#sometimes having and losing a love is way more fucking interesting. especially a first love
spacedlexi · 7 months
DID I HEAR VINERVAAAA??!! please please please please. i seen a fanfic once that was unfinished years ago with a singular chapter about violet (cries a little) CHEATING on clem with Minnie and i need that drama back.
SDKSJDKS my au is still violentine end game but clem comes into their lives while vi and minnies long term relationship is in the process of falling out
clem is interested in vi (and vi is back) but tries to move on since well.. vi is taken. and vi is still trying to make things work with minnie (who isnt putting in half the effort vi is). louis asks clem out and she likes him well enough to say yes. but ultimately vi and clem both have things about their respective relationships that frustrate them, and all the while they just continue to get closer and closer 👀... being around each other makes them each feel understood and supported in a way they arent in their relationships, and their feelings slowly become too much to deny 😏
i love (fictional) drama i love (fictional) mess :) not everybody does tho 😔
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papercorgiworld · 4 months
Listening in and panicking
Mattheo, any Tom, Enzo, Theo, Blaise and Draco
Your boyfriend overhears you say something that makes him believe he’s not the one you planned to be with and panics, with each having their own dramatic reaction.
Thanks for the request! Usually it’s the reader that overhear something, so it was fun to focus on the guys overhearing something, misunderstanding it and panicking about it. I actually almost had this finished last weekend but Draco was being difficult and it took me another week to finish this! So I’m happy it’s here! Sending you all a lot of love and kisses. Happy readings!
That the quidditch game hadn’t gone well was a light way of putting it and Mattheo really needed you to brush through his hair so his muscles would instantly relax. For the past few hours Mattheo had been contemplating whether or not to crash your girls' night. He knew he could be demanding and didn’t want to be the asshole boyfriend who ruined this for you. He was especially afraid of your judgy friends who probably didn’t hold Mattheo in a high regard as a boyfriend. However, he was damn near losing it when he heard the Weasley’s fireworks. “They won a game. Not the cup.” He hissed, throwing away his cigarette and surrendering to the desire to be with you.
He could hear the giggling of girls when he approached Pansy’s dorm and took a deep breath as he raised his hand to give a gentle knock on the door. 
Mattheo halts his movement as he hears your voice, he listens intently but is only able to make out some words. “What?! Someone like Cedric? How did you end up dating Mattheo Riddle of all people?” Pansy’s sharp voice sucks out all of Mattheo’s breath and he’s nailed to the floor as he listens to your voice. He can’t really hear all you’re saying because your voice is soft and further away than Pansy’s, but he does make out one thing. “Yeah, sometimes I wonder how I ended up falling in love with someone like Matt.” 
Mattheo’s distrusting nature took this entirely the wrong way and he didn’t even bother to listen in further. After those words his feet take him far away from you. His heart aches as he now believes he’s not the guy you want to be with while you are all he wants for the rest of his life. He feels suffocated by the fear of losing you and rushes out of the castle. 
It’s Fred that spots Mattheo’s appalled face first. “Still not over your epic loss.” He snickers, not aware that Mattheo is more than pleased to run into an excuse to punch. “Get off of my brother!” George screeches before taking a swing at Mattheo. Fuck, I forgot there are always two of them.
A soft knock at the door has all the girls narrow their eyes at the door. “Are we expecting anyone else?” Pansy looks disgusted at the thought of some loser girl wanting to join her elite girls’ night, but as she gets up to open the door it’s Theodore who pushes it open just wide enough to stick his head through it. “You better have a damn good excuse Nott.” Pansy crosses her arms with a death glare that would match your boyfriend’s. “Mattheo.” Theo simply states making your heart skip a beat not just at your boyfriend’s name but at the seriousness of Theo’s voice. “That guy is always in some kind of trouble and not an excuse to come in here.” Pansy snaps, far from interested in whatever mess Mattheo had gotten himself into, but you had already gotten up from your spot among the soft pillows. Pansy lets her head fall, not pleased that you were leaving, but you just give her an apologetic smile and pull your hoodie over your head.
Mattheo rolls his eyes when he sees you enter the hospital wing, but he also couldn’t help but return his gaze to you. In short pyjama shorts and an oversized hoodie that Mattheo didn’t recognize was his, you looked so innocent and for a moment he forgot that you broke his heart. You took a seat next to him on the hospital bed, while studying his injuries. “You’re an idiot.” You whisper, but Mattheo just snorts and lets his head fall back into the pillow, staring up at the ceiling. “Yeah well, apologies that I’m no Cedric Diggory.” Mattheo says with a quiet but poisonous ring to it. 
Your eyebrows knit together for a few seconds before it hits you. “Unbelievable.” You chuckle and Mattheo looks up at you with pained and confused eyes. How could you think this was funny when it was heartbreaking to him. 
“You sure are no Cedric Diggory.” The soft laugh that follows your words puts Mattheo at ease. “You’re better than anything I had ever hoped for. So Matt, don’t ever jump to conclusions as ridiculous as the ones circling your head now. I love you and I don’t think I could ever love someone else.” Mattheo stares at you with a clenched jaw and glassy eyes. “I really hope so, because I don’t want to lose you.” His voice is raspy and you give him a soft smile, before leaning in. Your boyfriend is more than pleased to feel your touch, deepening the kiss as soon as your lips brush his. 
You and Tom had been dating for a while and it was clear that you were his girlfriend and he was your boyfriend, but Tom was not one to put labels on relationships especially with all dark things surrounding him. He was losing his patience with Hogwarts and its professor questioning his ambitions. His always stoic and charming attitude had almost been broken by Dumbledore’s intrusive questions. It had upset him  to such a level that he needed you around regardless of your plans.
Agitated and in need of your calming voice Tom is ready to burst in and ruin girls night when he overhears you and your friends banther. “What, him? He’s nothing like Tom?” Some girl squeals. “He’s the exact opposite.” Another laughs. “Yeah, sometimes I wonder how I ended up falling in love with someone like Tom Riddle.” His eyes go dark the instant he hears you say his name. His tongue moves as his mind rages with absolute fury for you. You of all people, you that he needed more than anyone. He wasn’t even your first choice. Suddenly all your friends in the room faint and you jump up, immediately checking for a pulse. It’s in that silent moment of relief when you realise that your friends are just asleep that you hear footsteps outside.
You swing the door open with your wand ready in hand, but when you spot your boyfriend you relax. “You can’t just hex people.” You sigh, you tense up a bit when Tom turns to face you with emotionless eyes. “I can, I'm a wizard.” You knew better than to mess with him when he was as cold as he was now. “What’s going on?” You calmly ask, walking towards him. “Explain to me what you meant with ‘someone like Tom Riddle’?” A featherlight huff of air escapes your lips as you meet his eyes, you can’t keep a smile from tugging at the corner of your mouth. “Someone who hexes four people to sleep because he’ll take any excuse to believe that he is unloved, rather than listen to the sentence as a whole. I fell in love with you Tom Riddle and I don’t intend to fall out of love with you.” Your boyfriend feels almost attacked by your words. You love me? “You mean love as in the big sense of the word?” Tom’s voice is hesitant, failing to sound demanding or charming. “Tom, the word love has no small sense of the word. It’s a word that’s always true and always full of emotion.” 
“Should I wake up your friends?” Tom offers, feeling a bit embarrassed at how he overreacted. You chuckle and walk over to him and he’s happy to wrap his arms around you as you think over his offer. “Nah, I much rather spend the night with you.” His lips search yours for a tender kiss. I love you too.
Your boyfriend was insulted when you picked Pansy over him. We could be having a bath together, but no girls’ night. I need a new girlfriend… Who am I kidding, I need just mine asap. Ignoring his friends warnings about how dangerous Pansy could be when someone interrupted her gossip nights, Enzo basically ran to Pansy’s dorm, like he needed you for urgent matters. Then again, in Enzo’s book intimate quality time with you was always an urgent matter. He needed you and he would have you now. “Yeah, sometimes I wonder how I ended up falling in love with someone like Enz.” Enzo’s happy puppy face falss the second he recognises it was you talking. 
The next morning an unwashed, unshaven, not properly dressed Enzo is picking at his food when you jump in to give him a kiss on the cheek. He lets you, but he doesn’t react and you frown, looking over at his friends you see them raise their shoulders. Odd. You shuffle between him and Blaise and turn to face your boyfriend. “Talk to me Enz?” “Not hungry.” He states and without even giving you one look he gets up from the table and leaves. You are absolutely frozen in your seat at what had just happened. “What did you do?” Mattheo asks, unable to hide his curiosity and amusement. No one had ever seen Enzo like this so everyone at the table was dying to know what had happened, but you didn’t have a clue. 
You take breakfast on the go and follow your boyfriend. Quickly stuffing your mouth as you head for his room. You enter and see him lying on his bed with his back turned towards you. “Enz, talk to me, what’s wrong?” You get no response except for a lazy shrug so you decide to move closer and sit by his side. As soon as you do so he turns around so again his back is facing towards you. At this point you were getting slightly annoyed with his behaviour. “Enz-” “Just break up with me already!” Enzo snaps and he jumps up heading for the door.
When you see him angrily swing open the door you snap. “Sit your ass down, Berkshire!” Enzo stops in his tracks and for a second no one moves, not you, not Enzo, not the people in the slytherin common room who were absolutely terrified of what was about to go down. Enzo closes the door and turns to face you. You immediately notice his tired eyes and you walk over to him. “Enz-” Your soft voice breaks your boyfriend’s stubborn attitude. “I’m nothing like the type of guy you wanted… you just accidentally ended up with me.” Your eyebrows knit together and Enzo explains himself further. “I overheard you and your friends talk last night, I wasn’t listening in or anything, I just missed you.” His voice sounds painfully broken and your grab his hands meet his eyes with a sincerity. “I didn’t accidentally end up with you. You charmed me. You spend days flirting your way into my life, my head and my bed… You made me fall in love with you and oh boy did I fall for you, Enzo Berkshire, you and all your charm. Did first year me think to ever end up with you? No. Do I ever want anyone else? No! You are the one, Enzo.” A small smirk tugs on his lips as he can’t hide his happiness anymore. “I’m the one?” Your boyfriend questions sheepishly and you nod, making him smile brightly. “I’m the one.” He repeats, eyebrows wiggling, pleased with that new piece of information. 
Stealing you away from a girls night wouldn’t be easy, but Theodore had come prepared. He hated himself for being this needy and this cheesy, but he flicked away his cigarette anyways and picked up a small box filled with your favourite snacks. His friends and everyone else at Hogwarts were starting to see that the tough guy act that Theodore had been keeping up for years was cracking as his softer side was becoming more and more visible everyday all because of you, the love of his life. Walking towards Pansy’s dorm a small smile creeps up your boyfriend’s lips as he stares at the snacks in his hands. Salazar, I’m whipped for this girl and I don’t even mind. Your voice interrupts his thoughts and his eyes lift to the door in front of him. “Yeah, sometimes I wonder how I ended up falling in love with someone like Theo.” Pansy snickers “Yeah, he’s nothing like the guy you just described. So weird you fell for him.” You chuckle at Pansy’s words. “Silly, I know.” The word silly rings in Theodore’s mind as he speedwalks away. 
“I so want to marry him.” You laugh and continue dreaming out loud. “He would be such a sweet and sexy husband… oh and omg he would be the greatest dad to our kids. I just know he’ll be so invested with their dreams and hobbies.” You roll on your back and stare up at the ceiling, when you sigh in a dreamy way Pansy smashes a pillow in your face. “Hello! Girls night, stop dreaming about your boyfriend… and instead tell us nasty sex stories or something.” Everyone burst out laughing and you spend the night not having a clue that in Theodore’s mind you two were done.
The next morning you are still unaware of your break up and instead fall in love even more when you find a box filled with your favourite snacks outside of Pansy’s dorm. “That’s just disgustingly adorable.” Pansy jokes as you walk in the direction of the great hall. “Husband material.” You sing and smile at Pansy. However, you stop in your tracks when you spot Theo lazily hanging over some girl's shoulder joking with her about something. He notices you and you want to smile, but he instantly looks away making you frown. You and Pansy walk over to him, but your heart already knows something is wrong. When you stand beside him Theodore reluctantly pulls his attention away from the pretty girl at the table to give you an agitated look. “Look (y/n), I heard you last night, I’m not the guy you planned on ending up with and I don’t mind, but let’s not waste any more time on this relationship and just go our own way.” You stand there absolutely perplexed and you’re absolutely horrified to hear some girls giggling at the scene in front of them. When you finally open your mouth Theo doesn’t even let you speak. “It’s been fun, but really I’m busy here.” 
Never had anyone stomped on your heart and humiliated you like this. With teary eyes you turn around and rush out of the great hall, only to hear Ron hushed voice, “That was brutal.”, followed by loud smack, probably Hermoine. 
Theodore didn’t even look as you walked away, but Pansy’s silent but demanding presence forces him to again look away from the girl he’s trying to play. When Theo looks up Pansy wastes no time. “You absolute baboon!” There’s a silence as she just looks at him like he’s vermin. “First of all you don’t eavesdrop.” She smacks him on his arm. “Secondly, you missed out on the part where she said she wants to marry you.” Smacks him again. “Contrary to her opinion, I think you would be a shit dad considering you are a god awful boyfriend.” Smacks him even harder. “Go apologise!” “But she said-” “Apologise!” Pansy’s shriek horrified everyone in the great hall, but Theodore just stood there confused. He had been so convinced you didn’t really want him, you had just fallen for him but it was never supposed to last and now Pansy’s telling him that you want the same as him, marriage and a life together.
Slowly and slightly terrified Theo opens the door to your room. He’s immediately met with the sound of your sobs and when he spots your figure curled up into a ball his heart breaks even harder than it had done yesterday. You turn around expecting to see Pansy, but you’re shocked to see an apologetic looking Theodore slowly walking towards you. “No!” You snap at him and get up. “Get out!” You yell and throw a pillow at his head. “Please listen, I made a mistake.” You grab the table lamp on your night stand. “Yes, you did by coming here!” He’s quick to grab your hand and keep you from smashing the lamp on his head. “Don’t. You love this lamp.” You girth your teeth, of course Theodore knows you love that lamp, he knows everything about you. You start sobbing again and Theo struggles to find words so he just gets to his knees. “It was a misunderstanding. I thought I was just a fling to you and it broke my heart… and I did a dumb thing.” Your eyes go wide. “A fling? You thought you were a fling?” You can’t believe your dumb ass boyfriend. Theodore takes your hand in his and kisses it softly. “Please forgive me.” He begs in a soft voice. You look at him sitting on his knees, holding your hand, looking lost. “Please.” He urges and you start laughing. “There are no words to describe you, Theodore Nott.” Theo gets up and smiles. “How about future husband? Does that describe me?” He pulls you closer and a cheeky smile forms on his lips. You loved him, but forced your smile into a line. “I’m still mad.” You state and your boyfriend’s confidence fades. “Obviously. Just let me make this up to you.” You better!
