#sometimes welcoming somebody with open arms means getting stabbed in the back
skaliciascribbles · 4 years
Disruptions Have Consequences
Moon Blossom week - A welcomed guest Moon Blossom au belongs to @somebodyalreadytookthis2
“What do you think of our new teacher? I think she’s kind of neat,” Dream leaned over the edge of the couch he was lounging on to stare at his brother.
Nightmare looked up from the book he was trying to read. “I dunno, she gives off this strange aura.”
“It’s probably that foreign magic she knows! I’m excited for her lessons. I can’t believe somebody in the court managed to get some highly regarded foreign mage to come teach us about other lands and magic.” As he spoke, Dream’s eye lights turned to stars that got a bit fuzzy around the edges as he spaced out trying to imagine just what they were going to be taught.
Nightmare huffed a small laugh at his brother’s behaviour and shook his head. His brother always was more willing to look at the positives in something. He, on the other hand, couldn’t shake that something was wrong. Despite this, he knew how to play along and be cordial and polite. All those years of strict discipline in manners weren’t for nothing, and he shuddered at the thought of breaking them now.
In light of this, he gave a small wistful smile to the book he knew he was about to be pulled away from. “If you’re so excited about their presence, then why aren’t you getting ready for the banquet that’s to be held in their honour this evening?”
A loud gasp filled the area in which the brothers were seated. “I totally forgot that was tonight!!! Nighty, why are we still sitting here?! We don’t have a moment to lose!!” The golden prince was to his feet in an instant and was quick to urge his brother to do the same. A vague sigh left Nightmare as he marked the page he was on and placed the book down for a servant to clean up later. With how much energy his brother was radiated, he felt it probably best to not try and remind him that they’d had lunch not long ago, and instead just went with what made him happy. The genuine smile on Dream’s face was worth the hours of fussing his brother and the servants in charge of their clothes were going to be doing.
It’d been a few weeks, and Nightmare knew he was a bit early for the lesson with the newest teacher he and Dream had. However, with Dream off probably watching the guards train and fantasizing about some heroic adventure, he was on his own and had nothing better to do than try and get an early peek at what they were going to be doing. The strange woman always had something interesting to share with the boys at least.
“Magistrate?” He asked as he knocked on the door. Apparently that was the word for teacher in her language.
He could hear things moving on the other side of the door before his the beaked wyvern appeared, staring down at him. “Ah, princeps Nightmare, you’re early.” Her head slid out into the hall to look around. “Where is your gold self?”
“Dream’s busy at the moment, but since I was free I was hoping it wouldn’t be much of a bother if I were to come to investigate what the plans for our next lesson were,” Nightmare responded, having gotten somewhat used to the strange quirks of his teacher’s way of speaking mixed with the accent she carried.
Wandering eyes returned their focus onto him, and his teacher’s head tilted back and forth faintly as she thought about something. After a moment her eyes flickered as she nodded. “I was hoping to do this with both brothers, but if I must do both princeps separately, I certainly must try.” Her head receded into the room, which Nightmare was only now was realizing was dimly lit. His brows furrowed faintly, but he kept himself from appearing too judgemental. Offending his teacher could mark the reputation of not only himself, but of his family and kingdom as well. “Come in, come in,” she ushered. One winged arm wrapping around him as he entered, and Nightmare couldn’t quite shake the thought of it being as though to hide him from view, or perhaps the room instead.
Inside the room was a strange sight, unlike anything the young prince had ever seen before. Candles that had obviously been burning for quite some time were placed on odd surfaces, and the furniture had been pushed about haphazardly to make way for strange lines and runes to be drawn in every direction. The bizarre markings even climbing up the furniture and walls, some even reaching onto the ceiling. It all seemed to lead back towards a central part of the room, like veins unfurled to spread nutrients or roots growing erratically to seek them out.
Something made a hissing noise, and his teacher pushed the door closed with a kick as she rushed off to tend to whatever it was. Not sure what else to do, Nightmare stepped carefully over lines and around the runes that looked oddly familiar, though he couldn’t for the life of him remember where from. In fact, all of this gave him a feeling as though he should recognize it, and he knew he must have read about something similar in one of his books.
“Drink.” A glass of a teal glowing liquid with large black spots floating about inside was pushed into his hands. Seeing as he’d had magic enhancing and boosting potions in the past to help test him, he figured it was just another one of those and took a sip to get a taste. “All,” his teacher’s voice was firm as she fussed with the placement of items around the room. He complied, tipping back the glass to drink as much as possible. A collection of something sweet and soft gathered in his mouth, not rushing down with the rest of the liquid.
If not for the strange pang that came from what he recognized as his magic reserves, he would have stopped to question it more. Instead, his mind was turning inward to try and investigate the strange feeling. That feeling wasn’t right. Unlike the expanding feeling that enhancing and boosting potions might offer, it was like his magic reserves were suddenly starved. Shrinking and being eaten by whatever he just drank. Panic settled into his bones as nothing came when he tried pulling at it for even a simple light to gather in his palm. His knees shook when he tried to move his legs, not cooperating with him in his want to react to this. Nightmare blinked heavily as his vision swam, making it take longer than he should have to notice the way the lines around the room were lighting up the same colour as the potion he’d drank with the colour crawling in towards him. Muffled noise filled his skull and the sweet taste in his mouth was growing.
Unable to keep himself up, the prince fell to his hands and knees, noticing after a moment of staring at it that he was above the place where all the markings met. Fear made his chest tight, and he couldn’t tell if the cold tingling across his bones was also part of that, or just another side affect. His bones also felt strangely sticky, and he could feel something sliding out of his sockets. A weak shudder shaking his unsteady attempt to keep off the floor.
A loud bang had Nightmare’s hands slipping from under him, causing him to, unfortunately, tip over. Everything became vague blobs of colour for a moment, and he squinted at the bright light from the now open door. The blue colour from around the room began to fade as voices screamed, though he couldn’t make out the words. It felt like somebody had shoved cotton into his skull through his right eye, making it even harder to see out of that one than his left.
With the last dredges of his strength, he managed to push himself up enough to lean away from where he was laying to cough. The sweetness in his mouth vanished. His shoulders shook as he registered a feeling of choking for a moment, but then it was gone. His chin felt went, but he didn’t have the awareness left to care. He let himself fall back to the floor, away from where he’d coughed though he couldn’t think of why that might be important.
He felt something warm touch him, only now realizing he felt cold. A vague moaning noise passed through his teeth as he attempted to curl into himself. His body ragdolled as somebody shook him, and a comfortingly familiar voice sounded nearby. If he wasn’t alone, then maybe it was okay to just take a short nap. His eyes felt so heavy.
When Nightmare eventually woke up again after being unconscious for a few days, he was met with a tired-looking Dream who leapt at him and began to sob. Both brothers were happy to be with each other and glad the other was okay, and Nightmare’s relief for his brother’s safety only grew when he was informed that the teacher who’d done this to him had been banished from the kingdom, as they’d been using a forbidden type of magic. He was never told what it was, but he had been fine with it since he’d thought that was the end of it. Sure, he’d been put through something scary, but he was fine now and at least him being there alone meant Dream was safe, even if Dream had been the one to find him under the influence of whatever had happened.
Things just couldn’t be that easy though. It didn’t take long for him and others to begin to notice something was strange with him. He could be fine for weeks before suddenly he’d feel as though in just a blink he’d go from one place to another with no memory of the time in between that was missing. It could range anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours, but at some point, he even lost days to his strange affliction, and apparently nobody had been able to find him during that time.
The greatest healers from across the land were gathered to try and figure out what was wrong. They were meant to treat it. However, none of them could find anything wrong with the prince. He seemed perfectly healthy, which made the strange blackouts even odder.
One late night, he was sneaking about the castle just to try and work off some of the anxiety housed within him so he could sleep. By accident, he stumbled across some private court meeting that was made up of just his parents and a few select members who he knew had been informed about what his teacher had done to him. They spoke in hushed voices, as if scared that they’d be heard despite the fact that this meeting was so well hidden. Urgency and fear were thick in the air as he watched them, but there was also this resigned look about the room, as if they all knew something they didn’t want to admit. He’d been curious, but was willing to leave it at just something strange until he managed to catch his name in the quiet din. That made him pause and strain harder to listen. He didn’t catch much more before he had to scurry off before he was noticed, but it was enough to know that they’d been talking about him and his condition. The adults knew something, and they were hiding him from him. Surely they’d tell him if it was important though, right?
Late at night, a demon wandered a moonlight forest. Locals were scared of the supposedly enchanted woods, and he wanted to know why. It was to his pleased surprise that he came across moon blossoms dotting along a trail through the trees. Too curious about the strange discovery, he followed it.
A smile stretched across his face as his single eye flashed for a moment in delight. A twisted old castle lay abandoned in a hauntingly beautiful scene. Moon blossoms grew plentiful here, even climbing some of the more ruinous walls of the building. This place would be his. He would rule as a proper king over his lawless brethren. It was only fitting that a prince, quietly shunned and attacked by the world would take up the mantle of the demon king.
His laughter could be heard from beyond the forest, where the people tucked themselves further into their homes for the safety they hoped to find there. Little did they know that nowhere was safe from the demon king should he have a desire to go there.
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qoeww · 2 years
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Character: Leo
Warning: Just arguing with silly boy
Author Note: I accidentally posted half of this fic and deleted while trying to get back what I did LDBDLDBKRJ- I hope you like it hun, I wrote a lil bit late <3 and please request more you are welcome here hun
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Leo can make fun of everything and this is fun, I mean you love and accept him
But sometimes he just took things far
Even you are serious now he is just trying to make a pun and reading that stupid comic
"Ok, ok if you get angry more, your forehead will be no different than Donnie and Raph's." He poked your forehead and you pushed his hand
"Do you... Do you think am I joking now Leonardo?"
Well, after calling his full name he understood everything was more serious than he thought
"Well this wrinkles don't look like joking-"
You just sighed and tried to stay calm
"Leo... I told you not to do this, sometimes you... You don't even listen to what the other person is saying."
Like now, he turned the page of the comic
"But everything is fiiine. You worry unnecessarily. Why don't we read a comic together?"
"No, no don't change the subject. You didn't even care what I ju-"
He stood up and walked in front of you "Yes I cared Y/N! And I thought you were overreacting and you were."
"But we saved it at the last moment, only one or two items were burned, we can buy a new one."
"No, it's not the burned things that matter here, the matter is you are doing whatever you want. We are partners Leo, we need to listen each other."
Well, he finally started feeling bad, the guilt he tried to ignore was slowly creeping into his heart.
"I... I am... Gonna spend some time at pizzeria. I noticed I'm so hungry!"
And he opened a portal and escaped from you
This boy... You love that dork but sometimes he makes you angry as hell
You opened a door and all three brother fell into room
"Were you listening us?"
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The clock was showing 1 a.m. and here was not even the slightest sleep in your eyes
Well, maybe you can prepare some tea, it will comfort you huh?
You didn't even care to open the lights, opened dark kitchens door
AND somebody was trying to get in from window
You took the knife from the sink and swing it to them
"Yes, it is me. But first please can you just put the knife back?"
You put the knife countertop back and opened lights
"I didn't know I have made you that angry like trying to stab me WOW but still looking hot tho"
"No no actually-"
"I was kidding... I'm sorry Y/N."
He opened his arms waiting your respond, you slowly hugged him back
You can feel he is moving his hand on your back slowly
"I didn't want to mean that, I should have listen you."
"I'm sorry too, I knew you didn't like yelling and arguing but still I yelled at you. I'm sorry."
"Those that means... We are good?"
"Yes we are silly."
He slowly separated his body from yours
Cupped your face and placed a small kiss on your lips
"I'm glad to hear that because I don't think my body can stand this huge pizza."
You turned on the other episode of the TV show you were watching, while Leo went to fetch a blanket
He hugged you from behind and you almost watched 3 episodes of the series in this position
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avintagekiss24 · 4 years
waiting on you > steve rogers
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|| pairing: steve rogers x black!reader
|| word count: 3,608
|| warnings: smut, sex, angst, sad steve, sad reader, friends to lovers
|| square filled: @star-spangled-bingo​ SSB2020 N4: love confessions
|| note: here it is! 24hrs late BUT, technically, you can celebrate a birthday for like an entire week. this got stupid sad because i was listening to the atonement soundtrack again. anyway, happy birthday to this big, blonde, dummy - the only reason that july 4th means anything to me anymore. i went heavy with the italics again.
divider by @writeyourmindaway​
gifs (at the bottom) by @/largoaneditt
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You don’t know why this idiot makes you so nervous. He’s a big, blonde… idiot, but yet here you are, nursing your third beer, staring at him from the corner of the room as he wiggles his hips - rather suggestively. He stands next to Sam, both of them facing the opposite wall, beers in hand, shaking their asses as the rest of the party goers hoot and holler.
“I don’t know Rogers,” Bucky says, shaking his head, “I think your age is finally catching up with your ass.”
“Bullshit,” Steve laughs, “Listen, I happily turn over my shield and suit to you, Sam, but that is my moniker! Look at it!” He shouts, pointing to his ass, “This will always be America’s ass!”
The room erupts in laughter and you can’t help but chuckle yourself. Idiots. All of them. He looks good tonight though - relaxed, finally. You’ve known them all for just a little while, Wanda, Steve, Sam, Bucky, but since Steve has officially decided to retire, he’s like a completely different person. He’s Steve - not Captain America. Which has actually proven to be an absolute nightmare for you because if you thought you had a crush on Captain America... whew, be still your beating vagina.
Steve is funny. Steve is confident, and laid back, and wears fitted chinos with Vans Classic Slip Ons. You have Sam to thank for this updated style of Steve’s, and you honestly want to stab Sam right through his buff chest. He’s made it impossible for you to be around Steve without having to change your underwear - a fact that Sam finds hilarious, but your wallet does not.
But, it’s more than that. Steve is also warm. He’s attentive to his friends. He listens. He cares. Steve goes out of his way to make people feel welcome, even you, the first night you wandered back to Sam and Bucky’s apartment with Wanda for one of their parties. You never left Wanda’s side, keeping your head down, your eyes cast at your hands and feet. He picked up on your nervousness quickly, but didn’t outwardly address it. He just made sure you always had a drink in your hand, a chip or sandwich to nibble on - he even adjusted the thermostat when he noticed you running your hands up and down your arms. 
Steve is easy to talk to. Steve is humble, reliable, dependable, strong - both physically and mentally - but he’s also... emotional and vulnerable - not just sometimes, but almost all the time. Then, he can turn right around and throw somebody through a wall. Steven Grant Rogers is dangerous… and you think you lov -  
You take a sip of your beer, closing your eyes quickly to chase those thoughts away, and reach for another chip, loading it up with some of Wanda’s famous dip before you shove it into your mouth, the taste calms your nerves. 
“Why are you hiding over here?”
His voice makes you jump. You pop open your eyes and inhale sharply as the one and only Steve Rogers towers over you. He smiles softly as you blink at him, before he reaches for a chip and pops it into his mouth.
“I’m not hiding,” you answer quickly, scrunching your face, “I’m eating, there’s nothing wrong with eating.”
“You’re quiet tonight.” He says, chewing slowly as he shoves his hand into his pocket and narrows his eyes at you, “You okay?”
You scoff, and roll your eyes to try and pretend that you have no idea what he’s talking about, “I’m fine, Rogers.”
“Are you sure?”
“Stop,” you laugh, raising your hand, “I’m fine.”
He shrugs, one of those I know you’re not okay, but I’m gonna drop it shrugs, and takes another long swig of his beer, “You know,” he starts, nodding slowly, “You still haven’t wished me a happy birthday. That’s kinda rude.”
“Well,” you laugh, “Don’t hold your breath. You’ve had your fair share of birthday wishes over the last, you know, one hundred and two years.”
He shakes his head, smiling at your sarcasm. You wiggle your eyebrows and push your chin forward a little, slightly proud of your attitude and your way of not falling into a giggly, stupid mess in front of him. Then, suddenly, there’s a… shift. All of the false confidence you had just seconds before floods out of you as his eyes drift down your body, before snapping back up to your wide eyes. He tilts his head and that soft smile appears again.
You’re not drunk enough for this. You lift your beer to your lips and focus on finishing it as quickly as possible as you glance away from him and focus on something, anything else in the room. You immediately grab another green glass bottle from the ice bucket, handing it to him for him to pop off the cap. You hear him chuckle, and then feel his large hand wrapping around your wrist before you're being pulled through the apartment. 
“Excuse me,” you laugh a little, having to nearly jog to keep up with his long strides, “Sir, this is kidnapping.”
You let him pull you out of the apartment and up a few flights of stairs before you burst out onto the roof. He pulls you to the edge of the building, dropping your arm so he can rest his hands against the ledge. You cut your eyes towards him as you grip your beer bottle in your hands. He gazes out over the city, the lights from the buildings and the stars lighting up his eyes. His expression is soft as no doubt hundreds of memories flash through his head.
“It’s nice up here, huh?” He says after a minute.
“It is.” You nod, casting your eyes out over the illuminated city,  “I’m kind of mad you’ve been hiding this from me.”
“You’ve been hiding from me.” Your mouth drops at the sudden admission. He turns his head towards you, blinking, “You’re always hiding from me.”
“I don’t,” you start, shaking your head as you swallow hard. You laugh nervously and try to play it off, “What are you talking about, Rogers? You’re drunk.”
“I’m not drunk.” He shrugs, “I can’t - I haven’t been drunk since 1939. I just, I like you and, I don’t know,” he trails off, turning away from you to look back out over the city, “You just are always so distant when you’re around me.”
You stare at the side of his face, your eyes wide, your mouth literally hanging open. You grip the glass bottle in both of your hands as your mind recaps the words that have just left his mouth. I like you. You’re always hiding from me. 
“I think you like to hide though,” he says, taking your beer from your hands and taking a swig, “It’s like a mechanism, or something. That’s what my therapist told me that I do, so, I guess I can kinda see it in other people now.”
“Therapist?” you ask, your voice soft.
He nods, still looking out over the city, “Mmhmm, at Bucky’s persistence. It’s nice to hide though, right? Like, you can be here but not here at the same time? Present, but not present.” He clears his throat, dropping his head, “You can feel but not feel.”
Your eyes drift away from him slowly, knowing exactly what he’s talking about - feeling exactly what he’s feeling. It is nice to hide. You’ve done it your whole life, but seemingly more over the past few years, “Yeah,” you finally offer, “It is.”
The air is warm as it whips around you on this July night. Brooklyn is as alive as ever - cars honking, people laughing and chatting on the streets below, planes flying over head. You swallow again as you cast your eyes down to your feet, his words still running on a loop through your head. I like you. You’re always hiding from me. 
“I do like you, I mean that. I do.” You snap your eyes back up to the side of his face as he keeps his head down, “I remember the first time you came over with Wanda.” He turns towards you and smiles, “You had on that flowery thing, I don’t know what it’s called.”
That night flashes before your eyes. Apparently he’s been staring at you from the corner of the room too,  “A romper. I love that thing.”
“Yeah,” he nods slowly, “You looked amazing.”
“Steve, is everything okay?” You ask suddenly, because, clearly, he’s not okay.
He nods again, smiles again, “Yeah. Are you okay?”
You laugh out of… you’re not really sure. Surprise? Nerves? Confusion? Or maybe, just the fact that you’re realizing that he’s not okay and you’re not okay -  and the two of you are desperately trying to prove that you are okay, but at the same time trying to deal with the fact that you’re not okay.
“Yeah,” you titter softly, “I’m okay.”
“Good.” He says, taking another drink of your beer, “I’m gonna get more. I’ll be back.”
Without another word to you, he moves away from the ledge and disappears behind the heavy metal door. You let out a breath that you weren’t aware you were holding and turn to face the cityscape. It is nice out here. Calming. 
Your heart sinks a little when you start to think about Steve wasting hour after hour, day after day, up here, all by himself, trying to deal with just living. He’s been Captain America for damn near eighty years - now he’s just Steve, but in 2020 - not 1939. He doesn’t know this Steve.
You’re always hiding from me. 
