#son season 15
filmjunky-99 · 1 year
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s t a r t r e k d e e p s p a c e n i n e created by rick berman, michael piller [sons of mogh, s4ep14]
'I find that using a large and intimidating weapon like a bat'leth often leads to overconfidence.' - worf
'So you think that I was overconfident?' - dax
'You were overconfident. You thought that by distracting me with your outfit, you would gain an advantage.' - worf
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andi-o-geyser · 1 year
hey, sorry um. bad news i called the Kansas Regulatory Board on your boyfriend. yeah, the one who started dating you and is now taking you on a trip to Paris after spending over a year with you for individual treatment and then couples counselling with your ex-husband. i'm then going to personally throw a football at his head for being such a piece of shit therapist. sorry.
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crowleys-pink-tutu · 2 years
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i am once again asking kansas where the hell the peace i was promised is
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Somebody said maybe there hasn’t been peace because it won’t fuvking end. Looking at you Jensen Ackles.
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reyolfx · 9 days
okay obviously gutted about jack's death but alexander calvert makes a really fun demon i love belphegor (so far) (i'm 10 mins into 15x01 ok if he turns out to be awful, well, first impressions and all that)
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artthoufruity · 11 months
I love O.B more than life itself but I'm fully convinced he's going to be involved in some plot twist
This last episode (#4) he says "like a snake eating it's own tail"
This is the ouroboros symbol
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This is what it means
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"Destruction and regeneration" - the TVA being destroyed and possibly rebuilt
"New life" - the TVA workers new life on the timeline as seen in BTS
Either this is a cool Easter egg or actually means something
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tehjojo · 11 months
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yahoo201027 · 2 months
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Day in Fandom History: July 23…
When Grob Gob Glob Grod comes down to Earth to find and arrest Magic Man, he (Magic Man) switches bodies with Jake to evade arrest and Finn is not happy about what’s going to happen next to Jake on Mars. “Sons of Mars” premiered on this day, 12 Years Ago.
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revel-inbluehues · 11 months
Most importantly, WE HAVE E-MING PETTING!!!
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Father and son
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senseigarmfan · 1 year
the group name i made for P.I.X.A.L, Fugi-Dove, Ultra Violet, Killow, and Ronin (you know from that crystalized episode) is the mech squad because ,,, they have mechs ,,, :)
i may post a few headcanons about them
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spookl3 · 2 years
Done For Me [ Ninjago ] | Llorumi Animatic |
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stanfordprepped · 11 months
Verses tag dump.
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Carry On
This is in no way going to be a unique post. There have been hundreds, probably thousands, of others just like it. All the same, I'm going to add mine. Because like all those thousands of others, this show means something to me.
It took me just over a decade to finish the entire series. That doesn't seem like long when talking about a TV show that ran for 15 seasons, but I finished the first 8 seasons in a single summer.
That summer. I can't hear Kansas or any of the show's other cues without immediately being transported back there, to that little post-college apartment in Vegas. Being the only one in a 4 person place because all the others had finished their student teaching and left. I stayed behind, deciding to finish out the semester at the school I would be taking over that fall, getting my last bit of training in, stepping into my big-girl shoes.
So I was alone. Just recently had my first root canal, which meant I was still addicted to the "chocolate-covered strawberry" shake I found at the nearest Sonic. I had no plans that night. I made a pot of instant flavored rice and took it, my shake, and my laptop to my room; being in the living room of an empty and un-lived in apartment wasn't appealing anymore. I remember starting with most of the lights off, all except my beat-up little Target bedside lamp. I'd heard about this show for ages, wasn't ever sure it was for me, but decided I'd try it that night. Why not?
Within minutes, I had every light in the entire apartment blazing. Door locks were triple-checked, rice abandoned, and I was hooked.
What happened next was the final and real transition from college to adult-life. I went home for the summer and, in between prepping for my new challenge ahead, I squirreled away in my parents' cool basement, bingeing this show as a way to calm my (then undiagnosed) anxiety. I stayed up too light, sobbing into the night by myself over Sam's (first) death. Then Dean's. Then the perfection that is Season 5. Then everything that followed. At some point that summer I began investing in the DVD sets, some scrounged from eBay, some purchased straight off Walmart shelves or Amazon. I finished season 8 with 2 weeks to go before I made the big move--2 months before the 9th season would premiere.
In my new life, I DVR'd every episode, had Pinterest boards and Tumblr posts full of SPN fandom. I went to a convention. I loved it so, so much.
But life is tricky. I watched religiously until halfway through season 13, when things became unmanageable and I was pulled too far under in my battle with anxiety. I pressed pause for a bit. I got my mental health and my life together, I found other things that I loved so much. And then I moved across the world.
Couldn't access the final 2 seasons while they were airing live, and sometimes the VPN wouldn't even let me tune in to catch up on Netflix, so I was sort of forced to let it go.
Last year, I started again, back home for another summer in that same house. I started from the beginning. This time, I made it through the first 12 seasons before moving back, before relying on a VPN once again.
By now, I knew the ending. I had seen the spoilers, the controversy. I had seen the real-life stuff between actors, been disappointed by certain choices, baffled by others. I had been out of the diehard fandom for years now. I had also, like all of us, lived through a global pandemic. I knew so many were disappointed with how this show had gone out. Still, in the back of my mind, I knew I needed to finish.
And today, finally, thanks to a typhoon-forced day off, I have.
For me, I get the complaints. Well, not so much the complaints, but the sense of... 아깝다. 아쉽다. What a shame. It's a shame that a show like this, that means so much to so many people, had to go out with a Covid-induced whimper, not the bang it deserved.
But I still cried. I still felt that sense of loss. This show....it means so much to me. It got me through some tough times. It walked with me through the transition to adulthood. It was my everything for so long.
Although...it's been freeing in a way. Knowing I have finished, seen it through to the end. Now, whenever I'm feeling that urge (it should be no surprise that it usually hits me every summer, when days start getting hot and I crave chocolate-strawberry shakes) I can start wherever I want. Stop in on all my favorites, or binge it all. It's always gonna be there, just like it always was.
It may have taken me a decade, but I'm so glad this show exists.
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I know they tried to do something with reid and jj in that awful confession scene in season 15, but that was just poor writing. Other than season 1 or 2, these two have been strictly friends and Like siblings, it's a little too late to try and go that route. What a failed and horrible attempt and I will never ship those two.
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hellertoni · 2 years
Sequel to "Hunter with a Shotgun" is in the works! Stay tuned. #hunterwithashotgun #thehappyendingtheydeserve #thehappyendingwedeserve #destiel #fixit #fanfiction #domestiel #DeanCas #deanwinchester #castiel #deanwinchesterdeservedbetter #deanwinchesterdeservedhappy #hellertoni
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