“I dare you.” M attheo whispered near Blaise’s ear for the millionth time. “Still not playing.” Blaise sighs and Mattheo growls in annoyance. “Why?” Blaise looks up from his book. “I’m not ruining my girlfriend’s girl’s night because you want me to spy on your crush… I also don’t believe they would even let me stay.” Mattheo huffs. “I don’t have a crush, it’s research, and you should at least try to get in there.” Blaise shakes his head no. “I’ll do your homework.” Mattheo offers. “I’ll do it better.” Blaise sings, making Theo chuckle. “I’ll clean your side of the dorm.” Blaise looks up at Mattheo. “Have you cleaned a thing in your life?” Mattheo thinks about it and quickly realises that he needs to think of a different offer. “I’ll shut up for at least 24h hours if you try to get in.” “Oh, please Blaise, do me a favour and just go, so Matt will be silent.” Blaise sighs and gets up. “Fine, I’ll take one for the team.” Draco and Theo both cheer, making Mattheo frown.
As Blaise approaches Pansy’s dorm he hears several girls snicker and followed by lots of chatter that he can’t make out, until he’s right in front of the door. “Yeah, sometimes I wonder how I ended up falling in love with someone like Blaise.” Without a second though Blaise turns on his heels and walks back to his friends. Once there his friends all look up to see his horrified expectation. “You okay mate?” Mattheo asks worriedly and Theodore puts his book down to listen, but Blaise can’t form an answer. What does that mean? Why does she wonder about how she ended up with me? 
Blaise just stares in front of him like he was solving some physics problem and not being very successful. Draco takes a piece of parchment from his study notes and forms it into a ball of paper before throwing it at Blaise who seems to wake up from his thoughts and again turn on his heels. “Odd.” Theodore says and Draco shrugs, but they all continue with their business. 
Blaise is back at Pansy’s door and swings it open this time, making all your friends scream for a second. “What the hell, Zabini!” Pansy snaps. “Why do you wonder how you ended up falling in love with someone like me?” Blaise’s eyes focus on you. “What does that mean, someone like me? You mean my colour, my nerdiness, sporty side, or that I’m a bad boy type of guy? And more importantly, are we done? I mean, I would like to know if you’re breaking up with me.” Pansy crosses her arms and groans, dropping her head before snapping at Blaise. “Did she not just say that she fell in love with you! Seriously, if you eavesdrop, at least do it right!” 
“I’m not breaking up with you!” Blaise sighs in relief and you get up from your seat. Blaise looks around and feels a bit embarrassed when he notices all your friends saw his moment of panic. “And what I meant with someone like you was someone as cool and composed as you… but I guess that facade just fell.” Blaise chuckles as you wrap your arms around his neck. “I guess I panicked for a moment, but that was only because I thought you were going to break up with me. Now I’m cool again.” You  smile and lick your lips. “It was kinda sexy.” You whisper and his hands make their way to your hips as you kiss him. 
“Ew! Get that dude out of my girl’s night!” Pansy expresses her annoyances making you both smile into the kiss. 
“Girls like it when you interrupt their little parties and show them love in front of all their friends.” Enzo frowns at Draco’s statement. “Your girl might like it but Pansy will not.” Draco huffs and straightens his shoulders. “I’m not afraid of her.” This false play of bravery makes Enzo snort. “Even Matt is scared of Pansy and his father is the dark lord.” Enzo argues, but Draco just waves his arguments away and heads for Pansy’s dorm. 
“The guy you describe is nothing like Draco!” Pansy squeals, shocked by the person you had just described. “Yeah, sometimes I wonder how I ended up falling in love with someone like Malfoy.” You say rather serious. Draco considers whether to continue listening in, but his ego is too bruised. I’m not the kind of guy she wanted… Did she start dating me out of pity or something…
After a few seconds Enzo sees Draco return, clearly upset. “Told you, Pansy’s scaryyy.” Enzo sings as Draco just speedwalks past him and Theodore lounging in the common room. Both Slytherins shrug, but make no move to check on Draco. 
The next morning you joyfully walk, almost skip, to your boyfriend who is rather depressingly resting his head in hand as he stares endlessly in front of him. “Bad night?” You ask in a gentle whisper and his eyes move to yours, but he doesn’t answer, only the corners of his mouth twitch in response. The heartbrokenness is obvious in his eyes and your joy fades away as you sit beside him. “Who is he?” You almost hurt yourself trying to figure out who Draco is asking about. “The guy you actually like?” You raise your eyebrows and his absurd question. “Oh that guy, total moron… YOU! You dummy! I like you, you know that.” You laugh at Draco’s silliness but he doesn’t even smile so after a few seconds your smile fades as well. “I heard you talk yesterday… about this other guy… that’s nothing like me.” There’s a long silence as it takes you a moment to figure out what your boyfriend is talking about. When you do, you immediately want to assure him, but interrupts you before you get the chance. “I just need to know if I still have a chance with you…” His eyes look lifeless as he confesses his fear of losing you and you. 
You sit up straight and cup his cheeks. “Draco Malfoy, I love YOU. There is no other guy! You hear me?” Even though you’re holding his face in your hands he shakes no. “You said-” You sigh. “Draco, before I came to Hogwarts I had a crush on another guy who was nothing like you, but as soon as I met your dumb ass I thought that has to be the love of my life… weird but true.” Draco stares deep into your eyes in an attempt to check if you’re telling the truth. “So you’re not dumping for some tanned six pack bodybuilder type?” You laugh out loud and Enzo and Mattheo raise their eyebrows as they approach you. “Draco is an idiot.” You say smiling. “I could have told you that before you started dating.” Mattheo jokes sitting down opposite of Draco. “Looking for a new boyfriend?” Enzo quips, wiggling his eyebrows at you. “I’m single and ready to mingle.” Draco throws a pancake at Enzo who dodges it elegantly. “Don’t even think about it Enzo! I’m an idiot but not that big an idiot to let her go.” You smile at your boyfriend and he kisses you gently. 
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thinking about nerdy!peter...
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--gif credits: @capinejghafa
-first of all...his glasses oh my god. peter looks so delicious with his glasses, and it makes you melt.
-especially in the morning when his hair is a mess and he's still in that half awake state. oh my godddd.
-nerdy!peter loves a good movie night. he's lowkey a movie guy, but won't admit it. he loves to geek out about the little things while watching a movie you've never seen, but he's seen a million times.
-peter's pretty quiet, but is a more outgoing when he's around you. it took some time before he could come out of his shell, but with you, it was easy.
-when you guys go out to parties or get togethers, he doesn't talk much. he usually is stuck by your side all the way until you guys get home.
-nerdy!peter loves to figure out what your interests are and cater them around you. like if you're obsessed with a certain artist right now, he will make it his mission to get you every single album from them.
-he loves to get you flowers, and he especially loves to surprise you with them.
-sure, he's pretty quiet and awkward, but he knows when to step in when things get a little crazy. he suddenly loses all of his introverted tendencies when something happens, especially when it involves you.
-he would fully bend backwards for you. he thinks that you're an angel reincarnate, and that you deserve the entire world. or, at least the best parts of it.
-sometimes he has these thoughts that you could do better than him:(...you always reassure him because he is quite literally the sweetest boyfriend ever?? like hellooo?????
-lets be real, nerdy!peter is a virgin when you met. teaching him about being intimate wasn't hard, but you didn't want to rush things with him. if you were his first, you wanted it to be special and loving for him.
-peter is so submissive at first, but when he gets more comfortable around you, he realizes that seeing you under him is something he can get used to.
-since the first time peter has tasted you, he can't get enough. sometimes he'll just eat you out for hours. you try to do something in return, but he says he's alright and that "seeing you cum was more than enough."
-when you guys do have sex, he goes hard. of course, you've had very slow and intimate sex, but holy shit??? peter likes to fuck you, hard.
-aftercare with him is so special. you want to make sure he feels loved every single time, especially since you are his first intimate partner. you often prioritize his needs before yours, but peter quickly realizes you need to be taken care of too. showers after are quiet, usually you are standing with him under the stream of hot water as you hold each other. you two are connected the entire time. all the way up to the moment you fall asleep, limbs wrapped around each other.
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runa-falls · 1 year
pornstar!moon-boys x fluffer!reader
part two: steven
special shout out to @writefightandflightclub for this masterpiece about feral steven!
a/n: some headcannons bc we filthy up in this bitch >:) this one turned out a bit longer than I anticipated
others: marc | jake | more steven
as a fluffer, it's your job to know how to keep the boys interested. each alter has their own preferences:
(NSFW 18+ under the cut)
steven: the sweetheart
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GIF by moonxknightx
Steven was the second alter you met. And this time, you were the one that was surprised.
Sweet Steven didn't seem like he had any business being a pornstar, but it turns out he's great at it. And the viewers love him.
Especially the ladies.
He's one of the tamer performers, acting as a gentle lover that provides comforting sex or the shy guy who's inexperienced. Viewers love how unapologetically desperate and pussy-drunk he gets on camera, how the slightest touch can set him off.
His most viewed video is him as a naive professor getting seduced then fucked by a slutty student. Needless to say, in most of his work, he's the one getting fucked, not the other way around.
You don't know why he followed in Marc's footsteps, becoming an adult performer, but it was only a few days after he joined the business that he asked for you. It was puzzling at first, meeting a variation of Marc who shares his face and body, but it was clear that they were quite different.
Unlike Marc, Steven craved softness and wasn't afraid to show it.
He reacts best to praise, gentle touches, and kisses like young lovers on a honeymoon. He likes to feel taken care of, ease into it instead of diving right in.
You found out pretty quick that you have to be more careful with him, one wrong move and he's spilling in your hand, eyes glistening with humiliation and embarrassment. Then it's another 15 minutes before the next session.
His sessions alway start with a greeting. Even after all this time, he's still very shy around you, acting like it's a first date rather than a quick fluffing sesh.
"Uh, hello!" He literally waves at you and you're not even three feet away.
"Hey Steven." Your voice is soft with him, as sweet as honey and as tempting as nectar. It's the first step to luring him in.
He always gives you that look even before you step into the room, one of longing and anticipation. Like you're the best part of his day. No wonder his partners are always falling for his shy smiles and dreamy eyes.
You sit on one of the couches in the prep room, gesturing to the spot right next to you, "Come 'ere, babe." He loves it when you call him sweet names like that.
You start with a kiss:
Your hand cradles his jaw and he nuzzles into it, his eyes shut, ready for anything you'll give him. You hear him sigh as you slowly lean in and press your lips gently against his, showering his mouth with small pecks, just enough to leave him wanting.
He whines when you pull away, eyes opening ever so slightly to see where you're going. You barely pull away enough to take your shirt off before he's pulling you back in for hungry kiss, hand on the back of your neck.
Steven can actually be quite demanding when he really wants something. And though most sessions consist of him obediently sitting next to you while you squeeze and tease him, sometimes he loses control.
He loves your taste, the smell of your perfume, and the weight of your body against his. His hands glide and mold over every inch of your body, attempting to memorize your figure for the hundredth time, as your hips roll against him.
You've found the best way to get him hard but not ruined is a few minutes of making out and clothed grinding. He's usually already plenty hard after the first few innocent kisses, but to stay hard, he needs physical touch. Closeness.
But you have to strategically measure it out to get the best results.
The first time, you experimented by giving him head, but he physically couldn't stop himself from fucking your throat. He came with a cry, hand clutched desperately in your hair, forcing your lips to meet the tan skin of his hips. You're sure you'll have that image in your mind for the rest of your life.
Anyone who's witnessed Steven cum first-hand is as lucky as they get. His whimpers could inspire a nun to leave the church.
The second time, you gave him a handjob. He spurted against his t-shirt within a handful (lol) of minutes moaning your name, thighs trembling against yours. You also learned that he's not one to be edged unless the director wants him with tear-stained cheeks and reddened eyes. (sometimes they do though!)
Finally you figured out the best bet: kisses, nuzzles, touches, and grinding.
Steven whines out as you lave your tongue softly against his sensitive neck. His hips attempt to cant with yours, grinding his hardness into your heated center.
"Please, darling. Grind harder on me, I-I need it."
"Mm...No can do Stevie," Your hips raise so he's barely touching you, depriving him of much needed stimulation. "Can't have you busting in your shorts, can I?"
"No no no, ughnn..." He tries to hold your waist and pull you further against him, but you yank his wrists away, pinning them against the couch. "Please, I promise I won't. Jus' need a little more, is all."
You giggle at his frustration, but only answer with a peck on his lips before pulling away. You can actually hear him whimper when you roll off of him.
"I think you're ready, Steven."
"N-no. Not yet. I think I still need more. Yeah, a bit more will do me good!"
You perk an eyebrow as you consider the large tent at the front of his shorts. He looks up at you sheepishly.
"Yeah, I don't think so."
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sturnsdarling · 27 days
the library
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love and cigs, merc
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(!) indicates smut
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!'you're much better company, tough girl'
{insp by sturnioz au} fratboy!matt has met his match with smartand'mean'!reader, and he can't get enough of her
'she's the coolest person I know'
{insp by sturnioz au} fratboy!matt tries to play it cool about him and smartand'mean'!reader spending alot of time together, but fratboy!chris and nate aren't convinced
!'I don't know how to forget you'
matt and y/n have been best friends their whole life, but after a drunken kiss and a night of tangled limbs, everything is changing.
‘I get them too, sometimes'
y/n has an anxiety attack and Matt calms her down the only way he can think of in the moment (based on the ICONIC stydia scene)
'lets just stay here for a while'
{part two of 'I get them too, sometimes' } anxious!reader has an anxiety attack so bff!matt kisses her to calm her down, after, they agree to not go back to the party and just hang out with each other for a while.
!'Dinner and a show'
Matt and his girl go to dinner, but little does he know she has something planned for him when they get home.
!‘never have I ever; shared a girl with my brother'
Matt and Chris’ best friend takes an innocent game of ‘never have I ever’ as her opportunity to ask the boys something she’s always wondered
!'Birthdays in Boston'...incoming
a prequel to 'I don't know how to forget you', and the full story behind the photo of Matt and y/n on the fridge
!'save a horse...'...incoming
you and Matt go to a ranch for your anniversary and end up fulfilling a fantasy of his
!'you look like this song'...incoming
{insp by sturnioz au} smartand'mean'!reader is getting ready in fratboy!Matts room, listening to Nirvana, and he can't keep his eyes off her.
'I told you I'd always protect you'...incoming
{insp by sturnioz au} !matt and smartand'mean'!reader go to a party but her attitude gets her in trouble.
‘it’s just a dream’…incoming
y/n has a nightmare but Matt is there to sooth her back to sleep
‘cherry cola’…incoming
you ask for Matts assistance in dying your hair red
...more tbd
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'are you still awake?'
Chris and y/n had a stupid fight, but he refuses to go to bed angry
!'just need t'feel you around me'
part two of 'are you still awake?', Chris can't keep his hands off y/n once they make amends after an argument.
'stay the fuck away from her'
{insp by sturnioz au} fratboy!chris leaves shy!reader alone at a party for the first time and it goes south, quickly.
'Chris likes girls who don't like him back'
Late night streaming with your best friends turns to a conversation about the boys' type, and Chris gets called out.