You turn away from the city, spotting an old, lumpy couch tucked in the corner of the roof. You move towards it slowly, rubbing your fingers against your pant leg as you move. You plop down and stare at your fingers as you start to rub them roughly. I like you. Fuck. That’s all you’ve wanted to hear, right? Since the day you laid eyes on him, like every other woman across the United States. It’s here, right in front of you and - 
The door opens, the metal creaking as Steve steps through it. It slams shut and you jump a little from the jarring sound. He turns to you, but dips his head, keeping his eyes low as he steps towards you and then falls onto the couch beside you. He hands you a beer and clinks the necks together before he takes a drink. You follow suit, swallowing the golden liquid slowly as you keep your eyes on him. 
“I’m sorry for being so blunt,” he laughs, spinning the dark green glass in his hands, “I don’t want you to be put off or anything. I’m not trying to make a move on you, I’m just-” he drops his head again, “It’s been weird for me, lately.”
“Don’t be sorry. Turning a hundred and two would be weird for anyone.” You laugh. 
“Bucky seems to be doing okay.” He smiles, keeping his eyes on his beer, “I’m happy for him, I really am. He and Sam are just so good together.”
“They are,” you smile, “But you feel stuck, right? Like everybody is moving and you’re just standing still.”
He nods slowly as he chews on the inside of his cheek, his fingers picking at the label glued onto the glass bottle, “I still want us to be friends, okay?” He picks his head up and turns to you, his eyes as blue as ever, but just a little sad and worried, “Just… forget about what I said earlier. I shouldn’t have put that on you.”
You sit your bottle between your legs and tap your manicured fingers against it as another silence drops over the two of you, “I don’t mean to hide,” you say quietly, ignoring his comment to just forget it, “You’re right, I do like to, but I don’t mean to. Not from you, anyway.”
You feel his eyes on you, wandering around before he speaks, “Why not from me?”
You laugh, sadly, “I um, I was married a few years ago. He um, he,” the emotion clogs up your throat. Fuck, it’s been two years and you still can’t talk about him. You shake your head, keeping your eyes on your hands, “I haven’t felt this way in a long time.” You whisper, “I don’t even know what I’m feeling half the time, it’s just, whenever I’m around you… it just scares me, I guess.” 
You see a shadow of his long arm reaching for you. Then, the rather soft tips of his fingers trace your chin before he lifts it slowly, so he can look at you - really look at you. You close your eyes before the two of you can make eye contact and smile nervously as a tear slips from the corner of your eye. He hums to himself as the backs of his fingers sweep across your cheek, removing the tear, before they move back down to cup your chin. 
“Open your eyes.”
You laugh, a sad smile on your face, “I can’t.”
“You can.” He presses, “Open your eyes, please.”
You take a breath, pressing your lips together as your eyes start to flutter. You blink furiously, but focus in on him - his face, his eyes - and then exhale deeply. You’ve been waiting to exhale for two long years. He closes the distance between the two of you before you can process it, and his lips are suddenly on yours. Soft. Warm. Still. His hands cup your face as you rest yours on his broad shoulders, gripping slightly. 
He pulls away but barely, still so close that his lips rest on yours. You open your eyes again to find his closed, his long dark eyelashes splashing against his smooth skin. He takes slow, deliberate breaths, the air from him washing over your face. You lift your hands, slowly, and place them on either side of his face, a small smile curling onto your lips. You press your mouth to his again. A little harder than the first time; and Steve responds a little harder this time. 
The kiss doesn’t dissolve into desperation, regardless of if the two of you feel desperate -  going untouched for so long. It stays sweet. It stays gentle, the kiss. You’re pulled into his lap, straddling his legs with yours, and it feels like you belong here. His tongue pushes, softly, asking permission by sweeping across your bottom lip. You grant it, the permission he asks for, without hesitation. 
You moan at the warmth of his velvety tongue. It spreads through you quickly, warming parts of you that you thought were long dead. His tongue slides along yours as he holds you to him, pressing his fingers into your thin t-shirt and back, pulling you close. So close. He licks at the roof of your mouth before he pulls your top lip between his, sucking gently. It makes you moan again. 
Steve kisses down your chin and throat,  working his way to the crook of your neck as he continues to hold you so tight. He nips at your skin, finding that little spot that sends a direct bolt of lightning to your core. You throw your head back, biting down into your bottom lip as you dig your fingers into his shoulders.  Your hips start to push into his as his warm fingers move underneath your shirt to feel your flesh for the first time. 
Your mouth open falls as you start to pant. Now that his fingers are on your skin - that whole desperation thing starts to kick up. He pushes your shirt up, up over your breasts and then just stops there, staring up at you with those eyes. His thumbs rub your sides as he holds them. He pushes in again, and presses his lips to the center of your chest, right in the valley between your breasts and then just rests there; breathing you in, feeling you. You smile, and run your fingers over the top of his head and through his hair before you rest your chin on his head. 
His fingers start to roam again, slipping along the band of your jeans. You bite your lip as you push your hips forward; ready. The button on your jeans pops, the zipper rolls down and you're on your back, Steve’s weight now pushing you into the cushions. Your legs are suddenly bare - you feel the warm air brushing along your skin. His lips are back on your neck as you wrap your arms around him, spreading your legs for him to settle in between. 
He fumbles around, pulling himself free, pushing your thin panties to the side. You’re nervous, he’s nervous - you can feel him shaking, but just a little. Then you both gasp as you're suddenly full of him and he’s encased by you. You groan, and so does he. His breath washes over your face as you both get used to the feeling again. 
He braids his fingers with yours and pushes them up over your head as he kisses you deeply. He starts to move - his hips pushing into yours, and then pulling away. You start to pant as his strokes get deeper - harder - as he breathes directly into your mouth. It’s sweet, his breath, even as it’s laced with alcohol. 
God, he’s such a soft lover. His hands, his lips, his thrusts, all just so soft. Passionate. Caring. He hovers over you, his eyes closed as he leans in to kiss you gently, his lips barely touching yours. You cup his cheek in your hand as his lips brush along yours, both of you breathing each other's air as his hips tenderly push into yours. He drops his lips to your throat again, kissing the base of your neck before he runs the tip of his nose up your chin - a small, barely there smile on his face. 
You kiss him hard, only breaking it to hiss. Your toes curl as the familiar pull in your stomach starts to build. Steve nuzzles into your neck, keeping his fingers laced with yours as his hips continue to grind. Your and his sounds mix and mingle before they are carried away by the soft breeze. Your heart starts to beat hard against your chest, your blood rushes as your body starts to tighten. 
He lifts your leg, hiking it over his hip but holds his hand there, gripping and groping your flesh softly as his thrusts now reach deeper. You gasp, gripping his biceps, your fingers pushing indents into his skin as your sex quivers from the attention. You bite down into your bottom lip, whimpering just a little as a dull pain ripples through you as you stretch to accommodate him - it’s been too long and he’s, more, than you expected. 
“Y’okay?” He slurs, his forehead resting against yours, his lips brushing against your cheek, “Baby, you-”
“Fine,” you breathe, “I’m fine- ah! -” you hiss as he hits that spot, “S’good, Steve. Don’stop… please.”
And then it blooms. It starts slow, at the tips of your toes before it floods throughout every inch of your body. You dig your fingers into his hands as you come, your hips bucking, your pants and cries loud and thick. He only lasts seconds longer, before his hips hitch and the growls scratch at the back of his throat. 
The calm is beautiful afterward. It’s not awkward or strained. You’re just two people trying to be okay, trying to reach out, trying to heal and move forward - trying to deal with the feelings swirling around in your chests and minds. There’s a blanket thrown over the back of the couch - he tugs it over the two of you, covering you from the elements and any prying eyes if they happen up onto the roof. 
You jump when the first firework explodes in the air. He chuckles and pulls you into his side, kissing your face as he drags his fingers, over your collar bones. Another firework goes off, and then another, and another, bringing you both back into the present. No more hiding. 
“I think I love you,” he whispers, watching the fireworks through your fingers as he lifts your hand into the air, “Is that weird?”
“Shit,” you laugh, curling your fingers between his, “I hope not, cuz I think I love you.”
Another firework pops in the air - red, white, and blue splashing against the dark sky. But all you can see are your hands, your small fingers laced with his long ones, twisting and curling around one another. He flattens his palm to yours before he brings it down to his lips, giving each finger a kiss before he lays a gentle one on the back of your hand. 
“You still haven’t wished me a happy birthday.”
You laugh loudly, pushing his shoulder, “And I’m still not gonna!”
“Why not?” he asks, laughing, picking your hands up again to watch your fingers dance with one another's, “That’s mean.”
“I’m a Taurus.”
Steve’s laugh makes you smile - yet another thing to add to the list of why you love this big idiot of a man. 
“That’s okay,” he whispers, pushing his nose into the side of your face as he nuzzles close, “You’ve got every year of the rest of your life to wish me a happy birthday.”
You don’t answer. You just smile harder and roll your face towards his, rubbing your nose along his. 
Steve Rogers is also a dreamer - how lovely. 
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the wolf should’ve been afraid of me.
Titans 3.04
just under the wire! ... i hope.
like with the previous review, i’m typing this up as i see the episode. here we go!
spoilers ahead.
1. ... well. that was an interesting cold open.
1.25. i don’t know whether to admire this show’s restraint when it comes to gotham and its excesses, particularly arkham asylum. it’d be easy to go hammer and tongs, like suicide squad (2016) did, or any number of bat media did, at a tropey, colourful~~insanity~~ that can be quite damaging, casting mental illness in strangeness and criminality. it definitely shows gotham as... separate from the rest of the country, its own ecosystem of heroes and villains, a sort of rogue state. 
but that ecosystem is still human, with its heroes needing to clip parts of themselves away just to survive, growing old and needing to be recycled, its villains languishing in the same kinds of systems that fail everybody else who needs to be helped. it’s a quieter, tenser sort of wrongness: not strange enough that you can dissociate, but not close enough that you can completely empathise. gotham is its own creature.
1.5. i know that the reasoning behind this is more doylist than anything, but i’m so glad that joker was killed off with little fanfare right at the start of the season. he is the one man in the batverse that’s transcended its confines as this sort of ethereal boogeyman/eternal edgelord and to justify his presence in the series would mean giving him this tired, overblown importance and too much of a stab at colourful, tropey “madness” in this otherwise-subdued series. i wish all batmedia would follow suit and get rid of this fucker.
1.75. so jason is bucking scarecrow’s control! or reminding him of who exactly holds all the cards right now. circling back to what i talked about in the last review, it’s remarkable just how little time it’s been since jason’s “death” and he’s already got ‘minions’ and elaborately set up plans to track, break and kill the titans. just how long has he been planning this? when did he first look at WE weapons prototypes and think that’s something i can use to blow somebody up? and the most unsettling question: did he plan his own death at the hands of the joker just so that he could break batman?
at this point it’s obvious that the scarecrow at least started jason down this path, but it’s frightening just how far he’s travelled already.
1.8. aaagh, less than one minute in! i’ll shut up. 
2. conner washing his hands at the sink reminds me that he was directly in the line of explosion when hank got blown up and he’s probably got atomised hank-bits all over his skin that he’s desperately trying to wash off.
... you’re welcome.
2.25. conner, don’t you speak to gar fucking logan like that, sir, no!
2.3. if anything it’s the lex part of him that gave him the knowhow to recognise the weapon and build a de-activator for it. 
anyway, for that ‘half-breed’ and ‘talking tiger’ comment?
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(i wish, tho, that we actually see conner more interested in the superman part of his legacy, like maybe listening to stories from gar, or even better, dick, so we get a better idea of the pressure he’s feeling to live up to that part of him and not the part that’s lex.)
((i talked about conner’s stages of moral development in his introductory episode last season, but i wonder if the next stage of his self-actualisation would be to further integrate the parts of himself and realise that they are only parts and he, conner, is an entirely different person unto himself that can make decisions on how to use what he has and what he knows. his superman abilities can be used to destroy. his lex knowledge can be used to save.))
3. oh dawn :((
3.25. is this the last we see of dawn and hank? i mean, we know donna is coming back; would it be a stretch to think they’ll try to have a go at resurrecting hank as well?
3.5. “deathstroke didn’t make us into killers.” good, because deathstroke didn’t make jason a killer either. there’s a missing step there you need to be looking for, dick. 
3.75. dick did try to break the cycle, step away from gotham, run from the possibility that he could turn into batman. it didn’t help; he couldn’t fully withdraw from his vigilante persona the same time he loathed it, and batman literally haunted him both asleep and awake. but maybe gotham doesn’t have to turn anybody into anything. maybe gotham has nothing to do with it at all. it’s about taking responsibility, realising some sacrifices are pure bullshit, and building an actual family instead of merely a team.
anyway: hugs!
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(oh, also? mr “i hate flying”? i mean, there’s perfectly valid reasons to hate flying that’s not related to childhood trauma, but then again, this guy was literally a ‘flying grayson’ once. also also, remember that he also gets sea-sick. must’ve a lot of fun stories to tell.)
4. ooh that gar/kory confrontation was brief but cool!
listen, i have never seen a psychiatrist with that extravagant an office and SIR I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW HOW--
4.5. kory’s so unused to reaching out for help and it’s breaking my heart that HPG likely is some kind of impostor that’s maybe causing her symptoms in the first place. 
kory and dick have mostly been apart this season but it’s remarkable how their journeys have paralleled each other; kory processes her grief, isolation and existential dread into a determination to take care of this new family she has, no matter what it takes; dick does much the same, forging ahead with plans and solutions until he has no fuel left in him and spirals into a massive breakdown.
4.25. listen titans this really is a TERRIBLE continuity error. we aren’t goldfish; we can clearly remember that two minutes ago it was gar’s upper arm that was burned, not his forearm. COME ON.
“sensory deprivation tank” *SNORT*
anyway, gar is the BEST
4.5. i wonder where these visions of experimentation took place. was it on tamaran, or on earth, after she came to hunt down rachel/trigon and before she lost all her memories? is HPG a part of the scientist group that experimented on her? ... god, i hope not. i mean, i think he is, but it would be cool to have some positive therapist representation in media. 
5. you’d think the van transporting a dangerous supervillain that only batman could catch would be more secure but... i’m also not entirely surprised. 
5.15. i love dick gives ZERO shits about hiding himself or even ensuring scarecrow is adequately contained. just turns away after kidnapping him in BROAD DAYLIGHT and says ‘let’s go’. I LOVE THIS DUMBASS
6. lmao gar is having a really really shitty day SOMEONE GIVE THIS MAN A BREAK or just a goddamn story arc of his own
6.5. i’m really confused about the timeline here. so... sometime ago, kory came down to earth to hunt down trigon, yeah? at some further point down the line she and her sister were kidnapped and experimented on. THEN she somehow escapes but... loses her memory? a few months pass and then we see blackfire alive and well and free; she kills faddei, can impersonate other people, and is clearly seeking out kory. but now she’s still in the experiment facility...? what’s going on?
i’m not entirely surprised about the facility being mostly deserted. either the biggest investors in this project gave up on it and it was left to the most fanatic to carry on, or they were deliberately trying to lure kory and get her to free blackfire--expand the environs of the experiment, so to speak.
7. hopefully barbara is going to get something to do other than listen to various men give her Attitude
8. how do you terrorise a terrorist? well:
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i love when dick is a scary-competent motherfucker.
8.25. ooooh, the attack on crane at arkham a ploy to get crane to blackgate? nice one dick, i didn’t even think of that. but why though? to protect crane from the titans? to intercept the van to blackgate and “rescue” him? seems likely--red hood was there, except dick got to crane quicker.
9. still reeeallly unclear about the komand’r situation. was komand’r captured after s2? is this all A TRAP?? if so, why are you stepping into the only thing that can contain you, kory????
9.25. so... definite parallels between dick/jason and kory/kom here. i’m just. i’m still. really confused. i’ll shut up now.
10. this may be my favourite dick look yet:
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woodsman!dick in a beanie.
10.5. i unironically love how titans has made this bizarrely-devoted-to-his-moniker, toxin-spewing supervillain into a tamer version of hannibal, psychoanalysing his victims into submission. it’s of a piece with how inward looking titans is, the way all of its villains are obsessed with how our protagonists’ minds work, to the point where they would actually spend time inside of them. 
there are no big plots to end the world. no apocalypses or endgames here. these villains collect the titans’ insecurities like infinity stones. the way the titans defeat them is by achieving character growth--literally winning by the power of love. literally “the real superpower is the friends we made along the way”!
10.7. anyway, i’m betting dick is used to this bullshit from crane and is humouring him in the service of getting more information. the story about the wolf? an implicit threat, not to mention dick getting to control what crane knows about him and what methods he would use to manipulate him.
am i giving dick too much credit here? i don’t think so. he’s really impressed me so far this season.
10.75. like. there’s a real unreliable narrator vibe coming off with every person that talks about bruce (much like how the various members of the titans talked about jason’s motivations) and to buy into crane’s talk about bruce being a psychopath is to fall for the same manipulation that jason fell for. dick is the only person who hasn’t really psychoanalysed bruce this season, and i think some part of his detective brain is piecing things together into a bigger picture.
11. i’m glad kory rescued kom but did she have to kill the scientist?
(i mean, yeah, probably - the less people know that kom escaped the less likely they’re going to have the fucking govt on their doorstep, but still.)
11.5. dick’s gonna come back to wayne manor, stare straight at komand’r and go, well which room would you like? because the team might as well adopt ANOTHER person, yeah?
12. oh MAN that red hood/nightwing fight was AMAZING! and he did the thing! the boomerang escrima thing! i’m so delighted!
12.5. the anger and disbelief in dick’s voice when he says you told crane EVERYTHING?! tells me that he knew exactly what he was telling crane himself.
12.75. “everything you are is because of him” - oh that reminds me of halluci!bruce from last season. i hope we see halluci!bruce again--he is so vicious but so entertaining... so much more effective at tearing dick down than crane or jason combined. goes to show that dick’s biggest enemy is own fucking head.
12.8. oh no! dick’s shot! crane is in the wind with red hood! blackfire is now with the titans! i love it!
honestly this season’s pacing is such a big step up from the last couple. gold star, show.
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gaegalsyd · 3 years
See Through Me
Pairing: KamilahxMC
Summary: basically it's chaotic Lily, with lovesick Kamilah, then clueless Amy
Note: Set between BB1 and BB2.... and I did say that I would write after I'm settled with my classes but this was in my drafts so I just finished it. (just another way of saying I'm still not settle with my classes)
It has been a few weeks after the events with Vega in the cabin of Adrian upstate, despite that, Kamilah is still feeling some darkness waiting to emerge and cause havoc to the peace that they have. Kamilah is in her private elevator towards her office in Ahmanet financial to check some files before meeting with Lily to continue with their training. Lily may have moved in the shadow den and is also training with the vampires there, but the two of them continued their training in the studio in the office building of Kamilah. She may have grown a little fond of the fool but of course there are no hesitance in making sure that Lily becomes a strong vampire and she have made it her responsibility to look over her protégé.
And when she came out of the elevator, she sensed someone in her office, and the fact that it’s already late at night and all of her assistants and employees have already left the building she immediately withdrew her daggers to kill anyone whoever came into her office. Being as old as she is, she learned long ago that she should be ready with anything that can happen, which means she never go anywhere without her deadly jeweled dagger. When she got closer to the door with her fighting stance, she realized that it’s a vampire who is in her office but after hearing some weird noises-which is apparently a laugh- she knew that it’s Lily.
“What the hell are you doing in my office when you are supposed to be in the training studio?” she questioned with her daggers still on her hands.
Lily simply snorted without removing her eyes on her computer “Dude, the security of your computer is so shitty that a baby can get in here any moment.”
The older vampire knew that there’s no point talking to Lily when she’s transfixed in a computer. So, she just kept her blades and crossed her arms. “I assume you already modified some of the security settings” she said in an unimpressed tone.
“you’re welcome” after she finally looked at her and then the fool stood up and gave her a dramatic bow. But Lily immediately realized that she is not happy.
It’s not that she is not grateful with what Lily did but she is still in the process of trusting other people than Adrian. And after thousands of years of experiencing betrayal from different people, it’s just hard for her to just open up. Yes, she has gotten closer and got herself to trust the mortal best friend of Lily, Amy but that’s different for her. And she now considers Lily and Jax her friends though she would not say that out loud, that does not excuse what Lily did going through her computer.
