#something something statement on spirituality and prehistoric life something
feralfennecfox · 1 year
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my tattoo of a neanderthal skull with horseshoe crabs
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
I think it’s also important to admit that yeah, there might be “free loaders.” Yes, some chronically disabled people who currently force themselves to work despite pain will stop. Yes, some people who are mentally ill may quit their job to focus on healing. Some people who are burnt out may take a gap year (or five!) to find themselves and grow spiritually. And that's OK. Because people don’t have to generate capital to be worthy of life.
Can we also admit that there is inherently racially charged language in the statement “welfare queens,” specifically referring to Black women? Nevermind the racist laws like Jim Crow and segregation that kept most Black Americans in the lower class. Nevermind the fact that middle and upper class Black people who fell through the gaps of systemic racism frequently had their communities (and any generational wealth) destroyed during race riots (like Tulsa). They’re clearly ALL freeloaders.
I mean, yeah. That is exactly what I was saying: some people can't work, some people force themselves to work in terrible jobs because if they don't then they'll starve, some people want to create art or music or other things that make life worth living, and can't do it because they're obliged to work said terrible jobs. The fact is that there are some people in society who simply can't generate late-stage capitalist production, and that is fine! It is also fine if you DON'T WANT TO! Late-stage capitalism sucks! Why would anyone voluntarily choose to live like this if they didn't have to, or at least could work a little bit less and in something that they find more fulfilling? If you're literally just an algorithm and a number sized up for how much Production you can deliver, rather than viewed as a full and complete human being, that is a recipe for a deeply terrible and sociopathic society that views its robot-workers as expendable and doesn't care about anything except money, money, money. Who the hell actually thinks that is a good way to live, especially since it's so often the way we live right now? Does anyone WANT all of society to be run like an Amazon warehouse?? I think the fuck not. Jesus Christ.
As long as modern globalized society is organized around and entirely beholden to capitalism, then we have to come up with solutions related to capitalism if we intend to make actual people's lives better. In that case, giving them more money to make it through life seems like a fine idea to me. And yes, of course the "Welfare Queens!" language was wildly racist. That was the entire point. Reagan's attacks on "welfare queens" were deliberately intended to make (white) America think of a lazy (black) person sponging up their hard-earned tax dollars and living some kind of benefits-fueled high life without giving anything back. Reagan's "War on Drugs!” was intended to make (white) America think of (black) criminals Dealing Coke In Your Nice Suburban Neighborhood, so it followed that they all needed to be arrested and locked up. And so he conducted a massive racially-charged war on the American social welfare system and already-deprived Black communities, by casting it in the language of the morally virtuous Christian crusader cleaning up the country, as he did with the rest of his policy platforms. That's why working-class white people are still opposed to reforming the welfare system or voting for politicians who would help them out financially, even if they themselves would benefit. They're still fixated on the idea that some of that money might go to help Black people, and they can't have that. They would rather proudly suffer being poor, since they also learn in church that it's a virtue. The prosperity gospel, of course, only works if you give away all your money to rich people. Huh.
Anyway, as a final point: archaeologists and historians and other academics who study prehistoric humans have generally decided that the moment when Homo sapiens became recognizably human, however many thousands of years ago, was when they started caring for their elderly, their sick, their young, and other people who couldn't contribute to the strenuous physical practice of constantly hunting and gathering food in order to survive. They were able to generate enough with the able-bodied members of the group, and they recognized that not all members needed to contribute to collecting food in order to be entitled to survive, be cared for, and respected. The thing that always makes me cry is when we find ancient burials conducted with love and care, when our earliest ancestors put flowers on their loved ones' graves and laid small children to rest with favorite toys. So if you think that people's only worth or purpose is to generate Capitalist Production, and that any "freeloaders," ever, are a Bad Thing, congratulations. You literally have less inherent humanity and understanding of the basic purpose of civilization than a caveman. They painted beautiful art on the walls of their homes and they cared for those who couldn't care for themselves. So yeah. They were in fact MUCH better human beings than these social Darwinist sociopaths.
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awkenorslumped · 3 years
who lied to you ?
    Importance of the Spiritual Journey, universal signs and the unexpected!
As Summer Walker once said The spiritual journey isn’t about the astethic of crystals or the ideal that people have created to make it a fetish on social media. The true meaning of the spiritual journey as Summer Walker said its about the ability to take accountability for the choices one makes that affect their lives . Its about accepting who you truly are inside to show on the outside, Literally living in your true form not caring for the validation of others.
 Many think the Spirituality is about the crystals or the “witching”, the burning of sage and manifestation.  Take in mind that manifestation does play a part into it but there is much more depth. On your journey the importance is acknowledging that its about connecting deep to your inner self.   The path is for you to really get to know yourself the true depth of who you are. Connecting to yourself through meditation means having a place where you feel safe and serene to focus your mind on yourself to analyze stuff within you that you can’t make a connection to why things happen to you in life. Connecting the subconscious to the conscious to make yourself whole.
 I believe that before we’re born into the human realm we live in our spiritual homes before we’re meant to save those who we feel need help remembering who they truly are. I feel when we dream we are actually transporting back to our TRUE homes and forms.  Scientist and the government are aware but they fear that when we realize it they can’t control it. They do research to figure out how to weaponize the ability and for complete control.  Starseeds, Ascendants , Reiki Masters, The spiritually attuned etc are the people who are reincarnated to help break the cycle of control. The attuned don’t live for materialistic things they admire it but its never a true need, they don’t hold true value to the soul. 
 The journey is complex because you have to really really focus on yourself the past, the trauma , the fear and self doubt.  Once you’ve overcome or can accept those your eyes will be open to the propaganda and the actual things happening in the world. Nothing will surprise you. 
 All those horror movies , sci fy movies where do you think the ideas come from ? Its not a coincidence its stuff that has happened before. They are signs and information in plain sight its for you to see the true info over what they put into distract you. The government has the goal to control the world for greed and power, while possibly some higher beings want to test us or sort us out from the true of heart to the wicked of heart. There is no good without a little bad, no light without dark and that goes for ourselves , the government and the higher beings some of us haven’t met yet.
 We’re able to tell when we encounter others like us , we connect with them instantly they match our full energy potential without of dimming it. The goosebumps you get when you feel an eerie presence or feel your in the wrong place. That gut feeling that something is wrong is your subconscious telling you that a higher being that is most likely malicious or want to control you for a pet for their own amusement.  The higher beings that observe us as entertainment are the ones who are in contact and work with the government for their desire of entertainment. The higher beings have been around longer than we have and seen many things also are more advance, they could give us the tools for world peace but they don’t instead they feed us info for world domination and destruction for pure laughter. The reptilians enjoy destruction because they feel they are superior to the pure of heart . To be fair there is a balance so what makes people think the universe wouldn’t have a balance between alien races ? 
