#sonic is annoying XD
mazeppafanart · 2 years
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descendant-of-truth · 2 years
I've been wondering if I should make this post for a while, but I'm just gonna come out and say it: the Sonic movies are not pro-military just because Tom is a police officer. I'd argue that the movies are pretty anti-military, actually.
So, let's talk about Tom first, since he's kind of the elephant in the room with this discussion. Tom is the sheriff to a small town where he rarely has to deal with any real crimes; he usually deals with more trivial problems like people's cars breaking down, and we see him help a family of ducks cross the street.
He's an officer partly out of a sense of obligation (reportedly his family has held this position in some way for over 50 years), and partly because he wants to be in a position where he can protect people in serious situations. His goal at the start of the first movie is to start working in a bigger city where he can be more helpful.
I won't say that Tom isn't something of an idealized vision of a cop, and that in the wrong hands, he could easily be used as a form of military promotion. But I think Tom is like this for a different, more specific reason: to be used as a sharp contrast to literally every other government official we see.
Question: who exactly is the villain in the first Sonic movie? Robotnik, yes, but who is he? What does he represent?
Well, he's pretty much the face of the military.
Robotnik is under direct orders from the government to look into the power outage incident, and that turns into a mission to capture (and experiment on) Sonic - and regardless if Robotnik was authorized to use lethal force, he does so anyway.
And the thing is, all of the higher-ups know he's unhinged and dangerous, but he keeps his job because he gets results regardless of his methods. Heck, the first thing we see him do is lie to Tom about who he is and what he's there for so he can get inside his house to search it. Not exactly the most flattering portrayal of military investigations.
(He even gets punched by Tom after forcing his way into the house anyway)
Tom then proceeds to spend the rest of the movie on the run from the government, going out of his way to protect Sonic (who is quite literally an illegal alien) at the risk of his own livelihood. Clearly, adhering to his job description is not something the movie views as morally correct here.
Second question: who's the villain of the second movie? Still Robotnik, but he's not employed by the government anymore, so he can't really represent them anymore, right?
No, but considering Sonic's adopted family was actively manipulated by a government spy, who was meant to marry his new aunt in order to target him, and Sonic proceeds to get tased and thrown into a cage along with Tails by the other military personnel present at the fake wedding... I think it's safe to say that they are, once again, a central antagonistic force in this series.
(Yeah they do a funny where the spy turns out to have fallen in love for real, but I think we can all agree that was done for the sake of keeping a whimsical tone and not to endorse what was actually happening with the government there)
Which brings us to the third movie, which is still unreleased at the time of writing this. And one final question: how exactly do you think they're planning to write an adaptation of Sonic Adventure 2?
They've already set GUN up as the villains. That alone is central to Shadow's backstory, and the writers have clearly done their homework on Sonic lore. And even if they've somehow wildly missed the messaging of the franchise they've made two successful movies off of, the fact of the matter is that there is no adapting SA2 without anti-military sentiments. Like, they would have to work pretty hard and completely butcher both the game and their own movies up to this point for that to come out being pro-military.
This part's more in speculation territory, but here's a thought: what do you think Tom is going to do when he finds out what happened to Shadow?
Remember, Tom is an idealized small town sheriff who has this job out of obligation. He hasn't had to deal with the darker side of all this stuff until he started protecting Sonic, which - just as a reminder - has led to his house being searched, his car being cut in half, Sonic almost getting killed at least twice, his sister-in-law being manipulated, Sonic and Tails getting locked in cages... I'm probably even missing a few things.
Once everything that happened 50 years ago comes to light (especially if the theorists are right about Tom's family having been involved in it), I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he just. quit being a police officer. or got into activism. or both.
But even if we limit the analysis to just the two movies that are out right now, I struggle to see how "Tom shirks his duties to protect an alien child from being experimented on by the government" is in any way a pro-military sentiment.
