#something something about how watching a man you love go down a destructive path can change you
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eldritchqueerture · 6 months ago
"He's a man that not while ago I would've found pathetic and weak. Now I see him as wise and sensible."
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donteattheappleshook · 2 months ago
Not Broken at All Chapter 18/?
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A season 1 Neverland AU. Emma is still trying to adjust to her new life as Sheriff of Storybrooke and mom to Henry, who still believes everyone in town is a fairytale creature. When she finds a badly beaten, one handed man while patrolling, she’s convinced he’s crazy. He is, after all, rambling about fairies and shadows and crocodiles. But when Henry is suddenly taken out the window of a house everyone believes is haunted, the madman in the hospital might be her only hope of getting her son back. Whether he likes it or not.
Rated E
Catch up on Ao3 (where my italics work) or on Tumblr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Oh hey! What's up everyone?
I know it's been a while (shocking) but it's Solstice today and the muse decided something needed to be posted for this fic in honour of the fairy orgies XD
This was written super fast and not really re-read because it's already 10pm so I'll probably edit it later but I'm giving it to you all now.
Happy Solstice and I hope you enjoy this chapter! <3
Part 18
“Doesn’t look so bad,” Will shrugs when they stand outside the mouth of the cave the next morning. Emma and Wendy roll their eyes at the same time. It does look that bad. For a place called Echo Cave she’d had expected something bigger, something louder. But all she can see as they approach is a narrow tunnel in the rockface, no sound escaping from within. So she jumps when Tiger Lily’s voice suddenly comes from within. 
“You’re late.”
“Apologies,” Killian nods. “The forest has changed a fair bit since I last made the journey - it took us longer than anticipated to find the path.” 
“You have a habit of doing that,” Tiger Lily scoffs. “Misinterpreting time.” 
The reply is so quick, and Killian’s sigh so exhausted, that Emma has to hold back a snort of laughter.
“We came as fast as we could.”
“Come then, let’s not delay any further. The others have gathered.” 
“Who are the others?” Emma asks Hook quietly as they follow.
“The eldest of those who were here before Pan. They were barely more than children when it happened, but They have some memory of how things were.” 
“I thought you said they’d forgotten all their magic.” 
“We did not forget,” Tiger Lily snaps from the entrance. Emma watches as the faint, gold dusting of magic that covers their skin, the only light in the otherwise pitch black cave shimmers and slides over their arm, cascading like water down through their fingers  that they trail along the  rocky wall, leaving flecks of sparking, gold dust in their wake.  “It was taken from us. Through slaughter and cruelty. When the children who were left behind grew enough to become a threat to Pan, we were forced to lock away what little we remembered or meet the same fate.” 
Every time she thinks it can’t get worse, it does. The massacre of Tiger Lily’s people and the destruction of their history, the torture and killing of the Lorelei, the horror of the murder of those boys on the beach. There’s no end it seems to Pan’s cruelty, to his thirst for blood. 
Emma reaches for the shimmering of light that remains along the wall, glittering and moving with the flow of the rough surface. It glows brighter beneath her touch and something swells from deep within her, rushing to meet it, warm and electrifying, before she yanks her hand back and stumbles the rest of the way though. 
The walk is long, this cave buried deep in darkness and stardust. She’s not sure she even hears it at first, a small whisper of a voice from far away, the words too quiet to make out, but repeating. As they continue along and a dim light starts to appear in the distance, they grow louder. It’s a child’s voice, rolling against the walls of the cave - wish I’d never come here… just want to go home. Just want to go home. Just want to go home….
She feels Killian’s hand on the small of her back and realizes she’s stopped walking. “It’s alright, love. It’s just an echo. The last secret that was shared here.” She still hesitates, not wanting to get any closer to the haunting voice. “Whoever they were, they’re not here anymore.”
“His name was Ruffio,” Will says, nearly as quiet as the first echo. “He’s been gone a long time.” He only meets her eye for a moment before clearing his throat and continuing as though he hadn’t said anything. She can’t blame him. She knows by now that nobody in Neverland ever goes home. “Come on - we’ve got secrets to spill.” 
The light ahead grows until finally they emerge into a massive cavern. The stone that surrounds them black onyx - gleaming faintly against the dust that covers the ceiling like a galaxy above them. The space feels boundless, endless like the darkness could go on forever and she’s reminded of their flight here, of the endless sea of stars they’d sailed in on. 
There are four people standing in the center of the chamber on a platform of the same black onyx, all of them with the same sharp, androgynous features as Tiger Lily, all with the same loose-fitting clothes and cropped hair, and all with that same shimmer of living magic glowing faintly in the dark. Tink stands with them, waiting. None of them are any older in appearance than herself, but she knows better by now than to judge age or power by appearance on this island. 
The Constant. 
They follow the rest of the way to the narrow, stone bridge that connects the ledge to the platform on which the others stand. When Emma takes a step to follow Tiger Lily onto the bridge, Killian puts an arm out, halting her in her tracks. Emma watches, heart in her throat as the bridge crumbles after Tiger Lily, stone falling away behind every step until they reach the end and there’s no bridge at all. 
“The Constant keep no secrets,” Killian explains. “The cave can’t compel anything from them. We, on the other hand…” 
“Of course they don’t.” No wonder they wanted to use this place. Easy to make others share their deepest darkest secrets when you’ve got none of your own to divulge and nothing to risk. “What about Tink?” she asks, nodding at the fifth person standing with the Constant.
“The fey have wings.” 
Right. “So how does this work?” 
“From what I remember, you step out onto the edge and call out your secret. If it’s truly your darkest, the cave will echo it back to you.”
“And then we get across?” 
“Aye, easy as that,” Killian attempts a smile, but it comes out as a wince. “I’ll go,” he offers though he looks like he’s dreading this as much as she is. She’s just thankful she doesn’t have to start.  He lets out another sigh, bracing himself and then, “I kissed Emma.” 
Fuck. Her heart drops into her stomach. He’s been a pirate for two hundred years - How the hell can his darkest secret have anything to do with her?
Will smirks. “Kissed? Is that what they’re calling it these days? And I think you’re forgetting that we were all there when she jumped you at Solstice.” His smirk deepens. “And when Emma came back all wet.” If Emma could reach him she’d smack him. 
“I literally walked in on you,” Wendy deadpans.
“I’m not talking about Solstice,” he sighs, not rising to the bait. “It was…” She knows when it was. We’ll keep each other safe, they’d promised. She doesn’t need everyone else to know though. Not when she’s not even sure what any of it meant or what it means now. “It doesn’t matter,” Killian shakes his head. “It was what the kiss - what all of it - exposed.” Fuck. fuck. fuck. fuck. “My secret is… I never believed that I’d be capable of letting go of my first love, of my Milah.” He breathes her name like a prayer and a wound. “To believe that I could find someone else.” His eyes lift to hers and it’s only by sheer force of will that she’s able to stop herself from taking a step back, from running away from the way he’s looking at her. Because she needs to hear this. They all do. If she wants to get across this fucking bridge, if she wants to talk to the fucking Constant, if she wants to get her son back - she needs to hear this secret as much as he needs to tell it. “That is, until I met you.”
She doesn’t know what to say or if she’s supposed to say something, can’t bring herself to look at Wendy or Will or look away from his eyes still burning into hers. And then before she even can do anything, Killian’s voice echoes through the cave, ‘until I met you’ called back to them like a ghost. A rumble follows as a section of the fallen bridge rises back from the depths below them, rock by rock, rebuilding itself. 
Killian lets out a humourless laugh. “So, who’d like to go next?” 
“I will.” Wendy stands with her shoulders straight, like she’s ready for a fight rather than a confession. Emma gets a sinking feeling in her stomach from the way she’s making herself look at Killian, with shame and guilt. He doesn’t look surprised - he looks like he expected this to hurt. “Sometimes… Sometimes I wish you’d never found me. Sometimes I wish you had just kept on walking that day when Pan left me to die.” She winces. “I’ll always be grateful to you for saving my life, for taking me in but…” 
Killian nods when she hesitates, her eyes damp with unshed tears. “Go on, it’s alright.”  
“You trapped me here, Hook. You’re the reason I have to live in this neverending nightmare. Forever. You knew what that water would do to me and I know you couldn’t ask but… you didn’t give me a choice. And I think that if I had one now - if I could have had a say in the next hundred years of my life… I’d rather you’d just let me die because this -” she gestures at herself, at everything around them.  “It’s worse than death. And because of you I’ll never leave.” She lets out a bitter laugh. “I can’t even die if I want to. Not unless Pan decides that’s what he wants. You forced this life on me, Killian, you cursed me to live because it made you feel better and I don’t… I’ll never forgive you for that.” 
Tears stain her cheeks now, jaw tight as she refuses to let any more follow and Emma can see the heartbreak on Killian’s face. “Wendy…” but she shakes her head and he stops the step he’d taken towards her. 
“I’m sorry,” she chokes and he shakes his head this time. Her secret echoes around them like a taunt this time - ‘never forgive you for that’ - and another piece of the bridge rebuilds itself. The silence hangs between them, louder than any echo, until Will steps up. 
“I suppose I should go next - while we’re on the topic of never being forgiven.” He takes his own steadying breath. “I’m dying.” 
Wendy’s face falls. “... what?” It comes out cracked and small and frightened. “What do you mean you’re dying?”
The look Will gives her - there’s so much guilt there, so much pain and self-loathing and love. Emma may not know much about it but she can recognize it now in his eyes, in the way he looks at Wendy. “I lied when I told you I didn’t know what Pan did to my heart. I’ve seen him do it before.”
“One hundred years…”
Will nods, a self-deprecating smile falling flat. “I really hoped that I could keep it from you for a little longer. Neverland will slow it down but… he squeezed a hundred years from my heart. I’ll start aging faster - a lot faster - and pretty soon…”
“How long?” He hesitates a beat longer than Emma can handle - and Wendy… gods, she can’t imagine. “How long?”
“I’ll be dead in a few months - three, maybe four depending on how long I would have lived if I’d aged like a normal person but - I’m so sorry, Wen. I didn’t want to tell you, I -”
Whatever he was going to say and whatever she might have answered  is stolen by the cave calling back to them in Will’s voice, ‘dead in a few months’. Nobody looks as the bridge puts itself back together, all of them too focused on the cruel revelation. He did it for her, Emma realises, for all of them but… he’s dying because of her. Wendy’s losing him because of her. Even Killian looks solemn at the news. 
“Your turn, Emma,” Will chokes out with the palest attempt at levity she’s seen him manage since she met him. “Wouldn’t want to be left out of all the fun, would you?”
She looks out towards the chasm between them and the Constant. She doesn’t even know what she expected to confess, or what she’d hear confessed by those with her, and now, with the truth of Will’s fate hanging in the air, nothing feels like it matters in the grand scheme of things. 
What even is her deepest secret? That she gave up Henry? That she had her heart broken by a selfish man who used her and then left her? That she spent a year of her life in jail? That she’s spent her whole life searching for the parents who left her behind? That between Neal and her parents she doesn’t think she could ever trust someone again - could ever let herself love someone again, or let them love her… That she might be anyway? None of it feels like enough; none of it even feels like a secret anymore, not since Henry found her and brought her to Storybrooke. 
And then, like bile and sick, she feels something being forced up from her throat, words clawing their way to the surface and past her lips of their own volition. She can’t stop them. She doesn’t even know what she’s going to say until they come spilling out. 
“I wish Henry had never come to find me. I wish he’d never brought me to Storybrooke.” The confession leaves her gasping, tears in her eyes as though she had been sick. She wants to be, hearing such a horrible truth being spoken out loud. Killian looks at her with sympathy, but she turns away from it. And once it’s started, she can’t stop it. “I never wanted to be a mother. I gave him away because I knew he’d be better off without me - but also because I knew I’d be better off without him. He’s a beautiful, amazing kid and I love him more than anything… but I never asked for this. Every day since he showed up at my door I’ve been terrified - every minute of every day. Those few minutes in the Fae forest when I couldn’t remember him were the most peaceful I’ve felt in months and when it all came flooding back it just reminded me of how much simpler my life was before I had to be anything to anyone. I don’t want to lose him. But I never wanted to find him either.” 
The bridge rebuilds itself, completing the path across as the worst thing she’s ever said, ‘never wanted to find him’,  is echoed back to her cruelly. She feels drained, numb, and she wonders if the others are feeling this horrible emptiness too. She looks out at where the Constant wait. If this is their idea of having them prove their allegiance, they better be ready to give theirs in return.
“Come on, Swan,” Killian tells her, leading her across the bridge. None of them say a word, Will and Killian both casting glances at Wendy who won’t look up from her feet, and the silence follows them the whole way across. 
“That sounded rough,” Tink comments when they reach the platform, the five Constant talking in harsh whispers in a language she doesn’t recognize. 
“How lucky of you to have missed it then,” Will snips. He must be feeling worse than Emma realized.
There’s an argument starting, still in that foreign language, but she can tell just the same. Every few words there’s a glimpse of something that feels familiar, a syllable from another language she’s heard, a word that could be French or Spanish, a glimpse of English, not one language but many - like every language spoken at once.
“This meeting has been a topic of some controversy,” Killian whispers. “But I think Tiger Lily might be on our side.” 
“You can understand them?” 
He shrugs. “One picks up a few things after two centuries.”
There’s a small scoff from Tink. “Yeah, all that pillow talk was really educational.”
Killian ignores the quip. “They’re the keepers of the last of the forgotten history of the old Neverland.” He nods at each as he names them. “That’s Philodendron, Halcyon, Alder, Jacaranda, and you know Tiger Lily.
“Tiger Lily is one of them?” 
“Tiger Lily was the oldest Constant to survive the massacre. They were just shy of a century when Pan took over.”
“A century?”
“The Constant are eternal, love. A century is nothing.” 
The Constant have gone silent, a tense, begrudging conclusion to their argument that Emma can feel even if she doesn’t know the words. 
Finally, Tiger Lily speaks. “Tinkerbell tells us you wish to unearth the secrets of the island - secrets that were buried to keep us safe.”
“Secrets that could return the island to the way it once was if you ally with us against Pan,” Killian counters. 
“If our knowledge could have defeated the boy,” Alder interjects, “we would have done so a millenia ago when he first laid waste to this island.” 
“Maybe your knowledge alone couldn’t defeat him, but we have the Lorelei on our side, and the fae,” Wendy adds, gesturing at Tink. 
Alder scoffs. “You have one fairy. One who’s been without magic for almost five hundred years, who’s magic was corrupted by the very demon you seek to destroy. Our magic was born from the innocence and dreams of children, the purest light magic there is, and even it was snuffed out by Pan’s darkness. What chance have you with a weakened fairy and the duplicitous sirens?” 
“We have more than that,” Tink interjects, bitterness and insult obvious in the bite of her words. “We have her.” It takes Emma a moment to realize that she’s the one being gestured at and now every set of eyes is on her. 
“Her?” Wendy frowns. 
“You can’t honestly tell me you haven’t noticed. She practically reeks of magic. It’s spilling out of every pore. I clocked it as soon as she got here.” 
“I don’t have magic.” The Constant continue to stare, questioning, doubting. “I don’t. Don’t you think if I did I’d have used it by now to get Henry back?” 
“Not if you weren’t aware of it, love,” Killian offers gently.
“Okay but I’m not some fairytale character; I’m from Boston - the land without magic. I don’t have any power.” 
“Oh for…” Tink swears under her breath, crossing the room and grabbing Emma’s wrist. Faster than she can stop her, the fairy pulls a small blade from the complicated twist of pins and leather that keeps her mass of blonde hair piled on top of her head, ivory handle embellished with gold runes, and slashes it across Emma’s palm. 
“Ow! What the hell!” Emma shouts, yanking her hand away. That fucking hurt. Tinkerbelle doesn’t resist, the rest of their small crew moving to intervene, but all at once, they freeze. Emma follows their gazes to her hand, clutched tightly in a fist to her chest and her breath catches. There’s light seeping through the cracks in her fingers, golden and swirling like smoke, shimmering like the magic that flows over the Constant’s skin. 
Jacaranda reaches a hand out to her, palm upturned in a request and Emma looks to the others before carefully placing her hand in theirs. Carefully, the Constant unfurls her fingers, examining the light that shines from her wound with a careful touch. Their eyes go wide. “This is our magic,” they say, voice soft and tinged with awe. “Ours and… something else.” 
“May I?” Philodendron asks, extending their own hand. Emma nods, even as the urge to refuse shouts at her. You don’t have magic. You’re not magic. You’re a goddamn bail bonds person from Boston, not a fairytale character. Philodendron looks at her after taking a moment to examine the wound themselves. “This is light magic,” they confirm. “It’s raw and untapped but powerful, more powerful than anything I’ve seen since before Pan’s time.” They twist her hand a bit, trying to look closer, to read something in whatever they see that Emma can’t. “But this isn’t born of belief and dreams as ours is, it's the product of something else… of -”
“True love,” Emma breathes out, so low she doesn’t mean for anyone to hear it. Henry had said that hadn’t he? That she was supposed to be the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming, that she was supposed to be the Saviour. 
“Yes, that’s it,” Philodendron nods slowly. “You were right, Tinkerbelle. This is more powerful magic than we anticipated.” 
“Can you use it?” Emma asks, still not believing it really, but if it means they’ll help her get her kid back, she doesn’t care what she has to do. 
“That depends,” Halcyon takes a step forward. “Can you wield it?” 
“No, I…” she doesn’t even know how this is possible. 
“I can.” They all turn to Tink, Emma cradling her hand to her chest once more. “If you tell me what we need to do, I can guide her. But you’ll have to let me.” The last bit is directed at her and she hesitates… Tink hasn’t exactly made a secret of the fact that she’s not a fan of hers, and she just slashed her damn hand open… Trust already isn’t her strong suit to begin with. “I’m not going to steal it,” Tink snaps and looks genuinely offended and Emma remembers that she knows what it is to have her power taken from her. 
“I know you won’t. I just… what if it doesn’t work?” How powerful could this magic be? She’s not anything special, she never has been. Why would this be any different? 
“Then I guess you don’t get your kid back.” 
“Tink,” Killian warns but Emma can’t help but appreciate the fairy’s bluntness. 
“What do we need to do?” 
“This cavern, ” TigerLily starts, taking a knee and placing a hand reverently on the stone, “used to be a sacred place. It held all of the secrets of Neverland, and the dreams of children who visited - the purest and most honest of truths of all - fueled the island as it did our magic. This was its source - the source of everything. 
“But then Pan tainted this cave with his twisted version of secrets as power, as something to be wielded, and forced us to sacrifice the last of the light magic that still breathed life into Neverland, the cavern shielded itself from his darkness. Now it echoes truths rather than accept ones taken maliciously. This place… has seen nothing but darkness for centuries. It has not been sleeping, but fighting, the last of the resistance against Pan right under his nose, keeping the darkness at bay and it has hardened. We need to remind it what the light looks like.” 
“It can have mine. Whatever this is. If it can help and if this place can defeat Pan it can have all of it.” 
Tiger Lily smiles kindly. “Not all of it. It would never snuff out your light. But even the slightest kindling can spark an inferno and with it you can breathe magic back into the island.” 
They nod to Tink who retrieves her knife again, slashing her own palm this time, the light that glows from her wound a shimmering green, and holds her hand out to Emma. Heat burns across her skin when she takes Tink’s offered hand, the light between them growing, shining and mixing. Tink places her other hand on Tiger Lily’s shoulder and the Constant flattens both their palms against the stone beneath them. After a moment, they look to Emma and she knows she’s doing it wrong. She’s not doing anything but she’s doing it wrong. 
“I’m sorry.”
Tiger Lily shakes their head, their smile not malicious, but understanding. 
“I have met so many lost boys and girls on this island. So many broken, hardened children lead here by fear and hurt and neglect, so afraid to trust, to love, to admit or even accept what they want, what they desire more than anything - what has been robbed of them. This place is born of dreams and truths and you, dear Swan, strong Swan, brave Swan… frightened Swan, have locked yourself away from both.” 
“But I already told this place my darkest secret.” But she doesn’t need Tiger Lily to tell her - this place echoes darkness, resists darkness. That secret was Pan’s magic - not Neverland’s. 
“What do you dream of, Emma? What truths do you keep from yourself?” Emma opens her mouth to speak but Tiger Lily holds up a hand. “Do not tell them to me. Tell them to the lost girl. Unburden her.” 
What does she dream of? Things she can’t have, things she’s never had, things that were taken away. She wants to find her parents, that’s no secret though, she’s always known that. She wants them to have never given her up in the first place. She wanted a family, the one she could have had with Henry and Neal if he hadn’t turned out to be the vile person he was, the life that she’d had just a glimpse of after one missed period, before everything went to shit. She doesn’t want that anymore. She hasn’t let herself want any of it since then, not love, not family, not hope… 
Her skin begins to warm, something flaring beneath the surface. Liar. She doesn’t know if it’s the cave or herself or her magic but it echoes through her like her secret against the walls. Tiger Lily accused her of locking herself away from her dreams, from her truths, but can they even still be truths if they’ve been silenced and stomped down for decades? 
She thinks of the lost girl she was, abandoned, a runaway on the street, burning the last of her childhood, of stupid fairytales and stories to keep warm in a world that was only ever cold. What had that girl wanted? Powerless, lost, alone. That girl who felt like nothing, who meant nothing to anyone, who had never mattered and never would, who had only herself to take care of her. She wanted to matter - to someone, to herself, she wanted people to matter to her, to be able to let them. She didn’t want to be alone anymore. Even as she pushed away every foster parent, every friend, every lover as she grew older, she didn’t want - she doesn’t want - to have to do it alone. 
That’s what she dreams of, what she refuses to admit that she dreams of. That for all of her rightly earned distrust of everyone, for all of her caution and her fear of abandonment, of love and hope, she wants to be able to let them in, let them matter. She wants to believe that she could have that happily ever after that she’s scorned all her life. 
Images flash in her mind as the heat builds, her body tingling, a faint glimmer of light shining against her shut eyelids. Henry smiling in her doorway in Boston, Mary Margaret offering her a home, Killian bringing her to Neverland, Wendy helping her hide from Pan, Will sacrificing himself for her, Killian nearly sacrificing Milah’s name - sacrificing his memories, all of them banding together to help her save her kid, even Tink now, helping her to wield magic she doesn’t understand. 
She’s not alone. She’s not in this alone. For the first time in her life she has people she can count on. People she can trust. She thinks of the smile Henry gave her when she let him know she wasn’t going to leave Storybrooke even though she could, of Mary Margaret’s pep talks, of shared hot chocolate and drinks and advice in their apartment, of Killian in that dank brig after one of the worst hours of her life - perhaps I would - of his words whispered in the quiet darkness of his cabin - I’m here. You don’t have to ask - of his confession echoing around them - until I met you. She does matter to people. She’s not nothing. She was never nothing. She matters and she has people who matter to her. 
Her whole body alights, the blood in her veins not blood anymore but something else, something powerful and she can feel it surging beneath her skin, pulled by a force as it rushes through her and towards that opening in her palm. The white of her light overtakes the green and Tink’s body jerks like the surge of magic is as jarring to her as it is for Emma. Tiger Lily gasps, the ground beneath them starting to glow, tendrils of golden light snaking towards them across the stone like rivulets. Their body starts to shimmer, the dusting of gold shining brighter until their skin is swallowed by it completely. 
Emma can feel sweat beading on her skin, the salt mixing with the tears she hadn’t realized she’d been crying. She doesn’t know how much longer she can keep this up, the power coursing through her overwhelming. Tink’s hand is shaking in hers, both their palms damp and slippery and white knuckled and she can’t imagine how much more effort the fairy is putting in as the one actually channeling all of this. 
“There’s so much,” Tiger Lily says in awe. “We’ve forgotten so much.” Their eyes are glowing with the same gold that covers their skin, their mouth pulling into a smile even as tears roll down their cheeks. 
“I can’t -” Tink starts, but doesn’t let Emma release her hand when she tries to stop.
There’s another moment, the light engulfing the Constant almost completely, so bright Emma has to look away, before finally, suddenly, it stops. The three of them slump against the ground with a gasp of exhaustion. Emma doesn’t even turn when she feels hands on her shoulders, helping her to sit up, she knows it’s him. Wendy is at Tink’s side helping to support her as well as the Constant circle around Tiger Lily, all of them holding one another in a moment that feels beautiful and private as joy and heartbreak play over their faces. 
“Can you. Stop him?” Tink pants out. 
“I… I think so. There’s just - there’s so much. I need time to sort through it all.” 
“We don’t. Have. Time.”
“All of the secrets of Neverland, millennia’s worth, have just been poured into my mind. It will take me more than a few minutes to understand it all and find what will help us.” 
“How much time?” Emma asks. Henry’s already been here too long - too long without knowing that she’s here, that she’s coming for him. 
“I don’t… give me a few nights at least. Come back in three days. That should give me time to make sense of what is needed at least.” Their eyes are far away, like they’re not seeing the cavern around them but something far bigger and far more extraordinary.  
Emma nods. “Three days?” 
“Three days. And then we’ll rid this island of its false king forever.”
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tiramisuandlove · 2 months ago
Changed fate
Featuring— Suguru Geto x gn!Reader
Summary— in every timeline Suguru Geto and you are meant to find each other and fall in love. The problem is that Suguru Geto is long gone on his self destructive path and he is ready to do anything to not be in love with you. Oh well, what is one failed timeline when you are together in every other ones.
Warnings— descriptions of death and pain . Angst. Fluff.
Note— please inform me if I missed something since I’m still new to writing and tags. English is not my first language so there may be mistakes I have missed.