!‘never have I ever; shared a girl with my brother
Matt and Chris’ best friend takes an innocent game of ‘never have I ever’ as her opportunity to ask the boys something she’s always wondered
!’take it’…incoming
You and Chris have had sex a thousand times, but this time, after a dirty comment you thought nothing of, Chris’ secret obsession comes to light
lazy days…incoming
Sometimes you just need a pretty girl on your lap and some good music, and that’s what Chris has with his girl.
...more tbd
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'I don't know how to forget you'!mattXreader
love is terrifying, especially when you have something to lose
'Birthdays in Boston'!tripletsXreader
a proper boston family birthday
...more tbd
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*indicates fratboy!mattXreader | *indicates fratboy!chrisXreader | **indicates interaction with both (if it's both, fb!matt is always the romantic interest)
*!'you're much better company, tough girl'
fratboy!matt has met his match with smartand'mean'!reader, and he can't get enough of her
*she's the coolest person I know'
fratboy!matt tries to play it cool about him and smartand'mean'!reader spending alot of time together, but fratboy!chris and nate aren't convinced
*'stay the fuck away from her'
fratboy!chris leaves shy!reader alone at a party for the first time and it goes south, quickly.
**'what the fuck is wrong with you?'
fratboy!matt calls smartand'mean'!reader after the fight, telling her she needs to come look after shy!reader, but after she finds out what happened, she lays into fratboy!chris, giving him the reality check he needs.
*you look like this song'...incoming
smartand'mean'!reader is getting ready in fratboy!Matts room, listening to Nirvana, and he can't keep his eyes off her.
**an unlikely friendship'...incoming
fratboy!chris needs a girls help with a deal, and the only girl he knows he can trust, is fratboy!matts.
*I told you i'd always protect you'...incoming
fratboy!matt and smartand'mean'!reader go to a party but her attitude gets her in trouble.
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!'lemme jus' put it in
how and when I think Chris/Matt would beg for you to cockwarm them
...more tbd
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vngelicc · 2 years
𓆩♡𓆪 “booty so big, lord have mercy,” — jock!jk
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·˚ ༘ 💌 TAGS — creampies!! , protected and then unprotected sex, mean jk, smutty smut, based off of a ask, talks of pregnancy, pouty y/n bc she hates condoms, a little degradation, jk’s ass obsession plays a big part here !
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It's soft and it jiggled. A lot.
Jungkook had this weird obsession with your tits sure, but your ass? That man worshipped it. You in general fit as his ideal type, he loved every single part of you. From your pretty little smile down to your soft plushy thighs.
If Jungkook had to name something he loved (body wise) it had to be both your ass and tits. You were so soft all over he couldn't resist himself. Whenever he'd come over after a long day in classes or at work the first thing he did was lay down and bury his face between those soft mounds of pure heaven.
An added bonus was the fact that you smelled like strawberries. As for your ass, now that was a whole different story.
He always had his hand resting on it, occasionally squeezing or slapping it for fun. He liked the way it jiggled a lot, especially when he fucked you. Whenever he fucked you from behind his eyes would drift down and watch as your cheeks clapped back against his pelvis. He loved it even more whenever he left handprints..
Jungkook knew he was lucky, and he was always smug about it whenever he heard other men complain about how you were taken already. He didn't have to lay his claim over you, one call of your name and you were running to him like a lovesick puppy. You losing interest? Not a chance.
You didn't seem to mind the obsession with your bottom, in fact you welcomed it! You always felt safe and sound in his arms, but him holding your ass cheek in his sleep? That was a win. You almost couldn't sleep if he didn't have his hand on you.
The same thing could be said about your tits. You loved having his marks all over and didn't seem to mind if he slept on them. One of your guilty pleasures you enjoyed was whenever he suckled on your nipple like a baby while he dozed off. It made you sleepy if anything.
Which leads you to your next point, the sex. Now, you both never used condoms or bothered with them because you were on birth control and so far nothing out of the ordinary happened. There was always that tiny percentage of pregnancy happening but you two just said fuck it.
It was highly risky given the amount of times Jungkook came in you. By some miracle from the Gods above somehow you still hadn't gotten pregnant. Jennie would nag about using protection and taking the extra measure to secure no pregnancy. You would whine to her that condoms didn't feel the same!
"But-but, Jennie!" You whine loudly, "I hate the rubber, I hate it, I hate it." You fuss angrily as you give her a little glare.
Jennie rose a brow, "Do you like babies y/n? Would you like to throw your twenties away for a brat?" She puts her hands on her hips disappointedly.
You stare at her with a sad look, "But my baby would be cute."
"And you look cuter without a child, your point?" She rolls her eyes, "You're barely even completing your second year of college you are not ready for a child."
"How about next year?" You tilt your head, giving her a ditzy smile.
Jennie sighs, "How 'bout no?" Your pout deepens and you turn away.
Needless to say you thought about it a lot, and while you did want a baby sometime and would be happy to be pregnant with Jungkook, Jennie was right. You needed to finish school first and start your career before settling down. Plus if you were pregnant that meant you couldn't go to parties with Jungkook anymore.
.... :(
You begrudgingly agreed to the condom idea, reciting in your head this was for your own good and his own good. You bring it up to him over dinner one night when he takes you out to get some late night food.
Jungkook was in the middle of grilling the meat when you spoke up, "Jennie said we should use condoms." You softly say as you watch him flip the meat to grill on the other side.
"Did she?" Jungkook says, not looking up from the task at hand, "And how do you feel about that?"
"I think we should.." You trail off, already grumpy and sour from thinking about having to use them, " 's to make sure I don't get pregnant."
Jungkook hums, "Okay." He says as he looks up at you, "If it's what you want we'll go get some after this."
You whine, "But-but," you pout sadly and give him puppy eyes, "you're not supposed to agree! I hate them."
"Baby," he laughs, "what do you mean? I don't think you know how it works, if you don't like something you have the ultimate say. I'm not going to get angry because you want to use protection." He says calmly whilst placing a few pieces of meat on your plate.
You begrudgingly glare at him, "I know.." You mumble softly and pick your chopsticks up, "I'll think about it, and when I feel ready can we stop?"
"I don't know baby, will we? Up to you." Jungkook says with a hum, "We'll do whatever you want."
The rest of dinner goes smoothly, he pays and drives you both to the nearest convenience store that's a block away from your apartment. "I'm going to get snacks." You smile giddily, already forgetting about what you two originally came for.
"Shit get me some starbursts or something." Jungkook calls out as you both split up to get your respective items.
You eagerly grab your beloved snacks, carrying a little basket around as you grab a cup of ice for a peach tea or something. Jungkook occasionally looks back at you but doesn't say anything when you push past him with a tiny "excuse me".
"Ready?" Jungkook grins, box of condoms already tossed into basket.
"Yeah." You mumble softly, snuggling into his side as you wait for the person in line to pay for their items.
Luckily the cashier doesn't care much about the condoms given that some have the tendency to be nosy and judgmental. You both pay for your items and head out to the car.
"Wait," you fuss over Jungkook and reach over to clean his cheek, "there."
He chuckles softly and starts the car, "You're cute." He sets his hand on your thigh like usual and gets going back to your apartment.
Jennie's car isn't in the parking lot lucky for you, you both head up and go right into your bedroom. "Hi Luna," you coo softly at your little bunny who's sitting in your bed thumping her little legs on the bed excitedly.
"I missed you too." You softly pout, leaning over the bed to caress her little head and smooch it. You don't bat an eye when Jungkook passes by and smacks your ass as he flops on the other side of the bed.
"You want one?" He offers, holding out the bag of candies you had picked out for him.
You shake your head and climb into bed with him, gently setting Luna on the floor as she hops away to her tiny home you have set up somewhere off next to your desk. "I wanna watch My Hero, the villain arc was pretty cool.." You mumbled softly and grabbed your remote.
Jungkook hums with a nod, not verbally replying as he's busy eating his candy. You manage to put the episode on and then turn to snuggle into his side, a leg tossed over his waist as you hug him. "Can I have one now?"
He tilts the bag towards you and you happily take a few to snack on while the episode starts. Jungkook gets comfy with you and wraps a arm around your waist, setting his hand flat against your ass, squeezing the cheek and rubbing his thumb against it.
You smile happily and snuggle close. Like every other night when you're with him Jungkook rubs his hand on your ass and occasionally squeezes it. He's touchy so you don't mind, but you know he's getting horny when he starts to lose all interest in the anime and starts kissing on your neck.
His lips press against your neck and sucks on a small patch of skin. His hand squeezes you tighter before trailing up to the curve of your waist, squeezing you there instead. You quietly sigh, eyes fluttering closed as you lean into his touch, "Jungkook," you whine.
Jungkook hums quietly, pulling away and going to another unmarked area on your neck to leave hickeys. His fingers press deeply on your hips as he noisily sucks on your neck. You can feel your pussy quiver and begin to grow wetter from his teasing.
"Turn over for me." Jungkook whispers against your neck, "Want to see that pretty ass baby."
You bite back a mewl and slowly turn over, raising your hips as you reach to yank your panties down. Jungkook easily helps you with that as he tears them down and tosses them into a random corner in your room. He lifts your hips up so your ass is in the air and your chest is on the bed.
"Damn," he mutters as he massages your soft cheek before suddenly bringing his hand down to smack it, watching it ripple in satisfaction. "So fucking sexy." He licks his lips.
A little groan escapes your lips as you turn to eye him with a pleading gaze. "Want it," you wiggle your ass side to side, "please?"
Jungkook smacks your ass one more time before he leans over to rummage through the bag of snacks, looking for the box of condoms. "Shit, give me a sec baby," he grunts as he finally finds the box and brings it out, tearing it open and tossing it somewhere as he brings the condom up to his mouth, tearing the foil.
You giggle quietly and lift yourself on your elbows, "You're so slowwww."
"Hush," Jungkook slips his sweats down to reveal his hard cock, "you're just a whiny little slut." He grins teasingly as he rolls the condom down on his cock.
You bite your lip in arousal from his words, pussy practically dripping. He taps the tip against your pussy, rubbing up and down your folds. You brace your hands on the bed in anticipation and look back at him, “Kook,” you plead softly.
Jungkook hums, “Stay still.” He reaches down with his free hand to steady you, cock against your hole before he presses in.
You inhale sharply, biting down on your lip as you suppress a quiet little moan. He fills you slowly, cock breaching your little pussy as you struggle to take him all in a smooth stride. His cock throbs a little and you’re angrily reminded of the stupid rubber in the way.
“I said to sit still,” Jungkook smacks your ass hard, “haven’t even fucked you yet and you’re cock drunk.” He gives a disappointed ‘tsk’ as he swats at your other ass cheek.
A loud cry escapes your lips and you deep your arch, hands fisting the sheets tightly. “B-But-But, I want it!” You angrily kick your feet, turning your head to shoot him a deep glare.
Jungkook grabs the back of your head and forces you back down, “And I said to wait.” He licks his lips, “Dumb little slut can’t even listen to simple instructions. Isn’t that right? ‘s long as you got a cock in you you’re happy aren’t you baby?” He coos.
You drool a little into the pillow and you find yourself pushing back against him despite the latter telling you not to. You force his cock deeper inside, ass flush to his hips as you wiggle around. Jungkook grunts in surprise as he manages to swat you once more before holding you still.
“Little brat.” He grunts, “You want my cock that badly? Was going to treat you like the princess you are,” he tuts as he then uses you for leverage, hips slamming into yours, “looks like that’s not happening.”
A loud cry bubbles out of your throat, you feel him start up a brutal pace. Right from the get-go the room is filled with wet smacks and loud thumping. He drives his cock into you, hitting those spots you love. It causes your pussy to grow wetter around him.
“Look at you,” he huffs out breathlessly, “always so good to me, taking me like a good girl.” He licks his lips and grabs both of your ass cheeks as he holds each cheek, “That’s right baby, throw it back for me.”
You whine loudly and brace your hands on the bed as you do your best to move back on him. Your ass jiggles in his hold as you manage to fuck yourself back on his cock. You set the pace, mewling and moaning in pleasure as he fills you over and over again.
“J-Jungkook..!” You gasp out, eyes teary and thighs shaky.
He hums lowly and smacks both of your cheeks, hips still as he watches you fuck yourself on his cock. There’s a audible squelching noises whenever you push back, a ring of creamy white forms around the base of his cock. He suddenly misses the feeling of you making a mess around him.
Jungkook slaps your ass harshly and pins you down, taking over once again as he slams his hips into yours. You cry out in pleasure and brace yourself against the headboard. Jungkook fucks you with all he’s got, like he’s taking his anger out on you or something.
“Fuck,” he moans out, “doing so good for me, wish I could fill your pretty pussy up.” His hips stutter at the mention of coming inside of you.
Your eyes water, vision blurred from the pleasure as you bite down on the pillow to muffle your moans. Jungkook moves his hands up to grip your waist, pounding you deeply as he aims his cock to hit your g-spot with every brush.
“You gonna cum for me baby?” He coos softly.
You nod rapidly and reach between your shaky thighs to rub your clit in fast circles. The pleasure spikes up drastically and Jungkook lets out a soft moan when your pussy tightens around his cock.
“So tight,” he whispers out as he rolls his hips faster and faster.
Your hips jolt, pushing back on his cock firmly as you suddenly cum. Your toes curl and you yelp loudly in pleasure, “Jungkook,” you gasp, “J-Jungkook..!” You whimper loudly.
“What is it baby?” He breathlessly asks.
“C-Cum,” you whimper loudly and squirm around, “want your cum in me.” You mewl.
Jungkook groans, “Fuck,” he wants to so badly but you had told him already, “wish I could baby.” He whispers, stomach coiling as he feels his cock twitch.
You turn to give him a teary puppy gaze, “Please,” you whisper back and reach behind you to part your cheeks for him, “want your cum in me, don’t care about the condom.”
He moans loudly and swiftly pulls out, yanking the condom off as he strokes his cock rapidly. “Fuck baby, hold yourself open for me.” His eyes focus on the way your small hands struggle to hold both of your cheeks apart for him.
Both of your holes were exposed for him, and it didn’t help that the fat of your ass spilled through your fingers. He threw his head back and suddenly pushed in, coming deep inside. “Fuck!”
You mewl happily and let your cheeks go, feeling them jiggle a little as you happily take all of his cum inside. “Mmmm,” you close your eyes and wiggle your hips side to side.
“So much for the condoms.” Jungkook murmured as he ran his palm over your ass slowly.
You smack your lips together sleepily and turn around to smile at him, “I hate them, can we never use them again?”
“Do you want to be my baby mama?” Jungkook smirks back at you.
“Hmmmm… maybe. Not yet.” You giggle loudly as he tackles you, planting face kisses all over you as the night goes on.