In conclusion: basically every problem in the Sonic movies is the fault of the government in some way, so can we please stop talking about the series as if Tom is singlehandedly making them pro-military, now. Thanks
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blu-ish · 8 months
you're so nice
like all your posts are just so friendly
having you on my dash is lovely
have a good day! <3
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Sonic Prime was released one year ago today…..
Where has the damn time gone?
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drkineildwicks · 5 months
Okay dangit no I'm not done
Because in (Not So) Hated by Life Itself the Hamada bros are big Sonic fans with Tadashi specifically putting himself through the pain of 100-percenting Shadow the Hedgehog
And I'm just picturing their reaction to this news and rolling X'D
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standreamy · 2 years
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I loved this scene from Sonic Prime SO MUCH (Well, I added my touch of course XD).
Even if Nine was bullied, beaten and lived a life where he had to only look after himself... even if his bond with Sonic was still fresh and he found Sonic kind of annoying, he still somehow felt that link that tied to him and wanted to create a new world just for the two of them.  (meanwhile Sonic misses his bro but wants Nine to be okay cause he is kinda... his bro too) Nine finally started to feel that love he was missing and the way he opened up in that scene was everything (even if it wasn’t the right choice). And even after Nine sends him back and probably feels like he lost what he didn’t know he needed, then he goes back and save Sonic...
Only to be (unwillingly) left in the enemy’s clutches. 
I really really look forwards to see how everythings sorts out. To be honest, I wish for the final antagonist to be Nine. Of course being redempted/saved, but still I think this is the perfect chance to explore the concept of Sonic vs Tails without making it unnatural and those “What if Tails and Sonic didn’t meet Aus”
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tizeline · 2 months
Sep!Leo would watch the Sonic movie, hear Sonic's voice and be like "man, how'd they make Sonic sound EVEN dorkier?" (Akin to the '87x'12 crossover where 87 Raph made fun of 12 Donnie's voice)
OH yeah definitely XD
Fun fact, I actually got the idea of TSAU!Leo finding Sonic's voice annoying from that crossover where 87!Raph and 12!Donnie are making fun of each others voices lmao I always loved that joke
Anyway, you didn't ask but I'm gonna provide it anyway - Here are TSAU!Leo's reviews of the Live Action Sonic Movies!:
First movie - SUCKS it literally only has Sonic and a bunch of dumb humans in it, WHATEVER!
Second movie - Better, Tails and Knuckles are cool, still too many humans
Third movie - Hasn't even been released yet, but Shadow is gonna be in it so that automatically makes it the best one.
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weirdofish · 6 months
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A tribute piece to one of my favorite levels in Sonic Adventure 2 Cosmic Wall. Not only was the low gravity gimmick fun, but the music here absolutely slaps (I listened to the 30 minute extension a few times while making this XD). I spent a long time trying to think up a good composition and the best I could make was Eggman getting harassed by space squishies (not that I blame him; those things are fucking annoying XP).
I'll be honest, I really love making these despite how annoying and tedious it can be. I enjoy the challenge of looking at a game's textures up close and trying to imperfectly recreate them as best as I can. I'm definitely gonna do more in the future.