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I Strangers
Your life was peaceful. Your small bakery was gaining attention, your cup of coffee was tasting better with every next day and the single dad( you assume since there was lack of a ring around his finger) of two girl was making butterflies appear in your stomach. It started innocently. You didn't wanted to gain a crush on this handsome stranger.
One day , early in the cold December morning he opened the door of your shop. You can still remember it as if it was yesterday. With your back facing the door while preparing the last set of deserts. The clink of the ball announced his presence and caught your attention. You were quick to face the register , to face him but once you did you were left breathless.
Eternal. It was true that you have never meet such a beautiful person as him before. His dark raven hair elegantly styled, tempting you to caress it. Slow and careful , there was a sure feeling inside you that he would enjoy it. His dark purple eyes were pulling you not only because of their rarity but also of their familiarity.
His eyes , they were as if not belonging to a stranger but someone dear. Someone who once hold you so intimately and carefully as if you were the most precious thing to that man.
What a bizarre thing to think , right? You should stop consuming so much media around romance . Look at where it got you, fantasying about a stranger.
You were broken out of your thoughts by his polite cough. Ah yes , your job.
" Will it be okay to order now?" His voice. Oh god , his voice smitten you. The smoothness of it was alluring , and yet you felt as if something was missing . As if he was not supposed to talk with you like that. It was lacking emotion.
You needed a rest for sure , cause you were begging to analyse his tone as if you knew this man. It doesn't matter that you felt as if he was faking his politeness or that you could sense the distaste for you in his glaze . You were overthinking . Even if it was true , he was just a stranger he was free to not like you.
You packed his order , two crepes with strawberries and cream and send him off. Not without asking to come visit your bakery again.
II Acquaintances
You didn't expected to see him again so soon , especially accompanied by two young girls . Him having daughters didn't come as strange to you, somehow you easily envisioned him as a dad.
You learn when asking that he adopted them. Another thing that should have surprised you but didn't.
You could see a slip of a genuine smile , sincere care towards his daughters . Unlike the first visit , this time the man sounded more at ease. You tried not to stare. You tried to calm your fast beating heart.
Luckily , you were to busy with your inner turmoil to notice the comments going between them.
Your lingering eyes were quite obvious to all of them. The girls were not trying to be quite with their growing distaste of you. How dare a monkey normal person like you stare at Geto- sama.
Tho , their words died down once they noticed him not paying attention . He wasn't looking at them no more. Suguru Geto 's eyes were lock on you figure , watching you so attentively. The sign left the twin speechless but they quickly come to the silent conclusion.
' The feeling in his eyes is far from hatred and akin to adoration.'
lll Friends
A whole year have past since the first encounter you two had , and many more have happened since then.
The small exchange of words grow to full on conversation. The stern out of politeness smile turn into a sincere one.
The closeness was getting short. You didn't wanted to assume but you also knew that the brushing of fingers wasn't caused only by you. Sometimes the twins even tag along in his visits . Your start with them was rocky but eventually they seemed to warm up to you, if your crepes being their favorites was enough of an evidence .
Life was becoming sweeter . Their regular presences in your life brought light that kept you warm in the cold month of December.
Till the night of 23.12 that is.
You have seen them earlier today , as they visits in the morning hours. By now your shop was closed as you were preparing some baked goodies. Having no one to share Christmas with for yet another year wasn't so nice but your neighbors were always kind enough to check up on you. That was the reason behind your predicament, being still in your shop.
You wanted to pay back their kindness with something fresh as possible. You knew how exciting the feeling of fresh baked bread was. The steam coming out of it , the softness that makes easier to break of a piece of it. You didn't know a bigger and more meaningful gift that you can give in return than that.
You were to lost in the making that you didn't notice how late was becoming. Neither did you notice the sound of broken glass. The steps that were coming close to the back room where you were just getting the last bread out of the oven were left unheard. You felt it before seeing him.
The feelings of weight wasn't new. There were moments before , where you have felt it. Usually on your shoulders making it painful to move them. Geto , the nice man he is somehow had been able to ease the pain every time with small touches.
This time it was way more stronger and painful making your fall on your knees and grasp the fabric of your shirt , right where your heart was. It was as if something was trying to get inside of your body and destroy it. As you tried to calm your breath you noticed him.
Suguru Geto was right there in the corner , watching you so coldly that it would have been the most hurtful thing that have ever happened to you if it was in any other scenario than now. It holds a second place after whether is making you breath harder and harder by the minute .
" it's going to be okay. I will put you out of your misery " he begin moving towards you. His look that you would have called eternal before were now frightening you. He was threateningly tall especially for you figure that was almost laying down on the flow .
" it would be over soon , don't worry"
" S-stay a-a..agh" pain. Everything was hurting . Your skin was burning and if you dared to look under your shirt you would have seen your skin peeling. Your heart. The goal was your heart and you couldn't fight it.
By now your fate was obvious, you were dying. The ugly and desperate cries was coming out of your mouth. Louder and louder as you pathetically tried to fight with the invisible monster that was eating you alive.
Your sounds were muffled as big , warm and otherwise comforting hand was put on your mouth. The hold was tight and strong as your eyes unconsciously move to meet his. The deep purple that you grow to admire and maybe even love met your dying out one. You didn't had the strength to show of your surprise , the first one regarding him, once you didn't saw malice but sadness in his eyes.
He was crying for the same person he was killing . Then why. Oh why. Why was this happening to you. Why was he the one to torments you if he was feeling sadness, remorse.
You were enable to focus on his words as he spoke , but even the ones you caught were not making any sense.
" … in another life … shouldn't have been … sorcer…"
As the live was living your body you could only think how this was the only time you didn't felt a sense of Deja vu as if it was not meant to happen. As if Suguru Geto did something wrong , not something meant to be. He grasp the fate in his two hands and bound it to his will , by killing the person meant to save him from the dark path he craved for himself. Marking the start of Christmas Eve the day you died.
IV lovers
Walking up in your bed and having the time to look around your room , to feel the layers of blankets and amount of pillows was rare for you. The girls , Mimiko and Nanako was gift for you and Suguru but sometimes it was to much. So to be able to wake up naturally and not by them meant only one thing. Suguru took care of them and left you to oversleep.
" look like my plan of being the one to wake you up was ruined huh?" There was the devil when you were thinking about him . His steps silent as always. he was leaning on the door frame with cup of coffee giving you that teasing smile of his that make you giggle every time in return.
Having now the freedom and time you let your eyes observe his matching set of comfy sweatpants and cami top and was it a sigh to behold. He was more tempting than the fresh cup of coffee.
" You may want to first wake up properly before doing anything else my love " the deep familiar laugh of his were making your heart go crazy even after years of being together.
" what? Is it to much to ask for a morning kiss from my husband?" Sitting on the middle of your king size bed you were patiently waiting for him to move closer
" kiss when I didn't even get a thanks from you" oh right , his look distracted you so easily that you forgot.
"Thank y-"
Suguru didn't leave you to finish as his soft lips were pressed against yours for a kiss . Quick but loving non the less .
" Here is your coffee" his velvety voice whispering against your lips were making your whole body burn. He took the place next to you while handling you the cup.
Letting out a sigh, both from being sleepy and the comfort you felt as your head rested on his shoulder.
" is something wrong? Usually you wouldn't stay at bed when we have the time for just us two"
Without moving your face , not wanting to meet his eyes when saying such thing, you replied.
" I had a terrible nightmare " he didn't said anything but putted his hand on your tight giving it small squeeze to inform you he was listening " I know it was just a dream but it was so vivid. You and the girls didn't know me , even despised me. There were some kind of spirits ? Monster ? And you… at the end you …" another comfortable squeeze . It was okay , dreams are just that. " you killed me"
At the last statement Suguru moved so he could meet your eyes. Cupping gently your face he comforted you.
"It's okay love, dreams are not real. I'm here , real and loving you." To make it clear to you he spent good two minutes to kiss your face while saying how much he adores you.
It was not needed but you were not going to stop him by any means. You knew he was right. No way Suguru Geto would ever danger your life, even more end it himself.
Both you and him were always going to be intertwined , that you were sure of . Your fate was for you two to be together, and fate couldn't be changed. Right?
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greetingfromthedead · 7 months ago
1. Death's Door
Series: Apple Blossoms Series Plot: Knives is finally crushed, his plans in ashes, his body at Death's door, but Vash decides to spare his life. With the last power he has left, he carries his brother to a person who has nursed him back to life, now begging for you to save his twin too. A tattered Knives finds himself in the care of a human and as time goes on, he has to come to terms with uncomfortable truths about his skewed world view and the strange feelings he discovers blooming in his chest for you. // Contains some Trimax spoilers. // A slight mix of all the Trigun iterations, but mostly Trimax Pairing: Knives x GN!Reader Series Rating: PG-13 + pwp BONUS chapters Series Tags (initial): No use of "Y/N", Redemption, Love, Romance, Sickfic, Medical Inaccuracies, Knives is injured, Caretaking, Falling In Love, Adventuring, Cowboy vibes, Knives is introverted, Knives has a crush and is very lost, Fluff, Reader-Insert, Canon-Typical Violence, Post-Canon, No use of y/n, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Forced Proximity, Trauma, Knives pouts a lot Word count: 3.3k
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Author's Note: It is not yet a fully fleshed out story, I have the first few chapters planned out, but keeping it going will depend partially of the interest shown for it and how things will work out. All in all, I would be grateful to hear your thoughts. What is something you would love to see in such a story, scenarios and dynamics you would like to explore. Perhaps I will adopt some of them.
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It has been many long months since the communications were cut off as the satellites fell from the sky as comets. Since then, the only source of information have been the criers, who travel from village to village, sharing news and stories. Sometimes you hear different stories from different mouths and really can never be sure what the truth is. Apparently, at least most of the Seven Cities have been decimated, and a giant ark is destroying everything in its path. The criers are warning people to seek shelter and prepare for the worst, but you still hold on to a sliver of hope. You've heard that Vash the Stampede is somehow involved in this whole mess. The man with a giant bounty on his head is rumored to be the Devil himself, the Humanoid Typhoon. Some sources say he is behind all of this; he is the one who is raining down destruction as he always does; others say he has stepped up as the protector of humanity on this desolate planet. And the truth remains a mystery, hidden behind the game of telephone and conflicting accounts. Deep down, you believe that he is on your side, fighting to keep humanity safe from the impending destruction.
You have met that strange man before. He arrived in your care with multiple gunshot wounds in the dead of night, or rather, you stumbled over his dying body in the dark desert. It had been nothing short of a miracle that he had evidently walked from the next town over towards your lonely house before collapsing. And it was even more of a coincidence that you found him at all. Vash the Stampede truly has the luck of a demon, or perhaps it was fate. Who's to say? But you did dragged him home, patched him up, and took care of him until he awoke from his week long slumber. He remained under your watchful eye for a bit longer, and as the closest thing to a doctor this area has, you felt it was your duty to make sure he fully recovered before letting him leave. You got to know him quite well during the time he spent at your house. You quickly realized who he was, but let him introduce himself. It became clear to you that the vicious rumors held little truth. He might be clumsy, but not evil. He was nothing but kind and grateful to you, helping you however he could and paying you for the time and medicine spent on him even as you tried to refuse. All that happened a few years ago, but his generosity and kindness still stick with you to this day. You still remember his smiling face as he turned to leave into the empty desert where you found him in the first place.
Nowadays, you live quietly in your lonely house. The closest village is half a day's ride away, and you rarely see anyone besides the occasional messenger passing through. The closest city is Octovern, but to reach that via tomas, it would take nearly half a week. You occasionally take your first aid kit and go through the nearby towns to help anyone in need, but you have been blessed to not be dragged into the larger war decimating the planet. You have been able to maintain a sense of peace and purpose amidst the chaos, but you can only hope things will return to a sense of normality soon, as much as that can be found in this place.
Little did you suspect of the evening where a loud and insistent banging on your door would shift your life entirely. A rap like that always means trouble, and instinctively, you hurried to open the old creaking door into the cooling evening air. The golden light of the setting suns tries to flood into your hallway, only to be obscured by a giant figure. It takes a moment for your eyes to adjust to see more than just the silhouette, but still, the sight leaves you dumbfounded. Before you are two people, but they aren't entirely human as wings spread from their backs, not quite covered in feathers like an angel, partially reminding you of roots and stone, partially of shattering metal. Two wings, one on each of the bloody men. One holds the unconscious body of the other. He struggles to stay upright, one knee on the ground, the other supporting the limp form of the other as his singular arm wraps around the other's waist. The stump of his left arm has wires tangling from it, and it must have been what he used to knock on your door. It takes you too long to realize who that man is—Vash. His blonde hair is now entirely black, and his features are obscured by dirt and blood.
"Please. Help." He pleads with desperation in his eyes. "Can you save him?"
Your eyes shift to the man in his grasp. He is looking even rougher than Vash; his clothes seem burned and torn, and his skin is covered in blood and open wounds. His face is bruised and swollen. He hangs limply in Vash's embrace, his arms dangling lifelessly at his sides in an uncanny fashion. He's barely breathing, and it's clear that time is running out.
"Right!" You stir from your shock. "Let's get him inside!"
You push aside the weirdness and the unnatural aspects of the situation you find yourself in and slip back into the familiar feeling of urgency. You rush forward to put a shoulder under the unconscious man and lift him up with the help of Vash. You drag him not to the cot that's reserved for your patients, but instead you haul him onto the long dinner table that doubles as an examination table in a pinch. Your hands move on their own as they grab what you need: shears and cloths, first aid kits, bandages, medicine, water, and alcohol. You firmly tell Vash to sit down on the stool in the corner and not get in your way. You feel bad for being so stern with him, especially since he is injured too, but the man on the table is already playing dice with death.
You get to work quickly, knowing that every second counts. You remove the tattered clothing and assess the extent of his injuries. You're surprised he still has life left in him with the amount of blood he must have lost, chunks of his body apparently missing, gashes, and cracks covering his skin. You do as much as you can, focusing on the larger wounds first, knowing that time is of the essence in saving him. To your surprise, he doesn't bleed nearly as much as you think he should, given the severity of his situation. You roughly stitch him up and pull a few bullets from his flesh. His internal organs seem in good enough condition, and you're glad you don't have to operate on them further. As you work away, the wing on his back crumbles; the chunks feel strange, and you can't begin to guess the material, but you don't have a chance to analyze it either. By the time you are done, the wing is gone, leaving a chunky heap on the ground, almost like sand. You clean his body with water and alcohol before checking his skeleton and joints. There are no broken bones, but the right shoulder is dislocated. You take care to pull it back into place with a snap, and you continue to examine him. Much of his skin is cracked; it looks strange, and you can't begin to guess what caused it.
After hours of grueling work, you administer him medicine to hopefully avoid infection, another dose of strong painkillers, and some saline to help with his recovery. You lift his head carefully as you smear the gooey concoction on his gums for a longer lasting effect. To be doubly safe, you inject more drugs directly into his bloodstream and lather the wounds with ointment to help them heal. Wrapping him in bandages takes a lot from you too, especially since you can't accept Vash's offer to help since he is still dirty. By the end, your patient is almost entirely covered in bandages but still breathing. You throw a clean blanket over him and a pillow under his head, too worried to move him off the table onto the bed. It will have to wait, perhaps if he survives until dawn. But the chances of him making it through the night seem slim.
"Right." You let out a deep sigh. You can finally shift your attention from the dying man to Vash. You are deep into the night, pushing the morning hours, with dark circles forming under your eyes, but there is no rest for you yet. You turn towards the man in the chair; he looks like hell. You have never seen him look this bad before, and last time, he was the one whose life was dripping from his body on this table. Tears have carved deep lines into his dust, ash, and blood covered cheeks. There is an unusual mix of emotions on his face, but worry burns the brightest.
"It's your turn now," you say to Vash, catching his attention. His gaze lifts from the floor, and for a moment, it seems like he didn't hear you at all. You just continue, getting a washbasin, cloth and a jug of water ready. "You can use these to clean up; I'll help you with any spots you can't reach in a bit; I'll clean this mess up first."
"Will he survive? Will he be alright?" he asks instead, ignoring your comment completely.
"I do not know. I tried my best. The rest is up to him and fate itself. Whether he makes it or not is out of my hands." You look at him sympathetically. "Hopefully dawn will bring good news," you say softly.
As you pick up your bloody tools and cloths, you hear Vash stand up, but instead of walking towards the counter where the washing supplies are, his steps lead away, towards the door.
"Where do you think you're going?" you ask resolutely, a nip in your voice. He pauses in silence for a moment.
"I must go. I have some things to take care of still," he answers, a note of guilt present in his tone.
"You will clean up, have me patch you up, and take a nap before you can think about leaving. Doctor's orders!" Your words are commanding, leaving no room for argument. You're both tired; he looks awful, and you almost sway on your feet. But your work is not yet done.
Vash stands quietly for a moment longer before turning back and stripping a few layers of his tattered clothing. Exposing the bruises and wounds covering his body. He struggles a little with the setup at hand, using the reflection of your window to try and see where he has to reach. At the same time, you clean up the mess you made while working on your patient. You wipe the surfaces and wash the tools, and finally, you can discard the bloody robe, mask, and gloves.
You help Vash wash away the dirt from any spots he can't reach and have him sit on the chair in his underwear. You stick a cup of warm tea in his hand and down a strong coffee yourself before washing your face with cold water to wake up again. After that, you set everything up to stitch him back together and get to work. You examine him thoroughly and give him pain medication before getting the needle out. His body is tense and his pulse is still high; he has yet to calm down.
"Is he your brother? Even under all that bruising and swelling, I can tell the similarities." You speak softly to him to get his mind off the things that are hurting him at the moment.
"Yes, my twin," Vash replies, his voice hoarse and filled with pain.
"I didn't even know you had a twin. What's his name?" You continue as you tie together another suture.
"That's an interesting name," you say with little emotion in your tone, most of your attention going into taking care of his wounds. A stray thought of the wings crosses your mind; Vash has lost his too in the time your focus was on his brother. There is clearly something weird going on, but for now you are too tired to ask the relevant questions, and you need Vash to relax.
"I guess…" His voice trails off, and you can see him staring at the unconscious body on the table.
You keep talking as you work on him, stitching, disinfecting, and bandaging the larger cuts one by one. You give him a checkup and pain medication, and as you take his pulse, it is normal again. You are relieved; he seems to be stable and doing alright despite the way he looks. You provide him with some loose clothing you have laying around just in case and make him get in the bed you have in the other room to rest and recover for the night. He is hesitant, but the tiredness in his eyes tells you that he needs the rest.
"I will stay up with your brother; I will check on him, and I promise I will wake you up if there are any issues. Sleep. You need it." You assure him as you throw a cooling blanket on him before turning off the light and leaving the room. "Rest easy; everything will be alright now."
You return to the patient on the table and check his vitals again. You take his pulse and check his light blue eyes. His breathing has returned to normal, and he looks to be doing better, but as you press your hand on his forehead, you feel the developing fever. You know that this could be a sign of infection, and it makes you slightly nervous. His jet black hair feels damp as your hand glides over it, and you notice that his skin is sticky to the touch. However, you try to remain calm and decide to check again soon and keep a close eye on him.
To keep yourself from falling asleep, you keep yourself busy with whatever tasks you find. You clean up your kitchen from everything, organize your cabinets, and even clean Vash's clothes and hang them to dry outside. Dawn comes, but nothing changes; the slight fever still lingers, and Vash is asleep. You mix up some sugar water and carefully drip a few drops into Knives's mouth. He swallows painfully, and you continue administering him the water for a few hours. You're losing the battle with your exhaustion, so you make yourself a cup of coffee again, letting it steep while checking on the wounds. They look good, and it almost appears like they've started to heal a little. You write it off as your own delusion. The rising suns cast their hot light on the desert, and Vash's clothes dry in no time. You pick them up and get to sewing the dark shirt and his pants; the red coat is mostly gone, burned, and torn.
You realize that it has been a while since your last meal, as you even missed yesterday's dinner. You get to cooking up some porridge after leaving Vash's clothes in the other room and making sure from afar that he is still breathing. Every quarter hour, you return to the man on the table, check on him, and give him some water and medicine if necessary. Nothing has changed, neither for the better nor for the worse, and you are grateful for that, counting your blessings as you remind yourself of the condition he arrived in.
Another hour passes as Vash appears in the door-frame, his eyes first falling on his brother before moving to you. He looks better; he is still covered in bandages and bruises, but the wary tiredness is gone from his eyes. He wears the clothes you mended for him, and his expression softens as he takes in the sight of you checking the pulse of your patient.
"Good morning," you tell him with a slight smile. "I made some food, but it's probably cold by now. Feel free to take as much as you want. Your brother is doing alright; he has a slight fever, but it hasn't gotten worse. The wounds look good, and I've given him water and medicine. For now, it's okay; he is not out of the woods, but he's getting there."
"Morning," Vash says as he walks closer to you. He doesn't say much; there is an unexplainable expression on his face as he pulls you into a one armed yet crushing bear hug. You feel his breathing get more ragged as he holds you; he repeats seemingly endless "thank you"s until you feel tears soaking your shirt. He finally lets you go, holding your shoulder and looking you in the eyes, tears and snot running down his face.
"You're welcome, but don't get too carried away, okay? I cannot promise you anything other than that I will try to get him back to full health; it doesn't mean it will happen." You try to calm him down again, reaching for a tissue to hand him. "Now eat; I will check your wounds again after that."
And so it goes. Vash eats his fill, dragging his chair a bit closer to the table but not quite next to it, as you gave him a stern look, worried for any contamination. He finishes his meal quickly, eager to have his wounds checked, as if he is in a hurry. Luckily, they look fine, and you lather him in ointment and cover everything with fresh bandages, relieved that he is okay.
"You said you had some business to attend to. Is that why you are vibrating on this chair?" You ask calmly, checking the strange cracks in his skin on his cheek.
"Well, I have to go. I promise I will be back as soon as I can—just a few days at most. I am sorry to just dump him on you, but I beg you. I only go to keep both of you safe." His sky blue eyes try to track your movement the best they can as you put a bandage on him.
"It's alright; I'll take care of him. I doubt he will regain consciousness anytime soon. I can only hope he won't get worse." You take a step back, happy with your handiwork, as nothing is bleeding. It's the best you can do for Vash right now.
"I will forever be in your debt. Thank you for everything. I will pay you once I get back, I swear." His eyes look pleadingly at you as he gets up from the chair.
"I believe you; don't worry about that." You smile, recognizing the honor in his face.
Vash gives you a nod and goes closer to his brother. He says something quietly to him, and you don't quite pick up any of the words. With that, Vash turns and walks to the front door, and you follow.
"Thank you again," he says to you tenderly, and then more loudly over the whole house: "Get better soon, brother!"
You watch as Vash steps outside, heading into the desert. Only a little while later, you figure out he has nothing with him but the clothes on his back and the gun on his leg. No water, no food, no shelter—nothing. You turn and see what's left of the red coat on the chair, now realizing you must really be out of it to not notice it sooner. But it's too late to go after him now; all you can do is hope that he has a plan.
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ottpopfic · 6 months ago
“We got some new campers in,” Jason eventually says “They were, really young”
“Hmm,” Leo presses a kiss into his husband's hair “How young?”
“Like four and six”
“So you young?”
Leo and Jason talk about kids
Every once in a while Leo thinks his man’s job is bad for him.
It's a draining process that doesn’t really have an off switch, being both camps super pope. Jason gets dreams and demands from gods in the least gentle way they can possibly deliver them. Then there's paperwork (which looks to Leo like its own personal hell but that might just be him), and research and politics and travel . Jason excels at it, he's been trained for it for one, and it suits him. He's doing important work that keeps the peace and shit, it looks fulfilling and he openly enjoys it
But it also pulls on that deep-seated need for him to be the perfect soldier, that cellular-level demand to put duty and country and others first. It's destructive at times, but Leo thinks that's why the flaw is called fatal. And Leo has decided somewhere along the line that he’s allowed to be greedy when it comes to his husband ; he chased him out of hell enough to earn that right. He's also decided that he's not chasing him out again, they're both alive now and he would like them to stay that way. This means that Jason is not allowed to self-destruct. Even if Leo is a hypocrite, as he likes to run around self-destructing all the time. But Jason can pick him up and physically throw him on the bed when he starts down that path (and then lay on him until he passes out from the comforting weight of his man and sheer exhaustion) but whatever that's not the point
The point is his man looks like death after his trip to New Rome and went right back to work without a full twelve hours of sleep after doing some crazy ambassadorial work and being gone for two weeks. Leo can smell the overwork spiral starting, he's an expert as it's one of his favorite kinds of spirals to take down himself. The issue is he can't physically force his man to take a nap, when Leo was supposed to do a good chunk of his growing he spent it malnourished and sleeping under bridges, even into his thirties he's never gotten over 5’5” and is a scrawny twig to boot. He's better, the moms got some weight and muscle mass on him in his late teens when he wasn't going around dying on repeat, but not enough to physically force the 6’6” wall of muscle that is his walking marble sculpture of a husband out of his office.
