhh 😭 I am way too invested in their s*x life LOL. I think mc will be a little frustrated because she doesn't know how to ask him , and he would think something is wrong and panic because he doesn't want to upset her! I wonder what will push him to finally act out his fantasy 😭
Your friend isn't single 🥺 all the good ones are always taken. But I'm ready to fight 🤺🤺🤺 . It's so cute you knew her first!!! It's so rare for me to find online friendships that last long ! So do you approve of her bf kjlhkjiojkj even though I know it's probably online and we can't comment .. whenever my friends talk about their bfs even online , I will sit here be like "he's not worth it" it or like he's so wrong for doing that ...... The standard for men is so low and most of my friend's bf's don't deserve them 😭😭😭 Like .. with my friends dating women, it's not the case! So it's just dating men that's the problem LOL I'm still waiting for the day I approve of my friend's relationships 😂
Can I get an emoji to put in asks if you don't mind? I think about this au headcanons a lot and I can just tell you instead of keeping to myself 😔
Soonyoung is a romantic at heart 💛 I feel like mc drops a bunch of hints about how she wants to fuck, sometimes subtle sometimes not. But Soonyoung is seriously oblivious, and he thought that she liked it sweet and soft. She does! Don't we all !!! But we need to change our palette sometimes. We need more flavor !!
She probably realizes that her hints are going nowhere and tells him in the middle of sex when she's already so desperate. She wants him so bad, she's literally aching !!! And who is Soonyoung if not a natural caregiver?? Whatever his baby wants, she gets !!! But he's sure to check in on her every once in a while, initiating a safe word or a color system just in case <3
LOL I told my friend what you said, and here's the update:
Omg I will take anon, please let anon know I'm single . I don't need smne as sweet as sexy as soonyoung,do they think i like soonyoung?😤 He's my archnemesis 😤
Ahaha ever since I've joined the kpop fandom side of tumblr, I've had some of the longest internet friendships I've ever had !! And I do like her boyfriend from what she tells me !! I won't comment too much on it because that's her business. But you're right,, I'm always wary of my friend's relationships (no matter the gender - I've heard of red flags from every and all sides lol) !! I'm the same way, thinking that my friends deserve the very best
Of course you can have an emoji !!! Which one would you like to use?? I hope to see you in my inbox whenever <3 It'll surely make my day chatting with you! I'd love to hear all about your headcanons too 🥰
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chilligyu · 3 years
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"can’t breathe [when you look at me] I shiver all over when you [touch me]"
m/v palette spider kwon soonyoung
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wonwooridul · 2 years
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♡ @caratonce made me choose: styling of hoshi in: spider era or hot era
make me choose
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notesof-mh · 2 years
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wake up babe, new ah puh choreo just dropped
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neopeaches · 5 years
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soonyoung as the prince of flowers
- svt as fairy tales / thumbelina
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fortunemagex · 5 years
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 Happy birthday to this wonderful and talented boy <3
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junhoontrash · 6 years
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Another special feature.
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softjun · 6 years
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make me choose
↳ anonymous asked: hoshi + change up or hoshi + lilili yabbay
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heartsfromia · 2 years
against all odds ⁠— k. soonyoung
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pairing: solo artist! soonyoung x makeup artist! reader
word count: 3,307
genre: fluff, established hidden relationship
warnings: sexual innuendos (hoshi's dirty minded lmao), kissing
author's notes: not proofread as usual ;_;
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"Thank you, everyone! I'll see you next time!" Cheers echoed throughout the venue, the screams of Soonyoung's fans bouncing off the walls, reaching all around the large arena, and you couldn't help the look of shock as you heard it, while cleaning up the makeup palettes on the dressing table.
Soonyoung, the worldwide superstar—most commonly referred to as Hoshi, had closed his concert for tonight, bidding goodbye to the fans that gathered in the arena to watch his performance. After bowing for the last time, he slipped out into backstage, taking the towel from his manager before wiping the sweat from his neck and face, bowing to everyone and thanking them for his hard work.
That was his redeeming factor, you thought. You have worked with numerous artists before, some internationally known and some not so much, but none of which you have ever found to be as humble, down-to-earth as Soonyoung is towards his staff. Genuine kindness, care and gratitude, he always showcased it to the people that work around him, knowing that without them, everything he has now would not have happened.
You watched from the dressing room as he entered, pulling off his sweat-ridden shirt, to which you turned the other, wanting to give him privacy before you found him seated on the chair by you, ready to have his makeup removed. His eyes met yours, lips pressed in a soft smile as if to signal you that he was ready. You nodded, your eyes looking around the dressing room and finding that everyone was beginning to step out of the dressing room, knowing that whenever Soonyoung was getting his makeup removed, he wanted peace and quiet.
Or so they thought.
