#someone even painted one of the pics from the post and added it in a reblog and it almost made me CRY ksjfksjsk
pweepsiee · 18 days
INTRO!! :3
Please remember I am still an actual human being
I am not in any way shape or form yours, nor will I ever be. I am not your personal cam girl who falls at your feet.
If you can't handle that, go to someone else's blog.
I’m not always gonna be in the mood so if I’m not being sexual back to you just drop it. DO NOT SEND ME NUDES OR ANYTHING OF THE SORT UNLESS I MAKE A SPECIFIC POST ABOUT IT.
Prob only gonna be here for..(doing the math as I’m writing this..) three more years! :3
Not a dom!!!!
About me
Name: Estrella
Age: 18
Sexuality: bisexual (I lean towards women) (WHY ARE THERE NO DOMMES ON HERE?!
Religion: Hellenism
MBTI: INTP! Though you probably won't be able to tell unless you somehow manage to get the real me out hehe
Favorite shows: Gilmore girls, Shamless, Good Girls Favorite movies: Zootopia, Dumplin, Fear Street
Favorite books: Dracula, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Shadows of Perseus
My hobbies: painting, singing, writing, jewelry making, playing piano
My fav pet names: Missy/lil miss, angel, princess, baby/ babygirl, little one, love, sweetheart (probably others but I can't think of them..)
Lover of anything creepy, crawly, unsettling or dark!! (Only a vampire can love you forever, right?)
Also weirdly obsessed w Ancient Greece..wish I lived in that era ☹️
On a real note, I struggle a lot with depression and anxiety, waiting to be diagnosed! These are normally pretty debilitating for me but I try not to let it openly affect me too much. I also am suffering from a chronic illness so forgive me if my posting schedule is a little wonky!
I have multiple doms/dommes! Almost all of them are online, but a few are in person. These relationships are strictly D/s, nothing serious romantically! Always up for adding another dom/domme to my list :)
Yes I do indeed have daddy issues, did you come to check if I did hehe? If you're thinking "oh hooray!" Or whatever more mature celebration you're saying in your head, you re.probably going to be mildly disappointed. A lot of people (especially on here) have the misunderstanding that daddy issues cause girls to be super sexual, well, not true. I am indeed fact a pretty sexual person, but I'm not always going to be in the mood or down for sending/receiving spicy pics, l am after all a human being with many feelings. surprise surprise! That being said, my daddy issues are more (unless we're talking about a serious D/s relationship..you most likely won't have to worry about this unless we're getting into something serious the kind where I cry a lot and need to be treated like a princess haha. Enough ranting, the fun stuff is below :)
My kinks 🌈
Uhhh probably some others that I can’t remember rn?..
DNI/hard limits:
Trying to force me to send you anything.
Getting upset if I don't respond right away or at all.
Hating on me and or my blog.
Persisting if I am clearly not in the mood or if I am age regressing.
Asking me to show my face
Anti BDSM/anti sex (wtf r u doing here then man)
Nipple play
Anything anal. Just..no. Exit only.
Anything that results in long lasting harm (I'm in poor enough health..don't even need to think about adding onto it.)
NO body shaming. Too sensitive for it :<
Bottom line-I am a human being, I have the right to deny any request, not respond, or not like something you do.
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tinydefector · 4 days
Psst , The human affect last one where after MC post those spicy pic's, imagine the new of it on Swerve bar's DRAMA and Chaos 😂😂😂 I want to see the reactions
Who's servos- Human effects
Words: 1.1k
Warnings: taking about explicit photos, light smut, hand humping, Drunk robots.
I added a sprinkle of Dratchet in here because I love these old men. So enjoy the boys reactions to the Ambassador's photos.
Swerves Bar is overly loud as mechs argue amongst each other as they try to figure out what bot was shacked up with the Ambassador, everyone looking at the photos as they try and figure out who's servos they are. 
"I'm telling you, those are Rodimus' servos for sure!" someone slurred, slamming their drink. "Only he's got servos that colour!" 
“Ah no, Animus has the same coloured Servos!” 
“Don't look at me im on the Ethics committee, and whoever is involved in this clearing doesn't care about the ethical side of interspecies relations which we have no knowledge on!” Animus argued back the moment his name was mentioned 
“What if it's UltraMagnus who painted them so he doesn't get caught!” Aquabat chimed in trying to be part of the conversation. 
"As if!" another scoffed. "Ultra stick-up-the-tailpipe would never. My shanix are on Atomizer." Gears states into his drink. 