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samson-the-whale · 15 days
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So ... I made a self insert fore WIR ....ya
Name: Scrapper/scrap
Gender: male (this mf bisexual)
Age: in his game like 20s to 30s if we go with his game age like 30s or 40s 
Game: Scrapper's scrape up
(its like punch out game mechanics game play wies)
Character interactions:
 Hc he gets pumped up easily and likes to push people in the shoulder lightly but really fast when he needs to let out that excitement (t can be like a charging up a special move in his game) and might accidentally leave a bruise 
When he does it to Ralph it tickles 
When he punches Felix he says ow but then hammers his arm and it heals
When he did it to Calhoun for the first time she hit him across the room because she thought he was picking fights and fucking K.Od him with that bitch slap
Then was kind of apologetic after Felix explained and yelled "oh shoot sorry" then Scrap still laying in the floor gives a thumbs up and a strained "I'm ok...it's ok"
 Also if he did the punching thing with Vanelopie she would just pixilate a bit and his punches would almost go through her shoulder kinda I think much like Ralph it would also just tickle 
Before the whole plot of the movie I like to think Ralph liked him but was kind of bitter "he has huge fists and smashes stuff why am "I" the villain?" XD
Ok ok 
So he and Ralph actually get along surprisingly well for you know one being the main character of his game and supposed "heroes" of the game  and the other is well the bad guy. They both like punching stuff and hav a give each other a high five or fist bump while walking by each other so like buddys
Him and Felix are more like 
Felix: look at this cool thin-
Like literally one of the doodle sketches was Scrapper leapfrogging over felix to look at a new plugged in game 
So he kinda is an annoying brat towards felix but always makes it in good fun like he's messing around with him with never an intent to hurt his feelings (even when he goes too far and accidentally does)
So now we got Vanelopie
There's actually this running joke sorta where scrapper really likes bright colors becus how I imagine his game has a very limited color palette except him for aesthetically pleasing reasons
So he'd actually stay away from brightly colored areas out of comfort before becoming more enthralled in other colors hens his fixation with casualty visiting sugar rush when he's bored 
You may think oh then he must have met Vanellope while visiting 
Well actually no he bye dumb luck he never met her until after the events of the first movie 
So there knowing each other isn't really that strong yet 
But because of him and ralph eventually becoming friends he grew a liking to the spunky little girl calling her shortstack all the time (despite him being a similar height) and or squirt
In response Vanellope calls him oled man
 Calhoun thinks he's like 12
He is not he's like 30-40 Like lectures him on his fighting form Thinks he's like inexperienced Finds him endearing if a little overbearing Finds his high energy useful in certain situations but exhausting at other times Is unsure...which fighting game he originates from Then bonding through duty or honor or avenging a loved one.
Sour bill (because I want more interactions and im hiperfixsaiting):
Scraper:Yoooooo a fellow rubber ball
Sour bill:what?
 Ima say this shit now they would drink tea together because yes Scrapper doesn't like coffee he drinks tea
Sonic (because I can):
Mf cameos in scrappers game in later levels for no reason just because funny
It's like the meme
Scrapper: sonic? What are you doing here?
Sonic in scrapper's game: waiting for them to play Gangdemstyle 
Ok so I forgot to put this in I was ryly hoped to post this but thanks to my friend @im-not-important fore spell correcting and helping come up with ideas(also did some of the Blu doodles in the Wight board drawings)
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piko-power · 23 days
idk what to post so here's me getting excited over an animated hedgehog lol
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 so far is VISUALLY STUNNING. The lighting, the animation and SFX, just, BEAUTIFUL ON SO MANY LEVELS.
Everything about the trailer blew my mind, but I will do a post about my thoughts and theories on it later on. For now I wanna talk about the Blueberry Muffin himself.
Sonic in the movie looked GREAT. He got a small upgrade compared to how he looked in both Movie 1 and 2. (Especially Movie 1)
But he's still the goofy, heroic dork he is, and I'm SUPER EXCITED to see my boy again!! 💕
I don't know what else to post, so I'm just gonna gush over some of my favorite (which I'll admit, are almost every shot of Sonic in the trailer. Just wanna admit that, right now XD) shots of the Blue Devil.
I will do another version of this but with Shadow, but that'll be in the future. Shadow looks INSANE in the movie, so of COURSE I will lose my mind over his design once the post comes out lol
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But right out of the gate, we got a really cool shot of Sonic running through a log, I think? Absolutely love the blue glow emitting the entire dark interior. And it gave Sonic a nice glow, too.
I love how determined he looks here, too. There were some scenes in the trailer where it looked like Sonic, Tails and Knuckles were racing each other. I think it's really adorable that the Wachowski Bros. spend time together by just racing through the woods outside of their own house.
This shot looks like Sonic might be in the lead.
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Tom: "It hasn't always been easy, but it can't change who you are *points to Sonic's heart* in here."
Sonic: "Yeah. In my lungs."
