#sometimes you know a post is bad but you need to make it in order to get it out of your head
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to-shards-you-say · 1 year ago
call me the lord ruler the way im mourning these bands
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qqueenofhades · 1 year ago
The “don’t vote” left’s point is basically that, if Biden gets a second term, it’ll basically signal that “They’ll vote for us as long as we’re not Republicans, why don’t we do some REAL fucked up shit, if we can get away with it?” It takes the power out of the people’s hands and places it firmly in the party’s.
I can’t completely disagree with that, my caveat is that there’s no real alternative system or party in place, because top-down change is ineffective; a third party president has to contend with a two party congress.
Except no. This whole "Biden just wants to do as much fucked up shit as possible while not being a Republican, and if you give him a second term he'll do more fucked up shit deliberately to spite you" mindset is only possible as an interpretation if you a) deliberately and comprehensively ignore everything he has done to date, and b) you approach the situation with the maximum bad faith possible. Not to mention, the ultimate outcome of this Big Important Teaching Biden A Lesson is that Trump gets back into power and makes everything orders of magnitude worse, because he does in fact want to deliberately do evil shit to everyone and says so at every opportunity. There is not some magical happy alternative that springs into existence by not voting. If you choose this as a year to Teach Biden A Lesson, you are enabling Trump. Trump will be much, much worse. If you don't care about that, I still do not care what your Great Ideology is. You are not helping anyone and you are directly and irreversibly hurting everyone.
I made a post a few days ago wherein I mentioned that I want to assess Biden fairly, taking into account both strengths and weaknesses, but the rampant bad-faith, lying, misreading, misrepresentation, and open sabotage of him (especially by the online left; the GOP sometimes only wishes they were as good at turning Biden's voter pool against him) makes it really difficult to do that. My frustration with those people makes me just want to go "BIDEN IS GREAT THE END." I know he is a flawed old man (though by literally every account of a career spent in public service, he really does care about making the world a better place and any remotely good faith reading of his accomplishments thus far can see that). It is also very likely that he goes MORE left in a second term because he won't have to face the electorate again, he has always gone more left when pushed before, and he's not actually the scheming genocidal mastermind that leftist social media paints him as. Shocking, I know.
I know there are things in the world we don't like and don't want and want to stop, and therefore we blame our own president for not making it stop. But I have zero, no, none, absolutely none whatsoever sympathy for this pseudo-populist "WE NEED TO TEACH BIDEN A LESSON BY ELECTING TRUMP AGAIN, I AM VERY MORAL MUCH ACTIVIST" mindset. There's this funny thing about America wherein it is still (for now) a democracy. If Biden wins a second term, he can't run again. I would take literally anything these people said more seriously if they focused on developing their dream progressive successor for 2028 (and also figured out how to get that person elected and in a place to make real change) rather than cynically sabotaging Biden in the most consequential election year, again, of our lifetimes. If you don't like him now, find a way to make his successor a better option. Throwing a toddler tantrum and handing the country back to a senile, deranged, fascist, revenge-riddled, theocratic Trump HELPS. NOBODY. I still don't know how many times I'm going to have to say that, but yeah.
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pencil-n-pen · 27 days ago
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⋆° 𐙚 ₊🧦☕🧸₊°⋆ ೀ₊°⋆
previous | kofi | masterlist
post prison!spencer reid x fem!reader
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I'm still trying everything to keep you looking at me.
-mirrorball, taylor swift
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summary: you’ve never had a date or a relationship that either didn’t work out or end in disaster. now that you have spencer, you’re determined not to let it happen again
cw: referenced bad past relationships, very very vaguely referenced past domestic abuse that honestly could be taken a different way, referenced child abuse (readers parents are STILL not it) again this is a criminal minds fic so references to graphic violence
tags/tropes: hurt/comfort (do i even need to say this? you all know who i am) insecurity, like one line of misogyny and it’s in the past and not brought up again, spencer being soft n worried, HEALTHY COMMUNICATION, spencer is just as gone for reader as she is for him honestly he's just a sap
a/n: back by popular demand !! seriously guys, you have no idea how much the support and comments and reblogs and asks means to me 🥹 the overwhelming amount of love for the first fic made me so happy when people started asking about a sequel i knew i had to !!
read the crossword on the collage for a surprise :)
this one goes out to all my girlies who’ve ever felt like they needed to be less in order to get a boyfriend or keep one. we’ll have our soft love just the way it was meant to be
Spencer is a really good boyfriend.
Like… a really good boyfriend. You’re not sure if this is how having a real boyfriend is or if Spencer is just like this.
He’s so good to you. He’s just so- so him. You can’t explain it. Can’t put it into words.
He’s very patient with you. You’ve never explicitly stated it, but he’s picked up on your previous relationship experience- or more accurately, your lack thereof. The morning after you’d gone home with him, night consisting of nothing but easy sleep and warmth, he’d asked you out for real. Asked you if you’d go on a date with him, and you’d agreed, a giddy smile fixed firmly on your face.
But you still worry.
All it takes it one conversation with your parents to push things over the edge.
“Yes, dad. He’s very good to me.”
A laugh crackles over the line. “I tell you, your mother and I never thought we’d see the day.”
The words twinge uncomfortably in your chest. “Hey, I’m not that bad. I’ve just been focused.”
“More like uptight.”
“You know, you still haven’t come out to visit your poor old parents since getting this so-called cushy job. And now you’ve got this boyfriend. You’re too young to settle down. Don’t you think we should meet him?”
Sometimes conversations turn so quickly they leave you stranded— scrambling to pick up pieces of what you thought was going to happen and piece them together to make something new. Something for the new route the conversation has taken.
You couldn’t hold back your sigh if you tried. “We haven’t been dating for that long dad, I don’t want to spring this on him—“
“Sweetie, if we don’t meet him now, why might never meet him. Who knows how long he’s gonna stick around?”
(Sometimes, in moments like these, for just a split second, you wonder how a father could say something like that, to his daughter. You wonder why, wonder what you did wrong. And then, you imagine Hotch saying those same things, and you can’t, and it almost makes you feel a little better.)
Your blood runs cold. “What could you possibly mean by that?”
“Well, you know how things have ended in the past. I’m just saying I’d like to meet him before he’s gone."
You don't dignify his words with a response.
"Come on, honey. I'm just joking with you."
"It's not funny."
"Don't be like that--"
You hang up, snapping the phone shut with a sigh.
The older you've gotten, the more conversations with your parents end up like this. You suppose it's the way you 'wasted your potential' or 'never made something of yourself.' They've always held resentment ever since you decided to become an agent. So you know not to take what they say to heart, because their words only come from a place of disappointment and displeasure. It's not a reflection of who you really are or what you've really accomplished.
Or at least, that's what Hotch told you when he'd overheard one of your phone calls. It meant more than you'd let on.
But your Dad's words linger in your head. They're irritating and sharp where they claw around in your head because they're true.
You can count on one hand the amount of romantic endeavors you've had. And from those, they all ended horribly. Your parents lost sympathy towards the end of your attempts, muttered words of needing to try harder to keep them, that you should be satisfied that somebody wanted you at all, that you should try to be less... you.
Try to be less... you, dear. The books and the facts- nobody wants those. Put some more effort into your appearance. Otherwise you'll end up all alone.
You'd tried to take their advice, of course. But the relationships that were fathered your parents direction were not loving. There was nothing soft or gentle or warm about them. You'd never felt more unlovable.
So when the incident with the shooter happened and you were lying on the lecture hall floor, blood coloring the carpet deep scarlet, you'd vowed to never let it happen again. That you were going to use your intellect and wit and passion for what you wanted to do- you'd promised yourself that if you survived, you would try to make your life your own, one step at a time.
This, of course, is easier said than done.
It's easy enough to refuse to let yourself get involved with men who are clearly only interested in your for your badge or your body --though the latter happens so rarely you really don't have to worry about it-- because you don't care about them. They're blips on your radar.
But Spencer? Sweet, sweet Spencer who makes you hot-cocoa and binge watches Doctor Who with you, even the later seasons, which you know he doesn't like as much but you love. Spencer who always has a grounding touch to offer, or a quiet command when you need him. Spencer who puts you first.
But there's a limit to these things, right? As far as you've seen, romantic relationship's are transactional, or conditional. Sometimes both. He can't just... keep doing this forever. It's too kind. Too sweet. It'll come to an end soon. Like, like the honeymoon era in early relationships. That's all it is. Plus, he's older than you, and you have no illusions about your unavoidable impulsiveness and naivety.
You've been told that your standards are too high before. "Struck by the hopeless romantic's arrow," your brother had said once, back when you were still in school, crying over a boy who'd told you that he didn't want to date you because you were too smart for a girl.
"That's not being hopeless romantic. There's no such thing as being too smart for a girl."
"There isn't," He'd amended, "But you're not going to have an easy time finding a guy. You of all people can't really afford to be picky."
He'd been right, in the end. So you're just... having a hard time figuring out how genuine Spencer's actions are. Guy's don't really act all romantic in the context of you. You've been told your whole life to be happy with what you get, and what you've had in the past is decidedly not lining up with how Spencer treats you.
It's a nasty little thing in your ear. Is it real? Does it matter as much to him?
When is it all going to end?
Rossi make's an offhand comment during a mission that you talk a lot when you're excited about the subject at hand.
JJ agrees. "It's a little unnerving when the subject is the bruising patterns of strangulation."
That little voice comes back.
Too much too much too much too much too much--
"It's useful," You protest, mouth dry.
JJ snorts, "I'm not sure about that. We need to know that the victim was strangled, not what happens to the body during blunt-force asphyxiation."
You'd grown quiet then, let the chatter and musings of the rest of the team wash over you.
Is that something Spencer finds annoying? You have always found things other's view morbid and disturbing fascinating. But JJ is right. No one wants to hear about that.
You brush the comment off, square your shoulders, get back on with the case.
Be better. Try harder.
You don't seen the furrow of Spencer's brows from where he's been watching you, or the quick look he shares with Hotch.
You'd never really thought about how clingy you can be before Emily makes an offhand comment about it while the two of you wait in line at a coffee shop. There's a couple in front of you, the girl all over her partner, kissing and giggling and hugging them close.
"Ugh," Emily groans once the two get their coffee and move on. "I could never understand the appeal of all that. I mean doesn't it feel stifling?"
A little stab of ice in your stomach.
"I don't know. I think it's nice."
"No, thank you. If I were her partner, I'd feel smothered."
You think about that conversation every time you take Spencer's hand or lean into his simple touches. They're invasive little things, the thoughts. It's not hard to pull back on all the touching. You never really ask for them in the first place- always too nervous to come off clingy. But you suppose just taking, taking, taking is just the same.
A quick shake of your head, not leaning in, a quiet "I'm fine." and that little nagging fear of smothering begins to quiet. It doesn't leave, but it does get quieter. For a little while, at least.
The hard part is trying to be less without noticeably being less. Spencer's smart- and he's a profiler. If you pull back too much too quickly, he'll notice, and you don't want to talk about this yet. You just need to make sure he'll stay. That things won't—
That you won't find out too late that you don't mean as much to him as he does to you.
That's the kind of thing that can't happen again. But ascertaining his true feelings and desires is difficult, because this is all kind's of new territory for you. You want to believe it's real. You really, really want to believe it's real.
But it's never been real before, so why would it be real now?