Lets bring you back to earth for a second, we humans HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA OF ALL THE CREATURES THAT LIVE HERE ! We’ve barely made a dent in prehistoric creatures. But lets take a dive down this bunny whole, If the earth we live on has been around for billions of years and has all these layers why the fuck would we assume we would know all the creatures and beings that have lived here before us ? Mythical creatures were & are real. Sea beings and creatures are real. Why is it hard to accept that there are legitimate things we know nothing us. But instead we humans want to prove we’re smarter beings? The joke is on everyone that believes that with their entire being. Honestly you have to be narcissitic to find that to be a true statement. How can we humans know everything about something that’s been around longer than us just because we dug through a small layer and found some bones. WE CAN’T EVEN GO TO THE TRUE DEPTH OF THE OCEAN SO HOW WOULD WE KNOW ALL THE SPECIES AND HUMANOIDS THAT CALL THE OCEAN HOME?? MAKE THAT MAKE SENSE! Scientist believe because they have a phd or doctorate that they are geniuses and make minor discoveries ? Its not a major discovery when most people are like we knew that already because we know there are other beings and species out there. You can’t fool the awaken ok, we have woken up because we were meant to. Shifts are happening and whatever deal was made could be coming to and end soon because the government is fucking up. Or hear me out the true form of the deal is coming where the humans who aren’t awake will never awake and will be under the control of the reptilians and the people in the government who work with them . But little do they know that the reptilians will in fact double cross them. Why, you ask? Simply the reptilians are smart, mischievous and  clever but not too smart that they can’t be overcame. Typing this up I feel goosebumps why cause im aware im being watched I’ve acknowledged things im not meant to be aware of . Also because im writing this with all intentions of exposing what needs to be brought to light.  Religion is a TOOL USED TO HAVE ALL OUR MINDS FOCUS ON ONE BEING THEY TOLD US WAS ALL MIGHTY BUT IN REALITY ITS THE REPTILIANS WHO CAME WITH THAT PLOT. BY BELIEVING IN ONE MIGHTY BEING YOU WILL BELIEVE EVERYTHING THAT POWER SAYS AND WILL NOT SECOND GUESS THEM. HELLO THE CONSTITUTION HAS THE SAME STRUCTURE HAS THE 10 COMMANDMENTS IN THE BIBLE. WHY??!? WHY HAVE LAWS THAT YOU HAVE TO FOLLOW UNQUESTIONED JUST LIKE THE 10 COMMANDMENTS YOUR EXPECTED TO FOLLOW IF YOU WANT TO LIVE WITH JESUS IN HEAVEN. Riddle me this why would Jesus who is suppose to be forgiving and loving turn his back on you for not following rules he made? He gave us free will so why would he forsake us if we don’t follow his rules. ALSO WHY WOULD HE ASK A FOLLOWER TO KILL HIS ONLY SON?!?! That there gave it away that religion as made as a secondary form of government to make people obedient and further help the reptilians plot for control of humans. Have the humans do your dirty work while you give them information or false information to complete your task while you sit back relax watch and wait until its almost completed and they come to take reign .ONCE you realize what done and try to rebel you get wiped out and they try again. Many planets many chances to complete a goal. ALSO all those people who’ve exposed the truth were killed because the people who don’t want the revolution are instructed to keep the secret by any means necessary. How come the Egyptians, the mayan , aztecs, Atlantans had contact with humanoids that helped them advance their ENTIRE civilizations, yet the government has know about “aliens” been in contact with them yet our civilization hasn’t advance . Shouldn’t that there tell you the humanoids they are in contact with aren’t here to actually help us. The world needs to open their eyes and see the truth. 
     If you think I’m crazy then explain why they haven’t found a single bone from the mayan civilization of the people who lived there, why can’t we explain atlantis, why is it that  all these advance civilizations just go missing , not as though their city was rampaged but left in tact in one piece but the people left. NO THEY WERE SAVED BY THEIR ANCESTORS OF THE TRUE OF HEART BEFORE THE REPTILIANS TRIED TO DESTROY THEM. 
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tsghamptonsnewyork · 5 years
Scouted LOCAL Holiday Gifts
Grab your favorite warm bevvie, curl up in a comfy chair, and get ready to take down some notes, because we’ve scoured the Hamptons and have come up with 72 incredible local gifts, for all sorts of people, at all different price points. Many of these shops even sell online, so click right through and add-to-cart! We hope these gifts will inspire you to shop local this holiday season, at these stores and so many others, and maybe grab a little something for yourself while you’re at it...
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1. The sisters that own THE HIDDEN GEM in Southampton, Temidra and Tanya Willock, are incredibly talented and actually design many of the beautiful items you’ll find there, like these lobster tea towels. From home decor, to accessories, ornaments and art, this shop really is a treasure to discover.
2. COMERFORD COLLECTION in Bridgehampton is incredibly sophisticated with a mid-century inspired, yet completely unique vibe all their own. These matchsticks have a wonderful back story, go in and ask them how the wood gets its incredible texture. 
3. DESTINATION HAUS in Amagansett is like a beachy-modern art gallery come to life with decor and gift items galore. These statement candles will thrill any hostess with their unique simplicity.
4. SEA GREEN DESIGNS in Southampton is packed full of sustainably designed goodies for the home. Shannon, the owner, works from a place of true respect for our beach environment and an incredible eye for beach home style.
5. WÖLFFER ESTATE wines are always a hit during the holidays. This Merlot has intense, concentrated flavors, balanced with great elegance, finesse and depth, and incredible aging potential. 
6. Coconut at Christmastime? You better believe it! You won’t believe how quickly these TATES Coconut Crisp Cookies will become ‘the best Christmas cookies you’ve ever had’. And with a gluten free option, every hostess can indulge a little. 
7. Pick up a copy of renowned local architect firm Bates Masi’s book at SOUTHAMPTON | SAG HARBOR BOOKS and discover how they developed their signature style, not around an aesthetic, but around a method. The perfect Hamptons coffee table book.
8. If you bring a hostess flowers, do it right. Order a beautiful custom arrangement from SAG HARBOR FLORIST in a container, not wrapped in paper. This way you’re not giving your hostess extra work, and the statement will be very well received. 
