#sometimes it's because they're rancid and sometimes i just don't vibe with what they make (like m00dboards and readers and wrong quotes)
percy-x-luke · 8 months
Had no one else to rant about this too. When people ask me dumb questions about me shipping Luke and Percy. Like do you know about their age difference. Do you know that Percy fictional age first starts as 12/13 and Luke's fictional age starts off at 19. It annoys me soooo much that I have to block people and their stupid questions. Ok news flash this is a book series based on Greek and Roman mythology. My gay ships having age gaps is the least problematic thing about the series. I am so sick of Fandom purity culture bullshit.
I don't think anyone has ever asked me why I ship anything and whenever I see a post that reads something along the lines of "why do people ship this" I generally take it in bad faith (because they're generally asked in bad faith) and block the OP.
Anyone who asks you to justify any ship (or the love of a character; because let's be honest, these losers were whining about how evil people who like Luke are for almost two decades) is doing so in bad faith and should be silenced (aka don't give them a platform or the satisfaction of a response - nothing pisses them off more than being ignored because attention is really what it's about). Don't give them the time of day.
Blocking is your friend. I have thousands upon thousands of blogs blocked and it's better for all of us that way.
People have a stupid take? Block em.
People hate a character you love? Block em.
People hate a ship? Block em.
People post stuff you don't like? Block em.
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brucewaynehater101 · 5 months
Santa AU
Gun batman is unhinged and doesn't notice he lost his gift, his own deductive skills have degraded significantly but he's too arrogant to really realize, none of that group realize because they're so caught up in their own heads and trauma
Tim's ability to realize what someone wants most isn't just a matter of looking at the person and having it pop up in his head, he needs their name and has to actively want to know what the person wants, otherwise it would be too obvious and too overwhelming, and once he thinks of what the other person wants, his own deductive abilities fill in why whatever thing is definitely the answer
kon doesn't know why some people give him rancid vibes, which is why he points them out to Tim, he gives his bird enrichment and he starts to trust his own judgement a bit more so it's a win-win all around and kon does eventually start to figure out who he can trust without the vibe knack as he gets more experience with people, the knack just makes things easier
Cassie, again, is pretty sure her sudden talent with languages is because zeus and zeus is a jerk who is totally fine with stealing someone else's credit
Bart hasn't really ever kept track of how much he eats at any given time, he can make a general estimate if needed, but that he needs to eat less sometimes hasn't really registered, and no speedster is going to race another for no reason since no one wants to risk falling into the speedforce or whatever because they were curious about who's the fastest so no one knows Bart got an extra edge in speed
People being naturally inclined to trust Greta only works as long as Greta doesn't do something that would hurt that trust in her and since she's basically a decent person, she's good
Cissie figures that blonde girls are a dime a dozen and that's why people don't spot her and she needs to work harder to stand out in acting if that's the case but she's fine with that, she's always worked hard anyway
Anita doesn't realize her illusions that make people happy have some extra oomph and she doesn't actually like gingerbread enough to make it very often.
Slobo is super strong already, being able to pack away more things and balance them on one another isn't something he thinks to do very often or need to do very often so it goes unremarked
The gifts santa gave them are powerful but subtle, little things to give them an extra edge but nothing they'll rely on like a crutch, but things that'll definitely help them make their delivery to apocalypse and survive to do it again the next year
I like how subtle the gifts are and how personally they fit. They aren't overt, and thus nothing that would become something they rely on. It makes sense that Gun Batman wouldn't have the gift, nor would anyone on his side.
Kon giving Tim cases is exactly the same as giving a bird enrichment. That's a perfect description of it ^^
Kon's morphing into him just eventually knowing without needing the power is fantastic. It probably still works, but he's got the initial step down.
The others not realizing why they have their powers on explained well. I probably wouldn't notice being able to pack things away well or the gingerbread houses (I haven't made any in years).
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ragnarokhound · 3 months
🚪🫷 😲 🫸🚪
- @bi-bats
if you insist ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
The premise is timkon established relationship, but Tim is scheming to acclimate Kon and Jason like introducing two cats through a bathroom door. Eventually, he gets Kon on board he and Kon tag-team Jason, pspspspsing him into their relationship uwu jaytimkon endgame FTW
More specifics and small snip under the cut ;)
This is based on that one post that went around a while ago talking about the herding dog x wolf x sheep dynamic UwU and I thought it would be interesting to do a 3-part fic with 3 different POV's and they each take turns in each of the roles depending on the POV character's perception OwO
I don't have a lot written for it yet, and I would appreciate a vibe check on my Kon voice so far because I don't write him very often (ie at all), but here's a snip of the start:
Kon does not like Jason Todd. He doesn’t really think he has to explain why, because of the, like, everything about him. But in the interest of full disclosure— He’s an asshole. He kills people. He hurt Tim real bad that one time— no, not that time, at Titan’s Tower, that other time, with the batarang he stabbed into Tim’s fucking chest— He’s also never properly met the guy, but so what? He doesn’t have to. He can tell. The vibes are rancid. So he's not really sure why, exactly, Tim is friends with him. They hang out together on the nights they're both in town, after their patrols are done. Jason never stays after Kon gets there, shifty-eyed and staring too long after Kon's kissed his boyfriend hello. Like clockwork, his heartbeat will start to race loud and annoying in Kon's ear, picking up like he's getting ready for a fight. Then Tim always asks if he wants to stay a little longer, that they were planning to watch a movie or grab ramen from that place up the street, and he's welcome to join them. Barf. Kon would go along with it. Begrudgingly. Because despite his extremely correct feelings about Jason, he knows Tim likes him. That he thinks it's water under the bridge. Tim is too generous to forgive sometimes, when he thinks he's the only one who was hurt. But Jason will just raise a cocky eyebrow, glancing at Kon like he knows what he's thinking, and smirk all lop-sided and fake. He'll beg off, making his excuses and slinking out like a thwarted wolf, knowing better than to snatch a lamb when the guard dog's on duty. Kon always tracks his racing heartbeat across town, just to be sure.
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transfemmbeatrice · 10 months
parker's personal much ado primer
i'm gonna keep posting much ado shit so here is some background on my personal favorite interpretation of the characters; this is not a primer on the actual play and these opinions somewhat differ from my like. canonical readings of these characters. this is what my personal action figures are like when i'm talking about aus. i'm mostly leaving physical descriptions out bc they can vary quite a bit.
when i say "we" i mean me and my wonderful spouse @zaxal because so much of this we sort of developed together over the years and none of these characters would be quite who they are to me without them.
Beatrice: beatrice is a trans woman to me!! i talked about this a bunch here. she will also always have red hair to me (thanks catherine tate for that one). she's hot, she's confident, she doesn't give a fuck what anyone thinks about her, she has relatively good judgement, she sometimes struggles to be vulnerable or soft with other people, she loves hero more than anything. she's also arrogant as hell! and often quite angry. beatrice is all fire all the time, she is alive and loud and proud and really likes having the last word. you will always know when she is in the room.