The pure innocence from this hedgehog is killing me 😭
This is probably after the race? Idk when this is taking place, after all, all we got is a trailer. But I'm just spitballing here, but this is definitely another scene in the series where Tom gives Sonic some profound words for him to remember by.
But anyways, I love this shot of Sonic. You can already tell there is some slight differences with how he looked in the first film and the second film, which I kind of already freaked out over on this post here lol.
His expression complete with his line is just the perfect mixture for this shot. It describes Sonic to me. He's got a heart of gold, but at times he can be just a little confuse but still got the spirit.
He's just a child 😭
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Here we got Sonic casually breaking the laws of physics just to grind on a tree branch, because he's just that cool.
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Sonic is up in the air, twirling around with a huge smile on his face 🥺
He is having the TIME of his life. He is just so happy AAAAAAAAA-
Also, I love that Sonic's body, mainly his chest, has become a bit more puffy (since the Knuckles show anyway), but he still has that bean shape in certain shots lmao (Got a bit of Classic Sonic in there since day one XDDD)
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I mean, come on. Look at his cheeks and tell me he don't have any baby fat anymore? He's still small! He's still squishy!! 🥺
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Anyways badass Blueberry. EPIC callback to the beginning of SA2, only this time Tails and Knuckles are along for the ride. (also love Tails' expression as he jumps off the helicopter.)
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I love this particular shot a lot for some reason XD
Knuckles really wants to fight Shadow despite Sonic not wanting to. He wanted to handle Shadow just by talking things out (clearly he has not met the dude) and Knuckles is over here ready to throw hands.
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Sonic looks very annoyed here 🤣
I'm just so happy to see Sonic and Knuckles together on screen again after the Knuckles show. I fell in love with their dynamic ever since. Sonic and Tails' bond is truly special to me, but it's Sonic and Knuckles' bond that means SO MUCH to me, and I SERIOUSLY need to write more about these dorks.
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This is the face of a hedgehog who was NOT prepared for the horrors that is Shadow the Hedgehog and maybe bisexuality. XD
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Pissed off Blueberry.
Sonic is one of those characters where they rarely get upset or angry, but when they, it's badass and genuinely terrifying. I am NOT ready to see Sonic get so upset in this movie.
I know shit is about to go down in this movie, and I know Sonic is probably gonna go feral when it does. And it won't be pretty.
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He is NOT happy at all. But at least here he looks kind of pouty.
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It's kind of funny XD
"Here. Take my stupid strand of magic hair, just make sure you clean it when you're done. >:("
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"What did you do?"
Yeah, no, he's furious. It's actually scary seeing Sonic like this. I have seen pictures of Sonic in rage mode in the comics and yeah, you can say that Sonic's about to reach his limit, if you know what I'm saying. (btw best moment in the Archie comics hands down)
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Okay, one last image, I PROMISE-
THIS ONE, is my favorite out of all of them. Everything about this shot is just... I... don't even know how to explain how much I love this.
The lighting. The intensity of this whole scene. Sonic's anger. His powers going up to 100.
Yeah, this movie is gonna drive a little crazy. :)
Of course I'm just getting started on my Movie 3 hype rambles lol. Don't want this post to be too long or annoying-
I'm just so happy to see my comfort character back in action. I'm so happy that EVERYBODY'S back! I CAN'T WAIT DUDE!!!
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hunniegl4zed · 3 months
If all else fails to get cuddles from Shadow, Werehog Sonic has one tried and true method;
Flopping onto him when he goes to put his shoes on. He's stuck now under a massive ball of fluff
The cannonball of fluffiness has been deployed. The problem is that Werehog Sonic forgot about his weight, and now Shadow would struggle underneath him like a fish on dry land. He quickly would get off from him and Shads would be annoyed the first time it happens. But when it does happen multiple times, Shadow would be prepared. Depending on his mood he would:
1: Quickly Chaos Control a side step away from the "drop zone".