9. An elegant spin on a hostess favorite, these twig salad servers from HOMENATURE in Southampton make a beautiful statement that compliments any decor.
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1. L & W MARKET in Bridgehampton has so many house made local preserved goods in beautiful packaging perfect for gifting to your favorite local foods loyalist.
2. You can’t go wrong with these 14k gold leaf wine glasses from Amagansett treasure DESTINATION HAUS. Perfectly elegant and luxe.
3. Baked, packaged and sold by adults with special needs, SOUTH FORK BAKERY is a wonderful local non-profit organization, providing skills, employment and a supportive environment for its employees. Plus the baked goods are beyond incredible. 
4. SEA GREEN DESIGNS features beach house decor with both traditional and modern appeal. Just imagine how charcuterie and fruits will pop against this sleek white board. Gorgeous.
5. When buying a gift for someone too sophisticted for words, hit up MONC XIII in Sag Harbor. From the outstanding facade, to the incredible treasures beyond, the most discerning recipient will be quite pleased. Serving a lobster bisque with fine sherry and truffles? This is the ladle for the job.
6. Simple, clean and utilitarian. GANSETT LANE HOME in Amagansett is full of gifts like this decanter, that can’t miss.
7. Launched this past summer, The Bridgehampton Inn Cookbook is already a treasured favorite everywhere. Did you catch Jimmy Fallon raving about the book and the Van Kempen family on the Tonight Show? And LOAVES AND FISHES is a must-go for any foodie on your list.
8. We bought these beautiful little utensils last summer and we use them all the time! THE WEATHERED BARN in Greenport is chock-full of unique artisan and in-house designed treasures for just about everyone on your list.
9. STICK + STONE in Amagansett shares the space in the back of the applied arts building with GRAIN SURFBOARDS. Aynsley and Brian are so talented and down to earth and the treasures you’ll find are true artisan quality. Whether you hit one of their holiday markets or just pop by, make this a must-go stop on your holiday list.
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1. SATORI has been in Sag Harbor forever, and Lee Ann Bulgin has done such a wonderful job with the space. Open, clean and inviting, and full of finds like this soft-as-heaven purple hat.
2. HIDDEN GEM in Southampton isn’t just home decor and art, you’ll find some gorgeous little accessories there too!
3. NATUROPATHICA started in East Hampton about 20 years ago and is now a nationally renowned brand. The calendula cream is epically luxe and their gift sets are priced right. A perfect introduction to the brand for a beauty aficionado.
4. We’re so lucky to have DR. KEN MARK right here in Southampton. Nationally celebrated for his innovative skin cancer and cosmetic dermatology practice, he has also designed one of the most advanced and effective skin care lines available. Stop in his office to discover what all the local celebrities are raving about.
5. Local favorite clothing store GLORIA JEWEL was the dream of hard working womanpreneur Megan Chiarello. She makes you feel so welcome, and helps you find all the perfect gifts for your loved ones (and maybe a little something for yourself too)
6. We love WÖLFFER, everyone loves WÖLFFER. Have you tried this playful pink gin? Made with the skins of harvested grapes, without too much juniper, it has a delicate yet complex palate. Perfect for a dry Holiday martini, and that label though, divine. She will love it.
7. We just can’t handle the beauty of this purple pom throw by SHED TEXTILE. It’s just beyond words, and is destined to be a treasure for any lucky recipient.
8. Every girl deserves a little boho shimmer during the holidays. These knotted bags at JOEY WÖLFFER in Sag Harbor are selling out fast, so get over there now!
9. These INTO THE WOODS gems were the ‘it’ bags of the summer, but don’t write them off for winter! These deep jewel tones are stunning paired with cashmere and fur. And she can bring them along on her winter vacation too!
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1. You never know what you’ll find at ENGLISH COUNTRY HOME in Bridgehampton, but what we do know is that you’ll find some of the most elegant, unusual and precious home decor, new and vintage, that you’ll ever see, like this butter dish.
2. Local artist JACKIE MALONEY is a nature lover and it shows. Her watercolor prints feature birds, fish, and all sorts of local wildlife, and they’re incredibly affordable so grab a few!
3. Feuds are ‘for the dogs’, but not when It’s Boston vs. NYC in the cutest way possible. ACK V HAMPS is notorious for their playful Nantucket vs. The Hamptons watercolor art, and this sweet print takes it next level. Woof!
4. The folks at SYLVESTER & CO in Sag Harbor definitely have a thing for dogs. If you love your furry friend, or you’re shopping for someone who does, get over there and check out their adorable wares like this set of mugs. Obsessed.
5. RUBY BEETS in Sag Harbor is full of breathtaking vintage finds and custom pieces. This Hobbyhorse would make a stunning addition for any home.
6. Newcomer BOWTIE PET CLUB has some truly adorable finds for your furry friends. Woof Cliquot anyone? Don’t mind if we do!
7. Know someone who has a resident dog, and an empty coffee table? I think you’ve found the perfect match. HOMENATURE in Southampton is full of nature inspired treasures and some cute canine finds too.
8. You don’t have to be an equestrian to appreciate the style of this chic wrap bracelet. THE TACK TRUNK in Amagansett has so many brands and items you won’t find anywhere else in the Hamptons, so get over there for your favorite horse lover quick!
9. Who doesn’t love MECOX GARDENS and their grand, garden-chic decor? Want to splurge on your favorite canine enthusiast? These greyhounds are royally elegant, yet simultaneously adorable.
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1. Is there anything cooler than fossilized, prehistoric shark teeth covered in silver and gold? We think not. FIN Montauk has you covered.
2. JENNIFER MILLER opened her Southampton boutique in 2004 and since then has acquired a loyal celebrity following. Her upscale, yet super wearable and fun designs are always treasured. 
3. LOVE ADORNED in Amagansett has the sweetest most delicate, hand crafted pieces at all different price points, like this ring. It’s the perfect stop for a little something special for that special someone.
4. GLENN BRADFORD in Southampton has very cool designer vintage pieces mixed with his own designs, with themes ranging from spiritual to tattoo like this key charm (each charm sold separately).
5. Local boho chic royalty, JOEY WÖLFFER, mixes a curated selection of awe inspiring pieces (like these earrings) with her own designs at her shop in Sag Harbor. Plus her authentic and cool vibe keeps her fanbase loyal.
6. Some pieces, like this LOVE necklace, are just so perfect and sweet you want to wear them every day. Megan Chiarello of GLORIA JEWEL is so good at finding the things that make you feel good inside and out. 