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TAG LIST: @fragmentof-indifference @jungkooksseuphoria @kooliv @angelarin @jjeonjjk7 @jungkookminthairwhen @pb-n-juju @ellesalazar
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preeningpisces · 6 months
Geto NSFW Headcanons
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Im gonna try not to be biased because this is my main bitch right here 🖤
Lemme know if you want me to elaborate or write about any of these headcanons
(literally any ask about Geto will make me do somersaults—backflips, even)
18+ content below the cut, mdni, implied chubby f!reader
꩜ Geto is interesting because before he snaps and after he snaps feel like two different vibes in regards to sex
꩜ Doting, almost like a service-dom. He likes taking care of you, but he also prefers to have control. Though not so controlling that he can’t ever be submissive
꩜ Major smooth-talker, like Gojo said, he has a silver tongue. Likes a mixture of praise and degradation. The degradation is usually teasing, and doesn’t extend past the usual slut, whore, etc. range…usually
꩜ Sometimes it comes out corny tho lmfao pls roast him when it does
꩜ Good at making you feel sexy. The type that will kiss you all over, giving extra affection to areas you aren’t as fond of. It’s difficult at first, but with time you become more comfortable
꩜ Very sensual, and intimate. He has good self-control, & is very patient so he can draw things out & drive you crazy. Like he can spend all-too-long just toying with your mouth, denying you the kiss you so desperately want. Barely brushing your lips and teeth with his thumb, before pinching your tongue between fingers. Wowee
꩜ Refuses to kiss you after absorbing curses. Even though no one else can taste them, the thought of tasting like that is enough for for him to refuse; he doesn’t want you to go through it too. Also, tasting shit-vomit in your mouth doesn’t exactly get the schlong schlinging, yknow
꩜ I suspect absorbing curses gives him an immediate surge of negative emotions, so he usually needs space. Sometimes he just wants to hold you, or be held, in silence
꩜ Can be surprisingly playful in bed
꩜ Really likes fucking you from below. Smooshing your soft breasts and stomach against him, and feeling your weight on top of him. Holding you still so he can rail you while whispering sappy, dirty shit in your ear. I’m passing out someone help
꩜ I’ve been poisoned by the perv!geto fics on here, and can’t see him as not being a secret pervert. Just slightly. It takes a while for him to reveal that side to you, since he tries to appear refined and respectable
꩜ Definitely the type that likes music in the background; I see him as someone who cares about music a lot in general. You know he likes you if he’s sharing song recs
꩜ Lots of playlists, and even has a few sex playlists with different moods. Usually prefers things that are chill, but has a few harder-hitting songs—this is why he needs the playlists, lol. He doesn’t like when the vibe changes too much
꩜ One time you sneak Cbat onto his playlist & make him laugh so much he loses his boner. At that point did you really win? Hmm?
꩜ Tbh he’s got game & is aware of it. You gotta humble him occasionally or else he becomes insufferable
꩜ This Geto is a lot more self-centered, aggressive, and sadistic in bed. I wouldn’t say he’s a tyrant tho
꩜ Will legit punish you when you disobey, no funishments here. Big into humiliation
꩜ My heart is telling me shibari, especially the kind that can be hidden beneath clothes. Particular about the color, and will pick ones that flatter your skin tone. Obsessed with the way the ropes pinch and dig into your soft body. He’ll bite and squeeze the parts that spill over the ropes
꩜ One punishment would be walking around secretly tied up, but the style where one of the ropes rubs against your pussy as you walk. It sounds nice at first, but that bitch is gonna chafe for sure
꩜ He’s more selfish than before, yes, but he still maintains a proclivity for doting—we all see how he spoils his daughters! It’s like, he gets his turn first, and when it’s your turn, it's your turn. Multiple orgasm king. He’ll do it until you’re sobbing tho, so pray for your pussy
꩜ Loves making you choke on his cock—gets kind of intense with the bjs. Mfer needs to chill (and buy you some throat lozenges)
꩜ Doggystyle is his favorite without a doubt, he just wants to pin your face to the bed and watch your ass bounce
꩜ A lot of the previous stuff is still applicable to some degree, but I think he has a lot less patience at this point, and is waaaay more into degradation & domination
꩜ He gets legitimately mean sometimes lmfao it’s like you gotta have 2 safewords: one for physical intensity level, and the other for bullying level 😭
꩜ Would he sleep with a non-sorcerer? Honestly, I can’t decide. If he did tho, he would be SO FUCKING MEAN I don’t even want to think about it !!!
꩜ Does he use monkey in bed unironically?? Chat pls advise
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meanbossart · 3 months
Okay but I would love to hear your thoughts on the other spawn
Twirling my hair shifty-eyeing to the side OKAAAYYYYY WELL IF YOU INSIST 🛀
(This is a continuation of this post where I go into some detail about my thoughts on Dalyria, Violet, and Leon ((or "Leonard" as I apparently dubbed him as by mistake))
Let me start with the one I love the most after my sweet well-meaning-child-murdering-doctor Dalyria: Pale Petras.
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First of all, just look at this fucking guy. What a goober.
I pretty explicitly go off-canon when it comes to my theories about Petras. According to him, he has been with Cazador for a hundred years - I find that very, very difficult to believe. Whether I would scrap that line entirely or just tack it as hyperbole is irrelevant - though he does seem to have a knack for the dramatics, or at least he tries to.
Petras immediately strikes me as a newcomer in the group. He's the most lively out of the spawn we chat with and seems to still retain what is a pretty strong, bold personality. He's antagonizing towards Astarion and pretty much sides with Cazador up until his life is on the line - and, most interestingly to me, his immediate reaction after being freed if you instruct them to lead the spawn into the Underdark seems to be one of fear and reluctance, unlike Dalyria who almost immediately takes the responsibility upon herself and seems warm towards Astarion and the player for what they've done.
Abusive relationships don't start abusive. If you've ever been friends with someone who's hooked up with a known serial abuser, chances are that you have had to sit through their attempts at justifying their behavior as foretold by previous partners - "oh, they just weren't a good match", "they both enabled abuse towards each other", "his ex was just crazy, man." This honeymoon period can last anywhere from a few weeks, to several years - until said friend inevitably finds themselves in the exact same cycle that said ex escaped from.
That's Petras. Petras is fresh meat. He's compliant. He's gullible. As a human in a world where you're surrounded by races that live up to several hundreds of years, he's attributed power to longevity - he loves being a spawn. He loves knowing that he will never lose his youthful looks and that his newly-acquired "curse" makes him desirable in it's own, odd way. He thinks this gig is easy - go out, get laid, get fed, rinse and repeat. Sure, sometimes there's a misunderstanding and he gets his joints broken or nails ripped out, but whatever! They grow back! To a vampire with powers of regeneration, dismemberment and scalping might as well be equivalent to ten belt-smacks to the backside just like his father used to give him as a child. Plus, it's never really his fault - If Master knew the truth, he would never set his goons on him at all!
And Oh, he adores Cazador. Not as a friend, a lover, or even a family member - but an aspiration. He sincerely believes that through hard work and resilience he can one day also have his status and fortune. And it shouldn't even be hard to stand out among this angsty little crew - what are they so bent out of shape about, anyway If they spent less time moping and more time working, maybe they wouldn't have such a tough time. Especially -
While it is likely incidental, I find it very ironic that Petras was put in Astarion's early-access outfit. And much less accidental than that: his mannerism and word-choice are a blatant imitation of Astarion's behavior. The flair, the flirting, the flattering and the abrasiveness; I've heard it theorized that this must be how all of the spawn act - I disagree. Petras is the only one we see exhibit that type of demeanor. I think he actively models himself after Astarion because as thick as he might be, he did catch onto the fact that his master has a particular interest in the white-haired elf.
And, of course, Petras hates Astarion for it. He sees him as someone who could have had it all, but gave up on it in favor of being bitter, angry, and naively wistful over his lost life. He has the looks, he has the charm, he had his master's favor, they go out and Petras watches men and women alike swoon over him and laugh at his shitty jokes, to then return home with a long-faced, bratty little shit-head of a toddler-man who would never even understand what the paralyzing loom of mortality is like in the first place - an ungrateful, nepotistic bastard whose had it all handed over to him by daddy, who was loved and fed and given a well-paid job fresh off his teens - but now he has to put a little work in. Now he has to do things that he might find unpleasant. And all he fucking does is whine about it.
Astarion is the personification of everything Petras ever wanted to be before being turned into a spawn, and he accidentally wears it on his sleeve day in and day out. I have no doubt that Astarion is blatantly aware of that fact and it makes his skin crawl - but Dalyria tells him that Petras is too young. Too new. Cut him some slack.
And frankly, I don't think he's evil, either. He strikes me as naive and star-striken. I don't know how long he's been with the Szarrs for, but certainly the light in his eyes would eventually fade over time and he would have had all the zest beaten out of him, same as the others. But, for now - he just doesn't know his own luck.
Admittedly, I have much less to say about Yousen and Aurelia. We don't hear as much as a word out of Yousen, but I've chosen to read the silence of and about his character as indicative that, maybe, he was able to hold onto his sanity and honor the best out of all of them. He had to do what he had to do to survive, but he did it while attempting to withhold any standards allowed to him for his own peace of mind - I like to imagine he had a lot of sincere empathy for all of the spawn, and, while they were never close, him and Astarion exchanged sincere words about their situation a few times during their stay at the palace; just enough to remind the elf that he wasn't alone, but never so much that Yousen would intrude into his space, or add strain to his already fragile state of mind.
And Aurelia... She strikes me as so young and already so beaten. I'd wager that what was once a sweet tiefling girl is now a terrified animal who does absolutely whatever she can to avoid pain and punishment - the snitch of the group, the reluctant ass-kisser, the one who desperately clings to any relief in whatever form it may come - be her master's approval or the shoulder of a sibling she has damned to the kennel more than once out of fear for her own life. Everybody has been hurt, betrayed, and irritated by her - but she's just so god damn pitiful that they can't push her away forever. While she would live, I believe she would have the hardest time adapting to freedom after Violet - just completely dependent on others and burdened by what she's had to do.
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toorusluvr · 2 years
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characters: coach!fushiguro toji x volleyball player f!reader
cw: college!au + volleyball!au + cunnilingus (f!receiving) + penetrative sex + mentions of creeps bothering the reader 
word count: 5k
note from nis: hi everyone so the long awaited part two of f.o.m.l is finally here. the part one was posted before i did my internship and now i’m three weeks away from completing my internship lol i’m so sorry for the delay. so, i hope this part two will keep you entertained and i apologise in advance if it’s not as good as the part one. the part two focuses on the events that happened before part one took place (did i word this right?) anyway, i hope all of you enjoy this part two as a celebration on officially getting toji animated! <3 thank you and have a great holidays! 
[part 1][part 2] 
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Good lord, if Toji was no better than any other men, he would have tried to hit on his student that day. The first time he ever saw you as a woman rather than his student, he almost lost his mind over how fucked up that sounded in his head. He tried to blame himself for ever viewing you as a woman instead of his player but he just couldn’t stop staring at you! 
It was subtle, really. Toji was being subtle with all the staring, not wanting to stir up a crazy controversy around this new place. As a coach, he was supposed to lead his team to victory, not tearing them apart due to his foolish stunt. So, he acted normally like he usually did at his previous college. A grumpy, strict, hot-headed coach he has always been.  
Toji hates… no, he detests disobedience! He will never tolerate anyone talking back to him. Not even a word should be said back to him, no matter who the fuck you think you are. Whenever he asks you to do something, you better do it or else he’s going to lose his shit. You aren’t going to do what he asks you to do? It’s nice knowing you while it lasts. Especially in volleyball. You better follow what the man says. He is not at all nice with his words, he must say that. Most of the time, he would verbally lash out at the players, nitpicking every tiny mistake they make. It’s unbearable at first but hey, that’s how your team got to the final round of volleyball collegiate level! It was a remarkable day and the victory was possible due to Coach Toji’s determination and hard work. 
Coach Toji is never the one to make his players’ sports attire a huge problem in his life. But right now, there is nothing more he hates than how skimpy those shorts look on you at times. He wasn’t a fool! He could clearly see how stupid those college boys look at you in those revealing shorts. They were ogling over you and your teammates. A part of him just wanted to beat the shit out of them for having the audacity to look at what’s not theirs! 
But, he is not any better than those pervs. Coach Toji loves how those shorts look wonders on your legs. The way you stretch your legs on the squeaky floor and the shorts will rise a bit, teasing him with just a small peek of the globe of your ass. Coach Toji does not pay attention to the other players but you… you make him forget that he’s even breathing at the moment. 
Does he regret feeling this way towards his own student? Sometimes, yeah. He’s a grown man and so are you. It’s nothing inappropriate even if it might seem like it. But, he won’t ever act on his dirty thoughts for long as he’s having this job that is keeping him alive. He still has his conscience even if it’s uncontrollable at times. 
Coach Toji isn’t the one who likes having his hands on women he has absolutely no interest in. He avoids touching his players especially but you are an exception. He had to make an exception for you the moment he started to find himself staring at you. The days he started to think you are just what he needs in his life. Another plaything, another toy to keep. Such a precious little thing, his mind would say at every glance he takes. The quiet laughter you share with your teammates, the shy and flustered look every time your eyes meet his piercing gaze. He wouldn’t miss that. Oh, now he definitely knows you want him just as much. You may not want him romantically but it was enough to satisfy him on the you want him sexually part. 
You would think he doesn’t notice the way your body squirms every time he tries to fix your posture before each serve. He indeed notices it and the way your skin turns a bit colder each time his fingertips brush against your skin. The shaky breath you slowly inhale and exhale to calm the raging nervousness set in your heart. Cute. It just drives him to go crazy over you. 
His ‘girlfriend’, the woman he brought as his date to the event, wasn't really his girlfriend. Just another casual fuck buddy that he keeps in case he wants to well… fuck. Better to keep at least someone around anytime he wants to hit. She’s an old friend so no romantic feelings involved and both of them are very clear about it. 
That was merely a stunt to check if you’d get jealous but he never got the answer to his curiosity. You played your part well. Coach Toji was definitely impressed. 
However, a few days later, he received a call from your phone number that he saved in his contacts. Well, well, well, look who came running to him this late at night. Turns out, you couldn’t resist him too, huh? 
The moment he picked up the phone, his heart dropped at the sound of your panicking voice. You were sobbing and crying out for his name. “Coach, I-I’m sorry for calling you at this hour. There are a few guys who are disturbing me… I d-don’t feel safe,” your voice was caught in your throat at the end of the sentence. “Can you get me? Please…” you sobbed, holding your coat tightly to the chest. 
You couldn’t get past the group of guys because there were plenty of them. They were catcalling you and you got scared to walk past them. Calling your coach was the last thing you could do because no one else was nearby the campus at this hour. You went out for the sole purpose of purchasing dinner but then this shit happened. Fuck these guys for making you feel unsafe! 
Coach Toji immediately grabbed his jacket and keys, storming out of his apartment by the campus. “Don’t put the phone down! Stay on the phone with me. I’m coming to get you right now. Stay where you are,” he gritted through his teeth. His anger was off the roof, blood boiling at the thought of you feeling unsafe.
Those men’s faces will meet his fist tonight and he meant it with his whole existence. Whoever puts the people he looks out for in danger is going to be scathed alive. Coach Toji drove to the pinned location where he met a group of men drinking several cans of beer by the road. He spotted you hiding behind the building, hands clutching over your chest. One of the men tried to get you but he never got to approach you as Coach Toji’s fist met his jaw. 