2: Catches him and does cuddle him. (Sonic would be in shock to see Shadow being able to carry him. Might asking him to carry him more often like a lap dog xD)
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mazeppafanart · 2 years
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“I hate that fucking hedgehog”
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descendant-of-truth · 2 years
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Sonic sounded so exhausted in the new twitter takeover, I'm betting it's Frontiers' fault
(No spoilers in the notes please)
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amyroseblog · 7 months
[this is less of a question for Amy , but more so for the blog owner, have you read the fleetway Sonic comics?]
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[I haven’t read all of it, (tbh I’ve been skipping over the chaotix chapters) but I’ve read it! I like amy in the book, she isn’t super annoying and I’m always happy to see her, even if it’s just cover art :,) Also, notice how I made the pose look better than that one stupid render >:3 I’m proud of this pic and I rlly like it!! Btw just for future reference I’ll probably speak in these little weird bracket things when it’s just me lol. XD ]
Thanks for the question, Anon!! ^_^
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New Story time!
This one is dedicated to the ever so talented @cosmoshard, who made the rough sketch that inspired this piece in the first place,
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also, this serves as some semi-revenge on her for making me cry on my birthday XD
This time, the story is focused the ARK siblings themselves, Shadow and Maria!
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“Are you almost done yet grandpa?” Maria impatiently rocked back and forth on her feet, earning a light wack on her head from a piece of paper. “Hey!”
“Hold still, Maria! Your back needs to be straight and still.” Gerald exclaimed, the marker he was holding nearly creating a mark on top of Maria’s head, taking a moment trying to rub the stain from her hair with his fingers.
Maria made a face at Gerald, moving her head away from his hands. “I am holding still, grandpa! I’m trying to make sure I’m getting taller!”
“Well, you’re not making it easier with you doing all this fidgeting.” He placed his hands and her shoulders to keep her still. “Now just keep still. And don’t stand on your toes either.”
The girl fought the urge to roll her eyes as her grandfather finally made a mark on the wall, drawing a straight line while she backed away, bouncing on her feet. “Ok, you’re all done.”
She looked among marks and lines from previous measuring sessions, seeing that the current one was hovering above the previous line.
She let out a gasp and started jumping up and down. “I grew! I got taller, grandpa! See, look at it!”
”Yes, yes I see it.” He gave a pat to her head, taking notes on his clipboard. He walked over to his desk with Maria following close behind him.
She moved in front of him while he continued to write. “I can’t believe the new line you drew was higher this time! How tall am I now?”
Gerald paused and lifted up one of the papers to read it. “Well, according to the results, you’ve grown…” He stopped mid sentence, a look of surprise. “Oh my, this is odd.”
Maria stopped her joyful skipping, sensing his change in tone. “What, what is it?”
”It says here that your height from this month is less than it was last month.” He hung his head down, sighing dramatically and placing a hand on her shoulder. “I’m afraid that you're shrinking, my dear.”
His granddaughter’s face went from worried to annoyed in a second flat, pushing his hand away and rolling her eyes. “Grandpa….”
The man chuckled at her unamused expression. “I’m only teasing, you’ve grown about a total of 6 inches from last month. You’re about 4’3 now. Almost getting to 5 feet already.”
Maria’s face lit up and did a celebratory dance with some spinning involved, nearly bumping into Gerald in the process and tripping over her feet. He quickly caught her before she fell over, slinging an arm around her and pulling her close to his side.
”My goodness, I’ve never seen you so excited about something like this before, may I ask why?”
Wrapping her arms around him, she raised her head with a wide smile on her face. “Because! It’s the first time I’ve gotten this tall in awhile. You always told me that healthy kids grow big and tall whenever they eat their veggies and get enough sleep, it’s finally working for me!”
The smile on Gerald’s face faltered when she finished by hugging him tighter. Bless this child for keeping her hope high with a statement like this.
He always told her when she was younger that those things were important to do, eating as much healthy food to keep her immune system from failing, getting enough sleep so her body can get its rest, even those times where he told her not to tell lies otherwise her nose would grow long each time she did.
