#&& v: carry on my wayward son [main]
stanfordprepped · 4 months
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@sclvged asked:
"But admit it, life would be boring without me." - alls
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"Boring? Yes. But sometimes safer and less stressful? Also yes." Sam teased, a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth as he gave her a playful nudge. It was true, he always enjoyed her company even on the most frustrating of hunts. Not to mention it broke up the monotony of he and Dean spending their hunts arguing. So even if he gave a snarky comment every so often, her company was always something that he appreciated. "You could say the same for me, though. I'd like to think I keep things interesting." He added, chuckling softly.
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huntmade-a · 5 years
         Their line of work took Sam all over the country, which made it hard to keep in touch with the few friends he’d managed to make along the way.  Most he lost contact with as soon as a number changed on a burner phone.  Arthur, however, was someone Sam made sure to always call.  The other had been there during a difficult time in his life.  Sometimes he felt like more of a brother than Dean did, which made Sam feel incredibly guilty.  He loved his brother, dearly.  But there were days when the older man made Sam feel like he was two inches tall.  Especially when they were spiraling through all that demon blood tension.
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         Stepping out of the car, Sam stretches his back out to reinvigorate his muscles from the long drive.  Several bones pop and crack into place.  He can feel his features lifting when the other comes in to view.  “ Hey, man, “ Sam smiles wide.  One hand extends for a shake.  “ Been a damn long time. “   //   @halfbrecd liked the s.c. 
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outlawshootist · 6 years
   Bringing on new members was a massive headache for him. Not only was he considered a de facto leader with Winston, he took on responsibility in making sure each and every person they brought on board wouldn’t fuck up the system they had going. Thank the Spirits he didn’t have to deal with security and or stealth. Pharah and Genji could have that job all they liked.
   No, he had to deal with meeting them and seeing if they met the criteria for agents. It was hard, sometimes, not to go into ‘Reyes’ mode and veto all of them. To his old commander, none of them would have been up to snuff and it’s hard, sometimes, to differentiate between Overwatch ready and Blackwatch ready. Don’t even get him started on the fanboys and girls. One had already made Lena cry and disappear for the weekend. That was one of the hardest things, the ones who idolized and had visions of the previous overwatch in their head. He didn’t like disappointing them, but hey, he had to.
And here he was meeting another kid, might as well be a kid, right? Who was on probationary status with a background sheet as clean as Satya’s room. He needed coffee.
   “Door’s open.”
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el-pintor · 5 years
Thank you for tagging me, @i-got-these-words and @alexc1ting
So, as I mentioned, I don't watch TV or have any sreaming platforms like Netflix or Amazon.
So I listed TV shows, that have meanings for me in some way. Mainly for Music. It doesn't mean, that those shows are very good. There are many shows out there who are a lot of better than those in my list, I know😉
1. Sailor Moon. Yes, I'm not ashamed😂. I was six when it came out (in my state) and I had a difficult time, so this show helped me distract myself from hell. It was the first (known) Anime that I watched and with SM a new era began. (Heidi, Mila Superstar) Pokemon, Digimon, Detective Conan, One Piece, . Many shows who were a part of childhood for so many people.
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2. Buffy, the Vampire Slayer. Introduced me to supernatural shows. Funny, stupid but a classic. This show was not afraid to just abond all script rules. See Willow as a black witch. And one of the first mainstream show with a lesbian relationship. Willow and Tara will always be a badass couple.
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3. Supernatural. I grew up with this show. I was thirteen, now they're by their 15th. Season. Sadly, the last one.
Great music, funny and finally a show where romance don't play a big role. Just the brothers and others. 🎶Kansas - Carry on my Wayward Son🎶, 🎸Motörhead- God was never by your side 🎸
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4. Scrubs. JD has a fucked up mind like mine. Hilarious but also sometimes sad. Great final, great choice of music: ❤️The Book of Love- Peter Gabriel❤️
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5. Vampire Diaries. 1. Introduced me to Indie music and some of my favorite bands now: The National, Interpol, Rival Sons, Royal Republic, Sigur Ros, TV on the Radio, M83, Arctic Monkeys, Damien Rice... I'm forever grateful. 2. Damon.
