ohimthepeachiest · 4 months
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HAN JULIE th1n$p0
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ohimthepeachiest · 4 months
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Mi Imperio romano:
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ohimthepeachiest · 4 months
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i deserve a fit body that moves me.
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i deserve a life of leisure, free to pursue new hobbies that make me a more cultured woman
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i deserve to be sun-kissed, on boats and enjoying a coastal life
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ohimthepeachiest · 11 months
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ohimthepeachiest · 11 months
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ohimthepeachiest · 1 year
So I haven't given up. I have had some stuff come up that caused me to have to divide up my energy differently. Unfortunately, tumblr took a back seat but I want to keep up this diary as best as I can.
So diet wise has been sort of all over the place. I am currently sick so my appetite has been all over the place. I tracked 1700 cals today which is more than usual but I didnt finish everything. I tracked a protein shake but I only drank like 5 sips. I tracked protein pancakes but I only ate half so i think the calories are lower. I was able to get myself to workout but i modified it so I could complete better reps while I am so congested I feel like my head is going to explode. After an easy weight lifting sesh and a short walk I was in the gym for around 40 minutes.
In terms of bettering myself, I have seriously upped my cleaning game. Saturday night I could not sleep so I stayed up until 4am cleaning my room. I filled some trash bags, sorted out some clothes, and completely redid my make up desk so I could also use it for homework and journaling. It is so amazing that I am actually typing this on my desk. I am a make up collector so there was some gross make up I had to get rid of. I even bought myself new sheets for my bed. Real talk, my depression can make me gross and I have not washed my sheets in months so buying new sheets feels like a fresh start to help motivate me to take of myself and my belongings.
So today, I took vitamins and immunity boosters. I worked out, and even if I ate more than usual or not I ate healthy food. I am proud.
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ohimthepeachiest · 1 year
1. Exercise and physical activities regularly, doing at least 20 minutes of exercise will help you maintain good health and physical appearance. There are various types of exercises that you can do, such as: running, walking, jumping rope, yoga, dancing, Pilates or physical activities such as volleyball, basketball, soccer, among others.
2. Read and learn frequently. Expanding your knowledge and constantly learning new things will help to have an active and sharp mind. It is important to make reading a daily habitssential to keep the body and mind healthy.
3. Take care of the diet. A healthy and balanced diet is essential to keep the body and mind in good condition. It is important to incorporate nutritious and varied foods into our diet.
4. Get enough sleep. sleep is essential to maintain a healthy body and mind. It is important to establish a regular sleep routine and make sure you get the necessary hours of sleep each day.
5. Be organized. organization is key to maximizing productivity and minimizing stress. It is important to have a plan in an agenda for each day of the week.
6. Cultivate healthy relationships. Having healthy and positive relationships is important for emotional well-being. It is important to surround yourself with people who support you to be better people.
7. Be constant and disciplined. Consistency is key to achieving any goal, so it is important to be disciplined and stay focused on what we want to achieve.
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ohimthepeachiest · 1 year
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so real 💋
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ohimthepeachiest · 1 year
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u are all so so loved by me
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ohimthepeachiest · 1 year
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September 12th Update
I didn’t update yesterday because i was so tired and so sluggish all day. Heres what i got done
Work out✅
What I didn’t do :(
Wash my face❌
I could only muster myself up enough to clean my clothes and work out. And my coworker offered me some of his cupcake which was only 50cals for the bit i had but i did go overboard. I try to stay between 1400-1500 cals so its not like i binged or anything. Today I am hoping I will be better.
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ohimthepeachiest · 1 year
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too faced  ♡
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ohimthepeachiest · 1 year
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ohimthepeachiest · 1 year
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I loved you even when you were a monster
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ohimthepeachiest · 1 year
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me and the girlbloggers
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ohimthepeachiest · 1 year
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silas denver melvin // ethel cain // george bataille // blythe baird // margaret atwood // nicole homer // emily palermo.
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ohimthepeachiest · 1 year
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ohimthepeachiest · 1 year
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“how about.. i dance the black swan for you?”
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