Fortunately what he does have is access to a state-of-the-art workshop and a brain that can engineer just about anything. He has Rube Goldberg his man out of his office on three separate occasions just this year, for some reason it makes Jason all blushy and heart-eyed each time the fucking nerd. Something about being able to physically watch Leo’s brain work, and also that he always has the blond landing at his feet and Jason loves looking at him. It's something he's had to get used to, those piercing blue eyes tracking his every movement like him sitting soldering for two hours straight is the most distracting thing in the world
Apparently this is the main reason he needed an office, said he couldn't get any work done with Leo in the room. At the time Leo just thought it was because Jason was anxious watching him work, both of them fresh from watching each other die a lot and Leo being around heavy machinery, he now knows it's because he was looking at his ass
Whatever, whatever . What matters is that Jason needs a day off and Leo is not above getting creative. Or becoming a nuisance, he's also very good at being a nuisance. He can start by being a nuisance, the bowling balls and pulley systems aren't going anywhere. Also, he doesn't want to explain why he needs the legos back to Will and Nico, their godkid is busy with them anyway
Being a nuisance includes climbing on top of Jason's desk and possibly getting the grease on his pants soaked into fancy paperwork, but who's fault is that? Definitely not Leo’s, he's been a good noodle getting his full eight hours even with his husband gone and everything. He doesn't even let his husband start in on him, because he's the one in the wrong this time, Leo just gets himself comfy with his feet on either side of Jason's hips. He uses his ankles to hook into the armrest of the rolling desk chair to pull the blonde a little closer so he can take his face in his hands, squishing his cheeks together until his lips pucker like a fish
“You need a break” Leo scolds “You didn't even set your alarms or anything”
Jason grumbles about needing to finish something or whatnot, very illegal with the amount of sleep he's gotten after all the travel. Leo squishes his face more so he can't talk
“You need a nap,” he demands “And I want cuddles, you were gone for two weeks I'm in withdrawal”
Jason just sighs, sliding his hands up Leo’s thighs to rest on his waist under his shirt and presses his face into his hands like he's trying to soak in Leo’s touch. And that's, concerning. Usually when he gets like this it takes more than just the first try to get him to disengage, and he's way more snappy about his hyperfocus being disrupted. Leo pulls his man’s face into the crook where his shoulder meets neck, Jason immediately melts
“Hey, what's up?” Leo asks him softly. Jason does a snort huff sign that Leo can loosely translate to ‘Something was a lot more than usual and it followed me home’. Leo gets one arm around Jason’s shoulder and the other hand in his hair for scratchies, settling in to wait for his man to find English again
Jason takes a while to gather himself, scratchies don't really help with coherent sentences but it's fine. Leo just starts in on his cuddle quota and looks at the photo from their godkid's recent birthday perched on the bookshelf. Nico took it, over-excited freshly turned ten-year-old watching Leo’s disembodied fingers light the candles as Will and Jason look on with worry. It's crazy that Katie has only been with them for two years, it feels like longer
Leo really enjoys having a kid in their lives, and Katie is awesome. She's clever and spunky and is basically unspookable when it comes to magic shit (grocery stores on the other hand, not so much). Somehow they ended up in a four-way co-parenting arrangement. Legally she's Will and Nico’s, but she half-lives at the Way Station with how their schedules go. And it's great, Leo loves it and so does Jason. It's like everything is better having the kid around, everything is that much more fun getting to watch her experience it too.
“We got some new campers in,” Jason eventually says “They were, really young”
“Hmm,” Leo presses a kiss into his husband's hair “How young?”
“Like four and six”
“So you young?”
That tracks. They have been making a lot of progress at Camp Half-Blood, but in comparison New Rome has been stagnant when it comes to the treatment of their youngest orphaned charges. It's been bothering Jason more as of late, especially since Katie came into their lives. Almost like looking at this little girl day in day out puts it in perspective how young they were when they went through so much. When Leo was ten he had just run away from his latest foster home because they were starving him, when Jason was ten he was a soldier.
It's damn near impossible to picture Katie in those situations, not because she hasn't gone through her own shit, but because Leo would be personally burning down everything in his way to prevent it.
But that's the difference isn't it, Katie has family looking out for her. Unlike they did, unlike those new campers do
“So whats the plan?” Leo asks, resting his cheek on his husband's hair
Jason sighs and leans into him harder “I don't know” he says “I just keep getting all upset”
“About what part?”
“I don't know. The age? Or how small they are,” Jason leans his face in even harder, his arms now wrapped around Leo’s waist like he can merge their bodies together if he presses enough “It also made me think about Katie, how small she must have been at that age. Then it got all jumbled up”
Leo might be able to read between the lines a little “You were probably that small too” he tries
“I guess”
“Do you think it's about you too, or just the kids?”
“Mabey, I don't want it to be”
“It's okay if it is”
“Is it?”
“Of course it is” Leo plants another kiss into his husband's hair “Your allowed to be upset for Puppy Jason, he didn't do anything to deserve what happened to him”
“Puppy Jason is a son of Jupiter” Jason dismisses with a snort
“Yeah, but he didn't ask for that”
“I guess”
“Hey,” Leo pulls back to meet Jason’s eyes so he knows he means it “Puppy Jason didn't deserve to be a child soldier, you know that right?”
“But he's supposed to-”
“Would it be okay for any of your godkids to join that young?” Leo pushes on, keeping his tone kind
“No! No, I would-” Jason gives a disgruntled snort-sneeze like he's trying to blow away the idea before turning back to him “But it's different ”
“I don't know, it just is ”
“Oh, Cielito ,” Leo takes his husband's face in his hands and pulls him in so their foreheads rest together “It's okay”
Jason does a little sigh and facial motion that Leo can translate to ‘It's not’, and it breaks his heart
“I wouldn't let Puppy Jason go do war shit,” he tells him instead, nuzzling his forehead into his husband’s “I would probably just have to take Puppy Jason home with me”
“Even though Puppy Jason bites?” Jason teases with a small sad smile
“Adult Jason bites” Leo insists deadpan
“And eats bugs?”
“Have you met our godkid?”
That makes Jason chuff out a laugh, Katie is truly a ferocious bug eater, she even shares with Jason sometimes the feral weirdos. There has been more than one occasion where Leo has had to stop the both of them from eating grubs when they do the wedding in the roof garden. Like he knows they're edible, but still.
“I’d do kids with you any day,” he says, pulling his husband into a hug with his arms around his neck “You know that. But especially puppy you, got a soft spot for that one”
Jason sighs as he melts into the hug, winding his arms back around Leo’s waist. Leo can practically hear his husband's brain ticking, taking everything he said and adding what he was feeling and molding it into something closer to processing it all together. He needs a moment, Jason is good with snap judgment in crises and leadership scenarios but when it's quiet and slow-paced it can take him a moment. Leo is content to hold him as he puts things together and finds the right words
“What if I said I didn't want to keep the kids?” Jason probes after a while, hiding his face in the hug “What if I said I just wanted to help lots of kids?”
“Like foster care?”
“Would you be okay with that?”
“Why wouldn't I be?”
“You didn't have the best experience, they were pretty awful”
“I mean not all of them, the last one was pretty great”
“The last one?”
Leo pulls back so he can gesture to the room, and in turn the Way Station, as a whole
“What did you think I meant?”
“I don't know, I guess I just forgot that your moms were your foster moms” Jason's face lit up a bit at the realization “It's home here now”
“It is, isn't it” Leo smiles at him, he will never be over the both of them and home “But foster families adopt all the time. And theres people out there trying to make it better”
“Like Piper”
“Like Piper”
Piper who somewhere along the lines decided she needed to take down the troubled teen industry and expose its abusive underbelly. It's a sight to behold, the woman got her social worker license and has been using her charm-speak for good ever since. Last Leo heard (as of last week) she just finished a case with with a place that preached ‘tough love’, it was all over the mortal news.
“You could do that too,” Leo reminds his husband “You have a say in laws and shit right. Age limits are a thing, and there are a lot more adult half-bloods now”
“Make a demigod foster care network?”
“You would do that with me?”
“Absolutely,” Leo says, and he means it, “I told you, I'll do kids with you any day”
Jason’s expression goes gooey and lovesick
“What did I ever do to deserve you?” he asks with a smile
“I mean you did die a bunch for me sooooo”
“I’d do it again,” his man swears like breathing
“Please don't,” Leo tucks a stray lock of fluffy blond hair back in place “I'm enjoying us being alive right now”
Jason laughs, it's cheesed and geeked and dorky, with eyes gleaming full of devotion. Leo kisses him, a solid proper kiss, one turning into many that pulls giggles out of him too
Foster kids huh, it's a full circle
“I also had to have some ambrosia when it was there,” Jadon tells him when they separate “It changed again”
“Oh, is it not our wedding cake anymore?” Leo asks with mock offense “I've been ousted?”
“It's Cheerios and chocolate chips”
“You and Katie’s after-school snack?”
“Man,” Leo squished his face once more, but it's purely cuteness aggression “You need to stop being so adorable, I can't handle it”
“How is that adorable?”
“Just you and your big squishy heart” he gives him a smooch on the nose “I love you”
They kiss again, it's wonderful
“I should call Piper,” Jason says when they separate
“Uh, no.” Leo insists, pulling back so Jason can see his disgruntled face “You should take me to bed so we can take a nap”
“But I need to-”
“A nap Mr. Valdez,” Leo insists, ignoring the way his husband's eyes sparkle over the mention of their now-shared last name. It's been a year and a half they both need to get a grip “You were flying and I need cuddles. I am withering away from lack of cuddles, I’m a sheet on the wind”
“Is that so?” Jason places a kiss on a fading hickey on the side of his neck “I can think of other reasons to take you to bed, might do the same thing”
“Oh no,” Leo says, starting to push his man away “You are not getting out of nap time by being all sexy cute, absolutely not”
Jason does a snort and nip that Leo knows translates to ‘I can find ways to change your mind’, rude. And also illegal with the way he's been working. Leo starts squirming away from his husband backwards on the desk, rumpling papers and pulling an unhappy whine out of his man. Jason hooks his fingers under the waistband of Leo’s pants before he can get far
“You gonna be good and go to bed?” Leo asks, leaning back on his elbows so his husband can't get back in his space. Jason gives a puff-huff and flashes a canine, trying to pull Leo back in by his grip on his belt. Leo doesn't let him, putting a foot on Jason’s soft middle so he can't bend or pull him closer. That just makes his man whine, the big baby. Leo quirks his eyebrow and bares his own teeth, telling his husband that he means it
They have a little standoff, which includes two sneeze-snorts from Jason and one exhale of smoke from Leo, but in the end his husband relents.
“Fine,” the blond gives in with more whining “Just, cm’mere”
Leo lets himself be pulled into his husband's lap, knees on either side of his hips, and starts in on peppering kisses on every inch of his stupid handsome face. Jason makes a happy little noise and leans into the affection, sliding his hands up the back of Leo’s shirt so his fingers can trace the Lichtenberg scars running between his shoulder blades
“Nap time,” Leo demands once he feels like his man has been thoroughly smooched “And if your a good boy we can play later”
The grin that gets out of his husband is blinding, Jason eagerly scooping him up under his ass to take him to their room.
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my-stories-vault · 2 days ago
Chapter 8 ~ The Supernatural Wars.
Pairing: English Dean Winchester X English Y/N L/N
Blurb: When the residents of this Earth found out that they were but a draft in God's numerous stories, they decided to make noise in hopes that their creator would return. Nothing can be louder than the begs of the powerless, the cackles of the ruthless, or the unending destruction left in the wake of the most merciless wars any universe can ever see—here the bloodshed never ends. So, tell me how can two young soulmates, then, find love's shade of red under all this crimson gore?
Warnings/Trigger Warnings (18+): Language, gore, voilence, major and minor character deaths, thoughts of suicide (not graphic), substance abuse (alcohol and cigarettes), mentions of wars (I mean, it's in the name).
{ Series Masterlist ; Main Masterlist }
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Chapter 8: Name-Calling.
'Lady Y/N,' called Sebastian, breaking your focus. You lowered your pen, allowing him in.
'What brings you in my neck of the woods, Mr Slay?' you chirped.
'I'll need your signature,' he said, a file ajar on his palm, and the other hand offering you a pen.
'What's this about?'
'Seminars,' Sebastian said. 'We're doing the continent-wide one at Austria this year - given the New Law.'
Every year, there were two Survivalist Seminars conducted on the opposite spectrums of Europe to engage young minds into the world of hunting. Everyone was taught the basic skills to fight, and everyone knew how to make living quaters respective to their country till the age of sixteen. But after that, the career path of children was determined. The Seminars would be where the Leaders speak to the children from all over and tell them what's what.
This year, the Survivalist Seminars would be in the middle of the Continent, both in the same place, split into two different slots - one for each Leader to take. The slots were two weeks apart, keeping in mind how much time would be required for the first slot to move out and for the second slot to get accomodated.
'Which slot is mine?' you asked, reading the fine print to make sure you didn't miss anything. The file usually held the list of sponsors, how much the Governors were contributing, hotels, food provisions, etcetra, etcetra.
'Ladies first,' Sebastian grinned.
'Oh,' you failed to not feel surprised. 'That's a twist.'
'Dean's idea.'
Usually, the boys would have a first crack at the Seminars, and the male Leader would be done with it first to avoid inconvenience. Dean seemed to have reversed the slots this year.
You couldn't help but wonder if he was doing it purposely, for your sake, almost as if Dean was going out of his way to prove that he won't be selfish, to be in your good books.
'I see,' you said. 'The girls will be thrilled.'
'Gordon never allowed it,' Sebastain told you with his yard-wide denture flashing. 'Dean's always wanted to do it. He thought you would like the idea.'
Okay, maybe you were reading too much into stuff. The man can just be nice.
You signed onto your sheets. 'I do like it,' you said. 'When do I leave?'
'Sometime next week.'
'Very well.'
'Oh, and, could you get the other signatures? I need to leave for a three-hour hunt at twelve,' he requested when you offered the file back.
Your eyes flitted to the watch on your wrist, a teasing smile growing on your face. 'It's fifteen past twelve, Mr Slay.'
'You understand my problem,' he smiled ruefully.
'I'll get it done.'
'You are a lifesaver,' he said, walking backwards and falling with a hanging rope.
You muttered to no one: 'Tell me something I don't know.'
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You tracked Dean down to the Treexcel. He was at the archer's mound, volunteering to teach kids how to shoot, in part to train himself simultaneously. It was very cute.
He was giving them tips and tricks, a keen shine in his soulful forested eyes. His lower lip would jut out in concentration when he was demonstrating. A childish smile would light his face like a glow-up stick when he was high-fiving to a kid's success. You watched as he landed a shot in the bulls-eye, jumping like a kid himself; you knew from his file that he was an excellent gunsman, but he was training to be perfect in archery still.
Too many skills wasn't in a Leader's vocabulary.
An idea allured you. You slipped off your own weapons to take an aim from about tewnty-five meters away from Dean's shooting point. You held your breath to prevent a blotched job. The tail of the arrow poised over the apple of your cheek, letting your eye watch tip of your weapon align with the centre of the circled target where Dean's arrow was. You released the taut bowstring along with your breath, lowering your arm to watch with satisfaction.
Some things never change.
Your arrow had pierced Dean's trainée arrow through the middle and split the wood in two, then your silver arrowhead firmly lodged into his, pushing it deeper into the target board.
Dean's tense eyes were first to find your mischievous ones. You waved, and he relaxed, a smirk growing on his face.
A collective whoa of appreciation left the kids, when, as an entity, they all twisted on their feet to see who'd made the shot.
You were very pleased.
You collected the file you'd left on the ground and walked to Dean who was already asking the kids to get back to work. They kept snucking glances at you, filled with admiration.
'They weren't wrong,' mused Dean.
'Who? About?'
'Your people calling you our generational Robin Hood,' praised Dean. 'I thought their cockiness came from their American breeding.'
'Hey, no hate on either of my Continents,' you playfully warned. 'Besides - now you know they were right.'
'Smug, I like it. Should I consider you up for a challenge, then?'
Your interest piqued, 'Against?'
'I'm an exceptional gunman myself,' he spread his arms.
You chortled. 'Are you sure? I never miss, Mr Winchester.' Be it a gun or an arrow - there wasn't a game of aim you'd lose.
'We shall see, My Lady,' he waggled his brows, grinning widely.
'All in jest, of course,' you said, your confidence wavering.
'Of course. Meet me at the gun-range at midnight?'
'Isn't that awfully late?' you said, feeling weird about giving your word to meet with a man at that unholy hour.
He let loose a devious laugh. 'Oh, trust me, you're going to love it.'
What's there to love about a two-person competition played for a one-time fun?
'I look forward to it,' you politely conveyed. 'Now, here, I have the Seminar file with me and . . .'
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The range was surprisingly rowdy and boisterous, you could hear the cheering from down the corridor when you climbed the last step down to the basement. You slid your head through a gap in the door and noticed groups of men chattering and ripping into meat accquired from a food and drink stall at the far end of the room; a few women interspersed in there.
Had they all collected to see you and Dean compete, or were they there for their own individual competitions?
Either way, the image reminded you of the bonfire all over again. Your insecurities squirmed when your mind brought them under a spotlight. You'd always faced problems with acceptance - you mother often said you weren't the easiest pill to swallow with your legion of oddities; your mother always assured you that she accepted you as you were, therefore, you returned her the same respect. As for crowds like these, you adopted an utterly professional persona.
In contrast, Dean's Leadership was very hands-on, resulting in people of Moldova to dislike you right off the bat. You wondered what new horrors this night would bring.
Sebastian spotted you before you noticed him. He happily waved you over. You could feel the gazes of people drilling into your back. Dean's assistant offered you the drink in his hand. You mannerly declined, although you craved one or numerous to get through to the morning.
'Should you be drinking before a duel?' you asked instead.
You assumed it was one with so many people around, all of them brandishing weapons; it was the kind of environment that could devolve into a real fight, real quick.
'It's apple cider,' he shook his glass. 'But for the overzealous people, the drink limit is two. You do not want to know what all goes down when people are drunk and in a battle of guns.'
'You mean they shoot targets more aggressively?' you hoped.
'Maybe in a PG 13 version,' he grinned, sipping on his juice. 'In this R rated place, people are sore losers with a licence to kill,' he gave you a mischievous smile.
Sebastian had a Bachelors in Philosophy, he dropped out of his Masters to work for Dean. Randomly, it would pop up in the way he spoke.
'Are you talking about this game or life?'
'Now you're getting it!'
'My mate, Seb!' a man yelled despite being in a close hearing range, slapping Sebastian on his back, making a good quater of the cider to fall on the floor.
Sebastian laughed good-naturedly. You don't think you've ever seen this man angry. It's what made him so annoying - his perfect hold on his calmness. It's also what you think made Selina like him so much.
Selina Doll's personality was like a soothing balm, healing people much like her career in medicine. You weren't suprised she gelled with Sebastian even if it irked you a bit.
You'd lost Layla because she loved her wife. Maybe a little too much, in your opinion. Loving someone more than your life was irrational, right?
It would be a shame to lose Selina, God forbid, the same way as Layla.
'Lady Y/N!'
Think of the Devil . . .
Selina walked over, cheerfully, still in her Doctor scrubs and coat. She seemed tired but happy.
Your brows creased. 'Will you be shooting too, Ms Doll?' That would help the welling anxiety in your chest: you seemed to be the only girl with a weapon here.
'Oh, Heavens no,' she laughed more freely than you had seen her do in a long time. There was a lovesick sheen to her eyes as she watched Sebastain that made you forlorn.
'I'm just here to support my man,' she declared.
'I hadn't realised you were officially dating,' you said, with minimal interest.
'We are,' she beamed, sliding over to Sebastian's side who slipped an arm around her waist without stopping his conversation to the buff man who was eagerly rattling off what seemed like the names of his teammates.
You were distracted with the realisation this wasn't a one-on-one; you weren't just opposing Dean but you two would participate as members of opposing teams.
As the butch man slipped away to talk to another group, his voice so loud that it still carried over to your side of the room; you turned to Sebastain.
'Mr Slay,' you said, 'I think I should sit this out.'
'No, why? You're my best shot. When Dean told me you're joining our crew - I knew we could finally win the monthly cup.'
'I thought this would be a friendly game between Dean and I,' you clarified. 'These are my countrymen. What if they hold grudges against me?'
'This is a friendly game,' Sebastain persisted, finally serious. 'We have this every month.'
'Lady Y/N, if I may?' Selina interjected. 'You've never shown your talents to crowds before, for this exact reason - I think it's time you overcame your fear of what people think about you.'
'Sore losers makes for grumpy workers, Ms Doll,' you explained. 'I doubt any of these men would like it, especially, losing to a woman. A woman they need to work for and with, for a foreseeable future.'
'Screw them,' Sebastian said, so callously. 'Talent doesn't see gender or status - why do you?'
You didn't want to push your luck here. You didn't want to create ripples in the adminstration by simply winning a stupid game.
'As a diplomat—'
'Are you discrediting these men by questioning their sportsmanship,' Selina tried another tactic. It effectively shut you up, making you glower at her.
'Come on,' urged Sebastian. 'All you'll do by winning is make them want to do better, okay? No joke. If you think it creates any waves - just don't play next time,' he shrugged, 'give it a shot.'
You were unconvinced, teetering on the edge of indecision.
'Ny team wouldn't mind solid competition, Y/N,' came the delectable voice. For a large man such as himself, he sure was quite and stealthy like a damn squirrel.
'Mr Winchester,' you sighed, thoroughly outnumbered. 'You knew I wouldn't come if I knew about the others.'
'Oh, yeah,' he smirked. 'And now you better aim as good as you're hyped - or it'll be considered it a foul-play.'
So losing on purpose was out, too.
Your lips set defiantly. 'What if I don't want to play?'
'You wouldn't be here,' he dismissed. 'Obviously you like competition - I'm not going to let you weasel out of it now. See you out there, darling,' he winked, veering back to his team having given his final word.
One day, you would be gutsy enough to tell him that he was the supremacy of annoyance.
For now, your crossed your arms and bit the inside of your cheek to hold a smartass reply in public.
'So, you in?' Sebastin checked.
'Let's wipe the floor with their faces,' you said, feeling the spirit creep up.
'Yes!' Sebastian pumped his fists in the air, spilling the rest of the cider on the floor - amusingly, giving something to wipe with their metaphorical faces.
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It didn't even come close. Sebastian's team won with an all-time-high; you broke all team records and won the monthly match. The whole team danced around you when the game was over, and would have lifted you on their shoulders had you not made clear your boundaries about not being touched.
Clover's (the man who'd been talking to Sebastian earlier) team were graciously clapping, or watching on with sheepish looks. Very few were pouting and nursing their wounded egos with drinks. Yet, you didn't notice a single drop of resentment in any of them, only determination for next time.
Dean was in the celebratory group.
Your cheeks were warm, and your chest was tight with emotion. You'd never experienced anything like this before.
Selina was clinging to your shoulders, screaming herself hoarse, half-hugging you. She was the only girl here except you and six more in this gathering: two of them had been on Dean's team that usually won (Raya included), three in your group and the last one had come as a cheerleader. 
You were exhilarated. You hadn't felt such an excitement since the last time you thought your mother would visit you. It was overhwleming and left you sort of breathless. But this was also somehow better - here, you'd already won. You won't be disappointed if your mother and father didn't show.
You'd already done it.
Never before had your talent been displayed so. Or appreciated. Girls should always hide away their goods - your mother had said. It was how you would preserve your dignity - by not showing yourself off. It would be barbaric and insulting to men if you did better than them.
Seeing this scene before you granted you a new belief even if guilt twinged your heart, given that you had contradicted your mother, but it washed away just as quickly at the prospect of the night leading to somewhere even more enthralling. Some place you could bond with all these new people.
Your mother would want you to mix with the crowd here, right? Perhaps things in America had been different but she would want you to have support of your people here, right?
You wished you could call and ask.
So far, you'd been texting your brother and B/F on and off. They had been encouraging you to explore, but you wished from some older guidance as well. You'd been getting your parents' assitants as they toured America over and over in their retirement. They were busy as bees, as ex-Leaders.
People started splitting off to bed, the ones who had to leave for cases in the morning. Others went down to the kitchens for some late night culinary adventures. And some were heading for the nearby lake to wind down from this adrenaline-infused night.
People thumped you on the back as the left, shouting loud compliments with welcoming gleams in their eyes. The rumours from the bonfire were being disproved, it appeared. It comforted you a great deal.
Still, you weren't invited anywhere. People were deciding where to go on their own. In your indecision, you almost headed upstairs when Sebastian intercepted your path.
'Where d'you think you're going?'
'Um, bed?'
He imitated a buzzer, 'Wrong answer. You, little miss champion, will be joining us for the late night movie, streaming at the waterhole,' his wiggling eyebrows only meant that he was implying more that you were inferring. 'Unanimous vote - everyone wants you there,' he completed. 'If you're free.'
'You exaggerate, Mr Slay,' you said modestly, feeling greatly relieved on the inside. 'I'd love to join. You have a T.V. at the waterhole?'
You had made it plenty clear to Dean that you hated shows and movies and music - all such a farce, but people didn't have to hate you for it. You would go with the crowd if it meant peace.
'Better,' he claimed. 'But you should get dressed for it,' he said, sweeping a gaze over you. 'It'll be cold.'
'Is Selina coming?' you asked, spotting his girlfriend nowhere. You would certainly appreciate familiar company.
'Yep,' he popped his "p". 'Gone to get the sweaters. See you out and about, Deadeye!' He was already leaving.
'For the record, I don't appreciate nick names.'
'Talk to the hand, Lady Y/N,' he puppeted his hand to seem as if it was talking.
Your sternness was wasted on a man like him.
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You refused to admit you were lost. Your hubris wouldn't let you.
You hunkered down the unfamiliar forest paths, your ears perked for rowdy sounds of hunters.
If you encountered any more monsters on the ground, it would annoy you very much. On the other hand, you had climbed a tree, and unlike where the Offices were, the trees here were void of all humanity. You weren't going to go swinging so high above without the assurity of help, so that plan was out.
Ten minutes into the walk, you caught not hunters, but the sound of water flowing. You began your descent of the slight slope towards the river that cut around the palace on the south-west side and formed that border.
