#someone points out he's missing his hat and he's like 'oh right my hat - where DID it go...' and just. Concerned Looks all around
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anticidic · 4 days ago
Dazai and Chuuya inexplicably swapping bodies but they have to try to act like each other so no one suspects something is wrong until they can figure out how to get back in their own bodies
so Kunikida becomes concerned and thinks Dazai hit his head or came down with a fever when Dazai is punctual for once in his life and immediately gets to work when he comes to the office. he finished his paperwork and he's waiting for something else to do (and this blows almost everyone's mind at the agency because what do you MEAN "Dazai" wants to be productive and work hard)
He's also a little clumsy. Chuuya was used to sitting oddly like with one foot on the ground and one tucked underneath him but he can't do that now as Dazai, and Atsushi's watching Dazai trying to maneuver strangely in his chair and wondering what's going on
And then Dazai as Chuuya. he zones out during executive meetings and takes his time dragging out the paperwork he has to do in Chuuya's office. He forgets his hat more than once at his office and Mori and Kouyou are both immediately suspicious that something's up because Chuuya's just...acting spacey and not really caring about what's going on. Chuuya's not lazy, and he'd definitely never forget his hat.
He's informed by a subordinate that a few others died in combat on their latest mission and Dazai-Chuuya's like, "Well, it couldn't be avoided, it's the price to pay for success in this line of work", and it leaves people dumbfounded like ??? Chuuya also suddenly not really caring about those dying around him, something's definitely off, worrying even. but they never suspect it's Dazai doing his impression of pretending to be Chuuya to mess with others. he knows how Chuuya usually is, but acting strangely while mafia agents are giving him blank looks and whispering concerns is amusing to him
When the two of them also go home to each other's places because they still gotta keep up the act, Dazai makes fun of how neatly Chuuya lives and his clothing (but admittedly enjoys having a nice bed to lie in) and Chuuya angrily cleans up all the empty bottles and cans Dazai left around before they swapped bodies
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muffinlance · 6 months ago
The feral cat gator of a 13 year old freshly scarred Zuko being forcibly adopted by the foggy swamp tribe! Bonus points if they willfully ignore the fact he's a firebender and treat him as a very strange waterbender bending-wise
It was Earth Kingdom ships that drove the metal one onto the reefs, so when the little thing came crawling up through the marsh spitting and hissing and dressed in red, they knew it weren’t no earthbender. No matter how much mud it had tripped in, trying to find where the ground stopped sucking at its feet.
“Wow-ee,” said Old Earl, “that sure is one way of keepin’ off the ‘squito-chiggers.”
And they all watched from Big Earl’s porch, sitting or rocking, as them bugs came for the all-you-can-eat and ended up on the bar-b-que.
“Sure is some weird bending,” said Little Earl, who was taller than Big Earl, but when they'd been twelve and they’d wrestled for the title it hadn't been Little Earl who’d won.
The little thing looked maybe twelve, too. And he was little little. But he had that same look like he was going to shove someone’s face in the mud until they said otherwise, as he stood there all panting and dripping and just realizing they’d been watching him this whole time.
“It’s firebending,” the one-kid mud-wrestler said, as bugs kept pop-snapping into flames around him.
Old Earl cupped a hand over his ear, like he couldn’t hear. And he kept doing it, while the kid got louder and louder about that bending of his, but quieter and quieter about looking at them like they were his next bugs.
“Oh, firebending,” Old Earl said, nodding like he’d only just got it, when the kid had stomped straight up to his chair. “Right, right, Old Jane’s got fire-water-bending, too. Why don’t you take him to her, boys.”
“It’s not-- ugh,” shouted the kid, but maybe he only had the one volume. Certainly only had the one volume for stomping, even though stomping was what got a fellow’s shoes shoved down so deep in the mud they’d be seeing them again as mole-shrimp hats. Not that the kid had shoes. Neither did Earl, Earl, or Earl. ‘Cept for Fancy Earl, but he’d gone off to Ba-Singing-Se, to be fancy.
Anyway, Old Jane was the best at turning anything and everything into fire water, which was the kind of thing a fellow called his or her liquor when they wanted fancy folk to keep right on walking. Was really good for making shouty little firebrands take their naps, too, which let Old Jane get her glowing mitts all over that fresh burn of his. And the love-bites from the shark-wrasses that had probably been half the reason the kid had come a-shore all a-shouting in the first place.
“Nope,” diagnosed Old Jane, when the kid woke back up. “That’s just how he talks. Mother was a screamer-bird, I’d say.”
“You take that back about my mother,” screamed their screamer-bird, who had pretty good hearing for someone who’s ear had lost the same fight as his eye. Anyway, Old Jane had done the best she could about both, and nothing was on fire that shouldn’t be, and she had that extra quilt she’d been working on that needed a body under it
And the waves and the shark-wrasses had all the rest of the kid’s crew
So sure enough they set their little screamer-bird up with a nest and let him cry loud as he wanted.
Anyway, if there was one thing Earl Earl Earl and Jane knew, it was how to make a joke so good the other person didn’t even know it were a joke.
“Firebending,” their little fledgling shouted, and waved his arms around, like all that fire pointed at no one was going to get them startled off.
“A-yep,” nodded Old Earl. “That there is some fire-water-bending. Just like Old Jane.”
Old Jane wasn’t the kind of gal who showed off, but she wasn’t the kind who missed no cue, either. She swirled a lick o’ liquor out of her latest barrel and twirled it ‘round and straight into her mouth, and when she spit it out, it looked so much like the little bird’s breath-o’-fire that he didn’t even notice the spark rocks she kept on her fingers as jewelry. No one did, ‘til they’d seen the trick a few times.
The kid’s mouth hung open so low and so long, a moth-tick flew in. That was some kind of life lesson, that was. The swamp was good at sending those.
The Earth Kingdom sent troops a-stompin’ through, losing boots and scaring catigators out of their sunning spots left and right, askin’ all rumbly about those fires they’d spotted, and if anyone from that shipwreck had made it on shore, and talkin’ about how there’d be money in it for them if they made that last answer a “yes,” sounding like Fancy Earl and all his talk about commerce and living standards.
“Got a few parts of them ship people in the lagoon,” Big Earl said. “Probably still floatin’ if you want ‘em. But we better bring the shrimp-minnow nets, ‘cuase they’ll just slosh on through the turtle-sturgeon ones.”
“...No thank you,” the head stomper said, like sayin’ polite words made a fellow a polite man. He’d tracked those boots of his right up onto their porch without so much as a scuff on their mud rug. Even the kid had used the mud rug. “And the fire?”
“Oh,” said Little Earl, with a grin, “that was Old Jane.”
And she did her trick again, only less tricky, so they could see the spark rocks real good. “You boys want some fire water?” she offered. “It ain’t blinded no one who wasn’t already headed that way.”
They didn’t want any, which was grand, ‘cause she hadn’t really been offering.
When the last of them had gone stomping off back to the kind of land that let people stomp it, it took them two whole hours to lure out the catigators from under the porch. And their little screamer bird, too.
“...Why didn’t you turn me in?”
“What?” asked Old Earl, cupping his ear.
“Speak up, boy,” Old Earl said. “I never heard such a quiet child.”
And boy, did that set their bird back to singing.
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calypso-rt · 6 days ago
spring break
-> FratBoy!Rafe x Smart!Reader
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SUMMARY: When your sorority best friend ropes you into a chaotic spring break trip to Cabo with a bunch of frat boys, you’re already dreading the party-fueled disaster ahead. Then, you find out Rafe Cameron is coming, and somehow, it only gets worse.
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“You’re coming to Cabo.”
You don’t even get a hello. Just a demand, lobbed at you from across the library table where your best friend, Savannah, is aggressively highlighting her Intro to Communications notes like she’s studying for the MCAT.
“No, I’m not.” You don’t even look up from your laptop.
“Yes, you are.”
“No, I’m really not.”
Savannah huffs, snapping her highlighter shut. “Oh my god, would you just live a little? It’s spring break. It’s Cabo. It’s funded.”
That makes you pause. You narrow your eyes. “Funded by who?”
“The boys.”
And just like that, your interest dies a quick, painful death.
Savannah is in a sorority. A very enthusiastic one. Which means most of her life is entangled with frat boys, whose biggest life aspirations seem to be shotgunning beers and perfecting the art of the backward hat. You do not do frat boys.
“Absolutely not,” you say, turning back to your essay. “I’m not spending a week with a bunch of guys who can’t spell ‘Cabo’ sober.”
Savannah pouts. “Okay, first of all, rude. Second of all, you need this. When’s the last time you had fun?”
“I have fun.”
She snorts. “Name one time.”
You open your mouth. Pause. Think.
She smirks. “Exactly.”
You groan. “I can’t just drop everything to go party for a week.”
“Yes, you can! You’re literally a genius, you’re ahead in all your classes. You don’t even need to study. And when’s the last time you touched a man?”
You glare. “Excuse me?”
She grins. “Come on, you need a little chaos in your life. A little tequila. Maybe a hot vacation hookup—”
“Absolutely not.”
“Fine,” she sighs. “But you’re still coming.”
You eventually cave. Because Savannah is persistent and a little scary when she wants to be. And, fine, maybe she has a point. Maybe you do need to loosen up.
So you agree. Bags are packed. You’re mentally preparing yourself…
And then you hear his name.
“Wait, Rafe is coming?”
Savannah gives you a look. “Duh. He’s literally paying for, like, the whole trip.”
You blanch in disbelief. “You left that part out.”
“Because I knew you’d freak out.”
“I’m not freaking out,” you lie. “I just think he’s a menace to society.”
Rafe Cameron. Walking red flag, heir to his father’s obscene wealth, professional douchebag. You’ve known him for a while, mostly because he’s always around. Always smirking, always making some smug comment that makes your eye twitch.
And now you’re supposed to be stuck in Cabo with him for a week?
“I hate you,” you tell Savannah.
You saw him immediately.
Which was annoying, because why did Rafe Cameron have the kind of presence that made him impossible to ignore? It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t right.
He was leaning against the check-in counter, lazily twirling his passport between his fingers, looking too good for someone about to spend hours crammed into an economy-class seat. (Or maybe not… he definitely upgraded.) His shirt was perfectly unbuttoned at the top, his sunglasses pushed into his hair, his expression smug as ever.
And, of course, he was surrounded by people. Girls, mostly. Savannah’s sorority sisters. They were laughing, flipping their hair, practically competing for his attention.
But the second his eyes landed on you?
They all ceased to exist.
His lips curled into a slow, annoying smirk. “Well, well, well. If it isn’t my favorite scholar.”
You exhaled sharply, gripping the strap of your carry-on. “Don’t talk to me.”
His smirk deepened. He ignored literally everyone else, taking a step closer, tilting his head like he was so interested in your reaction. “You wound me, sweetheart. You’re not excited to see me?”
“Not even remotely.”
“Damn.” He pressed a hand to his chest like you’d physically hurt him. “And here I was thinking you’d missed me.”
“I forget you exist the second you leave the room.”
“Sure you do.”
You refused to engage further. Refused. You turned to Savannah, who was watching this interaction like it was free entertainment.
“Tell me again why I’m here?”
“For the memories,” she chirped.
“Memories,” Rafe repeated, like he found that hilarious. “That’s one way to put it.”
You scowled at him. “What’s your way?”
He grinned. “Bad decisions.”
You should’ve just walked away. You really should have. then, the gate announcement came over the speakers, and everything went to hell.
First, check-in was a nightmare.
Half the group, including Rafe, because of course, was randomly selected for additional security screening. You stood there, arms crossed, watching as the TSA agent patted him down, your lips twitching.
He caught your expression and smirked. “Enjoying the show?”
“You probably deserve it.”
“For what?”
You gestured vaguely. “General crimes.”
He grinned, but before he could respond, Savannah grabbed your arm. “We’re going to miss the flight if they don’t hurry the hell up.”
And that’s when you realized.
The flight was boarding. And half your group was still getting frisked like they were on a watchlist.
“Sir, you need to remove your watch.”
The TSA agent was done with Rafe. Everyone was done with Rafe.
He scoffed. “I can’t remove my watch.”
“Sir, it needs to go in the bin.”
“You don’t understand. This isn’t just any watch.”
“Rafe,” you groaned. “For the love of god.”
He ignored you. “It’s a Rolex.”
The agent stared, unamused. “And?”
“And?” Rafe gestured wildly. “I’m not putting it in a plastic tub next to some dude’s crusty Air Forces.”
“Take it off or you don’t get on the plane.”
You pinched the bridge of your nose. “I swear, I will leave you here.”
Rafe sighed dramatically, but finally took it off, muttering about how this was “basically robbery.” You shoved him through security before he could make it worse.
And then, just when you thought things couldn’t possibly get more chaotic, someone (Topper, obviously) got lost on the way to the gate.
By the time you reached the gate, it was full panic mode.
The flight was already boarding. The gate agent looked one second away from giving your seats away. Everyone was running. Savannah was yelling into her phone. Topper was “two minutes away,” which, judging by his sense of time, meant twenty.
You were about to lose it.
And then, Rafe.
Because of course, instead of helping, he was just laughing.
You whirled on him. “Why are you smiling?”
“This is hilarious.”
“This is a disaster.”
“Oh, c’mon, sweetheart.” He slung an arm around your shoulders, completely ignoring your look of deepest betrayal. “What’s a vacation without a little chaos?”
And the worst part?
It was only just beginning
You had been prepared for the worst.
You had been prepared for middle seats, crying babies, and a solid four hours of discomfort because of course this group of people wouldn’t have planned anything properly.
What you had not been prepared for was this.
You blinked at your boarding pass. Then at Savannah. Then back at the little piece of paper in your hands.
“Sav,” you said slowly. “Why does my ticket say first class?”
Savannah winced. “Oh. Yeah.”
“Oh, yeah?” you repeated.
“Yeah. Rafe kinda… paid for the tickets.”
Your eye twitched. “And?”
“And he got himself first class, obviously.” She bit her lip. “And… you.”
You stared at her. Then at Rafe, who was standing a few feet away, looking very pleased with himself.
You stormed over. “What the hell, Cameron?”
He turned, all slow amusement, taking in your expression like he was thriving off it. “Morning, sweetheart.”
“Don’t ‘sweetheart’ me. Why am I in first class?”
His grin widened. “Because I put you there.”
“No. No, you don’t just—” You gestured wildly. “Why?”
He tilted his head. “Would you rather be in economy?”
“That’s not the point—”
“Because I can switch your ticket,” he mused, already reaching for it. “You can sit next to Kelce. I think he was planning on getting absolutely obliterated before takeoff.”
You snatched it back before he could. Mistake. Because now he knew you weren’t going to give it up.
And he grinned.
“Uh huh,” he said. “That’s what I thought.”
You exhaled sharply, pinching the bridge of your nose. “You’re unbelievable.”
He just slung an arm around your shoulders, steering you toward the gate. “C’mon, sweetheart. First class awaits.”
You had barely sat down before you realized your next mistake.
You should have fought harder. You should have taken your chances in economy. Because this?
This was just another opportunity for Rafe to be Rafe.
The second you settled into the ridiculously comfortable seat, he turned to you, stretching out like he was made for luxury.
“Y’know,” he said, watching you buckle your seatbelt, “I could get used to this.”
“You already are used to this,” you muttered.
He ignored you, eyes glinting with amusement. “Bet you’re glad I put you up here now, huh?”
You refused to give him the satisfaction. “Not really.”
You scowled. “I could be back there with my friends.”
He scoffed. “Yeah, because being crammed in the middle seat between Topper and some random dude is so much better.”
You pursed your lips, crossing your arms.
He grinned, fully stretching out. “I’m a giver, sweetheart. I saw an opportunity to make your life easier, and I took it.”
“You just wanted to sit next to me.”
He didn’t even deny it. Just smirked, tipping his head against the seat.
“What can I say?” His voice was low, amused. “I like good company.”
You exhaled, staring straight ahead. This was going to be a long flight.
The flight attendant appeared with champagne.
Rafe plucked both glasses off the tray before you could even reach for one.
You turned to him. “Are you serious?”
He handed one over smoothly, smirking. “Just making sure you don’t back out on me now.”
You rolled your eyes, but took a sip anyway.
And that was your next mistake.
Because the way Rafe Cameron watched you over the rim of his glass, smirk lazy, eyes flicking down…
This was definitely going to be a long flight
It was absolute chaos.
The club was packed, pulsing with music so loud you could feel it in your chest. Neon lights flashed in dizzying colors, glinting off sweating bodies, plastic cups, and way too many shirtless frat boys.
You had barely made it through the door before Savannah had pulled you to the bar, laughing about “starting strong” while ordering shots like she was on a personal mission to get obliterated.
You, on the other hand?
You had one goal tonight.
Avoid Rafe Cameron at all costs.
He had been smug all day, from the airport to the hotel, from first class to baggage claim. You could feel his eyes on you always, like he knew exactly how to get under your skin.
You were not letting him ruin your first night in Cabo.
Which was why you had been strategically moving through the club, bouncing between different groups, making yourself impossible to track.
At least, you thought you had.
You had just reached the dance floor, laughing as Savannah pulled you into a mess of swaying bodies when someone leaned down, breath warm against your ear.
“Running from me, sweetheart?”
Your stomach dropped.
You turned sharply, only to be met with him.
Rafe Cameron, all effortless amusement, watching you like you were his favorite thing in the entire club. His blue button-down was unbuttoned at the top, sleeves rolled up.m showing off his toned forearms.
Your pulse jumped…annoyance. Definitely annoyance.
“What are you doing?” you demanded over the music.
He lifted a brow. “Drinking. Dancing. Watching you try to escape me.”
“I am not—”
His grin widened.
You huffed. “There are literally hundreds of girls here, Cameron. Go bother one of them.”
“Hmm.” He took a slow sip from his drink, eyes never leaving you. “Nah. I like this better.”
You scowled. “You’re insufferable.”
“You love it.”
You turned sharply, refusing to give him the satisfaction, and disappeared back into the crowd.
You had just finally managed to have a conversation without somehow running into Rafe again when things took a turn.
You weren’t sure when it happened, but at some point, you found yourself cornered at the bar.
The guy wasn’t terrible.
He just wasn’t… good.
Too close. Too persistent. The kind of guy who kept touching your arm even though you hadn’t touched him once.
“You should let me buy you another drink,” he said, voice slurring slightly.
You gave him a tight-lipped smile. “I’m good, thanks.”
“C’mon.” His grin didn’t reach his eyes. “One more.”
You shifted, already uncomfortable. “I should get back to my friends—”
And then, before you could react, a familiar hand landed on your waist.
“Yeah, that’s not happening,” a voice drawled.
You froze.
The guy blinked, looking up. “Yo, man, I was just talking to her—”
“Yeah?” Rafe’s grip tightened. His voice was still light, still calm, but you felt the shift instantly. “She doesn’t want to talk to you.”
The guy glanced between the two of you, processing.
Then scoffed. “Whatever, dude.”
And left.
You exhaled, only now realizing just how tense you had been.
Rafe didn’t move.
You turned, looking up at him, expression unreadable. “You didn’t have to do that.”
His jaw clenched slightly. “Yeah, I did.”
Something about the seriousness in his voice made your stomach flip.
But before you could say anything, before you could think too hard about what was happening, he smirked.
“Still mad I followed you around all night?”
You shoved his shoulder, rolling your eyes.
And, stupidly, ridiculously, unreasonably, you felt a little safer with him there
You should have known better.
But the second Topper and JJ started running their mouths, there was no way in hell you were backing down.
“I don’t think she can do it,” Topper said, arms crossed, grinning.
JJ snorted. “Of course not. She’s smart, man. Smart girls don’t drink like us. It’s, like, scientifically proven.”
You narrowed your eyes. “You just made that up.”
“Maybe,” JJ shrugged. “Point still stands.”
And that was it.
That was all it took for your highly competitive self.
Now, you were sitting at a table in the middle of the club, with way too many empty shot glasses in front of you, staring down the final round of what had become a full-fledged, all-out, death match of a drinking game.
JJ and Topper had both tapped out.
The only ones left?
And some guy named Ryan who had apparently been in a frat for seven years.
The crowd around you had gotten bigger. People were chanting your name. Someone had started recording.
Ryan wobbled in his seat, swaying. “You good?” he slurred.
You grinned, drunk and victorious. “Never better.”
Then you picked up your final shot, downed it without flinching, and slammed the glass onto the table.
The room erupted.
JJ was yelling. Topper was yelling. People were high-fiving you like you just won the Super Bowl.
Ryan collapsed.
(Okay, he didn’t actually collapse, but he definitely groaned and put his head down, which meant victory.)
You turned to JJ and smirked. “What was that about smart girls not being able to drink?”
JJ gaped. “Dude.”
Topper shook his head. “That was insane.”
You leaned back in your chair, fully prepared to bask in your victory…
Until someone appeared behind you, large hands bracing on the back of your chair.
A very familiar someone.
“You’re an idiot,” Rafe drawled, amusement laced through his voice.
You looked up, dazed but cocky. “I won.”
His lips quirked, but his eyes flickered over you, assessing. “You’re also wasted.”
“Incorrect,” you announced. “I am functionally drunk.”
He snorted. “That a scientific term?”
Rafe sighed, shaking his head. “C’mon, champ,” he muttered, gripping your elbow. “Let’s go.”
You frowned. “I’m not ready to go.”
He leaned down, lips brushing your ear, voice just low enough that no one else could hear.
“You just blinked at me one eye at a time, sweetheart. Yeah, you’re done.”
You scowled, but the warmth of his hand against your arm was steady, and your body was definitely swaying a little, and—
Okay. Maybe he had a point.
You woke up in hell.
Or at least, that’s what it felt like.
Your head was pounding. Your mouth was dry. Your stomach was actively staging a rebellion.
And, worst of all, the sun.
Why was it so bright?
You groaned, turning over to hide your face in your pillow.
Except… that wasn’t a pillow.
That was an arm.
A very strong, very male arm.
Your eyes flew open.
Rafe fucking Cameron.
In your bed.
What. The. Hell.
Panic surged through you. Did you—? Did he—?
No. No way. You would remember that. Right?
You squinted.
Rafe was lying on his stomach, one arm flung over your waist like you were a teddy bear. His face was turned toward you, half-buried in the pillow, hair somehow still perfect despite the fact that he drank twice as much as you last night.
You shoved at his shoulder. “Rafe.”
You shoved harder. “Rafe.”
A deep groan rumbled from his throat. He stretched nonchalantly, blinking at you with zero urgency.
“Morning, sunshine,” he muttered, voice rough with sleep.
You scowled. “Why are you in my room?”
He sighed, rubbing his eyes. “Dunno. I was in bed, and then Topper started snoring like a freight train, so I came here.”
You blinked. “So your solution was to sleep with me?”
Rafe grinned, voice smug and slow. “Couldn’t help myself.”
You groaned. “You’re unbelievable.”
But before you could properly kick him out, the door burst open, and Savannah strode in, looking way too alive for someone who drank twice their body weight last night.
She barely glanced at Rafe. “Oh, good, you’re up,” she said. “Beach in twenty. Get dressed.”
You groaned. “Sav, I’m dying.”
“No, you’re hungover. Big difference.”
You flopped back against the pillow. “Same thing.”
Savannah rolled her eyes. “I don’t care. Beach. Twenty.” Then she left.
Rafe sighed. “Guess you gotta get up, champ.”
“I hate everything,” you grumbled, burrowing deeper into the sheets.
He chuckled. “That’s new.”
You weren’t dramatic.
(Okay, maybe sometimes. But only when warranted.)
And this?
This was warranted.
The beach was too bright. Too loud. Too everything.
You plopped down onto the sand, pulling your knees to your chest, squinting at the ocean like it personally offended you.
Rafe, of course, looked completely fine.
Perfectly tan. Perfectly dry. Perfectly infuriating.
He dropped down next to you, grinning. “You look awful.”
You glared. “I hope a seagull steals your wallet.”
He snorted. “You need sunglasses.”
“No, I need death.”
Rafe sighed, then, before you could protest, reached up and pulled his ridiculously expensive designer sunglasses off his face.
You blinked. “No way. Those cost, like, more than my tuition.”
“Just put them on, princess.”
You hesitated. He rolled his eyes, then gently (annoyingly) slid them onto your face himself.
The world dimmed. Your head stopped throbbing.
You exhaled. “Okay. Fine. This helps.”
Rafe smirked. “Told you.”
Then, without warning, he grabbed your wrist and yanked you to your feet.
He didn’t answer. Just dragged you toward the water, walking backward so he could still look at you.
“C’mon, you need to wake up.”
“No, I need—Rafe, I swear to God—”
But it was too late.
The second you were ankle-deep in the waves, he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder.
You screamed. Actually screamed. “Cameron, don’t you dare—”
Then he dropped you.
Right into the waves.
You resurfaced, sputtering. “You’re dead.”
Rafe just laughed. “You look awake now.”
“Oh, you’re so dead.”
Then, before he could react, you launched yourself at him, dragging him down into the water with you
The trip was almost over.
You had spent days avoiding Rafe, only for him to show up everywhere you went. He was annoying. Smug. Overbearing.
And yet…
He was also the one who kept an eye on you when you were wasted. The one who shoved his sunglasses on your face when the sun was too much. The one who carried you out of the water after you refused to walk because “the ocean was punishing you for existing.”
And now?
Now you were standing at the hotel entrance, waiting for your ride to the airport, his sunglasses still on your face.
Rafe was next to you, hands shoved in his pockets, watching you with that too-easy smirk.
“Guess this is it,” you muttered.
“Tragic,” he drawled. “Bet you’ll miss me.”
You snorted. “Yeah. Like a headache.”
He chuckled. “Harsh, sunshine.”
You opened your mouth for another quip, but then, before you could, he reached over and tilted the sunglasses down your nose, just enough for your eyes to meet his ocean blue ones.
You swallowed.
“You should keep ‘em,” he said, way too casual.
Your breath caught. “What?”
He shrugged. “The sunglasses. Keep ‘em.”
You blinked. “Rafe. These cost, like—”
“Don’t care.” He smirked. “Looks better on you anyway.”
And before you could process that, he reached up and flicked the frame, right between your brows.
“Try not to miss me too much, champ.”
Then he turned, sauntering toward the car like he didn’t just short-circuit your entire brain.
You should’ve taken them off. Should’ve shoved them back at him.
But instead, you just stood there.
Wearing his stupid, expensive sunglasses.
And maybe smiling a little, too.
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A/N: finally got my chance to write frat boy Rafe and boy was it fun 😼
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stuffeddeer · 3 months ago
Idk if your like still taking asks since your last one was 2 whole weeks ago but i really just wanted to talk about 15!Dazai cause i miss my pookie and i reread your first kiss hc’s and ughhh being Dazai’s first ever crush, hes so smitten with you and doesn’t even understand why, maybe also forces Chuuya to be his unwilling wingman because he deadass uses cringey one liners on you and chuuya is sick and tired of it.
15!Dazai deserves to be a giddy infatuated teenager and kicking his legs like a schoolgirl when you give him your attention 🤧
Smitten 15!Dazai needing a wingman | Bungo Stray Dogs | Dazai x reader
nearly 8 months later i am here to complete this request!!! hope this is what you wanted (and was maybe worth the wait lol)
Chuuya doesn't really get the whole "Demon Prodigy" thing. Oh, Dazai is just soo smart and soo scary - what a joke. Chuuya has seen him spend ten minutes trying to figure out how to open a cereal box. Sure, the ginger didn't know either, but he figured it out quickly once the brunet gave up.
On the battlefield, Dazai can be quick-witted and ruthless, a foe worthy of his title. Yet right now, Chuuya watches with his arms crossed as the man beside him stumbles over his words while trying to talk to you about the weather of all topics.
It's sickening, almost - seeing the "genius" Dazai so blatantly ignore every signal you're sending. It's true, of course, that the brunet teen is exceptionally off-putting and non-socialized. The bandaged kid with unruly black hair and one emotionless eye (the other bandaged up and hidden away) is the type of weird befitting a title such as Demon Prodigy. While he is a mere 15 year old, his presence rouses unease wherever he goes.
Or so Chuuya was told. With him, the 15 year old is just that: a 15 year old. Dazai is bright but childish, boisterous and witty, ready to spar verbally until Chuuya has to walk away to calm himself down. The Dazai that Chuuya had come to know during their relatively recent partnership would never falter like this around someone his age - someone of equal standing. He isn't one to falter with those of higher standing, either.
Lackeys fear him, new recruits find him off putting and so on. But there are a few in the mafia - Chuuya and yourself - that are privy to see what he can really be like. Or, Chuuya, more exclusively. You... get an interesting version of him, to say the least.
“So that’s why it’s actually bad that it’s sunny out,” Dazai finishes, cheeks dusted an embarrassed red and hands wringing together. Is that… sweat? Dripping down his forehead? The man is always annoyingly cold, usually shoving a freezing hand onto Chuuya’s neck just to laugh while watching him recoil.
Jeez. Chuuya already knows how smitten Dazai is for you, but this is a new low he wasn’t expecting.
You politely smile, trying to act like his rambling made any lick of sense. “Well, I suppose I like flowers enough to concede. A little rain is good now and again.”
“We both like flowers!” Dazai points out. You idiot; everyone does.
Chuuya takes one hand out of his pockets to readjust his hat. “Dazai’s been tryin’ to get me to go to some flower garden on the other side of Yokohama,” he decides to lie. As if it wasn’t clear before, you pretending Dazai’s argument held any merit only proves that you like him back. Helping you is all he’s trying to do, because that stupid mackerel will never make a move on his own. “But I keep tellin’ him I’m not interested. Would be nice if you took my place.”
Eyes widening ever so slightly, you turn to Dazai with a timid expression. “I didn’t know we had one.”
“Wait, I— “
“It’s free admittance. Paid for by the government to clean up our city or somethin’ - Kouyou told us about it,” which is true, minus the part where Kouyou told Dazai as well.
The excited smile you give causes Dazai’s usually-controlled heart to leap into his throat. “That’s super cool! I totally wanna go, if you’re still up for it, Dazai.”
He doesn’t reply. The stupid, idiotic strategist that supposedly has been bolstering the Port Mafia’s defenses is left defenseless by a pretty smile. Seriously? This is what Chuuya has to put up with? He should just smack Dazai and take it all back. He’s never helping this lost cause again.
