#Brian Moser x Reader
happy74827 · 3 months
The Perfect Gift of Appreciation
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[Rudy Cooper (technically) x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: Being severely injured with zero money to back up your bills, you decide to take an emergency visit to the only doctor you personally know.
WC: 2897
Category: Hurt/Comfort, Slight Fluff,
A lot of you actually liked my Brian fic (love y’all), so I wanted to make another for you guys. I’m sad that there’s still none 😔😔
He was absolutely pissed. Granted, he didn’t actually tell you, but the way his face fell into utter disappointment when he finally answered his door was all the information you needed. You couldn’t help but frown, your hand moving to cover your poorly bandaged arm as you watched him.
It made sense; the man had just come home from his shift, and his outfit was still intact with his suit and lab coat, with exhaustion weighing on his eyes. The man looked downright miserable, and with you looking like a wet rat from the rain and the blood seeping from your wound, he couldn't imagine a less welcome sight.
You both just stood there staring at one another, the rain pounding against the umbrella over your head. The wind was picking up, and you knew it was going to storm harder. You really couldn’t stand the look he was giving you.
"Hey, Rudy," You managed out, swallowing hard as the pain began to seep into your voice. You endured quite a lot to get here, and you weren’t about to let your pride show now.
The man before you let out a tired sigh, leaning against the doorframe as he closed his eyes.
"You do realize what time it is, don't you?" He questioned the usual cheerfulness of his voice, which was replaced with annoyance. It hurt a bit to hear, but you didn't blame him. It’s quite rude to show up unannounced, and it was even worse considering you showed up after 2 am.
Your eyes averted downwards, feeling ashamed for even showing up here. The last thing you wanted was to bother him, especially at a time like this.
Yet, you couldn’t go anywhere else. Money wasn’t quite flowing well in your area, and it was bad enough to where you had no insurance. You were a simple college student, working odd jobs here and there while balancing school and the like.
The job you had recently obtained was a janitor position for a nearby grocery store, and things seemed pretty good for a bit. It was not enough to pay those outrageous health bills, but it was getting you by.
"I need a favor... I know it's not exactly the best time to be asking, but please, just listen—" You began, the words spilling out of your mouth just as you’ve rehearsed them a million times.
Before you could continue, Rudy opened his eyes and looked down at you with a small frown. He already noticed the way you held your arm and the way you kept glancing at it. He knew what this was about; he knew the moment he opened the door and saw the desperation in your eyes.
Your name fell from his lips, drained and tired as he rubbed his forehead. He was silent for a bit, just as you were, and when he finally looked back up, his frown grew deeper.
"You seriously can’t afford to get simple treatment? How do you even know if I have the right supplies to fix something like this up, huh?"
You didn’t reply, merely biting down on your lip as you looked away. It was true, you weren't sure. Yet, Rudy had always been so kind to you, always willing to offer his help and support when you needed it.
The man sighed, closing his eyes as he ran his fingers through his hair. He couldn’t believe he was doing this; he had to wake up in a few hours, and now he had to deal with this.
The only thing keeping him from saying no was the look you gave him.
You weren’t one to beg or ask for help. You usually dealt with things on your own, and when you couldn’t, you were willing to work it off. He admired that about you, how you weren't the type to depend on others.
The fact that you were even here, soaked to the bone and asking for his help, proved to him just how serious the situation was.
You had no other choice, and he knew that.
So, without a word, Rudy stepped aside and gestured for you to enter. The relief was immediate, and before he could blink, you were inside, the sound of the rain slowly fading behind you.
The warmth of his home was a great contrast from the outside, and you couldn’t help but sigh contently as he threw his coat off and led you down the hall.
His duffel was still beside the couch, a sign that he had just returned moments before. Somehow, it made you feel worse, knowing that you interrupted his much-needed rest.
You followed Rudy through the living room, landing in the kitchen where the door to his basement was. You were about to follow him downwards, side-stepping past him, but a hand slammed against the doorframe just before you could.
Startled, you looked up at Rudy, a brow raised at the sudden stop. He was staring at you, his expression unreadable, and it made you grow uncomfortable.
"Stay here. I’ll be up in a minute, okay?" His voice changed slightly, sounding far more awake than before.
"Can’t you just do it down there? I mean, that’s where all your stuff is, right?"
Why go through all the trouble of bringing everything upstairs?
He shook his head, his lips pulling into a tight line. It looked like he was thinking something over, and when he finally spoke, he seemed hesitant.
"Just trust me, okay? Just wait here. I promise I won't be long."
You frowned, wanting to question him, but Rudy was already moving down the stairs. The door shut behind him, and the next thing you knew, you were left alone in the kitchen.
Confused, you couldn't help but stare at the door.
Why didn’t he want you down there? That was pretty odd behavior for someone who loved to brag about his work. You couldn’t recall a time when Rudy wasn’t so open about what he did.
So why the sudden change?
You didn’t want to question it, and instead, you hummed and sat down in the chair. You could hear his footsteps echo downstairs, and you waited patiently for him to return.
The sound of the basement door opening was almost instant, and when Rudy entered, you noticed the big medical box in his arms. You couldn’t help but watch the man walk around his kitchen, his movements slow and calculated as he made his way over to you.
Rudy placed the box onto the table, popped it open, and began to pull out the gloves, rubbing alcohol, and gauze. The man grabbed a chair and pulled it across from you, and as he did, he glanced up at you and smiled.
Your mind, however, was still elsewhere.
"Hiding a body down there, or something? You were taking forever, know..." You mumbled, your gaze shifting from the box to Rudy.
He chortled at the comment, glancing up momentarily to give you a small smile before resuming his task of pulling out the medical supplies.
He didn’t say anything other than the comments about your wound. How’d you get it? If it hurt, how long ago did it happen…
You know, the typical doctor questions.
Rudy took your arm in his, his hold gentle as he carefully removed the cloth that was once your makeshift bandage. You winced, hissing as the material peeled away some of the dried blood, and it caused Rudy to glance up at you apologetically.
As the cloth finally came off, Rudy didn’t make any type of comment. He didn't react to the deep cut on your arm other than the occasional flicker of his eyes. To you, it was absolutely jarring. It looked so much worse than you expected, and you couldn’t help but glance away as the man poured the alcohol onto the gauze.
He must’ve been used to this kind of thing, considering he didn’t so much as bat an eye.
The alcohol felt cold against your skin, and you bit your tongue to prevent the pain from escaping. Rudy didn't say a word as he cleaned up the wound, and you took the time to glance at the man.
Rudy was focused, his eyes narrowed as he concentrated on your wound. He was careful but quick, and his actions were precise and methodical. The way he moved was almost fascinating, and before you knew it, he was done with that part.
Rudy tossed the now bloodied gauze into the trash can that was temporarily beside the table and then reached for the next item.
The numbing shot.
The man paused, his gaze lifting from the supplies and up to your face. Rudy, the sweet and caring guy, had a very different face whenever he worked. He had his usual soft and comforting smile, but the way he constantly looked at your arm was so… cold.
He almost looked bored.
You blinked, and suddenly, he was staring at you, his brows raised.
You stared, unable to find the words, but the moment he spoke, the spell was broken.
Rudy gave you a sheepish smile, gesturing the shot in his hands. He warned you about the small prickle, gesturing to the shot in his hands, the prickle that’s never just a prick of the skin. It’s always quite painful.
The needle was tiny, but the feeling of the sensation entering your body was enough to make you grit your teeth. You felt your face grow warm, the embarrassment washing over you as the pain became a dull ache.
It didn't last long, and soon Rudy was shaking it around, supposedly making the numbing effect act faster.
Then, the waiting game. He told you around five to ten minutes, depending on your tolerance, and that's how you both ended up sitting across from one another in silence.
Rudy was tapping his fingers against the table, the only sound filling the air. You couldn’t help but notice the dark circles under his eyes, the way his shoulders sagged, and the occasional yawn that escaped him.
"I’m sorry," You said, finally breaking the silence. His facial expression didn’t help you feel better, the frown on his lips growing deeper as he shook his head.
"Don’t be sorry." He mumbled, his eyes closing briefly as he inhaled sharply. "Truth be told, I actually despise apologies. And it's not like you did this to yourself on purpose, anyways…"
That was true, you supposed. Still, the guilt wouldn't leave you alone.
When the man didn’t receive a reply, Rudy looked at you with a tired smile. His hands moved over the medical box, and with a slight push, it was out of the way and no longer between you.
Rudy then leaned forward, placing his elbows against the table, and folded his hands beneath his chin.
"You know, I miss this."
You blinked, tilting your head at him as a soft smile formed on your lips. "Me being clumsy and annoying?"
He chuckled, a sound that brought warmth to your heart, and the exhaustion was temporarily forgotten.
Rudy shook his head, and as he did, his smile faded and was replaced with something a little more sad. "Skin. The human body. Blood. The life force. I just miss it, I guess... I love what I do, don't get me wrong, but it can be a little boring at times.. It gets repetitive. The smiles are nice, the gratitude of those I treat, but sometimes I can't help but think about other things. More exciting things, y'know?"
"Suturing my arm is exciting to you? That's pretty weird, Rudy, and that's coming from me…"
You were only half-joking, and Rudy was aware. The man was silent for a moment, his gaze averted as his smile slowly returned.
A soft chuckle left him, and he leaned back against the chair, crossing his arms against his chest.
His eyes closed, and the smile on his face grew.
It wasn’t a sad smile, nor was it happy. It was a smile that said many things but nothing at all.
When his eyes finally opened, they were different. The smile was gone, and so was the warmth in his expression.
The smile he wore now was a familiar one, and the glint in his eyes was one you knew too well.
