for mukefreakshow
I put my phone down and smiled to myself. He’s literally an angle sent from heaven. I’m so happy I have him. Even if I said we’re just going to ‘hang out’ I still want to surprise him with something special. The only problem: I have no idea what. I tried to think of something for month. But I couldn’t think of something that’s good enough. And now I’m here on our anniversary trying to think of a present as special as my beautiful boyfriend. I’m screwed. Maybe a cheesy romantic pick-nick? Well it’s raining so a cheesy romantic indoor pick-nick. Talking about cheesy. I need a cheesy pizza with extra cheese. I ordered a scratch that 3 pizzas. I bought coke from the store down the road and now I’m trying to find something to wear. I also prepared the pick-nick. I spread a blanket on my living room floor and *ding dong* I hope that’s the pizza guy and not Calum. Luckily it was not Calum. It’s the pizza guy. He brought 3 large pizzas. It smelled awesome. I laid the pizzas next to the blanket on the floor and went upstairs again. Ok now what to wear? I decided I would wear a skater skirt and a flower crop top. I also took my leather jacket with me. Maybe we’ll go outside if it stops raining. I ran in the kitchen to fetch the roses I bought yesterday. I set then next to the blankets as well. To be honest I prepared some snacks yesterday. I didn’t know what I would do for today. But I knew it would include food. Suddenly the door bell rang again. I guess Calum’s here. I slowly opened the door to reveal a grinning Calum standing behind it. “Hey gorgeous!” he smiled at me. I relaxed again. Wait why was I nervous. “Hey handsome!” I smiled back. “Come in. I prepared a indoor pick-nick.” He followed me inside my house. “Oh that looks so beautiful! ….and romantic.” Calum tried to wiggle his eyebrows but fail miserably. “What the ef was that?” He pouted which costs me to laugh even more. “Ok well hope you’re hungry. We got 3 pizzas, strawberries with chocolate, a chocolate cake and something special. I can’t reveal yet.” He crossed his fingers and whispered “Please sex, please sex” playfully. We both started laughing. Time went by and we were halfway through the pizzas we decided to make a break and take a nap. After sleeping for I don’t know how long we both woke up again. Well I thought that. But I somehow was alone in my bed. Calum was nowhere to be found. I screamed a few times his name and after the forth scream he came through the door in a….suit? He wore some ripped jeans and a band tee when he arrived. And he also didn’t bring one with him. I couldn’t have been sleeping that long, could I? He made his way over to the bed and stared giggling slightly. “I’m horrible at such things. Well uhm ok you know I love you to the moon and back and that I’d do anything for you so I’m just going to ask you straight away. Will you marry me?” Well unexpected. My hair was messy. I wasn’t fully awake. My clothes were all crumbled up. Perfect time isn’t it. “Oh damn. I forgot.” he searched for something in the pockets of his suit. When he found the little diamond ring he held it between his thumb and index finger. Well ‘little’ diamond ring. It was actually pretty big. “You’re kind of scaring me, hunny.” “Uhm oh yeah sorry. I’m taken aback. I clearly didn’t expect it but yes of course I will. I always will. I love you so much.” “Thank you. I love you too.”
I somehow can't add @mukefreakshow and I somehow can't post pics bc I also got a pic fitting to this imagine but anyways here it is
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indietrashs-blog · 9 years
I ship you with Michael bc you'd be perfect okay like everyone would be so supportive of you two and your relationship, you'd be everyone's relationship goals:) and you're so gorgeous like pls and I love you (my 8tracks is mukefreakshow) x
ilysm jess help ((followed you back bub))
ship: calpalship name: jalum a compliment: ur so sweet and cute and aw ilyatl ship: jackblurb: you and calum going to the aquarium for valentines day and he like towers over everyone else there and you hold hands and walk through and he pulls dumb faces at the fish and takes loads of photos and its just generally super duper cute
((late)) valentines day ships
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claraaluna · 9 years
I'm going round my boyfriends for valentines day haha yay xx
oki :’)))))))))) nice :’)))))))))))
a valentine: ashh ♡ cal ♡ luuek ♡ mikeyy
secret admirer: ashh ♡ cal ♡ luuek ♡ mikeyy
best fraand: ashh ♡ cal ♡ luuek ♡ mikeyy
friend with benefits: ashh ♡ cal ♡ luuek ♡ mikeyy
compliment on your face ofc: YOU ARE REAAAALLY BEAUTIFUL
with your ship:
what he gives you: he gives you fall out boy merch and a boquet of roses :)
what you two do for valentines: you’d be baking a lot of cookies and watching movies while cuddling with a lot of kisses :)
who’s the most romantic: you ⎜him
the cuddliest: you ⎜him
who gives the random kisses: you ⎜him
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vooodoo-doll-blog · 9 years
happy birthday babe ilysm have a good one ❤️❤️ don't party too hard 😏😏😂
thank youu
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hhwkye · 9 years
can I have a 5sos ship? and fmk Harry zayn Louis?
