#song of the sirenas
gofloresgo · 2 months
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lepetitdragonvert · 2 years
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Songs from the Plays of Shakespeare
Artist : Paul Woodroffe
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notmoreflippingelves · 9 months
I'm biased as heck and I'm gonna go with one of my faves - how about 18, 22 and 25 for Francisco from EoA and a freebie question - thoughts on his relationship with Esteban pre and post series?
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
It gets much less screen time/focus than his relationship with the other characters, but Francisco's relationship with Isabel is very underrated and one of my favorites to watch. It's especially poignant and striking as Francisco is the oldest of the main characters, and Isabel is the youngest--but there is still so much understanding and affection between them. And the two of them have such similar personalities.
I feel like they are probably the most alike of all the Flores family members. Both are quieter and relatively even tempered (or at least compared to the rest of the family who are much more talkative and hot-headed), sensitive, creative/artistic. I'd also say that they are the two "wisest" members of the family and the most open-minded. (Though of course, they do have their very stubborn moments as well!)
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
Honestly, I don't think I've read a ton of Francisco fic, but not really sure that there's a ton out there. But I do enjoy the little I see of him as a background character in other fics. In terms of an aspect that I like (and would love to see more of), I really enjoy seeing focus on his relationships with Isabel and Esteban. Much of the Francisco content that we see in the show itself is understandably focused on his relationships with Luisa and Elena, so it's always nice to see fanwork delve deeper into his dynamics with the other members of his family. I've already talked a bit about his relationship with Isabel and I will talk more in another question about his relationship with Esteban. But yeah, these are really rich, underrated dynamics that have so much wonderful potential to be explored.
As for something I don't like, I read a fic once where Francisco died the day after "Coronation Day," and he sort of knew that it was going to be his last day, which gave him a bit of an extra vitality on the day itself. And just...it made me too sad. Plus, like Esteban was just finally reintegrated into the family again, Elena just ascended the throne. There's so much going on in Francisco's life at the end of the series that he should be there for. Yeah, I get that he's older and he might not be in the best of health (especially given his sweet tooth). But no, in my mind, all the characters (except Shuriki, lol) are functionally immortal for the foreseeable future.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
I liked Francisco reasonably well from the start, and I like him even better now. I find him a nice, calming presence for the Flores family. He gets a long reasonably well with everyone and is able to provide some very sweet moments as well as a little bit of humor.
26. FREEBIE QUESTION!!-- thoughts on his relationship with Esteban pre and post series?
While we really don't get to see all that much of it, I feel that Francisco's relationship with Esteban was very, very good-- pre-series, during the main timeline of the show, and post-series alike. In fact, I feel like I would go so far as to say that it's probably one of (if not THE) most positive relationship in Esteban's life. Esteban was around 8-9, when he was orphaned, so he likely remembers very little about his actual father. Instead, Francisco was the fatherly presence guiding Esteban through the struggles of adolescence.
He would've been the one who taught Esteban everything he knows about being a man. He would have been the one to teach him how to tie his cravat and how to shave. (My headcanon is that adult!Esteban decided to grow out his beard and mustache during the Dark Times specifically as a way of honoring his absent abuelo who has his own impressive facial hair). He was probably also the one to teach Esteban how to play the guitar and the one we see in "Secret of Avalor" may even have been a gift from him. (Shame that Shuriki probably had it destroyed at the end of the scene).
And the little hints that we see of their relationship in the main series suggest that the relationship continues to be strong. During Esteban's trial, Francisco is the only one to vote in his favor. His line about judging Esteban not for the mistakes of his past but the man he has become in the present--suggest that in Francisco's view, Esteban has become a man that he is proud of and one that is already worthy of forgiveness/a second chance. As a lonely, love-starved, fatherless boy, Esteban probably worshipped Francisco when he was a child, and so to hear that --even knowing Esteban's greatest mistake--Francisco is still proud of what he's become must have been so validating for Esteban as an adult. That's all he's ever wanted: to be a great man, a true son of Avalor just like his abuelo. Too bad Luisa then totally crushes Esteban's heart immediately afterwards.