“Don’t you fucking dare make women uncomfortable by your rotten existence, you fucking dipshit,” Coach Toji’s voice seethed. His knuckles burned, slightly scratching his skin off. He was quick to grab you by the hand and you were caught by surprise. Coach Toji stopped in his tracks in front of the group of men. 
“You better get the hell out of here before I call the fucking cops on ya,” he threatened. “If I get one more complaint, on God, I would make sure that each and one of you never sees the lights again.”
Coach Toji didn’t waste any second as he pushed you into the passenger seat. You tried to sob quietly beside your seething coach in his car. He didn’t say a word, just giving you space to calm down. His anger was out of his control but he wouldn’t want you to fear him while being in an unstable condition. He may have some unresolved anger issues but he is not an animal. 
You let your coach take you to wherever he wanted to take you. Knowing him, his players’ safety is under his guidance as well. So, he would never leave you in a place he doesn’t have his faith in. Instead, he brought you to his house by the campus. He’s been staying here for as long as you could remember. 
“Get inside,” Coach Toji instructed. You knew better than saying anything back so you obeyed. The door was unlocked by him and he rushed you inside. “Sit,” he pointed his index finger to the couch in the living room. 
His house was cozy even with the minimal decorations. No clutters except a number of beer cans on the dining table. Maybe he had a few drinks with people before this happened. You sat on the couch and the tears that overflowed before had left its stain on your face. Coach Toji went to his kitchen to grab a bottle of mineral water before handing it to you.
“Tell me what happened.” The screeching sound of the chair being dragged across the marble floor interrupted the silence. Toji placed the chair in front of you and sat across you, manspreading with his elbows planted above his knees. His jet black hair hair was damp, sweats sticking on his forehead. The black t-shirt stretched against his muscular body every time he moved. 
You explained to him that you were buying dinner take outs for yourself and you were on your way home when you stumbled upon the group of guys. They were drunk catcalling you, terrifying you to walk past them. You were stuck because that path was the only way home and out of there. Calling Coach Toji was your only option because he lives near campus and could come to get you as soon as possible. 
Coach Toji let out a heavy sigh. “Those bastards,” he gritted through his teeth. He got up and stood in front of you, keeping both of his hands inside his pocket. 
“Do you know any self-defense?” He asked. 
As embarrassing as it gets, you never really learned basic self-defense. There is no time to learn because of the time you spend on volleyball practices. “No, Coach. Sorry, I don’t know any,” you blurted out. 
“Don’t,” he retorted. “Don’t apologise.” 
Your eyes met his stare. It was instinctive to apologise for not knowing any because most of the time you ever hold a conversation with this man is when he is scolding you or your team members. 
“Sorry, Coach.” It was too late to realise what just came out of your mouth. Another apology that Coach Toji refused to hear. He let out a heavy sigh, clearly disappointed. 
“You think you can sweat tonight?” Coach Toji asked. His black orbs held its gaze with yours for a moment. 
You were clueless but you just said yes to his question. “Good. I’ll teach you basic self-defense. Come closer,” he instructed. “Leave your bag and takeout bags. They are not coming with you.”
Oh, right. You were still holding your shoulder bag and takeout bags in your lap. Putting aside your belongings, you got up and straightened your pullover and jeans. 
Coach Toji’s eyes landed on your outfits. “Those jeans are not going to make do. Do you have your shorts on?”
Safety shorts. You always put them on every time you wear jeans because it’s easier that way. No underwear lines. “Yes,” you hastily answered. 
Coach Toji could feel blood rush to his groin. Fuck. But, he wasn’t going to take advantage of you. He wanted to teach you some basic self-defense moves so it would be useful. He would hate for you to use it though because he doesn’t want any bastards near you to put you in any danger. 
“Put them on,” he commanded. 
You nodded hesitantly. Coach Toji hurriedly looked away so you could take your jeans off. He noticed you were clearing your throat awkwardly so he assumed you’re done. He cleared his throat next, “Alright. Come forward.” 
You did as told. Coach Toji took a step forward too, “First, stand with your feet apart. Align it with your shoulders. You know this. It’s a basic stance.” Within a second, you prepared yourself in the first stance. Coach Toji let out a disapproved noise. He checked your stance and moved his hand to widen the stance of your legs. His skin brushed against your skin and the contact burned you. 
Coach Toji felt the warmth emitted from your skin. “Next, you put your hands up like this,” Coach Toji showed the moves. You tried following and he nodded after your stance convinced him that it’s correct. He let out a satisfied hum before moving closer to fix the stance. 
“The next move requires flexibility. Just like how you did in volleyball. It’s easy. Move your legs like this. Raise them higher,” Coach Toji’s large hands gripped on your left thigh and moved them upwards, lifting your legs to kick the air. 
You let out a deep sigh as you felt the burning sensation over your inner thighs. “I think I pulled a muscle,” you winced in pain. Coach Toji furrowed his eyebrows. He didn’t think you pulled a muscle, maybe it’s just a light strain. 
“Sit down,” he pointed his index finger to the couch and you obliged. Coach Toji inspected your smooth thighs, his fingers running along your skin. His other hand gripped on your flesh with a firm grip. 
“I don’t think you pulled a muscle,” he confirmed. 
You bit on your lower lip. Maybe it was a false alarm? 
“Um, okay, Coach.”
Coach Toji raised one of his eyebrows at you, “You didn’t stretch properly.”
The tone of his voice was hinting on accusing you for not stretching properly. You felt offended somehow because you did stretch properly before learning the self-defense mechanism. But, it’s only normal for him to have an accusatory tone because that’s how he has always been. 
“Quiet already?” Coach Toji asked, staring straight into your eyes. He let out a heavy sigh again. “I thought you girls are so talkative even when I am around. Ya think I didn’t know what you guys were talking about me the other day?” 
Your heart dropped at the sudden mention of the other day’s incident. It’s none other than the woman herself who told him about it. Coach Toji had a good laugh after the woman told him about it. Well, she wasn’t wrong about it neither did his players. 
“I- well, we…” your words trailed off, not knowing where to begin to defend yourself. “It was a joke. I apologise on behalf of my teammates. I assure you it will not happen again.” 
“So, you think my sex life is a joke to you girls?” He blurted out. Coach Toji was not being serious about it but it was exciting to see the panicked look on your face. You looked so helpless right now and it rubbed his ego in the wrong way. 
Your cheeks heated, your breath became unsteady, palms turned colder the moment he said that in your face. No one was supposed to overhear the stupid conversation that put you in trouble right now. It was a foolish bet that could possibly hurt no one. But, luck wasn’t on your team’s side that day. Coach Toji’s girlfriend heard it all and placed her bet on it too. 
That stupid little game put you in trouble and you became the hero that saved your teammates the trouble. Gosh, being the hero doesn’t sound so good right now. Not with the killing stare Coach Toji was giving you. 
“Maybe it’s about time for me to stress that you girls really need to mind your own business. My sex life has nothing to do with you people,” Coach Toji sternly said. He noticed your jaw ticked, eyebrows furrowed when he scolded you for the mess that your teammates created. 
“Again, Coach. I apologise on behalf of my teammates. It was a foolish bet that has nothing to do with you,” you gulped, shaky eyes and heavy breaths. Coach Toji shrugged, dismissing your apologies. 
He found it funny that he didn’t find it offensive at all but God, did he try to control himself from not spoiling you right there and now. Coach Toji was about to lose everything on his goddamn mind seeing that innocent face of yours trying to make up for the team.
“Oh, sweetheart. If only you knew,” the man sighed. “Want to see it for yourself so you can brag to your teammates all about it?” 
Your eyes shivered. That wasn’t how you planned to describe what you were feeling in that moment but for sure your eyes did shiver! Every hairs on your body rose, skin prickled with heat in embarrassment or arousal – it was either of them, you were not quite sure which of them was it. 
“I- no, that is not what I meant,” you stuttered in your place. Both of your feet were stuck to the floor. You could not move an inch because Toji was staring daggers at you. His piercing gaze could kill you, steal all of your breaths and finally, leave your body on the floor. 
“Ever dreamed about me, doll?” Coach Toji took a step forward, and you could feel the warmth of his muscular body emitting. His black shirt hugging every inch of his biceps and that rock hard abs. The man brought his one hand over your face, cupping your delicate jaw. The friction between your shorts and the restraining tent on his pants flipped the switch in your brain. 
Your breath hitched again. “I’ll take that as a yes,” you heard him whisper just beside your ears. His minty breath tickled your already heightened senses. Coach Toji’s palm landed on your stomach, pushing you onto the couch. His very much larger build hovered on top of you. 
That man’s mind was a battlefield. He didn’t know what he should do at this moment other than wrecking you. A part of him wanted to go gentle but he said fuck it, and just do whatever his guts were telling him to do. He could not waste this chance. He wanted to show you how a real man should satisfy his partner, though you aren’t really his to begin with. As long as you get to taste just an ounce of his intention, he’s fine with it. 
“Do you want this, doll? Whatcha say?” Coach Toji’s voice broke the silence again. Slowly, he lifted your chin to meet his eyes. 
Your breath staggered, chest rising up and down heavily. Without any hesitation, you nodded your head – not knowing what the future has in store for you. It was all in the heat of the moment and you could not deny the heat pooling in between your legs. 
Coach Toji’s lips caught your lower lip. Gently, he nibbled on the soft lips he sneakily admired from afar. The urge to just devour you was getting stronger each second. Coach Toji’s impatient hands almost ripped your shirt out. But then he thought you deserved better than that. He wanted to at least be respectful of your current state. He groaned into your mouth as his hands snuck their way in your shirt. His calloused hands lightly stroked your stomach, igniting a fire in your systems. 
You let out a soft pant as he removed your shirt for you. If it were up to him, the shirt would be ripped off in a millisecond but he was holding himself back. It was a surprise to him too. He was never patient, he would admit.
Coach Toji looked down to where your nipples were poking through the material of your bra. A smirk plastered across his face seeing you got aroused. Your back was comfortably laid on the couch and Coach Toji’s huge frame looming on top of you. The man’s minty breath ghosted over your neck, littering soft kisses on the thin skin. He sucked and nibbled on your skin, instantly decorating it with the red marks. 
Your fingers clawed on his ripped back, careful to not make it sting. Maybe it was the chemical reactions in your system, but you couldn’t defy the electrifying feeling to grind against the man’s forming tent. His lips left traces on your skin as he went lower and lower. 
“Oh, God,” you whimpered once he situated his face in between your thighs. A smirk plastered across his manly, “sculpted by God himself” face. He roughly pulled down your pants, almost ripping the fabric into tiny pieces. He was growing impatient as time passed by. He couldn’t just stand there trying to refrain himself from spoiling you. You turned him this way, and he wasn’t complaining one bit. 
Right now, you wanted to run away so bad. But, the way Coach Toji was looking at you as if you were the greatest gift that has ever happened to him, successfully changed your mind. The way his gaze glistened with pride once he undressed you naked. His eyes observing every inch of your body with the smug smile on his face. His calloused hands reached for your thighs, circling both of them with his hands. 
“So fucking tempting,” he grunted in his deep raspy voice. “How could I not love this sight?”  
Coach Toji continued to taunt you as your body squirmed underneath him. He couldn’t let himself be patient any longer. The man ensured you were watching him the moment he spat on your cunt, and you shivered feeling the warmth of the liquid. 
You felt a long lick along your folds, back arched against the couch with your eyes shut. A burning sensation electrified your whole body. This feeling made you feel like you were a brand new woman. Nothing ever felt like Coach Toji’s tongue, not even your exes. Is this because he’s far more experienced? But, God, was it so good that you almost cried that night. 
Coach Toji threw a look at you, eyes shut closed — not daring to meet his eyes. Cute. 
His tongue sucked and nibbled on your folds before it moved to your clit. A cry escaped past your lips as he sucked hard on the bundle of nerves. Your instant reflex was to tug on his hair and he was pissed off. But, he fucking loved the way you pulled on his hair when he was devouring you like this. So precious for him. And obedient too. He would do anything just to have you in his home again. 
“Ah! Please!” You cried out after trying so hard to keep your noises to yourself. You were panting heavily, eyes finally met the man’s piercing gaze staring up at you. The scar on his lips lifted as a smirk plastered across his face, daunting you with mischief. 
Coach Toji went back up, towering you once again. “Please what, doll? Use your big girl words. You’re a smart girl. Try harder.” 
Your heart almost jumped out of your chest at his words. “Please… give me more, sir,” the word ‘sir’ hung in the air. Only Coach Toji’s steady breathing accompanied the silence. His blood rushed to his already half hard cock at the name you just called him. This might be the first time he is affected by the sound of your voice. 
“Give you what?” Coach Toji smirked. 
You gulped, your throat burned at throwing the words out of your mouth. Before you spoke, your breath hitched, stopping you to form coherent sentences. “Please use your cock on me, sir,” your lips trembled once you spat the words out loud. Loud enough for him to hear you. 
“Good. That’s what I thought,” he sighed. “Let me stretch you out before I use my cock on you, hm, doll?” 
That statement gave you chills. You peeked at his fingers. The girth of his fingers made it hard for you to breathe. It’s gonna burn, for sure. Coach Toji commanded you to look at him. You got scared of his stern voice. With nervousness coiling your stomach, you kept your eyes on Coach Toji, paying attention to every one of his acts. 
He brought two of his fingers to his lips, wetting them in his mouth. Saliva coating his two fingers right after, followed by a loud pop sound. “Tell me if it hurts,” he muttered under his breath. Your back arched once again once you felt his two fingers slid so easily inside your cunt, penetrating the tight walls with its girth. Once his thumb found your clit, you felt this swirling feeling inside of your stomach. The circular motion got your head spinning and panting for more. 
Coach Toji watched your breasts bounce up and down with an awe smirk plastered across his face. Your eyes shut closed, hands clutching on the couch. Feeling his lust got the best of him, his mouth then covered one of your nipples and gave them a hard suck. Your breath hitched again before letting out audible moans. 
The squelching noises that filled his living room echoed in the back of your mind. Your moans and his grunts mixed all together. “C-coach, wait, wait,” you paused. 
His eyebrows furrowed when you called out for him. But, he didn’t pull his fingers out and kept his steady pace. Your face washed with pleasure and struggled to get the words out. 
“Wh-what about your girlfriend?” You finally uttered the question you have been meaning to ask before this happened. His girlfriend would kill you if she found out that her boyfriend is secretly screwing his student behind her back. 
“She is not my girlfriend,” he asserted. Coach Toji met your gaze, “Don’t worry about a fucking thing. You are mine tonight.” He dared to say that with his two fingers languidly stroking your insides, abusing your tight walls with pleasurable pain. 
You moaned once again, climax almost washed all over you. Coach Toji bit on his inner cheeks, grunting as he drew firm circles on your clit, flicking the sensitive bud to give you the orgasm that you never had before him. And when it hit, you found yourself screamed in a high-pitched scream as you had your first orgasm. You were gasping for air but Coach Toji covered your mouth with his addictive kiss. 
