#sometimes hating on the stuff sometimes just being annoyed its a rewatch
thetimelordbatgirl · 1 year
My mom, seeing 'Unsaid Emily' on the TV screen: "You watched this the other day!"
Me, whose been rewatching Julie And The Phantoms constantly lately:
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hopeymchope · 1 year
I almost always seem to have the minority opinion on media. And I'm really sick of it now.
I've been on a Fire Emblem kick again lately. But unfortunately, as much as I love all of the Fire Emblem games on 3DS? That's approximately how much I hate Fire Emblem: Three Houses on Switch. ....which is, of course, the most popular/successful game in the series to date.
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Okay, look: In Fire Emblem, I really like the strategy-combat stuff and the storylines + support conversations. THAT'S the tasty meat. Anything else? Is irritating busywork to me. So if I spend between 2/3-3/4 of a supposed Fire Emblem game doing the other shit? You've crafted a great recipe to make me feel like I'm MOSTLY doing stuff I hate, and thusly I shall hate your game. And that's the START of the issue with Three Houses. (I must resist getting into the protagonist being a mute cipher OR how multiple side activities require blind luck or a guide to succeed OR bitching about the weak battle map design... oh shit oh SHIT I'M OUTING MYSELF, RUN FOR IT MARTY!)
By comparison, this year's Fire Emblem Engage feels like a step back in the right direction! I'm playing it a lot right now, and I'm mostly having a good time! Still more busywork than I want in these games, but it's at least back on the side of "more good than bad." So of course, if I look this game up and read any fan reviews or watch any videos... they're all about how disapppointing and sucky it is in comparison.
God. Of COURSE they are.
I really don't know why the advances they made with Fire Emblem Echoes haven't carried into the newer games. 3D dungeons you can explore for items and enemy encounters in a Persona-like fashion? Genius! Make it the template going forward! ..... What's that? Not even most fans bothered to buy or play that game??? So no one fucking cares about that feature?
.........fucking hell. Of COURSE they don't.
See, this is how it always goes for me. If I fall in love with a movie, I'll later learn it's either hated or ignored by its own fandom or by the masses at large. If I get emotionally invested in some weird game and its characters? There's a high probability that almost no one played it. And those who did? They didn't like it as much as me. If I think a game is really annoying and full of boring shit? Great reviews, huge fandom, etc.
I could make an utterly wild fucking list of things I like/love that other people hate. And the same is true in reverse. Sometimes, even when I agree with the hate on something, I don't agree with ANY of the reasons for WHY other people hate it!
Before you ask: It doesn't matter whether I know the "majority opinion" in advance of seeing/experiencing something, or I have no clue wht people think of something until I look it up later. I've gone to many midnight premieres of movies that weren't yet screened for critics, and I typically always wind up on the wrong side of the majority. I've played obscure games just because the premise sounded good, fallen in love with them, gone looking for a fandom... and found out that everybody thinks said game is utter shit.
So I'm not just being contrarian; this shit comes NATURALLY.
However, I should make some caveats about this weirdness clear:
Sometimes I feel like I'm on the wrong side of JUST the outspoken part of the audience... but there's evidence to support that my own stance maybe ISN'T so weird. For example: My family and I have always loved 2009's Avatar. We never were dressing up like the goddamn Na'vi or anything so fanatical, but we've rewatched it many times over the years. We regularly quote it to each other around the house. And the massive success of that movie (and its recent sequel) seems to back up that this admiration/enjoyment isn't THAT crazy or esoteric, RIGHT? It's just that the Internet is extremely outspoken about Avatar supposedly being lame and totally unmemorable. Remember how people in 2022 kept being like "You can't remember even three character names from that movie! Nobody quotes it!" and shit like that? I was one of the people going "I will list you NINE characters and spew DOZENS of quotes at you."
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My "minority opinion" thing only stretches so far. It's not like I thought The Room was the best movie I'd ever seen or angrily felt Tears of the Kingdom was the worst game I ever played. That would be beyond "minority" and more "MADNESS." There's a limit to this weirdness; it has to be within a certain degree of reason, you know? Some things just aren't POSSIBLE to totally flip the script on. Birdemic will always be embarrassingly terrible, and I refuse to believe anyone would legitimately feel otherwise. OK?
This isn't completely universal, either. There are always exceptions where I actually wind up on the right side of the majority. They're just... rarer than the other thing, honestly.
It gets exhausting to always feel like I'm on the defensive or at worst, utterly alone in how I think among the larger community. I don't want this anymore.
But I don't get a say, clearly. I'm just going to keep doing this. I'm going to go see a movie on opening weekend and think "Wow, what an awful piece of shit" only to find that DECADES LATER, people still cite it as one of the best movies in its genre. I'm going to adore a modern revival of a classic comic book, then I'll go online and find that it's widely considered an abomination before god. This is who I am. It's just REALLY tiring to be here.
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wienertit · 1 year
OKAY. OKAY. its been a while since ive rambled on this account so today im going to clear up how i see itapan so that no one gets confused when i say “i dont think they would ever date” and then proceed to draw them making out or whatever.
when you hear “one sided itapan” you might think italy has the stronger feelings (because he’s the one approaching and hugging and kissing japan or whatever) but i feel that it’s actually japan with the stronger feelings.
when italy’s affectionate towards japan, its not because he’s necessarily attracted to him, but that’s just how he behaves. i think that he’s kind of trying to lead him on so japan is nicer to him. italy has been coddled his entire life like he’s been taken care of by austria and hungary and spain and france and germany and literally everyone loves him. and he KNOWS that everyone loves him so he purposefully babies himself to others so he can get even more special treatment. hes an annoying little asshole who uses his good looks and weakness to get out of trouble and i love it!!!
throughout the series (both in anime, manga, and a little in hetamyu), japan actually grows a bit of a soft spot for italy because of how weak and pathetic he makes himself seem. at first he’s polite and awkward because he idolized italy to be strong and capable, but once his expectations are SHATTERED he gradually begins to want to take care of him in a way. he doesn’t get mad at him as often and sometimes even defends him when germany is upset or lecturing him (like in hetalia fantasia). he tucks him in bed and lets him sleep on his chest and share a bed and bathe together and do the gayest shit ever. i probably would’ve thought “well thats because he’s too polite to refuse” but he ACTIVELY wants to do this stuff with him. he puts a hand on his back to keep him in place when he rests on his chest. he visits italy often and loves to cook with/for him. he wants to learn how to hug and kiss him back even after italy says its fine. he writes him letters and a SONG where he asks italy to visit him and gives him a pressed flower bookmark. japan goes out of his way to return italy’s affection and spend time with him while italy just does it because he’s italy.
i dont really think it’s a “sad” one-sided crush because in the end they’re still friends! they still both care about each other and confide in one another and hang out. italy isnt just affectionate to japan because he wants to lead him on and get more special treatment, but because they’re friends and he does still like him platonically! they can act like a couple without actually BEING one and thats insane!!! i love that shit!!!!!
ive mentioned how itager/gerita was my first hetalia ship and it still stands as one of my favorites. the problem is that im PICKY with it because i dont like a lot of the fandoms’ interpretations of them. i guess i wasnt as picky with itapan and liked it simultaneously with (although much more than) itager. but when i rewatched all of hetalia over the spring i realized how much MORE i liked itapan in the context of itager, which kind of blew my mind. like i remember mentioning to some itapan friends how i think they would never date and i still stand with that today. like italy and germany are too busy trying to win eachother over and they would just get together instead. japan actually likes his friends though and wants them to be happy so he would just go “ok” and move on while still doing all that gay shit with them. i guess jt makes itapan more of a brotp but it doesnt make it any less enjoyable for me. i LIKE to see them hanging out and being friends and dont really mind fanart where they’re dating or whatever because i can just pretend that they’re not!
anyways sorry for being a little insane i hate itapan but i actually love itapan okay i love them okay yahoo!
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momoemarias · 1 year
So I rewatched one of my fave cartoons ever recently
eene is so far in the rearview mirror for me now that I forget a lot of what it was initially like when the show was airing on tv. Like I couldn’t remember why some people thought s4 was a step down from s3 (even though I agree s3 is my fave). But I read someone’s review of a twist of ed that jogged my memory. Basically the reviewer was disappointed that they missed the opportunity to change the status quo at the end. And it hit me that there are s4 eps that are waaay more enjoyable knowing that we get s5 and the movie later. They aren’t BAD they’d just be kind of a bummer if s4 really was the end. I really disliked take this ed and shove it because it felt like such a grim note to end on. So while I do like s4 this realization made me remember why it left some people sour. That being said I wish s4 got way more credit for its silly goofy eps! It definitely wasn’t all bitter.
Here’s a possibly hot take: if anything s5 PROVES their friendship is still strong. Like Edd has every reason to be busy with school things and still chooses to be attached to the hip with slackers like Ed and Eddy? It feels unfair to me that this season gets blamed for being this dysfunctional era of the show. There are iffy moments here and there sure, but there are way more positives imo. I’m a s5 defender. It does commit a few crimes (a couple eps feel boring and they do more gross jokes?) but it’s pretty great. My least fave season is s1 (it’s just a little undercooked sorry).
