#something about procreate makes me feel like I have to finish stuff
captin-azoth · 2 days
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Sorry—it’s so smooth and crispy that I actually have FUN doodling on it??? I can’t explain it
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bluehexagone · 3 months
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Realism is fun till it isn’t and I realize I’ve already committed too far and can’t just scrap it but I know it will take me too long so here are some sacrifices you may see finished later on
#dragon#myart#creature#I still generally have inspiration for the first one so that one will probably get finished first#I really like watching the speedpaints procreate automatically records even though it’s crunchy and has a weird green tint#specifically on realism because it’s wild for anything else and is actually psychotic#Mostly because I just suddenly start experimenting with brushes and start turning layers off and on for a good chunk of it#I use 3 layers usually for realism#One for the actual drawing one for the sketch and one for a base color#It makes it better I think because it’s more similar to actual painting or something#That might not be the reason I dont really know#It’s just better I do it that way#Maybe because I can’t get distracted and lost?#Realism is also a great source of learning for me#Even if i never really finish stuff like this#I might this time though who knows#Sorry for leaving you guys stranded I’m chasing a really big train across the country#My priorities are with locomotives#“You guys” (I say to my very few followers 🤑🤑 (that probably followed me in the first place for dragon adventures stuff))#I do what I want and what I want is not dragon adventures right now#Right now I want locomotive#I’m not hijacking that train it sounds like I’m going to hijack that train#however#i would appreciate owning a big train I feel like I would enjoy that#Side note how do my DA followers feel about the genetic traits in the event eggs making motorouk w/ the error trait worth like 100mil#I feel ill when I can recite all of the full species names from memory#It does make sense though I’ve been playing since the first event in 2019#I’m committed what can I say#Almost forgot a tag oops#art
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apollo1three · 5 months
Hello! can I plz request the obey me bros with their children, you can choose if u want them to be their daughter, son or multiple. i just really wanna see them as like dads, like a scenario maybe when they learn to walk or say their first word you dnt have to if you don't want to! and if it's too much can i have just Beel Mammon or Lucifer :3
AHH MY FIRST REQUEST!!! I’m sorry for taking so long! I haven’t checked my dusty musty crusty a$$ inbox in a while ;-; also nonnie u don’t understand how much I love domestic, sappy, fluffy af stuff like this <3<3
Ofc I’ll do all of em, but I’ll do them in parts so you don’t have to wait for me to finish all seven ^^
An unimaginable type of love (Lucifer x f!reader)
The demon brothers with their babies (1/7)
Demons are not born, he once told you; they manifest – either as a product of great sin or demonic energy. Demons do not feel the need to procreate, they cannot- they do not get pregnant, and they certainly do not give birth.  
So how is it that the Morningstar finds himself staring down into sparkling crimson eyes, reminiscent of the deep shade of his, with a softness akin to yours? How is it that he cradles a squirming bundle made from the love between him and his human wife?
With a life only ever dedicated to servitude, Lucifer would’ve never dreamt of creating a family of his own. Never in his time in the celestial realm would he have imagined small, fragile little arms, reaching out for him to hold them in his. Never could he have imagined the possibility of a being regarding him in the sentiment with which he had once regarded Him.
He eyes your sleeping form, snuggled into the comfort of the large bed, and he’s overcome with a fondness that words could not explain the level of. To be loved unconditionally by you, and to be given the most precious gift of all. What had he done to deserve such a thing? - something that was once an unfathomable idea - did he deserve it?
He cradles his daughter in his arms, stroking her little face, and the giggle she lets out is so precious, so much like you, and has him nuzzling his nose into her puffed up little cheeks. You had once light-heartedly complained to him about carrying her in your stomach for nine months, only to have her come out identical to him. Though he'd never admit it, your husband was proud of the notion (at the time, you swore you could see puffed up feathers behind his form), but it was irrefutable how the child carried herself with a poise that was undeniably like yours: a mischievous, yet endearing glint in her eyes that surely meant trouble in the foreseeable future. Lucifer didn’t mind, though.
He mutters, “my darling, what are you doing up so late at night?”, to which his only response is a squeal and few kicks of tiny feet. He tuts back, playfully. “So noisy, my love. Won’t you let your mother sleep?”
There’s a slight breeze from the open balcony, and he gets up from his side of the bed with your daughter rocking gently in his grasp. “Let’s go outside for a bit, come now.”
The way he carries her is careful, protective, and much more assured than the way he had first carried her after her birth. He wasn’t used to dealing with humans, let alone any living thing, in their infancy. Angels and demons did not have an infantile period, and it shook him inwardly the first time he held her, so small and breakable. You, a fully grown human woman, were fragile enough as is – but a human infant? It took some stern reassurance that the child he considered so small and breakable was his just as much as she was yours for his paranoia to waver.
‘She’s ours, Lu.’
(Fatherhood. Such a human experience, and he had only you to thank for it.)
Ushering to the Devildom fireflies, she blows raspberries that makes him want to litter his daughter in even more kisses. So he does, far more unreserved than if it were in front of you (while he loved you and trusted you with his heart and soul, showcasing such unabashed doting was still awkward for new to him). So disgustingly affectionate; the past him would’ve laughed at the notion of such outwards display of emotion directed towards anyone or anything – a hit to his pride, to the very thing he embodied. But to the him right now, such a thought never even crossed his mind.
“Do you see that, my love? Aren’t they pretty?”, he smiles softly, tenderly, eyes creasing at the corners. He pokes at her mouth, now endlessly razzing. “Alright, who taught you to do that? Was it Uncle Mammon? Belphie?"
To the him right now, his pride was in the form of his beautiful wife, and his darling little girl.
“Daddy will always protect you two, I swear on it.”
Absentmindedly stroking her head, a thousand thoughts run through his head. He contemplates heading back inside as the wind picks up, worried you might be getting cold. You’ve been all over the baby since she arrived (and even before then, too), insisting that her crib be placed in the both of your bedroom (much to Asmodeus’s chagrin, adamant that your old room would make the most beautiful human-realm-esque nursery) – while your motherliness was extremely attractive (or rather, all of you), and despite your daughter being an unusually well-behaved little thing, you deserved some quality rest.
He heads back, moving to lower her into her pink-embellished, Avatar of Lust™, crib, but freezes.
His movements are miniscule, microscopic, as he looks down at the cooing and giggling tot.