With one gloved hand, Chuuya slams it against Dazai’s head to force it into a nod. The slam is hard enough for Dazai to snap out of his stupor, but soft enough that you don’t notice how rough the ginger is being. “Say yes, idiot.”
And Dazai quickly follows through. He swats Chuuya’s hand away with an “I was gonna do that,” before clearing his throat. Looking back at you clogs it up once again and he gives an awkward smile back and a nod of his own this time. “Y-yep! I wanna go. With you. Well! Not like with with you, but like, with you. So, not like a date, just— I wanna go and you should come.”
Chuuya did his part. Can he leave yet? God, remind him to never help Dazai ever again. This was embarrassing for Chuuya and the short man is just a bystander. Though, the flush on Dazai’s face and the excited grin on yours helps to keep Chuuya’s annoyance at bay. At the very least, now the two of you can finally move on from this awkward crush stage and he won’t have to see Dazai metaphorically drown himself in every conversation with you.
And when the two of them got back a week later out of breath from running, Dazai’s hands covered in dirt and you holding an uprooted bouquet of fresh flowers, Chuuya realizes that maybe he chose the wrong location.
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fairykingjing · 7 months ago
Roronoa Zoro X F reader - The Emerald Necklace
Saw @totallynotasimp67 idea request and I had to write about it! Sorry that this took a little longer, hope you all enjoy!
Summary: You have been kidnapped, and Zoro will stop at nothing to get you back.
Warnings: reader is kidnapped. Also, I changed from present tense to past tense for a flashback, then back to present tense, but I think that just made me mess up and mix the two together. I corrected it and proofread it to make sure it's correct but apologies if I missed something in editing.
WC: 1925
Somewhere, off in the distance, you can hear the sound of metal on metal. Swords clashing together, and voices yelling. Voices you don’t recognize. Your eyes open, and you quickly see that you are not on the Sunny anymore, nor are you on the island the crew had stopped at for a resupply. The room you find yourself in is dark and cold, stone walls surrounding you with a single exit door in front of you and a single window to your right. Cold metal clinks together as you take notice of the cuffs keeping your hands together. The room is otherwise empty, and you shiver at the wish for a blanket. What you wouldn’t give for a warm nap on the Sunny with your boyfriend Roronoa Zoro. With all the commotion going on outside, you figure yelling for help is a pointless endeavor. Instead, you try to figure out how you got here.
The last thing you remember was strolling along the market, hand in hand with Zoro as you dragged him along to look at a sparkling necklace. It had a small, shining emerald in it, and it reminded you of Zoro. Shortly after that the two of you got separated, and you recall trying to look for him, to keep him from getting lost. That’s when two unfamiliar men approached you.
“You look lost, baby, why don’t you tell us where you’re going and we’ll help?” the taller one said, his voice sickeningly sweet.
“Yeah, baby, come with us and we’ll show you a good time,” the shorter one grinned.
“Oh, uh, thanks but I’m alright. I just got separated from my-”
“We insist, please, come with us,” the taller one begged, and before you could protest they were pulling you down a side street and into a building. It looked like a house, though not much of one. In what you assumed was the living room, a man with oily black hair sat on a lounge chair. He wore a wrinkled suit and had a lit cigar in his mouth. He smiled up at you, and invited you to sit. You saw the gun resting in his lap, so you figured it best to play along for now.
“Hello, doll face,” he cooed. “No need to be so tense, we don’t want to have to hurt you.” He stood up, and walked over to you. His hand caressed your cheek, and you wished it was Zoro’s hand instead. “You’re a straw hat pirate, yes? Girlfriend of the first mate Roronoa Zoro, yes?”
You didn’t know whether or not lying would help. You gulped, and nervously spoke. “No, you must have me mistaken for someone else…” Suddenly his hand pulled back and slapped you across the face. You winced at the stinging mark it left behind.
“We saw you walking around the market with him, holding his hand, being lovey-dovey, there’s no point in lying to us,” he growled.
“W-what do you want with m-me?” you stammered.
“No need to concern yourself with that, love,” he spoke softly again. “You just do as we say and I promise I’ll take good care of you.”
The last thing you remembered was his hand pressing a white cloth over your mouth, and then everything went blank. Now you were here, in a stone room with chains around you. Taking in your surroundings once more, your eyes linger on the window. It’s too small to fit through but maybe you can peek out and get a better sense of your surroundings. You rise to your feet, shaky, but able to stumble over to the window. The sudden weight on your feet causes an ache in your left foot, but you’ll have to ignore it for now. Standing at the window you take a deep breath and peer out.
You’re surrounded by trees and a few other buildings. A flag depicting a jolly roger hangs atop one of the buildings and you figure out that you are in a pirate hideout. They must have taken you for ransom money, or to lure the straw hats to their base. You see a number of pirates crowding around someone, swords raised. And then, among all the unfamiliar voices, you hear a familiar one.
“Black rope dragon twister!” the voice roars out. Zoro. He came to get you. A tornado appears and gathers up the pirates, crashing them into the sides of the buildings, and throwing them into the surrounding forest. The buildings start to crack as shingles fly off the roofs. The crowd of pirates now dispersed, you could see him standing there, panting heavily, eyes scanning the base to find you.
“Zoro! I’m over here!” you yell as loud as your voice will let you. His eyes dart in your direction, locking onto you. Before you can say anything else he’s by the small window, hands reaching through the bars to touch you.
“Are you hurt?” he asked worriedly.
“My left foot hurts, but otherwise I think I’m okay,” you respond, grabbing his hands in yours.
“Then lets get you out of here and back to the Sunny so Chopper can take a look at it,” he soothes. He moves over to the door to study it, and his strong arms grab onto the handle and pull. His muscles tighten and strain as he pulls harder, the door creaking and finally releasing from its hinges. The door is thrown to the side and in an instant you’re in his arms, his grip bruising as he holds you like he’s never going to let you go again. “I’m sorry, love.”
“Why are you sorry?” you ask. “You’re not the one who did this.”
“It’s still my fault,” he sighs. “If I hadn’t lost sight of you, I could have been there to protect you.” He continues to hold you and you let him, enjoying being in his embrace again. Your sweet moment is interrupted, however, by the cackling of someone approaching.
“My, my, Zoro. You certainly did a number on my base,” the black haired man from before spoke. “It’s a good thing your bounty is so high, it’ll pay for the renovations.”
“Are you the one who did this?” Zoro growls. His voice is deep, and his eyes dark.
“And what if I am?” the black haired man taunts. “You may have bested some of my men, but you’ll never best-”
“Shut your fucking mouth,” Zoro interrupts. “I don’t have time to listen to your pathetic monologue.” He pulls away from you, gently nudging you behind him as he readies his stance. “Three sword style, 1080 caliber phoenix!” he yells out. Moving with speed the likes you’ve never seen before, his attack launches at his opponent. In a blink, the man is obliterated, flying back and landing with a solid thud, slumped over. The entire area has been wrecked, but Zoro takes no notice of that as he puts his swords away. He walks over to you and grabbing the flimsy chains, he rips them apart, flinging them to the ground. Before you can process how he just did that, he’s scooping you up and starts carrying you bridal style.
“Z-zoro? I can walk on my own…” you protest.
“Nah, not happening. You said your left foot hurts, so you’re not walking until Chopper takes a look at it,” Zoro instructs.
“Fine, but if you wanna go to the ship, it’s back the other way,” you sigh.
“Dammit!” he curses under his breath. “I knew that…”
Once you’re safely on the ship under Choppers care, Zoro quickly leaves again. Nami tries to stop him. “Where are you going? Your girlfriend was kidnapped, you just got her back, and now you’re leaving?” she shouts.
“I just gotta finish up some business. Chopper’s taking care of her foot. I’ll be back later,” he answers. Nami wants to question him, but she can see the darkness still lingering in his eyes. Nobody else questions where he’s going either. Chopper tends to your foot, assuring you that it’s just a torn ligament, and he can get it better in no time.
You no sooner make it to the main deck to sit and relax when you all hear a loud explosion coming from somewhere on the island. You see smoke rising up, and from the looks of things it came from the pirates hideout. More crashes are heard, reverberating throughout the island as chaos ensues. Could it be the marines? Other pirates? Several straw hats rush off the ship to see whats happening, and you are left wondering if everything is okay. Did Zoro go back to do something? Robin sits with you to keep you company as you both wait for an answer.
An update doesn’t come for another hour or so, not until the dust settles. Then, cheers and celebration can be heard from the island. “What on earth is happening out there?” you ask Robin, who was still sitting with you. She doesn’t get the chance to answer before Luffy comes barreling onto the ship, the rest of the crew not far behind.
“You guys won’t believe what happened!” Luffy shouts energetically. “Zoro went back to that pirate hideout and destroyed the whole place!”
“Yeah, every building is a pile of rubble, and they can’t find a single remaining pirate from the crew except for the captain, who’s in a body bag,” Franky chimes in. “The whole town is celebrating the destruction of that pirate crew.”
Zoro is next to climb back onto the ship. The darkness in his eyes has dissipated, but you can see how worn out his body is. You get up and hobble over to him as best as you can, and you both collapse in each others arms. “I am never letting you out of my sight again,” he whispers. His hand reaches up to cup your cheek, and he kisses you softly. When you pull back, you can see tears threatening to fall from his eyes.
“Why did you go back?” you ask him.
“Because I couldn’t sleep knowing that bastard was still alive, but I needed to get you out of there first. So I went back to finish the job,” he explains.
“They said you obliterated everything in sight!” you exclaim.
“Collateral damages?” he offers.
“You didn’t need to go that far, Zoro,” you complain.
“Give it a rest, woman,” Zoro sighs. “Does this make up for it?” He produces a small red box from his pocket. Inside is the emerald necklace from earlier.
“W-what? How did you afford this?” you gasp in surprise. The necklace is truly breathtaking, but it does come with a hefty price tag to match.
“I sorta saved the whole island, and left the captain for the townspeople to cash in and collect his bounty,” Zoro starts. “So they all but forced me to take something as thanks. I asked for a discount on that necklace and the guy just gave it to me.”
He removes the necklace from the box and places it around your neck. It hangs perfectly and compliments your skin tone beautifully. As much as you want to be mad at him for going overboard, you’re quickly distracted by the sparkling jewelry as you admire it shining in the dwindling sunlight.
“C’mon!” Luffy calls out, interrupting your thoughts. “They wanna throw us a feast, and I smell MEAT!” He tears off to the town center, and you can’t help but to laugh. It feels good to be back on the Sunny.
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rollinouttahere-writes · 11 months ago
Lucky Break Chapter 6
Yandere Straw Hats x Fem!Reader
3.6 words
Beginning / Previous / Next (to be written)
Sorry that this is a little late and kinda short. On the bright side, the next chapter will be posted a few days early, so there will be less of a wait for the next one.
Unsurprisingly, convincing a bunch of kids that you aren’t actually a band of cannibalistic pirates is not an easy task to accomplish. Especially not when Luffy and Zoro are only adding to it. It only stopped when the old man running the inn interrupted the yelling and terrified screaming to say that no one was eaten.
With that established, the children were shockingly calm now, all things considered. Now that your names were cleared, all of you were lingering outside of the inn.
“Do all pirates make jokes like that?” Ninjin was gawking at Zoro. After realizing that the swordsmen had just been messing with him, his terror had morphed into awe. Now he was seeing Zoro as some hardcore pirate to aspire to be. At least he wasn’t horrendously traumatized.
Zoro rolled his shoulders and shrugged, “The cool ones do.”
The response made you roll your eyes, but it’s not like you were about to waste your precious air trying to scold him. That would truly be a useless cause. He would probably just ignore you entirely.
Luffy tapped one of the kids, Piiman, on the shoulder, “Hey, do you know where that longnose guy went?”
“Usopp?” The green haired boy hummed in thought, “He’s probably visiting Miss Kaya right now.”
“Miss Kaya?” Nami raised an inquiring brow.
“She lives in that huge house on the hill,” Tamanegi pointed at that mansion that Zoro and Nami had asked Usopp about before. Ah, that made sense now. The reason he had gotten so defensive all of a sudden was because he knew the people living there.
Nami didn’t appear to be done with her questions and pressed on, “What’s he doing over there?”
All three of the kids spoke in unison and with great enthusiasm, “Lying!”
“That’s awful!” Nami scolded the children as if she didn’t steal someone’s wallet mere minutes ago.
Ninjin was quick to leap to Usopp’s defense, “Nuh-uh! He goes over there to tell Kaya stories to make her feel better!”
“Feel better? Is she sick?”
Piiman grins proudly, “Yeah, but she’s also been really sad since her parents passed away after getting sick. Usopp tells her all kinds of fun stories to make her smile and laugh!”
Oh my god. If that wasn’t the most wholesome shit you’ve ever heard. Luffy agreed with the sentiment openly, “Oh, so he’s a really good person?” That was putting it mildly. Luffy stepped closer and crouched down next to Piiman, “Can you take us to him? I wanna talk to him again.”
All three of the children agreed and led the way towards the mansion. Your group trailed behind the trio at a leisurely pace, minus Luffy who was bouncing around and checking out every little thing he saw with significant enthusiasm. 
The village was, admittedly, quite quaint. You felt charmed by your surroundings. From the looks of it, this was the village’s mainstreet. Various stores spotted either side of the path you were traversing down. A bakery, some carpentry shop, a toy store, and- 
You gasp and grab onto Zoro’s arm, “Look! A doctor's office!” Without wasting a second, you run over, dragging Zoro behind you despite his protests. You come to a stop in front of the door and reach forward to open it, only to notice the sign on the door. Out, come back later.
“Shit!” Just your luck that the doctor would be out when you just so happened to be passing by! You kicked the dirt under your feet in frustration. “Do you think the doctor will be back soon?”
“How should I know?” Zoro tugged his arm free and shot you a questioning look, “And why are you dragging me with you?”
Is this guy dense? “Oh, gee, I don’t know. Maybe because you have a stab wound?!” 
“I already told you, I slept it off.” The way Zoro rolled his eyes and spoke made it sound like you were the irrational one here. Before you could yell at him that, no, you cannot just sleep off a stab wound, he pulled up his shirt. The wound was where you remembered it being, but something was off. He was stabbed yesterday, but the wound looked like it was a week old, at the least. “See? It’s fine. Quit fussing about it.”
You’re no doctor, but you know that this can’t be right. You stare at him in shock and horror, “What are you?”
Zoro quirked a brow, “A swordsman?”
“More like an X-Men.”
Your words visibly threw him off. He frowned and his eyes narrowed. “A what?”
“A… It’s like…” Not for the first time, you found yourself confused about the meaning of words out of your own mouth. Where did that term come from? You strained yourself to track down what that word meant. “Superpowers? It’s someone with superpowers… I think?”
“So it’s someone with a devil fruit?” You guess that’s about right. Maybe you just got mixed up? You nod at Zoro’s statement. Zoro sighs and fixes his shirt, “Then just say that.”
“Yeah… guess I just got confused.” You scratch the back of your head. Calling your current state of mind confused was the understatement of the century. The mysteries of your mind shall go on to confound you another day.
“Hey! Are you guys coming or not?” Nami had stopped and turned to face you and Zoro with her hands on her hips. 
“Come on, maybe the doctor will be back in before we leave this island.” One of Zoro’s hands rested on his swords, while the other was on your upper back and firmly encouraging you to keep walking. Having no reason to object, you go along with it.
The walk to the mansion continues, but you pay very little mind to it now. It was hard to focus on your surroundings when your mind was zeroed in on your failing memory. All of the fragments you were getting were effectively useless, at least as far as you could tell. Well, you suppose there was that inkling of a memory you got back at the restaurant, but you stomped that one out for feeling too uncomfortable. Admittedly, that was probably a stupid move. What were you going to do? Block out your whole life if it turns out it wasn’t great or something worth remembering?
Dwelling on this was far from pleasant, however necessary it may be. You sigh and look around, wanting to scope out where you are now. The town was long gone, and you could see a tall fence not far from where you were, separating the estate behind it from the rest of the community. A ways away from where you guys were was the gate that allowed entrance. Two guards were posted outside of it, and you doubted that they would let your group in.
Tamanegi ran up to the bars of the fence and pointed through them at a tree right next to the home, “See, he’s talking to Kaya over there!”
You step closer to the fence and look where he’s pointing. Sure enough, you can see Usopp sitting on a branch next to a window. There’s a pale, blonde woman in the windowsill, who you’re assuming is Kaya. It’s all well and good that you’ve tracked down Usopp, but it looks like you’re going to have to wait for him to leave before you can talk to him. Sneaking into the estate would be out of the question, obviously.
Then you look over and see that Luffy has stretched his arms to reach the top of the fence and was taking some steps back. His rubbery arms were taught with tension. You gawk at him, not liking the look of this one bit, “What are you doing?”
Rather than anyone trying to answer this question, Luffy keeps stretching his arms while everyone else grabs onto him. Your voice raises, “What are all of you doing?” Nami grabs your arm, forcing you into whatever weird-ass plan was in the works here. You squirm and look around frantically, “What are we doing? What’s the plan here?”
The next thing you knew, Luffy jumped up and used his arms to send all of you sailing over the fence and through the air. Naturally, you’re screaming at the top of your lungs. But the children are too, so at least you aren’t alone in your terror. Instead of landing not far beyond the fence, you guys were maintaining a high speed that was bringing you closer and closer to the home. Mercifully, instead of crashing through the walls like a wrecking ball, you landed mere feet from the structure. People were colliding with the ground all around you. Nami had let go of you at some point, and you fell onto Luffy and then bounced off of him. His body had done a little bit to soften the blow, but it still knocked the wind out of you. You groaned in pain and curled into a ball while trying to catch your breath and make your head stop spinning.
Tamanegi crouched down next to you and poked your shoulder, “Are you okay?” Aside from some grass stains on his clothes, he looked completely fine. Ah, the resilience of youth. Blinking the spots out of your eyes, you force yourself up onto your feet while nodding wordlessly. By the time your ears stop ringing, you can make out Usopp’s voice desperately trying to explain your group’s abrupt arrival.
Kaya was leaning out of her window and staring at all of you with apprehension and confusion. Even with only part of her upper body visible, you could plainly see how frail her build was. The poor thing looked deathly pale, it was honestly more than a little concerning.
“Oh, these guys?! They’re just… my newest crew members!” The high-pitched, nervous laugh Usopp let out did little to help make his case.
“No, we’re not.” Luffy killed that lie instantly and with zero hesitation. He stood up and brushed himself up, seemingly unbothered from you essentially body slamming him. “I wanted to ask you for a favor, actually!”
“A favor? What is it?” Kaya, for whatever reason, was actually entertaining the idea of helping out someone who just slingshotted himself and his cohorts onto her property. What a shockingly understanding person. Luffy started to ask about getting a ship, but was interrupted by someone shouting.
“Who are you people? You aren’t supposed to be here!”
You look over your shoulder and see a tall, slender man in a dark suit rapidly approaching. Judging by his appearance, you feel like you can assume he is a butler or something of the like. The second he yelled, all three of the kids shrieked and hid themselves in your obnoxious looking coat. At least it’s getting some use outside of helping you blend in with clown pirates.
The man adjusted his glasses with the palm of his hand while sneering at all of you, making absolutely no attempt to hide his contempt for your presences. Which, admittedly, is fair given that you guys are actively trespassing. He glared at the large tree by the window before calling out, “Usopp, I know you’re there.”
Usopp slinked out from behind the tree, looking like he would have his tail between his legs if he possessed one. The man stared at him coldly, “Of course someone with as troublesome a reputation as you would be involved.”
Kaya attempted to ease the situation, “Klahadore, please! He doesn’t mean any harm!” That was one hell of a name. It sounded almost comically pretentious.
Luffy was entirely undeterred by the butler’s demeanor. “We just wanted to ask that girl something.” 
“You will do no such thing. All of you need to leave immediately.” His eyes narrowed at Usopp, “Especially you. Someone with a father like yours has no business being around Miss Kaya.”
“Excuse me?” Usopp was taken aback by that jagged statement.
“You’re the son of a filthy pirate. It’s distasteful for you to even be in the vicinity of the lady of the house.” 
Just like that, any understanding you had for this man being irritated with your group curled up and died. He isn’t a man doing his job, he’s just some classist prick that thinks he’s better than everyone else here.
“Klahadore, stop! That’s enough!” Even Kaya sounded appalled by his behavior.
Her words did nothing to stop Klahadore, who appeared to be taking great delight in this, “You two are from entirely different worlds. I can only assume that you interact with the lady with the intent of gaining something. Money, perhaps?” The accusation stunned everyone into silence, which he took as his cue to continue, “If I’m being quite honest, I pity you. It is truly unfortunate how you’ve been forced to live since your father abandoned his family and home for nothing more than the pursuit of treasure. You must hate him for it, surely.”
Usopp stormed towards Klahadore while Kaya was yelling at her rude-ass butler to stop and apologize for his words. Usopp came to a halt right in front of him, “Don’t you dare talk about my father like that! He’s a good man!”
Klahadore smirked, “Is that what you tell yourself? Another one of your lies, presumably. Though, I suppose that a lot of people would resort to such measures if stuck with a father like that. Well, assuming that he is actually your father.”
In an instant, Usopp’s fist connected with Klahadore’s jaw and sent him back several feet. Your mouth was gaping after hearing all of that. What a dick! Get his ass, Usopp! The kids using your coat for cover all popped their heads out and looked as shocked as you were.
Usopp took several steps forward, shouting at the butler, “Shut up! I am proud of who my family is! I’m proud that my father is a pirate and chasing his dreams! I might lie and tell stories, but I’ve never exaggerated a single thing about how I feel about my blood!”
Klahadore gritted his teeth and got back up, “Just like I thought, you’re a savage that resorts to violence at the drop of a hat. I suppose you must be the son of that pirate, you’re certainly acting as such, and that’s all the proof that I need to assume that you’ve been cozying up to the lady of the house in an attempt to get her fortune.”
“Why you,” Usopp lunged forward and grabbed him by his suit and pulled back his arm like he’s about to deliver another blow.
“Stop, Usopp!” Kaya pleaded desperately with him, “Please, there’s no need for violence. Klahadore isn’t a bad person, he’s just…trying to do what he thinks is best for me.” 
You shoot her a questioning look that you’re fairly certain she doesn’t even see. You’re not sure what insulting Usopp’s entire family tree has to do with “doing what’s best for her”. In your humble opinion, Usopp had every right to deck that stuck up prick one more time. Instead, he relented and backed away from him. A shame, really.
“You need to leave this place and never set foot here again.” Klahadore dusted off his clothes and was trying his damndest to look dignified despite just getting his shit rocked by a teenager.
Usopp walked past him, speaking lowly, “Fine. You don’t need to tell me twice.” He stomped away without another word, his shoulder hunched and fists clenched.
In a flurry, the trio taking refuge in your coat sprung out and ran up to Klaha-dick to defend their captain’s honor. Ninjin opened strong by calling him a stupid butler insisting that Usopp would never do any of that. Then all three of them dissolved into chanting ‘stupid head’ at him, so you’re pretty sure he’ll never emotionally recover from this.
Their brave verbal assault crumbled the second that Klahadore looked down at them. In the blink of an eye, they turned tail and returned to the sanctity of your coat. The butler’s gaze scanned over all of you with palpable disdain. He readjusted his glasses and waved an arm dismissively, “All of you need to leave, too.”
You had no problem with that. The less time spent here, the better. You carefully herded the kids hiding in your coat as you walked, which was not an easy thing to do with six more feet right under you, but you’ll manage.
After leaving the estate, you all congregated by a quiet field next to an unpopulated path. The boys have dispersed, mercifully, so you are now perched up on a fence. Luffy ran off a few minutes ago after one of the kids had told him where Usopp may have gone.
The crisp, clean air felt refreshing as you inhaled it deeply. You exhaled and tilted your head back to look up at the sky. In the back of your mind, you wonder if another weapon and mysterious note will fall out of it like in Orange Town. The note… Your hand dips into your coat pocket and digs out the folded up piece of paper. You unfold it and decide to read it again.
What an interesting event
Losing your memories was not my intent
To aid in your journey
Please take this urumi 
You had hoped that reading it a second time would jog your memory, but it didn’t. You still have no idea who “A” is supposed to be. Were you two supposed to be close? Was this person a mere acquaintance? A weapons dealer with very unique methods? You can’t say.
Suddenly, the paper is plucked out of your hands. Your head snaps up and you see Nami standing next to you. Her brows furrow and she flips the paper over before shooting you a confused look, “Why are you staring at a blank piece of paper?”
What? You stammer as you try to speak, “B… Blank?”
“Yeah? Why are you staring so intently at a blank piece of paper?” Nami was alternating between staring a hole into you and glancing at the paper. Her eyes were looking right where the words were, yet she was seeing nothing? How is that possible?
All you can do is stare for a moment. Then, you laugh nervously and scratch the back of your head, “Oh, right! I was… I wanted to write something down on that, but then I remembered that I don’t have a pen on me!” That sounded dumb as hell.
Nami’s expression reflected that sentiment, “Really?”
“Yeah! You know me, I’m so forgetful!” You force out another unnatural laugh while snatching the paper out of her hand to stuff it back into your pocket. Hazarding another glance at Nami, you saw her looking at you with an extremely doubtful expression. Her stare was hard and it felt like she was seeing right into your soul. Fortunately, she sighed and looked away. 
“Alright, whatever you say.”
Something tells you that she’s going to bring this up again later, and you can only hope that you’ll have come up with a better excuse by then. Your mind was running in circles trying to rationalize how insane your most recent revelation was. Apparently, you have a magical piece of paper with words on it that only you can see. Sure! Why not?! This might as well happen with all the other weird shit going on right now! How your situation was able to progressively get weirder and weirder was beyond you, and at this point, you’re afraid of what else is going to happen next.
“Guys! A really weird man is backwards-walking this way!” Tamanegi comes sprinting over the hill spouting off that incredibly ominous warning.
You and your big mouth inside your head. Are you cursed? Are you experiencing the effects of a curse put on you? Hesitantly, you crane your neck to see what he’s talking about. Sure enough, you see a man wearing a blue blazer and a hat moonwalking right at you.
“Michael Jackson?”
The man stops mid moonwalk with one hand grasping his hat. He looks at you like you’re insane- which you may be, but that’s beside the point. The heart shaped sunglasses and weird cylinder-thing on his chin only make his whole vibe even stranger. His glasses slide down a little as he makes eye contact with you, “Michael Jackson? That isn’t even close to my name. I don’t know who that is, but he should only be so lucky as to be compared to me.” His neck snapped around to then regard the children, “And which one of you brats called me weird?! I’m not weird!”
“I’m going to have to side with him, you do seem pretty weird.” Nami was now focused on him, and you hoped this encounter would make her forget about the paper incident.
The totally-not-weird man did what looked like a dance move and glared at Nami, “I’m not! I’m a perfectly normal traveling hypnotist!”
“A hypnotist? That’s so cool! Can you show us something?” Piiman was staring at him hopefully, very much intrigued by the man’s profession. You just rolled your eyes. He was probably a con artist. 
“What? You really expect me to show off my abilities to any snot-nosed brat who asks?” The weirdo stoops down to stare menacingly at Piiman. Then, he stands up straight and pulls something out of his pocket, “Very well, watch this ring closely. I’m going to swing this back and forth, and on the count of one, two, Jango, you’ll feel sleepy.” Well, he certainly changes his mind easily.
You quietly snorted but watched the display nonetheless. This guy was absolutely full of shit. Your eyes follow the silver ring that looks suspiciously like a blade as he starts to count.
“One. Two. Jango!”
And then you promptly passed out.
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i-heart-yellowstone · 3 months ago
I got a a Kacey story idea
He fell for miss rodeo in high school, this or may not be partly from the song The Fall by CoJo, but she does rodeo with Travis because she moved down to Texasx and Kayce get jelly
Ride is Worth the Fall
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Tags [ @kmc1989 @tallrock35 @pear-1206
Sitting on the saddle of my light tan horse I eyed the bucking shoot that had a caff standing inside of it. The person manning the cage pressed the open button before the person keeping my door closed let it swing open and I raced out into the arena on my prize horse.
The young caff ran trying to get away from my horse but every move he made I jumped directly in front of him. My horse kicked its front legs scaring the caff into its pen shoot before I rode through the arena two or three times before fancy slide directly over to my team of horse trainers that I worked alongside.
“That’s all cowboyin’ is. You were right.” I chuckled galloping to the edge of the stands seeing Travis watching the whole performance.
“Are you saying you doubted me, Ms. Rodeo.”
Shaking my head, I looked down briefly. “No. I just mean - I'm surprised when you said -”
Travis and I declared in unison together recalling what he had told me when I had first signed up to work for him two years ago. “It’s you and a horse doin’ a job, tryin’ like hell to not let the other down.”
“Hey, do you know who that guy in the black cowboy hat is standing over there? He's been ogling you the entire show.”
Following the direction of where he was pointing I gasped instantly recognizing the person in question even from far away across the arena. “Kayce - I'll be right back. Watch my horse.” Dismounting my horse I passed the reins over to the horse trainer making my way across the arena.
Kayce and I had attended the same high school our whole lives. He worked on his family's ranch and I competed in the Rodeo competitions all throughout school. This earned me the nickname of ‘Ms. Rodeo” and Travis decided to keep calling me that the day I signed on with his team in Texas.
“Well hey stranger long time no see huh.” I strolled over to the edge of the fence, laying my arms on the metal railing once I had climbed up on the fence.
The youngest son of John Dutton bent his head down not expecting me to be this close to him. He simply planned on watching me from afar. “Oh hey Y/n, I didn't mean to interpret the show. I was just so curious about your performance.”
“You didn't mess up the show. But I am curious. What are you doing all the way out here in Texas?” Tilting my head to the side I bit my lip lightly.
He leaned his elbows on the railing looking over in my direction. “I came out to watch the show.”
“That ain't it. Tell me the real reason.”
He attempted another lie. “It's the truth. I came out here to watch the show.”
“So you're gonna tell your daddy back home that you just love watching Travis do Rodeo.” I teased him with a hand on my hip swaying back and forth.