I kind of wish the line in Edd’s character bible re: always being ready for action was more popular with fans. He’s a stick in the mud in a funny way not in a stops the plot in its tracks way! He’s open to silly stuff even in the later seasons! He just has to complain and be annoying (affectionate) first. I remember some of those more hypocritical writing moments confusing me as a kid (like do you want to be here?? lol) but in hindsight it just doesn’t feel that serious anymore. Edd is there because those are his friends, he likes doing the scams, there’s no ‘guilty by association’ and he wouldn’t be better off with the other kids since people love to forget he’s an outcast too.
I wish I could remember more of what it was like pre-movie. It’s so easy to handwave away some interpretations now that there’s a legit conclusion.
It feels like the abusive households theory is more prevalent than the (lame tbh) purgatory theory these days. The only thing I disagree with is that I don’t think any of the Eds’ parents are like. hellspawn or anything. I think there is neglect in both Ed and Edd’s households but they don’t hate their kids they’re just imperfect. Less malicious intent and more… they could do a lot better lol. I think Eddy’s parents are pretty good (comparatively?).
Admittedly though Ed’s home life is super hard to pin down bc the iconic WHAT HAPPENED TO THE STAIRS moment is taken so seriously. But Kevin’s parents put chains around the tv and cookie jar when he gets grounded so like!! what is real and what is cartoony exaggeration in this universe!!
On that note I actually think Ed’s bedroom being in the basement is… really cool? It would be concerning if there’s a lot of mold down there, but I always thought a teen (pre-teen in this case) boy would love having a cool spacious lair for a bedroom. He has his own tv even! I’m willing to bet the boys spend the most time in Ed’s bedroom than anyone else’s (which is so weird considering Eddy’s is on ground level AND has its own door. like hello that should be the hangout spot).
I could talk more but this has been in my drafts long enough. Sometimes a 20yo Canadian cartoon can be so personal.
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danothan · 1 year
🤝 critiquing the thing but enjoying it .. i get you!! honestly idk when you last watched it (after it got cancelled after s2?) and i will say that like. i was watching it for the first time with a friend who was rewatching + he didn't remember much abt them either. but the relationship just has. dubious foundation (imo) that does Not get addressed 😭 i won't say anything on the actual plot of their relationship but don't be worried 😭 im more talking about the state of the writing for both characters because it never seems to get proper resolutions or depth where it desperately needs it
i really enjoy the concept of yja most of the time (s1, most of 2, most of 4) i just wish the writers didnt bite off more than they could handle because i stare at the writing sometimes. that being said. the middle of season 4 is some of the most fun i think i had its genuinely so so good hehe. hope u have fun with it when u get there.. the state of the overall writing for yja i think acts like an inverse bell curve. theres still good to be found tho :]
u dont feel like a newcomer to me!! theres just like. a staggering amount of history and iterations of every character 😭 i feel like ill never get over feeling new either!! at some point u just give up and frankenstein
happy to share more abt kon tho :) im far from an expert like i havent Finished everything hes in or anything like that but from one "anger is an okay response to grief and trauma" defender 2 another i am clinking my glass against urs 🥂
nooo it’s not giving up, frankensteining IS the goal! i’m reading to ADD to the amalgamation, THIS! is my design!!
in all seriousness, i’m glad to hear that yja picks up in later seasons bc i Did stop when it got cancelled, didn’t even know they had as many as 4 seasons tbh. i was rly just gonna return to this thing blind lol, good to know there’s still stuff to look forward to!
i kinda hated romance as a kid tho so i think going into it now with those nostalgia goggles is giving me that expectation anyway. younger me was preparing current me for the worst 😔👊 god i forgot how annoying romantic subplots were in cartoons, my past is coming back to haunt me…
also i totally feel you on never finishing comics, even abt our faves, we are like this 🤝 we’ll get there tho, slowly but surely…
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Im finally watching The Owl House instead of just seeing spoilers on Tumblr so Im gonna live-post my reactions cuz Holy shit do I have some things to say right now-
1. Camila sounds nothing like I imagined
3. Eda sounds nothing like I thought????
4. Luz… baby… you didn’t see the door with a giant eye and- ya know what- not worth it
5. Why is Eda not sus about a human? I am definitely missing something
6. Is Alex Hirsch the voice for the guard?
7. Why hand come off?????
8. Luz is self aware. This is good.
9. HOOTY??????? THE FUCK????
10. Luz! Don’t just grab people and creatures!
11. Wait- have I been mispronouncing Luz’ name? I thought it was Luhz not Looz
12. Eda! Blackmail and manipulation isn’t cool!
13. by the way both Earth and Boiling Isles conforming places are so disgusting like the fuck
14. Luz I love you and im concerned by your lax reaction to this new world
15. the warden is disgusting
16. h- thats not how physics work??? how are the doors opening???
17. Eda you’re great for protecting the child first
18. Luz is so cool for rebellion tho
Done! I think Im gonna rewatch each episode again when I don’t pay attention enough so I can write these. Hard to remember my questions if I pay attention too hard but ya know I wanna express how I feel too
1. wait these people are overreacting sometimes. the snakes and spiders? yeah absolutely valid to run. The sausages and eyelids???? Y’all overreacting. I mean the wasted food sucks but like its obviously just sausages guys. The eyelid thing is just something at least one kid does every year and its gross but not scream and run worthy. These people are so rude. At least the principal and Camila are concerned about Luz cuz of her seemingly not recognizing what is and isnt real vs just being dicks about her hobbies. It could be much worse in that way. Also Camila worrying about Luz’ lack of friends is good, too. Some kids do fine alone, but most really do need a support system other than family.
(ugh why is the next line down here thats so annoying)
2. Boiling Isles is like- lawless??? Clearly the warden gets away with his crazy arrests (kinda like Warden from Danny Phantom) cuz he’s just a dick. Like how is the guy selling person-eating icecream allowed but a fanfic writer isnt???? Like this is all clearly a reference to queerness cuz like fanfic doesn’t bother anyone else unless you see it out whilst that icecream could absolutely hurt some random civilian. The shit queer people used to and still get in trouble for with no valid reason- this also could be referencing race as well cuz it is disgusting how many POC are arrested or hurt due to plain racism rather than justice by law.
3. oh my godex I have been saying Luz’ name wrong! I thought it was Luhz! Is it Looz cuz its short for Lucida? Also the fact Eda thinks she’s clever for a human makes me worry everyone in Boiling Isles will think Luz is dumb just because of her species which is hella speciest and yeah im worried
4. ): giraffes are cool. Eda why
5. I kinda hate Hooty not gonna lie. Also ??? Eda why you leave your stuff outside ???
6. I just realized that the Conformitorium may actually be a proper prison that just has too many lax laws. Also how tf did does Luz open and close the door????
7. Luz’ willingness to just trust Eda is concerning. Also the BK crown is funny. Eda is a softie
8. oh the doors are opened normally itd just hurt ouch. Is the scene of them falling done by that Baxter dude cuz its kinda smooth af
9. I really hope Luz’ speech means something to kids and teens. It feels cringely bad to me but im also literally 20 so its not meant for me
10. Luz… you cant just offer up your services for ANYTHING! Standards! Boundaries! Her age is showing here. (what is her age? is she like 12?)
11. That photo thing is absolutely real. Some people think its a dramatic movie thing but Ive done it genuinely. Who had the sleeping bag? Eda or Luz? Also love her phone case. Cannot imagine sleeping without a blanket.
Properly done this time! I think I’ll watch the next one once through then ask questions though cuz this took far too long. Ill remember the questions eventually.
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
Seeing Red | bodyguard!Bucky Barnes x actress!reader (part 1)
summary: bucky used to brag that he didn’t have a celebrity crush, or really care about famous people at all, which is what made him the perfect person to start working for a celebrity like yourself.  except, of course, it’s just his luck that he’d fall for you.  
word count: 2875
warnings: smut... sort of (oral f receiving), voyeurism/exhibitionism (kinda?), touch of angst, lots of pining and awkwardness, jealous bucky being jealous, alcohol use (reader gets drunk)
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Nothing annoyed you like being surrounded by stylists and being primped and prodded for hours at a time.  It made you feel claustrophobic to be touched so much: makeup artists only inches from your face, tailors watching you change, hairstylists nearly spraying you in the eye or burning you on the forehead every few minutes.
Not to mention how uncomfortable it was to actually be in the whole get-up once they were done.
But, such was the nature of a red carpet event.  This one was going to be particularly bland because it wasn't even a premiere or awards event but a launch party for a perfume campaign.  How lame is that?  It's one of those things that really only exists so that there can be pictures of it to put in a magazine, because they're always running out of good pictures of celebrities to publish.
Finally all dolled up to the point that you didn't look even very much like yourself anymore, your assistant accompanied you downstairs and into your driveway where your car was waiting; and, more importantly, its driver and your driver, Bucky.
He was a gruff sort of guy; certainly a man of few words and many brooding glares.  Sometimes you thought he didn't like you— like maybe he resented your fame or something— but then he'd turn around and be so sweet all of a sudden and you didn't know what to think.  For one, he demanded to open the door for you every time you got out of the car.  Sometimes he even extended his hand for you to grab on to, which was especially useful for red carpet events when you were usually wearing skinny heels that were impossible to balance on.
Such was the case tonight as well, and you smiled up at him as he helped you out of the car and up towards the steps of the venue.
"Thank you," you smiled at him, and he barely smiled back.
"Have a good night, madam," he suggested, a formal stuffiness to the way he addressed you.
You nodded,  "You too!"  That made you pause, though, because you weren't sure what his night would entail at all.  "Say, what is it that you do when I'm at an event like this?"