"I think this show bested the last," you commented, eyes glimmering as you glanced towards him, massaging the cleansing balm against his forehead gently. He didn't respond, only smiled, his eyes closed as he savored your hands against his face, melting the makeup away with the cream before wiping it off with cotton pads and proceeded with the miscellar water for double cleansing.
It was when you knelt down in front of him, wanting to have a closer look to make sure you were removing every trace of eye makeup since those were stubborn, and Soonyoung locked eyes with you, his voice barely above a whisper as he asked, "Are we alone?"
You nodded once, after looking around the empty dressing and without a second given for you to process, Soonyoung pressed a quick, chaste kiss against your lips. You were caught in a daze, your hand holding the miscellar water soaked cotton pad frozen in the air as you blinked repeatedly. A satisfied grin was found on Soonyoung's lips upon seeing your flustered cheeks, a soft chuckle as he looked down, not being able to look at your adorable facial expression.
He knew that during this time, when he's getting his makeup removed after the concert, was the only time he could be the least bit intimate with you.
"I'd give you more kisses, but my makeup's almost gone," he stated, causing you to roll your eyes.
"We're heading back to hotel, though," you started off, "you have a day-off tomorrow, no?" Soonyoung's eyes widened, assuming what you were insinuating at, as the points of ears turned red. However, despite the indication he was flustered, he boldly leaned forward until the tips of your noses were barely touching.
"Did you have something planned, Y/N?"
Throughout the six months that you and Soonyoung, having the flirty side to your superstar boyfriend come out every once in a while, you'd think you would get used to it but you never could. The sharp glare within his eyes, the slight raise of his eyebrow as he tilted his head to the side, a smirk playing on his lips as he holds his gaze with yours.
Your heart raced against your chest, suddenly feeling out of breath as what felt like hours passed, and he broke the silence with an amused laugh.
You glared at him, shoving his shoulder so he leaned back into the chair. "What if someone walked in when you were doing that?"
He only shrugged.
"I can't though," he speaks up, referring to your offer earlier, "the guys wanted to go to a Korean Barbeque tonight, so I won't be joining the others going back to the hotel."
You couldn't help the pout from appearing, whatever he thought you were insinuating wasn't anything… inappropriate, you wanted to rent out a movie so the two of you could watch it together. Although, now, that plan was out of the window, and you will most likely have to spend your night alone.
"Don't drink too much, though, babe," you scolded him, your brows set in a frown when you recall how he gets when he's drunk. Safe to say: a mess.
"I don't plan on drinking too much, either, babe, don't worry," he reassured, his nose scrunching up as he reached out to gently squeeze your cheeks, an endeared smile on his face. "Text me when you've arrived at the hotel, alright?"
So, you did. However, Soonyoung didn't reply immediately and you took the time to get ready for bed. After finishing your night routine, you lied on your bed, scrolling through your Twitter out of boredom, hoping that the lack of gossip would make you fall asleep easier.
Until you saw a viral post circulating under the Hoshi topic (yeah, you follow your boyfriend's topic, you have to be kept updated even though Soonyoung always tells you everything).
"OMG I JUST SAW HOSHI AND EUNBIN AT A KBBQ PLACE! They were so sweet, said hi and left the place together!" The caption to the tweet said, a blurry photo attached.
You zoomed in on the photo, Soonyoung and Eunbin seated across from one another, and you were sure Eunbin was laughing at something your boyfriend said. Upon the realization of who were in the photo, your legs swung from the bed and to the floor, carrying you in front of the room two doors away from you, your fist knocking continuously at the wood. You didn't intend to stop, the person on the otherside knew that. Thus, the door swung open, your fist still knocking in the air.
"What—" Jihoon didn't get to finish before you pushed past him, situating yourself on his couch. The producer froze at his spot, an exasperated sigh escaping his lips as he utters, "Why do you do this to me?"
He glares at you as he sits back at his previous spot (before you barged in), on his bed, his back against the wall behind him. You didn't say anything as you turned your phone screen to his direction, forgetting that you both had a good foot or two between you both, which basically meant your action was futile, he wouldn't be able to see what you were showing him.
"What do you want, Y/N?"
"Soonyoung is with Eunbin." He continued to stare at you; what you said did not answer his question. "How does he know the Eunbin Kwon?"
"Oh my God." Jihoon's patience was testing with you, with the fact you weren't getting to your point, and with the fact that you were disturbing his night-off. "Y/N, can you get to the point?"
You pouted. A part of wished you could talk to anyone else about your relationship with Soonyoung, because you were aware that Jihoon didn't necessarily care about the two of you, or what you were doing, but he is the only that knows of Soonyoung fraternizing with his staff.
He—unfortunately for him—witnessed the two of you canoodling in his studio, when you both thought you were alone.