7. Local artisan BLUE FEATHER WEATHER handcrafts classic sterling and turquoise jewelry by hand. These Pilot Mountain Turquoise rings are made with beautiful stones harvested in Arizona. Reach out through IG for purchase info.
8. Eleni Preston of MADE SAG HARBOR is a goldsmith with GIA accreditation who has been working with Biwa, Keshi and natural pearls since 1980. For her, making jewelry is a holistic way of producing from a pure material, precious and non-precious stones, in a circular, regenerative way.
9. From internationally renowned jewelry designer TAMARA COMOLLI, this Mikado Flamenco in the color story Sky consists of light blue Sky Topaz, electric Swiss Topaz and moody London Topaz. It perfectly captures the deep and endless feeling of blue skies.
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1. PETIT BLUE in East Hampton has a wonderfully curated selection of gifts for kids of all ages, We’re obsessed with the style of this ride on, it will instantly elevate any playroom, besides being a ton of fun.
2. Don’t forget to grab you some Freezy Freakies at FLYING POINT SURF! Just took you back to childhood for a minute there didn’t we?
3. ETHEL + ROW in Sag Harbor has a wonderful selection of gifts that will make mom and dad just as happy as the wee ones. Every playroom needs a teepee for hiding, reading and storytelling.
4. FLYING POINT SURF always has great stuff for the kids so we had to pick 2 loves in this category, this little hoodie is nothing short of adorable.
5. GOOD Westhampton has gifts for everyone on your list including the wee ones. What’s cuter than a tiny Hamptons onesie? Not much.
6. STEVENSONS in Southampton has an incredible selection of wooden toys, classic stuff, popular and unique toys, plush, ride ons, legos, puzzles, stocking stuffers and so much more. This house is destined to be a hit.
7. This critically acclaimed children’s book by Jimmy Kimmel will bring the silly out of any serious goose. BOOKHAMPTON has a gift for everyone on your list.
8. EGG New York in Southampton has some of the cutest baby duds around and this little love hat is no exception.
9. The 3 young opera singers who launched THE OPERA DOLLS this summer started it with the goal of making opera tangible, relevant, and accessible to young audiences and beyond. Follow their adventures in Kenya and Europe on social media.
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1. If your dude is a dad, aspires to dad fashion, or just really likes MONTAUK HARD LABEL WHISKEY, then this hat is the gift for him.
2. Is he feeling a little cranky and rough around the edges? Soften up your man with CBD salt scrub from local MMJ pioneers HEMP IN THE HAMPTONS (by Hampton Medi Spa)
3. Does your guy live in Quogue, live near Quogue, or just love Quogue? Then you need to swing into THE QUOGUE SHOP. They have all sorts of cute and preppy Q items, like this belt, for your favorite “west of the canal” dude.
4. Morris & Sons in Southampton has some seriously dapper duds. We’re obsessed with this hunter green tie.
5. WHITEWATER OUTFITTERS isn’t just for hard core fishermen (I mean, it’s for them too) but you can pick up all sorts of cool gear and accessories for your manly man there. We love this Grundens Cap and he will too.
6. Is your guy elegant and manly? Or does he aspire to be? This Yak Horn from DESTINATION HAUS is about to make his desk, or bookcase, or nightstand the coolest spot in the house. 
7. Has he been good this year? I mean, really good? Let the friendly staff at LONDON JEWELERS help you pick out the perfect timepiece for your perfect gentleman, we happen to be fans of Panerai.
8. Is there anything tougher and cooler than a good Carhartt? He doesn’t need to be outdoorsy or mechanically inclined to enjoy the warmth and ruggedness of this classic jacket. Keep it local and pick one up for a good price at FISHER SIGNS AND SHIRTS in Southampton.
9. Again, for the win, SYLVESTER & CO in Sag Harbor has gifts for dogs and dudes too! This Man Can is perfect for when you’re feeling stumped.
10. We’re all stoked about the return of the Sag Harbor Cinema, and you can find branded goods throughout the village but even bigger names are getting in on the action. This cap from BONGIORNO supports the restoration project and flaunts your love of local.
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1. A first edition JRR Tolkein? C’mon, you know there’s someone in your life that would give their first born for this one. Find it at SOUTHAMPTON BOOKS.
2. The Holidays are a great time to get a book that helps you recover from over indulging. 
3. Morgan & Kydd makes the most beautiful handcrafted paper goods, this just might be our favorite card this season.
4. For a textile based company, St Frank definitely has a quirky affinity for the unusual. This one is for the sophisticated yet slightly dangerous crowd.
5. Wyeth has incredible style, and these bookends are no exception. An elegant statement for the bold aesthete.
6. RBG on the tree? Count us in.
7. Could anything be more seasonally appropriate and less cliché at the same time than Nordic Tales? This book is a stunner.
8. Subtle and earthy, this keychain from LOVE ADORNED pays homage to the 60′s and/or maybe your high school days. Yup those are magic mushrooms. 
9. LEVAIN BAKERY in Wainscott has the biggest, softest gooiest cookies on the planet, and they ship!
10. The overlap area between entertainment and decor is a sweet spot for everyone. MECOX for the Domino game win.
So that’s it folks! One thoughtful gift is always better than a bunch of big box sale stuff. There are great gifts to be found all over the North and South Forks at all different price points. Buying locally is a more enjoyable experience than the big chains, you find better, more unique stuff, you get to meet interesting people, hear stories about what you buy, and you actually help your community. Keep the following “Pick 3 Spend 50″ rule in mind as you shop this month, and always...
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/a-season-of-romance-september-2019-energy-forecast/
A Season of Romance – September 2019 Energy Forecast
A Season of Romance – September 2019 Energy Forecast
By Emmanuel Dagher
Hi my friend,
Welcome to a brand-new month and season! As the energies begin to shift to a new direction, September will be filled with many surprises, so let’s jump right into it all!
A Deeper Connection
The energies coming in at this time are giving us the opportunity to strengthen our connection to the Source of all life.
What will this look like for our everyday lives?
The purpose of every human being—the purpose we’ve carried throughout all time and space—is simply to come home to ourselves.
“Coming home to ourselves” is another way of saying we’ve consciously chosen to remember and connect with our core essence. And that we’ve fully acknowledged our Oneness with the Source of All That Is.
Coming home to ourselves is less about reaching a destination, and more about a shift in awareness that can only happen as we embrace being in the present.
Coming home to ourselves allows us to transcend illusions of separation, fear, and survival-based conditioning. It helps us connect with and embody the unwavering peace that has always been beneath it all.