He seemed confused by your question.  "Um, I sit in the car and wait until you're ready to leave."
Guilt seared in your chest and you frowned.  "That's it?  You don't, like, go out?  Catch a movie?"
"Nope.  That would prevent me from doing my other job, which is watching the points of entry to make sure there aren't any threats to security going in."
"Right…" you trailed off.  "You could always come in, you know, grab some free drinks and stuff."
"I thought you didn't want any of your team following you around at events."
"Yeah, don't follow me around, just mingle and kill some time!"
Bucky shook his head.  "If I'm not there as your driver or as your security, then I'm not there."
You shrugged.  "Suit yourself, but please feel free to, like, get some food or whatever you wanna do while I'm in there!  Don't just wait on me!"
He smiled, but it looked a little rehearsed. "Thank you, madam."
You realized he'd been holding your hand through the entire conversation, cause you'd asked him your question midway through getting out of the car.  Awkwardly, you finally dropped his hand and waved goodbye, escorting yourself up the last few steps and into the door.
God, he must think I'm such a freak.
God, she must think I'm such a freak.
Bucky munched on the sandwich he'd had delivered (yes, to the car, how else was he supposed to get it?) as he dutifully watched the entrance.  Against your advice, he had every intention of just sitting around and waiting for you, but he wasn't bored; he had a Mets game on the radio to keep him company.
"— top of the third, bases loaded, DeGrom is at the plate with one swing left aaaaaand… he strikes out!"
"Shit," Bucky grumbled to himself around a mouthful of pastrami.
Glancing up, he saw someone stumbling out of the party: squinting, he realized it was you.  He looked at the clock with a furrowed brow, noticing it was a little earlier than he'd thought you'd leave, but then he saw that there was someone with you… a guy.
Bucky set his sandwich down and turned the key in the ignition as he watched you pull your phone out of your clutch— ostensibly to text him to bring the car around, but he was already ahead of you, quickly exiting the parking lot and circling the building so he could pull up at the steps.  He was about to get out to open the door for you but this random guy did it instead, before tumbling in after you.
"That tickles!" you protested with a giggle as your new friend started to kiss your neck, his hands all over you before Bucky had even gotten the car moving.
You were too drunk and distracted to notice that the partition was still open.  Of course Bucky had considered closing it, in fact he wanted more than anything to close it so he wouldn't have to see this, but some sick part of his brain needed to see it.  How else could he know if something went wrong and he had to get back there and stop it?  How else would he keep you safe?
How else would he get to find out how you sound when you're being touched like this?
He couldn't see too well with it being the middle of the night and all, but every time he drove past a streetlamp or particularly bright neon sign, the colorful glow would shine in and cast light over your neck where your head had fallen back in pleasure; or your collarbones, exposed where your dress had been pulled down; or your chest, rising quickly with the speed of your panting breaths.
Ogling you in the rearview mirror made him feel like a total creep, but it satisfied a bit of the urge he'd been feeling ever since he started driving you.  He wasn't actually a driver, at least not usually; he was more or less your bodyguard at this point, but you were really adamant about having a small detail and so that was why he was working double-duty tonight… and why he'd been doing so for almost three months now.
"Baby," you gasped, and his eyes shot right back to your reflection; you were writhing against the seat, and he could just barely see the top of the guy's head where it was buried between your legs.  You took your bottom lip between your teeth, lips curling into a relaxed smile.  His cock was not only hard but throbbing at this point, as if that was going to do him any good.  He barely ever got to look at you, and he knew he would never, ever be able to touch you— beyond holding your hand as you stepped out of the car, at least.  Whenever he did that, he imagined for a moment that he wasn't your driver at all but your date, that he would get to keep your hand as he guided you down the red carpet with him.  Not that he wanted any of the attention that you got, of course, but at the same time he did like the idea of all those photographers snapping pictures of his arm around your waist, or you looking up at him with your hand on his chest.  They'd all run stories wondering what a beautiful, successful, massively talented woman like you was doing with a guy like him, but he wouldn't find the energy to care about crap like that if he had you all to himself.  
Another whimper from you pulled him out of his daydream, reminding him to focus on the road as best he could.  He knew you would hate him if you knew that he'd thought about you like that.  Or if you knew about all those times he'd checked in on you while you slept at night and lingered a bit too long.  Or if you knew that he had rewatched that one sex scene you'd done in your last movie about a thousand times.  It always broke his heart to see you underneath some other guy (his name was either Dermot Mulroney or Dylan McDermott or possibly Dermot McDermott?) and yet it turned him on like nothing else to watch you immersed in pleasure.  Similarly, now, he couldn't stand knowing it was someone else making you moan the way he was hearing, but it was the best he was ever gonna get.
"Oh god," you sighed, "fuck, yes, yes, oh my god yes—"
His grip tightened on the steering wheel and it must have been the noise of the leather stretching that made you notice him; as if every dream and nightmare of his was coming true at once, your gaze met his in the reflection of the rearview.
He was so screwed, and he was totally going to get fired tomorrow, but he couldn't look away.  Your eyes were like dark magic the way they pulled him in, kept him locked on you as his face started to burn so hot it could cook an egg.  
Staring you down, he saw your mouth fall slack as your hands reached down to grab your date's hair and tighten into fists.  Shivers shot down his spine as he imagined the way it would feel if you pulled his hair like that.  
The longer you kept looking at him, the more a very dangerous thought danced in the back of his mind…
What if she wants me to watch?
Which, even more concerningly, started to slowly morph into another idea…
What if she wants me?
He was sure you were coming.  It wasn't obvious; you didn't say anything, didn't moan too loud, didn't scream or sob or call out any names (which made it easier to pretend it was for him) but he could tell.  Your swollen lips were parted silently as he watched your breath catch in your chest, and your hands clenched around fistfuls of hair.  What he would give for you to pull his hair like that, and come for him like that— except he wouldn't have stopped there, unlike your current companion who was already moving back up your body to kiss you hungrily.  
He'd always thought you had really pretty hands, and they looked pretty good sliding over the back of this guy's suit jacket, but he liked them best when they gently pushed him off.  "We're almost there," you mumbled as Bucky turned the car into the driveway, using his fob to open the gate.  
Once he'd come to a stop outside your door and turned off the engine, the three of you exited and stood up as you yawned and stretched.
"You'll take Jack here home, right?" you asked Bucky quickly.
"It's Jake…" the man corrected with hesitance.
"Right, Jake," you smiled, "you'll take him to his place, right?"
Bucky gave the guy a smile dripping with gloating contempt, loving the disappointed look he was wearing as he realized he wasn't going to be spending the night in your bed.  "It'd be my pleasure," he announced coldly.
"Great, thanks," you sighed.  Standing on your tiptoes to give the guy a kiss on the cheek and a pat on the shoulder, you thanked him for a great night and made your way into the house.
Jake looked around in confusion for a moment before getting back in the car along with Bucky, sighing and running his fingers through his hair.
"What address am I going to?"
"Uh, 333 15th Street, in Brooklyn," the guy replied, pausing to let out a soft but incredulous laugh as the car began to move.  "Level with me, man: does she… do this kind of thing, a lot?  You know: bring guys over, make it seem like something's gonna… happen, but then just send ‘em back home and never call again?"
With a silent glare, Bucky rolled up the partition.
You heard the front door, even from your current location of the shower upstairs, and knew Bucky was home— okay, not exactly ‘home’ since he didn't leave here full-time, but home in the sense that he was in your home and in the place he would be staying tonight.  You just hoped he'd actually stopped the car before kicking Jake out; he never cared much for when you had guys over or really just interacted with guys at all, because of the "security risks" or whatever.
Next, you heard him coming up the stairs and passing by your door.  "Hey, Bucky, you out there?" you called to him.
"Yeah, what is it?" he answered through the door. "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, I just—" you stopped when you heard the crinkling of paper.  "What is that?  Do you have food?"
"Um, yeah," he answered.
Your stomach growled; the event had only had tiny hors d'oeuvres, and the alcohol in your system enhanced your desire for a midnight snack.  "What kinda food?"
"It's a sandwich— well, what's left of one: I was eating it while I waited for you."
"Are you gonna finish it?" you asked curiously.
"No, I was thinking I'd put it in the fridge for tomorrow."
You paused a bit before asking, "Can I have it?"
"Yeah, sure, you can get it in the morning—" he began.
"No, now!" you clarified.
There was a pause before he responded.  "Right now?  In the shower?"
"Yeah, just bring it in here!"
"I-I'll let you finish showering first—" he stammered.
"No, Bucky," you whined, "just come in here!  I'm hungry!"
Another pause before he finally opened the door, his blurry figure visible through the steam-covered frosted glass. 
"What's on it?" you asked as you washed the last of your shampoo out of your hair.
"It's pastrami on rye with jalapeños, fresh mozzarella, pesto and some sort of spicy aioli or something."
"Ooh, come to mama," you purred as you reached over the top of the door with opening-and-closing grabby hands, squeeing with glee when he placed the wax paper package in your grasp.
"Okay, enjoy your drunken shower sandwich," he congratulated grimly, about to turn and leave.
"No, wait, where'd you get this?" you asked as you leaned out of the stream of hot water to unwrap your bounty.
"Uh, you know the deli on 8th and Columbus?"
"You went all the way out there?"
"No, I had it delivered."
You snorted with laughter.  "Couldn't leave me alone for even a minute, huh?"
"Well, I fully intended on leaving you alone for this shower."