“Say- say that again, darling.”
Time seems to slow, and he’s overcome with so much fondness, so much love.
“Haha! That’s right, here’s Dada..!” He practically throws her up into the air, accompanied by more squeaky giggles, and if anyone asks: no- his eyes don’t water (it’s merely the brightness of the Devildom moon).
Amidst childish laughter, she says it once more.
He lets out a shaky laugh of disbelief. His eyebrows are furrowed, and there's an uncharacteristically toothy grin on his face. Slowly, trembling hands (a fault of the temperature, obviously, despite him once mentioning the immunity of demons to things as 'trivial' as the weather) press his daughter's small body to his chest.
His daughter. His. His daughter. His wife. His brothers. His family.
It was then that he realised, although perhaps he had always known, that the love he felt for you and the life the two of you had created was different from His love. It was unconditional. The sort of love that allowed him to understand Lilith, the sort of love that he would gladly die for, kill for, be destroyed for. The sort of love that was once unattainable, unimaginable, was now closer than ever.
Lucifer wanted to share this moment with you.
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ceddar-cheez · 1 year
Ok I have a minor gripe about Gale’s big romance night. Absolute spoilers because I’m just gunna brain vomit. I love this nerdy wizard a lil too much
So! I’m kinda peeved about how the choice to indulge Gale in magic sex has a lot more detail and effort than wanting to connect with him as a mortal in mortal flesh. You don’t even get naked when you choose mortal sex. It’s so disappointing because it feels like I made ‘the lame choice’ that they didn’t bother finishing and that undermines a big theme in his romance (or how I’m playing it)
I rolled a Barbie Bard so “love your true self!” is like central to the role play. So of course Barbie pushes that she loves him for his personality and not impressive tricks. But then if you go that route Gale is like ‘eh well if you wanna do it the old way then sure’. Like no no no Gale this is can be just as sensual as the other stuff… if not more really. The point is to empty your mind and be present in every part of your body. I used to overthink during sex (ADHD related) and it became a whole other level when I got out of my head. And like what is that magic sex if not Gale thinking reeeeaally hard?
Really I think the astral projection sex isn’t as amazing as he hypes it up to be. I mean just think, he says he hadn’t been with a mortal since being with Mystra and that relationship lasted a while (for how I interpreted it). I don’t think he’s had sex in his body in a long time. Cause Mystra doesn’t have a body, the astral sex would be fulfilling, but for Gale I can’t help noticing he left something behind
His whole body
That thing that feels touch and heat and pain
I think this illustrates what I think it feels like:
A tiktok woman (StruggleCare) was in labor and it was long and rough. She was in the hospital hooked up to an IV that was keeping her hydrated but she wasn’t allowed to eat or drink anything in case they needed to do an emergency c-section. Her body was hydrated, but after so many hours she was begging for water to get rid of her awful thirst. Something about the experience of feeling water in your mouth is important to tell your brain it’s not in danger. (They did give her water and her birth went fine, just in case you wondered how this particular tale ended)
I feel like Gale’s “ascended” sex is like that IV. He’s been parched for so long that he doesn’t notice the thirst.
But here comes Barbie Bard and this man tripping over himself saying how he likes her musk. In the shadowlands he stops you to make a comment about how hot you look fighting and sweating.
Mystra doesn’t have a musk. Nor does she sweat.
So really the question is… when was the last time he was actually touched more than on the hands? I wanted to see that touched-starved desperation. I just love the idea Barbie Bard took a man with his head in the stars and fucked him back to his own humanity.
Very Hozier if I do say so. I like the theme of finding salvation in human after being failed by a god with unobtainable expectations. (Mystra and God god aren’t 1-to-1 so not perfect fit)
Anyway I don’t know where I’m going with this except I guess it’s time to bust out Procreate. I wanna hear other’s thoughts on this too
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punkinvsblogging · 2 months
Hi. Please be nice. It’s my first try. (づ_ど)
Actually, even if it wasn’t, please be nice lol
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I’ve been asking people that are actually good at drawing and stuff how they know when something is finished, and most of them have said something that seems kinda like…when ya don’t wanna look at it anymore? Lol I was gonna keep working on it today, but then I opened it up and just got sad, so I guess that means it's done?? Lol This was supposed to just be a cute lil doodle (like that lil guy in the corner lol Some of y'all have seen the other stuff I've been doing lol), but then I kept adding stuff, and then it turned into this on accident??
Things I think need work:
the eyes
the face uh...shape?
shading and stuff
a bunch of other things that I can't think of right now because it's stressing me to look at it closely lol
I chose not to beard and not to hair because this was supposed to just be a cute cartoon, and then it WASN'T lol
I don't think it looks like him. Trying to figure out how I can make the next thing I try better. I'm also trying to learn more stuff about Procreate, so please feel free to message me.
Thanks, y'all. <3
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locusfandomtime · 1 year
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Fake logo designs of various districts/companies in Hermitcraft S8! Something about Hermitcraft brings out the graphic designer in me (*cough* it’s because I love worldbuilding and making tiny details in a world) anyway!
Design notes under cut! (Alongside some headcanons - it is quite long)
Horse Head Farms: this is the logo that started this idea basically. I got such a cool image of an eclipse with a repeated b+w horse head pattern and I really wanted to make it happen. M.C. Esher has done designs like these but as tiles, which I used as inspiration. I think I could have made it look a bit clearer but for my first time drawing something like this I’m pretty happy. The text is from one of the default Procreate fonts and kinda makes HHF look like a law firm (which is the vibe I was going for, soul-stealers and lawyers are often sorta linked in fiction, and supposedly xB and Hypno are their own legal team). xB and Hypno are the only employees other than the people they blackmail into doing stuff for them.
Big Eyes: I wanted a red eyeball as a reference to Tango’s amazing prank on Boatem and I imagine it’s a goofy little mascot for the company. Some big goofy text felt fitting alongside this. I wanted to make a Pass n Gas specific logo too but I wanted to focus on the main “districts” rather than specific shops. I feel like this is kind of obvious but in-universe Big Eyes are VERY unsuccessful and actively losing money.