At the counter, Rodimus nursed his engex with a scowl. "Sure as Frag wasn't me,  i'd be boasting about that in person!, plus the servos don't have the detailing I have!" He argued back. 
Drift flashed a sly grin. "Oh I don't know, Roddy - they do raise an interesting point. You are the Mech they spend a lot of time with who's captain of the ship, and I believe you'd keep it a secret to spite everyone" the ex con was Overcharged himself, drifting from where Rodimus sat and where Ratchet was sulking over his own drink. 
"It has to be one of the senior staff," argued Hound. "They've got the most face time with the Ambassador." 
"Don't discount the scientists," Brainstorm countered. "Interspecies collaboration is crucial work." A collection of them look at Brainstorm for a kilk. 
Nautica scowled as she passed by. "We all know you have no tack Brainstorm."  
Tailgate tugged Rewind's arm anxiously. "Do you think we'll get in trouble for looking? I didn't mean to pry, honest!"
Rewind shook his head. "No, its publicly posted with consent, pretty sure if the Ambassador had issues with it High command would have dealt with it already " 
Beside them, Swerve studied the photos intently. "Maybe I should invite the ambassador for drinks. Get to chatting, see if we could get them to spill."
"No harassing them," Rodimus warned, stealing Swerve's datapad. "Now let it go, mechs. Their choices aren't anyone's business but their own." 
Skids appeared at Drift's side suddenly. "Can you believe it, Drift?, who do you think it is?" He waved a datapad at the speedster, proudly displaying an image. 
Swerve perchs up his field mischievous. "Any guesses on the lucky mech, Drift?, we're Taking bets" He states in singy song tone. 
“C’mon Tailgate, don’t be such a prude,” Skids nudged the minibot to look at the photos  as he ducked shyly behind his engex. “Ain’t you curious?” 
Swerve flashed a waggle. "C'mon Drift, place your chips! I got hot odds on Roddy, Crossblades, or maybe even that slippery therapist Rung." 
Hound elbowed in, visor blinding. "Do they show interface arrays? Wonder how alien bits compare!" 
Drifts optics focus in on the holos taking in the Ambassador and the servos, Drift felt his energon run cold as his optics focused unmistakably on the servos in the image. Oh, he knew those battle-worn appendages all too well - how many vorns had he felt their merciless precision upon his mesh, heard their owner growl his name through the throes of overload? 
But dear Primus, how had the Ambassador come to possess Ratchet's severed servos? A flash of memory surfaced - hadn't Ratchet left them in medical incase he ever had to use them again. after the massacre at Delphi. 
He snuck a surreptitious glance at Ratchet through the chaos, the grumpy Medic seemed to slouch more in his seat while spilling a bright green mixed high grade. A smirk spread Drift's lips. “ don't Bet Swerve” he states. Rising smoothly, making a beeline for Ratchet with the holo in hand.
Ratchet glances up when he sees Drift, had the CMO not been so drained and worried he might have smiled at Drift, but with everything that had happened with Traxies his systems were running full alert. "Well well, look who finally noticed me," Ratchet remarked dryly as Drift slid into the seat beside him, weariness pulling his field taut as ever-tightening screws. "And just what have you got there that's got your relays in a twist?"
Drift took a moment to slowly moving to straddle his conjunx lap, teasing whispering to him as he handed over the holo. "Funny thing - seems our dear Ambassador has found a new use for those old servos of yours, though how, I couldn't say..."  Ratchet whipped his gaze to the image, intake dropping open at the sight of all-too-familiar digits wrapped intimately around supple flesh. His fans stuttered violently. 
"The pit...how in Primus's name did they get a hold of my old servos?!" He rasped, snatching the holo to pore over with widening optics. Somewhere in the drunken din, Drift managed to slap a servo over Ratchet's mouth before he made a scene. 
Drift leaned close, vents puffing hot against an audial. "Well? Care to make a claim, or shall mystery have them all in a tizzy?" he purred silkily. Ratchet grimaces, field warming ever so slightly beneath its veneer of exhaustion. "None of their business," he grumbled, staring pointedly at Drift. 
Drift chuckled, glossa flicking coyly over his dermas. "Aw, don't be like that. You know you're enjoying the thought of having every optic in this bar on you, imagining all the sinful things you'd do” 
A rumbling growl escaped Ratchet's intake. "And you'd best mind your tone, or you'll find yourself in need of a medical. Again." But his field betrayed amusement Drift's optics glinted knowingly. "You say that like it's a chore, but we both recall how creative your medical procedures can be...especially with an eager patient beneath those adept servos." 