But you didn't really notice that comment because you'd just taken a bite and couldn't stop yourself from moaning loudly around it.  "Oh my god, Bucky, this is so good!"
He cleared his throat.  "Uh, glad you like it."
"You have good taste in sandwiches!"
"I think the word for 'taste in sandwiches' is just 'taste,’” he pointed out, his smirk audible in his voice.
"Can we go to this place tomorrow and you can order for me?"
"We can do whatever you want tomorrow," he relented.
"If you drive, I'll pay,” you offered.
"I always drive.  And you always pay,” he pointed out.
You frowned, not visible to him through the steamy glass.  "I do?"
"You pay my salary, so, yeah…"
You laughed, a little too hard. "You're so smart!"
"Sure,” he replied quickly.
“Okay, I’m almost done in here,” you informed him.
“With the sandwich or the shower?” 
You laughed with a little snort, which would’ve embarrassed sober you.  “Both!”
“Okay, I’ll leave you to it then,” he replied, starting to go back out the door.
“See you tomorrow, Bucky,” you waved even though he couldn’t see it.
“I don’t know that I will,” he admitted, “you’ll probably be hungover and lock yourself in your room all day.”
“Hmm, possibly,” you agreed as you pondered that.  “Then I guess just ‘goodnight,’ and I’ll see you when I see you.”
“Goodnight,” he replied and stepped out of the bathroom— you could hear him go downstairs and shut the door to his room, and you glanced down at the last bite of your/his sandwich with a smile.
You must have gotten in bed at some point, cause that was the last thing you could really remember before you woke up a bit before noon, bright orange sunlight shining directly on your face where it rested on the pillow.  You groaned and turned over, feeling like your brain was too big for your skull.  You sat up when you saw a menagerie of unfamiliar items on your nightstand.  A bottle of pedialyte, a bottle of Fiji water, a few aspirin, an orange and a banana waited for you in a pile, with a little piece of paper sitting in front which you read.
Hope you’re feeling alright, these might help in the meantime.  -B
You smiled, twisting open the Fiji and taking a sip.  Bucky always took such good care of you, even in ways he didn’t need to.  What would you do without him?
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septiembrre · 3 years
I'm a little late but I just saw your post from a year ago about latinx rep in good girls and its sad reflecting back on it and how the show could've done better. Rio was just another stereotype, I hate how he was ambitiously latino and there was just no connection to his culture. Was he first, 2nd, or 3rd Gen? If he was 1st Gen it didn't make sense to have the family speak English. One thing that always annoyed me is how OOC he was at times and how the writers purposely made him out to be like some brown aggressive misogynistic man. They didn't bother making him complex. In a way I'm glad the show got canceled. As a Mexican woman the way Rio was written was racist.
Wah, I’ve been sitting on answering your ask. I wanted to tease your ask apart and respond to it sentence by sentence. But... my brain kept rechazandolo, so now I have feelings dump instead.
Since Good Girls ended, I have been parsing through how I feel about S4 and GG overall — sometimes more positively, sometimes more negatively. Then, I flip to reminding myself it’s not that serious (it's just tv! this is supposed to be my leisure activity!). Then, I waffle back to reflecting.
So, no textual analysis just feels and whining under the cut. I know folks are still mourning the end of the show and I don't want to yuck anyone's yum. Tagging with #ggnegativity.
My short answer is that Good Girls is my beloved, sometimes joyful, sometimes hurtful, complicated little show. Even now that we’re no longer getting new episodes I’m wary of sifting through the information we have about Rio because it’s a mess and it seems like a lot of his character was poorly thought out (ahem, all those dumb messages from Bill Krebs confirming multiple instances of lack of intentionality or care!).
I say this because I was tempted to start responding to you by riffing off of your comment with, “y'know, now that you say that, I think he’s third or fourth gen…”, pero who cares? And the point was never specifically about what gen he is, or even more specifically about... lol, I was going to say it doesn't matter what nationality he was, they just needed to pick one. Ugh, but the wording of that is too glib. The lack of intentionality behind these details feels sanitized to me, it feels very white gaze, it feels lazy.
However, I could have forgiven a lot of this weak character construction if his baseline, plot-related characterization on-screen was more consistent. But, Rio was often used as a plot device in a way that often fell flat for me, a weekly recurring bogeyman whether his antagonism made sense or not. On one hand, I feel for the creative team, because I think they were in a hard place, trying to avoid romanticizing Rio, and trying to seemingly backtrack the sexualization of him in Season 2, but... Idk, it's complicated.
Retrospectively, it’s sitting with me how much Good Girls is rooted in whiteness. While it's something I discerned before (lol, most obviously with 2x13 and in S3 with Lucy's disposability), you know how some shows get to their third or fourth season and finally start investing in their marginalized characters? It’s a crappy thing to hold out hope for, they're crumbs! But, I was. And we did get some Rio worldbuilding. But, ultimately, it felt weak to me -- under-conceptualized or under-worked.
For example, I liked Nick as a Bigger Bad who drove Rio and Beth together. I also thought that Nick's non-existent moral code was a lovely foil to Rio's, and that this contrast humanized Rio in a way that he needed. It also cast a new light on Rio's behavior of the earlier seasons, outside of Beth's perception in a way that I thought was healthy and needed. Great, meaty stuff! However, Nick and Rio's relationship came across as shallow to me. There really did not seem to be a lived-in quality to their scenes. The show really struggled with that element overall -- even with the three lead protagonists (their decades-long history with each other and interactions between their families being largely absent). I wonder why they made that choice.
It's strange because on the flip side we got a hefty amount of contextualization for MLM guy Vance and Annie's bf Kevin... Even that cop who Mick killed! All white men, too.
Me da pena.
Or maybe the thing that bothers me is that those scenes between Nick and Rio didn't center Rio's perspective effectively? Despite the one-on-one scenes being outside of Beth's framing (Rio being a secondary character typically tethered to Beth's story arc), there still was a lot of distance between Rio and the viewer? Like I think of Vance in his kitchen with his wife and child, and the way we as viewers were brought into that to empathize with him, and I think of the distance of Nick+Rio boxing scene or the scenes at the bar. Argh! It's hard to pinpoint without the textual analysis I feel too grumpy to do. It was such a narrative choice to keep Rio aloof and I side-eye it.
Anyway --
Overall, the writing room/show creators/decision-makers didn't seem to consider Latine/x/a/o viewers throughout the crafting of Good Girls and that sucks. It really feels like I'm being told to conform to the white gaze in watching the show, and after 2x13 that makes me feel prickly and defensive. A part of me yearns to do a rewatch to map Rio’s character (and inconsistencies) but I still yield joy from Good Girls — it’s been my main comfort story during the pandemic. I also rendered joy from Season 4 specifically — some of those scenes between the leads at the end were phenom!!
I am leaning into what's bringing me joy right now, so I feel hesitant to stew in critique, even while I also feel some sort of need to make sense of the hurtful racializations. I have a compulsion to write them all down on the same post or list -- somewhere where I can see them all at once and understand. But, at the moment, it’s not a use of my time and energy that feels good. Opting into fics and writing is bringing me a lot of joy during hard times.
I have to close with one final whine, that I am SO fatigued with television options right now. I find myself desperately wishing for more TV out there whose priority audience isn't only white folks. Good Girls isn't alone in its treatment of Latinx characters, or alone in mishandling characters of color or gay characters, or prioritization of empathy for white het male characters, but certainly, creating something more thoughtful shouldn't be so hard.
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YOOO!!!! You got me too interested in this one, your last video is so stunning I can't get it out of my head for some reason. Plus the actors, holy shoott I'm so inrigued. I didn't know they were in "bl-ish" suggestive stuff we love. So just wanted to ask is Lee Dong Wook's character some demon or evil ghost or smth there? And is it like VERY scary, can u give me some scale pretty pls? (I'll watch it even if I pee myself, but I just want to be prepared 😂)
LOL the end of the ask got me wheezing. yahaha Moonjo??? No, he's a very much alive human being, just a dentist and a killer lol. He's just very pale and moves smoothly haha. Tho at times there he also sometimes represents like.. the undisclosed desires of Jongwoo's heart so there's that. There was a few fics when he was a shadow monster living under his bed and other stuff like that bc he gives off that impression true, but no. Crazy human he is. Very smooth tho haha
I wanna say it's not, but it all depends on how you watch it I think. Because tbh I think it's mostly about metaphores and hidden meanings stuff and its seen that it was clearly made for those who're into all that shit (like rewatching it actually so greaaat bc its like FUCJ I HAVENT SEEN THIS AND THAT), so if you're also like that, you're probably will just find it highly entertaining. If you know what its based on and into literature or maybe writing you'll love it for sure, bc you won't take it literally, but gonna be very much into the subtext, their characters, interactions and what it leads too. But I also saw those who did watch it literally and I guess it might be scary this way.