The box was moved back in front of him, and with a swift movement, the scissors and tweezers were in his hands.
Then, the conversation was over, and so was the waiting period. He did check to see if it was numb, but the moment you confirmed that it was, he went right back to work.
It was silent for the most part; you felt no pain, and Rudy was careful as he did his job. It was going by rather quickly, and with the silence that fell between the two of you, you couldn’t help but look down at your arm.
He was already halfway done. The numbing was working like a charm, and with how quickly Rudy was going, it was almost like a superpower. For a man not in his element, he seemed like he was pretty damn well in his element.
Maybe he did have a body hidden downstairs. Give him some practice.
Rudy stopped for a moment, the sudden pause causing you to lift your gaze and look at him. He was holding a new needle in his hand, a black string-like material in the other.
He was staring at your arm, the concentration on his face strong as he held the items up. It was a rather odd sight, and you couldn't help but lean closer to get a better look.
Rudy blinked, his focus snapping up at you, and he gave you a lopsided grin.
You watched him for a moment, the man simply staring back at you with the same grin, and after a moment of silence, he put the tools down.
"And, presto." He said, his grin widening, and before you knew it, he was packing up the box.
Damn, that was fast.
He wrapped the wound in an actual bandage, moving at the speed of light, and before you could even comprehend what was happening, Rudy was already finished.
The man got up, stretching out his back as he did, and he glanced down at you with a soft smile.
"I don’t keep any antibiotics around here, but a simple store trip can fix that. You don’t need anything fancy, just a simple infection control, and you should be good to go. It doesn't seem to be too bad, and if it gets any worse, then we can look into that later... at the ER."
"Right." You mumbled, not having the energy to protest. The sarcasm, the jokes, the humor... everything was gone. You were drained, and now that the whole ordeal was over, you felt yourself slouching against the chair.
You looked up at Rudy, and before you could speak, he was already talking.
"Don’t worry about it. I’ll drop you home tomorrow morning before I go in. I’m seconds away from passing out, and you look like you're about to fall over."
You nodded, a silent thank you falling from your lips. Rudy gave you a nod in response and then gestured towards the hallway.
It wasn’t too long after that you found yourself walking down the hallway with a spare pillow and blanket. The guest bedroom was empty, and when you entered, the lights were off.
You didn’t question it, and instead, you set the pillow and blanket on the bed and made yourself comfortable. He said he used this room a lot, but somehow, it looked so untouched. It wasn’t dusty, but the way the room was set up proved that it wasn't often used.
Still, you were far too exhausted to give it a second thought.
Rudy walked past the doorway, a pair of keys in his hands as he waved them around. You heard him mention something about locking up and going to sleep, and after he left, the hall was silent.
And then, after a few minutes, the house was silent.
As you lay there, a wave of exhaustion washed over you. Your arm was still numb, and you felt nothing as you gently placed your hand against the bandage.
There was no pain, no nothing. It was just ugly, and yet you were grateful.
You didn’t even know Rudy for that long. A mutual friend introduced you to one another, and ever since then, it has been a whirlwind of events.
Especially due to your overbearing clumsiness.
But tonight? What a true blessing.
You couldn’t thank him enough. Maybe you could make him breakfast in the morning. That sounded like a decent enough gift.
Unless you happened to break his kitchen or yourself, you’d have to see how things played out.
And with that, you rolled over, your eyes slowly drifting shut.
You were out within a minute. And fortunately for Rudy, so were his neighbors.
It was a rather quiet night, after all, and with his soundproof walls, no one could hear a thing.
Even with the preparation for the next present for his precious Ken, the perfect gift of appreciation, no one could hear the sounds of his true work.
Well, no one except you.
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[@ghostheartbeat, @numetalnerd2007] Here’s your tag, besties! Go wild! ☺️☺️
I hope you guys liked the "realistic" approach I took here lmao. I felt really devious about this plot 😈
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viinchester · 27 days
I was honestly SHOCKED by how little content about the two is on here and I've recently been sucked into the phase again where I want to read stuff for them every single free second I have. It's so frustrating to see almost nothing being uploaded, it honestly feels like there's only 1 or 2 writers left, which I'm beyond grateful for bc otherwise I think I would have already gone through the roof (is that even an expression?).☠️
So if anyone has anything at all for either one of them, PLEASE, I BEG YOU, post it. I'm taking literal crumbs at this point.
(I know of at least one other person who's also hyperfixated right now so I hope there are more of us out there👀)
If you want to write for them and don't have any idea what to write about, PLEASE comment here or post that you need requests, the other person (who doesn't want to be mentioned🙄) has tons of ideas, and I'd honestly read just about anything.😅
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Thank you for coming to my TED-Talk!
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norawriteswords · 11 days
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notes:: I love literally all of you🫶🫶 thank you SO SO SO MUCH FOR READING!!🫶🫶🤭 this is a part two but it can be read as a standalone because nothing really connects to the last part <3 really similar themes to part one but with a bit more going on… kinda..😭 just under 900 words, fem pronouns used. Mentions of blood & brian cuts his palm in a kitchen setting!
Brian chopped up some tomato, his knife skills precise and practiced. He had some oil and aromatics in his pan, preparing some pasta sauce. You, his ever faithful helper, sat on the stool at his kitchen island, peeling some carrots.
Brian liked to take charge in the kitchen, and it was a great explanation as to why he had a massive walk in refrigerator- one you’d never seen the interior of. In reality, he didn’t mind cooking, but Rudy Cooper? He loved cooking.
“So, how was your day? Spare me no details.” Brian said as he began to cut up an onion. His cutting board was on the island facing you, his pan on the stovetop sizzling behind him. “It was alright.” You swished around your wine in your glass. “I know you’re probably sick of hearing me talk about the ice truck killer.” You mumbled, taking a sip.
Brian could never be sick of you, especially not when you were talking about him. He could listen to you talk for hours, regardless of topic. It was just a little added bonus he was the subject.
“Absolutely not. I could never be sick of hearing you talk doll.” He smiled affectionately, gently pinching your cheek. You felt your own little grin as you looked down to your carrot pile bashfully.
You cleared your throat. “It’s hard. You know? He’s just- smart. Annoyingly smart.” You sighed and sipped your wine. Brian nodded, turning his back to you to add the onions and tomatoes to the pan. Frankly, you were sick of thinking about the ice truck killer. “I mean, what kind of psycho has this much precision?” You huffed. 
He liked this. He liked when you inadvertently stroked his ego, it felt nice to hear it from you. His detective girlfriend. So intelligent. So close to the truth, but so far.
Brian hummed in acknowledgment, turning back to you after giving his pan a little stir. “Well you’re smart too. I have no doubt you’ll get him.” He grabbed the carrots from your little pile, cutting them into small cubes.
You sardonically exhaled in response. It had been weeks and the Miami Metro PD were getting nowhere. You looked around the kitchen, trying to be of use. You felt stumped at work, but that didn’t mean you had to be idle at home. You spotted a couple unused onions sitting on the counter.
You sprung to your feet, walking up beside Brian to grab the onions. He quirked brow at you. “What’re you doing?” He asked, genuine confusion striking his features.
“Taking the onions back to the cold room.” You announced. Before he could protest or convince you to sit back and relax you turned your back to him, already making way to the freezer.
Brian’s pulse quickened. What was he going to say? How could he manipulate this? You were going to find out. Like this. No. It wasn’t right. He had a plan. A plan to help you. He felt a cold sweat on the back of his neck.
In a split second Brian grabbed the kitchen knife, slicing open his palm. He winced loudly for dramatic effect, feeling practically nothing. He was used to far more pain, but this would do for now. You whipped around, dropping the onions as you rushed over.
“Rudy? What happened?” You stared at his slightly hunched over figure. You eyed the blood dripping down his forearms, your eyes going wide. “I cut my hand.. grabbed the knife the wrong way..” he lied, loving how much attention you were giving him.
You grabbed his hand, pulling him over to the kitchen sink. “Wash it.. clean it, just, let the water run over it… I’ll go grab your first aid kit..” you said, shaking slightly. You ran over to his bathroom, rummaging under the sink for any gauze or a first aid kit.
You pushed bottles of cleaning products out of the way, looking for old, white first aid box you’d seen countless times while sleeping over at his place. You spotted it, grabbing the kit as you made haste back to the kitchen where Brian had his hand under the running tap. “Let me see..” you peered over his side.
“It’s fine doll, really..” he titled his palm to show you the deep gash. You scrunched your face, feeling queasy at the sight of his blood. “I brought gauze. We’ll wrap it up tonight and get it checked tomorrow.” You mumbled. You looked around the kitchen, grabbing a clean hand towel. You turned off the tap and gently wrapped his hand up with the towel. “Keep it high and just make sure it’s all dry.” You instructed. “Yes detective.” He flashed you a little smirk, and you rolled your eyes fondly.
Opening up the first aid kit you grabbed a roll of gauze and some antibiotic cream. You motioned for him to come closer and he obliged, unwrapping the towel and resting his hand in your smaller one. “Jesus Rudy. That’s a big cut..” you mumbled, spreading some of the antibiotic cream on his palm. “I’m such an idiot. I was just trying to grab the knife..” he explained. You looked up at him, a little frown on your lips.
God, you fell into his trap so easily. You were just eating this up. It was adorable how easily you believed him.
You wrapped up his hand, gently, with such care and love it almost hurt his heart. “Thank you doll. I’m sure it’ll be fine.” He smiled reassuringly. You looked up at him, tenderly rubbing his cheek.
He leant in, kissing you tenderly. You smiled, slinging your arms around his neck as he peppered kisses along your face. You giggled.