You've asked around (subtly and carefully, of course) about the type of girl Spencer's dated or drifted towards in the past. You know he said he wanted something soft and sweet, but you can't help but think that you're not really either, nor are you in line with his type. All things considered, you're a mess. Something tired-eyed and hollow is how you feel most days. Some sort of creature perhaps? You're honestly not sure what you are. You've spent your entire life being singled out or otherwise othered- always too smart or too different or too weird or too much or too loud or too quiet or too shy or too, too, too. Always too something. You have never been called soft or sweet. In a demeaning way, sure, but never with the quiet reverence that Spencer said it with that night.
It feels like a balancing act, a bit. Holding all those too much parts so close to your chest with one hand and shoving the ones you think Spencer wants with the other hand.
You could probably drop the one hand. The one holding the bad parts. But you're just not convinced he'll stay. You're not sure that he won't look at them with some form of disgust or pity or something else terrible.
You know the balancing act isn't sustainable— you'll fall eventually, and everything will come crashing down, but until then, you just keep trying. Trying to see if he'll stay, trying to see what to do if he won't. How to ensure he will, if that's something that's possible.
The act does not hold up for as long as you hoped it would. It comes crashing down with a glass. Literally.
You and Spencer are in the kitchen on a rare weekend off, cooking and drinking wine and swaying to some little old love song.
It should be perfect, except you're worrying that you look ugly while you're dancing, and you're probably singing off-key, and he maybe wants you to shut up so he can hear the song or dance in peace.
He reaches towards you and you just— your brain shrieks for a moment, all senses going into overdrive and you jerk backward, and your elbow knocks into your wine glass, and it falls, shattering behind you with a deafening crash.
Your entire body tenses, waiting for yelling or sighing or something, because you broke the glass, there's crystalline shards everywhere, the wine red and it looks like blood, maybe it is, maybe you're bleeding because the glass was really close to your foot when it fell but you're not sure because you can't really feel your feet or your fingers or—
"Don't move," Spencer says, voice serious, and tears well in your eyes, because this is when it all ends isn't it? "I don't want you to— honey?"
"Yes?" You croak.
His eyes are swimming with concern as he takes in your hunched shoulders, shallow breaths, and scared expression.
Understanding flickers in his features, and you resist the urge to hold your breath.
"Nothing is going to happen to you because of the glass, okay? Everything is fine. We're fine. I'm not mad. See? I'm not mad. I just don't want you to cut your feet on the glass. I'm going to clean this up and get your slippers, okay?"
"Okay." You breathe, voice hoarse. You wring your hands nervously as he leaves to retrieve the necessary supplies to clean the mess, heart beating so fast and so hard you're shocked you can't see it through your shirt.
He's not mad. He's not mad. You're not in trouble. Your parents aren't here. You're not grounded. You're not in trouble. He's not mad.
You're silent while he cleans, focused on getting your breathing under control while he babbles quietly about the history of glass making and the significance of types of wine glasses. The facts and history wash over you in steady waves, easing the tension in your shoulders bit by bit.
"I didn't think you were going to hit me, Spencer."
He continues cleaning. "It's okay if you did. I would never blame you for that."
"But I don't," You say, suddenly desperate, "I know you wouldn't, I've never been hit, not like that."
He's quiet for a few minutes. "Does this have something to do with how you've been acting recently?"
You freeze. "What do you mean?"
He looks up, leaning back on his knees. Making himself smaller, you realize. He's trying not to scare you again.
"You're dating a profiler. Also, I speak fluent you, and you've been chewing all your hangnails again. You only do that when you're stressed and pretending like you're not."
Your finger's twitch at your sides.
His hands come up slowly, and he rubs the length of your waist and hips. "We don't have to talk about it right now, but I think we should soon. I don't want you hurting all by yourself. You've had enough of that. That's what I'm here for."
He finishes cleaning up the glass, and finishes cooking dinner- he'd assured you he'd turned off all burners when the glass hit the floor, so nothing's burnt.
Once you've both eaten, he steers you towards the couch and wordlessly puts on Doctor Who.
The Pandorica is just about to open when you finally decide that if you don't start talking, you never will.
"My parents think you're going to leave me."
Spencer makes a wounded noise in his throat. "Why do they think that?"
"Because it's happened before. I'm, um. I'm not very good at getting into relationships. Or keeping them."
"But that's not your fault."
You sniff hard, rubbing your face with your sleeve. "It is though, isn't it? At least a little. I know I can be a lot. I know I'm not easy to—"
You cut yourself off, but the words hang in the air anyway; unsaid.
I'm not easy to love.
"Anyway," You say, pushing through the lump in your throat. "I just thought. I don't know. I was worried that you'd get fed up with me."
"No," He whispers, voice raw and full of something a lot heavier than fond. "No, no baby. I like that you're clingy and you ramble when you get excited, because it means that we get to talk about something together."
He shifts on the couch, sitting criss-crossed, ducking his head down to catch your gaze. "You know what else I like?"
You scoot over, mirroring his position. "What?"
"I like that you always know when I need you. Even when I don't think I do, you're there. Because I do need you. This isn't a one-way street."
His words hit you straight in your chest. "Oh."
He smiles, brows a little scrunched, brown eyes a deep pool of fondness and a splash of concern. "Yeah. And I'm thinking you need me a little more than you want to let on."
The seam of your pajama pants suddenly becomes the most interesting thing in the world. Amazing, the wonders of a sewing machine.
"Mmm," He hums, "So if I need you, don't you think that you're allowed to need me?"
Your fingers pick and twirl a loose thread around. "...Yes?"
A large, firm hand covers your thigh, giving it a quick squeeze. "Yes. Not only are you allowed to need me, I want you to need me. Cause you know how you're always worried about being the best girlfriend? Well, I'm always worried about being the best boyfriend."
That makes you look up. "Really?"
He chuckles again, a little puff of air fanning your face. "Yes, really. I assure you, contrary to your past experiences, this is one of those bare minimum things in a relationship."
"That does not," He continues, immediately catching the brief flicker of doubt and shame on your face, "Mean that it is your fault at all for how you were treated in the past. You wouldn't expect me to suddenly become an expert in veterinary medicine just because I've been to the vet's office a few times, right?"
"When did you go to the vet's—"
"Shh, I'm being a good boyfriend," He holds up a hand, lips quirking up when you can't suppress a tiny giggle, "But seriously. You had no frame of reference, right? And you were being told it was your fault. But it wasn't. You didn't deserve that."
He lets his words hang in the air for a little while and allows you time to process this new information.
"What do I do now?"
"Well," He leans in, brushing his nose against yours, curls tickling your forehead, "You've got a pretty sweet deal here. Just three things. You have to keep letting me need you, let yourself need me, and one last little thing."
You're so close your breaths are mingling.
"Let me show you what this is supposed to look like. How a man is supposed to treat a pretty girl. His pretty girl."
"Oh, well," Heat rushes to your cheeks, your stomach doing flip-flops, "That sounds pretty hard. I don't know how I'll hold up."
His hand comes up to hold the side of your face, his thumb sweeping strokes under your eye.
"You say that now, but I know what happens to you when I get romantic. You swoon."
You laugh. "I do not swoon."
"You will."
He leans down, capturing your lips in a soft, gentle kiss. It isn't a kiss-kiss. He's kissing you just to kiss you; just to let you know that he's here, that you have him.
It's sweet and perfect and exactly what you need.
Letting yourself need Spencer is marginally easier now that you know he needs you. Now that you know you're not going all in for someone who isn't.
He also starts needing you a bit... louder.
It's late evening, and most people have gone home except you and a couple other members of the team, all still working on paperwork.
Except Spencer, who's decided to drape himself over your shoulders like a cat, his chin resting on your head.
"Don't you have work to do?"
"Either finished it or it can be done later."
You shift your shoulders, smiling at how his grumbles vibrate against your back.
He moves his head, pressing his cheek to your head instead of his chin, heaving a deep sigh.
"Your hair smells good."
"Like what?"
"You're shampoo. Yours always smell better than mine."
You continue to work through your paperwork, Spencer a continuous and solid weight against your back.
"Is this even comfortable for your back at all?"
"Doesn't matter. Need girlfriend time."
He can't see it, but you're sure he knows how hard you blush.
Spencer's cooking the two of you a late breakfast in the kitchen of his apartment, hair still all mussed from sleep. He's quite the sight. You can't stop staring.
You're sitting on the counter, still dressed in your pajamas, legs swinging.
"You wanna know something cool?"
"You know it,"
"Butterflies and moths can drink blood and tears. There's nutrients in them. Purple Emperor butterflies are especially known for this. It's called mud-puddling."
"So you're telling me I should make sure I bandage any open wounds before I go to a butterfly house?"
"I guess. I can't imagine they'd be able to drink enough blood to actually cause any damage."
"Maybe we'll have to go to a butterfly house. For research."
"Should we get dinner afterwards?"
"We'll deserve it, you know, for all the hard research we'll have done."
"Hmm. Yes, I suppose so."
Spencer's bed is infinitely more comfortable than your bed. You're pretty sure it's a combination of the fact that it's the only thing in the entire world that smells so much like him and the fact that he spent part of his large FBI paycheck on a fancy mattress. Back support is very important to him.
You're doing a little reading before bed, shamelessly sprawled all over him while he does his own reading. You've got a leg hooked over his hips, the other tangled with his legs, and your arms and head pillowed on his chest. You move a little every time he takes a breath, and more than once you've paused in your reading, mesmerized by the feeling.
He shifts under you, setting his book down on his night stand and making himself more comfortable.
"Should I move?"
"No," he says, voice deep and gravelly with sleep. He wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you flush to him, face pressed to the crook of your neck. He breathes deep, scruffy stubble scratching against your skin. "Like you close. Good for sleep."
Even with the lamp on, and your book in your hand, you fall asleep soon after him.
It's an ordinary evening for the two of you. Discarded dishes sit on the coffee table in front of the t.v, neither of you paying them any attention, wrapped up in each other and eyes glued to the screen.
You look up at Spencer who's watching Doctor Who with the focus of a man who's never seen it, even though you know for a fact he's seen it before, several times in fact.
"I want to know the things you like," He'd said simply, the one time you'd asked why he takes your nightly Doctor Who watching so seriously.
And tonight's no different. Tonight, he looks... well, he looks like Spencer. His face illuminated by the TV screen, his hair all mussed from you running your hands through it earlier.
And it just kind of all hits you at once. You know.
"I love you."
He looks down at you, his expression soft and surprised. When your words register, his expression is so sickeningly fond and happy you can't help but lean in, burying your face in his chest. He rubs your back consolingly, then presses a little kiss to the crown of your head.
"I love you too."
taglist: @topsecret101 @slowdownpal @leeknowpegger @sunbl3achedfly @hiireadstuff @paige0103 @private190104 @beautyb1ade @coraline-jones353 @pleasenter-sandman @sttvrdustt @gluchie @thomasintheshadows @dessamira1001 @bbleeeeh @hufflely-puffly @bippityboppityboob1tch @buggys-space @redxfangirl @liauchiha147 @dreaming-potato @meandyoulollz @jobrosimp
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insertdisc5 · 5 months ago
hi i made a timeloop game called In Stars and Time and this is a whole post about other timeloop games you can also play.
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some i liked. some i loved. some i didnt like. all are worth playing and like also listen the second friends and family heard i was making a timeloop game, i got bombarded with timeloop media recs. so here is a sampler in no particular order! NOTE: knowing some of those games are timeloop games is a spoiler. but. you are here. for timeloop games. so timeloop games you shall have
Outer Wilds
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If you need to play one timeloop game, it's this one. Please play it blind. I swear to god you won't regret it. it's timeloops in space!!! it makes you think!!! there are so many "HOLY SHIT WAIT I GET IT NOW" moments!!! please just go play it please please please. some of the best environmental storytelling in a game. so many hints in plain sight. JUST PLAY IT
[way more timeloop games under the cut]
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I didn't actually like Oxenfree very much. But also it stayed in my mind for weeks after I finished playing it. that's how you know it's a good game. I really enjoyed the dialogue system in this, and how much the loop affected the characters. and it got so spooky!!!
