#something out of his control—much like the feeling it represents
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braceletofteeth · 5 months ago
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Hira + すき
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whathorselegs · 19 days ago
Dazai through other people's eyes
Inspired by @originalaccountname's post about Atsushi's vision of Dazai being warped.
These are all panels where Dazai either appears as a memory or hallucination for different people. Probably not all of them, but a small collection I literally just gathered in the last hour.
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I think it's interesting just how lifeless this hallucinated version of Dazai is. He doesn't smile, he doesn't joke. It really does just feel like Dazai's face placed over Atsushi's conscience to guide him forward.
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Scraggly little guy. There's mystery behind his eyes, he knows something you don't. Has never seen a hair brush in his life. Akutagawa's vision of Dazai always looks like he's the one in control and he knows it. But also, he looks so young.
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This ones admittedly a little different because the 1st panel is from the fifteen manga BUT I'm counting it because I love the visual and it makes an interesting contrast to how Chuuya saw Dazai when they were both teens, to how he remembers him now. One a mastermind demon, the other a lost looking boy surrounded by demons.
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Bratty, criminal child. Someone who needed to be saved. The handcuff representing Dazai as someone trapped by his past and Ango trying to pay penance by saving him from it. He envisions the boy he was, because his betrayal meant he never got to know the man Dazai became.
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Happiest little guy out there! Considering how much Dazai says he admires Ranpo, it's not surprising that when Ranpo envisions the agency he sees Dazai smiling at him. This is the Dazai Ranpo wanted to protect, the smile and joy he never wanted to lose.
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prael · 3 months ago
Day 6: Revenge Or Fate
IOI/Gugudan Sejeong x male reader smut
words: 5,611 12 Days of Praelmas Masterlist
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"What's that look for?" you ask with all the whimsy you can muster. "I only said that I bought your favourite popcorn. Why are you staring at me as if I just got down on one knee and proposed?"
"You did say you'd marry me someday," Sejeong jokes. Then she does that thing she always does when she's nervous—tugging at the lobe of her ear.
You roll your eyes. "Yeah. I mean when we are both in our sixties. When you have become the crazy cat lady and I the bachelor with a penchant for wine and cigarettes. It's not even close to that time yet."
"Why would you be smoking?" Sejeong wrinkles her nose. She knows you can't stand the smell.
"Because I'll be an ageing bachelor, duh," you answer with a dismissive wave of a hand as you sit by her on the couch. She's got her legs curled up against her chest, the way she always does when it's cold outside. You'd know—she's been sitting like that on your couch every winter since the beginning of time.
She lets out the softest of laughs before it quickly dissipates into silence. She's staring across the room, but not really looking at anything. Her face is painted in melancholy. You know her well enough to know that look, and you hate it. Hate everything it represents. You sigh. The first time you saw her like this was back as teenagers, after the dog she grew up with had been hit by a car. It still hurts your chest.
"You've got that look again," you tell her. "Like there's a million and one things in your mind and none of them particularly good."
"I'm okay. Just tired." Sejeong's smile doesn't quite convince you.
"I wasn't going to say anything. I thought you'd tell me if you wanted me to know, but it's been months since you asked me to come over on a Friday night, so something has happened. I haven't seen this much annoyance behind your eyes since the end of Game Of Thrones. What is it?"
"I'm just feeling overwhelmed, that's all. I wish you weren't so observant."
"You should be used to it by now."
Sejeong flashes a half-hearted smile and takes hold of your hand as she used to do when you were kids. You feel guilty for the way your stomach flutters.
"I guess we have always known each other better than anyone else," she admits, her hand still clasped around yours. It's warm and familiar. You feel the urge to push away, but how can you? It would give far too much away. She has always had this effect on you—you could never distance yourself from her warmth. "He's an asshole."
"You don't need to tell me twice," you chuckle. Then: "Tell me what happened."
"I think he might be cheating."
The air escapes from you at once. The way Sejeong said it is so casual, almost as if she'd resigned herself to this fate a long time ago. And here you are, trying your best to keep your anger under control, like always. But not for her sake—rather, for yours. You know where your feelings belong, and they have no place in the situation at hand. Not today, and definitely not ever. You take a deep breath and look her square in the eye.
"What did he do?"
"I shouldn't have mentioned it," she laughs nervously. She doesn't want to put any more weight on your shoulders than she already has, because that's who she is, you suppose. But how can she expect you to ignore it when she looks like a sad dog staring into the rain on someone's front porch?
"We're best friends. I want to hear everything," you insist.
"He's been acting differently lately." Sejeong pauses. "Distant. Like there's something he isn't telling me."
"Do you think there might be?" you ask carefully.
"It's always something with work. Or a friend that really needs him. Or a family member or—fuck. I don't know."
"I'm sorry."
Sejeong sighs and runs a hand through her hair. There are unshed tears in her eyes. This bastard is making her cry. You want to smash something, preferably his head.
"I don't wanna bother you with this shit," she whispers. She sounds exhausted.
"Don't say that," you retort softly, squeezing her hand in yours. It's clammy. "Don't ever say that again."
She gives a curt nod.
"God knows I've told you enough about my romantic misadventures over the years," you joke. Your chest tightens when Sejeong lets out the tiniest of laughs. Maybe you can still make this right, whatever this is. "Misery loves company."
"You know," she begins, pausing to look at you properly. There is something unreadable in her gaze, something that you've never seen before. It makes you hold your breath in anticipation of whatever is to come. "If there's one person I could choose to be miserable with, it would be you."
For a brief second, you forget that time exists.
"Well, I'm very honoured," you reply eventually. There's another pause where you ponder what to say next. Then, simply, because that seems like the easiest answer: "Do you want me to go beat him up?"
Sejeong laughs and punches you in the arm.
"I thought you were a pacifist?"
"Yeah, but exceptions must be made sometimes."
She raises an eyebrow at you. You can't tell what she's thinking. "For me?"
It feels like standing on a cliff. You want nothing more than to jump, to feel freefall in your whole body. The only problem is that you'll most certainly die. The ground below is made of jagged rocks and bad ideas. Yet, here you stand, willing to do anything in the world for the beautiful girl next to you. Even if it means lying broken beyond repair.
Sejeong breaks your trance when she explains, "There's this girl he works with. We had dinner together with some people from their office two weeks ago, and... I don't know. They just seemed off. She kept looking at him. You know that look? The one where they linger on someone just a bit too long."
"So that's what gave it away?"
"Well, that and the rumour. They had a thing before he met me. It's over now, or it was." A single tear rolls down her cheek. She wipes it away quickly, seemingly irritated at herself. You frown. Sejeong has no reason to be ashamed of being hurt. She should be allowed to shed tears, even buckets full if necessary. You wouldn't judge. "At least that's what he said. He promised me it was over. But... God."
You reach forward to wipe the tears from her cheeks. Her lips tremble, so you quickly move your eyes back up. Staring at her lips is dangerous territory.
"You don't deserve this shit," you say resolutely.
Sejeong chuckles sarcastically. "Then why do I keep ending up here?"
That question stings. Not because it's directed at you—it isn't—but rather because you know the answer. Sejeong has been in this kind of position too many times to count. She attracts guys like honey does flies; every single time, with no exceptions. Only the worst seem to make it past the rest. Sejeong gets caught in their deceitful net time and time again, only to inevitably break her heart after months and months of manipulation disguised as devotion.
"Want my honest answer?"
"I think it's because you're the sort of person that believes the best in everyone. And that is a beautiful trait. I love that you do that. I really do. But sometimes..." you trail off, not quite sure how to continue without sounding accusatory.
"Sometimes I get screwed over," Sejeong finishes. You nod in response. "You're right. I guess it's my fault for trusting too easily."
"No," you shake your head. "It's not your fault. That part is absolutely wonderful. It's just..." You're suddenly hesitant. What if Sejeong takes this the wrong way and shuts you out?
"What?" she probes.
"Have you ever heard the expression 'you can't see the tree for the woods'?"
"Sounds stupid."
"It means you can't see what's right in front of your nose," you explain.
Sejeong stares at you for a long time. You think she understands, but it's impossible to know. It would probably be better that way—if she understood and did nothing about it. You aren't supposed to feel this way about her. How many times haven't you imagined what it would be like if things were different? If circumstances were perfect, if her current guy hadn't appeared out of anywhere and swept her off her feet before you'd even realised what was happening.
But that's just your luck.
"Thank you," Sejeong whispers. "Can we, um, watch something? I don't wanna think about this right now."
You let out an awkward cough. "Yeah. Yeah, of course. Do you remember when you forced me to watch Twilight, and I spent the entirety of the movie complaining about how terrible it was?"
"You still watched all of them with me." A tiny grin appears on her face. Thank God.
"That was truly the highest form of torture," you joke. "I hope you brought something better today. Please don't tell me you downloaded another movie about sparkly vampires."
Sejeong punches your arm. "I'll have you know I am extremely cultured nowadays."
"Yeah? Show me then."
A couple of hours pass and everything feels decidedly normal. You rest against the arm of the couch and Sejeong rests against you. You make jokes at the expense of the film as you always do and she laughs that soft, carefree laugh of hers. The credits roll and Sejeong sits up, stretching her limbs like a cat after a nap. You smile at the familiarity of it all. For a moment it doesn't matter what she has—or hasn't—been crying over.
"I'm tired," she says. She blinks slowly as if to prove it to herself. It's quite endearing, actually.
"Yeah?" you ask nonchalantly.
"Will you let me stay here tonight?" Her voice is small, unsure. But why? It's not the first time she has stayed here. This place is practically a second home to her.
"Like you need to ask," you retort lightly as you stand up and look down at her.
She opens her mouth to speak, but that's when her phone rings. When she sees his name flashing across the screen, she visibly freezes. Annoyance seeps into you like acid rain. His nerve—to call at such an hour, and expect her to pick up. Sejeong just watches, almost paralyzed, until eventually, she does pick up.
"Hey," is all she says. The reply is much longer. You can't make out the words he's saying but the tone tells you all you need to know.
"I was going to," Sejeong replies tersely. Silence. Then: "I told you already, I went over to—" Pause. She swallows thickly. "You didn't tell me you were going out." A longer stretch of silence, during which his voice gradually increases in volume. Suddenly Sejeong sits bolt upright. Her eyes grow wide with confusion and disbelief.
"Me!?" She shouts. "He's my best friend! I wouldn't—" Another pause. She takes a deep breath. "No. No, that isn't fair. You can't—"
It sounds like he hangs up. Sejeong doesn't move. Her hands are shaking violently.
"Do I even wanna know?"
"I should go home," she murmurs flatly.
"To him? To the guy who's probably just fucked his co-worker?"
Sejeong turns to glare at you, eyes cold as ice. You immediately regret your words.
"I'm sorry," you quickly amend. "That was uncalled for. It's none of my business. I shouldn't have said that."
"Why?" she asks bluntly. Your heartbeat picks up in a hurry. There's anger in her eyes. Anger that could turn against you so quickly.
"Why what?" you reply defensively.
"Why don't you wanna be with anyone? You've rejected every single person who's tried to get close to you since we were sixteen. There's got to be a reason."
The world grinds to a halt. Time, space, and life itself stop existing for a minute while you consider your options. On the one hand, you could lie; come up with a suitable excuse and maybe she won't push for more. On the other hand, you could simply admit to the truth that's haunted you for years.
You open your mouth. Close it. Fuck.
Sejeong stands up, wading in the silence towards you. You can't help but take a step backwards. In that split second, you're sure she knows—and yet you cannot tell.
"Have you ever loved anyone?" Sejeong demands to know.
Your heartbeat roars in your ears. "I don't understand why you're asking me this," you choke out. A part of you wishes you were back there on the cliff. At least then you could've jumped off of your own accord, with a little dignity left intact.
"I need to know," is all Sejeong says. Her gaze is relentless. You hate it. It makes you want to claw your own skin off—and there are truths under there that you plan to take to the grave.
"Because I need to know if what I'm going to do next is the right thing."
She stands beside you now. On the edge of that cliff, though it's starting to feel more like you're on the roof of your car. Staring up at the stars on some forgotten summer night. The jump seems more like a flight.
"I have," you admit. Somehow it seems easier than to try and fight whatever force is controlling the both of you. It feels strangely liberating.
"But you won't allow yourself to do anything about it." You know her well enough to discern a question from a statement, no matter how carefully she might try to veil them as the latter.
"It's complicated," you say quietly. She's so close to you now that you can hear the hitch in her breath. Why is she pushing this? "Why are you doing this?"
Her eyes flit from yours to your lips, then back again. So quickly. One, two. But you saw it. And your entire body tingles in anticipation. You'll dare move away—not now, not when the leap of faith feels more like a hop.
She doesn't say anything else. One more small step and her body collides with yours. Lips press against lips and suddenly, all thought scatters. Sejeong tangles her fingers through your hair and pulls. A gasp escapes you before you regain control and kiss her properly. It's frantic, rushed. Years of pining bleed out with every touch. You grab her, pull her as close to your body as possible, and lose yourself completely. Something is swelling inside you. A feeling so large and uncontainable that you think your chest is going to explode any second.
It is indescribable.
All of it—the sensation of kissing her, holding her—surpasses description. You're falling from that cliff, but she's holding you, and before you can hit the rocks she's dragging you to the couch and climbing on top of you.
It feels unreal. The entire world disappears as your lips find hers again and again and again. You don't care to question what happens after. This moment is yours, forever branded in your memories, and nothing can take that away from you. Even if it ends here—even if she were to walk away now—it would've been worth it. Completely and irrevocably.
When you finally part to catch your breath, you can't help but stare at her in awe. She's so beautiful. A masterpiece. Your hand moves to her cheek almost automatically. Sejeong lets her head fall against it with a soft sigh.
"Wow," she whispers.
"Yeah," you croak.
"Please don't regret this in the morning." Her voice is so quiet, filled with so much pain, that it breaks your heart. Your own fears are secondary.
"I never could," you breathe. Then you lean in to kiss her again, slower this time, savouring every sensation as if it might be the last. By some miracle she responds eagerly, fingers wrapping around the collar of your shirt as she holds you steady. You have no idea where this leaves the two of you, but you want her closer—now. You reach around and slide your hands under her thighs, pulling gently upwards. She follows your lead, settling against your lap in a way that makes the situation undeniably real.
As you kiss, her hips start moving back and forth. Soft, shallow movements. Little whimpers escape her throat and fall directly into your mouth. Fuck. She moans—actually moans—into the kiss and a violent shiver travels through your whole body. You break away momentarily to look at her face, flushed cheeks and half-lidded eyes staring back at you.
"Do that again," you whisper against her lips.
"Make me," she pants.
The next kiss is searing, open-mouthed, and accompanied by Sejeong grinding her hips against you. Harder now. Unrelenting. Your hands travel up her waist, slipping beneath her blouse to feel warm skin underneath. You feel every tremble of her body when your fingernails drag lightly across her flesh. A gasp—then she leans backwards, with her arms outstretched and clinging behind your neck, to look you dead in the eye as she continues moving her hips against you.
"Sejeong... What are we—"
Your hands snake further up her shirt. Her back arches in response as she grinds down hard, moaning loudly. Your eyes flutter shut briefly to enjoy the sensations—the sounds—coming from her. You force them open once more because you can't miss this show for anything. You push the shirt up and over her chest. Her hands slip from behind your neck momentarily so that you can get the garment over her head. And then she is there before you, bra and sweatpants-clad, panting softly and waiting.
"Fuck me." It is barely more than a whimper, but it rattles the very core of your being.
She lunges forward and kisses you forcefully. There are tears in her eyes—tears you didn't notice until now. Her desperation bleeds through.
"Please," she whispers into your mouth, her voice breaking slightly. "Please."
You can't deny her. How could you? You're unfastening the clasp of her bra and your hands are everywhere on her. Pulling her closer, exploring every inch of bare skin you can get your hands on. Her fingers start unbuttoning your shirt—clumsily, but getting the job done. Once open, her nails dig into your bare shoulders, as if testing out whether you're really here, tangible and real. As if you could disappear at any moment and leave her stranded. A loud groan escapes her when your fingers brush against her nipples.
"You're so fucking beautiful," you murmur into her ear. She whines at the words, nails digging deeper into your skin.
The friction between your legs is driving you mad. You've got the burning urge to pick her up and slam her into the nearest wall, but you savour what you have. First, you kiss her neck, then it's a trail down her collarbones. Your teeth nibble playfully at the skin until she moans, begging you to do something. You obey, leaning in to flick your tongue across a nipple before swirling it around the bud. Her fingers fly into your hair and hold you against her breast.
"Holy shit."
Your mouth latches on tighter. Sucking. Biting. The heat pooling between you grows more intense. Eventually, you detach and move on to the next, eliciting more delicious sounds from the girl above you. All those nights spent fantasising about exactly this don't come close to the real experience. You're supporting her, around the waist and the small of her back, while she leans back in your lap, presenting herself to you.
You appreciate every inch of her slender figure. By eye and then by tongue. You draw constellations along her skin, your touch is feather-light. Across her toned stomach to her hips, then right up the side of her body. She throws an arm above her head and giggles lightly as you lick all the way up underneath it. You follow a path to her armpit. Sejeong giggles more when you begin to nibble there too. When you raise your eyes to meet hers she blushes fiercely.
"Just appreciating you," you murmur, pressing soft kisses against her shoulder and up to her neck.
"Mm. I like it," she replies hoarsely.
So you spend some time like this. Appreciating her bare body and making her squirm. Kissing, licking, and biting everything that you can possibly reach until her writhing becomes borderline violent. Then she grabs a hold of your jaw, looks you deep in the eyes, and utters the most sinful words you've ever heard her say.
"Enough teasing. I want to ride your cock now."
Every inch of you lights on fire. From your forehead to the tips of your toes, you feel flames lick at your insides. Sejeong climbs off you without another word and starts pushing her sweats from her hips. You watch, spellbound, as she wiggles out of them. Her panties follow suit.
Then she turns to face you. Standing fully nude, absolutely breathtaking in every sense of the word. A goddess. Every bit as perfect as you had imagined. Even your fantasies weren't this good; nowhere near as intoxicating as this moment right now.
"You have ten seconds before I sit on your face instead," she deadpans, you both laugh. At least she hasn't lost her humour.
You unbuckle your belt and shuffle them down as best you can while still seated. Enough that she can reach down and pull your cock free from its confines. Your eyes roll to the back of your skull when she wraps her slim fingers around it. Pumping up and down. You're hard already, unbelievably so, and when she drags her thumb across the head of your dick it actually twitches. You suck in a deep breath, willing yourself to focus.
And then she sits on your lap, sliding along the length of your cock. Fuck. She repeats it a few times. Back and forth, slicking your cock with her wetness.
"I always pictured this," she admits.
"Really?" you croak.
"God yeah, I remember back in college. I must have rubbed one out to you more times than I can count." She smirks at you then—a wicked smirk that makes your entire body shiver. A filthy admission to you and you only. She does it again, drags her wetness along you. How on earth are you supposed to remain composed when she says things like that and does things like this? You wrap an arm around her back and pull her closer, staring at her as if seeing her for the very first time.
"You can't say things like that, I'm gonna—"
She cuts you off with her tongue in your mouth. Kissing you like it's the last thing she'll ever do, and your lips the only form of sustenance she'll ever need. It gives way to her frantic little moan, desperate and unrestrained. For the life of you you can't comprehend what is happening, only react, and fuck if it isn't the most incredible experience you've ever had. Her skin is burning against yours, hungry and yielding to your every touch.
Sejeong shifts slightly and grabs a hold of you properly. Your eyes widen when the tip of your dick brushes against something wet, warm, and soft. The very centre of her. She repositions herself, now holding you carefully against her, and then... slides down the length of your cock, pausing halfway down. The pleasure is so acute that you cannot control the way your back arches off the couch, and neither do you control the profanities that spill out from your lips.
A sinful grin spreads across her face. As her legs are pinned around your waist, you cannot move, but Sejeong certainly can. And boy, does she know how. She starts bouncing herself up and down, riding you so expertly and looking so good doing it. You've thought of this so many times—having sex with your best friend, of all people—but you did not picture it like this.
"This okay?" she murmurs in your ear. You hear the smile in her voice.
You utter the only word you can muster: "Yes."