Benedick: oh this man is such a slut. grade a whore. pansexual as shit too. always cracking jokes to cover his own insecurities, desperately needs to be liked or if not that at least the center of attention--even if people don't like him, if they're thinking about him and watching him, that's good enough. he loves being witty and he is prideful and acts somewhat detached when in reality he feels things the Most and gets desperately attached to people and doesn't truly believe they could love him back.
Pedro: strong sense of duty. pedro is one that tends to vary more wildly because we've fallen into "suffocated by responsibility and shitty father, actually kinda shy and dumb and kind" which i love but in the play he is mostly just kinda shitty but i don't WANT him to be, so sometimes we try to lean more into the shitty side of him but often he is an earnest idiot (affectionate)
John: as mentioned in my beatrice post, i hc him as a trans man! sometimes more genderfluid or nonbinary. he's quiet, serious, and calm, and has been done fucking dirty by his dad/the world. generally our thought is that he was raised by his mom until about age 12 when she died and he got dumped on the palace steps and the king extremely resented taking him in and everyone was shitty to him because he's illegitimate. everyone thinks he's a villain and he knows he'll never convince them otherwise so he doesn't try; he just keeps to himself and doesn't form many attachments.
Hero: usually soft spoken but whip smart, doesn't like a lot of attention, stem major, big lesbian facing comphet vibes. she and beatrice are basically sisters. she's insightful but she doesn't share those insights with most people, and is by far the one who calls beatrice on her shit the most. we've ended up friendshipping hero and john because they're both such flat characters who exist at the whims of others and i love the idea of two wallflowers finding each other.
Claudio: obviously the villain. there are lots of different approaches to this--he might be an entitled golden boy, or a rich kid not used to hearing no, or an incel--but essentially he's a bully. i think its most interesting when he appears very nice at first and then when there's any amount of pushback things get ugly but i hate him so much i often make him pretty rancid from the start.
Margaret: outgoing and fairly relaxed, a jock, bi, in love with hero.
Conrade: john's bf, utterly loyal, and by a twist of fate it has become a running joke that he has tumblr disease (purple eyes/white hair). we usually depict him as similar to john--stolid, serious, not interested in taking anyone's shit, but lately i've been wondering if maybe he should be the bright sunshine in contrast to john.
Borachio: essentially a stray dog john and conrade adopted. he comes and goes. he's a mess.
Antonio: beatrice's surrogate parent, and elder queer genderfuck who uses ve/vir pronouns. general chaos agent.
ship abbreviations:
b&b: beatrice/benedick bbp: beatrice/benedick/pedro benepedro: take a guess beap: beatrice/pedro heromeg: hero/margaret johnrade: john/conrade
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turtlesocksv2 · 1 month
4 Minutes ep 3 Liveblogging
opening with another dead body, killed the same way and in the same place as Tonkla's brother. HMMM.
Yay my boy Dome is awake!
re: the intubation Something something Tyme having to be in control and desperately trying to stop the inevitable something something trying to save Great something something Great's powers. It's not fully formed, but it's in my brain bubbling.
The way the clocks change back to normal when other people are around and the message on the coffee changed... i love it. but lmao poor Great is going to have a breakdown. "Can you forgive me?" is very interesting! What exactly do you need forgiving for, alternate timeline Tyme???
"which friend?" because lmao Great knows he doesn't have friends. Tyme is such a stalker. luckily Great is into it. But it really is kinda Sus.
LMFAO at Great getting yeeted back 4 minutes because he tried to reschedule a date with Tyme for a night he didn't have an assignment due! Goddess of Time really said Fuck Them Grades, Get That Dick. The theory that the visions are all leading Great to Tyme just seems more and more accurate. Great opening up to Tyme about his visions is going to be Important.
Tyme asking Den the good questions. Why 4 Minutes. (it's totally the brain death thing)
they're so cute playing the rigged arcade games. the black and white stuffed kitties have Thematic Color Coding.
Hmm so wait, am I getting this right? Great's mom was a mistress? and became Second Wife after First Wife/Korn's Mom killed herself, and Great was already born then? I see... more rancid family dynamics.
Frizzy Hair girl is in danger, I feel it. She's gonna die at some point. Anyway no shame for the frizzy hair i know mine would also be looking a mess in the Bangkok heat and I don't think illegal gambling rings like, provide flat irons or curl cream. Aaaand she's immediately caught. Her name is Nan...what was Tyme's ex-girlfriend's name again? just pondering.
Chief himself taking Win off the case. Yup, sounds about right.
LMAO at Tonkla trying to get high to stop a breakdown and Immediately the Hot Cop shows back up at his door. double LMAO at Tonkla calling his ass out for liking him. i love Tonkla so much.
the transition from "I shouldn't be doing this you're still grieving" to them banging is perfection, love the classical music in the background it really fits the vibe.
Tonkla really just wants SOMEONE to fuck him raw but keeps getting denied. funniest plotline.
"you can call me anytime" Win already being a better situationship than Korn. This is gonna be so messy.
"If you don't stop prying I'll kill you!" hmmm that exclamation mark really makes me think it's Title. And that would certainly tie some plot things together...but what is the motive other than Title being The Worst?
Great diagramming everything out and well on his way to a murderboard is a Good Choice on his part. Keep track of everything. Anyway, he's right to be freaked out by the change to 11:02 that's some ominous countdown shit even if it's not literally a countdown.
"he's not answering my calls" he's literally a surgeon who sometimes works in an emergency room??? like, I get that you're freaked out I would be too you're so valid my needy wet cat of a man but like Tyme's prrrrrrrobably not ghosting you he could literally be wrist deep in someone's chest cavity right now. give the man a minute, damn.
Ahaha, that ending was so funny a perfect cliffhanger. I love this show so damn much.
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dreamedofyou · 1 year
OF Favourites Rankings (Halfway Point)
Got tagged by @thatgirl4815 and thought it'd be fun to do but as usual I'm a bit late, as this was supposed to be done before ep 7 aired. 😅 Ah well, I'm still going to rank the characters only up to the halfway point of the series (aka the end of ep 6) so bear in mind that this was my list before ep 7 (and it did slightly change since).
Ok, let's get into the rankings, from last to first place:
7. Boston
Said this before and I'll say it again: I enjoy having Boston on my screen because he always makes things interesting and entertaining. He's just a character I absolutely love to hate. As a person, though, he is just so rancid that he takes my last spot in the ranking and I base most of that on the way he treats his friends tbh. If this is the shit he does to people he's supposed to be close with and care about, then I dread to think how he treats those that mean absolutely nothing to him. The thing is I'm usually a huge fan of characters who do bad/toxic stuff (as you will see later on in my ranking) but they need to have reasons other than their ego for it and at the halfway point I don't see that in Boston. This might change by the end of the show, of course.