It wasn’t much, but it kept you out of the freezer. That was all that mattered. His secret wasn’t just a secret, it was a gift for you- and you have no business spoiling it before it comes to fruition.
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brain moser n gf thoughts ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
slightly suggestive, fem prns, fem reader, I would say possessive!brian but he already is?? Just even more ig
OKAY OKAY this idea has been haunting me for so long but I could def see Brian treating his girlfriend almost like an actual doll. Painting her nails, brushing her hair, or buying clothing he thinks would look best on her ༊*·˚
“C’mon baby, just try it on. Do it for me huh?” He coos into your ear, still trying to seem hurt at the fact you initially refused.
It was a babypink spaghetti strap with lace accents paired with a white pullover. He had also bought you a concerningly short plaid creme skirt. You had never worn something so girlish before. It seemed all most a bit odd to you that Rudy wanted to see you in something so dainty, yet scandalous. But If it meant he would shower you with more attention than usual, than you suppose playing dress up f wouldn’t hurt. “Fine, I guess I’ll wear it, it is kinda cute.”
“Great, I know you’ll look beautiful. Light colors always looked good on you” He smiled affectionately, eager to see in the outfit he picked for you.
Brian couldn’t deny it any longer, he was developing some sort of affection for you. He loved how focused you looked whenever you talked about your job and whatever funny coworker you mentioned that day. He loved the way you would joke about the darkest things and make light of it. Occasionally, he would sneak glances and see empty eyes. He wondered if you were also fucked up like him. Wouldn’t that be something, like some sort of homicidal Barbie.
Above all things, he uwanted to protect you, but he also wanted you all to himself. He wanted to control what you wear, how you do your hair. He adored your usual appearance, but something about having this casual dominance over you made something in him long for more. To mark you, claim you, make it known to everyone that you belong to him and him only.
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willieverseetheland · 17 days
hi there!! sorry for asking but do you write for Brian Moser as well? cause I just saw ur dexter fics and I'm IN LOVE, and there isn't rlly much of him. HOPE UR HAVING A GOOD DAY, LOVE UR WRITING!!
I honestly haven't considered it, but this has got me thinking! I'll have to rewatch season 1 to get a better understanding of his character. However, before anyone asks, no I will NOT write mosercest.
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dark-vader28 · 1 year
Who I’ll write for:
Alex Turner
Rodrick Heffley
Sam Winchester
Dean Winchester
Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader
Luke Skywalker
Peter Parker
Marty McFly
Michael afton
Billy Loomis
Mickey Alteri
Soldier Boy
Stephen Glass
Clay Beresford
Dexter Morgan
Brian Moser
Joe Goldberg
send me requests so i actually get the damn motivation to write :)
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 months
Do you do content about Dexter? I just have a hyper fixation with the series specifically with Brian Moser but no content x male reader and I'm desperate for content from him
Hi anon :3c
I do not, since I've never watched or read Dexter. But what fandoms I write for are written down on my pinned post 🐊🌈
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indiemags · 6 years
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What is Indie?
Indiecon 2018 - Indie nations
Oliver Gehrs – DUMMY  “Being independent means being free.”
Jana Al Obeidyine – a Dance Mag  “Indie is being true to yourself despite the adversity.”
Davide Cazarro – NANG Magazine  “A sprawling and layered term, an opportunity, an aspiration, a promise… a chimera?”
Mike Koedinger – Maison Moderne/Paperjam  “It’s primarily about freedom of expression, and less a matter of size.”
Sissel Hansen – Startup Guide  “Indie means trying new things, being unconventional and sticking to your own vision.”
Meg Miller– Eye on Design  “Free to be experimental, thoughtful, and dynamic with the contents of your publication, in pursuit of making something valuable and considered above all else.”
Iris Lee– ArtQpie Library  “Small scale but big impact.”
Laurel Schwulst – Beautiful Company  “I think it's short for independent.”
Monika Szewczyk – South as State of Mind  “Quote from The Life of Brian: ‘We are all indie-vidiuals’, defined by our alliances.”
Florian Mecklenburg & Karoline Buurman – NXS  “Being independent from any safe and proven formats and aesthetics.”
Indiecon 2017 - Indie first
Justinien Tribillon – Migrant Journal  “Being independent means highlighting stories and showing perspectives that are not bound to financial interests or sensationalist requirements.”
Ryan Fitzgibbon – hello mr.  “Indie means finding your motivation in challenging the status quo.”
Steve Watson – Stack  “Indie is unstoppable.”
Jeremy Leslie – magCulture  “Indie is anything you dream.”
Ibrahim Nehme – Outpost  “Indie is disconnecting from the system to find freedom.”
Stefanie Lohhaus – Missy  “Passionate, content-driven journalism. Avantgarde. Taking Risks both content and layout-wise. Being radical.”
Megan Le Masurier – University of Sydney  “Indie is the desire for a Utopian space, creating what is missing.”
Nelson Ng – LOST  “Indie is about having a strong belief in something.”
Yaonyou Yuan Di “Indie is without any interruption.”
Rose Nordin – OOMK “Indie is in line with D.I.Y – making projects happen with little resources and with a lot of personal investment.”
Kati Krause – ANXY  “’Indie’ is a carte blanche for radical creativity, for making magazines that verge on art. It means trying out subject matters and storytelling that readers didn’t even know they were interested in. It means forging audiences rather than following them.”
Besa Luci – Kosorvo 2.0  “Indie means being self-aware and self-critical.”
Joachim Baldauf – VORN  “Real Indie for me is non-capitalistic. Not focused on money, but spirit.”
Steve Anglesey – The New European  “Indie is the Second Annual Report album by Throbbing Gristle (1977) – self-written, self-recorded, self-performed using self-built equipment, self-published because no major would have dared; created for no-one but the artists, yet manage to inspire and connect a network of individuals.”
Heike Grebin – Troppo-Automated “Limitations make you creative – hopefully.”
Andreas Trogisch – Troppo-Automated “You get the idea and you do it.”
Timo Rychert – Troppo-Automated “The moment you find out what Indie is, it stops being Indie.”
Sara Schurmann – VICE / F Mag “For me magazines are „indie“, when the editorial team developed the idea independently and not on behalf of a client. Which doesn’t mean you can’t work with or for publishing houses.”
Susanne Eigenmann – Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft  “Indie is authentically, surprising and likeable.”
Teresa Bücker – Edition F  “Indie is about being stronger together.”
Indhira Rojas – ANXY  “Indie is creative freedom, freedom to invent and make things on your terms and follow that vision. It's taking the risk to pursue your ideas outside of traditional frameworks, and in that process finding your own path.”
Indiecon 2016 - Indienet Pioneer Communities
Danny Miller – Weapons of Reason  “I don’t have a definitive answer for this.”
Ricarda Messner – Flaneur  “Doing whatever you want to do.”
Agnese Kleina – Benji Knewman  “Inventing your own universe and rules.”
Joachim Baldauf – Vorn  “Real Indie for me is non-capitalistic. Not focused on money, but spirit.”
Steven Watson – Stack  “Indie is unstoppable.”
Fabian Weiß “Indie is doing what you like and listening to your heart.”
Sebastian Pranz – Froh  “Indie is creating alternative public spheres!”
Penny Martin – The Gentlewoman  “A lifetime membership of the London Library and a taxi account.”
Rosetta Mills – The Lifted Brow  “Making a thing you love with good people, for good people who will love it.”
Jeff Taylor – Courier “Today’s ‘indie’ crews have found multiple models that help them launch titles for far less money than before, and in the process, are creating a wave of fresh, unique titles.”
Veronica Ditting – The Gentlewoman  “Indie is an outspoken and personal voice.”
Sam Cooney – The Lifted Brow  “Indie is making meaning rather than money.”
Fabian Ebeling – Die Epilog  “Doing (almost) whatever you want.”
Klaus Neuburg – Froh  “Doing it anyway.”
Timo Durst – PFDFNDR “Indie is intrinsic.”
Max Weinland – PFDFNDR “Indie is autocracy.”
Richard O’Mahony – The Gentlewoman  “The opportunity of a lifetime.”
Sebastian Zimmerhackl – Selam X  “Through the wall.”
Michael Hopp – Hopp und Frenz  “Indie is print without regrets.”
Nelson Ng – Lost  “Indie is about having a strong belief in something.”
Indiecon 2015 - Indie forever
Philipp Köster – 11 Freunde  “Indie ist: Sich selbst ausbeuten, statt sich von anderen ausbeuten zu lassen.“
Ryan Fitzgibbon – Hello Mr.  “Finding motivation in the attempt to prove everyone wrong.”
Jeremy Leslie – Magculture  “Complete Control.”
Kai Brach – Offscreen  “Being able to decide today what the magazine will look like tomorrow, without asking anyone for permission.”
Ole Jendis – Impulse  “Indie jetzt gründen – der wahrscheinlich verrückteste und beste Zeitpunkt zugleich.“
Tristan Rodgers – MC1R  “The freedom to do everything you like to do and having it under your own control.”
Mathias Zeiske – Edit  “Getting to choose the people you depend on.”
Anke Eberhardt – CUT  “(i)nspiring, (n)iche dedicated, (d)eadline heavy, (i)nsane, (e)xceptional”
Julia Kahl – Slanted  “Independently created and published publications.”
Jan Spading – zmyk  “Sich unabhängig entscheiden zu können, von wem oder was man als Magazinmacher abhängig sein muss und will.“
Steven Gregor – Gym Class Mag  “Indie is a frame of mind. It’s an intention… a voice different from the norm. Indie is risk. It’s Shia LaBeouf’s rattail, not Kim Kardashian’s butt. Indie has nothing to do with fancy paper, typefaces or printing techniques. And it most certainly has nothing to do with small business models.”