Kayce threw his head back groaning at the conversation between the two of us. “Y/n!! I don't care about Travis and the performance he does.”
“But you do have someone that you love watching.” I climbed over the railing, jumping down until I was standing directly in front of him. “Who is it? What's her name? What does she like to do?”
Kayce rolls his eyes, beginning to walk away from me, avoiding the conversation rather than answer my questions. “You should get back to Travis. I bet he's waiting to celebrate your win tonight at his mansion.”
“Kayce.” I called his name and to my surprise he halted in his tracks, glancing over his shoulder at me. “Are you jealous of Travis?”
When we were growing up in school my friends would tease me about my feelings for Kayce. I contemplated telling him in our sophomore year but he had gotten some Indian girl pregnant and had to drop out and as far as I knew they were still together. I moved out here to work for Travis after he saw me compete in my last Rodeo competition in high school.
Unknown to me Kayce had only married Monica in an attempt to do the right thing and help her raise the baby, his son named Tate. But in reality he still carried a torch for the girl standing before him now.
Kayce shook his head trying to walk away. “I should start heading home. I have a long drive home. It was good to see you, Y/n.”
“Kayce, wait a minute.” Taking a few steps toward him I snagged his wrist stopping him from leaving where he stared down at me. “You don’t have to run off so soon. Stick around - we can catch up just like old times.”
He yanked his wrist from my hand lightly snapping at me. “I can’t be around you right now.”
He replied. “I can't tell you why.”
“Kayce, please don’t lie to me.”
Kayce snapped back at me sharply. “I'm not lying to you.”
“Then why are you so quick to run off after not seeing one of your old friends for the past ten years.”
He spun around stomping up to me grabbing my face with his hands, pressing his forehead against mine. He smashed his lips down onto mine and I gasped stumbling backwards until I realized how much I enjoyed kissing him.
Hell I had always dreamed what it would be like to kiss him.
Wrapping my arms around his neck I deepened the kiss earning a moan to slip past his lips. He threaded his fingers of his right hand into my loose hair nearly making my hat fall off my head until we separated needing to catch our breath. “I thought that you and Monica are - what brought this on?”
“You were right, I am jealous.” He breathes out shifting his gaze over to my team keeping his gaze on the man horse trainer. “I'm jealous of Travis. He's not good enough for you.”
Blinking a couple of times I hung my mouth opened realizing what he meant and why he would be jealous of me spending all my time with Travis. “Kayce, how long have you had feelings for me?”
“Since we were sixteen years old. I just - I married Monica trying to do the right thing. But things didn’t work out the way I thought they would so now I’m a divorce single dad.”
Closing the space between us I wrapped my arms around his neck bringing him in for a kiss. “I want you to know that there’s nothing happening between me and Travis. I can’t handle his high ego.”
“Really. You mean it?” Kayce asked with a hopeful smile on his lips.
Leaning up on my toes I captured my lips with his own muttering in between kisses. “You’ve always been worth the ride, Dutton.” He smiled, looping his arms around my waist, bringing me closer. Kayde and I got lost in each other so much that we didn’t realize that my boss Travis was watching us from afar.
He chuckled with a cocky smirk across his face. “Now that’s how you win over Ms. Rodeo.”
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yourfavoritewitchbitch · 1 year ago
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Badge Bunny Meet Ugly
Gator Tillman x Fem!Reader
Badge Bunny AU - This can be read as a stand alone. Read more of their series here.
Summary: You're new to town. It's only supposed to be temporary. A handsome Deputy catches your eye, then seemingly ruins his chances as soon as he opens his mouth. This is not your fairytale.
18+ Only! MDNI!
Word Count: 14.5K
Warnings: Slow burn. Porn, with plot. Minimal use of Y/N. Reader is referred to as "Bunny" or "Bun". Toxic relationship (let's be honest here). Oral (m & f receiving). Choking. Semi-public sex. Degradation. Unprotected P in V (wrap it before you tap it!). Creampie.
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Telling yourself you needed a fresh start, North Dakota hadn’t been your first choice but it became your last when things seemingly had started spiraling out of your control.
Your car had broken down just inside of Stark County, leaving you stranded in the middle of literal nowhere.
“No, no, no. Please. Come on!” Trying the ignition over and over to no avail. You reached for your phone, thankfully it had a signal, googling the nearest mechanic shop; only showing one in a 20-mile radius.
It’s as if the universe was playing some cruel tricks on you.
The night before, you left the sleazy hotel where you had been staying when you realized someone had taken the last bit of money you had left. Internally cursing yourself for trying to hide it in the toilet tank like a fucking cliche idiot.
It was another 30 minutes before the tow truck and owner of “Frank’s Body Shop” pulled in beside you. An older, gruff looking man with gray hair, a little wiry, sticking up from his head. You suspected you might have woken him when you called.
It was a quiet, awkward drive back to his shop.
Once he’d gotten your car into the bay you’d asked where the nearest motel might be.
“Oh, there’s one about a mile down the road on the right. Can’t miss it.” Frank said without looking up from his paperwork.
“Any chance you could drive me over? I’m new to t….”
“Do I look like a taxi service to you?” He spat. “I already got out of bed to come get ya’.”
“Alright then, at least point me in the right direction?”
“Out the front to the left. Midway Motel. Only one this side of town.” He pointed.
“Yeah, thanks.” You didn’t wait for him to respond as you headed outside. If this was what they considered hospitality in Lehigh, you didn't want to stay here a second longer than what was absolutely necessary.
Your jacket did little to shield you from the blustery cold wind. You wrapped your arms around yourself, heading off in the direction to find somewhere to lay your head for the night, leaving the light of the only streetlamp you could see in the foreseeable distance.
It was dark but the moon was unusually bright, reflecting the glint of the fresh snow fall from earlier in the day.
You hadn't made it very far down the road when you heard a rumble of an engine and headlights cut out ahead of you. You didn't bother looking up, expecting God knows what this hour of night.
The vehicle slowed as it got closer, you held your backpack strap a little tighter to your chest and wrapped your hand around the pocketknife tucked into your jacket, expecting the worst.
You finally turned on your heel to be met with an older model blazer with Stark County Sheriff's Office on the side of the door. Some of the anxiety slipped away but you kept your guard up. You'd never had any good run-ins with cops.
The driver's window slowly rolled down, an older man was behind the wheel, you couldn't make out his features in the low light, but he was wearing a cowboy hat.
“Evening, miss. Little late to be wandering the highway alone. Could be dangerous for a lady such as yourself.” His tone made you feel uneasy.
Great, another smart-ass hick, you thought.
“Evening, Officer…”
“Sheriff Tillman,” he interrupted.
“Right, Sheriff Tillman. My car broke down and I was trying to find the Midway Motel?” It came out to be more of a question than you intended.
“The Midway? It's kind of a rough place, there's a Holiday Inn on the other side of…”
“With all due respect, Sheriff, I'm just looking for somewhere for tonight and I don't exactly have enough cash to be spending it in on something like a Holiday Inn.”
“Fair enough,” he nodded. “Hop in, it's on the way.”
You looked down the highway once more, biting your lip. It was going to be a trek you dreaded, and you were already tired from the events over the last couple of days. You rolled a gravel under your shoe before finally relenting.
“Yeah, okay.” Crossing in front to open the door, removing your backpack and climbing into the passenger seat. “Thanks.”
He didn't say anything or look your way as he threw the vehicle back into drive once the door was shut.
You were able to get a better look at the Sheriff. Older, rough around the edges. An air about him that dripped with arrogance.
Sitting beside him didn't make that uneasy feeling any better, only intensifying it. Something felt off.
You were grateful for the warmth the heater provided. Rubbing your hands together in your lap.
“So, what brings you to Lehigh Miss…?” He asked.
“Uh, Y/N, and just passing through. Like I said, my car broke down, so here I am.”
“Y/N,” he said, as he mulled it over. Letting it sit on his tongue. You didn't like the way your name rolled out of his mouth.
He nodded as he kept his gaze on the road ahead. Nothing else said between the two of you in the short drive.
The Midway was, as expected, a dump. Neons lit Vacancy above you, missing a few letters with a sign out front broadcasting, “$129 weekly rates”.
“Well, this is it.” He shifts into park outside the small office, as the older woman behind the counter straightening up in her chair at the sight of the Sheriff's car.
"Well, thank you Sheriff Till…" As you reached for the door.
"Roy. And I know you're new to town, so I thought I'd extend an invitation to our church. You can come and sit with my family so you wouldn't be by yourself. I've got a son that seems about your age.”
"Uh, thanks, Sheriff. But I'm hoping my car will be done in a day or two. I don't plan on staying that long." Sliding out and gathering your bag over your shoulder. "Thanks again for the ride.”
"Anytime. Enjoy your stay,” tipping his hat, as you closed the door.
You could feel his eyes trail after you as you walked into the office before he finally drove away.
The older lady stood, “Uh hi, I just need a room for the night, I hope.”
“Sure honey, we only got a double bed.” She eyed you warily. “You know the Sheriff?”
“Huh?” Barely registering what she had said as you were digging for your wallet.
“Sheriff Tillman? You know him?”
“No. He just offered me a ride…” you trailed off. “Why?”
“Don't trust that man. That whole family is a den of vipers. Son gaining a reputation just as bad. I'd steer clear if I were you.”
“I'll take that into consideration,” you took the key from her. “Thanks.”
The room was just as inviting. Cramped space with a small double bed and a flowery duvet. An older style TV sits in the corner making it feel like the place was stuck in the 90s.
No coffee maker or mini fridge. The small bathroom at least looked clean upon inspection though you weren't sure it could be trusted.
The bed provided little comfort. The mattress was lumpy, and the pillows were flat.
Well, at least it's for one night. You tried to shut your eyes and get some rest.
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“What do you mean, a couple of weeks?” You whined.
“What I just said, I can't get the part right now. Be a couple weeks.” Frank huffed. “I had to order it, so do you want it fixed or not?”
“Of course I want it fixed. Just let me know when it's done.”
Stomping your way out the garage, you shouldn't have expected anything else really. Not with the way your luck had been going.
You’d walked back to the motel, paying another week in advance and asking the lady at the front desk, Maggie, where you might find some decent work as it looked like you might be here for a while longer.
“Pretty girl like you, could always go over to the Tender Trap, you'd be out of this dump in no time,” as she proceeded to tell you the sort of place it was.
“I think I'd prefer to keep my clothes on.”
“Suit yourself,” she shrugged, pulling her cigarette to her lips. Puffs of smoke curled up as she exhaled. “Lucky Lizard across the way might be lookin’ for another waitress. Henry said last week his girl quit.”
“Here,” she pulled out a pad and pen, writing a name and number down for you.
“Thanks Maggie.”
You'd met with Henry the owner and resident bartender that afternoon. You'd been upfront about it only being temporary, but he liked your spunkiness and hired you on the spot.
He tried to warn you what you were getting into with the weekend crowd, but nothing would quite compare to seeing it in person.
Your shift started at 4. It started off easy enough. The early crowd were mostly blue-collared guys, interested in a couple of beers before heading home for the night.
Saturday's host karaoke night. The usual crowd is replaced by the rowdy 20 and 30 somethings of Lehigh looking for a good time when there is nothing else to do in nowhere USA.
Drinks flowing, the crowd loving the various renditions of their favorite songs echoing through the building.
The fight broke out before you realized what was going on.
You hadn't seen the beginning, but you were caught off guard when someone shoved you from behind, knocking the tray you held off balance. Bottles of beer went flying across the floor.
Henry called the Sheriff's department as soon as it got out of control and told you to get behind the bar until they arrived.
He had a shotgun there, pulled it out and told everyone to exit the bar. They eventually did.
“This happen often?” You asked him.
“Not usually,” he gave you a weary half smile.
You were beginning to think bad luck was following you at this point.
It didn't take long for a couple of deputies to walk through the door.
One caught your eye in particular. He waltzed in, dick first, like he owned the place. He rested his hand on the gun that was tucked away in his snug thigh holster, slung tight over his camo pants as your eyes trailed up the rest of his frame.
He was wearing the usual kevlar, adorned with a gold star badge on top of a snug long-sleeved T-shirt. You could tell the way it hugged his arms he was fit.
His head was covered with a hat that read Stark County Sheriff. It was shielding some of your view of his face at this angle, but you could make out his sharp jawline and aquiline nose.
Your eyes drank in every detail that was available as his eyes searched the crowd, turning his head slowly finally landing on you. His deep set, hazel eyes caught yours.
You felt pinned the longer he stared. He gave you a lopsided grin before lifting his hand, tipping his hat toward you. You smiled in return.
Then the moment was over, as he caught Henry's attention and beckoned him over.
You started busying yourself with cleaning up the mess the brawlers had left behind. As soon as they heard the cops were called the stragglers hightailed it out of there, along with a lot of the good paying customers.
With no one to pin it on, the cops weren't going to stay long. Statements and descriptions of the men were all they could get, along with some grainy video footage.
You were cleaning up a high top in the corner when he started to approach. You spotted him from the corner or your eye, because you hadn't stopped watching him since he entered.
Heavy boots made their way closer as you wiped down the sticky tabletop.
He cleared his throat before he spoke, gaining your attention as you were finally able to get a better look at him. He was handsome, clean cut. Not something you were expecting in a small-town Sheriff's department.
“Uh, don't believe we've met. Deputy Tillman, uh Gator.”
So, this was who Maggie had warned you about.
“Gator Tillman, huh? I've heard all about you and your daddy.” You shot back.
He smirked, but his eyebrows knit together with confusion.
“So, how is it you know all about me, but I've never seen you before. And trust me, I'd remember a pretty face like yours.” His eyes trailed slightly downward catching the top of your cleavage before moving back up.
You couldn't contain your eyes from rolling. Men were so easy. All the same. Simple creatures with only one thing on their minds.
You smiled and arched a brow, as his gaze set on your face once more.
“If you don't mind, I've got to get back to work. In case you didn't notice, this place is a mess.” You said, turning back to the table.
“I'm here on official business, need your statement. Miss…?” He paused, grabbing a pen, as if he was actually going to write any of this shit down.
You had him pegged from the moment he walked in here.
“Y/N.” He spoke. And as you expected, just stared at you. “You're not from around here, are ya’?”
“Nope and don't plan on sticking around either.”
“Yeah, Henry said you're over at the Midway? That place is rough, ya’ could…”
“Yeah, yeah I've already heard. You Tillmans have a savior complex or something?” you huffed out.
“Scuse me?” He furrowed his brows.
“Look, I don't need some hot shot, knight in shining kevlar to save me. I'm not some damsel in distress. I can take care of myself.” You looked him straight in the eye, not backing down.
“You're cute, y’know that?” he smiled, and let out a small humorless chuckle.
You watched as he produced a vape from his pocket, placing it between his pouty lips before sucking, as his cheeks hollowed just a bit. The fruity scented cloud billowed out, as he blew it hitting you square in the face.
“Seriously?” You coughed, hand waving it quickly away.
“Sorry,” he smirked again, not meaning his apology in the slightest.
“Sorry? For blowing that rancid shit right in my face? Your mama never teach you any fucking manners?” You huffed, grabbing the towel off the table and quickly walking away leaving him to stare after you.
He took another hit from his vape, letting his eyes trail your curves, watching the way your hips swayed with each step before he was knocked from his trance.
“Gator,” Andy, the other deputy, caught his attention. “Let's go.”
He nodded and bid Henry a goodbye.
He was intrigued. He could usually bat his eyes, puff his chest out a little and any girl would fall over him. Not you.
You were a little spitfire who didn't back down. He kind of liked it.
Gator was never the kind to chase tail, it fell in his lap with ease. You were different and something in the back of his mind wanted to see how far he had to push to see you give in.
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You'd all but forgotten about Deputy Tillman in the following days. However, he couldn't seem to get you off his mind.
The way you had spoken so blatantly like you didn't care who he was, or what kind of weight the Tillman name carried in this county. He couldn't deny the way it kind of turned him on. Every other girl in this town was either scared of him or immediately fell at his feet.
You were different, not to mention easy on the eyes with curves that seemed to go for days easily getting any man to eat out of the palm of your hand.
He pulled into the bar, telling himself he was just doing a routine check, on the lookout for drunks.
Deep down, he wanted to catch another glimpse to see if you were truly as pretty as he remembers. Maybe he could sweet talk you into a night of fun. Let him take you back to that trashy motel and have his way with you.
He settled back into the seat, checking the time on his watch, a quarter past 2 AM. The bar had just closed for the night, so he suspected you’d be in until at least another 30 minutes tidying up the place and kicking out the stragglers.
He pulled his phone out playing Candy Crush to pass the time. Placing his vape between his lips every few minutes, getting a little more anxious with each passing second.
He jumped at the sound of someone banging on his window, dropping his vape and almost doing the same with his phone.
He looked over to see you standing there, arms crossed giving him a glare that would rival the devil himself.
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It had been a long day. You were about to head back to the Midway after picking up a double shift. You headed out the back, surveying the lot.
The first thing you noticed is a black truck parked off to itself. You grumbled as soon as you saw the Stark County Sheriff logo on the side.
Instead of making the trek back to the motel, you decided to have a little fun, suspecting immediately who it might be.
Your boots stomped their way over to the driver's side door as you placed your hands on your hips. He made no attempt to roll the window down. You could see the glow of that stupid vape lit within. You wanted to yank it out of his mouth.
Growing more impatient by the second, you finally gave in using your fist to bang on the window.
You realized he hadn’t even noticed you walk up when his vape went flying out of his hand. You held in your laugh. Instead opting to hold a stern gaze, forcing your lips together and crossing your arms over your chest.
The window finally rolled down as he came into view. He wasn’t wearing a hat like the last time you’d seen him. His hair was slicked back, shorter on the sides revealing his face even more to you. Damnit, he was handsome.
“What the fuck is your problem?” He spat. Oh, this is going to be fun, you thought.
“Deputy Tillman, is that any way to speak to a lady?” You purred. “And what the hell are you doing out here? Besides looking like a creep?”
He scoffed, “My job. What the fuck does it look like?”
“Your job? You skulk around bars for your job?” You smirked. Each insult slowly getting under his skin.
“I'm watching for drunks. But I don't have to explain myself to you.” He sounded like a child. You couldn't tell in the low light but were sure his face was reddened from how strained his voice sounds.
“Right, well, good night Deputy.” You turned away from him, smirking as you went. His eyes trailing after you.
“Hey, Y/N,” he called. “Need a lift?”
“No thanks! You just stay here and watch for those drunks.” Yelling back and laughing out, the sound traveling across the parking lot back to his ears.
He shook his head and watched you go.
“Shit,” he hissed out, his head dropping back onto the headrest with a thud. Why'd he have to open his big mouth like that?
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The following week he seemed to be everywhere.
He was at the gas station as you paid for your soda and nachos, trying to take a break from the motel when the walls felt like they were closing in around you.
A couple of days later, he was at the diner grabbing lunch as you were just finishing yours. He stared at you from over the top of the menu as you left some cash on the table and headed out. If he was trying to be discreet about it, he was failing miserably.
The next day, you bumped into him at the grocery store a couple of blocks away from where you were staying.
You turned the corner with your small cart, bumping into someone.
“Oh, I am so sor…” the words died as soon as you looked up to see him standing there. He grinned, pulling a box of cereal from the shelf and putting it into his own cart.
He looked good. Camo thermal under a black leather jacket with matching black cargo pants; thigh holster in place. His hair was slicked back just like you had seen it in the prior days.
You cocked a brow, “Deputy Tillman, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were stalking me.”
“Stalking you? Maybe it's the other way ‘round. Huh, sweet thing?” He moved to lean his elbow on the shelf as he looked you over, missing the edge by only a few centimeters.
He slipped, correcting himself almost immediately, straightening back up and throwing the shelf an accusatory look.
“Woah there, big fella.” You snorted. “You okay there?”
“Fine,” he sniffed, looking down his nose at you once he was back at his full height.
“What are you doing on this side of town anyway? Isn't there a nicer grocery store you could shop at?”
“Well, yeah but I like this one.” Shrugging a shoulder as he spoke.
You eye him suspiciously. So, he did choose to come here. You knew there was another store on the other side of town. It was bigger and newer with all the bells and whistles.
As if he was reading your mind he quickly tacked on, “it's more quiet here. Less crowded.”
You nodded. Slowly moving your cart to finally skirt around him.
“Well, Deputy, enjoy your shopping trip.” Moving past him.
“Hey y/n, how about you let me take you out sometime?” He blurted out before you got too far out of earshot.
“Out?” You turned back around. “Like a date?”
“I mean,” he stepped closer, leaning his elbow on the shelf successfully this time, as he lowered his voice to barely above a whisper.
“Yeah, we can call it a date. I was thinkin’ more along the lines of grabbing a bite to eat then you could invite me back to your room…” his eyes slowly trailed down your body as he spoke.
“How romantic.” You batted your lashes up at him before huffing a laugh. “I guess I should be flattered you actually offered dinner first.”
“So?” He cocked his head expectantly, completely ignoring the words that had just come out of your mouth.
“So, no. I told you I'm not sticking around.”
“Who said it had to be serious? I'm just talkin’ about gettin’ some ass s’all. Havin’ some fun while you're stuck here.” His lips curled up. Maybe he expected you to be taken aback by his bluntness, but you weren't. It just spurred you further.
“Oh, is that all? And how do you know I'm not getting’ dicked down on the daily by someone else? Hmmm?” You smirked when his eyes grew darker. Did you just make him mad? Jealous?
“Oh, sweet thing, I don't believe that for a second.” He chuckled. The air between you seemed to grow a little tense as he shifted on his feet a little.
He stepped a little closer, trying to close the gap between you.
“If that were true, you wouldn't be walkin' ‘round here with that stick up your ass.” He paused, looking you straight in the eye, “I think what ya’ need is someone to fuck this bratty attitude right out of ya’.”
You inched forward, letting your fingers graze his chest as you let them tip toe up.
“And you think you're just the man for the job?”
“Sure am.” He grinned, cocky, thinking he had you.
Your fingers moved up, up until you moved them away, only to boop his nose before completely pulling away and taking a step back.
“You're cute, you know that?” Using his own words that he'd thrown at you that night at the bar.
His mouth hung open slightly, as you turned to leave him there.
“Have a good night, Deputy.”
You faintly heard a “fuck” being muttered as you made your way over to the next aisle.
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Two weeks.
Two weeks since your car broke down. Two weeks you’d been sleeping in a roach infested dump. Two weeks of sitting in said dump staring at the same four walls. Two weeks of reluctantly being the newest resident of Stark County.
Frank gave you another half-assed excuse as to why your damn car wasn’t finished this morning. You didn’t know whether he was telling the truth or blowing smoke up your ass for the hell of it. Either way, you were about to tear your hair out.
You volunteered for another double shift just to take your mind off of everything, telling Henry all of your woes for the 100th time, but he listened with a sympathetic ear as usual.
“Hey, not to pile anything on you, but do you think you could close up by yourself tonight? I’ve got to head out early.” He asked, hoping it wouldn’t get your panties even more twisted.
“I don’t mind. It’s not like anything is going on.” You held up your hands, looking around the desolate space. “And I would like to avoid going back to the room for as long as possible.” You felt a shiver run down your spine at the thought of sleeping there another night, though you knew it was inevitable.
He finished up what he was doing and slipped out the back.
It wasn’t unusual to be dead through the week, but this was almost unbearable. The last customer left about 30 minutes before Henry, leaving you alone with your thoughts weighing heavily once more.
It was currently a little past midnight, which meant you had two more hours before clocking out.
Most of the closing duties were done, now it was just you against the clock, hoping no one decided to stumble in here tonight keeping you any longer.
Your back was to the door, wiping down some newly washed glasses. As you put away another on the shelf, the front door flew open, startling you. When you jolted, you nearly dropped the glass but regained your composure.
Heavy footsteps were coming toward the bar as you turned around.
Shocked to see none other than Gator Tillman sliding into the stool directly in front of you. He looked disheveled. His usually perfectly slick hair mussed to the point it was falling in and around his face.
“Gator?” You asked hesitantly.
His eyes darted up to you, big and glossy, a little blood shot at the edges. His cheeks were flushed. Had he already been drinking before he got here?
“Oh, so you do know my name?” He huffed out. “And here I thought I was just Deputy Tillman.” It came out a little slurred.
His usual cheeky demeanor was gone. Replaced with this sarcastic asshole before you now; not an ounce of playfulness to be found. He seemed to be carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders.
“Are you okay?” It seemed dumb to ask, but you couldn't help yourself.
“I'm fine Y/N. Just came here to blow off a little stream, s’all. Nothin’ to worry your pretty little head over.”
“Um sure… Gator, have you been drinking?”
He laughed out loud, lips curling into an unnatural smile. “I might’ve had a few. Might’ve run out. S’why I'm here, I need some more.”
“No, I think you need a cheeseburger and some water.” Placing a glass before him, sliding it into his view since he was staring at the bar top instead of you.
“Give me a Jack. No ice.” He said, without looking up.
“No. I'm not serving you.” Standing your ground could end up with a very pissed off Gator but at least your conscience would be clear. You were already thinking of how you could get his keys.
“Where's Henry? He'll give me what I ask for with no lip.” Finally cutting his eyes up. They were dark and intense. That usual flicker of light within now dim as if the alcohol had taken every semblance of the guy you’ve come to know.
“Not here. It's only me and I'm not serving you whiskey. I'll go make you a burger. Drink that damn water.”
He stared at the glass before him as if it would somehow magically turn into the Jack he'd asked for. Reluctantly, he finally picked it up and raised it to his lips, chugging the contents down within a few seconds.
He dropped it back to the bar top with a thud, still gripped in his hand.
“There, now give me a damn whiskey.”
“Gator, for the last time I'm not fucking serving you whiskey.” You had an idea. Your eyes flickered with delight at the prospect. And if he would cooperate, you'd both get what you needed.
He made to get up, staggering just a little, taking his keys from his pocket. This was your chance.
He looked away for a split second, he held his keys in his fist as he stood once more and turned slightly toward the door.
There was a key ring your fingers grabbed onto and firmly wanked them from his grasp.
He realized too late what was happening. His movements are slower than normal, trying but failing to reach back out for them.
“What the fuck. Give ‘em back.” He held out his hand expectantly.
“Hell no. You aren't going anywhere like this. You trying to kill yourself?” You raised your voice.
There was some look that passed over his features you couldn't quite read. He looked defeated at this moment.
“Look, just sit down. I'll make us both some burgers. We can, uh, have that meal you asked me to.”
That seemed to pique his interest, as his eyebrows edged upward. He nodded slightly and planted his ass back down on the stool as you breathed a small sigh of relief.
“Ok, just stay there. I'm going to lock the door and I'll make you the best damn burger you've ever had.” He didn't respond but you put another glass of water on the bar. “And drink that. I'll be back.”
You left him to it, locking the front door and clicking off the neon “Open” sign. You were sure no one would bother coming by this late and if Henry found out you'd just tell him the truth.
Henry usually cooked but had taught you the ins and outs of the kitchen as well. As the patties cooked on the grill top, you checked through the swinging door to make sure he was still there.
You panicked just a bit when he wasn't at the bar, but he had just moved across the room to one of the booths instead. And much to your surprise had brought the water with him. He wasn't thinking clearly but at least he could still follow directions.
You placed the plate in front of him as his eyes lit up.
“Don't say I never did anything nice for you.” You laughed and took the seat across from him.
He immediately started shoveling fries into his mouth. He wasn't much for manners, but you didn't fault him. He was eating like a man starved.
He hummed around the first bite of his burger as you smiled. You ate in silence, hoping a decent meal would sober him up for what you were about to suggest.
He finished his meal, wiping his mouth with his exposed sleeve and chugged the remaining water.
“Thanks, I need that.” He mumbled.
“Feel better?” You genuinely asked.
“Mmhmm… yeah actually. I uh…” he started.
“Nope, let's not do this ok. Don't start a sappy apology. I uh… may have had some ulterior motives here anyway.” You grinned as he finally lifted his head, furrowing his brows as his lips were set in a slight pout as if he were trying to decipher what you had just said.
“What? What are you…”
“I'm saying that I got you sober enough that at least I'm not taking advantage of you. I'd like to take you up on your offer.”
The realization hit, as he silently replied, “oh.”
He sat quietly for another moment.
“No. I don't need a goddamn pity fuck.”
You were taken aback by his brashness. Maybe this wasn't a good idea.
“I wasn't trying to give you a pity fuck you jackass. It just seemed like we could both use a distraction. But if you're not interested, never mind.” You started to ease out of the booth.
“Wait, wait.” He grabbed your wrist, halting your movements. His touch setting your skin ablaze.
He looked up at you with pleading, puppy dog eyes that pulled at your chest.
“Look, I am a jackass, ok. But I am interested. You've made it very clear you didn't want anything to do with me. Why the sudden change of heart?”
“What does it matter? We're both obviously dealing with some shit… like I said we could use a distraction.” You shrugged, pulling free from his grasp. Taking both of your plates as you slid from the seat.
He watched you disappear into the back of the bar.
Ok, she's giving me a chance. Don't fuck this up. I'm a winner. Come on. He tried to pump himself up.
It took a few minutes to wash up the dishes and put them away. Emerging from the back, he was still sitting in the booth.
“Listen,” you spoke up. “I've got a few more things to do before I can head out. You wanna just meet me at my room in about an hour?”
He stood, no stagger this time and in a few large strides he crossed the room stopping directly in front of you.
He took you by surprise, grabbing your hips, pulling you completely flush to his.
You let out a little squeak that his lips quickly cut off when they met yours.
He wasn't gentle, fingertips digging in where they met you through your shirt. You didn't need or want gentle. He was doing exactly what you hoped he would.
His lips were slightly chapped but glided against your cherry glossed ones with ease. You wrapped one hand around the base of his neck, nails raking through his hair as your other finds his bicep.
He was guiding you, fingers finding the hem of your shirt, skirting upwards, uncovering the supple flesh beneath.
His touch sent goosebumps across your bare skin. It was then his tongue danced along your bottom lip, begging for entry.
Your lips parted, his tongue immediately finding the opening, moving against yours so naturally.
