#song: superstition
cryscendo · 1 year
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kurt hummel in every performance
4x21 - Wonder-ful
Superstition - Mercedes Jones, Marley Rose, and Blaine Anderson + New Directions
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gleesongtournament · 1 year
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x-artist-was-right · 3 months
Stevie Wonder was right - when you believe in things that you don't understand then you do suffer
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hauntedwhispers · 2 months
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🔮 10 Songs, 10 Years Old 🔮 2014 - 2024 🔮 ➥ The Birthday Massacre, Beyond
(insp. x x)
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multifandom-flash · 10 months
Multifandom-Flash Bingo Events
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Round 2
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Fear Flash Bingo - Sign Up
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Calendar Events:
March - sign up
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1st Birthday Celebration Bingo
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June - Sign Up
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Pour Me A Bingo
Alcohol Version - 18+
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Non-Alcohol Version - under 18/SFW
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Marvel Bingo
Example for Character Bingo
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Example for Team Bingo
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Sing Us A Pride Song
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Here There Be Monsters Bingo
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Calendar Event: July
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9-1-1 Theme Bingo
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Teen Wolf Theme Bingo (the picture below, are only an examples)
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CE: August
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Don’t step in a cats shadow
I was told this a lot by my music teacher who was more then just a bit quirky because she believed if you stepped into a cats shadow that you’d see what a cat sees and a cat can see things that don’t wanna be seen. the same thing goes for looking into a cats eyes.
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aratrikauwu · 2 months
Maya Lagaise
They say, the mere stare of mine can bring misfortune. My father, the village headman, seems to despise me, for he blames me for my mother's death. When I was a child, no one wanted to play with me, the other kids did not like me. As I grew older, the people of the village started called me obhagini. I wonder why.
Only one person, did not call me that vile name-the son of the new village postmaster. I met him at night, the only time I used to go out, so as to avoid meeting people and cursing them. I bumped into him. He smiled and apologized, while I was taken back. This was the first time someone had talked nicely with me. We sat under in the shade of the aam gaach and talked for a long time that night.
বন্দে মায়া লাগাইছে পিরিতি শিখাইছে, দেওয়ানা বানাইছে, কী যাদু করিয়া বন্দে মায়া লাগাইছে ||
We met many times since then, and talked for hours. In the dark hours of the night, we bonded, we connected. For once in my life, I felt love. The dark made it impossible to see his face, nevertheless it did not matter. I had already fallen for him. Never once did I ask to see his face, never once did he ask to see mine. I'm glad he did not. For, I do not want to curse him with my stare. I did not want him, of all people, to call me obhagini. Alas! Can life ever see me happy?
বসে ভাবি নিরালায় .. আগে তো জানি না বন্দের পিরিতের জ্বালা, যেন ইটের ভাটায় কয়লা দিয়া আগুন জালাইছে ||
One night, he asked to see my face. Of course, I could not refuse him. I let him see my face, with one condition, he could not see my eyes. I shall blindfold them. He agreed. He snuck inside my room, one day, and I was there, waiting for him, looking at the mirror, without the blindfold. He met my surprised stare. I screamed. The villagers gathered, hearing my scream and dragged him out of the house. They beat him to a pulp. They did not listen to my cries, pleads. I tried to explain, he did not do anything, he just wanted to see my face, he was innocent. My father forbade me from going out of the house. His father fixed his marriage. Life betrayed me again.
আমি কি বলিব আর .. বিচ্ছেদের আগুনে পুড়ে কলিজা আঙ্গার || হায় গো প্রান বন্দের পিরিতে আমায়, পাগল করেছে ||
We were invited to his wedding. I did not go, what if I curse him and his wife? I saw his bride, she was beautiful, to say the least. Had I not screamed, had I refused him, had I stayed in my room, I would not have to suffer such agony. His words, before leaving, stung. He called a "obhagini" too. Once again, fate won, love lost. Why is life so disgustingly cruel to me? I could not get my father's love, I killed my mother, I hurt my lover. I am a kalakini, a disgrace. My existence bring people sorrow and grief.