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i'm in the credits for this one because i was one of the inspirations heehee <3 i loved playing it… short little game about trust, self-sabotage, and never-ending cycles. highly recommend it
The Stanley Parable
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Listen babes it absolutely counts. I replayed it a bunch while making ISAT, and I got immensely inspired by the dialogue, and how it catches you off guard sometimes? You get SO SO used to the narrator's "All of his coworkers were gone. What could it mean?" at the start of every game, and then for no reason instead it says "A soft wind blew outside and perhaps rain started, and if it did it stopped shortly after. Stanley hoped that he would one day see weather." like WHAT THE FUUUUCK IM GETTING CHILLS JUST THINKING ABOUT IT
12 minutes
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ok i know we all made fun of this game when it came out because the story is batshit insane HOWEVER!!!!!!!! i REALLY REALLY LOVED how doing the same actions multiple times would have slightly different outcomes. If you battle someone, the first time you get knocked out in one hit and the loop restarts. the second time you try, you evade the first hit, but get knocked out. the third time, you last a little bit longer, and a little bit longer, until you can pretty much hold your own against your enemy. And it applies to so many things in this. Retrying different things to see how they would change was a delight.
this game is also so bad its almost good, and if you're interested you HAVE to play it with friends so you can yell about how bad it is together.
Zero Escape
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it's just a good series ok. escape rooms, and also time loops! the 3rd game in particular goes deep into The Math of how timeloops would work, which i think is interesting. sometimes timeloop games just go "yeah you can timeloop dont worry about it" and others go "OK HERE'S THE HOW AND WHY IT WORKS" and both are interesting!
START AGAIN: a prologue
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this game has almost everything i could wish for in a timeloop game. depression. lines repeating. dying brings you back. you get new levels and skills because you're aware of the loops but your party members don't. so you get overpowered next to them and they Notice. just. party members who dont know about the loops still noticing something is wrong. you are acting differently than yesterday. you look sad. you are acting weird. you know too much. how did you know where the keys were? how did you know this would happen? what's wrong? talk to us. and oh my god this game has a sequel? which will probably have Actually Everything i could wish for in a timeloop game? i can't wait. who made this? (its me i made this)
Ghost Trick
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ok its not really time loops and more time travel and only for 4 minutes HOWEVER!!!! you should play it. you know you should play it because everyone says so. so go play it
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im sure its a great game but ive never seen/read hamlet. so thats a failing on my part. because. you absolutely need to know hamlet to understand this game lol i did like the whole "make sure to find out which events are Important and which ones aren't so you can have The Perfect Loop"! very fun. or it would be. if i. knew. hamlet
The Forgotten City
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a friend kept recommending it to me and i didn't like it. its good! just not for me. but if you like to think a lot you should play it. another "make sure to find out which events are Important and which ones aren't so you can have The Perfect Loop" game
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Gonna be real. I didn't like the story very much, in part because the game lets you choose your gender but still acts like youre a straight dude. HOWEVER the gameplay was very inspiring to me. Every loop is pretty much just an among us meeting, and you have to find out who the imposters are or everyone dies and you loop again. and sometimes you ARE the imposter, so you need to make sure no one finds out. or you loop again. rules get added as time goes on too. i REALLY loved how quickly the loops stacked up. seeing "loop 100" was such a nice moment. ive been here so long! i tried to recreate that somewhat for my own game…
Loop Hero
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Technically not a timeloop game, but a loop game. It still absolutely counts because it's about loops and memories, and what are loops and memories together if not a timeloop. You have your little guy going through a closed loop, battling enemies, getting cards, and making the world whole again by using those cards to make forests, towns, lakes come to life. I am famously a Story First Gameplay Second kinda player, but I did play this 45h for the gameplay alone. I learned a lot about battle balancing and randomness by playing this!
You and Me and Her: A Love Story
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you know doki doki litterature club? this came before. and one might say. it's. better. in some parts (and i say that as someone who LOVED ddlc!) i won't say much except it's a dating sim but with timeloops. with a lot of what it implies. why are you dating this girl a second time? a third time? a fourth time? choose another one already! it was such a fascinating game to play, and is incredibly meta in the way it talks about dating sims and visual novels. had a lot of very impactful moments however, i played the hentai version. some of the worst, most cringy sex ive ever read and heard. however, one might say the sex is an integral part of the game and its deconstruction of hentai/dating sims…? no. just play the steam version which doesnt have the horrible sex scenes and you will have a great time i think (or play the hentai version. if you like. to watch. horrible sex scenes???)
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knowing this is a timeloop game is a massive spoiler. however, this game is more than a decade old, so,,, honestly if you havent played higurashi what are you doing. i know i just spoiled you on it but i was also spoiled on it and i can GUARANTEE YOU that you will still have an amazing time. one more thing. you gotta play with the original sprites or you're a fake fan
I Was a Teenage Exocolonist
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starts as a visual novel/management sim/dating sim kinda thing, until you realize that every replay is a new timeline. so the main character can save people, because they remembered about them dying in a previous one. i wish the timeloop would affect the game/story more (let me find a certain character quicker once ive found them in a previous playthrough!!!), but timeloop aside, it's a very fun game to play!!!
that's it! hope you will find a nice timeloop game you like
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tbaluver · 6 months ago
When You're On Your Period- The Love And DeepSpace Men
parings in order: Xavier x Reader, Zayne x Reader, Rafayel x Reader, Sylus x Reader genre: fluff, comfort a/n: posting my drafts atm bc i just have writers block sorrys /ᐠ - ˕ -マ
any likes and reblogs are always appreciated! enjoy!
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He's not particularly educated in the realm of menstruation. So when he saw you clutching your sides in agony, he was so worried about you and ran to your side. He thought you were sick or injured. You try to explain to him that you're just on your period and he eagerly listens to you as you explain it to him.
It's his mission to try and make everything easy for you and makes a special effort to bring you things that might make you feel a little better.
"Can you buy me pads with/out wings?" And he would be really confused at first. He would think you want pads and wings. He would stand in the aisle for a while figuring out which ones you needed. So he'll come back home with a BUNCH of menstrual products with wings from your favorite restaurant.
But also the type to buy you your favorite snacks and drinks before you even ask. Sometimes he'll come home with a small plushie for some support.
Lowkey worried if you're going to be alright but he knows you're strong and will remind himself that you know how to handle yourself.
He would gently massage any areas that were aching. Lots of your time is spent in his arms or resting your head on his chest and he explains that the health website says its "beneficial" to do so and you're not complaining. He's so comfy.
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In the beginning of your relationship, he was kind of inexperienced in this department. He knew some knowledge about the menstrual cycle but not too much so he made sure to educate himself so he knows how to take better care of you.
He runs down to the pharmacy to get you some pain medication and any menstrual products you need without any ounce of embarrassment. He doesn't find a reason to feel ashamed or embarrassed about getting you things for your period. Makes sure you have enough supplies to last you the whole week.
Prepares you some yummy warm foods that are nutritious for you and all cooked to your liking. He would also make sure to run down to your favorite bakery to pick you up some baked goods.
If you suffer from cramps, then he would find the best pill for you or make you effective tea. He'll also offer any massages you want on your body and let's just say this man is good with his hands that you don't want his hands off of you.
The type to not tell you that you stained the bed. He'll prepare you a soothing bath while he washes the sheets. When you come back the bed is nice and warm.
He'll start marking it down on his calendar so he can be prepared more in the future
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He would kind of forget periods are a thing but once you remind him, he'll try his best to take care of you. He has good intentions looking out for you and getting whatever you need. You would text him if he can get something for you and he's already on his way to you with whatever you requested.
He'll pay attention to your specific needs and preferences. He'll make sure you're getting your rest, staying hydrated, and eating well.
Would joke around and call this "Shark week." Would pray to any gods to bring mercy on him if he were to ever to be sassy to you on your period.
He'll be worried about you but he knows that you're strong. That doesn't mean he'll leave you alone during this time, unless you want him too. He'll be there to try and ease everything as much as he could.
If you were to have any bad cramps, he would give your lower abdomen a small massage while talking too it. "Hey don't be so mean to my cutie....." or sometimes he'll tell you some stories about Lemuria or maybe hum you a song in Lemurian to get your mind off it. Your head would be resting on his chest, his hands massaging gently into your aching sides.
It's easy to fall asleep in his arms because he can be so warm from his evol
He'll offer to make you a bath and gather your favorite bath bombs and your oils that might ease your discomfort. He would have the perfect temperature for you and would help undress you and help you into the bathtub. Would also feed you some yummy fruits like a princess while you were in the bath
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Sylus treats you like royalty the entire time you're on your period. He's extra patient and understanding. You don't have to feel embarrassed at all with him and he will never be disgusted by you being on your period.
If you ever stained the bed, he would clean it up for you. He would reassure you that everything is okay and that bleeding is normal. He'll help run a bath for you while he cleans the sheets. He would never use these situations against you or even embarrass you about it.
He's always there to give you a massage knowing how bad cramps can be. Tell him where it hurts and he'll immediately massage the area with his hands. If massages weren't helping, then he'll warm up a heating pad for you and would find the best painkillers to make it go away.
The first time you were on your period, he bought way to many products for you so you were stocked up. Eventually in the future he knows the exact brand and everything you could possibly need.
When you wake up, he already has a meal prepared for you. Sometimes it'll be made from a private chef or he made it on his own. He'll gladly carry you to the kitchen so he can feed it to you or if you want, you can eat in bed.
Would give you random and frequent kisses. He knows that during this time you can go through a lot of emotions so he'll make sure to give you kisses to remind you that he loves and cares about you.
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fibretwo · 3 months ago
˚₊‧⁺⋆♱ Cure Fasting Boredom ⋆⁺‧₊˚
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“Oh, I’m fasting, but I’m incredibly bored!!“ — so what I’m hearing is that you have nothing to do except eat? Or you eat when you’re bored..? Well, that needs to be fixed, but fear not, that will come with time. Keep fasting by the way, you’re doing great! So well in fact that I’ve actually compiled a list of things that you can do to keep yourself occupied!!
1. Make a playlist
2. Find some new music
3. Listen to music!
4. Take a shower
5. wash your hair
6. cut your hair?
7. dye your hair, even?
8. paint your nails
9. put on a perfume you barely wear
10. brush your teeth
11. put on some makeup
12. make a pinterest board of makeup looks and try them out!
13. wash your clothes
14. lay outfits on your bed and take photos/write them down
15. make some “for when i’m skinny outfits” and take photos/write them down
16. meditate
17. compile things that trigger you (YouTube Playlists, Pinterest boards, Screenshots of tumblr posts etc!!!)
18. Go for a walk
19. Walk to the supermarket and look at food (maybe i just like doing this)
20. walk to ur local train station and go to the mall OR!! walk to the mall (sorry if you live in buttfuck no where 😓)
21. journal!! prompts vvv
22. write down everything that’s keeping you going
23. write down all the things you want to eat when ur at ur ugw
24. write down your safe foods
25. write down your fear foods
26. write some triggers
27. write some thinspo quotes
28. reflect on yourself
29. get to know yourself
30. look at journalling prompts on pinterest
31. vent
32. brain dump
33. put lipstick on and cover a page in kisses
34. draw thinspo
35. draw an oc
36. try finding your art style if you don’t draw often
37. draw a scene you remember from your childhood
38. do a jigsaw puzzle
39. find a deck of cards and order them
40. study!!!