Mads Pankow – Die Epilog  “To us indie means independent from the market, trying to make a magazine that reflects a unique point of view, without thinking about the target audience. Only if you keep straight to your own perspective you will find an audience which appreciates it.”
Dolf Hermannstädter – Trust  “Overrated.”
Ibrahim Nehme – The Outpost  “Indie is a blueprint of the world you want to live in – made with no budget.”
Juliane Schiemenz – Reportagen  “… wenn du Sachen anders machen kannst als die anderen – und davon trotzdem deine Miete bezahlen. // - und davon trotzdem deine Miete bezahlst. // wenn du Sachen anders machst als die anderen - und davon trotzdem deine Miete bezahlen kannst.“
Daniel Beskos – mairisch Verlag  “Working with people you like on magazines and books that are well done and worth being published."
Alexander Scholz – HOLO “A trade-off: the joy of answering to no one, the horrors of bearing all the risk.”
Chris Köver – Missy  “Wenn die Sache wichtiger ist als das Geld, das man damit verdient.“
Sebastian Pranz – Froh  “Indie is creating alternative public spheres!”
Indiecon 2014 - Was ist indie
Gabriele Fischer – brand eins  “Wenn die Idee stärker ist, als die Vernunft.“
Steve Watson – stack  ”Publishing because it matters, not because it pays.”
Kai Brach – Offscreen  “Etablierte Weisheiten über Bord zu werfen.“
Stephan Busse – dpv  “Zu machen, worauf man Lust hat - und dann erst die Erwartungen anderer zu erfüllen.“
Ale Dumbsky – READ “Indie ist ein dreichsnkliges Dreieck. Idiotie, Verantwortung, Romantik.”
Nikolaus Förster – Impulse  “Wenn die Lust auf Freiheit einen überwältigt - und sich auszahlt.“
Oliver Gehrs – Dummy  “Wenn man Themen bringen kann, die Anzeigenkunden meiden.“
Josephine Götz – Päng!  “Anzeigen zu verkaufen, während die Mitbewohner nebenan Sex haben.“
Michael Hopp – H&F “Wenn es mit uns selbst zu tun hat - und damit mit anderen.“
Ole Jendis – Impulse  “Mit den eigenen Ideen Leser zu begeistern und an sich zu binden.“
Fabian Knöbel – Analog Sonntag  “Indie-Projekte sind do-it-Projekte mit offenem Ausgang.“
Kati Krause – All Seasons Mag  “Indie ist Mut dazu, nicht von jedem verstanden zu werden.“
Volker Lilienthal – IJK “Immer wieder Pionierarbeit mit Kraft und Fantasie.“
Katarzyna Mol-Wolf – Emotion  “Indie ist authentisch, immer ein bisschen Rock'n Roll und nachhaltig erfolgreich.“
Horst Moser – Cut  “Indie c'est moi.”
Dirk Mönkenmöller – The Weekender  “Machen zu können, was man will.“
Boris Rosenkranz – NDR  “Indie ist das Gegenteil von Langeweile.“
Andreas Volleritsch – Neubau Design  “Indie ist immer mit Liebe und Leidenschaft gemacht.“
Marc Winkelmann – enorm “Indie ist Selbstverwirklichung durch Selbstausbeutung.“
Oliver Wurm - 547490 “Machen, zweifeln, sorgen, durchziehen, freuen. In der Reihenfolge.“
=== The Independent Magazine Festival is a project by Die Brueder Publishing. Indiecon 2018 online: www.indienations.de, instagram.com/indiemags, facebook.com/indiemags, twitter.com/indiemags
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happy74827 · 23 days
You Must Be Haunting Me
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[Brian Moser x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: Even after a year, you’re still haunted by the Ice Truck Killer.
WC: 2643
Category: Angst, No Comfort {TW: Not Proof Read 😞}
I did another one!! Are you guys proud of me? 🥹
So, rewatching the season, I forgot how sassy he was so I wanted to really show off that aspect in this one. Then my patience was over it, so the ending is just kinda… bland. But it’s okay because it’s Brian (he seriously needs more attention FOR REAL).
Anyway, for those 14 Brian fans… this one’s for you 🫶
The dark circles beneath your eyes. The way you can barely stand on your feet, your body so exhausted that you can hardly lift a finger to defend yourself. You’re like a walking corpse, and he's the one responsible for putting you in this state.
It started one year ago. One year ago, you moved to Miami and became the victim of a killer. It wasn't until his brother came along and put him six feet under that you began to heal and get back into the normal, everyday routine. But then he showed up.
It was one of those nights where you’d randomly get a jolt in your sleep. You sat up straight, the sheets pooling at your hips as you looked around the room. Your breathing was shallow, and sweat was beading on your brow. You felt a shiver run up your spine as you slowly laid back down.
"You sleep soundly."
His voice caused your heart to stop. You knew who it was, the same man who had terrorized you, who made your life a living hell. Slowly, you turned to your side, staring wide-eyed at the dark figure at the end of your bed. Your hands began to shake and tremble as you reached for the lamp on your nightstand.
"Oh, don't bother."
In an instant, with the sound of fingers snapping, the lamp's light went out. You could hear a chuckle coming from the intruder, and you were paralyzed, afraid to make a move.
I mean, it couldn’t be him, right? It was just some sick joke. He was dead. He couldn’t be here.
He couldn’t.
But, god, he looked the exact same. The curly dark hair, the pale skin. He was just a silhouette in the darkness of your room, and yet, you could tell that the grin he wore was the same grin that he had on the day you met him.
"You look like you’ve seen a ghost." He mused, moving closer towards you. His weight caused the bed to dip slightly, and you could feel the fear begin to take over your body. "Should I start saying boo?"
Your throat was dry, and you couldn’t speak; all you could do was stare at him, frozen in place. He lowered his head in amusement and chuckled, leaving his lips once more.
It was when his eyes weren’t on you that broke you out of your daze. You shot up from the bed, nearly tumbling over yourself as you ran to the dresser, grabbing the nearest thing you could find and throwing it at him. It was a vase, one that held a bouquet of flowers, that shattered against the wall, causing him to look up.
"…Was that supposed to scare me?" He asked, raising a brow as he tilted his head, an almost bored expression on his face. "You’ve got the aim of a blind man."
"Get out of my house!"
The sound of your own voice startled you. Anger wasn’t necessarily the emotion you normally felt, but now it was the only thing that was running through you. Anger and adrenaline.
He stood from the bed, taking a step closer to you, the broken glass crunching beneath his feet. You didn’t care; you took a step back, holding your hand out as if it would stop him from coming any closer.
"Get away from me, you psycho."
He laughed. He actually fucking laughed.
"Psycho?" He repeated, "That’s a new one."
"Stay back." You hissed, feeling the tears well up in your eyes.
He took another step.
"Don't touch me!"
Another. He was only inches away from you now, and the thought of him being so close made you want to vomit.
The annoyed sigh he let out when he noticed your hand trembling was enough to set you off. You didn’t think twice; the only thought in your mind was to get him out, and so you did.
When he was walking towards you, your mind remembered the small kitchen knife that you left on the counter. Quickly, you ran past him, dodging his hands as he reached out to grab you, and grabbing the knife, and in one quick motion, you turned and stabbed him.
"That’s not going to—"
It went right through his chest. He stared down at the knife, then up at you, with that all-knowing expression.
He sighed again, "…work."
What the fuck?
In the next moment, he vanished, and the knife fell to the ground, the clattering against the linoleum floor echoing through the house.
For a minute, you thought it was a dream. That is, until he appeared in the chair beside you, his arms crossed, his eyes boring holes into your face.
"You can’t hurt me." He said, his tone flat, his eyes narrowed, "I can’t either. Not physically, anyhow."
You stared at him. He stared at you.
"I can fuck you up, though." He continued, "In many ways. Mentally, emotionally… The possibilities are endless."
"What the hell is this?" You questioned, your brows furrowing, "Are you some kind of— of, what, demented Casper?"
His expression was unreadable, but then again, he always had that look on his face.
"Casper? Wow, seriously? You remind me why I don't watch movies." He groaned, shaking his head.
"You didn't answer my question."
"And you won't like my answer."
"Try me."
"You’ve lost it." He shrugged, "Completely off the hinges, you know? And that's saying something, considering who you’re talking to."
"I don't—"
"Have a mental disorder."
"That's what it's called. When someone has delusions of grandeur, where they think someone is after them. Someone, of course, meaning me." He explained, a grin spreading across his lips. "But, no. It's all in your head. Just. Like. Me."
The words sank in, and you stared down at the floor, your mind processing everything he was telling you.
"No, I'm not crazy." You murmured, mostly to yourself, but loud enough for him to hear.
"You're not? Well, how else would you explain me being here?" He asked, cocking a brow, "I’m dead, remember? My dear brother made sure of that."
"And you know damn well I’d never wear this out of the office. It's not exactly the most flattering."
It was then you noticed what he was wearing.
He had his lab coat on. His entire outfit was the same thing he wore the day he met you. You were with Debra to question him about Tucci’s recovery and, god, if he didn't make the biggest impression.
It was pretty hard not to like him when he was giving one of his patients, a little boy, a lollipop from his jar and making a joke.
You remember telling Deb, 'What a nice guy'.
Oh, the irony. The fucking irony.
"What a nice guy." You found yourself repeating before looking him up and down, your lips curling in disgust. "You were just fucking with me the whole time, weren't you?"
He shrugged, "What's it matter now? I'm dead."