It made him grateful knowing that these little things were making a difference for her in her lonely life up here in the colony, even though it felt like it was wrong giving her such high expectations for her condition, since there was no cure for it but making her think that something like this is actually helping her illness when in reality it would barely make a dent in it overall broke his heart even more.
He forced a smile on his face and squeezed her back. “You're very right on that. I told you it would work out eventually.”
Maria beamed a wide smile, skipping towards the door. “Where are you heading off to?” Gerald called after her, making her nearly slip on the floor when she slowed herself down.
“I'm going tell him about it!”
“Shadow! He's been wondering if I was getting better, I gotta go and tell him before he gets worried!” She ran out of the room as soon as she finished, her pigtailed hair flying out wildly behind her as she disappeared before the doors even closed.
Gerald stood there in ear numbing silence, his hands clenched up into fists as those last words lasting through his ears like a forever frozen echo.
‘Wondering if I was getting better’....
A grim expression masked over his face. “Oh my child, if only it were as simple as that for you.”
Read the rest on Ao3!
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Since Knuckles is coming out in a couple of days, YAY, I wanna share an idea on a side plot of sorts which is something that probably might not happen but DAMMIT I NEED IT- (If I was correct on this, I will flip my lid lmao)
Maybe before Knuckles goes out with Wade, Sonic and Knuckles would have some sort of heated conversation about how Knuckles kept declining Sonic's help since he was the one who got him grounded, and Sonic was only trying to help him feel at home with the people who care about him. How they're trying to help him feel at home.
Sonic just wanted to help Knuckles feel happy to have a family, and as a brother it's his job to help him.
Knuckles is still adjusting to his new home, and hasn't really thought of the idea as him being Sonic and Tails' brother or Tom and Maddie's kid yet. He just coldly replied "I am not your brother," before he just sits there on the floor, wanting to be left alone.
Hearing this hurt Sonic. A lot. He's happy to have more friends. More brothers. But hearing Knuckles say those words to him left him really upset. "You really are an Echidna warrior, huh?" is something Sonic would probably say before leaving the room, leaving them conflicted with each other for nearly the rest of the show.
Since Sonic is convinced that Knuckles won't accept the fact that his life changed for the better and he's sticking to being a warrior with no sign of taking breaks and relaxing and having a real life, and Knuckles believing that Sonic is ignoring his worries of protecting the planet and just lay around, doing nothing and doing whatever else instead of doing his job as a Warrior.
And Knuckles decided to go up from the ceiling window and up the roof to get some fresh air, before an idea pops up of checking up on Wade and seeing what he's up too, only to find him with his mother and sister.
(I also noticed that in the newer Knuckles behind the scenes clip, I think Wade and Wanda have some sort of conflict with each other or something, and this reminded Knuckles of the argument he and Sonic had a while ago, or whenever their meeting will take place in the show. And this will make him think about how he acted while he goes on his journey with Wade all the way up to the fight between him and the Buyer, maybe.)
The next day, Sonic and Tails noticed that Knuckles left the house even though he's grounded and should not step foot out of house until then. Sonic and Tails suspects that Knuckles is just out in town. (At this point Sonic is still upset with Knuckles so he isn't too worried about Knuckles being gone. ...Yet.)
Tom and Maddie hasn't notice Knuckles going missing yet, so Sonic advised a plan that Tails knew that it wouldn't work. It would be a callback to Movie 2 where Sonic made a dummy version of Knuckles tucked in in his bed, so it would look like he's still asleep.
When Tom or Maddie went to check on him, they went to wake him up, since it's already the afternoon. But then noticed that it was just a dummy. If it was Tom who went up to check, he'll probably say: "Not again..." XD
Sonic and Tails would expect Maddie and Tom to take this very badly. Tom was pretty annoyed about it but took it too well, since it happened before many times. (coughcoughsoniccoughcough) but meanwhile Maddie was kind of freaking out and is worried as hell about the little red guy.