You suddenly needed more, pulling him even closer, easing yourself upward to meet him on the tips of your toes.
It was suddenly a clash of teeth and tongue. Your hand glided from his bicep to his waist pulling him in.
He broke your kiss with a groan. It gave you both a moment to catch your breath. Pants being shared between you.
You took the opportunity, running your hand lower, palming his now very prominent bulge. You were surprised he was actually backing that cocky attitude.
“Fuck,” he hissed out, breath fanning your cheek.
“You're getting ahead of yourself big boy. I still need to close up.” You nipped at his neck, inching yourself backward.
“No, let me make you feel good. Let me taste you. Fuck, I need to taste you.” His voice raspy, whiny with need.
His words went straight to your core. Not sure what you were expecting, but him offering to go down on you wasn't one of them. Gator seemed very selfish, not someone who would so willingly give.
“Yeah, fuck yeah.” Willing yourself to answer as you nodded. But then it hit you. Where the fuck would you go in here?
As if he already knew what you were thinking, he grabbed your hand leading you over to the pool table.
He let go to shed his jacket into the nearest booth, as you slid up onto the felt lining, easing your ass over the lip.
You'd worn a skirt today, now thanking yourself for the easy access, as you spread your thighs to accommodate his frame.
He turned back to you. Eyes trailing up. You were like prey caught by the big, bad wolf as he licks his lips ready to devour you.
You leaned back, spreading your legs a little further, skirt rucking up, soaked panties on display.
He came to slot himself between your thighs, pulling your hips toward the edge to meet his hard cock coming to rest against your clothed core.
You had no choice but to wrap your arms around his neck to steady yourself as you gasped out.
“What's wrong, sweet thing?” He smirked, as he brought his hand up to the back of your head, threading his fingers through your hair tugging the roots making you meet his gaze.
“I…” smug bastard had the audacity to roll his hips when you tried to speak, nudging your clit slightly, pulling a small moan from you.
“Yeah, that's it. Let me hear those pretty sounds, yeah?”
This wasn't you. Letting a man reduce you to putty in his hands. You decided to throw him off, taking your legs and locking them firmly around his waist, and rolling your hips into his.
“Look at you, like a little whore in heat.” He lowered his head, lips ghosting the shell of your ear. “I fucking knew you wanted me.”
You gasped out again when he brought his broad palms against your thighs pushing them back against the table. His thumbs rubbing higher, up under the fabric of your skirt making you shudder.
He pulled back slightly to look down at you.
“Now, be a good girl and sit still f’me.”
His fingertips traveled up, hooking into the fabric so he could pull them down, lifting your ass so he could remove them.
Once he had you bare, he tucked them into his pocket for safe keeping.
His eyes darkened, breath hitching slightly once he caught sight of your bare cunt.
You were positively soaked, glistening before him.
Feeling a little brazen, you spoke up “Are you going to put your money where your mouth is or just stare at me all night like you've never seen a pussy before? ” Wiggling your ass closer to the edge as you spoke.
He didn't respond, you watched as he licked at his bottom lip and began lowering himself to the floor. Once he knelt in front of you, face to face with you, he finally spoke.
“Look at that sweet little pussy, already drooling f’me.” He slid his hands under your ass, pulling you closer to the edge, closer to his waiting mouth.
He pushed your left thigh up over his shoulder, scooting closer still, using his arm to force your other leg further open to accommodate him. His hand delicately moves your skirt further up your hips giving him full access.
You jolt when he lightly runs a fingertip up your slit. Not enough to penetrate but shooting embers through your core.
“I bet she tastes so good, huh?” Placing a kiss to your inner thigh, then another and another. Working his way toward where you needed him most.
“Please…” it's as if the word left on its own accord as it hung in the air between you. It was so breathy you'd hoped he'd mistake it for another moan.
“What's that sweet thing?” No such luck.
You look down at him, he's grinning over your mound with this mischievous glint to his eyes. You know what he's about to say before it even tumbles from his lips.
“Please what baby?”
You roll your eyes letting your head thump back against the tabletop.
“Please Gator, quit teasing. I ne… want you to fuck me.” You quickly huffed out.
He chuckled lightly, letting his finger and thumb part your lips, while his breath fanned over your sticky folds.
He hummed as he looked down, catching a glance once more before he brought his tongue down. Flattening it against your core, licking a fat stripe from your leaking entrance as he let the tip finally catch your clit.
“Oh fuck!” You moaned out. Relief. It flooded through your veins and much as it ignited you further.
He didn't stop, moving his tongue down and back up to expertly swirl it against your puffy clit.
Your back arched, pushing your pussy further into his face. His eyes flicked up to you, relishing the way he was already making you come undone.
He moved his hand from around your ass to wrap it around your leg, making sure you couldn't squirm away as his lips came to wrap around your bundle of nerves. Sucking harshly, then soothing it again with a soft lick.
You fisted your hands at your sides, fighting the urge to run your fingers through his hair.
You felt his thick finger tease your entrance as his lips remained sealed to you.
“Mmmm… yes, please. I need more.” You tried to grind your hips, but he had you firmly pinned.
He slowly inserted his finger, pushing into your velvety walls with ease, as another wanton moan left your lips.
He pulled out, only to insert a second upon re-entry. His fingers alone were filling you up in such a way your own never could.
Your cunt pulsed around him, as he hummed into you, the vibrations only adding to your pleasure.
It had been a long time since you'd been touched by anyone but yourself and your orgasm was creeping up at an embarrassingly fast rate.
He curved his digits upward with every drag, as he was hit that sweet, spongy spot within you. You knew you wouldn't last much longer.
“Gator don't stop. Right there!” He was happy to oblige, keeping his current pace but applied more pressure to your clit, working his tongue back and forth.
Your hands finally found purchase, tugging at his hair. He hummed again, filing that mental note away for later.
“It feels so good, don't… mmmm… don't fucking stop!”
Those embers were fully formed flames, licking up your spine, igniting every nerve within your core.
The pressure kept building, as you were teetering along the edge, ready to let go.
Your orgasm hit with blinding force, your legs began to shake around him as sparks soared behind your eyes, with a cry of his name he worked you through your high.
He unattached his lips, “that's it sweet thing, cum on my fingers. Yeah, you look so goddamn pretty like this, and I haven't even fucked you yet.”
Your cunt clenched around him once more with his words, as you tried to pull away from him, starting to feel oversensitive. He pulled his fingers from you, only to wrap his lips around them sucking them clean of any remnants of your arousal.
“Mmmm… so fucking sweet. I knew you'd taste good.”
He watches the way your chest is still heaving, trying to catch your breath. He takes the opportunity to raise himself up, pushing himself back between your thighs.
His cock is fucking aching and rock hard. He'd fuck you right here and now if you'd let him.
He leans slightly back over you, his cock nudging your cunt, as you whimper and finally open your eyes in time to see his shit eating grin, as he wipes the rest of your arousal from his face with the back of his hand.
“You good?” He finally asks.
There was something in his eyes that told you that you were in for a long night.
You nod pathetically, as you attempt to sit up, but your bones feel like jello.
He closes the distance, caging you in, hands splayed out on either side of you, as he speaks close to your ear, breath fanning your cheek.
“Yeah? You want me t’bend you over right here or are we going back t’your room? Your choice sweet thing, but either way I'm fuckin’ ya’ now.”
He pulls back slightly to gauge your response. You look up at him, soft doe eyes and pouty kiss-bitten lips. He's fucked. He knows it right then and there.
“Fuck, Gator. We can't fuck here. Let me grab my purse.” You push at his chest to give you some space.
He takes a few steps back, as you hop down from the pool table on wobbly legs and straighten your skirt back down.
“You aren't closin’ up?” He chuckled.
“Fuck it,” waving your hand dismissively as you walk to the back. “I work morning shift; I'll do it then.”
You quickly gathered your belongings, throwing your coat over your shoulders, shutting off the lights as you head back up front. You knew you'd be kicking yourself in the few hours you'd have to be back in for your shift but at this moment you couldn't find it within yourself to care.
You shot through the double doors, as his hands reached out and grabbed you from behind, pulling you in as he nuzzled his face into your neck.
“I can't keep my hands off of you. You're so fuckin’ hot.”
You giggle, feeling like a horny teen. It was new, exciting and as you reminded yourself just for tonight.
“Gator, come on. Let's go.” He grabbed a handful of your ass before reluctantly letting you go.
He followed you closely out the door, as you turned to lock up, he stayed there, head on a swivel, surveying the parking lot void of any life this time of night.
“Okay.” You said, pushing your hands into your pockets, suddenly realizing you still had his keys.
“Oh shit, here.” You dug them out from your purse and handed them over.
“Thanks, sweet thing, come on.” He went ahead of you and jumped into the driver's seat, turning the ignition just as quickly. You pulled yourself up, taking the opportunity to scoot right in next to him, thigh pressed tightly into his.
He stiffens as you place your hand high on his thigh, sliding it slowly, close to where his cock rests, still straining against his confines just begging to be released.
At the same time, you press your face close to his jaw, placing small kisses up, nibbling his ear lobe. You continued sliding your hand further up, finally rubbing him through his pants, causing his breath to hitch.
“Fuck, ok, ok. Let me just get us across the road.”
You giggled out, as you sat back in the seat. He seemed just as eager as you were.
“Ok big boy, let's go.”
The Midway was almost directly across the road from the Lucky Lizard, making it a quick trip.
“Which room is it?” He asked, eyes cutting to you for a moment.
“203, just up there.” Pointing in the general direction, as he slowed when he got close.
“I'll let you out, I've got to park ‘round back.” He stopped directly in front of the door.
“Yeah, sure.” You understood but it didn't hurt any less. You knew it was a dump, home to more than a couple of drug addicts but you also knew his job. It would be an embarrassment to be seen here.
You let it roll off you, as you swung the door open and stepped inside. It gave you a few minutes to freshen up and spritz a little perfume to your pulse points, as he knocked on the door.
You crossed the small space, opening the door wide, bidding him in quickly.
“I know it's not much,” you began.
“S’fine.” He said, looking around the desolate space. The only hint that you lived here was the large suitcase in the corner overflowing with your clothes and shoes.
He let his jacket fall from his shoulders, placing it on top of the dresser, toeing his boots off there as well. You had already removed your outerwear leaving you in your skirt and short sleeved shirt you'd worn all day.
He didn't look your way as he sat on the end of the bed, letting out a large sigh as the springs groaned under his weight.
For a moment he seemed distracted, with this faraway look in his eye that had you second guessing yourself, as his hand scrubbed down the side of his face.
As if he felt the weight of your stare, he looked up, “C’mere sweet thing,” patting his thighs. In normal circumstances something like that would piss you off but at this point you'd let it slide.
You crossed the small distance between you. As soon as you were close enough, he grabbed your hips once more, but you were ready this time as you steadied yourself.
Your fingertips hooked under his chin lifting lightly so he would have to look at you. His eyes were half lidded, from lust or the late hour you weren't sure, but his gaze was soft, pupils blown wide.
“Hey handsome, how about I return the favor?” You purred, as his hand roamed the expanse of your thighs, finding your ass and pulling you further into him.
You trailed a fingertip across his jaw, nail catching on stubble that was trying to form as you watched his Adam's apple bob.
Trailing it lower, down his broad chest as you began to sink to the floor between his thighs, knees pressing into the rough carpeting.
Your hands came to rest in either of his thighs, as he eagerly undid his belt and unsnapped the button of his pants. That's when you stopped him.
“Let me,” your voice was sticky sweet, as you batted his hands away, replacing them with your own, taking the zipper and slowly lowering it.
You palmed at his still clothed erection, eliciting a soft hiss from him.
He groaned, as your fingers trailed to his waistband, he aided you by lifting his hips letting you pull his pants and boxers down his hairy thighs.
His cock sprang free, the head landing just at his navel. You knew he was big, but you hadn't expected this much. You were staring at a goddamn python.
He was long, but also thick. His fat mushroom tip was flushed, a prominent vein travels down the underside of his shaft. The thought of him between your legs made your thighs involuntary clench.
“Fuck,” it was just a whisper, but he still heard it as he smirked.
“What's the matter, sweet thing? Never seen a cock before?” That teasing tone was back but you rolled your eyes in response, wrapping your hand around as much of his base that you could.
You angled him more toward you, leaning down spitting on the tip, as his hips bucked up slightly.
“Fuck, you're a dirty girl.” He grunted, the women he usually fucks were all to timid to take charge or even offer a blow job.
You ran your hand up his length, reaching the top, smearing the mixture of your saliva and his precum expertly. Taking the time to run your thumb across his slit and ruddy head at an agonizingly slow pace before finally stroking back down, as you began pumping lightly.
His breath hitched as he watched you, you were focused solely on him and the task at hand.
You brought your mouth closer, lips sticky with newly reapplied gloss as you placed a soft kiss to the tip, before flicking your tongue to the same spot. Getting the response you were after when you heard him whimper.
You grinned against him, ready to destroy this man.
You wrapped your lips around him, sucking lightly before flattening your tongue, taking as much of him as your mouth and throat would allow.
“Oh fuck,” he moaned out, as if you’d taken him by surprise. His face screwed up with pleasure as he closed his eyes. You wondered if it had been a while since he'd felt a woman's soft touch, so used to his calloused hands providing his own relief.
As the salty tang of him hit your tongue you moaned around him. The vibrations made him shudder, relaxing your throat to take him further as you continued to stroke his length.
You began to bob your head, hollowing your cheeks applying more pressure to his member.
“Goddamn sweet thing,” he breathed out, daring to glance down. You were a vision with his dick between your lips. When you looked up at him there were unshed tears along your lash line. It was enough to make him cum right then and there.
It was then you decided to pick up your pace, seeing his fucked-out expression spurred you on.
“Fuck,” he hissed out, gripping the back of your hair, tugging you back until you pulled off with a wet pop.
“You keep doing that, I'm gonna cum. I need to fuck you.” You nodded, as those words went straight to your core, pussy clenching around nothing.
“You uh, you got a condom? I didn't really come prepared.”
“Gator, I just had my mouth around your cock, if I was worried about that I wouldn't have gone down on you. I'm on birth control.” You shrugged.
“Fuck, yeah ok.” He nodded.
You quickly rose to your feet, slotting your thighs on either side of his, sinking down as his cock met your bare cunt, gliding easily through your folds bumping your clit on the way.
You moaned out in unison, as he found the hem of your shirt pulling it over your head. His lips immediately finding the tender flesh of your neck, just below your jaw sucking a small bruise there before soothing it with his tongue.
His hands palm your tits through your bra, before quickly finding the clasp at the back. He's undoing it with expertise, as the straps begin to slide down your shoulders.
He wastes no time, he pushes the cups down as his large palms engulf your breasts. His calloused hands are a little rough against your nipples, causing another moan to escape you.
You pull away slightly to capture his lips into a heated kiss. He wraps his arms around you, only to lift you off the bed with him, moving to lay you onto your back.
You let out a small squeak of surprise but he's immediately back between your thighs, gliding his cock between through your soaked folds.
“Mmmm… Gator, please don't tease me anymore.” You huffed out.
He chuckled lightly in response, but sat up to remove his shirt, kicking his pants the rest of the way off his legs. You followed his lead, lifting your hips and sliding your skirt down your plush thighs.
“Fuck, look at you.” He said, lowering himself back down.
He brought two fingers up to your lips, as he barked out “open.” Sliding them in, letting them close around his large digits and letting your tongue swirl against the rough pads.
“Good girl,” he brought them straight to your aching clit, rubbing tight circles against you.
“Mmmm… fuck.” You moaned out, keening into his touch.
He bent down, laving his tongue between your breasts. His mouth was hot, as he sucked your hardened bud between his lips. Your hands flew to his hair, pushing it back from his face tugging harshly at the roots.
He didn't let up, as he moved off your clit to pinch the other between his thumb and finger.
The sensation has you crying out. You weren't in the mood for any more teasing. The ache between your legs was almost unbearable.
You were surprised at his patience this far. Half expecting him to start railing you as soon as he entered the room.
You pulled his face up to yours, giving him no choice but to crawl up your body, meeting you lips once more. You firmly locked your legs around his waist and rolled your hips.
You swallowed each other's moans, as you repeated the motion, his tip catching your clit at just the right angle.
“No more teasing. Let's see if you know how to use that thing or if that cocky attitude is all you have.” Wiggling your hips against him as you spoke.
His eyes darkened, as he looked up at you as if it ignited something within him.
“I know how to use it, just wonderin’ if that tight pussy can handle it.” He reached between you, lining himself up with your entrance as you spread your legs further apart.
His fat tip breaches, as he pushes in slightly with a groan.
“Oh fuck,” throwing your head back, already feeling the stretch.
“Fuck, you are tight,” he hisses, watching himself as he sinks a little deeper.
Your brow starts to scrunch, closing your eyes as your mouth goes slack, a silent moan trying to escape but it feels caught in your throat.
He starts to move again, inch by inch, he slowly splits you open. You're trying not to think about the smug look he's surely got on his face. If you had opened your eyes, you would have seen he was just as fucked out as you were.
Your nails dig crescents where they rest, fingers gripping his shoulders tighter the deeper he goes.
He finally pushes to the hilt, as you let out a breath you hadn't realized you were holding, coming out as a whimper.
He looks down at you then, the almost pained expression on your face pulls him out of his own stuper.
“Hey, you ok?” The softness of his tone grabbed your attention the most. You looked back up to see his eyes worrying over your features.
You nodded, “mhmm… I just need a minute. It's been a while and, not to inflate your already huge ego, but you're not exactly average.”
His lips curled up into that crooked smile like the first time you'd seen him at the bar. It genuinely made you smile back.
The pinch slowly started to subside, as you asked him to move.
He slowly pulled back, almost removing himself completely, immediately sinking back in. He was taking his time, not at all what you expected. You’d wanted rough, for him to fuck your goddamn brains out.
“Gator, I need more. Harder.” Your heels pressed into his ass to get your point across.
“You sure?”
“Yes, goddamnit! Fuck me!”
He shoved himself back, pulling out of you completely.
“What are you…?”
“Y’want it rough, flip over. Ass up.” When you didn't immediately move, he added “c’mon sweet thing. Up.”
You did as you were told, rolling over and arching your ass up. You looked over your shoulder, as he grabbed onto your hip lining himself up with your dripping entrance.
“You asked for it, whore.” He breathed out as he pushed back in hard enough to punch the air from your lungs.
He wasn't soft this time, didn't bother to ask if you were okay.
You whined out with each pump, as he started to set a brutal pace. He began to pull your hips back in time to meet each thrust.
“That it, huh? This what y’wanted?”
You didn't answer, nodding as best you could with your cheek pressed into the mattress.
His hand came down hard across your ass cheek that sent you lurching forward.
“I asked you a question. This what y'wanted? Huh?”
“Yeah, yes. It's… it's what I… mmmm… wanted.” Panting out as he continued to rail you.
He leaned over, reaching his arm under your chest placing his hand around your throat. Squeezing lightly, as if he were testing the waters.
When your pussy fluttered and another moan fell from your lips when he applied more pressure it gave him all the go ahead he needed.
He hauled you up with him; your back pressed tightly to his sweaty chest with his hand still wrapped around your throat as you gripped his wrist and forearm.
He slowed his motions, only to put his lips close to your ear, “You know what they call whores who like to fuck cops? They're badge bunnies. Y’wanna be my little bunny since y’like bouncing on this cock?”
“Fuck, Gator.” You wailed out.
“I'll take that as a yes.”
He releases your neck, letting you fall forward against the mattress, holding your hip with one hand as he brings the other up between your legs as he quickly finds your clit.
You grip the sheets, as he begins rubbing harsh circles there, his length continuously stimulating that sweet spot within you with every drag against your velvety walls. It had you clenching around him as that coil within you tightened.
“You close bunny?” A little bunny, trapped by the big bad wolf. Ensnared. Nowhere to run.
“Ughhh, fuck, yeah.” All coherent thoughts pushed from your mind.
He was working you toward the edge, tighter and tighter your lower belly wound.
“Please, don't stop! Don't stop!”
He didn't let up, working your clit with the same, unrelenting pace as his cock split you open again and again in the best possible way.
“I'm not sweet thing. Can I… fuck… can I cum in this pussy?” He grunted out, trying to stave off his own. He wanted to feel you cum around his cock.
“Yes! Cum in me!”
“Fuck, I need you to cum all over my dick. C’mon baby. Need to feel you. Give it to me.”
His words only encouraged your orgasm, that coil wound tighter and tighter until it finally snapped.
You came with a shout of his name followed by “oh God, oh God, oh God” as those fireworks flew behind your eyes. It was the best orgasm anyone had ever given you. You were fucking ruined.
He continued to work you through it until you whimpered into the sheets below.
He grabbed your hips with both hands, surely to leave bruises in their wake, pulling you back to meet his punishing thrusts.
Your senses were overwhelmed and your pussy was starting to ache from overuse.
“Gator, please…” you weren't sure what you were begging for.
“Yeah, Bunny? Yeah? I'm gonna fuckin’ ruin this pussy for anyone else. Gonna be all mine from now on.” He started blabbering.
His hips stuttered, thrusts becoming a little erratic, as he started to spill inside of you. He pulled your hips flush to his, as he painted your walls with his thick ropes of cum.
“Fuckfuckfuck… that's it, that's fuckin' it.”
He stilled leaning over your back, as your legs began to give out, releasing the grip on you as he finally pulled out.
He rolled off of you, lying there beside you as you both caught your breath.
“Care if I take a nap here? I'm up in a few hours back on patrol. Don't feel like drivin’ all the way across town.”
It caught you off guard. You hadn't actually had someone sleep beside you after sex in years, but it was just one night. He'd most likely be gone before the sunrise.
“Uh, sure. I'm going to shower.” Getting up without turning back to him, you heard him mumble something under his breath as he made himself more comfortable throwing the covers over his waist.
You showered quickly just to scrub the day from yourself. The hot water heater didn't last more than 10 minutes in this damn place.
When you were finished, Gator was laying on his stomach. Arms stretched under his pillows, hair strewn in his face as soft snores escaped him.
Your eyes drank him in. Curves and plains of his strong back, moles and freckles scattered like a constellation. The sheet just barely covers his ass. You softly roll your eyes when you notice his boxers on the floor by the bed.
Your gaze flicked up, noticing a tattoo on his bicep. Snorting to yourself when you realized what it was. It was hideous but very much on brand. Making a mental note to make sure to give him hell for it later.
The bed was small, but he had scooted as far to the right that he could, giving you room to lay down beside him. Thoughtful, again he surprised you.
You threw on a tank and some clean panties, easing yourself in beside him under the sheets. He shifted just a bit, mumbling to himself before settling back in.
You turned over on your side away from him, making sure to keep a little distance between you before finally drifting off.
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Gator woke a couple of hours later, turning slightly to see your sleeping form beside him. It was still dark out, a sliver of light coming in through the slit in the curtains just enough to illuminate you.
He tried to be quiet as he gathered his clothes from around the room easing them back on his body.
He checked his phone. More than a few missed calls and one single text from Roy.
Where the fuck are you?
He knew he'd get more shit as soon as he got home. After their blowout last night he's surprised no one came looking for him but that would actually mean Roy cared about his well-being.
He sat back down on the bed as softly as he could, trying not to disturb you. He watched a cockroach crawl across the toe of his boot as he laced it. His lip curled up in disgust at the thought of you living here.
Maybe he could help you out if you decided to stay but he knew that was wishful thinking. You'd also made it clear last night was a one time thing but maybe he could change your mind.
He used his phone as a light to find a small notepad and pen on your nightstand. Jotting down his number, with a simple just in case scrawled out.
He took one more look at you sleeping peacefully, slowly letting his fingers trace the curve of your cheek, moving the hair from your face.
He finally understood what his dad had always warned him about. He felt weak with this overwhelming urge to protect you. He didn't really understand it. But deep down he was hoping you'd somehow feel the same.
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You woke up with a stretch and a groan. You'd slept cramped, pushed to the edge, careful not to touch the man beside you.
You turned over to a cold spot, suddenly wondering when he'd left.
Sitting up, you reached for your water at your bedside, raising it to your lips but stopped, noticing a note left there.
You gingerly picked it up. He'd left his number.
You thought about tossing it but instead grabbed your phone and input the info, quickly moving screens and typing out a text then erasing it.
You chewed the skin on your thumb, as you looked at the blank message, typing it out again.
Thanks. You took my mind off shit for a while.
Hitting send before chickening out, immediately slamming the phone down on the bed.
One time. It was supposed to be a one time thing.
He had responded to your text later that day with:
Sure bunny. you free tonite?
You had thoroughly ignored it for 2 hours before you texted him back, telling him what time he could swing by the motel after a customer had pissed you off.
It had been like that most nights since.
There were also those nights when he'd pick you up from work, always making sure to come in before close.
Taking the same seat at the bar, you'd happily grab him his usual Jack Daniels over ice. It was small talk at first but gradually became a little more.
You would laugh at his stupid jokes or tell him that he should tell his dad off after he had yet another blow out with him. He left out a lot of the details but you had inferred enough to know he was a piece of shit.
And after close, he'd slip his tongue past your lips as soon as you walked out the door, kissing you hard enough to melt the rest of the day away. His hands were all over you until you managed to get him into the truck to make that small drive across the road.
You’d fucked on just about every surface of that motel room, including some sketchy shower sex that almost landed you both in the hospital when you’d lost your footing.
He couldn’t take you back to his dad’s house, so a week later, he’s got you in the cab of his truck bouncing on his cock like your life depended on it.
The windows were fogged up, anyone passing by could easily tell what was currently playing out. He’d parked in a clearing off a gravel road, close to his ranch but far enough away that no one would bother the two of you.
His cock was kissing your cervix each time your hips met his, at this angle it felt like he was in your guts. It was on the verge of being too much but that familiar ache in your lower belly told you to keep going. You were almost to the finish line.
He currently held his hand against your throat, after he'd figured out you liked it, he started taking it a little further each time.
“I feel her gripping me, your close Bunny. Keep fuckin’ goi…” He was interrupted when a banging on the glass startled you both.
Your movements halted, both looking like deer in headlights.
“Gator, c’mon out son. Need a moment.” Roy's voice rang out against the silence.
“Fuck,” he hissed, through gritted teeth, throwing his head back onto the headrest as you quickly moved off of him, pulling down your skirt and straightening your hair sitting up in the passenger seat.
He shoved his now softening cock back into his pants, zipping them up and jumping out of the truck, slamming it shut.
You picked up your panties from the dirty floor, and shoved them into your purse. From this vantage point you couldn't hear much of what was being said, but it was mostly Roy’s muffled voice coming through.
The more you learned about their relationship the more it turned your stomach. It was one-sided, Roy asking him to jump and Gator immediately asking how high.
You had made up your mind about Roy after that first meeting. The way he treated Gator was disgusting.
After a few more agonizing minutes, the truck door finally opened back up to reveal a very crestfallen Gator.
He hopped in without saying a word, turning the ignition and throwing it into drive. He punched the gas, throwing you back into the seat.
“What the fuck, Gator?!” You yelled, gripping the door as he peeled onto the gravel road.
“Daddy really put you in a bad mood, huh?” It slipped out with a patronizing tone.
“Fuck you!” He spat, pulling his vape from his pocket, letting it hit his lips expelling that sickly sweet smelling fruit that you've come to loathe.
“I mean, we tried that before we were so rudely interrupted back there.” You laughed to yourself.
“Goddamnit,” he hit the steering wheel with his fist, “Just shut the fuck up!”
“Fine. Just take me back to the Midway and don't bother texting me later when you get bored. Fuck you, asshole!” You huffed, crossing your arms and sinking a little deeper into the seat before staring out the window.
Regret started to pool within you. It was bound to happen. It always ended like this. You could never hold your tongue, letting insults roll off so easily.
It felt like the longest ride back across town. He'd pulled up to the curb not even bothering to put the truck in park as you hopped out slamming the door behind you.
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A few days passed successfully avoiding him all together. You'd contemplated deleting his number, your thumb hovering over the button each time, then slamming your phone back down.
It was just sex. You could cut ties now and let it be. Once that damn car is done, skipping town would be easy.
It was another gloomy, snowy day in Lehigh. And yet another excuse from Frank.
The heat in your room quit working, so you'd spent the morning moving your stuff down to another room that Maggie had gotten ready for you.
You'd hoped a shower might clear your head, relax you for a bit. It seemed to only make things worse. You were tired.
Checking your phone you were met with a text you'd been dreading.
You still in town?
Ignoring it, you laid down hoping a nap would do you some good.
Waking a couple hours later, you had a few missed calls and more texts from Gator.
Can we talk?
I came by the motel. Your room was empty. Did you leave?
You groaned, sitting up.
Finally relenting and typing out a reply.
You almost sound worried, big boy. I'm fine. You can kindly fuck off now.
It began to buzz in your hand as you hit ignore. It continued off and on most of the day. A few more missed calls and messages, later that afternoon it finally stopped.
You breathed a small sigh of relief, curling back under the covers shutting the world out. Just how you preferred it.
You dozed in and out of consciousness. The TV provides soothing background noise keeping you snoozing all afternoon.
You were wrenched from your slumber when someone began to pound on the door. Dazed for a few seconds, before the pounding started again.
“Fuck, give me a second!” You yelled across the room, stumbling from the bed uncaring how you looked, sleep shorts and thin tank top with your hair askew.
Immediately jerking the door open, you’re face to face with a very agitated looking Gator. He must have been working today, dressed in his vest and gloves.
“Fuck no.” You said, and started to close the door. He was quicker, placing his boot clad foot in the way preventing you from pushing it shut.
“Move Gator.” You hissed.
“You’ve been ignoring me.”
“No shit. I told you not to bother. I should have blocked your ass. Now, move!” You shoved a little harder to no avail.
“What the fuck are you mad for, huh? You didn't get to cum that day, that it? There's a lot of things you don't understand. A lot of shit I can't talk about.”
You swung the door open, as you locked eyes with his.
“Oh, no I get it. I see it. You let daddy tell you what to do. You've been sneaking around with a whore and finally got caught, right?” He looked away, tugging his bottom lip between his teeth. Bingo.
Nodding your head as he finally looked back up to you.
“Yeah, that's what I thought. It's fine.”