বাউল আব্দুল করিম গায় ভুলতে পারিনা গো আমার মনে যারে চায় || কুলনাসা পিরিতির নেশায় কুলমানে গেছে ও আমার কুলনাসা পিরিতির নেশায় কুলমানে গেছে, দেওয়না বানাইছে ||
I heard he was happily married, with his new wife. She is bearing his child. The news stings. But, if he is happy, who am I to say anything? I don't yearn for happiness anymore, I have learned to embrace my pain and live with it. I should put an end to my suffering, shouldn't I? With that, I set out for the river, to put an end to my suffering. The people are shocked, to see me out, and immediately hide, to avoid meeting my stare. I smile.
কী যাদু করিয়া গো বন্দে মায়া লাগাইছে ?
I reach the river bank. I can hear my father's screams for me to stop, to not put an end to my suffering. I smile again, it's too late now, for I can't stop. I need to put and end to my suffering. I can hear his voice too, his pleads for me to stop. Who will tell them, it's too late now? Their cries fall deaf to my ears as I submerge myself in the water, closing my eyes, letting eternal sleep take me.
দেওয়ানা বানাইছে |
I died, knowing my father despised me. I could not witness his tears, his pleads for me to come back, as he held my limp body in his arms. I died, knowing he called me that vile name, I could not see him, crying at my feet, begging me to come back, apologizing to me. I died, knowing the villagers, hated me. I could not see the regret, guilt in their eyes for tormenting me. I died, knowing I was despised and hated.
I died. My death brought about a change. No girl in the village was called a obhagini again.
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manwalksintobar · 5 months
Laylat Al-Qadr // Yasmin Belkhyr
I don't own any mirrors. In sleep, I scrape ticks off the windows. Once, a bird startled itself into the apartment and I was alone. If I throw a nickel off the bridge, I'm thinking about my niece. While the city slept, sound dripped slow down the street. An unnatural thing. The festering mess to suddenly dampen and quiet. None of the wounded dogs moaned. None of the children woke curled around ghosts. During the day, I wore a loose dress and bought pastries from a bakery and thought of all the people I'd like to touch. At night, I imagined the ways I could sink. My little fears and aches, the stupid rust in my chest. Define: daughter. Define: obligation. Define: heartless. I swear, I'd be better if I could. The girl was named Rumisa and I read to her in English and that's all you need to know.
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rucow · 4 months
if you're 555, im 666 ...
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atheostic · 6 months
I am a Humanist by Jim Corbett
I am no Christian, Muslim or Jew, I am no Buddhist, and no Hindu I am a Humanist through and through, That means that I believe in me and in you.
There's no Valhalla (that we can tell) There's no Nirvana (and that's just swell) There is no Heaven in which to dwell But the good news is that means there is no Hell!
I am no Christian, Muslim or Jew, I am no Buddhist, and no Hindu I am a Humanist through and through, That means that I believe in me and in you.
Superstition -- it's a human curse It's in every holy book, chapter and verse! It's a system that they use to coerce All their followers into opening up their purse.
I am no Christian, Muslim or Jew, I am no Buddhist, and no Hindu I am a Humanist through and through, That means that I believe in me and in you.
Imagine all humanity of one mind Sharing love of the brotherly-sisterly kind If we leave all our gods behind It's amazing the peace the world could find!
I am no Christian, Muslim or Jew, I am no Buddhist, and no Hindu I am a Humanist through and through, That means that I believe in me and in you.
Celebrate life! (It's the Humanist way) Our time on Earth here is sweet but short the stay If we try to make it better every day Then the folks who come behind will know the way
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daisyachain · 1 year
Every TBM album that comes out I go ‘eh not as good as the last one’ and then a year later I get it and spin it and I go ‘okay best piece of music since the last TBM album’
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gleesongtournament · 1 year
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sillyrabbit81 · 2 years
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soulmusicsongs · 2 years
Superstition - Blooblo (Reggae Party Time, 1973)
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auto-lysis · 2 years
i have three hozier songs and your body, my temple stuck in my head
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cosmicharmonyoc · 2 years
cheshire's playlist needs a bit of curation but having livin la vida loca right next to in my mouth by black dresses is so fucking funny
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