His sexy lips nibbled on your lower lip, softly sucking on your plump lip before he terrorised your mouth. As his one hand cupped your jaw, the other free hand rashly undid his pants and his briefs. Once he undressed himself, he let out a groan after breaking the kiss. He never wanted to let go of your lips at that moment. 
You looked down at his throbbing cock in his hand. The length and the girth gave you a second thought. 
Will it fit? 
Will it hurt? 
It’s terrifying enough just at the glance of his dick. 
“Bend your legs for me, love,” he murmured. When you did, he wasn’t satisfied. So, Coach Toji took the matter into his own hands and bent your legs as far as you could. You hissed in pain but surprisingly, he kissed the pain away. 
Coach Toji sighed the moment the warmth of your slick touched his cock. He slid his length along your folds, just rubbing it back and forth, tormenting you with hasty moves. You winced because of the sensitivity after coming down from your high. 
“It’s- it’s sensitive,” you cried a plea.
Coach Toji held your thighs open before he buried his cock inside you. God, it was so warm and he almost lost his mind that night. Your walls were squeezing around his tip so tight. He slowly bottomed out but that only made you cry louder. It was painful but in a good way. The pain was minimal because you were already stretched out by his fingers earlier. 
His head was thrown back once his length was fully inside you. Slowly, he rocked his hips to set his pace. You sobbed back a tear, watching his cock sliding in and out of you. Indescribable feelings clouded your mind, disabling you to form coherent sentences. His stroke was so damn good, you were sure you almost wished tonight to never come to its end. 
Your legs kept on closing against your will because of the building climax. Coach Toji grunted under his breath as his frustration grew from keeping your legs open. 
“You need to be more flexible, doll,” he hissed. “Your legs need to be stretched out more.”
Whatever he said didn’t make sense to you when he got you all speechless. You let him belittled you and all he ever received was a bunch of whines and cries. Coach Toji watched every single of your facial expressions as his cock hit every sensitive spot inside your inviting cunt. 
“Fuck, I already love your pussy, baby,” Coach Toji groaned before giving another thrust that gave you a loud moan. “I am not changing my mind about your pussy,” his minty breath hovered in the corner of your lips. His tongue slid into your mouth, his bare hand fondling and pinching on your hardened nipples. 
His pace was ruthless, leaving your tongue tied. You were sure it was going to leave you limping the following day. Coach Toji wrapped your legs around his waist, pounding into you so hard. You were nothing but tears and snots in the comfort of his living room. He introduced all sorts of new unlocked feelings that night. But, you couldn’t help thinking of the consequences of tonight’s event tomorrow and the day after. What will happen between the both of you? What if someone finds out?  How are you going to look at him in the eyes during practice? How’s your future going to look like? Are you just another one of his fucktoy? 
The overthinking collides with your urge to come around his cock for the second time. And he gave it to you willingly. The high that you never expected you’d experience in your lifetime. Truly, Coach Toji knows how to fuck. It leaves you wondering if he makes love just as good as he fucks. 
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spacebarbarianweird · 8 months
Hi there, I had this fun idea - while the tinkerer class isn't playable in BG3, can we pretend for a while that it is? You know, Tav and Astarion both showing middle finger to all the gods... Tav can even help him with his condition. Some gadget blocking the sun, artficial blood, stuff like that. Honestly, the of them being this steampunk couple of a vampire rogue and Tav with enhanced crossbow or a gun has made my day. So - do you have aby headcanons about that?
OR perhaps Astarion and an Alchemist who likes to trick people too if that makes you happier? 😉
You are the first to request Artificer! People forget this class since it's not in the game, though, it's official. But some DM believe the Artificers bring unnecessary steampunk vibes.
There is also some naughty, to say the least, stuff, let me know if you want more of this.
Astarion x Artificer!Tav
In the realm of magic, you are that bitch who brings a gun to a knife fight.
You construct machines and mechanisms out of nothing, enchanting them with unique techno-magic,
Armour to withstand necrotic damage? A healing helmet? A prosthetic hand? A full-time "living" creature, a Nimblewright?
There is nothing you can't do with your crafty hands.
Things are complicated in terms of love.
You are more interested in cogs and gears rather than dates and sex.
You've tried once and it was a huge "ugh".
Virginity is wasted for nothing.
So, you've also learned to make sex toys but it's this side job you pray no one will ever know about.
But customers are never unsatisfied though you sometimes get in trouble.
Mostly, the owners of local brothels try to accuse you of lewd misconduct.
You are finally tired of all this shit and decide to move places.
And the mindflayers take you.
You easily escape, making small machines out of debris to help you survive this madness.
You construct armor, and you enhance swords.
Magic sucks, behold the science!
Astarion makes moves to you, successfully seducing you.
And let's say, none of your inventions have ever satisfied you the same way this troubled vampire does.
You think you are in love. And you believe he is, too.
But later he confesses to you that it was a lie.
He used you. And he is sorry.
You are heartbroken, at the very least. You feel used.
You break up with Astarion, leaving him alone in his misery.
But it doesn't mean you want him to suffer - you kill his master, secure his freedom.
When it all ends, he starts burning alive - running to the shadows, like a rat chased by cats.
You feel bad, especially when you hear vicious mockery from your friends.
But you fail, losing his track underground.
That night, you cry.
The thing is, you've never stopped loving him. You were just too stubborn to admit it. Besides, gods, Astarion tried to be honest for the first time in his fucking life.
And you punished him for opening his heart.
What a vile creature you are?
Half a year later, you meet him at the party.
Astarion looks happy - he is an adventurer and a hero, living his life to the fullest.
And he tells you something that makes your heart stop.
"I wonder if we could be together after all, you know. But it seems like you have a new life, and I am happy for you."
You take his hands in yours and ask him to go somewhere private.
Then, you apologize. You say how much you've missed him and that you love him. And you want to be together.
Instead of an answer, he hugs you.
"There is nothing I want more," he whispers.
In the morning, you leave together to find a place that fits both of you.
Living with Astarion is worth of effort, but sometimes it's almost unbearable.
His nightmares, his breakdowns.
You wonder how tf he survived on his own all these lonely months.
You open your artificer shop in Neverwinter, and Astarion becomes a professional monster hunter.
Thanks to you, he doesn't need to hide in the shadows.
You make him a cape that creates a field protecting him from the sun. The eye lenses to make his eyes green.
You also learn alchemy - first, to make potions to ease his nightmares and anxieties.
Later, you make them to satiate his hunger.
Your crafty hands also come in use in healing his sexual trauma.
Astarion craves intimacy, he wants to enjoy sex. He just can't make himself undress and make love to you.
Problem solved - he can fuck you with a toy you've constructed while being fully dressed and in control.
You also use some of your inventions on Astarion, helping him to reconnect with his own sexuality.
One day, he pins you to the bed, making love to you without any extra tools.
It's been such a wild night that your neighbors "politely" asked to install soundproof shields.
You keep learning alchemy, making more and more potions, and one day you finally get your answers.
There is a way to make Astarion mortal without interfering with dark magic or soul-retrieving pacts.
Science, bitches.
Astarion is hesitant. He is eager to drink any potion you make, but being transformed back into a mortal is very extreme.
You ask Astarion to bring him test subjects.
He drags you a deranged vampire, one of the most miserable Cazador's victims - completely insane, almost an animal, that was hunting in the dark caves.
And it works.
The deranged vampire turns into a deranged mortal. But mortal.
Astarion takes the potion, but, maybe, it's because of how long he's been a vampire or because he's an elf, he doesn't turn immediately.
He falls to the floor comatose.
He stays like that for a month, a terrible and long month when you think you've lost him.
One evening, you hear a strange sound.
He breathes in his unconsciousness.
You put your hand on Astarion's chest.
You did it. You cured him.
He wakes up with you on his chest, dizzy and exhausted with some memory gaps.
Piercing you with his natural green eyes.
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turbulentscrawl · 8 months
i haven't seen lots of edgar content lately,, maybe general hcs for edgar valden if you can? :D
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-Edgar is a tunnel-visioned, broken-hearted creator who spends most of his energy seeking out the meaning of life and a reason to live. After the death of his mother and sister, he gave up on fulfillment through love or friendship, and now appreciates the world only through his art. Otherwise, he is apathetic. He does remain cordial with people, though, like his mother taught him to be.
-Edgar is an observer in most senses of the word. He rarely cares to devote energy to conversation himself, so he watches and listens instead. He doesn’t have much remaining interest in participating in the ‘game’ that is society, or the subtle mind-games it requires, but he is intrigued by other people’s reactions to them. When he does interact with others, he expects it to be strait-laced. Anything else is a waste of his time. (In short, he’s nosey. He enjoys knowing all the gossip but very rarely spreads it himself.)
-In that same vein, if Edgar has a specific opinion on something, you know it’s because that something has inspired him in some way. Edgar is a Centrist and does not hold very strong views of political or social situations one way or the other. In general, he thinks it’s best to let people do what they want, so long as it doesn’t interfere with what he or anyone else wants.
-Since the betrayal of his master, he’s developed a strikingly low tolerance for interruptions and interference. Edgar’s artistic muse is the most important thing in life to him, and he’s already lost it once. He’s not willing to lose it again, and does not give a damn about what anyone else thinks about his methods of maintaining it.
-Edgar was used by people for so long for his artistic skills that he has a hard time connecting with anyone who’s first interest in him relates to that. Ironically, with time Edgar gets along well with people like Kevin, who was confrontational and distrusting of Edgar in the beginning. Kevin did not give a fuck about Edgar’s art, and disliked him for some entirely different principal. And his art neither salvaged Kevin’s opinion nor won him over when they were finally on neutral terms. People like that can be trusted to be genuine, as far as Edgar is concerned, and frankly Edgar doesn’t see conflict as a dealbreaker for friendships or relationships. Disagreements happen.
-He’s physically weak—this boy has never seen a day of recreational exercise in his life. He is, however, not squeamish or easily disgusted. He dislikes what he perceives as ugliness, but has no issues witnessing or interacting with dirt, grime, or gore. He’s also not easily frightened and tends to be one of the more level-headed survivors in matches. He holds a similar reverence to death as Aesop and isn’t afraid of dying in matches. Some little part of him wishes it could be permanent—as some final devotion to his art, his Swan Song.
-Edgar cross-dresses sometimes. He needs no particular reason for it, as far as he’s concerned, but if you must know it just comes down to ‘he likes what he likes.’ And he likes flowy skirts. He’s not the type to let the gender roles of a society he’s not even part of anymore dictate what he wears. Were he alive in a modern world, he may identity as Agender. He doesn’t care much about gender and just presents however he feels like on a given day.
-Outside of his art studio and bedroom, Edgar is terrible at keeping track of things. He’s blind to anything he sets down outside of those two spaces, it simply no longer exists to him. Other people in the manor are often returning his things to him (especially Joker, who has a knack for finding things without even knowing they were lost.)
-When he was younger, he was taught several other skills that were normal for young men of high class. Piano and dancing, for instance. he didn't like them enough to practice much after his mother died, but he's still decent at them.
-Edgar has commandeered several hallways of the manor to hang his art. He’ll probably take over more later—he’s got an eternity to make his art, after all.
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thecouchshifter · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel NSFT HCs
He’s a service top and probably the biggest on checking boundaries and aftercare, like more than Charlie and Vaggie. His biggest priority is making sure whoever he’s with has a good and safe time. He’s got experience and he knows how to make anyone feel good. Also whenever someone calls him a manlet he will remind them that height doesn’t matter when you’ve got them on their knees anyway.
Charlie and Vaggie
Put them as a duo because who else are they boning? As a general note, they’re both switches and Charlie is the more experienced one of the two, though mostly with men. They’re generally pretty vanilla but have some light kinks and sometimes do some roleplay.
Vaggie loves a good strap, pulling Charlie’s hair, and biting when topping/domming and has a fucking insane praise kink when bottoming/subbing. Also likes the fact Charlie is taller than her in both (shadow of the colossus type shit or being absolutely towered over). Uses princess or doll to refer to Charlie while domming and generally uses ma’am or my queen while subbing.
Charlie is super soft and romantic when topping/domming and absolutely has to touch and kiss everywhere. When subbing/bottoming, she likes some soft under the bed restraints, maybe a blindfold every once in a while, and has a bit of a mommy kink. Either way she likes setting the scene with some candles and flower petals because she’s extra like that. Has a big praise kink too that goes both ways. Uses sweetheart and more recently little angel when domming to refer to Vaggie and when subbing pretty much exclusively uses mommy. Has one very pretty old school lingerie set that she will whip out when she really wants to impress Vaggie.
There’s no polite way to say it, she’s a fucking freak. Doesn’t matter how you do it she’s gonna do some crazy shit to you or ask you to do some crazy shit to her. Crazy on masochism and sadism in particular. 90% of the bad boys she plays with get scared after the first time and she quickly loses interest after that. Such is the way of Nifty.
Sir Pentious
He prefers romance to sex but if it helps him bond with a partner he’ll do it. Sadly, nobody has actually stayed with him past the first date before. He’s a hopeless romantic but hopes one day he’ll find someone who loves him for him. If he did bone, he’d be really awkward about it and not really know what he was doing but inconceivably keep falling upward and in the end do a really good job. After the fact he’d need a solid 20 minutes to recover while just laying there in shock before thanking his partner profusely.
Cherri Bomb
She has fucked a lot of ways and is generally open to trying anything. Has a few utterly bizarre kinks and fetishes. Not even particularly disturbing just very oddly specific. Like fleshlight between the legs while a replica dildo of her partner’s dick fucks her and their real dick fucks the fleshlight type strange.
Angel Dust
I mean sure he’s down for pretty much anything but slow, romantic, vanilla sex is his fucking kryptonite. He doesn’t get it in the studio or god forbid with Val, so when he does he’s surprised for a minute before he gets completely lost in his partner’s eyes. Don’t get me wrong he loves kinky shit, especially bondage, but getting back to basics is such a treat for him. Very into body worship for a similar reason. Boy just wants to feel loved. Has a set of lingerie for every occasion
“Ha! No.”
Vox likes to think of him as a massive sub tho.
He’s a switch that will absolutely commit to the bit if he’s doing any kind of roleplay or D/S stuff. This man is a grade A actor to the point where Lilith was worried on several occasions as to if he was possessed. He has had millennia to perfect his technique and you will find no soul in hell bar maybe Asmodeus who knows how to use all the tools at his disposal better than him. Has a bit of a ringmaster/circus fantasy and has referred to Lilith as his little acrobat multiple times. Lilith also gets a bit worried when Lucifer is horny because it usually means he hasn’t taken his depression meds. Calls Lilith goddess a lot too.
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escapedaudios · 9 months
Grouchy rant/Audio roleplay pet peeve: I lose it when a character's description based on exposotion/backstory doesn't actually align with their actual on-screen actions. This is especially bad with Listener characters because a lot of VAs/writers just don't know how to write Listener action, or neglect to let Listener characters interact with anyone other than their love interest.