"It matters to me."
"Would you like me to apologize? To beg for your forgiveness?" He asked, a mocking tone in his voice, "Would that make you feel better?"
You were silent.
"Wouldn’t do anything." He continued, "And it certainly wouldn't change a thing. But, hey! By all means, you go right ahead and play pretend. Maybe then, you'll sleep better at night."
You scoffed. He was such a piece of shit.
"How much are you gonna torture me, huh?" You asked, crossing your arms over your chest, "Torture me like you did, Debra? Like your brother? Are you just going to follow me around like a bad smell? Make my life a living hell, like you did theirs?"
"I didn't torture him." He stated, a hint of malice in his tone, "He's my brother."
"Like that means shit."
"He was just like me. A lot like me, in fact." He went on, his eyes flickering over to you. "I could see myself in him."
"Well, he killed you." You countered, "That doesn't really seem like brotherly love."
"He did what he had to." He shrugged, "That Harry… he was a real piece of work, wasn't he?"
You were quiet again.
"And Debra?"
"A pain in my ass. Always sticking her nose in places where it doesn't belong." He replied, shaking his head. "But, then again, that was her job, wasn't it?"
"You broke her. You tore her apart." You snapped, the memories of the past year filling your mind. "She really loved you. She really did."
"I know."
"You don't care."
"Not at all." He said, the faintest hint of a smirk appearing. "Not in the slightest."
"Fuck you."
He laughed, his laughter filling the room before it faded out, leaving the both of you in a heavy silence.
He had a different aura around him this time. It might be the aura of a dead man, a hallucination. But he still felt so… present. Even his mannerisms were the same—the way he moved his hands, the way he tilted his head. His eyes still had that glint of mischief. It was so real.
So. Fucking. Real.
"If your just in my head, why can’t I just kick you out?" You asked, finally breaking the silence, "Make you go away."
"Because, even after a year, I still affect you." He answered, his voice low. "Even though you try to ignore it and push the memories back, I’ll always be there. In the back of your mind."
"Why couldn’t you be my dead childhood dog or something? Why do you have to be some crazy serial killer that ruined my life?" You said, shaking your head.
"I'm not boring."
"Neither was my childhood dog."
"Rocky didn't have a single interesting thing about him. All he did was drool and lick himself." He countered, his lips pursing.
"How the hell do you know— oh, fuck this. Just go away." You groaned, rubbing your temples.
He didn't respond, and the room was quiet. For a second, you thought he actually listened. Then, you heard him hum.
"Hm. No."
"Jesus Christ."
"Now, that's really a name I haven't heard in a while."
This was how it became. For months, you would have these random conversations with him, and no matter how much you tried, he would never leave. Everywhere you went, he was there.
Even at the damn bar.
You had no idea what this was. You didn't know if this was a side effect of the trauma you went through. Whether it was your mind trying to cope or just the result of a lack of sleep. Whatever it was, it was draining the life out of you.
You felt like a shell. Your coworkers knew something was wrong. The way your eyes were dull and lifeless, the dark circles, the slump in your shoulders.
They were concerned—except Debra. She was too concerned about the case to pay attention to anyone else.
You weren't really sure what day it was. Or month. Time was going by, and you were slowly dying mentally, as he put it.
"Is this because I can't sleep?" You asked him one night, staring at the ceiling, your voice hoarse, "Because I can't go to sleep without seeing your face? Or is it because I don't have the energy to live?"
"I would say both."
You groaned, throwing an arm over your eyes, "What did I do to deserve this?"
"It's not what you did." He replied, his eyes locked on yours, "It's what I did."
"Yeah, well, thanks."
"Don't mention it."
The two of you sat there in silence before he cleared his throat.
"How are things with my favorite bloodhound?" He asked a curious tone in his voice. "Is he still sleeping with that cute blonde, or did he wise up and break it off?"
"Rita. Her name is Rita." You corrected him, shaking your head, "She’s his girlfriend, not his flavor of the week."
"And, for your information, they're fine. Great, actually."
"How disappointing." He scoffed, leaning back in his seat. He genuinely looked upset, which caused a snicker to leave your lips. "What's so funny?"
"You are." You replied, looking over at him, "You're so pathetic."
He blinked.
"You're a dead man. Dead. How can you be disappointed about his love life?"
"I'm his older brother." He stated, his jaw tightening, "I want what's best for him."
"Really? Then why aren't you in his brain, harassing him?" You questioned, a smile coming onto your face, "You know what? I bet he's sleeping great. He doesn't have to deal with this. Not like I do."
"I would love to give him a good old-fashioned night terror. It'd be easy, too. He's not exactly the most stable." He replied, his eyes narrowing slightly. "But his brain is too messy. He's always been that way."
"I guess he takes after his brother."
"He took after our father. The one thing I did was make him forget about it." He retorted, his tone harsh, "Notice how he never talks about the old man? Or the past? Now it’s only me. That's because of me. I took him from that shitty childhood. I gave him a better life. A better everything. I could’ve given him the world."
You were quiet.
"Instead, he killed me." He spat, the venom in his voice obvious. "Because of that stupid, half-witted sailor mouth."
You honestly had to give your brain props for this one. He was too realistic. He was too Brian.
"You know what?" You began, sitting up, "I really am feeling a lobotomy."
At that, he actually laughed. Now that… that was different from the chuckles and snickers, this was a full laugh, something you haven't heard since you met him. It was loud, it was obnoxious, and it was the only thing you could hear.
It was the last thing you heard before the most amazing thing happened.
You fell asleep.
In the morning, you woke up to a pounding on your door and an annoying ringing. Groaning, you pulled the pillow over your head, hoping the noises would disappear. Instead, they only got louder, and you had no choice but to get up.
"Coming, coming!" You shouted, shuffling out of the bedroom and towards the door, the banging and the ringing still going on.
When you opened the door, you saw Debra.
"Good. You're up." She greeted, her expression annoyed. "Where were you last night?"
"Sleeping. What are you, my mom?"
"I called you. I even sent someone by your house. You weren't here." She stated, a slight bite in her voice, "And I'm not your mom, but if I were, I'd spank you."
"For what?"
"We have a meeting in five minutes." She said, checking her watch, "Get dressed. I'm waiting."
In record time, you threw on some jeans and a shirt, and within the next three minutes, you were out the door and in the car with Debra.
But as she pulled out of the driveway, he appeared directly in front of her.
"Hey, watch—"
But he only winked at you before disappearing. And at the time, you found it nothing but him being a prick. But, later on, you would realize.
This was the last time you would ever see him.
A month went by. And another. And another.
Then, a year.
The visions of the past still came. The thoughts of him were still there. The memories were still fresh. And sometimes, if you listened closely, you could still hear that laugh.
But you weren’t afraid anymore. You had no reason to be. And so, you moved on. You continued living because that's what he would've hated. And that made you smile.
Because, now, it wasn't him haunting you.
It was you haunting him.
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happy74827 · 5 months
Contagiously Human.
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[Brian Moser x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: Killing was always the easiest part for him, but this… you… well, as fate would have it, that created a new problem for him. {GIF Creds: brothermoser}
WC: 1881
Category: Plot-Driven, Maybe Some Fluff/Angst…?
Someone asked me if I’d ever thought about writing Biney… and well, I decided to put my thought into actual words 🤷‍♀️
Just for some minor clarification, this is pretty much a “what if” fic in which Dexter does not end his life. This being said, I picture this taking place around season 5-6 ish.
The thing that makes or breaks a killer. The line that separates predator from prey. It's the pause between life and death, the time a man takes to make the decision, and whether he'll live to regret it or not.
He’s never had hesitation. Not once. In fact, he relishes in it; he finds peace in knowing that he can decide one way or another and be content with either outcome. It makes him a dangerous man, unpredictable, a ticking time bomb.
His baby brother, his blood, had the disease. The disease of being too much of a good person, feeling guilt, having morals, a sense of what's right and wrong. He was weak, he hesitated, and he wasn’t even aware of how much the disease was eating him alive until that Trinity Killer came around.
He was supposed to protect his brother, save him from himself, and show him the proper way of things. The way of survival. Of the hunt. But no, Brian wasn’t there to catch him. To stop him.
So, as all good brothers do, he’s here to fix him. To set him straight and rid him of the disease. Forever.
It's an easy task, really. His little brother is so trusting and caring that he'd do anything for the ones he loved. Why not start by showing him why he shouldn't?
Because clearly, the loss of his apparent wife wasn’t enough. He needed to understand, truly and absolutely, that the world would only disappoint him. It's a harsh lesson but a necessary one.
So, that led him to you. His brother’s friend from school. The woman, aside from Dexter’s poor excuse for a sister, that his brother actually cared about.
Just like him, you were naive. Trusting, too. Friendly to everyone, completely unaware of the monsters that hid in the shadows. His brother included.
You might’ve never killed someone, but with everything else, it was clear why his brother was so interested in you. He always loved the innocent ones.
So, the question was, how would he go about it? He could take you somewhere, but the element of surprise was an important factor. You had to believe you were safe and comfortable before he could make his move.
A Debra repeat? Or a more... Unique approach. He'd think about it, plan it out, and strike at the perfect moment.
He wouldn’t hesitate, after all.
When the day presented itself, the stars had aligned, and everything was just right; he made his move. It was noon, a warm Sunday.
You were in your little bookshop, reading one of the books in your free time. Business had been slow today, as most people were enjoying the weather.
You never saw him coming. He was the type to blend into the crowd, the type that you'd see once and forget about. The type you'd pass on the street without a second thought.
He had his ways, of course, and his way was simple. A simple, kind greeting. One that had your eyes lighting up as if you'd never seen another person before.