“shit shit, I’m sorry Kamilah” Lily pleaded her “I swear I came here early and you were not in your office and when I sat in your chair, I saw the software and I…” the younger slumped and must have really felt sorry for her actions.
The older vampire just sighed and started walking to the door but before she opened it, she looked back to Lily “I’m expecting you to be in the studio in 5 minutes” she said with a devilish smirk on her face.
“damn, I’m getting my ass kicked so bad”
Once both of them are in their training outfit, they did separate warmups before having a hand to hand combat. Kamilah is not the kind of teacher that the students will love, instead she is strict but patient when it comes to training her proteges.
“You know, I’m actually torn if you should be master Shifu or Tigress” Lily said before they have their fighting stance. “I asked my gal Amy about that earlier and she said you’re definitely Tigress” Lily continued.
Kamilah did not know and did not care in whatever Lily was talking about but when she heard the name of her mortal, her interest has been piqued, however it was covered by her stoic façade. “I don’t know what that is, and your right leg is positioned wrong”
Lily did not respond or make any more comments throughout the training. And Kamilah felt a relief without those silly comments that the young vampire always has, perhaps she still feels guilty about what happened in her office. At the end of their training, Lily was lying on the floor with her arms and legs spread out and her eyes wide open.
“What the hell happened to you?” Kamilah asked but in her mind, she thought that younger vampires are so bloody dramatic. “you kicked me to a wall so many times I lost track, and I can’t even complain because this is like your revenge” Lily replied while trying to sit “and my girl is right you definitely are Tigress” she added. Kamilah would not have cared why she is being told to be like a female tiger though she remembered that Lily mentioned something about her mortal saying she is a tigress, she cannot bring herself to ask Lily about the thoughts of Amy.
To say that she wishes to know the thoughts of the mortal is an understatement, there are many questions in her mind about Amy. Does she think of the old vampire as often as she thinks of her? does she also feel like the world around them vanishes when it’s just the two of them in a room? does she know that the thought of her brings Kamilah to peace and comfort?
“Will you kill me if I ask if we can take a selfie together?” Lily asked while gathering her things.
“A what?” Kamilah knows that languages are dynamic but this woman with her is a chaotic dumbass that sometimes she wonders if she is just making up words.
“A picture together, Imma send it to Amy later” Lily said nonchalantly while taking out her phone.
She just huffed and nodded but if it was somebody else that asked her, she would’ve stabbed them already. She simply isn’t interested in taking pictures but the back of her mind tells her that she’s doing it because she wishes that her Amy would see her even in just a picture. Kamilah may not admit it but she knows that after a few weeks of knowing and spending time with Amy, she’s already acting like a lovesick fool as if her day will not be complete without the girl being a part of it. Even as small as hearing her name, seeing her across the conference table, smelling her scent, and feeling her presence is enough to make lighten up her mood.
Lily moved closer to her and took the goddamn picture. “alright and sent!” Lily said in a very enthusiastic way. “Why are you so energetic” Kamilah sighed and she really did not know how Lily gets this energy. “I think I am energetic too especially for someone who got her ass kicked a lot of times” the young vampire murmured while preparing to go out of the building “Adios Sayeed! Fuck you very much for the body pain” Lily as she walked away and the fool had the audacity to raise her middle finger at her and then running away like a scared child after she glared at her.
She made her way to her private suite within the building to freshen up as she plans to visit her mortal. Even though she is certain that Amy is not yet sleeping- she may have memorized the schedule of the girl- she sent her a message, to inform the young woman of her visit.
“The company is very welcome” Amy replied with an “emoji” that she still refuses to use and a series of hearts.
On the way to the young mortal’s apartment, the mind of the vampire was just around how she misses her and how she wants to hold her forever. Love, crossed her mind many times whenever these kinds of thoughts invade her mind and infect her heart. And her mind says that she is not yet ready for such attachments, but her heart says otherwise, the stupid thing on her chest just knows that Amy is the one that she has been unconsciously looking for. Like being blind for two thousand years and finally seeing such beautiful colors for the first time, all this time she was blindly looking for something and when her heart found it, her too smart brain just won’t allow it.
And when she reached and entered the apartment, warmth filled her body and her eyes felt moist as if tears are ready to come down her face, that will go through her lips as it formed an endearing smile reserved for the woman smiling back at her. Amy stood up to welcome her with a light embrace and she knew, she’s home, and that her mind has surrendered to her heart completely and irrevocably.
“Sorry for the late visit” she said sheepishly while sitting down in the living room which was quickly responded by Amy with a smile “I did say that the company is welcome” that eased her, something about this woman just comforts her. “How’s training with Lil?” the girl asked while taking her right arm to loop it around her body. She recalled and told her the events that happened a few hours ago that made the girl in her arms giggle.
“She did send me the selfie” Amy said.
So, it really was a word and not a thing that Lily just randomly came up with she thought “I’m certain I don’t need to ask to know if I look presentable in the picture” She said too confidently when the truth is, she just wants to hear the girl say something about her. Apparently falling in love is making her greedy of attention.
“Why does that sound like you just want me to say that you are absolutely gorgeous especially when it’s after being a badass” the young girl said while laughing which made the older woman raise her brows, then she added “but kidding aside, you always look amazing”
Kamilah hid the giddiness she felt on her body by kissing the crown of the younger woman’s head “I suppose that’s just how it is” which made Amy laugh again who stood up and took her hand then lead her to the room “You need sleep, you’re getting way ahead of yourself” and now it’s the vampire’s turn to laugh but she just followed her to the room where they settled. This was not the first time that she will be sleeping over so she already knew which clothes she can borrow and which side she would sleep in. Moments like this are treasured for Kamilah because they are able to build a foundation for their relationship, or whatever this is, with connection and not just sex. She loves the part where they act on their desires and lusts, but the nights where they just lay in bed and talk are something she really adore. To understand and be understood is something her soul has been longing for.
And as they lay together, holding each other close, she thought of all the times where she fell in love to someone, and how it was all nothing compared to what she is feeling for the woman beside her. “Thank you” Kamilah whispered randomly, which Amy still responded sleepily to “you’re welcome to stay here any time”
Little did the mortal know that she is so grateful for her bringing light to the ancient vampire’s life, for looking at her and not seeing a monster, for letting her experience all the best feelings she never thought she would feel, and for making her try to be a person worthy of her love.
It has only been weeks, and she is already in too deep.
Only been weeks, and she already swear to protect Amy with her life.
She’s been existing for two thousand years, but it has only been weeks since she has truly lived.
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calpalirwin · 4 years
You Will Be Found
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Request: So... I have another story idea that I think you'll kill, and I might be too specific... you can always of course change details because it's your writing. ANYWAYS! Can I get a best friend!Luke x Reader where reader hasn't answered their phone in a few days so Luke goes by their house to find them on the floor in the dark in a major depression episode? He gets them off of the ground, and gets them to shower (not together). Reader is barely talking. After the shower, Luke braids their hair, and talks to them about anything that comes to mind. Gets them to eat. Then to bed where he cuddles them. Maybe even a confession of love? I mostly want the braiding hair scene. So let me know if it's too specific and I can change it up. I love you 💕
Word Count: 1.8k
And away, and away we go!
Your car was in the driveway when Luke pulled up, which he took to be a good sign. What he didn’t take as a good sign was how dark your house was when he walked in using the spare key you’d given him for emergencies. “Y/N?” he called out, carefully shutting the door behind him. “Y/N, it’s me.”
From where you were hidden in your bedroom, you could hear him making his way across the house in search of you, calling out your name every now and then. You worked your throat to call back out to him like some weird game of Marco Polo, but nothing came out. So you stayed put, waiting for him to find you. That was what you were supposed to do when you got lost, right? Stay put until somebody finds you? Well, you were about to be found. But you still felt so fucking lost.
“There you are,” he said, his voice much closer as he crossed into your room. Then, his face was inches from yours as he laid down on the floor beside you. “What are we doing on the floor for? Your bed’s right there. Wanna lay there?”
You shook your head.
“Are you hurt?”
You shrugged your shoulders.
“How long have you been down here?”
You shrugged again.
“Can I help you?”
A third shrug.
“Okay, I’m gonna be right back.”
You blinked and he was gone. And even though you could hear him a few feet away from you in the bathroom, not having his face in front of you had you breaking inside. Then, his face was back in front of you, even though you couldn’t recall crying out for him. “Whoa, hey. I’m right here. Shh, it’s okay,” he reassured you, one of his hands rubbing softly up and down your arm. “C’mon, can you stand up for me?”
You shook your head.
“I’m gonna pick you up, okay?”
Before the words could register enough for you to nod your head, you were lifted up in his arms, cradled to his chest. He carried you into the bathroom, placing you on the counter. You whimpered as he pulled away, so he grabbed onto your hands as he stepped back. “I’m going to need you to get undressed for me, okay? Can you do that?”
Your cheeks flushed.
“I won’t look. I actually need to grab you clean clothes. So, can you get into the tub while I do that?”
You nodded.
“Okay, I will be right back.”
You focused on peeling your clothes off and making your way into the hot, inviting water that was still sloshing out of the faucet, causing the bubbles to rise.
“We all good?” he asked, clothes and a towel in one hand, the other shielding his eyes.
You nodded as you slid deep into the tub, before remembering that he couldn’t see you. “Y-yeah,” you croaked.
Luke dropped your clothes and towel on the counter before he sank to his knees on the other side of the tub beside you. “So, did I tell you about how I found Petunia in the cupboard again?” he asked as he started to wash your hair for you.
You giggled and shook your head.
Luke brightened, his fingers working against your scalp. “So, I came home from the studio the other day. And like normally she comes to greet me. Unless she’s asleep. So when she didn’t, I went to check her bed. Only she wasn’t there. So I was like ‘where the fuck’s my dog?’ you know. And I’m checking every room. I’m calling for her. Everything. And nothing’s working. I can’t find her. So I called Ash. Cuz like maybe he finally took her. Cuz like, I know he makes fun of her a lot. But the more Ash makes fun of something, the more he loves it ya know? Cuz he’s weird like that. So I called him. And he said he didn’t have her. Which was good, cuz I’d be mad if he took my dog because she’s my dog. But he reminded me of the time I found her in the cupboard so maybe I could try looking there again. And sure enough, there she was.”
“Silly piggy girl,” you mumbled with a small smile as Luke rinsed out your hair.
“Yeah, she must like it under there. Probably nudges it open with her nose, and just crawls right in.”
You hummed in response.
“Um, so if you wanna wash the rest of yourself, I can turn around. Or I can leave entirely and let you finish. Your call.”
“Yeah, yeah, you can shower. I-uh… made the bath cuz I thought it’d be easier for you. But yeah, you can shower. I’ll um…” He placed his hands on the edge of the tub, pushing up onto his feet.
You reached a hand out to grab his arm, your eyes glancing over at the counter.
“Yeah, I’ll stay in here with you. I can tell you another story. Um, hold on, I gotta think of one. Oh! Got it. So we’re at the studio, right?” Luke launched into another story while the tub drained and you showered off. When he heard the shower shut off, he held out the towel for you to grab, his eyes screwed shut. “I’m not looking, I promise. So where was I? Oh, yeah.” He continued with his story of him and the guys at the studio while you got yourself dressed. “And yeah, I dunno. It might be one of those you had to be there moments for it to be really funny. Oh! Food’s here.” He flashed his phone at you. “C’mon, let’s go eat.”
You raised an eyebrow in question, but let him grab you by the hand and pull you into the living room.
“Yeah, I know you’re probably not hungry. But I ordered your favorite when I was running your bath. So, sit right here. I’m gonna get the food, and we’ll eat together, okay?”
You nodded, taking a seat on the couch, feeling conflicted. On one hand, you loved that Luke had come over. He had a way of taking care of you that wasn’t overbearing or forceful. But, on the other hand, you felt guilty that you had worried him enough into coming over to check on you in the first place.
“Alright, here we go,” he said with a soft grin as he placed the food in front of you. “You don’t have to eat all of it. Or any of it, really. But, I thought you might want to try to have a few bites at least. Um… yeah… was trying to think of another story to tell you, but I think I told you the good ones anyway. That’s kinda the hard part about having been friends with you so long. You know all my stories. Oh! I know! Can I braid your hair?”
You gave him a weird look.
“That’s what your mom used to do when you were little right? She’d braid your hair for you? I could do that. Probably won’t be as good. But I can try. So go ahead and eat. But also pick a type of brain, because I know that there are different types. And I’ll go get your hair ties and stuff!”
You took a bite of food, chewing slowly, deciding on what braid you wanted while he dashed off into your bathroom.
“Alright, you figure out which one you wanted?” he asked, coming back with your package of hair ties and your brush. “You can just pull it up if that works for you. I don’t mind that you’re quiet.”
You smiled at him, wanting to tell him how glad you were that he was here. That you were sorry for worrying him. That you were gonna be okay, but if he could stay with you until that happened that would be nice. Because you’d been doing this alone for days, and you didn’t want to be alone anymore. That you were lucky to have a friend like him. But the words got stuck in your throat and you felt tears well up in your eyes. So you blinked them away and showed him a picture of a Dutch braid on your phone.
“That one? Okay, let’s see what I can do.” Luke situated himself behind you, his legs on the outside of yours. “Can you feed me a bite?” he asked, opening his mouth and taking your hair in his hands.
You stabbed a bite of food on the fork, holding it over your shoulder to him.
“Thank you,” his voice mumbled around the fork, and you heard him chewing as he started to braid your hair. He hummed in concentration while you took a slow bite of the food here and there, offering him a bite anytime you heard him go “Ah!” You felt his hand run over your hair, smoothing it before clapping his hands together. “And done! Tada! And hey, you ate almost everything. Good job!”
You smiled sheepishly, not wanting to admit that he’d eaten a majority of it. But you’d gotten a few more bites than you thought you were going to have.
You heard the shutter sound of his camera, before his phone was being put in your hands. “So, whatcha think?” Luke asked.
There were a few escaped strands of hair, and it was bunched up in a couple of spots. But you didn’t care. You turned in his lap, flinging your arms around his neck. “Thank you!” you sobbed, body shaking.
“You’re welcome,” he chuckled, rubbing his hands up and down your back. “Shh, it’s okay.”
“No it’s not!” you wailed, finally finding your voice. “You’re taking care of me because I scared you! I got lost! I’m still lost! I’m not fine! Not even a little bit! Luke, I’m scared!”
“Shh,” he soothed. “Hey, look at me.” He waited until your eyes locked on his. “I’m here taking care of you, because I care about you. Have I been worried because I haven’t heard from you in a few days? Yes. Was I a little scared? Yes. But it’s because I- shit… It’s because I love you. I don’t ever want to see you hurt like this. But I understand that sometimes you are. And that’s okay. Because every time you get lost, I’m going to find you. You’re not ever going to be alone.”
“Can you stay with me?”
“Of course. I’m not going anywhere. I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
“You know I don’t mean as a friend, right?”
“I know. I don’t either.”
He chuckled in relief. “Is this the part where I kiss you?”
“It better be.”
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@aquarius-hood1996​ @creator-appreciator​ @philthepegacorn​ @myfavfanficsever​ @cxddlyash​ @youngblood199456​ @stormrider505​ @tarltongrl96​ @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof​
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stressedoutteenager · 4 years
with all the new info we got about the netflix adaption of the grishaverse, I felt more motivated to write something and recently wrote something about Kaz realizing - because Inej explains to him - that he should show more appreciation towards his friends, particularly Jesper
If you want to read on AO3: here’s the link 
Say Thank You
“Would it kill you to say thank you for once, to let him know he’s appreciated?”, Inej says as soon as the door to Kaz’s office falls shut.
She hears Kaz wince quietly while she rummages through his desk drawers for anything that would help her clean his wounds. She’s been back from her latest voyage for almost a week. It had been a successful one and coming back to Ketterdam, she felt proud and accomplished.
Kaz could tell as soon as he saw her. She was glowing.
Several days passed peacefully, while she got to reconnect with her friends. They did all send letters but as correspondence is not regular when one is on the seas and at different coasts each day, catching up in person is much more fun and rewarding. Several peaceful days had passed, indeed, until somebody tried to break into Wylan and Jesper’s home.  It is common knowledge that their home is constantly under security. And most people know not to mess with Dirty Hands, the Barrel Boss, and his associates. Some might even say his friends. Yet, somebody was stupid enough to do so. Maybe, stupid. Maybe, reckless. Maybe, brave.
Luckly, the intruders seemed to be only there to gather intel. They got scared off by Kaz and Inej arriving at their friends’ house. Instantly, the couple inside, that had not noticed anything going on outside, was interrogated about possible enemies. It could have been someone trying to break in to steal from their big fortune, but that thought was dismissed quickly. Doing that would be stupid and nothing else. However, this attempted break-in seemed to be only the start of it. Threats kept coming; break-ins at the Crow Club, vandalism at the Slat, cheating and brawls while gambling.
Kaz didn’t want his friends to be involved again, not after they left the Dregs behind - for the most part. Wylan is still in contact with Kaz for business and Jesper supports Kaz’s businesses in various ways when he can. But, they don’t interfere with the Dregs’ dirty business. Inej on the other hand… whenever she’s back in Ketterdam, she’ll share anything she finds valuable with Kaz. She would have never dreamed that she’d miss the dirty, crooked rooftops of Ketterdam and yet... she can never resist to jump from roof to roof like she’s flying.  Those familiar, light steps of Inej’s always itched to be up above everyone else where she could blend into the shadows and listen. And listen she did. - An unknown but surprisingly quick and efficient working gang was targeting the Crows.
Kaz made a plan and his former crew members inserted themselves in it. Despite Kaz’s refusal at first, they did not relent.
But, things suddenly went south. Kaz was struck by a flying knife, none of his crew saw coming. Not even Inej, which she still feels horrible about. And then, chaos broke loose. It all happened so very fast, they were ambushed. Still, after all these years Kaz, Wylan, Jesper, and Inej can read each other’s expressions and can communicate wordlessly and accomplished to come out of the unplanned, unexpected brawl victorious.
Now, as Inej turns around, Kaz has rid himself of his jacket. His shirt is ripped, quite a big patch is red. Kaz only looks at Inej while crossing the room until he’s stood right next to her. Leaning on his desk, he takes the cotton ball from Inej’s hand.
“He didn’t have to join me.”, Kaz simply says.
Inej’s eyes wander over Kaz’s face, down his body to his torso. The red patch is still getting bigger. And Kaz is not doing anything about it. Inej steps closer, meets Kaz’s gaze and waits. A couple moments all he does is stare right back. His jaw set, eyes trained on the girl in front of him that didn’t think twice before exchanging her captain’s hat for her scaling shoes when she noticed it might be useful. Useful to Kaz.
Finally, he nods and she starts unbuttoning his shirt slowly. She takes care to not touch his skin, pulling the shirt away from him, towards herself, while taking one button at a time. When his shirt is finally completely open and pushed off his shoulders, the deep stab wound on his abdomen is on full display.
“Apply pressure.”, Inej instructs him as she hands him a towel and takes the cotton ball back. He doesn’t make a sound but Inej can feel his quick breath on her cheek. He's hurting. She does not want to make him more uncomfortable than he already is and pays attention to not touch him with her fingers. The cotton ball is now pinched between her fingers. “Neither of us had to. We wanted to. And if it weren’t for Jesper there, you’d be in much more pain than you are now.”, she lifts her head to look at Kaz and only when he meets her eyes, she adds, “Or dead.”
There’s no movement in his face. His eyes stay on Inej, when he says:“I can handle myself.”
“Sure. You’re the Bastard of the Barrel .”, Inej says through her teeth. She tells him to lift the towel and cleans as much of the blood as she can before taking a step back to get the bandages. She had seen them in the drawer at his desk. She goes back to stand in front of Kaz and cuts up the bandage into the right sizes.
“I know you’re trying. I can see it.”, she says, not meeting his gaze. They both know what she means. It is not a secret that Kaz goes to meet Jesper and Wylan regularly. Most people think it’s on business and yes, sometimes it is, but mainly, it is a pretense. Still having her eyes only on the bandages, she continues: “But sometimes it’s not enough. If Jesper weren’t there today, if he hadn’t used his power, you’d be injured so much worse.”