yo jess ofc u can and u are evil wth okay
fuck: zayn marry: HarryKi(ss): Louis
ship: Cal
best friend: Ashton
best man at the wedding: Luke
one who catches the bouquet: Michael
one who gets too drunk and spoils it: Calum oops
your first dance song (random): Dont forget where u belong - 1D
url rate: 9/10
theme rate: 10/10
sidebar rate: 10000/10
updates bar rate: /10
advice if u need it :) 
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voodoolucasx · 9 years
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Sometimes I feel pretty but then I realise that there are always people prettier than me.
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illumiinance · 9 years
hey so I checked out your fanfic(it's perf) and I voted and I hope you win you deserve it so much and youre gorg (my navi under construction so it looks crap) x
thank you so much! xx
boyfriend: calum / luke / ashton / michaelbestfriend: calum / luke / ashton / michaelsecret admirer: calum / luke / ashton / michaelcuddle buddy: calum / luke / ashton / michaelblurb: i imagine you being the couple who's always going out to do something and would be holding hands like your life depended on it and just being an adorable couple really
url: 8.5/10icon: 8.5/10theme: 9/10navi: 9/10sidebar: 8/10posts: 9/10overall: 9/10
ships ships ships
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ohimthepeachiest · 9 years
so I was tagged by candyfloss-mikey thx bub
Name: Emily
Nicknames: Em, or I have one friend who calls me Embear
Birthday: July 10th
Gender: Female
Orientation; Bi or bi-curious 
Time and date at the current moment: January 6th 9:53pm
Average hours of sleep: I would say 5 or 6
Lucky Number: 11
Last thing i googled: Instagram log in to delete my account
First word to come to mind: Strawberries 
One place that would make me happy: Somewhere in water
How many blankets I sleep under: 1
Favorite book: I cant remember the title but i was about a girl who's mom left her and her sister for fame i honeslty have no idea what its called though
Anime(movie): I dont watch anime srry
Favorite TV show: Charmed
Favorite beverage: Ginger ale
Last movie i saw in the theatres: Maze runner i beleive
Dream holiday: I would really enjoy going to Australia
Dream wedding: All I really want is a strapless ball gown dress thats really poofy, Michael can pick the rest 
(^^^see what i did there)
Dream job: working in psychology and mabye even working with people who have multiple persnalities i just find that mental disorder to be really cool
Imma tag: 5sosfam-army  mukefreakshow welcome-to-muke-city-bitch
Ik we've never talked or maybe exchanged one message but i like your blogs and i think you hella rad plz don't think im weird for tagging you in this also srry if you may have already done it and i missed it or just don't like doing these im just tryna say you cool 
Imma also tag: @sometimeswebreakbeforeweshine neymar-avfc lunarsealz reginaswifesaywhat queenarianaofallworlds beacuse i love you guys you are my besties and though ik you guys you should do it anyway 
yah 8 people are enough 
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dreamer-in-the-clouds · 10 years
heya I’ve done your ship, it’s under /tagged/my-ships and your username :) xx
Thanks!  I love it!  First person to not ship with me Michael...haha
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hhwkye · 9 years
hey I followed you haha I'm xjess.xx :) ilysm babe xxxx
heya haha I thought I was already following you anyway!! ilysm2 bbe xxxx
boyf: michael | luke | calum | ashton
brother: michael | luke | calum | ashton
bestfriend: michael | luke | calum | ashton
high school crush: michael | luke | calum | ashton
theme: ehhh | not my type | i like it | amazing
sidebar: ehhh | not my type | i like it | amazing
background: ehhh | not my type | i like it | amazing
updates tag: ehhh | not my type | i like it | amazing
do i follow you?: no, sorry | i do now | yes | forever and always
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indietrashs-blog · 10 years
Jess and 25th February xx
hey jess hows it going
get on my birthday page
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scandeniall · 10 years
heyyy could i have one of those playlist things?? xx
of course :)
Opening Credits: things will never be the same // Jonas brothers
Waking Up: say my name // destiny’s child
First Day At School: u got nothin’ on me // demi lovato
Falling In Love: kings & queens (throw it up) // somo
Fight Song: without the love // demi lovato
Breaking Up: its not too late // camp rock 2 soundtrack
Life’s OK: try hard // 5 seconds of summer
Getting Back Together: she looks so perfect // 5 seconds of summer
Wedding:  thinking out loud // ed sheeran
Birth of Child: intoxicated // the cab
Final Battle: no air // Jordan sparks
Death Scene: gotta get out // 5 seconds of summer
Funeral Song: push // nick jonas
End Credits: hard out here // lily allen
my shuffle really likes 5sos apprently
the opening credits song though
the end credits song is literally me
"no air" with death scene. the irony
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send your confessions in here!