The jump-scare didn't come until five minutes later.
Something enormous dropped from the tree behind. You whipped on your feet, your hand shooting out into a punch that the owner of the voice just barely ducked.
'You've got to stop trying to hit me!' you recognised Dean's voice. The man himself was hanging upside down from a lower branch of a teenage tree. When he had avoided being hit, he'd esstentially done a sit-up, while being upside-down, and five feet in the air.
'You've got to stop scaring me,' you hit his shoulder in spite. He manuvered himself on the rope in a way that his feet touched the ground safely.
'I thought you didn't scare easy,' he said playfully.
'Everyone scares easy!' you defended. 'But I react quickly.'
'Right. And what do your reactions say about being lost?'
'I was . . . sightseeing,' you spluttered.
'You were right,' he assessed you. 'You can't lie to me.'
'Shut up,' you huffed, going the way you were headed.
'That's the wrong direction. The waterhole is down south where the river bottoms into a deep lake.'
With your arms crossed, you made an about-turn, mumbling another "shut up" as you passed Dean.
You did feel safer to hear his footsteps behind you - something you wouldn't say to his face. You were starting to trust the man and his presence brought you a measure of peace.
'You're so stubborn, you know that?' he pipped up.
'You lost the game,' you petitly brought up. 'I can lose my way.'
That irked him; were you so stubborn that you wouldn't admit when you needed help? Would someone's aide bother you more than being mauled by a third-class monster?
He cut your path so his burning gaze would meet yours. 'Do you know how crazy you drive me?'
That was rhetoric, right?
His intensity rendered you timid.
You opened and closed you mouth with no answer, looking away from him as the last resort.
He didn't let you have that when his fingers slipped under your chin and re-locked his orbs to yours. It seemed to melt your defenses which left you floundering inside.
'What?' you asked, a bite to your voice. It was both request for repetition and a warning, all in one. He let your face go, at least.
'Why didn't you ask for help?'
'I knew the way back,' you answered. 'I just didn't know where I was going.'
He rolled his eyes in exasperation. 'You're unbelievable.'
'Thank you,' you said, purposely. 'Now. I must return to the movies.'
'You don't even like them,' he fell in step with you, but at least his beautiful eyes weren't staring at you unbriddled anymore. 'You're just a people-pleaser.'
You opened your mouth to protest but a withering look of his silenced you. You huffed instead, gaining another foot of space between you and him.
'None of your business, Mr Winchester.'
'You know how much you bother me with that?'
'With what?'
'That "Mr Winchester",' he mocked you in a high-pitched voice that was supposed to mimic you. 'Why can't you call me by my name?'
'If you have so much problem with everything I do, why don't you leave me alone?' you snapped.
His jaw locked and his eyes moved away to hide their wound. It made a trill of guilt race down your spine, settling in your stomach like a heavy stone.
What was your problem?
Why was everything so heightened around Dean?
It shouldn't matter. It didn't matter.
Yet, whenever it came to him - even if it was only a conversation with another person about Dean, you couldn't help but put him in front and centre of your mind.
It was as if Dean's existence was becoming the vortex of your thoughts and actions. The shift was almost negligible, but it was terrifying to think that it was even fucking happening in the first place.
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When Sebastian said streaming, he meant it.
Dean was conducting a boat with just you and him towards a serene waterfall that was straight and smooth enough to reflect back a projector's images on it.
Your jaw dropped when you reached the breathtaking scene, the boat parking in the back. Boats were lined up in relative order to watch the screening. There were more people than the group at the monthly competition. There were families for late night shows, couples, and friends, all relaxing after a hard day, or a harder week.
Dean was sitting on the plank behind yours, taking your awed expression in. Your eyes were hooked to the screen that gently fell from above, images shimmering on the water, the speakers hidden out of your sight.
It wasn't as good as an actual television, in Dean's opinion. But not everyone was rich enough for one. So, Dean and Sebastian came up with this alternative where Dean bought the movies and Sebastian had some people set it up here so people could watch it on a large scale in a beautiful and rather comfortable setting.
The boats were all circular rafts with two planks each, allowing the families to lump in together and huddle under blankets for comfort.
Dean eyed your sweater, and then his blanket. He wasn't particularly cold, but he would be lying if there wasn't a part of him that wanted to enevlope you in his arms under the blanket. That action would earn him a slap though, so he resisted.
Titanic was playing. People liked the irony when the movie was played on water. He'd already seen it, but there was a new thrill to watch it play in your eyes. The moon weaved it's light into your strands and he wished to let your hair go so he could follow those patterns better.
He tried to figured you out by watching you. There were so many things you didn't say, hidden behind so many pretentious words you did say.
For instance despite your dislike for movies, the water had you absolutely enchanted.
You kept up with the movie well enough, even if you'd missed a good chunk at the beginning.
You were secretly rooting for the protagonist by the end of it; your heart also cracked when you saw her lover drown after the ship sank.
Who knew you could feel such empathy for a fictitious character?
Most of everyone was crying. Your heart went out to the protagonist, but you couldn't imagine feeling as distraught as her at the loss of a lover.
Then again, so many people you knew also sacrificed their lives for their lovers. Lay came to mind again . . .
You bonded with the television because it mourned like you did. Maybe Dean's obsession wasn't as bogus as you originally thought. Maybe you just didn't give enough time to stories.
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The walk back was lit abuzz with admiration of the long film. You could hear people repeat the scenes from the film, dialogues, you could hear them share their own stories, you could even hear complains about Jack's death.
You walked behind Sebastain and Selina, beside Dean. The couple was invested in an intellectual critique of the entire film. Sebastian's insights, and his wit astonished you. His philosophies about deeper topics made you question in what you believed and what you didn't. It was like listening to a lively debate on a good book, but more audio-visually engaging, and less time-consuming. The aspects of imagination lacked, but they impressed you overall.
'Penny for your thoughts?' Dean's voice disturbed your reverie.
'Well . . . I don't think that your belief in television is completely unfounded anymore.'
He smirked. 'Aw, that's my girl!'
The earlier resentment between you two had wilted, now that you weren't as defensive. Right now when you freely chuckled with him, red tints dusting your cheeks - he forgave you for your accidental flaws. Dean found you smart, sassy and just the right amount of badass when you weren't being an asshole.
'So, you'll watch them with me next time?'
You gave him a look. 'I still think it's a waste of time,' you said. 'But if I have nothing else to do, no other option, I don't think it would be the worst use of my time to watch a movie.'
'You make it sound like it's a punishment,' he pouted.
You hid your smile from him; he was adorable when he was being grumpy.
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'Again, Mr Winchester, you didn't need to do this,' you frowned at your company as you got your key out.
'Again, Y/N,' he said, 'I'm just being chivalrous.'
You noticed how he used your name everytime you didn't use his. Did he find formalities absurd, or did he just not respect you enough?
'And I wanted to talk to you about something,' Dean said, finally getting to a point.
'Oh?' You pushed your door in. 'Is it about a hunt?' You turned in your doorway to block his entry; you didn't know what his intentions were, and you really didn't want to lead him on.
'No, but that reminds me,' he said, 'I've placed the order for your pager. You can get it from me soon.'
'Splendid!' you smiled. It would be synced to the one Dean had, since you two had decided to be partners on cases on the basis of good chemistry during the trial week of hunting.
'I was thinking we could train together,' Dean proposed.
'Intriguing,' you considered. 'I'm the best marksperson, and you're the best in close-combat.'
'True,' he smiled. 'We're only second to each other in our respective strengths as well. If we train and build on that natural chemistry - we could make ourselves into a dream hunting team.'
Dean was just relieved that this wasn't an activity he would have to sell to you.
There was a special team at the palace to check the hunting journals which then came to you and Dean for moderation. And you two's journals went to Sebastian and Baz, for objectivity. It was through the signing of these journals that all the paychecks were approved. Then based on skills shown in these journals, people were paired off in the teams that would complement them the most. The teams often trained together too.
This joint-training with you and Dean was Sebastain's idea, seeing the results and efficiency of the reports given to him of that week of hunting. Even Baz gave a thumbs-up to Sebastian's pitch, when asked for a second-opinion. Both you and Dean had never trained with anyone else, unless you counted your childhoods where you both recieved general training. This would be another level, and your bodygaurds seemed to know it.
Dean had thought of it as well, but he had needed their review on it. Things were precarious as they were, he had no want of ruining anything more with you than possible. But Boa had been positive the best way to get on your good side was through training. And he had come to trust Griffiths' and Selina's judgements about you.
'I would approve of that,' you beamed. 'When do we start?'
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It was midnight again. And a week later.
You knocked on Dean's Office for your first training session together. The only free time you both had found because of your hectic schedules.
It was dark; the others had left so the twinkling lights of their Offices didn't luminate the area like they usually would. Even your office was locked up for the night.
You heard Dean call you in. The door was unlocked.
'Give me a minute,' Dean said, covering his reciever. 'I'm on the phone with Romania for a case.'
You gestured him to go on, choosing to explore his treehouse.
The place was devoid of any personal attachments except a few photoframes on his desk. There was a family of four you recognised because of Sam in the picture, sitting next to Dean while their parents stood behind them; all in formal attire, admirably regal and daunting in expressions. There was one of Sam and Jessica; you had never seen her without the blood and the injuries: she was beautiful - the couple seemed so happy too. There were others of Dean with his friends: Jody, Bobby, Charlie, Joana - all famed Leaders. Yet the one that intrigued you the most was with a dark-haired woman that Dean's arm was slung around, and both of them had a hand each on an exuburant child.
It fixed you with a frown. Did he ever have a child and a wife?
Your eyes strayed to her hand, and sure enough, there was a ring on it. You couldn't see Dean's hand in the frame because he was hugging her to his side.
Irritation plumed your heart.
Not because I care, you defended your emotions. You should've just known, is all. There was nothing of this sort on Dean's file - how the hell did he manage to hide a wife?
It made you feel more anguish and humiliation when you thought of all the blushes you'd spared for the man. Or how you'd thought he was hitting on you - of course he wasn't. Truly, Dean was just genuinely nice . . . Or he was cheating on his wife?
No - you needed to stop suspecting his character. He'd proved himself to you more than he ideally should have. He is nice. Kind, compassionate, generous, selfless, and all the good adjectives. He wouldn't hurt another woman or you like that.
You should just keep him at a one-arm distance so that you didn't unknowingly hurt another person involved either.
'All right,' Dean said, hanging up. 'We have a case.'
'Afternoon, tomorrow,' he stood up and strapped himself with his weapons. 'So Sebastain and B2 can join.'
'B2?' you frowned.
'Oh, uh, Sebastian thought it would be funny to call the Griffiths, B2,' he said off-handedly.
Oh right - Sebastian had said it before. Your lips curved up this time, it was comical.
All three were currently on a case while you and Dean had stayed back at the palace to prepare for the Seminars. Which reminded you: 'I needed to leave for Austria in two days.'
'I'll drop you,' Dean said. 'Hungary's on the way to Austria. You'll punch your card on the monthly quota, too.'
The monthly quota was a case a week. You'd done three this month with Dean.
'It's a nice one, too,' Dean enticed. 'Skinwalkers.'
That was tempting.
'I better not be late,' you conceded.
'My responsibility,' he swore. 'Now.' He smirked, 'Shall we begin?'
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He led you back to the training centre; he'd taken the keys from Salem. The shooting range was serene and lit by torches in your arrangement. For you, it was like coming to an amusement park at night without anyone to encroach on your peace and joy. The cicadas chirped their agreement as background singers. Like Dean used cooking to tune out the world and function on "autopilot", archery was your safe harbour.
'How'd you want to do this, Mr Winchester?'
His face scrunched with a scowl that you willfully ignored. The soft glow from the torches and lamp granted him the light and dark theme. It suited him, the fucking heartthrob. You forced your eyes to his, just so they wouldn't stray down and admire his countenance; you refuted to being attracted to his lips.
'What are your weaknesses?' he posed, seeting his things down.
'Swords and spears,' you relayed. 'Anything longer than my dagger or my arrows, really. Yours?'
'Well, I'm good with guns, so we have that in common. I'm good with bigger and longer weapons, I can help you there. The bowstrings really annoy me though.'
'How about an hour to each?'
'Suit yourself. You want to go first?' his grin was challenging. One you couldn't back down from.
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You crossed the hour limit twenty minutes ago. You both were sweating, but neither of you felt tired. Your spears were raised - and you were determined to defeat Dean at least once before you moved onto your own discipline.
It didn't look like your wish was going to come true - especially when Dean's blow struck your arm and your spear fell out of your slippery skin once more. He moved his blade quickly so that it was pulling your face up by your chin, only to make his eyes meet yours - for you to admit defeat.
'Shouldn't have left your left open,' he suggested a corrective remedy.
'Right,' you sighed as he took his weapon off you. The weight of being weaponless made your hands quiver in protest.
'Sixteen for o,' he had a wicked grin on his face.
He was barely breathing deeply; your breaths were coming out more huffier. This is why you hated close-combat, your enemy could see humiliation in your eyes before they killed you.
'I need water,' you said, hiding your frustration as you got away from him. He followed you to the lone bench where both of you had shed the excess clothes and accessories.
'You're good, you know,' Dean consoled, taking the bottle you passed him. 'People don't last as much as you do.'
You didn't know if he was trying to make you feel better or taunting you.
'I've "died" sixteen times tonight.'
He chuckled, 'I've seen people lose about fifty times against me by this time.' He wiggled his eyebrows with a certain meaning.
The wheels in your mind whirred. '. . . Are you talking about Mr Slay?'
He laughed in agreement, 'It's a sore spot for him.'
It did certainly make you feel better. At least you could take down the other annoying man in combat.
'Are you ready to beat my ass with some arrows?' Dean queried, surrenderingly. It was comforting to know he accepted your superiority in that particular field - it made it easier to accept his wins too.
'Like you wouldn't believe.'
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After some time of friendly one-on-one competing (where Dean complained about the shape of the bow and the restrictions of the quiver on his frame) you ended up instructing him to elevate his game.
You demonstrated a few times for his benefit but their was a difference between seeing and understanding.
'No, that's too high,' you said, already calculating where his arrow would end up. When he lowered his stance, it was too low.
With an impatient breath, you rounded on him, your hands going to smooth his hand up in a straight line. You adjusted his hold on the bow and straightened his posture with your hands over his torso. You didn't know this but he was watching you with a tensed breathing. His eyes only went back to the traget in the distance when you went behind his back. The notion of aiming was spoiled though when, to his extreme surprise, you pressed up against him; unexpectedly, his heart skipped a beat.
What am I, a freaking schoolgirl? he mentally scolded himself.
But then your hands snaked around his body to make the final infintismal changes to his hold, and his heart begged for a sunset to gallop towards.
'Good,' you said, near his ear. 'Keep your breath held.'
Your accent was cozy velvet for his ears. He hadn't realised the oxygen had hitched in his windpipe. It brought colour to his scruffed cheeks.
'You breathe out when you release the arrow. Okay?'
'Okay,' his voice was a wisp of wind.
He was most disappointed when you stepped away. It gave him the concentration he needed to shoot, however.
His arrow sailed across the dark night and pierced the tailend of his first one that had already made the border of the red bullseye. The arrow fell down halfway, but it was better than his previous thirty shots.
'Yes!' you cheered. A slow smile spread on his face as you pumped your hands into the air like a victor. 'I knew you had it in you!'
'Thanks,' he said, though his eyes fixated on your form. As you proudly watched the target, he watched you.
It wasn't long before you realised that he was staring.
Your searing e/cs clashed with his, and he didn't look away. In fact, your orbs reminded of the reality he'd felt back at the bar when he'd first met you. Like - just for a few seconds - you were real and not a constructed doll for others to show off and play with. Not a servant who never stops working.
You were an insanely gorgeous woman.
'I think we should call it a night,' you suggested, reshuffling your walls into position. He cleared his throat and looked away, wondering if it was dizzy that he was feeling.
'Yeah, good call.'
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'Do you remember when we first met?' Dean was curious, he couldn't help himself. He was walking you through the forest, thinking about that night several years ago.
'At the bar,' you nodded.
'No, before that.'
You frowned, saying nothing.
'The Ball?' he jogged your memory. 'I was thirteen. You were eight? We went to play in the trees.'
Your hand brushed your elbow, Dean re-noticed your scar. He grimaced a little; he'd seen it before, but now he wondered if that because of him . . .
'I thought you didn't remember that,' you finally commented.
'Sorry,' he said, paying the tribute he long-owed you.
'Oh, that's all right,' you waved it off. 'It wasn't a big deal.'
He held the back door of the palace open for you. 'You fell from fifteen feet,' he reminded you. 'Dislocated your shoulder, and got a large stone lodged in your elbow.'
'I was breaking my fall,' you weakly defended. 'My arm was more expendible than my head.'
'That wasn't my point,' he rolled his eyes because you had gotten defensive again. He seriously needed to find ways to make you drop your defenses; distraction was one technique: 'How can you forget?'
'Well,' you formulated, 'I was in a lot of pain. All I remember is Mother came to see me, and she was really mad.'
'Dad was mad, too,' Dean sighed. He got grounded for a month for that one.
'But it wasn't your fault,' you said, matter-of-factly. 'It was irresponsible of me to leave a party.'
He processed that as you climbed the palace stairs of the west wing.
'Wait, did you get scolded for something I did?'
'We both left the Ball,' you pointed out.
'So your mother was upset not because you fell from a tree where you could've died, but because you left a stupidly boring Ball?'
You didn't seem to gauge the incredulousness of his tone.
'I only almost died because I left an important Ball. Must've been God's way of punishing me or something,' you kidded.
Dean didn't feel the humour.
'That's horrible,' he claimed.
'Oh, my bad,' you said. 'Do you not believe in God or karma?'
'I don't care about God,' he rounded on you. You stopped to finally notice his outrage.
'Aren't you angry your mother scolded you?'
You shook your head. 'She doesn't scold. Silent treatment is more her thing. She told me my sentence would be three months of no calls - since we rarely met anyways.' You scowled for that, 'I admit, that was hard.'
You think that might be why you never sneaked out again with another person, just a few visits to balcony now and again for air before you entertained more sleezeballs at Balls.
'That's the shitiest thing I've ever heard,' he said, a tremor of fury zipping down his spine.
'Oh, it wasn't all bad,' you tried to focus on the positive. 'One night, Seth tried to sneak in with hot cocoa,' you lowered your voice as if indulging in a secret. 'It was past our bedtimes, but he hadn't seen me, so he came through the window, spilled half the drink on himself,' you giggled. 'Good thing too, that man cannot even boil basic water, his hot chocolate could only have been a disaster.'
'No one else came to see you?' Dean's guilt was mounting to an all-time-high. You suffered all this as a child, and for what? Because Dean was bored and begged you, as a guest to resident, to guide him to the gradens? For he couldn't tolerate one more night in the bow-tied suits?
He thought he got it bad when his father didn't take him to anymore high-scale events until he was seventeen.
'No,' you said. 'Why would they? They all had training. I missed mine during that time which was pitiful.'
He didn't know if you didn't realise how twisted that was, or if you were just numb to it at this point.
'I feel terrible,' his throat tightened a bit.
You waved it off, 'It's all good. Our actions just made me realise how important work is.'
He made a face. Far be it from him for wanting to have any hand in your relationship with "work". He hated your attitude so much, he would hate himself more for contributing to it.
He stopped you with a hand on your wrist as you continued to your room.
'Screw sleep,' he demanded. 'We're doing something fun.'
'We have a case—'
'You can sleep in the car,' he shot down your good logic. 'You are about to have a magical, fun-filled night.'
'Do I have an option?' you tried to weasel out.
'You can tell me what you've always wanted to do.' He then warned, 'Besides work.'
'Like breaking a rule?' you wondered.
'Well, I've always wanted to sneak into the library—'
'I said fun,' he cut you off.
You crossed your arms, 'It's fun for me—'
'For us.'
That threw a wrench in your plans. You had to ponder harder. It took you a few minutes where Dean gave you the space to think.
'Oh,' you clapped your hands. 'We could play board games!'
That was not the innovation Dean expected from you. Even then, you looked so hopeful that he couldn't shoot down the idea callously.
'That's a rule-break?' he gently probed.
You deflated anyways. 'I guess not. I've just always wondered what it feels like to play with another person.'
He wanted to repeat your words back to you to make sure he heard you right. Were you so short on people that you never played a single board game with any other human?
Knowing everything he knew about you, he knew it must be true, yet, he couldn't do anything to amend the shock on his countenance.
It prompted a nervous "what" from you.
'How many friends do you have?'
It caught you by surprise, but, 'Three.'
You also had B/F. Your "official" best friend, but you didn't spend as much time with her. You mostly met with her during press events.
'Your team doesn't count.'
'Boy, you have something seriously against them,' you huffed. 'They should count - I work with them all the time!'
'Ever done anything besides work?'
You bristled. 'The other day, I watched that movie at the waterhole,' you said, as if that made your case - this was your sass peeking out. The amount of strength he needed to be patient with you was ridiculous sometimes.
'You're coming with me,' he announced, his hand already wrapping lightly around your unscarred elbow, towing you back downstairs.
'We're doing karoke,' he declared. 'Like adults who have friends.'
'Oh, no,' you almost whined. It was sort of hilarious, he'd never heard you whine before. 'What about board games?'
'We'll play it when we have more people,' he had a promise implied in his voice. 'I'll have to teach you card games too, I guess.'
That, at least, shut you up. You didn't think he would actually take you up on the offer of board games. While your story had been true, it had also been a ploy to run him off. No one had ever wanted to play, why would he?
You only managed to snag your arm from his fingers as you followed him unwillingly to some level of arcades where they had a karoke room in the back.
'I don't enjoy music, you know,' you almost growled. 'I don't know what makes you think this'll be fun.'
'You said the waterhole wasn't a complete waste of time,' he threw back.
He entred a slot for karaoke till five in the registrar. He found the keys and arranged the room since no one was at the desk. The massive game room was also almost closed, except the gambling area where a few stragglers were drunkenly arguing and laughing.
He led you back into the air-conditioned room, locking it behind the both of you to give you the semblance of privacy.
'All right,' he rubbed his palms. 'Where do you wanna start?'
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Dean had to break the ice with his favourites. He went with the classics: Metallica, AC/DC - the works.
He also had to talk you out of singing French opera for your first time just because it was "dignified". If he wants a girl to scream for him, opera isn't his first choice.
He assisted you in a few duets that helped loosen you up until you were shimmiying by yourself on a few songs. He may have also offered you a few drinks to ease your self-consciousness. (He was pleased to find you appreciated a good whiskey better than some snobby wine or champagne.)
His personal favourite was the slow romantic number that you randomly picked from a book. It was a deut, and it allowed you both to put your dance skills to use. He twirled you about and you both skillfully dominated the stage, far better dancers than either of you were singers. The off-keys of your voices didn't deter Dean from dipping you into a low graceful dive, leaving your faces inches apart and watching a blush overtake you when he held you there.
Yeah, that was definitely his favourite.
It wasn't until your forgotten alarm blared at six that it brought you both out of your bubble.
'I can't believe you're an early-riser,' Dean was complaining.
You smiled sleepily at him. Your eyes were drooping and you planned to catch those four hours before you gave some prep time for the hunt in the morning. You were also a bit tipsy, and high on dopamine.
You interlocked your arm around Dean's letting your head fall onto his shoulder as he once more walked you back up to your room. Your other arm clutched at his bicep too, allowing you to snuggle into his side with all your might.
'All cuddly, huh,' he chuckled. 'I should get you drunk more often.'
'I'm buzzed, not drunk. Besides, Lay says it's bad for business.' You burped a little, covering your mouth with your hand and feeling the embarrassment. 'Oops. My bad.'
Dean didn't seem to care or notice.
'Who's Lay?'
'Layla Stun,' you prounouced her surname with jazz hands, cackling as if you made a world-class joke. 'My PR dazzles everyone. She passed away on the ship over.'
'My condolences,' he squeezed one of your hands on his shoulder. You took that hand in your fingers and kept it there too.
'She was a friend,' you said. 'My team is a friend - I call them by their names, you know?'
'That's wild,' he teased you.
'It is,' you missed his sarcasm. 'I wasn't allowed to call Mother "Mother", and Father "Father" until my first hunt.'
His heart stuttered, his playfulness tapped out. 'That's awful.'
'They wanted me to earn it,' you sighed, waving his second-hand sadness away. 'I can call them "Mom" and "Dad" when I become a successful, permanent Leader. Like Seth.'
It disturbed him more than he could express. His hands untangled from both of yours, only to slip around your waist and to pull you closer against his sturdier frame. He didn't have a platitude to match a heartbreaking situation as such, clutching you closer and being there for you would have to do.
'You can call me by my name.'
'But I haven't earned it,' you groaned. 'So many steps,' you leaned against him heavily. 'Why do palaces have so many steps?'
You made your slow ascent upwards, Dean beside you, making sure you didn't fall like you had all those years ago.
'You can call me anything you'd like,' Dean insisted. 'I don't care.'
'I do,' you opposed. 'I need to save your life, or make you proud before I can deserve it!'
'For me?' he said, directing you towards your room when you crossed the last step, 'you just need to talk to me for more than an hour about random stuff; or watch a film with me; or sing karaoke; or hunt with me.'
'Wait!' you said, as if it suddenly dawned on you. You swiveled to face him with wide eyes; he had to catch you with his hands on your waist to keep you from face-planting. 'I've done all those things!'
Your realisation was both endearing and annoying. Endearing because, well, have you seen you? And annoying because why haven't you seen you?
'For a woman so intelligent, you can be so obtuse,' he said, brushing a stray piece of hair behind your ear to soften that blow.