She laughs airily, placing a kiss on your temple as she continues her rhythm. When she moans—a long, drawn-out moan, half-pained, half-pleasured—and throws her head back, you stare up at her, eyes drinking in the beauty that is in a position so incredibly vulnerable yet completely in control. How you long to capture this moment and keep it somewhere safe forever. She looks down at you now. Her heavy-lidded eyes pin you to your spot as much as the physical manifestation of her pinned against your skin. She traces her fingers down your jaw, your neck, and the top of your chest.
"I wish he could see me now," Sejeong hisses, anguish evident in her voice.
"You look so fucking good."
"He doesn't know what he had," she laughs bitterly. "Fuck him."
"Fuck him," you echo. Sejeong smirks and moves her hips more fluidly. Goddamn. Her tight little cunt feels so perfect clenched around your cock.
She watches your face closely as she keeps riding you. As you keep clutching her hips and help her along, grinding deeper. Groaning when she throws her hips forward faster and faster. Her cunt is so hot and tight. She sucks at the life seeping out of your pulsating cock and squeezes it with her inner muscles in ways that no one has ever done before. Sometimes she pulls completely off you, her breath shuddering as you twitch, only to take you deep inside her again.
Your hands have a mind of their own, sneaking upwards to grip her neck. You give it a gentle squeeze, just enough to get her attention. All the while you're staring intensely into her eyes. They've become glassy, intoxicated, more than just wanting but longing for it. Her voice is hoarse, strained, as she says, "How have I been so stupid? All this time—you're right here, and I never—"
"It doesn't matter. None of that matters."
"You're so—fuck."
Her body trembles and she falls forward onto you. She's gripping your arms, nails sinking into your flesh. Sejeong's breath grows increasingly laboured. After a long string of expletives, she lets her head rest on your shoulder as you snake an arm around her back and support her. Her whole body is rigid, teetering on the edge of an orgasm.
"Never felt this good," she forces the words out amid moans as you buck your hips up into her, picking up the slack as she begins to falter. The rhythm is quick now, urgent, filled with unbridled passion and everything left unspoken for too long.
When Sejeong cums, you feel it all around you—her pussy quivering, leaking her arousal around you, dripping down your thighs and saturating you, almost drowning in the intensity. It makes her moan into the crook of your neck and rock her hips, fucking herself while trying desperately to quiet the sounds of her ecstasy against your body. But that is unthinkable, to silence someone like that, and you tell her so. Whispering the filthiest things in her ear as she throbs around your cock, dragging out the last tremors of pleasure of her orgasm as much as you possibly can. She spills everything out into your shoulder, every word, every whimper. Until at last, you can feel her sagging in your lap, breathing heavily and spent.
"Keep going," she pants, tightening her grip on your arm. "Don't stop."
She throws herself to the side, pulling you with her, and somehow lands flat on her back with your body on top of her. You wince at the sudden shift. But not for long. Because Sejeong opens her legs wide, hooks her calves around your hips, and tells you again not to stop.
You smirk and lean forward, trapping her beneath your body and capturing her lips in a sensual kiss. It is deliberate, lingering. Her arms fly up and tangle themselves through your hair, locking you together. When your tongues meet, you sigh deeply against her. There is a warmth settling over you. Languid, dream-like. Like you're both floating through clouds, carried away by the sweetest of breezes.
There is nowhere else in the world that you would rather be than right here, between her legs.
You rock into her, once, then twice, each time more intense than the last. The angle is entirely different. You grab a hold of one of her legs and hitch it up a bit, allowing yourself to thrust deeper inside her.
"Are you okay?"
"Mm. Move slower. Nice and slow," she instructs.
And you do. Eventually, a hand comes up to cup the nape of your neck. Sejeong stares into your eyes and your breath catches. Then you're kissing, again and again, but there is not so much desperation and anger anymore, but something else. It is the feel of her hips meeting yours, the way you press your bodies together, the softness of her lips and the taste of her mouth. Her breaths rush from her lips to yours, from hers into you.
Sweat starts to bead at your temples as you rock into her. Slow, deep, patient strokes. It is not desperate fucking anymore, or an attempt to pour all of your heartbreak into some meaningless action. It's almost reverential—the way you're holding each other, soft and sure. A sweet torture, a sublime suffering, for as long as time allows.
You don't talk. Your mouths say nothing, at least. With your bodies, however, your fingertips whisper praise against her skin. Spirits float free and serenade each other. Sounds escape her that you haven't even dreamed of. Broken, wanton, as if wrenched out of her. They rise above and meet in a higher plane of reality, where two minds are one.
It takes time. A slow build to the crescendo. You know when you've struck the final note by the way she cries out, over and over again, her pretty little hole convulsing, spasming around your cock. She wants to squirm away but has nowhere to go. You refuse to let her. You smile against her neck and sink your teeth into the skin there.
Soon you follow, groaning her name into the warm flesh. It's a flood—your insides are melting, pouring out from your loins and into her heat, her insides contracting, trapping every ounce inside. Hot, sticky, yours. This feeling. It is as if your heart has grown wings, a phoenix born anew from the ashes of who you used to be. You don't have to be lost anymore. She will carry you, always, her fingernails tracing patterns in your damp skin. There is nothing to fear.
Sejeong whines and moans softly as you fill her. One more careful thrust and you still, collapsing on top of her as the waves subside. All the while she is there, stroking the back of your neck and quietly reciting every piece of filth that she can think of.
You wonder whether this will last longer than the night.
God. Would you be okay with that?
When you eventually move back to look at her, to make sure she's okay, there are tears in her eyes. Uncertainty overwhelms you. Before you can react, before you can ask what is wrong, Sejeong cups your cheek. "Thank you," she whispers, eyes boring into yours with an intensity that takes your breath away. This girl. All these years. All the wasted time. It feels right being with her; everything is finally where it should have been all along.
"You were worth the wait," you breathe. You place a kiss against her brow before rolling off and settling next to her.
"Do you..." Her voice fades. She runs a finger along your collarbone, eyes anywhere but yours. "Do you want this to be a one-time thing?
"No," you answer without hesitation. You catch her hand in yours, entangling your fingers, willing her to understand everything that you're unable to tell her.
Sejeong smiles. Genuine, unapologetic. For the first time in months, she looks happy. Fuck him, indeed. "Good," she says with a soft laugh that evaporates any of her lingering doubts. Her eyes flick to your lips and she whispers, "So, uh, we've got some lost time to make up for."
"Yeah?" you whisper while rolling her back over and climbing over her. "If there's a debt to be paid..." You start trailing kisses down her neck, down her sternum, grinning at the tiny shivers it elicits. "What better time than now?"
Your kisses lead you over her toned stomach. Once you reach the juncture between her thighs, you pick up her leg and set it over your shoulder. Sejeong is already squirming, anticipating what is to come. You take a look at her—mussed hair and flushed cheeks, mouth slightly open, beautiful, tempting. It feels almost gratuitous—that you're able to see her like this. It makes you pull her even closer, and stick your tongue into her center. Her upper body lifts almost immediately and her eyes fly open. A shaky whimper leaves her lips.
She's right. There is a lot of catching up to do. Luckily for her, there's still the whole night ahead of you and a lot more you'd like to show her.
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xo100 · 5 months ago
Shifting gears - LN4
*:・゚ Summary: Lando and you, childhood best friends, discover a deeper connection during a drive in his new Porsche. After discussing his playboy image, the conversation takes an unexpected turn, leading to a realization of long-hidden feelings and shifting your relationship from friendship to something more romantic and intimate.
*:・゚ Word count: 2250
masterlist / community / request
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The afternoon sun filtered through the tall trees that lined the road, casting dappled shadows over the sleek Porsche as it cruised effortlessly along the winding asphalt. The roar of the engine was almost hypnotic, a perfect blend of power and control, much like its owner. Lando Norris gripped the steering wheel with ease, his fingers drumming absentmindedly as he glanced over at his passenger—his best friend, someone who had been by his side since they were kids.
While Lando had built a reputation for himself as a playboy—charming, confident, and always with a new girl on his arm—you were the complete opposite. Introverted, quiet, and shy. But that’s what made your friendship so special. You balanced each other out.
Today, though, something felt a little different. Maybe it was the car, the air of freedom and luxury it represented, or maybe it was the conversation you were having that shifted the mood. Either way, the usual playful banter between the two of you had taken a slightly more serious turn.
“So, who’s the flavor of the week this time?” you teased, your voice light but carrying a hint of genuine curiosity as you shifted in the leather seat.
Lando chuckled, a low, throaty sound that seemed to vibrate through the car. “Not sure yet. You know how it is,” he replied with a smirk, his eyes never leaving the road.
You rolled your eyes, but there was no judgment in your expression. “Yeah, I know exactly how it is. You with some random girl, one night, maybe two if she’s lucky, and then you’re off to the next. It’s like you’re collecting trophies or something.”
He shrugged. “It’s not that bad. I’m just… having fun. Life’s short, you know?”
You snorted softly. “For you, maybe. I can’t even imagine doing that. Just… being with someone like that, without any meaning. Doesn’t it get old?”
Lando raised an eyebrow, finally glancing over at you. “Why, you thinking about trying it out?” he teased, though his tone carried a hint of something deeper, something that wasn’t quite a joke.
Your face flushed, and you quickly turned to look out the window, trying to hide the sudden rush of heat that crept up your neck. “No,” you muttered, “I’m not like that.”
Silence filled the car for a moment, the hum of the engine the only sound between you. Lando’s eyes flickered back to the road, but his expression was thoughtful now, less playful than usual. “You don’t always have to be so… sweet, you know,” he said after a beat, his voice quieter, almost serious. “It’s okay to let loose sometimes. It doesn’t make you any less… you.”
You blinked, surprised by his words. He wasn’t wrong; you were the “sweet” one, the one who always cared too much, worried too much. But hearing Lando say it so bluntly made you feel strangely vulnerable, like he could see right through your carefully crafted exterior.
“Yeah, well, I’m not the one who’s constantly in the tabloids for having one-night stands with half the population,” you shot back, the words harsher than you intended.
Lando laughed, though there was a sharpness to it. “Touché. But you know, it’s not as glamorous as people make it out to be.”
You frowned, turning back to him. “What do you mean? You always seem like you’re having the time of your life.”
He sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Yeah, it’s fun, I guess. But it’s not… real, you know? It’s just… I don’t know. It’s easy. I’m used to it.”
For a moment, you didn’t know what to say. You had never heard him talk like this before, so openly about the lifestyle he had embraced. It wasn’t like him to get deep, not about this.
“Then why do you keep doing it?” you asked quietly.
Lando glanced at you, and for the first time, you saw something different in his eyes. Something almost… uncertain.
“Because it’s easier than thinking about what I really want,” he said softly.
The words hung in the air between you, heavy and loaded with meaning. You swallowed, unsure of how to respond, your heart suddenly racing for reasons you couldn’t quite explain.
“What do you mean?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
Lando didn’t answer right away. Instead, he pulled the car off the main road, slowing down as he drove into a secluded spot overlooking a lake. The car came to a stop, and the silence that followed was deafening. He turned off the engine, and the two of you sat there, the tension in the air thick and palpable.
“I mean…” Lando began, his voice low, almost hesitant, “I’ve been with a lot of girls, sure. But none of them were ever you.”
Your breath hitched in your throat. “What?”
He turned in his seat to face you fully, his expression serious now, his usual cocky smirk replaced by something softer, more vulnerable. “You. You’re different. You always have been.”
Your mind was racing, trying to process his words, but all you could focus on was the way he was looking at you—like you were the only thing in the world that mattered.
“But we’re… friends,” you stammered, your voice shaky.
“I know,” Lando said, his gaze never leaving yours. “And that’s why I’ve never said anything before. But… I don’t know. Lately, it feels like things have changed. Like maybe we’ve changed.”
You didn’t know what to say. You had always been close to Lando, but you had never let yourself think about him like that. He was Lando—the charismatic, carefree playboy who was always with someone else. But now, sitting here in the quiet of his car, it was hard to ignore the way your heart was pounding in your chest, the way his words made your stomach flip.
“I…” you started, but you didn’t know how to finish the sentence.
Lando leaned closer, his hand coming to rest on the edge of your seat, his eyes searching yours for some kind of answer, some kind of sign. “Tell me to stop,” he whispered, his breath warm against your skin. “And I will.”
But you didn’t tell him to stop. You couldn’t.
Instead, you leaned in, closing the distance between you, your lips meeting his in a soft, tentative kiss. It was slow at first, hesitant, like neither of you were quite sure if this was really happening. But then something shifted. The kiss deepened, and suddenly it was like everything that had been simmering under the surface for years had finally come to a head.
Lando’s hand cupped the back of your neck, pulling you closer as his lips moved against yours with more urgency. You could feel the heat of his body, the way his heart was racing just as fast as yours. It was intoxicating, overwhelming, and before you knew it, you were climbing over the center console, straddling him as the kiss grew more heated, more desperate.
You had never done anything like this before—never been this close to someone, never let yourself be this vulnerable. But with Lando, it felt… right. Like this was exactly where you were meant to be.
His hands roamed over your body, his touch sending shivers down your spine. You gasped as he kissed a trail down your neck, his breath hot against your skin. “Lando,” you whispered, your voice trembling with a mix of nerves and anticipation.
He pulled back slightly, his eyes dark and intense as he looked up at you. “Are you sure?” he asked, his voice rough, barely controlled.
You nodded, your heart pounding in your chest. “Yes.”
The next few moments were a blur of tangled limbs and heated kisses, the world outside the car fading into nothing as you lost yourself in him, in the way he made you feel. It wasn’t rushed or careless like you had imagined his one-night stands might be. It was slow, deliberate, and full of a kind of intensity you had never experienced before.
And then, just as quickly as it had started, it was over. You found yourself lying in his arms, the cool leather of the seat beneath you, your breathing still ragged as you tried to make sense of what had just happened.
Lando’s hand stroked your hair gently, his touch comforting, grounding. “You okay?” he asked softly, his voice full of concern.
You nodded, snuggling closer to him. “Yeah,” you whispered. “I’m okay.”
For a long time, neither of you spoke. The sun had begun to set, casting a golden glow over the lake, and the quiet between you was no longer filled with tension, but with a kind of contentment you hadn’t expected.
Finally, Lando broke the silence. “You know… I didn’t plan for this to happen,” he said, his voice low. “But I’m glad it did.”
You smiled softly, your fingers tracing lazy circles on his chest. “Me too.”
He shifted beneath you, turning slightly so he could look down at you. “So… what does this mean for us?”
You thought about it for a moment, your mind still spinning from everything that had just happened. But when you looked up into his eyes, you knew the answer.
“It means… maybe we’ve changed,” you said quietly, echoing his words from earlier.
Lando smiled, a real, genuine smile that made your heart
skip a beat. He cupped your cheek gently, his thumb brushing against your skin in a way that made your stomach flutter.
“I guess we have,” he murmured, leaning down to press a soft kiss to your forehead. It was such a simple gesture, but it held a weight of everything unspoken between you. Years of friendship, of shared memories, of teasing and laughter—all of it led to this moment. The line you’d been dancing on for so long had finally blurred, and neither of you could deny it anymore.
For a while, you just lay there, wrapped in each other’s arms, basking in the comfortable silence that followed. The world outside the car seemed distant, irrelevant. It was just you and Lando now, and that felt right.
Eventually, though, the practicalities of life started to creep back in, and you couldn’t ignore them forever. You shifted slightly, sitting up in the seat, the reality of what had just happened slowly settling in.
“So… what now?” you asked, your voice quiet, as if speaking too loudly would break the fragile newness of what had just formed between you.
Lando sat up too, his hand still resting on your thigh, a small, reassuring gesture. He looked at you thoughtfully, as if considering his words carefully. “I don’t want this to be some random, one-time thing,” he said slowly, his voice steady. “You’re not like those girls. You’ve never been. I don’t want to screw this up.”
You smiled softly, feeling your heart swell at his words. “I don’t want that either,” you admitted. “I’ve never thought of us like this before… but now, I can’t imagine it any other way.”
His eyes softened as he leaned in to kiss you again, this time slower, more tender, as if sealing the promise between you. When he pulled back, he rested his forehead against yours, his breath warm on your lips.
“I’ve liked you for a long time,” Lando confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. “I just didn’t know how to say it.”
Your heart skipped again, but this time it wasn’t from nerves—it was from the overwhelming realization that you felt the same way. Maybe you’d always felt it, buried somewhere deep down.
“I think I’ve always liked you too,” you admitted, your cheeks flushing slightly at the confession.
Lando’s smile widened, his eyes lighting up with a mixture of relief and joy. “Good. Because I’m not letting you get away now.”
You laughed, the sound light and easy, and for the first time in a long while, everything felt simple. No more games, no more hiding behind jokes or casual flings. Just you and Lando, finally facing what had been there all along.
The sun was almost set now, casting a soft orange glow over the lake as the two of you sat there, side by side, in the quiet of the Porsche. The future felt uncertain in the best way possible, full of possibilities and new beginnings.
Lando gave your hand a squeeze, pulling you out of your thoughts. “You know,” he said, a teasing glint in his eye, “I think this Porsche might be my new lucky charm.”
You rolled your eyes, but you couldn’t help the smile that tugged at your lips. “Of course you would say that.”
He grinned, that familiar cocky smile back in full force, but this time it was softened by something else—something deeper, more real. “Come on, let’s get out of here. I’ll take you home. But tomorrow… maybe we can go for another drive?”
You nodded, your heart light as you leaned over to kiss him one more time. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
As Lando started the car and pulled back onto the road, you couldn’t help but glance over at him, your best friend—your something more now—and feel grateful for every twist and turn that had led you here.
And as the Porsche sped down the road, the two of you heading into an uncertain future, you couldn’t shake the feeling that this was only the beginning.
*:・゚ Notes; thank you for reading, love’s! Hope you all enjoyed it! If there is something wrong or need to be edited, let me know!
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elllisaaa · 1 month ago
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SUMMARY : you really liked it when hyunjin came over to spend some time with your boyfriend, but today wasn't the good time because minho was needy. but luckily for him, you only want to satisfy him, no matter if hyunjin is still here.
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-> pairing : bf!minho x fem!reader ft. hyunjin
-> words count : 1.7k
-> genre : smut
-> warnings : dom!minho x sub!reader, free use, voyeurism, use of 'kitten', 'slut', 'whore' & 'good girl', dirty talk, fingering, teasing, praising, biting, begging, spanking, unprotected sex
+ the way i'm depicting minho & hyunjin does not represent them, it's only a work of fiction
-> 18+ content bellow, minors DNI
-> reblogs and feedbacks are appreciated ! sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language.
-> masterlist | skz masterlist | kinktober 2024
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Your relationship with Minho was a secret to absolutely no one. Both of you had always been very open about it, and even if he wasn’t the most demonstrative boyfriend in public, he often had one hand on you or reminded you of his presence by kissing your lips or your temple tenderly from time to time. Thus, your friends weren’t really used to Minho’s big public display of affections, always leading to them gasping or fake gagging whenever he would kiss you or slip his arm around your waist. But you both liked it that way, preferring to keep the love for your private sphere, when it was only the two of you, alone. 
Though you had a contract - an agreement - that whenever Minho wanted you, he could get you without asking for it. He thrived on making you cum when you were having dinner with all his friends around and neither of them suspected anything. He loved knowing he could just make up an excuse to leave a party early and then fuck you in the car without you complaining about it because you loved it just as much. And most of all, he craved this feeling of belonging : it made him feel like you were completely his, like you let him think for you and use you whenever he pleased because you had that much trust in him. He loved that and it never stopped him from getting your pussy. 
So Hyunjin’s presence wouldn’t be disturbing him. Yes, maybe he had forgotten that he had proposed that he came to your apartment to watch a new movie the three of you liked. Yes, maybe that what was supposed to be only a few kisses turned into an intense makeout session that made him hard and wanting more. And yes, maybe that he had much more self-control usually, but there was just something about you, about the way you looked so cosy and so… So wifey today that made him want to mark you, be deep in you. And yes, he did groan in defeat when he heard Hyunjin knocking at the door. But you just chuckled as you got off his lap, as if your panties weren’t damp as hell right now. 
“- Don’t be a baby, he’s only gonna be here for a couple of hours, that’s all. And after that, I’ll be all yours.”
Minho mumbled out a yes, but in the back of his mind, his plan was already forming. After all, he was really close to Hyunjin. He had known him for years and he knew he would never steal his girl. Never. And Minho had enough trust in you to know that you wouldn’t leave him, that you loved him as much as he loved you. Moreover, he knew that Hyunjin was a freak, if his drunken confessions about his sex life and fantasies were anything to go by. So what was the harm in fucking you in front of one of his closest friend ?