I am also very struck by the throne room scene with Francisco, Luisa, and Cahu in "Coronation Day." While Luisa has the flashier role in the scene and the more powerful lines, I'd argue that Francisco is actually the one who ultimately inspires Esteban's decision to sacrifice himself for Elena.
Esteban watches Francisco call for a sword to defend Luisa from Cahu, hears Francisco ask him "why are you doing this, Esteban?" because Francisco still cares enough about him to want to understand. Esteban knows that Francisco is the kind of man that he himself has always wanted to be, the man that he should be. The man that maybe he still could be if only he had just one more chance. And then he does get that chance, and he's finally able to do exactly what Francisco would do--sacrifice himself to save his family.
I also have a lot of feelings about how the last interaction we see between the two of them on the show is at the end of Esteban's sacrifice-redemption-and-resurrection scene. We see Francisco place a hand on Esteban's shoulder as the scene fades to black.
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locitapurplepink · 10 months
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Princess Marisa on "Song of The Sirena".
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procrastinatorproject · 9 months
From the Star Trek ask game:
48. Name a song or music genre you think each of the la Sirena holo squad would like.
I don't really listen to a lot of music, so I can't talk too much about specific songs or 20th/21st century genres. Fortunately, this is Star Trek, so I get to be creative 😁😁😁
Emil: I mean, if you've read my fic, you know my Emil listens to all kinds of opera and likes to sing it, too! Doesn't have to be Klingon opera, either. He once spent a delightful afternooon being taught the finer points of Bynar coloratura by Xyr (the star tenor Rios hooked up with one time and whom Emil has a crush on admires).
When it's not opera, Emil probably listens to various forms of jazz, about which he has Very Strong Opinions. (Of course, he would never go so far as to, say, have a protracted argument with someone on Federation hypernet message boards about the merits of warp-shift-amplifiers on Tellarite slop jazz, but in his defense, cargo runs really do get very boring sometimes when you don't want to risk turning off and not being there when your captain gets himself shot again......)
Ian: He'd say Scottish folk music as a matter of pride, but he also unironically loves it! He has a vast repository of sheet music for historic tunes set for various instruments and always keeps an eye out for new talent from Scotland or Caldos Colony that might be worth keeping an eye on. He does play the bagpipes himself, too, though usually only when nobody from te non-holographic crew is on board. He has also been known to lead a rousing round of sea shanties every now and again.
Other than that, he also enjoys really experimental genres. There was an unfortunate incident a few months ago where Ian was listening to a new album from an underground spectral punk band while he did engine maintenance. He was sure he wouldn't be bothering anyone, because the music wasn't in the audible spectrum for humans and only Rios and Agnes were on board at the time. About twenty minutes into the record, he got a very salty message from Emil, asking him to please stop playing music that could cause crippling migraines and ruptured ear drums in his patients...
Enoch: Enoch is all for the Federation equivalent of top 40 radio. He sometimes sneaks onto the holodeck to watch concert-transmissions from the latest Andorian pop princess or Bajoran singer-songwriter. When he's sitting watch on the bridge on the rare occasions Rios is asleep (not that he needs to be there, the computer would activate him, if his services were required, but it feels right to physically keep an eye on things, you know?) he'll often tune in to the biggest music broadcasts to keep up with new music and concert dates.
Enoch also has a knack for finding the exact song, musician, or current trend that is most likely to piss off Rios and to then fall in love with it completely. He claims it's entirely coincidental, and Emil has seriously considered writing a psychology paper about this phenomenon and what it might say about the origins of musical taste and aversion. Emil and Agnes have spent many an hour sipping tea together, watching with rapt attention as Enoch and Rios yell at each other about the "Taylor Swift Revival"-Revival Band and what is or isn't sacrilege to force poor Sirena to play through her speakers. (The rumour that there was popcorn consumed with the tea is pure slander, though!)
Emmet: Emmet has the great advantage that he does not give a fuck what anyone thinks of him or his taste in music. He has had phases where he'd be listening to metal and grunge at top volume (usually only in his head, though occasionally he'd "accidentally" blast it over the ship's speakers). But he also enjoys all kinds of classical and historical music and has listened to every genre of punk known to the Federation's audio libraries.