6. Cheum
I have two main reasons why she's so low on this list, the first of which being that she simply doesn't have enough screentime/storylines for me to form a strong attachment to her character, and the other being that she sometimes annoys me with her remarks. I enjoyed the conflict we got between her and April but it was so brief, I wish the female characters got the same treatment as the male ones instead of feeling like an afterthought. This is actually my one major criticism of the show but unfortunately it's a problem most BL shows suffer from.
5. Nick
I sympathise with Nick but at the same time I'm also like "you kind of brought this on yourself, my guy." The way he's either blinded by Boston's sweet-talk or just doesn't mind Boston's assholery frustrates me so much sometimes, which is why he's only nr. 5 for me. That and the fact that we don't know that much about him (yet) either. I need more to fully connect.
4. Top
I feel like this is an unpopular opinion but I think Top gets too much shit from the fandom. Yes, the reason he started pursuing Mew was shitty, but along the way he did genuinely develop feelings for Mew and imo him wanting to change and settle down is sincere. I'm a big believer in second chances if people are genuinely willing to change and better themselves, which I do think Top wants. Obviously, him sleeping with Boston (and lying to Mew) was shitty and it's one of the reasons why the nr. 4 spot is probably as high as he can go for me but I'm way more lenient there than most people because he was heavily manipulated into it by Boston and then regretted it and felt guilty about it. This isn't an excuse on my part, btw, I'm not absolving him of blame, but context makes a difference for me personally. I also think his character has the potential to grow a lot and I'm a hoe for character development (as you'll also see later).
3. Mew
Same as with Top, I feel like my opinion on Mew is somewhat unpopular, especially when it comes to his relationship with Ray. Basically, I don't think he's a bad friend at all and I believe he genuinely wants to help Ray but sometimes goes about it the wrong way (possibly due to previous experience). I think his heart is in the right place when it comes to most things and he's just like... a pretty normal dude, which I appreciate. That doesn't mean he has no flaws and can't be petty or nasty if he wants to be, however. I guess my one problem with him is I sometimes struggle to see why he fell so hard for Top specifically (what was so special about Top) because we weren't really given much of a reason. Unless it's just one of those situations where you fall for someone's looks/vibes and like that they're nice/sweet to you, and it isn't much deeper than that (because that happens to people, but Mew doesn't seem like the type to fall for those reasons). Basically, I like Mew much more when he isn't with/around Top.
2. Sand
I don't even have much to say here because I literally love everything about Sand, flaws and all. The only thing that slightly irritates me sometimes is the fact that he (unintentionally) self-sabotages by not wanting to talk about his feelings, probably because he wants to appear as if he's fine all the time even when he's clearly not. Sand is also the character I relate to most. Honestly, if it wasn't for my tendency to obsess over "broken" characters who do destructive things but are otherwise not bad people (and have a huge character development potential) then Sand would be my nr. 1. But, alas...
1. Ray
Ah, yes, we've arrived to the aforementioned "broken" character. This man has more issues than all the other characters combined and it's exactly what makes him my favourite character, oops. Unlike Boston's shitty behaviour, which is driven by ego, Ray's is driven by loneliness, abandonment issues, a lack of love, the list goes on. I genuinely think he's not a bad person, but he's self-destructive (which ends up endangering others as well) and obsessive/unable to let go (particularly when it comes to Mew), which is a recipe for disaster. He wants to be loved so badly but he wants it from the wrong person (Mew) in the wrong manner (romantic). As I said before, I'm a hoe for character development and Ray's potential on that front is off the charts. I want to see him deal with his numerous issues and grow from it as a person. What can I say, I'm just a sucker for those types of characters.
I want to conclude this by saying that there are two wolves inside me: one is a Sand Protector and the other is a Ray Apologist. They are at constant war with each other. Whichever one wins a battle at any given moment determines which of the two characters is currently my nr. 1 and which my nr. 2. That is all. 🙃
Since I'm late with this, I won't be tagging anyone but if you see this post and want to do your own ranking, feel free to consider yourself tagged.
I wonder if my list will change after the series finale.
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loyalhorror · 1 year
uhh, the ask emoji fandom thing but whichever ones you want to answer for RDR, Black Sails, and Sandman, with a bonus side question of have you done any of the Manderville quest stuff in ff14
OUGH. marxz i am so fond of you (not just for sending this ask i prommy). let's see.
Have you done any of the Manderville quest stuff in ff14?
I DEFINITELY HAVE but I don't remember it at all... maybe @notjusthespongenextdoor can tell me what the fuck I did sdlfksndfkjg it was so long ago
👿Least favorite character
RDR: hmmm I can't really think of anyone I genuinely dislike as a character, at least within the main 'cast'? obviously everybody fucking hates Micah but I love him as a character even if I think in some respects he's sort of WAY too obvious as a villain in a way that makes some gang members look like idiots for allowing him to stay... but then on the other hand I think that's kind of the point + it's proof of how much control Dutch has over everyone. HANDWAVES.
BS: Fucking Vane. I don't like the shit he did in-universe to Max (though I will accept that that was a poorly written plotline in general... or at the very least one that made it just really hard to empathise with anyone responsible afterwards) AND I feel that his redemption arc was kind of "eh". But mostly I think fandom kind of burnt me out on him because I just don't get the hype around him.
SM: hmm it probably depends on what version we're talking about... I don't really like show!Lyta (whereas I love comics!Lyta) but I think that's just because like. The acting and writing in the show isn't always Great(TM). I can't think of anyone where I just HATE them when they're onscreen or anything in either version... with the show I don't like the scenes with Desire+Despair but that's because their dynamic creeps me out as someone who is VERY squicked by codependent sibling relationships in media, I love both characters individually.
WAIT. I JUST REMEMBERED. In the show it's definitely Joha.nna Constantine I'm sorry I just. Do not like the actress much to begin with. I also don't really like what they did with Constantine's gender-swapped design, so to speak - she doesn't look like Constantine at all aside from the trenchcoat. They couldn't make her a cocky blonde gal (preferably with short hair, give me butch sapphic Constantine or else)? I know they were probably going off what they wanted from the acting rather than anything appearance-based, and it's better to have a good actor who looks different than a bad one who matches the comics version, but. GESTURES. I wish it'd been ANY other actress skldfndkjfng. I'm picky with my cocky English people. The wrong vibe can turn it rancid.