My friend, who knows me too well recommended it to me, bc I was on my usual winter holidays social media distancing I take each year not to get to overwhelmed, bc you know I have little to none tolerence to stupidity and these days its even harder, even tiny time spent on twitter or someone sending me some posts can make my heart die a bit, so I take this break to come back all fresh and rested and continue lmao but bc of some work stuff, I was even more pissed at the time and she was like "watch this", and I was like "but u know thats not my genre" and she was like "trust me, its not that" and I always do trust her with this stuff and I was like "fiine ok ofc" haha
And as crazy as it sounds I actually found it quite soothing lol. But then again all watch everything differently, so I can't tell. But if you mean is this the kind of horror thing that leaves you with this unsettling feeling that you also like me don't like than no, its definitely not that, its like a psycological thriller thingy. And Idk it was just hella funny at times to me, bc I was watching it like "I totally felt that" haha. I think most will find lots of things quite relatable there, esp if you're somewhere around Jongwoo's age. It's more of a like gross reality representation with a good twist, when I think most will go like "yeah I get that lmao" in many situations xD Whether its work u hate, dumb ppl that annoy you or close ones who pretend like they care but don't really and are only busy with themselves, etc... (or for example, if you're an artist, but no one believes in you or takes it seriously and the only genuine support u get is from some random stranger lmao). I'd say its more of a metaphor for life in general, than a horror, so its a bit sadly.. hilarious you know. Like your gf couldn't make you feel loved, but a serial killer for a moment could.. its kinda funny. I mean technically its very sad, but also funny.
Plus we all have those moments in life when we wanna watch smth like that when you go like "yeah I thoroughly enjoyed watching him smashing dat idiot's skull, I've had a long week" or like "this dude is dumb, he'll probably go in a trash can in a minute or two" lol. I ofc got all they wanted to say with the whole thing. And in university majoring in literature we've been all over these creations it was inspired from plus its not that hard to understand, but I at the moment was like "you can totally use it as a stress relief too".
It all depends on ppl. Like while I saw some found the meat scene very disturbing, but I was just thinking about the whole meaning behind who liked it, who hated it and who hated that the other liked it the whole circle haha. Instead to me the worst part was the violation of cats, but since the mains were all about loving cats and hating human beings again I was like "my dudes" lmao.
So it all depends on you and how you see things. But honestly I don't think its scary really. Trust me, a person who hates horror films. Thats not it. Also its a kdrama, even if you're sensitive to smth, it's probably gonna be blurred haha.
It's also just fascinating to watch how different ppl watch it. So if you're gonna like it, highly recommend then watch it with someone else too. Bc for example Moonjo's life views (I'm not talking killing, but stuff like "you don't have to tolerate if someone's being an asshole to you", "I'd rather hear the truth than see u pretend", not wasting his time on talking to idiots bc they're not worth it, encoraging following your dream etc) and Jongwoo's desperately trying to get himself to not to rage each time someone was highly annoying, assholish or dumb in the worst possible way was just simply relatable and understandable to me and my sister, and my close friend here said same.
The most hilarious experience was watching it with my mom when I was with them during chrismas holidays, bc by the end realized that she was relating herself to his ex gf the most. Bc of the job situation thing. And my mom she does always talk about her job only and thinks it's more important than others jobs and she also does think that creative professions are silly. And she also found Monjoo hella scary, while we didn't lmao. So it was so funny. I was like "okay, I bet my mom is the normal one probably in this scenario".
My point is its an amazing show. It's not a horror. It's highly entertaining to watch by yourself and with someone too. It's also like... you can interpret it like in your way and see what its gonna say about you haha
Also this fandom is just the most hilarious pit of the greatest memes you can use daily lol
P.S. happy you liked the video <3 *hugs*
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gumjester · 3 years
top 5 least favorite eah characters because i want to see shit go down
oh god. when called to speak the truth, i have no choice.
1. rosabella. lets rip this band-aid off first and fast. i am so sure that im wrong, that i've got something mismatched in my head and there's actually a really good reason people like her, but i have never seen rosabellas appeal as a character. i've watched epic winter three times now, including once when i was taking meticulous notes the entire time, and i have found that not only is rosabella a ridiculously flat character, she's also deadass a bitch. i can quote multiple lines because i wrote them down where rosabella says something that's just completely out of pocket for no reason. there's one i can even write down now because it's burned into my mind forever just from how hard it clobbered me over the fucking head, where the gang is hiking up the mountain and rosabellas skis break or something and daring goes "oh i could carry you" and rosabella FUCKING responds like "daring, are you finally thinking about something other than yourself?" which is just ridiculously out of order in my eyes. who fucking says that. what the fuck. there are a million other things i cant stand about rosabella but that about sums it up for now i don't want to prolong this dskjfgljdfg
2. brooke. i genuinely feel so bad about this. brooke page is the coolest concept with the worst possible execution. she is the random fucking twelve year old your friend is babysitting who won't stop poking you and asking if you have games on your phone except she's also a god who will destroy the universe to make you give her your phone and then not think a fucking thing of it when everyone is picking up the pieces after her. she's annoying, her voice is annoying, her stupid fucking footnotes in the shadow high book were annoying. i would kick a child. i would.
3. blondie. i think blondie's pretty entertaining and a useful character, but as a person she repulses and terrifies me. she produced propaganda. i mention this to every single person i interact with but that's because i literally cant get over it. the webisode is called blondie's just right and the entire time it's just her conducting hoaxes to make the school and headmaster grimm look good and then it's never addressed again. it's just something she does. she also breaks into random houses and has absolutely no handle on the ethics of journalism. blondie is a classist social parasite bootlicker and i can't stand the bitch
4. bunny. I'M SO SORRY I KNOW WHAT I SAID IN MY WONDERLANDIAN TOP 5 BUT THIS IS PERSONAL. it dates back to year 10 chemistry where my friend and i would pick an eah character and slag them off to amuse ourselves, and bunny became the staple of this game because lets be honest her canon character is so easy to kick at. we villainised her so much it was fucking ridiculous but so funny, i remember we made up this intricate theory with spider diagrams about how bunny was the root of every single bad thing that happens in the show. it was all jokes but that's how deep this went. im currently trying to unlearn my bunny hate but its so deep rooted its going to take a while. sorry bunny, you did nothing wrong but i still hate you for no reason
5. crystal. theres really no one else in eah i have massively negative feelings about, and i think a character as blank as crystal winter being on this list proves that. i actually dont hate her - rewatching epic winter i realised she did actually have a character arc and learn stuff which is sometimes a thing that characters just bypass in eah so i was pleased. however her entire arc culminated in learning how to tie her stupid little hockey shoes without the assistance of her child servants so minus points for that. also she's just super fucking annoying, i feel comfortable saying that because who the hell likes crystal enough to defend her
im really sorry for all the other salt though, i promise i'm just irrational and a bitch so if you think i'm wrong about your favourite character, yes i am. they're the best, don't listen to me
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bittershins · 2 years
Things that help for bad brain days and when you can barely open a book to study (a working title)
The biggest thing is finding some way to hold yourself accountable. Your metaphorical climbing line. Know what will distract you, and work to mitigate it if you can. I, for example, have to have music blasting. Make things a unintimidating as possible.
HONESTLY: Find a friend, preferably in the class, and just teach one another. Go through lectures, and find one anther's weak points. Don't study by yourself, you will get distracted - if you can't engage with someone rn, go to somewhere public that will be enough to hold you accountable. Groups can be iffy (or borderline impossible), and are harder to mitigate getting sidetracked with - but one on one can work.
Private discord server (and honestly just discord in general - being able to reply to friends from my computer helps a lot, esp. when my phone is my worst nightmare. Do not disturb is your friend). Plus, if you have to do something on your phone (ie, send yourself a photo), the fewer steps you need to do it, the fewer chances there are to being sidetracked
This!!!! Really helps when I'm not sure where to start, and helps a lot in assessing what it something I have the energy to do at the moment. Prioritizing is hard, folks.
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3. Quizlet. Which definitely isn't the answer for every student, but if you have to just memorize stuff, making quizlets (or flashcards) is wonderful in just brute forcing you to go through the material. Especially if you go through notes and pull out questions, like, i dunno, "insulin is produced by _____ cells in the ______". If you're making them for yourself, making yourself type out information can be useful (sometimes).
Also good as a 'lowest effort possible' to get started.
4. Goddamn mnemonics. Gamefy that shit. Make it silly, and teach them to other people. Entire reason I could memorize amino acids is with stupid drawings (Example here being 'TYR'osine. argenine and pirates is also fun) and monosaccharide lewis structures was with drum rudiments (physical movements are great!!! or putting stuff to song!!! or attributing them to someone you know)
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5. If you're like me, and allergic to rewatching recorded lectures (remember this is BARE MINIMUM):
Just watch them with the sound off, if drawing diagrams is important, and work to connect it with prior material. Or listen to them, and don't watch the screen
Honestly with lectures, sometimes its better to just take notes from the powerpoint or book and make sure you actually retain what is being said by the person teaching, instead of frantically trying to write stuff down. (thought clouds can help define and expand main concepts; often I find identifying the main concepts is great starting territory, then just expand and connect. AGAIN: drawing/writing it out)
6. Five minute rule: Just start it for five minutes, and you can quit as soon as that's over. Ymmv
7. Say what you're about to do, and count down aloud. Move when you hit one. ymmv, again. Sometimes does the trick if you're stuck (physically)
8. Deleting the app (for social media) and forcing yourself to use the phone's browser version. It will get annoying fast. The worst UI the better. If you want to lower the screen time without going cold turkey, give yourself the most frustrating experience possible.
9. Change locations every two hours. Walk a bit, stretch, find a different coffee shop. Exercise will help, seeing the sun will help. At the very least, take a water break
10. If you have to brute force study, pomodoro helps. That stupid forest app helps. I am susceptible to being guilted by tree dying :'''( - can also be done with friends.
