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ask-codeearasure · 3 months ago
Day Two of Killer being recognized as the off-brand but superior Disney princess he always was (fuck Disney btw).
He's got this air about him that animals like, given the vast majority of them like silence and Killer isn't the kind of guy who talks that much in general. He begins to find comfort in the quiet so long as there's an animal with him whether that be a rat, cat, crow, or a tired dog.
I have this headcanon that one's Level Of ViolencE can impact how animals read them, but that ultimately it depends on how the carrier of that LV acts in the first place because LV tends to exasperate in presentation based off emotion. This is why Killer (Stages 1 and 2, maybe 3) attracts all these animals, because he loves the calm they bring him and he isn't always in a heightened state of emotion that automatically goes from 0 to 100 at the flip of a switch, but Dust in comparison would scare animals off by just his presence because he is constantly upset and always feeling that.
Call it an aura if that simplifies it, but not quite. Animals just have this sense that most people either don't have or don't foster because they don't consider it imperative to their survival.
Animals and Killer associate each other with safety and stability. Having at least one animal in his life regularly would improve its quality.
-- Sarco
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maipareshaan · 2 years ago
Dean looks so cute when he says 'i am going to start throwing punches' its just the way his face moves while looking like a wittle gerbil.
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littlegreenwyvy · 7 months ago
Will never not be pissed off about how we apparently can't agree as a society to do even a little bit to stop or slow down covid at this point. Like yeah people got/get vaccinated, but like what else? It's still Extremely Bad, and literally gets worse and worse every year, and I can't stand it. It's dangerous to go out at all, for any reason right now, and pretty much hasn't stopped being that way since 2020...! There's a new major variant or a few every year that turns out to evade the previous vax or whatever novel treatment we come up with within months, and we're doing NOTHING about it? Not only that but specifically, actively ENCOURAGING it??? I can't even ask my fucking PHYSICIAN to wear a mask in the fucking DOCTOR'S OFFICE without catching shit about 'CDC Guidelines' and 'I don't feel ill so I don't think it's necessary'. Even with the hundreds of thousands of DAILY new cases (estimated, because we can't even properly TRACK thungs anymore) JUST in the United States alone?? It's at the point where chances are this is GOING to kill me at some point; like I can't just literally never lave the house and also force my housemates ro never leave, I'll be forced to go out at some point (for a doctor appointment, or job if I can ever get one, or SOMETHING), or even just a sibling could being somethung hime and I could just get unlucky. My body can scarcely handle a regular old winter cold, let alone a flu let alone another bout of covid. But what the hell am I supposed to do otherwise?
I'm gonna start killing the next time I hear any variation of 'I respect your choice to wear a mask, and I ask you to respect my choice not to' because that IS essentially a direct threat on my life...! Or the timeless 'if things get bad then I'll wear a mask', like how about you wear it NOW and prevent thungs from getting even worse in the first place? Because it IS ALREADY bad!!!!!!!!!! I'm gonna start killing!!!!!!
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strawberrycowtime · 1 year ago
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fishhuh · 1 year ago
Izzy deserved a chance to heal with his new found family and become his own person and learn that he is worthy of more than just being someone who does everything and gets nothing in return. And then he dies and as a result Ed gets to move forward and heal and be happy and Izzy gets to have nothing. He endured years of abuse and all he got in return what a glimpse of how things could have been before it was all taken away from him.
Like idk I guess I've always been kind of disappointed with how the show handled Izzys abuse. Because he WAS abused, Edward very much DID abuse him. And that's not to say Edward doesn't deserve his own character growth and redemption arc but I feel like the way to do about doing that wasn't by barely talking about how how he hurt Izzy and instead just focusing on how Izzy was hurt. And then for Izzy to die in the arms of a man who hurt him for so long and yet he still loved and cares about so much, literally showing how dedicated he was to Edward even after all he went through and he just. Never got to be anything more than somethung to drive Edward forward. We saw a glimpse of the person he really was in the previous episodes, who he could have been if he learned how to break off from being Edwards shadow and being his own person, and yet even in death he is still just another extention of Edward, a narrative device to push Ed towards the path to healing and in return never allowing Izzy to do the same.
I fucking love this show dont get me wrong and I love all the characters including Ed, I just really am not a fan of how they handled the topic of abuse as a whole in not only S2 but also S1, it just felt like it was so dedicated to being a comedy that it ended brushing over topics that while very much can still effectively be addressed and a part of a comedy, are something that still needed to be taken a little more seriously than I feel they were.