Check out: TV on the Radio-DLZ, Sigur Ros- Dauðalogn, Damien Rice - Long, Long Way, Goodby June- Darlin'
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6. Skam. All versions. It's one of the most diverse teen shows in the recent years. Yes, I live for the gay couples cause they have the best storylines but they also adress to mental health, migration, religion. The original has a main character with a hijab. It's rare to see someone with it in a series.
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7. Walking Dead. Was a good show. Great music, great soundtrack. Ben Howard- Oats in the Water, Fink- Warm Shadow.
8. Extra3, Heute-Show.
I love political satire shows. I'm very interested in politic and could read news for hours. Does anyone know good ones with at least english subtitles?
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kaA-rBjFidM&t=68s Extra3, in English about Brexit😉
9. Cartoons like: South Park, Happy Tree friends. 1. Great humor. 2.Well, fucked up😂
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10. Criminal Minds. I love fucked up stories. Music: Radical Face-Gilded Hand.
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I want to watch so many new shows😩
I tag @namenamejk, @notthatiwilleverwriteit, @plumb19, @zajeliminazwy, @casually-inlove, @sutemo, @ficsficsficsallfics, @omagamaster
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jmlascar · 6 years
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Happy New Year! 
A year ago, I rebranded this blog to make it more personal and book-focused. I didn’t do as much as I would have liked due to uni, but it definitely motivated me to read and write more, and I’m very happy about that! So, following the Top 5 2017 books I listed last year, here are my top books I discovered in 2018:
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The novel that inspired the wonderful Love, Simon movie needs no introduction, but still, I cannot recommend it enough. As for Leah, the movie did not do her justice: she is a beautiful, talented, bisexual chubby drummer queen, and her novel is in an amazing wlw romance that struck a very personal chord with me, as I’m sure it will for many of you. 
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Beyond her Still I Rise poem, I didn’t know much about Maya Angelou until I read her autobiography. I listened to the audiobook she recorded, and I have to say, listening to this incredible woman tell the tale of her childhood was close to a spiritual experience. She’s been through a lot of hardships, and she came out of them radiating with courage and talent.
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III. CARRY ON by Rainbow Rowell 
Do you feel Harry Potter nostalgic, but JK Rowling’s shenanigans have ruined canon forever? Read Carry On! It has everything you love about fanfiction, Drarry, and Hogwarts, while still being an original and fully fledged book in and of itself. It is smart, it is adorable, it is magic and sarcastic and just a real fucking treat. I loved it! 
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A poetic, mystical novel about mythical beasts, a fierce Muslim woman, a half-werewolf with the power to weave fantastic stories, and the queer Indian historian who becomes enraptured by him. This novel is a gem, both in its beautiful prose, structure, and the way it tackles themes of gender, identity, history, and love.
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V. THE CRUEL PRINCE by Holly Black
Again, a YA novel that requires no introduction on Tumblr, but it lives up to the hype! Jude is a fucking badass, and even if I'm usually not the biggest fairy fan, Holly Black’s world building completely took me in. In Leigh Bardugo’s words, q a dark jewel of a book!
Onwards 2019!
What books are you looking forward to in 2019? I can’t wait for King of Scars, the Wicked King, and Wayward Sons! I might try to write more book reviews and writing advice if I get any ideas. My main resolutions this year are to draw more backgrounds, and to finish book 2 of the Listener’s universe. 
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waywardnerd67 · 6 years
My Favorite Fan
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Summary: (Y/N) decides to let her inner fangirl out while accompanying her boyfriend, Jensen Ackles to a Supernatural Convention in Vancouver. Characters: Jensen Ackles, Reader, Jared Padalecki (mentioned) Pairing: Jensen x Reader Warnings: Fluff Word Count: 1390 A/N: This is for my Nerdy 200 Challenge. @dean-winchesters-bacon submitted a GIF for me to write a one shot with. The GIF is below the cut. As always this is unbeta so all mistakes are mine. Likes, comments and reblogs are splendid and I will love you doubly for them! Enjoy! Special Note: This is a work of FICTION and should be enjoyed as such. I mean absolutely no disrespect to the Ackles family as I truly adore and admire them. 