You locked your phone, eyes averting to your lap as you mumbled, "Do you think I should end it with him?"
"What?" You looked up, repeating the quesiton, and Jihoon's response caused you to freeze. The guy laughed, hard.
Jihoon wiped at the tears forming at his eyes, before looking at you, finding you weren't laughing either and his laugh died down immediately. "Oh, you weren't joking." You rolled your eyes. "Why would you need to do that?"
"I mean, you told me that Soonyoung has said that it's tiring having to hide a relationship, especially because I'm technically his employee," you begun, standing to your feet to walk back and forth as you rambled, "he's also on tour, and working on music with you at the same time, and… and I just think it would be better if he didn't have to hide a relationship, take a weight off his chest, you know?"
"No, I don't know." You glared at him. Jihoon shrugged, "This seems like something you should talk to him about, Y/N, it's your relationship, so why are you asking me?"
You tsked, rolling your eyes, "You're the only one that knows about it, and Soonyoung's out eating barbeque."
His lips parted, an alongated 'ah' echoing, as he nods, "So, he's with Eunbin?" You nodded, the dramatic pout still on your lips. "Wait, don't you like Eunbin?"
"Yes! That's why I asked how does Soonyoung know Eunbin because, oh my God, he's meeting her without me," you ranted, absolutely feeling wronged by your boyfriend, "he knows I follow her on my social media accounts, and she's one of the artists that I really want to do makeup on, and it's just not fair that he gets to meet her before I do."
You were out of breath when you were done, and when you turned to look at Jihoon, he had his earphones in and was lying on his bed, beneath his covers, clearly ignoring you.
You left his room, after flicking his forehead.
Your night was filled with you scrolling through the various tweets Soonyoung's fans had made, expressing their glee over the original poster spotting Eunbin with him, how cute they both looked, how much they hoped they were seeing each other as more than friends, how, quote-on-quote, they were the "couple of the year."
It stung, obviously. To see your boyfriend be shipped with someone else, that wasn't you, it hurt your ego. You had the urge to reply to everyone that Soonyoung is your boyfriend, and he loves you, and only you, but you knew better than to risk his career.
You recalled to the day when Soonyoung asked you to be his girlfriend, how he led the conversation to that point, before you had to explain to him of the risks that you both have to take if you wanted to continue to a serious stage. He knew, he understood, and he gave you the choice to back off if you thought you wouldn't be able to handle it, but alas, love prevailed and you love him too much to let him go.
If you knew he'd then be shipped with your woman crush, maybe you'd reconsider. Just maybe.
However, you love him too much to have him undergo so much stress and pressure with your relationship, that you felt that you had to let him go. He never voiced out how hiding your relationship, having to sneak around behind your co-workers, was a tiring task, but you could see it in his eyes, especially recently with his tour preparations that take a toll on his physical health, along with working on his new music. He was exhausted, and you believed if he didn't have to hide you both, then he'd feel less burdened.
You never liked avoiding him, nor did he ever enjoy being in a relationship without communication, so the next morning, when you knew he'd be out in the gym, you called him. He answered after the second ring.
"Hey, did I wake you?" You asked, even though you knew he was in the gym, you could hear generic pop music in the background.
"No, I'm at the hotel's gym, babe," he answered, the term of endearment causing your chest to swell. He wasn't making this easy for you. "What's up?"
"I'm not disturbing you, am I, Soon?"
"Of course not, I was just finishing up a set," he reassured, and you clenched your teeth, his perky tone an indication he was in a good mood, and you didn't want to ruin that. "Is there something wrong?"
"Maybe we can talk about—"
"We can talk now, no one's here," he stated, then asked again, "Is there something wrong?"
"Uhm…" Your heart was racing against your chest, however, unlike how it usually was when with Soonyoung, it wasn't because of bliss and happiness, but burden, instead. "I-I think we should break up, Soonyoung."
It was radio silent on the other end of the phone, and you had to remove the phone from your ear to make sure he didn't hang up on you. All you could hear was the music playing in the background.
You decided to call out his name, to make sure he was still there. "Soonyoung?"
"Where's your room?"
You sighed silently, relieved, before chuckling awkwardly, "You can't come to my room, what if someone sees?"
"I don't care, where's your room?" You sat up at the edge of your bed, your shoulders tensing immediately upon hearing his sharp tone. He wasn't yelling, but the edge within his voice was enough to send chills down your spine. Soonyoung to you, he wasn't always serious, especially during your relationship. With work, it's expected, and you've never seen him angry, only heard about him getting angry at those that showcased inadequacy with their jobs.
He's never sounded this way to you, so this took you aback.
"Why do you sound so serious?" You knew it was a rhetorical question, but you were stunned.
"How can I not be when you're asking to break up?" He asked you, and you pursed your lips. "Where are you, Y/N?"