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winniebell · 7 months ago
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prskaus · 10 months ago
pjsk au possessor edition🪸
ok so basically all of the pjsk characters are trapped in a room and one of them is a clone who possesses others and acts like them to try and kill them off. so yeah. the rules are 1) you have 20 minutes to figure out who is possessed 2) if the possessed one is not found, the exorcist is burned but the possessed remains possessed 3) if you are possessed and are caught, you will be burned as an exorcism. 4) if the exorcist guesses wrong, they will be killed and a new one will take their place. the exorcist is mizuki at the moment. the first person to get possessed is mafuyu, kanade notices that she's avoiding questions kanade is asking, mafuyu is caught and is burned to exorcise her. after that, saki is possessed and is found out by pure guessing from mizuki's end, as a verdict wasn't reached in the 20 minutes. tsukasa was devastated (remember for later). the third person is toya, found out by everyone cause honestky he was doing a terrible job of pretending lmao. the fourth is kanade because she was walking around faster and being more active as opposed to her her just either standing in place or slowly walking around. fifth was shiho, she was caught due to her being much more mean to everyone around her. sixth was [REDACTED], however mizuki did not exorcise [REDACTED], but emu instead. emu was a decoy, pretending to be possessed. the new exorcist is ena. they must figure out who the seventh was. rui was talking to nene to ask her some questions to make sure she wasn't possessed. she avoided them. nene was burned and someone else was possessed. eighth was an, as she didn't move at all, contrast to her and akito usually just dancing in the center of the room or having a group panic attack depends on teh vibes :). ninth, was kohane. she wasn't panicking like she had been this whole time. tenth was rui, he was just kinda staring at all wall for no fuckinh reason. tsukasa is devastated (part 10067). eleventh, HONAMI STARTS FUCKING HUNTING PEOPLE DOWN WHAT THE HELL????? EVERYONE FREAKS OUT AND 2 PEOPLE DIE, shizuku and minori (rip shizumino nation). honami was burned. twelfth was airi, ena knew somethung was off, but she ignored it. maybe she was just saddened by her firends death. ena was forced to watch her friend burn at her hands. thriteenth, ena doesn't burn someone in time and is killed. tsukasa is the new exorcist. they end up picking haruka as the possessed which was true. now theres only 3 people left, ichika, akito, and tsukasa. one of them is plotting to kill, but who??? tsukasa is hinestly trying not to start sobbing, he just saw all of his friends die. he tries his hardest to hold it together, which he barely maanged to do. he notices ichika is being suspicious, shes staring at the picture frames, usually, she was starting converstaions wiyh people to try and calm them down. ichika was the possessed. akito and tsukasa are let out of the room and they become therapy buddies the end.
i wrote all pf this in one hour after getting 3 shots its 11pm, i have to get ul at 7 tmrw and yeah :) this is inspired by the possessor on roblox if you couldn't tell btw
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crownlixliquid · 2 years ago
Hey this is just me spitballing after seeing your Yuu mental breakdown post
Once word spread around the school that the hapoy go lucky Prefect of Ramshackle dorm has had a mental breakdown. Something odd occurs somethung no kne would expect One can even call it magical. One week after Yuu's breakdown an odd grouo of visitors cime to the run down house it isnt the staff nor their friends its some students form heartslaybul carrying a gift basket and they drop it off in front of the prefects door and befire they keave they exclaim how happy they that the prefect fixed heartslaybul and made it into a place worth living and spending the rest of their schoold days in. Shocking but it isnt the end the next day savanaclaw boys specifically from Leonas spelldrive squad come and oay their respects to fhe prefect for guvubg their leaddr back his motivation and it doesn't end their as for the next coming days almost every house has come to pay their respects to prefect and say their thanks to them for helping their dorm. It even extended to RSA with their spell drive team with Neige and Chenya to also come and say that them training to have a rematcg with Night raven is meaningless if they dont have the orefect their to be the teams leader.
During all this the prefect lay in their house shocked at hearing all of this they never knew they were this respected considering how they were treated by all the students before and isnt really sure how to feel
All the houses students plus some RSA students come to ramshackle ti guve yuu their sincere appreciation for their effort
P. S this was all written on my phone so don't laugh at me or this writing
Yuu definitely deserves some appreciation for the shit they did and went through, especially when they almost lost their lives while trying to make sure no one loses their own.