“No, it's not fine.” He finally spoke up. “Can I come in? Just for a few minutes.”
“Why, Gator? We both know what this was. Just some fun, nothing serious. Remember? You don't owe me an explanation. You don't owe me anything.” You laughed, but it died out once you noticed the look on his face.
If it was nothing serious, why did he look at you like you'd just knocked the wind out him? Big, glossy puppy dog eyes just like that first night you'd hooked up.
If it was nothing serious, why did your chest ache at the thought of hurting him?
“Gator, I…” You couldn't finish that sentence, he moved so quickly and in your groggy state before you could register what was happening, he placed one hand on your hip as he brought the other up to cradle the back of your head.
He kissed you so deeply, yet it had you yearning for more. You surprised him when you kissed him back, sucking his bottom lip between yours before letting go to look back up at him.
“Fuck, Y/N. I've… I've fuckin' missed you.” It came out quickly. A rushed confession you'd been expecting but to hear him say it out loud, only solidified what you'd been feeling. The reason you'd been so depressed the last couple of days missing his company.
You'd been on your own for so long, you'd forgotten what it actually meant to miss someone. For someone to miss you. It wasn't just about the sex anymore.
“It's only been a couple days.” You grinned, pushing your fingers through the short hair at the nape of his neck.
“I know, I just thought you'd left and…”
You brought a finger to his lips.
“It's ok. I'm here.” For now.
“Yeah, you are Bunny. And I'm not letting you get away so easily.”
You didn't want to put a label on this or did you? Would that be so bad?
You started moving quickly, helping him out of his jacket, his shirt flying over his head in a flurry. He walked you back, letting your knees hit the edge of the mattress, laying you back slowly.
His lips sealed to yours with a searing kiss. You were needy. Tongue and teeth. Pushing and pulling at each other.
Your hands flew to his buckle, undoing it with ease. Taking him in your palm as he moaned into your mouth.
He palmed your breast through your shirt as his thumb grazed over your nipple. Your body arched into him, already craving more as he began peppering kisses along your jaw.
“I fuck… Gator… I need you. Now.”
“I've got to get you warmed up sweet thing.” He chided.
“No, now. Please.” You whimpered.
He moved his hand lower, sliding your sleep shorts to the side, immediately his fingers trailed to your entrance already dripping arousal.
“Fuck, so wet.”
“I told you, I need you. Don't make me beg.” You pleaded.
He moved his digits up, swirling them around your clit, eliciting those sweet sounds he was looking for.
Removing his hand from you, he lifted himself up so he could push his boxers past his hips. He brought his palm up to your mouth, “Spit. Yeah, good girl.”
Bringing his hand to his cock, smearing a mixture of your spit and his precum down his length.
He slid your sleep shorts back over with one hand and guided himself to your entrance.
You had to will yourself to breathe as his tip began to stretch your inner walls. It was too much and not enough.
He slowly filled your aching pussy, as you wrapped your legs around him, eager to have him pressed into you.
“How are you always so goddamn tight?” He said, as you whimpered out, his cock pushing in to the hilt.
Immediately, he pulls out, only to push back in feeling deeper than before. The force of his hips pushing you further up the mattress with each thrust.
The pretty noises he drew from you only made him double his efforts. Picking up his pace, but rolling his hips a little upward each time. The wiry curls at the base of his cock nudging your clit each time his hips meet yours.
“Gator, I'm… mmmm… I'm close.”
“Yeah, bunny? Gonna strangle my cock? Gonna let me have it?”
You nodded as your eyes rolled back, it was closer than you thought.
Your orgasm hit with a scream of his name, as your pussy clamped down like a vice around him.
“Oh, fuck.” He tried to work you through it, but with your cunt pulsing around him he was done. He spilled his thick ropes inside your velvety walls as you milked everything from him.
“Fuckfuckfuck, filling this pussy full baby.”
He finally stilled, collapsing onto you, nearly crushing you in the best possible way.
He moved his arms up under your back pressing his face into your chest, mumbling something you couldn't quite hear as you brushed the hair from his face.
“What, baby?” You whispered down to him.
Baby. Baby. Baby. The first time you'd called him by a pet name. He grinned from his spot on your chest.
“Nothing, sweet thing. Just talkin’ to myself.”
You hummed absentmindedly, raking your fingers through his hair.
“How'd you know where I was?” Suddenly remembering all of those desperate texts and calls.
He pulled his head up to look at you, resting his chin on your sternum.
“Well, I asked that lady at the front desk. Tough old broad to crack.” You giggled, Maggie would never rat you out. “So, I started bangin’ on all the doors until I found yours.”
“Gator! You're crazy.” You laughed out.
“Crazy for you.” He mumbled pulling you on for a slow kiss.
“Wanna shower and stay the night?” You asked when he pulled away.
“Of course Bunny.” The nickname was unfortunately sticking around but you didn't mind.
You'd showered together, he didn't care that he'd go back home to Roy in the morning smelling like your vanilla body wash or rose scented shampoo. He'd made up his mind you were worth the shit he'd hear from him. That's all it was, shit.
He pulled you into his chest as you curled up into the sheets. Neither of you were very tired so you watched some TV and talked long into the night until your eyes grew heavy.
He'd be there when you woke up this time, groggy smiles and giggles between the sheets as he fucked you slow, taking you to breakfast afterwards.
It was the first time you hadn't felt like you were hidden away.
After that last night, things began to shift between you. The lingering looks, soft touches and post orgasmic bliss of tangling your limbs together while falling asleep wasn't something you shared with someone you didn't care about.
The secrets shared in the dark, confessions from you both crumbling that wall you had built up so high you were sure nothing would bring it down, especially someone like Gator Tillman.
He's arrogant, disgusting and rude. But somehow exactly what you need because he'd do anything to show you he's there for you.
You know it wasn't a coincidence your car was fixed the day after mentioning it to him. Frank had been jerking you around, thinking he could get more money out of you.
He was sporting a newly broken nose and wrist when he handed over the keys with a frown etched to his face.
The car was fixed. The one thing holding you back from leaving Lehigh for good.
As you pulled up to the Midway, he was parked there waiting for you, leaned against the truck, his favorite green cap on backwards with a cloud of smoke exiting his lips, slipping his vape back into his pocket when he spotted you.
You got out, your heart hammering in your chest. Neither of you ever had questioned what might come next.
He shoved his hands into his pockets as you came to stand in front of him.
“So?” He tilted his head, looking down at you.
“So…” You looked at the keys held in your fist. That voice in the back of your head kept warning you. Time to run, little bunny. Make your escape while you still can.
“Your car's fixed. You uh… plannin’ on leavin’?”
“I haven't thought about it.”
He snorted, “Yeah, that's bullshit.”
He moved, as you watched him walk around to the front of the truck.
“Hop in. I wanna show ya’ somethin’.”
He drove you across town, and winding down a few back roads.
“If you wanted to go parking, you could’ve just said so, handsome.” You laughed.
He rolled his eyes, “It's not that. Just trust me.”
Trust. Such a powerful word. Something the two of you built over the last month. You did trust him.
You reached over to intertwine your fingers through his, as he smiles back at you.
He pulled up to a house off to itself, on the smaller side but it was quaint and charming.
“What're we doing?” You asked as he parked.
“You'll see. C'mon.”
You followed behind as he led you to the front door, producing a key and opening it for you.
“Whose house is this?”
“God Bunny, you ask too many damn questions. Get your ass in there.” He nods, leaning on the doorframe as you walk past.
It's a two bedroom, one bath home. Nicely kept. Clean. But you were still confused as to why you were standing here.
“She's yours if you wan’ it.” He finally said, as you whirled back around to face him.
“What're you talking about?” Your brows furrow, confused by the sudden statement.
“Well, I mean, if you wanted to stay here in Lehigh. It's a rental.” He shrugged. “And, no girl of mine is stayin’ in that roach infested dump another day.”
You felt heat creep up your cheeks, but shook your head. “Gator, I can't afford this place.”
“Sure you can sweet thing. It's a steal at $500 a month.” Placing his arm across your shoulders, pulling you into him.
"$500? That's cheaper than the motel.” You squinted up at him, moving from his grasp. “What did you do?”
“Me? I didn’t do anything!” Gesturing to himself. “What makes you think I did somethin’?” He finished the sentence with a not so subtle grin.
"This place is easily worth double that. So, Gator Tillman, I'll ask you again. What did you do?”
"I didn't do anything. Just know someone owes me a favor s'all." You eyed him suspiciously, still wondering if it was a half truth.
"Well, I'm sure I’ll still need the deposit, so it'll be at least another month."
"No Bunny, like I said, someone owes me.”
You mulled it over for a moment, chewing your bottom lip.
“I can't.” You watched his face fall, but you quickly put your arms around his waist, pulling him in. “Not unless you stay here with me.”
He wrapped his arms around you, resting his chin on top of your head.
“So, you stayin’?” He mumbles into your hair.
“For now. Until you piss me off.” You smiled from where your face was pressed into his chest.
No more running, that urge was quelled with him. You finally felt at home.
Home was never a place to you, so it made sense that it ended up being a person.
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devnmon · 1 year ago
𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐛𝐨𝐲 𝐣𝐨𝐡𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐜𝐬 ♡
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𝐩𝐨𝐯 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡 𝐨𝐧 𝐣𝐨𝐡𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧. [𝐚𝐟𝐚𝐛 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫] 𝐬𝐟𝐰/𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐭 𝐱𝐱
𝐚𝐥𝐬𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐨𝐫 𝟏𝟖𝟗𝟗/𝟏𝟗𝟎𝟕 𝐣𝐨𝐡𝐧 [𝐢 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐝 𝐫𝐝𝐫𝟏 𝐲𝐞𝐭]
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First off, John is one to not realize his feelings for you until a certain point. He's oblivious to his OWN feelings. That's how long he's liked you. Perhaps you were captured by one of the local gangs or got severely hurt... his heart dropped when he found out. John is a real overthinker... so obviously his mind went right to the worst case scenarios. Though, when Arthur got back to camp with you in tow, he was so damn grateful.
He's taught you to ride a horse, but absolutely flushes when you clutch onto his waist tighter than usual when he picks up speed on the back of his.
His morning voice is almost too sexy to reply to the g'morning he sends your way as he huddles over the campfire, coffee in hand.
John doesn't understand why out of all the more honorable men in the world, you chose him to love and care for with your whole heart.
He's the first to initiate hand holding, especially in public– oh my god. Maybe there's a random man in the bar looking your way... and John, well he just couldn't take someone thinking you were up for grabs. You feel his grip around your hand as his fingers intertwine with yours, the glare he held as cold as ice watching the man turn away from you.
John is reallyyyyyy fucking good at five finger fillet. You're surprised he's not lost all his fingers with the way he moves his knife so swiftly. It's one of the things that made you realize your feelings towards him.
John started crushing on you after you stitched up his face in Colter. Checking his scars every day to make sure they weren't getting infected; the close proximity was just another factor that made his heart race around you.
He becomes comfortable with touch as he falls for you. At first it's just a touch on the arm that has sparks flying, then you're touching his shoulder or back– his cheeks all but flush bright red every time. [Arthur teases him about it. It's adorable.]
John often takes you on rides outside of camp just to get some air from everyone. He really appreciates having alone time where the two of you can talk and bond and wink wink ;))
He also lets you wear his hat when the both of you go out riding together. John tries to get you your own but you think his suits you just fine.
When you tell him 'i love you' for the first time, it takes him a minute to register it. But when he does, he goes "say it again" and just kisses you before saying it back.
Calls you "Miss" around camp, but in private he prefers to call you honey and sweetheart. He feels like calling you your name is something to be kept private too. John Marston is a sucker for closeness with you.
Sometimes you catch him staring from across camp, and you tried so damn hard to hide your smirk from Sadie and the other girls... that you had to excuse yourself from the group.
He cannot be normal or stay still when your hands are on him. You're laying on his bedroll with him, lightly tracing your hands up and down his body and he's all but begging for you to keep going until you can't.
John can never have you close enough; being too close isn't a thing for him. If he could be glued to you, he would.
John would love to learn to cook together. He gets his kicks out of placing his hands on your waist while you're preparing the food, feeding him bits and pieces of veggies you're chopping up.
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Here's the thing about John. He's suchh a touched starved boy that he absolutely cannot get enough of you from the time you get together. And obviously he's grabby too. Loves putting his hands everywhere on you. Like– everywhere. So much so that he leaves marks mostly every time he gets more than half an hour with you.
His love language is words of affirmation, so of course he basks in the glory when you say "you feel so good" or "right there" . Basically amps him up x10000.
Also John is a cocky little shit and mocks your cries in the bedroom. Then he'll go "Yeah? What ya screamin' my name for? Feels good huh?".
You don't know where he's learned it, but John has such a talented tongue– like, toe curling, back-arching, messy and desperate to please you without ever coming up for air.
John loses all ounce of shame in bed with you. He knows how to please you and if he's letting you be in control... he will beg and pleadddd for you. Like I said– no shame.
Loves when you pull his hair. The first time you did it he went "Atta girl..." with a groan– and you all but came right then and there from the gravel in his voice.
Is such a praiser;; gets off on hearing you whimper underneath him. Stuff like "doin' good for me, doll" and "such a mess for me, huh? look at you..." GOD.
That's another thing with John, he's always on top. Prefers missionary to observe the way you sing for him– and he's smitten all over again.
You're able to convince him to let you be on top– to ride him like the cowboy he is. He even puts his hat on you [mid ride might i say].
Is also a definite cuddler afterwards, he loves hearing your heartbeat steady while he’s pressed up against your back. He’ll suggest the two of you get cleaned up before you fall asleep.
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a/n: heyy so i know this is not a lot of hcs but they're the best i got for rn while i ponder on how to write my silly little drabbles :))) stay tuned for those heheh
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bwabys-scenarios · 1 year ago
7 Minutes in Heaven
Various!HXH x Reader
taglist: @desiray562 @lovelyxkazuha
if you would like to be added to the NSFW taglist, comment a ❤️!! make sure you have your AGE in your bio, and that you’re able to be tagged/mentioned!
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It was late October, and after meeting up with your friend Kurapika and Leorio for some fun fall activities, you came home to see a letter in your mailbox.
“Dear (Name),
You have been cordially invited to this years Costume Party. Please come wearing a costume, and be aware that there may be some people there that you do not like. Guests are required to hide their identity with their costumes, and fighting is prohibited.
You frowned, seeing that there was another letter attached that had the address and time it would be taking place. Fortunately(or unfortunately really), you didn’t have anything planned for that day, so you didn’t see why you shouldn’t go.
All you would need is a costume.
“You got an invitation too, (Name)? Both Leorio and I received one the day we parted ways.”
You blinked, looking between the two. “Oh yeesh, I hope that it hasn’t been handed out to every hunter in existence. I will actually pee my pants if Hisoka is there.”
Kurapika grimaced and Leorio started laughing. “Shit, don’t do that he might like it!”
Now both you and Kurapika were grimacing. “(Name), don’t worry. If he shows up, just stick by our sides and we’ll protect you.”
You nodded, giving your friends a quick hug and peck on the cheek. “Aww, thanks guys!”
You turned just in time to miss their blushing faces. “Let’s buy our costumes together, so we can recognize each other at the party!”
“Oh, that actually sounds like a good idea!” Kurapika said after recovering from the kiss. Leorio nodded, following after the two as they headed towards a costume store.
You look down at your costume, a black dress, a masquerade mask, and witch hat. It was a little plain, but followed the rules of hiding your identity. The only people that would know who you are would be Kurapika and Leorio.
You walked towards the address, stopping in front of a large mansion. “Did he seriously rent out a mansion just for a party? Figures…”
Before you could even knock, the door swung open and you were pulled in by Pariston, the only person not wearing a costume. “Welcome, you’re just in time! Everyone else is here, and ready to party!”
He was right, the entire first floor was full of people, some easily recognizable, and some not. You were hoping that the man lingering in the corner of the room was not the leader of the phantom troupe, Chrollo, because that would mean a battle to the death between him and Kurapika.
“Pariston, I don’t know what you have planned, but-“
Pariston smiled down at you. “Shh, just have fun. Everything will be fine. Probably.”
You pout, but join the crowd of people, drinking a little and dancing. You spotted a short dark haired man nearby, sitting with a taller, blonde haired one.
“Come on, Fei. It’s not often we get invited to things. Phinks is already dancing, look!”
You blink, glancing to where the blonde was pointing to see a man swaying on the dance floor, sipping from his drink. They spot you looking, the shorter man giving you a look that sends you running in the opposite direction. “Hey, don’t mind him!” the blonde yells after you.
You sigh, bumping into someone as you turn. “Oh sorry I-“
A man towers over you, his hair dark and long. His eyes peer down at you through his skeleton mask, and you can’t help but feel tiny compared to him. Thankfully, he just pushes past you, patting your shoulder almost reassuringly.
Kurapika and Leorio spot you, sighing in relief.
“Geez, woman. You should have texted us when you got here! There’s a lot of creeps here.” Leorio said, patting your head.
Kurapika scowls. “Yeah, creeps and criminals. Does Pariston think we’re stupid? I can sense the phantom troupe is here. I swear I’ll-“
You grab his sleeve. “Hey, no violence, remember? Try to be calm, just for tonight. You recognize them, but they don’t recognize you. You could get some information out of them once they get drunk enough.”
He sighs and nods slowly. “You’re right… I need to be calm.”
Kurapika smiles appreciatively. “Thanks, (Name). You’re always a voice of reason.”
As the three relax and drink, planning, Pariston comes forward. “Alright gang, I’ve got a game planned for you all!”
You all turn to see Pariston holding a hat. “Drop an item of yours into the hat!”
Everyone grumbles, not a single person wanting to listen to the annoying blonde. To get it over with, you’re the first person to walk forward, placing your strawberry scented chapstick in the hat. “There.”
Others come forward, the entire party placing items in it. A few have to be dragged up to the hat, others grumbling and growling as they’re nudged forward.
“Alright, that’s everyone! Now…”
He looks to you, grinning.
“We’re playing 7 minutes in Heaven. Come pick an item, (Name).”
You blink. “Are you serious? What are you, a horny 15 year old?”
Pariston laughs. “No, but I am curious.”
You roll your eyes as some people start to murmur and ask what 7 minutes in heaven is.
“For those unaware, 7 minutes in heaven is a game where two people are locked in a closet for seven minutes! You can do whatever you want, and I really mean whatever.”
Your two friend begin to protest. “Hey, she’s the only woman here, this is sexual harassment!” Kurapika yells.
Pariston offers the hat to you, and you groan. “Oh whatever. I’ll take a stupid item.”
You rustled through the hat… what do you pull out?
-a needle
-a bookmark
-a scalpel
-a cellphone
-an earring
-a piece of candy
-a roll of gauze
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iridescentttears · 7 months ago
my thoughts on the deal with the toxic ex thing we’ve got going on from a late night noncoherent ramble hot take:
the whole billford shipping is so fascinatingly heinous and foul and complex and infuriating and interesting that i certainly can’t look away and i’m intrigued by seeing more of the billford sexy kinky shipping, like that’s not the right word for it but u get it. and i won’t be mad when i see it again but i will slightly shake my head disapprovingly because i know that no iteration of billford is in any ways healthy.
and as someone who’s been through DV and emotional abuse situations it’s kinda odd to me that ppl are making serious and silly takes on, oh no they’re fucking n sucking, they’re kinky af. (and i know that’s an oversimplification on that regard as well but just like for the point of this i think you get what i mean— like it’s in my hc that they hooked up after karaoke and maybe for a while after that it was like a partnersitustionship and in the year of our good lord and savior casual by chappell roan it’s a perfect addition to the lore timing wise)
but also it’s like, no they’re in an unfair power dynamic. sure they each come to it with unique sets of trauma and experience. but one participant is way older way “smarter” way more manipulative and to me there’s no way for that to be sexy. it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
i also, from experience was filled with an overwhelming sense of peace and relief at the end of the book of bill when ford lets his family into his world, into his inner trauma, and they embrace him. they tell him that he’s not stupid or weak for being a victim of abuse they tell him that bill is a fucking loser! and he is. and the ppl who hurt me were fucking losers and so is every person who hurts people!! and having that moment when he was surrounded by their love, and he no longer felt shame and guilt from what happened in his past— that moment right there is what made the book something i will cherish. that’s a moment in the book where i out loud had a moment where i was like yes, this right here is the heart of what this is all about what gravity falls is at its core level.
like journal 1 taught me that i could embrace being weird and in the end i’ll turn out all right. the book of bill missing journal pages taught me that even tho ive had some shit happen to me and it’s changed who i am and how i see the world, i am more than a victim and if i allow myself to trust the ppl i love and let in the light, my past will not consume me and does not have to continue to be a part of my story. i can dance around in the woods with my niece and mock a triangle statue while wearing witch hats. i can grieve and move on and a lot of that is my internal work with myself like ford with himself, but its not done all alone, when you have love around you in your friends, in your chosen family whether they be by birth or not, that’s how you really learn to let it all go.
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so in a way it’s really fucked up, the ship that is, but again i’m not mad at anyone who ships it. i’m sure you all have very different perspectives and thought and reasons that are totally valid, this is just how i feel from my perspective! i will continue to enjoy all the billford edits and fanart that comes across my page. i especially love anything to do with the breakup/divorce/ fiddleford, bill, ford love triangle angle. i love that shit
this is favorite thing on the internet rn:
@ raycipher2 on tiktok i think is the creator of this delightful viral sensation!
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so i took a detour rant there, oops word vomit am i right?
if u read all this pls tell me if this makes any sense lmao
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daydreaming136 · 11 months ago
Kili Durin x F!READER (Modern female)
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Pairings: Kili x Reader slight Fili x Reader if you squint lol
Tags: modern reader female, isekai, waking up in the hobbit, death, romance, adventure, magic, dwarves, elves, everyone lives AU!, eventual smut,
Author notes: hi this is my first time writing for the hobbit hopefully someone will like it ❤️ please be kind in the comments and don’t be afraid to message me any questions ❤️
When I opened my eyes I saw a beautiful blue sky and the sun shining bright there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. I sat up suddenly there was a pain in my stomach I winced and hissed. I lifted my shirt to look for any injury and didn’t find any. Then I realized the pain went away, I blinked a few times and thought back about my day and how I got here. The day went on as usual woke up spent some time to myself, which includes coffee and some gaming. Got ready for work, shower, brushed teeth, a pair of jeans and a button down shirt, a pair of shoes which were dirty from working in them. I drove to work, clocked in, put my Home Depot apron on, got stabbed by some crazed customer, clocked out, drove home…wait what? Let me back up a bit. I got stabbed by some crazed customer?? I lifted my shirt up again but didn’t see a stab mark. I huffed and got up. “Did I die? Is this heaven?” I chuckled. “Well I didn’t think I’d end up in heaven.” I looked around but didn’t see a person or angel in sight. I looked for any sign of life and saw smoke a few miles away. “I guess I’ll start there.” I walked towards where the smoke was residing. I walked into a small village. I mean literally small because the people were small and everything in the village was small. The people reminded me of hobbits with their pointy ears and big hairy feet. I walked to what looked like a market place. I thought I saw Bilbo baggins from the hobbit at one point but decided to kept walking. Til I recognized a familiar gray pointy hat. I sped up my pace and grabbed the persons sleeve. “Excuse me.” Once the man turned around I immediately recognized the man. “Yes my lady?” I felt my eyes go wide from shock. “Um I-I…” my words died from my mouth as I looked at his face longer. Gandalf raised his brow, “are you alright my dear?” I blinked realizing I’ve been staring at him. “You’re Gandalf the grey, right?” He looked at me up and down, staring at me questioning. “Indeed I am, and you are?” I realized I was making a fool out of myself I shook my head and cleared my throat. “Mr. Gandalf my name is Y/N and i know I’m going to sound crazy but I believe I ended up in either The Hobbit or Lord Of The Rings. Please believe me when I say that I’m not trying to do any harm to you or Bilbo or Frodo or Thorin.” He stared at me hard then he started to smile. “Well my dear why don’t we walk and talk.” I nodded and began to walk beside him. “So let’s start from the beginning.” I swallowed and started my tale of the hobbit careful enough to not give anything important away. “Hm. Well I do believe you my lady for I just talked to Bilbo not too long ago.” I smiled. “Thank goodness. Please let me join you and the company to take back the lonely mountain, with my knowledge I can help.” He thought for a moment and nodded. “Alright. Let’s get you some supplies for the journey ahead.” We hit the market again getting me a bedroll and some feminine products I’ll need. Then he lead me to a familiar hole in the ground. “This is bilbos place isn’t it?” Gandalf nodded. “I need to do something for a bit wait for me here til I return.” I nodded. “Okay.” He began to walk away. “Oh and Y/N do stay out of trouble.” I chuckled. “You got it.”
Hours went by I ended up on the grass and took a nap. It was hard not to when the sun felt nice on my skin and the grass felt comfortable. I was startled awake by a shake to my shoulder. When I opened my eyes I was met with brown and blue eyes. “Miss why are you sleeping out here?” I blinked and sat up. “Oh sorry I must’ve dozed off waiting for Gandalf.”
“Gandalf? Are you the new member uncle was telling us?” I nodded. “Probably, Gandalf told me to wait here for him, are you heading to Mr. Baggins?” They nodded. “He should be here soon why don’t we head in while we wait?” I bit my lip and nodded. “Okay I’m sure it’ll be fine. I’m Y/N by the way.”
“I’m Fili and this is my brother Kili.” I nodded to Kili noticing him not saying anything. The three of us walked toward Bilbos home. Fili rang the doorbell. And we waited for the hobbit to open the door. Bilbo opened the door. Bilbo whimpered when he saw the three of us. “Fili.” Fili introduced himself “Kili.” Kili finally spoke. “And Y/N.” I introduced myself. The two dwarves bowed their heads. “At your service.” I nodded towards Bilbo. “You must be Mr. Boggins.”
“Nope! You can’t come in. You’ve come to the wrong house.” Bilbo went to close the door but Kili stopped him. “What? Has it been canceled?” The door was pushed back open a bit. “No one told us.” Fili walking close behind his brother. “No, nothings been canceled.” Bilbo said confused about what the dwarves were implying. “That’s a relief.” Kili pushed the door open more and walked in Fili and I followed after. “Sorry Mr. Baggins.”I say give him a sympathetic look. I could tell he was already getting frustrated. “Careful with these. I just had ‘em sharpened.” Fili began to take off his weapons. I walked in looking around the hobbits home. “The movies really didn’t do this place justice.” I muttered under my breath. Kili walking around. “It’s nice, this place. Did you do it yourself?” Kili asked. Without Bilbo paying attention Kili began to take the mud off his shoes on Bilbos mother’s chest. I bit the inside of my cheek wanting to tell him not to do that because it is Bilbos mother’s chest. “What? No, it’s been in the family for years.” Bilbo finally realized what Kili was doing. “That’s my mother’s glory box! Can you please not do that?” Bilbo was angry. Then Dwalin walked in and grabbing Kili’s shoulder leading him farther in the house. “Fili, Kili. Come on. Give us a hand.” All of us walked into what looked like a dining room. “Let’s shove this in the hallway, otherwise we’ll never get everyone in.” Bilbo stammered. “Everyone? How many more are there?” I grabbed Fili’s weapons. “Here I’ll take these Mr. Baggins.”
“Th-thank you. Do you know what’s going on.” I smiled slyly and put Fili’s weapons somewhere out of the way. Suddenly the doorbell rang again. Bilbo feeling very frustrated walked towards the door. “Oh, no. No. No. There’s nobody home! Go away and bother somebody else! There’s far too many dwarves in my dining room as it is. If this is some clot-heads idea of a joke…ha! Ha! I can only say it is in poor taste.” He opened the door I could hear the dwarves falling on the floor in the entrance of the hobbits home. I followed after Bilbo. Seeing the dwarves on the floor I giggled watching them grunt and groan. “Ah. There you are my lady I thought I told you to stay put.” I smiled. “Sorry I ran into Fili and Kili they said you would be here soon and well here you are.” Bilbo looked at Gandalf. “Gandalf.”
Soon everyone was in the dining room they were passing ales and food. Having a grand old time, I ate a bit myself. I grabbed a jug of ale and took a few gulps. I giggled some more seeing poor Bilbo tell the dwarves to put his food back from his pantry. Food was going left and right the dwarves drinking and eating. “Ale! Going one, two, three!” They were all chugging their drinks. A few letting out some burps. I laughed amongst them. Once they all finished eating they began to clean up I joined in obviously. “‘Scuse me but where do I put my plate?” Ori asked Bilbo. Fili walked up grabbing the plate from him. “Here you go, ori. Give it to me.” He tossed it to Kili who caught it without a problem and tossing it to Bifur. They were tossing all the dishes to get cleaned. I heard the dwarves clatter the silverware. “And can—can you not do that? You’ll blunt them.”
“Ooh, do you hear that, lads? He says we’ll blunt the knives.” They began to bang their shoes amongst the floor, making a beat. “ Blunt the knives, bend the forks.” Kili began to sing. “Smash the bottles and burn the corks.” Fili followed. “Chip the glasses and crack the plates.”
“That’s what Bilbo baggins hates!” They all sang together. I danced a bit to their song. “Cut the cloth tread on the fat. Leave the bones on the bedroom mat. Pour the milk on the pantry floor. Smash the wine on every door. Dump the crocks in a boiling bowl. Pound them up with a thumping pole. When you’re finished, if they are whole. Send them down the hall to roll. That’s what Bilbo baggins hates!” They all laughed after the song was finished. Suddenly there was a loud banging on the door everyone quieted down. I looked at Gandalf. “He is here.” Bilbo and Gandalf walked to the door, I followed them. Gandalf opened the door for Thorin. “Gandalf. I thought you said this place would be easy to find. I lost my way. Twice. I wouldn’t have found it at all had it not been for that mark on the door.”
“Mark? There’s no mark on that door. It was painted a week ago.” Gandalf closed the door after Thorin walked in. “There is a mark. I put it there myself. Bilbo Baggins. Y/N. Allow me to introduce the leader of our company: Thorin Oakenshield.” I bowed my head a bit to be polite. “So..this is the hobbit and Gandalfs assistant. Tell me, Mr. Baggins, have you done much fighting?” Thorin circled Bilbo. “Pardon me?”