Positioning a bandage on his wound that is still bleeding, she continues to speak while applying more pressure than is needed: “And forget saying thank you, you barely glanced in his direction afterwards and gave Wylan the instructions on how to keep their home safe.”
“I..”, Kaz starts to talk but stops as soon as Inej leans closer to wrap a thin piece of towel to keep the bandage in place. She hovers so closely that he can smell the flowery smell in her hair, even through the dust and dirt of the brawl not even hours ago.
Inej mutters: “You can’t just always assume everyone around you knows what you think.”
She’s done with the big wound and steps back. To give him a break. And to be able to see his reactions to what she’s saying. Kaz smirks lightly when saying: “They are not supposed to.”, but that doesn’t impress Inej one bit.
“But your friend should. Your friend should know that you’re grateful for his help. That you appreciate them. Especially when they are this close to you and when they see you as family.”, Inej says, arms crossed over her chest but her tone of voice softer than before.
The adrenaline is only now wearing off and the fear that Kaz might be hurt badly is growing calmer.
Inej can see how much Jesper means to Kaz. And deep down, Jesper knows that, too. But he should not have to settle for only that.
Kaz does not say anything, does not show anything in his eyes. Inej shakes her head and turns around to put away everything she did not use and she can hear Kaz limping towards the trunk near the door, where he keeps spare clothes. While worrying about his stab wound, neither had thought about his leg. She hears Kaz wince before she even turns around and can see him struggling to put his shirt on. Inej closes the distance in quick, quiet steps and helps him wordlessly. She then continues to button it up.
“Thank you.”, Kaz says and Inej can feel his eyes on her. She doesn’t look up until she has buttoned up every button. That she can hide her small smile that way helps too. She is incredibly happy that he opens up more to her now than he ever did. Emotionally and physically, verbally or with his looks. She’s proud of his progress. And still, her point from before stands.
“You’re welcome.”, she says, finally looking at him and finds him looking at her with a small smile. She tries to school her features but it is too late. He saw the effect of that small smile. No matter how much older she is now and how many threats and problems she has faced by now with a straight face, Kaz still has the annoyingly exciting influence on her as if she’s still 16.
Kaz takes a deep breath without moving an inch away from Inej and says: “I have some immediate business to take care of. But in the morning I’ll go check up on Wylan and Jepser.”
“Good.”, Inej answers and allows herself to finally smile at him. His eyes focus on her lips drawn upwards; his hand itches to drag her closer. “I’ll accompany you.”
Kaz’s first instinct is to refuse. Out of habit. Even though he would like her to stay at the Slat with him. Even though they both know he might need a second pair of eyes when walking through Ketterdam the next morning. He bites his tongue and nods.
He takes out the key to his room from his pocket and hands it to her: “You’ll be least disturbed there. I’m going to send some of my people to take care of the remainder of today’s business.”
The next morning, a message boy arrives at the Slat, asking for a message to be given to Mr. Brekker, who had already left to go check up on the person who sent the message, inviting him to Breakfast.
Jesper is the one to open the door and is surprised at the speed at which his friends arrived but doesn’t comment on it. He lets them in and locks the door behind them.  Inej greets her friend and continues towards the kitchen where an off-key singing Wylan can be heard. Jesper makes a move to join her but Kaz calls him back: “Jesper, a moment please.” Inej hears Kaz and knows she shouldn’t be as proud as she is. This should be a given. Still.
“Everything okay?”, Jesper asks, looking Kaz up and down.
Kaz sets his cane aside and nods. “Yes.”, and then does not know how to continue. Inej had said he should let his friends who see him as family know that he appreciates him. But that’s the problem. Jesper is like a brother to Kaz. It makes it harder to express his thoughts, not easier.
“Okay..”, Jesper says, a little suspicious.
“Just…”, Kaz continues and straightens his back and looks at Jesper properly. “Thank you… for your help yesterday.”
Jesper needs a moment to process what Kaz said, but then opts to play it off. He shrugs and waves it off: “Sure, no problem. It’s nothing.”
Kaz is tempted to let it go now. He said thank you. But he knows that once again Inej is right. “No, it’s not nothing. Without you there yesterday, I might have scarcely come out of the attack.”
He is looking Jesper in the eyes but is not showing anything more than his usual stoic gaze. And yet, Jesper knows Kaz means it. To that, he smiles and instantly wants to hug Kaz but knows better. Instead he nods, smiling, and tries not to beam.
They turn to go join the others in the kitchen, but Jesper’s step falters when Kaz adds: “But don’t ever put yourself in danger for me again.”
Kaz does not stop, he passes his friend and thinks, he does not want another brother dying before him.
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Lady and the Tramp || Zinnia and Alcher
TIMING: Current PARTIES: @zinniarhee and @zahneundklauen SUMMARY: Alcher brings Stark to Zinnia for a check up and a special question. She’s smooth, by her standards. 
Zinnia stared down at her hands, the scratches from the day already disappearing. The longer she stared, the more she felt like she could still see them. Those, and the ghost of all the others she’s ever endured. Disposing of the remaining bear traps had been Zinnia’s top-most priority. It was important to her that nobody else get injured, specifically those like her. Scout’s injury had put a lot into perspective, especially because she had not yet run into somebody like her in White Crest. They were few and far between. Alcher’s arrival was expected at any moment, and as soon as she heard the door ding, she was up and headed towards the lobby. The sight of Stark and Alcher brought a soft, but tender smile to her lips. “You look much better than the last time I saw you.” Zinnia rounded the desk and leaned down, scratching underneath Stark's chin. “You, you look the same.” Zinnia cooed at Stark before straightening up. “You can follow me.” She led the way back through to one of the examination rooms, closing the door behind her once both Stark and Alcher were inside. “Should I give you a lookover, too?” Zinnia said in a joking manner as she helped Stark get up onto the examination table. 
The past moon had opened Alcher’s eyes to many things, including the fact that she had been hiding herself from caring too deeply for so long. And that somehow, she’d come to care about someone who was not a wolf. Perhaps even more than care. Fear had driven her to that point, and now it was fear that was opening her eyes. The time she’d spent at Zinnia’s was the safest Alcher had felt in, well...perhaps decades. She’d slept soundly in her bed, and coming back to her house after each night, knowing she had sanctuary there, had made the entire experience feel much less painful than it was. And though the cuts the silver knife had left on her fact and her arms were still there, a reminder of what she’d been through, she carried them with pride. Even the one straight across her face, over her nose, here she remembered feeling the blade dig into her skin. Stark, however, was wagging his tail excitedly, the closer they got to the clinic, as if he remembered. Alcher could already smell Zinnia inside, just past the sterile scent that hospitals always had. She opened the door and looked up at the bells as they jingled, then headed towards the back, smiling when she caught sight of the other woman. “Well, my father always preached about a good night’s sleep,” she said back, giving her a pleasant smile, tilting her head, “but I have a hunch it was something else that helped more.” She didn’t know exactly what kind of food Zinnia liked, but one could never go wrong with spaghetti and meatballs, right? She followed Zinnia back into the examination room and set the bag of food down away from Stark. She chuckled. “Only if you want tp,” but had to wonder if she meant it the way she said it. “Maybe we should have dinner first, though.”
“A good night’s sleep can do wonders.” The sight of Alcher, no longer dragging and bloodied, was calming to Zinnia. She was glad to see that Stark was in good condition, too. She looked over Stark’s eyes, interrupted at the mention of dinner. She looked at the bag that Alcher had brought, barely able to catch the scent of whatever it was in the container. “Oh, yeah. That would… make sense.” Zinnia looked at Stark with an apologetic smile, “we’ll catch up soon.” Giving him a scratch behind the ear, Zinnia carried him off of the table, setting him back down. She washed her hands afterwards, returning to Alcher’s side. “Did you make it yourself?” She asked with a hint of a grin as she pawed at the bag, pulling it to the side to reveal what was inside. “Spaghetti? How’d you know I was craving Italian?” She knew that Spaghetti wasn’t actually an Italian dish, but most didn’t. “In our breakroom, we have cutlery and plates. It’s a bit more welcoming than an examination room, too.” She clicked her tongue for Stark to follow as they headed down the hall. It was odd, Zinnia thought. She felt at ease with Alcher, and she knew it wasn’t just because of the dog. Holding the door open for Alcher and the dog, she closed it behind them and beelined for the cabinet, pulling out the necessary items. “Take a seat, please.” 
Alcher was prepared to sit and watch Zinnia do her work. It was relaxing and she didn’t mind in the least, letting her eyes wash over the other woman. She didn’t know why, but she was drawn to her in a way she wasn’t drawn to most others. The last time she’d felt this way, it hadn’t exactly turned out well, but somehow there wasn’t a fear in her stomach. She paused, blinking when Zinnia spoke again. “Unfortunately, no,” she said, chin in her hand as she watched, “I’m not really the best chef. I know how to cook meat and that’s about it. My family wasn’t big on human foods, but...I suppose I’m indulging when I say there’s many human foods I enjoy. Like pasta,” she explained, standing up and coming over to her when she got Stark down from the table. “Actually, it’s not Italian. Spaghetti,” she corrected, having been to Italy herself. Though she hadn’t spoken much of the language, she’d found another wolf who had enjoyed helping her around and teaching her the culture. She missed her, sometimes, but it was too late to regret something so long ago. “Perfect.” She followed Zinnia in and sat at her command, watching Stark walk between the two of them. “I apologize for making you work late, but you did say my company was welcome.”
“I know it’s not, by the way.” Zinnia murmured as she took a seat across from Alcher, mimicking the way that she had done so when Alcher arrived at her farmhouse with Stark. “I’ve never been to Italy, but I know that Spaghetti isn’t Italian.” Zinnia began to portion out the spaghetti and looked up at Alcher’s words, giving a shake of her head. “I told you were welcome, why would you apologize?” She smiled at the woman before glancing down to Stark. “Besides, the two of you are always welcome.” Zinnia hadn’t had time to think about how Scout would feel about Zinnia becoming close with a wolf-- though, she didn’t know her all that much overall, Zinnia felt a duty to the other fox. It was important to Zinnia that she protect her, especially now. There were a lot of things, and people, in White Crest who weren’t quite as kind as her, or Alcher for that matter. Could she say that Alcher was kind? “I usually eat alone, so this is…” She wanted to say nice, but she wasn’t sure if she meant it. “Different.” She smiled at Alcher, one that reached her eyes, before she stabbed a meatball with the side of her fork, digging it in and separating it, eating a piece. 
“I think you might like it there,” Alcher said, putting her chin back in her hand as she swirled the pasta onto the fork. “The cities are big and loud, but the countryside is...quite breathtaking.” Sort of literally, in Alcher’s case. She’d killed two hunters in the Amalfi Coast, then enjoyed a road trip out to the cities up in the mountains there. It was a fond memory for her. “Where have you been? There’s no way you’ve lived your whole life here, right?” she asked, finding herself so curious in Zinnia’s life, in who she was before now and what her life might have been like. Perhaps she just ached for them to be more similar, to have someone who understood her in a way no one else did-- but perhaps it really just was a natural curiosity to know her. A want. “Good different or bad different?” she asked after a moment, taking a bite of her pasta. It wasn’t bad, but she felt the small pang of guilt she always did when she enjoyed human food. “I think I might enjoy eating with you,” she suggested, grinning, “this is the second time it’s happened.”
“I’ve never been outside of the United States.” Zinnia bit into the meatball. Alcher didn’t need to know about her age, not yet. She wasn’t quite ready to discuss her life in South Korea, or how her parents had moved them to California-- though, Zinnia couldn’t even be sure if that’s what had happened, or how her life had started. They were memories she often repressed and didn’t share, so they went stagnant. “In Maine? No, no.” She took another bite of the meatball and thought for a moment. She didn’t want to lie to Alcher, but she didn’t want to supply the whole truth, not just yet, not when she wasn’t sure about where she had been, herself. “I started out in California then moved East over the years, nothing fancy.” She smiled at the woman across from her. “It's a good difference. If it were bad, I don’t think I’d be sitting here.” Zinnia finished off the bite in her mouth and let out a small laugh, “you’re right, it is.” She was glad to have Alcher’s company, even if she hadn’t been sure what it meant at first. Now, it seemed to be a little clearer. “I take it you don’t do this often? Dinner. With people, I mean.” 
“Really?” Alcher said in surprise, blinking. She never would have guessed that. Zinnia had that certain feel about her, that she knew more of the world than most. But perhaps Alcher had been wrong. Perhaps their connection was somewhere else. She shook her head. “This is actually my first time in the United States,” she said, poking at her noodles, “it’s not so bad so far.” Cast a pointed glance across the table at Zinnia before glancing down at Stark. He wasn’t exactly a beggar, but the way he laid his head on his paws, looking up at her, she couldn’t help but feel inclined to coo to him. “What’s been your favorite place so far, then?” she asked as Stark came up to her, placing his head on her lap. She pet back his ears soothingly, smiling at Zinnia’s answer. It made her chest warm to know Zinnia enjoyed this, too, that it wasn’t one-sided. And though it still struck her as odd that she felt more kinship with someone who she didn’t even know what she was than the wolves she’d met in town, Alcher didn’t entirely mind. After all, being with a wolf hadn’t changed their betrayal to her. “With people? No, not really. It’s certainly been awhile, at least. We used to eat most meals together as a pack back in Canada…” she paused, “but doing something like this? No, I don’t.” A tiny smirk, pulling on one side of her face, “Not unless I really like the company.”
“Oh, is it?” Zinnia couldn’t remember much about Korea, but when she had left, she knew it wasn’t the kind of place that one should settle into. It was why her family left in the first place. Either not safe for them as humans or Kumiho, she couldn’t be sure. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to know the implications of their departure. “Depending on where you are, sure.” Zinnia moved the spaghetti around on her plate. At Alcher’s question, she tilted her head and thought for a moment. “Maybe... “ She thought of all her adventures, the way she’d leave quickly as soon as she had gotten rid of whatever dark, decrepit thing that lingered there. “I quite like White Crest.” She made eye contact with Alcher, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. “California wasn’t bad either, but it was too warm.” Zinnia lifted her fork to her mouth, taking another bite. She dabbed the corners of her lips with her knuckles and nodded, “I’d have to agree. I’m not usually quick to eat dinner with just about anyone. The company usually has to be worth it.” She maintains eye contact as she takes another bite, setting her fork back down. “Do you want anything to drink? We have vitamin water or… plain water.” She let out a small laugh as she got up from her seat, giving Stark a quick scratch at the back of the head before she walked to the fridge. 
“It is, yes,” Alcher confirmed, “though I’ve heard a lot of people say this area is much like where I was previously in Canada and that it hardly counts.” She watched Zinnia’s movements with thoughtful purpose, eyes sticking to the other woman’s when she looked up. When had she ever felt so calm and safe with someone who wasn’t a wolf? The answer was a resounding never. Alcher wasn’t sure how the thought sat with her, but White Crest was already stretching to change so much of her life, why not this part, too? “I don’t think I could ever live somewhere as warm as California, either. I’m much too fond of snow,” she said with a slight, teasing smile. It was true, though. She loved the snow, in fact, and was already excited to feel it between her toes and on her fur. She hummed softly, tilting her head as she continued to watch Zinnia. Stark followed her over to the fridge, as if she were there to get him something. “Water is fine,” she said, setting her fork down for a moment. “Have you ever thought about having dinner with someone in public?” A so very human ritual, but Alcher was curious, as she was about many human things, to know how it felt. “Like, say, at one of those nice restaurants downtown?”
Zinnia didn’t feel the need to leave, or push the conversation forward so that she could make a quick escape to isolation. With Alcher, she felt at ease. She nodded, “it seems like we agree on a lot lately.” Zinnia preferred Maine to a lot of where she had been, and she wasn’t sure if she had Alcher to thank for that, or if it was the town itself. Maybe it was both. She took out two bottles of water and returned to the table, setting one down in front of her, then took her seat back across from Alcher. “In public?” She asked with a tilt of her head as she uncapped the water. She lifted it to her lips taking a sip before setting it back down next to her plate. “Why?” She knows where Alcher is headed, and she wants to hear the other woman speak on it, to vocalize her invitation. Zinnia took another bite of her food before looking up to meet her gaze. She knew that the familiarity she felt wasn’t just because it was somebody who seemed to understand her need to get rid of the evil in the world, but there was something else, something stronger. “I can’t say I’m opposed.” 
Alcher followed Zinnia with her eyes as she came back over to the table and set the water bottles down. She took hers gratefully and twisted the cap off, reaching down to pet Stark as he came back over, unsatisfied with the fact that neither of them had gotten up to get him something. “Later,” she said to him, scratching his chin. He huffed and slid back down to lay under her feet. She looked over to Zinnia again, feeling a playful smile tug at her lips. So that was how it was going to be, then, huh? Leaning forward, she put her chin in her palm again, picking up her fork and twirling some more noodles onto her utensil. “Why? Well, because,” she paused, to think a moment, “I’ve heard it’s nice. And I thought that, maybe, it would be nice to do that with you.” Tilted her head back in kind, giving Zinnia an even stare. “So then would you say yes,” she continued, raising a brow, “if I asked you to dinner with me? I know neither of us really care for human customs, but, well--” a shrug, “not all of them are bad.”
“I have some treats I can give him after we’re finished eating,” Zinnia said with a smile. She looked down at Stark whose ears seemed to perk up at the sound of treats. Zinnia leveled her gaze back to meet Alcher’s, and at her words she tilted her head. “Maybe?” She arched an eyebrow and brought her water bottle up to her lips, taking a sip. She let the cold water coat her tongue before she spoke, “I would have to say that I wouldn’t mind that, not at all.” She’s still uncertain, still toying with the idea of liking something so mortal-- though, wasn’t she? She would live beyond Alcher’s years, however, and it was apparent by the amount of injuries she often sustained that this wouldn’t be a graceful relationship, should one develop. Zinnia liked to protect what she considered to be hers, and she wasn’t entirely sure she’d be able to do that for Alcher. Still, couldn’t she allow herself to have something? Something kind, something… normal? She deserved that, after all of these years of isolation. “Where’d you have in mind? I’m expecting something big, it being out of custom and all that.” She laughed as she picked up her fork, taking another bite of her food. 
“Oh, he’d love that, wouldn’t he?” Alcher said, bending down to pet Stark again, smiling warmly at the dog. She’d gotten lucky, hadn’t she? She’d found a home here so quickly. With Ariana, with Stark, with....maybe Zinnia. Alcher sat back up and glanced across the table at her, feeling that warmth spread through her chest. It wasn’t technically a yes, but it was close enough. Then, she paused, faltered, and shook her head, chuckling. “You know...I hadn’t thought that far ahead,” she admitted, smiling, “I don’t technically know many places in town. Except for Al’s, which I only visited for the irony of its name.” She thought for a moment. “We’re not going on a date to Al’s.” She clicked her tongue in thought, twirled more pasta. “Any ideas?”
“So you’re asking a lady out without a plan?” Zinnia let out a laugh, “that’s bold.” Zinnia had been on dates before, for nothing other than a good time-- she hadn’t felt the need, nor the urgency to lock a partner down. The majority of those she met were too enamored with her for much else, and they were nothing short of a good time to her. She could feel that Alcher was different from that, that the mention of a date from the woman made Zinnia glad. “That’s fair. I’ve been there, once, maybe twice.” She looked down at her plate and hummed under her breath for a moment, “no, but since you’re the one asking-- you’ll be responsible.” Zinnia looked back up to meet Alcher’s gaze with a grin before taking another bite of the pasta. 
Alcher couldn’t help but laugh, a light, carefree thing she hadn’t done genuinely in a quite a long time. Here, it was just them, and really, nothing else mattered. Except Stark. She took a thoughtful bite of her pasta, before speaking again. “If I’m being honest, I didn’t technically plan to even ask you tonight,” she admitted, shrugging, “but the moment felt right.” They’d already been through a lot together, and Alcher wanted to know Zinnia more. She could tell, as well, that the feeling seemed to be mutual. She chewed her lip in thought for a moment. “Cheeky,” she said, when ZInnia looked up at her with that smile. “I’ve heard there’s one, erm-- what do they call them here? Gehobenes, wie sagt man das…” She paused, searched for the word, “Fancy restaurant? In town.” She took a stab at one of the meatballs. “Think you can swing that?”