"You're like rust" Ratchet huffs but lets Drift continue, his mind does start to wonder about how soft the Ambassador looks. "Honestly, you're worse than the younglings sometimes, Drift." But his digits had already found their way to rest in the seams of Drift’s hips. 
The Ex con nuzzled closer still, voice playful even in his overcharged state. "How you wound me, doctor." His servo crept daringly across Ratchet's plating, tracing patterns. "Just imagine - that soft little frame. The sounds you could coax from those lips..."
A shiver worked its way through Ratchet's struts, betraying his fraying self-control. "You really are determined to get us both in more trouble than we can handle, aren't you?" But his engine revved eagerly all the same. Drift purred contentedly as deft medic's digits found all his sensitive nodes just right. "Mm, you say trouble but I know how you enjoy a challenge, doc." 
His field pulsed hot as his imagination, arousal spiking at thought of the Ambassador with them. "Just picture it - that lithe organic frame writhing between us, so curious and willing to learn." Drift continued to grind against Ratchet's servos. "You'll get us both in the brig, get back to my Hub you're overcharged" he huffs out. 
Let me know if you would like to be added to tag list (tagged for every fic)
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k2ntoss · 8 months
okay, so, adding onto your, as of this moment, most recent post, just picture it: you catch onto the fact that jason gets all smug seeing his handiwork on your nails when you jerk him off, and decide to surprise him by going out and testing literally every possible red nail polish available until you find the exact perfect shade that matches his helmet, and giving it to him as part of his gift for some occasion or another (personally I'm thinking either his birthday or Christmas, anniversary could work also)
but like, just imagine how thrilled he would be and how eager he would be to get that colour on your nails, and how impatient he would be for them to dry so he could see them in action, yknow? 👀👀
-🦊 (also omg i have my own tag now?🥹)
allow me to tell you that since you're the first "formal" anon with an emoji you are indeed my favorite, plus i'm always happy to see you around here bc you feed my delusions so thanks 🦊 ily, so yes you have your own tag
jason had to get used to his birthday being a little different since he started dating you, he had a reason to celebrate now and it was lovely, since he woke up you would shower him in details and little gifts and he loved to feel like a spoiled child because he felt all the love you had for him.
this year it wasn't different and his day was filled with things he liked a lot until he had to leave on patrol for a while so it was the perfect opportunity for you to prepare his last gift. it had been a while since he found out he liked painting your nails just to see artwork when you wrapped your hands around his dick, it simply made him grin proudly because it was his girl pleasing him and showing off her pretty nails, done by him so you decided to feed that little monster in jason's head. a whole week going into every store you saw to get the perfect shade of red that could match his helmet, carrying a pic on your phone just of the color to compare it until you found the one.
as soon as he slid into your apartment through the window he noticed the lights of the living room on which meant that you were there waiting for him so he made his way there. as soon as he saw you he took off the helmet, holding it under his arm and giving you a wide grin "isn't it past your bed time, princess?" jason asks teasingly as he walks towards the couch to sit next to you.
"no, it isn't because i have two last things for the birthday boy" you reply with a mischievous smile, handing him a small white box tied with a pretty red bow that he didn't wait to undo just to open the little box.
the smile that crept to his face was enough to know he was thinking about the reason behind the red nail polish bottle he was holding between his fingers, his eyes fixed on yours before he leaned in to kiss you but he stopped as soon as you tilted your head "are you gonna give me your pretty hands or do i have to ask?" jason's voice drops low and it makes a shiver run down your spine and even lower between your legs because you know what he wants.
"isn't it past my bed time? maybe we should wait until tomorrow morning so we can sleep" you reply, pushing jason a little just to build a little more of that pretty glint of need and desperation on his eyes and you let out a chuckle when he shakes his head, hair going messy and his white strand mixing a little with his jet black hair.
"you don't expect me to wait, right? give me your hands and let me see how they look when you use them on my cock, baby" jason's words make you swallow hard before you lay your hands on his thigh so he can start painting your nails and he's quick without messing it not even a little bit and you can't help but smiling when he's blowing on them to dry the nail polish.
"someone is getting a little impatient" you tease him which only earns you a low growl from his lips, he's impatient and needy because you can already see the outline of his half hard dick under his tactical pants and how his chest heaves under the chest plate so you blow a little too on your nails. jason stares at you, he even counts into his head how many minutes he has to wait until his trained eye sees the paint is dry.