11. Remember to ask for help. Scary email? Ask someone to proofread it. your friends do not hate you, and you help them all the time. This is hard, and you're doing your best, and remember to be gentle to one another, along with yourself.
SCARY EMAIL TRICK: trick ur brain; schedule it to send in two hours. you can check it as many times as you want, and its less scary than hitting send. Best case scenario, you will forget you did that and it will send in two hours, and everything is golden
12. When in doubt, rubber duck that shit. Just read shit aloud. make yourself process whatever you're looking at. ALSO WITH LONG MEMORIZATION SEQUENCES: start it like point 1; 1, 2; 1, 2, 3: 1, 2, 3, 4. Make yourself start from the beginning if you goof somewhere (or don't whatever works) but say it aloud, and connect it with movement if it helps
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autisticandroids · 4 years
Unrelated to evil tfw love triangle but what besides evildeancasnatural are the supernaturals you are watching? Is institutionnatural its own thing or is that just a rewrite? What are some supernaturals that exist outside the ones you’re watching?
the primary supernatural i am watching, more than evildeancasnatural or even regular ol’ destiel natural, is deangenderstudiesnatural.
dean winchester appeals to me as the ULTIMATE closet narrative and, broader than that, as an extremely compelling tragedy about the trauma of masculinity as a disease inflicted on both self and others. like, it really is that simple. this is the thing about spn, above all else, that’s compelling to me. like, i love cas, and i have an intense emotional connection to him, and in a sort of.... fannish? context? where i decontextualize and play with characters for fun? cas appeals to me the most because he is easy for me. dean is too complex for me to play with without worrying that i will break him, and he is too intensely tragic for me to WANT to play that much. this is why a lot of my casposting is more on the fun side and a lot of my deanposting is more on the analytical side. because i like to think about dean, yes, but i need some distance. 
if we’re talking about actual things that i pay attention to in my supernatural, and not necessarily stuff i think about, the second supernatural that i’m watching, still actually above destielnatural, is..... funnynatural. like, i like it when spn is stupid and fun. i will forgive a character or episode almost anything if i think they/it are funny. this is why i’m such a big fan of the late seasons, or, one of the reasons: i think spn SHOULD be dumb. i HATE when it’s serious. like, for example, ketch annoyed me until the time when he tried to lie about being his own evil twin, the absolute funniest thing a character on spn has ever done, and now i like him. like, for me spn can should and does operate primarily on rule of funny. like i do occasionally enjoy a bit of serious spn, i like very serious dean gender episodes, or very serious destiel episodes, and sometimes even very serious episodes about other shit! but most of the time i would rather there be jokes. not that the jokes always land! there are plenty of absolutely rancid attempts at humor across spn’s long runtime. and not that jokes never fuck up worldbuilding in frustrating ways. i can’t think of an example but i’m sure there is one. but i like spn to be silly, most of the time.
the third supernatural i am watching is OF COURSE destielnatural with a (not exclusive by any means!) focus on evil deancasnatural.
and here is a list of other themes (some interrelated, some not) and concepts that are in my brain when i think about or watch supernatural:
- dean always being right
- the erotics and eroticization of violence; supernatural is about sex
- angels and heaven and All That; i wish supernatural had institutions; i wish supernatural had interpersonal politics; institutions are impossible on supernatural because supernatural is a libertarian fantasy, interpersonal politics are impossible on supernatural because only dean can truly be a person
- the dynamics of abuse
- worldbuilding on a very watsonian level: how to make this world work, how to expand our vision of it beyond this insular two brothers against the universe viewpoint
- deviance; why must we, over and over again, kill this monster for the crime of its own existence
- supernatural should be an ensemble cast show; i love [xyz side character]
- late season supernatural as a parody of supernatural or a show about supernatural, even before the chuck stuff
and here are some supernaturals that i know other people watch that i do NOT watch, even though i enjoy watching other people watch them:
- faithnatural; supernatural is about the reverence of the authorfathergod and its loss. i’m really not interested in that one because there’s sort of..... two paths you can take? in reinterpreting supernatural to make it less of a mess? one path is to make the world more fantastic, the other is to make it less so. faithnatural wishes to make the world more fantastic, a world in which the concept of a god worth worshipping is compatible with the worldbuilding of supernatural, a world in which angels are more than what they seem. but i want to make the world less fantastic. i want a sociological reading. i want to know how these people live in a society. i want the material conditions. i would like to hear about the logistics of monster grocery shopping, how many bits of godstiel stained glass exist and what people think about them, how normal society is affected by the increased number of murders and disappearances caused by the widespread existence of monsters. this makes a supernatural where things are more, rather than less, than what they seem, unappealing to me. i don’t think these two things are necessarily incompatible but for me they are. i don’t think a world in which god is unequivocally real is the appropriate world in which to tell a story about faith. maybe it’s because i am an atheist.
- americanatural; supernatural is about america. this theme is fascinating when other people look at it and i love to read posts but it simply does not, rustle my jimmies, as it were, on my own.
- sammynatural; sorry samgirls i recognize your efforts but he’s not my scene, i’m a deangirl through and through. i begin to care about him in the later seasons but not until then
- brothernatural; i’m interested in the winchester brothers’ relationship as it pertains to their own individual characters, but i don’t, say, have specific episodes i like to rewatch to feel emotions about the brothers, or stuff like that. maybe it’s because i am an only child. but i think their relationship was NEVER the driving force of the show for me, dean’s damage was. and the brothers’ relationship is part of dean’s damage but it’s only one part, out of many.
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drops-of-moonlights · 4 years
I LOST THE FUCKING ASK FOR THIS BECAUSE THIS IS A FUNCTIONAL WEBSITE, but to the anon that asked me which out of the 6 Winx I don’t like? The answer’s Flora.
Well, that’s not completely accurate. Sometimes I like her. But by and large she’s definitely my least favorite of the main girls, and is the one character that just frustrates me most of the time.
Being fair to my own biases, over the years I’ve grown bored and annoyed with the stock Kind And Shy character archetype, so of course I wouldn’t be as fond of Flora as I was as a kid (tho even as a kid I wasn’t really super into her either), but as the seasons moved on, I found myself getting even more annoyed with her.
Outside of her being the absolute flattest characterization-wise of the entire main cast a good 90% of the time, being reduced to “flower mom”, Flora also ends up as a hypocrite and on accident, constantly giving (often unwanted) relationship and communication advice for the girls when a) she’d rather ask the new girl in the group to stalk her crush, up to and making her commit breaking-and-entering to dig info on the dude instead of ATTEMPTING to initiate a normal human conversation, and b) instead of actually talking with her boyfriend about the jealousy she felt when seeing him with a childhood friend of his or actually talking with said girl to establish some sort of boundaries, she decided to just sit still, hope that everything is sorted out on its own, and when it wasn’t fixed by a miracle she was like “welp we’re over. nothing to do about it”. And this wouldn’t be an issue in other situations! It’s a good character flaw! But it’s not PRESENTED as a character flaw but a virtue of hers, and that’s what bothers me.
On top of that, as much as Flora and Helia are flauntered as the perfect couple, they never actually attempt to show that. For starters, we never see them ACTUALLY spend time as a couple until Season 5, when they started dating at the end of Season 2. Of course it helped that Helia simply Does Not Exist in S3, but even in S4 they didn’t have many moments that aren’t also shared with the other couples, and the few they did have on their own, they weren’t the best, mostly arguing about Musa and Riven’s break-up. And the reason I make this point, despite already hearing people be like “but Drops isn’t that true of all non-Skoom/MuRi couples?” the answer is no! It’s actually not! Brella and Tecmmy get completely separate scenes that are just about them throughout the series, however small. Florelia doesn’t get them as often.
I already pointed out the issues she had relationship-wise in S5, but HOO BOY WERE S6 AND S7 WORSE ON THAT. S6 had her be angry with Helia because he was almost murdered by a plant and thinking he was not reliable to do even the most basic tasks she asked him to do, while Helia was angry with Flora for not bothering to explain said tasks. S7 gave us the epitome of the terrible writing, as during that season Flora is 2 steps away from murdering Helia due to the simply act of existing. Throughout the season she’s constantly bothered by his presence, blames most of the minor mishaps on him even when he wasn’t present, and the less we talk about their clashes regarding how to raise the pure being that is Amarok, the better. THEY MADE SKOOM SEEM A PERFECTLY STABLE COUPLE. S K O O M
I admittedly don’t remember much about S8 (waiting for the Latin Spanish dub to drop to do a full rewatch), but they also made a point of marking them as the perfect couple in the same episode they almost break up because they were angry the other decided to support Musa/Riven instead of Riven/Musa, the other party obviously in the wrong.
Even with this, I do give her a small amount of slack because bad romance writing affects all non-Tecmmy couples, so it’s not something completely unique to her, but the show trying to give Flora/Helia the perfect couple status despite clear evidence to the contrary is why I don’t cut her too much slack.
I also don’t like how Flora’s referred to as the second-strongest Winx after God-Power-Infused Bloom despite how often she’s the first girl to get knocked the fuck out in a fight, and even when she doesn’t get out first, she never does anything meaningful for the fight either, not even act as healer or other forms of meaningful support. Flora tends to simply use one (1) spell, see it fail, and be like “well my job’s done y’all deal with it”. And that’s if she’s not fighting anything nature-related after S2, in that case she will willingly put herself between the thing they’re fighting and the rest of the Winx’s attacks, even when the enemy is actively trying to kill her. And sure, this isn’t unique to her and more of the stock Plant Lover Activist trait, but when it happens every single episode, as with S5 or S7, it gets grating really fast and ends up seeming as an excuse for her to not actually do anything at all.