I actually do have some ocs based on some npcs and rsa ocs so imagining this with them + Neige cuz I love him duakdnajs IT'S SO CUTE! Just on by one, the prefect gains a new friend and was thanked for everything they've done, people they don't know or would've never expected to come did. And they left a warm sensation in Yuu's chest, when Yuu lays on thier bed, looking at the flowers, chocolates, and other gifts they were given, they made a decision, and grab their phone.
It was an awkward mood, it took too long and so many things have changed, but Yuu was seen hanging with their friends after weeks of being alone, and Yuu couldn't thank those visitors enough for their gratitude and kindness.
Theres stuff that can't get resolved quickly, and Yuu is still tired and stressed– especially with the amount of schoolwork they have missed. But once in a whole, when Yuu looks at the flowers they have taken care of, or the jewelry amongst the other gifts, a smile can be spotted when they are reminded of a fond memory.
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mio-nika · 2 years ago
Random question to my followrtd. Who has weird backwards way of using sensory information?
Context. Some time ago, me and my friend found out, that, every time when we need to find where's right or left. I imagine myself rising right hand, and she moves a finger of the right hand. It's not a conciouses thought, and we obviously don't know which is our hands are right, or left.
Also, I'm building a path when I'm walking using sensory information. It's like I'm touching the map of the city with my hand. Like finding something small under the bed.
And my friend on other hand, uses sensory information to remember something. Like "colleague got to work in a new dress at that day so the password is somethung-something"
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tumblybumbly7 · 7 months ago
Spreading somethung positive, yesterday i tried some free art apps on my phone and made some things!
Sure they don't look the best but its a start!
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I also tried firealpaca on pc, so i'll probably get to a pc later and reblog witg more, but its fun to try new things yeah?
Im a broken record at this point but please please please. Do not let this world make you so hard and hopeless and negative. Please let yourself experience joy when the opportunity comes to you
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etherealjellyfishenby · 1 month ago
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iamthespineofmybook · 7 months ago
Hmm. Three new ghost notifications this evening. I'm guessing that one of my followers has somehow Gone Ghost due to somethung on Tumblr, but I don't know what can be done about it...
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maipareshaan · 1 year ago
What interesting thing to say.
Okay so long story but my colleague was talking to another and said about me somethung like 'if she goes she goes lot have come and gone i break faces of ppl like her', and a new hire heard it, it had been like 2 weeks for him, he then started talking to me abt how toxic things are and quit telling the boss he can't work in toxic places. He called me and said if we'll work closely and nit involve that person mainly then he'll come back but i was thinking of quitting and so i said i'll tell him what i do the next day then i didn't cuz its weird like i'm so confused and i can't have someine leave or stay bcz if me, also like he was talking abt things in what seemed to me to weird conspiracy ways like they are sabotaging him and stuff.
Then next week i went to court with that guy and i sat in the chairman court by myself and the new guy was there, then he was lije you didn't tell me if yiu are quitting and he told me what that guy said.
Obvs i felt weird but i mostly was entertained how fragile men's ego are cuz he was legit upset over nothing to be saying that, mostly an authority thing.
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itsybitsybetel · 4 months ago
100% he knows what his lady likes, btw could have use the same dress in the last film but didn't. Instead got her somethung new and tastful 🙂‍↕️💕
Only thing is he needs to get that ring polished and enagraved. 💅👏👏
I imagine something in Italian like "Amore eterno, immortale e vero" Eternal love, deathless and true or in Latin like "Memento Amoris" Remember Love 🫠
Lydia's red wedding dress is meaningful; saying she needs to wear a different colour in BJ3 is crazy to me. That dress is the symbol of their marriage vows going through.
Plus, Betelgeuse obviously picked it because he knew Lydia wanted a red one! :P
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the-husbando · 5 years ago
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i-call-me-clarence · 5 years ago
My favorite thing is having someone follow me when I’m in a reblogging spree of whatever hyperfixation they followed me for, and then watch as they unfollow so fast they leave a dust trail when I get back on my usual psychotic bullshit
(It’s not actually my fav thing 😭 why won’t they love me for me?!??)
(It’s usually when I reblog Hannigram that the new follows start running for the hills) (I refuse to get off my murder husband bullshit #Season4IsReal #MyCannibalRomance)
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