“Well, you clearly had it on your mind.” Zinnia countered back. Her eyes glinted with something mischievous and she looked back towards her plate of food, twirling some of the pasta onto the fork. She held it there for a moment, looking up when Alcher began to speak in a different language. A part of her longed for the part of her that was closer to her culture. Zinnia tried to keep it alive in her surname, and in the food she ate, but living in a town with the closest Korean supermarket being towns away, it didn’t exactly help. “That sounds…” Zinnia thought for a moment, then smiled, “great.” She finally took a bite of her pasta, savoring the sauce on the back of her tongue for a moment before picking at another piece of the meatball, popping it into her mouth. She chewed thoughtfully and swallowed before speaking, “How fancy are we talking?” Zinnia asked with a tilt of her head, “black tie, or…?” Admittedly, Zinnia didn’t know what White Crest considered fancy, if anything. 
“You caught me,” Alcher said, giving Zinnia a glance, half rolling her eyes. She had clearly goaded Alcher into saying it, but she only felt an excitement about the notion. “Though, it was less that on my mind and more just...you.” She twirled her fork in the same way Zinnia did. A wash of relief ran through her, and a moment after, a hiccup in her chest. She looked down at her plate, trying to hide the sudden nerves. Alcher did not get nervous often. Normally, she didn’t like the feeling, but somehow, this didn’t bother her. “Perfect.” Stark let out a soft exhale and Alcher looked back down at him, reaching to pet his ears gently. “Stark agrees.” She’d have to get someone to watch him for the night. Strange, she’d never had to do something like that before. It was...good strange, though. The kind of new strange that settled in her stomach like the feeling of warm sun on fur. “I’m not sure, actually. Black tie means suits and dresses, yes?” 
“On me, hm?” Zinnia put her fork down, looking at Alcher with a tilt of her head. “Well, I had no idea.” That was a blatant lie. Zinnia had caught the way that Alcher had been looking at her, and even if she had been uneasy with the prospect of what it meant, what it meant for her heart in the long run, she realized she didn’t have to care. Eventually, they’d part ways, as she always did with those in her life-- they would turn to soil, feeding the very Earth they walked on. Zinnia would move on. It was how it always went. Though, nobody had quite caught her eye as Alcher had. Nobody made her uneasy like Alcher had. “Of course he would, he’s on your side.” She grinned over the table at the dog where she could see Stark’s ears poking up. “Are you that kind of person?” Maybe in another life Zinnia could consider herself to be fanciful, but in this one? She wasn’t so sure. She didn’t mind extravagance every once in a while, but she wasn’t sure either she or Alcher were meant for that. “Could we do something a bit less drastic?” Zinnia asked as she picked up her fork again. “Somewhere with wine, still.” 
“Well, now,” Alcher said, rolling her eyes, “that’s just bullshit.” Alcher knew she was not subtle in her actions, she never had been, never saw the need to be. And it was easy enough to see Zinnia reciprocated, at least a little. After Zinnia had poured every ounce of her energy into making sure Alcher hadn’t died from her wounds-- which she surely would have-- after the moon, it was apparent there was more between them than just a camaraderie. She felt the smile on her face growing. “He certainly is,” she said, reaching down to pat him again, eliciting a happy pant from him as he sat up to greet her hand, “you should trust his opinions, though. Dog’s are very good judges of character, you know.” She didn’t have to think long on the question, though, shrugging, “I’ve never actually tried, so I don’t know. I suppose that in itself would mean I’m not. But I’m also not opposed to trying.” She could find a nice dress, right? Her eyes settled back on Zinnia. “Somewhere less drastic, but with wine. Got it.” She’d have to ask around for a place like that, but she knew a few people who might have some ideas. “I’ll find the perfect place,” she answered, scratching Stark’s chin, “don’t worry.”
“Obviously.” Zinnia grinned at Alcher. It was fun, seeing the different ways that Alcher began to approach her. In the beginning, Zinnia hadn’t taken her as somebody who could be easily spoken to, but after some time, it was apparent that Alcher was a great conversationalist. Mostly with her facial expressions. “That they are,” Zinnia countered back with a laugh. “I’ll have to say, I do trust him.” Zinnia took another bite of the pasta, half of her plate now cleared. She tiled her head to the side in thought, “I’m always up for trying new things.” That wasn’t a lie-- Zinnia had a penchant for as the centuries turned, always making herself clear on the latest trends, the latest issues-- she was nowhere near fanciful or greedy, but she knew how to skirt around the biggest, newest thing. Though, candlelit dinners were out of her realm, she’d manage. For Alcher, she’d put her feelings of unease behind her. “Like I said, I trust you.” Zinnia took another bite of her pasta. 
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riverboundao3ff · 4 years
Riverbound, Chapter 3
You are THE GUARDIAN again, and you feel like a whole army of Chuck Norris clones used you as their punching bag.
This in itself is not out of the usual, given your lifestyle and who you are as a person, but when you try and move to get up a stabbing pain tears down your left side. You suck in a sharp breath, which also turns out to be a horrible idea as your broken ribs scream profanity into your soul. God damn it, what-
Everything comes back to you before you even finish that thought.
The cholerbear. Somebody saved you, and then… brought you somewhere?
You force your eyes open. The ceiling is spotted with bioluminescent fungi that fascinates you into almost ignoring your wounds. A blanket is draped over your body, which is nice because it’s kind of cold in here.
A jade green blanket.
Wait, is this…?
Something lifts from your lower shoulder, and you look over to see a familiar handsome face staring back. His slow smile lights up the whole room.
“Lanque,” you get out.
“The one and only. Welcome back to the land of the living, darling,” he says softly.
Despite the massive amount of pain you’re in you can’t help but grin right back. Lanque had been one of the last friends you had made on Alternia, and while you two weren’t best buddies or anything you’d ended up being his unofficial date every time he needed somebody to go with to a party. The first time was to make it up to him for snitching to Bronya, and then it just kind of snowballed from there. You needed somebody to show you how to have a good time, and he needed somebody to help drag his drunk ass back to the caverns in the morning. It was a perfect symbiotic relationship.
“I’d give you a hug, but I can’t really move right now. Did you save me?” you ask.
He shook his head. “No. Lynera found you nearby after a cholerbear threw you into a tree. You needed stitches so she came and got me.”
Stitches? Damn. Carefully, you reach over and feel your side. From the bottom of your armpit to about one-quarter of the way down your side was a bandage, and underneath the bandage you can feel something thick holding the broken skin together. It’s so sore to the touch you instantly regret moving at all.
Lanque scowls and bats your arm away. “Don’t, I worked hard on that. Two of your ribs are broken on the same side, too, so don’t even think about trying to run off again.”
“Yessir,” you snipe nasally, doing your best imitation of a freshly-recruited private responding to their drill sergeant. Lanque gives you a look that would have killed a lesser Guardian.
Something about what he just said finally gets processed in your brain. An extremely important question almost has you leaping off the couch in a panic as you fully turn to face him, wincing as you do so. “Oh, shit! Lanque, you were the last person I saw before I disappeared, right? How long have I been gone?”
Dark green eyes widen almost comically. “You mean you don’t know?”
“No, I don’t know, why would I ask if I don’t frickin’ know?” you snarl.
“It…” Lanque shakes his head. “Babe, it’s been nearly six perigees.”
Six perigees? That was over a full fucking year! “I what?! Please say sike, dude, I am begging you. Lanque, no.”
A large hand splays out across your chest and pushes you back down into the couch. “Stay. Down. It’s been six perigees, four weeks, and three nights since you disappeared. I know because Daraya keeps count.”
“Oh my God, I’m gonna go find a nice ray of sunshine and roast myself to death,” you moan. “I can’t believe I fucked up that bad.”
“Look, I don’t know what happened to you, but I know that whatever happened wasn’t your fault. I know you never would have left us on purpose,” Lanque insists.
You grab the pillow closest to you and scream into it for ten seconds straight. Then, you fluff it out and put it back where it was.
After you take a couple more deep breaths, you move on to the next most important thing. “You said Lynera saved me from the Cholerbear? She wasn’t injured, was she?”
Lanque snorts. “Of course not. Any animal with half a brain cell knows to not mess with us. Where there’s a jadeblood, there’s a cloister not too far away.”
“Good.” If somebody had gotten injured because you were being stupid you would have never been able to forgive yourself. “Thanks for stitching me up.”
“You’re more than welcome. Don’t make me have to do it again.”
“No promises.”
Lanque rolls his eyes, but there’s no exasperation behind it. He doesn’t meet your gaze, either, even when you turn your head to fully look at him.
“What?” you finally ask.
“... What happened to you?”
He’s being patient, and you appreciate that. Not just anybody got to see this side of Lanque.
You then begin to realize how badly all of your friends will want to know why the hell you up and dropped off the face of Alternia.
“Isn’t that the million dollar question?” you say, morbidly amused by your entire situation. “It’s a hell of a story. I want to tell it with everybody here, though, because I only want to have to tell it once. Some parts are going to be really bad and I will cry and make it awkward for everybody.”
Lanque nods, staring off to somewhere far away.
“And once my ribs heal, we’ll go crash some rich fuck’s party like old times. I’ll introduce you to some of my other friends, too. I think you and Tagora would get along famously,” you add.
One corner of his lips twitches.
“He’s a lawyer and one of the slimiest bitches I know on this planet. One time at his hive, I put on this lotion that made my skin glow, because I could, and he took me outside so I could see the full effect. His black crush lives nearby and walks up to Tagora to antagonize him or whatever. He didn’t see me until I was like ten feet away because he wasn’t wearing his glasses. He, his name is Galekh, and he’s this huge indigo guy,” you start giggling like an idiot even though your ribs feel like they’re actively trying to escape your body. “He took off running and shrieking like a wiggler. That dumbass thought I was a rainbow drinker.”
That did it. Lanque fell over, muffling his laughter into a pillow.
The fact you got Lanque Bombyx to crack up over some stupid story was well worth the agony in your side, but you decided calming down was the best course of action before you passed out again. You still couldn’t stop smiling, though.
It’s a couple of minutes before the two of you can look at each other without losing it. God, you had missed this so much. Just… hanging out with somebody you cared about because you could, not because you were being the puppet of some god, or because you were a lonely little gremlin with nothing better to do.
Lanque chills out when he sees you flinch every time you snicker. “Alright, darling, you got me. It’s good to have you back; it’s all dreadfully boring when you’re not around.”
“Call me the mitochondria, because I’m the powerhouse of this cell,” you agree.
“I have no idea what that means, but sure. Listen, Lynera went to go get the others just before you woke up, so I think-”
A door slams in the distance, and by the sound of it it’s the one in the closest stairwell. The echo of swift pattering feet follows.
“Good timing,” you say, but your mouth is dry.
Lanque nods and squeezes your shoulder.
The lock on the study door turns. Lynera slips in, sees that you’re awake, and she covers her mouth as her pretty eyes fill with tears. She’s here, and right behind her are Bronya, Daraya, and Wanshi.
If it wasn’t for Lanque holding you back you know your stupid ass would have launched right off the couch to run to them. You must look like shit, sweaty and bloodstained and countless little scratches everywhere. There’s a new scar on your exposed right forearm from when Dirk tried to teach you how to swordfight. Your hair has grass in it, and you’re pretty sure you lost an alarming amount of weight during your travels. Whoops.
The first one to move is Bronya, who comes forward to stand beside Lynera, whispering your name like she can hardly believe what she’s seeing. She’s still regal and beautiful, and you smile when you notice her increasingly anxious gaze flit across the cuts, the bruises and blood.
Wanshi’s jaw is pretty much on the floor. Wait a damn minute, is she taller now? Is she… no way. She’s up to Daraya’s shoulders. Your baby grew up while you were gone.
She grew up, and you weren’t there, and fuck, you think you’re going to cry-
Lanque signals for her to come over, and she obeys while furiously blinking back tears. She grabs his outstretched hand first before taking yours. Delicately, with a cautiousness you’ve never seen in a kid that young, she climbs over your legs to curl up next to you on your good side. You wrap an arm around her and pull her close. Her hands form fists in your hoodie.
You look up, and Daraya is still staring at you.
Please come here, honey, please. I won’t leave you again.
“Daraya,” you rasp.
Abruptly, she stiffens, sucking in a shaky breath, and then she’s storming over to you with her fangs bared. She goes down on her knees with a thump that would have easily broken a human leg. The sound rattles in your jaw.
You reach out to her, and then she’s wrapping both arms around you and sobbing hysterically. Christ, you’ve never heard anybody cry like that before. It sends shards of cold metal raking through your chest. They hurt more than a broken rib ever could.
Your face is wet with tears, too, but it feels damn good to let it out.
For a long while you just let these kids cry on you, and sometimes you’re awake and sometimes you’re in that gray area between consciousness and sleep. You hear Bronya and Lynera talking to themselves about something, but you’re too out of it to care, and if something juicy was going on you trusted Lanque to fill you in on the tea.
“Psst. Hey.”
You smile and crack open an eye. “Hey yourself.”
Wanshi stares at you in awe, her cheek squished up against your stomach. “I can’t believe we’re in Lynera’s study. Lanque always told me she kept dead bodies in here, but I don’t see any.”
You side-eye Lanque, who gives you his best disarmingly attractive grin. Unfortunately, it works.
Daraya raises her head and wipes away some smudged mascara. “No, that would be too obvious. She totally keeps the bodies in the empty seadweller pools.”
“Guys, come on,” you protest.
Wanshi sticks her tongue out at you, and Daraya snickers wetly into your hoodie.
“... Like, really? If I was a jadeblood, and I killed somebody, why would I keep the body in the caverns?” you ask as seriously as you can.
All three of them turn away to pretend to cough into their sleeves when Bronya and Lynera look over at the sound of Daraya letting out the most undignified snort you’ve ever heard. You accidentally giggle as well and let out a pained squeak when your side flares in response.
The two head jades are on you in a flash.
“Alright, you three, quit it,” Bronya orders, but she’s smiling, too. “The faster their ribs heal, the sooner they can rejoin us and their other friends. How are you feeling?”
“Like the time I met Nihkee Moolah at a muscular theatre event and she wiped the floor with my carcass,” you tell her cheerfully. “Actually, that hurt way worse, so I think I’m good.”
“... That sounds like you had a very interesting night.”
“Oh, it was.”
Lynera peered worriedly from around Bronya’s shoulder. “We’re so happy to have you back, but… why did you have to go?”
“I didn’t want to,” you sigh. “I was kidnapped.”
Five pairs of reflective yellow eyes snap to you in a heartbeat.
“You what?” Lynera shrieked. Lanque hisses at her to be quiet, and she glares at him before sitting down next to a wide-eyed Daraya.
Looking at your friends, you realize that in order to tell the entire story you would have to start from the end, not the beginning. “Look, what I’m about to tell you… it’s going to sound completely insane. But I swear on whatever trolls hold holy that I am telling the truth.”
Bronya’s lips part, like she wants to say something, but then she just nods.
So you tell them.
No matter how hard you try, you can’t bring yourself to tell them everything-- the fact that you’re now the First Guardian of this universe, or how you pulled it away from the rest of the universe to protect it, or the extent of Ultimate Dirk’s full power. You also don’t tell them about the rebellion they’re about to fight in, and how only fifteen sweeps in the future their names will be erased from history, only to be remembered in the most secretive of documents.
You do tell them about meeting your other friends on Earth, as well as your adventures on future Alternia. You tell them about how you saved both planets from playing a deadly game that would have destroyed both civilizations. You even manage to explain the extent of Doc Scratch’s manipulation, the abuse you endured at his hands, how you eventually escaped and lost your memory in the process.
This part totally fucks with the trolls. Wanshi dives under the blanket when you recall the mirrors on all of the hallway walls that watched you like eyes, no matter where you went in that hellish dimension. Bronya and Lynera look absolutely horrified. Daraya starts staring at a pillow resting on your leg like she wants to shred it to pieces. Lanque is stone-faced and still.
“... and so I finally get away from Ultimate Dirk, and then I go make sure Regular Dirk is okay, because he’s a good kid. Then I go make sure everybody else is okay. I was terrified that he or Scratch was going to come back and… hurt people.” You don’t mention how you then peaced back out to the void of space for who knew how long. “When I was certain that the kids were going to be okay I decided to see if I could still go back in time to see you guys. And I could.”
A long, long moment of silence follows that.
Daraya is, of course, the first one to break it. “... Holy fucking shit.”
“Daraya, language,” Bronya growls, but her eyes are haunted.
“Yeah, I’m going to need a drink after this,” Lanque mutters, viciously scrubbing his face with both hands. “You’re telling me that the multiverse theory is correct, gods are real, and you have near absolute control of time and space.”
“Uh-huh. Wait, trolls have the multiverse theory too? Wow.” You made a mental note to tell that to Rose so she could have another excuse to talk with Kanaya.
“I’m so sorry you had to go through all that. If any of those two monsters try and show up, I’ll shove all of my knives through their throats,” Lynera snarls, tearing holes in the cushion she’s gripping with her claws.
Wanshi stirs from underneath the blankets, and one little hand shoots into the air to give you a thumbs-up.
You smile and pat her arm. “Don’t worry, I don’t think they’ll be coming for me again. They had their fun.”
Bronya sighs heavily and claps her hands together. “Well, it’s late morning, and I know Daraya and Wanshi have class tomorrow-”
Wanshi shrieks in protest and Daraya turns to face her leader with an ugly glare. “But-!”
“No buts! We’ll all take turns keeping an eye on our friend while they recover. I know we’re all very excited to have them back, and perhaps you can use that as motivation to work harder during schoolfeeding so you can come visit as soon as you can,” Bronya declared. Her tone left no room for arguments.
Reluctantly, Wanshi and Daraya disentangle themselves from you and gave you the longest hugs of your life.
“I’ll be here tomorrow,” you promise. “Study hard, okay?”
Wanshi sniffles and nods, and you give her hand a squeeze before she shuffles away to wait for Daraya by the door.
You reach out for Daraya and pull her into another embrace. She squeaks, a little caught off guard, but you hold her tight and whisper in her ear.
“Text Tyzias.”
She freezes, finally understanding. “Got it.”
You watch her go, proud as hell when you see her hold herself a little higher than when she came in. Bronya clasps your hands and does the same. The strain of holding it together for everybody else must have exhausted her, you think guiltily. You vow to be as small of a burden on your friends as absolutely possible.
Lanque is the last to leave. He doesn’t say anything, but he does gently smooth the hair back from your face before heading out the door, turning the lights off as he goes. Your stomach flips around itself like a slinky.
You try really hard to not think about that, and also the fact that he was the one to cut away at your sports bra so he could stitch you up. Yes, you know about that. Yee-haw. Oh, hey, the ceiling has a crack in it.
Lynera calls your name from the other end of the study. “Do you need more blankets?”
“No, thank you, though!” You’re already falling back asleep. Everything that just happened over the course of the night hits you at once, leaving you utterly drained.
The sound of something big being dragged over stone catches your attention before you can fall asleep. You look back to see Lynera in her nightgown-- she must have changed in the bathroom-- hauling a recuperacoon over to the couch.With practiced ease, she hops up and slips into the hole at the top.
“Good morning,” she murmurs. “I’m so glad you’re back.”
In that moment, you knew that everything you went through to return to your friends was worth it. The injuries, the loneliness, the trauma. It was all worth it. You were sure of that.
You close your eyes and let yourself be happy, just for a little while. “Me too. Good morning, Lynera.”
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babybluebex · 5 years
twelve pt. 2 (four!ben hardy)
second part! it’s a little short, but the term just started, so updated may be a little sporadic. love you all!
tags: @lapofthemusicgods @discodeakyhasmyheart​ @acceptingtheunacceptable​
song: jackie and wilson — hozier
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The day after I became acquainted with everybody on the team, One called a meeting. There was a large map laid out on the table, and Blaine and One were already mumbling over it, talking tactics. Everybody filed in, and Billy came in last. He gave me a smirk and leaned up against the corner of the room, and he fished a cigarette from his pocket.
“Jesus, Billy,” Amelia scoffed. “It’s bad enough that you’re getting lung cancer, do you have to give it to all of us?”