'But mother says it's disrespectful to call someone by their name without earning it,' you said, backing from your epiphany.
Dean cursed something about your mother under his breath; it was a good thing you were too distracted moving back to your room to hear it.
He helped you unlock your door and brought you inside with a hand on the small of your back. He didn't leave you until you sat on your bed with a humph.
'Today was nice,' you deemed.
'Yeah?' Dean was very proud of himself.
To be honest, he enjoyed himself more than he had in the last two months since . . . Well, today he didn't think as much about Jessica and his brother in another Continent.
You had this quality that made him forget his worries.
You grasped his hand in both of yours, a dopey smile made your face seem very kissable. 'Thank you.'
He forced his eyes away from your lips; it was a struggle for him to not let them stray back down - until he met your eyes which were plenty capable of holding him forever. He didn't understand what it was about your normal e/cs that made you so extraordinary.
He wanted to make them light up with happiness when he saw the loneliness prowling in their depths. He wanted to be the sole reason for the pure joy he hadn't seen in them yet.
It was his new mission, and it was addictive. It was also maddening, and it was terrifying. How come this girl he barely knew could have such a large imapct on him? How come he practically couldn't think of himself living another day because of this dangerous Leader's life, but those e/cs irises made him want to dream a future?
It was impossible to want someone he barely knew, so much, right?
He should hate you. But when you tell him stories about your past, which apparently you never have before to anyone, he can't help but thaw. He can't help but care. He can't help but have the urge to protect you. To kiss your pain away. To show you in the language of bodies how obsessed he is becoming with you. To become your soft corner.
What he wouldn't give to be yours.
He didn't understand why he felt as he did, but he knew somehow that you were worth it. No matter how he fought this irrationality - his need to fight for you was stronger, and it will always come out on top.
'Good night, Y/N,' he ended up whispering. His finger tracing your jaw because he couldn't keep his hand away; he did feel bad because you were drunk and what if this was uncomfortable for you?
The thought of your discomfort made him pull away.
'G'night, Dean,' you mumbled, crawling deeper into your sheets while he remained frozen at the foot of the bed.
Was he hallucinating?
His rampart thoughts were already taking his name said in your voice and playing it on a loop in his head. The first time you name-called him! He was slightly ashamed and very abashed at how desperate he felt to hear it again.
But there you were, already descending into light snores, unaware of how your actions made butterflies take off in Dean's stomach.
Fuck, what is she doing to me!?
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A/N: Who do you think is falling in love faster 👀?
Anyway, Happy Birthday, Jensen!
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9 notes · View notes
zvtara-was-never-canon · 8 months ago
So, so tired to see all these “in TSR Aang didn’t care about Katara in the slightest but rather forced his culture onto her” lies.
Aang: The monks used to say that revenge is like a two-headed rat viper. While you watch your enemy go down, you're being poisoned yourself.
Come. On!
If this is not “killing this man will traumatize you” then I don’t know what proof they want. He’s clearly showing care and concern for Katara here. And then Aang will let her borrow Appa aka the last living part of his culture and Aang will say that Katara needs to take this journey and to face this man and in the end Aang will be more than happy to hear that she hasn’t taken his forgiveness advice because she has her own way… only for some people to tell that he doesn't give a shit and only thinks about forcing his culture or whatever.
And these are the people who constantly brag about being the only ones in the fandom with media literacy. Their “media literacy” is, in fact, non-existent.
They don't care what the real message or context was, they only care about making Aang look bad. If the roles were somehow reversed and it was Zuko advocating for a non-violent solution while Aang encouraged Katara to get revenge, suddenly there'd be questions as to why the hero's got-to response to pain and rage, no matter how righteous, is going for the kill.
But because Zuko was the one encouraging it, there's no room to talk about how this him relapsing into the old pattern of thinking he can only fix things through violence due to how he was raised (and abused).
Or about how it is VERY disappoiting to see the brave prince that once stood up for his soldiers to now be ready to murder one of them in cold blood for the crime of follwing orders (that were cruel and unjust and that basic human decency says he shouldn't have followed), aka the same thing Zuko himself was doing less than a month ago, when he is not currently posing a threat to anyone.
Or about how he did it all because he felt entitled to Katara's forgiveness and only started to truly empathize with her in the middle of their journey.
Or about how, regardless of if killing that fucker was right or wrong, revegence of justice, cruelty or doing him a favor, it was KATARA'S DECISION to go after him, then to spare him but not forgive him - something both Zuko and AANG respected.
It's an episode about the pain and rage that comes from grief, especially from an unfair death that was caused by a cruel coward, and how it's important to recognize those feelings and process them so they won't consume you. It's about Katara as a character, with Zuko, the former imperialist, representing a self-destructive path of continuing the cicle of violence, and Aang, the pacifist, reminding her that SHE IS NOT A MURDERER!
But zutarians only care about Katara in the context of this made-up love triangle, so they force it onto the episode too.
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blackjackkent · 10 months ago
Heyyy, have you ever written your Hec and Karlach with the "blows up at the pier" ending? I am just not sure where to look for it lol but I always love imagining the "alt routes" but I understand if others are too sad to dip toes in
Oh man, anon coming in with the Big Feels out of nowhere. :D I love it. As per usual this got way longer than intended and very out of hand. XD
I have not written that before and it is indeed VERY sad to think about. But I am up for giving it a try! [rolls up sleeves, braces self]
(If you're interested, I also answered a similar version of this question a while back regarding Hector's life in a worldstate where Karlach got mind-flayered, which was ALSO sad. 😭 )
So anyway. Scenario, then: the brain fight didn't go super smoothly and Wyll is unconscious, so Hector is left with no other voice to save Karlach from her self-sacrifice.
No one moves. The pier is suddenly deathly silent as the roaring of Karlach's engine falls to stillness. Hector sways unsteadily on his feet, clinging to the afterimages of the flame still burned into his eyes.
Don't breathe. Don't think. When you think, it will become real...
But there is no stopping it. Thinking is what he does best, after all. She taught him to live, for a while, to see the glory and goodness of the wide world outside the monastery, the bright intensity of its colors.
But she is gone, and he can see the grayscale already fading in again at the corners of his vision.
"No..." he whispers. His voice sounds choked in his throat. "No." Somehow he always believed, deep down, that something would come to save her, that they would find some way to make everything all right. "NO!" He falls to his knees, burying his fingers in the ashes; his palms blister in the lingering heat.
He's screaming, he realizes distantly. Sobbing too. Everything has snapped; every ounce of the control that he wears like armor has vanished. He feels detached from his body, unreal, numb with grief. The tears pour down his face, blinding him.
It isn't fair. After everything they have been through, everything Karlach suffered, it isn't fair that this is how she ended, without even a body to bury in the city she loved. It isn't fair that he will never hold her again, never feel her arms around him, never protect her and be protected by her, never see the world at her side, never... never... never...
The world is so cold without her warmth.
"Gods, please... please come back to me!" he howls into the uncaring ocean view. "I can't... I can't..."
The first paroxysm of anguish starts to fade. He collapses forward on his elbows and knees, his face pressed into his fists, and sobs.
In the monastery, they taught him there was no pain that discipline and prayer could not soothe. They were wrong. He knows now just how wrong they were.
"The Moonmaiden sees me… no grief nor pain nor fury shall wrest me from her path…" He whispers the mantra brokenly, instinctively, desperate for the comfort it has brought him in other moments. But there is no comfort to be found even in Selune's light, not for this.
He is alone.
But no... not completely alone. A hand touches his shoulder softly; a form crouches gently at his side. Shadowheart. He can see the sympathy in her eyes, the compassion and shared pain.
"Come here," she says softly, and opens her arms to him, as he did to her after the House of Grief. And as she did then, he falls sideways into her embrace, presses his face into her shoulder and cries bitterly. Her armor feels cold after the furnace heat of Karlach's destruction, but the hug is tight and fierce and she rocks gently side to side, holding him.
"I'm so sorry," she whispers.
His voice is hoarse, almost inaudible. "It hurts..."
"I know... I know..." She looks up. The others are watching at a distance - those who remain, anyway. Astarion is gone into the shadows, Lae'zel to the Astral. Gale is crouched by Wyll's unconscious body, but his eyes are fixed on the back of Hector's head, unblinking. Minsc, his face drawn tight with regret, is standing a little closer, Boo balanced on one fist.
And Jaheira closes with them, moving to sit on Hector's other side. The druid rests a hand on Hector's back just above where Shadowheart's arms hold him. "Silvanus guide the light to the source," she murmurs. "Take her to what she justly deserves. By nature's will, what was given is returned. What was turmoil is now peace..."
Hector draws a long, slow, shuddering breath.
"May the Moonmaiden's light follow her into the dark," Shadowheart says softly. Her voice is still a little unsteady on the Selunite prayer, but she knows Hector needs to hear it. "The silver light always at her back..."
He swallows, sits up slightly, not pulling away from either woman's touch. They are grounding him, drawing him back to himself, and his heart rate begins to calm, the sobs slowing to unsteady, hiccuping breaths. "Perhaps," he whispers hoarsely, "perhaps had I served Shar, it would be easier... I would be prepared for such loss..."
He can feel Shadowheart give a single, sharp shake of the head.
"Do not think it," Jaheira says, her voice low. "You would be empty. It is no better. The grief carries all the meaning of what was; it is the love with nowhere left to go. In time it will be bearable, cub."
He does not want it to be bearable. He wants it gone. He wants her back. He wants the hole in his heart filled back in.
"My Lady..." he whispers, squeezing his eyes shut. "See her soul as it travels outward. Take it where mine would go, I beg you."
Karlach once said that she liked the thought of her soul spreading out through the world, becoming part of it. He liked the thought too, for she was always full of life and loved the world so deeply, with such fierce devotion...
But he knows the truth, as it was taught to him. She will go to the Fugue Plane to be judged. And if no god fights for her soul, she will exist in limbo forever, trapped in another unending wasteland.
"Take her to you, My Lady... please. In my place, if you must, but do not leave her forgotten..."
Some months later, he and Jaheira travel at Withers' behest to a gathering outside the city.
It has been a good half-year, all things considered. The city is starting to rebuild, to regain some semblance of its former life. Hector has been hard at work among the Harpers, lending his strong back to building projects and his counsel to those in need of it.
He's filled out with new muscle and a sense of pride in the Gate. Jaheira has noted it more than once - with surprise, given that he once lived in such isolation from the city's life. But they both know, truly, where that pride stems from. Karlach could not live to see her city flourish again - so Hector must see it for her.
In his pocket always he carries the three copper coins Jaheira delivered to him a few days after the brain fell. Sometimes he listens to the message recorded on them. More often, he simply places a hand against them when the loneliness threatens to overwhelm him, feeling the soft warm buzz of the enchantment on them and imagining he can almost feel Karlach's touch.
Withers finds him wandering away from the party, late in the evening, and addresses him without preamble, grave as ever.
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"Thou feelst it still," the skeleton says, with something oddly like kindness. "She is not here. She who means the most. Hast thy thoughts been with brave Karlach often?"
Yes. Of course they have. He doesn't speak of it much to Jaheira and the others, and he has tried to move on - and some days he can almost manage it. But her loss always sits in the back of his mind, inescapable. Every moment of victory bears its quiet reminder that she is not here to share it with him. Every failure brings the ache for her comfort and her warmth.
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"I loved her so much," he says quietly. "It isn't fair."
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"No," Withers says placidly. "It is not."
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He feels a sudden tightness in the back of his throat. He has not spoken of her aloud for so many weeks, but Withers of all people coming to him with kindness brings the feelings rushing back, stinging into his eyes. "I don't know how I can go on without her," he mutters.
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Withers's dessicated lips curl in a slight smile. "She battled in Avernus, fueled on naught but hope," he says. "And that hope came to become truth. In but a dozen tendays, an entire life was lived. More than mortal years-- mortal centuries were hers." He gives a slow nod in acknowledgment of Hector's grief. "Thou might endure a great eon of mourning. But thou must hope, as once she did. Her life... her happiness... was you."
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Great, now he really is going to cry. That strain in his throat is rapidly forming into a lump that makes it difficult to speak. "And she was mine..." he whispers.
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"Thy life was hers for a while," Withers says gently. "It is now thine again. Live it well." He reaches out a hand and rests it on Hector's shoulder. It is light and skeletal and bears no warmth, but it goes with the intensity Withers suddenly has in his expression.
"In the Fugue Plane," he says, "her soul burns so bright, it pains the gods to look upon. Recall that in time, all changeth and all is rejoined. Thou shalt be with her again."
Hector feels something tight come loose in his chest, and he nods unsteadily. These are not empty words; this is Jergal speaking, not Withers. This is, perhaps, the only voice available to him that could tell him truly what he needs to know - that Karlach is not lost to him, nor beaten into dim submission by the wasteland of the Fugue.
She is still bright. And she is waiting for him. And one day, when he has brought her city back to life, he will go to find her.
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feralkwe · 11 months ago
“Everytime something goes well, I momentarily forget how much I despise you.”
(hahahaha ouch, but you've handed me the keys to explore something, so bear with me as i cbf to look up the cutscene again right this minute, and i'm doing my best to remember this conversation, having just watched it the other day.)
It wasn't until she heard G'raha's pained cry that Kit slowed her steps up the Crystal Tower stairs. She spun about, chest heaving with the breaths of their exertions. Elidibus was likely at the top of the tower, so why were they stopping now?
"I'm afraid you'll have to go on without me," he said from his position on the ground. "Find Elidibus, and end this."
Kit looked at him there on the floor, limbs akimbo beneath himself as he rubbed at the crystal slowly encroaching upon his body. He was not a tall man, and she was a much taller Viera woman, but in that moment he somehow looked smaller than she'd ever noticed. Like the pain wracking him was diminishing him before her eyes.
Pain. Everything that hurt her now--the ways she threw herself into danger again and again believing his lie that she would be fine, the very dire circumstances that held her friends' lives in the balance as their bodies deteriorated on the Source, and the fact that she was once again being forced to kill a very damaged man--could be traced back to him. Even as he aided her now in what she knew must be done, she resented him for it. Resented that he once again put her in a position to be the only solution to his problem. She watched him as her teeth ground together until she was certain she'd make dust of them. Perhaps it was not his fault she'd been forced to kill Emet-Selch. Perhaps he'd not intended to endanger everyone she cared for. Perhaps, even, he had believed she would survive all he asked of her, and that everything would resolve as he claimed. But even now, a great threat hanging over them once again, she felt cornered.
She must have watched him too long, as he asked, "What is it, my friend?"
She couldn't stop herself. "Why me? Was there ever a time you even considered another option?"
He blinked up at her, having the audacity to look surprised. "How can you ask me such a thing?" His eyes focused intently on her, his expression so earnest that she knew beyond a doubt that he believed every word which was about to come out of his mouth. How he never wavered from his faith that she could and would be the salvation he sought for this world. How he devoted all he was to his people. That always was this path clear to him. Never did he believe it would fail. Never did he believe there was any other way forward.
"Elidibus said much the same thing," she told him, her words soft and gentle for all their ferocity.
His mouth dropped open, and for a few of her quickened heartbeats, he seemed at a loss for a response. "How curious," was all he managed.
"Curious, indeed." She looked to the sky, the vortex of the firestorm raining destruction down upon them. She did not like it, and something in her heart knew she would one day regret this act too, but she understood there was no other way out than to kill Elidibus. "I have to go." She frowned down at him. "Will you be alright here?"
"I am not quite so helpless as that," he assured her. "I have a few tricks, but I will not play my trump card save in your presence. I will see you succeed, and then I will see to it that you and your friends are returned to the Source."
She believed he meant that, and all of her anger aside, she could not help but love him, at least a little, for all he was willing to sacrifice to keep that promise. After all, if she could see the acts of Emet-Selch and Elidibus as acts of love, then she must be able to see his as such, too.
Still, it could not erase everything he'd done. “I believe you, and everytime something goes well, I momentarily forget how much I despise you.”
If he said anything else in response, she did not hear it. She was already running to hurtle herself into bringing about yet one more death she knew she would live to mourn.
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jonfucius · 8 months ago
Great Star Trek Rewatch - TNG Season 2
Originally posted on Twitter 17 March 2021 - 6 April 2021
Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 2 is up next in my Great Star Trek Rewatch. As with ENT, DSC, STX, TOS, TAS, TOS FF, and TNG Season 1, mini-reviews will document my progress.
The Child: A reused Phase 2 script gives Troi a unique pregnancy story, though I don’t like the loss of bodily autonomy. Still, it’s hard not to feel a little sad when Ian “dies.” Pulaski is instantly dislikable yet charismatic, a testament to Muldaur’s performance. 7/10
Where Silence Has Lease: I really dig the surreal scenes aboard the pseudo-Yamato, and the philosophical discussion about death later in the episode. The episode swings and hits, but it’s a single. 7/10
Elementary, Dear Data: Everyone loves a period romp, and a it’s Sherlock Holmes romp to boot. Moriarty is a compelling villain, whose motivation mirrors that of Data’s: what does it mean to be human? 8/10
The Outrageous Okona: A romantic farce with the dashing titular character at the center. I can see why Billy Campbell was both a finalist for, and ultimately passed over for, the role of Riker. It would’ve been great to see Whoopi Goldberg and Joe Piscopo trade jokes. Alas. 6/10
Loud As A Whisper: I appreciate the deaf representation, but the denouement leaves something to be desired. I’m fascinated by the idea of Riva’s chorus, however. A grisly scene in an otherwise tame series really drives home the danger into which Riva is going. 7/10
The Schizoid Man: Intriguing concept that is strung out far too long. Props though to the late W. Morgan Sheppard and Susie Plakson, who makes her Trek debut as Dr. Selar. 6/10
Unnatural Selection: This one hits a little differently in a post-COVID world. I don’t care for rapid aging stories, however. I do appreciate the somber tone at the end, with Pulaski’s voiceover paying tribute to the Lantree’s crew. 6/10
A Matter of Honor: I love this episode. It’s top-notch from the top down. Riker’s sojourn aboard a Klingon ship gives us some much-needed insight into the franchise’s most iconic aliens. Klag is one of my favorite guest characters. 10/10
The Measure of a Man: Another standout episode from this season that shows just how high Star Trek can go when it wants to. If you have access to the TNG Blu-rays, make sure to watch the reconstructed extended edition as well. 10/10
The Dauphin: After two standout episodes we get a dud. I don’t like the implication that Salia’s worth as an individual was directly tied to her appearance. 4/10
Contagion: The episode does a ton of worldbuilding without being tiresome. The stakes are high, with the destruction of the Yamato (RIP Capt Varley) and the Romulans investigating. The gag of Picard appearing on the warbird’s bridge, and his parting shot, is a great capper. 8/10
The Royale: The surreal style is reminiscent of “Spectre of the Gun,” but I still think that entry is the stronger of the two. Still, it’s a decent, off-beat entry that has somewhat disappeared from the franchise. 6/10
Time Squared: A small time jump sets this one apart from most time travel stories. The knowledge that this could have led into “Q Who?” is a bummer, since the anomaly ended up being pointless. Nice callback to “We’ll Always Have Paris,” and foreshadowing of the next episode. 7/10
The Icarus Factor: I wish Worf’s B-story and Riker’s A-story could have been swapped, because the former is far more compelling and less repetitive. 6/10
Pen Pals: The debate about the Prime Directive is meaty and well worth watching, which grows organically from Data’s communications with Sarjenka; the conclusion to Wesley’s subplot also easily melds with the main storyline. 7/10
Q Who?: In a petulant fit, Q tosses our heroes into the path of the enigmatic Borg. Great things have small beginnings, indeed. The Borg’s horrific relentlessness is on display here. 9/10
Samaritan Snare: The Pakled are a swing and a miss. I love Picard’s scenes with Wesley, however. And I don’t fully buy Picard’s sudden vain streak. 5/10
Up the Long Ladder: Hoo boy the Irish stereotypes. The pro-choice message gets a little lost in the shuffle, as well. 5/10
Manhunt: Lwaxana Troi haters can back off; she’s a delightful change of pace. Worf’s admiration of the Antedeans always cracks me up. 7/10
The Emissary: K'Ehleyr is one of the greatest Klingon characters ever written or performed, and her chemistry with Worf is off the scales. The Klingon sleeper ship concept is intriguing, and shows how much the galaxy has changed in the decades between TOS and TNG. 8/10
Peak Performance: This is just a fun, plot-driven action piece. Wesley's sneaky antimatter gambit, Riker's glee in playing pirate against the Enterprise, and the fooling of the Ferengi make for a fun outing. Guile, indeed. If only the season had ended here. 9/10
Shades of Gray: The use of barely-relevant scenes from previous outings makes the clip-show nature of this one stand out even more. I'm giving it a generous 3 points for the three days it took to film the "new" material, which is actually not horrible. 3/10
And with that, TNG Season 2 comes to an end in my Great Star Trek Rewatch. Final score: 6.86/10. Highest score(s): “A Matter of Honor,” “The Measure of a Man.” Lowest score(s): “Shades of Gray.”
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hsr-texts · 2 years ago
I made another HSR oc so I hope you don't mind me putting his mini lore here. I just made him a couple minutes cuz I remembered that HSR canonically has social media (probably) sooo-
Social Media Influencer OC anyone?
Name: Yuhang
Pronouns: He/Him
Path: Destruction
Element: Quantum
Yuhang is a famous Social Media Influencer. Even outside the Loufu he is popular and talked about sometimes. As all social media influencers are, it took him awhile to rise up to where he is now, but as a long life species he had plenty of time. Some people enjoy what he does, the content he posts aren’t much. Some photos of himself, some of him promoting something, saying something inspiration (and other things, tbh idk what a social media influencer does in full-) However others think he’s let the popularity get to his head, while his fans thinks he’s just your average influencer that just so happens to have a big following
(But of course no OC is complete without trauma y’know)
Both are incorrect, to some degree (mainly his haters) Yuhang honestly hates attention, having eyes on him and having people treat him differently due to his “status”
So why did he become an influencer if he knew there was a chance this would happen? His younger sister. During an attack where many mara stuck monsters invaded, he was desperate to find his sister to take her to safety, if only he was fast enough then he wouldn’t have to have seen his sister dead.
A funeral was held and after it, he was allowed to look through some of his sister's items to keep as a memory. As he looked around, a diary fell out of a bookshelf (her room was preserved until this day) and landed on a certain page. One of the passages caught his eye.
“When I’m older. I want to be famis, to bring peeple motivation to continu on. To show everyone life is worth it and to follow there dreams. Is that cheesy? Maybee, but I want to help my broter to be more confident, so we can be famis togeter”
Despite her obvious spelling mistakes as she is young, Yuhang was able to comprehend what she wrote. He didn’t think he’d ever get over his fear of being looked at. But…
And that’s how it started, although it wasn’t his sisters final wish, it was a fish she had, a wish she wanted to do to in hopes to make others happy. And if she was going to be happy if she saw her brother cracking out of his shell? He was willing to put away his fears.
He never expected to be popular but he continued, and deep down he hoped that wherever his sister was watching him. That she was proud.
He never got over his fear, but he hides it well when he’s out and about. At home though he’s more like his usual quiet self as he writes stories and poetry.
His “online” personality is an energetic yet laid-back man. Always willing to help and wants to look on the bright side of things. His content shows this as well usually.
His more real self is, as I said. A quiet person, he’s more soft spoken and enjoys his alone time.
Honestly I love him alr despite me creating him just today. I should probably work on him and Aniya more before creating another one shouldn't I...
Aww how lovely! He reminds me of the oc I'm working on actually!
Except she's not from Xianzhou and is from Perlas, a sea planet based off of the Philippines.
I'm still working out the specifics but I have a general idea now thanks to everyone's posts :D
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martianbugsbunny · 2 years ago
We Are Mandalorians: Our Love Must Be Forged (An AxePaz Fic)—Chapter 2A
*maniacal laughter* I couldn’t pick what tone I wanted for the scene where Axe and Paz fight on the skiff, so I did two!! Muahahaha! 2A is a little heavier on releasing some genuine anger (but it ends well, don’t worry) and 2B is a bit more fun and flirtatious. This is the only point where I’m doing a split like this, so there’s no need to worry about the fic diverging later on.
Read both if you want to pick your favorite, or if you just find both intriguing. Read one if you don’t like the sound of the other one or you don’t have time to read both. Read neither if you’re not interested. It’s all about options, that’s the point, so read on in whatever combination you like and have fun!
The landing had definitely been smoother than Axe was expecting it to be. Despite Din Djarin and Bo-Katan both assuring the entire party before takeoff that the air wasn’t poisoned and the planet wasn’t cursed, the part of Axe that had watched the destruction of the planet in person all those years ago had doubts.
But when the older Mandalorians had arrived on their piecemeal skiff, Axe had finally accepted the truth: hope was possible. Mandalore really could be his home again. He pulled off his helmet, breathing in deeply, allowing himself to revel in the fact that his boots were once more on Mandalore’s surface.
Paz Vizsla stared at him, then shook his head and boarded the skiff. Even that couldn’t dampen Axe’s mood. So what if Paz thought he was an unfit Mandalorian? Paz had no more authority to make that judgement than anyone.
After about half an hour on the skiff, Axe noticed Paz staring at him again. “Hey! You got a problem?” he called across the deck. “I’d be happy to listen to your complaint, Son of the Watch!”
Paz turned and muttered something to a friend with a bright green helmet. “You look like a man who has had too much to drink, Nite Owl,” Paz returned. His voice carried without raising in volume. “I have my doubts you will be of any use on this mission.”