Hyunjin noticed right away that Minho seemed to be much more handsy than usual with you - he was all cuddled up to you on the couch, his hands slipped under your oversized shirt and caressing your skin, his lips on yours every two minutes. It was unusual, but maybe he was trying to make up for something he did wrong by being extra sweet ? And anyway, it wasn’t any of his business. However, it started to be when Minho wouldn’t stop licking into your mouth. And he seemed so shameless about it too. Hyunjin turned his head away to focus back on the movie, trying to ignore the slurping sounds and your hums of pleasure. 
“- Minho… 
- What ? Didn’t you promise to let me use you whenever I want, kitten ?”
Hyunjin could see you biting your lips in his peripheral vision and then nodding eagerly. He could see Minho’s smirk as he pulled you to sit on his lap, his mouth immediately returning to yours and his hands finding their spot on your ass that he didn’t hesitate to squeeze, the action making you whine against his mouth. Hyunjin desperately tried to stay focused on the movie still playing on TV, but his throbbing erection was really distracting. 
Maybe he should've left the two of you alone when Minho laid you down on the couch and got rid of your shorts and underwear. Maybe he should have found an excuse to run away and leave you alone. But something was holding him back, something was telling him that he should stay right where he was. His cheeks were burning red, but he didn’t dare look at what was happening, even if your moans and Minho’s dirty speech was enough for him to understand what was happening. 
“- You’re such a nasty girl, kitten… You love my fingers don’t you ?
- Y-Yes, so much Min.”
Minho’s smirk widened as he heard your whimpered and breathless answer. He loved to have you squirming underneath him only because of his fingers or his mouth, and he loved it even more knowing you were willing to let him do all of this while Hyunjin was there - hearing and maybe also watching everything. It wasn’t so much about the exhibition or showing you off, it was just the trust you had in him to let him finger you in such a situation. 
“- So dirty but so pretty…”
He was teasing you by murmuring the words right against the sensitive skin of your neck, blowing off air on it but never kissing, never licking, never marking you. You whined as Minho licked a path from your collarbone up to your ear, chuckling at how sensitive you were, at how tight you clenched around his fingers at the actions. 
“- You’re literally dripping, kitten. Do you want to cum.”
You nodded eagerly, your eyes closed shut because the pleasure was overwhelming - his dirty words, his fingers hitting your sweet spot like it was a second nature, his thumb circling your clit in calculated motions to make you lose your mind and the whole situation - everything was getting too much. But Minho didn’t seem to be satisfied by your answer as he bit down on your neck. 
“- Words kitten. You know what to say if you want to cum.
- Please, Min ! Please, I want to cum, need it so bad, please…
- Much better. Good girl.”
Minho kept his path going, adding just a little bit more pressure on your clit that was enough to make you moan out his name and clench hard around his fingers, your thighs trembling on each side of him as he looked at the way you unravelled with an insatiable hunger in his eyes. At this point, Hyunjin was unable to follow the plot of the movie anymore, your sounds of pleasure overpowering whatever the characters were talking about on the screen, and his length leaking and drawing a damp spot on his grey sweatpants weren’t helping him to stay focused either. 
He could hear the lewd sounds again as Minho came up to your mouth to french kiss you after having licked your essence off of his fingers. Your legs instinctively wrapped around his waist, bringing him closer to you, his clothed boner pressing against your bare cunt, the friction making the both of you sigh in relief. 
“- Need me in you kitten ? Does your greedy cunt need more ?
- Please… Please, I need your cock, Min…
- Fuck… You’re gonna be the death of me.”
Upon your approval, Minho didn’t waste a second to push you down on the floor, your forearms resting on top of the coffee table, your back arched to present your exposed ass and cunt to Minho’s  avid eyes. He playfully slapped your cheeks, making you jolt forward and yelp in surprise. And now, Hyunjin couldn’t pretend to not know anything, to not see anything as your head was resting on your arms, your face turned his way and your eyes boring into his as Minho pushed his length inside of you. Your ecstatic face made Hyunjin gulp down the saliva pooling in his mouth at the view. From his half-turned position in the armrest, he couldn’t see the way his friend was pounding into you, but the way you were sliding forward with every thrust, and the way each one of them had you moaning was more than enough for his imagination to go wild. 
“- You’re so tight kitten… You’re enjoying this, don’t you ?”
Only a moan answered him, and his smirk widened at your desperate state. He loved it when he rendered you unable to do something other than whine and beg for him. And he loved it even more when you were so shameless about it. He could see Hyunjin’s boner deforming his sweatpants, and he could see the way his gaze couldn’t help but drift to you every so often. Minho landed another slap on your ass, making you get even louder in response.
“- What did I say, slut ? Words. 
- Y-Yes ! F-Feels so good, so good Min !
- You want to cum, don’t you ?
- Please, please let me… Please, I need it…”
You were almost cross-eyed, but you didn't stop looking at Hyunjin. And you didn’t know if it was the whole situation getting to your head or the pleasure overtaking your brain, but you enjoyed watching Hyunjin’s desperate state. He was too shy to fully touch himself, but he couldn’t help the way he was moving around, the way his cock was brushing against his clothes barely providing friction and making him grow even needier. 
“- Go on. Cum on my cock like the whore you are.”
And maybe Minho was right, maybe you truly were a whore because his command paired with the way Hyunjin couldn’t seem to look away did it for you. Your moans elevated in high-pitched cries of pleasure as you came, your thighs trembling and your eyes rolling to the back of your head. And maybe that Hyunjin was a bit of a whore too, because when you opened your eyes again, you saw that the damp spot on his sweatpants had drastically increased. Your gaze crossed his, and as Minho shot his load inside of you with a deep grunt, you both sighed in pleasure. Maybe you were a whore, but your boyfriend liked it that way.
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-> i don't allow any copies, reposts or translations of my work.
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skz taglist (fill in this to be added) :
@minnies-babie @binwons @yoongles2025 @thicccurls @caitlyn98s @hildaortara @sharonxdevi @skz1-4-3 @bbgnyx @hann1bee @lil-kpopstan @rikiives @puppy-minnie @binniesbabygirl @lichyuu @foxinnie8 @rashid-realrashid @seomisaho @lala-----------lala @dylanobr1ens @straytiny127
kinktober taglist (comment or dm to be added) :
@d-dilemma @bath1lda @anxiousskylar @mikaelless @leeknowinggg
414 notes · View notes
viinchester · 6 months ago
Shape Of You
Warnings: Mentions of an injury and that it's being taken care of (nothing too graphic), Depictions of Sexual Content (Minors DNI!), Rough/Intense Sexual Content, could be considered Dubcon by coercion (not really imo, but just to be on the safe side), Themes of Possession and Objectification
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Fandom: Dexter (TV Show/Series)
Pairing: Brian Moser/Rudy Cooper x F!Reader
Request: by Anon
Summary: Brian takes care of your injury after you've taken a nasty fall, however you can't help but feel like something's off about the situation. Unaware of his dark thoughts and oblivious to the deeper manipulation at play, you clear your mind by focussing on his comforting presence, and things quickly get heated.
Word Count: 3.271
My Masterlist
A/N: For some reason, I really struggled with this.😬 I rewrote it like 3 or 4 different times entirely, I hope it's not too noticable.😅 I was also unsure when exactly to refer to Brian as "Rudy" so I tried to only do it whenever the writing directly represents the Readers thoughts about him.💕 I still had a ton of fun writing this and I hope I could do the idea that anon had justice and that you guys like it!🙏🏼 I would really appreciate reposts/comments with feedback.👀 Feel free to request stuff, I always enjoy getting some inspiration to keep the writing going.💙
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Brian knelt beside you, his touch gentle as he pressed the damp cloth to your leg. The sharp sting of the cut made you wince, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as the embarrassment of how it had happened.
You had tripped, just like you seemed to always do. This time, it had been over something small, a simple crack in the sidewalk, causing you to suddenly lie on the ground, blood welling up and staining your skin.
Heat rose in your cheeks in frustration at yourself and the fact that Brian now had to take care of you, but he was ever calm and didn't seem the least bit bothered.
Not saying much, he offered you a soft smile and then continued tending to your cut, his focus entirely on the injury itself.
He’d always been good at this type of stuff, fixing things while being composed and so in control — qualities you usually greatly admired in him.
But as you sat there in that moment, feeling the warmth of his touch, something didn’t seem right.
You knew you should be glad.
Here was your boyfriend, cleaning up your mess, like he so often did. You were fortunate, really, to have someone like him — patient and ready to swoop in when you inevitably fell again. So though you couldn’t quite shake the feeling that something was off, you did your best to simply brush it aside.
After all, this was Rudy. Sweet, dependable Rudy, who always seemed to know exactly what to do and was there for you whenever you stumbled — literally and figuratively.
And even if his fingers lingered just a little longer than necessary on your skin right now, it likely didn't mean anything. The way in which he inspected your bloodstained leg with a look of concentration reassured you further.
“You really should be more careful,” Brian suddenly said, his voice low and soothing. His gentle words and focused demeanor helped ease your nerves.
You chastised yourself for ever thinking twice about his actions. Your boyfriend was simply trying to watch out for you, that's all. Why were you even doubting him in the first place? Maybe it was just the pain from the cut or the embarrassment of tripping again. Or maybe it was the whole thing with the Ice Truck Killer going on at the moment.
Yes, that had to be it. It had probably made you more paranoid than you'd initially thought.
But you had absolutely nothing to worry about, because the sweet man kneeling in front of you was nothing like that monster.
Forcing yourself to relax a little, you sighed.
"I know," you mumbled, as he expertly bandaged your leg, secretly marveling at how steady his hands were.
It was easy to forget how awkward you felt in moments like this, with him so effortlessly tending to you. You crooked a smile at him then, but Brian didn’t meet your eyes right away. He was too busy inspecting his work, a subtle smirk of his own tugging at the corner of his mouth as he secured the bandage.
To you, he seemed satisfied with his patch job, but inside, something else simmered. He felt an almost childlike joy about the way you sat there, so vulnerable, your leg limp in his hands.
He liked seeing you this way — hurt, but not too hurt. Just enough to need him, to be reliable on him.
It stirred something deep inside of him.
“There,” he said, leaning back a little to admire the bandage. His eyes flickered up to meet yours, and for a split second, something unreadable passed between you, but it was gone almost as quickly as it came. “Does that feel better?”
You looked down at your leg and inspected the professionally wrapped bandage. It was not too tight and not too loose. It was perfect. Just like him.
Tension oozing from your body, you nodded and looked up at your boyfriend again, smiling earnestly. “Yeah, much better. Thank you.”
His smile widened just a fraction, not quite reaching his eyes. “You’re lucky I’m here to patch you up,” he said with a lightness in his voice that made you feel a little better. “I’d never let anything happen to you.”
The way he said it — his voice smooth and promising — made you smile, comforted by his presence.
Rudy really loved you, didn't he? He was always right there when you needed him.
He stood up and offered you his hand, and despite the slight apprehension earlier, you eagerly took it. His grip was firm and steady as he helped you to your feet, making sure that you avoided putting too much weight on your injured leg.
You pushed past any lingering odd emotions and focused on the fact that you were grateful for him. You had nothing to worry about — not with Rudy, not with the man who never made you feel stupid for being clumsy, who was always kind to you, the calm in your storm.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you,” you said softly, your voice carrying gratitude.
Brian's eyes flicked to yours, a faint twinkle in them. He felt content.
As he held your gaze for a moment longer, he could clearly see the relief and appreciation in you. It had him suppressing a grin, the way you were so easily fooled.
To him, you were perfect in your vulnerability, of course. A doll. Beautiful, delicate, and breakable. He liked you that way — liked the way your clumsiness brought you to him, having to be fixed, to be held together. Every scrape, every fall, was a small gift, an opportunity for him to touch you, to take care of you. To make you his again, piece by fragile piece. You were his creation, something he had molded with care and patience, and he was the only one who could keep you whole.
Or take you further apart, if he chose.
But for now, he was content to play the role you expected — your Rudy, the one who would always keep you safe.
He watched you as your eyes briefly flickered to his mouth and up again, and knew what you were going to do before you had even fully decided on it.
Slowly, you leaned in and brushed your lips against his, wanting to show him just how much you appreciated him.
Letting you take control for a moment, Brian allowed you to believe that you were doing something for him, even though he knew better. You were in his hands, for as long as you lived. The thought thrilled him in a way you could never know, in a way he would never let you see.
Keeping his lips perfectly still, Brian decided to act surprised by your sudden gesture, pausing for a few seconds, until he could just about feel you starting to pull away.
He kissed you back then, using every bit of his self-restraint to start softly, and his hand came up to cradle the back of your neck in a tender movement. Slowly, he deepened the kiss, daring to go further by tightening his grip on you slightly, almost imperceptibly.
After a few moments, you pulled back just enough to catch your breath, your heart beating faster. When you looked up at him, his smile was still there, and he looked as warm as ever to you. As you lost yourself inside his eyes, Brian felt that familiar pulse of satisfaction.
You didn’t know it, but you were already his, caught in the delicate web he had woven around you. He could see how much you trusted him and the unguarded naivety you held had been obvious to him from the very first moment that you two had met.
You were simply too brittle for this world. Too easily shattered by its sharp edges, too flimsy to protect yourself from the falls you constantly took. That’s why you needed him. That’s why you would always need him.
As his thumb stroked the pulse point along your neck, feeling the quickened beat beneath your skin, he smiled at you. It was a soft and loving smile, one he had perfected for you.
“You don’t have to worry about that,” Brian now addressed your last sentence, his voice calm and encouraging, with only a tiny hint of something darker that you didn't seem to notice. “No matter how clumsy you are, I’ll always be there to fix you when you break.”
The words, meant to comfort you, immediately had their desired effect. You happily beamed up at him while blushing furiously.
“I’m really lucky to have you,” you told him and then leaned in again, kissing him softly and embracing the moment.
Wallowing in the comfort and warmth he provided you with, you slid your hands up his chest, deepening the kiss. You didn’t want to think or talk anymore, just enjoy the feeling of being with him.
Brian watched you through half-lidded eyes, noticing your movements growing more desperate with every passing second. He could feel the tension in your body — the way you were almost pleading for his control — and it amused him, in a way.
You didn’t even realize how effortlessly you fell into this role, how naturally you let yourself be pulled into his world.
Moving his hands down to your waist, he squeezed them a little tighter than usual, but you didn’t seem to notice the extra strength in his grip, too absorbed in your need.
When you grasped the hem of his shirt and tugged it up to pull over his head, he lifted his arms and let you, suppressing a smirk.
It was obvious to him that you needed this physical closeness. Your skin pressing against his, fingers now fumbling with his belt in a frenzy — you were letting go of any lingering doubts and focusing solely on him.
Feeling a sense of smugness, he guided you with quick, assertive movements, prying your clothes away with a roughness that seemed to match your urgency. You gasped as he yanked off your shirt and then dug his fingers into your skin, his touch simultaneously gentle and commanding. Leaning further into him, you longed for release already and how he always made everything else seem insignificant when you were together like this.
Brian’s lips determinedly traveled to your throat, kissing you with an insistent fervor now. You shuddered under the ferocity, but didn’t stop him. Didn’t want to stop him. His teeth grazed your skin, causing your head to fall back in an open-mouthed moan, arching your body against him, desperate for more. The heat of his passion overwhelmed you, pushing any thoughts of discomfort aside. Hands roamed your body, his traces both prodding and tranquilizing.
He could feel the way you were giving in to him and letting him take over, allowing him to guide you, and that’s exactly how he liked it. His grip on your waist tightened, his fingers digging in even more, and when you winced, he knew you felt it — though you never pulled away.
You wanted this. You needed him to be in charge.
When he led you into the bedroom, your discarded clothes left in the wake of his deliberate actions, his movements were filled with a raw intensity.
You shortly cringed at the sudden pain shooting through your injured leg when his weight pressed down on you as he pushed you onto the bed, but his lips crashing against yours with hunger made you almost immediately forget about any hurt. Kissing him back just as frantically, you wrapped your arms around his neck to cling onto him. He slipped his tongue between your lips almost forcefully, licking over every hidden crevice in your mouth with purpose. His hands roamed over your body and you moaned into Brian's mouth, his touch both a source of solace and pleasure for you.
Deep down on the inside a part of you noticed a subtle shift — Rudy was not being as gentle and careful as he normally was — but that part was swiftly drowned out by the sensations of everything else going on. All you could truly acknowledge in that moment was the incredible desire for him to make you forget everything but the feeling of him against you.
As if he somehow knew about what you’d felt, Brian interrupted the sloppy kiss and moved once more with intention and a vigor that sent your heart racing. His hands, bruising but controlled, pushed down the last bit of garment left between the two of you and you gasped as fresh air hit your intimate zone. You hadn't even realized how wet you'd gotten and now felt slightly ashamed at the way your body obviously liked the way he handled you and the way he'd been — and still was — pushing you and testing your limits, teetering the edges of breaking them.
He was still Rudy though, still the man who you trusted most in the world, so you didn't give it much more than a passing thought and decided to just roll with it.
Even though it would probably give you pause if you properly questioned it — the fact that he didn't usually act this way and only when you were injured or reliant on him in some way — for more than two seconds. But you didn’t question it for more than two seconds, couldn't, as your body deliciously responded and distracted you instead.
When Brian finally pushed into you, you cried out, your fingernails digging into his shoulders and leaving half-crescent-shaped moon indentions in his skin. He allowed you to adjust to his size for a short while, pushing his forehead against yours with his mouth hanging open in a silent groan as he relished in the feeling of being inside you.
After enough time passed for you to become used to him, you patted his shoulder and nodded ever so slightly, not capable of words.
Brian understood though, and immediately began to move, quickly setting a pace that was fast and demanding.
Pressing your eyes shut, you clung to him, wrapping your legs around him and pulling him impossibly closer — entirely missing the way his eyes were filled with something completely wild and dark. Focussing on the feeling of your boyfriend pushing and pulling inside of you, he soon began to hit that delicious spot deep in you, and you moaned loudly.
Brian leaned down then and you could feel his hot breath against your ear, his voice low and rough.
“You need me, don’t you?” he whispered, the words sending a shiver down your spine. You frantically nodded while gasping for air, unable to answer anything. “Whenever you need me, I am — and will — be there, every. single. time.”
He punctuated each word with a sharper and deeper thrust, angled directly at your sweet spot, leaving you choking for breath with tears in your eyes at one point. His words, though assertive, felt like a promise of security and care to you.
The room was heavy with heat, your breaths mingling, the sound of your bodies crashing together filling the space. Each push sent a jolt through you that made your head spin. You lost yourself in it all, in these repetitive motions, his touch, the feeling of his skin against yours.
One of his hands now moved to your clit and his movements became even more resolved and driven. He was controlling the moment, steering it exactly where he wanted, and your body responded accordingly. You could feel yourself being pulled in by the sensation, as he pushed you towards the edge.
“God, you’re so perfect like this,” Brian grunted, his voice a mix of command and encouragement. “Come on, it's alright. You’re mine, aren’t you? Just let go.”
Tears rose in your eyes as you felt your body react to both his words and actions, the increasing intensity overtaking everything else and throwing you into a rush of pure ecstasy.
Your fingers dug into his back, your breath ragged, and all at once you fell into the waves, pulled underneath by their impact. You couldn't breathe for a moment, until finally, with a twist from Brian's fingers and a sharp cry from you, you reached the surface again.
The release hit you hard, sending rows of pleasure crashing through your body, and all you could do was lie there and take it, face screwed up in the pleasure of it.
Brian followed soon after, his movements rough and forceful as he found his own release, breath hot against your neck as he groaned, low and deep.
For a moment, the world stilled as the both of you tried to calm your breathing, the overwhelming physical connection between the two of you leaving you in a daze. Your heart pounded in your chest, your body trembling beneath the weight of his body on you.
After what felt like ages, but was likely only seconds, Brian lifted himself up and out of you, leaving you feeling strangely empty at the loss of him.
He collapsed beside you then and the room fell into a heavy silence in the aftermath of what you'd done.
As he lay beside you, Brian's mind was a whirlpool of satisfaction and dark pleasure. He reveled in the way you’d clung to him, completely oblivious to the extent of his control. The contrast between your dependence on him and his calculated dominance over you joyed him immensely.
Lifting his head, he turned to you, his hand reaching out to gently brush your hair back from your face, his caress tender again and a stark difference from the intensity of the moments you’d shared just before. His fingers grazed over your skin, his touch so feather-light and soft, it immediately erased any lingering concerns in you.