Isn’t that interesting to contemplate? That underneath all fear, worry, lack, doubt, and other survival-based conditioning, unconditional peace (love) is always there.
How does it make your Spirit feel when you read this statement? Does it feel more expansive? Or does it feel more constricted?
The mind may try to create stories that limit its ability to tap into feelings of unconditional peace. Yet it only does that because it’s trying to keep itself safe and comfortable by doing what has worked for it in the past, which is to use survival-oriented coping patterns.
If this happens, thank the mind for trying to protect you and itself the best way it knows how. The mind just desires to be acknowledged and loved by you.
As it receives acknowledgment and love from you on a consistent basis, it will be less likely to resort to survival-based thought patterns for shock effect, just to get your attention.
September will offer us the opportunity to begin shifting our relationship with our mind, so that we can come home to ourselves, and experience the deep connection to Spirit/Source/the Universe that we have desired since the day we were born on this planet and into third dimensional existence.
The Season of Romance
When we reflect on the word romance, we usually think about it as two souls coming together to share an intimate, open, vulnerable exchange of love.
This is a beautiful way to see romance, yet that is not a complete view of it.
That view will always leave us yearning and desiring something from others they just cannot give us.
It’s why most people move through life feeling as though something is missing. That need creates an inner void that just doesn’t seem to get filled.
The need to find something outside ourselves to fill that void can leave us in search mode indefinitely, as we never really feel settled and at peace.
The remedy to all of this is to cultivate the kind of romance that will give us the peace, fulfillment, joy, love, prosperity, and well-being we have always searched for.
The only kind of love relationship that will ever give us these blessings is the one we have with ourselves.
Have you romanced yourself lately, if ever? Have you taken the time to honor and acknowledge your magnificence?
Have you taken the time to love every part of you, from the inside out?
When we fall deeply in love with a partner, it’s very hard to see any flaws in them in the beginning courting stages. We only see the pure soul essence of who they are.
What would happen if we gave ourselves this same gift?
Would we be able to move out of self-judgment more quickly, and fully see our perfection? Even those parts of us we once believed were imperfect?
We are now in a time where we can heal all of those prehistoric, human-made beliefs about romance not being an inside job. Beliefs that say it’s selfish to love ourselves—that it’s arrogant, or not spiritual.
All of those beliefs can be resolved, healed, and alchemized now.
They have served their purpose. They’ve helped us come to where we are now, in our individual lives and in our collective consciousness.
We don’t need these archaic patterns anymore, because they are no longer aligned with the direction our world and Universe are moving in.
We have evolved, and will continue to evolve exponentially over the coming days, weeks, months, and years.  We have outgrown the primal parts of us that prefer to remain in the illusions of separation and fear.
That is not who we are, or have ever been at our core, and it took us forgetting who we are, for us to come to this point in humanity’s history, so that we could remember again.
So, over the coming days, weeks, and months ahead, we will be given the opportunity to shed many of the outdated belief patterns we once allowed to hold us back from being our most authentic, soul-satisfied selves. 
Let this be the season of you choosing to make yourself the top priority in your life.
Let this be the season you commit to loving and honoring yourself from now on, the way you have always desired a partner to do for you.
Allow the supportive healing energies coming in at this time from the celestial heavens and skies to lift you up, so that you raise up in love every aspect of your emotional, mental, physical, and etheric bodies.
You deserve this. This is what the Universe/your Spirit has always desired for you to give to yourself.
If you’re ever not sure how, ask for extra support from your I AM/Spirit Self, and Source Energy itself. They are beyond ready, and able to support you.
So how do we romance ourselves?
A loving relationship with ourselves requires three simple things:
1. Complete Acknowledgment of Our Inner and Outer Self – This means we are fully committed to seeing, hearing, and giving attention to every aspect of our body/mind/Spirit.
If we are judging our body for being “too heavy” or “too thin,” we are not fully acknowledging and honoring our body.
When this happens, thank the mind for resorting to old coping patterns to keep itself safe, and imagine your body being represented by your 3-year-old self.
Embrace that child, and hold her/him in your arms for as long as needed, until you feel a softening/peaceful sensation in your body and mind.
2. Complete Commitment to Ourselves – This means we are choosing to make ourselves a top priority in our lives. We are choosing to cultivate a daily practice that nourishes our body/mind/Spirit.
Reflect on some of the things you loved doing as a child.
Did you like to sing, paint, draw, dance, spend time in nature, play sports, build things? Anything we love doing is a golden nugget that helps lead us back to our true self.
Give yourself permission to integrate these blessings back into your life now.
3. Alignment with the Present – Although “being present” sounds like a trivial concept, it can be quite challenging for most people, because up until now we have been conditioned to live in a survival-based world.
When we are in survival, we are not ourselves. We become a shell of ourselves, living outside our bodies and the present moment.
This shell either lives in fear of the future, or dwells persistently on the past. It is never able to fully receive or be in the present moment.
Joy itself is the ability to fully receive and be in the present.
That’s why we may notice that those who meditate, and spend time aligning with whatever helps them be fully present, are also happy and at peace with themselves.
Romancing ourselves includes giving ourselves full permission to align with the present, so that we too can connect with the inner joy and peace that has always been available to us.
As we develop a romantic love relationship with ourselves, something quite spectacular happens: The world around us begins to change, heal, and reflect the ways we are showing up for ourselves.
That includes aligning with a partner who loves us as fully as we have chosen to love ourselves. It includes aligning with a career path that liberates us, and allows us to express to the world the truest aspects of ourselves.
It also includes attracting to us daily blessings and miracles that affirm our feelings of connection to all of life itself.
And as enough of us move in this direction, our planet and the world will also heal, and reflect a new consciousness for humanity—one that operates within the freeing parameters of love.
Doesn’t that feel magical and expansive?
Now is the time for us to move in that direction. This is what the Universe desires most for us—to remember who we are, and to spend the rest of our lives honoring, loving, and acknowledging the magnificence of who we are.
Because by doing this, we are offering the Universe/Spirit the greatest honor and respect.
Onward and Upward
As with any romance, things can take a bit of time to blossom. Being gentle, patient, and kind with our mind as it learns how to open itself up to receiving love from us will be quite helpful.
In the early stages of a romance, things often come to the surface, such as our old insecurities, self-doubts, and judgments. These are just self-protection mechanisms.
If this happens, know it’s because deeply buried emotions and thought patterns are coming to the surface to be acknowledged, honored, healed, and resolved.