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invisiblewhenursad · 10 years
NINETY-TWO TRUTHS TAG Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 Truths about you. At the end, choose 20 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. WHAT WAS YOUR: 1. Last beverage: Milk 2. Last phone call: Sarah or my mam 3. Last text message: Niamh 4. Last song you listened to: Pray - Kodaline 5. Last time you cried: wednesday? HAVE YOU EVER: 6. Dated someone twice: nope 7. Been cheated on: no 8. Kissed someone & regretted it: yES YES YES 9. Lost someone special: no I’ve been lucky with that 10.Been depressed: a lil bit yeah 11. Been drunk and threw up: not that I know of LIST THREE FAVORITE COLORS: blue pink and black IN THE LAST YEAR, HAVE YOU: 15. Made a new friend: yeah 16. Fallen out of love: nope 17. Laughed until you cried: every day yes 18. Met someone who changed you: I’ve gotten close to people who’ve changed me

19. Found out who your true friends are: I think I always kinda knew 20. Found out someone was talking about you: YES 21. Kissed anyone on your FB friend’s list: yeah shhh GENERAL: 22. How many people on your FB friends list do you know in really life: most of them I think 24. Do you have any pets: yeah I’ve 2 dogs 25. Do you want to change your name: I think I’m okay with mine 26. What did you do for your last birthday: movie night with my baes 27. What time did you wake up today: 12.30 yeah Christmas holidays bitches 28. What were you doing at midnight last night: texting Char 29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: Christmas dinner, funderland, 5sos in May, junior cert to be over and junior night lol (and eoghans 16th😘🍻) 30. Last time you saw your Mother: 6 hours ago before she went to work 31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: panic attacks and being such a fucking lightweight omg 32. What are you listening to right now: the walking dead lol 33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yeah there was one at my Gaeltacht 34. What’s getting on your nerves right now: My brother and sister 35. Most visited webpage: tumble obv 36. Blood type: Idk man 37. Nickname: Midget, fag, slut, 38. Relationship status: single woop 39. Zodiac sign: Auquarius 40. Pronouns: cad? 41. Junior School: dspns, st.peters 43. College/Uni: idk yet maybe ucd? 44. Hair color: brown so boring ugh 45. Long or short: short 46. Height: 5”2 or 5”1 47. Do you have a crush on someone?: Yeahhhh 48. What do you like about yourself?: em… My lips? Idk man 50. Tattoos: no but I REALLY WANT SOME 51. Righty or lefty: righty baby 52. First surgery: haven’t had any 53. First piercing: ears 54. First best friend: Emma awh 55. First sport you joined: gaa/camogie it was nursery with boys and I was like 3 56. First vacation: Greece when I was 8 months old cuteee 58. First pair of trainers: I don’t know RIGHT NOW: 59. Eating: nothing 60. Drinking: nothing 61. I’m about to: watch the whe second season of the walking dead 62. Listening to: nothingg for a change 63. Waiting for: dad to come back with chipper 64. Want kids?: ehh.. Sure 65. Get Married?: yeoooo 66. Career?: sports psychologist WHICH IS BETTER: 67. Lips or eyes: lil bitta both 68. Hugs or kisses: kisses 😘😘 69. Shorter or taller: taller which isn’t hard bc I’m fucKING TINY UGH 70. Older or Younger: older 71. Romantic or spontaneous: romance is spontaneity 72. Nice stomach or nice arms: arMS OH MY GOD 73. Sensitive or loud: both would be good 74. Hook-up or relationship: relationship but I could definitely go for a hook up 75. Trouble maker or hesitant: um both HAVE YOU EVER: 76. Kissed a stranger: yeah 77. Drank hard liquor: yeah 78. Lost glasses/contacts: no 79. Sex on first date: no 80. Broke someone’s heart: yes oops 81. Had your own heart broken: it: yES
84. Cried when someone died: yeah 85. Fallen for a friend: yes and I regret it so much DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 86. Yourself: yeah 87. Miracles: not really 88. Love at first sight: yeah 89. Heaven: no 90. Santa Claus: no but my sister does so shhhh 91. Kiss on the first date: yeah 92. Angels: nope sorry Tagged by @mukefreakshow I don't know people lawl so @fistingspongeward you're up

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