And even with all this I WOULD be willing to enjoy and even like Flora if she had any significant subplots, but oh, what do we have here? She has absolutely nothing outside of her relationship with Helia and her power over plants. Nothing! Because Flora’s entire personality (what little she has, at least, even with the previous ranting) is entirely about plants, and nothing else. She doesn’t get anything else going on for her, no subplots about overcoming her supposed shyness, no subplots about her relationship with the girls outside of the generic friendship she has with everyone that isn’t Bloom or Aisha, not even any meaningful subplots about ANYTHING ELSE she might like! The girl doesn’t even have hobbies outside of her plants! And sure, Tecna and Musa suffer from the same but at least they get stuff outside of it. The closest thing Flora has to any kind of subplot is her strained relationship with Miele, and that’s only because SHE HERSELF strained it via her sudden distrust for her little sister’s agency.
I feel like I have to reiterate that I don’t hate her, but god, she’s one of the biggest wastes of potential in the franchise, and what bothers me more, with all this I’ve said already, is how everyone in-universe praises her, how she’s the canon’s Golden Child that does no wrong. Flora is the perfect fairy, the perfect friend, the perfect girlfriend, the perfect everything.
Whenever people talk about completely-perfect characters that never get confronted on anything and when they do the other party’s wrong, they shouldn’t herald Bloom as the main example.
The main example is Flora.
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Spongebob's overhated, not talking about the show, I'm talking about the character. idk man, whenever someone talking about him, they first thing that people comes to mind is in modern one, (the flanderized one), but bro, he's more than just that and relatable as Squidward is, and I kinda blame the mordern season for it
Sorry about the late reply!!
Tbh I never seen much hate for Spongebob as a character. I mean when people talk of spongebob now, they'd usually regard Squidward and Sandy more as their favorites since ya kno, they're really likable, who wouldn't adore them? But spongebob is still well liked.
Unless this is specific to those who don't like the modern seasons. Idk much about that since I don't keep up with that stuff. But I do agree that Spongebob is relatable! Very much so. He has a hard time preforming on his drivers test because of all the pressure on him. He has a hard time saying no to people and sometimes others take advantage of that. He still remains positive through it but there are times when enough is enough, even for him.
He's really likable and remains my favorite even despite the nonsense and trouble he puts others *cough*squidward*cough* through. He's endearing and silly and just wants to have a good time and make everyone smile. The world definitely makes you feel miserable at times but I really enjoy watching him just enjoy little things and make the most of his circumstances. Actually now when I think about it, that song Living in the Sunlight that played in the very first episode suits his personality too well. Pretty much sums up what to expect from this show and what it's all about. It still leaves a positive and warm impression everytime you hear it or rewatch the pilot.
Now as for the modern spongebob. I don't think he's bad either. I still really like him. Though I consider him as his own thing. Each era feels like his personality change and I've grown to accept it. He's just a different genre of spongebob if that makes sense. Anyways usually when people talk about modern spongebob, they usually mean seasons 4-8 because when this discussion about flanderized spongebob and modern spongebob all started with people talking about that era specifically and I used to watch people's videos talking about that a lot and ehh I don't really agree with much of it anymore.
That middle era spongebob did cause a few problems and really degraded his character over time. That's generally what comes to people's minds when they talk about modern spongebob bad and generally unlikable version of sponge. Him stalking people and doing weird shit wasn't funny at all. Squidward was more humanized and seen as some dude who wanted some peace and quiet. The star of the show is constantly making him miserable and ruining his life. It's hard to enjoy. Its not like the current modern era isn't like that too.
The middle seasons annoy me a bit more but even when this happens in the modern seasons, they are really what I hate the most. It's biggest flaw of the modern seasons for me.
I feel like they're fixing it now but gosh idk who thought that was funny. The appeal of spongebob is that you saw it from a child's point of view often. You saw spongebob as just a sweet kid who wanted to play and Squidward as the grouchy adult/older sibling who doesn't notice you or pay attention but you still really want to spend time with them because you think they're a good person deep down. And you know squidward cares back too. There might be times where spongebob messes up but there are still consequences for him and generally there's a balance. You never feel like he's ever being malicious to squidward and nothing super bad happens where it feels like the universe is punishing squidward for being alive.
This was mostly season 1 and 2. Season 3 had a push for Spongebob being more of an adult. He behaved more adultish and the scenarios they were in are a little more mature. Hence why season 3 is often the most remembered season for its adult humor. But the scenarios are simplified enough for a kid to understand the general plot and adults can understand all the true implications and circumstances. There was a balance. Same as having a more adultish spongebob, his relationship with squidward balanced out too. They were closer to equals at this point and Squidward was more annoyed with him being an optimist in their bleak working environment. They were a ying and yang and you could identify with both. They both complimented each other and clashed. It worked.
Past that. They've never found such a good dynamic like that again in post movie episodes. Its been a bit wobbly. Squidward is the most easy character to identify with. While they made him more relatable. Tired, stuffy adult who just wants peace and is wasting his life working at a minimum wage job. They also wanted to keep elements of the classic era without understanding why they were funny and worked so well. Such as squidward's karma. He gets punished for just existing. Its not funny. Squidward often did get the short end of the stick bur usually you'd understand why. He became more of a depressed individual getting punished for being alive. It's not funny.
At the same time spongebob's personality regressed into being too naive to function at times and too babyish than childish. Often times I don't feel like the writers know what to do with him besides bugging squidward. But there used to be a reason why he bugged Squidward. He genuinely liked him. He looked up to him. He really believed deep down there's a part of squidward that cares and just needs a little push. It's stated in the art book. And a lot of things and rules from the art book feel so lost in the show over the years.
You can tell the writers thought of him as how adults think of small children. Loud and noisy, and only want to bug you. They sympathized with squid more but had to keep with the general formula of the show. But forget what made this show so fun was how spongebob was written from a child's point of view. Often times as a kid, you would feel ignored and over looked. Adults talk down to you. You have no free will. Spongebob essentially was a kid but without the restraints and rules a child had to live by. It was freeing and it was nice seeing someone who thinks and feels like you is on screen.
It really feels like they missed the mark with how they interpret spongebob when writing him. They degraded him into a stalker who's obsessed with squidward and torments him. He's often too naive and dumb to function or even interact with other characters. The interesting relationships he used to have feel wiped away. It's hard to enjoy it.
I mean a good example is the reason why he failed his drivings test (though this flanderization already started in the classics era anyways) he fails because he gets nervous and often needs some kind of distraction while driving to keep him calm. He does well on the exams but when it comes to demonstrating what he knows is where he messes up. Its become at this point that he's just an insane person behind the wheel and just magically screws up for no reason. His insanity causes harm to the people around him and we get some of the worst episodes Demolition Doofus. We can't even argue that Mrs. Puff is wrong for the anger she feels since she's endlessly harmed by sponge to the point of basically becoming disabled. Its not funny. It just sours what was supposed to be the golden boy of the show.
Spongebob will never be how he used to be but I appreciate how as of recent there had been some repair to his character. He's really wildly different from the classics era but I appreciate every so often when they remember an aspect of his personality that's been long gone. Even in the middle seasons. There's better episodes that remember why Spongebob fails his driving test and episodes that remember that remember squidward isn't just a tormented sufferer and spongebob is a deranged stalker.
He's kind of his own thing now but I find the modern seasons one cute and more amusing. He's still very flawed but I can at least enjoy him ya kno? I'd like to hear your thoughts on him too!
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I'm back :D
Headcanons on sleepover (Boys and Girls)?
Girls First!
#1: Zee NEEDS to be Host if it's the whole group
Zee hosts as often as she can because she likes sleeping in her own bed and not having Babs' dad knocking on the door every 5 minutes.
It's also hard to coerce convince the girls into magical makeovers if she has to be alert about using her magic.
Also...she is positive that Commissioner Gordon suspects her of murder. (He doesn't, he just has the naturally narrow eyed thoughtful look)
Zee, in other words, prefers to host their sleepovers.
#2: Babs is a Wriggler, Kara is a Thrasher, Jess is a Talker
Diana, Zee and Karen are relatively quiet sleepers. Like sure Diana snores a bit and Karen might drool and Zee might shift in her sleep but they are NOTHING compared to Babs, Kara and Jess.
They are nightmares to sleep with. Babs wriggles in her sleep and babbles too. Especially if she's stressed. She'll be talking utter nonsense. Literally like 'waffles have feelings too' or 'butterfly fart machine'. No one shares a bed with Babs because she is known for stealing the covers and wrapping herself in them. Like a Babs Burrito. And if you try to take some back she will shove you off the bed. Still very much asleep.
Kara, she is a hazard to people everywhere. At least if you don't know how to control sleepy Kara. The girls know the control word 'go back to bed' but that only helps them when Kara tries to fly away. If she's kicking and or punching it's doom. Typically her erratic attacks are sparse and weak, so just like a pro-wrestler but badly aimed, but still...no one sleeps within 5 feet of Kara Danvers.
And lastly Jess. Jess is not much of a physical threat while asleep. She stays in the same position and doesn't even drool or snore or anything. But in the middle of the night you might hear a yelp, or a drawn out very loud groan. That's Jess, she groans a lot in her sleep, regularly. And if she's extremely stressed she'll even mantain conversation. Very poorly. Kara tried once. It went like this.