Hohenzollern Castle: not really a company but Joe and Cleo are cool so I wanted to include them and I had a tiny bit of blank space left on the page so here we are. I actually really love how the sign looks, the wood texture came out nice. They don’t have a logo as much as they do a sign outside their area, created by Joe, with the text written by Joe’s dyes. The “Hohenzollern” is kinda squished because he began to run out of room but was too stubborn to split the word in half. Cleo argues that it isn’t a logo and is just a sign with the castle’s name on it. Joe argues back with a deconstruction of “what is a logo, really?” and something about companies and capitalism and Cleo doesn’t care enough to respond.
Octagon: I am a fool who initially thought it was spelt “Octogon” and had to fix it well after I finished. Oh well. I wanted this to have a very evil look about it. You can instantly tell they’re the evil tech company running experiments on the quantum realm or whatever in a Hollywood movie. Between the unsafe work conditions and the tax fraud, it is a miracle they haven’t been shut down (reason: the government is scared of Doc)
The Evil Empire: the “the” wouldn’t fit so I had to make some sacrifices. Evil Xisuma is dramatic and edgy so he wanted the logo to be in fancy black calligraphic medieval looking text. It fits the evil castle aesthetic the whole area has pretty well too. The Evil Empire is kinda like a Hot Topic store and a Renaissance Fair combined, but it is also involved with Crypto. Despite being so weird it has a perfect niche of marketing to edgy teenagers so it is quite successful. The employees hate it there because their work mandated uniform is to “dress like an evil minion”. Jevin is a slime monster, Wels cosplays a knight and Beef turned into an alien so they thankfully didn’t have to change.
Boatem (BTM): heavily inspired by Grian’s simplified logo he made in Minecraft, where he shortened it to BTM. Despite already having a reference to work off, this was the hardest design. I knew I wanted it to be simple, all-white and leaning back dramatically but I spent ages fiddling with it. Boatem is the most successful company, being perfect for the general public and their shopping district a tourist destination in of itself. It nearly went into bankruptcy when Mumbo was CEO but has been very successful since his Robot took over.
Zedaph Laboratories: my favourite design. Hand writing the text was a nightmare but it came together nicely other than that. Sheep symbol because sheep are his brand. I used the same colour palette as his laboratory. “Laboratory” is misspelled for two reasons: 1) I realised my mistake too late to change it, 2) I think it is completely in character for Zedaph to not know how to spell laboratory and only realise after Tango points it out and be forever haunted by his mistake. Don’t let the sleek corporate design fool you, Zedaph is still wild and is the only person in the “Zedaph Labratories”.
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tartrat · 2 months
Kapyy is going out tonight, he’s on his vigilante shit.
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This is the most cursed thing I’ve made and that includes an abstract painting of an amethyst I made over Easter break. The sketch with the basic idea and more thoughts and headcanons below I guess.
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Firstly don’t look at the mouth too much, the teeth were annoying me. I seem to do like a simplistic style for people and not going overly detailed on their features when i put effort in. For my A level final piece, a self portrait, i sort of made my eyes mouth and nose less deatailed but you can still tell that it’s a face and so it looks kinda good. Honestly this piece looks better than i thought it would, i sort of panic when making art but i can make stuff look good when i put effort in, see the other canvas paintings I’ve posted here.
I started this on the 3rd of August and finished on the 10th.
As seen with my last post i hated doing those rhinestones and tassels but they ended up looking kinda good. I did the hair the same way i did the hair in my previous posts. I used the same brushes as well, custom watercolour and glitter brushes and the procreate turpentine brush to blend. I have a lot of process pics of me working on the colouring that look cursed that i kinda want to do a photo dump on. I also used the chromatic abbreviation filter on procreate to create a subtle glow around him.
Also i decided to put a signature on it, something that i keep forgetting to do on other pieces I’ve made. (Well for school i put my name on the back of my canvases, by the end of the year i had like eight canvases and by sketchbooks)
I had what i like to call a glee-lapse where i started re-listening to a bunch of glee covers, specifically: Nasty/Rhythm Nation, The Boy Is Mine, Start Me Up/Livin’ On A Prayer, and Don’t Start Believing. Other songs i listened to include, Ldn By Lily Allen, Black Magic by Little Mix, Take Me to Church by Hozier, Bella’s Lullaby from Twilight, Touch-Tone Telephone by Lemon Demon, American Healthcare by Penelope Scott, Grace Kelly by Mika, Misery Business by Paramore, Coney Island, My Tears Ricochet, Better than Revenge, So Long London, But Daddy I Love Him, I look in Peoples Windows, Down Bad and the song this is based off of, Vigilante Shit all by Taylor Swift. I was at the Eras tour in Dublin in June which ended my A-levels exams. I also got the signed midnights blood moon vinyl for Christmas in 2022, then i put a st brigid’s cross i made on it and my mum thought it was a photo of Jesus when she saw it hanging on my wall.
The just dance wiki seems to have argued over who Kapyy’s performer is. Like he’s performed by someone, there is a kinda unnerving behind the scenes photo of him, like has he just escaped into our reality like Layl and Gabriela have. Where did that behind the scenes pic come from?
Headcanons I’ve been developing. So still going off the whole Kapyy and Talia are twins, they both have ADHD. This comes from me possibly having undiagnosed adhd that is manifesting as anxiety so yay. It’s also just came to me that since i said that their dad should be from Cyber funk that he should be the Blinding lights extreme coach. Basically Blinding lights extreme and Giddy on Up take place round about the same time so BLE meets GOU whilst he visits Wasterra, they fall in love, eventually get married and have twins, Kapyy is ultimately kidnapped at birth leaving Talia unaware that she has a twin until she unknowingly meets him shortly after the events of I Knew You Were trouble. The GOU and BLE coaches were popular performers of their time and teach performing arts classes art a university now, with Talia studying English literature and language, and Kapyy being an Art student who performs on the side (So basically I’m Blue extreme), as in he gets paid for performing but he masks he actual feelings, whilst Talia would actually show her emotions through her ability to control tvs.
Other headcanons include, when Kapyy isn’t doing too great the Levitating Extreme coach has to bring him home and make sure he’s ok. Kapyy and Talia are basically Dipper and Mabel from Gravity Falls sorta, Talia is dipper and Kapyy is Mabel, like how they ground each other. Both of them are also double jointed (obviously their performers most likely aren’t). That’s about it so far.
I also think that i alienated the two people on twitter who follow me for yo kai watch by just posting just dance fanart there, luckily there is the Yo kai watch Just Dance Game, when my worlds collide, so i want to do more yo kai watch fanart. I have an idea for a yo kai watch x just dance fanart, kapyy may or may not be involved ion that.