“Yeah, take that shit outside,” One said dismissively, saving his hand in Billy’s direction as he never lifted his eyes from the map.
“It’s a British thing!” Billy exclaimed. “Domi, you smoke, yeah?”
I shrugged. “Sometimes,” I said. “But not in front of people who don’t want to.”
He narrowed his eyes at me and took a drag on the cigarette, and he said, “Alright, One. What’s up?”
“So, we’ve tracked our target,” One began. He stabbed a finger at the map, and I turned my head to read the top: Principauté de Monaco. “He’s in Monte Carlo, boozing and gambling and doing basic bad guy shit.”
“Are we killing another general again?” Camille sighed.
“No,” One said quickly. “We need some inside intel. Things he would say to impress somebody; not the brightest bulb ever, he is. So, we go undercover, we get close to him and get him to boast.”
“Is this a job for me and Cami?” Amelia asked. “And Domi, too?”
“Eight, yes,” One said. “You two, no. Seven’s staying here at base, because he’s been to Monte Carlo before and might be recognized; Two, Three, and Five are going to on the perimeter, making sure none of his crew jump ship; and Four will be interacting with the target.”
Camille scoffed. “Have him handle the important stuff?” She laughed. “It’s like you want the mission to fail.”
“Oi,” Billy said. “‘M right here.”
“I know, that’s why I said it,” Camille said, sending a kiss his way, and Billy’s scowl grew as he pulled at his cigarette.
“Well, he won’t be doing the talking,” One said slowly. “Eight will.”
The gears turned in my head. Billy and I would be on the casino floor together, getting information from the target. “Wait,” I began. “Are you saying—“
“What am I saying, Eight?” One asked, his eyes locking on mine.
“You want me and Billy to act all cozy?” I asked. “No, fuck that. Have Amelia or Camille do it, because I won’t.”
“Why not?” Billy asked. “Maybe we could get to know each other better, love.”
I threw my arm out in frustration, and I asked One, “What about you? Where are you?”
“I’ll be on the floor,” One said. “I won’t intervene, I’ll just make sure everything goes to plan; maybe intervene if things start to go south. But you and Four are the youngest and, by definition, more attractive. When this guy sees you with your husband, he’ll try to woo you. With wit or money or lewd comments, whatever he thinks. It’s essential to the whole crux of this part of the mission.”
I took a deep breath and looked over to Billy. He was looking at me, and his eyes met mine. Usually, I was so meek that I would look away when I caught someone looking at me, but I held his gaze and raised my chin. “Fine,” I said. “If that’s what it takes.”
“Perfect,” One said. “Pack your bags, gang. We head out in an hour.”
I left the room before Billy could approach me, and I went to my trailer and began to pack. I stuffed some clothes in my bag, then opened the small closet to access the rest of my stuff, and I stopped when a quiet knock sounded on my door. I went and pushed it open without looking to see who was on the other side, and I went back to packing. There was silence for a few moments, then I turned to the door. Billy stood there, one foot in, one foot out, his hood drawn and his eyes apprehensive. “Can I come in?” He asked timidly. Timidness was not something I expected from Billy, but it was a welcome change from his asshole persona he always had going.
“Sure,” I shrugged. “What’s up?”
Billy closed the door behind himself and leaned up against it, and he said, “I understand you’re not thrilled about us working together. But… I asked One specifically to be paired with you. Not because you’re pretty or whatever— which you are— but… You remind me of home.”
I turned to look at him, and I finally saw him. His arms were crossed, his shoulders drawn, his whole self retreated into his hoodie. Was he shy? The real Billy seemed to be quiet and shy, not the boisterous, flirty guy I had come to know. “I do?” I asked. “How so?”
“Even just the sound of your voice,” Billy said. “My best mate from back home was from Liverpool, and your voice reminds me of him. I just… Miss it. All of it, ya know? London was shit, but there was something to it.”
“I get it,” I said. “I miss Liverpool. I miss my mum and dad and brother, my boyfriend, my friends… This adjusting is hard. But I know that what I’m doing is for the greater good, and that makes it seem worth it. Somehow.”
“I’ve always…” Billy began. “Well, last mission, in Hong Kong, I nearly died. I told myself that, when that mission was over, I was going to leave and go back to my family, but One convinced me to stay; he’s persuasive, the absolute arse. And I tell myself that now, but I know I’ll stay. But the longer I stay, the more everyone in my life suffers.”
“How?” I asked. “Did you nearly die, I mean?”
Billy took a deep breath. “I was on top of a building,” he began. “And someone I was fighting came up and smashed the shit outta me. One told Javi, who was driving, to leave me behind, but Blaine made him stop so he could snipe my attacker away. I was almost dead. I still… I got pushed into some steel supports and sliced open my chest real nice, and I still have the scar.”
I bit my bottom lip. “I’ve got one too,” I said. “The, uh, car wreck that landed me here. My car flipped a few times, and the seatbelt locked up, and I have a huge scar going across my chest and stomach.”
“Oh, Jesus,” Billy laughed lightly. “It’s not funny, but… I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”
I rolled my eyes and laughed. “You just wanna see my tits,” I said. “I’ve noticed you looking at them, you wanker.”
“Maybe,” Billy said. “C’mon, I’ll see it tonight in your dress. Let me know what I’m dealing with.”
“Well, if you’ll see it tonight, then you can wait until tonight,” I told him.
“You are such a tease,” Billy scoffed.
“Oh, darling,” I laughed. “You don’t know the half of it.”
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the-fiction-witch · 5 years
Bath Time
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"Hummm Hello pretty girl" Thomas smirked wrapping his arms around me tightly "Fuck off Thomas" I complain pushing his hands away as I was sat on the edge of our bathtub waiting for the water to fill up "Awww somebody's cranky" he smiled "Thomas what do you want?" I ask checking the water temperature "Nothing" he shrugs "just hoping you actually save me some hot water you silly thing" "I will relax" I laughed as I shut the hot tap off and starting the cold water putting some bubbles in "Ooohh... Is my beautiful girlfriend gonna have a sexy bubble bath" Thomas smirked "Fuck off Thomas" I told him pushing him out the bathroom so I turned the tap off and stripped my clothes throwing them in the hamper and climbing into my hot steamy bubble bath I happily sighed laying my head on the little pillow Letting every muscle be relaxed by the soft water "Knock knock?" Came from the door "Ugghr what?" I ask annoyed he was interupting my relaxation "I have stuff to do before my bath you know" he complained as he came in his hand over his eyes "You can look Thomas" I sigh "nothing you haven't seen before" "I won't look just point me in the direction of the sink" he says walking forward so as soon as he got close I turned him and let him walk right into the sink "ooww! Thank you honey..." He sighed opening his eyes and looking in the mirror "What do you need to do?" I ask "Decide what the hell I'm doing with my hair" he answered "Wash it" I incourage "No shit" he laughs messing with his hair he had been letting it grow out again, it was currently somewhere snuggly between newt from death cure and whitey Winn and I admit I kinda like it like this it's fun to play with when it's like this "what would you recommend? Your more used to having long hair then I am" He asks "Your hair is not long Thomas" I laughed "It's long for me" he shrugs "Wash it probably, maybe deep conditioner" I smile sitting up and grabbing my shampoo starting to wash my own hair "Deep conditioner is when you like rub the stuff that kinda looks like hand cream in right?" He asks "Yes" I laughed as I noticed his smirk in the mirror I looked to see what he was looking at and I noticed his eyes where right on my breasts the mirror angled so he could see me in the bath tub "Thomas!" I complain covering my chest with my arms "Ohh come on your sat in a bubble bath you can't blame me for checking out your tits" he smirked and I sighed putting conditioner on my hair and leaving it while I wash so it works better until I noticed my soap was empty "Thomas, can you grab me another bottle of my body wash?" I ask "Sure" he says going to the cupboard under the sink and handing me a new bottle "Thank you" I smiled "Your welcome" he says giving my cheek a kiss and going back to the mirror and sink "Are you getting rid of it?" I ask putting my soap on my hands and starting to wash "Getting rid of what?" He asks "That thing" I warn looking at him in the mirror "What thing?" He laughs "That foolish attempt at facial hair you are growing above your lip" I tell him "Nope" he smirked "my face I can do what I want" he smirked trying to fix said facial hair a little better "I'm not saying you can't Thomas I'm simply saying I don't like it" I told him as I wash "it stabs me when you kiss me" "You seem to like it fine when I'm kissing in your-" he smirked "Thomas!" I interupt "Just saying" he smirked "you nearly done yet?" He complained "Nope" I smiled as I wash "Ugh you take forever" he sighed turning and leaning in the sink smirking at me "umm Hello pretty girly" "Shut up" I sighed "What? Your sat in a sweet smelling bubble bath completly naked w Rubbing body wash that kinda looks like jizz on your tits can you blame me for having a Bonner?" He asked "It doesn't look like jizz!" I laughed "It's white, kinda colourless, lightly cloudy and comes out the bottle like jizz getting sprayed" he explained so I got the bottle and out more on my hand I kinda see what he means "You may have a point there Thomas" I sigh "I can be useful for things other then food and sex y/n" he shrugged "Rarely" I laughed kicking some water at him "Whoa! Watch it" he complained "I'm getting my dam pants off before you throw your bubbly water at me again" "Okay I won't be long" I smiled I giggled a little watching him slip his clothes off until he was left in just his tight blue boxer shorts and he sat against my bath looking at me "what?" I asked "You look pretty is all honey" he says giving my lips a little kiss I kissed back until his hand that had been on my neck moved down taking a grip on my breast "Enough" I warn slapping his hand away "You spoil all my fun" he winked "Move let me get out" I laughed throwing water at him "Fine" he laughs getting up "your water still hot?" He asks as I got my towel and climbed out wrapping myself up tight "Yeah why?" I ask "I might just share your water I can't be asked to run it again" he sighed so I shrugged going to the mirror and starting to do all my face stuff and lotion as Thomas slipped his boxers off and climbed in the bath happily laying there almost asleep I smiled at his reflection in the mirror "I see you looking honey" he smirked "I'm allowed to look, nothing I don't see on a daily basis" I laughed "True" he shrugs "you always see me more then I see you, hardly fair I think" he smirked as he sat up starting to wash his hair but I noticed something "Are you using my shampoo?" I ask "Yeah" he shrugs "You could have asked?" "I was under the impression you knew I was?" "No, why aren't you using yours?" "Because men's shampoo smells bad" he answered "men's shampoo is always like rugged and leather and that sort of stuff" he explained "sometimes in life I just want my hair to smell like coconut and Banana" "Ask next time you silly boy" I smiled giving him a kiss "Noted honey" he smiled as I got my underwear on "can I use your conditioner too? As I have used your shampoo? Plus...I don't know if I have conditioner?" "You can Thomas," I smiled with a laugh he was trying but not doing to well he really isn't used to having his hair this long "ohh come here" I laughed shutting the lid of the toilet and sitting in it crossing my legs and putting the conditioner in my hands and pretty much doing it for him "Umm that feels nice to have you do it" he smiled "like I'm at some fancy spa" "Don't get used to it" I laughed "What is the thing you do with your hair?" He asks "that comes from the fancy place and comes on a stick?" "That's a hair mask Thomas, you can do that in a couple weeks if you want" I laughed "Yeah, we can go to the fancy place get some cool bath bombs have a proper little spa day" "We could, just don't put the face mask on everywhere" I laughed "One time" he sighed "And I'm never gonna let you live it down" I laughed"all done" I smiled "Thank you honey" he smiled giving me a kiss "Your welcome" I laughed Going and sitting down to start shaving my legs "Please don't take another chuck out your leg y/n? that really scared me last time" "I told you I was fine" "Yeah, I'm sat in the living room watching my movie, next thing I know my girlfriend wonder's into the room with a pint of blood dripping down her legs...you expect me not to panic!" "I cut myself shaving all the time, so do you but you shave small area in your face I got two whole legs, two armpits, two arms and a Virginia... I'm gonna bleed a little more" I explain "It still worries me" he says "and don't you dare come anywhere near me with that thing" I giggled as I finished my legs moving my razor towards him in a threatening way "no no no! You stay away" "Come on just let me get like a tiny bit" I laughed "No! Your not taking that bloody razor anywhere near me" he warns so I smirked quickly moving before he could stop me and getting a massive chuck of his leg hair off "Haha I win!" I giggled "You evil girl!" He complained trying his best to move away from me "You rather I wax them?" I ask "I'd rather you Didn't do anything" he complained "you couldn't even get like a normal bit you had to get a strip just in the middle" he asks and i giggled "fine you can do it provided I get bath sex?" He offers "Okay" I giggled "but I get to wax them after the bath sex" I smiled "What no!" He complained "I get to wax them else no sex and I swear by all the gods in this world I will wax that stupid thing of your face" I warn "Fine" he sighed "sex first" "Deal" I giggled getting my panties off and climbing in on top of him...
"AAAAAAHHHHHH!" he screams "Ohh don't be such a baby Thomas" I laughed "It hurts" he complained almost in tears "Come on your almost done three more to go" I smiled putting more hot wax on this was fun it's like tourcher I literally had to handcuff his ankles to the coffee table so he wouldn't fidget "Really?" He asks "Yep then it's on to the other leg" I laughed "Uuuhhhhh!" He whined "I don't wanna do this anymore" "Well you have half a leg done I stop and your going to look ridiculous" I laughed "The wax is fine...it's just the-" he began before I ripped the next one "Aaaaahhhh!" He screams "ahh! I'm bleeding!" He complained "Yeah it's normal" I laughed "It's not normal to bleed!" ... "All done" I laughed "Great... we're done," he sighed "Just one more place" I smirk he looked confused and I simply glanced at his on shorts "No...no no no no no no" he says trying to back away but he was still cuffed to the table "you and your fucking hot wax isn't coming anywhere near my dick!" "I know what I'm doing" I laughed "It's not the knowing I'm worried about" he says "I won't Rip your cock off" I laughed "Do you want kids someday y/n? Because this is a sure fire way my dick is never gonna work again" he complained "Ohh grow up Thomas" I laughed trying to pull his pants down "No no no! Please honey anything but that" he begs "Two choices here Thomas" I smirk playing with the melting wax "I wax the dick area or I rip that stupid facial hair off your lip your choice" "Don't make me choose" he whines "You have to the count of three before I do them both" I warn "Okay okay! Take the face" he says "Good boy" I giggled "one two" I smirk before ripping it "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He sqeualed holding his face tightly "oh my god you one hundred percent took my skin off" he says "I didn't take your skin off" I laughed making him take his hands away "your fine" I laughed giving him a kiss "now... Will you let me do your eyebrows?" I giggled "You stay away from my face you sadist" he warns
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minaminokyoko · 6 years
A Men in Black: International Headcanon Ficlet
A/N: Someone call sanitation to take me to a landfill, for I am trash. Here is a scene that I thought up that I’d love to happen in the upcoming Thorkyrie AU Men in Black: International. I am so sorry. 
Agent H had screamed her name with a panic too real for his usual cool demeanor. She turned to see the alien pointing an odd-looking bio-weapon at her. It was too close. She didn't have time to move. This was it. The end.
The alien fired.
And Agent H tackled her out of the way.
He cried out as the shot took him high up in the back and they both crumpled to the street in a heap. The aliens chattered to each other and retreated before she could wriggle out from under her motionless partner. It wouldn't have mattered anyway. He wasn't moving. Dear God, he wasn't moving.
"H?" M said, her voice high and panicked as she heaved him onto his side. "H, look at me! Say something!"
She couldn't breathe. He still wasn't moving. Had he just...no, there was no way he was gone. She gave his cheek a slap and he groaned, catching her wrist. His eyelids fluttered and he glared at her.
"Don't hit me again."
M's breath came out in a shaky rush of relief. "Get up, you big stupid lout."
She stood and gripped his arm, hauling him to his feet. Her hands came away red with blood. It was already pouring down the side of his suit and soaking into his shirt. She could see the shot had left some kind of hideous starfish-shaped entity buried into the back of his right shoulder.
"Come on, we have to get you back to HQ--"
Agent H shook his head. "Too far. I'll bleed out before we get there. My apartment's closer."
He hit the fob to unlock the car and handed the keys to her. "Drive. Fast."
She nodded tightly and helped him into the passenger's seat. She slid over the hood and climbed in, and then drove like a bat out of hell. He gave directions, and with every grimace, she felt worse and worse. Thanks to her panic, they reached his place in less than ten minutes. He'd lost enough blood that she had to support him along the way. He used biometrics to open the door, spilling her into a loft-style apartment. The hallway led them to the kitchen and she propped him up against the island counter.
"What do you need to take this thing off you?" M asked. "Pliers?"
Agent H shook his head. "No, it's an Urpath stinger. They latch on and deploy barbs beneath the skin. The whole point is to make you bleed out or die of infection. You can't just pull it out."
He gestured to the doorway on her left. "Footlocker in front of the bed. You're looking for big prong-looking thing. Like a tuning fork. First Aid kit's in there as well."
She nodded and ducked inside his bedroom, sifting through the various weapons and devices until she found it as well as the kit. By the time she returned, he's gotten his suit jacket, tie, and shirt off. He reached for the prong and she frowned at him, not offering it. "What are you doing?"
"Taking it out," he said, confused.
"You can't possibly reach it. Just let me."
He scowled. "May I remind you that this is your fault?"
She gritted her teeth. "Listen, you stubborn fool, you'll only hurt yourself more trying to work with one hand. Now shut up and let me take it out."
He glared, seeming defiant, but his skin had paled even more and weariness had set in. He plopped down on the stool in front of the counter and she hopped up to sit on it so she could reach, since he was so much taller than her.
She winced deeply as she saw the disgusting little creature. It was a dark, sickly green color and shaped like one of those toy jacks kids used to play with in the old days. Mostly dried blood crusted on his skin all the way down to the top of his slacks. Either he had a high tolerance for pain or he was simply hiding how much it hurt. It looked truly hideous, and her stomach churned with guilt and worry.
"So what do I do?" she asked.
"The tips of the prong are electrified. Find an entry point and jab it into the stupid thing. It'll force it to release the barbs and you can pull it out."
"Electrified?" she sputtered. "It...isn't that going to hurt you?"
H shrugged his other shoulder. "Pain don't hurt."
She sighed. "Whatever you say, Patrick Swayze."
M examined the nasty beast and noticed some sort of opening, and she didn't question what it was. She switched on the button at the bottom of the prong and heard the telltale hum that she'd armed it, and then swiftly stabbed the alien creature.
Agent H flinched and grabbed the ends of the counter, grunting. His breathing deepened and quickened. She muttered "sorry" to him and pushed the prongs in deeper. As she did, the creature started to wriggle and she could see some of the tiny, sharp barbs popping out of his shoulder blade one at a time. She watched them carefully as they fell away. Fresh blood leaked out of new wounds as they did.
"Why did you do that?" she asked so quietly she herself almost didn't hear it.
H tilted his head slightly in her direction. "What?"
"Why?" she repeated. "Why did you take this shot for me?"
"You're five-foot-nothing and you barely weigh a hundred pounds," he said with a dismissive snort. "It would have gone right through you."
"That's not what I meant," she snapped. "You don't even like me."
"So what?"
"So what? You're hurt. Why did you take that hit for me when you've spent nearly the whole day telling me what a screw up I am and how I'm a stone around your bloody neck? Why did you risk your life for me when you can barely stand me?"
"I don't have to like you. You're my partner."
She froze then, staring at him in disbelief. "What?"
"You're my partner," he repeated slowly. "My job is to protect you. Doesn't matter if we get along."
M couldn't find words to reply to that. It had a simple, immovable weight to it. He hadn't accepted her, but he had accepted her position. He had accepted their partnership. In some small way, he...trusted her. Enough to risk his life. It said more about him than anything else they'd done today.
The alien's last barbs released from his skin. She exhaled. "This is going to hurt. A lot."
"What else is new?" he muttered.
She gripped the prong tightly in one hand.
And with the other, reached down and held his right hand where it rested on the counter.
He stiffened a bit in surprise, but he didn't draw away. She squeezed his fingers and then yanked the creature out at long last. He hissed sharply through his teeth and she held on tight until the tension left him. "What do I do with this monstrosity?"