"down on your knees. now" he almost barks the order as he spreads his legs to let you sit between them on the floor just to be met by his helmet placed between his thighs "put your pretty hands on the helmet, baby" jason says and you do so, his blood is boiling at the sight because the shade is exactly the same and his hands go a little clumsy when he decides to undo his belt and the buttons of his pants, taking away the helmet just so your hands can start to stroke him over his boxers.
there's soft grunts escaping his lips even if you're not touching him completely yet but he's so turned on by the color on your nails he can't really help it. leaning in he grabs your hips to move your body until you're sitting over his heavy boot, the rough material making you tremble ever so slightly "be a good girl and sit pretty there for me, yeah, love?" his voice is low and he smirks when you are the one sliding your hand under his boxers to wrap your fingers around his hard dick, nodding at his words.
for jason there's nothing hotter than his girl but seeing you like this, getting him you know he likes to use with you makes him feel so good, the way you always seem to guess what he would enjoy a lot is like touching heaven and having you know, kneeling in front of him while you jerk him off sitting on his boot feels like the perfect birthday gift. your hand going up and down his length with the right amount of pressure before your thumb slides up to play with his tip drives him crazy, he thrust his hips a little just to urge you to keep going at the same time his hand holds your chin slowly guiding two digits into your mouth "don't you have anything to say to me, baby?" he asks with a smirk as his thumb presses your tongue to mess up with your words.
"happy birthday, jay..."
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AI-generated embroidery
I'm starting to see more and more AI generated pics of "embroidered" art popping up, and somehow that makes me even more disappointed than when I spot fake paintings. Of course, a lot of creativity and effort goes into any given form of art, and they all have their limitations which inform the end result, but one can, in theory, paint almost anything (at least in digital painting) while there are far more tangible, physical limitations to what you can make a piece of thread do. One of the best parts of seeing a gorgeous piece of textile/fiber art is admiring how well the artist has been able to cleverly utilise and transcend the limitations of working with thread/fabric/roving/etc., and realising how much time it must have taken.
To then see AI "embroidery" that looks very impressive at first glance before realising that it couldn't possibly be real because it defies the very laws of physics makes me sad. Not only did someone want to generate a piece of art they couldn't be bothered to make themselves, but they then looked at the image the computer spat out and either wasn't interested enough in the craft itself to be able to tell how impossible it was or decided that it didn't matter because the point was just to get some superficially pretty content to share with a mostly unsuspecting audience. It's just... a whole new level of disrespect for a craft that is already niche and underappreciated as it is.
There have been posts pointing out what to look out for in generated "paintings" and "photos", but I have not seen any for embroidery yet, so here's a couple of points off the top of my head:
Can you see individual threads clearly? Do they look consistent in texture (like they're spun the same way). There are a few different types of embroidery thread which are spun in different ways and from different materials, but if it looks like one type of thread was used and the threads still look inconsistent, that's a tell.
If the piece seems to be mixed media (e.g featuring beads or fabric appliqué etc.), do the added materials look realistic? Can you guess at what they're made of or how they may have been attached without the use of sorcery? I have seen a few examples of what looks like a cluster of beads at first glance, but when looking closer they've turned out to be very surreal in shape and get progressively less realistic and more abstract the smaller they get. Then there have been details which I've tried and utterly failed to imagine what material they could even be made from, like decorative vines/borders that look more like 3D-printed plastic than thread or metal wire or anything you might expect to find in an embroidery, even with creative material choices.
Does the motif look very three-dimensional? There are a number of ways to create 3D embroidery, but they all have to follow the laws of physics. Where are those threads going? Do they just end randomly? Does it look like a bunch of normal embroideries stuck on top of each other with no plausible edges or methods of attachment?
I've seen at least one example where most of the image was trying to look like photorealistic embroidery, but then there were a few details that simply looked photorealistic as in, "Wait, half of that bird looks embroidered, and half of it just looks like a photo of a real bird?"
As in other forms of AI art, look at details which you think you know what they ought to look like - especially in parts of the work that are out of focus or far from the center, those tend to be less realistic. If, at first glance, something in the background looks like a rose, look again and ask yourself, "Is that really what a rose looks like, even stylised? Why does that petal look more like a weird tentacle? These shapes make no sense. Was the artist just clumsy and made a mistake, or was it designed like that by a computer?"