Axe crossed the deck in a couple of quick strides. It was his turn to go up, chest-to-chest, with his rival and not back away. He tilted his head back to look Paz in the visor. “And you look like a man who has no emotion,” he said. “Perhaps your heart is as rusted out as the Great Forge must be!”
The Nite Owls laughed. Axe crossed his arms, although there was barely enough room between him and Paz to do it. He raised an eyebrow in silent challenge.
Paz stood just a little bit straighter, which somehow made him taller than before. “My heart is solid beskar,” Paz said. “Mandalorian to the core. Not overemotional and flighty as you are. I would not trust you to keep your wits in battle.”
“I wouldn’t trust you not to abandon your fellow warriors in the heat of the fight,” Axe countered.
Paz clenched a fist, as if weighing whether or not it would be worth it to knock Axe to the deck. “What do you say we settle this with a game of strategy?” he offered. “I win, you stop watching my every move and leave my people alone.”
Watching your every move? Axe thought. Look who’s calling the kettle black. “And if I win?”
“That won’t be an issue.”
The other Mandalorians hastily cleared a path as Paz and Axe crossed over to the side of the skiff where a chessboard was attached to the deck. A small container bolted to the table’s side held all the pieces. Axe guessed it was probably the only source of entertainment for the old Mandalorians who had been stuck on the planet, judging by how worn-down the pieces were.
Axe set up the board. He tried to ignore the way Paz sat, large and imposing, across from him. “You move first,” Axe said. “It won’t matter, I can still beat the pants off you.”
He couldn’t help noticing several of his own friends snickering behind him at his choice of words. Grow up, he wanted to snap. “Go ahead,” he prompted again. “I’m waiting.”
Paz was, to Axe’s severe annoyance, a rather clever chess player. Better than Axe, he hated to admit. (He would rather lick rocks than ever say that in earshot of Paz, but it was true.) So, although he was well aware that there were different rulesets for the game across different Mandalorian coverts, even within the same ones, Axe called out one of the moves that wasn’t Nite Owl-standard, to hell with whether or not it was a legitimate move in some sects.
“You can’t move an Enforcer like that,” Axe said.
“It’s a flank jump,” Paz said, with the tone of someone explaining an obvious concept to a stubborn ox. “And you’re about to submit.”
The anger lingering in Axe’s chest overcame him and he couldn’t help himself arguing. “But only the Wing Guard can flank jump,” he said shortly.
“The Enforcer moves like a Wing Guard when it’s flanking,” Paz said. Axe remembered reading that in a comprehensive rulebook once; he didn’t care. The fury in him took over as a response to Paz’s posture—he was arrogant, and he thought he was so right.
“These primitives make up their own rules for everything,” he said, before he could think enough to not. The Children of the Watch standing behind Paz all tensed.
Paz stood, more threat than man, and pulled his vibroblade from its sheath on his arm. “Submit or fight,” he said.
“Well, if those are my choices….” Axe fired up his jetpack to launch a flying kick at Paz. He ducked out of the way and Axe landed back on the deck, now more attuned to his opponent’s speed capabilities. He moved faster with the huge jetpack attached to his back than Axe expected, but not as fast as Axe.
Paz took a few experimental swipes with his vibroblade, which Axe dodged easily. He pulled out his own knife and they parried no less than a dozen strikes in quick succession, sparks flying. Axe almost had a window when Paz elbowed him directly in the neck—he stumbled, then retaliated with a blow to Paz’s gut.
When Paz threw him to the deck, Axe shot out a metal cable from his right gauntlet and brought Paz down with him. Both of their vibroblades fell to the deck with a sharp clang, and Axe knew the second he picked one of them up that it wasn’t his.
Before either he or Paz could give a proper stab with their swapped knives, the Djarin foundling stepped between them. Axe suddenly noticed Bo-Katan Kryze standing at the bow of the ship, watching silently. He stepped back, away from Paz, still glaring at him.
More irritating than anything, than Paz’s attitude or his own self-awareness of how childish he was being, was that Paz was a good fighter. The duel had fed the beast of rage within Axe and stirred the other one; the one he had tried to ignore; the one that screamed Be impressed with his skill!
Paz didn’t move to return Axe’s blade. He holstered it in his gauntlet and turned away from Axe. Axe felt his eyes widen, but didn’t say anything about it. If Paz hadn’t noticed, far be it from him to bring it up. Instead, he put Paz’s knife away in the sheath attached to his own belt. It fit perfectly.
Axe sighed heavily and sat back down at the chess board, staring out at the surface of the planet.
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lediz-watches · 2 years ago
Masters of War
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I just have a lot of feelings about the Silent Hill games, okay?
I’m liveblogging The Winchesters as a Supernatural!virgin. Please keep my lack of knowledge in mind if you continue...
In episode thoughts:
Ooh, hey, silent hill
Really silent hill
Dude looked at the spear too often. Bad ending.
Oh, Mary, you discount Buffy you. I love it.
Ah, so this is going to be the Vietnam War episode. Cool.
Oh, Carlos honey. CARLOS. Also, that was not a hetero-mating ritual, and I expect better recognition from you, thank you.
Not sure I buy Carlos being allowed to serve without getting court martialled almost immediately, unless he has some phenomenal acting skills we don’t know about (or his recruiting/conscripting officer was an incredibly closeted and resentful jerk who signed him on as some kind of punishment… oh, god, there are so many fics about how Carlos got forced into it, aren’t there? There are rape parallels aren’t there? Oh gawd) but sure, we carry on.
Well. That Maggie’s Room thing was ham-fisted.
How’s that PTSD going John?
…This show forgets it’s in the 70s so often. Mary should not be able to take the lead in this hospital. Lata should not have been the person that nurse spoke to. You can’t do this to me in an episode so aggressively based in the 70s, show!
SILENT HILL FOR JOHN. YES! GET THEE TO THE FOG, BOY. God knows you’ve got the violence in you.
…Millie likes a man in uniform. But again, Carlos, can’t buy you actually saw service before they kicked you out. You are not subtle and you didn’t want to be there. Not buying this backstory, my friends.
Ah, jail or service… and medic… I can… ehh. I’ll accept it. Sure. Whatever. Not paying full price though.
SILENT HILL. Carlos is reading the lore, John’s chasing the other victims! And getting the associated shaky reactions.
Carlos is gonna make it out of Silent Hill. (His actor deserves a slower show in a contemporary timeline where they can actually play this story out properly, by the way.)
Oh good, it’s at least taking John as well.
Again, I feel like there’s something going on in John’s story that I don’t have context for. This episode feels like foreshadowing of some kind. Can you foreshadow in a prequel? Call forward? My point is, it feels like it’s speaking to an audience that I am not.
WAY TO GO MILLIE. We love a practical human.
Oh, John, that’s how you get the bad ending… You’ve totally claimed that helmet you know. You did not win that fight. Silent Hill won. You lost. Well done. You’re going back to that fog.
…So is this going to be a recurring theme of Carlos watching people slide down the evil slope or…?
Carlos, sweetheart, please end this series by walking away from Mary and John and their darkness. You are not going to save them.
…man, I want to see another Silent Hill game. I do not want Kojima to have anything to do with it, but I really want another Silent Hill game.
Anyway. Yeah. This episode felt like it was speaking to issues dealt with—or at least was showcasing issues that Dean and Sam had to deal with the consequences of—in the main series. And I suspect this is going to be a recurring problem, because it’s a problem with prequels in general. You can’t resolve issues. Character arcs aren’t going to be entirely positive ones. Because like…
Like what I’m getting here is that John is not a character who feels like he’s going to be redeemed. This episode didn’t feel like the start of a flirtation with darkness, so much as a first step on a path toward destruction. Like a character whose only way out will inevitably end with sacrifice because fiction doesn’t believe in actual recovery and redemption.
I’m not a huge fan of that trope. BUT HEY I HAVE BEEN WRONG BEFORE. CHAPTER FIVE.
(or back to chapter one if you care.)
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sevendeadlymorons · 4 years ago
If I can squeak in with a request, I would like to see the guys with a MC (I'm female but no specified gender feels more inclusive) who needs to be rescued from a situation - demons, mortal peril and for what situations would cause the brothers to go absolutely forking batshirt from Satan to Mammon. Claws out so to speak.
Yes, ma’am~
Brothers Reaction to MC Needing to be Saved From a Demon
WARNING: NSFW // Gore and Violence
He’s pretty good with keeping his composure but there obviously can be times where all hell is let loose when he gets angry
Hearing you were in danger is one of those situations as he feels himself getting furious; 4 large dark wings ripping out of his back as he starts to transform and push his brothers aside to get to you as quick as possible
Rushes over as fast as he can to your location and jumps right into the scene, wasting no time as he begins to rip apart the demon who dare decided to lay their claws on you
Their limbs were torn off as you see a single arm lay bloody at your side, Lucifer quickly finishing them off and rushing towards you to inspect you then pull you into a terrified embrace
Stands there holding you for a while, thankful he got there in time
You unfortunately got a scolding as soon as you got home for wandering off though
Mammon always has you on high alert. He’s the one who is at your side quickest when you’re in trouble
So hearing you were being attacked, he was quick to transform, fangs snarling and claws sharp as he rushes to your location
Hears you scream when he gets to your location and before you even saw him, he was at the helpless demons throat, ripping them to shreds like it was a hunk of meat
You sat there as you watched him destoy the demons body, his hands still trembling when he finishes and walks over to you to hold you tightly, scared shitless that he could’ve lost you
Honestly, the sad moment didn’t last very long as he grabs you by the shoulders and starts shaking you, asking you why you just disappeared on him like that
He regrets letting you see him like that but he’d do anything to keep you safe
He was a little timid but it wasn’t a lie when he says he’d do anything to keep you safe
So when he heard you were in danger, he rushed to where you were, panicking and with absolutely no plan in his mind, but he just knew he had to save you
Seeing you be handled by that demon caused something to snap in him as he transforms into his demon form and attacks the demon head on, wrapping his tail around their throat and pulling off their limbs one by one until they suffocate and bleed out right in front of you
Levi runs over to you, tripping over due to all the adrenaline rushing through him and tackles you into a tight hug, relieved that you’re safe
Sits with you for a while to control his breathing and comfort you from what just happened
He guides you home by the hand, hoping you don’t see him differently after watching him do that
He’s a terrifying and irrational demon when he’s angry, everybody knows that, so attacking someone he loves would be suicide
The house fell silent when Satan heard you were being attacked by an unknown demon and it wasn’t long before he created a path of destruction on his way to help you
Once the demon locked eyes with him, hand on your wrist and attempting to pull you away, it was all over as he lunges forwards, his claws pushing through their eye sockets, ripping their head in two as blood sprays everywhere
His fingers and face were covered in rich red blood as he turns to comfort you as best as he could in his deranged state
He pulls you in to his chest, stroking your hair and shushing you in an attempt to calm you down and himself down
On the walk home, he reminds you not to wander off again because shit like that happens
Like Mammon, he was calm and protective of the people he loved, and it was rare for him to ever want to get his hands dirty
So after hearing about how you were in danger, it was surprising to his brothers when the atmosphere of the house completely changed when Asmo decided to seek you out and save you
Seeing the demon touch you inappropriately and try to take you away set him off as he pushed them down and thrusted his hand into their chest, quickly pulling out a still beating heart and crushing it in his hand
He turns around to hug you, his face covered in crimson blood as he rubs it onto your neck accidentally in the moment, his heart racing in his chest as he holds you closer
Checks you over, asking if you’re alright, then goes back to holding you
Complains about how messy he is on the way home
Beel has always stayed calm and peaceful for your sake
But when he heard you’d been taken by a demon, all that tranquility and peace disappeared as he went on a rampage to find you, his demon form appearing swiftly
He wastes no time when he sees you being handled by the strange demon, running full speed at the demon and trapping them underneath him, sinking his teeth into their flesh and ripping it clean off the bone
You could only stare in shock as you watch the Avatar of Gluttony live up to his name, devouring the demon alive and leaving only bones in its place
He licks his lips clean when walking towards you, his face going back to its calm and sweet side as soon as he sees you unharmed
Carries you home bridal style, holding you tightly so nobody else can ever touch you again
It’s no mystery that he’s no stranger to murder, and at this point, the man would kill for you if one lousy demon even looked in your direction
Hearing you were being attacked by a demon woke him up immediately as his only mission in the moment was to save you and spill blood
It didn’t take long to find you and it took an even shorter time to take care of the demon as his hands wrapped around the helpless demons throat, squeezing the air out of them as his tail starts to effortlessly rip off their limbs and throw them behind him
Belphie continued to wreak damage to the demons body, ripping his claws through their chest like paper
Takes you in his arms as soon as he finishes, resting his head on your shoulder and covering your eyes from the brutal scene he’d just created
Takes you home as soon as he can; hoping you won’t hate him now for letting you see his ugly side
Part 2 is here
I fucking loved writing this. I used to be a gore writer back when I was younger so this was such a throwback for me lmao
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tnystrk-exe · 3 years ago
Stress Relief
Warnings: implied sexual acts
Chapter One
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Chapter Six
Felix kept talking and talking. Urging you to end it. This wasn’t good. Otto would leave you just like he had left his wife when you weren’t so pretty. Then what, you wasted the best years of your life on a mistake. Especially now that he knows he can dip in to the young ones and get them hooked. Now was the beginning of a path of destruction you could avoid, if you only listened to him at this moment. 
“No. I have faith in this. You don’t have to trust him, but I’m begging you to trust me,” you pleaded, gripping your uncle’s hand tightly in both of yours.
“Break it off with him,” he sighed, looking at you with concern, “It’s what’s for the best. We can go home tonight and leave all of this mess behind you.”
Blinking the tears from your eyes, you shook your head, “I’m following your advice. If I go with you, I’ll wonder for the rest of my life what he and I could have had. You don’t understand it, that’s fine. More than fine. Just give him a chance.”
“I’m not so convinced that what you told me was honest anymore,” with a defeated sigh, he gave your cheek a quick kiss, “When this is said and done with my shoulder’s open. I’m not going to stand around and watch this happen.”
When everything was over and Felix was long gone, you closed up the lab. Locking away everything that needed to be kept from prying hands. Taking your time, in hopes your own tears would dry soon and that Otto would return before you went looking. Unfortunately, the latter didn’t happen. 
“Derek, hi,” you smiled at the secretary on your way out, “Have you seen, Dr. Octavius?”
“Yeah, but he seemed upset. Weird for him right? Said something about going home.”
“Oh, um, there was some trouble in Manhattan. Major flaw I think. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
He eyed you, tilting his head to the side as he studied your appearance. “Have you been crying?”
“No, my allergies are flaring up. Should have stayed home but you know Dr. Octavius only visits on Sundays. Have to come in.”
“Oh,” he looked unconvinced, “You’re usually more cheerful after these visits.”
“Huh? Am I?” You shrugged. “I really need to leave now. Forgot my meds at home.”
Sighing, you started your walk toward the apartment. Usually you’d drive, but the days Otto came you both liked the walk to transition from work to personal. It was calm, the world around you unchanged by what had happened. New questions swirled in your head. Things that were biting at your ear but you knew you shouldn’t let in. Other things you wouldn’t ask because it wasn’t your place, but couldn’t help wondering about. You understood, this wasn't a new relationship conversation. He’d hardly spoken of Rosalie so speaking of this was out of range entirely. You doubted he wanted to bring this up just yet. 
All the same, his reaction worried you. The bashing he suffered over the relationship along with dredging up old memories seemed like a horrible cocktail. It wasn’t a secret he had cold feet over the whole situation. There wasn’t any fairness in your doubt but you knew how fleeting the man was and it scared you. 
There he was, on the bench outside of your apartment building, slumped with his face in his hands. The years seem to way him down in a way you’ve never seen on him before. Nervously, you took a seat beside him. 
“Do you want to talk about it or sit for a while?”
No response. 
Instead he pulled a hand away from his face and grabbed one of yours. His palm slightly wet against yours and, if you listened very closely, there was a hitch to his breath. And so you sat there without a word. You watched as the sky turned from hues of orange and pink until it was dark and full of stars. Otto on the other hand, hardly moved an inch. 
It was getting late and starting to cool too much to be comfortable.
“Love?” You asked, quietly. “Can I take you home?”
“We missed our date.” He said suddenly, finally looking at you, eyes slightly red. 
“That doesn’t matter. We were still together.”
“This…” he coughed, clearing his throat, “This isn’t what I wanted. I wanted to take you out and show you how dear you are to me. Do something special.”
You wiped away the wetness from his cheeks. “I know well enough, Love. One date isn’t going to make me question or realize it.”
“I’m sorry.”
“No. Absolutely not. There’s no reason to be.” You kissed the hand that was still gripping yours. “I love you and I want to be here anyway you need.”
“You must think I’m terrible,” he sighed out. “You should have heard from me. I-I’ve wanted to tell you but the time wasn’t right.”
“Never. You weren’t ready just yet. I respect that. Felix was way out of line today. He can be angry all he likes, but that was too much. I’m sorry about him. Though, I didn’t exactly imagine he’d take it well. Didn’t expect that…”
“YN, if this relationship is already damaging others maybe… it’s not…” he stopped, looking at you as if the next words from his mouth would kill him, “…I’m too selfish…”
Your heart dropped, already feeling the beginnings of pain in your throat, “You're… you’re too selfish?”
“I am…” he sighed, “To leave again? Willingly? I already know what it’s like to be love and be loved by you, how could I ever give that up? Unless you ever demanded it.”
You laughed as you stood, tugging his hand to urge him to follow, “Good, I wouldn’t have let it happen and no one here would ever demand such a thing from you. Come on, baby, let’s go upstairs, get cleaned up, and get in our nice comfy bed. It’s been a long night.”
He stood, his hand coming up to caress your jaw. “I want to tell you, but I can’t figure out the words.”
“Take your time. We aren’t in any rush.” You kissed his cheeks, “I’m very grateful for any pieces of your life you’d like to share with me and every future memory we create together. For better or worse.”
“For better or worse?” He let out an amused breath finally cracking a small smile.
You smiled with him, catching the wording. “Well, I don’t think I’d mind a husband too much, eventually, but we are getting ahead of ourselves.”
After that missed date Otto had been insistent on taking you out or making you a lovely dinner himself. Today though, was a beautiful day and you took it upon yourself to pack up a lunch while he slept. It was a rare Monday off for the both of you, so he decided to stay and make his way back later tonight. Even more rare, he slept late into the afternoon, but you were glad for it he hardly ever allowed himself to stop. 
Arms wrapped around your torso as you chopped up fruit. He mumbled a good morning into your hair. His voice was still rough from sleep so he must’ve looked for you right away. 
“Morning, baby. Slept well?”
“Mhm,” he hummed though, he’d probably agree to lay down longer if you suggested it. 
“There’s a nice little park by a pond I thought we could go to.”
“Sounds delightful. Anything you need me to do?”
“Got it all covered. I’m just getting the snacks and desserts ready now. There’s sandwiches too, but we’ll have to pick up the sushi on the way. I know you really like the spot down the street.”
“You spoil me. How am I ever going to want to leave now?”
“All a part of the plan, pretty boy. Go get dressed for me.”
He sighed as if parting from you were some great feat. Leaving a kiss at the base of your neck he managed to force himself to move away. You hummed to yourself and for a moment he stood by the doorway. Grabbing the basket you bought especially for the occasion, you started packing away the food and drinks. 
Interrupting your song, you asked if he’d like some wine or the scotch he was so fond of. He’d been stuck on teaching you what the good drinks were since he knew you still took to Mark to pick your drinks and his taste were terrible. 
He seemed somewhat off put when he answered, “Wine. Wine sounds great, my darling.”
You grabbed the wine glasses and set them in the basket. “Something the matter?”
“Not at all. Got distracted. I’ll get dressed.”
Making sure everything was in the basket, you went to sit it on the small living room table. Walking to your room, you went to get dressed yourself, still in your pajamas since you didn’t want to dirty the sundress you picked out. Changing into your day clothes quickly, you went over to the mirror to fuss with your hair. 
“You look beautiful,” Otto complimented, slipping on his shoes.
You looked at him in the mirror, smiling when he realized he was sporting a similar color scheme. “You’re the matching type?”
“Saw your dress, figured I had a decent enough match so why not? Unless you’d like me to change.”
“I think you look very cute. I’ve never matched with anyone before.” You walked over to him.
He toyed with the material of your dress between his fingers. “We'll do anything else you haven’t done and want to try. Nothing’s off the table.”
“I’ll think about some things,” you replied, “Do you like my dress?”
“It’s very pretty. Give me a spin?”
You did as asked. 
“Absolutely heartbreaking.”
“Not yours I hope.”
“Not mine, but everyone that catches sight of you is going to know they’re missing out. What a cruel little girl you are to do that to them.”
“But I already have the only heart I could ever want,” you said sweetly, leaning down to kiss the tip of his nose. Grabbing his hand you tugged on it, “C’mon, baby, I want to get some sun today.”
“Wouldn’t dream of denying you.”
After making the run for the sushi, you drove over to the park. There were only a couple cars there which meant it would be a relatively quiet day. Otto grabbed the basket and held your hand as you led him toward the small pond, hidden away behind trees. Together you set up the spread after laying out the blanket. 
“A little bit of everything,” you said a bit nervously realizing you may have overdone it, “I wasn’t sure what you’d be in the mood for. So…”
“It’s perfect.” He sat on the blanket and offered you his hand to help you down. Once you were situated he kissed your knuckles, “Thank you. What a lovely way to spend the day.”
The two of you pecked at the food talking about everything and nothing all at once. Happy to hear whatever story the other would share and equally groaning at and grievances. Eventually his head ended up in your lap as he spoke, you had taken it upon yourself to add a couple of the little white flowers that were growing nearby into his curls. He was mid feeding you a strawberry dipped in chocolate spread as a hectic little voice yelled to watch out. Narrowly avoiding it, you managed to catch the soccer ball before it could hit Otto.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” The little boy apologized as he ran over. He was colorful as can be in his overalls and rainbow shirt, along with different matching shoes. Different dinosaur stickers adorning his tiny body. “Is the mister alright?”
“The mister’s alright,” you confirmed, laughing. “Do you want your ball back?”
Otto smiled at him as he came to collect the ball. “It’s okay. Just an accident.”
The boy thanked you for the ball and sat it on the ground, looking over the spread in front of him. “Are you dating right now?”
“Yeah. We are,” you confirmed. 
He stared at Otto before crouching down and picking a flower of his own and attempted to place it in his own hair, huffing in annoyance when it fell. 
“Want me to help you out?” You asked, waiting for him to nod before picking one with a longer stem and placing it on his ear so it wouldn’t slip away again. “There you go kid.”
Otto turned his head toward the woods as he heard someone shout out a name. “I think your parents are looking for you.”
“Nope! They don’t know I’m gone! Mommy and daddy are working, but I’m a big boy so I can stay all alone. I’m not supposed to leave the house but it was boring today,” he said over explaining in the way children often did. “But they said I’m in charge! So I think it’s okay.”
“A big boy,” Otto said in disbelief not that the child would hear it, “And how old is the big boy?”
“Five! My names Daniel.”
“Five is a very big boy,” Otto nodded, “Say how come you aren't in daycare or with a babysitter, Daniel?”
“Oh! We don’t got a lot of money anymore. I used to be in daycare but daddy’s mommy got hurt and all the money was spent on medicine they said. But it’s alright. Even if sometimes there’s no food. Daddy’s mommy being better is more good.”
Otto’s anger seemed to calm at that. They were just a family going through a tough spot at the moment.
“Have you eaten today?” You asked.
He shook his head, “No.”
“Well, there’s plenty here,” you offered. 
“I can have some!” He said excitedly, before looking upset, “Wait. I can’t take stuff from strangers.”
“You’re right. Strangers are dangerous,” Otto confirmed sitting up, “but I’m going to speak with your parents later. Do you know what time they get home?”
“Mom gets home at three or four.”
Otto checked his watch, before looking at you, “That’s not that long. If that’s alright with you.”
“Of course it is.”
Daniel took a seat on the blanket, looking at the cupcakes with interest. 
You ruffled his hair, “You should eat a sandwich first, buddy. You can have a cupcake after but that sugar might upset your belly without anything else in it.”
“May I have a sandwich?” He asked politely. “Are they good?”
“We seem to think so,” Otto replied, grabbing a plate and sandwich, quickly setting it down in front of the child, “You can take out whatever you don’t like. It’s alright.”
“I can try it like this first,” Daniel picked up and took a bite before nodding happily, “It’s yummy.”
You cracked open a bottle of juice for him. “Glad you like it.” 
Daniel made a face to himself. Before looking at the stickers all over him. “Oh! Got it!” Examining himself carefully he picked out two stickers and went to place them on your and Otto’s cheeks. “Better! Now we’re all sharing! Now we got to cheers!” He held out his drink for you and Otto to clink your glasses of wine to his juice.
And so the conversation continued, this time a little less nuclear physics and more dinosaur trivia. Which shouldn’t have surprised you that Otto kept up easily, it seemed he had his own dino phase. Otto’s fondness for the child was more evident by the second. He was a sweet kid. You were just happy he ran into Otto and you instead of anyone else. After having lunch, the three of you played kicking around Daniel’s ball working off the sugar rush the cupcake and cookies threw him into. Monkey in the middle proved impossible for your and Daniel’s team up.
Daniel stood at Otto’s side. Measuring himself to the mid of Otto’s thigh. “Mister Otto, you're very tall.”
“You think so?” 
“Yeah!” He nodded, “Is it scary up there?”
“Would you like to see?”
“Yes please!”
Otto grabbed the small boy and placed him on his shoulders, putting his hands on Daniel’s feet to ensure he wouldn’t slip. “It isn’t so bad is it?”
