milleroptimism · 3 days
"icons only" lucas ( barr lmao ) and @lilyspaintedred introducing sarah to her granddaughter 🥹
Send "Icons only" and something for my muse to react to.
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stopthecarrrr · 3 months
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@tvintedspvrk asked:
❛ did you think i wasn't going to notice? ❜ ( nancy )
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"Think you weren't going to notice? No. Hope you weren't going to notice? Maybe." Steve was still getting used to this whole hunting thing and all that it entailed. On their last hunt they had been sent on, one of the vampires they encountered had given Steve a pretty nice thump on the head which was already starting to form a bruise by his temple. "I'll be fine though, Nance. Seriously. It's just a little thump on the head...Nothing I can't handle." Steve tried to assure her though the faint ringing in his ears protested otherwise. They didn't have time to be making stops if they wanted to keep up trailing the nest they were supposed to take down. All that other stuff could wait, right? He could tough it out a little longer.
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divinetenebris · 2 months
❛ how is it you always know what i need, huh? ❜ ( guess 😭🥹 )
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"know? well, when we started dating i put in for this partner sense, right? gives people in relationships a chance to read a bit of their partner's mind. it's cool. guess it finally showed up. took long enough, i even paid extra for premium shipping directly to the ol' noggin," and then charlie is tapping the side of his head with the tip of his pen.
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razorfst · 4 months
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“This isn’t you” { from kaia }
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He didn't realize she knew him well enough to say that. Could she? No, Andrei didn't think so. His brow furrowed, expression confused and slightly annoyed pulled forward as he slowly turned to fully face the smaller figure. "Isn't me?" He questions, there's almost a small chuckle as he says it. All of this, he knew, was hiding the fact he was starting to feel something for her and it scared him. Would he admit that out loud? No, talking about feelings and being vulnerable wasn't something Andrei did. It let people too close, let them beyond the walls he built up to keep him safe. Trust issues? Yeah he had a few. "I told you I don't do relationships, Kaia. You knew that." He finally adds, arms moving to cross over his chest as the hint of confusion melted away to show more annoyance and anger mixing together. "This is me, you knew that going into this. I don't know what you expected." To change him? She had, more than he wanted to admit or acknowledge. So instead he opted to shoot himself in the foot, stop it where it was right now. If that was the best choice, well, it most likely wasn't.
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Stop Andrei from Being Reckless | Accepting | @tvintedspvrk
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lcstinfantasy · 7 months
"No, you have fun with your date. Don’t let my being stood up stop you.” { to dom from juliet capulet }
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Valentine’s Day Sentence Starters
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"ah, too bad. i already rescheduled." dom chuckled, looking over at her. "what do you want to drink?"
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delanuit · 3 months
❛ i wasn’t in love with him. ❜ ( from christine ! was lottaes before haha )
SALTBURN starters — accepting.
❝ Is that so? Forgive me for contradicting you, my dear, but that was not how it appeared. ❞ Erik's voice holds a tone of warning. His heart is wringing itself in his chest after the reunion he's just witnessed through her dressing room mirror. How he hates to be stern with her, when she is so trusting of and dependent on his tutelage. But she must learn.
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❝ Were you not childhood lovers? Do not lie to your Angel, for he knows . . . he always knows. ❞
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wolfskrieger · 14 days
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@tvintedspvrk con't from here:
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She had been so nervous about all of the shoot for what felt like the last week. Sure she had been excited at first but he was sure as it crept closer and closer, the reality of it had begun to sink in. It was why he had decided then and there that he had to be there for her. Luckily he had recently finished a round of festival performances a couple of days before which left his schedule more open for the time being. There was nothing stopping him and so he immediately got a jet going to send him to her. The surprise was the best part, the look of shock was everything he had pictured it to be as he walked in and tattooed limbs reached out for her. Equally as covered hands extending to cup her face in his rougher touch while holding her gently caused him to chuckle just a bit as familiar crooked grin tugged at his lips. "I mean no but I am happy to see you too." Leon answered his fiancée, expression unchanging as he kept holding her until the makeup artist nearly shooed him away. He wasn't going to delay the shoot more than he already had by his appearance. "Oh no, you don't have to worry about that. I did a show a couple days ago. I'm all your's and here to support you." He says, moving to still be in her line of sight as he leans against the station. "Feeling less nervous now?"
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bloodsalted · 3 months
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@tvintedspvrk || memestock 2024 || just dippin' my toes into the water!
We’re not leaving a trail of blood and guts behind us, we’re keeping Michigan moist.
"still not a good time to use the word moist." dean blanches. maybe a little overexaggerated but this is dean here. fingers stiffen at his sides as he shakes them out and blanches. "especially when there's guts in my boots." he's never wearing these things again. the sticky, goopy, squishy feeling's gonna haunt his nightmares.