41. practice an instrument
42. look for jobs if your unemployed
43. go out with friends
44. talk to online friends
45. text ur irl friends
46. play minecraft
47. clean your room
48. de clutter draws & desks
49. make a thinspo board on pinterest
50. Make a pinterest board with all those facebook mom weight loss motivation quotes and things (they have a special place in my heart, okay?)
51. watch media that has characters w/ EDs in them. i recommend To The Bone (ofc), Skins (Cassie), Gossip Girls (Blair), Heathers (Heather Duke), Heartstopper (Charlie Spring)!!
52. find low calorie recipes
53. practice an instrument
54. contour your bones
55. write down rewards for when you reach another gw (eg, perfumes, new scales, new clothes, safe foods)
56. listen to some ED podcasts (i rlly like SciGuys Ep #201 and DRAMA MAMA Ep #32)
57. sometimes i watch swan liyah on YT
58. Make yourself some ice cold water
59. Fill up the ice cube tray (this is personal, i usually do this when i’m bored)
60. Commentary YouTubers 🙏
61. ED short films on YT
62. ED documentaries on YT
63. Quora ED stuff can be triggering too!!
64. Have a bath
65. De-clutter your phone
66. Get out there and reblog a whole bunch of stuff!
67. Duolingo
68. paint
69. haha 69… uh, read a book!
70. Stalk my ED Pinterest Account: https://pin.it/6IDHsH7jh
(it’s very cool i promise)
71. watch ED WIEIAD videos on youtube
72. look for different diets
73. watch cooking videos and save recipes for when your skinny
74. Make a playlist of workouts to try (reminder, you don’t have to work out when ur fasting<3)
75. write a letter to someone
76. practice your handwriting
77. Walk all the way to your local supermarket, get some gum and/or sugar free soda and walk back
78. hold a little fashion show for yourself
79. Listen to those songs you never got around to
80. Get into that artist you’ve never had time to get into
81. watch that show you’ve never started
82. Look into poetry
83. Write a poem
84. make a bookmark
85. draw one of your friends to give to them (no matter how poorly, it’s funnier when it’s bad)
86. Have a dance party, why tf not?
87. put beads on some of your shoelaces
88. Headphones up, eyes closed, laying on your bed blasting your favourite song. Just let yourself be surrounded by the music for a moment. It really helps your mood
89. Mess with spotify equalisers
90. Try some hairstyles out
91. straighten/curl your hair
92. watch a tim burton film
93. Watch a Studio Ghibili film (it helps to have an activity to do at the same time, like literally anything else on the list)
94. look at halloween costumes you can wear next halloween when your skinny
95. heal your inner child and watch a childhood show!!
96. sew something!
97. learn to sew? :)
98. make some jewellery
100. research a random topic (band backstories and mythology are my favourite!!!)
101. Look into the biology of a human digestive system (there’s a video of digestion we had to watch in school once that you can find on YT and it’s so gross and triggering)
102. look at mouldy pictures of food
103. watch time lapse videos of food decomposing
104. count loose change
105. burn your favourite candle because if not now the when?
will add more when i think of them! stay safe and do what feels right for you, don’t push yourself just stay disciplined
Take care <3
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knowledge-from-the-abyss · 2 months ago
Protections and Wards
What are protections and wards? 
Protections and wards can be pretty much anything; you can make protection jars using herbs, you can use crystals as protections, you can even do protections with just energy! There will be some simple examples of protections listed later on in this post.
Why do protections at all? What if I don’t believe in trickster spirits? 
Even if you don’t necessarily believe in trickster spirits, protections are still important. Negative energy still exists, and protecting yourself and your space from that negative energy may make it easier to deal with negativity around you in your daily life. 
What is the difference between protections and warding? 
Protections are a generalized term that describes using energy and intentions to protect yourself and your space. Warding specifically talks about using ordinary objects, setting intentions on them (possibly doing other things like blessing them or consecrating them) to turn them into protections.
Below is going to be a small list of some ideas for protections and wards, both for the home and for yourself. This list is not exhaustive, and there are many different ways to make protections and wards. 
Protection jars
Protection jewelry
Handmade protections
Protection satchels 
Energetic protections
Protection oil (please make sure that any essential oil or oil-based products are safe for the skin and pets if you are going to be using this). 
Protection candles (you can use color and scent magic for this as well!)
Protective sigils
Some of the methods listed, such as veiliing, protection jewelry, and crystals are a bit more ‘beginner friendly’. Please make sure you’re doing your research and setting clear intentions with any protections you’re making! 
Here is a short list of some easy, generally accessible herbs you can use in protection jars and satchels. 
Sage (please remember to only use white sage is you are part of that closed practice)
What is veiling/how do I veil? 
Veiling is a tradition that has a lot of history behind it; essentially, veiling is the practice of wearing some type of headwear in order to protect your own energies from outside influence. You can veil in many different ways. Wearing a headscarf of some kind is a good way to veil, but you can also veil using hats, scrunchies/hair-ties, and even simple energy can be used to veil. For me, I have put an energetic veil on my head before while washing my hair in the shower!
Is there a right/wrong way to use/do protections? 
There is not really a right or wrong way to do or use protections; you can use protections however you like to protect your own energy and your space! For me personally, the majority of my protections are not physical objects, I purely use energy and visuals for my protections. A lot of my protections are also baneful in nature. 
Can I make protections to make someone not think of me/ignore me? 
Yes, you can! For protections like these, I recommend illusion magic or protections specifically made to hide you from them. Veiling is a good option in this scenario! 
How do I know I need to redo my protections? 
This can get a bit tricky to discern; I highly recommend using some form of divination to figure out if you need to re-do protections. I also recommend generally keeping up with your protections as part of a weekly/bi-weekly routine. As discussed in my previous post about cleansing, working in protections while you’re doing mundane tasks such as cleaning can be a good way to do this. 
As far as discerning when you need to redo protections, this will get a little complicated, so bear with me. First and foremost, please try to distinguish the mundane vs magical causes for things. While things like getting sick, feeling suddenly run down all the time, or having a bout of bad luck can SOMETIMES be indications of negative energy around you and the need to cleanse and redo protections, this is not always the case. Sometimes, life just sucks. This is again why I recommend doing divination as a way to discern if the cause is mundane or magical. I will be going more into divination methods in a later post. 
How do I make protection jewelry? 
Again, there can be a few ways to do this. I firstly recommend cleansing the jewelry you are wanting to turn into a protection. Please make sure you’re being safe when doing this (make sure you check and see if the jewelry can safely be submerged in water, get salt on it, etc).
Next, you can consecrate the jewelry in a few ways. You can use protection oil to consecrate the jewelry (please make sure that your jewelry will not corrode or anything with oil). You can also ask your deities/spirit guides to bless the jewelry for you and put their protective energies on it. You can also soak the jewelry in water and herbs (again, make sure that the jewelry is safe to go in water). 
How do I make protective sigils?
Sigils are a very fun, easy way to make protections (as well as doing other types of spellwork). You can find sigil online, however I do recommend making them on your own. There are also programs you can find online that will help you generate sigils. You can also make them up on your own, go based on associations (like you could draw a candle, and have that be a protective sigil for instance). 
This is not an exhaustive list that covers all forms of protection and all questions about protection, however I hope that this post will help some newer witches learn more about how to work protections into their practice.
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bunny-jpeg · 25 days ago
"beautiful." price's words were like a siren's call as you looked to him. in his hands was his lunch that you picked up for him. in a pressed, expensive suit, leaned back in his office chair. he looked at you with a certain look in his eye as he said, "roast beef and swiss? the order is roast beef and gouda." he put the paper back around the food and said. he crossed his arms and huffed, "you're supposed to be my assistant. are you not taking this job seriously?"
you stood there, shivering like a leaf at your boss' heavy gaze. there was some dark behind those blue eyes. but he covered it up with one of his charming smiles. you didn't want to disappoint, but you swore that he said he liked roast beef and swiss earlier in the week...
it was almost too easy to trick you, price almost felt bad about it. you were so eager to please, those pleading eyes, the tremble in your soft bottom lip. didn't help that those pencil skirts you wore showed off all of those curves of yours. this was your first job post graduation and you didn't want to mess it up!
"c'mere, you know the rules." just as you were eager to please in your job. you also aimed to please price on every level. you got his coffee, photocopied his paperwork, sucked his cock and let him finish inside of you. you were the perfect employee.
you approached him and he reached for you and placed a hand on your behind as you stood next to him. he got his legs off the desk and pulled your soft middle up against his bearded cheek.
he gripped your ass tightly and you let out a sharp noise, which he shushed you for, "quiet there, little bird. don't want everyone to know that you're gettin' fucked by the boss. they might get jealous." or think you're a total whore. he gave your ass a firm pat before he said, "over the desk, love."
you were perfect as you bent over the desk and let price pull down the zipper and let it fall to your ankles. your panties ended up halfway down your thighs. then price got his cock out of his dress pants and rubbed the leaky tip against your slick entrance.
"i expect the best from you. i know it's a hard concept for you, doll. but i believe you can be the best you can be. you just need to work harder and do better. right? can you do that for me?" he asked with a heat in his tone before he pushed his cock into you.
he rested his chest up against your back and placed a hand over your mouth as he started to move against you. his thrusts like ruts of a dog in heat, needy for your pretty pussy. hard not to become obsessed, you were a virgin when price for met you. you've come a long way and while you were doing excellent at your job. price believed that there was still some more training to do. so that meant price having to be a good boss and teach you everything you need to know.
except it was hard to keep the lessons in your head when your brain was near mush from the intensity of climax. price's weight felt good against your back, he squished you under he sturdy form. you knew under that crisp button up, he was hairy like a shag carpet.
his cock hit against your sweet spot and your noises got a little higher in pitch, but price clamped his hand tighter around your mouth, his hand almost big enough to cover your nose too. he said lowly, "shh, shh, shh doll. relax. relax. that's a good girl." he said with a low tone, "no need to cause a scene, i know it's good for you."
he moved against you, his cock was hefty. it stretched you, but didn't tear. sometimes he fucked you and it was like he was re-shaping your poor pussy to fit him. and only him. you gasped a little louder, it was hard to compose yourself when the pleasure raced through your body.
something about price that pulled you in. he was a domineering presence in your life. he made you squirm and ache for him. you wanted to do well for him, make him praise you. even if that meant letting him take you raw over his solid desk. he kept you quiet while he fucked you, his heavy breathing in your ear as every thrust of his hips aroused you more.
you felt so good under him, right where you belonged. pretty little thing spread out like paperwork across his desk. your red cotton panties around your thighs and that skirt at your ankles. if price had his way you'd be in a lot less clothes at the office, and maybe a collar too. little tag that said "property of jonathan price". but he'd just have to settle with fucking the daylights out of you over his desk. until your little body bruised from how hard the surface was.
he liked a girl he could own, keep wrapped around his thick fingers like the ones he was keeping in your mouth as he fucked you. didn't hurt that you did your job well and you kept his cock nice and warm. you were the full package. and price loved it.
he thrusts left your head in a tailspin as he continued to pleasure the both of you. your heart hammered in your chest as you felt his cock spear you open, make himself fit inside your cunt. he was the only one who ever used it, and he was the only one who would ever use it. he continued his movements, his long thrusts that left you feeling on a different planet. his heavy movements that had you gasping around his fingers in your throat.