It's so aggravating. A character will be like "This is my fiance, Demon-Stomper 9000 (but I call her Pookie). She's stomped a hundred demons and she's gonna stomp a hundred more. Sometimes I've gotta be like 'woah Pookie, you've gotta stop stomping so many demons, you might hurt yourself'."
Then when a demon is actually on screen Pookie is just like 🧍‍♀️
On my soul, give the Listener some *flavor* and let them DO SOMETHING. On screen! It doesn't even have to be in action scenes, like just for fucks sake show don't tell for once. It's very much possible within the realm of audio roleplay, it just takes a little bit of thinking and a couple of sound effects. Trust me, you'll accomplish more characterization with five minutes of them actually doing something than you would with a hundred hours of expositional backstory.
This happens with speaker characters too, and it's awful. The title of the series will be like "Mafia Boss: Criminal Chronicle [Strangers to Lovers]" then in the actual audios the mafia boss never actually commits any crimes or involves himself in anything illegal and doesn't even talk about crime. He just wears expensive suits and has a really deep voice.
Quick rule: if the audience could listen to the full length of a mafia audio and not be able to tell that the character was in a criminal organization, you didn't make a mafia audio. You just didn't, idgaf what the title says. Image watching a whole episode of the Sopranos without crime being mentioned even once. It would suck. Same with werewolves, vampires, or whatever other trope is getting abused this week.
IDK why this is such a problem in the audio roleplay medium compared to every other medium ever. We've got mafia bosses that don't commit crimes, we've got werewolves who don't turn into wolves, we've got pirate captains who don't commit piracy, we've got vampires who don't drink blood, and we've got yanderes who don't, uh, yander. It's out of control. Just commit to the character type you said you would write in the first place.
This was way longer than I intended it to be so TL;DR: Show don't tell still applies in audios, Listener characters can and should take an active role in the story, and please PLEASE stop marketing your characters around tropes that you neglect to actually write into your audios.
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pyr0lagnia · 4 months
don't know how to put into words how exciting it is to see this blog!! willing to write dark tf2 stuff?!? thank you thank you thank you 🛐
ahhhh and ur art is beautiful!!
sorry if im bothering u at all and i don't wanna bombard u. since demoman is ur fav, would u be willing to write some yandere headcanons for him perhaps? 👉👈
AHHH !! NONNIE U DONT KNOW HOW MUCH I APPRECIATE IT !!! ur not bothering me in the slightest dw abt it at all!!!! since i joined the fandom about a month ago i QUICKLY noticed the lack of dark stuff, it made me so so sad cuz these guys all have such potential sigh </3 ALSO THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING MY WIFE FOR MY FIRST EVER RQ!!! ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
tw for : unhealthy behavior, intoxicated/noncon groping and stuff. i dont go too in depth in this.
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𖦹 out of most, he is probably one of your safest bets if he gains a fixation on you.
𖦹 he tries to worm himself into any aspect of your life as he can, he tends to be more annoying than anything at first. if you're compliant or reciprocating, most red flags don't tend to pop up!
𖦹 basically this only works if things go his way. a few plot twists he can handle! he keeps himself in check for the most part, he loves your quirks and doesn't mind a few diversions!
𖦹 but things still need to end with you starting to like him just as much as he likes you.
𖦹 he's a bad enabler, he will especially encourage an alcohol dependence if you show interest. he'll be your bombastic cheerleader as you destroy your own liver.
𖦹 you're so much more pliant when you're drunk! unfortunately he's not a master manipulator when he is drunk too. so, he just uses the pliancy to get touchy feely.
𖦹 you are just there enough to process the discomfort as he loudly kisses your neck and grips your hips like you're a toy.
𖦹 understandably the first time he gets like that you would put a distance between yourself and him because of the deep feeling of embarrassment and shame
𖦹 really bad fucking idea!
𖦹 despite the headstrong persona, he is deeply insecure. until the sudden cut off, he was sure things would be going his way. he'd let you off the hook in a weird hope you were just flustered, for about a week.
𖦹 after so long he WOULD come to you and be like. the fuck are you up to? in a drunken haze, he would loom at the entrance to your doorway and not move much from there.
𖦹 it'd probably be about 4 am, you'd blink the sleep out of your eyes and be like. the fuck are YOU up to?
𖦹 silence, weird and unlike him. just for a moment.
𖦹 "eh… I wanted tae make sure there wasn't any ill blood atween us. I dinnae wanna lose ye. " he spoke, reeking of drunkenness.
𖦹 before you could reply, opening your dry mouth- " we're good teammates, right? i'm aye sticking out fur ye, lassie! there'll be a bottle o' scrumpy I will leave out fur ye fur whenever yer feelin' better. aye? aye. nighty night! "
𖦹 door slam. okay, well, right!
𖦹 you'll ignore the uncanny, fervent tone he had. it was like he was warning you, but was unsure of how truthful he wanted to be about it.
𖦹 you were too tired for this shit.
𖦹 he decides the next day, nothing happened. he keeps close to you.
𖦹 whenever you decide you want to be around someone other than him, now, his heartbeat thrums visibly on his pulse point.
𖦹 while sober, he doesn't talk to anyone else first now. he makes sure to emphasize how much he appreciates your presence, how much he wants to be around you, how fucking cool you looked on the battlefield earlier.
𖦹 kind of weird, you already noted you didn't see him on the battlefield.
𖦹 when he's drunk, he is NOTICEABLY full of praise for you. turning on the waterworks does wonders sometimes. he reasons to himself its perfectly fucking fiiiine because he's just being honest!
𖦹 in truth, this is his indirect way of trying to get you on his level. he is tearing himself apart trying to make himself someone you want to be around.
𖦹 that kindness wears itself down the more you interact with others.
𖦹 he grits his fists, and snarl-grins at the distraction. he could SWEAR he was developing the ability to get hungover again with how his head throbbed painfully when you grin and cackle at someones joke.
𖦹 he starts taking every bit of laughter you spend on someone else as a personal offense.
𖦹 he's kind of torn between himself. in feeling more aggressive, its almost like he becomes partially subdued. this could come off as depression to others, so maybe his claims of you being like his thread to sanity were true?
𖦹 he leans into this HARD. he hates seeing you so concerned but hey, that meant there was something in your heart for him right?
𖦹 all in all he becomes this big sad cuddlebug in front of you meanwhile becoming increasingly violent with anyone who glances at you on the field.
𖦹 im not sure if he'd be honest with his intentions ever. he also doesn't entirely lie to you, he just... heavily dramatizes things. i think he's a bit too lucid, funnily enough, too let himself completely let himself express this.
𖦹 one thing is for certain, he is waiting for you. only cause for concern- the longer you make him wait the less he will be lying to you, and the more you are going to be late-night visited.
[ forgive this for being soo uneventful, this blog is partly a way to force myself to re-practice writing <3 these are also my first times writing most of these assholes.]
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cherriteaa · 8 months
kazutora x his gorgeous gf ⭒˚。⋆✩₊˚.
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Kazutora x Black fem reader
for my 🦌anon ♡
Contents: Fluff!
(not proofread)
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Kazutora is a roses man. I think he's grateful every day that he has you. He's infatuated with you (which may be issues sometimes), and will try every romantic trick in the book to woo you. He's afraid of you losing interest, or becoming unhappy with him. He knows it's wrong to 'buy' love, but he doesn't see it that way. He will try all types of handmade gifts, dates, and just visiting you. It stems from his parental issues. Just be patient and be sure to communicate with him. Kindly. It'll take loads of stress off of him. He's quite possessive and likes for you to wear his stuff (his other matching earring), shirts, and even getting your hair done in colors like him. He likes for others to know that you're his.
He loves to take care of you, even at the expense of himself. If he skips buying lunch for 2 days, can he pay for you to get your nails done? Matter of fact, can he learn how to do your nails? He can spend way more time with you that way. There's an expensive necklace you saw on tiktok and he's immediately trying to figure out how to get it for you, even at the expense of scamming people or stealing. A talk or two with him about it will set him straight though. If his lover doesn't want him to steal, he will not. Makes sure you eat at least once a day. He worries about you and your wellbeing a lot. Even just around him. He tries to be overly gentle. He knows what he's capable of, and he's secretly terrified of hurting you. He doesn’t want to be like his father. And he stresses that point. You are the MOST important thing to him. In fact, the best thing to ever happen to him. In his mind, it's like putting a rabid stray dog in charge of carefully handling a glass flower.
He's both super affectionate and super unsure of himself. He's a little nervous of coming off as annoying to you? Sometimes he just wants to reach over and cup your face, or wrap his arms around you but he's somewhat hesitant. While he likes the idea of romance with you, he's also spent so much time despising people who have good connections. It's like an out of body experience when he first got with you and tried to be gentle, since he's unused to it. If you pay attention to him, his body will almost stutter as he tries to figure out what to do. A little guidance will do him good. However, he's addicted to your touch. It's been such a long time since he's had tender innocent love that when he first gets it, he's skeptical. But from them on, he's hooked.
He likes to just...watch you sometimes. You can never tell what's going in his head, but when you're doing simple domestic things, it's not odd for him to just watch you for a bit before getting up to give you kisses. Especially doing hair. He’s not super skilled at it, but if you guide him, he’s willing to help. He’s just afraid of hurting you.
He hates and I mean hates to see you hurt. It’s something about injuries on someone he loves so much that makes him cave in on himself. He will tend to your wounds and then spoil you a little more than normal after. He’s very invested in whatever you’re into at the time. If you like superhero stuff, he’s watching movies with you, listening to you rant, ect ect. The same with anything, even if its a very uncommon interest. He’s not really the type to judge
He’s the type that leaves a million reels in your fucking instagram dms. His sleep schedule is really weird, and he takes a lot of naps. Often, he likes to ft you when he naps or meet you irl for a nap date.
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A/N: I was supposed to post this yesterday…..Oops. Anyways, Kazutora hc’s for my lovely 🦌anon. I tried to tap in to some issues he might have bc of the not too good backstory he has w his parents, and the way their relationship affected him. I think some gentle love and hella communication will get him right tho. Also I typed this on my Ipad so I hope the formatting isn’t too weird?
Reblogs, Requests and Comments are appreciated!
My requests are : Open!
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1-helluva-hazbin · 1 month
Always Something Underneath
Chapter 4 - Sprig of Thyme
Content warning: slow burn, writing the accent, discussion and portrayal of depression, self isolation, crossing boundaries, quick proofread
Summary: Lucifer had been receding into himself for weeks and finally had pulled a vanishing for one of the hotel's events. While you had sat idly by until that moment with concern gnawing at you, his absence finally propels you into action.
Author Note: Depression does not have one face. This is a portrayal of one of the many ways depression can look. An amalgamation of my own battles, struggles talked about by my friends and family, as well as stories I've read of those who have suffered from it as well. Depression does not manifest in everyone the exact same way. It is not the same intensity with every depressive dip. Everyone needs different forms of support. Please be gentle with the people you love if they have depression. Please be kind to yourself if you are struggling with it.
Word Count: 4364
Chapter 1 𖤐 Chapter 2 𖤐 Chapter 3 𖤐 Chapter 4 (You Are Here) 𖤐 Chapter 5 (WIP)
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That was what Husk had called you off handedly a night or two ago after you had gotten off work and hunkered down at the bar for a nightcap. You hadn’t even realized you had been looking around every few minutes with your mind elsewhere to the point the bartender had to repeat himself on a couple of occasions. Well, you knew you were looking around. You just hadn’t realized how apparent it had been.
It had eventually come out that you had allowed yourself to be killed at work. You could only hide in your room for so long and while the bruises healed faster down here in hell, it still took time. So, when Husk had mentioned you seemed hypervigilant and had asked if work had been okay, you were actually kind of relieved it seemed like he linked it to that. You didn’t want to admit you had actually been looking for Lucifer.
Since having had tea with Lucifer, a couple of times you had also shared an evening over drinks. Of course, with other hotel guests around and Husk. Yet, you had started eagerly looking forward to your time with him. He always asked how your day had been and seemed to attentively listen. He had even started learning some of your co-worker’s names so when you’d spill some drama that happened he knew who was who or would ask a clarifying question to make sure he did. It was thrilling to finally get to talk to someone about it who wasn’t directly involved who seemed genuinely interested. 
Husk would let you talk to get it out but, would usually zone out.
Angel would launch into his own work drama stories. Sometimes you were cool with that because, you knew it was how he was relating. You think. Sometimes you just wanted to vent though.
Charlie and Vaggie would listen but, always offered advice on how to solve whatever the underlying issue was.
When Cherri was around and heard your tales she would basically just tell you to fuck them bitches and quit before shoving another drink into your hand.
Alastor cut you off to change the topic or find a reason to walk away.
The other guests usually did some sort of variation or combination of those.
Lucifer… listened though. It tugged at your heart in the same way he had when you had shared tea and he said that everyone at the hotel wasn’t going to just be abandoned. To be seen without having to vie for it. You liked that. You liked being around him. Sort of craved being around him, especially when you had a hard day. So, at some point you had started hoping he would show up. You had started looking for him.
Maybe that was why you had noticed over time he had slowly been becoming less interactive. Not as enthusiastic to partake in conversations. His prior boisterous self muted. Withdrawn. While you could tell he was still trying, he progressively seemed more taxed; strained smiles,losing focus, providing less input.
Tonight though was the first time he had missed an event he told Charlie he would be at. Charlie liked to plan group dinners together from time to time as a way for residents to bond. Lucifer had attended a few before, so they could bond as well, and he had originally seemed elated to be invited again. Yet, Charlie’s texts and calls had been left unanswered. 
The whole scene, seemed eerily familiar to you. While you wanted to ask Charlie, it didn’t feel like your place to ask about something as personal as his mental health. Especially since she was his kid. What made you more concerned was the fact that Charlie seemed in the dark. Completely unaware of why her father might suddenly do this.
Additionally, while Lucifer seemingly had a plethora of acquaintances, you questioned who his confidants were. Many of the beings he spoke of were fleeting mentions, merely characters in his story or passing mentions.
When you had realized Lucifer likely wasn’t going to be showing up for dinner, you debated whether to take action or not. While the two of you certainly had become closer, if this was what you were worried it was, you knew it was beyond the bounds of your current relationship. It would very possibly ruin everything which made you hesitate. You liked what you had with him. 
You’d miss what you had if you lost it.
Yet, if he didn’t have anyone and he was alone just enduring what you were concerned about… You couldn’t just not at least try.
So, after dinner, you made your exit during the lull between dinner and some of the other bonding activities Charlie always had setup. Board games and card games primarily but, there was one drinking game a few of the sinners had picked up that she had reluctantly allowed considering the positive impact. You’d come back down afterwards if your excursion proved fruitless with some flippant excuse about needing air or just a walk to digest the food. Stealing away and excusing your absence had become second nature long before your death. A skill developed in the paving of your path to hell.