Then there was a memorable week where he got so into Trill's childrens music that Steward had to ask Ian to block the sound files, because the inane ear worms were starting to infect the other EH's over their shared neural pathways, and Rios had threatened that the next holo humming the tune to "Where are you wriggling little worm?" would be scrubbed from the system.
But Emmet's secret joy, the music he doesn't really tell the others about or ever listens to where anyone can hear, are whale songs. He knows the songs of roughly two thousand different species, both from Earth Whales and other aquatic mammals that communicate in similar fashions. He even has a few very rare recordings of space whale calls, and nobody has dared to ask what he had to do to get his hands on those.
Steward: Steward, on the other hand, cares A Lot what people think about his musical tastes. He would like to be sohpisticated and classy, and enjoy opera and jazz as much as Emil and the captain, or have some deep cultural ties to a genre of music he enjoys, like Ian. But alas, he finds it heart to really get into any of that. He has found himself tapping his foot and nodding along to some of the catchcy stuff Enoch often puts on when Rios is asleep, but he knows that's not really dignified and worries he might seem uncultured if people know he enjoys top 40 radio. (Raffi has called him a snob on more than one occasion, and he knows he'll have to do some deep thinking to overcome some of the biases his creators endowed him with, because he has come to realize his interpretation of "hospitality" differs quite a bit from what they seem to have been envisioning.)
He would really like to learn to play the guitar. He can play a lot of different instruments and his singing voice is exquisitely trained, but the guitar is one of those blindspots he was left with, after Rios's deletions to the holos' memories. Steward knows that Rios can play incredibly well himself and keeps a real, hand-crafted guitar in secure storage for the extremely rare occasions Rios has been in the mood to play. The EHH has dropped a lot of less-than-sublte hints around Agnes recently and hopes she might be able to coax Rios into getting back to a hobby he once loved.
Steward himself dreams of a time when they'll all be sitting around a campfire on the holodeck, or maybe in the open cargo bay with sand from the beach they landed on blowing up the loading ramp, and him playing the guitar as they all sing campfire songs and make smores and stockbrot.
Until then, he is going to make sure Sirena's access to the various Federation audio libraries is always running smoothly, the holodeck is perfectly calibrated and stocked to cater to everyone's needs, and their various music collections are kept in whatever way is most fitting to the individual crew member, holographic or otherwise. Because he is in charge of the welfare of every soul La Sirena, and if that means occasionally reassuring Emmet (or Rios) that he definitely s the only one besides Steward who knows about the collection of whale songs and reassuring him nobody will ever find out he likes to fall asleep to them, or helping Emil or Enoch workshop another fan letter or scathing blog post, or running simulations on Ian's latest music genres to make sure they won't wilt the botniculas, then that's all the music he needs.
This was fun! I was gonna apologize for the length of this, but then I doubt you mind, do you? 😁
Thank you so much for the opportunity to write about my favourite gaggle of hyper-competent idiots and their various exploits! This was a great way to do some worldbuilding and micro-fic-writing even when full ficlets seem out of reach, and I'm realy grateful for the inspiration!
If anyone else wants to know more: Send Me Star Trek Asks 💗 (Or alternatively: send me holo-asks! I'm alsways delighted to write stuff like this!)
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regionalpancake · 1 year
For the question ask: "how about a little midnight snack?” + la Sirena's holos.
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“It’s risky.” Rios tossed the PADD back to Raffi across the table, “There’s security around the perimeter, interphasic-shielding, the works.”
“We’ve survived worse.”
“We were younger!”
"How about a little midnight snack?” Steward smiled, appearing with a selection of nibbles. “To help with the scheming?”
Rios glared at the EHH. Raffi however was already putting the tray of food to good use.
“Ok Seven, the dip is the power-grid.”
“Understood.” The xB nodded.
“Elnor, you’ll strike here, by the cheese puffs.”
“I’ll be ready!”
“Can you stop eating the enemy defenses?”