With this awareness, we no longer find ourselves shying away from the emotions and thoughts coming forward, but rather embrace and honor them as part of the healing process.
Doesn’t it feel extraordinary to know that there’s nothing your mind can do or say that ever justifies us being hard on it and judging it?
Even when it’s judging itself, we now have enough awareness to know that it is allowed to do that, and all that’s asked of us is to love it through that process.
So much was shared in this forecast. I’m excited to hear about how you choose to work with the opportunities we’re being given now to move into self-love in ways we’ve never experienced before!
May this September bring you home to yourself, and allow your heart, mind, and Spirit to feel loved unconditionally, always.
Until next time,
Miraculously yours,
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phenomenist-blog · 6 years
1. Hallstatt, Austria
The United Nations calls this “the most beautiful lakeside town in the world.” Situated in the Austrian Alps, it is also the oldest continuously-inhabited settlement in German-Speaking territory.
Disarmingly unassuming, Hallstatt sits in an Alpine lake district that has the same name as the town: the Hallstatt district. A municipal area is evident in Hallstatt as far back as 1200 B.C. This makes the town quite a bit older than Rome. 
In 800 B.C., Hallstatt becomes the birthplace of Celtic Culture, which then, in turn, gives rise to German Culture. The Celts and Germans together are the principal founders of Europe. Thus, Hallstatt is the main origin place of Civilization on the European continent, outside the Classical world. 
When people hear the word “Celtic,” they usually do not associate it with the Alps. They would know better, if they knew about Hallstatt. Although the Celts operate without a capital city, Hallstatt is the birthplace of their Civilization. From this small town, Celtic hunter-warriors quickly spread to cover most of the continent in an astounding display of rapid growth. Hallstatt provides one of the two resources that leads to this sudden Celtic dominion: mine salt, the other resource being iron ore, which is also accessible nearby. 
While iron ore may be the well-known rock that initiates the Iron Age, rock salt is actually the more valuable of the two resources in the Ancient world, more valuable to survival than gold. Roman soldiers regularly receive payment in salt, rather than gold, because of its immediate practical applications. Salt has food preservative and antibacterial qualities, so that salted food lasts much longer than unsalted food. A pack of salted meat keeps a traveler full, with a steady supply of garb for months, able to last from point-to-point en route across many miles of Alpine or Forest terrain. This traveler’s boon prevents starvation and many forms of illness, in Ancient Europe. Until the invention of modern mass-production technology, rock salt from a mine such as Hallstatt is one of the most powerful, valuable minerals of planet Earth.
Deep within the mountains of Hallstatt, the salt supply is easily accessible and in large supply. It collects in a prehistoric cave, and nobody knows how old it really is. The mine may be natural, rather than man-made. What is sure is that the salt from Hallstatt offers the nomadic Celts the power and means to hunt, travel, trade, and thrive across long distances, like no other resource could. Able to make iron tools, they are also more efficient miners than most. And with the combination of salted meat and iron weapons, Celts truly dominate the world of Ancient battle.
Because of this, the Celts are a formidable force, simply primed for the hunter-warrior lifestyle. They are more powerful than most people realize: the first true force in the West, making a continental presence hundreds of years before Rome. Precisely around the time a settlement appears in Hallstatt, the Celts almost immediately cover European geography, creating a Civilizational domain that spreads as far West as Spain, as far East as the Balkans, as far South as the Italian Alps, and as far North as the North Sea. This massive domain is essentially as large as a Civilization has ever been, in Europe, far eclipsing Rome in size, for hundreds of years. 
Thus, the salt of Hallstatt fuels a material revolution which propels the Celtic dominion over the West. If you want to look for the “true founders” of Europe, look to Hallstatt. Around 390 B.C., Chieftain Brennus of the Celts makes history when he sacks the city of Rome, becoming the first man to do so, though his people are far too nomadic to make any real use of a large city, so they let the Roman capital fall back into the hands of its founders. Still, this even marks the first capture of Rome, an event that will not repeat until Rome is about ready to fall. It is a symbolic statement by the Celts, whom the Romans view as their true blood enemies, for the rest of history. Essentially, the Celtic-Roman conflict is central to how the Romans come to measure themselves as they grow into the most powerful Civilization in the world.
Yet something totally unrelated to the Celtic-Roman conflict, and totally unforeseen, happens when Celtic travelers reach the remote coasts of the North Sea. In 600 B.C., a meeting takes place between the Celts of the Alps and the indigenous people of the Far North, a people that has been permanently locked in a unique and frigid, icy environment since the Stone Age. The sudden, but perhaps fated, meeting of two peoples sparks a new and restless culture into existence: the German Culture. 
The German Culture is nothing but a synthesis of the Celtic way of life with a Northern bloodline. It springs forth in the North of Germany and the Netherlands and Southern Scandinavia, where the Celtic ways of salt production and iron forging mix with the restless Northern spirit to create a new and formidable force of hunter-warrior nomads. The Germans emulate the Celts and in some ways eclipse them. 
In exchange for what the Celts offer, the Germans offer knowledge of riverboats and even seafaring, a watery emphasis which changes the fortunes of the Celts forever. Increasingly over time, the Germans become the new Masters of the Forest, replacing the Celts on land, but the Celts become the true Masters of the Sea, which becomes their “true love” as they embark to the British Isles. This dramatic turn of events gives the Celts a way to escape the crushing hand of Rome, and it also springboards the very existence of the German Civilization onto the continent. And the Germans will one day conquer Rome and gain control of the Celtic gem: Hallstatt.
Isolated from most of human activity and the Civilized world, Hallstatt itself does not feel like any kind of cradle of Civilization. It feels like an undisturbed haven of Nature, with a lovely German feel. This is because, in the Middle Ages, the Celts have already passed to the British Isles, and the Germans take control and give Hallstatt a makeover of timber woodwork. Ultimately, Hallstatt is a prehistoric settlement from a remote Alpine district of lakes that no single human Culture can own, though the Habsburg dynasty of Vienna claims the salt mine in the Age of Enlightenment and makes it a part of Austria, today. Geographically, the closest city to Hallstatt is Salzburg, itself a stunning Renaissance gem, nestled in the Alps.
Hallstatt remains a very well-preserved refuge in Nature. It feels like a direct conduit to the origins of the West. Shockingly, the mountain lake provides a warm summer swim, in midst of the clouds, in the shadow of the Alps. It is a truly ideal place to visit, and the whole municipal area has a mythical feel that makes it a site for a spiritual pilgrimage, to the true and aboriginal birthplace of European Culture. There may be no German-Speaking municipality that is more authentic to the heart of the West, though not in a “German” sense. Hallstatt transcends any one Civilization. It gives birth to everything.