That’s about it, i feel fuzzy again like I’m excited and nervous to post.
As for where Kapyy got the bodysuit from, well…
Bonus doodle:
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tradetobest · 8 months
do u still think abt the golf au bc i would pay billions for you to infodump about it…
YEs i love thinking about this au so much thank you so much for asking me about it anon ilysm....
(under the cut bcs it feels a bit long to me)
this was my first act as a hockey fan it has such a special place in my heart.... i thought about it while i was in class and sorted everyone into categories Definitively. thank you for making me do this. of course some of the things i have these guys do you Shouldnt Do on a golf course, and like this is Super unrealistic but i love having my fun ok…. just Good Vibes… (also, im generalizing “clubhouse” as both people who work as servers at the course’s restaurant and the people who help golfers with carts/clubs/etc and all that. i did Not work there At All so it just makes it easier for me to loop them…. imagine they just like rotate around or something….)
OK… so…. starting with the two who started it all, mitch and auston.
i dont ever think i ever totally explained what mitch and auston's roles were besides surface level stuff so!! mitch is a member of the turf team at the golf course, which are basically the group of people who go around and cut the grass and do the landscaping and all of that. like ice crew, but just for the golf course.
auston is like. i don't know. some sort of moderately rich guy. maybe he's Auston Matthews or maybe he's just rich, i have no clue. all that matters is he golfs. maybe he's a professional golfer. of course, i imagine everything in this au as happening at my course, but tbh it works at any course...
(now, of course, one of mitch's friends works at the clubhouse, and tells mitch every time auston is sitting there looking for him... willy nylander youre a real one)
just imagine mitch driving around a work truck with a rake, a bucket of sand, and a leaf blower in the back and auston (dressed prim, and proper, white pants white shoes white hat purple shirt all nice) literally falling all over himself to talk to him. loitering all over just Hoping that Maybe mitch will drive by and he can rope him into conversation. meanwhile when mitch sees willy he’s like “yeah auston’s so cute but like idk if he’d ever go for me” and willy is like “yeah you have no fucking idea”
i used to have to do this task which was just. watering all of the flowers near the clubhouse and i can imagine mitch doing that and like surroptitiously glancing over his shoulder to check if auston is around or watching or something… just some good old fluffy pining yk…
i have a like Whole Ass procreate file w everyone sorted into lil groups so here’s some little tidbits …
i think i mightve talked abt this in another post but sid (crosby) and claude (giroux) both work for turf and are both Incredibly Competitive about it in the most insane way ever… im talking “you take half the course i take half the course and we see who finishes faster” (starting at 6am ish) mowing competitions and theyre both done at 8 on the dot…. insane people shit…. they did it with bunkers ONCE and claude tripped and fell into a bunker and broke his wrists so they do not do that anymore o7….
in honour of my boss feeling like my dad i put patty marleau and matt martin in turf…. they do rough mowing in honour of the two guys at my course who Only did rough mowing…. big ass machine
the thing to know about guys who are higher up on the turf echelon is that not only do they all know each other but they also went to school for it… turf school…. all this to say top grad of turf school Sidney Crosby got some little ducklings and thats how Connor McDavid (top turf school grad) got to this course…. we love that for him
shoutout to other guys who also have fun little romance stories but who arent mitch and auston, including but not limited to:
connor mcdavid, who keeps getting his work paused by these three golfers, which always makes him grit his teeth and smile softly at them, because Holy Shit Let Me Get Back To My Job Please. matthew tkachuk (son of Great Golfer Keith Tkachuk) seems to take joy in interrupting connor while he’s in the middle of something, jack eichel always catches him bent over and sweaty trying to shove the wheels back onto a greens mower for one of the kids, and leon draisaitl stands on the side to wait until connor’s at least done a pass to ask him something. matthew jack and leon can be seen at the clubhouse after they finish a round, head in hands, because connor is oblivious to their flirting. maybe they should try learning the names of different types of grass.
jamie drysdale (uni student staying with his grandparents over the summer) always comes to the clubhouse for breakfast with them, which absolutely delights bored server trevor zegras… too bad the summer has to end some time! lol! anyway
tyler bertuzzi (turf) seems to always have dirt under his fingernails, some mulch and woodchips stuck to his shorts, scuffs on his knees, and a dirty ass sweater on. dylan larkin (clubhouse) finds him INCREDIBLY endearing.
brady tkachuk (son of Great Golfer Keith Tkachuk) when he’s not driving his brother around so he can try and find connor (“seriously, matthew, he looks busy” “no, it’ll be fine, look—”) is smiling sweetly at the fumbling german waiter who always engages leon in rapidfire german conversation. tim, his nametag says, and brady would love to have more than a few word conversation with him. maybe he should interrupt leon’s brooding time with matthew and jack and ask him to teach him some german.
if you want to communicate with the turf team’s mechanic and don’t want to be asked “where sid? tell him—” you should bring sid with you to see him. however, if you do bring sid, you will have to watch him and said mechanic do Weird Flirting for a good 30 mins before your question is answered. this is outside of the Weird Flirting they do anyway, all the time. if a day goes by without sid twirling his hair kicking his feet over some shit geno said to him earlier in the day has the day really gone by?
followup turf/clubhouse Flirting (I CANT BELIEVE I ALMOST FORGOT TO MENTION THEM IYKYK) tyler seguin, Pretty Boy Galore, and his loud, bubbly, and all consuming obsession with quiet doe-eyed turf worker jamie benn. now thats what i call oblivious. “yeah i flirt with jamie all the time but he just thinks its a joke haha he couldnt want me i know that like have you seen him?” “yeah tyler flirts with me but he’s just joking he doesn’t mean that he could never like me like that have you seen him?” and all that good good shit… tyler sees jamie take off his shirt once because it got soaked and loses his mind.
jack hughes (brother of turf guys luke and quinn) absolutely has the biggest crush on his coworker, fellow clubhouse worker nico hischier. once nico got wet in the rain and soaked through his white work shirt and jack almost lost his fucking mind. absolutely twirling his hair kicking his feet.
both pairs of bruins that i like (bergeron/marchand and swayman/ullmark) are fun little golf tandems. me when i get a hole in one and hug and twirl around a kiss my golf partner. what if we kissed in the front seat of a golf cart. and all that.