It was an act, of course. A way to further embed his influence. The compassion was a calculated gesture, a way to reinforce the illusion of care while keeping you bound to him.
“Are you alright?” he asked carefully, his voice carrying a tone of worry that felt comforting, and you nodded, reassured by his touch.
He always knew how to make you feel cherished, and you clung to that sense of security.
He noted the way your body relaxed against his, your breathing steady and calm. The pretense of concern came naturally to him, a mask he wore so well.
His hand now rested on your cheek, his thumb brushing softly as he leaned in closer.
“I love you,” he whispered, the final nail in the coffin, as always, his gaze lingering on you and studying your relaxed and smitten features. To him, you were more than just a partner; you were a project, a creation he had formed. The sweetness in his voice was a facade that masked his true intentions.
He pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, and you felt another wave of affection and safety. Any fleeting worries were overshadowed by his sedative presence. You knew he was there for you, providing the care and support you needed.
“I love you too,” you responded, wrapping your arms around him and drawing him closer, feeling his warmth envelop you.
And as you nestled closer, Brian’s thoughts were filled with a dark fulfillment. The control he wielded was subtle, deeply woven into the fabric of his relationship with you.
And you, in your innocent trust, had made it all too easy.
With the quiet settling in, you allowed yourself to sink into the comfort of his presence and fell asleep.
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dangerousstrawberryshark · 8 days ago
Yes, Konig
👑Pairing(s)👑→Yandere Konig x male reader ⚠CW (DEAD DOVE WARNING INCLUDED)⚠→ gay, gay-sex, yandere Konig, possessive behavior, possessive Konig, obsessed Konig, stalking, NONCON smut, dubious content, top Konig, bottom male reader, dildo play, fingering, kidnapping, size kink, bondage, handcuffs, Konig forces you to ride a dildo, and he jerks off to it. He is really fucked up in this.  👑Rating👑→ Explicit 👑Requested👑→ Yes
👑Word count👑→ 4.1k
👑Summary👑→ Konig has had feelings for you since you were both children. His crush turned dark after you stopped communicating with him. After he retired from the military, he was ready to bring you home with him. He wasn’t going to tolerate your disobedience.
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This fic may not represent how Konig is in the game or follow the in-game timeline! The English-German dialogue is trash. 
Konig loves you, he does. He would do anything for you, protect you from the ravages of the world and care for you. However, something changed in him, something you never expected from the man you considered to be your best friend. 
You were Konig's foundation, a rock on which he could lean and a safe haven. You were the only one who understood him, gave him emotional support when no one else did and protected him from others. Truly an amazing person.
Konig remembered that day perfectly. If little people in his brain controlled his emotions and collected memories, like from that one movie, then you were a core memory. You had your own island completely devoted to you and everything about you. 
He was being bullied. The other kids were poking fun at him and humiliating him, teasing him for something he couldn’t control. Konig could only cry and hold himself as he endured their abuse. But that all stopped when a prominent voice ranged through the heckling. 
“Leave him alone! I’ll get the teacher!” you said as you approached the group of boys, pushing them away from the whimpering body. The boys ran off, fearing they would be tattled to the teacher. Konig could hear the footsteps leaving and another pair approaching him. He looked up and saw you peering down on him, your face forever engraved in his memory. Then your voice spoke to him, soft and angelic, causing him to calm down. 
“Are you okay? Here,” you said, reaching your hand out to Konig, gesturing for Konig to grab on. When Konig’s hand made contact with yours, he felt electricity surging through him. His eyes widened with something he couldn’t explain as he looked into yours. Konig was in a daze as he lost himself in your eyes, enamoured by you until your voice snapped him out of his trance. 
“My name is Y/n! What’s yours?” 
You and Konig became the best of friends. After you saved him that day, he began following you around and talking only with you. You would invite him over for sleepovers or to play games. Konig felt complete; you were the missing piece. Whenever he needed emotional support, he would go to you in a heartbeat. He would do everything with you. 
Being a child, Konig didn’t understand the feelings he had towards you. It was only when he turned the ripe age of fourteen that he realized two things: he’s gay and he loves you. He didn’t know if you were gay either, but you told him a couple of days later. Konig was ecstatic! Now he knows you would accept him if he were to confess his feelings! Yet, the fear of rejection prevailed and Konig hid his true feelings. 
Konig was a teenager when he realized his feelings, but his growth spurt happened. He grew taller and gained muscle mass, outgrowing you by a long shot. His hormones were also out of control. He would find himself jerking off to thoughts of you, wishing he could touch you and hold you in his arms. Konig wanted to do so much with you, but you were oblivious. 
You were also oblivious to other suitors. Konig would find himself staring or glaring at anyone who spoke with you. He often used intimidation tactics, and given how he was much bigger than everyone else, it often worked. He didn’t want you to have other friends! Only he can be your friend! Only he was worthy of you and everything to do with you!
Things changed when he turned seventeen. Konig wanted to join the military, hoping you would follow in his path, but that wasn’t the case. You wanted a career in [insert random career] and already got accepted into your dream university. When Konig heard those words, he felt his world shatter. The large man hid his emotions, but on the inside he was in turmoil. His heart was racing and his mind was flooded with reasons why you were straying away from him. You two were meant to be together! Together through everything! You gave him that promise. 
“Y/n... I was thinking we could go to the military together! Du musst nicht auf diese Universität gehen… (You don't have to go to that university…)” Konig begged as he tried to convince you to join him. He didn’t want to be separated from you. Why couldn’t you see that? You remained firm in your decision and struck down any attempts Konig made trying to convince you otherwise. 
“For the last time, I really wanna be [insert random career]!” You said, getting up and looking directly into Konig’s eyes. An awkward silence fell over you two, tension that was unseen ever since you both met. The only sounds were Konig’s annoyed breathing and your sniffling. After a couple of minutes, Konig left without a word. You watched as his larger frame disappeared into the distance. 
This was the first real argument Konig has had with you. He left as he didn’t want to harm you or make himself look bad in front of you. Once he returned home, the large man slammed the door to his room and began yelling, even punching a hole in the wall. He only saw red as he released his anger and frustration before calming down. Konig was breathing heavily, collapsing onto the ground as he cried. 
He rambled on that he didn’t want to be alone. He didn’t want to be away from you. His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. His parents were gone for the day and wouldn’t be back for a while. Konig assumes it's you at the door. He made himself look proper, not wanting you to know he had an outburst. The large man opened the door to see you standing before him, his eyes softened as he admired you. 
“Hey… sorry about what happened. I promise I’ll always stay in contact with you,” you said, smiling at Konig. You planned on sending him letters every week while the large man was deployed. Konig felt his heart melt and flutter. It was a good compromise. “Versprechen Sie das? Sie werden in Kontakt bleiben?” you nodded, giving Konig your word. 
As long as you stayed in contact, it’ll all be fine.
You broke your promise. 
Konig thought you forgot, not bad, he’ll wait until next week. But the next week turned to another week, then another week. Weeks turned to months, then a year. Konig was livid. Did you forget he existed? Maybe something happened? Not possible, he would’ve found out some way if something were to happen to you. Once he realized you cut contact with him, he became more aggressive with recruits and messages. He became more bloodthirsty, something his comrades thought wasn’t possible. After everything you and Konig have been through, did you discard him like trash? No, that can’t be. 
He did make new friends while being in the military, but none of them were at your level. You are very special to him and more than a friend. They could never understand what he was feeling. Konig came to terms with it after a year, but you’ll always be in his mind. 
You sent Konig messages a week after he left and continued for the next five years. However, life got rough and you found yourself consumed by work. You forgot to send Konig letters due to the workload of the university and your side job. You hoped Konig wasn’t crashing out… you’ll message Konig after things calmed down. 
For the past few months, you have felt uneasy. It feels like someone is watching or stalking you. As time goes on, a sick feeling forms in your stomach. You find your things missing, only to find them a few days later with a thick white substance on them. Some objects in your house have also been moved, and a distinct cologne smell wafts through the air; a strong and familiar smell. 
The last straw was when you awoke in the middle of the night. Your eyes were distorted, and as you adjusted your sight, your peripheral vision picked up something: a large male figure, shrouded in darkness. He was wearing a military uniform and a hood. Your body was frozen as you stared at the figure, but suddenly it dashed towards you. 
Whoever the intruder was, he was fast and strong. You didn’t have a chance before you were put into a hold and a rag placed on your nose. The chloroform flooded your senses as it slowly put you to sleep. After a couple of minutes, you were knocked out. 
Konig smiled devilishly as he looked at your body, puny in his grasp—all the more reason to protect you and bring you home with him. After twenty years of military service, he could finally touch and hold you. His thumb rubbed your lips. You looked older but still the same as when he left. 
He forgives you for cutting contact with him and forgetting him! After returning home, Konig used some military connections to find your exact location. Modern technology is truly a blessing. He found out you were experiencing a rou
gh time—more reasons for you to be with him! He can use his military salary to satisfy all your needs and desires, and of course, you won’t have to work anymore. 
He stalked all your social media accounts, watching everything that was going on in your life. He even hacked into your private messages with other people. In his absence, he saw that you had some suitors. Using some good ol’ intimidation tactics and other methods, he scared them away. 
When the time came for him to bring you home, he didn’t anticipate that you would wake up so suddenly. Thankfully he carried a rag and chloroform with him. He still had to wait five minutes before you succumbed. It was either that or giving a direct blow to the head, and Konig didn’t want to hurt you.
„Mein Liebling... ich bin hier. Hier, um dich zu beschützen und zu lieben.“ ("My darling... I'm here. Here to protect and love you.") Konig mumbles as he lovingly strokes your head. He pulls his hood a little and presses a gentle kiss on your forehead. 
It was going to be smooth sailing from there! Surely you were gonna accept this.
It wasn’t smooth
When you awoke, you found one of your hands chained to a bedpost. You were still disoriented from last night, but now you know it wasn’t a dream. Your eyes dashed across the unfamiliar room as your breathing quickened from panicking. The clanking and rattling of the chains bounced off the walls as you desperately tried to free yourself, but the metal dug into your skin. 
“W-what’s the meaning of this? Why am I here?” you spoke to yourself as you tried figuring who would do something like this to you. Your answer came when the door opened and a familiar face walked through. 
Konig leaned down and walked through the doorway. He was wearing a mask and civilian clothing. You could see the large man was smiling underneath his mask. “K-Konig…? Is that really you?” you said with hope in your voice. You start to control your breathing, thinking the man was here to save you. 
Your friend looked different, but you still recognized him. You thought he was already large and muscular, but you guess being in the military heightened that. Konig was double your size and height, truly a beast of a man.
“Yes, mein Schatz.” You didn’t waste a moment and began begging him to save you. “Konig! Somebody kidnapped me–” you were cut off. “Shhh, Liebling. I didn't kidnap you! I'm just... protecting you!” Konig said, trying to convince you he was doing a favor. To him, this wasn’t kidnapping, it was protection and love. He didn’t want evil people to put their grubby hands on you or for anyone to taint you! No, he was protecting from the ravages of the world and corrupt people! 
Yet Konig was the corrupt person he was talking about. He intended to corrupt you and make you his submissive little house husband. However, the Austrian man didn’t see it like that. 
You looked at Konig confused and shocked. The way he was looking at you, a crazed look. It's something you've never seen in him. This wasn’t the Konig you knew! Was he always like this? Why didn’t you notice this before? Your mind was flooded with possibilities until the large man's voice cut through your thoughts. 
“I'm sorry about the chains, darling. Just a... precaution... if you're a good boy, I'll let you roam freely,” Konig said with his thick German accent. You need to escape. Yet, you have to consider how Konig might react… 
Six months later.
That’s how long it's been. You wondered if your loved ones were looking for you, but Konig quickly crushed that. Using some connections he made during his time in the military, your workplace mysteriously suffered a catastrophe. Tons of casualties, you were one of them, your body wasn’t recovered. 
While Konig was sleeping beside you, his large muscular body was pressing against you as he nuzzled into your neck. You could feel him inhaling your scent, it was stomach twisting. You softly cried to yourself, you were considered dead to your loved ones. There’s no one you could turn to. Konig was the only one…
You obeyed Konig like the good husband you are– you say husband because the Austrian man forced you to sign marriage documents, legally making you his husband. Konig was good… he spoiled you rotten, but if he sees any signs of disobedience, he lashes out. Sometimes punishing you with ass slaps, no food for a day, or forcing himself on you. 
It was hell. 
Konig freed you from your bondage, thinking you learned to behave and learned your lesson. While freed and able to walk around the house, you looked for ways to escape. The man had this place fortified: secured locked windows, security cameras, and movement detection systems. You were going to find a way out. 
„Liebling! I've returned from the market!” Konig's thick voice echoed through the empty spaces as he walked into the kitchen and dropped off the groceries. He waited for you to come down the stairs, but nothing. He didn’t hear shuffling, suspicious. The Austrian man walked upstairs, his loud footsteps sending quakes across the wood as he approached a door. 
Kicking the door open, breaking the wooden door off its hinges, Konig examined the room, his breathing and anger starting to rise. He threw everything onto the floor, trashing the room until it looked unrecognizable. “That little… Hure!” (Whore!) Konig roared as he raced out of the bedroom. 
“No… NO! This can’t be happening!” Konig yelled as his breathing hitched and cracked. „Warum solltest du mich verlassen? I thought you were finally warming up to me." Konig's voice got louder as he punched the wall repeatedly, his knuckles bloody before turning and wrecking the living room. He rampaged for a few minutes before collapsing. 
"I can't lose you darling… einsam... Ich will nicht allein sein!” (Lonely... I don't wanna be alone!)” Konig said as his voice broke. The pain of being alone when he was a child was resurfacing. He had his parents, but he wanted someone else. You just so happened to come along and gave Konig what he wanted. His sadness and grief were replaced by determination to get you back, and anger for leaving him. His younger self disappeared. 
„Nein... er gehört zu mir! ("No... he belongs to me!) Only me! He can't leave me... I'll drag him back! Show him who he belongs to!" Konig says as he gets up, pulling a tracking device from his pocket. He had the bright idea of putting a chip in all your clothing– just in case you got the idea of escaping. 
Bingo– he found your exact location. 
He was gonna teach you a lesson. 
Your lungs were burning as adrenaline coursed through your body. Every ragged breath felt like it was burning you from the inside. Your feet were burning with pain and agony– every part of your lower body was on fire. Your body and clothing were dirty from being scratched and falling over rocks in the forest. None of that deterred you– not when he was coming. 
The taste of freedom was sweet, but it was short-lived. 
The sounds of your ragged breathing and footsteps became overshadowed by heavier footsteps swiftly closing in on your location. A booming voice that cut through the empty forest. “Liebling… why must you run from me?” His voice sent shivers down your spine as your body went into overdrive. Your heartbeat hammered in your ears, attempting to drown out any other noise except his pursuit. You didn’t look back and kept running forward, but didn’t pay attention to the uneven terrain. 
You slipped and fell, your head slamming against the ground. Your vision was becoming disoriented as you tried getting back up. Pain surged through your body as you looked to see your leg bent in the wrong way. You screamed in agony and cried in pain as you still attempted to get up. 
A large shadow overshadowed yours. Your eyes widen, turning around to be met with the disapproving look on Konig’s face. Pulling whatever strength you had, you dug your fingers into the dirt trying to pull your body away. Konig scoffed at the pathetic sight and took a few steps, his large hand grabbing and snatching your head. 
“Poor little schlampe… (bitch…)” Konig mumbled with fake sympathy. He coos teasingly as he soothed you. He was mocking you. You soon found your body being lifted into his strong arms as he carried you back to hell. All the adrenaline and rebellion in your body dissipated as your soft cries filled the air. 
You were in a daze, staring at the wall as Konig’s large rough hands cleaned your body. Patching all your wounds and cuts, even dealing with your bent leg. The soft sound of the running water filled the quiet room before the Austrian man cut it off. Your body remained tense and on high alert– something was off. 
Konig dries you off, but doesn’t give you clothing and takes you to the bedroom. Suddenly, your hands were forced behind your back. You could hear the sound of handcuffs being pulled out of Konig’s pocket, then the piece of metal locked around both of your wrists. You tried to struggle, but the Austrian man controlled your movement. 
When the door opened, the bedroom was still trashed, but there was a large thick dildo standing up right. Your eyes widened with fear as Konig pushed you forward. “On the bed.” his voice rippled with authority as he stared down at you. Not wanting to defy him, you followed his command. 
Your naked body pressed against the soft sheets, but you didn’t bask in the feeling. The dildo stood intimidatingly, you can guess what Konig is gonna make you do. You looked at the man with fear as he sat on the chair.
“Smart Junge (boy). You already know what to do. Go ahead, unless you need some motivation.” Konig said with a grunt. He leans back, pulling a knife out and dancing it around his hand. His blue eyes staring into yours with a dark glint and a hint of arousal swimming around in them. The Austrian man dared you to disobey him. 
You gulped as you nervously grabbed the dildo; it felt heavy in your palms. You can tell that this was an exact replica of Konig’s dick. Holding it in place as you positioned yourself over it, the feeling of the silicon touching your bare skin sent shivers through your body. Soft sounds of whimpers and whines escaped your mouth as you tried to get it inside, but you were failing. 
Konig watched and sighed with annoyance as he got up from his seat. “Is it that hard”, Konig thought to himself as he grabbed your trembling body, laying you down on the bed. You started panicking as the strong Austrian man held you down. “N-no! I-I can do it! Stop!” you cried and begged, but Konig didn’t care. 
„Warum musst du mich auf die Probe stellen, kleiner Junge?“ ("Why must you test me, baby boy?") Konig said as he frowned under his hood. Why must you be resilient? He’s only teaching you a lesson! Why can’t you see that? No matter, he’ll just keep doing this until you learn to love! He’s gotta break any type of rebellious thoughts. 
After some struggling, the Austrian man shoved the large, thick dildo inside. Your screams filled the room as your hole was stretched to its limits. The searing pain coursed through your body as your nerves were lit on fire. Tears rolled down your face as you tried moving away from Konig, which led to the man slapping your thighs until they turned red. 
“See? Wasn’t that hard.” Konig said sickly as he grinned manically under his mask. He began thrusting the dildo without letting you adjust. You began crying and begging for the Austrian man to stop. The silicon rubbing and burning your anal walls, the cockhead ramming into your guts. No matter how loud you screamed, nobody was coming to your aid. 
Konig could feel his cock hardening in his pants. Your voice– cries of agony– were music to his ears. His free hand rubbed his bulge as he released a deep groan. „Verdammte Scheiße... du bist so heiß, Liebling.“ ("Fucking hell... you're so hot darling.") the Austrian man mumbled as he unzipped his pants, whipping out his large, thick cock. He stroked it to full length as he watched you cry underneath him. 
“P-please! I’m sorry… I’m sorry! Please stop!” you begged, gripping the bed sheets. The pain slowly transitioned to pleasure as the dildo’s cockhead rammed into your prostate. The bundle of nerves being repeatedly abused caused your brain to send blood to your cock. You felt ashamed that you were getting hard from this. 
Konig didn’t listen to your pleas, stroking his cock faster and thrusting the dildo faster. The sounds of your cries and screams died down as your vocal cords were sore. Fapping and the balls of the dildo slapping against your cheeks replaced that sound. Konig groans as he fucked his hand faster, his heavy balls slapping against his hand as he could feel his orgasm approaching.
You look up at Konig with eyes lidded, red with tear stains running down your face. You couldn’t believe this was the same man you’ve been friends with since childhood. Your mind was flooded with what happened, and why did this happen? That dark corner in your mind spoke, suggesting that you were a catalyst. Maybe you were the catalyst, maybe not.
The Austrian man's breath hitched as he gave a final thrust. Thick ropes of pearly white cum spurted out his cockhead slit, painting your face and hair with his load. Konig gave a deep grunt, looking down at your disheveled body. He looked at your body with satisfaction as he pulled the large dildo out. Konig grinned wickedly as he looked at some droplets of blood staining the silicon toy. 
“Have you learned your lesson, Liebling?” Konig says as he forces you to look at him. Wiping away his cum as he waited for your answer. Maybe he broke you enough so you would no longer disobey him. You gave your final answer with a broken and raspy voice. 
“Yes… Konig.”