(Y/N) stretched her arms out as she slowly opened her eyes. Feeling no one next to her, she got up walking into their living room of their Vancouver apartment. She saw a note on the table for her.
“Babe, you were sleeping so sound that I didn’t have the heart to wake you up especially since you partied all night at the concert. Text Clif whenever you’re ready to come to the convention. I will see you after my Gold Panel. I love you -J” She read her boyfriend’s note smiling.
Dating Jensen Ackles was nothing short of a whirlwind. They had the ultimate fanfiction love story. She met him at a Supernatural convention in Texas where she was cosplaying as Baby. During autographs, he asked if she would be interesting in grabbing a drink with him after the convention was over. From there the rest was history. (Y/N) was known throughout the fandom before dating Jensen but over the last few years she was just as popular as any of the cast at conventions.
(Y/N) excitedly pulled out her outfit for the last day of the Vancouver Convention. She had decided to let her fangirl out again and was cosplaying as her favorite character. Since dating Jensen, she had not cosplayed at all during conventions trying to keep a low profile. However, since a lot of the crew would be there today she knew they would get a kick out of her outfit.
Once she was showered and dressed, (Y/N) texted Clif who was arrived fifteen minutes later. She walked out of the lobby and got into the front seat of the black SUV.
Clif was chuckling as her took off, “Nice outfit. Jensen gonna love this.”
“Thanks! I’m just thankful for Robin letting me borrow the Samulet. I can’t wait to see wait to see everyone’s reactions.” She said as they made the short drive to the hotel where the convention was at.
Clif walked with her as fans asked to take photos with her and to sign items of theirs. They loved her outfit and she ended up spending an hour or so out with fans. She looked up to Clif who was on the phone and by the expression on his face she knew who he was talking too.
“(Y/N), your cosplay is perfect! Can we take a picture with you?” another fan asked for her group of friends.
“Absolutely, but this will have to be my last one for now. Come on girls,” she waved her hands for them to stand all around her. They snapped the picture and (Y/N) waved goodbye as she walked towards Clif.
She hooked her arm with his, “How mad is he?” she asked.
Clif gave her a sympathetic as she sighed walking towards the green room. As she walked back she passed Jared and Misha chatting before their photo ops. She hugged them both as they laughed at her cosplay.
Before she walked in the green room Jared snapped a picture of the them together and then whispered, “Good luck.”
When she walked in Jensen was lying on the couch with his arm over his eyes. His blue button-down was unbuttoned and his black t-shirt was riding up revealing his toned stomach.
“Hey sweetheart,” she said in her best Dean impression as his eyes snapped up to her.
She relaxed slightly when the corner of his mouth turned up into a smirk, “That’s why you were late. The fans must be loving you today.” He said standing up and walking towards her.
“What can I say, chicks dig me.” She continued her Dean impression as he wrapped his arms around her.
He lowered his lips to hers pulling her in against him. She was lost in the moment when he pulled away from her, “Okay, enough Female!Dean can I just have my loving girlfriend?”
(Y/N) nodded as they walked out of the green room together. She pulled out her phone seeing that Jared had tagged her in a Twitter post and that is when she saw it.
“You’re on Twitter now?” She asked smacking his arm in front of everyone who was laughing.
Jensen chuckled nodding, “Yeah. Jared convince me to do it during our Gold panel. I’ve been meaning to sign up for it for a while now, but you know how pushy Jared is. Plus, he got the fans to side with him as well.”
She started laughing as his tone turned whinier, “Poor baby. Did mean ole Jared bully you into a Twitter account?” she asked pinching his cheek.
Jensen narrowed his olive eyes at her crossed his arms over his chest, “Yes. Yes, he did. He’s a poopy-head.” His bottom lip popped out as she placed her hands around his face.
She pulled him down pressing her lips to his and gently took his bottom lip between her teeth. She heard him growl as he ran his hands down her back under her jacket and to her butt squeezing it.
“Alright, alright you two let’s get Jensen to photo ops.” His handler said as he groaned pulling away from (Y/N).