“You did say you wanted them neutralized…”
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hopelessxhearts · 1 year
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I love whisper
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briefbestiary · 2 years
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The beautiful singing sirenas of Filipino folklore. They are one of several Engkanto who guard the islands' waters.
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quotesnquestions · 1 year
You called for me in your darkest hour And in your dreams, I came
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thetimelordbatgirl · 1 year
For Locket:
What changes do you think would be made between your muse as they exist in your head vs how they would be treated as part of canon?
What headcanons/theories do you believe fandom would invent about your character?
Are there ship wars? Are they a popular character to ship, or the kind of character that gets shuffled off and away from shipping for whatever reason?
What is the wildest crackship you can imagine for your character, whether in-universe or in crossover?
For Una:
If there are multiple adaptions/If they are part of a multi-part franchise, which ones would your character appear in?
What fan-material would exist for your character in fandom?
What would be the ‘incorrect but wildly popular’ interpretation of your character in fandom?
What corners of fandom would consider your character blorbo material?
And for Sirena!
What role would your character play in the story? Are they a major player, or a one scene wonder?
Besides your face/voiceclaim, who do you think would be cast as your character?
What feelings does your character most often instill in their fans? Affection? A desire to protect? Open lust? A love/hate dynamic? Why do you think their fans feel this way?
By contrast, what would their haters dislike about your character? Is it a petty complaint? A mischaracterization of the character or their intentions? Are they just a woman in a largely male-centric series?
Be honest. What song is playing over an AMV/tiktok of scenes between your character and their love interest?
What changes do you think would be made between your muse as they exist in your head vs how they would be treated as part of canon? Hmm, well, Locket's canon would be the MCU part of Marvel since I did use that for some of Marvel Descendants lore, and versus how I imagine her...she would be beyond different in the MCU. For starting orders, her backstory would likely be different, given timeline and Loki's current state in the MCU, but she'd likely be a random child on Asgard who only starts to get involved in stuff Phase 4 onwards as we see the Asgardians on Earth, given her Asgardian mom. And knowing the MCU, for some reason, she'd either get lucky and actually do her own thing in the plot or she'd just be a plot device that needs the heroes protection and such and in both scenarios, she'd be quippy constantly and even though she is not a young avenger, MCU would try to set her up as one likely like they doing with every young hero. There is also the fact her trauma from Devlin Kilgrave would not exist in MCU cause...his dad does not (there's a pro there). But there's a high chance in the MCU, her being genderfluid and bisexual would be erased or it'd be just a few seconds at best.
What headcanons/theories do you believe fandom would invent about your character? Feel like given Locket's darkness plot throughout Marvel Descendants, theories would pop up about if she has darkness still after Trickster's Daughters and if any of her kids in the future has gotten the darkness from her. And technically involves Locket, but when it comes to Bree in Entity High, theories might happen about the two being related due to uh, let's say stuff being hinted at....aka a crossover theory lol. You'd also have your typical possession theories when it comes to Mariana and Locket...I have seen things in fandoms, okay.
Are there ship wars? Are they a popular character to ship, or the kind of character that gets shuffled off and away from shipping for whatever reason? Very likely Locket would be shipped with other characters in Marvel Descendants (sadly including um, the icky side of fandom shipping, but we ignore that), and I endorse multi-shipping, given I do it myself, so....
What is the wildest crackship you can imagine for your character, whether in-universe or in crossover? ...Locket X Thorn. That is the most crackiest you can get when it comes to Locket and shipping, given how these two first met and how it took until book 4 for them to start getting along as friends at least, but they'd be victim to 'enemies to lovers' in fandom fully.
If there are multiple adaptions/If they are part of a multi-part franchise, which ones would your character appear in? Hmm, well Una is Descendants, which it a multi-part franchise...so I think: If we going by her story, she'd be in all three parts and the Royal Wedding, not so sure on Rise Of Red since it is believed Uma is only in the past so debatable if Una is with her, and she would be in Wicked World at least and likely in all four books (rip Una in Escape, because she would suffer bad writing like everyone did). If we going by Descendants canon, not in first film nor first two books nor wicked world, but she'd be in second film and third film, Royal Wedding and the last two books (again RIP Una, Escape is the worst book to appear in).