“Axe or sword? What’s your weapon of choice?”
“Well, I do have some skill at conkers, if you must know.” I crinkled a bit. “But I fail to see why that’s relevant.”
“I thought as much. He looks more like a grocer than a burglar.” The dwarves laughed at Thorins comment. I felt a little sympathy for Bilbo. The dwarves all walked to the dining room it was just Bilbo, Gandalf, and I. “Your assistant aye.” I crossed my arms under my chest. Gandalf smiled. “Well I couldn’t just tell them you’re from another world now could I.” I nodded. “Alright, I guess it could work for now.”
I sat next to Fili and Kili at the dining table. “What need from the meeting in Ered Luin?” Balin asked Thorin. “Did they all come?”
“Aye. Envoys from all seven kingdoms.”
“And what did the dwarves of the iron hills say? Is Dain with us?” Dwalin asked. “They will not come.” Thorin answered.
“They say this quest is ours and ours alone.”
“You’re going on a quest?” Bilbo asked standing behind Gandalf. “Y/N, help my dear fellow Bilbo, let us have a little more light.” I nodded helping Bilbo bring some candles out. “Far to the east…over ranges and rivers… beyond woodlands and wastelands… lies a single, solitary peak.”
“The lonely mountain.”
“Aye, Oin has read the portents, and the portents say it is time!” Glóin said. “Ravens have been seen flying back to the mountain, as it was foretold. When the birds of yore return to erebor, the reign of the beast will end.”
“What beast?” Bilbo asked curiously. “That would be a reference to Smaug the terrible. Chiefest and greatest calamity of our age. Airborne fire breather. Teeth like razors. Claws like meat hooks. Extremely fond of precious metals.” Bofur described Smaug. “Yes, I know what a dragon is.” Suddenly Oir stood up. “I’m not afraid. I’m up for it. I’ll give him a taste of dwarvish iron right up his jacksie!”
“Good lad, Ori!” Nori cheered on the dwarf. “Sit down.” Dori told him. “The task would be difficult enough with an army behind us..but we number in just 16. And not 16 of the best…nor brightest.” That gave a bit of commotion. “We may be few in number… but we’re fighters. All of us! To the last dwarf.” Fili cheered on. “And you forget, we have a wizard in our company along with his assistant. Gandalf will have killed hundreds of dragons in his time.” I bit back a laugh. “Oh, well, no. I-I-I wouldn’t say—,”
“How many, then?” Dori asked. “What?”
“How many dragons have you killed?” All the dwarves looked at Gandalf as he choked on his smoke. “Go on. Give us a number.” I watched as they fought amongst themselves. I pushed myself against the wall. “Uh, excuse me. Please.” Bilbo tried to talk to the dwarves when Thorin spoke up. “No more!” They all went silent. “If we have read these signs, do you not think others will have read them too? Rumors have begun to spread. The dragon Smaug has not been seen for 60 years. Eyes look west to the mountain, assessing, wondering, weighing the risk. Perhaps the vast of our wealth of our people now lies unprotected. Do we sit back while others claim what is rightfully ours? Or do we seize this chance to take back erebor?!” They all cheer til Balin cuts in. “You forget: the front gate is sealed. There is no way into the mountain.”
“That, my dear Balin, is not entirely true.” Gandalf brought out a key showing it to the dwarves. “How came you by this?” Thorin asked. “It was given to me by your father. By Thrain. For safekeeping. It is yours now.” Gandalf handed Thorin the key. “If there is a key…there must be a door.” Fili thought out loud. Gandalf showed them the writing on the map. “These runes speak of a hidden passage to the lower halls.”
“There’s another way in.” Kili spoke happily. “Well, if we can find it, but dwarf doors are invisible when closed. The answer lies hidden somewhere in this map, and I do not have the skill to find it. But there are others in middle earth who can. The task I have in mind will require a great deal of stealth and no small amount of courage. But if we are careful and clever, I believer that it can be done.”
“That’s why we need a burglar.” Ori concluded. “Hmm. And a good one too.” All eyes were on Bilbo. “An expert, I’d imagine.”
“And are you?” Glóin asked. Bilbo looked around realizing that he asked him. “Am I what?”
“He said he’s an expert! Hey!”
“Me? No. No, no. I’m not a burglar. I’ve never stolen a thing in my life.”
“Well, I’m afraid I have to agree with Mr. Baggins. He’s hardly burglar material.” Balin replied.
“Aye, the wild is no place for gentle folk who can neither fight nor fend for themselves.” Dwalin looked at bilbo and I. I felt a little offended. “C’mon Dwalin they’ll manage just fine.” Bilbo agreed what the dwarf said while I bit my tongue holding back insults. The dwarves talked amongst themselves. Then Gandalf made the house grow dark. Gandalf stood as tall as he could in the small hobbits house and in a loud and scary voice, “Enough! If I say Bilbo baggins is a burglar, then a burglar he is. And you will talk to my assistant with more respect. Hobbits are remarkably light on their feet. In fact, they can pass unseen by most, if they choose. And while the dragon is accustomed to the smell of dwarf, the scent of a hobbit is all but unknown to him. My assistant here also has some insight about our quest which will be useful in taking back the lonely mountain. Smaug will not see us coming. You asked me to find the 14th member of this company, and I have found 2. There’s a lot more to them than appearances suggest. And they both got a great deal more to offer than any of you know. Including themselves.” I could tell he was mainly talking to Bilbo. “You must trust me on this.” Gandalf finished. Thorin seemed to take Gandalfs words seriously. “Very well. We will do it your way.” Bilbo doesn’t seem convinced though. “No.no.”
“Give them the contract.” Thorin looked at Balin. Balin took out a folded paper and handed it to Bilbo. “It’s just the usual. Summary of out of pocket expenses…time required, remuneration…funeral arrangements, so forth.” Bilbo seemed stunned by the words ‘funeral arrangements.’
“Funeral arrangements?” I placed my hand on bilbos shoulder, “it’ll be alright.” He opened the folded contract. Bilbo walked off to read the contract. Thorin leaned close to Gandalf talking about something important no doubt. “Terms: cash on delivery, up to but not exceeding 1/14th of total profit, if any. Seems fair. Present company shall not be liable for any injuries inflicted by or sustained as a consequence thereof, including, but not limited to lacerations…evisceration…incineration?” I giggled a bit at bilbos reaction. “Oh, aye. He’ll melt the flesh off your bones in the blink of an eye.” Bilbo seemed to pause at that. All the dwarves took notice, “are you all right, laddie?” Balin asked the small hobbit. Bilbo put his hands on his knees,” yeah.” Bilbo seemed to try to process this, taking a few deep breaths. “Feel a bit faint.” I felt a bit sympathetic for poor Bilbo besides knowing he’ll be alright. “Bilbo?” I asked concerned for the hobbit, but it seems another dwarf had other intentions. “Think furnace with wings.” Bofur got up from his seat. I looked at the dwarf with eyes to plead to him to stop. “Air. I-I-I need air.” Bilbo looked like he was going to get sick. “Flash of light, searing pain, then poof! You’re nothing more than a pile of ash.” I bit my lip watching the scene play out. Bilbo tried his best to keep calm and to not faint, but he failed. “Nope.” And he went down. I closed my eyes and sighed, “now you’ve done it. Good going Bofur.” I put my hands on my hips. “Oh, very helpful, Bofur.” Gandalf sarcastically said. I grabbed the contract picked up a quill and signed my name, handing it to Balin. “There you go.” Balin looked at the signature. “Welcome to the company, my lady.” I bowed my head and he did the same. The company helped poor Bilbo up and onto his comfy armchair. He was well awake and holding a cup of tea. “I’ll be all right. Just let me sit quietly for a moment.” Gandalf smoking his pipe seemed to get angry at the small hobbit. “You’ve been sitting quietly for far too long. Tell me, when did doilies and your mother’s dishes become so important to you?” Remembering this moment I decided to leave Gandalf and Bilbo to their conversation joining the dwarves in the other room. Fili and Kili walked up to me,” is Mr. Boggins all right?” I nodded. “Yes but he and Gandalf are having a serious conversation so I’d wait if you want to talk to him.” Kili nodded. “Do you think he’ll come?”
“No way brother, Mr. Boggins is way too comfortable here.” Fili responded. “I think he’ll come.” I smiled a little. “Why did you not faint, don’t dragons scare you?” Kili asked, I chuckled a bit, “of course they do but I also think dragons are cool. Seeing one up close sure would be a story to tell one day, that’s if I make it.” I know the story of them but what of me technically I died who knows what’ll happen to me here. “Cool? Dragons are not cool, remember what Bofur said. Furnace with wings.” Fili reminded me, I laughed. “Yes, yes. I remember I just meant they’re majestic, and also terrifying.” I have to remind myself that ‘cool’ isn’t a normal slang term in this world. In that moment Bilbo was walking past us going to what I believe is his bedroom. Kili and Fili suddenly left me to join the other dwarves in the living room. I began to hear humming and singing from the living room, remembering Thorin singing the misty mountain. I sat outside of the room listening to the beautiful sound but also hearing the mournful sound in Thorins voice. I vowed to myself I’ll make sure the durin line will survive once we arrived at the lonely mountain. Leaving my place in the hobbits home I walked outside took a place near the entrance of the hobbits home and fell asleep.
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owl-falls-au · 5 months ago
Ooooo, wait I just realized that this would mean Stan meets father Titan aka King’s dad.
And just imagine with me, because of the curse, not only does he gain the Titian’s power and form, but gets to keep both cause it gets mixed in with the curse, and so when he reappears like a phoenix, he’s in this fusion form of himself, his curse form and the titan form.
Everyone is of course in shock. But before they can even really register it, Belos attacks again, but Stan summons a shield protecting them, and begins to fight Belos, while telling Collector to take Dipper, Mabel, and Ford as far away from here.
Luz, Eda, and King quickly join him.
Meanwhile Collector takes Dipper, Mabel, and Ford back to his palace, to help out the others in freeing everyone, while he holds the palace up. (Let’s agree that Stan and Luz had taught them all about how to make the right glyphs/ combinations, whilst they were still in Gravity Falls) and so everyone gets free a lot faster. So by the time they free everyone and get back, the fight with Belos is over.
The fight with Belos gets intense, they free Raine, they get back to fighting Belos, with it ending with both Stan and Luz pulling Belos off of the heart.
The just like originally, Eda, King, and Raine stomp off what’s left of Belos, though of course, with there being 3 extra people helping, the Hex squad were able to free everyone, and took Ford, Mabel, and Dipper back to where the fight had been happening. And so they also get the chance to stomp off Belos, especially Mabel, Dipper, and Ford, for killing their grunkle/brother.
Once that’s over with, they do get to reunite with Stan properly, with Ford crying hysterically, and apologizing so much while hugging him.
You are absolutely right!
My idea for Stan to vanish into fire and ashes came from this post.
In this publication, an attempt is made to define what Stan's symbol means.
And since Stan has always been associated with fire, as well as phoenixes, he would rise from the ashes as a new person, someone complete...
I'd like to dig deeper into Stan's interaction with King's father.
After dying, Stan appears in the Intermediate Realm, descending once again, there, Stan would think that he should have told the children that he loves them.
Then someone pulls it out and it's none other than King's dad.
English:Stan: What...? King?
Titan: no, but I got the charm
Stan: … oh… Titan…
Titan: oh, I…
Stan: … you… are… are you King’s father?
Titan: King said it best, “I’m king and queen, the best of both worlds,” although “dad” works for me… I’m your fan, by the way - he points to a hat, once he’s on, with a crescent-shaped symbol and a small circle next to it -
Stan: oh, ah… thanks… I think… wait… if you’re here… does that mean I’m… dead?
Titan: not quite, your body was destroyed thanks to Belos, but it’s still possible for you to come back…
Stan: - relieved to know that - that’s great! … But… what is this place?
Titan: Welcome to the space in between! It's actually among many other things... this is a bridge that connects to all worlds...
Stan: you... you were the voice I heard when I tried to create the portal...
Titan: that's right... I must say that I'm very impressed... no human had achieved as many things as you... your family will be proud of you...
Stan: I'm not so sure...
Titan: don't underestimate yourself... taking care of those children, learning the glyphs, helping Eda and my son, coexisting with your curse, beating Bill at his own game, facing Belos, even when you doubted yourself...
Stan: w-well, when you put it like that, it does sound incredible... but... it's not much use if I can't protect them all... now I'm here...
Titan: it's true...
Stan: and... even so, I made many mistakes... I don't think I can help my family if I keep making mistakes...
Titan: ... all your life you've thought that you're someone replaceable, that you're not important and that no one I would miss you… life has treated you like garbage… but you never let that stop you… you accomplished amazing things… and you are capable of more than you imagine…
The squares around them showed memories of Stan and some of his exploits, how he discovered how to do glyph magic, how he managed to calm the beast from its own curse, how he tricked Bill into a truce between the two of them and how he saved the children countless times, even when he created the portals with little information and the moment he saved the collector
Titan: Your path may have started in a painful way… but for 40 years, you changed, you grew, you matured and you became stronger… you sacrificed yourself, not for the common good, but for the love of your loved ones… now they need you back…
Stan: … I don't stand a chance against Belos… it was easy before, but now… I can't…
Titan: mmh… well…
As everything around him shakes violently, Stan looks at his chest The Titan fills with something green
Titan: I don't have much time left... but you can still stop him...
Stan: How?! I'm not a witch or a wizard, I'm not like the "chosen ones" from the books of Light. I don't even know who I am!
Titan: Then you'll have to find out for yourself... I'll give you the power to stop Belos... but only if you accept it
The Titan extends his hand, a glow comes out of it and the four basic glyphs that Stan learned are drawn
Stan: I-I... I don't know... What if I fail?
Titan: ... listen carefully... you are Stanley Pines, from the human realm, one of the most powerful wizards of the boiling islands and warrior of peace... you have the power of your curse, you are the reincarnation of one of the most dangerous entities in the multiverse and you are undoubtedly someone with a good heart... the question is... Do you choose yourself, "chosen one"?
Stan hesitates, but knowing that his family needs him, and knowing that there are no other options, he decides to accept
As he shakes hands with the Titan's hand, he feels the magic entering his body
Titan: Belos is about to be able to control everything, so you must be quick…
Stan: I…
Titan: Unlike magic in humans, you have more power on your own, so my magic should last more than enough, just don't use it lightly and remember not to let Bill control you
Stan: Wait, what about King?! Don't you want to tell him something?
Titan: …
The Titan whispers something to Stan
Stan: Yeah, he'll definitely love it… but… What do you mean I'm a reincarnation?
Titan: What I mentioned about you being a reincarnation should be able to help you, once you come back, you won't be just Stan anymore, you'll be a new person and that person will be you, you, Bill and Lupin will be one…
Stan: What? But-
Stan is stunned to see that the titan has returned to its original form
Titan: Goodbye, “chosen one”… just kidding… goodbye, Stanley Pines…
And so, the titan sank into those strange black waters of the intermediate space
And Stan would return, no longer as a human with two demons co-existing in his mind, but as a different person…
And as the titan sinks, Stan hears a voice that slowly becomes familiar to him... AXOLOTL...
Well done, Stanley...
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¡Tienes toda la razón!
Mi idea de que Stan se desvanezca entre fuego y cenizas salió de esta publicación
en ella se intenta definir que significa el simbolo de Stan
Y ya que Stan siempre estuvo asociado al fuego, así como los fénix, renaceria de las cenizas como una nueva persona, alguien completo...
Me gustaría indagar más sobre la interacción de Stan con el padre de King
Después de haber muerto, Stan aparece en el Reino intermedio, descendiendo una vez más, ahí, Stan pensaría en que debió decirle a los niños que los ama
Entonces, alguien lo saca y es nada menos que el papá de King
Stan: ¿Que...? ¿King?
Titan: no, pero se mi heredó el encanto
Stan: … oh… Titan…
Titan: oh, yo…
Stan: … ¿tu… eres… eres el padre de King?
Titan: King lo dijo mejor, “Soy rey y reina, lo mejor de ambas cosas”, aunque “papá” funciona para mi… soy tu fan, por cierto - señala un sombrero, un vez que tiene puesto, con el símbolo de una especie de medialuna y un pequeño círculo al lado -
Stan: oh, ah… gracias… creo… espera … si tú estás aquí… eso significa que yo estoy… muerto?
Titan: no del todo, tu cuerpo se destruyó gracias a Belos, pero aún es posible que regreses…
Stan: - aliviado de saber eso - ¡que bien! … Pero… ¿Qué es este lugar?
Titan: ¡Bienvenido al espacio intermedio! En realidad está entre muchas otras cosas… este es un puente que se conecta con todos los mundos…
Stan: tu… tu eras la voz que escuchaba cuando intentaba crear el portal…
Titan: así es… debo decir que estoy muy impresionado… ningún humano había logrado tantas cosas como tú… tu familia estará orgullosa de ti…
Stan: no estoy tan seguro…
Titán: no te subestimes… cuidar de esos niños, aprender los glifos, ayudar a Eda y a mi hijo, coexistir con tu maldición, ganarle en su propio juego a Bill, enfrentar a Belos, incluso cuando dudabas de ti mismo…
Stan: b-bueno, cuando lo pones así, si suena algo increíble… pero… no sirve de mucho si no puedo protegerlos a todos… ahora estoy aqui…
Titan: es cierto…
Stan: y… aun así, cometí muchos errores… no creo que pueda ayudar a mi familia si sigo cometiendo errores…
Titan: … toda tu vida has pensado que eres alguien reemplazable, que no eres importante y que nadie te extrañaria… la vida te ha tratado como basura… pero nunca dejaste que eso te detenga… lograste cosas impresionantes… y eres capaz de mas de lo que imaginas…
Los cuadrados alrededor de ellos mostraron recuerdos de Stan y algunas de sus hazañas, como descubrió a hacer magia de glifos, como logro calmar a la bestia de su propia maldición, como engaño a Bill para que ellos dos llegaran a una tregua y como salvó a los niños incontables veces, incluso cuando creo los portales con poca información y el momento en que Salvo al coleccionista
Titan: puede que tu camino iniciará de una forma dolorosa… pero durante 40 años, fuiste cambiando, creciste, maduraste y te volviste mas fuerte… te sacrificaste, no por el bien común, sino por amor a tus seres queridos… ahora ellos te necesitan de vuelta…
Stan: … no tengo ninguna oportunidad contra Belos… antes era fácil, pero ahora… no puedo…
Titan: mmh… bueno…
Mientras todo alrededor se sacude violentamente, Stan mira que el pecho del Titán se llena de algo verde
Titan: no me queda mucho tiempo… pero aun puedes detenerlo…
Stan: ¡¿Cómo?! No soy una bruja o un hechicero, no soy como los “elegidos” de los libros de Luz ¡Ni siquiera se quien soy!
Titan: entonces tendrás que averiguarlo tu… te daré el poder para detener a Belos… pero solo si lo aceptas
El titán extiende su mano, de ella sale un brillo y se dibujan los cuatro glifos básicos que Stan aprendió
Stan: y-yo… No lo sé… ¿Y si fracaso?
Titan: … escucha bien… tu eres Stanley Pines, proveniente del reino humano, uno de los hechiceros más poderosos de las islas hirvientes y guerrero de la paz…tienes el poder de tu maldición, eres la reencarnación de uno de los entes más peligrosos del multiverso y sin duda eres alguien de buen corazón… la pregunta es… ¿Te eliges a ti mismo, “elegido”?
Stan duda, pero sabiendo que su familia lo necesita, y sabiendo quenp hay más opciones, decide aceptar
Cuando estrecha su mano con la mano del Titan, siente la magia entrando en su cuerpo
Titan: Belos esta por poder controlar todo, así que debes ser rápido…
Stan: yo…
Titan: a diferencia de la magia en humanos, tú tienes más poder por tu cuenta, así que mi magia deberá durar más que suficiente, solo no lo uses a la ligera y recuerda no dejar que Bill te controlé
Stan: espera, pero ¡¿que pasa con King?! ¿No quieres decirle algo?
Titan: …
El titán le susurra algo a Stan
Stan: si, en definitiva le encantará… pero… ¿A que te refieres con que soy una reencarnación?
Titán: lo que mencioné sobre que eres una reencarnación debería poder ayudarte, una vez que vuelvas, ya no serás solo Stan, serás una nueva persona y esa persona serás tú, tu, Bill y Lupin serán uno solo…
Stan: ¿Que? Pero-
Stan se queda anonadado al ver que el titán volvió a tener su forma original
Titan: adiós, “elegido”… es broma… adiós, Stanley Pines…
Y así, el titan se hundió en esas extrañas aguas negras del espacio intermedio
Y Stan volvería, ya no como un humano con dos demonios co-existiendo en su mente, sino como una persona diferente…
Y mientras el titán se hunde, Stan escucha una voz que poco a poco se vuelve familiar para el... AXOLOTL...
Bien hecho, Stanley...
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snowywolf1005 · 1 year ago
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You and luffy are still again fighting kaido. Kaido is still mad at you two. "The King of the Pirate?!" Kaido yelled.
Luffy looked at kaido. "It's good to know that you two still impudent, Straw Hat! When you two mind and body catch up to your power, Awakening occurs! How ridiculous you two powers is!" Said kaido.
It made you pissed off that you wanna kill him so bad and for talking shit you two are. Kaido remembers the flashback of how you and luffy beat with you powers.
Luffy laughs for a moment. "I've already lost so much... I've lost so much of what I've built." Said kaido, he was pissed off what you and luffy, his crew did.
Luffy crew killed each one of kaido crew members. "My subordinates and the castle! You two lost a lot, too." Said kaido.
"Even so, there are things I have to take back!" Luffy yelled. Kaido turns to pruple lighting you and luffy turn to red lighting, lighting storm come out.
"You'll lose more and more! Because I will take more from you two!" Kaido yelled. Kaido jumped forward towards you and luffy.
"Kundali Dragon Swarm!". You transform your shadows' monster form. And use your wings to cover luffy as a blanket.
Your shadows monster:
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Kaido hits each one of your wings, but you didn't let him stop you. You fly back, "Air Slash!" You scream, air slash:
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The air slash hits kaido every each of his body, causing him to cough blood. Kaido walked back. You landed, you put luffy on the ground, and kaido got up a little.
Then you smell smoke, and you cough so as luffy. You look to see, a ground and a fire lit up. You and luffy were so confused.
"The floors and the castle are all on fire below. I'm sure thousands of your soldiers are stuck there, too. They'll all burn to death!" Kaido yelled.
"Don't underestimate them, kaido!" Luffy smiles, "Cause we believe in them, and they believe in us!" You smile too. Kaido was shocked.
"We left everything below in their hands! So we'll just... focus on kicking your ass!" Luffy yelled. Luffy runs forward, and he laughs, "The way you laugh annoys me! Demolition Gust!" Kaido yelled.
Luffy screamed, and he pulled his crotch up, and the slash missed him. "It almost hit my crotch!" Said luffy. Kaido was about to hit luffy, but luffy jumped behind kaido.
Luffy Bounce, really high, kaido turnaround was in shock. Lighting struck, luffy smiles. "I have an idea!" Said luffy.
"Oi! (Y/N)! I've an idea, and I hope you love it!" Luffy yelled. Oh yeah, you were flying watching Luffy beating kaido, making sure he okay. 'I hope it isn't stupid,' you thought.
At the bottom of the castle, everything is on fire. In the performance floor inside the dome, "it's not just the castle anymore! All the towers are burning! " Someone yelled.
"Everyone! Where are you?!" Chooper yelled, looking for his teammates. Then Nami heard Chooper voice, "Hey!" Chooper yelled again. "Chooper!" Nami yelled as she walked behind Chooper.
"Nami!" Chooper yelled, Chooper burst out of tears on his eyes. Chooper ran toward Nami and hugged her. "Are you alright?! Otama, are you hurt?" Chooper asked, "everyone protected me, so I was only slightly wounded." Said otama.
"I'll treat your wounds later." Said Chooper, "what about the others?" Nami asked. Chooper started crying, "What should we do? The fire can't be put out! Zoro, Sanji, Franky, Brook, usopp, Robin, and Jimbei! I can't find any of them!" Chooper cried. "Really?!" Nami asked.
"But... even if we tried to find them, the whole of Onigashima is on fire now! It's not safe here, either! Unless it lands, we have nowhere to go!" Said Nami, Chooper jumps off of Nami.
"Zeus, can't you use your rain to put out the fire?" Chooper asked, "the fire is too intense, I would get burned!" Said Zeus. "We all worked so hard to get to this point. It's so frustrating to see it end like this." Said Otama.
"Don't worry!". "What?" Otama question, "it's gonna be alright, so don't give up!" Said Nami, Otama smiled. "You're right! We have to see Big Bro, luffy win! And (Y/N)!" Said Otama, "wait? (Y/N) is alive?!" Chooper yelled.
Nami, look at Chooper, "Chooper, have you seen a gaint pruple bat?" Nami asked. Chooper thought for a moment, and he nodded his head. "Well, that gaint pruple bat was (Y/N)." Said nami. "WHAAAAAA!!" Chooper screamed in a surprise look.
In the basement inside the castle, everything is burning, and it starts to break. "We can't escape! The fires are everywhere!" Said the blondeguy.
"There's nowhere to run!" Said the guy with black clothes. (Forget his name, too) "Damn!" Blonde guy yelled.
On the first floor of the castle. Bepo was beaten up. "I can't take it anymore! I can't stand the heat..." He said. "You're giving us too much trouble, Bepo!" Said penguin, then they stopped to see they were dead end cause the fire is blocking their way.
"Ouch!" Penguin scream, "maybe this really is it." Said shachi, "I don't think we can get out of here!" They yelled. "Help! Captain!" Said Bepo. In the basement, where Brook and Robin were trapped by the fire.
"My precious afro is getting frizzier!" Said brook, "yeah! I don't want to end up like you." Said Robin, "what?" Said brook. Then, someone burst out of the door, "what?! Uh! A skeleton!" They scream.
"I know you're frustrated! "
"Look at you!"
"I don't know what to say... I feel sorry for you... you must have failed to escape and got burned!" They said.
"I'm not a burnt corpse! I am dead, though..." said brook, and then more fire became bigger.
"It's burning intensely! Maybe there's no way for all of us..." said brook.
"...to run." Said Robin.
On the fourth floor inside the castle, "I'm sorry. I can't die just yet..." said raizo, "don't mention it. I like helping people." Said jinbe."I was extremely lucky to see you here." Said raizo, "I'm in on your secret plan with pleasure!" Said jinbe.
"With my ninjutsu, now is the time to salvage this situation! Now is the time!" Said raizo. Jinbe and raizo walk until the building falls apart. "Everyone, endure it a little bit more... these loathsome flames... I'm going to put them all out!" Raizo yelled.
Pleasure hall, left-brain tower. Sanji is running with a group of girls behind him. But they were dead end, "Oh, no. We can't get outside because the yard is gone." Said sanji, "no, " said some.
"An abyss in front... And a hellish fire behind..." said sanji. He looked to see the woman who was scared. "We can't even turn back!" Sanji yelled, then the roof started to break and was about hit Some.
Some scream, "Careful!" Sanji yelled as he kicked some wood. "Don't worry! I'll protect you, ladies!" Said sanji.
"Thank you," she said. 'We're in the air, so there's no place to go... the fire and the collapse and the ladies... What should we do?' Sanji thought.
On the basement. "Stop complaining that it's hot! Break the wall! If we stay here, we're gonna die!" Yapoo yelled. The gaint cry as his arm hurt, "Just sacrifice one of your damn arms! That big body's so useless, you idiot!" Yapoo yelled.
The gaint told Yapoo to stop, "Do you wanna fight, you bastard?!" Yapoo yelled. On the basement again. "The heat and the flames have us backed in a corner! Is there a way for us to survive?!" Said hemlet.
"If we knew that, we wouldn't be having a hard time!" Said usopp, "we're gonna die from the heat if nothing's done!" Hemlet yelled. "Just run!" Usopp yelled back, then more building came blocking their path.
"Please do something, mister!" Hemlet yelled. Usopp doesn't know what to do. He got off, "I'm gonna put out this fire! Special attack green star! Sprinkler!" Usopp yelled, the flower trying to put out the fire.
"How's that?!" He yelled, but the flower was on fire. Usopp was surprised, "This is what 'a drop in the bucket' means, mister!" Said Hemlet.
"Shut up! I gotta figure out a way! I promised izo! I wanna save Kin and Kiku and myself as well!" Usopp screamed as he started to cry. "What?! Mister! Please include me in the list!" Hemlet yelled at usopp.
"Don't depend on me! You have to save me!" Usopp yelled back. Right-Brain Tower. Franky was running, holding zoro, who was passed out. "The castle is burning ridiculously!" Franky yelled, "Wait for us, big bro!" She cried, "where should we go?!" Franky question.
"Zoro's life is in danger! I have to take him to Chooper as soon as possible!" Said Franky, "we're all gonna get burned to death before that!".
"It's hot! It's hot! I don't wanna die!"
"Help us, big bro!"
"Who's whining?! I'm gonna burn you!" Franky yelled, "Please don't do that!" They whined. Third floor inside the castle.
"It's a dead end again! Damn! The flames and the debris keep getting the way! Did someone go around and set fire?!" Someone yelled. "There is no way I'm gonna be killed by fire and the enemy in a raid!" Said the bull.
"We're not gonna get defeated by fire!"
"Yeah! Let's survive!"
Fourth floor inside the castle. Jinbe is standing the hallway, "I'm ready, jinbe-dono! Thank you for trusting me!" Said raizo. "Luffy chose to form an alliance with you, samurai! There's no way I'd doubt you. Okay, come on!" Said jinbe.
"Yeah! I'm trusting you, too!" Raizo yelled, 'I was ready since that day...' Raizo thought, thinking his flashback.
'Come on! Hurry up!'
"I couldn't save oden-sama that day! And I let Momonosake-Sama and the others suffer in the building castle. Even if I could use ninjutsu, I couldn't save anybody. That was a big blunder that I regret!" Raizo yelled.
"I never ever want... to feel that way again!" Raizo yelled, thinking of his flashback.