She watched from the side next to Chris, the convention photographer, as Jensen took picture after picture with his adoring fans. A lot of them, asked for her to be in their picture since she was cosplaying as Dean. One of the fans she had seen earlier had made a sign and asked her to join her photo. (Y/N) placed her arm around the girl’s shoulder like Dean would and Jensen stood off to the side giving his best pouty face as the girl held her sign that said, “I prefer Female!Dean to Jensen”.
After a while, (Y/N) went around with Clif again to the Vendor’s room and talked with fans. When it was time for Jensen and Jared’s afternoon panel she went in the main room with Clif right behind her. She sat off to the side watching as Louden Swain started playing ‘Carry On My Wayward Son’.
The audience roared when they saw Jared’s beanie covered head pop out from behind the curtain. (Y/N) cheered with them feeling the excitement bubbling within her. Then she watched Jensen come out on stage and suddenly she felt like she was sucked back in time to the convention she first met Jensen. The exhilaration of seeing the boys up close and watching them as they acted like big goofballs.
Jared greeted the crowd as they sat down, “You do one jump…” he stated as he undid a couple of the buttons on his shirt.
Jensen chuckled as Jared stood up, “Let’s trade shirts.” he said as Jensen lifts shirt showing off his abs.
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The screams were deafening from the rare moment of Jensen being playful and if that was not enough Jensen took off his button-down shirt leaving him in a black V-neck shirt. (Y/N) smiled brightly seeing his cheeks turn slightly pink from all the attention of him only having a single layer on.
“Hey, did you all see the amazing Dean cosplay I posted on my Twitter?” Jared asked as Jensen’s head perked up.
“Dean cosplayer, huh? Jeez, wonder who that could’ve been.” He said glancing over to (Y/N) and winking at her. The crowd cheered yelling out her name and Jensen’s smile lit up the room.
Jared started laughing, “So, if (Y/N) is cosplaying as Dean does that mean that your…”
Jensen put his hand over Jared’s mouth, “Nope, not going there buddy. I will say that she is by far my favorite version of Dean I have seen.”
“Favorite huh? Are we allowed to have favorites?” Jared asked as the fans nodded calling out their approval.
Jensen nodded, “I think we are according to all the lovely people in the audience. Well, I just want to say that my favorite fan is sitting off to the side right now.” He looked over to (Y/N) who waved up at him smiling.
Jared pretending to vomit as Jensen laughed shoving him playfully, “Alright enough of your nauseating adorableness. Let’s take some questions. Whose side do we start with?”
Jensen held out his fist as they decided with Rock, Paper, Scissors. Jensen threw scissors as Jared threw rock winning.
“Dang it!” Jensen yelled out.
Jared smiled triumphantly, “My side… always with the scissors.”  
If you enjoyed this story then check out my Masterlist!
My Nerd Herd: @waywardbaby @waywardrose13 @carryonmywaywardcaptain @anotherwaywardsister @ladywinchester1967 @dwgrl1903 @akshi8278 @ericaprice2008 @mirandaaustin93 @spnbaby-67 @time-travel-bouqet @1967-essentialghoul @weirdoblogger69 @dean-winchesters-bacon @jensenyourdeanisshowing @destielhoneybee @-lovepeacenhope- @destiel745 @carribear31
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horizonboundtrainer · 6 years
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Name: May Amachi Mutsumi
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Sexual Orientation: Asexual
Romantic Orientation: Greyaromantic
Hometown: Olivine
Place of Residence: Littleroot, Hoenn +multiple secret bases scattered around the region
Appearance: A 5'2" girl with a compact, muscular build and blue to eyes. Her body’s covered in scars from battling Legendaries and handling unruly Pokemon
May born in Olivine to Norman and Natsuhi Mutsumi. At a young age she was a introverted child and as a kid she took little interest in playing with the other children, preferring to read somewhere quiet or explore on her own with her parents’ Pokemon. The other children quickly picked up that there was something a bit…off about her. She was too clever, too distant, too preceptive. Her classmates began to believe that she wasn’t human but a Ninetales who had possessed the real May Mutsumi (which wasn’t helped by her reclusive habits). During a field trip, they tricked her into searching Ilex Forest for a lost scarf. She snuck off, got lost and was found unconscious on the edge of the city with a scarf and a Sentret's Pokeball in her arms.