In the end, a long history of technological change is visible in Hallstatt. Although it is possible to take a modern cable car deep into the salt mine, one can also walk the mine on foot down the stairs, or take a slide down an old chute. One can drive to the town on a bus or by car, but once there, all one wants to do is walk across Medieval bridges and cobblestone streets. It is not a large place. One can easily see the whole town on foot. Along the way, old equipment like wooden water mills, a classic cemetery, and the tools of the salt mine are within view, but the town lacks for nothing in terms of modern comfort. For its sheer historical gravity and beauty, Hallstatt belongs on a short-list of the few absolute “must-see” locations in the German-Speaking realm.
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vitohorstman0-blog · 7 years
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Back then, the concept from a wonderful youngsters' birthday celebration celebration in Cairo would usually cause a visit to McDonalds - and they would certainly be actually over pleased. This write-up laid outs just how the historical planet looked at water, off the deluge beliefs of Assyria and the Scriptures, to the sustainably made water off artesian aquifers in Classical opportunities. In historical opportunities when there were no doctors or even function theaters people used to dealing with stones in their gallbladder or kidneys. Quran is actually a publication of magics and also is one statement that is allowed by many individuals that have actually checked out the Holy Quran and also tried to know that. This is something that was presented by Allah Almighty for the improvement of the mankind. I could claim that the majority of the book will definitely sound along with my audiences because our team have consistently known that there is actually more to life in comparison to the outfit sense of some slight personality or even some pointless political roguishness. This historical burial ground stores some of the planet's earliest proof of canine domestication This also disclosed the respect these ancient animals were actually given in prehistoric communities. Not merely the skeletons as well as their various other physical functions of the historical people are recognized, yet also the attribute as well as degree of growth from all the crafts that may be maintained by funeral. If you have any thoughts about the place and how to use yellow pages uk wiki - click through the up coming web site -, you can get hold of us at the web site. This procedure has been in usage due to the fact that the historical times for great and negative purposes both. Since old opportunities, colleges and colleges have been thought about as temples from know-how. BM Healthcare understand that although that thousands upon hundreds of individuals count on nappies on a daily basis, the majority of possess a better clue regarding exactly how mobility personal mobility scooters were actually established compared to they perform about the background of nappies as well as other urinary incontinence products This is actually too bad, given that the story behind nappies is really very exciting. The old organic theorist, Pliny the Senior citizen, documents floral aromas like eye, harsh nuts as well as lilies in his Natural History as being actually used in wealth. Throughout various cultures in ancient times, the body and also making love was actually both marvelled at and also motivated. Pliny the Senior citizen described an Egyptian perfume that preserved its own fragrance after 8 years, as well as the old Greek botanist, Dioscorides, agreed that Egyptian cologne was far superior to that brought in through various other civilisations. The Gnostics related to extremely the historical Greek thinkers to have been actually accountable fit their spiritual identification, as opposed to the intelligences and thoughts from those that have actually resisted their ageless concepts. The ancient thinkers possessed the interesting tip that humans are actually only really ever happy as well as active when they have a specific duplicity from nature as well as individuality regarding all of them. Ancient Classical home furnishings operate marvelously properly for nearly any type of area from your residence. Old wisdom, combined with roots of esoteric and also doctrinal in nature, in addition to the understanding concept of early greek, the bases from an unique religious mind science that simply the Druze Brotherhood can easily declare to be their own. Situation: Archaeologists are aiming to learn more about these historical people by excavating in the damages to locate artefacts. Various other blossoms that were actually well-known in the course of old Egyptian times included the papyrus plant as well as the palm tree. Usual porcelains like glasses and blocks are actually still helped make by ancient operations. As also viewed earlier in old Egypt the Greeks also believed in Divine beings like fairies that inhabited streams and also grottoes. Relationship, like a lot of the transactions in old Rome was actually controlled through arrangements. This Lion symbolism has actually been utilized in landscape water components coming from early opportunities by means of to the here and now day. Our team observe it in films and also often its own illustrated in commercials, as pointed out above, but its own still restricted, at the very least in the United States. Fragrance went to the center of aesthetics as well as rehabs for both men and women in Ancient Egypt. In was actually during the 16th century that the table (originated from the Latin word tabula, which suggests a panel, a plank, or a level piece), definitely entered into its personal, hard dining tables and also other sort of tables have actually been around for virtually ages. If you really want to recognize where some from the legislations our company have today came off, this publication is actually quite useful. Izaac Walton published his publication 'Compleat Fishermen' along with the very first comprehensive writings about fly fishing. But analysts suggest that the genius from the book from Esther is that God performs not must be discussed to become obvious as well as noticeable. The Atlantic Month-to-month; June 2000; The Come back from Ancient Moments - 00.06; Quantity 285, No. 6; webpage 14-18. Baseding on the book of Esther, a determined Antisemite at court angered at her relative Mordecai as well as deceived the master right into signing an edict to eliminate of the Jews. Quran is a manual of magics and that is actually one statement that is actually accepted by lots of people who have checked out the Holy Quran as well as aimed to know that. This is something that was bestowed through Allah Almighty for the best interests from the humanity. I may say that a lot of guide will certainly sound along with my viewers given that our company have always recognized that there is actually more to lifestyle than the gown sense of some small star or some irrelevant political shenanigans. Dowsing - Divining Radiesthesia is a phrase, that was created in 1920 by the French abbot Alexis Bouly and it stems from the Latin term Distance" (radiation) and coming from the Classical phrase Aisthesis" (sensation). The structural logic that molded the thoughts scientific research is actually within the structure from the ancient Greek viewpoint, the theses from Classical Thinkers which assisted form the 5th Science. SAMSON the kid from MANOAH (c) 11OO BC possesses his complete tale said to in the BOOK OF JUDGES in the OLD PROOF asserting he was talented through GOD with massive strength utilized generally to pay a one man war against his foes the PHILISTINES. In the Greek human being, the decadent sex-related free-for all depicted in flicks and many university classrooms was actually certainly not the specification in the times of the free of charge and also democratic Classical society. The old natural philosopher, Pliny the Senior citizen, files floral fragrances such as iris, bitter almond and also lilies in his Nature as being made use of in great quantity. Throughout numerous societies in historical opportunities, the body and also making love was actually both marvelled at and also promoted. Pliny the Elder defined an Egyptian fragrance that maintained its own scent after 8 years, as well as the old Classical botanist, Dioscorides, conceded that Egyptian cologne was actually much above that created by various other civilisations. In the early times, vocals of the sorcery, spell and also witchcraft were commonly had as a weatherglass just before any kind of monarchy or even empire will certainly take any kind of action, deed or admonishments before going into fights, small or primary tasks or maybe daily program of a kingdom. Because components were actually imported even in early times shows the importance of fragrance.