"I'm in my room, you don't need to come here, Soonyoung," you told him once again, but he was stubborn, rolling his eyes as he places his hand on his hip. The gym was beginning to fill with other guests, and of course, he knew of the risks if anyone who worked with him were to see him talking to you, that it would cause a ripple effect of endless meetings, rumors, and clarifications.
But he didn't care.
Without telling you, he hung up. If he wasn't going to get your room number from you, he's going to get some way.
Soonyoung spotted Jihoon by the pull-up bars, sighing in relief that he found the only person aware of your relationship. As if sensing him, Jihoon glanced over at Soonyoung, signaling up '254' with his hands, which was your room number, and Soonyoung grinned, nodding at him in gratitude.
Upon reaching your floor, eyes scanning the numbers on the doors, Soonyoung noticed a group of other stylists he recognized walking from down the hall. As expected, they noticed him as well, bowing to him before one asked, "Soonyoung-ah, why are you here?"
"I'm here to see Y/N." He spoke with confidence, "Do you know where room 254 is?" The four of the stylists were still processing his reason, another one extending their hand to point at your door before Soonyoung bowed, thanking them and left them stunned in their spot.
Ignoring them, he knocked at your door, it immediately being pulled open and you stared at him in shock.
"Soonyoung, what—" You stopped talking when you noticed a head peek towards the two of you in your peripheral vision, instinctively reaching out and pulling Soonyoung into your room, the door being slammed shut right after.
Nice, that was not suspicious at all, Y/N, you cursed yourself internally, resting your back against the door.
"They saw us, Soonyoung!"
Your eyes practically bulged out of your head. "So? What do you mean 'so'?"
"What do you mean by breaking up?" he retaliated, taking a step towards you. "Seriously, Y/N, we were fine last night, and all of a sudden you call me to break up? Does that make any sense?"
You froze in front of me, staring back his sharp glare like a deer caught in headlights. Of course it doesn't make sense, but you didn't know what else to say. The guilt of how much this relationship was burdening him had eaten you alive throughout the night, and seeing people's response over him with Eunbin, it just added the fuel.
"No, of course I know it doesn't make sense, but—" you shook your head, not wanting to cry in front of me, "—I just want to see you happy, Soonyoung, and- and I don't think you're happy with having to hide this relationship, you deserve better than this..."
He stared at you for a brief moment before exhaling a sigh, letting his head drop low. Wordlessly, he moved towards your bed, pulling out his phone and there was a good five or so minutes of you watching him scroll through his phone, before typing something and then locking the screen. His eyes averted to yours as he stuffs his phone back in its pocket, leaning back on his arms.
"Check your phone." Was all he said. Your eyebrows pulled together, unlocking your screen and seeing an Instagram notification stating that Soonyoung had just tagged you in a photo. You glanced up at him, not liking where this was going, before opening the notification.
'Against all odds' was the caption to a blurry photo of you that he took on one of your nights out, your Instagram handle clearly tagged on the picture that he posted on his official and very-much public account with his millions of followers and fans.
"I'm happiest when I'm with you, Y/N," he utters, approaching you and capturing your face in his hands, your eyes locked on one another. "Yes, it's tiring having to hide our relationship, but that didn't mean I was ever tired of you."
"They're going to fire you," you muttered, tears welling up in your eyes.
He scoffed, rolling his eyes, "I'd like to see them try honestly."
"They're going to fire me, too."
"Then, they'll have to get rid of me," he states, a soft smile on his lips, "because wherever you go, I'll be there to follow, Y/N. I love you too much to let you go."
You smile at him, leaning forward to press a soft kiss on his. His hands moved the side of your neck, keeping your lips against his, wanting to deepen the touch, but you pushed his shoulders back, a question still lingering in your thoughts. "But, babe, wait."
"How do you know Eunbin?" He tilts his head to the side. "I saw a post last night say that you were with her... which kind of led to me spiraling into an overthinking mess, but, how do you know her?"
"Oh... Eunbinnie?" Your brows furrowed together at the nickname. "What, did you think I was on a date with her?"
You shrugged, pouting slightly, "People ship you guys."
He immediately cringes at that thought, "Ew, why would they ship me with my cousin?"
Your neck almost snapped upon hearing that. "C-cousin?"
"Distant cousins, but we recently reached out to one another because she has a show here, too," he explains, before realizing, "didn't you say you had a crush on her?"
You nodded, with a sigh. "Kind of half-wishing you'd break up with me and introduce me to her, you know?" Soonyoung's mouth drops open, clear disbelief written all over his face, and when you noticed you chuckled, waving him off, "I'm kidding, Soonyoung... but you would do that for me, wouldn't you?"
He scoffs, looking around the room in disbelief before locking eyes with you. "You're unbelievable, Y/N."
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