He was charming, handsome, the perfect man to lure you in. You didn’t stand a chance.
That's what led him here, picking up your fallen book and handing it to you, watching the smile that graced your lips.
A romance novel, of course. How ironic.
"Oh, uh, thank you. That’s very kind."
You smiled, a hint of blush dusting your cheeks. Far more tame than that Debra woman, thankfully. He didn’t have to fight back the urge to roll his eyes.
"Tea and romance? Can’t say I blame you." He pulled a gentle grin, one that had you blushing further, more so of embarrassment this time.
"It's the first of a series. A favorite, actually, I’ve been rereading it." You explained, holding the book to your chest. He didn’t miss the way your thumb rubbed over the spine, fond and gentle.
Just from that, he knew. He was going to have fun with you. “Believe it or not, I read the first one too. A few months ago, actually. It was quite the page-turner. The ending had me on the edge of my seat, I swear."
You laughed, soft and airy, and for a moment, he found himself smiling genuinely. His lie was working, and he couldn’t believe it was that easy.
"I've only heard mixed reviews on it.” You spoke, moving to place the book back on the shelf. "I'm glad to hear you liked it. Marienne’s death was hard, wasn't it?"
"Very." He agreed though it was a lie. He had to pretend he cared. "It was a shame; I really enjoyed the character."
"You did?" You raised a brow, surprised. “Most people didn’t. Given that she doesn’t even exist.”
He cleared his throat, a slight pause. He was so blinded by the idea of finally getting to his brother that he'd forgotten.
You were a reader, an author; of course, you would know the ins and outs of the story. The characters, the plot, and every little detail. Why would you not?
First rule of hunting. Don’t get cocky.
"Alright, I admit. I've been caught." He gave a small shrug, his voice holding a hint of sheepishness. Maybe you’d fall for it. “I couldn’t help myself; I figured you wouldn’t appreciate my love for fantasy books."
"Fantasy?" You tilted your head, and he knew. You bought it. You were a sucker for fantasy; you didn't like it when others looked down on them.
"I'm a bit of a nerd. Guilty pleasure."
"I didn’t peg you for the fantasy type…” You raised your eyebrow, though a smile still rested on your lips—a look of amusement.
"Really? Most people can't seem to look past the collared shirt.
"No, it's not that. It's your aura." You shook your head, and now, it was his turn to raise his brow. What the hell did that mean?
"My aura?"
"Those books in your hands..” You nodded towards his bag, a small smirk pulling at the corner of your lips. "You're definitely not a casual reader. My guess is everything in there is a throwaway.”
"And that means...?"
"You're bullshit through and through. You don't like romance or fantasy. In fact, I think you absolutely hate it."
Oh. Oh, you clever thing. Now, he truly understood why his brother connected with you so much. You'd figured him out, and yet, you had no clue. You were clever, smarter than you let on.
"Alright,” He held his hands up in mock surrender. He was enjoying this; for once, someone could see through his façade. See his true self. It was a rush.
“If you’re so smart, what do I like then?"
"Hmm, let's see...” And just like that, you were off with him in tow. You were taking him along on a trip through the shelves, looking through the genres, searching and searching.
He was intrigued, his eyes locked on you, his ears drinking in the sound of your hums and contemplation. Your mind was running, spinning, thinking. You were truly in your element.
"Well, let's start with what I know. You like horror." You said, turning towards the horror section and picking up a book. "You seem like the type who enjoys the dark side of humanity and likes to see the bad guy win."
He was almost impressed. Almost.
"How could you possibly know that?"
"Eyes. They tell the most about a person. You’ve seen a lot, and it shows. I could tell just by looking at you. Your eyes are... Cold. Empty." You said, and it was then that he realized you were more observant than you appeared. Naivety might’ve not been a part of your personality, but trust was. You trusted a lot. Too much. “Are you a cop, by chance? You've got the whole detective thing going on."
"Prosthetist, actually." He answered, his hand reaching out and picking up a book at random. He wasn't a fan of fiction, not really. He preferred nonfiction; it was more realistic—less pointless details.
"Oh, wow, I was completely off. I didn’t expect that." You mused, looking up at him with those eyes. You had such an expressive face; it was amazing how easy you were to read. He could practically see the gears turning. How could he use this?
"Expected an axe murderer, did you?" He joked, a smile tugging at his lips.
"Maybe. Wouldn’t that be a twist?" You grinned a glint of amusement in your eye. “Speaking of, that’s probably what you like. Thrillers. Those kinds of stories are full of twists and turns. No one is who they appear to be. Kinda like you, hm?"
"Sorry, am I being too honest?"
"No, I like it. Keep going." He was having fun. With Debra, it was exhausting. She was so stubborn, so headstrong, she never listened. It took him about three coffees just to have enough patience to deal with her sob story.
But with you, you were a breath of fresh air. He didn’t have to force himself awake or hide his boredom. He could just enjoy it, relish in the moment, and the fact that you were so easy to play with.
You pulled out three books: two thrillers and one horror. A classic and a new one. "These are what I recommend. Start with Primal Fear; that’s the one I believe you'll like the most. The first one might take you a while, but if you stick with it, the sequel will be worth it.
He reached forward, his hand brushing over yours, his touch lingering as he took the book. He purposely brushed his thumb against the back of your hand, just enough for a spark to go through your veins.
He saw the way your breath hitched, and he smirked. This was too easy.
"Thank you, you've been a great help."
"One more thing before you go." You spoke, stopping him. His eyes moved up from the book to your own, and there he saw something that made him falter.
Something that made him freeze longer than he should have.
You had a fire behind those eyes. A flame that burned with a passion, a curiosity that threatened to eat him alive. A want, a need, to get into his head. To peel him open and look inside.
Your eyes weren't cold or empty like his. They were alive. Full of life.
"Books don’t impress women,” Your voice was low, a secret, something meant only for him to hear. “It’s the passion that opens their hearts. You have nothing if you can't show it."
"I think I've misjudged you." He spoke, his hand resting on the shelf above your head. He had no choice but to lean closer, and he felt the way your breath fanned across his skin.
"Yes. You're a lot more than you appear, aren’t you?"
"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"
The question was left unanswered. He didn't give a response because, in truth, he didn't know.
He left that day not with his brother’s cure or even the thought of him. He left with three books.
Three books and the disease he believed to be immune to…
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[@numetalnerd2007] Since you asked, I figured this would automatically mean you were interested. At least I hope you were 💀
That being said, please be nice to me for this one since it’s my first time writing for Biney here (and I haven’t rewatched season 1 in forever), so his character probably isn’t 100% solid. It’s a work in progress 🙏✨
Also, for all my Joe Goldberg fans out there, did you catch the reference I made? I see a slight resemblance between Brian and Joe, so I wanted to sneak it in a little something. I think it’s the hair, honestly.
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viinchester · 6 days
Shape Of You
Warnings: Mentions of an injury and that it's being taken care of (nothing too graphic), Depictions of Sexual Content (Minors DNI!), Rough/Intense Sexual Content, could be considered Dubcon by coercion (not really imo, but just to be on the safe side), Themes of Possession and Objectification
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Fandom: Dexter (TV Show/Series)
Pairing: Brian Moser/Rudy Cooper x F!Reader
Request: by Anon
Summary: Brian takes care of your injury after you've taken a nasty fall, however you can't help but feel like something's off about the situation. Unaware of his dark thoughts and oblivious to the deeper manipulation at play, you clear your mind by focussing on his comforting presence, and things quickly get heated.
Word Count: 3.271
My Masterlist
A/N: For some reason, I really struggled with this.😬 I rewrote it like 3 or 4 different times entirely, I hope it's not too noticable.😅 I was also unsure when exactly to refer to Brian as "Rudy" so I tried to only do it whenever the writing directly represents the Readers thoughts about him.💕 I still had a ton of fun writing this and I hope I could do the idea that anon had justice and that you guys like it!🙏🏼 I would really appreciate reposts/comments with feedback.👀 Feel free to request stuff, I always enjoy getting some inspiration to keep the writing going.💙
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Brian knelt beside you, his touch gentle as he pressed the damp cloth to your leg. The sharp sting of the cut made you wince, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as the embarrassment of how it had happened.
You had tripped, just like you seemed to always do. This time, it had been over something small, a simple crack in the sidewalk, causing you to suddenly lie on the ground, blood welling up and staining your skin.
Heat rose in your cheeks in frustration at yourself and the fact that Brian now had to take care of you, but he was ever calm and didn't seem the least bit bothered.
Not saying much, he offered you a soft smile and then continued tending to your cut, his focus entirely on the injury itself.
He’d always been good at this type of stuff, fixing things while being composed and so in control — qualities you usually greatly admired in him.
But as you sat there in that moment, feeling the warmth of his touch, something didn’t seem right.
You knew you should be glad.
Here was your boyfriend, cleaning up your mess, like he so often did. You were fortunate, really, to have someone like him — patient and ready to swoop in when you inevitably fell again. So though you couldn’t quite shake the feeling that something was off, you did your best to simply brush it aside.
After all, this was Rudy. Sweet, dependable Rudy, who always seemed to know exactly what to do and was there for you whenever you stumbled — literally and figuratively.
And even if his fingers lingered just a little longer than necessary on your skin right now, it likely didn't mean anything. The way in which he inspected your bloodstained leg with a look of concentration reassured you further.
“You really should be more careful,” Brian suddenly said, his voice low and soothing. His gentle words and focused demeanor helped ease your nerves.