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stopthecarrrr · 4 months
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@tvintedspvrk asked:
❛ you’re the one good thing left in this world. ❜ { from robin }
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A smile slowly tugged at the corners of Steve's mouth at the statement. It wasn't often Robin decided to actually give him something that could be taken as a compliment. In fact, Steve was starting to think it would never actually happen. But even with that statement being made, he of course couldn't keep his trap shut for all of five seconds. "Robin...If I'm the only good thing left in this world then I think you might have bumped your head or something." He teased, shaking his head. "You feelin' alright? Joking aside...You're pretty good too. My best friend. But don't go telling Dustin that or he might get jealous."
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promethies · 2 months
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he stands face to face with the demon, their dark eyes locking in an intense, unspoken battle of wills. the room is thick with an otherworldly tension as prometheus notes the way that @tvintedspvrk smirks with malicious intent. "i didn’t expect to encounter something like you," prometheus says carefully, his voice steady but carrying a timeless edge, sharpened by the eons that he survived his relentless torture. "the world has changed, but the shadows of its past still linger, i can see that now. i’ve witnessed humanity's struggle and triumph over countless trials, and i must say, you are a formidable example of the darkness they face. yet, i wonder—does your presence here not make you a part of that very struggle? so do tell me, what is your purpose?" his gaze remains unwavering, challenging yet contemplative, as if seeking to understand the demon’s role in the grand scheme of things. he is nothing if not curious, yearning to learn more, an innovator carved from the very mountain that he was shackled on.
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razorfst · 4 months
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say it again, slower this time. { from kaia }
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There's a deep chuckle that leaves the Romanian at her request. Sure he knew how to flirt, knew what he was doing to bring in a woman's attention to him and eventually bring them home. What happened beyond that was always the same, he wouldn't see them again after they left his apartment. "Frumoasa." Andrei repeats, louder, slower, letting her hear him speak one of his mother tongues. "It means beautiful." He adds, looking her over with a smirk as a glass is lifted to his lips. "In Romanian, I can add German if you want too?" He teases a bit as the glass is lowered, leaning a bit down for her this entire time as he tended to tower over most people and they wouldn't be able to hear him as easily in a place like this. "My name's Andrei Lupei, you are?"
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Tell Me What's Going On | Accepting | @tvintedspvrk
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lcstinfantasy · 8 months
“ you’re still coming over for dinner tonight, right? “ { to sage from stiles }
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"i did say that i was when you asked me this morning right?" sage smiles at stiles, playful glint in her eyes. a finger lifts to her lips as she pursues them in mock though. "mhm, i am pretty sure i still have it on my schedule. could be wrong though."
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he11fireclubtm · 2 months
[ 𝒔𝒎𝒔 📲 ] good good so in conclusion i'm always right and you should agree with me always and also tell me i'm pretty 24/7 ( from nancy sdkfjdlkf )
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[text to: Badass Queen] So does this mean that from now on every sentence that I say has to end with me telling you that you're pretty? Sounds very time consuming but I think I can clear my heavy schedule to agree with you and tell you that you're pretty.
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wolfskrieger · 3 months
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i don't want to fight. i just want to be with you. that's all i want.
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How things had started, how they had met, all of it would make him think they wouldn't end up here. And yet they did. Well, to an extent of where they were. They had fallen into bed when emotions ran high or they drank too much but it had all been done, he originally thought, because of the situation. No feelings were involved, at least not at first. No matter how hard he tried to deny it, the more it started to happen the more he knew this was taking a turn he hadn't seen coming. But how was he going to let her stay around with him? This wasn't something he deserved, not in the slightest. She would be miserable with him, the death she could sense around him, why would she want that for herself? Not to mention the anniversary was slowly approaching, making this all the more real for him. He needed a moment to breathe, to clear his mind, and it's why he doesn't look at her as she speaks but instead lets cold water splash over his face before leaning against the sink. "Do you really?" Leon finally asks, but he doesn't look up and he doesn't turn to face her. "Is this really something you want? Because what is around me seems to overwhelm you and makes you miserable." He adds, now turning as he speaks. "How can you want that?"
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Gone Girl | Accepting | @tvintedspvrk
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diemauergone · 5 months
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@tvintedspvrk : " did you get a picture of it ? " { to niklas from lucy pevensie }
                    "  i  did  not  .  "  he  replied  ,  annoyed  over  how  he  didn't  manage  to  snag  a  picture  of  it  when  it  passed  by.   "  it  was  a  nice  car.  very  clean.  "   okay  ,  now  he  was  being  a  typical  guy.  but  who  could  blame  him?  no  matter  how  many  times  a  day  he  saw  expensive  cars,  they  still  caught  his  attention.  
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qapsiel · 11 months
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@tvintedspvrk ;; text prompts (still accepting) Charlotte wrote: [TEXT] - you’re gonna laugh, but can you pick me up at the police station?
[text: Charlotte] I assume it's nothing too serious because otherwise, I wouldn't be in a laughing mood [text: Charlotte] Do I need my FBI badge?
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