ohimthepeachiest · 9 years
so I was tagged by candyfloss-mikey thx bub
Name: Emily
Nicknames: Em, or I have one friend who calls me Embear
Birthday: July 10th
Gender: Female
Orientation; Bi or bi-curious 
Time and date at the current moment: January 6th 9:53pm
Average hours of sleep: I would say 5 or 6
Lucky Number: 11
Last thing i googled: Instagram log in to delete my account
First word to come to mind: Strawberries 
One place that would make me happy: Somewhere in water
How many blankets I sleep under: 1
Favorite book: I cant remember the title but i was about a girl who's mom left her and her sister for fame i honeslty have no idea what its called though
Anime(movie): I dont watch anime srry
Favorite TV show: Charmed
Favorite beverage: Ginger ale
Last movie i saw in the theatres: Maze runner i beleive
Dream holiday: I would really enjoy going to Australia
Dream wedding: All I really want is a strapless ball gown dress thats really poofy, Michael can pick the rest 
(^^^see what i did there)
Dream job: working in psychology and mabye even working with people who have multiple persnalities i just find that mental disorder to be really cool
Imma tag: 5sosfam-army  mukefreakshow welcome-to-muke-city-bitch
Ik we've never talked or maybe exchanged one message but i like your blogs and i think you hella rad plz don't think im weird for tagging you in this also srry if you may have already done it and i missed it or just don't like doing these im just tryna say you cool 
Imma also tag: @sometimeswebreakbeforeweshine neymar-avfc lunarsealz reginaswifesaywhat queenarianaofallworlds beacuse i love you guys you are my besties and though ik you guys you should do it anyway 
yah 8 people are enough 
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