A/N: Wow… this was a lot. I do NOT endorse this type of behavior! Well, this is my first time writing noncon smut.  TAGLIST: @hiddens-eden @spnfanboy777 @buckyshusband0 @zamfam4272 @raspberryyuuki @maxxioislost @furiousflowercreation @ghostking4m @sluttyhusband @wolf-knights @your-cow-boy @mack-thedork @geminiflanagan69 @starboye @boypied Very special thanks to my proofreader; @sagethegaywitch Join my taglist!
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vaguely-concerned · 4 months ago
for what it's worth I personally don't believe spite had anything to do with the pantry near-kiss experience at all. I think that was a 100% lucanis naturel disaster no supernatural additives present or indeed required. at most spite was watching that whole situation go down with mild puzzlement about approximately every part of it, I don't think he'd have much interest in it one way or the other. the explanation seems much more mundane and grounded and in some ways much sadder to me.
if your nervous system has never been in a place where any surge of emotion, even -- in fact sometimes especially! -- a good and exciting one makes you feel like your soul just touched a hot stove it can't get away from, then sincerely, from the bottom of my heart and without a trace of snark, thank goodness and I hope you never experience it. For the rest of you... fistbump of solidarity it's rough out here but *grits teeth* we stay silly etc. In the place lucanis is in during that part of the game, feeling like you're losing control (again even for ostensibly good happy reasons) can feel an awful lot like you're dying, or worse. on top of everything else going on for him -- again going only with non-supernatural elements and not even comprehensive: a year of non-stop horrific trauma added to pile of previous mountain of childhood and attachment trauma. chronic sleep deprivation. apparently dead grandma doubling as mother figure. cousin-brother aggressively fucking around and in real danger of finding out. fucked up the ONE thing he thought he knew how to do that's been the central pillar of his identity. the world might be ending even more than it already was because of it. keeps faceplanting with barely any dignity and having to get up again with alarming regularity GOD how could I ever not save treviso this man desperately needs a W (just one!!) like few people in the history of the world have before him. he's more caffeine than man because the alternative feels worse. it's bad in here. and ON TOP of all that he's in the process of falling just. appallingly soul-shrivingly in love, which can notably be playing on hard mode even when you're in a mostly functional place, that shit routinely rocks people to the core under the best of circumstances.
so I'm not surprised it's too overwhelming for him to handle when he tries to throw himself in head first -- in fact I'd have been more surprised if it weren't lol. he clearly wants it so much, which only makes it so much more painful that he can't actually bear to touch it when it's offered to him freely and eagerly. this is the tantalus-level awfulness of this kind of attachment trauma; food seems to be right there, you can see it, almost smell it sometimes, but no matter what you just can't seem to reach it. seemingly not for any flaw in the existence of the food, but because of something broken in you that can't or can't bear to actually eat. his deliberate flirting routine is kind of deeply dorky tbh lol (in the most endearing way possible let's be perfectly clear) and I don't think it's entirely natural to him -- that's a hastily cobbled together 'oh god I am getting the vibes here it is happening for some reason they like me for my personality quick what would illario do' approach if ever I saw it, supported by the fact that it never really makes a return after this --
BUT I do think his obvious near-unbearable delight with rook's existence and person that shines through in that scene is entirely real and unfeigned. he likes them so much. he wants so bad to be able to be close to them. he's so hungry for the reprieve and release and relief they represent to him, just for one moment, just one break from all the awfulness to have something uncomplicatedly good. and it's here, it's been offered, he's welcome!!! and he has to flinch away at the last minute anyway because he's an exposed nerve of a human being. there's a point at which every sensation including joy becomes indistinguishable from agony. he's pretty much exactly at that point. for the love of god have some mercy on him people. the feeling that salvation is right here but you're too broken a vessel to hold it is one I wouldn't wish on anyone. let him have a few moments to stare into the void before he's ready to get back up and try again surely we all deserve at least that much lol
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mysterymachine67 · 17 days ago
I have a request if that's alright.
Bottom Steve Rogers x Top Male Reader.
Male Reader is a new avenger who's in love with Steve, he thinks Steve doesn't like him until one day at the avengers gym (only the 2 of them are in the gym) Steve notices reader staring at America's ass and decided enough is enough so he decides to tease him using his greatest ASSet, then they have sex bottom Steve.
Can you make this one long, I love your fics I just wish they were always longer.
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Pairing: Steve Rodgers x Top M!reader
NSFW. Minors DNI.
Here you go. So sorry this came out late and if it’s out of character 🙏🏻
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The first few days went by smoothly. You got everything that needed to be done, done. There were a few…difficulties, but you got through them. All that mattered was that you were learning things that needed to be learned, and that you were doing great. Back to the ‘difficulties’. That consisted of love at first sight. Which you never believed in but once you met this man you couldn’t help it. He was perfect, perfect in so many damn ways you couldn’t explain.
But you couldn’t talk to him. Well, couldn’t get yourself to talk to him. You think he doesn’t like you, nor wants to do anything involving you. Why do you think this? There is no ‘main’ reason to it. Only that whenever you’re around him you swear you can feel some type of hatred toward you. So you leave him alone—minding your own business. And your sure as hell he noticed how distant you were from him.
Currently, you’re at the gym. You’re focused on yourself—the weights you’re lifting, and how many more lifts you need to do. You were the only one there and you enjoyed it. But that only lasted a few more minutes before the guy you have a little crush on walked through the doors. Steve Rodgers. The man who you swear on everything hates you. You swallowed as your face twisted with slight irritation. The look you gave him was with pure…jealousy? You’re not to sure what the correct word for it was, but all you knew was that it annoyed you how in love you were. You brushed it off—taking your gaze away from him and regaining back your focus.
Yet, every few minutes you found yourself stealing another look. You couldn’t help it, you practically admired him. You fought to draw your eyes away from him. It only got worse. Your gaze went lower, and lower, and lower till it got to his ass. See, now, you were a respectful man. You were not a creep, nor anything under that category. It was just accidental.
But it kept fucking happening. You’d look over at him when he wasn’t facing you—watching how he handled the gym equipment. Then your gaze would shift, but only for a moment. Not that it made it any better. He did eventually end up catching you. You forgot to look away quickly once he turned back around and you both made eye contact. And you thought he must’ve brushed it off. Hopefully, and not think you’re a creep because that’s the last thing you need to be represented as. But no. Steve did not brush it off, nor let it slide.
You noticed how he started to do more things involving his ass, and how he somehow got closer to you. Hell, he even asked you to help him with something. In which you put your self-control to use. His ass brushed against your front when he moved. You didn’t know what to do; so you kept your hands at a reasonable position and helped him with what he needed to be helped with.
What were you helping him with? That’s a good question. Well, it was a type of workout you’d never heard nor seen before. Was he doing this on purpose? Most definitely. Were you aware? Not so much.
This continued for a lot longer than you thought it would. Not that you…minded, but you’d think it’d be a few minutes tops. Nope. Things…escalated. And by escalated he finally confronted you—getting out of whatever position he had you guys in, and asking so many damn questions about you and why you were so distant. You answered. It’d be disrespectful and rude if you didn’t.
“Can I ask you a question?” Steve asked.
“You’ve asked plenty so far. But hit me.” You answered.
“Do you like me?”
Well shit.
You cleared your throat. Adjusting your clothes and rubbing the back of your neck. “If…I say yes?” You stammered. You’re not even sure he heard you. But then Steve spoke up.
“Then,” He started, locking eyes with you. You nearly looked away, nervous for what’s to come. Did you just fuck up? “We can call it a day. Go hang out, or do something cheesy. How’s that sound?” He offered.
Well, except doing any of those things listed. On the way out of the gym Steve mentioned something very suggestive. In which you turned around, dropped your things and made your way to him. Obviously agreeing with what he said.
Your hands gripped his ass while crashing your lips against his. It hurt from how hard you did it, but it soon faded away once you heard a sweet sound from the man you’ve liked since the day you met him. The both of you moved toward a nearby wall. When you got close enough you pushed Steve against it; hearing a faint noise come from him. Maybe you pushed him a little too hard. Your lips touched his again while your hands roamed his body. This time, the kiss was more sloppy than the last.
You pulled back and whispered against his lips. “I don’t think you get how much I’ve wanted this. Wanted you.” And oh, the way he looked at you. You kissed him again before he could even respond.
Soon enough you were helping each other take off clothes. They were being thrown somewhere in the gym, a future problem. As soon as Steve got his shirt off your hands were on him yet again. Gripping his flesh and kissing where you could. Steve’s quiet whimpered and soft moans were one of many things that kept you from stopping. His hands stayed on your hips, gripping you tightly and keeping you close. When your lips met his neck he let out a gasp. It got even better when your hand trailed down Steve’s chest. All the way to his hard cock.
You fished his cock from his boxers. Then brought your hand back up to his mouth. “Spit.” You said simply. So he did.
When you finally wrapped your hand around his cock he let out a sigh. Leaning his head back against the wall. He bucked his hips into your hand—seeking more. With the mix of your mouth on him, and your hand on his cock, he was starting to get close. A moan fell from Steve’s lips. A hand of his moving its way up to your shoulder.
“Fuck..’m close.” Steve muttered, sucking in a breath once he felt your thumb rub at his tip. Just a few more thrusts into your hand and he’ll—
“Sorry, pretty boy. But we’re just getting started.” You say, as you remove your hand. Hearing as he let out a groan.
You slowly aligned your cock with his hole. Hearing a soft groan and a thud of his head going back against the wall. You cursed under your breath, feeling the tightness of his heat around your cock. Once you were bottomed out you stayed still for a moment. Giving Steve a moment. Well, that was until he urged you on. You had one of his legs on your hip, it helped made your cock dive deeper into him.
You pulled out slowly, watching as his face scrunched up. Before shoving your cock back inside, you gripped his leg tighter. Soon, you started a good pace and rhythm. Steve let out a few small whimpers and moans. You leaned in close, capturing his lips in a kiss. Meanwhile, your free hand started to move to his cock. Wrapping around it and started to stroke. The added pleasure and stimulation caused him to moan into your mouth. In which you tried not to smile. You soon broke the kiss, moving to kiss neck instead.
“Oh, God!” He moaned. Moving his head back against the wall with a thud. Many sounds echoed throughout the gym. Pants, moans, groans, whimpers, etc. all coming from the both of you.
Your orgasm came quick, Steve’s too. Just as you went to pull out he clenched and groan from the loss.
“No, no, just—inside.”
So you shoved your cock back in. Hearing a moan in response to your action. Not that you were complaining. Soon enough you came, painting his walls white while he coated your hand in his own cum. A mix of moans and pants echoed in the gym. But he felt so good, so you kept going even though your hips stuttered. You worked yourself up to a second orgasm in a matter of minutes. Completely ignoring Steve’s whines. But he enjoyed it. A little pain mixed with pleasure is something he didn’t know he’d be into. Your hips came to a halt—not pulling out and staying buried inside of him.
But you put your hand back on his cock and started to jerk him off again. You weren’t gonna let him cum only once. That wasn’t fair. Back to Steve, he groaned then soon let out a whine. Jerking his hips back but then moving them back forward. You heard him curse under his breath before, without a warning, cumming into your hand.
Both of you were breathing heavily. Chest raising and falling with how heavy you were breathing. Once your breathing went back to normal you finally spoke up. “So, you don’t hate me?” You asked. Such a random question after just getting done fucking him.
“Why the hell would I hate you?” Steve replied, stilling trying to get his breathing regular. In which you shrugged, a conversation for a different time.
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eiralunaire · 6 months ago
Damian Wayne/Reader
Warning: soft, fluff, pregnant Reader.
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Damian Wayne, with his usual seriousness, had taken on a new air since he found out he was going to become a father. He was always attentive, even more so after that casual conversation in which Reader mentioned how fragile a pregnancy was in the early stages. That simple information had deeply disturbed him, and although he did not admit it, the fear of losing her, or the baby, ate away at him inside.
Now, no matter what she was doing, Damian was always by her side, almost like a protective shadow. If she got up from the couch to go to the kitchen, he was behind her, making sure she did not bend too much, that she did not lift heavy things, and even that she did not stand for too long.
“You don’t need to do that, Damian. I’m fine,” she said, smiling tenderly as she tried to wash a plate.
But he, unfazed, took the plate from her hands with a gentle but firm gesture, placing it back in the sink.
“You don’t need to make unnecessary efforts. I can do it.”
Reader sighed, understanding that although he might seem excessive, his gestures were full of love and concern. The simple fact that she bent down to pick something up from the floor put him on the verge of panic.
“You read it in that book, right? The fetus is still very fragile in the first trimester,” she had told him one night while reading one of the many books about pregnancy that he had accumulated in the house. It was a casual comment, not intended to alarm him, but for Damian, the words remained like a permanent echo in his mind.
That night, he couldn’t sleep well. The image of something happening to Reader or the baby haunted him every time he closed his eyes. And from then on, his attention became more acute. If they went out for a walk, his hand always rested on the small of her back, guiding her carefully. At home, he offered to sit her down whenever she seemed tired, even if it was just a little.
“Damian, honey, I’m really okay. I’m not made of glass,” she would tell him, smiling sweetly.
But he would just nod, his jaw clenched slightly as his green eyes looked at her with concern. He was a warrior, trained to fight crime, but this new challenge, the fragility of life inside his wife, made him feel out of control.
There were nights when, even though Reader slept peacefully, he would lie awake, watching her chest rise and fall with each breath. His hand, always delicate, caressed her still barely bulging belly, as if he could protect the baby just by touching her.
One afternoon, Reader tried to bend down to pick up a book she had dropped, and before she could even reach out her hand, Damian was already kneeling in front of her, taking the book and quickly standing up.
“You don’t have to bend down. I’ll take care of it,” he said in a serious tone, but with a slight concern in his eyes.
She laughed softly, caressing his cheek. “I can’t live my life without bending over from time to time. You know that, right?”
“Yes, but if there is any risk, even a small one, I prefer to prevent it.”
The intensity of his gaze told Reader that it wasn’t simply a logical precaution; for him, every little movement represented a possible threat. But at the same time, that intensity was charged with love and devotion.
When it was time to sleep, Damian made sure that Reader was completely comfortable. He strategically placed pillows to support her back and belly, adjusted the sheets, and even monitored the temperature of the room to make sure it was perfect.
And although it might seem exaggerated, Reader knew that all of this was a sign of the immense love that Damian felt, a love that had transformed him from a vigilante obsessed with justice into a husband and future father full of tenderness and, above all, fear of losing what he valued most in the world.
“I’m going to be okay, Damian. We’re doing fine,” she assured him every night, intertwining her fingers with his as she gave him a soft kiss on the lips.
“I know,” he replied, though his gaze still showed the shadow of that constant worry.
Because for Damian Wayne, every day was a battle against the fear of losing the woman he loved and the future they had begun to build together. And as long as that fear accompanied him, he would never stop being by her side, protecting her with every fiber of his being.
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aajjks · 1 year ago
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synopsis. You hated your roommate but he had the biggest crush on you, fuck.
pairing: fboy!jk x fem!reader
genre: f2l, e2l, roommates au, fboy au (wow so many cliches), comedy au, mature themes, bad language, sex jokes.
warnings. mâtürè thèmês, jèälöüs koo, dïrty thöughts, ëxplïcït jökès, yn ïs ä säd gïrlïe, sünshïnê koo, #nô fïltèr kôôk, hörny kóó, hè ïs öbsëssèd wïth yöur tïts.
disclaimer. this is purely fictional and this doesn’t represent bts’ jungkook irl. mature themes 18+ content ahead. mdni. ps. this jungkook thinks w his dick 👍
series masterlist.
note. hi, share feedback plz, send asks because they keep me really motivated <333 ENJOY! And I’m so sorry that I’m so late with the update. I hope you haven’t forgotten about the story and if you have, please reread because I know you’re going to enjoy this. Thank you so much.
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Honestly, you’re really strong.
You’ve been having a lot of bad dates and stupid, awkward encounters with your ex, Kyungsoo.
But thankfully, who is there for you? Your dear Jungkook. Your roommate who has been with you for quite some time now and it’s safe to say that you’ve gotten a lot of used to his presence, and his stupid jokes.
It’s a new day and you feel a little less depressed as compared to the last week, the sun is out and you feel really hot— literally because the weather is getting warmer and warmer.
Jungkook is sitting on the couch watching football, he’s kind of obsessed with it and he’s always screaming at the screen like a maniac, “WHAT THE FUCK?!!?! YN DID YOU SEE THIS?”
Your ears hurt.
He’s probably talking about some goal that you’re not interested in, How can you be when you’re actually really concerned about your love life these days, you and kyungsoo broke up up quite some time ago and you’ve been struggling with dating.
You’re definitely over him, so what is the problem? You don’t know when that’s frustrating you.
“shut up- you’re too loud.” You snap, closing your eyes and frustration because it’s way too early in the morning, you are definitely a night owl, and he’s quite literally sunshine.
Jungkook eyes are focused on you now, “Woah you need to get laid- I’m volunteering if you care.” His stupid remark has you glaring at him and he just laughs it off, he winks at you in return. And just after that he has started to shamelessly stare at your chest.
He’s not wrong- you do need to get laid.
And Yeah, you’re wearing a top so what? It’s really hot.
“you’re so hot.” Jungkook breathes out. You can see his eyes, and his pupils are quite bright. He’s got pretty eyes. He’s really pretty. Not that you would say that to his face because he will eat your brain that you complimented him and that you want to fuck him.
You don’t.
Well, you’re not sure.
“I know tell me something I don’t know, and stop staring at my tits- they don’t talk.” You scold him, but his gaze just doesn’t budge, you’re so used to him that it doesn’t make you uncomfortable.
You just roll your eyes at him. “Bet I can make them..” Your gaze hardens and you pick up a pillow from your couch and hit him with it.
He’s so shameless.
Jungkook pretends to be hurt, whining that you hit him hard. What a manchild, “quit it Jeon.” You warn him and he smirks. “And if I don’t? You’re going to punish me?! Please do.” He begs.
You scoff in disgust, but just then you get an idea- you’re going to mess with him. It’s your turn to smirk as you look at him in the eyes once again. “you’re walking on thin ice and you say that you want me to give you a chance, but… not sure if I should because you are a creep.” You shrug and it’s so satisfying the way his expressions change from smug to anxious.
You got him.
“what are you talking about? I’m not a creep. And I…I please give me one chance all right I’ll stop my remarks.” he is struggling like an idiot. It’s is really nice to be in control.
“respectfully you just have nice breasts.” he shrugs, but you can tell he’s still panicking about what you just said. He ain’t wrong though you got nice breasts but it’s not nice to stare at them.
“Shut up- THIN ICE.”
You warn him, and he puts a finger on his mouth- his doe eyes are literally so panicky, “ugh I have work..” you whine- and Jungkook has started to focus on the game once again, “hey?! You have work too!!!? get up!”
“Yeah no. I won’t get scolded if I’m a little late because my boss kind of likes me.” He laughs.
What a fuckboy.
“you fuck your boss?!!” You know that’s not what he said or implied but you’re so curious, “uh no? Yn you’re mean!” he looks back at you acting so offended.
“whatever— before I go and change? I think you can take me out on a date I’m giving you a chance.”
You get up before he can even give you a reaction because you know he’s gonna freak out and your prediction is confirmed when you can hear him screaming like an idiot.
You smile as you go back to your room to get ready for work, it wouldn’t be a mistake to give him a chance because he obviously likes you and— he’s been asking you out forever, so why not?
But you’re not sure if you are gonna work out as a couple because he’s too much sometimes, But you’re still going to give him one chance to prove himself.
You giggle as you shut the door behind you.
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He’s still having those wet dreams about you, it’s a struggle for him and he’s concerned because he’s never felt this way for anyone, and it’s just not the wet dreams.
His feelings for you are the main problem.
He annoys the fuck out of you and your both sitting in the couch, he’s pretending to watch football, but it’s hard for him to focus when you’re right next to him smelling like a goddess, and that top of yours?
It’s torture.
Jungkook gets distracted for a minute when his favorite team scores a goal and he screams, he knows that you get annoyed with him and he does that but it’s so fun to get these reactions out of you.
He loves it when you tell him to shut up. And yeah it’s not your fault that you’re so hot because it’s really warm, you just have to make everything look so good.
He looks at you for a minute, and then his gaze just automatically goes to your chest.
You are quite magnificent.
“You’re so hot.” he can’t help but compliment you when you just shrugged and say that you know.
Your confidence is so hot, Jungkook tries his best to be subtle with his lust and attraction towards you, but sometimes it’s just impossible for his tongue to not slip.
He says some things that get you angry.