😍Character you have the biggest crush on
RDR: HMM good question. it used to be Dutch (yeah yeah I know) but nowadays I have no idea, once a character becomes my blorbo/I start writing them longterm I tend to lose whatever 'crush' I had on them... BS: [head in hands] it's hal gates. i am not immune to fat old men. i want him to [REDACTED] S: HM depends on the day and it depends on which character(s) I'm relating to the most on a personal level. Tends to rotate between Dream, Lucien(ne), and lately, Hob.
💐Comfort character
RDR: John my beloved... BS: Somehow it's Silver, but that's mostly because of what I've written with my friend Seras over the past several years with him + Seras' Horst. S: Dream, most of the time. Sometimes it's the Corinthian (specifically pre-runaway era Corinthian) but not often.
❤️‍🩹Character who deserved better
RDR: Abigail... I feel so fucking bad for her in so many different ways. Not in a "John was sooo shitty omg" way (though he WAS a dick) but just like, man, what a tragedy of a life. BS: MAX. The s1 abuse arc was awful in a thousand different ways but primarily I just don't think it was sensitively written at all. It's not necessarily that I think they shouldn't have included it, but holy FUCK the like... implications that it leaves about every other character who stood back and allowed that to happen or was otherwise complicit in it is uhhh. Not great. S: Dream but also not at all because I think the tragedy of his story is my favourite thing about it. Like Abigail, it's "he deserved better if we look at it in-universe but from a narrative standpoint the agony is so fucking tasty and I wouldn't change it at all".
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f1-birb · 2 years
Not your earlier ranting anon but sometimes I really wish I chose a different driver to support. It kind of sucks and ruins the fun of sport when I can't go a single race weekend without Lando getting hoards of death threats and hate that come from so many different directions, it doesn't matter how many people you block, you're still going to see it.
Anyway not remotely a George or Merc fan, but I'm surprisingly happy for him and his fans? Like I know Sochi was DEVASTATING as a Lando fan, but George has had potential first wins stripped from him under similarly heartbreaking circumstances as well. I'm glad he and his fans got a little redemption for that (as long as they're being decent about it, the ones using this as a way to hate the other 2019 rookies idc about). I don't know, I know McLaren isn't anywhere near Mercedes right now, but it gives me hope Lando's time will come. Plus it's always nice to see a new race winner.
I know what you mean. Lando makes it so easy to love him and root for him, and he's so fucking talented, but McLaren and whatever they did to the MCL36 have made it so difficult to be excited for a race weekend, especially when whatever they do and whatever Lando does results in Lando getting hate (like you said from all corners) - trust me after Mexico I blocked 17 people in one night, I get it about blocking and still seeing it
You know what, I am actually happy for George now I've had time to chill. Sakhir 2020 was so shit for him, and it was during the time he was up there with Lando for my favourites, so I'm glad today's gone well for him. I still wish Lando had gotten his win in first, mostly because of some of George's fans' rancid vibes when it comes to Lando, but I'm glad George has been able to add his name to the list of GP winners
With how Lando drives his time will definitely come, he's had people having him on their lists as a future WDC since he was about 17 and Nico R doesn't shut up about how much he rates Lando (and we know half the grid and the decent sky sports commentators - the few valid ones - think so too) we can just hope it'll be next year and not too far into the future because I'm saving a pack of tissues for the day it happens
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astralartefact · 11 months
Tumblr media
FFXIV 6.5 Thoughts and Feelings the 1 ffxiv player that didn't come here for the story (me) keeps winning while everybody else seems to be losing
I debated writing a review at all - but I'm just weirded out enough by the discourse that I feel the need to say something.
I don't really get what's happening right now. The Fandom vibes in certain places are rancid (thankfully it's not here on tmblr all that much (yet)) and I don't really get why and how it happened so quickly.
I understand not liking the void quests or not liking that Zero gets a cecil makeover into default paladin or that Yoshi-P's vision for this game is kind of questionable at times or whatever else you don't like about these patches, but for some reason everyone is acting so... heated about it? We somehow went from "This game is the best Final Fantasy that ever Final Fantasied, I love you Yoshi-P, take my firstborn" to "This is the worst FF expansion I've ever played. Yoshi-P is a hack and a fool and I don't trust the devs to write something good ever again" in the span of one meh-at-worst patch cycle and I don't know how that happened??? And I know, 6.0 already brought this underlying "Hmm. Not as good as Shadowbringers..."-attitude with it, but still, It just doesn't really feel proportionate how heated people are right now.
To give you my feelings: I don't care. Perfect Indifference. Yes, some pieces are feeling like they're missing from 6.X, but the devs were obviously trying to restructure things in a way that just simply didn't work out. I'm sure they know that nobody really liked it all that much and will adjust for 7.X - but a lot of people are acting as if the devs are suddenly just stupid idiots when the same people - and this time it really is the same people - were acting like Yoshi-P could do no wrong just half a patch cycle earlier.
For the Void Quests: I do think this would have been better as an optional trial series or as the direct prologue to a void expansion right after it and not as a filler bridge to Dawntrail (a contrast you couldn't make more drastic) - and there are more than enough other things I could complain about (The mo-cap eating animations. Why is everybody so jazzed about them wasting so much resources and screen time on fcking eating animations???) but still, I just don't really care. At the end of the day I'm having fun every time I open this game. Yay for me :)
I have realized over the past few weeks that I never really cared about stories in video games. I might be able to really be into certain stories, but generally I'm just simply not a person that cares about that stuff all that much. If it's bad I just don't care. As long as I have something else to enjoy about it I'm good. And I just simply don't play this game for the story either, I play this game to see my definitely not self-insert WoL do cool shit and look good and that's the one thing this game constantly delivers on for me.
But why would I write all of this if I didn't actually care? Why type all of this out at all and not just move on with your life? Do I think I'm better than the naysayers for accepting mediocrity??? Certainly not, we're all equally capable to check if the thing we invest time and money in is worth our while. But clearly something has to have gotten under my skin here.
Well, there is one way to make me, specifically me, care about something too much and it's if I don't understand why something is received the way it is by the general audience/community. Doesn't matter if I think something shouldn't be as popular as it is or if something is consistently hated when I think it's not all that bad - if I don't get it, I can't stop thinking about it.
And I generally try to keep it on the positive/underdog side of things, mainly because I have better things to do than be negative about a thing I can't change anyways. In that case I will usually just happily live in my headcanon and ignore it - but sometimes something so egregious comes along I just can't help myself. And this time it happened again.
Everyone is so mad about everything except for the one thing I am really mad about. That one is apparently okay because it's bittersweet uwu. Yeah, just fully trivialise some of the most integral lore that shaped the entire run of the game, but it's okay because it's sad q.q And I just can't stand it anymore, why does this exact thing always happen to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?????
Fuck Eulogia.
Fuck that thing.
Fuck everything it stands for.
Honestly, it's kind of funny. I just wish I could commit to seeing it that way and not constantly feel threatened about it (I love anxiety <3)
Anyways. Moral of the story? Play YoRHa:Dark Apocalypse.