Humans like symmetry. If there's a border or something which looks like it ought to feature repeating patterns but turns out to just be abstract shapes without any sort of pattern to it, then be suspicious. Same thing goes for motifs which look like they're supposed to consist of a perfectly mirrored right and left part but have unexpected inconsistencies (say, a butterfly or a crown, for example).
Finally, as always: is there a source in the caption? Does it say something like, "[Title of the piece/description of the motif] by [artist], embroidery thread and [beads/metal wire/leather appliqué/whatever fun material]"? Is there a caption at all? If not, there's a tiny chance that the artist just posted it themselves without a caption, but it's much more likely that it's either reposted stolen art or AI art that wants to pass under the radar, or even stolen AI art (if, indeed, one can steal something that was created by a computer based on other stolen art to begin with).
Okay, rant over. Go forth and look a bit closer at images of embroidery in future! You'll either discover that it's an AI piece, or you'll get the pleasure of really taking in the cool details and techniques used by a skilled, real-life fiber artist!
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iantimony · 6 months
twoweeker tuesday: redux
im really making a trend of two-weekin these huh. gonna try to Not do that bc it makes me way less likely to actually do it lol. speed-posting this before bed (and before the melatonin kicks my ass, i'm trying to reset my sleep sched a bit)
listening: hozier unreal unearth. sammy rae & the friends. leaving this pretty sparse because i don't want to dig back through my history for the past two weeks and that's definitely the bulk of it. some notes from the Release Radar(tm) that i like: good luck, babe! - chappell roan bell - rob blivion waiting. - pater ...all (feat jake clemons, live) - grouplove i had not my hat - tom rosenthal april 8, 2024: the great north american eclipse - sleeping at last (!!!) too sweet - hozier flea - st vincent lil' freak - bbno$
reading: finished the main bit of scum villain! i'm reading the extras now. officially read all three mxtx books
watching: FINISHED SERIAL EXPERIMENTS LAIN. i have so many thoughts. i was in delta-orionis' dms about it a bit but my ass has so many Notes. many thoughts. gnosticism mostly but also the obvious tech-as-extension-of-self throughline. idk it was a very weird show and i definitely need to re-watch it to let it sink in a little more.
playing: no games but a lot of horn! i have an audition tomorrow for the fall's campus ensembles, i am...not super confident about it tbh, unsurprisingly i am not back to where i was pre-pandemic so my upper range and endurance is still really crunchy.
making: i keep forgetting to charge my phone before pottery so it keeps. dying. so i made quite a few new things the past few weeks but no photos of those - i did Crack the Code a bit, so now i can more reliably get things shaped in a conscious way. basically i was sitting too far forward so when i was pulling the walls up i was actually doing it at an angle, if i sit with my nose over the center of the pot it's all *chef kiss* beautiful. anyways here's a few glaze related pics. a lot of disappointment unfortunately.
1. my fucked up teacups. god im so mad about these. they were supposed to be a cool grey-green with a white flower, and matte. it is None Of These Things. idk will get redone. big mad.
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2. bowl and mug that both got bubbles because i misread the glaze labels - they're both mayco glazes that are optimized for cone 05, not cone 5, so the both the color is not as good as i thought and also the surface variation is. not great. the bowl is acceptable, it's mirror blue, it went through the kiln again and the bubbles evened out (pic is from before), and plus it's on the outside - i just put plain white on the inside - so it's fine. the mug is a little more problematic. it was green slip sgraffito with evergreen fir over top, and i really love the color effect, but there's some small bubbles along the rim...this glaze was marked as food safe in a way that the mirror blue is Not so i thought it would be fine but. well. i'm hoping nuking it in the kiln again will smooth those out.
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3. One Good Thing: trying a new glaze technique! someone in my studio does this gorgeous thing where she paints on flowers with underglaze, then covers them with liquid latex to paint on the background, and finally peels off the latex. it always comes out sooo nice, so when i ordered some more underglaze i went ahead and added liquid latex to cart too :3 this is just the flowers, i will be adding the background tomorrow!
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eating: uhhh good cauliflower vegetarian shawarma thing that i refused to make unless we added a can of chickpeas because where in the fuck is the protein. tonight was a miso-butter chicken with radishes that we added potatoes and onions to. both sheetpan recipes so im def a fan of those now.
misc: ouuuugh. augh. oughghghg. i need to be done with homework forever please god. i have like...7? 8? total hws left between my two classes. and then i am Done With Classes. mentally gearing up to do my preliminaries at the end of the summer. not to doxx myself but ouch. basketball yesterday. Pain. the eclipse yesterday WAS unreal. oh my god. i drove to [redacted] very small town about 40 minutes from me and it was perfect. so glad i avoided the Big City, although that's where my roommate and her mom went and apparently the traffic was fine, but i'm definitely glad to have been in a less crowded zone. i get it now. i want to take that feeling i had watching totality and eat it and keep it with me forever. i was with friends. the weather was perfect. it was beautiful.