finally… honourable mention to john tavares (golfer, has his own labelled golf cart at a course in toronto… love that for you king….) kris letang (turf) and marc-andré fleury (clubhouse) who get to listen to sid moan and groan about geno, and self jarvis (turf) who is completely out of place among the other teams included in this au but i love him so hes here lmfaoo
anyway. yeah. i have LOTS of ideas about this au if you couldnt tell and anon i am SO happy you asked abt it… sorry it took me a few days i have to write like most days for school this semester and its leaving me Very Little time to do anything but reblog posts and draw matty and woller. MATTY AND WOLLER. oh my god i cant believe i almost forgot them uhhh…..
matthew knies and joseph woll are….. both turf workers maybe… yeah. call that lets talk while filling divots on the course or raking bunkers. what if we kissed in the rain while shovelling dirt and seed mix into small holes over and over again. Them
OK IM DONE FR NOW. thank you so much sorry there are no visuals i have written this mostly in class now but if you want to know more or if you want me to elaborate on a specific dynamic (or add some people, because god knows these are just the guys i know/like) or want visuals for anything i can 100% provide, might just take a bit again haha… ilysm anon you made my week
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astranauticus · 11 months
ok one last post about the Project to truly exorcise it from my brain. just some process/design thoughts (also now that it's done if you want to read my liveblogged whinging for whatever reason here it is)
first off some stats because i kept stats like the nerd that i am:
time wise making this animatic took about 93.5 hours give or take (thanks procreate process replay) spread across exactly 2 months
anyway when i said i finished this project mostly through stubbornness and sunk cost fallacy this is what i meant lol like a lot of my thought process through this was just 'no way in hell am i letting some of these drawings disappear into my drafts forever'
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on average each frame took about 2 hours 45 minutes but thats a bit of an overestimate since i forgot to count some of the animated bits from the first two lines (so id guess the actual number is more like.. 2 hours 20 minutes?)
btw that line with the starry apparition fading away? 12 hours total
the single longest and most painful frame to draw was the one of the crew walking through tu'narath (5 hours 30 minutes) because a. perspective b. architecture design c. for some reason i put a lot of detail into rendering the armour on all the githyanki i drew why on earth did i do that
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(its especially painful bc that frame was one of the ones that didnt... feel like an important enough moment in the actual story of the show to be worth capturing the way the wish or even like, endellion is, i just needed to put that there for the storytelling flow or whatever of the animatic itself and it bothered me so much)
one other interesting little mishap was that i did all of these on canvas size 1080x720px (so that's why the youtube resolution isnt particularly high lmao) which is why procreate let me put an absolutely absurd amount of layers in one canvas (all 8 frames of with memories projected on the astral sea were done on one canvas. 159 layers) because the layer limit for that canvas size is 400 BUT. i accidentally started the starry apparition fade on an A4 canvas (my default canvas size for like all my normal fanart) and i only realised after finishing all the lineart and starting on colouring because i hit layer limit so i had to resize the canvas which did... interesting?? things to the lineart resolution
also if youre wondering how i drew K-LB that many times in something resembling timely fashion the answer is i sacrificed some... amount of sleep to 3d model and rig him in blender which. honestly? i consider it a roaring success
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splitting the frames by bar was a Choice and certainly a choice ive.. had doubtsTM about but thats the kind of thing you cant really change without bringing the whole project crashing down so if the frames seem to move a bit too fast im so sorry there was really not much i could do there
idk if people actually noticed the very very tiny drawings of the crew moving around on the ship in the 4th line especially since they sometimes get obscured by the subtitles but the REASON for that is in my original drawings the subtitles went in the top left corner but they kept conflicting with other stuff so i just gave up and threw them to the bottom (also i originally included the chinese lyrics but then i got lazy lmao)
anyway that little detail like VR-LA angstily looking at the sea reminiscing about the JourneyTM and the crew sort of appearing along with the memories of their adventures together was one of those things that seemed SO COOL in my head but once i actually execute it its like. hmmmm not sure if that worked out the way you thought it would buddy. also the tiny crew was EXTREMELY hard to draw so put that down as another point in 'me subjecting myself to deeply painful and out there compositions for no good reason'
anyway i called this my magnum opus but i do actually have some thoughts about another one (a companion piece, if you will) for another song by the same band because now that i know what capcut can do im.. really itching to try something a little different because this like powerpoint presentation style? fully a product of me using iMovie as my only available video editing software for the past like 7 years of my life
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egg-emperor · 2 years
Heya I just finished Sonic Frontiers and while I was trying to avoid spoilers, I did think of you when it came to the Eggman stuff in the game. I can definitely understand why you would be disappointed in the direction they went with with his character in the game. I don't mean to come off as trying to argue against your take away or say your feelings are wrong at all, how you feel is totally valid, but I just wanted to say when it came to how my interpretation of it was:
to me it felt like Eggman having a view of himself as Sage's father felt like it came from a place of his typical narcissism and psychopathy. There's the Egg Memo where he looks down on the idea of creating life as "just a bunch of proteins bumping together" and that the life HE created is so great and awesome because HE made it. It felt like almost like self deification or something. HIS creations, and his method of creating them, are superior to the genetic accidents of nature. He even kind of comes across as thinking the idea of procreation via sexual reproduction is sickening to him.
When he says he's proud of Sage it's like saying "I'm so proud of the new song I just put out" it's not like you're saying you think the song is doing a good job. It's an expression of self pride. He's literally saying he's proud of the thing he created, he's proud of HIMSELF. Anything she accomplishes is a reflection of his own genius. And in the end he's still willing to let her sacrifice herself without hesitation. There's no emotional second guessing or doubt, he just says "yup, go do it, I know you'll succeed (cuz I made you and I'm awesome)." That's just how it came across to me anyway.
I mean Eggman's usual ego tripping is still present all over the game. In the Egg Memo where he mentions Maria, he literally says "why was everyone so head over heels with Maria when I'M THE REAL STAR OF THE SHOW HERE!" And when he teams up with Sonic on the last island he does so under the rationalization of inducting Sonic into a part of the Eggman Empire and then ORDERING him to go collect the chaos emeralds. It felt on brand to me anyway.