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nvzblgrrl · 1 year
7 9 10 13 19 transformers AND doctor who
7) what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them? Transformers - Starscream. Like, yes, he can be kind of annoying in canon sometimes but it all levels out with the amount of times he gets shot down for it, but the fandom? It has been years since I've seen Starscream described as 'Scrimscrim' and just thinking that name makes me homicidal. Doctor Who - oh, this is hard, but I'm going to say Rose Tyler. Like, she's fine as a companion - flawed, obviously, but that's the interesting part and I don't blacklist her name because of that. I blacklist her name and block people because they're incapable of letting her exist as a flawed character - she is the most prototypically stereotypically straight girl I have seen on Doctor Who, yet people are trying to sell her as a 'bi queen'? She tried to get the Doctor to let a potato roll dick weasel on the TARDIS based on like, the worst first impression ever because apparently this
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is hot enough to overlook utterly rancid vibes. If that ain't straight people magic at work, I don't know what is.
9) worst part of canon Transformers - actually a difficult question, since I tend to cleave close to what I like (Beast Era) and don't wander to far from it, but... I think the Marvel comics run of Transformers comics. Like some of the stuff is just fucking miserable to look at and perceive, stop it. The only good bit is that Spider-Man gets to meet and befriend a Transformer and then ends the story thinking his new bud is dead. Doctor Who - Torchwood. No hesitation. I hate all the characters, especially the Time Agents, because half of the 'jokes' from that corner seem to be rooted in biphobia, to the point where I ran into a line from one of them where 'bestiality' was apparently something omnisexuals could and would line up to, apropos of nothing I personally did.
10) worst part of fanon
Transformers - Scrimscrim. I rest my case. Doctor Who - DoctorRose unpwobwomatic twu wuv. It is inescapable, people won't leave it alone OR tag for it half the time, and I would like to just exist without someone trying to shove Perfect Holy Rose Tyler down my throat. I hate it extra much when it leaches out from 'Canon' DoctorRose to fuck with every other era or other 'competing' female companions get shit on or railroaded into being mindless supporters. Like either Stop It or learn to Tag Your Shit Right.
11) worst blorboficiation Transformers - Tailgate. IDW1 fans have just. Made a guy that's inescapable and annoying even tho his default 'true' self is a character I'm neutral to. Like fuck off with that ukefication, nobody wants that. Doctor Who - the Doctor. Literally, the Doctor is so interesting when you take them - any of them! - as a hot mess who means well but overcorrects from the 'previous' model's flaws to make new ones. Like 9 and 10 are fun because they're joint studies in PTSD - the guy who knows he has it and shares it in Shit Ways but at least does and the guy who shoves it down and denies even as he's hemorraging all over the table and making everyone else suffer because he's too desperate for one (bad) familiarity to stay in his life. And then people go with the 'sainted god Doctor thing' that popped up every so often in the later RTD 1.0 era and it's like 'why. why you like this, this is boring.' Also 8 ends up with a worse version of this where it literally hamstrung his potential in stories from day one because reducing him down to amnesia, romance, and whump was just easier I guess.
12) you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
Transformers - uh, I guess Transformers Cybertron, mostly of who I was at the time; a kid who didn't follow stories well but liked how some characters looked. My taste with Override at least held up but Beast Wars was infinitely more engaging, both when I was a kid + rewatching as an adult. Doctor Who - a lot of Eighth Doctor stuff, I'll be honest. Like I said, there's a tendency to being reductive and making 8 a passive participant in his own life (which would at least be interesting if it was explored as the Doctor doing that on purpose) and some poor fan behavior regarding the War Doctor just makes it... very difficult to engage with that corner. And yet here I am, liking 8 a lot despite all that.
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betweenlands · 2 years
solar i am So Normal about prior literature please tell me more about the vikings ~autisticlalna
here is a handful of hcs/fun facts about each section in prior literature! in order from lowest to highest number rather than fic appearance.
section 1 (it/no pronouns) is nonverbal other than being able to laugh and generally kind of creeps the other sections out; however, its intentions are not malicious. its vibes are just absolutely rancid. it has a sense of humor but when you can only laugh you tend to come off more ominous than genuinely amused
section 15 (he/him) is one of the people who by default interacts with other people. he is lightly desperate to talk to anyone that is NOT himself. despite this, he at least passingly tries to get along with the other sections, though sometimes he can't help but insult them a little.
section 23 (he/they) is the one that comes up with the idea to use fix's iou as a prank; he doesn't mean it maliciously so much as he genuinely does not see the difference between funny prank (draw on someone's face while they're asleep) and funny prank (rolling someone off a cliff) because he just. does not parse Consequences. surprisingly fun at parties though.
section 35 (no pronouns) is a pragmatic asshole who does care about the other vikings but tends to like antagonizing some of them. 35 does very much care about the sections, although the same can't be said for other dominion members beyond "genuinely harming them could make the other sections upset at me". someday someone is going to drag section 35 into a redemption arc kicking and screaming.
section 42 (it/its) tends to elect itself a representative of the other vikings even when nobody else agrees with what its opinions are.
section 57 ("he/it but if you ask he’ll just laugh nervously") is the one that does the panicked evil laugh! he's extremely stressed out all the time from managing so much internal and external politics. he also has absolutely no filter which can. lead to him saying some extremely ominous things just because he's rambling. constantly having a manic episode to cope with pressure basically.
section 61's (they/them) appearance is loosely based on @mastasof-ravenkroft's phantom viking design! they're also very much a sweetheart and honestly don't have a lot of reason to want their body or memories back. section 35 considers them a pushover and often antagonizes them specifically in the hopes that they'll grow a spine. also, they're one of the vikings that has actually bothered memorizing the section numbers of the others.
section 84 (he/him) thinks he's the original (he is not) and that the others are just figments of his imagination (they are not), frequently referring to the other vikings as "headaches." he's kind of a jerk about everything ever and needs to get his head out of his ass. not irredeemable though.
section 98 (they/them) tends to chime into conversations in the middle with calm advice that makes it seem like they've been listening in basically the entire time. they can also be very straightforward to the point of it being potentially kind of unsettling. also they're listed in our vikings document as "this is the one that knows how to steal souls"
the epilogue (they/he) does not appear in this fic, but they are the viking left weeping at the end of marginalia. none of the other vikings have ever seen them, but sometimes when it's quiet they can be heard distantly weeping/laughing. closest thing to an "original viking" there is.
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I've seen you hint at this a few times so, the Lando pairings?
HAHAH okay. This is a very funny one because... I think I have the most like... opinionated opinions on Lando ships than anything else. I know I know I just did that Max/Charles ask but really I just refuse to think about that one. these are ones I LOVE to think about what I love and hate about them. Under the cut
Carlando: This one is my favourite Lando ship. It's the one that's most *in the thick of the world* and experiencing a similar position in it that is one of the parts that makes sports RPF the most interesting to me that some of the other main ones here don't have. Like how do each of these people respond to similar circumstances both as individuals and together?