You hit him with a couch pillow, and he Reacts dramatically, he was just kidding about that one joke. “Ugh.” He whines.
And just like that you guys banter for a while, that isn’t until he fucks it up a little bit more, and you warn him
No, he cannot lose his chance with you.
“I…I please give me one chance. All right, I’ll stop with my remarks.” He is so stupid. Why can’t he keep his hormones and tongue in check?
He doesn’t want you to think that it’s only because he’s physically attracted to you, it’s more than that, yeah, he dreams about fucking you but he also dreams about being with you forever.
That’s how much he likes you.
So please just give him one chance— he thinks to himself when you bring up work and he knows that yeah he has to go to work, but his boss is quite lenient and the pay is really good.
He is watching the game once again when you accuse him of fucking his boss, he does not do that— Jungkook feels a little bad, because that’s all you think of him?
“uh no I don’t- Yn you’re mean!” he looks at you and this time your breasts don’t distract him, he wants you to think of him as a man that is of commitment, but he has a lot to prove.
He has really fucked up his chances—? He feels his heart break as negative thoughts consume him, and he cannot even log into your eyes anymore.
You get up, probably get ready for work because you take everything in your life or seriously and you’re Punctual.
You’re so perfect for him
But maybe it looks like he’s not perfect for you. And that sucks, Should he just give up on you? He’s not sure.
“whatever— before I go and change? I think you can take me out on a date I’m giving you a chance.”
Did he just hear you right? Did you really just say you don’t give him a chance? And then he can take you out on a date
He tilts his head so fast, absolutely freaked out, his eyes are white, and his mouth is agape,
He’s not being delusional right now, is he?
“Y-Yn what did you just say?
He stutters out because he really cannot believe what you just said right now, have you hit your head or something because he’s asked you the same question for the past year but you have denied him, so why the sudden change?
He feels so happy right now- jungkook gets up from the couch and goes after you, but before he can catch you, so we can confirm what he just heard you giggle.
and you shut the door behind you.
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loveemagicpeace · 1 year ago
🎸Mars Energy🎸
⚡️Mars is a powerful figure in mythology. Mars on me represents the principle factor, the energy we need to make us encourages to action. It gets us out of bed every morning and helps us achieve our goals throughout the day. It is also our representation of masculinity, as Venus is our representation of femininity. Both men and women need a well-functioning Mars to feel that we are powerful and that we have life in our hands. Mars needs challenges, and not just in battle or dispute, but also in physical activities, such as competitive games and sports or any field, at with which we can flex our muscles and compete with others to win. Like Venus, Mars is also associated with the sexual attraction and sexual relations, and both planets they reveal us approach to sexuality and courtship. In this, Mars especially delights in pursuit and conquest.
⚡️Unlike Venus, it is not relationship-oriented and can lose interest as soon as it conquers an object/person. Unless he runs into competitors then he starts fighting. The energy of Mars indicates how we behave and react. How we compete, how we win someone over and what our charm is. Mars shows how we keep our vibrancy and energy alive. The position of Mars in the chart shows our way of pursuing (the object & person we want). Mars is an indicator of what kind of men, and Venus, what kind of women we get involved with. Although many times relationships are influenced by both.
Mars is known for its lust for dominance, but it can be overbearing and tempting to impose one's will on others. Mars represents our primal passions, inclusive with anger. But Mars can also get you in trouble sometimes. It is important to release our anger. This is very important for our health, because we can get seriously ill if we suppress these energies. Suppressing anger is a matter of course associated with health problems such as stress and depression. The ability to exercise our will and achieve what we want is a talent in itself that we have to learn. After a period of learning from mistakes we start in our thirties and forties after we tend to use Mars more skillfully to our advantage.
🎡Aries Mars is particularly monotonous, spontaneous and quick to act according to his will. It can also catch fire spontaneously,and explosive moments are followed by calm ones, because anger usually does not last long. You have a fiery and strong approach to your desires. Usually when you want something you want to get it by any means. When it comes to competition, you are very competitive and forget about others. You put more emphasis on physical pleasure.
🦋Scorpio Mars has a strong will, but he has more control over the planning and execution of his actions, so he is more precise and efficient. Mars in Scorpio is usually expressed with the words and emotions, and less with fighting. Sexual expression is important for both signs, but Mars in Scorpio loves more emotionally. When it comes to love, he becomes very self-sacrificing. He will do anything for the person he loves. But when he is deceived, he can become your worst enemy. He is intense, passionate, combative and persistent, but his energy only shows when he really feels someone.
🧁Mars in mutable watery Pisces will be rather gentle and passive and will find it difficult to express itself decisively. He may hold back his anger so as not to upset others, and he may act less directly, he may even act like a victim to make others feel guilty and let us get our way. But many times you can make emotional sacrifices for other people or give them too much and then you are disappointed. Mars in Pisces is at its best when alone. You can isolate yourself a lot from other people.
🥨Mars in an earth sign, such as fixed Taurus, can be very calm and slow to respond, but with slow and patient steps he advances towards what he wants. Like a bull, it can be charged with enormous energy and charge at an attacker when angered or threatened. Mars in Taurus can also be very passionate and lustful, which makes him an emperor an exquisite and extremely patient lover.
✨Capricorn mars tends to be very competitive when it comes to business, success, money, reputation. You will want to achieve the biggest and be the best. When it comes to love, they can be quite cold sometimes. Many times they can put the business before the person. Their anger is usually not expressed, many times they keep it inside. Their nature is not so much focused on several things but on only one. It's the same in love - you like to invest in someone who seems stable and worth your time. They are not people who like to go on dates.
☁️Cancer Mars they have a very emotional response to things around them. You can hurt them quickly. They like to invest their time in their family, people close to them. They don't like average relationships. Many times their energy is emotional. Their anger is responsive in many ways but can also change quickly. They are a sign that can quickly forgive (even if it doesn't seem like it at first). They love stalking people. And when they want something, they will go anywhere to get it. They can do some pretty crazy stuff.
🥤Virgo Mars show practicality, decision-making and thinking. They know how to work hard for what they want if their desire is very strong. They put a lot of emphasis on hygiene, health, routine and lifestyle. They tend to dislike people who smoke or have strange habits. Many times they notice little things in people. They devote a lot of energy to staying in good health, but that's precisely why they can get sick. Because they can deal with it too much.
🥊Sagittarius Mars their energy is manifested through the will to live. They are the people who will always make you smile and make you feel that there is only one life and you can make the most of it. Spontaneous people and many times make an impulsive decision, which many times turns out to be good. They laugh a lot and are optimistic. They give a lot of energy to travel, spirituality, playfulness, learning, new things. Their approach is often optimistic, although they can have a lot of anger behind it. However, since this is a fiery sign, they can be impulsive, react violently, directly, rudely. They are tough opponents and when they set a goal they will achieve it. They can be very competitive when it comes to something they are passionate about. Or when it comes to a person who means a lot to them. They are not afraid to confront people and will always want quick actions and reactions. They almost never get sick, but that's because they are optimists.
🪂Leo Mars their energy is manifested through a passion for playfulness, childhood, fun. They put a lot of effort into having fun and enjoying the things they love. They have many hobbies. They can be possessive and jealous, but they won't show it right away. A lot depends on the energy they want to feel with the person. When they notice that the person they want has fans, they will become even more competitive. They will be most competitive in sports or love. Many times they will want to conquer you with their dominance. They are not afraid of challenges and will step into them without fear if they are mature enough. They are fighting and persistent in themselves. Actions count for them.
🎢Gemini Mars their energy is very mutable. They are all over the place most of their time. And they need a lot of change but they are most good with words than actions. They will talk much more than actually do. They can be very unstable and change their mind many times. They will often compete when it comes to verbal duels. Even at school, they know how to compete. Their health fluctuates because they can become quite anxious at times or think too much about things they cannot change. They can seduce you with mind games.
🫧Libra Mars their energy usually shows through the relationships but can be different kind of relationship it doesn't meant to be like romantic relationship. It can be friendships. If they are not in a relationship, they can give a lot of their energy to their friends. Their anger is usually passive aggressive. They often avoid conflicts because they like peace. Their passive aggressive behavior can lead to them getting sick (because they keep too much anger inside). It is good for them to express their feelings and anger as much as possible.
⛸️Aquarius Mars their energy is focused on humanitarian matters (they like to help others), dreams, goals, social networks. They like to do the things they like. They also like to be alone. They have rebellious kind of anger so they will fight for the rights or people they love or things that are connected to them. But they are not people who fight about I don't know some random stuff. They have the unique way how to seduce people and it's always different. They can also seduce you with their uniqueness or something about that is so different and this is why people are attracted to them somehow. They can work a lot on staying in shape and following themselves. Because they can get sick unexpectedly. Many times the diseases are very strange.
🎸For personal readings u can sign up here: https://snipfeed.co/bekylibra 🎸
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visionsofmagic · 1 year ago
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day 16: bruce wayne [power play]
࿓ synopsis • the game you play takes a different route in which you try to dominate him, but, he doesn’t allow you.
―❦ nsfw, dominance/submission, roughness, licking, marking, wrist holding, short, f!reader, brat!reader, riding, begging, pet names, ‘is all I guess? • 0.7k • he's my favorite dc character and the idea popped into my mind because he's looking so dom! enjoy! [kinktober m.]
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“who’s in control now, love?” he asks as he pounds into you, hands holding yours above your head as your back arches onto his bare chest, filthy voices leaving you one by one since it’s too much to keep silent – he’s trying to gain it from you after all, wanting to make you scream his name louder with each of his deep, hungry thrusts that hit the exact spot that drives you crazy in every time.
the question is a reference to what you said before being in this situation; leaning down on the mattress, wrists inside his palms, breasts bouncing shamelessly and even hitting his chest from time to time, legs wide open, pussy soaking wet enough to make the white color of the sheets goes grey because of how much it is, legs shaking yet still having the strength to stay on his back, hugging him from there only to bring his body closer to yours as if it’s possible – as if he’s not already deep buried inside you, fucking you roughly because he has something to prove to you – to dig it into your pathetic mind as he said before.
he’s angry – a little bit, with the lust that flows inside his veins until it reaches the tip of his thick cock – using it to shove it into you mercilessly.
the feelings are there due to you – being a little brat and trying to take control while riding him a while ago, teasing about how his dick dripping, pale face is full of redness, breathtaking with a rapid way, and even sweating – only you can make the vigilante sweat like this – the reasons why he is rough now.
with the power you had at that moment, your body moved without your mind acknowledging it, making you look down at him, taking control, riding him so slowly to make him beg for you to move, to fuck him, yet, bruce who knows you better than anyone else, including you, understood what you were trying to do, especially when your hand tried to hold his neck – with sudden movement, he gripped your wrists, turning your body over, hovering above you as he mocked you – showing the dominance he has on you – not yours – his.
power play ended when he began to fuck you ruthlessly.
his question remains unanswered – he doesn’t seek one either, he just enjoys watching how messy you’re getting under him, ready to beg more when his hips slow down – and nearly stops as he fucks you leisurely, taking his time, and even having a ghost smirk on his face. 
and when you look at him, your vision is blurry yet witnessing his lustful expression, representing of the dominant side he has on you, you know he waits for you to beg – to cry. weren’t it for your aching pussy that is in need to be fucked by bruce, you would stay still, yet, you have no brain at all – only a greedy wet pussy and passion mixed with love.
“bruce –“ his name comes out of your parted lips on its own – pure instinct. “ohh – bruce!”
“yes, my pretty slut, what’s wrong?”
“move – aghh – please, move already! nee – ohh – need you to move!”
leaving your wrists free, his hands positioned on your hips, holding it strongly, ready to bounce into you with all his strength, his weight can be felt on you, sending a different sense of both pain and pleasure at the same time.
“look who’s begging now –“ he teases, kneeling down until his lips touch your neck, biting it – licking it so that he can leave marks on you- bigger and more efficient ones than yours that you left on his entire body before he took control. he enjoyed being under you, yet, the delight of having you under him is far greater than it. “tell me – that I am the one who is in control over you, not you over me,” he lowers down, licking and kissing your exposed body gladly, reaching until its tongue travels on your hardened breasts. 
pushing you against his hot tongue, you answer, feeling his cock leaving your pussy slowly, “you! bruce – ohh – you!” “good girl.” he says lastly, then, pushing his hip further, the cock fills your warm walls entirely with a powerful thrust and he doesn’t stop – he thrusts into you with a great pace and power that you no longer remember the power play – letting him do whatever he wants to do with you until he’s satisfied.
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❦ tagging: @lilvampirina & @snowprincesa1 & @dookiemeshibear & @chloee0x0 *lots of kisses!*
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mingi-s-dimples · 25 days ago
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「 Booty Gains - S.MG 」
"This is all you’re good for, isn’t it? Bent over, dripping, begging for me to use you.”
~ "Reader teases Mingi with some booty pics and vids while she's at the gym, and he's at work, add shower sex" ~ req. by anon
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pairing: mingi x fem!reader
genre: 18+, filth
summary: you just can't stop being your bratty self whenever your man is at work, all bored. so you have the best idea of sending him some booty pics, not even thinking about how he'd ruin the hell out of you when he gets home.
wc: 3.8k
warnings: rough mingi, brat reader, possessiveness, ownership, punishment kink, humiliation kink, degradation/name calling (slut, etc.), praise kink, rough sex, hair pulling, ass spanking, marking (hickeys and bites), breasts fondling, nipple playing, manhandling, dirty talk, orgasm control, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, squirting, creampie, breeding kink, lots of cummm, shower sex, brat taming, mocking, teasing, a tad bit of aftercare, completely consensual!, unprotected (boo use protection irl!!), for sure forgot something, might edit later.
Author's Note: as a gym girlie that loves going to the gym, I would 100% do this to my man (I don't have a man atm but just saying) cause the anticipation is chef’s kiss. I loved writing this !! Thank you so much, anon, for sending in such a nice request ^^
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and does not represent the reality of the member in any way.
The gym was nearly empty, just the way you liked it. The low hum of machines and the rhythmic clanking of weights filled the space, but your focus was elsewhere. Your reflection in the mirror held your attention, the sweat glistening on your skin, the curve of your body accentuated by the snug fit of your leggings and sports bra.
Mingi had texted you earlier, complaining about how bored he was at work, stuck in another useless meeting. He had no idea what you were about to do.
A wicked smirk tugged at your lips as you adjusted your phone, angling it just right to capture the dip of your waist and the teasing outline of your hips. You snapped a picture, making sure the lighting hit all the right places before sending it off.
You: Missing you. Thought you might like a little motivation to get through your day.
It didn’t take long for your phone to vibrate with his response.
Mingi: Oh, you wanna play while I’m at work?
Your stomach fluttered at his tone. Hooking your thumbs into the waistband of your leggings, you slowly tugged them down just enough to reveal the plump curve of your ass, letting the fabric cling sinfully low. No one was there, so you pulled them just slightly lower. Your full ass was on display, plump and perky. You snapped another picture, this time a little bolder, a little filthier. Send.
The typing bubble appeared immediately. Then, a pause. Then—
Mingi: You better stop while you still can.
You bit your lip, suppressing a giggle. But stopping was the last thing on your mind. Feeling particularly bratty, you propped your phone up against the mirror and recorded a short clip—hips swaying, ass jiggling just enough to tease, your fingers lightly tracing over the curve before you tugged your leggings back into place.
You sent the video without hesitation.
This time, his response came instantly.
Mingi: You're fucked.
A thrill shot straight between your thighs.
You: You love it.
The dots appeared and disappeared for a long moment before your phone buzzed again. This time, your breath hitched when you opened the message.
Mingi had sent you a picture—a low, grainy shot of his lap under his desk, his thick cock straining hard against his dark slacks, the outline painfully clear through the fabric. The sight alone made your mouth water.
Mingi: You’re gonna take care of this when I get home.
You swallowed hard, squeezing your thighs together. Just as you were about to type back, your phone lit up with an incoming call.
You answered immediately. "Hello?"
His voice was low, dark, and dripping with something dangerous. "You think you’re funny?"
You hummed innocently, twirling a strand of hair around your finger. "I don’t know what you mean."
Mingi exhaled sharply, and you could practically hear the tension in his body, the way he was probably gripping his phone too hard, jaw clenched.
"When I get home, you’re not gonna be able to sit right. You understand me?"
Your breath hitched.
"Mmm. Can’t wait."
There was a beat of silence before he let out a quiet chuckle, one that sent a delicious shiver down your spine.
The line went dead.
And now all you had to do was wait.
The moment you got home, you couldn’t shake the smug little grin playing on your lips. Kicking off your sneakers, you stretched your sore muscles, still feeling the delicious burn from your workout. Your body was buzzing, half from the endorphins, half from the anticipation of what was coming.
Padding over to your full-length mirror, you tilted your head, running your fingers along your waist, smoothing over the curve of your ass. You giggled softly, replaying the texts with Mingi in your head—the way his tone had darkened, the picture he had sent you, the promise laced in his last words.
You shivered, excitement pooling low in your stomach. You had really riled him up this time.
Shaking your head, you grabbed a towel and headed for the bathroom, stripping off your gym clothes piece by piece. The air was warm, thick with steam as you turned on the shower, stepping under the hot spray. The water cascaded down your body, soothing the ache in your muscles, washing away the sheen of sweat. Your fingers trailed idly along your skin, stomach tightening at the thought of what was coming. Your fingers also trailed right between your thighs, slowly through your folds, thinking about how good it would feel if your fingers were Mingi's cock.
There was one thing you knew, tho. Mingi was going to ruin you.
You didn’t know how much time had passed—your mind had drifted into a hazy space, caught between relaxation and anticipation—when you suddenly heard it.
Click. Your body tensed. The front door.
A thrill shot through you, setting every nerve alight. He was home.
You barely had a second to react before the sound of heavy footsteps filled the silence, growing closer, more deliberate. Your pulse pounded against your ribs as you heard a single knock on the bathroom door.
Then, before you could answer—
The door swung open.
The steam curled around him as he stepped inside, towering and dangerous, still dressed in his dark work clothes. His tie was loosened, his shirt unbuttoned at the top, revealing the smooth line of his collarbone. But it was his eyes that held you captive—dark, heavy with something primal, something feral.
You swallowed hard, heat pooling between your legs.
His lips curled into a smirk as he tugged at his belt, the leather slipping through his fingers with an unmistakable sound. "You had a lot to say and send earlier," he mused, voice low, predatory. "But now that I’m here, you’re quiet?"
Your breath hitched as he took another step forward, "Did you touch yourself while you were waiting for me? Bet you did. Bet you thought you could get off without me. That’s fucking cute.”
And before you could say another word, he was reaching for you. You were about to learn exactly what it meant to be at Mingi’s mercy.
The heat in the bathroom thickened, the steam swirling around you like a fog, but nothing compared to the fire burning in Mingi’s eyes. He stepped closer, the space between you shrinking as he dragged his belt from the loops of his slacks, the leather slipping through his fingers with a slow, deliberate motion.
"You wanted my attention, baby," he murmured, voice low and dark. The sound of his belt dropping to the tiled floor sent a shiver through you. "Now you’ve got it."
You swallowed hard, pressing your back against the cool shower wall, the contrast to the heat in your body making you dizzy.
Mingi’s hands went to the buttons of his shirt, unfastening them one by one, exposing the smooth planes of his chest, the taut lines of his stomach. He took his time, knowing exactly what he was doing, letting your eyes roam over him as he peeled the fabric from his broad shoulders and let it fall.
"You’ve been a fucking brat all day." His voice was silk and sin, smooth yet dripping with something dangerous. "Sending me pictures while I was at work—" The zipper came down in one slow drag. "—knowing damn well I couldn’t do shit about it."
Your breath hitched when he shoved his pants and boxers down in one motion, his thick cock springing free, already painfully hard.
"You’re gonna take care of this," he rasped, palming himself lazily, eyes locked onto you.
Your thighs pressed together instinctively, but Mingi didn’t miss it. He smirked, stepping under the spray, the water running down his body in rivulets, droplets clinging to the sharp edges of his muscles.
"You know what I should do?" He tilted his head, eyes gleaming with something dark, something wicked. "I should fuck you against this wall." His voice dropped lower, rougher. "Shouldn’t even let you adjust. Just spread you open and take you—"
A sharp gasp left your lips.
He chuckled, cocking a brow as he stepped even closer, the heat of his body pressing against yours. His fingers trailed along your arm, up to your throat, his grip loose but possessive.