"good girl. good girl." he cooed as he fucked you heavily. he felt your cunt tighten around his heavy cock. he knew it was a lot to take for you, but he knew you'd persevere and take him each time.
you tried to speak but his hand muffled any noises. you arched your back a little to give him further access to your weepy cunt. you felt trapped by his aggressive movements and it shook you down to your core. your head throbbed, your body trembled. you couldn't help yourself. it was all so much, you kept your hands flat on the desk as you were pushed further up against it.
you saw stars when you closed your eyes, each thrust hit in a way that it made your toes curl in your heels. you were price's little assistant, your job was to make sure he was taken care of. he was a busy man who worked long hours. you whimpered as you kept his fingers in your mouth as his cock dragged up inside of you.
he had fully marked you inside and out. his thrusts continued but he knew you were getting close by how wet you were, how your hole was fluttering around his cock and how he had to try harder to keep you quiet. his pace quickened and he watched you tremble. shivering like a leaf as the feeling of absolute pleasure started to take over.
it was a sight to behold. a proper working girl reduced to a whimpering slut. good girl.
"my petal. my doll. i want you to cum for me. i want you to make a mess of my cock. i want them all to smell your pussy on me when i got to my next meeting." he said with heat in his tone as his thrusts were brutal and his weight left you stuck under him. he made you take all of him as you clenched around him. your cunt tight that it was near impossible for him to pull out. a tight fit made tighter.
you whined and soon came around his cock. he continued his movements against you, fucking you right through not one, but two back to back orgasms. they felt almost on top of each other as they near fried your brain from the intense pleasurable feeling. your eyes closed once more as you let yourself be consumed by the heated feeling.
price continued to fuck you, his thrusts heavy as he neared his own climax as well. he fucked you as deep as it would go and eventually spilled himself inside of you. he cooed in your ear, "that's it, baby, that's it. you feel so good. pretty little thing for me." he rocked into you to get that over stimulated feeling through him as he felt you quiver under him.
he left you a mess on his desk, his cum stuck to your pussy lips and his wetness stained the front of his dress pants. the office smelt like hot sex and he watched you quiver against the desk. he gave your ass a firm squeeze before he tucked himself back into his pants, not minding the stain.
"p..price." you said in a shaky tone.
he replied, "up and at 'em, petal. you gotta get me a new sandwich before lunch is over. this was a nice appitizer, but i need some real food in my stomach. so hurry up." he got back into his seat and watched, "and get it right this time, or we'll have to do this lesson all over again." <3
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elssero · 1 month ago
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pros and cons of my faves being your roommate!
includes- bakugo, kirishima, denki, sero, shinso, izuku, shigaraki and monoma ! (college au makes most sense)
-inspired by @tokeposts post about shinso being a bad roommate ily toke.
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bakugo is very clean, he tidies up after himself very well, as in you’ll hardly find even a trace of him living in your shared areas. he’s also an amazing cook, and while he won’t make meals specifically for you in the beginning, if he has leftovers i’d imagine he may leave tupperware with the note ‘leftovers, help yourself.’
however, i think he’s loud. and in the most inconvenient times. its 8am and he’s blasting music while he works out and ur suffering from a horribleee hangover, he does not care.
i would imagine it takes him awhile to open up to you, but when he eventually does he would much rather cook or go to the gym with you compared to watching a movie on the couch. overall a 8/10 roommate because i cannot forgive the early morning wake ups.
kirishima is an absolute sweetheart, introduces himself straight away and attempts to spend time with you immediately. he’s a great conversationalist and i think he would be amazing at making you feel safe and comfortable.
however, i think he’s clumsy. like your replacing your plates once a month type clumsy. he doesn’t mean it! and he always (tries) to clean up after himself! maybe it’s also that he doesn’t quite know his own strength, shattering glass that takes 20 minutes to clean up with just his grip.
he opens up immediately though, offers to walk you to class (even when he doesn’t have one himself sometimes, but you don’t need to know that.) i think he would also introduce you to his friends too, but he always asks very politely before he invited anyone over!
denki is a horrible roommate. he’s messy and forgetful and he can’t cook and god forbid you ask him to do some laundry for you, he’s completely and utterly hopeless.
it’s a shame that he’s so funny. like an absolute joy to be around. he’s interested in you immediately (in more ways than one) and he takes every opportunity to be around you. hes also super good at finding cheep local places for food and drinks etc, always begging to take you to this new restaurant he’s been dying to try.
‘hey so i burnt our dinner, how about i order us takeout and we watch a movie instead?’ -and so becomes your little thursday night tradition of trying all the takeout places that’ll deliver to your place and watching cringy movies to go along with it. it’s adorable really. he SHOULD be like a 2/10 but he’s so charming it makes it hard.
sero is the chillest guy ever, i believe he was brung up with proper manners and he knows how to take care of himself, it’s a very favour for favour situation. he cooks and you do dishes, you do laundry and he takes out the trash, it’s very domestic from the get go.
however, i think he has a problem with just inviting people over. getting home from a longgg lecture and suddenly there’s three boys in your house that you’ve never met and your subjected to a round of questioning when all you want to do is go to bed. sometimes it feels as though he always has company.
he’d realise pretty fast that it was irritating you though, suddenly your getting messages ‘when will you be home so i can kick denki out so we can hang out.’ it’s sweet. i believe he would be more of a series guy than the movie type. don’t you dare watch an episode without him.
shinso is respectful, he never touches any of your stuff, never gets in your way or makes you uncomfortable, you can just go about your life while having him as your roommate.
but you never see him. you hear him, sometimes at all hours of the night when he’s up finishing a project or showering at 4am when you have a lecture at 8. i think he’s also a procrastinator, you ask him to take out the trash at 7.30 before you leave and you get back at 3 and the trash still isn’t taken out.
sometimes you wake up to a delivery from your favorite breakfast spot on the counter though, so that makes up for it.
izuku is so kind, while he’s a little hopeless at first, he’s very eager to learn. you do have to teach him how to do the laundry and how to use the stove, but he gets it after a few tries. once you begin splitting up the household tasks, things get alot easier. especially when you keep finding your favourite snacks in the fridge.
he can sometimes be overbearing, he won’t go as far as to sneak into your room to try and see what type of stuff your into but he might sneak a peak when you leave ur room.
hugeeee on studying together! brings home ur favorite coffee during finals season and you guys spend hours at the table working at your respective subjects, it’s a fun time.
shigaraki is quiet, most of the time, minus the rare scream at his pc. he doesn’t cook- and he sure as hell doesn’t clean, but he also doesn’t really make any mess, barely leaves his room and orders take out for every meal so he’s not really causing much harm.
it’s definitely you that has to make the move to get to know him. he could go months without speaking to you and everything would be fine for him, until you have enough of course.
once he realised that your okay to hang around with you guys start gaming together, he introduces you to his friends over vc and he gets teased relentlessly for taking forever to become your friend. he starts ordering take out for two.
monoma is the fucking worst, absolutely helpless, huge rich kid energy, i’d even go as far to say he genuinely offers to pay you to do his half of the household chores. if you refuse he’ll probably mope around for a few days before he begrudgingly asks you how to use the washing machine, it’s a grilling few weeks, but you guys get over it.
he’s a hugeee gossiper, knows everything about everyone, you find out things about people that you don’t even know, he can piont to have the people on your walk to campus and tell you a story about them. absolute shit stirrer.
offers to take you to this super nice restaurant free of charge… makes up for the weeks you spend literally teaching him to be an adult… no other reason… it’s literally only to make things even… definitely not a date….
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cupid4hae · 2 months ago
( reaction ) — riize kissing you randomly !
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pairing : riize x fem!reader mentions : fluff. kissing. it’s just cute nothing much to say. the members aren’t in any particular order! and ofc this it a ot7 post.
[ cupid’s hub ] sorry sungchan’s was so short… i lowkey got lazy HELP. not grammar or spell checked ! i will later (maybe)
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while laying down and enjoying each other’s company. shotaro loves glancing at you occasionally to admire you. you’re laying on your side watching instagram reels and look up to see him staring. “what happened taro?” you ask with a slight smile. gosh does shotaro love when you smile. when he doesn’t say anything you go back to watching your videos. that’s when he takes the phone out of your hand, but before you can react he kisses your lips softly. he pulled away shortly after and handed you back your phone before getting up from the bed and walking out the room, leaving you alone with the silence. when your brain processes what just happened you follow him and shower him with kisses.
wonbin loves when you do his hair. after a long day of practice he loves when you massage his head. sometimes you do little braids or clips to make him look “cutesy,” and you’ll even take pictures of him and save them to send to him after. but today, as you were playing with your boyfriends bangs, he suddenly looks up at you with nothing but admiration. he studies your features, a your beautiful colored eyes, your nice hair even if you complain about it being frizzy, your soft lips that he loves so much, gosh he really wants to kiss you. then wonbin thinks to himself, he quite literally can just kiss you right now, and that’s exactly what he does. he cups the bottom of your chin and gently brings your lips close to his. when he pulls away, all he sees is your slightly red face and softened eyes. after that, you ultimately give up on playing with his hair and hug him tightly.
watching eunseok play basketball is one of your favorite things to do. the way he moves, the way his hair sticks to his sweaty forehead, the way he blows you a kiss after he makes a basket. however this time you weren’t really paying attention. distracted by the book you were reading in class, you just wanted to familiarize yourself with the book more before the exam you know your professor will give you. eunseok notices your distracted and tries to think of how to grab your attention. that’s when he runs over to you, grabs your face, kisses you, and runs back to the court. it happened so fast, all you can do is look at him. he turns towards you and yells “this one’s for you babe!” as he shoots the basketball and completely misses. god do you love this man bad.
sungchan loves to kiss you 24/7. to be honest, it’s never random because you expect it. your forehead? peck. the back of your hands? peck. your cheek? peck. your lips? more than a peck. he can’t help it he just loves you and your reactions. your ears slightly getting red, the tiny twinkle in your eyes, and the way you never hesitate to kiss him back. physical touch is his biggest love language, so of course he’ll love to touch you at whatever chance he gets, he just chooses kissing you as a way of showing it. not that you’re complaining though.
anton and you have been studying for about 2 hours now. you both aren’t studying for the same class, but study dates are slowly becoming normal in your relationship because it’s really the only time you can both get together in your hectic schedules. anton peers his eyes towards you to check in on your studies. your hair was messy, your pencil full of bite marks, and the headphones you had were slowly falling off your head. he called your name softly, but you didn’t hear him, you were locked in. but, anton needed your attention somehow, so he tapped the top of your notebook making you look up at him. your eyes finally meeting causes him to laugh, the way you look because of studying was cute to him for some odd reason. you were gonna go back to studying since he didn’t say anything, but anton grabbed your hand and kissed it. the gesture was reassuring. it let you know that he was there for you and that you’ll both pass your exams. (maybe just you but hey! he’s trying)
it’s been hours since seunghan’s texted you back. he told you he would be at practice till late, but you didn’t expect later than 11pm. you wanted to stay awake so you can talk and eat together, but your eyes were winning the fight and you could barely hold them open longer. you got comfy on the couch and decided to nap so that you’ll feel somewhat energized when seunghan came home. however, this nap turned into a deep sleep. seunghan comes home at 1:27am. he unlocks the front door of your shared apartment and sees you sleeping peacefully on the couch. quietly, he places his duffle bag down and walks over to you. seunghan grabs a blanket and covers you, he didn’t want to wake you, you looked so comfy and cute. he knows that you probably tried pushing yourself to stay awake because that’s the type of person you are and he loves that about you. he bends down to brush the hairs out of your face carefully, attempting to not wake you up. suddenly, seunghan presses his lips on your forehead and whispers “i love you y/n” into your ear. when he gets up to walk away he feels a hand grab his arm. he turns around to see you smiling at him, “kiss me again.”
you and sohee were hanging out with a few friends you both haven’t seen in a while. it was a drinking and eating hangout, just reminiscing on how life was when you were younger. there was someone that you both weren’t familiar with at the hangout. he was your old friend yuna’s cousin. it seems like he took interest in you, because the entire time he would compliment you and flirt with you hardcore. now sohee wasn’t necessarily the jealous type, after all what does he have to be jealous of? he know you love him and only him and that loser that keeps flirting with you will never have a chance. but, there was this one thing the guy did that really set him on edge. the dude had the audacity to place his hand on your knees while talking to you. sohee saw your attempts to move away from him, but he would close the space everytime. sohee had enough. he walked over to you guys, sat in spot next to you and kissed your lips. the kiss slowly turned into a small make out, and in the middle sohee opened his eyes to see the guy’s reaction. when he finally got the hint, he walked away. he pulls away from you and sees you smiling. you kiss him on the cheek and thank him for saving you.