People have already said this, but I also think CARLOS is really really interesting to me as a character because you take a guy who I really just don't think is interesting at all on his own, but then you watch the way he unfurls and opens up as a character because of Lando? I've said some stuff about what makes Carlos compelling to me before you can find it in my carlos tag. Sometimes I think in the typical characterizations of Lando in Carlando he isn't always afforded the agency I think he should/would actually have in their dynamic which is why I can see the issue some people have with it, but when it's done well it's so so good! I just find the way Carlos is fascinated with Lando so interesting, and the way Lando plays off him really really fun to watch. And the unboxed McLaren episodes are a treasure trove of just, two people realizing how much they like being around each other so much!
Max F: This one is very complicated for me because like as a SHIP I understand it I get it all my mutuals who love them are correct about them but... they feel too outside the scope of F1 for me to really get into it? @yekoc said it perfectly shipping them feels like shipping Charles/Charlotte or something. I literally couldn't care less about Max as a person outside of Lando, and because that's his only way in it takes me out of sports rpf into like, some twitch streamer dudes who are also kind of athletes rpf ?? I fully separate the quadrant Lando from the F1 Lando in my brain because I don't think they're really the same character to me. If you showed me them outside Lando being in F1 id be onboard but it doesn't do it for me in this particular fandom context. But I do like thinking about them sometimes (the roomates -> Monaco move thing IS very compelling I got in my feelings about that one) and I really enjoy the Lando fodder that comes out of my mutuals' work on them! Its something where I'm like, if everyone else does the work for me. Also the A03 work on this pairing is quite good I will say!
Daniel: @cvrthage said it best i'm gonna say it maybe meaner: it's a watered down version of Max/Daniel that I think people use because they don't find Max palatable. Which liked listen, I get it. But they're vibes are actually RANCID. Like as a ship truly truly rancid. And I think if it were actually to play out it would be a very very ugly side of Daniel that comes out of that and I cannot get past that pit in my stomach when I think about it! Also it takes everything about Lando I find fun (prickly rich bitch!) and pushes it way too far into obnoxious and annoying and then I can’t stand him lol. It's only interesting to me in a gen context where it shows us more about why Max/Daniel works the way it does, and I think could be an interesting plot device in bringing forward Lando's agency in the Carlando characterization issue I talked about earlier. I think if I'm looking for a more fun/casual daniel PWP pairing (which doesnt work with max) im going with Charles/Daniel or Daniel/Lewis or literally whatever before that. And for Lando that's where I would dip back into Fewtrell.
Jenson: Again, I don’t really care about Jenson (outside maybe a Daniel bisexual awakening angle but even then like, on a tertiary level at best) and he’s not on the grid so I’m like okay.. you serve as a secondary cahracter for me at most. And the thing I care most about in main pairing shipping is that each person in the pairing is viewed as their own person not just a half of whatever the dynamic is, or a merely vehicle for one character. Also Jenson is... twice Lando's age. I know they're both consenting adults so that's fine if it's your cup of tea, but Jenson was already in the advisory/mentory role when Lando was still an underage teenager in the McLaren ranks and I can't get past the experience gap. I get the praise kink appeal thing people go for for Lando here it just doesn't land for me at all! Also like, where do you go with them as an actual relationship (imo you dont). This is an edit Im adding this but it also feels like it’s almost a ship through which Lando tries to find/discover his own agency? Which for overall Lando characterization is important to me, but doesn’t work when there is an established power imbalance inherent in the pairing IMO!! SO they dont interest me at all. 
George/Alex: This is the only throuple I consistently see in the F1 A03 tags no one on my dash really engages with it but ive seen it around so just in case you are looking for it in this answer? I dont engage in throuples that often (im an OTP bitch im afraid...) but I think I could see the appeal of this in like... an AU setting? I dont know though! It would take a Lando that's a little bit OOC in my opinion but I could see like a rookie year PWP type thing being interesting maybe. If I stretched my imagination a bit. But overall I don't find Lando interesting romantically with either Alex or George, or both. I think Alex serves as perhaps an interesting "oh yes okay, that would've been my first gay crush" realization point for Lando's sexuality journey, in a side pairing or reflection type of way in other fic not about Alex/Lando itself, but other than that there's nothing there for me.
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kayfarafey · 2 years
Love your posts and vibes and everything about this blog. Like seeing some of your posts sometimes makes my currently stressful life so much better. I even read and enjoy your baroryuu thoughts even if I don't really like that ship. Try to sell baroryuu to someone who doesn't really get what's so good about the ship. Have a nice day :)
anon 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 im so glad someone can withstand my rancid, rancid vibes
also listen... i am not going to force anyone to like the ship of all time (/j) but honestly i love it for all the same reasons i like wrightworth? i like the prosecutor/defense dynamic, i like the Working Together To Find The Truth, i like the banter, i think they're both hot and they should kiss,
and i am Not Going To Lie and this might be scandalous but if i could choose between friends to lovers and enemies to lovers i would choose the latter every time. w/ wrightworth it's about the blind devotion more than the history* so i dont mind it but with baroryuu there's a distinct level of Choosing the other person because that's what feels right--no precedent, just a gut feeling. like, dedicating yourself to them even though the only aspect of them you've ever known is what they are now, believing in them because you do instead of because you already know they have the capacity to be better. an inexplicable draw to someone that maybe you shouldn't be drawn to is very romantic to me. i love a relationship thats cute and a little bit unhealthy too! there's a martyr complex/savior complex thing going on for sure and a little bit of hero worship at the end of dgs2 on bvz's side imho and well i just think that is fun. also, not to be a tumblr gay, but the YEARNING........... oh boy. anyway if you have read my brry navel-gazing posts you might already have a good handle on my thoughts, so if it's not your cup of tea you are 100% justified. it is a controversial ship! that's literally the reason why it's in my bio because i don't want to have someone who follows me get a nasty shock :/ i understand the drawbacks have a lot of weight in this one
honestly tho my friend if i can curate some content for you to make you smile please let me know!! i will write you a little drabble or smth because you made ME smile and i want to return the favor
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 60)
"The Queens of Dirty Secrets"
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Luna's no angel. She cheated on Justin. Once. With Tommy. For 9mnths. She didn't lie when she said she'd never had a one night stand.