Jess: The moon, is just a ball of cheese.
Kara: Oh? Can your eat it?
Jess: Like a rock
Kara: What do you mean?
Jess: I'm nice, you're mean.
So yeah...they can share a bed with this chic and they have. That's why most if them sleep with headphones tucked into their ears.
#3 Movie Night
Karen hates horror movies. They creep her out and Kara is obsessed with them.
In fact while Karen and Kara argue about which genre to watch, romance or horror, the rest of the girls watch them fight.
Which is more amusing then it sounds.
#4 Diana can't cook
Diana is a girl of many talents but she can not cook. Not a bit. Not even instant mac and cheese.
Babs has tried to show her how to make a burrito- failed.
Jess a salad- failed.
Karen, some stir fry- failed.
Kara, warning up some pizza- failed.
She just can't cook. Moving on.
#5 Babs is generous with everything BUT her stuffed animals.
These are things she has said:
"Rest your feet somewhere else, Kara"
"Burrito Bat Butch hasn't cuddled with anyone but me, ever. Hands off!"
"Listen, if you wanted a pillow you can just ask- you don't have to treat General George Jennings like that!"
"Give me the bear, Karen. Give me the bear."
#6 They can't do a proper Binge Watch with each other.
Babs drinks a lot of soda and munches on a lot of snacks so she has to constantly use the bathroom. Insisting they can keep watching but of course they pause anyway.
Zee cannot step away from her phone. It's always vibrating with emails and messages and she is too invested in her rep to put it down. She is the type of gal who likes texting while watching a show. This drives the other girls up a wall because then Zee insists they catch her up.
Kara cannot, for the life of her, sit still. Even though they are curled up on the couch, one of the girls leaning into Kara's side, or having their head on Kara's lap. Or anything, really. Kara breaks the comfort because she cannot sit still. She shifts too often, changes the legs she tucked under her, stretches her back. It is annoying because then the girls around her need to shift too.
Jess gets restless quickly. She predicts the ending or loses interest when the plot becomes to predictable. So then she starts, trying to be subtle, looking through her schedule and doing school work. Its more infuriating because when the girls ask pointed questions she almost always gets it right.
Diana is of course knew to the world of man and stills doesn't get everything that is happening. Sometimes she misunderstands the plot completely and they have to rewatch the episode, explaining everything that time. This makes the watching chunky and somewhat less enjoyable. Usually Zee is the one to do the explaining. No one blames Diana of course, but still.
And Karen? She just wants to see if her ship lives. She is a fangirl through and through and has to scream into a pillow every time they have to press pause. Which is three to five time throughout a single episode.
Now for the boys,
#1 Food Competition
Barry eats a lot. Barry is never sure how much is enough. Barry can eat a supermarket out of business if he was particularly hungry. Hal knows this. Still his pride won't accept it so every time Hal challenges Barry to eating some disgusting amount of sauce or drink.
Sometimes Hal wins.
Barry has a sensitive stomach.
But usually not.
Steve doesn't really care how close any if the dudes sleep to him.
Barry doesn't either. In fact its likely he'll fall asleep on someone else's sleeping bag with his feet propped on one of his teammates stomach.
Garth will probably end up trying to cuddle up to Hal or Barry or Steve or any of the boys.
Hal will most definitely fight him on that. What can you say? He's the Type A male. But he really won't bat an eye if Garth does it when Hal is already asleep.
Oliver will sing love songs to his bro's, flirting hard as hell...up untill Hal, Carter, or Steve smack him. Where he pouts and let's Garth and Barry soothe him.
Carter doesn't like being touched in general so like hell he's going to let any of the boys near him. Or hold a conversation with him. He will just sit in the corner of the room, quietly observing. (He is most definitely trapped in the home where they are hosting the sleepover).
#3 Make Him Laugh
Another challenge.
Whoever makes Carter smile or *le gasp* laugh is deemed royalty.
Usually it's Barry. Who didn't even try. He just tripped over something.
Barry wins a lot.
#4 They Order In
Hal refuses to cook on principle. Rather be fed.
Oliver doesn't like getting butter on him since it'll 'destroy' his complexion.
Garth can't cook.
Carter refuses to feed anyone. He'll cook for himself and no one else.
Barry always offers but he is a forgetful cook and they feel bad throwing out whatever abomination he makes so they force it down. Of course, they learned to order in before Barry offers.
Steve can cook but he is very precise about the recipe, double checking and stuff so being fed takes forever if they let him start.
They arm wrestle to decide who chooses what they eat so yea...Carter always picks. Steve usually pays. Barry too. Everyone else is broke as hell.
#6 They butt heads.
All the dam time.
Hal is stubborn and Oliver is prideful.
Carter refuses to cater to anyone.
Garth is immovable if he wants to be.
Steve is trying to compromise but no one listens to the voice of reason over their own shouts.
Barry eats ice cream. They'll tire themselves out eventually.
#7 They Reprimand Hal
These are things they have definitely said at least once during a sleepover.
"Goddammit Hal! She's my science partner! How am I supposed to look her in the eye now?"
"Do you value your life? Yes? Then please refrain from speaking."
"Shut! Up!"
"Who are you calling stupid, stupid!"
"I'll tell Carol."
"The hell, man? Were you born with the unexplicable urge to be an asshole?"
"Go to bed, perv!"
Ah well, imma close it off here. Very lovely prompt. Headcannons are always fun. 👍
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vanityloves · 3 years
I can't speak for your lucky commissioners but please know I'm sure they don't mind waiting and understand! I hope that you're able to rest and relax and enjoy the things you love when you're not busy and am so glad you were able to get a ride from work- those are always a life saver :')!!
Also Jude, I'd love to listen about '09 Jason whenever you find the time and energy to talk about him! What do you love about him specifically? What draws you to him? What's some fave things in the movie that has you all "JDJDDJJDKDKD"? I'm looking forward to hearing all about it bud! (I really oughtta rewatch the different movies sometime when I'm feeling particularly spooky kdkdkddk)
Wishing you all the best bc you absolutely deserve it!!!✨💗
Sunny @tex-treasures
TYSM HUN ! ik they wouldn't complain and kinda understand the rush around the holidays, so im rly grateful for that :'0 id hate to make them wait too long tho but also! i just wanna make sure the things i make are worth their time and money as well :']] but! everyones been so understanding and cool- i just gotta chill ab it 😭 @tex-treasures
also tysm! i'm honestly just chillin for the most part (tbh all i do now is work and sleep so i can't rly complain-) and i hope you get to do the same bb!! also omg yeah, esp bc i work the night shifts, i rly like to catch rides w/ family just so i feel safer :'] im wishing you well too hun!
and PLEASE, I'm about to be so annoying bc in my opinion (and The Truth /s) '09 Jason was genuinely terrifying and implemented all those traits that i imagined he'd have.
He had to adapt quickly to survive and lived on his own for so long in the forest that surrounds the camp and probably knowing it like the back of his hand...it's all so good to me I just eat it up. I imagine this for all the movies but it really shows in 09' imo!
He's shown to have real forethought and plans his attacks; he knows how to bait / lure the campers into his traps, and really gets to show his intelligence, which contradicts the idea of him being a brainless brute that can just,,, magically appear everywhere. Speaking of that, there's a whole tunnel system that he set up + wires to alert him when there's trespassers which I love for him. I know there's a split on how people feel ab that bc it takes away from the mystery/magic of it but again, I think it really highlights his intelligence and survival skills bc i imagine its probably a bit intricate to set all those up that lead back to the tunnels? idk i know nothing ab that sort of stuff 😔
I mean, he's shown to be brutal and aggressive in the other movies but I think it's just the quality of effects of the kills that made this movie feel So Good watching? Also this fucker RUNS, which is absolutely terrifying. He's iconic for that deep chest breathing, big strides, generally being intimidating just by stalking towards his victims but it was refreshing to see that Hunter aspect of him shine through - running after victims and seeing them actually struggle when they got caught; plus there's something so pleasing knowing the actual actor behind '09 Jason (Derek Mears) pulled all his own stunts that included a ton of physical strength (e.g: lifting up a cast member with the 'blade' of his machete, w/ whatever contraption that was strapped onto said cast member). There's a scene where he sneaks up onto the roof of the house and drops down (kinda 'pull up' style/holding himself up) for a kill n I'm like haha i Do That *points at dead guy*
Design wise, the jacket he wears in the movie consists of 2 different types of material which means he probably modified/made the jacket himself and who doesn't love a crafty king ♡ His physique actually matches his lifestyle now - instead being a thick, hulking figure, they decided to make his body a bit more lean and agile + the added height, standing at 6'5 (per Derek Mears) has him towering over everyone on set. While I LOVE AND ADORE the big boy that Jason is in the og films bc ugh...male tits and tummy,, he's a big guy and having gains like that requires quite a bit of food which I don't see him having a huge selection to choose from. That's not to say he isn't still massive, he just isn't as beefy as the og is and a part of me loves that its a bit more 'realistic' in that way! I saw a take that '09 Jason is how he'd act when he was younger, while the older movies like F13 part 4 and on are takes on his personality and 'hunting' style as he's older - he doesn't feel the need to run around and takes his sweet ass time bc he's confident enough to know his traps will work, they'll all be dead by the end of tonight, etc, etc - he just knows his how to do his job well and doesn't give chase.
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