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laura-jayne-conell · 7 years
As an enquiry into notions of escape and alternative realities I will make a series of drawings of that fuse my domestic reality with my need for fantasy literature. Using images of my domestic interior including, the kitchen, the lounge room and bedroom etc., I aim to intersect fantastical interruptions and elements including monsters, textures and landscapes. By developing a set of figurative drawings I aim to explore worlds within worlds that are occupied by humans, humanoids, hybrids, bipedal creatures and what may be regarded as monsters.
Nick Capasso states in an article, Monsters Everywhere and Forever (2001), from the DeCordova Museum and Sculpture Park, that “monsters are created out of human anxiety and negative emotions: confusion, fear, uncertainty, alienation, oppression, guilt, anger, sadness etc.” (Capasso, 2001). Opposing this statement, I disagree, as the word monster does have an initial negative connotation but monster can simply mean not human and can be derived from emotions like happiness, excitement, curiosity, pleasure, delight, interest, passion and so on. I will explore this contradiction posing an alternative reality filled with monsters interacting harmlessly with others.
“Figures and characters offer flexibility in the communication path through transformations or by inducing interactivity” (Garner 2008), it is this process of accessible exchange I aim to achieve with my project. I will investigate this flexibility by placing characters in situations and environments that convey seemingly every day narratives, such as going to work, looking for food in the kitchen etc., but will break away from the ordinary with the presence of fantasy components. Characters, I find, are the most anchoring element for a narrative because they are the easiest to relate to regardless if they’re in a fantasy environment or not.
The development will begin with some character development, human and non-human. Following the characters, next will be the development of an environment or scenario for the character to interact with. This environment will have elements of reality and then some disruptions that are obviously fantastical. Then I’ll aim to produce a series of drawings using multiple materials. The drawings will be intensely detailed to give the sense of hyper-realism. David Rosand once stated “the painter who brings a picture to high finish may seek to hide behind the polished surface, disappearing behind its illusion” this strikes very true with what I’m aiming to achieve. However, I’m not aiming to mask myself with my illustrations, I think of them more as a mirror into a world I can see but is out of my reach.
Based on the experiments I have undertaken my drawings will most likely be mixed media on a water absorbent surface. I aim to use watercolours, charcoal, ink, pencils and fine tipped pens on watercolour paper. My elements are not unlike those used by Vidya Gastaldon in her artwork A god doubting (2008), she uses mixed materials to convey a fantastical drawing featuring a central figure in an alien landscape.
As an avid fantasy reader, I want to escape from a world that has set limits on what is real and not real. Maybe I want to consume a world of fantasy that has no limits. In the realm of fantasy just about anything is possible and imagination runs wild and free. In our reality there is very set rules on what is real and not real. This infuriates me and makes me want to escape from an oppressive reality into a different world. Most of my interest do revolve around this fantasy theme: magic, witches and wizards, dragons and monsters, alternative universes and so on. I find the same escape in fantasy in the spiritual and in studies of distant, now extinct life such as ancient civilizations and prehistorical creatures. Concept design and general designing is another pursuit I strongly enjoy. The process of reusing and making stuff is another hobby I do in my spare time: making chain mail, cosplay armour, turning jars into lights etc.
  I also have a strong interest in Middle Eastern and Asian cultures, including: anime and manga. Part of that influence is Ju Jitsu, I martial arts I’ve practice for the last nine years, something I have explored in past works. Much of the discipline and philosophy of Ju Jitsu has greatly influenced my lifestyle choices and my art. I’ve found that two things in particular have. Whenever we practice with weapons we always hold the handle or the safe part of the weapon to our partner, apparently martial arts practiced in Japan don’t do this because the attacker can take the weapon and quick stab or slash you. But because of Australian influences such as mateship and that we’re only practicing we don’t do that. The other is the first time I ever went to try Ju Jitsu, the PCYC were having an open day and the clubs were all practicing, I saw Sensei Nezland demonstrating and beating up some of the boys. Initially I hadn’t wanted to do Ju Jitsu because it’s about using a partner but after seeing her I didn’t want to look at any other martial arts. She might be one of the reasons I predominantly draw female characters in my art. It could be simply because I find it easier to draw female characters or that women are proximately used in life drawing classes. However, I have no doubt that the strong females around me, like Sensei Nezland, have influences my art.
  Fantasy is a common string a lot of these interests share, another is the other or the unknown, the notion of discover and mystery. As stated before I hate the limitations, rules and regulations of reality which has forced me to escape to fantastical worlds. I have investigated a number of artists who explore the themes I am, including: Diana Al-Hadid, Vidya Gastaldon, Jen Ray, Elias Kafouros, and eX de Medici. Raqib Shaw is an artist I have admired for years, especially his artwork Paradise Lost (2001-11). It is an artwork that explores fantasy, figurative drawing, narrative, intense detailing, and illustration. Even though Shaw does explore some darker themes in this work, the themes mentioned resonate strongly with what I’m aiming to achieve with this project.
  Aside from contemporary artists I have also been exploring films (47 Ronin, The Black Cauldron, The Labyrinth, Sword Art Online etc.), books (Twisted Fairy Tales, Return to the Labyrinth, Nora etc.), and myths and fairy tales (Brothers Grim, Hans Christen Anderson, Egyptian, Babylonian etc.)
Capasso, Nick. 2001. Monsters Everywhere and Forever. Boston, USA: DeCordova Museum
Garner, Steve. 2008. “Chapter 11 – Digital Drawing, Graphic Storytelling and Visual Journalism”, in Readings in Art and Design Education: Writing on Drawing: Essays on Drawing Practice and Research, 171. Bristol, UK: Intellect Books.
Gastaldon, Vidya. A god doubting. (2008). Watercolour, gouache, coloured pencil and graphite on paper. 40 × 37 cm.
Raqib Shaw. Paradise Lost. (2001-11). Oil, acrylic, glitter, enamel and rhinestones on birch wood. 300 x 900 cm.
Rosand, David. 2002. Drawing Acts: Studies in Graphic Expression and Representation, 19. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
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