Luna had met Tommy randomly at a Rancid show in Queens. She went alone that night because Justin was out of town at Rehab #2. Tommy spotting her first. Being 6yrs older than her, he had introduced himself confidently. The two of them easily falling into quick banter as if they had known each other for ages. Luna drawn into his deep, blue eyes and overwhelming personality. Asking if he could buy her a drink, she had told him immediately that she had a boyfriend. Tommy laughed and said he didn't care to Luna's rolled eyes as she told him No Thanks and made her way to the stage. She had to get away from him. There was something in her bones that didn't trust herself near him. She was right. Halfway through the show, he slid up behind her, wrapping his strong arms around her tiny waist. She had recognized his scent automatically and against her better judgment, let herself stay in his presence. More then slightly drunk, Luna bounced with Tommy to Rancid as he kept his left arm around her waist, while running his right hand up and down her slender body. Making her heart pound with the music's fast beat. It was during Red Hot Moon that he took the plunge, slipping his hand up her leather skirt. Tommy fingerfucked her in the crowd that night. Luna letting him. She was blinded by his being and the feeling of his thick fingers inside of her as the punk tune floated through her head. Tommy liked that she hadn't resisted and the way he could feel her low moans against his chest. Body shaking in his arms. Luna literally cumming in his hand to her senses. Angry with herself, she had pushed Tommy out of her and disappeared into the crowd, still seeing stars. Licking his fingers, he watched her go, amused at how he thought he could taste peaches. Justin had come home a week later, promising to stay clean. "This time." Leaving Luna raked with guilt. Yet, she couldn't help that every time she masturbated, that moment and THAT man in Queens popped into her head. It was around 3mths later that Luna ran into Tommy again. At a bodega on 133rd Street. Unable or unwilling to deny their chemistry that time, she climbed into his Eleanor when he'd asked if she wanted to take a blunt ride. They had wound up by the East River, making out heavily in Tommy's mustang. Luna refusing to fuck him, Tommy getting tested in less then a week. Luna knew it was wrong the whole time but she couldn't deny the energy between the two of them. Tommy seemed to make her lose all of her common sense. He had a way of sucking Luna into his strong, charismatic, no bullshit attitude. It was a change and escape from the darkness that seemed to be consuming her and Justin. From the moment he saw and watched her, Tommy was mesmerized by Luna's beauty, rawness and sass. They were a wild a rollercoaster ride, twisting and turning. Dipping and soaring. Leading Tommy and Luna to fuck and party all over the five boroughs for almost a year. She only broke it off when he told her he loved her. Realizing that she loved him too but knowing that despite everything, she would never leave Justin. She had crawled out of his bed that night, with tears rolling down her cheeks. As she got dressed, she babbled on about how their relationship wasn't fair to him. And that she was sorry. Too hurt by her rejection, he let her go. She willingly walked from Queens to Brooklyn that night. Contemplating suicide for the first time in her life during those long hours. Luna never told a soul. Not even Ashley. Tommy and Luna's paths never crossing since then.
"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes?" Tommy smiles at Luna. "No love?" His blue eyes dare her.
Reluctantly, she stands as he swoops her up. Tight and strong. Placing her arms around his neck, a ton of memories flood them both as they embrace. Fitting like two puzzle peices. Feeling the intimacy Luna wiggles out of his grasp, sitting back down.
"You still look great, Little One." The nickname both excites Luna and makes her cringe at the same time. "You just get better with age, don't you?" He asks her, pulling out the stool and sitting next to her. It's been over 5yrs since they last saw each other. "Eh! Lemme get another round here." He calls to the bartender, pointing between himself and Luna. She's quiet, trying to keep her composure.
"You should leave. You should leave. You should leave. You should leave. You should leave." Her brain keeps repeating over and over.
"So, where's the boyfriend?" Tommy's words break Luna's thoughts like a sledgehammer.
She thinks about her words before she speaks them. "We're not together anymore." She tells him without looking at him. His eyes are deadly.
"No fucking shit!!" Tommy slams his hand on the bar. Partly amused, partly irritated. "So, what the fuck did it take for you to finally leave his loser ass?" He asks bluntly.
Luna looks at him now. Square in the eye, with a flash of anger. She tells him coldly "He hung himself in our bedroom."
"FUCK." Tommy let's out. "What a fucking pussy." He has no filter.
"SERIOUSLY!?" Luna glares at him.
He shakes his head and places his hand on the small of her back. "I'm sorry. I guess he never got clean, hunh?"
Luna sighs. Tommy knows more about Luna and Justin's relationship than their closest friends. Looking at him directly again. She says "No. He actually started using needles sometime in the last 6mnths. I threatened to leave him and I'm pretty sure that's why he fucking killed himself." Luna doesn't break eye contact from Tommy. Besides Colson, he's the only person she's ever uttered those words to.
He breaks away as his heart drops for her. "When?" He asks her quietly, looking into his drink.
"Almost 3yrs ago." She answers him.
Looking up, he slides his left arm around her shoulders as he uses his right hand to pull her barstool closer to him.
"You need to fucking leave. You need to fucking leave. You need to fucking leave." Her brain keeps telling her as she feels her body flush from the closeness of his.
"Are you okay?" He asks, lowly in her ear.
"Yeah... Look I'm seeing someone..." She spits out.
Tommy erupts into laughter, not bothering to move his arm. "Some things never change, hunh? You're still caught up and I still don't give a fuck." He tells her matter of factly. Their faces are close together.
Luna knows it's true. She pulls away to finish the rest of her drink, reaching for the other round Tommy had ordered.
"This is different. I'm happy." She tells him to his smirk.
"Yeah?" He laughs again. "Then why are you alone in a bar at a punk show, just the same as I found you before?" He snips at her.
Annoyed, she states again that this is different. Still taunting her, arm still around her shoulder. He asks how. Shaking him off of her, she tells him it just is. He's making her think about Colson and Justin drug use similarities.
"Okay." He leans in close to her. "How long?"
Luna takes another drink. Closing her eyes, she turns her head and opens them at him. "Two months."
"Only two months?? Fuck, I've got a hell of a shot." He laughs, lifting his glass to cheers her as he slides his arm back around her. He knows the crazy control he has over her.
"Fuck you. No, you don't. I'm in love with him. Have been since before you. Fuck. I sold my apartment and am basically living with him." The words explode out of Luna's mouth.
All Tommy hears is two words in her whole statement. "Before me?" He asks, showing a hint of emotion.
Luna sighs again. Not being able to side step him or want to, she places her hand on his right one that's on the bar now. "I met him almost 10yrs ago. When I was still with Justin. Our vibe was really intense and I ran away. He's from Cleveland so we didn't cross paths again until recently.
"Fucking Cleveland?" What? Are you dating Drew fucking Carey??" He gives her a dirty look, throwing his hands up. He knocks her shoulder as her one hand flies up with his. Wincing from the hit, she looks up at him with her big, blue eyes. Shaking his head, he brings his right hand up to stroke her face. "You should've left him for me, a long time ago."
In her heart, Luna isn't sure if she disagrees.