"Garbage disposal."
She chuckled darkly and hopped off the counter. "My pleasure."
She shoved the remains of the alien down the drain and vindictively flipped the switch. Its green blood splattered around the bottom of the sink until it had been completely ripped to shreds. She ran water until she was sure it was all gone and then returned to her spot on the counter. She wet some gauze and cleaned off the dried blood before taking a fresh wad and slowing his bleeding. It took a few minutes, so she glanced around at the clean, brightly lit apartment. The colors were warm--mostly reds and golds and oranges. The furniture was simple brown leather and oak wood fixtures. All around the den, she spotted oil canvas paintings of various things--bowls of fruit, sunsets, the ocean, wildlife.
"Nice place," she said offhandedly. "Didn't expect that."
"Oh? What did you expect?"
She smirked. "A bachelor pad."
H chuckled. "Am I that stereotypical, M?"
"Just a bit. Where'd you get the paintings?"
"Didn't get them anywhere."
Her jaw dropped. "You mean you...you painted them yourself?"
He just nodded. She took them in again, this time in more detail. "They're...beautiful. Where did you learn that?"
"We were all somebody before this job," H said softly. "I was someone who liked to paint."
"Do you still do it?"
She bit her lip to stop a dopey smile. She was glad he couldn't see it. It warmed her through and through to know this about him. The bleeding finally stopped and she found another device, one she was familiar with, and held the wand over his skin. The wound gradually closed as his skin reknitted itself until it appeared perfectly smooth again. She ran her fingertips over the spot to confirm it.
And he shivered.
M grinned. "Are you ticklish, Agent H?"
"No," he said too quickly.
She giggled and dragged her fingers down his spine. He did a hilarious little squirming dance. "Gah! Stop it!"
She giggled harder and hopped down from the counter. "Where do you keep your shirts?"
"Dresser, to the right," he muttered, blushing furiously, but she could also see him trying not to smile. She returned to his room with another crisp, white shirt and suit jacket. Once more, he reached for it, but she stopped him, her voice a little soft.
"Allow me."
He eyed her, but nodded nonetheless. She unfolded the shirt from its packaging and helped him into it, doing the sleeves while he tucked the ends into his slacks. She felt his gaze on her, but it wasn't accusatory or awkward. He was just looking at her, curiously, as if trying to figure her out. She left her expression calm and unreadable. He handed her the tie and she looped it over his neck below the collar, tying it in smooth, practiced movements. By the time she tightened the knot, he was smiling a little.
"You're not so bad, you know," he told her. "For a rookie."
"You're not so bad, you know," she said. "For a lout."
He grinned then, saying nothing. She tugged on his tie until he stooped down to her height. She rested her forehead against his and smiled, her voice barely above a whisper. "Thank you."
He searched her gaze for a moment and then answered sincerely. "You're welcome."
M hopped back up on the counter and stole an apple, biting into it. "So is there anything to eat around this joint or what?"
"Hmm, how does Chinese sound?"
Her stomach growled and she groaned in delight. "Perfect."
He walked over to the oven, hit some buttons, and about thirty seconds later when he opened it, there was an entire full course meal inside. She really did love alien tech sometimes. He handed her a carton of rice and then brought everything over, which included egg rolls, beef Lo Mein, orange chicken, and shrimp in lobster sauce. She demolished the Lo Mein while he went after the chicken. He poured them both some lemonade from the fridge and they ate in companionable silence.
"This job," he said after a while. "It never gets any easier, but you do learn the tricks eventually."
"And what are the tricks?"
"Most important one is to forget everything you know. Look at everything with fresh eyes. I think given time that you will be very good at that part."
She eyed him. "You just said something nice to me."
"I'm a very nice person," he scoffed. "Everyone thinks so."
M chuckled. "If you say so."
"I am," he insisted, wiping his mouth with a napkin. "I open doors and pull out chairs. I like dogs. I let someone else have the last slice of pizza."
"My God," she deadpanned. "You're a regular saint."
"Hey, you could learn a thing or two from me," he sniffed. "Between the two of us, you're even more closed off than I am."
"I am not."
"Fine," he said, his blue eyes twinkling. "Tell me something about you. Something real. Something that would not be in your file."
He leaned his chin on one hand and lifted his eyebrows expectantly. She met his cool gaze with her own, debating on if she wanted to play his game. "I went to school for ballet."
He stared at her. "Ballet?"
"Ballet," she confirmed.
"You," he said seriously. "Were a ballet dancer."
"Yes, I was."
He dragged his gaze over her. "Picturing you in a cute little tutu is the most disturbing thing I have seen tonight."
She threw her napkin at him. He ducked and grinned at her. "Were you any good?"
"I was amazing," she said.
"Hmm," he said as he reached for a peach out of the bowl behind her. "Now how do I know you're telling the truth?"
She smirked up at him and purposely didn't move out of the way. On the counter, they were closer to the same height, which was a rare advantage for her. She could see him more clearly, like the stubble that had just barely begun to grow and the faint freckles on his forehead. He seemed to notice that she didn't move, and took it as a challenge of sorts. Going after the fruit led him to stand right between her knees, and it would be the closest they'd ever been to each other thus far.
"I guess you'll just have to trust me," she murmured.
His bicep brushed her side as he grabbed the peach from the bowl and she could smell his cologne from so close. His waist brushed the inside of her knees and a little odd thrill went through her then. He stared into her eyes, unflinching, and a faint playful smirk tugged at his lips.
"Do you trust me, Agent M?"
He bit into the peach and chewed, patiently waiting on her answer. She plucked it from his hand and bit down on the other side before handing it back to him. "I do now."
Their stalemate continued for a long moment, both smiling and saying nothing, purposely waiting to see who might break first. Agent H reached up and sucked some of the peach's juice from his thumb, and Agent M's heart did the Lambada inside her chest.
Then her cell phone rang and ruined everything.
She tried not to sigh as she reached into her pocket and answered it. Maybe next time.
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Someone rescue me from this movie because it’s not even out yet and I can’t stop shipping these two. 
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steve0discusses · 6 years
Yugioh S2 Ep 41: It’s Mai’s Turn to Get Electrocuted
Hey guys, welcome to the Christmas Break.
It’s TV watching season, so lets watch some TV and over-analyze a 20 yo kid’s show, you in?
Odion, after suffering from a lightning strike and getting impaled by many pieces of that fake millennium rod he was holding gets dropped off in the only room on this blimp that has sheets. He also had the added shock of witnessing his brother morph into a somewhat evil-er dude with saiyan hair, which I dunno, I’d want to take a nap too, that’s a lot to deal with.
(And thanks to some reader input, turns out this Marik isn’t so much a ghost situation so much. I mean, I guess it’s more of a Season Zero --this is your deep down scary personality taking over-- type thing but it’s not like I really finished Season Zero so...We’re just rolling with it.)
Glad we have an actual hospital wing--confused as to why Bakura isn’t here.
But I guess lightning strike is slightly worse than having a bleeding stab wound for 12 hours. I mean I’m no doctor, maybe it is? Anyway, Odion is hooked up to all sorts of computers and life support although there aren’t any cords attached to him anywhere on his body. Not even one piss-yellow IV bag.
Check out the size of that IBM. This is what a widescreen used to look like.
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The rest of the Yuge Crew are here although I’m pretty sure that’s not how hospitals work. Pretty sure you have to be related to drop on in directly after being put in intensive care but like, they are on a blimp so I guess it’s different up there. But also, this guy has abducted them once already and just tried to kill Joey for the second time, and now they are like “We’re basically on BFF family terms with this Odion guy, lets visit that bedside.”
Although, mind you, his real family is Marik and Ishizu, both of which have never said aloud that Odion is their brother. This family is sort of bad at life, TBH.
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Since we’re barrelling right into a Mai arc we have to confront one of her 2 big Mai character conflicts--which is either “this is why I don’t get married” or “OMG I am going to die forever alone.” Which is interesting, because last time we hung out with her, we did whatever we could to keep her independent, while in this episode Mai mourns that being independent is the ultimate curse. Girl wants whatever she doesn’t have, pretty much.
Ah, Miss independent, never thought I’d get that song stuck in my head again. Thanks, Mai. Except in this version, instead of falling in love, Mai just makes weird friendships with jail bait teenagers. Why can’t she make friends with like, Roland? He’s her age. Or maybe this nice doctor? But whatever, age is meaningless on this show.
(read more under the cut)
Anyway, Joey has decided to tell us all about that dream he had but leaves out the parts where he dropped everything he owns, and then knocked himself over a desk onto his face, and then in the same dream Kaiba kinda walked in from off screen, dunked on him, and then walked directly off screen again.
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Mai is deeply touched.
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And then, because she is Mai, gets extremely offended immediately afterward.
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I can keep hoping it’ll be Duke Devlin but like...as much as I want him to do more on this show, I really think the only people who remember Duke Devlin at this point are all the animators who were like “HOW many people are in this shot?! Why did we make a season where every scene is a freakin crowd scene!?”
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*I know the shading on her ass was supposed to be attractive but it looks like nasty sweat stains*
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(Also what the hell computer-machinery is supposed to be behind them in this scene?)
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This one time where Joey doth protest too much is the first time we have ever, ever on this show seen Joey act less than vague towards Mai. During the dream episode he blushed, but I thought that was because of Serenity being there for her brother in his dream. I didn’t at all think that was over Mai at the time.
But I guess this is happening now? I mean people kept saying “yes, Joey and Mai will be a thing” and I was like “they better start building up to that because like...nothing is happening.” but this show’s version of building up to that was by just not being vague one single time.
Which in this show is a big deal, I guess. Because shortly after this event, Tea remembers that her character description sheet says “Is bossy AF” with red underline and was like “OMG I totally forgot and it’s been like 20 episodes since I did anything, I gotta hurry” and she just lost her lid.
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I’m regretting more and more that joke I made that TeaxKaiba was way more reasonable than TeaxYugi, because sometimes when Tea goes ham she may as well be wearing a long spiky coat with boots leggings. Tea had two very different personalities way before she ever got possessed by Bakura. Like, Tea is kind of a monster actually, but we rarely get to see it because she gets completely distracted and cries a lot when it just feels like...the other half of her, the half that bit a guy once--like she legit bit a guy on this show--that side of Tea would just never cry over cards. Or cry, period. She sure wasn’t crying when she bit that guy!
This is mostly because I think the writers didn’t know how to write a girl like Tea since she’s a mix of a Season Zero Tea and this more old fashioned-’feminine’ version I think they were trying to turn her into for this series. It’s weird. It’s weird that this group of friends have nothing to say about these very abrupt changes in her behavior. Then again, it took them a while to notice the abrupt changes in Yugi.
Anyway, Joey isn’t done getting harassed by everyone he knows yet.
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We have Marik trapped in a blimp in the sky and the entire Kaiba security force, why are we dueling him anymore? I mean I know why, we are contractually obligated to show lots of card content in this show to sell cards, but at this point I feel like maybe they should drive the blimp over international waters and resort to maritime law. Give Kaiba a gun.
Actually don’t do that, it would be bad. Don’t give Kaiba a gun. Give it to Duke or something, he seems stable enough. He seems like he’d be able to shoot somebody but not everybody, if you know what I mean.
And because it’s the Mai arc, we gotta have Mai duel next. There’s only 3 people left to go against: Ishizu, Kaiba, and Marik. I think. There’s so many people on this show. Tea isn’t playing, right? I mean I really do feel like like I’ve forgotten someone--maybe Shadi? Miho? So many people are on this blimp.
Whatever, I’ll just roll with it, if I forgot someone I’m sure they’ll show up at some point.
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Mai sure is that girlfriend.
Anyway, lets see what Marik’s up to. Ah, he really is visiting his older brother after all.
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That’s right--Marik has to play twice. I mean obvi the first Marik was Odion, but still, it just feels like it’s Marik playing twice.
Also can we please talk about Marik’s cargo pants obsession for a little bit? This arch villain is in CARGO PANTS. Like, they have puffy pockets. He figured out that the hoodie was a bad look, but then he was like “I’ll just cover my tum-tum, and then put on my khaki cargo pants with a sensible belt.”
It just sort of insinuates that Marik only owns cultist robes and cargo pants. Just those two things. Imagine if every pant in your closet was cargo pants. Just imagine with me. You’d go mad, too. Imagine you packed for a trip, a nice vacay on a blimp, and then you opened your luggage and you were like “oops! all cargo pants!” you’d fly home.
Marik looks like he’s going to Casual Khaki’s Friday at the office from about the stomach down, and then stomach up up he’s ready to join piccolo and fuse brains or whatever the hell goes on in Dragonball Z.
And Yugi and his friends are late to Mai’s duel because they are teenagers and also of course they would. This whole season was introduced with Yugi being chronically late to stuff.
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The bathroom joke in this episode is canon, PS. I skipped a Season Zero episode where Tristan went to the loo and so Yugi held his spot in line and it took like 30 minutes before Tristan finally got back. Tristan’s epic poops have apparently been Yugioh canon since the very beginning.
I’m learning so much about the lore.
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Now that Marik no longer has to hide who he is, he has decided that he’ll just use the Shadow Realm willy-nilly now. Although Marik did this without playing any cards at all, it doesn’t seem to register to Seto Kaiba that this is not a hologram. Maybe Kaiba sneezed when Marik summoned it and just assumed he missed a card play or something.
So now, for our gimmick!
Every time we fight in the Shadow Realm it feels like the rules are a little bit different, and Marik decided to make this duel a memory fight.
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The Shadow Realm seems to eat on your greatest insecurities, and for Mai it’s feeling all alone. Not sure how that works once the duel is over--her friends will still be there, so like...she can just get a heads up on the one day they went camping that one time and then boom, friendship rekindled, I think. But for now, this is very scary for everyone involved.
But I mean at least she isn’t a playing card, or being thrown into a graveyard by being played as a card, or being devoured by gloopy blobs, or rapidly dying because of the exposure to the shadow zone. As far as Shadow Realms go this one seems kind of tame.
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But I guess we shall see if somehow losing Tea will effect her story in any way.
Depends on which Tea, in my opinion, but if we’re going for the normal boring one that only cries wellllllll I wouldn’t notice if she were gone, just saying. Now, if it’s the fun Tea that bites people and yanks their ears off their face, well being forced to lose my memories of her is what the writers do to me basically every episode of this show. Let Tea bite more people in the arm. Let that girl rage.
But all that will be for another recap where we can all watch Mai get Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind-ed as if a memory wipe hasn’t happened at least once to every single person on this show with the exception of Mokuba. And Mokuba was a paper card for like I want to say about 10 episodes, so...
Anyways, if you just got here I do have these in chrono order from s1 ep1, here is a link.
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canaselin · 4 years
In your arms
Rays of sunlight dance on Sakura’s skin as she leaves the hospital. She’s been taking more shifts than she intended to and has been working way too much than she intended to. A yawn escapes her and Sakura wants nothing more but to fall on her bed and sleep for days.
Especially the last multiple hours have been pretty difficult. It seems that near the small village shinobis have been ambushed by a criminal. Fifteen people fought against one person and they all almost died.
A shiver runs down her spine. Whoever that person was, he or she was extremely strong.
Still, Sakura can’t help but feel no compassion for the ninjas who were injured.
Her village was small, with approximately 1000 People and three years ago foreign shinobis took control over it and now they all were under their commands. Nobody can control Chakra in Tsugakure, unlike the ninjas, and thus nobody is strong enough to fight back.
Sakura’s jaw tightens. She loved this village, growing up here and she used to love her job as a civilian doctor but now everything is different.
The villagers are very poor, everywhere are emaciated children running around, begging or stealing food to survive or they have to work for the ninjas in order to feed their family. Farmers have to give their crops away and don’t receive any money. If they do something the ninjas don’t like, they destroy their fields. Sakura sighs; even the hospital is controlled and sometimes she isn’t allowed to treat ill people just because they say so. When she abandons the overpopulated areas and crosses a remote meadow, she’s once again relieved that she lives in a small house at the edge of the village.
Sakura is torn from her inner thoughts when she almost steps into blood. Her heartbeat increases and slowly, she leans down to inspect it better. Was here a fight? The blood seems to be still fresh.
Her eyes travel to the surroundings and she finds a path of fresh red staining the green pasture.
She is tired from working but Sakura knows she has to find the person whom the blood belongs to, what if the ninjas beat somebody up again?
Sakura stands up again and follows the blood trails and when she finds a young man bleeding on the ground, leaned on a tree, she gasps.
She’s never seen somebody so beautiful and terrifying at the same time.
Only when he starts to move his hand resting on his bleeding stomach, Sakura realises she’s been staring at him in awe. ’So embarrassing’, she thinks ashamed of herself and immediately goes to him and starts to help him.
Stabs of pain drive through his body and Sasuke can’t hold back a moan of pain. Why am I still alive? With a wound like that, I should’ve been already dead now. He tries to open his eyes and blinks a few times to adjust to the light. Slowly assessing to his surroundings, he
finds himself in a bedroom with bright furniture and mint green walls. A window, next to his bed where he’s laying, is open and lets fresh air and rays of moonlight in.
Carefully, he lifts his head and body and his eyes travel to his cleaned wound on his stomach.
It still hurts a lot, but it’s much better than before. Sasuke is a nukenin and he’s used to pain.
With quiet and slow movements, he gets out of the foreign bed and pauses.
His hands find a photo on a locker and he activates his sharing in order to examine it better.
A pretty woman with oddly pink hair and bright jade green eyes stares towards him and again he asks himself why am I here.
Tentatively, the man puts it back on his place and his sight falls to the door. He sighs and just decides to go to bed again. It seems like this woman has saved him and no ninjas seem to be near here yet.
When Sasuke is surrounded by warmth and a thick blanket again, his eyes shut down immediately and he dreams of a dead family and a village he’ll never see again.
Next time he wakes up again, someone is shaking him gently and when he opens his eyes, black orbs meet jade green. Pink, cherry blossom like hair is surrounding him and tresses of pink tickles his nose and jaw. His breath falters when his sight meets the pretty face of the woman he recognises from the photo last night.
Suddenly, a fierce blush adorns her face as she stares back to him. They are so close that he can even see himself mirrored in her eyes and Sasuke’s cheeks and ears heat up.
”Uhm“, the woman begins to stutter and leans away and the man only realises now that her petite hands are resting on his arm and shoulder. ”I…I found you yesterday bleeding on my way home…and I’m a doctor so I treated you. I have to go to work now, but if you get hungry you can eat in the kitchen. Oh, and here are your medics, there is a note on how much and when you should take them. Please stay in bed all day and only stand up when you really need to“, she says but all Sasuke can focus on are her plumb red lips. When she looks at him expectantly, he realises that he didn’t answer her.
”Hn“, the man nods then. As she stands up from his side to leave, he instinctively grabs her wrist and pulls her towards to him. She makes a noise of surprise and their eyes lock again.
”Thank you for saving me“, Sasuke says and he means it. He feels thankful for the woman for saving and treating him when he was nearly at the death’s brink. The least he could do is show his gratitude.
”Y-You’re welcome“, she stutters again and when her cheeks turn red Sasuke doesn’t even bother to hide his smirk.
The man Sakura saved is dangerous.
Not in the way that he’s going to hurt or to kill her but he’s dangerous for her heart. She knew it the moment when he opened his eyes and locked into hers. Her heart was going to burst and explode in her chest because damn she has never seen such a handsome man in her life and the fact that it made her act like a schoolgirl in love was so embarrassing.
Sakura hides her face in her hands when she thinks back to how she stuttered and oh god his smirk. How is she going to face him when she comes home? She doesn’t even know his name and he makes her act this way.
Her heart flutters when she reminisces the man’s black eyes and his body. Her blush turns into a darker shade of red. Of course when Sakura treated him she didn’t ogle at him, she’s a doctor after all and he was nearly dying. But now, she clearly remembers the feeling of his biceps when she tried to wake him up.
Still, Sakura doesn’t know why he was so badly injured. She just hopes that he’s not a missing-nin since such a scenario would cause many problems with the shinobis in her village.
Even when he turns out to be a normal man ambushed by rogue nins, something in her knows that he is very dangerous.
She said that he should stay in bed all day but Sasuke just can’t stay still for such a long time. He’s been sleeping for hours, but after that he felt much better and the man decided to make a room-tour. The pink-haired woman lives in a big cottage near a river and the forest.