“It’s a lot less windy when I’m littler,” Daniel notified him, holding his hands out, “I like it!”
You watched as Otto rushed forward, making the child on his shoulders squeal loudly in delight. They went on a small adventure through the clearing, Daniel pretending they were pilots looking around the earth for an important fossil. You let them go on their own, seeing how much Otto had been enjoying himself. Daniel buried his face into Otto’s hair, you noticed then that he had the same copper hue to his hair as Otto did in the sun. Felix’s words rang through your head once again. 
The topic hadn’t been approached since. 
But seeing him now he was basically a natural. Currently stuck in a circle of “Why?” and explaining it all diligently refusing to dumb the concepts down but making them easier for a child to understand. Daniel seemed to soak it all up easily. Now he was explaining why the sky looked blue as he rested his chin on Otto’s head. 
“The gas particles in the air. Sunlight passes through them, you know how rainbows are always in the same color?”
Daniel listed them in order.
“Smart boy! Now imagine so many small rainbows the sky is full of them. But depending on where the sun is red and blue are the easiest for those eyes of yours to see.”
“Oh! Okay! Um…” He took a deep breath thinking of another question, “Why does your hair smell like girl?”
Otto chuckled, “I’m sleeping over at my girlfriend’s and don’t care about those things as long as I’m clean and smell good. Besides, her stuff smells very good doesn’t it?”
The pair went on for a while until Daniel requested a snack. You were laid on the blanket, enjoying the sun when they finally joined you again. To your amusement, Daniel took it upon himself to use your arm as a pillow for his head.
“Hello, missus YN.”
“Hello again Daniel,” you smiled at him, “Had fun with Otto?”
“Mhm, he’s very smart and nice. People tell me to be quiet, but Mister Otto never did! I like him a lot.”
“I know!” Otto sat next to you, patting his thigh so you’d rest your head against it instead of the ground. “Nice and smart is exactly why I like him.”
“I thought people only date if they think they’re pretty.”
“Otto’s the prettiest boy ever, but he’d be a bit dull if I only thought he was pretty. Don’t you think?” You scrunched your nose at him playfully, “Just pretty is boring.”
“Just pretty is boring,” he repeated to himself, grabbing a handful of grapes and popping one of them into his mouth. “Okay. Why do you like her, Mister Otto?”
Otto chuckled, stroking your hair. “Let’s go with funny and stubborn being my absolute favorites.”
“Funny and stubborn?,” you deadpanned, “I’ll remember that, Dr. Octavius.”
“Sure you will, darling,” he fed you some pomegranate, “Funny because since we’ve started dating, I’ve smiled far more than I have in a while and, to be fair, the stubbornness is much more endearing as a memory.”
“And that stubbornness got us where we needed to be.”
“Which is why I like it,” He responded, flicking your nose. 
“So when you get bigger right? Do I need to get shots for cooties? Or is it like how I was allergic to shrimp and I’m not anymore? Like it goes away?” Daniel asked around a bite of fruit.
“Something like that,” you nodded, laughing.
Around three thirty, you and Otto started packing up your date turned babysitting session. Making your way out of the woods, letting Otto have a break you chased Daniel around on the playground. The pair of you laughed loudly as you jumped on and off the set to avoid being tagged. Otto watched amused as Daniel attempted to hide behind him, giggling wildly as you pretended not to know where he was. 
“I think he’s…” you walked around Otto, “Here!”
“No!” He yelled, running off again.
Otto grabbed you “trapping” you so that Daniel could make his escape. “Run! I can’t hold her for much longer!” He yelled, as you pretended to struggle. Though your struggling, when Daniel looked away, consisted of a quick kiss and asking if you could be freed.
Daniel made a dash up the slide before sliding back down, saying something about seeing his mom before running away. The woman, probably around your age, hugged him when he ran into her knees. She asked him questions when the boy pointed at you and Otto. He was telling her about all the fun he had had this afternoon. 
“Please don’t…” she didn’t know how to finish when you and Otto walked up, “I… God sorry, I was scared to death. He’s never left the home before. We usually have a neighbor keep an eye out but she forgot about him and left… Don’t call the cops.”
“We’re not going to,” Otto calmed her down, “I just wanted to talk about an option, if you’re up for it.”
She looked at him confused, “Hey, little man, why don’t you go play on the slides for a minute.”
“You said I was a big boy now!” He whined. 
Daniel made a face but did as told. 
“He told us about your situation to the best of his abilities. It’s no secret he’s lucky he ran into my partner and I instead of many alternatives. Look I know this may be over stepping, it must be, but I wanted to offer to cover the cost for his daycare until you get back on your feet or longer, if you like. I wouldn’t mind.”
“For what?” She asked skeptically, “We can’t give you anything.”
Otto brought out his wallet, handing her a business card. “We we’re in a bad way when I was growing up,” he shrugged, “I’m sure a little act of kindness could have made a world of difference for my mother and I. Talk about it with his father. If you agree, call tomorrow. Tell my assistant it’s about Daniel and we’ll set everything up. If you don’t, this is the end of it, but I hope it’s not.”
“We don’t ne-“
“Don’t think about this as a handout either, it’s just some help. He’s a curious kid, of course you know that better than we ever could, he may run out again.”
She looked at her son for a moment, sadly sitting on a swing while he looked at the group of adults. “I… we’ll think about it.”
“He’s a good kid. My boyfriend really does mean well,” you interjected, “He’s a good man there’s absolutely no twist in his words. He’ll back off the second you want him to. And you can send Daniel to any place you like, it doesn’t matter the cost as long as you think it’s a good fit and he’ll be well taken care of.”
The young mother looked at Otto, looking for his approval since he was the one that would handle the affair. 
“I’m not going to disagree. She knows better than anyone the things I spend money on. It would be nice to get a good result on it for once. Scrap metal and books haven’t been as rewarding lately.”
This time she and Otto actually talked. Whatever distrust she had there slightly but melting away with hope. 
Daniel tugged on your dress. “Missus YN, can I have another cookie?”
You smiled, couching down and looking through the basket. “Here, why don’t you keep these?” You gave him the containers of cookies and cupcakes, “Otto has to go back home tonight and I work very late. I’ll probably forget them and they’ll go bad. This way they aren’t wasted. Just make sure you share with your parents.”
“Oh really?” He looked a bit sad now. “I’m sorry.”
“What for, little guy?”
He dug through his pockets showing you a handful of crumbled cookie pieces. “I was lying. I wanted to give mommy and daddy some and you’re being nice.”
“All’s forgiven. You were watching out for your family.”
Daniel hugged you, “We’re best friends now.”
“Best friends,” you agreed, patting him on the back. “Couldn’t ask for a better one.”
“Alright Danny, we got to head back before dad gets home.”
“Aw,” he pouted, walking over to Otto with his hands full, “Hug me goodbye please.”
Otto chuckled but gave the boy a quick hug. “It was nice meeting you, dear boy.”
“They’re very nice, mommy,” he said as they walked away, “I know why the sky’s blue now!”
“That was kind of you, Love.”
Otto grabbed your hand and led you to a bench. You followed after him, taking a seat when he did.
“I always wanted a kid,” he started, watching the small boy leave the gate. “Not for reasons I should’ve at the time. Mostly, I wanted to stick it to my father, throw it in his face that it wasn’t so hard to be kind and loving. That’s selfish. Now I think it should be out of love and to nurture someone to become who they are.”
You nodded, “Those are good reasons. Spite isn’t for the best in that situation I don’t think.”
“Rosie and I were 27 when it happened. I found her in tears in the bathroom after work. Selfishly, I got excited when I found out, but she was so distraught I shoved it aside to comfort her. We didn’t tell anyone we knew in our immediate circle or families. She didn’t know if she wanted to keep it and I firmly believed it was her choice on the matter. That didn’t mean I didn’t have some hope her answer would be… All the same I spilled to Felix. Rosie couldn’t know my excitement, but a stranger she’d never meet felt like fair game. I never anticipated him having anything to do with my life once everything was over.”
“So then what happened?” You asked.
“It was about four months. Her stomach was hardly showing to anyone else but I knew her better than any of them,” he sighed looking up at the sky, “She started wearing baggy cardigans all the time to hide it away from students and coworkers. But everytime I caught a glimpse… that was something else… The then love of my life growing our child, I didn’t think it was possible to fall for her even more but it happened.”
He cleared his throat, seeming to struggle stringing together the next words.
“You don’t have to keep going. I know it’s hard.”
“No. I want you to know, I need a moment. It’s just… everything I’m saying feels unfair to you.”
“You’re older,” you stated with a shrug, “It would be naïve to expect you to not live your life before we met. I’m not upset, you were happy. That’s all I want. You being loved and happy is all that will ever matter to me.”
Otto looked at you for a moment trying to decide if you really weren’t upset. “One day I came home. The table was full of my favorites. So I thought it’s time I can finally be excited about our child with my wife. That was until I noticed she wasn’t her typical self. ‘Rosie. Is something the matter?’ ‘I had an abortion.’ I didn’t even get to be there to support her or get some closure. We never spoke about it after that, continuing as if nothing had happened…”
“You must have been angry.”
He shook his head, “Immensely, at first, I was still learning how to control my temper then, luckily I managed to keep it all self contained… It was more shock than anger, but at the time I was only used to extremes as expressions. I had hoped for a discussion at least, something to prepare myself for that blow… But she seemed so much happier after… Finally back to being my Rosie. Couldn’t bring myself to talk about it when she was so outwardly relieved to be rid of the cells or the parasite. I really wish she didn’t use the last term, but that’s my own fault I never voiced that I had some wish to see it though. In the end, her happiness mattered more than what could have been or whatever I made up. …All the same, I was grieving. Couldn’t help it. I talked to Felix while we worked, that made it easier.”
You fixed some stray hair away from his eyes. “Do you ever think of what could have been now?”
“I try not to. Figure it would never happen or be the same. After a while I came to the understanding that if it had been born, then Rosie would have left. That was the lowest I’ve ever seen her. Maybe to a different version of me that would be okay, but for the person I am right now, it’s unacceptable. She was everything for so long. The idea of life without her isn’t right. At least the one we shared together. Now I imagine we’re immensely different.” He gripped your hand in his own. “Didn’t imagine the possibility of you ever… None of this is pressuring you for children or the idea of them. It’s the first time I’ve managed to figure out how to say it all since then.”
“Yeah, I know, Otto. You’re not like that. But I can’t  say the idea hasn’t crossed my mind when Williams starts to gush over his own or watching you today,” you sighed, squeezing his hand tightly, “While I think you’d be good at it, now really wouldn’t be the time to entertain the thought. We hardly have enough time for each other, let alone a child, and I have to leave in a little under three months now for classes. And, if I can be frank, I would rather keep you to myself for a while before we put the hard thought into if we really want children together.”
“Then we’ll shelf this topic until you decide it’s the right time to speak about this or if we never do again. That’s fine too. Though we’ve hardly been avoiding getting any results from sleeping together, so we need to start taking precautions if we don’t want any mishaps to happen.”
“Oh,” you waved away his concern m, “We should be alright. I’ve been on the pill since that entire drama happened with Nico. I wouldn’t again obviously, but the panic of it being a possibility of having the kid of someone I hated scared the hell out of me. Slipped my mind you didn’t know. Risk taker aren’t you?”
“That’s not my fault,” He laughed, “I’m not exactly thinking about much more when you’re begging and kissing me for it. You can’t blame me for the actions of that man. He’s a complete idiot motivated by one thing alone.”
You knocked your knee against his playfully, “But he’s really really good at that thing.”
“Mhm, you may favor whining over speaking at those moments but I’d be surprised to get any complaint from you.” 
“Miss your train today, spend a little more time with me.”
“People are going to start talking. Before I hardly left unless there was a meeting or conference. Now, I come on your orders and stay until it’s too late.”
“Well they’ve started,” you admitted. 
“You didn’t tell me that,” he sighed, “I’m so sorry, I know you didn’t want that.”
“They can talk all they like. I don’t mind it. Felix’s visit was the tipping point, I think. They ask me if I’m excited before Sundays and how my nights were on Mondays. Williams hasn’t said anything, but he’s curious though, he’s asked if I knew you as a kid as casually as he could and looked extremely relieved when I said no.”
“That’s horrible.” Otto winced. “I hate that.”
“Mostly, I only cared about Felix’s opinion but that’s out of the bag and it didn’t go well. So what do the rest of the people I don’t care about matter. Not that I’m sure I care about it at all. Should have heard the last voicemail he left.”
“Oh darling, you should really stop listening to those. He’s been drunk every time, all he wants is to say things to hurt you.”
“He said I was choosing a man over him, how ungrateful I was because every opportunity he chose me. But I didn’t! I never would! He’s the one that pushed me to connect with you again. Sure, maybe he wouldn’t have if he’d known who you were, but he liked the idea of you. He made me sit there and call you.” You sighed, “I adore you and you're so good to me, if he just gave you a shot it would be…”
“Perfect for you,” he finished, “I hope that we can reach that point one day. You deserve to have everything you want.”
You smiled at him, “So I guess that means you will stay home with me. C’mon baby, you work too much, and have turned the one day we do get to hang, the only one you really let yourself have an off day, into a half work day. That would really make me happy, a calm day with you alone.”
“You backed me into a tight spot,” he accused. 
“No. I’m upset but I saw an opening to get what I wanted from my handsome boyfriend.” You kissed his cheek, nuzzling him, “And I know you hate saying no to me.”
He shook his head, amused. “Alright, let’s go pick up a couple things for our stay in tomorrow.”
Later you both brought in groceries for tomorrow, Otto dead set on making you a nice dinner. You managed to persuade him to relax while you put everything up. Though in his typical fashion when you went to join him again he was going over more of his notes, quickly shuffling them away upon hearing your arrival. 
“My sweet sweet love,” you kissed the top of his head, your hands working at the tense muscles in his shoulders, “What’s it going to take to get you to stop thinking?”
He groaned, closing his eyes and your hands worked wonders, “I’m sorry. It’s a horrible obsession, but I want to get one thing right. That’s all it is, daring. Make sure I actually helped make the world better in some way. Leave it better than how I found it.”
“And you will,” you let your hands slip down to his chest, allowing you to hug him loosely as you looked over his latest work, gibberish you were beginning to understand more and more, “but you have to be able to rest your head before things get jumbled.”
“They won’t get jumbled,” Otto grumbled. 
“What’s this?” You asked, pointing at his messy writing. “You talked to me about this before.”
“A discrepancy. This is only a theory. Nothing of substance here.” He grabbed the pen and corrected the mistake. Looking at the paper for a moment, he turned to lay a kiss on your cheek.“…Thank you, sweetheart. You’re right.”
“Hearing that from the famed Dr. Octavius,” you pretended to be awestruck, “Must be doing something right. Maybe I should give you a reward.”
“Like a dog?” He snarked. 
“So you don’t want to shower with me and let me message your back after? Darn, thought it was giving you issues again and after the day you’ve had, there’s got to be some ache in those old bones,” you teased him. Lightly, you smacked his chest before standing, “Guess I’ll enjoy the hot water all on my own. Alone with just my thoughts for company.”
Turning heel, you went to the bathroom. Getting the water perfect, you started to strip yourself down. With the dress out of the way, you admired the matching set that had been purchased recently. The loud creak of the door alerting you as Otto opened the door. You smiled at Otto through the mirror. 
“I’m glad you decided to join me after all, puppy,” you teased lightly. “Help me out?”
A calloused finger traced along the fabric, making you shiver despite the warm room. “This is cute.”
“Yeah, I really liked it,” you sighed as he undid the back, stretching as it was pulled off, “Might get it in another color.”
“That would be nice,” he agreed as he helped peel off the remaining fabric. “Collect them often?”
You turned to face him, undoing the buttons of his shirt. “Depends on if I like how they feel after the day. What kind do you like? Maybe I’ll pick up a few for you.”
“The classics? I suppose? Never really thought about it, always figured I was lucky to see it. I prefer you wearing what you like anyhow.”
“Have to have an actual favorite,” you said, pushing the shirt off of his shoulders. 
He pulled off his undershirt as you undid his belt. The simple act without the rush of sex making your heart flutter for some unknown reason. Though you wouldn’t say the sound of the hardware clinking and the zipper going down didn’t elicit some muscle memory response. There was a nervousness to this too, sure he’d seen you but this was something new. But trying new things was something he’d offered.  
“My clothes,” he finally answered.
“Your clothes.”
“You asked,” he shrugged, “Don’t get me wrong, other things are wonderful. You make them beautiful. But seeing you in my things is different. I like knowing that you find comfort in them or out of everything you choose something that reminds you of me…”
“Out of everything I choose you,” you corrected, leaving a kiss on his chest. “Wearing your things is nice. Especially when I know you wear it often.”
“Couldn’t get it out of my head that first time… Then you came to the convention and it took all my willpower not to think of you.”
“You looked excited to see me.”
“I was but I felt guilty when my thoughts turned.”
“I didn’t feel guilty about mine at all,” you laughed, making your way to the shower, leaving him to finish undressing. “Just hated the chase. Hanging on to every little scrap you’d give me because I was scared it was the last.”
Soon enough he joined in. Wrapping an arm around your waist, he pulled you firm against him. “I’m sorry, my darling girl, you deserved better than the way I treated you at first.”
You hummed, “Otto, you’ve already made up for it. No reason to apologize again.”
“Your chase should have been fun, if not a bit nerve racking.”
“Not every part of it was bad, Love. Have to appreciate the better parts of this relationship more.” 
You went to reach for the shampoo, but Otto beat you to it. He put some in the palm of his hand and messaged it into your hair carefully, singing softly under his breath. The combination of the two could have lulled you to sleep. Turning to face him, you rinsed the shampoo from your hair. Closing your eyes, you let the hot water wash away the mess, giving a quiet moan when it helped soothe your muscles. 
Remembering Otto was in attendance, you opened your eyes. 
His eyes were roaming down your body, following every curve greedily. Eyes a bit darker when they met yours once more. 
“I… Do you want to do more?” You asked shyly.
Furrowing his brow, he shook his head. “No. It’s not that. We don’t need… I’m…” he smiled a bit, “Appreciating the better part of this relationship. I’ve decided that any of the old master’s sculptures can never compare. Look at my girl.” Pulling you close he kissed your forehead. “I like having this intimacy with you. It’s a beautiful thing isn’t it? Definitely worth freezing a for.”
You let out a relieved breath. Not out of doing more with him, but the idea that he’d only want more from you. Like Nico had and Felix assumed he did. But he never treated you that way, you had to get this nagging voice out of your head. 
“It’s your turn. Let me take care of you.”
The following morning you woke up in Otto’s arms. Soft rumbles of his snore filled the air. Turning you looked at him, the morning sun making his features look softer. It was nice seeing him so relaxed without the constant stream of solutions worrying him. You carefully pushed his hair away from his eyes because he always pushed it away first thing. He found it annoying but liked the length too much in his hairstyle to cut it. Otto caught your hand pressing a kiss to the back of it. 
“Morning, my love,” he said, his voice thick with sleep.
“Get some more rest, I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“What? No morning kiss?” He asked through a yawn. “No love you?”
You giggled but complied with his demands. “I love you, Dr. Octavius,” you whispered against his lips.
“More than you know,” he whispered back. 
He brought your leg to rest against his waist, nibbling on your bottom lip. Slowly he pushed up your sweater, caressing the soft skin you allowed him to reveal. 
“Got plans this morning, Doc?”
“I think so.”
“Clue me in.”
“I want to kiss you for as long as possible.”
Fingertips traced down your side, making you laugh into his kiss. “I want you to rest.”
“I’ll get plenty of rest later.”
He followed after when you tried to pull away, unwilling to let there be any space. Some days he woke up clingy, not that you minded receiving all of his attention. Forcing him to lay on his back, you moved to perch on his thighs. 
“Do you want me to tire you out, Love, is that it?”
Giving you a look as if he didn’t realize it was an option, he nodded enthusiastically, “Please.”
Leaning down you made like you were going to kiss him, he attempted to meet you halfway before you diverted to kiss his forehead. He groaned in mock anger as you sat back up.
“You’re such a sweet boy like this,” you cooed one of his favorite lines to use on you. “Poor thing, what is it you need?”
He got visibly redder, his breathing just a little heavier. “I-“
His phone rang loudly. Otto looked at you then the nightstand. Work or you? With a playfully dramatic sigh you reached over and handed it to him, knowing it would never leave his mind if you let it pass. 
“Hello… ah yes, sorry, they needed my help ironing out a few things here, what did you need?” 
As he spoke you took your own revenge. Threading your hair through his soft hair you pulled his head back. Kissing his neck as he talked them through whatever situation they were having. His fingers dug into your thighs as he attempted to keep himself in check while you tortured him. At this point you knew him well enough to melt him in seconds and you used all of his weak points against him. 
“A secret child? God I hope not. Wait, sorry, sorry, I forget myself. I know what that’s about, give me the number I’ll work that out.” Otto hung up before letting out a low moan in defeat. Your tongue slowly traced along his Adam's apple before you teased the skin just above it with your teeth. “I can’t believe I used to think you were a sweet girl.”
“Hey!” You said suddenly, surprised yourself at the twinge of hurt in your tone.
Otto pulled your lips to his, love oozing from him. “That’s not to say you aren’t my very sweet girl. Intelligent, kind, loving,” he gave you chaste kisses between the words, “How could I ask for anything more? There’s no one that could possibly come close. Understand?”
You nodded.
“Good. Let me handle the daycare stuff and after that you’ll have me all to yourself. We’ll turn off the phones and you can stash away anything I could possibly write on. I’ll be all yours, no distractions.”
Calmed by that you rested your head against his chest as he dialed the number, listening while he spoke numbers over the phone. Ensuring that the daycare was available whenever necessary and Daniel would get three meals a day. As you dozed, he asked about the arts and science program. Seemingly satisfied he gave the last of what was necessary before hanging up. 
“Heard Daniel in the background,” he informed you, “Seemed really excited to go back to daycare.”
“I'm glad for him. He should be able to have some fun with kids his own age.”
“We were fun.”
“But we can’t be there all the time, as nice of a day it was.”
The day held a somber feeling to it as Otto helped you move into your new apartment. Knowing you wouldn’t get to see each other as much and the time difference on top of it making it that much harder to get access to each other when you wanted it. He wouldn’t get to stay for much longer than the night due to a meeting. In all honesty, driving you back to school had been a last ditch effort at getting more time together before you parted ways for who knew how long. 
On returning he’d insisted on helping you grab your things from Mark’s storage. Luckily, Mark had been kind enough to drop off your couch, bed, and car leaving all the keys you’d need with the front desk to make it easier. Otto carried the boxes you’d brought from New York to your door while you made your way to the manager’s building. When you returned to him, he was marveling at a set of photos that a friend of his had taken New Year’s Eve. Otto had taken you in his arms and kissed you as everyone else counted down and long after it was done. His way of ending the year and starting a new one perfectly. The woman caught the moment just in time to get pictures of the kiss and the way you both looked at each other as if there was no one else in the room. 
“I really like these.” He smiled at you, blushing at getting caught admiring the pictures. “You look breathtakingly beautiful. All the time. How do you do it?”
“The trick is to find a lover that’s easily impressed,” you joked, unlocking the door. “Does wonders.” Setting the picture down on the boxes, he picked you up bridal style and walked you across the threshold. You laughed at his pleased expression, kissing the dimple on his cheek. “I thought that was reserved for the married.”
“Call it practice,” he stated before kissing you lovingly. “Couldn’t resist, I’m a sucker for tradition.”
“Isn’t it also tradition to christen something?” You asked, coyly playing with the hair at the back of his neck, “You know for the sake of tradition and practice.”
“You think we need practice?”
“Every bit we can fit in, Love, this is serious stuff.”
“Oh, I’d be idiotic to push off something so drastic,” he agreed.
Unceremoniously, Otto shifted you to be slung over his shoulder so he could drag in the couple boxes on the small porch and shut the door. You laughed along the way as he eagerly took you into your bedroom. 
The two of you panted as you basked in the afterglow. This round felt more like a goodbye then you cared to admit. The way he confessed his love and moved so slowly you could feel every inch drag along. Impossible to forget and even less so to ever be able to replicate. Bringing you to completion as many times as he could before letting himself spill inside of you. All things you knew you’d come to long to feel again in his absence. 
“We shouldn’t have done that,” you mumbled sleepily, leg hooked across his waist comfortably as you cuddled close. “Can’t even think of moving.”
“We’ll take a nap and get to it later,” he yawned, “Lots of time left.”
“Dead tired. You don’t know how it feels to make love to you,” he stated, “How hard it is when it feels like you never want to let me go. Takes so much not to finish the second you let me in. I know my life has been dedicated to work but nothing could ever beat seeing your face turn to bliss because of me. I’d dedicate myself to that if it was feasible.”
“All that adoration.”
“The only person I care to worship.” He kissed the side of your head, “Get some rest, my love. We’ll work later.”
A while later, Otto woke you up. Some of your favorite fast food waiting for you since, the both of you had skipped out on food to make it back earlier. After eating the you set out in your cars to bring everything out of storage in one quick trip. Otto seemed to like the opportunity to help you out with the move. Attempting to ensure you never strained yourself too much. 
“I can help too, I mean I should it’s my things.”
He mumbled something as he carried a heavy box of pots and pans and adjusted them in a tight space in the car.
“You’re walking funny, pretty girl. Take it easy.”
Warmth flooded your face, “Oh.”
“Exactly and you’re going to be walking around campus soon with those extra classes you decided to take. Can’t imagine it would be very comfortable. I can handle it for you, darling.”
And so he did. Packing away your things in both cars and telling you to go inside and situate things as you saw fit while he brought the boxes in. He was so much sweeter than you thought you deserved. 