"Bet you’d love that, wouldn’t you?" he murmured, thumb brushing against your pulse. "You’ve been dripping for me since the moment you saw that picture. Knew exactly what you were doing when you sent me those."
His free hand trailed down, fingers teasing the curve of your hip before slipping lower.
"Tell me, baby," he rasped, lips ghosting over your ear. "Are you ready to take what’s coming to you?”
A slow, teasing smile curved your lips as you met his dark gaze, your lashes fluttering just slightly. “Mmm,” you hummed, tilting your chin up defiantly. “I don’t know… I think you talk a big game, Mingi. But are you really gonna do something about it?”
His jaw ticked, and for a split second, you saw the flicker of restraint in his eyes—the thin thread of patience that you knew was about to snap.
And then it did.
With a low growl, he crushed his mouth against yours, lips claiming you in a messy, desperate kiss. His tongue swept past your lips without hesitation, hot and insistent, tasting, devouring, punishing you for every teasing word, every taunting glance. The kiss was wet, sloppy, his breath heavy as he groaned into your mouth, like he was finally letting himself have what he’d been craving all damn day.
His hands gripped your waist, pulling you flush against him, his cock pressing against your stomach, hot and throbbing. You moaned into his mouth, fingers curling into his damp hair, but before you could even think about deepening the kiss, he was yanking away.
“Turn around,” he ordered, voice rough, thick with impatience.
You hesitated just long enough to see the dangerous glint in his eyes before his hand shot out, curling into your wet hair. A sharp gasp left your lips as he tugged, tilting your head back just enough to arch your spine. His other hand pressed firmly against your lower back, forcing you against the cool shower wall.
“You wanna play games?” he murmured, his voice low, taunting. “Then let’s fucking play.”
A shiver ran through you, anticipation making your pulse spike. His grip tightened, holding you exactly where he wanted you, his breath hot against your shoulder. And then—
He thrust into you in one smooth, punishing motion, stretching you open without warning.
A strangled moan tore from your throat, pleasure-pain searing through your body as he filled you to the hilt, not giving you a second to adjust. The stretch was intoxicating, overwhelming, but you could feel how much he needed this—how much he had craved this moment, how much he had been holding back all fucking day.
"Fuck," Mingi growled, his fingers digging into your hips. "This is what you wanted, huh? To get fucked like a little brat who doesn’t know when to stop teasing?”
You barely managed a breathy whimper before he pulled back, only to slam into you again, harder this time, sending you onto your toes. The sound of wet skin slapping together filled the air, mixing with the steady rush of water and the filthy, wrecked noises slipping past your lips.
Mingi was relentless, his thrusts rough and unyielding, every snap of his hips a reminder of exactly why you shouldn’t have teased him. His hand fisted in your hair, keeping your back arched as he fucked into you with punishing force, his chest heaving behind you.
"This is all you’re good for, isn’t it? Bent over, dripping, begging for me to use you.”
A broken moan left your lips, and Mingi chuckled darkly.
“Oh, sweetheart,” he murmured, his grip tightening. “I’m just getting started.”
His hand tightened in your hair, tugging just enough to make your scalp tingle, your back arching deeper. His other hand splayed over your hip, fingers digging into your skin as he pounded into you, each thrust sending shocks of pleasure rippling through your body. The wet sounds of skin meeting skin filled the steamy air, each slap of his hips against your ass punctuated by his ragged breathing.
"Fuck—" Mingi groaned, voice wrecked, like he was losing himself in the feeling of you wrapped around him. "You feel so fucking good, baby. So damn tight—like you were made for me."
You whimpered, pressing your cheek against the shower wall, your knees threatening to buckle under the force of his thrusts. But Mingi wasn’t about to let you collapse—not when he was in the middle of breaking you apart.
His grip shifted, one hand leaving your hip to trail up your side, fingers brushing over your ribcage before sliding up to cup your breast. He kneaded the soft flesh roughly, thumb flicking over your hardened nipple, making you jolt under his touch.
"That’s it," he murmured, voice thick with satisfaction as he felt your body tremble beneath him. "Taking me so fucking well. "Such a messy little thing. Look at you—moaning like a whore just because I’m fucking you.”
A soft whimper left your lips, but before you could answer, his hand slapped against your ass, the sharp sting making you cry out. The impact sent a fresh wave of heat surging through your core, your walls fluttering around him as pleasure mingled with the delicious burn of his palm.
Mingi chuckled darkly, rubbing over the spot he had just smacked before delivering another sharp slap.
"Fuck—" he hissed as he felt you clench around him, his rhythm faltering for a second. "You like that, huh? Like when I put you in your place?"
"Y-yes," you gasped, barely able to form the words.
"Yeah? I bet you do," he rasped, his fingers tightening in your hair as he yanked your head back, forcing your spine to arch even deeper. "Bet you fucking love being used like this. Bent over, dripping, begging for me to ruin you."
His words sent a shudder straight through you, your body throbbing with need.
Mingi smirked, leaning in to press his lips against the shell of your ear. "You're such a good little slut for me, baby," he murmured, his tone softer now, almost sweet—but the way his hips snapped into you said otherwise. "So fucking perfect, taking everything I give you."
His teeth scraped over your shoulder before he bit down, marking you, claiming you. The pain sent a jolt of pleasure through your system, your moan spilling into the air as your nails clawed at the slick shower wall.
Mingi groaned against your skin, his hips losing their rhythm, growing rougher, more erratic.
"Mine," he growled, his hand wrapping around your throat, applying just enough pressure to make your breath hitch. "Every fucking inch of you—mine."
Mingi could feel it—your body trembling beneath him, your walls tightening like a vice around his cock, your moans turning high-pitched and breathless. You were right there, dangling on the edge, and he was going to push you over.
"That's it, baby," he murmured, his fingers tightening around your throat just enough to make your head spin. "Come for me. Show me how much you fucking love this."
His free hand dropped between your legs, fingers finding your swollen, neglected clit. The second he pressed down, rubbing harsh, tight circles, your whole body jerked, pleasure slamming into you like a tidal wave.
A sharp, broken cry tore from your throat as you came, your orgasm hitting so intensely that your legs nearly gave out. Your walls fluttered wildly around his cock, squeezing him so tight it made him curse under his breath.
"Fuck, fuck—just like that," he groaned, chasing his own high now, slamming into you with reckless, desperate thrusts. "God, you’re so fucking tight when you come—"
His grip on your hips turned bruising as he buried himself deep, his cock throbbing as his own orgasm crashed over him. His moan was low and guttural, his breath hot against your ear as he spilled inside you, filling you to the brim with his warm, silky white cum.
But Mingi wasn’t finished.
Before you could even recover, before your body could stop shaking, he pulled back slightly—then slammed back into you, deeper than before.
A strangled gasp left your lips, your body convulsing at the sudden overstimulation. "M-Mingi—!"
"Oh, baby," he cooed, mock sympathy dripping from his voice. "Too much?"
But his hips never slowed. If anything, he fucked into you harder, faster, his cock bullying past your sensitivity, rubbing against that sweet, overstimulated spot with every relentless thrust.
Your hands scrambled against the wet tile, your head spinning, pleasure too much, too sharp, your body unsure whether to pull away or press back into him.
"Mingi—! I c-can’t—"
"You can," he growled, fisting your hair tighter, forcing your back to arch even deeper. "You will."
His fingers found your clit again, rubbing it mercilessly. Your body was breaking, splintering apart under the overwhelming sensation.
"You’re gonna squirt for me," he murmured, his voice rough, commanding. "I know you can, baby. Come on—be my good girl and soak me."
Your breath hitched, everything in you coiling tighter and tighter, nerves fried, mind blank, only able to feel him—his cock pounding into you, his fingers working your clit, his grip keeping you exactly where he wanted you.
The pressure built impossibly high, and then—
You shattered.
A cry ripped from your throat, your entire body locking up as waves of white-hot pleasure crashed over you. Your walls spasmed violently around his cock, and suddenly, you were gushing, soaking his thighs, dripping down onto the shower floor as your orgasm wrecked you.
Mingi groaned, his thrusts turning wild, erratic, as he fucked you through it, milking every last drop from you. "Fuck, that's it—so fucking pretty, baby, look at you—"
Your body convulsed, twitching under him, barely able to handle the intensity of it. Tears pricked your eyes, your moans turning into soft, desperate whimpers.
But Mingi wasn’t stopping.
"One more," he panted, his grip tightening. "Give me one more, baby."
And you knew—you weren’t getting out of this until he got exactly what he wanted.
Your body was trembling—wrecked, overstimulated, barely able to keep yourself upright against the shower wall.
His hand released your hair, only for his arms to hook around your waist, pulling you flush against his chest. You gasped, feeling his cock still buried deep inside you, still hard, still throbbing, still demanding more.
"Mingi—" your voice came out hoarse, barely a whisper.
He pressed a kiss to your shoulder, deceptively sweet, before dragging his tongue up the column of your throat, tasting the sweat and water beading on your skin. "One more, baby," he murmured, his lips brushing against your ear. "I know you can take it."
Before you could even process his words, he was moving.
With effortless strength, he spun you around, pressing your back against the cold shower tiles. His hands gripped the backs of your thighs, hoisting you up until your legs wrapped around his waist. The new position had him sinking even deeper into you, the stretch making your head fall back against the wall with a strangled moan.
"F-fuck—" you gasped, your nails digging into his slick shoulders.
Mingi groaned, rolling his hips slowly at first, dragging his cock in and out of your oversensitive, drenched pussy, feeling every twitch, every flutter. "You’re shaking, baby," he mused, pressing soft kisses along your jaw, his tone teasing. "Is it too much?"
You could barely breathe, let alone answer, your body caught between unbearable overstimulation and insatiable need. But Mingi wasn’t going to let you recover.
His hands slid down to grip your ass, and then he snapped his hips up into you, hard and punishing, making you choke on a moan.
"Yeah?" he groaned, fucking into you mercilessly, pressing you harder against the shower wall. "That’s what I thought."
The new angle had him hitting impossibly deep, dragging against every sensitive spot inside you. His grip was bruising, fingers digging into the flesh of your ass as he used it to pull you down onto his cock with every brutal thrust. Your body felt like it was on fire, caught between unbearable pleasure and the sweet agony of being pushed past your limits.
"You wanted this, didn’t you?" Mingi panted, his lips trailing down your throat, his teeth grazing your skin. "Wanted me to fuck you dumb, make you cock drunk, huh—"
You whimpered, head lolling to the side as he sucked a deep mark onto your neck, his tongue flicking over the sensitive skin before biting down just enough to make you cry out.
"Such a good fucking girl," he murmured against your throat, his voice low, velvety, sending shivers straight to your core. "Taking it so well for me. Letting me use this pretty pussy however I want."
Your body clenched around him, and Mingi groaned, feeling your walls fluttering dangerously close to release again.
"You're gonna come again, aren’t you?" he rasped, pressing his forehead against yours, his pace growing wilder, more desperate. "Gonna soak me like the filthy little thing you are?"
Your thighs quivered around his waist, your entire body trembling, nerves fried, pleasure curling unbearably tight in your stomach. You were right there—on the edge of another devastating climax, so sensitive it almost hurt, but so fucking good you never wanted him to stop.
Mingi leaned in, lips brushing yours, his voice nothing but a breathless command.
"Come for me, baby."
His fingers found your clit again, rubbing harsh, desperate circles, and that was it—your body shattered, a sharp, broken moan ripping from your throat as your orgasm crashed over you.
A gush of wetness flooded between your bodies again, and Mingi groaned, his hips stuttering, his cock throbbing violently as you squirted around him, soaking his abs, his thighs, dripping down between you.
"Fuck, f-fuck—" he choked, watching the way your body writhed, how you pulsed, how your head tipped back in pure, mindless pleasure. "God, that’s so fucking hot. Such a good little slut for me, making a mess like this.”
His hips snapped into you a few more times, frantic, desperate, before he buried himself to the hilt, grinding deep as he came inside you with a low, wrecked moan.
For a long moment, the only sound in the bathroom was the heavy panting of your breaths, the soft hum of the shower still running.
Mingi let his forehead rest against yours, his hands smoothing up your back, holding you close, grounding you both.
Then, after a beat, he chuckled, voice rough but laced with something undeniably fond.
"You," he murmured, pressing a lingering kiss to your lips, "you are never allowed to tease me while I'm at work again.”
You smiled, “yeah, sure..” a glint of bratiness in your words.
He looked at you with dark hunger, his gaze dropping to your ruined body. “Hmm, now that I think about it, I don’t think you’ve learned your lesson yet. Maybe I should keep you full of me all night.”
NETWORKS: @blossomnet @illusionnet @mirohs-aurora-society
PERMANENT TAGLIST: @strawberry-mingi @musiclovingfairy @crazylittlebisexual @sanhwalvr @artistic-rendition @hongjoongtime117 @cypher-03 @peachy-bell26 @tahiraax1 @my-atiny-kookie-rkive @atzlordz @chai0tea @miyaluvvsyou @lezleeferguson-120 @sopematesxx
286 notes · View notes
formulakracing · 3 months ago
iii. objects in the mirror - t.w. + m.v.
pairing -> reserve fem driver!reader x toto wolff x max verstappen
word count -> 2.8k
warnings -> morally gray individuals, slow burn, sexual content (intercourse), allusions to sexual content, cursing, lots of power imbalance, questionable boss x employee dynamics, light toxicity, slight controlling tendencies from toto, miscommunication trope (only for this chapter!!!)
a/n -> she’s baaaaaacckkkk! i hope y’all enjoy the messiness that is about to unfold! i missed you all so much! <3 p.s., give objects in the mirror by mac miller a listen while reading this chapter!
prev. | next.
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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
he stands at the barriers, fingers curling around the cool surface. his jaw clenches as the press begins to cluster around, their cameras poised, eager to capture every word. every movement.
the blinking red lights are beady and unforgiving as the reporters raise their phones and mics, nearly shoving them toward his face.
"max, what did you make of qualifying?"
"max! over here! how does it feel to be outperformed by a reserve driver?"
"max! max! is she a threat to your pursuit of a perfect start?"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
the dutch driver shakes his head, suppressing the chuckle rumbling in the base of his throat.
what kinds of questions were these? how was he supposed to answer of them? who hired these people to represent the press?
yet, he knew he had to answer their burning questions. it was a requirement set forth by the fia. a term and condition in his contract. a duty of the job.
"well," max coughs, shifting slightly as all eyes fall on him, "i-i didn't perform to the best of my abilities. the car is good, the strategy was good, and we had a great game plan. i was the one who didn't do my part. i could have done some things differently, especially on some of the turns.
but this is only the first race. we have so much ahead this season, it's difficult to really tell how it will all play out. we will just have to take it weekend by weekend. session by session. race by race. that's about all i can really say right now. did that answer your questions?"
"all but one," a journalist waves her hand, "you avoided the question regarding the reserve driver. how did it feel to be outperformed by someone who has not competed in a single formula one race? she was a second and a half faster than you on the track. is that sort of concerning to you or red bull? or do you believe that it was the car that won her pole?"
the dutch driver puckers his lips, tongue gliding along his teeth a pause settles over the crowd, consuming them with silence. his gaze scans over the reporters, taking in how they glance uneasily at one another, cautious not to speak any further.
he was well aware of why they were nervous.
well, rather who they were wary of.
mad max.
he cocks his head, lips curling into a smug smirk, "you all witness one subpar performance and think that--"
however, something moves in his peripheral, the words trailing off as he's pulled away.
not something, but someone.
absolutely and uttered swarmed by other outlets, their journalists hounding her like some damn dogs. the lights from the cameras are almost blinding, his eyes squinting from the harsh light. on her face, sweat lingers, illuminating her skin with a soft, dewy glow. she's still in her suit but it's half unzipped, the material bunching perfectly around her hips, almost hugging them.
there's an itching sensation in his fingers and toes, almost like his body was urging him to move. almost as if he needed to be in close proximity to her.
to orbit around her like a planet, just so that he could be in her space.
he can't make out what they're asking, but it's clear that she's visibly uncomfortable. her eyes dart back and forth, unable to maintain steady eye contact with a single reporter. she's swaying slightly, a desperate attempt to self-soothe as all of their voices blend together.
fuck, did she execute a brilliant drive. the pace she held on the car was incredible, every turn and chicane flawless. somehow, she was able to push that w15 to its full potential.
she was like lighting. if you blinked, you would have missed her soaring down that track.
it was almost like she was destined for formula one. like she belonged in one of those twenty seats from the very beginning. if only he could have talked some sense into christian.
if only.
the image of her on top of the car, pumping her fists in the air would forever be engrained in his memory. the way strands of hair clung to her forehead as she pulled that balaclava off. the way her grin was brighter than the lights of the grandstands. the way stars shone in her eyes, the adrenaline pumping through her veins as the team swept her up into their arms.
god, he had never seen her so happy. so full of life. so ethereal in that moment, radiating nothing but pure, holy light.
a goddess walking the earth, brightening the world with her angelic presence.
not any world, but his world.
there was that feeling creeping in. that stinging sensation.
the one feeling that always lingered, no matter how desperately he pushed it away.
that one fucking feeling.
"max," a voice cuts in, "are you going to answer?"
"u-uhm," the dutch driver blinks, a hand instinctively cupping the base of his neck, "i have no comment, really. we will just have to see how tomorrow unfolds. as far as the rest of the season, we will just have to wait and see. that's all i have to say."
forming a tight-lipped smile, max gives a final nod, swiveling on his heel. the journalists call out his name, in vain attempts to flag him down. to capture one last statement. to get one more clip.
they wouldn't though.
not when his mind was clouded.
clouded by her.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"i'm so proud of you."
the words are quiet, laced with a softness you couldn't quite put your finger on.
your chin tilts upward, a giggle bubbling up in your throat, "oh yeah?"
he nods fervently, fingers drifting to your face. they roam along your cheekbone, tracing down your jawline, "baby, i'm so proud of you. so fucking proud."
"i didn't really know what was happening until i heard them over the radio," heat billows into your cheeks as max's mouth curves into a quaint smile, a glimmer in his gaze as you continue, "i was just in the zone, you know?"
"mhmmm," he hums, carefully brushing a loose strand from your forehead, "i know exactly what you're talking about."
a hazy bliss hangs in the air, your bodies intertwined, shrouded by the warmth of the comforter. heated skin presses against yours, your head nuzzled against his collarbone. an arm hangs lazily around your waist, thumb massaging along your hip.
if only you could just stay here. cozied up with max verstappen, high off the thrill of racing and oxytocin. basking in his affection and admiration, kisses peppering your forehead and temple.
"are you ready to get your ass kicked tomorrow?"
max arches a brow, and you catch a flicker in his eye.
the flicker of fire.
"you sure about that one, love?"
"i think it'll be a good race," propping yourself up with your elbow, you lean in, the tip of your nose brushing against his, "you know what i think we should do?"
you inch closer, a rosy pink hue tinging his cheeks, "what's that?"
"i think that whoever loses tomorrow, has to give the winner head."
"oh?" the corners of max's mouth curve, forming a wide smile, "you know what i think? i think that's simply lovely."
shaking your head, you roll your eyes as max bursts into a fit of laughter, his chest vibrating against yours. you huff, rolling away from him. the laugh is hearty, deep from his diaphragm. it's a rare laugh, one reserved for those closest to him.
a sound only heard by the people he loved.
"come here," his breath fans against your ear as his forearm tightens around your waist, "don't hide from me."
the words are breathy, almost needy.
as if he couldn't bear a second longer without you in his arms.
you shift, puckering your lips as a shiver runs down your spine, "where did this max come from?"
"he's always been here," a hand glides along your neck, grasping it oh so slightly as his mouth ghosts over yours, "d-do you have any idea of what you do to me?"
your lashes flutter as your heart skips a beat, "i-i don't know if i--"
a shrill noise floods the space, earning a flinch from you as max exhales, turning over. he reaches for the nightstand, squinting from the brightness of his phone. your lower lip juts out, forming a pout as his focus on you completely crumbles.
as he types away, there's this gnawing in your gut, the temperature of the room dropping a few degrees. when it came to you, max provided nothing but his complete and utter attention. he never answered his phone unless it was a call. and usually, it wasn't anyone other than his mom, gianpiero, checo, or christian calling.
he always affirmed to you that texts, emails, and other notifications could wait.
so, what suddenly captivated his attention?
or rather, who?
peering over his shoulder, your eyes narrow.
he's on instagram, scrolling through a conversation thread in his direct messages. at first, it looks like a fan, which was not uncommon. max received all sorts of messages from fans, from all ages and genders. more than half of the time, they were women, but it didn't bother you.
if you were his fan, you would dm him too.
however, as you make out the username, your heart sinks.
it was none other than kelly piquet. daughter of nelson piquet. a name well-known in the world of motorsports.
a name that left an awful, putrid taste in your mouth.
you did a great job this weekend! i can't wait to watch you race tomorrow! you're gonna win, i just know it. 😘
your lower lip trembles, your chest tightening as you notice more and more messages. photos too. anything from seflies to photos of her in workout sets or bikinis. tons and tons of emojis, ranging from hearts to kissy faces.
tears well up, the initial disbelief dissolving into fiery rage.