Her house is small but cozy and her room looks like a mess, with all the medical books and sticky notes laying around everywhere.
At least her cooking is good. She left some onigiri and other food him and they taste delicious.
Not that he’s going to tell her that.
After eating and looking around, he lies in his (or rather her bed) again, but instead of sleeping or reading one of the books she put on the nightstand next to him, he waits.
And waits.
And the more he waits for her, the more he worries. What if the shinobis who ambushed him found out that she keeps him here, in her home?
He worries and it’s annoying him to no end.
She comes home late at night, to say it more precisely at 3am, and she was nearly 24 hours away.
24 hours driving Sasuke crazy.
When Sakura comes home, completely exhausted and tired, she collides into a warm and hard body.
She makes a gasp of surprise and as she looks up, she sees the handsome dark-haired man glaring down at her. She flushes immediately, muttering sorry and looking away quickly, but when she wants to leave he grabs her wrists and pulls her towards him.
He didn’t pull her that close, only so that she has to lock eyes with him again and even though he seems angry, his gaze softens for a second.
”Where were you?“, he asks her and Sakura is surprised that he sounds so calm.
”I was working at the hospital. I’m sorry if I made you worry“, she tells him and he looks away, grunting.
”I wasn’t worried, I was just curious“, the man replies, still looking away.
Suddenly, she feels dizzy and Sakura wants nothing more to sleep. She yawns and goes to the living room, grabing a blanket on her way and moving quickly to finally sleep on the couch.
The handsome face follows her, trailing behind her and she remembers that she doesn’t even know his name.
”What are you doing?“, he demands when she lies on the couch, adjusting her sleep position.
”Sleeping“, Sakura manages to answer before drifting to sleep.
Stunned, Sasuke watches how the pink-haired woman just went sleeping on the couch. Why is she sleeping on the couch? Because he took the bed? She should take the bed, I can sleep on the couch. She worked nearly 24 hours in the hospital and I feel much better now. God, this woman is so annoying.
Gently, he wraps his hands around her back and legs, lifting her up from the couch. ’She’s so light’, he thinks when he carries her to her bedroom. He looks down to the woman in his arms and his stomach starts to hurt. Sasuke’s glad she can’t see the faint blush on his cheeks.
Her pink long hair looks so soft and he’s never seen such an odd hair color. And her face looks so peaceful like this, though the bags under her eyes tell that she has worked a lot.
When he lies her tentatively on the bed, carefully to not wake her up, he grabs her bedsheets and covers her whole petite body with it.
”You’re so annoying“, he huffs and he swears he saw her smirking for a second.
When he wants to leave, she’s the one to grab his wrist this time.
”Stay. Please. You can sleep on the other side of the bed.“, she whispers, but he can her loud and clear.
As he lies next to her in bed while listening to her soft breaths, he wonders again at how he came into this situation.
0 notes
oxhaven · 7 years
Good Girl pt.3 / hybrid!au - Jungkook
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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. | Taehyung | Hoseok | Yoongi | Seokjin | Jimin
  The first thing Jungkook heard when he woke up was the air conditioning running, blasting cold air into the room. His tired eyes didn’t want to open just yet and his body was still buzzing with sleep. Nonetheless he raised his head off the softness of the white pillow with his eyelids straining to open. Thankfully the curtains blocked out most of the brightness so when he woke up he wouldn’t be blinded.
His head turned to the side, noticing the weight there on his chest. There you were, sleeping soundly and clinging to his side as your head rested on his chest. He could see you clearly enough through his tired eyes, and the sight of you made his heart beat faster every time. You took even breaths, your ears fluttering every time they felt Jungkook’s breath fanning against them. A leg was swung over his hip as your arms wrapped around his as if to make sure he didn’t leave you.  
You felt warm next to him, and as he could see the covers had been long gone, probably were flung off sometime during the night. It gave him a full view of your body, donned in a loose white t-shirt and your light pink panties. He learned that you didn’t really like wearing clothes that much, the less the better for you but as long as you were going to live around people you needed to have something on. 
Jungkook couldn’t take his eyes off of you, feeling more awake as he realized this wasn’t a dream. He froze when your body stirred against him, watching you raise your head up and tickle underneath his chin as the back of your fox ear swiped it.  
You were too cute to Jungkook as he watched your eyes squint open, your mouth falling wide open as you yawned. You shook your head before it turned to Jungkook as you blinked at him. He blinked back with wide eyes, his heart skipping a beat as a smile slowly crossed your face.
“Good morning.”
Your voice was raspy and small, making his heart flutter as he cleared his throat before greeting you back. “Did you sleep well?”
You nodded your head, making a noise of confirmation as you continued to stare at him with glazed over eyes. He cleared his throat again, stirring in your hold as you made a noise of realization and unwrapped yourself from his body.
He sat up with a stretch, taking a deep breath in and closing his eyes. You watched as he rolled his head around, stretching out his neck before he moved to get out of bed. You blinked at him when he looked over at you, catching you watching him as he grinned. A nod of his head towards the door and you were all smiles as you got out of bed as well and followed him to the bathroom.  
A flick of the light switch and the bathroom dimly lit up as it welcomed the two of you. Jungkook went straight to the sink and turned the faucet on. Water rushed into the white sink bowl and down the drain as Jungkook grabbed his toothbrush off the holder and reached in the medicine cabinet for toothpaste. Red fox ears in the mirror made him smile as you peeked out from behind him, staring back in the mirror.
He snickered at you as he squeezed the tube of paste onto his toothbrush before handing it to you. A quick flick of the toothbrush underneath the running water before Jungkook brought it to his mouth and began brushing. You quickly made a grab for your own toothbrush on the holder, mimicking what Jungkook did before you began brushing your teeth as well. An intense staring and brushing of teeth battle in the mirror made you both laugh with white paste-filled mouths.     
Jungkook leaned forward before cupping the running water into his hand and bringing it to his mouth to rinse his mouth. You watched him with curious eyes, looking back up in the mirror as water dripped from his lips down to his chin as he rinsed his toothbrush clean.
He stepped back so you could do the same, putting his toothbrush back on the holder. He grabbed his facecloth of the rack as he watched you at the sink.     
“It’s my day off. Do you want to go out for breakfast?”
He almost laughed at the way your head popped up, your cheeks puffed out as you held the water in your mouth. You nodded your head with a noise of want before spitting out the water and wiping your mouth. You turned around with a bright smile, your tail swishing happily as you nodded your head.  
He needed to stop overthinking about this like it was a date. Jungkook brought you to a quiet café, ordering for you since you didn’t know what to get. You were dressed up quite cutely, a blouse and a short skirt which was a contrast to his regular attire of a plain shirt and jeans.
He didn’t know why he was so nervous, so what if it was date. You were his hybrid and it wasn’t uncommon for people to have one. But he couldn’t help thinking people were looking at the two of you as a couple. The thought of it made Jungkook’s face redden as he watched you, sipping on your iced caramel latte. Sure enough there were a few stares but they were all directed at your fox ears and tail swishing behind you through the opening of the chair.
Wait. Were the two of you an actual couple?
Jungkook shook his head at the thought. Your relationship was different. You were considered a pet and he was your owner. But he couldn’t stop his mind from wandering into areas that it shouldn’t be as he thought of things he could do with you. Jungkook had always imagined what he could do with a hybrid. The way he would touch you, how soft you would feel as he kissed every inch of your body, how sweet you would look bidding to his every command. What if he could completely taint that innocence of yours, fulfill every hidden desire he would make you say aloud. Make you fall onto your knees and please him like a good pet is supposed to, your wide eyes staring up at him with your lips wra-
Jungkook almost jumped in chair as his phone buzzed in the pocket of jeans. He caught your curious eyes staring at him before he pulled his phone out and held it to his ear as he answered the call.
Jungkook didn’t have a chance to speak into the phone as Taehyung’s voice rang in his ear. “Hyung.”
“What are you doing?” Taehyung asked with a chirp in his tone.
“I’m at a café right now with Jasmine.” Jungkook answered, catching your look from the corner of his eye as you leaned forward still sipping your drink and your pointed ears flickered on top of your head at the sound of your name. 
“So this is your first date? Put me on speaker.”
Jungkook hesitated as his eyes fell on you but he listened well as he put down his phone on the center of the table and put it on speaker.
“Yah Jasmine!”
“Oppa!” You excitedly called, your assumptions proven right as your tail wagged from hearing Taehyung’s voice when you were missing him. 
“How are you and your master doing?” Taehyung asked, putting blushes on both of your faces.
“Everything is good. Will you come and visit soon?”   
“Of course, I promised. Though somebody would rather you come over here since she’s picky about going to other people’s houses.”
“I just don’t like Jungkook’s place!”
Jungkook frowned at the feminine voice in the background, the statement settling in his head that someone didn’t like his place when he hardly invited anyone over. He watched as the smile on your face grow wider as your eyes lighted up.
“Unnie, I miss you!”
Sure enough it was Cherry; meaning Taehyung was at home and he had a companion to help tease the two of you.
“Come over and play with me when you’re free.” Cherry’s voice came through the speaker, her tone almost demanding but nonetheless you smiled and made a noise of agreement.
“She hasn’t even played around with Jungkook yet.”
Just like a stab to his chest, embarrassment washing over his body as he quickly grabbed the phone and held back the anger in his tone towards his friend. “Alright! It was nice talking to the two of you-”
A flood of pleas to wait had Jungkook pausing as Taehyung tried to hold back his laughter before the phone call ended on him. “Jasmine.”
“Yes?” You answered, looking up at Jungkook as you laughed at his predicament.
A click of the line and the ending of the phone call showed up on the screen as Jungkook put his phone back into his pocket and hoped no one else would call him today. He couldn’t hold back his sigh before he grabbed his coffee and took a sip.
A tingling sensation through his body had him glancing up at you. You were staring right at him; and maybe it was your wide brown eyes and pointed ears flattening back when he looked at you or maybe it was the way your pink lips that was pursed around your straw turned up into a shy smile that made his heart skip and beat that much harder.
Jungkook found himself wanting more time with you, just like this with the two of you together. At first he thought it wouldn’t hurt to walk around the city and let you explore with his watchful eyes. But with a few excited noises and smiles at the department stores had the two of you hand in hand as you dragged him along with your curious eyes. Of course Jungkook couldn’t ignore when you were gaping like that at all the clothes and accessories that had your eyes gleaming in want. With a sigh and an appearance of his wallet, his arms were draped with the handles of bags that were all for you.
Jungkook spent the day spending away on you, trying to tell himself that these things were of necessity to you but every time you gave him that smile his heart tugged even more. When he thought he was tired a small surge of energy burst inside him when you asked about another store before taking him inside.
Finally when you were tired of all the shopping it was time to head home, but not before grabbing some ice cream. Jungkook was fine with just getting you a cup, learning that chocolate happened to be your favorite flavor. And when he thought he could put his walls back up, you were holding up a spoonful of ice cream to his lips and insisted you fed him all the way home.
Jungkook found himself in the palm of your hand once again. He was tired of fighting against you when he was only falling deeper. He decided this as he sat on the tile floor, beside the bathtub filled with warm water as you soaked your body and played with the bubbles. He dropped the shopping bags on the ground when the two of you got into the apartment before you were fretting over his tired arms.
It was the way you pressed against him, your small arms trying to wrap around his frame. The way you stared up at him with those innocent eyes and your red fox ears flattening back against your head. Your bushy tail curling between your legs, naturally submissive to your only owner. You were constantly pushing him to the edge, to the point he wasn’t going to do anything because he didn’t want to hurt you. He just suffered under your gaze as his mind went wild and his heart tugged towards yours.
He meant for you to take a bath alone so he could tidy up and put things away, but he was weak when you only needed to pull him along into the bathroom with you. He turned the faucet on in the tub to get the water running before he poured in the bubble bath soap. His heart skipped when he heard the door close behind him, turning his head to see you undressing in front of him. He couldn’t turn his eyes away, watching you rid yourself of each garment on your body carefully. The first time he saw you naked happened so naturally but it was like time had stopped around you, taking in this moment for him to burn into his head.
Jungkook watched as you dipped one leg in to test the warm water before your hand on his shoulder had his hand coming out to help you in. He watched you sigh in relief, carefully adjusting yourself comfortably in the tab and sinking your whole body in. He didn’t want to move anymore, he didn’t want to leave you alone. He sat beside the tub and watched you, adoring eyes watching you bathe.
You rested your head on your arms leaning against the edge, staring at Jungkook intently. He was lost in his thoughts before you brought him out of his trance, blinking at you when you had his attention.
“Next time, let’s take a bath together.”
He didn’t even bother to fight you about it, he had made his decision. Your smile made his face redden as the sides of his lips twitched up. He perked up as he watched you sit up, water splashing about.
“You ready to get out?”
You nodded your head, watching as he got up onto his feet and grabbed the towel off the rack. You stood up in the tub, the water rushing off your body as the cold air hit you. It wasn’t long before he wrapped the towel around you, helping you get out of the tub and careful not to slip on the floor. He held you against him to make sure of that, turning it into a hug as you relished the feeling of being in his arms. Your ears tickled his chin as they fluttered before falling back, making him snicker. You pulled back and so did Jungkook when he noticed, and before he could react you were pressing your lips against his.  
They were soft just as you imagined them to be, feeling something burst inside you and fill your body with warmth. You coaxed his lips to move with yours but you moved to fast, making him pull away from you as you held back the whine in your throat and stare up at him with lidded, soft eyes.
“Let’s stop here.”
You nodded your head in agreement, sorry that maybe you were moving a little too fast for him. He left you to dry by yourself as he promised to order something tasty for the both of you and pick up all those bags he left on the floor, either way he needed to get away from you before he really loses himself.
Because he wasn’t going to survive much longer.
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you-imagine-i-write · 7 years
In Your Arms - Part 1
Requested by @dina3s: “OUAT Peter Pan x Reader with prompt 34, 35, 50 please!!”
Thanks to prompts from @satansnumberonehooker: “I found you in a pool of your own blood” “I found you after many years” “I found you in the afterlife” (Enjoy those second two in part 2!)
Longer than I expected so look out for part 2 in the next couple of days. Oh, did I mention, prepare yourself for angst angst angst :D
Summary: Pirates attack the Lost Boys camp after you and Peter argue.When you’re lying in Peter’s arms with injuries that his magic may not be able heal, he regrets the harsh words that he didn’t mean to say. 
Word Count: 1,228 Words
Part 1 - Part 2
“Peter, will you just stop and talk to me for a second? I didn’t mean that I wanted to leave Neverland, but sometimes I can’t stop myself from imagining what my life would have been like, that’s all,” you pleaded with the boy as he began to stalk away from the Lost Boys’ camp, grabbing on to his wrist desperately.
The argument had increased in its severity rapidly, as arguments with Pan often did, and the whole of Neverland could probably hear it. It had been your fault really, you knew that the future was never something that Peter liked to think about, but you hadn’t thought when the words had slipped out your mouth –
“Don't you ever wish that you could grow old with somebody? Start a family and really live your whole life; like the mortals do.”
Obviously Peter had heard (Peter hears everything that happens on the island), so the shouting match was soon in full swing.
Despite the frantic tone of your voice, Pan viciously ripped his wrist from your grip as he turned, almost spitting in your face. “Well maybe you’re right, maybe you don’t belong in Neverland and maybe you don't belong with me!”  
Something in your heart broke a little bit, and you tried to fight back the tears. Arguments with Peter weren’t a rare occurrence, but nothing he’d ever done could have hurt you as much as those words. The boy disappeared.
“Pan, we need you back at camp, the pirates are attacking!”
Peter had retreated to his Thinking Tree in an attempt to dispel some of the anger (at you or himself he didn’t know) that was left over from the argument, when Felix startled him out of his reverie. No one interrupted Pan when he was at his Thinking Tree, not unless something was very wrong.
In an instant Peter was on his feet and in front of Felix, checking him for injuries. “Are you hurt?”
“No, I'm fine, but Pan they came out of nowhere... there’s so many of them.” Felix was solemn and concerned and, while the solemn part was quite natural for the boy, the concern was definitely not.
The small trickle of blood starting at Felix’s temple and slowly rolling down his face spoke otherwise, but Pan didn’t bother arguing, instead grabbing the boy’s arm and using his magic to transport them to camp.
One second the boys were surrounded by the peaceful tranquillity of the Thinking Tree, the next there was carnage on all sides. Boys were yelling in anger and pain, pirates were killing and dying, tents were on fire and everywhere Pan looked there was blood. A red hot anger filled Peter as he felt the pain of his boys around him.
Felix, noticing Pan’s tense body and curled fists, cupped his hands over his mouth and let out a loud yell that echoed around the camp, “Boys, down!”
Every Lost Boy in the general vicinity’s eyes widened as they dropped to the floor, clutching their vital organs as the pirates looked on in confusion.
A wave of magic pulsed through the camp, throwing pirates left and right into trees or fires as they screamed. Every attacker was soon left unconscious or dead, but mostly the latter...
Relieved that the situation was now resolved, Pan untensed as his usual cocky smirk made its way back onto his face. “Anyone with a fatal injury can come and see me for healing. Anyone else can walk it off. Also, someone go and find Y/N for me.”
The Lost Boys quickly dispersed, with some crowding around Pan for healing and others slowly working on putting out the fires around the camp and getting rid of the bodies of the pirates that were still scattered around. It didn’t take long though for a haggard looking Felix to push through the crowd in an attempt to reach Pan, his cloak stained with blood.  
“Peter... we need you over here, now.”
The cocky smirk slid from the boy’s face as Peter’s blood ran cold; none of his Lost Boys ever addressed him by his first name unless...
He began to run in the direction that Felix had come from, pushing through the throng of injured boys and not stopping until he reached the other side of the camp. A few boys were surrounding a figure on the ground, some crouching and others stood frantically scanning the camp for any sign of Pan approaching. Dread built in the pit of Peter’s stomach.
The boys quickly moved away from the prone figure as they noted Pan’s approach and a strangled sound escaped Peter’s throat when he could finally see who it was, “Y/N.”
You were laid on the ground, a rapidly growing pool of blood surrounding you, your eyes worryingly closed. As the onlookers parted, Peter fell to your side, hands already roaming your body in attempt to assess your injuries and begin to heal them. Groaning, your eyes weakly fluttered open and Peter heaved a sigh of relief.
“Glad to see your with us; keep those eyes open, Y/N,” Peter managed to choke out, the dread still building inside him as the pool of blood around you continued to grow.
With your eyes struggling to remain focussed on Peter, your voice wasn’t louder than a whisper, “Bastard... stabbed me. Kept on stabbing me-”
“Don’t talk, Y/N. I’m healing you now and then we can go dismember the pirate, okay?” Peter attempted to remain calm for your sake, but you knew him well enough to recognise the shake in his voice.
Risking a look down at your torso, you wanted to pass out as you took in the sight of your shredded stomach. “So much blood...”
“Shh, don't look at it,” Peter’s hand was on your face then, and you felt the warmth of his magic beginning to spread through you, but the pain didn’t seem to subside. “I want your eyes on me.”
Too much blood, you knew it was, but you couldn’t bring yourself to say it out loud. Instead you raised a bloody hand and let it fall gently onto Peter face as you smiled up at him. “Peter... will you hold me?”
You tried to avoid screaming when Peter complied and repositioned you in his arms, but a whimper did escape your lips as your eyes watered with pain. Peter clutched your body to his as he attempted to soothe you, a bloody handprint left on his face.
The pain began to subside and be replaced by a comforting numbness, but you feared that it wasn’t due to the magic. As your vision started to darken, though, you were no longer scared. Warm and content, you used your fingers to draw patterns on the arms encircling you, your eyes slowly shutting.
“Y/N? Y/N, don't you dare. The last things I said to you, the argument, I didn’t mean any of-” Peter’s voice was thick with a desperation that you didn’t think it was possible for him to feel, his hand tapping your face to try and keep you conscious.
“I know, Peter, I know,” you smiled as you welcomed the darkness, “In your arms, where I belong...”
Peter’s scream of anguish echoed throughout Neverland, the skies darkening and the island growing cold as you died in his arms with a smile on your face.
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