You wondered what it would be like one day if you’d ever live together. The assumption was you’d move into his place. It was already his and there was a position in Oscorp carved out just waiting for a piece of paper to be yours for the taking so it wouldn’t be unfair. Finding places to fit your life into his like pieces of a jigsaw. Then again the clothes and perfume you’d forgotten there already seemed like the beginning of the process along with the photos he’d hung up. 
So many things could happen in a year. 
A year ago you wouldn’t imagine you and Otto getting this far in your relationship. 
Who’s to say worse couldn’t happen?
What if he was right? Otto was a dream. He could find anyone easily. Any one could see that. What if that person didn’t have the same troubles this relationship gave him and he liked that? Just like that he wouldn’t be yours anymore… how could you live missing him like that when he was your best friend?
“Are you alright, sweetheart?”
“Yeah,” you sniffed, “I’m… I’m just scared of miss you.���
He put down the box he was holding in favor of having you in his arms instead. “I’m not going anywhere. Couldn’t get rid of me if you tried. It’s going to be a long year, I know, but we’ll be together as much as possible, alright? Cross my heart.”
“It won’t be enough.”
“It really won’t.” Otto wiped away the tear that fell, “We’re done for the day. We’ll get you more settled in tomorrow morning, alright?”
You nodded, allowing him to pull you over to the couch and sit you on his lap. Hiding your face against his neck you let the tears fall. Couldn’t be helped. Insecurity was eating away at you despite knowing things would be okay. He rubbed your back, allowing you to feel as you felt without a word until the tears subsided.
“Listen, I know we don’t have the best history when it comes to leaving each other,” he spoke softly, hitting the nail on the head, “but we're alright this time. There’s no fight. No pulling away. We’re safe there’s nothing terrible coming our way. I can promise that. Nothing’s going to change.”
“Do you really want to marry me?” You asked suddenly, wondering about the jokes and teasing remarks. 
He nodded, confused by the sudden remark. “I thought that’s where this was heading, yes. As you said not now, we can wait a while or so longer. It’s fine, but I do intend on it. See? I’m not leaving.”
“Felix isn’t right,” you mumbled quietly.
“No, darling. He isn’t right.” Otto wiped away the last of your tears, “I promised you wouldn’t cry for me anymore.”
“I know,” you sighed, “It’s hard to shake. Everything he said gets in my head and I start to worry.”
“I’m here as long as you’d have me.”
“If it’s my decision you’d never leave.”
He smiled at you, “One day. Maybe when the project’s done and you’re settled in your career. When exactly should stay a surprise, don’t you think? Wouldn’t you like that?”
“Not if I beat you to the punch,” you laughed though it was still a bit choked, you brought his left hand to your mouth kissing his ring finger. “What is this like a twelve?”
“I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.”
“I don’t think so. You over plan things. How do I know you won’t turn right around and pick one out when you get home?”
“How do you know I won’t either way? What if I already have one? You’re a pretty deep sleeper, it isn't so hard to do what I need without you knowing.”
“Dr. Octavius you wouldn’t.”
“Wouldn’t I?” He twirled a strand of your hair around one of his fingers. “Mind waiting a handful more years?”
“Not at all.”
“Good. I left the box of your toiletries in the bathroom. Go relax and I’ll find your towels and bedding to get that all straightened out.”
A few weeks had passed since Otto had dropped you off. Communication had lacked as had been expected but both of you were way more busy than expected. So it wasn’t anything to be upset over and it had been nice catching up with friends. Even so, missing him was something terrible. 
Looking around your room it has been a mess. Quick in and outs. Littering clothes, cups, and books everywhere. It was time to clean at the very least. Gave you control over something. When you were told to constantly meet deadlines and juggle your job on top of it. A job that wore you out now that you had a taste of what you actually wanted to do. 
Soon enough it looked presentable aside from the clothes that had been kicked under the bed. Getting on your knees, you reached to pull them out, your fingers glided against cardboard. Furrowing your brow, you pulled out the small package. Must have been forgotten about when everything was being unpacked. Opening it up, you were surprised to see the three sweaters Otto had taken to wearing more often along with a new box of the cologne you persuaded him to wear that night so long ago. A paper fell out as you picked out the forest green sweater to wear, leaving behind the navy and goldenrod ones for now. Tugging it on, you were comforted by the faintest trace of him. 
Tearing through the packaging of the cologne, you sprayed it on the sweater. Finally getting a good lungful of the home you missed so much. Reaching for the paper, you were greeted with Otto’s messy scrawl, much neater without the quick mess of numbers passing through his head as his hand struggled to keep up. 
As I’m writing this you’re in the shower, the door slightly ajar filling the room with the scent of your soaps and the song you always seem to hum under your breath. I’m not sure you ever notice. The song ends abruptly at random points. I’ve never heard it before and at this point I would rather not hear the original. How can anything compare to your sweet voice? I find myself humming the melody at times when I long for your company. Though I always fall short. 
It’s a funny thing. How not too long ago we weren’t a part of each other’s worlds. Living under the same stars for ages without crossing one another’s minds. The idea of not having each other was an easy pill to swallow. You’ve said it yourself, you knew of me and couldn’t have given less a damn on who I was. But, oh, how you beg for my attention so beautifully now. What an addicting thing it is to receive your love. My only hope is that you feel the same on your end. 
The idea that I’ve lived under all these nights without you seems improbable. How could I sleep calmly without you by my side? Without yearning for the rare days that began and ended in each other’s arms. No watching you sneak into my drawers and steal away my favorite sweaters before you make your way to the bed and lay yourself close to me as if I’m a source of comfort. Then again I’m not any better. Searching for any kind of love or reminder of you I can when you’re away. 
My darling girl, one day we’ll be as close as possible as long as we wish. For now we’ll make due with what we can manage. But never doubt I’m dreaming of our future together. 
-Yours, Otto
You teared up, reading the letter again and again. This man, you swore, held your heart by a string. There wasn’t any question that you wanted everything and anything with him. Knowing for a fact that he wanted just the same from you. That he’d say such loving things without the expectation of praise or reward solidified it and melted away any worries that had been forced into you. 
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griffintail · 4 years ago
The Lost Ones
Summary: Several of the SMP members find an infant in a place they didn’t expect and decide to care for them.
Pairings: Platonic! Parental! Tommy, Wilbur, Philza, Technoblade, Eret, and Dream x F! Child! Reader
Warnings! : Swearing, Village Raid, Minor Violence, Minor Deaths (Mostly mobs), mentions of blood
A/N : I’m the biggest sap for child readers. Dating back to 2014. I literally couldn’t help myself. Just so everyone knows, I suck at writing in gender neutral terms, that’s why the reader is specifically female in all of these (Including Tommy’s, Minor Spoiler, Tommy’s just an idiot and doesn’t look). So, sorry about that.
I’ll most certainly will make more of these. I won’t always have it just like this, I might write a certain character individually in a scenario. It’s all dependent on my mood. I might add more characters! This is just basically the introduction. So yeah...ENOUGH RAMBLING! Hope you enjoy :)
       Tommy (Before the First Disc War)
        Tommy smirked proudly to himself as he tucked his new disc safely into his inventory bag before starting the walk back to his home. His adventure was successful, he managed to get a rare disc and it was now all his. Walking through the small bit of woods, he rested his hand on his sword handle. It was still night time after all and the monsters were out to play.
        As he could see the lights from the small town of the Dream SMP, he heard a cry. Looking back into the woods, he frowned before grinning.
        Someone is in trouble! He’d save them and get a payment—er— “willing reward” from them. Pulling his sword, he ran over towards the sound of another cry, this time the sound being continued. He rolled his eyes, someone was crying, what a pussy. As the crying was practically on top of him, he frowned in confusion as he only found a skeleton, which was trying to shoot at a basket hanging in a tree. There was no one there to be crying.
        He shrugged regardless, taking his shield off before going for the skeleton. It only managed one arrow before Tommy killed the mob. Looking at the basket, Tommy hummed before putting his weapon and shield away to climb up. As he got to a safe place to reach the basket, the crying now made sense as his eyes went wide.
        “You’re a fucking baby!” He shouted in surprise.
        Said infant noticed the new face and their wails quieted, but small cries still came out.
        “Quiet down. You’re going to bring monsters!” He hushed, moving carefully, getting the basket off, and brought it to himself. “How the hell did you get up here? Who just leaves a baby?”
        He looked down at the baby as he sat back in the tree. He couldn’t help but think how small she was, had he been that small when he was this young?
        “Guess you got nowhere to go huh?” He asked as the child looked up, their cries having gone silent seeing the boy much closer.
        They played with their blanket and he hummed as he held the basket close, making his way down the tree.
        “You’re lucky, a big man saved you! I don’t live far, so you’ll come with me. Of course, I wouldn’t just leave you here again.” Tommy rambled, despite knowing the infant couldn’t respond back. “I’m not some kind of monster!”
        He made it back to his home, putting the basket on his bed, and looked down at the baby with his hands on his hips.
        “If you were left out there like that, you’re alone.” This time, the baby gave a small babble and he couldn’t help the small smile that came on his face. “Well, then I’ll take care of you! I’m a big man and can do it easy! Phil took care of my brothers and me after all and he’s old and stupid. I’m young and very wise, so I can do it. I suppose you’ll need a name now.”
        If anyone had been in the room with Tommy, they’d be surprised how gentle he picked up the small human. Carefully, he held them properly, only knowing how as Phil had once shown him when they were helping a village out after a raid when he had taken the younger boy to trade.
        “Hmm, I’ll call you (Y/N)!” He decided. “And I will be the greatest father ever! And I know the perfect way to celebrate today!”
        Going into his bag, he grinned as he pulled out his new music disc. Putting it on the jukebox, he sat on his bed as the infant looked over at the object making the beautiful sound. His grin went into a gentle smile as he watched (Y/N) listen to the music. They’d both be happy; he’d make sure of it.
        Twenty Minutes Later…
        Tubbo sprinted down the stairs of his house as he heard frantic knocking on his door and the sound of crying. Swinging the door open, he let out a startled noise seeing a distressed Tommy holding a wailing baby.
        Of course, he’d need some help since there was just a little bit of a learning curve.
          Wilbur (Right after Declaration of War)
        Times were hard. Wilbur had just started a new nation to free himself, his friends, and his family from the iron grip of Dream and his friends, but they did not like the loss of power and declared war on him. As well as the war, Fundy had become a rather rebellious teenager and Wilbur wasn’t sure how to handle all of it. He didn’t let it show to the others though. He’d be a strong leader for them.
        He looked over his map of L’Manberg. They needed better defensive points…they fought with their words but Dream fought with weapons of destruction. They needed safe spaces to protect themselves…
        Wilbur jumped, knocking over an ink bottle over on the table when there was pounding on the van door.
        “Damn it.” He grumbled, quickly flipping the bottle back up and moved the map out of the way before going to the door.
        He opened the door to see Eret standing there, making Wilbur raise an eyebrow as Eret was on guard duty at the moment but looked shocked seeing what the other man was holding.
        “Hello, sir. They were just outside the gate. I didn’t see anyone else around.” Eret rapidly explained to his leader, the small infant wiggling in his hold. “I brought them here because they were cold.”
        “Get inside,” Wilbur instructed, going into the back of the van again quickly.
        He heard the door close as he grabbed his spare coat.
        “Hand them over,” Wilbur muttered, Eret carefully transferring his hold to the other man.
        Wilbur saw they had a blanket but it was thin and the child was cold to the touch. Wrapping his coat around them, he instructed Eret to light a furnace, which he did post haste.
        “Hello there, love.” He whispered quietly to the infant, rocking them lightly. “We’re going to get you warmed up and something to fill your stomach, how does that sound?”
        The baby didn’t fuss, too tired and cold to even thinking about making one. Wilbur stood next to the now lit furnace and looked up at Eret.
        “Is anyone out there?” He asked, his proud leader voice coming out.
        “No sir, I was worried about the child.”
        Wilbur nodded. “I commend you for saving their life, but I have it from here. Send someone to fetch milk and then please stand guard again.”
        Eret nodded before leaving the van.
        Once the two were alone, Wilbur sighed heavily as he sat on the floor, still close to the furnace. He felt the child’s forehead, feeling them warm up to his relief.
        “You gave us a scare little one.” He chuckled quietly. “But don’t worry, you’re in a safe place. L’Manberg will care for you. I suppose it was lucky you were left here rather than the Dream SMP.”
        He hummed quietly as he gently rocking the child, their eyes closing as they relaxed in his hold. As they relaxed, he gave a quick check for their gender.
        “Welcome little one. You’re the first woman of L’Manberg.” He smiled lightly.
        For a short while, he was able to forget about everything outside the van. He could relax himself and let his mind clear as he watched the little girl in his arms. They were both at peace.
        After a few minutes, he looked up as he heard the van door open. As he was standing up carefully, his own son Fundy came in holding a bucket.
        “Hey, Eret said you needed…What the hell is that?!” Fundy exclaimed in surprise, startling the girl in his arms, tears appearing in her eyes.
        “Shh, it’s alright,” Wilbur whispered to her as he rocked her again and he wiped her tears away with one hand.
        Fundy cautiously came over, raising an eyebrow. “Who are they?”
        Wilbur paused thinking for a moment, before smiling. “Meet your new little sister my son. (Y/N), the newest member of our great nation.”
          Philza (Right before Wilbur’s Betrayal)
        Phil shook out his wings as he landed in a village. He needed to rest them for a bit before continuing on his journey to L’Manberg. He had gotten word of how the tides had turned badly for his sons in the new nation they made to try and live peacefully. Originally, they hadn’t asked for his aid as Tommy and Wilbur had made contact with Techno and they believed with their older brother, they could surely turn it back. Yet, Tommy had sent him a letter with worry for Wilbur’s state of mind and Phil decided he needed to be there for his sons.
        Yes, he wanted them to learn the world on their own but there were some times when Phil needed to be there to help them.
        Looking at the sky, the night was fast approaching so he managed to get a house in the village for the night. Keeping his sword by his bedside, he went to sleep for the night…
        Startling awake, Phil heard the sounds of the village bell.
        “God damn it,” Phil mumbled, scooping his sword and bag before putting his hat on his head.
        Running out, he saw the cause of the panicked ringing. A pillager raid, and it was already out of control. Fires were crackling madly and blood littered the paths.
        “Shit.” He swore as a pillager spotted him and he dodged the arrow before running them through with his sword.
        The few surviving villagers ran from their homes and Phil went to follow when he heard a wail, the wail of a child. His throat tightened as he looked back to the burning buildings, his fatherly instinct along with his good nature kicked in.
        “God…” He muttered before spreading his wings.
        With ease, he was able to dodge between pillagers and ravagers alike as he followed the sound. Landing at the house that was most certainly ablaze, Phil kicked in the door. Holding his arm to his mouth and nose, he rushed in and found a small nursery, the flames engulfing the walls and ceiling. Rushing to the crib, he found the small child and quickly picked them up.
        “Let’s go kiddo.” He said as he rushed back out.
        Once he was outside, he took flight again and flew high enough to be out of arrow range, and flew far from the village. As he did, he looked the small child, of which he found out was female, over for injures as she screamed and cried. She had no visible injuries but Phil knew she had to have inhaled smoke. So, after a handful of minutes flying, he landed and shushed her quietly.
        “It’s alright kiddo, hang on,” Phil told her quietly as he went into his bag taking out a health potion. “I got something that can help you.”
        Being gentle, he gave them a few drops of the potion to hopefully clear out any smoke and heal the damage it might have done. The little girl gave hiccups and small cries.
        “It’s alright. You’re safe now.” He bounced her lightly, slowing down her cries to nothing. “There we go. We’re ok. Once morning comes, we’ll find the others of the rest of your village and see if we can’t find your parents.”
        The little girl’s eyes merely drooped and he gave smile before he frowned as he looked up to see the fires in the distance. They were a human child and he didn’t remember seeing any humans running away with the survivors but he’d try. And if not…
        “Don’t you worry, I’ll take care of you,” Phil assured the now sleeping infant.
        Technoblade (Start of Retirement)
        Techno shouldered the bag of wood he had gathered over his shoulder, his axe on his belt as he made his way home through the snow. The voices were relatively calm, not hungry for blood at the moment, and Techno was able to have a peaceful moment. As he trudged closer to his house, he slowed to a stop seeing footprints by the stairs and the voices kicked up as his thoughts went wild.
        Phil always gave him notice on his walkie if he was on the way and whoever had been there had gone up the stairs then walked away in a different direction from where they came.
        The voices were bringing up the question of if he was being scouted out. Who could have found his house? How did they find it? They started to demand blood.
        Technoblade took his axe off his belt while putting down the bag of wood. Going towards the porch carefully, he held it ready to expect the worse when he entered his house but he didn’t even go up the stairs to find something. On his doorstep, there sat a large huddle of blankets.
        Furrowing his eyebrows, he came up to the huddle carefully and slowly with his axe raised. Stopping when it was fully in view, he stared in even more confusion.
        “What the hell?” He questioned, lowering his axe slightly as he looked around the snowy tundra. “Who leaves a child on my doorstep!”
        In the middle of the huddle of blankets was a sleeping child, who wiggled slightly at the loudness of his voice.
        They’re an orphan now
        You know how you feel about orphans
        Blood for the Blood God
        Techno winced at the sounds of the voices as he looked at the child. They were right…they were an orphan now. Someone had left them on his doorstep and now they were abandoned. He gripped his axe tightly as he looked down at the infant.
        It’d be quick and easy…
        The small human opened their eyes slightly, squirming slightly as they saw him. Techno’s grip loosened, the voices screaming in protest. They were so small and so defenseless…he wasn’t calling for blood anymore.
        Grunting, he put the axe away, going back down the stairs to grab the bag as he clenched his jaw at the loud noises of the voices before going back and picking up the child with surprising gentleness as the child was startled slightly. He shouldered his door open, dropping the bag of wood next to the unlit fireplace before making his way upstairs to his bedroom. He put the child down, who watched him in silent curiosity as Techno took the walkie off his belt.
        “Phil, you there?” He questioned into it.
        It took a minute but the device crackled.
        “Yeah, what’s going on?”
        “I got a…issue. Come over as soon as you can.”
        “An issue? What kind of issue?” Phil asked in surprise as usually, Technoblade could handle most of his issues.
        “It’s hard to explain, just come over.” Techno rubbed his temple at the screams of the voices.
        “Alright, I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
        He put the walkie down as he looked over at the child watching him.
        “What?” He huffed.
        Then the child gave a small giggle, trying to get their hands free to hold them out to him. The man stood there in shock as his heart melted. He had not felt something like that in a long time. Scrunching up his nose slightly before coming over and taking the infant out of the blankets and holding her as he used to with Tommy.
        “What the hell am I going to do with you?” He muttered and the small human held lightly onto his shirt, making even the voices slow down.
        He down a level in his home to wait for Phil, keeping the child in his hold as he just decided to do his normal routine. He started a fire and began to brew a few potions when the knock came on his door.
        “Come in.” He called.
        In stepped his father, who immediately dropped his bag in surprise seeing what Techno was holding as he added a new ingredient to his potion.
        “Hello.” He greeted the older man without looking at him.
        “What the hell did you have?” The older man questioned.
        Techno looked over at him confused. “Blaze powder.”
        Phil took his hat off as he ran a hand through his hair. “I meant the baby!”
        “Oh! Yeah, this.” Techno said casually, the older man freaking out. “Someone left them on my porch.”
        “Oh god…are they ok?” Phil asked, coming over.
        “Yeah, they’re fine. They were swallowed by blankets.”
        The child tried to take a bottle in their hands and Techno simply moved it from them and kept working like it was the most natural thing in the world. Phil stood in surprise at how casual Techno was, he knew about the orphan thing and how vicious the voices in his head could be.
        “What…what are you going to do with the child?”
        “That’s why I called you,” Techno said, before holding the child to the man. “You take it.”
        “What?! Techno, I can’t just take this child. I…” Phil’s hand shook slightly at the thought of Wilbur. “I can’t have another child right now. And L’Manberg will question where I even got them in the first place.”
        “Well then what do I do with it?!” Techno huffed as he was surprised by the quietness of the voices.
        “Well…you could take of them.”
        “I don’t know how to take care of a child. I don’t even like children, have you seen me with Tommy?” Techno rolled his eyes.
        “You seem to like this one.” Phil pointed out as Techno was holding them willingly and at the gentleness, he had with them.
        Techno frowned as he tried to think of a good reason. “That’s because they’re quiet.”
        “Look…I know you don’t want to hear this but maybe you should look after them, even just for a while. I can see if I can find someone who wants a child.”
        No, you found them.
        They’re rather cute…
        Keep them!
        The voices had done a full turn around from when they first saw the child. They were demanding Techno care for them and protect the fragile being. Techno couldn’t disagree with them because in his heart…he wanted to protect the child that had been left on his doorstep.
        “Fine, I’ll take care of them for a while but you need to help me, I don’t know what the hell I’m doing.”
        Phil chuckled. “Of course, son. We should look them over first to make sure they’re alright.”
        Techno rolled his eyes but agreed, listening to Phil as he told him what to do. The father was smiling proudly as even though Techno was frustrated with the new task, he continued with it. Once she, as they discovered, was checked over, Phil put a hand on his son’s shoulder.
        “What do you want to call her?” Phil asked.
        He looked down at the child, who was giggling as Phil smiled at her.
        “Blood Child.”
        Later, Techno actually decided on (Y/N) and for once, the voices were on his side.
          Eret (Before the founding of L’Manberg)
        Eret chuckled to himself as he walked down the path back towards his castle. Tommy’s antics for the day had been particularly ridiculous that it still brought a chuckle to the older gentleman as he went back to his home. He knew the days around the Dream SMP certainly wouldn’t be boring.
        Walking to his castle, he stopped as he noticed a basket left in front of the door and peered inside.
        “Why hello there.” Eret smiled seeing a small face peering back up at him as they squirmed slightly in discomfort. “What are you doing here little one?”
        He carefully picked up the basket and went inside his castle. As he got to his bedroom, he carefully took the infant out struggling a bit but managed before searching a bit in the basket.
        “Hmm, no note or anything.” He muttered as he looked at the child squirming around. “Well, someone made a mistake leaving you behind. Let’s see if I can’t figure out what’s making you so fussy.”
        After a bit of trying, first checking to see if she needed a diaper, he figured she needed some food and managed to get milk, putting it in a clean potion bottle to help her drink it easier. That also took a few trials, but he managed to help her drink until she stopped fussing.
        “There we go, now I can see your lovely face better.” He smiled as he sat on his bed, wiggling his finger in front of her making her giggle.
        As he played with the small girl, he frowned slightly as he looked over the basket that she had been left in. Why would someone leave someone so precious on the doorstep of his castle? It was truly a shame for those that did leave the little girl as Eret couldn’t help but slowly smile again as the little girl grasped onto his finger.
        “You’re not going to have to worry little one. You can stay here with me and you can be the princess of this castle.” He promised her, hugging her lightly, making her giggle. “I’ll make sure you’re safe and happy. It will take me a little while to learn how to do it all properly but I’ll learn. How does that sound…(Y/N)?”
        He chuckled as he moved his head back as she reached for her glasses. Yeah, this sounded like a beautiful idea.
          Dream (The Very Start)
        Dream rolled his eyes behind his mask as he heard George screaming in the distance, Sapnap laughing wildly in return. Those two never know how to stop.
        “Come on you two! We need to build a house before the night comes.” Dream called to them. “Stop goofing off.”
        Yet, he could still hear George’s high-pitched scream and he just chuckled and shook his head at his friends’ behavior. They were the company he kept and he honestly wouldn’t trade them for anything.
        Eventually, they did stop screwing and they were able to get to work on building their first home of the new land they had. The three of them joked and there was some arguing still between Sapnap and George but it just made it peaceful for the three of them. It was how their lives were.
        Dream went to go look for some sheep to get wool for beds before night fully struck, leaving the two “children” at the house. As he went searching, he jumped when he heard the sound of screaming, but it wasn’t liking George’s scream. It was quieter but still a scream.
        “Hello?!” Dream called as he pulled out his stone sword.
        As he went towards the noise, he realized it wasn’t a scream of terror as he first thought it was. No, it was a screaming cry, the kind a child would make. He started sprinting at that thought and skidded to a stop as he found the infant that was making the sound laid on top of a rock, a group of three zombies trying to get it.
        Dream gripped onto his sword before shouting to get their attention and moved back, quickly taking care of the mobs. He pushed his smiley mask to the side of his face as he finished them off and rushed over to the baby.
        “Hey! Hey. It’s ok now.” He told them as he climbed up next to them, dropping his sword at the bottom. “All the bad things are gone.”
        He gently picked up the baby, shushing them as he put a hand on top of their head. Slowly, they quieted down and Dream smiled wiping their tears away.
        “Hey, there you go. See? There’s nothing to cry about.” He chuckled before screwing his face up to look funny.
        The child giggled and he grinned.
        “There we go. Now, let’s check you out.” He muttered, looking them over. “No injuries. That’s very good princess. Now, what are you doing out here?” He asked as he looked around, seeing no signs of human life other than the two of them.
        Dream’s blood boiled slightly. Someone would just leave a child out here? If it wasn’t for him, she would have died!
        “You got nowhere to go huh? Well, you don’t have to worry.” He said, carefully sliding down.
        He picked up his sword, putting it back in its sheath, before walking back towards his friends.
        “I’ll take care of you. You’ll be the princess of our new land! You, me, and your two idiot uncles.” He laughed, the tiny girl giggling at the sound. “And I’ll make sure you always have a reason to smile.”
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