Some of her classmates saw an easy target and singled out the strange girl with neither friends nor the desire to fight back, mocking her for refusing battle with Sentret for fear of harming it. She tried to ignore their bullying until they started targeting Sentret. After months of stress, she snapped and started a fight in the school hallway that ended with a security guard having to pry her off of a boy who kept harrassing Sentret. Afterwards she began fighting back physically and gained a fierce reputation among her 10 year old peers.
She should have graduated with the rest of her class. She should have received a starter and blazed through Johto alongside Sentret Furret. Neither of those happened. Instead she attempted to defend a classmate from a Rocket grunt and was left poisoned on the docks. She was rescued by a passing trainer who's face and name she does not remember. After that incident, she was moved to Hoenn on a short notice in the back of a truck... That is where her story properly begins.
May Mutsumi set out with a Treecko by her side and her eyes on the horizon. As May collected the badges, she ended up clashing with Team Magma. She did not care for their insane drivel/ideals until a trap their base went off, killing her Gyarados in a horrific manner and setting off a lifelong vendetta against the organization. After they succeeded in awakening the Groudon she headed into the Cave of Origin in pursuit of revenge/to prevent further damage to Hoenn. May is dragged from the cave with a Red orb in her arms and her Machamp and Linoone's empty Pokeballs.
She was confined to her bed, unable and unwilling to move as she tried to process what had happened. Another 10 months slipped with her condition gradually improving until she was able to return to training but still, she hadn’t the will to continue her League challenge. Fourteen months after slaying Groudon a mysterious woman shows up ather door talking about Mega Evolution.
After a disastrous contest against Lisia, she then vanishes for a couple months, flying off on a Rayqauza. When she returned, Rayquaza was nowhere to be found. Her bond with it isn't entirely healthy but together they continue their mission to preserve the world. Should she find a way to summon them, Rayquaza will answer.
Eight months after the Delta Episode, a challenger with a Latios and Sceptile sweeps through Wallace and the League.
Personality: A highly preceptive individual and a natural problem solver. She often comes up with with unorthodox solutions through resourcefulness and lateral thinking. She’s skilled at finding weaknesses in an opponent’s strategy mercilessly exploiting them. Her Hyper Offense strategy reflects this. A natural tactician who’s stubborn as hell and capable of functioning well under stress.
She’s neither entirely introverted nor extroverted and while she’s at ease in most social situations, May’s the type of person who prefers having a few very close friends.
No matter how bitter at the world she becomes, her core values will never change. Her natural instinct will always be to help others.
May is someone full of contradictions. She loves her friends and region as fiercely as she hates her enemies. She is both kind and merciless, heroic and capable of callous disregard for her enemy. Someone who values efficiency and cunning yet defends the weak. She is lacks a self preservation instinct yet seeks to preserve the lives of others. A bitter nihilist who wishes for the best possible ending.
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good/Neutral Good
( Note: May's morality is a somewhat non-conventional and what she views as normal/good does not always the same as what society deems normal/good )
Tropes: Broken Ace, Knight in Sour Armor, Good Is Not Soft, Good is Not Nice, Martyr Without A Cause, Chronic Hero Syndrome, The Anti-Nihilist, Kleptomaniac Hero, Cool Big Sis, Pragmatic Hero
Mental Illnesses: C-PTSD ( misdiagnosed as BPD ), insomnia, depression
Completed League Challenges: Unova, Hoenn, Johto, Kanto
V: Another Ending | Rival Verse
Brendan’s the child who saved Hoenn while May’s on her way to becoming a prominent researcher on Pokemon behavior. A much more well adjusted version of the character
V: Carry on my wayward son | main
6-7 years post-Cave of Origin. Main verse and based off of my Omega Ruby nuzlocke
V: You burnt those endless summer days into your memories | those bonds will guide you home
Pre-Cave of Origin
V: It takes so long for you to realize | ten thousand years won't save your life
Deity AU 1
V: A thousand wingbeats herald their arrival | The storm king
Deity AU 2
May attains immortality through her bond with Rayquaza. The rider and the dragon act as a single entity split into two bodies and wreaks havok wherever they touch ground. Whenever they chose to reveal themselves, it's always to carry off victims to join the cavalcade. Their true intentions remain unknowable as they've likely gone mad decades ago.