Zunesha pulled out some water in his trunk.
'Dogstorm, what kind of rain is this?!'
'Zunesha is bathing itself.'
'That's a lot of water! May I take some?!'
"I won't let those who took part in this raid die... in this damn fire! I'm sorry that it took so long, everyone! Let me show you the incredible water flow! Nimp: scrolling jutsu! The Elephant's Bath! Restoration!" Raizo scream.
Then, a bunch of water came in raizo scroll and is sucked jinbe making him swim. "This is enormous!" Said jinbe, "water heart! Fish-man jiu-jitsu! Ocean Current Shoulder Throw!" Jinbe yelled as he threw the waters, with his bear hands.
The roof crumble of more water coming, "run through every part of the castle!" Jinbe yelled. "Make it in time and save everybody, zou's water!" Said raizo, more water keeps pouring, putting out the fire.
First floor inside the castle. "Let me down, guys!" Said killer, "you have to let us do this for least, killer-san!" Said the crew. "Ouch!" They yelled, "What should we do?! There really is nowhere to go!" The crew yelled.
"What is that?! I feel a rumble..." one of the crew yelled, the water splashing them behind. "Water?!" They said, "we're okay now!" One of them yelled.
The whole castle started to rumble and broke apart. Chooper lost his balance, and Nami hold Otama. "Hurry up, Momonosake-kun!" Yamato yelled.
"Why?! Kaido is still alive!" Momonosake asked, "You have to sustain the island with your Flame Clouds!" Yamato yelled. "Sustain the island? That's impossible!" Momonosake yelled back.
"Kaido is reaching his limit... his flame clouds won't last much longer!" Said yamato, "What?". "You must create flame clouds to sustain onigashima!" Said yamato.
"What?!" Momonosake scream, "that way the only option from the beginning!" Yamato yelled. Momonosake lost his words. He couldn't say anything. Yamato, look at Momonosake.
"Otherwise, onigashima will fall," said yamato, Momonosake didn't want onigashima to get destroyed.
As for you and luffy, you watch luffy fly up, say he got an idea. Luffy grabbed a lightning strike, and it turned to blue. Kaido was shocked to see, then smile.
Hey guys, that is the end of episode 1073, but it is not over yet. So here is an episode 1074.
"You can do it, Momonosake-kun! Create flame clouds!" Yamato yelled, Momonosake tries to make the flame clouds, but it keeps disperse. "That will not be enough to sustain onigashima!" Momonosake said.
And a loud explosion erupted, and Momonosake was shocked and scared. "Momonosake-kun! Flame clouds!" Yamato yelled, "it is easier said than done..." said Momonosake.
Momonosake is still trying to make flame clouds. "I can't do it! They will not come out! I can't do it!" Momonosake cried, truma from his childhood.
When his house was on fire. 'The future? But I do not want to be apart from you!' Little Momonosake cried, 'Momonosake! Go along with kin'emon and the others. Leap 20 years into the future and rebuild the Kazuki Clan!' Said toki.
'I can't do it!' Little Momonosake cried, turns around but turns back hugging his mother. 'Then why will you and hiyori not come with us?!' Momonosake asked, still crying.
Toki look at Momonosake, 'I can't do it!' Momonosake cried. 'Momonosake-Sama! Your mother is suffering more than you!' Kin'emon yelled, Momonosake turnaround.
'This is the land of samurai! Where shame alone could end your life! For a man to complain after women set resolve... is mortal shame!' Kin'emon yelled.
'Now, let's leap into the future together! The future of the land of wano rests on your shoulders!' He yelled, 'I am only a child... I am only a child, so I can't... do anything!' Momonosake cries.
'With all due respect, since oden-sama is gone, you are no longer an ordinary child!' Kin'emon said, 'What?' Momonosake asked. 'You are the son of the great samurai! You will govern this country someday! Oden-sama ordered me to open the border of the land of wano! I shamelessly lived... at my lord's expense...' Kin'emon cries.
'Now it not the time to die! I am not allowed to just die! Allow me to speak plainly! Will you let us have another chance to fight?! If I am going to burn to death anyway, I would rather die wielding my sword for my lord! Will you please give us a chance to die as samurai?!' Kin'emon cried.
All samurai started to cry, waiting Momonosake answers. 'Momonosake!' Toki called, 'Mother... mother... I am going!' He yelled.
Toki cried, 'Yes... please, live on...' she said. "I am too ashamed to face Mother!" Momonosake yelled. "Momonosake-kun?" Yamato asked.
"Stop saying 'I cannot,' Momonosake! You made your own decision! I am not an ordinary child anymore! I am the man who will become the shogun of this country!" He yelled, "uh-huh!" Yamato said.
"I will save the land of wano! Stop! Onigashima!" Momonosake yelled, then the onigashima began to fall. "Wait! No!" Yamato yelled, "No! Don't not head towards the capital!" Momonosake yelled.
"Gum-gum... lighting!". Luffy throws the lightning strike at kaido, but kaido dodges the attack. And Flys toward to luffy. "You mean you can grab lighting?! How absurd!" Kaido yelled.
But all of a sudden, six lighting surrounded kaido. Luffy jumps each on of lighting and hits kaido. Then kaido was hit all six lighting.
'What an absurd power...' kaido thought. But kaido felt someone behind him. He turned to see you, "Moongeist Beam!" You yelled. Moongeist Beam:
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Kaido was hit back, and he coughed some blood. Kaido turned around to see luffy, "Gum-gum...". Kaido hit luffy with his hassaikai. Luffy was thrown away, but he was lucky when you caught him.
Luffy was behind your back, and then you warp around your wings to make spend ahead. And you hit kaido stomach.
Kaido was lunch back, luffy grabbed kaido legs and threw him by rocks. Luffy went behind kaido and punched him in his face.
But kaido opened his mouth and blasted fire at luffy. Luffy was blown away, but luffy grabbed a lightning strike, spins around, and lunch himself to kaido. Kaido went toward to luffy.
Kaido hits luffy again, and luffy is lunch back. Luffy was on the clouds, smiling, and grabbing the thunder strike. Luffy throws all thunder sticks at kaido.
But kaido dodges all stricks, "Night shade!" You shot out some pruple laser eyes. Night shade:
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It hit on kaido's chest, and kaido is getting weaker. Then kaido disappeared, you look around to find kaido, "you two can play around... all you want! But..." kaido.
Kaido was right behind, and he hit your chest with his hassaikai. You lunch back, and you were hit behind a rock. "(Y/N)!" Luffy yelled, luffy Flys toward to kaido, "a Devil Fruit power will never conquer the world!" Kaido yelled.
Kaido hit luffy cheeks, luffy hits on the ground, but bounced back, really flied up. "It's amazing how things work. Just like how Roger was not a Devil Fruit power user... Only haki... can trump all else!" Kaido yelled.
"Destroyer of Death..." Kaido hassaikai turn pruple and was about to smash luffy. "...thunder... Bagua!" Kaido yelled, kaido hits luffy once more. The pruple thunder destroyed all rocks building and made a loud explosion.
In the land of wano, people were celebrating. There was music, dancing, food, everything, people were holding sky boats. "To the deceased! Set sail!" The man yelled.
"Let go of your sky boat!"
"Steady! Steady!"
"The festival is almost over... we must return to slave labor tomorrow..." the men said, everyone let go of the sky boats. And the sky boat went up high, "I hope I can survive another year..." he said.
"Steady! Reach Father!" Toko yelled. On the onigashima above was destroyed, cracks, holes, and rock mountain were everything.
Kaido was catching his breath, 'a Devil Fruit power will never conquer the world! He didn't have one, either...' kaido thought, remembering when he fought with oden.
But all of a sudden, kaido saw a hand grabbing his chest. "What?!" Kaido question, Kaido above the sky to see the arm lead top of the clouds.
"What are you doing?!" Kaido ask, the hand pulled kaido, "Damn! Let go of me! You're only betraying your location!" Kaido yelled. Kaido keeps hitting the arm with hassaikai, and he turns to his dragon form.
"Dragon Twister... Demolition Breath!" Kaido screamed, "Your vulnerability to cutting attacks hasn't changed." Said kaido. The demolition breath cut luffy.
luffy body started to bleed with cut all other his body. "Come down! Straw Hat!" Kaido yelled, kaido blast a gaint fire ball. Luffy wide eye, but you came and "MoonBlast!" You yelled.
Moon Blast:
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The moonblast hit fire ball, causing it to explode. Luffy looked to see you're alive, "(Y/N)? You're alive!" Luffy cried, you smiled at luffy. "Of course I am, remember I make a promise that we always stay each other when we little?" You said.
Luffy nodded his head. In the house were on fire, where hiyori was at with orochi. Orochi was on fire, screaming in pain. Hiyori stand there watch orochi suffering.
Then, a loud burst, hiyori drop the needle. "Hey, it come off! Some kind of tremor pulled the Sea Prime Stone nail out!" Orochi yelled as he transformed a eight-headed dragon.
"Damnit... I'll at least take you down with me! Are you watching, oden?!" He yelled. Hiyori, fall back, "I'll take..." orochi was about to bite hiyori. "... Your daughter, along with me!" He yelled.
During the fight, hyogoro fell back. "Boss hyogoro!" The man yelled, "I heard onigashima's gonna fall!" The man said. Hyogoro chulked, "That means they cornered kaido... hey, guys! Which one do you prefer? If the straw hat and (Y/N) take down kaido down, we'll fall and die." Said hyogoro.
"If we survive, that means kaido wins!" Hyogoro said, the whole samurai laughed. "Oh, that's an easy choice." The man answered,
"I have a kid in Hakumai."
" I have a wife in Ringo!"
"If kaido gets taken down, they can live happily ever after!"
"That would be great! It's gonna be a good country!"
"Are you guys crazy, you damn samurai?! That means you're all gonna die!"
"That's fine." Said hyogoro, "Straw Hat, and (Y/N)-san! Kick kaido's ass with all your might!" Everyone cheered. Kid and law heard the samurai cheering.
The building is falling apart. "I don't wanna die! I don't wanna die!" Usopp screamed as he ran, "ow, ow, ow!" Hemlet yelled and also ran. "I don't wanna die!" Usopp yelled.
"The flames!" Hemlet yelled, "Don't give up, You fool! I'm not gonna die!" Usopp scream. Usopp ran through the flames, "Mister!" Hemlet yelled.
"I'm gonna survive no matter what!" Usopp yelled, "You're the best!" Hemlet yelled. Then, Usopp was splashed by the big water, so as Hemlet. "Water!" Usopp yelled.
"Kiku! Kin'emon! I'm not gonna give up!" Usopp yelled. At the wano place, everyone looked at the sky to see Sky Boat high up in the air.
You and luffy remember people voices and what their dreams is.
"To be able to drink clean water."
"I want to see my mother again."
"May my children grow up happily."
"For grandpa to get better."
So many people dream, you and luffy want them to be happy.
"You can do it!"
"Straw Hat-san!"
"Defeat kaido!"
"Straw Hat and (Y/N), you two truly amazing..." said hyogoro, remembering the words you and luffy said.
"We made a promise! We'll make this country a place where she can eat as much as she wants! We're here to take down kaido!"
"And we'll protect the weak"
"This battle... is not only meant to take down kaido... to take back... the country that stood still 20 years ago, we fought... if we can bring smiles back... to our families, our children, and our country," said hyogoro.
"We..." Hyogoro, watch the samurai cheering you and luffy telling you to defeat kaido. Hyogoro chulked, "Hey, (Y/N)! Straw Hat! A new dawn will surely come to Land of Wano. Right?! I can hear... your voice!" Hyogoro yelled.
"What are you two doing? Straw Hat? Why aren't you coming down?" Kaido ask, then a thunder strike. Kaido looked up at the sky and saw a large shadow.
"Stop! Onigashima!" Momonosake yelled, holding the kaido flame clouds. "Hey, momo!" The sound of luffy, Momonosake look at the sky.
Momonosake was shocked. A large big hand feist, "Let's finish this up! Shall we?!" You yelled. It revealed that luffy makes his fist larger, and you got larger with your shadows monster.
"Onigashima is in the way! Move it!" Luffy yelled, kaido chulked. "Look at that... they can destroy the whole onigashima." Said yamato, "Stop! Wait, luffy, (Y/N)! I still cannot -" as Momonosake was about to say something.
"Momo!" Luffy yelled, "we trust you!" You said, smiling. Momonosake was surprised, remembering his mother's smile. Momonosake has a tear on his eyes.
EPISODE 1075! Boy, it will take me a while to write this...
"Look at the size of that... they can destroy the whole onigashima!" Yamato yelled. Kaido was shocked to see. He knows he will get defeated from your attacks.
"Momo! Move onigashima out of our way!" You scream. "Do not do it, (Y/N), luffy!" Momonosake scream, "you can do it, right, momo?!" Luffy asks.
"Wait! Move onigashima out of your way?" Momonosake asks, he look at onigashima and the wano. He isn't quite, he can move onigashima.
"I... I can't do it!" Momonosake scream, kaido watch as luffy still holding his chest and look at you and luffy.
"Let's settle this!" Luffy yelled, but kaido got an idea. 'I got it.' He thought 'bring it on.', kaido mouth started to flame. And it burned Luffy hand, luffy let go of his hand.
"That burns!" He yelled, luffy blow at his hand. "That right!" Kaido yelled, you and luffy look at kaido, "you don't have to grab me! I'm not gonna run away!" Said kaido.
Kaido body cover with flames, "You know something, Straw Hat? 20 years ago, a hero of this country was burned to death! Since then, this country has been lawless! You guys are the heroes that they've been waiting 20 years for!" Said kaido.
Kaido Flys up, making himself bigger. "Flame Dragon Torch!" He yelled. "You're not going to throw your powers. Because you two gonna melt away." He said.
"We see about that!" You scream, yamato was surprised to see that the onigashima skeleton horn has been broken. And it falls towards her and Momonosake. They move away from the horn.
Kaido laughed. Burning luffy and you, "luffy! (Y/N)!" Yamato yelled. "We're... not gonna melt!" Luffy yelled, "I learned from the old man how to throw a punch without even more punch" he said.
'You call it haki, but we call it Ryuo in the land of wano. Don't strain yourself! Allow the unused Haki in your body to flow to your fist!'
"We're gonna knock you down to the abyss!" Luffy yelled.
"Menacing Moonraze..."
"Rising Dragon!"
"Bajrang... Gun!" Luffy throws his fist at kaido.
"... Maelstrom!" Your turn to light skin. Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom:
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"Flame Bagua!" Kaido yelled, then an impact of flash. Yamato was shocked. You and luffy try all your strength and power.
Inside of the castle, Usopp gasped as he finally survived from drowning. "What? What's going on?!" He yelled as he felt an impact grumble. Everyone felt it, too.
"What's happening out there?!"
"Is it (Y/N) and Straw Hat-san?!"
"Straw Hat!"
"It must be them!"
"I think it's Straw Hat, (Y/N)-san!"
"Straw Hat-san!"
"Please, Straw Hat, (Y/N)-san!"
"Go, (Y/N)-san!"
"Please, Straw Hat, man!"
"Take him down!"
"I'm begging you! Please!"
Kawamatsu rember oden say to them.
'I'm counting on you guys!'
'Run! To kuri!'
A loud shot bang.
'Oden... sama!'
'Don't look back!'
'Haha! It's easy to guess where the samurai are heading!'
'It's kuri!'
'The Kozuki Clan's heir is at the castle! Kill them all! Eradicate the Kozuki Clan!'
'Exterminate! Exterminate them!'
'He had a child?'
'I'll go finish things up.'
'Stop! Don't mess with the Kozuki Clan anymore!'
'Hahaha! You can shoot whoever stands against the shogun!'
'Hahaha! Witness how deep the kurozumi clan's grudge is! Take this!'
'You stupid Kozuki Clan admirers!'
'What happened to oden wife?!'
'We confirmed her death in Bakura town!'
'No one else escaped from Oden Castle.'
'Haha! Now the Kozuki Clan is gone! So you Daimyo, choose! Whether to enliven our Land of Wano...'
'You know what we'll say... that's nonsense question! The Kozuki Clan is our only shogun!'
'Avenge Oden!'
'Protect the land of wano to the end!'
'Don't be afraid of the enemies! Charge!'
Hey guys, sorry to interrupt. But I'm going skip of the story this cause it hurting my feelings when I watchand I don't wanna write it . And is it okay for guys how you love this story.
Hiyori stab orochi, "komurasaki! Everything was exactly as I wanted it! You started working at the Pleasure Hall of your own will, you slut!" Orochi yelled.
"Do you wanna get your revenge on me that much? Stop playing the victim! I still remember my grudge against the Kozuki Clan and what they did to me! What you're doing is the same as what they did to me! I'll kill everyone who rebels against me!"
"I'm not gonna just die! Komurasaki! I'll take you with me! Let's drink together again in the next life!" Orochi yelled as he ran toward hiyori. "Those eyes!" Orochi scream, remembering oden eyes.
"Stop!" He yelled. And orochi is dead, I hate that mf.
'Move onigashima out of the way? What should I do? I was right... I can't do it! I can't! I tried many times, but I could not do it!' Momonosake thought, then he heard someone called his name.
'Momonosake! Leap 20 years into the future and rebuild the Kozuki Clan!'
'Don't worry. I know you can do it. Your hard work and dedication will touch everyone.'
'I'm counting on you'
Momonosake cries as he hears his father, counting on him. "I have to hold on now! Or I will bring shame to the Kozuki Clan!" He yelled.
"Momonosake-kun!" Yamato yelled, Momonosake hit his head, "Everyone is believing in me! I am not going to give up!" Momonosake yelled.
Usopp heard a loud explosion. "There! There they are! Kin'emon! Kiku! You're still alive, right?! Don't ever die! Don't you ever die!" Usopp yelled.
The samurai was on their knees, praying for you and luffy.
"Please, Straw Hat, (Y/N)..."
"Take down, kaido!"
"If only kaido were gone!"
"Please... (Y/N), Straw Hat..." said hyogoro, "our 20 years battle... until kaido is gone... it will never end!" Kawamatsu yelled.
You and luffy are still struggling to defeat kaido.
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chainsawmanicure · 7 months ago
Getting Pizza With the Scarecrow
hey guys. this is a fanfic i had started writing a few months ago about TNBA jon. idk why but i really feel like posting on tumblr dot com and getting some sweet notes. so hear it is.
Trigger warning: talk of food, mention of eating a lot of food (mentioned pizza eating competition), just food stuff mainly, mention of stalking
summary: u go to get pizza, but ur situationship decided to tag along
It was afternoon in Augusta, Georgia, and you were so hungry you could hardly press the gas pedal. Pangs of hunger shot through your quivering frame like bullets through a gun range. As you zoomed down the street, you noticed a sign up ahead: Mellow Mushroom. "oh Thank god," you thought to yourself, "something other than mcdongles...." for your stomach yearned for nourishment, though not from the likes of such an establishment as McDongles. Ough
     Pulling into the parking lot, you felt a strange coldness envelop you. You turned around to see if there was anyone else in the car. Sure enough, in the back seat sat Jonathan Crane... The Scarecrow. your old friend from college. He was tall, so tall you wondered how he'd managed to hide himself in your brand new 2024 Nissan Leaf (I googled compact cars). However he'd managed to, for some reason now he decided to show himself. His face was mangled beyond recognition. You couldn't tell exactly if it was his face or a mask, but his mouth opened and closed along with his words and his big white teeth shone clearly in a permanent  grimace. He was wearing the same wide brim hat, tattered jacket, noose, and tight pants as he usually did, and next to him his big stick laid across the seat.
"Jonathan." you greeted, not too surprised at his appearance. You'd suspected he'd been following you for some time now. At home, you'd noticed patterns of unfamiliar wet bootprints on the floor, and missing items from your trinket box, refrigerator, and massive pile of dirty clothes which had built up in the middle of the bedroom.
     In college, he had displayed an interest in you, often getting a little too close to you and staring at you from across the lecture hall. He'd always had weird ways of showing his interest in you, and expressions of friendship. Well, you weren't really friends. Not anymore, at least...
     Too tired and hungry to properly address him or ask him how he got in your car, you stepped out and started towards the restaurant. You soon heard the car door slam and felt Jonathan's presence behind you once more.
"Hungry?" he asked, stepping beside you as you pushed open the door of the establishment.
"Believe it or not, yes. I think someone's been taking all my soup and bread, and I've had nothing to eat at home." you shot him a mildly accusatory glance after saying this.
Jonathan didn't respond immediately. He knew you were aware of his visits to your apartment. He'd intended it to be that way... a reminder he still cared. A reminder he still remembered.
Jonathan: "Maybe someone wants to know where you buy such lovely soup and bread."
You sighed. "Costco. Now are you seriously going into this joint with me? I'm gonna be arrested for being in kahoots with the Scarecrow."
Jonathan: "Calm yourself. We're in Augusta, Georgia. To these people, I'm just an ordinary freak."
     The person at the table like when you walk in and theyre like ok follow me you know? They smiled politely through fearful eyes up at you and your companion before quickly scuffling away, leading you to an empty table.
The joint was fairly empty, save for three individual men and a young couple sharing a peach iced tea. Jonathan pointed at the couple.
"Perhaps they should've gone to Steak and Shake. They have milkshakes there, better for romantic sharing."
"Shut up, Jonathan. Shut up right now," you replied.
     The host scampered away after leading you to your table, and you were left waiting for the waiter with a set of menus before the two of you.
You sat on one side of the booth, and Jonathan sat across the table from you. You were surprised he hadn't sat next to you and squeezed you against the little wall thing dividing this booth from the one on the other side. That seemed like something he would do, but not today apparently. In fact, other than infiltrating your brand new Nissan Leaf, he had been acting rather civil. Civil, of course, as opposed to the clingy curious and weary endangered animal behavior he had exhibited so many years past.
     You watched as he surveyed the menu, holding it delicately in his big long grey hands. You didn't remember those hands being so grey and so... scary. Even harmlessly holding a pizza menu, they seemed as though they meant to instead hold your throat, to squeeze and squeeze until the lights went out. And by lights going out, I mean like, you die.
     He'd positioned his big stick at the back corner of the booth, and it had fallen so it poked against your shoe under the table. He set the menu down after a moment and spoke in that unearthly rasp of his, "I think I'll get a slice of the Kosmic Karma, and a peach iced tea, like the one those two lovebirds are sharing," he pointed once more to the young couple, who had now finished their first tea and gotten a refill.
"Well, I just want cheese," you said. "I think I'll get a whole pie. I'll take the rest home."
Jonathan chuckled, though with his raspy hush it sounded more like a weak cough.
"Take the rest home..." he repeated humorously, "what makes you think you won't devour the whole thing now?"
     And with that old familiar clingy freak swagger he possessed, he leaned forward and held your chin gently with his big long fingers.
"I think we both know how much of an animal you can be," he teased, though his expression contained zero percent of the flirtation his voice tried to sell. (if that makes like literally any sense at all)
     You swatted his hand away. "That was a long time ago." You hadn't eaten a whole pizza in one sitting since the pizza eating contest of sophomore year... None of your friends were able to attend it, but Jon was there. Oh, yes he was... watching intently with his curious and vaguely frightened eyes as you wolfed down eight slices of sausage pizza in under 7 minutes. He had seen a side of you no one else had really witnessed... seen your wrath, your gluttony, your pride, your... lust.
In the nowtimes, he sat before you, hands flat on the table, beady white pupils boring down into your own normal black ones. His demeanor was cold. He knew you were pushing him away, trying to forget what you two had shared all those fateful years ago. You didn't want to remember, but with him sitting before you, wearing his new sexy skin, you had no choice.
     The waiter arrived and shot the scarecrow a sideways glance before clearing her throat. "Hello, thank you for joining us today. May I ask what you two would like to drink?"
You looked at Jon, but he gestured for you to speak first. "I'll have Dr. Pepper, please." The waiter nodded and turned to Jonathan.
"I'll have the peach iced tea," he didn't shift his gaze from yours for a second, "with two straws."
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dyinglikenarcissus · 6 months ago
Chapter 6. All Good Things Come to those Who Can Wait
7k words
Warnings: 18+ only. Virgin’s first time. It starts off gentle but it definitely gets rough
Please like and reblog if you enjoy ☺️
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There’s a knock at your door far too early in the morning. You scrub your eyes and try to discern if it was part of a dream or real life.
Another knock makes you finally sit up.
You blink around your bedroom blearily. You weren’t expecting any packages or visitors. Maybe it was surprise PR…
You finally kick your feet to the floor and shuffle to the living room. You pull the step stool you keep near the door in place and check who’s outside.
“Bucky?” You whisper to yourself. Jethro chirps happily next to you as if confirming the visitor is his favorite babysitter.
“Good morning, princess!” He greets far too cheerfully for this early in the morning. “Were you asleep?”
“Who isn’t? It’s 5am on a Saturday,” you mumble and fall into his hug.
“It’s a good thing I brought you coffee,” he laughs and hands you a Dutch Bros cup. This is the most cheerful you’ve seen him since your wedding day. And he stopped up north for this? “I need you to pack up your shit and the pipsqueak.”
Your eyes widen at the statement. What did that mean? Were there more feds? Is there another trial? Are you running from someone?
“What’s going on?” You frown up at the giant brunet. “Is something… happening?”
Bucky snorts out a laugh. “No. You’re going on vacation.”
“Vacation? What? Now? Where? It’s almost Halloween! And the wedding!”
Bucky gives you a pointed look. He still hasn’t had that talk apparently.
“Am I going to Disney Shanghai?” You ask, changing the subject quickly.
“Then I’m good.”
“Girl, if you don’t go pack your stuff!” Sam calls as he enters the door. You cry out his name and jump into his arms. “It’s been far too long,” he laughs into your hair.
“Missed you,” you whisper.
“We missed you, too.”
“Even Bucky?” You laugh.
“I may have missed Jethro more. All you do is steal my best friend and eat hot chips,” the brunet jokes as he scoops up your cat. “But I do miss our coffee runs.”
“He stopped going to Starbucks after you moved back home.”
“It’s because they support Israel or something. I’m trying to be proactive.”
“Yeah, right. And not because I told you that on the flight over,” Sam smirks.
“I know stuff!” Bucky defends himself. You giggle at their antics. You didn’t realize how much you missed them.
“What am I packing for exactly?” You ask, stopping an argument from breaking out.
“It’s a surprise,” Sam grins.
“But bring plenty of swimsuits."
“And sunscreen.”
“And if you have one of those big sun hats like the girls on Insta have, you might want to bring one of those.”
“Okay, so beach maybe? There’s a beach 30 minutes from here. Why do I need to go anywhere?”
“Why do you have to be so difficult?” Bucky sighs. You roll your eyes at his statement.
“How long?”
“However long you want,” Sam smiles.
“You know, Steve promised no more surprises after Sausalito,” you sigh and cross your arms over your chest. The man gets locked up for a couple of years and it’s like everything he said was forgotten.
“Yeah, well, Stevie ain’t here,” Bucky grins.
“And unless your grandpa was murdered on a private island, we doubt you’ll be upset.”
“Private island?”
“See! Now you’ve told her!” Bucky sighs and falls onto your couch. “Oh shit! No shoes in the house, huh?” He asks and starts pulling off his shoes and tosses them near the door.
“Steve did say no surprises,” Sam shrugs and slips off his shoes. “Do you need help packing?”
You let out a deep sigh. It’s not like you had things planned…
“No. Just give me a couple of hours.”
“Take your time,” Sam bids.
“You got Netflix?” Bucky asks making himself comfortable.
“Nope. Just Disney, Discovery, and Amazon. Watch the Property Brother,” you laugh as you walk into your bedroom.
“The new season of The Boys started,” you hear Sam state as you walk away.
An unknown time on a private island. What do I even pack?
A couple of hours later, you start cleaning the toilets and the kitchen. You don’t want to leave your little condo in a state that looked like it was lived in. You mother would turn over in her grave.
“Okay, guys. I’m going to run the trash outside and I’ll be ready.”
“I got it,” Bucky grunts and stands up.
“Are you sure? Do you know where it is?”
“No. But I’m sure you’ll tell me.” You giggle and give him instructions on the trash and recycling before ushering Jethro into his carrier.
“Okay. Chargers? Cell phones? Camera? Cables…yeah. Oh! Almost forget your lime!” You exclaim and start to look around for the catnip lime toy. You get on the floor to look under the couch.
“Why is there a lime under the couch?” Sam laughs.
“It’s a toy. Kamala got it for him for his birthday and he loves it.”
“Like that one under the curtain?”
You whip around to see where’s he’s pointing.
“That’s it!” You crawl over to it and toss it in a bag with the rest of his food and toys. “Alright. I think I’m ready now.” Bucky returns just as the words leave your mouth.
“About damn time,” the brunet sighs. “I wanna go home.”
“I’m not the one who burst into your house at 5 am and told someone to pack for an unknown amount of time to go to some beach. Could be rainy. Could be hot. Could be cold. Who knows! I had to wash my clothes and my towels-”
“Hey, hey, hey. Relax,” Sam plays referee as usual, taking your bag and ushering everyone out the door. “You’re going to love this. Don’t waste your energy fighting him. That’s all he wants.”
You roll your eyes and glare at Bucky before pressing past him with Jethro on your shoulder.
You do have to admit: you miss this. Sam and Bucky checked in on you about once a month. But it was always a quick phone call to see if you needed anything or to make sure you got the money they sent you.
Steve did promise to take care of you. You didn’t know ‘taking care’ meant you were now making six figures for being a man’s wife.
This must be what the trad wives are aspiring to have. And you don’t even have to cook and clean to get it.
You finally get to fall back asleep on the plane, curled up on the seat as Jethro plays in the cabin. You aren’t sure what Bucky and Sam are up to and you honestly couldn’t care less. You were exhausted.
The plane eventually lands at a tiny airport somewhere in South America.
“You gotta take a boat from here, princess,” Bucky sighs after waking you up and you ask what’s going on.
“You can keep Jethro if you want or we can take him back to New York,” Sam offers.
“Wait. Are you two leaving me?” You ask.
“It’s a short ride. You’ll be fine. You’re a big girl,” Bucky smirks.
You narrow your eyes at him. “I’ll keep my cat, thank you very much.”