"w-when did you start talking to kelly piquet?"
your voice is so low max can't pick out the words. hitting the lock screen button, he rolls back, facing you. two hands cup your cheeks, eyes locking with yours.
"baby, i'm not talking to her."
"obviously you are!" a sob escapes your throat, the tears trickling down, "why are you fucking entertaining that? you were responding to her message! i saw it!"
"do you want to see my phone?" max pleads, "i'll let you look at my phone. you can go through everything--"
"i don't want to see any more," you jaw clenches, "just get the fuck out. please."
"don't make me go," his voice falters, "please, just let me explain."
carefully, you begin to sit up. wiping away your tears, you raise your arm, pointing at the door, "j-just go. i don't want to hear another word from you. just get the fuck out of here."
"baby, let me just fucking tell you what's going on--"
squeezing your eyes shut, your shoulders shake as the cries erupt, spilling out, "i-i think i have a g-good idea of w-what's--"
"i love you. do you hear me? i fucking love you. i would rather lose everything. my fucking career. my awards and accolades. everything that i own. i would lose it all if it meant i could have you."
"you d-don't," you spit out, the despair withering away to fury, "if you loved me, you wouldn't be fucking and entertaining other women. get out of my fucking room, max. get the fuck out. i don't want to hear from you or speak to you ever again. get out of my fucking life."
in that moment, you sense his defeat.
max couldn't argue with you any longer. if that's what you wanted, then he would obey. as much as his mind screamed at him to stay, to just hold and comfort you, he knew you were stubborn.
he couldn't blame you, not one bit.
after all, things did look pretty bad. you caught him responding to a woman who was consistently messaging him. and not just any woman.
a woman he had a brief fling with, several years before he met you.
a woman that you knew about, simply because max couldn't help but share the details. not because he wanted you to know, but because he was comfortable with you.
you knew things about him that no one else did. you knew what his favorite toy was when he was only a six year-old boy. you knew what song he listened to before every race, how he liked his tomato soup, and the darkness surrounding his upbringing.
you knew max verstappen in ways no one else did.
which, is why he loved you. he loved that he could be vulnerable with you. you were his safe haven. the sun to his moon. the woman who placed the stars in the sky.
the one person he was completely and utterly himself with.
and now, you were sitting here, dried tears sticking to your heated cheeks, ordering him to go. forcing him out of your life.
he wouldn't blame you for acting this way.
he knew your temper. he was well aware that it would only be a couple of hours before you were calling him, desperate to hear his voice because it was the only way you could fall asleep. you would beg for him to sing that one lullaby, in his native tongue. the one he wanted to sing for you every night until you dozed off in his arms.
yet, if you wanted him gone, then that's what he would do.
after all, max was patient.
he would wait.
even if it took months, he would wait until you were ready to forgive him.
shoving an arm through his coat, he crossed the room, finding the door. glancing over his shoulder, he looked at you one last time.
you were curled up in the bed, wrapped underneath the comforter. your sobs were muffled, but he could hear them. it felt almost as if there was a dagger, tearing his chest open and driving into his heart.
but he had to leave. it was what you wanted.
it's what you needed, as much as it pained him to leave you.
as max verstappen slipped out from the front door of your motorhome, a figure lingered in the shadows, their curiosity piquing as max shouts and curses about, his voice carrying across the night.
toto wolff, team principal of mercedes folds his arms across his chest, clicking his tongue.
"oh sweet girl, what did you get yourself into?"
cautiously, the team principal flicks his head back and forth, ensuring there max was out of sight. after all, it was approximately 1:06 a.m. surely he wouldn't be noticed.
see, it wasn't like toto intended to witness what he just did. he just happened to be taking an evening stroll. and well, part of his stroll just happened to be in front of your motorhome. it was simply part of the route that he took every race weekend.
sucking in a breath, the team principal made his way toward your door.
he knew he shouldn't. he knew the risks involved. he knew how messy this could get.
but toto wolff wanted to build a champion.
and that's what he would do.
no matter what it took.
licking his lips, the team principal raises his hand, gently rapping his knuckles against the door. it only takes about a minute before the door opens. at first, it's merely a crack, your head barely poking out.
there's an uneasy feeling that seeps into his chest as he notices the crimson hue tinging your eyes, the lids puffy from tears. your hair is a little messier than usual, a loose t-shirt hanging from your frame.
when you recognize who it is, you straighten a little, clearing your throat.
"u-uh, hi toto. you know it's late right?"
"i know," he nods, "but i was taking a stroll to clear my head and noticed someone around your motorhome. is everything okay?"
"oh?" your brow furrows, and he picks up the way you shrink slightly, "i didn't know that. i've been asleep."
"oh really?" toto cocks his head, sensing your demeanor shift as he catches you right where he wants you, right in the middle of your lie, "are you telling the truth?"
your sniff, feeling your palms clam up as he studies you, picking you apart, "i-i don't know what you're talking about."
the team principal takes a step forward, a hand darting out. it caresses your cheek, the pad of his thumb catching a tear as it falls.
"tell me, hase. are you having boy troubles?"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
taglist: @sweetjellyfishland @ts1m1kas @bxuzi @racecardilfs @bblouifford @justacornerofmybrain @irishmanwhore @sleutherclaw @marknolee @jeannealicette @allyisalright-blog @omgsuperstarg @okdokeygryssel63 @noooway555
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elllisaaa · 1 year ago
no nut november - bangchan (4th to lose)
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-> pairing : chan x fem!reader
-> words count : 3,1k
-> genre : smut, friends/sex friends to lovers
-> warnings : switch!chan, begging, teasing, dirty talk, praising, unprotected sex, hair pulling, handbjod, manhandling, creampie, use of 'slut', a tiny little bit of angst because chan is overthinking + the way i'm depicting bangchan does not represent him, it's only a work of fiction
-> 18+ content bellow, minors dni
-> reblogs and feedbacks are appreciated ! sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language.
-> masterlist | skz masterlist | no nut november
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November 18th, 10 pm, and all Chan was thinking about was you. Nonetheless, he should focus on what was going on behind his eyes, on his screen. But his mind was clearly not at it since this morning. He tried to work on his new song, on the lyrics, on the beat, on everything he could but nothing seemed to help. 
Chan leaned into his desk chair, sighing and closing his eyes in an attempt to stop his thoughts from running. Without needing to concentrate this time, you immediately appeared to him. At first, it was just your beautiful smile when you were talking about the things you loved, or the way you had to sit on chairs, crossing your legs and making you look so tiny Chan wanted to protect you from the world. But then, it was like someone corrupted him. He could easily picture your blissed out face when you came around his fingers or cock, even more easily picturing your hands stroking his dick. 
Chan sighed again, but that didn’t help him with his little problem. What would’ve helped him was if you were there with him. He saw his phone from the corner of his eyes, peacefully resting on his desk, and he hesitated for several minutes. What should he do ? Call you and lose ? Or just resist ? 
Your relationship was pretty unusual, to say the least. Since the first time you saw each other, you clicked immediately. You were caring and calm, but once you started talking about something you loved, you were the most passionate person he knew. He loved it because you were always able to relax him just with your presence and voice, but he also loved the fact that you could be as energetic as him at other times. 
But besides that, you were also someone who knew what she wanted. And you made it clear to him really quickly that he was what you wanted. And who was Chan to refuse such a proposal ? Obviously, he didn’t. But the more time passed, the more his feelings grew. And worst of all, he couldn’t stop it. Because you also made it clear that you didn’t want something serious, just being friends with benefits was fine, right ? 
It was until Chan messed it all up with his feelings. But before his brain could even register it, he had grabbed his phone and called you already. Must do that quickly so he would not have the time to regret what he had done. 
“- Long time no see Channie !”
The said Channie closed his eyes, feeling his heart skipping a beat hearing your voice. He stayed away from you since the start of this stupid bet, he didn’t realize until now how much he missed you, all of you. 
“- Yeah… Sorry, I know I’ve been distant but…
- Don’t worry ! Binnie told me about it, I have no problem with that. And it’s kinda flattering.
- Flattering ?
- Yeah… It’s like you admitting you can’t control yourself when you see me, isn’t that right ?”
He gulped at your words. You were sadly not that far from truth, except the fact that it wasn’t only your body, but your all self that was tempting him, from the way you were clenching around him when you were about to come to your beautiful smile. Everything about you was a temptation to him, but he couldn’t admit it to you, nor was he able to stop all of that before hurting both of you.
“- You saw right through me again…
- I know you very well, I must admit. 
- So you surely know why I call you ?
- Of course. I’m on my way.”
He could hear your smirk as you talked, and before he even had the chance to answer, you hung up. But you weren’t the type to lie, Chan knew you were gonna knock on his door in a matter of minutes, and he didn’t want to figure out why he felt a heavy weight on his heart.
“- Missed this…”
Your lips trailed along his neck, licking and sucking on it, and Chan tilted his head to the side to grant you more access to his skin. His hands were gripping your thighs firmly, preventing you from moving away from him. Once you put one foot in his room, you didn’t let him think twice before pushing him back into his chair, straddling him and kissing him like you hadn’t tasted him in years. 
“- Missed you Chan…”
His heart melted hearing your sweet voice saying you missed him. And God knows how much he missed you. So much. But he had to be realistic : you didn’t really miss him, you just missed his lips on yours, his hands on you, his dick in you. The facts were there, though. But Chan just decided to push it back and simply enjoy your lips on his and feeling your skin under his fingertips. 
“- I missed you too…”
Your little smile made you look so hot, so hot he wanted to pin you down on his bed and ruin you. But he was weak, you made him weak. So weak you just needed to move slightly against him to get him to moan. And your smile widened at the sound, loving to actually hear the effect you had on him. You closed your eyes, starting to grind on him at the same time. Chan’s hands flew to your hips, pushing you down against his hard cock. You whined quietly, gripping on his shoulders for support. 
“- What do you want me to do baby ? Just tell me.”
Your eyes were only focused on him, nothing else, and Chan felt overwhelmed. He wanted you to kiss him, to lick his body, to let him fuck you. He wanted you to do what you wanted, all of it, just because what he really wanted was to please you. 
“- Whatever you want. I just need you.
- That’s why I’m here. My hands ?”
Chan nobbed and you pecked his lips one more time before backing off a little, allowing you more space to touch him. He saw you licking your lips while pulling off his shorts and boxer just enough to free his hard cock, and it was hot as hell. He should have been ashamed by the fact he was already leaking precum, but your hungry look threw away his last piece of dignity, leaving him entirely at your mercy.
“- You weren’t joking when you said you missed me, hm ?”
Once again, Chan should've felt ashamed, but you both knew you were right. The feeling of his own hands on him wasn’t quite the half of what he was feeling when it was your hands. Your lustful gaze was focused only on his throbbing dick, your teeth biting into the flesh of your plush bottom lip as you watched him chasing your touch. That was making it very difficult for him not to blow right away.
“- Feels good Channie ?
- Yeah… Keep going, please.”
You chuckled lightly at his pleading. He should have known how crazy he was driving you just by existing, not to mention the effect he had on you every time he turned into a stuttering mess under your hands, and it was even worse every time he decided to take control - and you let him do that happily every time. He should have known that he didn’t need to beg for it, that you were eager to please him whenever he liked. 
You pushed your thumb against his flushed cockhead, making him gasp and whine under your touch, before spreading his precum along his now fully hard dick. Your wrist was moving way faster now, your fingers tightening around him. Chan closed his eyes shut, feeling his orgasm approaching too fast. He wanted to enjoy your touch some more, wanted you to look at him the way you did right now all the time - as if he was the only thing in your world. But he needed his sweet relief, he needed to finally let go of the tension and frustration of these past days. 
“- Just a little more… Please…”
You almost moaned, only hearing his low voice begging you was enough for you to surrender and give him what he wanted. You quickened your pace one more time, leaning down to kiss him. And that was all he needed to completely let go, moaning in your mouth as he came hard, his vision becoming blurry and his head starting to spin.
Chan stayed still for a moment, trying to come down off his high. And when he finally opened his eyes again, it was to see you licking your fingers clean. That made something switch in him. You’d notice by the way his eyes darkened, the way his jaw clenched hard, the way his fingers dug into the skin of your hips. 
Without saying a word, he stood up, placing his hands under your thighs to prevent you from falling. You were about to put your hands around his neck but he threw you on his bed, a whine leaving your throat when your back hitted the mattress. That. That was what you loved so much about Chan - he could be putty in your hands and the next second manhandling you like you weighed nothing. 
You admired him as he tossed his clothes away, letting your eyes wander on his tough shoulders, his toned abs, his muscular thighs. You found yourself speechless every time you saw him naked. How could he not see how handsome he was ? You pressed your thighs together trying to suppress your growing desire as he hovered over you on the bed. In no time, he settled between your legs that you spread for him as soon as you felt his knee pushing against them, earning a growl of approval from him. 
“- Take off your clothes.”
You didn’t think twice before doing it. You didn’t think at all in fact. His hungry gaze was burning you, so much you thought you’d explode if he didn’t touch you. Thankfully, he unfastened your belt, sliding your jeans and underwear down your thighs as you threw away your shirt and bra, ending up naked underneath his starved look. He immediately brought his hand to your core, pushing his thumb against your clit, making you whimper. 
“- So wet already… Want me that much baby ?
- Yeah… Please Chan…”
He took your chin between two of his fingers, forcing you to look at him while he sucked off his thumb covered in your slit. And that was enough to make you whine, not only because he was so hot you wanted to bounce on his dick for hours, but also because you knew how much he loved every noise coming out of your mouth.
“- You’re really not going to stop teasing, hum ?”
Your smirk was telling it all, and Chan had enough of you and your filthy mouth. He just wanted to hear you cry and scream only his name, wanted to feel like he was the one made for you. 
“- On all fours baby, and hang on tight.”
You gulped and just obeyed, as if your ability to speak had been removed from you. You settled yourself, and as soon as you stopped moving, he thrusted into you so roughly you would’ve crashed into the headboard if you weren’t gripping on it tightly. The sound you were letting out were animalistic, but you weren’t able to care anymore, not when Chan was pounding into you so hard you think you’ll split in two. But the worst was that you liked it so much, feeling like he could make you come with each thrust of his dick in you, even if he didn’t take the time to stretch you out, it was even more delicious.
“- C-Chan…”
You were interrupted by a loud moan when the man behind you buried himself even deeper inside of you, hitting all the right places at once. You tried to talk again, tell him that you needed more, but your words were coming out as an incoherent mumbling. 
“- So dumb everytime I put my dick in you, aren’t you ? Just need me to fill up your tight cunt…”
You nobbed eagerly, unable to do something else than crying out his name. And that was driving him crazy, his chest filling up with pride knowing he was the only one to please you like that, to fuck you like that. One of his hands slid from your hips, all along your spine, spreading shivers on your skin, only to end up in your hair, grabbing a fistfull of them and forcing you to arch your back even more, allowing him to sink even deeper into you. You were probably drooling, but you didn’t gave a fuck, simply moaning when Chan pulled your hair.
“- Look at you baby… Can’t even talk anymore…”
He tugged your hair harder, the nails of his other hand digging in the skin of your hips from how roughly he was guiding you on his cock. 
“- Maybe I should shut you up like this more often, what do you think ?”
You wanted to say something, wanting to let him know he could use you whenever he wanted to and that you would absolutely adore it.
“- Would you like me to fuck you every time you talk back ?”
And like every other time, he knew what you wanted, saying all the things you needed to hear, doing all the things you needed him to do. 
“- Please… P-Please Chan… I-I need to-”
Another thrust shut you down, reducing you to a mumbling mess. You felt tears pool under your eyelids as the pleasure hit you harder and harder with each thrust, tightening the coil in your stomach. 
“- Use your words, slut.”
The nickname paired to the moan he left out when he felt you clench around his shaft made you feel dizzy, made you feel like you were on the edge of your orgasm.
“- N-Need to cum… S-Shit !”
Chan let go of your hair, your head falling back into the pillow, guiding his fingers directly on your clit, circling it harshly and sending you over the edge in less than a minute. Your moans were so loud you almost felt sorry for his neighbors. Almost because you couldn’t bring yourself to care when you were feeling so much pleasure you could’ve faint. 
Your arms were numb, and your legs were shaking so much you would’ve passed out from the intensity of your orgasm if Chan wasn’t holding you. But his sloppy trusts were keeping you awake, aware of every move he was making, of every noise coming out of his mouth. 
“- Fuck ! You’re so tight… Can I cum inside ?”
You couldn't help your smile, loving the fact that he kept asking you the same question, even though you both knew your answer would always be the same. 
“- Yes, please…”
Chan moaned, and you could easily picture him throwing his head back, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as he came, face contorted by the pleasure he was feeling as his orgasm washed over him. You felt his hot cum being spilled out of your pussy as Chan slowed the pace of his thrusts until he stopped totally. You needed a long time to find your breath again, feeling the desire to sleep creeping on you quickly. 
You didn’t react when Chan pulled out of you and helped you get on your back to clean you up. You hummed happily, feeling his touch as light as a feather on your thighs and whole body. You only came back to reality when he stroked your cheek, finding him smiling at you brightly. 
“- Can I stay tonight ?”
You didn’t think about it, it just came out naturally, like it was where you should have been for a long time. It was strange to realize how much you wanted to sleep in his arms just now. But what felt even more right was his honest answer when he immediately said yes. You settled yourself comfortably in his arms, enjoying being engulfed by his warmth and scent. 
“- Thank you for coming…”
You chuckled lightly against his chest, remaining playing with the hair at the back of his head.
“- You don’t need to thank me for that Channie, I’ll always be there for you no matter what happens.”
Chan stayed silent for a long time. He felt like it was the right time, but he couldn’t ignore the fact that maybe he will scare you and ruin his chances to be with you one way or another. Maybe you will run away. Maybe you will tell him you just wanted him as a friend, just wanted him for sex. But he knew he could not keep up with this situation much longer. 
“- I really did miss you… And not just only for… That… Think I might be starting to really like you.”
You said it almost in one breath, not wanting to lose your courage at the last second. You were aware that chances of him liking you back were very low, and you were aware it was you who had established the rules between you. But you also knew that you liked him much more than a friend or a fuck buddy. You liked all his little habits, even the ones he said were the most annoyings, you liked being the only one staying so late in his studio and getting to cuddle him even if he was busy as hell. You liked his smile, his tendency to always care for you, his ability of remembering all of these little details you even forgot telling him about. 
“- Might take you on a date then… I want to do things right this time.”
You finally lifted your head up, meeting his nervous but shining eyes. You could feel his heart beating way faster under the palm that was still placed on his chest. 
“- You did everything you could right. It’s me. I set up boundaries just to cross them out a few months later… And I was stupid to do that just because I was afraid of my feelings. I would love to go out with you.”
Chan kissed your forehead, and you sighed in relief. You didn’t realize until now how much you were craving this tenderness from him, and you couldn’t wait to finally be his official girlfriend to benefit from it every day, and so did Chan. You were all he could have ever dreamt of, and now you were in his arms. And he knew, for the first time of his life, that everything would be alright : with you by his side, he could only be alright.
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-> i don't allow any copies, reposts or translations of my works.
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taglist : @bangchans-angel @its-hannjisung @3rachasninja @boi-bi-ahaha @supergoodjudgepsychic @jaiuneamesolitaiire @starsandrqindrops @anonymousreader55 @iwannabangchan69 @b3tOxic @fawnpeaks @lxrii @channiesgoodgirl @imsotiredandalsonineteen @bbchangbinnie24 @chrishak @cscsi @minskzy @hyunlixs-wife0309 @stayconnecteed @miserya99 @puppy-minnie @kaitchan @hopefulrascalstatesmantoad @linosssss @channiesbedbug @whosanaanyway @coastalmaine (if your pseudo is crossed out, it's because i can't tag you and you'll have to change your settings).
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