V: Fuck hoopa | crossover
May’s unofficial duty/hobby is to investigate Hoopa’s rings which do sometimes lead to different timelines (and occasionally different universes). While she does so mostly to help the league with containing them, May does occasionally explore the other side out of curiosity. Although they appear less frequently then they used to, May’s still searching for the being responsible.
V: The shining city was paved with good intentions | The road to Arcadia
Villian Verse. May tries to build a utopia in a foreign land. Her organization is eventually able to strongarm the local government into submission using stolen while she moves to the next stage of her plan.
V: Your candle burns at both ends; But oh it gives a lovely light
V: It takes so long for you to realize | ten thousand years won't save your life
Diety AU
Images by @hxenn
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burntedges · 6 years
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Verses tag drop!!
☙🌋❧ if this is to end in fire then we should all burn together // MAIN
☙🌋❧ you have no control who lives who dies who tells your story // HISTORICAL
☙🌋❧ ladies and gents this is the moment you’ve waited for // CIRCUS/CARNIVAL
☙🌋❧ in the middle of the night when the wolves come out // FANGS & CLAWS
☙🌋❧ it’s our time to rise write the book story of our lives // DESCENDANTS
☙🌋❧ we’ve got super powers the city is our silver screen // MARVEL/DC
☙🌋❧ carry on my wayward son there’ll be peace when you are done // SUPERNATURAL
☙🌋❧ but everything looks better when the sun goes down // VAMPIRE DIARIES
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freyedpages-a · 6 years
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Verses tag drop!!
☙🔮❧ death doesn't discriminate between the sinners and the saints // MAIN
☙🔮❧ you have no control who lives who dies who tells your story // HISTORICAL
☙🔮❧ ladies and gents this is the moment you’ve waited for // CIRCUS/CARNIVAL
☙🔮❧ in the middle of the night when the wolves come out // FANGS & CLAWS
☙🔮❧ it’s hanging on your tongue just boiling in my blood // TWILIGHT
☙🔮❧ if you don’t believe you’d better get superstitious // HARRY POTTER
☙🔮❧ it’s our time to rise write the book story of our lives // DESCENDANTS
☙🔮❧ we’ve got super powers the city is our silver screen // MARVEL/DC
☙🔮❧ carry on my wayward son there’ll be peace when you are done // SUPERNATURAL
☙🔮❧ but everything looks better when the sun goes down // VAMPIRE DIARIES
☙🔮❧ nowhere to run we’re coming after you this is the hunt // SHADOWHUNTERS
☙🔮❧ i am human and i need to be loved just like everybody else does // CHARMED
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Series Playlist
Main Character S - Gasoline, Control, Dark Side, Unconditionally, Shatter Me, Runnin, Better Than I Know Myself, Still Here, Falling Inside the Black, Jillian, Battlefield, Rise, What I’ve Done, Teardrops on My Guitar, The Dark, I Want You Here, Mirror, Compass, Enchantress
Side character I - You Can Be King Again, The Dark, You’re Not There, Warrior, Don’t Forget Me (Suzy, Miss A)
Anti-hero N - If Only, Stand in the Rain, Carry on my Wayward Son
Side character V - Unknown Soldier, I Will Not Bow, On My Own, What’s Left of Me
Side Character C - That’s My Girl, Everytime, Once Upon a Broken Heart, The Lucky One, Midnight,
Overarching story - Children of the Sun, Empire of Angels, The Sound of Silence, Anti-gravity, This is War, When You Believe, Remember the Name, Silver Lining, Glowing in the Dark, Centuries, Awake and Alive
Book 1 - Amnesia: Zeotrope
Book 2 - A Thousand Miles
Book 3 - Stand My Ground
Book 4 - Silver Lining Villain 1 - Dark Star, Dance with the Devil, Angel of Darkness
Villain 2 - N/A
Villain 3 - N/A
Shipping 1 SD - At the Beginning, Guardian Angel, Hero/Heroine, Bleeding Out, Wherever you will go, Still Falling For You,
Shipping 2 NC - Uncover, War of Hearts, Back to December, Wrecking Ball,
Shipping 3 SZ - This Love, Just a Dream, Going Crazy, The Devil Within, Breath, Taking Over Me, A Thousand Years,
There are more, but this is as much as I can do right now. :O
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stanfordprepped · 5 months
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@wavrlynatural asked:
alex runs her fingers through his hair almost soothingly. "You look like you could use a little bit of rest Sam.."
