ohimthepeachiest · 10 years
I was tagged by candyfloss-mikey, thanks buddy :)
What was your:
1) Last beverage: water
2)Last phone call: my dad
3)Last text message:my friend,jackie
4)Last song you listened to: Hard to see- Five Finger Death Punch
5)Last time I cried: A while ago, thankfully
Have you ever:
6)Dated someone twice: no
7)Been cheated on: no
8)Kissed anyone and regretted it: no
9)Lost someone special: no, i don't think so
10)Been depressed: very recently actually
11)Been drunk and threw up: nope
List three favorite colors:
12-14) lavender, light grey, dark blue
In the last year, have you:
15)Made a new friend: yup
16)Fallen out of love: no
17)Laughed until you cried: yeah and no one even said anything funny. I just had a random out burst.
18)Met someone who changed you: no
19)Found out who your true friends are: well, kind of. ive spent more time with my friends recently and found out their true opinions and how much thy clash with mine but i didnt lose anyone 
20)Found out someone was talking about you: no
21)Kissed anyone on your FB list: i don't have fb
22)How many people you know irl on your FB list: srry but no fb
23)Do you have any pets: 2 guinea pigs, 2 cats, and a hermit crab
24)Do you want to change your name: no i'm quite content with emily
25)What did you do for your last birthday party: the last offical party i had was at a chocolate shop but the last birthday i had was at a beach
26)What time did you wake up today: around 10am
27)What where doing last night at midnight: i was on tumblr
28)Name something you cannot wait for: Until i go to new years, my dad and i are planning on staying up all night and playing bioshock infinite
30)Last time you saw your mother: about 2 or 3 hours ago
31)What is one thing you wish you could change about your life:how my peers view me, they kinda just ignore me and it really bugs me how unsignificant they make me feel
32)What are you listening to right now: i have youtube open in another tab and i put on a sonny with a chance episode on
33)Have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes
34)Whats getting on your nerves right now: well #31 kinda opened up a wound i'm trying to close, and how lose my sister and mothers grip on the english language is
35)Most visited webpage: tumblr dash
36)Blood type: idk, unicorn tears???
37)Nickname: em, i have a friend who calles me embear, my dad calls me peanut
38)Relationship status: single
39)Zodiac sigh: cancer
40)Pronouns: she/her
43)College: only time will tell folks
44)Hair color:natural-brown, at the moment-red, in the near future- blue, purple,and  pink
45)Long or short: long, to about my armpits 
46)Height: 5'2
47)Do you have a crush on someone: sadly on the guy that persistently flirts with my hot friend 
48)What do you like about yourself: my hair, my eyes, my music taste, my hips, i guess
49)Tattoos: not yet
50)Right-handed or left-handed: right
51)First surgery: i was like 8 and it was on my lip to get something removed
52)First piercing:ears
53)First best friend: my friend nicole
54)First sport you played: soccer, for the free food
55)First vacation: new jersey
56)First pair of trainers (sneakers): idk
Right now
58)Eating: nothing
60)Drinking: nothing
61)Im about to watch:well after this i was gonna read fanfic
62)Listening to: revisit #32
63)Waiting for: nothing really,i guess for beth to read the last message i sent her, nothing really
64)Want kids: not right now, but in the future yes
65)Get married:^^^^^
66)Career:i would like to go into psychology, that would be cool
Which is better
67)Lips or eyes: eyes
68)Hugs or kisses: hugs
69)Shorter or taller: taller
70)Older or younger: older
71)Romantic or spontaneous: i feel like they go hand in hand so both
72)Nice stomach or nice arms: tbh that really doesn't matter to me
73)Sensitive or loud: umm loud i guess but id rather have both
74)Hook-up or relationship: relationship
75)Trouble maker or hesitant: trouble maker i guess 
Have you ever
76)Kissed a stranger: no
77)Drank hard liquor: nope
78)Lost glasses/contact lenses: yeah but i always buy a back up pair when i get a perscription so when i do lose a pair i have another to wear
79)Sex on the first date: no
80)Broken someones heart: no
81)Had heart broken: i don't think so, i try to make sure my crushes don't know i like them so it doesn't happen
82)Been arrested: nope
83)Turned someone down: no
84)Cried when someone died: yeah and my mom made fun of me for it
85)Fallen for a friend: yeah
Do you believe in
86)Yourself: usually no, but there are rare moments where i do
87)Miracles: id say no
88)Love at first sight: ummm, no, not really sure
89)Heaven: ummm, i don't know i try not think about religious stuff like this
90)Santa Clause: no, this was the first year i didn't put out cookies
91)Kiss on the first date: if you enjoyed it enough then yeah
92)Angles: again, i really don't think about this kinda stuff
I kinda already did this but i missed a few so i decided i'd redo it
im just gonna tag all my friends cause i never know who else to tag other than my friends: queenarianaofallworlds neymar-avfc reginaswifesaywhat (not sure if you did this but imma put your name here anyway) loverlylittleimagines lunarsealz
remember you don't have to do this i just need people to tag
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