You chastised yourself for ever thinking twice about his actions. Your boyfriend was simply trying to watch out for you, that's all. Why were you even doubting him in the first place? Maybe it was just the pain from the cut or the embarrassment of tripping again. Or maybe it was the whole thing with the Ice Truck Killer going on at the moment.
Yes, that had to be it. It had probably made you more paranoid than you'd initially thought.
But you had absolutely nothing to worry about, because the sweet man kneeling in front of you was nothing like that monster.
Forcing yourself to relax a little, you sighed.
"I know," you mumbled, as he expertly bandaged your leg, secretly marveling at how steady his hands were.
It was easy to forget how awkward you felt in moments like this, with him so effortlessly tending to you. You crooked a smile at him then, but Brian didn’t meet your eyes right away. He was too busy inspecting his work, a subtle smirk of his own tugging at the corner of his mouth as he secured the bandage.
To you, he seemed satisfied with his patch job, but inside, something else simmered. He felt an almost childlike joy about the way you sat there, so vulnerable, your leg limp in his hands.
He liked seeing you this way — hurt, but not too hurt. Just enough to need him, to be reliable on him.
It stirred something deep inside of him.
“There,” he said, leaning back a little to admire the bandage. His eyes flickered up to meet yours, and for a split second, something unreadable passed between you, but it was gone almost as quickly as it came. “Does that feel better?”
You looked down at your leg and inspected the professionally wrapped bandage. It was not too tight and not too loose. It was perfect. Just like him.
Tension oozing from your body, you nodded and looked up at your boyfriend again, smiling earnestly. “Yeah, much better. Thank you.”
His smile widened just a fraction, not quite reaching his eyes. “You’re lucky I’m here to patch you up,” he said with a lightness in his voice that made you feel a little better. “I’d never let anything happen to you.”
The way he said it — his voice smooth and promising — made you smile, comforted by his presence.
Rudy really loved you, didn't he? He was always right there when you needed him.
He stood up and offered you his hand, and despite the slight apprehension earlier, you eagerly took it. His grip was firm and steady as he helped you to your feet, making sure that you avoided putting too much weight on your injured leg.
You pushed past any lingering odd emotions and focused on the fact that you were grateful for him. You had nothing to worry about — not with Rudy, not with the man who never made you feel stupid for being clumsy, who was always kind to you, the calm in your storm.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you,” you said softly, your voice carrying gratitude.
Brian's eyes flicked to yours, a faint twinkle in them. He felt content.
As he held your gaze for a moment longer, he could clearly see the relief and appreciation in you. It had him suppressing a grin, the way you were so easily fooled.
To him, you were perfect in your vulnerability, of course. A doll. Beautiful, delicate, and breakable. He liked you that way — liked the way your clumsiness brought you to him, having to be fixed, to be held together. Every scrape, every fall, was a small gift, an opportunity for him to touch you, to take care of you. To make you his again, piece by fragile piece. You were his creation, something he had molded with care and patience, and he was the only one who could keep you whole.
Or take you further apart, if he chose.
But for now, he was content to play the role you expected — your Rudy, the one who would always keep you safe.
He watched you as your eyes briefly flickered to his mouth and up again, and knew what you were going to do before you had even fully decided on it.
Slowly, you leaned in and brushed your lips against his, wanting to show him just how much you appreciated him.
Letting you take control for a moment, Brian allowed you to believe that you were doing something for him, even though he knew better. You were in his hands, for as long as you lived. The thought thrilled him in a way you could never know, in a way he would never let you see.
Keeping his lips perfectly still, Brian decided to act surprised by your sudden gesture, pausing for a few seconds, until he could just about feel you starting to pull away.
He kissed you back then, using every bit of his self-restraint to start softly, and his hand came up to cradle the back of your neck in a tender movement. Slowly, he deepened the kiss, daring to go further by tightening his grip on you slightly, almost imperceptibly.
After a few moments, you pulled back just enough to catch your breath, your heart beating faster. When you looked up at him, his smile was still there, and he looked as warm as ever to you. As you lost yourself inside his eyes, Brian felt that familiar pulse of satisfaction.
You didn’t know it, but you were already his, caught in the delicate web he had woven around you. He could see how much you trusted him and the unguarded naivety you held had been obvious to him from the very first moment that you two had met.
You were simply too brittle for this world. Too easily shattered by its sharp edges, too flimsy to protect yourself from the falls you constantly took. That’s why you needed him. That’s why you would always need him.
As his thumb stroked the pulse point along your neck, feeling the quickened beat beneath your skin, he smiled at you. It was a soft and loving smile, one he had perfected for you.
“You don’t have to worry about that,” Brian now addressed your last sentence, his voice calm and encouraging, with only a tiny hint of something darker that you didn't seem to notice. “No matter how clumsy you are, I’ll always be there to fix you when you break.”
The words, meant to comfort you, immediately had their desired effect. You happily beamed up at him while blushing furiously.
“I’m really lucky to have you,” you told him and then leaned in again, kissing him softly and embracing the moment.
Wallowing in the comfort and warmth he provided you with, you slid your hands up his chest, deepening the kiss. You didn’t want to think or talk anymore, just enjoy the feeling of being with him.
Brian watched you through half-lidded eyes, noticing your movements growing more desperate with every passing second. He could feel the tension in your body — the way you were almost pleading for his control — and it amused him, in a way.
You didn’t even realize how effortlessly you fell into this role, how naturally you let yourself be pulled into his world.
Moving his hands down to your waist, he squeezed them a little tighter than usual, but you didn’t seem to notice the extra strength in his grip, too absorbed in your need.
When you grasped the hem of his shirt and tugged it up to pull over his head, he lifted his arms and let you, suppressing a smirk.
It was obvious to him that you needed this physical closeness. Your skin pressing against his, fingers now fumbling with his belt in a frenzy — you were letting go of any lingering doubts and focusing solely on him.
Feeling a sense of smugness, he guided you with quick, assertive movements, prying your clothes away with a roughness that seemed to match your urgency. You gasped as he yanked off your shirt and then dug his fingers into your skin, his touch simultaneously gentle and commanding. Leaning further into him, you longed for release already and how he always made everything else seem insignificant when you were together like this.
Brian’s lips determinedly traveled to your throat, kissing you with an insistent fervor now. You shuddered under the ferocity, but didn’t stop him. Didn’t want to stop him. His teeth grazed your skin, causing your head to fall back in an open-mouthed moan, arching your body against him, desperate for more. The heat of his passion overwhelmed you, pushing any thoughts of discomfort aside. Hands roamed your body, his traces both prodding and tranquilizing.
He could feel the way you were giving in to him and letting him take over, allowing him to guide you, and that’s exactly how he liked it. His grip on your waist tightened, his fingers digging in even more, and when you winced, he knew you felt it — though you never pulled away.
You wanted this. You needed him to be in charge.
When he led you into the bedroom, your discarded clothes left in the wake of his deliberate actions, his movements were filled with a raw intensity.
You shortly cringed at the sudden pain shooting through your injured leg when his weight pressed down on you as he pushed you onto the bed, but his lips crashing against yours with hunger made you almost immediately forget about any hurt. Kissing him back just as frantically, you wrapped your arms around his neck to cling onto him. He slipped his tongue between your lips almost forcefully, licking over every hidden crevice in your mouth with purpose. His hands roamed over your body and you moaned into Brian's mouth, his touch both a source of solace and pleasure for you.
Deep down on the inside a part of you noticed a subtle shift — Rudy was not being as gentle and careful as he normally was — but that part was swiftly drowned out by the sensations of everything else going on. All you could truly acknowledge in that moment was the incredible desire for him to make you forget everything but the feeling of him against you.
As if he somehow knew about what you’d felt, Brian interrupted the sloppy kiss and moved once more with intention and a vigor that sent your heart racing. His hands, bruising but controlled, pushed down the last bit of garment left between the two of you and you gasped as fresh air hit your intimate zone. You hadn't even realized how wet you'd gotten and now felt slightly ashamed at the way your body obviously liked the way he handled you and the way he'd been — and still was — pushing you and testing your limits, teetering the edges of breaking them.
He was still Rudy though, still the man who you trusted most in the world, so you didn't give it much more than a passing thought and decided to just roll with it.
Even though it would probably give you pause if you properly questioned it — the fact that he didn't usually act this way and only when you were injured or reliant on him in some way — for more than two seconds. But you didn’t question it for more than two seconds, couldn't, as your body deliciously responded and distracted you instead.
When Brian finally pushed into you, you cried out, your fingernails digging into his shoulders and leaving half-crescent-shaped moon indentions in his skin. He allowed you to adjust to his size for a short while, pushing his forehead against yours with his mouth hanging open in a silent groan as he relished in the feeling of being inside you.
After enough time passed for you to become used to him, you patted his shoulder and nodded ever so slightly, not capable of words.
Brian understood though, and immediately began to move, quickly setting a pace that was fast and demanding.
Pressing your eyes shut, you clung to him, wrapping your legs around him and pulling him impossibly closer — entirely missing the way his eyes were filled with something completely wild and dark. Focussing on the feeling of your boyfriend pushing and pulling inside of you, he soon began to hit that delicious spot deep in you, and you moaned loudly.
Brian leaned down then and you could feel his hot breath against your ear, his voice low and rough.
“You need me, don’t you?” he whispered, the words sending a shiver down your spine. You frantically nodded while gasping for air, unable to answer anything. “Whenever you need me, I am — and will — be there, every. single. time.”
He punctuated each word with a sharper and deeper thrust, angled directly at your sweet spot, leaving you choking for breath with tears in your eyes at one point. His words, though assertive, felt like a promise of security and care to you.