What fan-material would exist for your character in fandom? Very likely your normal fan-material you get in Descendants fandom, aka fanart and fanfiction, very likely either on her own or with her sister/the sea three or with Audrey.
What would be the ‘incorrect but wildly popular’ interpretation of your character in fandom? Given Una is mute, its very likely that uh, Una would be considered a soft pure speechless baby who needs protection and is never given her own autonomy.
What corners of fandom would consider your character blorbo material? Likely the Sea Three and Audrey sides of the Descendants fandom would when it comes to Una.
What role would your character play in the story? Are they a major player, or a one scene wonder? Given Sirena's story is a OC X Mal X Ben story, Sirena would be a major player as one of the core five given a chance to be good and attend Auradon Prep, only for her to slowly realize she likes Mal and later, Ben as well.
Besides your face/voiceclaim, who do you think would be cast as your character? I honestly have no idea because is too many blonde haired actresses to keep track off, so uh...
What feelings does your character most often instill in their fans? Affection? A desire to protect? Open lust? A love/hate dynamic? Why do you think their fans feel this way? I would say Sirena would fall into 'desire to protect' due to same reasons we want to protect the core four in first film: their family situations on the Isle and the fact that they face a-lot of shit in Auradon, this being the same reason Sirena would fall into 'affection'.
By contrast, what would their haters dislike about your character? Is it a petty complaint? A mischaracterization of the character or their intentions? Are they just a woman in a largely male-centric series? People may find Sirena annoying at times due to how Sirena sometimes acts like her mom, and given she's an addition to the Ben and Mal ship, some shippers may not like her entering their ship.
Be honest. What song is playing over an AMV/tiktok of scenes between your character and their love interest? I...honestly do not know that many romantic songs and the ones I do know, uh, do not match Sirena X Mal X Ben, so...
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sanctissimx · 2 years
@feiyuie​ —— one kundiman, one balitaw for Amihan, primordial avian milf
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Nasaan ka, Irog at dagling Naparam ang iyong pag-giliw? Di baga sumpa mong ako'y mamahalin? Iyong itatangi, iyong itatangi magpahanggang libing Subalit nasaan ang gayong pagtingin? Nasaan ka Irog at natitiis mong ako'y mangulila At hanap-hanapin ikaw sa alaala? Nasaan ang sabi mong ako'y iyong ligaya't Ngayong nalulungkot, ngayong Nalulungkot ay di ka makita? Irog ko'y tandaan! Kung ako man ay iyong ngayo'y siniphayo Mga sumpa't lambing pinaram mong buo Ang lahat sa buhay ko ay hindi maglalaho't Magsisilbing bakas ng nagdaan 'tang pagsuyo Tandaan mo Irog, Irog ko'y tandaan Ang lahat sa buhay ko ay hindi maglalaho't Magsisilbing bakas ng nagdaan 'tang pagsuyo Nasaan, ka Irog! Nasaan ka, Irog?
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lonely-night · 17 days
blorbos/ships song
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lasirenedesiree · 3 months
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(My life..)
Mermaid of the waters, you queen of the seas
How can I go on because I can't go
I can't miss you anymore
Stay my love
That you can't do that
That l am the daughter of the emperor
Let father hear in the palace
And he will give you a big punishment
Make him pay for his whole life
Where is true love
Come and ask me as a girl
Sirena apelor by Delia
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sonsofks · 10 months
¡Call of Duty: Mobile sacude el fin de año con la explosiva Temporada 11: Canto de la Sirena!
La batalla navideña llega con todo: nuevos operadores, armas y la apasionante competencia del Campeonato Mundial 2023. En una jugada maestra, Call of Duty: Mobile despide el año con la intensidad de la Temporada 11: Canto de la Sirena. Entre las sorpresas que nos trae este explosivo cierre de año, destacan la aparición de Siren – Siren Song, el tercer operador mítico, la Groza, un arma…
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unreadpoppy · 1 year
honestly i want to thank drag race for never failing to introduce me to amazing songs because of the lip syncs
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she is just like me fr
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