“You sure? You might just want to relax,” Sam offers. You’ve never met two men who thought your cat was such a burden.
“No. What do you think he’s going to do? He’s a cat,” You laugh
“Just making sure,” Sam grins
“You two are being so weird.”
The two of them escort you and your luggage to a yacht docked at the ocean.
“Alright, princess. Be good. Have fun. Don’t do anything crazy,” Bucky bids giving you a half hug.
“Have fun. Enjoy the weather. It should be pretty mild this week,” Sam grins before pulling you into a bear hug.
“Too bad you two have to head back,” you sigh. “You could’ve told me to bring a friend.”
“Nah, this trip is all about peace and quiet.”
Peace and quiet, huh?
You’ve been running from that for two years. Peace and quiet only brought of thoughts of regret and longing and how much you missed him…
Yeah, you’ll definitely need Jethro.
You wave your goodbyes and find a spot on the upper deck to watch the waves.
Shit. You had no idea he would get seasick.
You eye his carrier dubiously before asking the captain, “How long is the ride?”
“About 20 minutes, ma’am.”
He can handle it for 20 minutes…
He could not handle 20 minutes. Suddenly this thrust upon you vacation can’t end fast enough.
Your head is splitting by the time you made dock. You rush after the captain to get on dry land. You don’t even notice the world around you as you rush inside.
“Okay, baby. Okay. Just give me a second.” You find the first room that seems to be closed off and release the poor cat just for him to throw up on the tile floor. “Oh, baby,” you coo and rub his back. Hopefully there are plenty of paper towels in this house. “Mommy’s sorry. Let it out.” He throws up again and starts to walk off. He must be done.
“Okay. Stay here. Don’t touch that. I’ll be right back.”
You leave the room, closing the door behind you. You find the paper towels and thank the captain for bringing in your luggage before tending to your cat and finally taking a chance to breathe.
He put your stuff in the master bedroom which gave you the chance to explore the house.
It really is beautiful. This must be one of Steve’s millions of homes. Completely modern fixtures, an infinite pool that ended at the ocean. Not another soul for miles. And the land outside was a lush jungle. You expected a little monkey to pop out a tree at any moment.
Maybe Sam and Bucky were onto something when they sent you out here. Your creativity was waning lately. Your channel was suffering but you honestly just weren’t interested in anything. You kind of just wanted to live. It was nice that you didn’t have to rely on a pay check anymore and you could finally focus on what you wanted to do.
But you had not idea what you wanted to do…
You sigh as you finish unpacking and finally release your cat from confinement.
“You feeling better?” You ask him as he rubs against your legs. It was easier just to let him recoup in isolation than to have him throwing up all over the house.
“Are you hungry?” He chirps happily. You step into the fully stocked kitchen fill a bowl with his cat food before stipulating your own meal. They even got your favorite chips and sour candy! And Biscoff cookie butter! You snatch the tub and spoon and let out a content sigh before feeding your cat.
There’s a fresh platter of sushi and sesame chicken in refrigerator just waiting for you. You microwave the chicken and grab a glass of rosé and make your way out to the patio.
Your food is all set up but the view is calling to you. You can’t help but lean over the railing and watch the sunset over the ocean.
Jethro slinks through the open door and rubs against your leg before letting out a happy chirp.
“It’s beautiful, huh?” You ask the cat, bending down to scratch his head.
“I’ll never get over that view.”
You stiffen at that voice. You know that voice. It wasn’t Sam or Bucky or even Natasha or Scott.
This was a voice you hadn’t heard in over two years.
The tears start to prickle your eyes before you even look at him.
You turn slowly.
There he is. Leaning against the door frame, big arms crossed across his broad chest. His blond hair is perfectly done as it had always been. That thick beard was back in full force. His ocean eyes sparkle as he watches you, giving you a quick once over before a smirk graces his full lips.
“Ocean’s pretty nice, too.”
You rush into his arms. He lets out a soft oof as he catches you and you wrap your legs around his hips.
“Missed you so much, star,” Steve sighs into your hair.
“Missed you,” you mutter into his neck. The tears start to fall but you just cling to him even tighter.
Steve chuckles lightly and sits down on the bed. “I’m not going to disappear. Promise.”
“Don’t trust you,” you sniffle.
“I don’t blame you.” He holds you like that for a moment while you take him all in. His scent, his solid body under you, the feel of him.
“I didn’t mean to interrupt your meal,” Steve mutters as he strokes your hair, gripping your twists lightly as his fingers tangle there.
“Oh!” You sit up to watch him. “Are you hungry? There was a bunch of food in the fridge so I figured it was for me.”
“You were going to eat my sushi?” Steve asked so seriously that you tense up.
“Was it yours?” You asks sheepishly.
“You think I would just order myself food and nothing for my wife?” He smirks.
Your shoulders relax and you let out a laugh. “I wonder about you a lot,” you counter.
“Such a fucking smart ass.” You can’t help but smile and tuck your face back into his neck. “Let’s go eat.”
You get him a plate and a glass of whiskey.
He immediately takes a sip and groans in pleasure. “That’s good,” he sighs.
“What was it like being locked up?” You asked sheepishly.
“Not terrible actually. I was on like the lightest level. I had my own apartment, a chef, a maid, a full gym. People came to visit all the time even though I asked them not to. It was like being at home but under constant surveillance. I even had a cell phone,” he chuckles.
You just watch him for a second processing what he said. It didn’t sound any different than regular life. Except for one thing.
“You never asked to see me?”
He lets out a heavy sigh before running his fingers through his hair. “Star, I missed you so much. Part of me was gone. But I know you and I knew you couldn’t be there.”
“What?” You bark.
“You never listen and you have to always ask a million questions. Especially after a direct order not to talk about something.”
“A direct order?”
“Star, I know you told your friends everything. I knew I couldn’t trust you.”
“I don’t owe you anything, Steve! I’m not one of your lackeys!”
“No, you’re not. But I’d rather not see you for two years than have conjugal visits for the rest of my life!” You blink at him at his out burst before averting your gaze.
“I just wish I knew what was going on,” you whisper, pushing your empty plate away.
He sighs again and stands up, taking the empty plates. “I’m going to work on it. I don't want anymore secrets between us.”
“Really.” He places a kiss on your forehead as he walks back inside the house. You let him handle it. He spent two years being catered to on the government’s dime. He can cater to you for an evening.
You cross your legs and pull out your phone. You feel extremely conflicted all of the sudden. You were so happy to have your husband. But all you can do is be upset with him…
You groan and scrub your eyes.
Steve returns about ten minutes later with his sleeves rolled up showing off his massive forearms and making your mouth water. You almost forget why you’re mad at him…
He holds out his hand for you. “Come on. Let’s go sit by the water.”
You ignore his hand and stand up to lead the way outside. You hear Steve sigh and he catches your hand, not letting you get too far without him.
“We’re on an island alone. No one’s going to attack me,” you bite, glaring at his hand.
“God forbid I missed my wife after two years,” Steve bites back.
“You could’ve had me whenever you wanted.”
“If I was in there for life, I could never get my vasectomy reversed! We could never have a kid! I’d be in maximum security and couldn’t see you as often as I want-“
“Why couldn’t you just trust me?” You turn on him.
“I’m sorry!” He shouts back. “Okay? I’m sorry! I’m sorry I didn’t trust you. I didn’t even give you the chance. I’m sorry I kept so much from you. I should have let you in. I just-I’m just-“ He lets out a frustrated growl before releasing your hand and stalking toward the water.
He’s never done that before. Your calm, cool, collected husband seems to have finally snapped.
Maybe you should call Sam or Bucky…
No! This is your husband. You can handle this. You refill his glass and top off your wine and follow him out to the beach. You find him sitting in an Adirondack chair staring off into the horizon. You missed seeing him like this. His golden hair shines in the dimming light. His bright blue eyes glitter slightly.
You take a deep breath before stepping up to him.
“I’m sorry,” you offer handing him his drink. “I was kind of intense. You just got home and I’m stressing you out.”
He gives you a once over before accepting the drink and pulling you into his lap.
“Don’t apologize. I’m…broken. It’s not your fault.”
You sigh softly as you fall into lap. “You’re not broken. You’re just old and your back and knees hurt.” He lets out a soft chuckle at that. At least you can still make him laugh. “I told you before we got married that I want to be your peace. I want to be your confidant. You told me I had to earn that. I was so weak after the wedding. I made a mistake but I didn’t tell anyone else. They promised not to tell anyone else. I obeyed. I did as I was told for two years. I think I’ve earned something.”
“You have, star.” He takes a deep breath and a swig of his drink. “Alright. Where do I start?”
“The beginning,” you prompt and get comfortable.
“Okay. Well, Bucky was abducted by this guy name Johann. His street name is Red Skull. He runs this nazi gang called Hydra in Europe.”
“What?” You ask skeptically.
“Yeah. I know right? Racism does indeed still exist. Sam and I thought Buck was dead for years. Everyone said he was dead. We had a funeral and everything. Bucky was my yes man and I needed some kind of muscle. Sam tried to step in when he could but he’s such a pacifist. Always trying to help people. I needed someone that would fuck someone up, no questions asked. One day, along comes this guy named Rumlow.”
“He’s the one the FBI guy asked about?” Your eyes widened at the revolution and that you have some degree of knowledge about the characters in his story.
“The one and only,” Steve sighs bitterly. “Tony recommended him. Said he’s got nothing but love for the guy. He was trying to get out of California so he came to me. I put him through the ringer. Had him sell drugs to cops, smuggle stuff from overseas, print weapons. He did it all flawlessly. I don’t know, maybe a year goes by and I finally let him into the circle. All is going good until I hear about Tony and his big ugly tower in Manhattan.
“Tony and his family have always kept to the west coast. Fury ruled the East until I took over. This tower was like a war declaration and shit hit the fan. Alliances were tested. Rumlow didn’t make the cut,” He states simply.
“What happened?” You ask softly.
“I don’t tolerate double crossers. He had one foot in my camp, one foot in Tony’s, one in Hydra’s, and one in the feds.”
Shit! “He's a government nazi?”
“Shit,” you whisper out loud this time. This was legitimate gang stuff. No wonder this Rumlow guy it was so important.
“It brought about the rare occasion of Tony and I working together.”
“So, that’s why he came to the wedding?” Steve hums positively while running his fingers along the grain of the chair’s arm. “And you guys are a united force?”
“For now. It’s shaky.”
You take a deep breath. “Wow,” you sigh out.
“And you, my little star, happened to be filming your little video on my dock at the exact same moment I was taking care of mine and Tony’s ‘problem’.”
“What was even on my video because I didn’t hear anything?”
This was it. Your chance to finally get an answer to this three year dilemma.
“Tony’s yacht, Rumlow’s car, the address which was mine. All in one place after Rumlow was last seen at his New York office.”
“Yeah, ‘oh’,” Steve smirks.
“And all this time I thought you were over reacting.” Steve lifts his brows in silent disagreement. “Okay. From this point, no more secrets?”
“No more secrets,” Steve agrees. He tucks a finger under your chin directing your gaze to his. “That means you, too. Sam said you’ve been playing fast and loose with my black card.”
Your face heats.
“I didn’t think you’d find out about that,” you whisper.
“You didn’t think I’d wonder where a million dollars went?”
“No! No! Sam told me to help out with the philanthropy thing so I did!”
“And I want to hear it from you,” he smirks.
“Okay, well,” you start defensively, crossing your arms over your chest. “I donated a wing at UCLA for Kahhori’s Choctaw program. And I donated to Marvel’s women of color program so Kamala can write her own story. And I made a scholarship program for Kate’s archery school so 100 students can go tuition free.”
“Very nice, star,” Steve smiles. “But there’s about $10 grand unaccounted for.”
“What?” You whisper.
His ocean eyes narrow. “On February 10, to a Dr. Steven Strange in Beverly Hills?”
“Oh, that,” you laugh nervously. “Um, I honestly didn’t think you would notice that.” Especially because it came out of your bank account…
“Well, I did. Talk.”
“Okay,” you say slowly. “I got a breast augmentation.”
“A breast augmentation?” He repeats as formally as you said it making you smile. His fingers strum along your hip comfortably.
“Yes. A breast augmentation.”
“Do I get to see them?”
“I mean, you technically paid for them,” you concede.
“It’s still your body.”
“I want you to see them,” you whisper.
“Oh, you want me to see them?” He grins, gripping your hips with both hands so you’re straddling his waist. You smile, biting your bottom lip and nod.
You squirm in his lap for a moment before removing your shirt. You didn’t know your husband would be seeing them or you would’ve worn a nicer bra. But you glance down at your new Ds in your simple t-shirt bra before looking back up at him.
His eyes are focused solely on your chest as his pupils dilate slightly.
“I wish I wore something more lacy for you,” you lament.
He glances up at your face before his eyes flick back down.
His silence is a little unnerving.
“Do you like them?”
“Can I take your bra off?”
“Well, yeah. I guess.” His hands slide up your waist to your back.
“You guess? Give me an answer, star.”
“Yes, you can take off my bra,” you giggle.
He hums positively and uses one hand to unhook the bit of cloth. They fall naturally with out the support to perky mounds.
“Can I touch?”
“You are being so respectful,” you laugh.
“I’m not a monster. Just because we’re married doesn’t mean I own you.”
“Steve, you can do whatever you want with me.”
“Oh, don’t say that, star. I’ll actually listen.” His hands finally cup your breasts and his thumbs brush over your nipples.
You shudder slightly in his grip. “Sensitive?” You nod, biting your bottom lip and gripping his shoulders.
“Do you like them?” You ask. There’s a slight whine in your voice that you can’t stop after having your husband’s hands back on you after so long.
“Give me a chance to give ‘em a test drive. So impatient.” He squeezes them tentatively then presses them together. “They feel great,” he states like he has something more to say but is holding back.
He gives you a look that tells you he’s about to hurt your feelings.
“But,” he takes a sharp inhale and you steel yourself for the blow. “I think you could’ve gone a little bigger.” You smack his hands away at that and he lets out an amused chuckle as you cover yourself.
“They’re great for playing with but how can you wrap them around my dick?”
“They were never meant to be wrapped around any dicks!” You protest. “Especially not yours!”
He continues to laugh and his hands fall back to your hips. “There’s my girl. I was afraid you lost your edge without me around to push your buttons.”
“It’s still present and accounted for,” you huff.
“Don’t play mad,” he smirks, tucking a finger under your chin.
“I’m not playing.”
“They’re perfect. They look beautiful on you. You look beautiful no matter what, but you know that.”
You continue to pout.
“Hey,” he directs your attention to him, gripping your chin so you’ll comply. “You know you’re my beautiful star, right?”
You watch him for a moment before finally nodding in defeat. He hums positively. “Im glad they gave you the confidence boost you were looking for.”
“I love them,” you finally smile.
“I love that you love them.” He pulls you to his lips for a gentle kiss that quickly turns deeper.
“Are we done talking?” He asks, rubbing his hands up and down your hips.
“No! We’re actually married now. We have a whole relationship to flesh out.”
Steve smiles softly. “That can wait. I need my wife now.”
His fingers tuck into your shorts and you quickly stop him. “Hold on! I’ve been traveling all day. Can I take a shower first?”
Steve smiles softly. “On one condition: I can join you?” You grin and nod.
The two of you clean up the remnants of your meal and you finish unpacking, filling the master bathroom with your toiletries.
Right next to his.
This felt like a big step. You could poke though his lotions, what kind of toothpaste he uses, his face wash and body wash. He seemed like a simple man based on his toiletries. Dove combination body wash, shampoo, and conditioner, Cetaphil face wash, Vaseline lotion. Oh? He uses Sauvage? No wonder he smelt so good.
You inhale the bottle’s spritzer and Steve walks in catching you red handed.
“You like it?” He asks with a lifted brow.
“Yeah,” you laugh sheepishly.
“Good. I like yours too.” You giggle and he steps next to you to pick up your perfume bottle. “I tried the cologne version of this a while back. I don’t think it mixed with my chemistry.”
“I can’t imagine anything smelling bad on you.”
He presses a kiss to you forehead. You both place the bottles down back next to each other. “I better warm up the water for you.”
“Thank you,” you sigh.
You toy with the hem of your shirt. He just saw you topless. This should be easy…
He unbuttons his shirt and tosses it in a clothes hamper. His undershirt and pants quickly follow. He gives you a once over while you toy with your clothes and he lets out a soft sigh.
“Do we have to start all over again from step one?” He smiles.
He steps up to you and lifts your shirt over your head. You left your bra in the bedroom. He works on your shorts next, pressing them down your hips and leaving you naked for him.
“Beautiful,” he smiles after giving you a once over. He presses his boxers down and tosses them toward the hamper.
He’s one to talk. You forgot how beautiful he is.
You share a tame shower then lotion and dry off. You watch Steve while you both brush your teeth and figure out how to phrase your request.
“I have to change. Do you mind waiting in the bedroom?”
“Change? Into what? I’m just going to take it off,” he chuckles after spitting out his toothpaste into the sink.
“I just have to…change,” you draw out the word. You know it doesn’t make sense but you wish he’d just listen to you.
He watches you for a moment before shrugging. “Fine. Change.” You smile up at him as he leaves the bathroom and closes the door behind him.
You may not have worn anything cute enough that you deemed worthy for him to see.
But you brought something.
Now you just have to remember how these straps work…
You step back in the bedroom and find Steve lounging on the bed with his towel still wrapped around his waist. Jethro is playing with one of your scrunchies that Steve is whipping around the bed for him to chase.
Oh! He’s a good cat dad, too.
You smile while watching him for a moment until he looks up.
His eyes widen and he gives you a once over. He looks down at Jethro as he steals the scrunchie right out of his hand before diverting his gaze back to you.
“Okay little man. You gotta go play with that in the living room.” He scoops of the cat with the scrunchie still in his mouth and pulls himself from the bed. “I have some business to take care of with your mom.”
“Can you make sure all the windows are closed?” You request as he totes the cat away.
“Yes, ma’am!” He calls.
You slide into his space on the bed and pull your phone to you.
This deserves at least a selfie. But just for you.
“Losing my virginity realness” you type over the image.
“Is there a photo shoot going on in here,” Steve asks, reentering the room.
“Just commemorating the moment.”
“It only took us two years,” Steve chuckles sliding into the bed next to you. He poses for your photo and presses a kiss to your shoulder.
“Alright. Hand it over.” He holds out his hand for the phone. “No more distractions.” You hand it to him. “Next time, we’ll make a video. But this time, it’s all about you.” You giggle and accept his kiss.
He cages you in his arms as he leans over you. He presses a kiss to your lips before pulling away slightly. You stare into his eyes while he watches you. You never noticed there’s a little green around their rims. They’re so pretty.
“I’m gonna take my time with you. Tell me if something hurts or doesn’t feel good. Understood?”
“Yes, sir,” you whisper.
Steve’s gaze flicks down to your chest. His fingers slip under the strap covering your nipples to pull it away. “This is so not like you, star,” he mutters looking over the leather covering your body.
“Bucky picked it out,” you admit.
“Remind me to thank him. Get him a new car or his own plane.”
“You like it?”
“I fucking love it.” He presses himself down your body, kissing your chest and your navel before ending just above your pussy.
He pulls the leather aside and he licks a strip up your slit.
“Fuck, I missed how good you taste,” he groans. His hand slides under the leather to get it out of his way as he starts to devour you. You forgot how good he was at this. A whine almost immediately escapes you.
“Steve,” you whimper. Your hips roll, grinding them into his face just to feel him a little deeper.
“What’s wrong, star?” Steve asks between licks. “You need someone to scratch that itch? You need to cum?”
“Y-yeah. Please, Steve,” you cry.
“Don’t worry. ‘M gonna take care of you.”
You bite your lips and throw your head back against the pillows. You legs writhe to clamp together but his large body is in the way.
He tucks a familiar finger in your core and he finds that spot inside you almost immediately. You cry out his name and squirm harder.
“Keep making those noises. I fucking love ‘em,” Steve hums and pulls you clit between your lips.
It’s too much! He’s so good and he knows you so well. You don’t even stand a chance.
It doesn’t take much more to have you spilling into his mouth. You forgot how amazing it felt to come on his lips. It can’t compare to any of your toys.
“So good for me,” Steve praises into your stomach and kisses just above your core. You squirm against the bed while you catch your breath and come down from your high.
You blink your eyes open to him lazily stroking himself between your legs. You glance down at his thick cock before meeting his gaze again.
“You gonna stop acting shy?” Steve asks.
“Maybe,” you joke with a tired smile. He chuckles and tugs lightly at the buckles holding your lingerie together. It loosens and falls away into a heap under you.
Steve reaches over to the bedside table a pulls out a small bottle.
“What’s that?”
“Lube. I got you nice and wet but I don’t want to force it.” You nod. He really does want to make sure it all feels good. He slides the lube up and down his cock before he rests his hands on your spread knees. “Remember what I told you?”
“To tell you if it hurts.”
“Good girl.”
He presses his cock against your folds and finds your entrance easily. Almost instantly you feel like this is not supposed to be inside you.
You whine and clench up on him, pulling your knees to your chest.
“Hey, don’t do that. Relax.”
You bite your lower lip and squeeze your eyes shut.
“Am I hurting you?”
“No. It just feels like a lot of pressure. Like I’m putting in a tampon. A really big tampon.”
“Wow. That’s exactly what I want to be compared to: a big tampon.”
You giggle. “I’m sorry! I don’t know how else to say it.”
“Whatever,” he rolls his eyes. “Just try to stay relaxed.” You take a deep breath and he presses further into you. There’s more pressure but it doesn’t exactly hurt.
You wince as he hits a certain point. “Okay, maybe more like a Pap smear,” you cringe slightly.
“Star! That’s way worse than a tampon,” Steve groans.
“What do you know about a Pap smear?”
“I was married before you, remember?” He chuckles.
“Okay, well, why don’t I stick a speculum in your asshole and take some swabs so you’ll really know?” You grin
“I’ve had my prostate exam, thank you.”
“You’re that old?” You gasp.
“That’s it.” He thrusts into you to the hilt. You take in a sharp inhale and stare up at him.
You open your mouth and only a small squeak escapes.
He smirks. “That shut you up.”
“I can’t stand you,” you grit through your teeth.
“And I love you.” He presses a kiss to your lips and flips you on top of him. “Now relax for a minute.”
“Like this?” You cry, pointing to where you’re connected.
“Yes, like this,” he sighs and rests his hands at the small of your back. “We’ll continue when it stops feeling like a Pap smear.”
You roll your eyes at him and and fold your arms over his chest to rest your chin on.
“You still love me? Even with all the shit I put you through?”
“I never stopped, star. Even when you get on my very last nerve.”
You smile softly. “You’re just ‘ight”
“Yeah. You’re cool and all but you can be kinda an asshole. But you’re my asshole.”
“Should I tell my doctor you’ll be performing my prostate exams from now on?”
You hum positively. “They have my permission to continue keeping you healthy. I need you around for as long as I can keep you.”
“As my wife, you stand to gain a lot if I die.”
“I’d loose too much.” Your fingers graze across his bare chest. Your hips shift and you gasp at the feeling of your clit rubbing against his pelvis.
“Something you like, star?” Steve groans, adjusting his own hips to chase after yours. You let out a soft whine and suddenly he feels so good resting inside you.
“Still feel like a Pap smear?”
You shake your head and whisper a “no”.
“Good,” he grins. He turns you both back over and cages your head with his hands. You instinctively hook your ankles behind his back. “Tell me if I’m too rough.” You nod.
He drags his heavy member out of you, making you gasp out, right before he presses right back into you.
You mewl softly as you arch your back. Then he does it again and again.
“Fuck, star,” Steve groans. “You’re so fucking beautiful.” His lips attach to your exposed neck and he sucks and nips your sensitive skin, traveling along the column of your neck.
“Steve,” you whine.
“Yes, star?” He breathes against you skin. “What’s wrong? Tell me how I can fix it.” You can only cry out his name again. “Do you like it?”
“Uh huh!”
“I knew you’d like it,” Steve chuckles softly.
“W-why did we wait so looonghhh?” You moan.
He pauses and stares down at you.
“Why did we wait, Mrs. We Have to Get Married First?”
You heave a deep breath. You wanted to make this one count. “It’s Mrs. Rogers, actually.”
He lifts a brow and pulls completely out of you. “So fucking annoying. Get on all fours.”
“But you still love me, right?” You ask coyly while you turn over.
“I’m going to love fucking the shit out of you,” he chuckles darkly.
“What happened to being gentle?”
He grips your hips and pulls them back to meet his. His big hand presses your upper body down into the pillows.
“You’ve obviously gotten too comfortable.” His thumbs spread your pussy open so delicately, you wonder if he was lying about getting rough. Then he presses into you in one quick thrust leaving you whining into the expensive cotton bedding. “You need more.” He thrusts into you at a high angle, seemingly looking for something inside of you.
“Huh uh uh uh,” you huff at every beat and quickly understanding what it means to be fucked into a bed as you knees start to give out from his weight.
Then you know exactly what he’s after. He presses into that soft spongy part of your core and you let out a muffled scream.
“Ahhaaahaa!” You cry while still trying to breathe.
Did you…
You think he just…
And he did it so easily!
“Star, you came all over my bed.” He spanks your ass cheek softly. “Making a fucking mess.”
He sounds anything but disappointed in you. Proud, even.
“I-it’s your fault!” You cry into the bedding.
“What was that?” Steve grunts and lifts you by you hair so your back meets his chest.
You whimper at suddenly being manhandled and gasp at the fresh air.
You fucking love it.
“I said,” you breathe, “it’s your fault.”
“Damn right, it’s my fault.” You can hear the smirk in his voice as his big hand slides from your belly to your chest to cup your breast. “And I’ll do it again in a heartbeat.”
The hand in your hair finds your chin and he pulls you into a deep kiss.
Fuck. He’s good.
At this angle, he feels like he’s getting so deep and he’s hitting that perfect spot over and over. You moan into his mouth and your hand finds his arm against your chest. Your fingers thread between his and he pulls both your hands away to kiss the back of yours.
“Love you, star,” he mutters.
“Suddenly being gentle again?” You question.
“Just wanna make sure I don’t send you running.”
You look back at him. “I won’t run.”
His eyes roam up your body to your face.
“I trust you.”
He presses another kiss to your lips.
“Good. Trust me.” He thrusts into you again leaving you crying. Your head falls back against his shoulder while he holds you in place.
“Fuuuuck!” You cry to the ceiling. You can’t count how many times he’s tossed you over the edge but he just keeps catching you.
“God, you feel so good. Fucking made for me,” Steve grunts in your ear. You can barely hang on while he fucks you senseless. Your breaths come out in quiet cries. You’ve never felt like this. Like you were so completely understood. He knows what makes your body tick. He remembers even after two years; how you like to be touch, how to hold you just right, exactly what to whisper in your ear to make you go crazy for him.
Like he was made for you. Maybe you were made for each other.
“I’m close, star. You want me to pump a baby into you?” You were not in the mental place to have this conversation. You never wanted him out of you. He could stay firmly rooted in you pussy for the rest of time.
“Inside! Please, Steve!” You cry.
“Inside it is, star.”
He presses your upper body back down into the pillows and doubles his efforts.
“Oh, God! Fuck!” You scream but it’s muffled. The sound of slapping skin and Steve’s grunts fill the room but you can barely hear any of it over your own moans.
Stars fill the darkness behind your eyelids as he brings you to one last orgasm. Steve lets out a satisfied groan and a warmth spreads through your belly. You whine as you come down, pressing back against his hips to ride out the last of your ecstasy.
“Fuck,” Steve grunts as he empties himself in to you. He rests his chest against your back and attempts to catch his breath. “Shit. Star, you okay?”
You take a few deep breaths, still coming down from your high. “I’m perfect,” you sigh.
He pulls your hair away from your face and kisses your cheek.
He pulls you into his arms and rolls you both on your sides. You heave a heavy breath as he softens inside of you.
“So?” Steve asks, running his hand across your stomach.
“So what?” You exhale. “You want me to tell you you give great dick or something?”
He just chuckles softly behind you. “You’re going to be a pain in my ass for the rest of my life.”
“Damn right,” you giggle.
He presses you down on your back so he can watch you. “I can’t wait to deal with you for the rest of forever.”
“Do you use that line on all the girls?”
“Just the ones I marry.”
“So, two out of three?”
“You don’t know how many women I’ve been with,” he scoffs.
You give him a dubious look. “Okay, Mr. Rogers. How many?”
“Oh, I was way off then!” You laugh then gasp as you feel everything leaking out of you.
“Oh, shit! Let me get you a towel! Stay still.” Steve rolls from the bed and into the bathroom. You attempt to clinch to keep it all in but it’s such a strange feeling. Steve returns quickly with a warm, wet towel.
“Alright, relax. There you go. Better?” You nod and he gives you one last wipe before tossing the towel in the corner. He leaves the room again and returns with two water bottles and Jethro meowing happily on his heels. The cat jumps on the bed and immediately sniffs at a wet spot.
“Oh my God, Jethro! Stop,” you whine, directing the cat in a different area. Steve chuckles and pulls the comforter from the bed to toss next to the soiled towel.
“Someone will clean it up in the morning,” Steve advises.
“Thank you,” you smile and finally accept a bottle.
“Drink up. You lost a lot of fluids.”
“Oh my gosh! No you too!” you giggle as your face heats even more. “Was it that much?”
He hums positively while sucking down half of his bottle. “And you looked so fucking beautiful doing it, too.”
You smile. “Not as beautiful as you.”
“Oh, now you’re lying to me?” He laughs and tosses the throw pillows across the room and pulls back the sheets.
You snuggle next to Steve and he pulls you into a gentle kiss before lying back on the pillows.
You rest your head against his shoulder and your hand find his on his stomach. Jethro finally settles down next to you and starts cleaning himself.
You smile and lift your conjoined hands and press a kiss to the back of his. “I love you, too,” you whisper.
The two of you lie in silence and you’re pretty sure Steve is half asleep when you speak. “Hey, can we do it again?”
Steve laughs softly. “I knew I gave good dick.” You giggle and press a kiss to his cheek. “Give me thirty minutes, star.”
Chapter 5 | Master List
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