Like I said I definitely get why you would come away from it feeling sour. Hopefully the idea that Eggman is canonically a DILF now is comforting? (I was making a lot of "I call Eggman daddy too" jokes during the final stretch of the game >.> )
I appreciate the understanding of my feelings about it. It's nice and refreshing to have someone finally present a different perspective without insulting my intelligence and denying the knowledge I have about Eggman and raising some actual points.
Your interpretation is definitely one of the few accurate ways I feel it would go if they wanted the dynamic to exist at all and I'd really like to believe it was the case and intention with it. And it actually almost would've came off that way to me as it mostly felt one sided from Sage only on an actual genuine sincere level, if it weren't for the weird parts of the memos where Eggman called her "the best" and acted like he sees her as an actual being and family, and how the final scenes tried to make it sad and dramatic and imply sincerity on a deeper level than pride in a creation.
He should've just said something typical like she's his greatest creation yet, so he's especially clear that he's praising himself as creator because he'd never say any other being was "the best", as they imply he sees her as a person rather than AI. They almost got that reflection of ego in it right in the memo about being able to create life and the superiority of him being the creator and I liked that (and how it can be interpreted as aversion to actual sexual reproduction lol) but again, the implication of seeing her as more than an AI and like family doesn't feel right to me.
His selfish thoughts on Maria (aside from the weird questioning of if Sage was like her because why would he care) and how he acted towards Sonic with his childish stubbornness in needing to feel he was still getting his way by ordering Sonic for the Empire are my favorite parts and this interpretation would've fit in perfectly with them. I can see him saying he's proud and she's his greatest creation yet for her loyalty like he has with other creations and yeah, everything he praises and is proud of is actually just reflecting pride in himself as her creator no matter what.
But calling her the best and seeing her as anything more than artificial and even as family made it seem too personal and sincere. There were memos that seemed to be going in the right direction but took weird turns, and especially in the final scenes as if they wanted us to believe that he suddenly saw a creation as important beyond serving their purpose, saw her as a person and family, and cared about someone in any way since he seemed upset to let her go and lose her, rather than just disappointed like simple line changes would've done.
And that's what bothers me most about it really, how it feels like they got so close to getting it right at multiple points and it kind of seemed that this interpretation was the real intention and I love it- but then the implications of thoughts of being like family and caring for "the feels" had to be abruptly forced into the memos and final scenes and ruin it and made him seem like Mr. Tinker with Belle to me, instead of anything the real Eggman would think and feel and act. But just small adjustments to the English dialogue would've changed everything.
It makes me feel better to try to think of the scenes with this interpretation in mind but I feel like that's not what they were really trying to go for with those weird parts that stick out and feel ooc in particular and I'm sad about it because it would've been so much more accurate this way instead. But it's been done in a way that has people thinking he might suddenly stop being evil, actually has a soft caring side, is genuinely a family man, etc and it really irks me. It was already bad and overexaggerated enough in fanon when it wasn't part of game canon and it's about to get worse.
In a way yeah being able to call game Eggman a dilf now too is one good thing that I could take away from it but also he's my daddy, back off Sage >:( lol
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gingersnappish · 2 years
Hi! I just want to say I absolutely adore your art, and I'm so excited to see your new stuff! Particularly anything Kylo Amidala related, it's my favourite au/concept of mine and I love seeing different artists takes on it!
I was just wondering if you had any advice for new artists? I want to be good at drawing but I get so discouraged when things don't come out how I envisioned.
Also, could I ask what you use to draw your art? Is it a digital setup you have? Would you have any recommendations on things to get?
Sorry to ask you so many questions, so please feel free to ignore this! I hope you have a lovely day, and thank you so much for all your wonderful contributions to the kylux fandom ❤
Thank you so much, Anon, for this lovely missive! It was such a warm feeling to find it in my inbox and brought a smile to my face! I love Kylo Amidala more and more the longer I'm in kylux fandom-honestly I wasn't sure if he was my 'thing' or not at first, years back, and then the more I saw takes on him in art and writing and fandom in general, the more he grew on me :) He allows for so much fashion fun and character creativity-like you said, it's really fun to see everyone's 'take' on him! Part of the reason it's taken me this long to respond is that I read what you asked about starting out with art and related hardcore! The thing where you got the vision but it can feel discouraging when stuff doesn't come out finished like it looked in your head? That was me for like- a couple decades. Still me on certain days. Like, MOOD, my friend! The good news is: every artists struggles with the above problem. So you are not alone! I guess in a sense, the bad news is also: 'everyone from beginners to seasoned professionals ' struggle with this....so yeah, it doesn't ever *entirely* go away? BUT! Better news: There have been a lot of 'takes' written and a lot of good advice given about how to mentally manage the 'it doesn't come out how I wanted' phenomenon! It's not so much 'make it go away' as it is 'learn to manage that phenomenon in a healthy, painless, productive way'. And that is a learnable skill that gets *a lot* easier with practice!
Also: I hoard tutorials/drawing resources for all levels/YT channels/'how to think about and approach art meta'/etc like a dragon hoards gems, so I'm putting together a post of resource links that might help or give you some starting points--that is taking a hot minute to craft though, so I figured I should just go ahead and respond here today and then post the resources list as soon as I get it finished (so you don't feel like your ask just went into the void)! Re: What I use to draw....time was, that would have been a whole post to itself on traditional materials and comparing computer programs and such. These days it's real straightforward: Procreate on an iPad :) I'm entirely digital these days but my honest opinion is that everyone is drawn to different materials and media and you should feel free to try out working in whatever interests you, whether that is digital art tools, or traditional media like acrylic or ink or something else! Also: making lots of drawings and practicing with what is cheap and available will get you farther,faster than any expensive supplies when you are starting out. Ballpoint pens and a pad from the Dollar Store (or equivalent where you are) are perfectly serviceable for practicing-plus sometimes I personally find I relax and have more fun experimenting and less angst if things don't come out how I wanted if I'm not working with something 'precious'. Case in point: I have custom-leather-worked sketchbook made by a friend sitting up in the office, being exquisitely beautiful and gathering dust. It is empty but for a single drawing, that I became unsatisfied with the day after I finished it. I got that sketchbook 7 years or more ago and I'm still trying to convince myself to use it properly. In contrast, last summer we went to the beach near our house and while we were there I ended up with access to cheap kiddie art supplies from a summer 'communal stash'-a blank sketchbook of the lowest quality paper and 10 colors of crayola pencils, half sharpened. It was a 'throw away', didn't matter what was done in that book-there were 10 more like it in the pile. I ended up doing a bunch of messy stuff born of people-watching and seagull-antics-observation. Filled 5 pages, both sides, and felt incredible joy in the making of shitty scribbles! And then I just put the book back in the 'communal stash' at the end of the day, since there were still a bunch of blank pages left. It was low-pressure and extremely freeing. (side note: when we went back a week later, the other sketchbooks were gone but that one I'd messed around in had more doodles from artists of all ages and beginning skill levels. And more the week after that. I think it turned out to be pretty freeing for a lot of people.) OK, this turned into a way longer response than I intended-boy, can I 'talk'! I hope you have a good day! Wishing you lots of positive creative vibes!