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A soft hum escapes Sam, eyes closing to enjoy the feeling of fingers running through his hair. It's always been a little weakness of his. Dimples show, hazel eyes opening again after a moment to focus on Alex. "I would normally make a counter reply but honestly? I'm tapped and I know it...There's still so much work to do though."
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huntmade-a · 5 years
          The ebb and flow of nausea had hit Sam well beyond the house’s front door.  Somewhere along the dirt road he’d experienced a range of negative emotion that caused the younger Winchester to look over his shoulder.  As if someone was watching him.  Part of his problem was how familiar it felt.  Although, he couldn’t quite put a finger on how or why.
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          Fingers grip painfully to the metal clenched in his flesh.  Something lingered in the air.  Blood, possibly.  Decayed meat.  They’d have to delve deeper into the darkness to know for certain.  But, every inch of Sam’s skin was crawling.  One by one the hairs were starting to stand on end.  
          He descended down and it felt somewhat representative of his state of mind.  Every step forward he reminded himself of all the reasons he fought.  Jess.  His mother.  All the innocents that lived peaceful lives, never knowing what truly lurked beneath the surface.
          “ Dean, “ he gasps after catching movement out of the corner of his eyes.  Strands glisten beneath the lights, which leads his gaze to the girl.  “ Dean, I think she’s alive. Why the hell would there be a captive...“
                    ──  @bloodsoakedfangs gets a plotted starter
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outlawshootist · 6 years
He’d argued with the others to go on this mission. Some of them, namely 76, thought he’d be a better fit, knew Dorado like the back of his hand. Others didn’t want him so far away when they needed him there. He argued with both sides and finally won when he told them he did most of the bounty work clean up in the US midwest and knew better how to handle mercenaries.
That was enough for them for now and there he was, outskirts of Dorado.
They needed information, needed something more to nail down a file on LumeriCo. 76 hadn’t been able to get as much as he’d liked, but he also had been against working with other outlets like the gang and mercenary corps to get it.
Jesse had no such qualms. He just hoped they’d be as welcoming as he wanted them to be, considering he’d sent out a notice that he wanted to meet and discuss a temporary partnership. 
He was just waiting for the liason, now.
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cr8ne · 5 years
Trans man Jonathan Crane here... feeling bad dysphoria...