The room was heavy with heat, your breaths mingling, the sound of your bodies crashing together filling the space. Each push sent a jolt through you that made your head spin. You lost yourself in it all, in these repetitive motions, his touch, the feeling of his skin against yours.
One of his hands now moved to your clit and his movements became even more resolved and driven. He was controlling the moment, steering it exactly where he wanted, and your body responded accordingly. You could feel yourself being pulled in by the sensation, as he pushed you towards the edge.
“God, you’re so perfect like this,” Brian grunted, his voice a mix of command and encouragement. “Come on, it's alright. You’re mine, aren’t you? Just let go.”
Tears rose in your eyes as you felt your body react to both his words and actions, the increasing intensity overtaking everything else and throwing you into a rush of pure ecstasy.
Your fingers dug into his back, your breath ragged, and all at once you fell into the waves, pulled underneath by their impact. You couldn't breathe for a moment, until finally, with a twist from Brian's fingers and a sharp cry from you, you reached the surface again.
The release hit you hard, sending rows of pleasure crashing through your body, and all you could do was lie there and take it, face screwed up in the pleasure of it.
Brian followed soon after, his movements rough and forceful as he found his own release, breath hot against your neck as he groaned, low and deep.
For a moment, the world stilled as the both of you tried to calm your breathing, the overwhelming physical connection between the two of you leaving you in a daze. Your heart pounded in your chest, your body trembling beneath the weight of his body on you.
After what felt like ages, but was likely only seconds, Brian lifted himself up and out of you, leaving you feeling strangely empty at the loss of him.
He collapsed beside you then and the room fell into a heavy silence in the aftermath of what you'd done.
As he lay beside you, Brian's mind was a whirlpool of satisfaction and dark pleasure. He reveled in the way you’d clung to him, completely oblivious to the extent of his control. The contrast between your dependence on him and his calculated dominance over you joyed him immensely.
Lifting his head, he turned to you, his hand reaching out to gently brush your hair back from your face, his caress tender again and a stark difference from the intensity of the moments you’d shared just before. His fingers grazed over your skin, his touch so feather-light and soft, it immediately erased any lingering concerns in you.
It was an act, of course. A way to further embed his influence. The compassion was a calculated gesture, a way to reinforce the illusion of care while keeping you bound to him.
“Are you alright?” he asked carefully, his voice carrying a tone of worry that felt comforting, and you nodded, reassured by his touch.
He always knew how to make you feel cherished, and you clung to that sense of security.
He noted the way your body relaxed against his, your breathing steady and calm. The pretense of concern came naturally to him, a mask he wore so well.
His hand now rested on your cheek, his thumb brushing softly as he leaned in closer.
“I love you,” he whispered, the final nail in the coffin, as always, his gaze lingering on you and studying your relaxed and smitten features. To him, you were more than just a partner; you were a project, a creation he had formed. The sweetness in his voice was a facade that masked his true intentions.
He pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, and you felt another wave of affection and safety. Any fleeting worries were overshadowed by his sedative presence. You knew he was there for you, providing the care and support you needed.
“I love you too,” you responded, wrapping your arms around him and drawing him closer, feeling his warmth envelop you.
And as you nestled closer, Brian’s thoughts were filled with a dark fulfillment. The control he wielded was subtle, deeply woven into the fabric of his relationship with you.
And you, in your innocent trust, had made it all too easy.
With the quiet settling in, you allowed yourself to sink into the comfort of his presence and fell asleep.
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norawriteswords · 14 days
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notes:: thank you so much for all your love on my previous post - I didn’t realize so many other people love Brian moser too🥹🥹 this fic is me trying to get back into writing, so I apologize if there’s errors or it’s written weirdly :( there should be approximately 900 words! Fem pronouns are used and i think the terms “girl” and “girlfriend” are in there a couple times. Sorry not a lot happens here but I’m hoping to do another chapter? Also, no use of y/n!!
You sighed and rubbed your eyes, feeling tiredness seep into your body. The quiet ambience of the precinct wasn’t exactly helping your drowsiness either. Distant ringing phones and low chatter faded into white noise as you struggled to stay awake.
You lazily pushed your mouse, switching tabs. You were beyond exhausted, and quite frankly sick of sitting at your desk. At the ding of the elevator you unceremoniously turned your head, expecting one of your fellow officers to return from a coffee run.
Your eyes widened at the familiar figure approaching you. You smiled softly. “Rudy? What are you doing here?” He had clearly just come from work himself, still wearing his white button up and black slacks. He looked more relaxed, shedding his lab coat and unbuttoning the first couple buttons of his shirt.
“Thought I’d see my favourite detective.” He smiled and thoughtfully tucked a lock of your hair behind your ear. “And bring you some of the hard stuff.” He mumbled sarcastically, handing you a cup of coffee and a pastry.
You smiled, exhaling in amusement at his comment. “Rudy… that’s so sweet of you.. you didn’t have to.” you gushed, touched by his little gesture. He smiled, leaning on your desk. He gave you a little wave, motioning for you to eat. You were quick to break into the little pastry, having a bite.
“So, how’s the investigation going?” He asked. He looked around, taking in the precinct. You groaned. “Torturous.” You sipped your coffee, appreciating how fresh it was. “We have absolutely no leads.”
Brian feigned a frown. “Really? You don’t have a shred of evidence?” He asked. He was fishing. You shook your head. “Well… I mean we had something. But it didn’t work out. We got a partial print on a lozenge wrapper- but it’s not in the system.”
Brian’s entire body froze. He blinked. “A lozenge wrapper?” He repeated. You nodded, breaking off another piece of the flaky pastry. “Yeah. I guess our guy is really into lozenges or something because Tucci told us while he was captive he would constantly hear that kinda..” you paused, thinking of how to verbalize it best. “That crinkly wrapper sound. You know?”
Brian nodded. “Yeah. So?” You paused to chew your pastry. Brian was about to lose his mind. “So, we went back to the crime scene, and I found a lozenge wrapper. But like I said, no usable prints.” You grumbled.
Brian’s heart rate steadied again. “Well, that sucks doll. Sorry.” He said affectionately, looking down at you. You smiled, basking in his affection. “It is what it is. I know we’ll nail him one way or another.” Your hopefulness brought a smile to his face. “Atta girl.” So naive.
You were supposed to be his eyes and ears in the Miami Metro PD, you were supposed to be an object to him. But how could you be an object? You with your smiles and love. God it was sickening how he fell for you. He desperately tried to detach. To use you for your purpose. He lured you into giving him the occasional insight, a little hint, some words spilled over drinks, some stolen peeks at your notebook, but nothing substantial. He was attached to you. He refused to call it love, but rather fondness. Affection. Regardless it was something he didn’t want to feel.
He sighed, wanting to find as many clues about the case as he could, while still trying to seem like an attentive boyfriend. “Any dinner plans?” He asked, looking at a whiteboard beside your desk. Photos of suspects, locations, bodies. He felt a pang of pride.
“No. Did you wanna get something?” You peered up at him, hoping he’d say yes. He smiled, and your heart fluttered a little. “It’s almost one in the morning doll. I don’t think much is open.” You glanced at your watch in disbelief. “Jesus Christ.” You muttered.
He gently tilted your head up to look at him. “You should swing by my place. I’ll cook you something.” He offered. You couldn’t help your smitten expression. “Oh yeah? Like… steaks? And fries?” You smirked, trying to fish for a yes. He smiled, stroking your cheek a little. “Yeah. Steaks and fries.”
“Perfect.” You stood up, pressing a kiss to his lips, standing on your tiptoes. His hands immediately found their spot on your waist as you kissed him. “Give me ten minutes to wrap some stuff up. Wait here.” You ordered. He smiles and held his hands up. “Yes detective.”
As you happily walked away to go freshen up and return some files Brian saw his chance. He glanced around the mostly empty precinct before sitting in your desk chair. He clicked around a little, trying to find any trace of that lozenge wrapper.
He opened up a file, containing a digital copy of the partial print and possible matches. He ran the cursor along the list, deleting every potential match. He shut the tab, immediately switching to another one. He didn’t want you to find out his secret. Not like this. No. He wanted you to earn it. You were a clever girl, and one of his mistakes was no way to catch him.
He stood up and tucked in your chair, shifting his weight. You walked back, holding your coat. “Ready?”You asked. He smiled and nodded, his hand on your lower back as he walked you to the elevator. “Ready.” He pressed a chaste kiss to the side of your head.
You’d find out in due time. He’d made sure. And he was certain you’d get a nice little promotion too. He was helping you! Your career. And moving his plan along too. He liked your little game of unsuspecting cat and mouse.
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happy74827 · 11 days
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This is my official masterlist of every fic I’ve written about Dexter (series). Enjoy!!
Masterlist guide
Angst [⛈] // Hurt/Comfort [🌦] // Fluff [🌷] // Lime [🫦] // Hurt/No Comfort [🌧️] // Platonic/Familial - [🌸] // Smut [💋]
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Brian Moser
Contagiously Human (⛈️🌷)
The Perfect Gift of Appreciation (🌦️🌷)
You Must Be Haunting Me (⛈️🌧️)
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Dexter Morgan
Dusty (🌦️)
Primal Fear (⛈️)
Burning Bridges (⛈️🌦️)
A New Moon (🫦)
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norawriteswords · 17 days
if I wrote Brian moser x readers would anyone read them🫣
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happy74827 · 3 months
People need to be have more hype for all my favorite characters. I’m tired of going to look for fanfics and being forced to write because there’s LITERAL CRUMBS
Populate those fandoms people 👏👏
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should I continue off on my last Brian Moser n gf thoughts
i also wanna be able to shift there so i can truly write him in character, also any WRITING ADVICE IS GREWTKY APRECIATED
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