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penaltyboxboxbox · 1 year
how do you balance doing art for job and art for fun. recently got a creative job and now i just have noooooooooooooo creative energy for my own creative stuff and its making me feel very weird! i want my hobby back!
frankly i am insane and draw entirely too much. i sleep like 5 hours and draw for probably minimum 2.5 hours every day. maximum sometimes ill get in the like 8-9 hours a day. thats like procreate open actively drawing...................i wish i had better advice but im literally just obsessed with it i will finish drawing for school or work and go AUGH i need a break and go draw something for fun it's literally most of what i think about doing at all times
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grooviestsadpapaya · 2 years
ok listen i know we're not entitled to anything obviously but could you please show us something like a loose sketch? a messy doodle or something? i'm sure you have those, every artist does- and just seeing all of your industry level finished work all the time, while very cool!!, is a little disheartening (((forgive me please but it's probably because you're so young and it just seems like you can just bust out a beautiful finished product multiple times a day despite probably only drawing for a few years))) and personally i just kinda want to know your process and/or how much i should despair on a daily basis sorry if that doesn't make sense or if it's rude
No no, it makes total sense, don’t worry. I understand. I just have to keep in mind that I have been pressured a lot by my family to do commissions with my art and make money off my art for a really long time. I used to be (and still am) very worried about not giving people their moneys worth, so I tried really hard to get better and better. I get comments like this irl from my friends and a few times it has made me want to stop doing art. I was picked on by a previous art teacher because he “knew I could do better” when I was turning in my best effort. I always get a little sad when I see these because I really don’t want to make people feel bad, and in my mind for some reason I think they would be hopeful. Like “hey, this kid can do art, then so can I”. Please remember I got good at art because I got hazed and pressured by my family. I love art, don’t get me wrong, but the process sucks. I love seeing my stuff come to life but I also want to apologize to little-me for putting her through that. Please don’t feel bad, just get filled with spite (or hope, take your pick) to get to where you want to be, because I am positive that you can.
Anyways yeah here you go :D some sketches, a storyboard, and also a reminder of where I came from when I first got Procreate lol
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Anyways here is first piece in my gallery on procreate. Look at that Mipha ewwwwww
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You will get better, I promise. If this is not proof then I don’t know what is.
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baravaggio · 2 years
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finished my steel ball run bag 😗✌️
(some project notes below)
When I work on these projects, I usually make notes (typically voice recordings) throughout so I can organize my thoughts about the piece. I usually delete the recordings right after I've listened back to them, but since this project was a big learning experience, this time I feel like documenting some of my notes in writing.
This has been one of my favorite projects I've ever worked on! I got to try a lot of new things and work on improving certain techniques, overall I feel like I was successful in executing what I'd intended.
Some stuff that was new for me:
Embroidering on this weight/weave of fabric
Adding shading freehand after handwashing
Using a different handwashing technique to keep the integrity of the stitches
Using a greater variety of floss, as well as marker, pen, and pencil, to try to create a greater range of value for shading
Selecting the image - this took a lot longer than I thought, since many of my favorite JoJo characters/panels have features in them that wouldn't translate well to embroidery. I wanted to choose something that would look great in black and white too. I chose this one because it had a level of detail that wasn't unmanageable, the shading is primarily done with lines/hatching (so no complicated, small patterns), and I knew anything I'd have to add or omit to make it more effective as an embroidered piece wouldn't fuck with the depth (or recognizability) of the piece. Making the pattern - as usual, I used Procreate to edit the pattern. I took more time than usual to remove shading that I would be adding in after the wash. This included the big blocks of dark shading as well as any lines that were long and fine. Stitching the base design - for this piece I used my usual 1-2 strands of DMC embroidery floss, but for some of the bolder features, I used DMC Pearl Cotton 12 floss. I really liked using this, even though it's still 2 strands of floss, the fact that they are twisted together helped create a nice bold line that held up well in the washing.
Here's an in-progress pic. One area where I used the 12 Pearl Cotton was the outlining for Johnny's hat, which I think looks really nice and bold here!
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(Before step 4, I'll clarify that I use a printable stabilizer to transfer patterns to the fabric - it's basically a sticker you can print directly on, stick to your fabric, stitch through, then wash out with water. It's great if you're like me and not good with tracing, drawing freehand, or usually use designs that are too detailed to use something like your average transfer pen for. But if you have an Inkjet printer especially, you will want to use as little ink as possible to reduce the risk of staining...honestly, if you have any questions about this product, feel free to ask me - I have a lot of experience with/thoughts on it lol) Washing - I opted to wash this piece in the hoop. I wanted to maintain the tension of the fabric while washing to hopefully minimize the warping I've experienced when washing in the past. I also didn't agitate the fabric as much or use any kind of soap or detergent to wash away the adhesive. This was really successful - not only did the stitches stay even, I didn't encounter any staining, which I'm really pleased about! Here's what it looked like post-wash, before I started shading:
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Shading - this was the most intimidating part of the piece for me...I'm not someone who's very knowledgeable about the technical aspect of visual art, so the idea of placing shading lines without a guide was kind of scary. I followed the shading on my reference image more or less exactly, although I did omit some stuff that I thought would look too heavy.
I used a mix of sewing floss, pencil, marker, and pen to give myself some flexibility when it came to line weight and gradients. There were a couple areas where I knew floss would be too intense, such as the lips and eyes, the underside of Gyro's goggles, and the horse on Johnny's hat. For the horse and goggles, I used the texture of the fabric to my advantage, the rougher texture was definitely conducive to achieving a textured effect similar to the original image. I opted to shade in the underside of Gyro's hat completely black to complement that huge block of black shading on Johnny's neck. I used a regular 0.38 nib pen to add some details to Johnny's eyes and lashes too.