The band begins to rumble.
Tommy hears it too.
"You wanna bump?" Tommy asks her with a gleam in his eye.
"Nah, I've been off that shit since we split." She tells him. Tommy was the biggest cocaine distributor in all five boroughs. Probably even bigger now.
"C'mon, you know I got that pure." He coaxes her.
"Nah, I'm good. I'm gonna go catch a cigarette before the band kicks in." She tells him, sliding off her stool. "It was good to see you." She says him to his unhappy look.
Outside Luna tries to call Colson again. He doesn't answer. Checking her watch, it's not even 11P. Hearing the band kick on, she finishes her cigarette, rummaging through her bag for her camera as she walks back in.
Annoyed, she thinks to herself "He never answers when I'm fucking home." Glancing at the bar as she makes her way to the stage, she sees that Tommy is gone.
Colson and Casie are passed out on the couch in Ohio. They had finished their FortNite match and fallen asleep watching Maleficent. Colson's phone ringing in the kitchen.
The band is amazing. They're called Product of a Government. They're fast and loud with INCREDIBLE lyrics. Ripping through Trump, Pence, Alabama, Kavanaugh and Brock Turner. Luna makes her way up front. Shooting them as they play. Bouncing and bobbing to their melodies and the crowd.
Once the show ends, Luna approaches them on stage.
"Hey." She greets them. They stop what they're doing like most men do when Luna speaks. "You guys are uniquely incredible." She praises them. "Are you signed?" She asks.
The guys look around at each other. "Nah..." They answer in unison.
"I'm Luna." She says, reaching her hand out. "I'm a local artist who just broke free of my lable. I'm gonna start my own. I think you guys would be a great launch."
The guys each shake her hand individually. Yet leerily. Because, what GIRL, starting her own lable is going to help them.
She sees their reluctance. "Check me out before you decide." She tells them as a group. "Luna Smith. That Brooklyn Bitch." She says as she turns to walk of stage.
The name rings in an ear. "Fuck. Like THAT Brooklyn Bitch???" A voice asks behind her. They've heard of her folklore.
"The only one." She turns around smiling. She's got 'em. "It's not up and running yet, so do you. But let's exchange numbers and if you're not signed by then. I've got you." Luna shrugs.
She exchanges numbers with all members. Reassuring them she got great shots during their set. Luna secretly pleased to still be known for her photography above all.
Tommy watching her on stage.
Tommy catches her outside smoking. He can't help but yearn for her as she glances over her shoulder at him with those eyes.
"Lemme buy you a drink. To make up for earlier." He says approaching her.
Luna rolls her eyes as she inhales. "Okay." She agrees against her better judgment, as always with him. She finishes her Newport before following Tommy back into the bar.
Luna's always enjoyed Tommy's company. It's one of the things that made her fall into him so easily. He's funny, sharp and nasty. Three qualities Luna fully enjoys.
They exchange stories of the passed missed years. Deals, robberies, and beat downs, amongst many other illegal activities.
Luna telling him about ICE and the shots exchanged. Tommy's impressed and worried at the same time. Wanting to look at her wound to her laughing decline.
Loose and always able to tell his truth to Luna, Tommy divulges that he fell in love after her. It hurts but she listens.
Luna's one of the few that Tommy trusts, who know's his whole life. He tells her how he lost control and killed his girlfriend because she had turned on James.
Luna isn't surprised. She knows Tommy's undying loyalty to his friend. It's a commonality they share. She's also seen what Tommy is capable of first hand. Never towards her, but they had been together long enough and he had trusted her deeply enough to show her all of him. To this day, he wonders if it was him that scared her and if that was the reason she wouldn't leave Justin for him.
It wasn't.
She can see the torment all over him. Without thinking, she stands up, slides in between his legs and pulls him close for a hug.
The moment their bodies connect there's a surge. Luna's cheeks flush as she feels Tommy's dick grow against her. She mentally shakes it off and holds him for a moment, stroking the back of his neck and hair. His breath is warm on her collarbone. Realizing what can happen, Luna pulls away gently.
"What were you doing on stage?" Tommy asks her, feeling her about to go. Looking for any reason to make her stay.
"Oh! I think I'm gonna start a record lable myself." She tells him, shifting gears as she slides back onto her stool.
Luna tells him her idea as she bitches about Charles, this weird fame that's creeping up on her and how she feels exposed.
"That's why you need you an undercover brother." He teases her. "I'd keep you tight."
"Shut up." Luna tells him, rolling her eyes. She knows she has to get the fuck up outta there soon.
Finishing her drink, Luna looks at Tommy. "I gotta go." She tells him.
"Lemme drive you..." He coaxes with a grin.
"Noooooo..." Luna laughs, shaking her head.
"No fucking way in hell." She thinks to herself. "You are in this with Colson, Loons. FUCK NO!! FUCK THIS MOTHERFUCKER." Knowing in all honesty she doesn't trust herself around Tommy. With him, she undercover hurts people and makes bad decisions.
"Okay, lemme walk you out then and hail you a cab." He tells her. Luna agrees, tipping the bartender before they head out.
Luna lets Tommy lead her outside. It's too easy to fall into his strong step.
Standing on the curb, he teases her about her upcoming fame. They're too close to each other. Laughing, Tommy scoops up Luna in his big arms, gripping her ass. Falling out of reality for a second she wraps her legs around him.
"I knew you loved me." He grins.
Luna can't help but smile while reaching to place a hand on his throat. She closes her eyes for just a moment. Breathing him in before dropping her legs. She moves her hand down and pushes against his defined chest as she slides off of him.
"Mmmmm... Let Daddy take you home, Little One." Tommy moans as her body slips through his hands.
"FUCK." Luna thinks as the simple words bring her back to their enticing kink. She feels her pussy plump. "You've gotta fucking GO!" Her brain screams at her.
Luna spots a cab. Throwing a hard whistle, it pulls over for her.
Unable to help herself, she kisses Tommy hard on the lips. "I did love you." She states before jumping in the cab and hustling it off.
Tommy stands there, the same way he laid the night she left him. Confused, heartbroken and longing for her.
"WHAT THE FUCK LUNA!?!" She scolds herself. Shaking her head, she leans back in the cab. "ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE!?!!... Well, at least you didn't fuck him this time." She battles with herself. Still worried about Colson. "You're a fucking ASSHOLE." She thinks of herself.
Back at her B&B, Luna feels guilty as fuck. It's too late to call so she Snaps Colson.
Luna bumps two 30s, swallows a bar and burns through three joints trying to calm her mind from tonight's bullshit.
"Fucking Tommy....... I never thought... FUCK." She feels her body heat up as her heart aches. Her mind rejecting him in the moment. "How the fuck did you even end up here?" Luna wonders drunk. Slightly confused about her entire fucking life.
To be continued......
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