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dovesdreaming · 7 months ago
Deadpool x reader who just randomly goes non verbal sometimes and just loves to listen to him rant and yap about things 🤗
Wade the yapper
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If you saw what I said in my last post, no you didn’t (I got inspiration and finished this). I hope you enjoy this and that it’s accurate. I need more Deadpool requests!!
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Wade Wilson, also known as Deadpool, is a yapper. He very rarely shuts his mouth, it’s usually running a 100 miles per hour talking about anything that pops into his mind, which is normally some dirty joke. He talks enough for a whole group of people never mind just the two of you. So when you have times where you go non verbal he probably doesn’t notice that much. Even when you’re talking in the conversation it can be hard to keep up with him, he’s switching topics constantly.
In the beginning of your friendship/relationship when Wade eventually noticed you’d gone non verbal he would try to stop talking, thinking you’d enjoy some quiet time instead but when he noticed you urging him to continue he couldn’t contain himself. Those few minutes of trying to be quiet were exhausting and he just word vomited. He eventually learnt you loved his yabbering. He noticed how you would stare at him, eyes full of interest in what he was saying and he had never felt so loved and appreciated. He would always try to make whatever he was saying more interesting for you and add jokes to make you smile.
Whenever you went non verbal and just listen to him he found himself feeling slightly nervous like he wanted to impress you. He couldn’t handle the fact you were so interested in what he had to say and would always make self deprecating jokes, which you would tell him off for later. He wouldn’t show it though he would be just like a kid in a toy store, all over excited and bouncing off the walls.
When you did speak in conversations though he would always make sure to listen attentively as you do for him and in crowd settings would always make sure you weren’t talked over. If anyone tried it, it’s game over for them.
If you went non verbal in public he would be so protective of you and wouldn’t let anyone say a bad word about you, if they do they should expect a knock on there door later tonight, once you’ve fallen asleep. He would gladly say your order for you or anything else you need.
Overall, Wade has absolutely no issue with you going non verbal at times. He knows he can speak for the both of you and will gladly do so. He makes sure you know he doesn’t mind and feels so admired by you when you take interest in what he’s saying. Would probably lightly blush (if he can) and act all over the top about it like fake fainting at your flattery.
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doomedmoth · 5 months ago
War is Over
Pairing : Reader x Daniel Ricciardo x Max Verstappen | Poly fem!reader
Warnings : use of y/n, smau, polyamory, queer drivers, reader is around 30
Synopsis : You’re just a mechanic at RedBull, not much more to say. Nothing in your contract says you can’t be friends with drivers, right ? The little lines very clearly says you’re not allowed to show it all though. When your chosen “family” fails you, all you can do is hope your loved ones save themselves too.
Moth’s prophecy💡: Hi cryptids, honestly I have no excuses to give, sorry for the randomness of it all, I just needed to get this out to process with the pain of loosing Daniel. I can only hope he finds happiness away from the shit show that RedBull is becoming. Probably going back to hibernation, see ya !
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yourusername : How it started / how it’s going (swipe for my face when I’m not covered in grease). Hello to everyone new here, I’m Y/N, Chief Engine Power Conformity Mechanician at redbullracing ! Based in the never-sunny town of Milton Keynes, but you might see me around the paddock at most races to make sure no one explodes ✌🏻
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F1mech little miss mini boss 🫡
yourusername be glad to have me around to do the dirty work
F1mech Yes ma’am very grateful ma’am 🫡
redbullracing Your work is so crucial and we are happy the world gets to know you more !
redbullracing Also it was sunny last we came to MK ???
yourusername nobody tell admin we take out the fake blue sky windows when he comes by
user1 lmao I live in Milton Keynes and can attest we haven’t seen the sun in weeeeks
user2 never wanted to be a redbull neon sign so bad
user3 I can see why they hide her in the shithole that is Milton Keynes, the whole paddock would go crazy over her
user4 she would make such a cute wag omg !!
user5 bet every girlie is on their man’s back whenever she’s around
user6 she works for RB soooo… d’you think her and checo…? 😳
user7 she already has someone guys !! Though we have never seen his face, but I think she’s more interested in the cars than the ones inside them
user6 checo is married and still it doesn’t stop him lmao
user8 are you part of the pit crew ?? Never seen you before ! /g
yourusername I’m not !! I mainly work on the cars before and after the races and practices to make sure everything is in place, not faulty, and compliant to both Redbull’s and the FIA’s standards of security 🤗 but 60/70% of my work is at the factory, and the paddock parts happens behind close doors, so no worries
maxverstappen1 she makes sure nobody dies
yourusername and god knows y’all make it hard sometimes
danielricciardo yeah this second pic is so much better
yourusername oh don’t start me boy
danielricciardo hihihi 🤭
user9 hello Daniel ???
user10 How can I work at Redbull too pls I beg you I’ll even make coffee and mop the floors
yourusername check our offers on the website honey !! Most jobs require some experience or diploma but we also offer internships and graduate programs if you want to make your way in
user10 thank u 🥹
user10 that’s how you got in ?
yourusername nope, I’ve worked on cars forever and in motorsports for years before getting to F1, but we have plenty of opportunities in non-technical fields too!
user11 pretty, kind, works in f1, not single, lemme just Google how to be like you
user12 you okay dude ? Throat not hurting too much from gagging on her dick
user13 lmaoooo yeah seeing her looks that’s probably a daddy’s girl who got put in exec and pretends to know what she’s talking about
user14 wouldn’t be shocked if her “work behind closed doors” is ordering actual mechs around like minions
danielricciardo is your little ego so hurt by the fact that you’ll never be talented enough to get to her place that you’ve resorted to running your shitty mouth online ? Breath getting stinky mate, careful 🤢
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[Instagram] yourusername just posted a photo
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yourusername : Everything’s twice as fun with you
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user15 lover boy lover boy lover boy !
user16 I’m more excited for the face reveal than for my best friend’s wedding
user17 pls get checked wtf
user18 wait isn’t he blonde ? who’s the dark haired one in some pics ? With tattoos ?
user19 you might be new but Y/N always post pics of lover boy randomly, so some pics are old, and he often dyes his hair !
user18 wow damn I need his hairdresser coz this is cleaaaaan
yourbff don’t tell me you let him touch your car
yourusername lmaooo never 💀 tried to teach him to change some parts on his
yourbff and…?
yourusername ended up doing it…
yourbff at least he’s cute !!
yourusername Hey ! That must counts for something !
user20 not them bullying him coz he either doesn’t have socials or is not allowed to answer
yourbff what ? us ?
yourusername Never 😇
user21 oh damn she bagged herself a hottie
user22 HE bagged himself a hottie have you seen her ??
user23 couple goals and we ain’t ever seen his face like
user24 ain’t no need for a face with a body like this
user25 kinda looks like Max on the 6th slide no ??
user26 lmao as if
user27 the man can bag any celebrity doubt he cares for a factory girl
user28 the pic with the RB can lol
yourusername trained him well 😇
[Twitter] f1.driv.updates just posted
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user29 replied to the story :
oh yeah I keep forgetting y’all old money rich rich
user30 replied to the story :
so we all forgetting about Horner’s accusation ?? Truly just RB’s bitch in the end
user31 replied to the story :
Is that y/n ?? Didn’t know the mechs were invited to those events
danielricciardo replied to the story :
man I do take amazing pics when the models look so good
[Instagram] yourusername just posted a photo
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yourusername : vitamin sea 🌊⛱️🐚 Australia, you never disappoint
Liked by oscarpiastri, daniel3.jpg and others
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oscarpiastri wish we could have hung out more 🥺
yourusername we hung out at your house bby!!
oscarpiastri we didn’t hang out you repaired my mom’s car while Lily and I were drinking WARM BEERS ON THE FLOOR
oscarpiastri DON’T BRING MY MOM INTO THIS she said she misses u 🤗💕✨
user32 oh
yourusername yeah
oscarpiastri yeah
nicolepiastri yeah
yourbff you need to turn off work like for reeeaaaal
yourusername how can I when those two are literally glued to my hip
danielricciardo shocked sad disappointed
maxverstappen1 Lover boy will hear about this
yourusername Are those threats ? Remember I literally have power over your life
danielricciardo not mine anymore lol Lover boy WILL HEAR about this
user33 oh so that definitely erases the possibility of Max or Daniel being Lover Boy
user34 as if there had ever been any evidence of that
user35 Lover boy in the Redbull cap ??
yourusername Yep ! Max gave it to him
user35 daaaaamn he is ripped
yourusername hihi 🤭
user36 no one questioning why the fuck is a mechanician hanging so much with drivers ??
user37 *chief mechanician
F1mech oh shit buddy thank you, we weren’t aware we couldn’t be friends with people we spend more than half of the year on the road with
maxverstappen1 cancel your ticket rn mate, you can’t vacation with us
F1mech come on user36, see what you’ve done ?? Maybe if you hadn’t questioned it I could have gone, fucker
[Instagram] yourusername has added a story
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user38 has replied to your story :
Not you posting this straight after the checo announcement 💀
yourbff has replied to your story :
just saw the news, is Danny ok ?? Pls call me
maxverstappen1 has replied to your story :
Booked you a table at San Marco at 8, sorry I can’t be there tonight…
it’s okay, I know how it is, I just don’t want him to be alone… thx for the restaurant 💕
[Instagram] yourusername has added a story
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user39 has replied to your story :
omg same
user40 has replied to your story :
user41 has replied to your story :
the tattoos ??? girl we knoooow
redbullracing has replied to your story :
y/n ?
yup yup yup sorry
This story has been deleted.
[Instagram] yourusername has added a story
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user41 has replied to your story :
lmao miss thing is piiiissed
yukitsunoda0511 has replied to your story :
i can’t find my controller d’you have one more ? 🥺
yes bby just come before your food gets cold
user42 has replied to your story :
She supports Max’s rights but mostly Max’s wrongs
[Twitter] F1mech just posted
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user43 has replied to your story :
preeeaach 🙌🏻
user44 has replied to your story :
all redbull employees protesting the FIA has me going !! Tell Horner to open his mouth too for once
danielricciardo has replied to your story :
I want this pic as my new lockscreen
[Twitter] danyfanclub just posted
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[Instagram] danielricciardo just posted a photo
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danielricciardo : l've loved this sport my whole life. It's wild and wonderful and been a journey. To the teams and individuals that have played their part, thank you. To the fans who love the sport sometimes more than me haha thank you. It'll always have its highs and lows but it's been fun and truth be told I wouldn't change it.