Maddie wondered if he ran away? And if he did, was it because of her? Did she fail as a mother? She tried to be patient with him and help him understand and adjust but she thought grounding him was what caused him to leave and she was panicking about it.
Sonic, being the best son/kid ever, goes in to immediately comfort her, telling her that Knuckles will come back, and that he's just probably hanging out with Wade or something. He tells her it's not her fault and she did her best to be there for him.
It calmed Maddie down a little bit, seeing how supportive and sweet Sonic was to her. But once Maddie leaves the room (probably so that Tom could comfort her also,) it was Sonic's turn to feel sad and Tails took notice.
Sonic thought that maybe Knuckles won't come back after what he said to him and how insensitive he thought he was being to him that night. Tails doesn't think so. He knew that he didn't mean it, but it didn't make Sonic feel better.
Sonic thought he screwed up because as a brother, it was his job to be there for Tails and Knuckles, and he only made Knuckles feel worse. (Bonus points if Sonic was almost about to cry during this scene because angst)
It's Tails' turn to comfort him and says to him that it wasn't his fault, and that Knuckles will come back once he understands that those words he said were just him being upset.
It instantly cheered him up. He was still guilty, but he was happy knowing that Tails wasn't upset with him. "Only Miles 'Tails' Prower could comfort his best buddy like that." He would say, ruffling up his bangs. (IT WILL CRY IF HE SAYS THIS 😭)
And maybe after the whole confrontation at maybe the last episode, Knuckles and Wade will finally come back home to Green Hills and the last scene would be him coming home to his house. His home.
The show would most definitely end with Knuckles learning that it's not about being a warrior, but fulfilling another kind of purpose. A purpose to protect his family and the Master Emerald. (Which is placed in a garden surrounded by flowers. Also a headcanon of mine. 🥹)
The Wachowskis just finished eating dinner, and Tom just got done telling everyone that they will form a search party to find Knuckles in the morning in case he hasn't turn up yet.
Sonic put away all the dishes for Maddie since she still wasn't feel okay, but when he puts them in the kitchen sink, Knuckles just crawled through the doggy door and they both just stared at each other.
Knuckles blankly said "I broke the doorbell," since he tried to ring it but it didn't work XD
Sonic tackled Knuckles to the ground and apologized about what he did and said super, super fast that Knuckles couldn't understand what he was saying. The whole family heard the commotion and see Knuckles for the first time since a couple of days ago.
Maddie, relieved to see him back home and okay, yet infuriated with him for disobeying and leaving the house while he was grounded. He was gone for days and she was worried sick about him! She thought something happened to him!
Knuckles, not enjoying seeing Maddie like this, apologizes rather abruptly. For leaving the house without warning and worrying everyone. He understands that his home is with them and that they will look after him, despite his strength, and he wouldn't mind it at all, as long as he is surrounded by the very people who gave him another chance after what he had done in the events if the second film.
He asked if he was still grounded, and Maddie said yes, but it doesn't change the fact that she is so happy and relieved to see her son back home to her. They both gave each other a tight squeeze, happy to have each other again.
Knuckles is grateful to claim Maddie as his mother.
After that embrace, Knuckles also forgave Sonic after their little squabble, and they were both cool with each other again.
The episode would end with Maddie asking where has Knuckles been gone to these past few days, and it may have cut away to outside the house, but after hearing Sonic scream: "YOU WENT THROUGH A LIFE OR DEATH SITUATION WITHOUT ME?!", it was clear that Knuckles is going to explain his whole journey to his family, despite their shock. XDD
Just wanted to see a small side plot involving Sonic and Knuckles' misunderstanding with each other complete with Knuckles learning on how he should live his new life on Earth with his newfound family. Just wanted Sonic and Knuckles to heal together, even if their apart for the whole show 😭
(Hope to God you see this cause this took me forever to type down and I really needed to share this with someone because I'm going feral over these thoughts and I want someone to go feral over this with me-)
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Oh…. Oh…🥺
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