I'm mostly really pleased with the shading, except for the shading along Johnny's nose. tried to go in and fix it, but with a fabric this weight, I was hesitant to pull out stitches and completely redo it because I don't want to leave noticeable holes in the piece. If it keeps bothering me, I might go back and fix it later.
Final thoughts:
This piece really encompassed everything I like about doing this kind of embroidery. In real life, I get asked a lot by family and friends why I choose to embroider things from manga/anime instead of my own original designs. One of the main reasons I do this is because as someone who got into manga for the art, I find it's a really fun and hands-on way to "study" the work of artists I enjoy. Through translating it to embroidery, I have to pay attention to a lot of details about a piece I might not have otherwise. And I almost always pick up on something really interesting and exciting when I do this!
I knew I wanted to embroider something from Steel Ball Run when I reached the part of the manga where Araki's art shifted more to the detailed, dramatic, and cinematic. But having read the colored version, I didn't really appreciate how difficult it can be to achieve this level of detail and drama in black and white, especially without the use of digitally added texture. Through making this piece, and particularly while doing the shading, I really began to respect the amount of skill it takes to do something like this.
Overall, I think this is the most satisfied I've been with something I've embroidered. I'm a huge perfectionist about my embroidery so I'll always have something to nitpick, but even so, I can honestly say I'm really pleased with how well the process I'd planned out translated to the final product. And I'm really pleased with my progress overall.
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mihrsuri · 2 years
penny for your thoughts + Procreate & any other art programs you might have used
I love Procreate - absolutely worth the $15 one time fee if you have an iPad. There’s also a tonne of tutorials out there - not just video but if you read the Official Procreate User Guide it has both pictures and text which is in fact exactly how I learn best (see taking notes in my own words on things) and I find the user interface extremely user friendly. I will say that if you want to do photo editing it’s definitely not the best - I can do some things (and probably can do more as I work on it) but for photo editing I would say you’d be better with photoshop or similar. Also I bought a bunch of brushes but the free ones that come with are honestly great - also I’m thinking about getting a more paper like screen protector but the one I’ve got actually feels pretty close to paper. Also Apple Pencil. Love it.
As for photo editing programs - tbh I find ones like photopea extremely overwhelming, sensory wise (I think I’d have to shell out for photoshop or take a class) - though also I think some of that is that I’m working on my iPad (I need to search for photo editing for iPad apps). But for some reason it just makes my brain go OW in a way that other things haven’t, even ones that are complex. I think if I sat down and found some ‘photo/gif editing tutorials for fandom for absolute beginners’ I would probably do better than just mucking around in this specific case because I’d have something to work off and that’s kind of how I learn (like learning a dance - I need to see someone doing it). Canva can be fun if you stick to to the templates - I had a free trial of the paid version but tbh you can just screenshot your finished product using paid templates, but it’s fiddly(ish) for text on phone.
ask me thoughts on stuff
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thefinalsnart · 2 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers! - @alienaiver ✨
AW NOHR ITS OKAY 💕 I saw a while ago you mentioned you aren’t really on discord much, and I’ve been busy in my own little world lately and haven’t been on here much to say hi myself. 😔💕 Don’t worry about it mwah!
(@alienaiver — just tagging you so you can see this!)
Hhmmm 5 things that make me happy right now are:
1. My brother and my sister in law are visiting! I usually see them once a year, since they live in another part of the country, and that time for 2024 has come. My mom has also made some incredible baked goods for their visit, which I am also enjoying LMAO. Last night my brother, who has a fancy business boy job but is also in a couple bands, one of his friends who is also in those bands, and a family friend who is a folk musician played music together. It’s been lovely so far!
2. Makin’ stuff! I got some new brushes and textures to use in Procreate, and I’ve been having a lot of fun experimenting with them. I’ve also been working on the Dimension 20 Zine Jam again this July, and it’ll be coming out soon in early August! And in between all this, I’ve been making little sketches for AU ideas with friends. I was in a funk for a while, and everything I was making felt like torture. But I’m getting back into the swing of things! Here’s one of the things I drew last night. :3
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3. Speaking of D20: I finished The Unsleeping City’s second season! If anyone is unfamiliar, it’s a D&D actual play on Dropout (and some seasons are free on YouTube!) TUC is about a magical, dream-fueled secret borough of New York City and the people who can see and interact with it. I think it’s my favourite D20 series. The first season (which is up on YouTube) had some elements I didn’t love, there was some Iron Fist stuff in there. But the second season rectifies some of that, which I appreciated. Really hoping they bring the second season to YouTube, too. Both seasons have some truly incredible improv in them. Lou and Brennan going at each other as a divorced couple, Brennan’s “You know that kindness is incredibly real. And the realness of that kindness makes it hurt even more that these people are not going to lie down in bed with you to keep you warm at night for the rest of your life.” KILLS MEEEE. It’s also so stupidly funny. In season 2 they get shrunk down so they can go to a monastery inside a hot dog cart that’s run by cockroach monks. They have to fight an army of centurion ants with ballista mustard and ketchup bottles. The absurd creativity of the seasons is so good, and being helmed by Brennan Lee Mulligan who was born and raised in NYC, it does make the place sound and feel magical.
4. Just good ol art in general! For one of the zines I worked on for the jam, I was looking into a bunch of different artists for inspiration. Here’s a little list of some of the artists I looked into: David Blackwood, Mary Pratt, Alex Coleville, Bo Bartlett, Edward Hopper, Maude Lewis, and Wayne Theibaud! Some of their works:
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(Edward Hopper, Soir Bleu, 1914 / Mary Pratt, Cod Fillets on Tin Foil, 1974 / David Blackwood, Kean's Men Waiting for the S.S. Bellaventure, 1968 / Wayne Theibaud, Boston Cremes, 1962)
5. Dessert! I’m circling back around to my first point lmao, but my mom made a peanut butter cream cheese pie with Oreo crust… it’s one of the best things I’ve ever tasted. I love sweet treats and if you’re a fellow sweet treat enjoyer, go get yourself a sweet treat right now. I’m gonna go get a slice of that pie now myself, I think.
Thank you for the lovely ask Nohr! 💕 Sorry it took me a while to answer it 🙇 I hope you’re doing well! 💖
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