Until the next adventure.
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redbullracing 🫶🏻
user45 SHUT UP
user46 the audacity
user47 you promised you would treat him better !!
user48 Daniel > Perez
user49 DTS fan
lewishamilton legend 🫂
user50 game recognize game
user51 tell Mercedes to give him a seat
maxverstappen1 Head up ! Many more beautiful moments to come, somewhere you’ll be recognized and appreciated 💪🏻 our time together isn’t over, but I’m glad for all the racing, the laughs, the nights, for you ❤️
user52 wow hm Max no need to make all of us cry
user53 I feel like I’ve just walked in on something very personal…
user54 maxiel 😭😭😭
user55 he was the best mate you ever had, never should have left RedBull
yourusername Working with you was an honor, but getting to know and appreciate you made my whole life brighter, and I can’t thank you enough for this 🌞 no contracts can bring us apart, see you around honey bee 💛
user56 the little dig at RB’s contracts lmao
user57 why does honey bee feel much more intimate than honey badger ??
user58 we haven’t seen this level of emotion for De Vries, yet you were already working for the “RedBull family” if I’m not mistaken ??
user59 maybe because no one gives two shits about De Vries ??
[Instagram] yourusername just posted a photo
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yourusername : Well, there it is. After 15 years of working on cars, the last 10 in motorsports, last five in Formula 1, it’s time for me to take a break. It was just perfect to finish it off in my hometown Austin, and I’m so grateful to my friends and family who made the trip to celebrate together. I remember my first week at Milton Keynes, my whole life in a suitcase. Abu Dhabi 2021, and those stories we’ll keep for our old days. I was so proud to be part of this, the champagne, the fireworks, the love. The day Daniel came back to us. The people I’ve met, the opportunities I’ve had, none would have been possible without you, ‘Bull. It’s been oh so amazing, but oh so tiring. I’ve reached a point in my life where I need my environment to be aligned with what I want, my values and the people I love and care for. So it’s goodbye.
F1, thank you for everything. I’ll miss you, but I gotta go. 💙
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F1mech I solemnly swear to not make anything explode, to always triple check my laces, to never pick Yoshi in Mario Kart because it’s yours, and to forever keep you close to my heart. Thx mini boss, you were amazing 🫡
yourusername Thanks Callum, you’re gonna make me cry now…
user60 US TOO 😭
user61 naaaaah another one leaving RedBull, shit is really going down
user62 where do you think she’s going ? Aston ?
user63 or Ferrari
yourusername Sorry to disappoint but neither ! It’s really a full break, for a while at least, I need to get my head out of the oil and machinery
user64 leaving England then ?? What about lover boy ??
yourusername Lover boy was never British eheh, who told you that ? 🤭
user65 if Lover boy is confirmed to be Daniel I’ll loose my shit
user66 I will always root for Max though…
user67 he has tattoos omg it’s never been Max !!
redbullracing Now it’s pretty sure MK will never see the sun again with you gone 😭
user68 we still hate you
user69 fuck off
yukitsunoda0511 🥺🫶🏻
yourusername 😚🫴🏻💕
yourbff it’ll be hard, but it’ll be good
yourusername thankfully i won’t be alone
yourbff not long to wait
yourusername yeah, soon soon
user70 ???
user71 I have a headache just thinking about everything the soon soon could be about
user72 really doubt Max is staying much longer in RedBull seeing how many engineers are quitting
[Twitter] f1.driv.updates just posted
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[Instagram] yourusername has added a story
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user73 has replied to your story :
no yeah we get it this looks much better than the factory lmao
user74 has replied to your story :
Honey bee ?? I’ve heard that one before
oscarpiastri has replied to your story :
Mom said you haven’t gone to see her yet ! Meanie !
user75 has replied to your story :
crazy how Max starts winning again since you’re gone
[Instagram] f1 just posted a photo
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F1 : BREAKING : Max Verstappen has announced his retirement after winning his 4th World’s Drivers Championship.
Record breaker.
Late braker.
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user77 when I tell you I fell to my knees
user78 screaming crying throwing up
user79 I refuse to believe this is true
user80 what the hell was this season
user81 DTS is gonna have a field day with this one
user80 doubt 10 episodes are gonna be enough
redbullracing There aren’t enough words to describe the impact you’ve had on our history, Max. You’ll forever be a pillar of the RedBull family, and an icon of the sport. Tudududu 🧡
lewishamilton Thank you for the challenges, you’ve always pushed us to go harder. Never thought I would have to see you leave, but we’ll keep your legacy running 👑
user82 Alonso when ???
user83 Who’s gonna take his seat ? Honey badger comeback ?
user84 doubt it, he said in the only interview he gave that he had some friends to go see a few continents away, bet he was talking bout Danny
user85 April Fools ?
user86 In December ??
user87 I really don’t understand why, everything was going much better with the car lately
user88 I think he’s just done with the sport, he said multiple time he wouldn’t force it if he didn’t feel like it anymore
[Instagram] yourusername has added a story
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user89 has replied to your story :
wait, if that’s lover boy, who’s the guy you were with lately ??
user90 has replied to your story :
Sydney airport !!
user91 has replied to your story :
yourbff has replied to your story :
you did it bby, it’s time to rest now
ily, we will 💕
user92 has replied to your story :
The timing with Max quitting RB is so odd I’m seriously questioning my sanity rn
[Instagram] yourusername, danielricciardo and maxverstappen1 just posted a photo
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yourusername, danielricciardo, maxverstappen1 : War is Over.
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[Instagram] maxverstappen1 has added a story
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The replies to this story have been disabled.
[Instagram] danielricciardo just posted a photo
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danielricciardo : From sneaking out of restaurants to barricading the doors of our shared hotel rooms, I wish I could have told the world earlier how much I love you. But I’m glad I can now. There’s something magical about finding the one, so when you find the two, you’ll make any radical change necessary to protect them. Think you were right Maxie, the farm life does suit us.
This was the Honey Badger, peace ✌🏻
Liked by yukitsunoda0511, yourusername, and others.
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[Instagram] maxverstappen1 just posted a photo
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maxverstappen1 : Turning off comments coz those two are mine and you can only admire them from afar. I know they’re pretty. They’re mine. And I’ll say it as many times as I want now. Mine mine mine mine mine
Liked by danielricciardo, charles_leclerc and others.
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[Instagram] yourusername just posted a photo
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yourusername : Oh, I’m sorry, did I say Lover Boy ? I meant Boys 🤭
Liked by lilyzneimer, F1mech, and others.
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user94 mother is finally letting us out of the cage and none of us can take it
user95 the first pic
user96 I could die
user97 who the fuck even took it
user98 she said “y’all won’t let me post their faces ? I’ll give you the whole sextape”
user99 I knew it I fucking knew it Maxiel nation we won
oscarpiastri so happy for you guys, go be free with the little goats 🥹
yourusername pls try to survive
maxverstappen1 and if RB tries to buy you RUN BACK HOME
user100 oh shit it’s time for no filter Max era
yourusername you’ve had a taste this year, be prepared for the real deal
yukitsunoda0511 finally i can stop pretending to not speak English when asked about you
danielricciardo you were pretending very well if I may say
yukitsunoda0511 thanks !
user101 oh yuki sweet summer child…
user102 don’t tell me in Japan already ??
yourusername you really took a good look at this pic and thought “yeah, those two are straight” ? It’s a you issue honestly
user102 yeah okay fair
user103 7th pic ???
maxverstappen1 Abu Dhabi ‘21
maxverstappen1 tasted better than champagne tbh
user104 oh so y’all are just leaking EVERYTHING now, no fucks given
danielricciardo I had to pay a lot for those pics to not get out back then so yeah kinda
danielricciardo which is a shame when we look so good
user105 sooooo… about the high performance athlete….?
maxverstappen1 yes.
yourusername yes.
danielricciardo 💕
[Twitter] danyfanclub just posted
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wolfiesmoon · 6 months ago
When you suddenly cry in front of them :(
Riddle, Vil, Kalim, Malleus x gn!reader (riddle's and vil's are explicitly post overblot tho it's not super important)
i'm back to entering tartarus every day (school started again) so i thought i might as well distract myself with some hot twst guys :)
i havent been very active i know, i just cant get myself to do anything at all these days 😞i am so so sorry for making a kinda lazy short collection of blurbs but i need to get back into my writing groove somehow
(as a sidenote, i'm worried some of these might be ooc? i sincerely apologise if they are :( )
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RIDDLE honestly doesn't know what to do with himself. He never really got the comfort he needed whenever he cried as a child so he had no idea how to comfort you now. He scolds himself internally for not immediately acting and just kind of freezing up beside you so he panics and tries to recall of all the times he saw someone else comforting others in order to end the extremely awkward tension as quickly as possible. He pats your back somewhat rigidly and says "There, there." In an all too awkward manner. You're caught off guard so hard by the sheer akwardness of Riddle's comfort technique that you burst out laughing, troubling Riddle even further. "W...Why are you laughing now?" The dumbfounded expression on his face is the perfect medicine for forgetting your troubles just now. Riddle unintentionally just cheered you up. After the incident, he seemingly becomes less strict with you and starts asking about how you're doing umprompted, which always pleasantly surprises you. Sometimes, Trey even shows up at Ramshackle dorm, holding a tart of your favourite flavour and saying he got orders from Riddle to deliver it to you.
VIL drops his usual strict nature for a bit. Of all people, he would be the one who could tell you were constantly acting strong and unbothered by everything going on around you. He thought of it equal parts admirable as he did foolish. Such intense emotion is not something to keep bottled up inside you and you made him realise that. His expression is surprisingly soft as he places one arm on your back, gently stroking it. He talks you through your feelings with a big sense of maturity and care and you're suprised by just how much he cares for you and your feelings. You don't exactly get that same impression when he's scolding you for not sitting straight or not wearing your uniform properly... regardless, you're very thankful for his words, even the harsher ones about needing to tell someone about things like this. "Tell me, if you must. I will always listen." After the incident, nothing much changes, really. Atleast from the perspective of others. He still gets on your case for not wearing your uniform properly, but he also asks about how you're doing when he gets the chance and does not accept simply "fine" or "okay" for an answer. You simply must elaborate why that is.
KALIM enters big brother mode. He's comforted crying siblings for various reasons before so what makes you any different? He gives you a tight hug, gently rubbing your back and trying to cheer you up with comforting phrases. He'd also try making jokes you to cheer you up and the puns are so bad you might as well start laughing. He didn't even start asking what's wrong but instead waited for you to tell him yourself. He surprised you with how mature (or perhaps just experienced) he is when it comes to crying people. You feel much better even only after a few minutes and you ask Kalim how you can thank him for hearing you out. "Seeing you smile again is reward enough!" He replies and you feel like crying again (but this time not from sadness or stress). After that incident, he always personally invites you to Scarabia parties, hoping they might inject a little joy in your life and keep your mind off things. If you're not a fan of parties, he takes you on carpet rides around the dorm instead.
MALLEUS is shocked into silence. You were smiling at him as sweetly as you always do just a moment ago... He knows how to comfort someone in theory, but now that he has to put it into practice, it feels like he's forgotten everything. He needs to show you that you can rely on him when it comes to your comfort, and that includes crying around him. This might just be one of the most heartbreaking sights he's ever had the displeasure of witnessing. He vows to himself that he never wishes to see you cry again (unless it's at your wedding) and would do anything to prevent it. He wordlessly pulls you into a secure hug, worried that if he does anything else, you might start crying even more. You hug him back and just sob in his arms, thankful for his warm embrace. "It will all be okay, child of man. I'm here, after all." And somehow, you can't help but trust those words with every fiber of your being. After the incident, Malleus ends up confessing what happened to Lilia and Lilia goes into one of those "Oh, how my baby has grown..." rants. But he also does say that Malleus should start inviting you to new places to keep your mind off things and help you let loose. So he does just that, with an added sprinkle of gargoyle-hunting and gargoyle facts. You're now very well educated about gargoyles lol.
