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pfox27 · 5 years ago
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My Beautiful daughter took my maternity photos yesterday 🥰 . It's so crazy that we will be a family of 5 in 31 days 😳 . . . #maternityphotography #34weekspregnant #mommtobe #soontobefamilyof5 https://www.instagram.com/p/B1Ths9hFoG5/?igshid=xr751mpi0woy
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pfox27 · 6 years ago
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Hello 34 weeks!!!! . Oh my goodness we're getting so close to meeting this sassy little girl 👶 who already keeps us on our toes 🤰😜 . I'm seriously so excited and nervous at the same time 😬 . Don't get me wrong I'm so ready to kiss those tiny little toes but not so ready for the pain after my csection 😳 . . #babyaftermiscarriage #rainbowbaby #34weekspregnant #soontobefamilyof5 #holymoly #areweready #fitpregnancyjourney #babybump #babyfever #csection #csectionrecovery #imready https://www.instagram.com/p/B1EWZQSF-mg/?igshid=1upi1w0lcp9rj
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pfox27 · 6 years ago
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Hello 33 weeks!!! . This little sassy girl will be her within the next 6 week! I feel like it's gone by so fast 😝🙃 . I'm so thankful she's been staying put so she can get a little bigger . I will be kissing you soon my baby Scarlett 🌹 . . #rainbowbaby🌈 #33weekspregnant #pregnancyaftermiscarriage #pregnancydiary #fitpregnancyjourney #fitgirl #strongwomen #accountability #bellybump #bump #soontobefamilyof5 #myjourney #mytinytribe #momlife #mommtobe #gettingfitformykids (at Missouri) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0x46__gcc8/?igshid=hb329xwo4g8o
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pfox27 · 6 years ago
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Hello Hello 32 weeks!!! . I seriously cant believe this little rainbow baby is the size of a tub of popcorn. . I know I feel like I could seriously POP at any moment 😜😝 . 7 more weeks and I will be snuggling this sweet sassy girl 🤱 . . . . . . . . #pregnancydiary #pregnancyaftermiscarriage #pregobelly #fitpregnancyjourney #rainbowbaby🌈 #fitpregnancy #soontobemommy #mumlife #busymomlife #momlife #sahm #soontobefamilyof5 #myjourney #mytinytribe #familyfirst #lovemyfam https://www.instagram.com/p/B0f44wxl4Sc/?igshid=1m0kfywyfsmoj
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pfox27 · 6 years ago
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Hello 29 weeks!! This sweet but sassy little girl is as long as a cucumber this week 🥒😯 . . I'm truly blessed to be able to post this next milestone for here because she wants out now!!! she definitely needs to stay put a little longer . . . #babyaftermiscarriage #rainbowbaby #29weekspregnant weekspregnant . . . #afterthestorm #soontobefamilyof5 #pregnancyworkouts #pregnancyjourney #babybump #lifewithseizures #backsurgery #brainsurgery #mumlife #busymomlife #busywife #momsonthego #bosswoman #fitnessforlife #fitgirl #fitpregnancyjourney #fitpregnancy #thickthighsprettyeyes #newaddition #newme https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzn66mpFxjA/?igshid=2to8nn5pm3vq
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pfox27 · 6 years ago
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Hello 27 weeks . It's the last week of the 2nd trimester 🥳 . how on earth is this happening so fast🤔 I seriously have been thinking alot 🌟 are we ready 🌟will everything be ok during delivery 🌟will Aiden understand 🌟 is she going to come too early 🌟 I'm terrified of the pain during the c-section when I wake up from surgery since I can't have pain meds 🌟is Fay and Aiden going to be ok while I'm in the hospital (Aiden's never stayed the night without me) 🌟what if I have a seizure during delivery 🌟is Scarlett going to be healthy I'm sure this is all normal but I don't feel like I had these thoughts with Fay Lynn or with Aiden 🤫🤭 . . . . . #babyaftermiscarriage #rainbow🌈 #rainbowbaby #27weekspregnant #preggy #pregnancyat38 #bellybump #mumlife #busymomlife #momlife #contentlyme #newme #gettingfitformykids #soontobefamilyof5 #fitgirl #bellybumps #strongwomen #accountability #confidentinme #28daychallenge #fitgirlsinspire #bloomintoyou #fitpregnancyjourney https://www.instagram.com/p/BzDshzGFIWz/?igshid=1slryiaq01nqk
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pfox27 · 6 years ago
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Hello 25 weeks . It's so crazy how your first pregnancy goes by so slow, the second one goes by a little faster, and by the 3rd it feels like you just peed on the stick and it's already 1/2 way over🤣😜 . 15 weeks left unless she's like her sister and brother it will be sooner 😊 . . . . #25weekspregnant #bellybump #bellybumplove #fitpregnancyjourney #bumpphoto #soontobefamilyof5 #momlife #fitgirl #strongwoman #busymomlife #busywife #babyaftermiscarriage #rainbowbaby https://www.instagram.com/p/ByfS2nuFrac/?igshid=1izvrpm2k5pf6
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pfox27 · 6 years ago
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Oh my goodness I love these two so much! . When I see the love they have for one another I know I've done something right🥰 . Fay Lynn is the best big sister ever!!! she's so amazing with Aiden! I'm not sure how I had Fay Lynn without Fay Lynn 😊😝 . I can't wait to see how they're both with the new baby. ❤ . . . . . #myheartisfull #lovebeingamom #mommasboy #mommasgirl #momyof2 #soontobefamilyof5 #poolside #sumertime #lovemyfam #familyiseverything #lovemyfam #warmweather #learingtoswim https://www.instagram.com/p/ByabZI1h_Y_/?igshid=ymgn5k4lll4i
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pfox27 · 6 years ago
I took this last night when Miss Scarlett was being very active 🤰 . I'm getting so excited about her arrival. It's so hard to believe she'll be here in 6 weeks . . . . #mommtobe #rainbowbaby🌈 #babyaftermiscarriage #soontobefamilyof5 #ithinkwereready😬 #babybump https://www.instagram.com/p/B08VUX6ln4M/?igshid=1klji12xuhi1k
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