You reached the door to his room relatively quickly; the elevator making the skyward trip exponentially fast. As you had strolled the hallway down towards his room though, the space felt barren. Like you were walking the halls of a recently abandoned building. You had grown so use to the hallway on your floor; the doors decorated with stickers, graffiti, art, or caution tape along with the resident’s name on a placard that Charlie had each person make on their first day. One of the more recently departed souls had said it gave off ‘college dorm room’ vibes. You hadn’t ever been to college, though you always pondered whether it might have been a fun experience. Not that you would have been able to afford it.
Yet this floor lacked any semblance of living. All the doors along the hallway empty of adornments or name plaques. A musty odor having settled into the air. The carpets still plush and full of color from disuse. There weren’t even the pictures on the wall that Charlie had hung on many of the lower floors. You couldn’t recall if anyone had ever claimed a room on the upper floor outside of Lucifer’s in his apple designed suite and Alastor’s studio, which he always shadowed himself away into. 
Even Lucifer’s door remained a pristine white. The golden handle and hinges practically glowing. This part of the floor, seemingly enchanted with some spell to keep the dust from settling despite the stagnant air that betrayed it’s appearance. An unwelcoming aura despite the grandiosity. Your face twisted with concern. This was the perfect place to seclude yourself away especially if he could teleport in and out to remain unbothered. 
Your knuckles gently rapped against the door with solid sounding thuds that echoed into the void. Your breath stuck in your throat as you listened. Straining your ears to hear anything over the beating of your anxious heart. You bit your lip and knocked again. “Lucifa?”
Again you paused. Holding your breath hoping to hear something. 
Something was nagging at you. A gut feeling that was attempting to wrench the meal from your stomach with constant churning and twisting. You wanted to be wrong. Desperately. You needed to know you were wrong.
“Lucifa… I’m comin’ in.” You waited a moment to see if that might elicit a reaction, if he was there, before you pushed open the door to a darkened room. The stench of body odor and mildew immediately hitting you; exacerbating your tortuous gut as your heart seized.
You let yourself in, closing the door behind you. You found it hard to breathe but you made your way over to the wall of windows pulling the curtains back before cranking open the first set of windows. The door to the suite complaining with a gentle rattle at the influx of airflow. You turned using the city lights to examine the room better quickly spotting a lump in the bed.
You couldn’t see very well but, by the smell of the room he had locked himself away at least a full 48 hours. A plate stacked with food on the nightstand next to the bed appeared to be untouched with his phone next to it. As you examined him, you noted his chest slowly rising and falling. You hadn’t realized just how much you needed to see that until you sighed out, relieving a massive weight in your chest.
You turned drawing back the curtains and opening the rest of the windows. You then made your way over to the bathroom flicking the light on. Thankfully, there was an untouched stack of towels perched on the vanity. You pushed the showerhead slightly so it aimed more towards the far wall before you turned it on to let it run, throwing one of the towels down onto the floor to catch any of the stray spray before exiting the bathroom.
“What are you doing?” You looked up to see Lucifer, sleepily propped up on one arm and clearly flabbergasted by your presence given his incredulous tone. You knew this was a gamble. Despite the rapport you had built, it hadn’t been nearly enough to confidently stampede into his personal space as you were; especially not actually knowing the situation and going off a hunch.
Yet you doubled down. “Oh, don’t mind me Luci babe. Chawlie said you weren’t answerin’ your texts or cawls so I figga’ed I’d check in. ‘specially since you haven't seemed quite right for a lil while.”
His brows shot skyward and he turned to grabbed his phone. Groaning as the time flashed up onto the screen. “I…missed the dinner…” he sounded defeated as he fell back into the bed, hand hanging off the side letting his phone fall to the floor.
“Yeah…yeah ya did.” Your voice was soft. You made your way closer to him, seeing he was still fully dressed. You didn’t see his shoes on the floor so you were guessing they were in the bed too. “That’sa problem for tamarrow though.”
“What are you doing here? Why are you in my room?” he growled, unmoving from his collapsed position.
“I told ya, cheeks,” you said pulling the blankets off of him, revealing you were right about the shoes, “I came up ta check in. Ya gawt me a little worried honestly. First ya was actin’ awff the last couple weeks and ta’day ya ghosted. If ya want though, I could get Chawlie.”
His head whipped to the side, his eyes wide before they narrowed. His voice deepening as he growled out, his horns poking through his skin and eyes flickering red as he pulled himself into and upright position, “Don’t. You. Dare.” 
The two of you stared at one another for a long moment. The sound of the shower running in the background masking the city sounds quietly wafting in on the breeze. The curtains softly rustling as they swayed, their shadows dancing across the floor. You give him a lopsided smile in an attempt to break the tension. He tore his gaze away from yours as his demonic features receded.
Slowly, you sat yourself down onto the edge of the bed. The frame creaking from the additional weight and the mattress sagging. Your hands found their way into your lap laying on top of one another as you pondered your next words for a moment. “My ma use ta get into a mood from time ta time. Couldn’t get outta bed. Didn’t care ta eat. Didn’t wanna go outside. She didn’t even like the t.v. or radio awn. Couldn’t pick up the book she had stawted an’ said she loved eitha. Best thing I could do for her was open the windas an’ get her into the showa. Clothes ‘n awll. She use ta say it made her feel a lil’ bit human just sittin’ an feelin’ the wata.” Lucifer’s face scrunched and he turned his head away. Plopping backwards onto the bed to bury his face into the pillow. Unwilling to admit how familiar all that sounded. 
“I know I’m bein’ pushy bein’ here. I can leave if ya want me ta though.” Your eyes locked onto the floor. You counted the breaths he took; each of them slow and even. When you counted 15, you slowly turned your head to look at him. You could only see a small portion of his face since he had turned away. You wondered if he had spent all the emotional energy he could muster on lashing out before.
He wasn’t defensive and he hadn’t sent you away. So you pushed. “Do ya wanna stand or sit in the showa?” 
His head turned enough for his eyes to pin you down, his face impassive now as he studied you. You let him ponder the question, as you reached out to gently pull off his boots. He rapidly blinked, sucking in a breath as he rallied another surge of energy only to be cut off. “I swear no funny bis’ness. I’m just takin’ awff what I can. Ya pants an’ shirt’ll stay awn.”
Slowly, Lucifer’s tension eased from his posture. You continued pulling off both of his boots, carefully setting them off to the side. You saw his hoofs and bit back a smile. Now wasn’t the time to gush about how cute this new aspect of him was. Not the time at all.
You scooted up the mattress, getting a better look at the condition he was truly in; his hair slicked back with grease, deep bags under his eyes, and his usual glowing skin seemed dulled. “I’m gonna sit ya up. ‘kay?” You waited a moment to let the idea grow on him before you slowly worked your hands under his back and brought him forward just enough you could undo and push back his jacket and subsequently his striped vest.
The whole time, he wouldn’t look at you. His eyes finding anywhere else to be. His lips pinched into a tight line. Yet he didn’t pull away. Didn’t make a move to get out of the bed on his own. Didn’t open his mouth to tell you to leave.
When you stood, his head started to turn towards you until you suddenly scooped him up to whisk him away from the bed -thanks monster strength!- catching him off guard. He didn’t struggle to be freed. After a moment, his head even tilted slightly to rest against your shoulder though it lulled forward to hide his face as you strode across the expanse of his room towards the bathroom oozing steam.
The mirror above the vanity had a thin layer of condensation across it, blurring the two of you which you figured was for the better. You turned, ensuring you maneuvered yourself so you nor him would hit off of anything, before you kicked off the heels from your feet and slipped one into the shower. Despite the throng of steam, it had erred on the cooler side which was better than too hot since you didn’t have a hand to spare. “I’m gonna sit ya da’hn unless ya wanna stand.”
“Sitting is fine.” he mumbled before you carefully, and rather awkwardly, lowered yourself and him to the floor of the tub with the showerhead raining water down across his chest. He shuddered at the temperature of the water, leading to hurried movements from you to increase the hot water in small increments. You figured you hit the sweet spot when he sighed out.
“Warma?” you asked softly and he shook his head from side to side as he leaned forward into the stream letting the water run down across his face and through his hair. He sighed again and slowly he pulled his knees up to his chest before his head tilted forward to rest his forehead on them. His arms slowly snaking around his legs to hold it all together. As the water ricocheted out of the tub, you were hesitant to move away. “You gonna be okay if I go swap the sheets out?”
Momentarily, he didn’t move. After a second though, he nodded his head. “Holla if ya need me.” you uttered standing up leaving the curtain drawn back. You made your way out of the bathroom and in a whirlwind had the sheets off bed and the pillows stripped of their cases. You had heard Niffty, or maybe it was Charlie -not that it mattered-, mentioned in the past that there were fresh sheets at the end of every hallway.
You peeked in on Lucifer, statuesque in his huddled position, before bolting out of the room to the end of the hallway, finding a closet packed with sheets. You took a whiff to make sure they didn’t smell musty before pulling out what looked like a set in the right size. You hurried back into the room and checked in on the unmoving Lucifer before beginning to make the bed. 
The endeavor took a few minutes but once you had the sheets done, the pillows re-sleeved, and his comforter back on the bed you slipped into the bathroom once more kneeling down next to him. His shirt, pants, and hair were all thoroughly soaked now. The thin fabric of his top clinging to his nearly matching skin tone, almost looking as if it had molded to his form. Everything about the moment making him look picturesque in a renaissance style way. 
 “Ya want me ta wash ya hair?” you asked softly pulling yourself from your observations, your arms resting on the damp side of the tub. Lucifer turned slightly to side eye you, processing the question, before he nodded. You looked at the space, quickly trying to formulate a plan. “Ya think ya can twist so ya back is against this side of the tub?” you asked, patting the side of the tub you were leaning against. “That way ya body can stay in the wata.”
He nodded again and slowly started to twist until he had pressed his back to the side of the tub near you with his feet propped against the opposing side. You reached for bottle of shampoo you noted in the corner of the tub as he adjusted and waited for him to get as comfortable as he could. He leaned back, letting his head hang over the edge looking back at you.
After getting enough soap to cover the palm of one hand, you gently touched the back of his neck with the other before cupping the base of his head. He held his head up, not relying on your hand. Slowly, you ran the soapy hand up from his neck towards the top of his head, sliding your hand over in small increments as you spread the soap through his hair making sure to get both sides of the head. Once you had spread the soap around, you began to message the soap into his hair in small circles. Carefully, using both hands to work the soap in with your fingertips making sure the soap thoroughly lathered. As you had started to message his scalp, you steadily felt the weight of his head baring down in your hands until you were entirely supporting his head. While it made it a little trickier to work, you didn’t say a thing and just continued with your task finding ways to work around it.
Once you were certain you had worked out most of the grease from the back and sides of his head, you lifted a soapy hand and placed it on the top of his head. Using your fingertips again, you began the circular motions again as you had before to work up a lather before moving your hand in a spiral motion from his crown outwards to spread the shampoo.
At some point you had started humming as you worked. A nameless song. One you had heard in passing and only recalled the melody of. It had been a happier song from what you could vaguely recall but, your humming came out in a lower octave. The once airy tune taking on a more melenonic and ethereal air. One that unintentionally fit the current mood far better.
As you began to finish up working with his hair, your humming tapered off. A subtle shift. “Awlright, time to rinse Luci babe.” the whispered words just audible over the water. He hummed, his eyes fluttering open. You gently propped his head up, letting him gather his bearings before you pulled away just enough so she could twist himself back into his prior position under the stream of pelting water; knees to chest, forehead to knees, arms around his legs, with closed eyes.
“I’m gonna run m’hand through you’re hair.” you announce, giving him a moment before reaching forward to do just that. Your hand squeegeeing the shampoo from his locks as you ran it over his scalp again and again until he was free of suds. You did it a few extra times for good measure though before you pulled away.
With your drier hand, you reached for another towel to dab off your arm and hand before standing up and looking around for a bathrobe. You knew not everyone had one but, considering his usual self, you figured there was a chance he might. You opened the small closet in the bathroom to no avail before helping yourself to the closet in his bedroom. Thankfully, once you opened the door a beautifully royal red robe, with an embroidered gold L over the heart, revealed itself to you hanging by a hook on the back of the door.
 Re-entering the bathroom, you kneeled down to Lucifer’s level. “It’s time ta get aut. Now, I gawt’cha robe… so I was thinkin’ I’d get’cha stood up an put it ova ya shouldas. From there, if ya hold awn ta it I’ll unbutton ya shirt an pants. Then I’ll take ova holdin’ the robe if ya can shuck awff the wet cloths. I’ll take ya back ta bed afta. Kay?”
He gave a lethargic nod and the events proceeded fairly close to how you had described them. Getting him standing had been easy though unbuttoning his shirt and pants had been more of a pain than you had anticipated. Your awkward fumbling leaving your cheeks slightly tinged a rosey hue despite your usual callousness to all things sexual or physically intimate. It hadn’t seemed to phase him thankfully, though you were certain he was spent since his eyes had remained closed through the entirety of your fumbling. The disposing of his clothes, bundling him up in his robe, and getting him back was effortless. You had even managed to grab the last towel and laid it down on his pillow before laying him down and tucking him in.
As you finished getting him sorted, you glanced at the plate of food gone to waste on the nightstand. “I’d like ta see ya eat some’in but, I know I awlraedy put ya through the ringa. Is there anythin’ you really want right now?” 
You looked around the room as you gave him a moment, figuring you could close a majority of the windows back up and draw the curtains again. A decent night of sleep might help and he didn’t need hell’s sound pollution soiling it. Before you could move to take action you heard him finally respond. “Hum that song again.”
You blink and looked back to him seeing his eyes cracked open as he looked at you. “The one from earlia?”
He responded with a slow nod. It made you let out a breathy laugh before you started up the tune. As you hummed, you flitted over to the windows and closed all but one of them. Drawing the curtains back again to darken the room. The open window giving a little life to the curtain hiding it as it pushed and pulled it in a tidal motion while blocking some of the obnoxious city sounds.
You returned to the bathroom, cleaning up the pools of water as best you could with the towel you had haphazardly cast to the floor. Once you were certain the floor would dry on its own, you wrung out the towel in the tub as best you could before hanging it up and taking your leave of that room for the final time turning off the light.
All the while you continued to hum the melody on repeat; sometimes adding notes here or there, playing with the vibrato, or drawing out notes to give different pacing. Not all of the vocal playing worked in your favor but your audience didn’t seem to mind. He looked as though he had fallen asleep. His breathing even and his head having lulled to the side on the pillow.
You contemplated taking your leave. Your presence didn’t seem to be needed any further if he had been able to fall asleep though, you hesitated. Your humming quieted to a whisper and then died off. Shortly after, you heard a soft ‘hm?’ from Lucifer. 
The melody began again and you made your way over to the far side of the bed. Slowly, you lowered yourself to the edge and began making yourself comfortable. You sat down with your back propped up against the headboard and shifted a pillow this way or that before grabbing your phone and turning it on silent. Thankfully you didn’t have work today and if anyone from the hotel asked, you had gone back to your room for the night. You then placed it in your lap with your hands overtop of it. Your head falling back against the headboard watching the sway of the curtains as you zoned into the rhythm. The warm gusts of air caressing the both of you, beckoning you into an entranced momentary haze before eventually succumbing to slumber.
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