So I will only be talking about my subsystem here as if they were alters and the rest of the (very large, possibly polyfragmented) system I will usually treat as though they are seperate enteties because it gives me a big metaphorical headache to think I can actually communicate with Harvey and Two-Face (Or “Francis,” we decided to name him. He has mixed feelings about that.) psychically.  They can be reached at @harveyfrancisdent.  On to the post! Let’s set the scene.  The year is 2017. The body is 23. I am a little helpless, a little dissociative.  I frequently have episodes where I get posessed by either Scarecrow or one of my cryptid walk-ins that I acquired on fear venom and end up miles from home, and one such time, I appeared in Harvey Dent’s motel room.  NOTE: This blog is from my relative perspective and I am not the most grounded alter. Please feel free to ask questions, but you might want to direct them at Harvey @harveyfrancisdent, who is the main fronter and much more lucid than me, or my host Mary-Ellen @maryellenmccarty. I am from the countryside outside the twin cities of Gotham and Metropolis and I was miles from home.  I was a very weak, troubled spirit, and in my confusion and my alchoholism, I drank lighter fluid and went blind. I am now nine weeks sober.  My form at the time was a kind of Ghost/Projection, very lanky and anime styled, with shadows over his eyes. I finally caved when I realized I was blind and got Harvey’s attention, who apologized for not getting me something to drink, he said he didn’t realize I was stranded here, he started leaving out water every day.  I was like a good spirit.  I would keep him company and give him talk therapy, even though I was a little mad.  Besides my general knowledge of who I am from comics like Haunted Knight and The Animated Series, I’m from a Dark Knight/ Animated Series crossover fancomic we wrote years ago, with two generations of rogues.  Big Bad Harv is Harvey Francis’ estranged father.  Poison Ivy has an apprentice named Ivy Green.  I’ll skip over the ugly bits where I torture my own bastard children and start with the chapter “Gotham Goes Sane,” where Jim Gordon wakes up out of a three month coma to find the Rogues walking free, making truly harmless mischief under something called the Masquerade act, where dressing up in elaborate costumes is defended by law.  But leading up to that, Ivy Green and young Harvey Dent started a campaign to renovate Arkham and have their staff and practices investigated, hoping to see the quality of life improved for his father Harv (who sometimes says his middle name is Richard, sometimes Patrick) and Pam.  And they want to see mental health patients forgiven if they truly reform and restored to work, so I’m excited, I want to work at Arkham again.  I go along with the new treatment plans.  Antipsychotic medications. Talk therapy.  Hypnosis.  Harleen Quinzel gets her job back and age regresses my scarecrow personality and gives me a burlap doll to represent him, rather than a mask, which I carry with me everywhere.  His name is Bean Sprout and he is my son. Peyton @peyton-riley-v is planning on sewing him for me soon, but for now they have loaned me Harvey’s teddy bear so I have little doll eyes to look into while I work.   That is basically the introduction.  But like I said I am not very grounded.  I kind of thought I lived way out in the country somewhere, maybe not in Gotham or Metropolis, maybe just in Southern Illinois or even Georgia like the stories said and my wayward spirit was trapped here in an astral way and needed to drink water and eat apples to survive... and I thought I was a man.  I was a hundred times smarter than Harvey.  I had equals, but they were Gothamites.  Barbara.  Pam.  We all lived day to day kind of ignoring Harvey when he had to tell his therapist that he had a million Batman personalities inside him in a way there was a mental block between us and that fact... that was before I met my host. Her name is Mary-Ellen. The name came from somewhere inside her, it’s not the body’s name.  She’s twelve years old.  She’s every bit as smart as Barbera and Pam and me, and she loves to read.  I always knew Harvey was a trans-man.  So was Harv.  It was in their medical records.  Pam had to help them get their wives pregnant, and they could only have daughters.  Pam can only make stable females, and they are part Joker.  But Grace wanted one of them to be a boy, so they raised Harvey trans and made his body very masculine.  Harvey and Duella are twins. He is not as masculine as Aaron Ekhart.  The Dark Knight was a nightmare he had once.   But I always thought I was male... this thought was repeating in my head and every time it did Mary-Ellen’s voice would quietly say “But you’re trans.”  I look down and I am wearing a skirt.  What was I thinking when I put it on? That it was Mary-Ellen’s skirt.  Mary-Ellen’s body.  I go upstairs to change, suddenly dysphoric, and have to sit down to pee.  I get all kinds of “sitting down to pee” feelings, luckily we are in a primarily transmasculine system so I have some men’s khakis and a flannal (which is mine now, they say no-one else wanted it) to change into but I notice how tight the khakis are around my hips and thighs and how my hips sway when I walk...  I feel much better now... I spread my feet wider apart when I walk, and my hips are pretty narrow, and we are going on hormones as soon as possible... but I am trans.  And I never really knew that until today.
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stanfordprepped · 10 months
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"You think I won't whip out an Ouija board right here in the bunker and perform a seance? Try me. At least it's better than one thing kids are doing right now. Something about using a mummified hand to summon them."
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stanfordprepped · 11 months
@loyaltyguided gets a starter!
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"Okay, we are either going out to celebrate OR we are having a movie night in. Complete with junk food and bad movies. So take your pick."
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