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seungkwanniee · 5 months ago
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pairings : boyfriend!seventeen x gn!reader
genre : flufff
warnings : mention of food , reader is said to be shorter than Joshua and Wonwoo , cuss words , pet names
synopsis : when their s.o is that kind of shy person that he even needs to ask things for you
hyung line ,, maknae line
an : latest post flopped so HARDD 🔥🔥
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he absolutely loves the way you get shy over the simple things
every now and then he is teasing you
but after he is showering you with kisses and hugs because he feels bad
when you two plan a cafe date, restaurant one or something like that, he is ordering for you without even asking
he doesn't even need to ask what youre having because he already knows what you eat and what no
in his eyes you are so small and pity (in a good way ofc) that he enjoy doing it for you
he LOVE the fact that you are shy
for him it's like you depend on him and he can take advantage of this
you pray him to ask a thing for you? well, he wants something back, material or not he doesn't mind
if you want to know how much that skirt costs when the price isn't writted down and you want him to ask, he wants at least a kiss back
yeah in front of everyone, he isn't ashamed but you are
he wants rewads for the work he does !!!
but joking aside, he would do anything for you he just likes to see you blushed for him
how many times I need to say that he is a gentleman? HE IS THE STANDARD !
when he feels the sleeve of his t-shirt being pulled, he looks down at you almost worried
what is bothering his precious beloved? someone is hurting his precious baby?
when you tell him you want a thing, but you are to shy to ask he is the most comprensive man ever
'it's okay, i'll ask for you'
pats your head or pinch your fluffly cheeks
I think he would help you to pass over this fear
don't even ask how you two ended up togheter, you are one stranger than the other
so, yall must've got each other backs
before getting out of the car, you are playing rock paper scissors to decide who is going to order for both that day
somewhat, you always manage to not do it because he is too in love with you
you literally have him wrapped around your fingers, so he can't resist you
so you will just pull your puppy eyes and the game is done
he finds you TOOO cute
like, omg he is so in love with you that he would just kiss every part of you when you hide your face because of shyness
when he tease you, he love to see your ears going red
but suddently his became red too realizing what he said to you, he is shameless sometimes
he love when you are shy when someone say something that make you embarassed and you cling on his arm
and maybe youre hiding your head on his neck, he goes insane and his stomach is fulled with butterflies
you are the perfect partner for this man
he doesn't want you if you don't match his energy, so he will not judge if you got a shy behavior
he doesn't mind ordering for you, he loves it
so he doesn't pressure you to trying to do it for yourself as he completely understands you
and yes, it's a really hard thing so he would never judge you
'lovie, is that the one that you want?'
he lowers at your height so he can wishper into your ear
your hand is ALWAYS wrapped around his biceps so when you got so shy that you can't handle it anymore, you squeeze it
code message that himself proposed
this bitch is GLAD that you are shy, he doesn't think he could handle something else from his partner
soonyoung it's already too much
you are that shy, that at this point he is the extrovert in the relationship
he got it when you two were at yours frist resturant date and you were looking so nervously at the menu
you even started to bite your nails but you were shy even to tell woozi about your fear
but be observes a lot, and he could tell you weren't nervous just because it was one of your frist date
he reassures you while reaching your hand on the table to caress it
from now on, you don't even need to ask him to order for you
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amazinglyashy · 4 months ago
Hi hello!!! I saw tons of your work and I'm very impressed with your skill! If I may, may I request the LaDS Men with Reader who sometimes stare at kids who are having fun with their parents or spending time with each other because Reader doesn't have a good relationship with her family and felt envy to those kids who got to spend time with their parents.
I wanted to know how would they react and do! If my words are confusing, feel free to DM me! Thank you for your time!!
Everyone keeps yelling at me in the tags about me personally attacking them with some of my posts, yet YALL ARE ATTACKING ME WITH PROMPTS AS WELL, POT MEET KETTLE! Thank you so much for this prompt <3 I felt this one personally :'D So I had fun writing it!
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LaDS men when you get emotional in public seeing parents and their kids in public
Zayne -
It's… difficult for Zayne to watch.
He knew you when you were both younger, but old enough to know that what was happening to you was… not good. But still too young to do anything about it himself.
It hurts to see you look at families and know exactly what's going through your mind in that moment, but he does his best to quell his own emotions and keep them in check. You don't need to be worried or feeling any kind of guilt for making him feel hurt on your behalf. He wants you to express things in a way that'll help you, without being conscious about how he might be feeling.
Zayne stays quiet though. Sometimes it's good to get you away from the bad thoughts wracking through your mind, he knows that. But other times? You have to process it. You have to get through the painful and the ugly in order to start healing, and you have to do the fighting on your own. Inside your head, where he can't help you.
But out here?
He'll do anything for you.
Anything you ask, anywhere you want to go after you snap out of your envy and thoughts, you can consider it done.
He might not be able to help you- might not be able to stop those feelings of envy and sadness from even entering your mind before they make a home there, even if for a little while-
But he'll help you in any other way he can.
Sylus -
"The people closest to you might be the ones who want to kill you the most."
Sylus keeps so many tabs on you, even prior to your eventful meeting, that he knows good and well what the relationship with your family looks like. And there's more than one reason to why he said this to you, gun in your hand and legs straddling his lap. He may not believe they want to kill you, or may be he does depending on the circumstances, but what he does know is that you're safe with him regardless.
That doesn't solve the whole 'emotions' aspect of it, however.
He'll place a hand on the small of your back, ushering you forward. It's not that he doesn't want you to watch the family, it's just he can see the clouds forming in your eyes, and he'd rather you get emotional somewhere more private, for your own sake. He didn't need you feeling humiliated for getting misty-eyed in public on top of the already complex emotions you were already feeling.
Even if you're not close to tears, it's still better to him to get you away. He wants you to feel safe enough to do so, if your feelings bubbled up unexpectedly and you suddenly needed to cry, he wanted you to be somewhere you could.
And he knows you know you're already with someone you could cry around, as well.
Sometimes, he'll ask about it, just to allow you the space to vent. Oftentimes, he just keeps quiet, letting you process the thoughts going through your mind.
He's right there though, no matter what you may need.
Xavier -
"That looks good, would you like one too?" He'll ask, referencing the ice cream cone the kid is holding, knowing fully well why you're staring.
He has his own generous share of family and parental issues, so he knows how you feel. And after hearing some of your childhood memories, whether they were about your feelings or if he just gathered that information from in between the lines- he can relate to you well.
But... he'd rather not let you dwell too long, if he can help it.
The way he sees it, is you already spent a long time in pain. Years upon years of it, wondering if you would ever get the approval- love, care- from your family that was never going to come. Your own forever waiting and hoping and trying to make a relationship work that was always destined to fail, because the deciding factor on it's success or failure was not on you. It was never on you.
And he doesn't want you to waste more time feeling sorrow over something you've already dug a knife into your gut over, so many times already.
But if you need to- feel what you're feeling, be a little wistful, or even cry- he's here for you. He's here for you no matter what you need.
A shoulder to cry on, a big hug, a favorite movie on the couch later that still reminds you of a time where you chased after affections that were sadly never meant for you- but the happy parts that made you laugh alone in a room raised on a television-
He's got you.
Rafayel -
Rafayel's heard the stories.
Whether it's about your babied little sibling getting a bike after asking once when you spent years begging and saving to buy your own, being treated to the bare minimum of care by your parents, or something more insidious-
Rafayel has heard all of the stories from you by now.
So when he sees you looking abnormally long at a family, when nothing particularly funny is happening- the kid isn't saying something insane, the parents aren't trolling the kid, etc- and he sees your far-away expression, it's like he's pulled up a chair in the recesses of your mind to join you in your melancholy.
It's better than you suffering alone.
"Hey cutie. How's it going?"
He'll ask you after a while, having been with you the whole time, so he knows exactly how it's going. But his words are less out of concern for you and more to snap you out of the daze you're in. He doesn't mind if you feel sad, he's here for you no matter what, but he just doesn't want you to start and spiral.
He knows there's not really anything he can do. It's just a part of you now, the pain of the relationship you'll never get to have, that's nearly there but just an inch away from your fingertips every time you reach for it, no matter how much you try and strain yourself to grasp it. And he knows he can't exactly fill that hole.
But damn if he's not going to be with you throughout every bad thought, bad day, bad experience.
You're stuck with him, and he'll love you through it all.
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bunnyscryptarchived · 1 year ago
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jason todd as a lover <3
a real lover boy. he's obsessed with you and everything about you, doesn't even try to hide it. everyone can see and feel how much love he has for you. physical touch is definitely one of his love languages —he always has to be touching you, whether it's a grip on your waist or a hand resting on your neck. why look for a chair when he has a perfectly good lap right there? he just wants to feel on you at all times.
rarely calls you by your first name unless he's upset. it's always beloved, baby, habib albi, rouhi, hayati, etc (i will be making a post about all the things he calls you in arabic)
quality time! yes jason loves books and you'd definitely have moments reading together but he also canonically likes punk rock and heavy metal. you two would absolutely have your own concerts in your room listening to joy division, the chameleons, killing joke, and black sabbath etc..
he will teach you arabic. he loves flirting with you in the language, watching with a smirk as you get flustered (and annoyed) cause he knows you don't understand.
(speaking of i do want to expand more on that and even do that "surprising my lover by speaking their language" trend)
c l i n g y. personal space is not in his vocabulary. he can't help that he's addicted to you.
he's one possessive mf!! (so are you) do i even need to say more? but let's not get it twisted. he's not the type to control what you wear or who you talk to or what you do —you're your own person. you can do whatever you want. he knows your his and he's yours so he's not all that worried. besides...... he can fight (and he's strapped)
spoils you to no end. will definitely just give you his card with a kiss on the cheek and tell you to treat yourself to whatever. staring at something a little too long at the store? liked an item on social media? he's already ordering it, he doesn't gaf. if you want something its yours.
late night drives on his motorcycle. you're upset? had a bad day? he's already strapping a helmet on your head, putting you on the back of his bike. “tanks all full, we can drive for as long as you want”
loves every position. he just wants to be with you but missionary and cowgirl are his top favorites. missionary —he loves to look your eyes as he whispers sweet and dirty words to you. watching every expression you make as he hits it deep. cowgirl —that's when its your turn. holding him close, tugging his hair, whispering whatever in his ear as you grind down, forehead touching his.
free use!! but him wanting you to use him whenever you want. sad? just want to be close to him? youre just in the mood? use him, he wants you to. whenever you're hesitant, he just reminds you that “baby im yours. whenever you want, alright. i got you. whenever or wherever you need me"
he is a certified munch. gets off just getting you off. loves when you tug his hair pulling him closer. doesn't even want anything in return, he just wants to taste you. he's a messy eater
praise kink praise kink!!! both ways. wants you tell him how good it feels, will also tell you how good you make him feel.
loves when you act bratty cause he knows you just want him to be rough and fuck the attitude out of you.
a moaner and a talker! will talk in arabic without realizing it sometimes. "take it so well baby" "look at me baby, that's it" "pussy feels so fucking good"
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