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dhabitahpunk-art · 1 year
Hi! Your art is absolutely gorgeous and I loved that Paint With Me video!
I'm also a digital artist and have also gotten an anon ask like that saying they were convinced I was an AI :/ Even though I've literally made a long post about my process which included ugly WIP pics but oh well
Anyway, my point with sending this was mainly to just send you good vibes, and say I hope you don't let comments like that bother you too much, and tell you, as a fellow artist with a very similar style and process, how beautiful and inspirational your art is ;u;
Seriously the colors, the rough brush strokes, the mood, it's all I always want my own art to be like but only sometimes succeed at... I think one thing that makes a big difference, which I've been trying to be more conscious of lately, is the choice of references. Sometimes I just choose pics because I wanna draw the subject in them but don't think so much about the harmony of the colors involved or the lighting or the compositon etc etc and then it's only when I'm like 70% through the drawing that I start noticing how underwhelming it is compared to what it could have been like but at that point it's too late to make such drastic changes so I just end up frustrated and disappointed.
And that's all stuff that could have been avoided by choosing a better ref in the first place and I think you always nail that you know? Like I never have any pre established interest in the subjects you draw but the art is so beautiful on its own if that makes sense, I really love it. And I also love how loose you're able to keep your brushstrokes by having a lower res ref so you can't see too much detail. I struggle with that sometimes.. either I work with a low quality pic to keep the drawing rough or I have a better quality ref so I can draw some nice details in the features, but then I overdo it by adding too much detail anyway. So having the multiple versions of the ref for different purposes makes a lot of sense and I was actually just thinking about that today XD
Anyway uh this got a lot longer than I meant it to, sorry for the rambling, but yeah really love your art and your style and your process!!
Aw, thanks so much for writing in, dear anon!!! My blood is always boiling whenever someone accuses me of using AI. 🤣 I get those comments a lot on Instagram especially.
I get that issue sometimes too when the piece just feels underwhelming. But I usually just push thru and it's all about the experience. Sometimes we get to learn new things during the process even tho the end result isn't what we expected.
You should totally try to have a lower resolution version of your reference. It's helped me a lot and also stopped me from over-rendering which I am sometimes guilty of. 😆
Also, I bet your art is really cool and you're so kind. If you don't mind, you could private message me your account so I can give you a follow!!😇 No pressure, of course!
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dapayeora · 1 year
Some submissions on the tf2 community workshop i wanna see added to the game and my comment no one asked for (very soldier-centric)
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(x) In the comments section they say there's already a cosmetic that has the same concept but I love how it is just carelessly duct-taped on the helmet like this, and I suppose the scope's from the direct hit?
The item looks like it could benefit from a little improved modeling, though. There are 2 other submissions from the author and I think they all look nice, I think the author is still trying his hands out on creating items and will be making cool items once they get more used to it.
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(x) There are good Hawaiian shirts already out there both in game and coming up in the workshop and this helmet's gonna go great with those shirts.
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(x) I unironically love this one (though it's the irony hat)
Yes. It's true. I've been very very very patient with this game. I need this hat. I wish this hat was given out to everyone who was around since the Jungle Inferno update. It's a joke hat and it is such a basic hat, but it is actually very detailed. Look at the stitches on the brim and the closure at the back. Love it.
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(x) A simple hat that fits Soldier very well. Looks similar to Nuke minus the glasses but if you look at them side by side they look pretty different, and this one is just exclusively Soldier, no references or memes or whatsoever, and that's the cool part
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(x) I have an obsession for coiled earpieces and I got it from this man:
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(x) A robot-themed reimagination of Soldier's stash. What sold me was how cute the Robo-Soldier was. Other robot-themed items are here and robo-birdcage and robo-chest from the collections have already been added to the game. Why has Valve decided not to put everything in the collection is a mystery, all of them look so great.
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(x) Contrary to a popular belief, Jane Doe has been seen writing in multiple occasions including this time here at the Meet Your Match Update:
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I don't think this item is a reference to this pic but if it is, it's a nice touch and I am going to paint the hat white
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(x) There are several varieties of Soldier arm cosmetics at the moment, and they all look awesome but if I get to choose one I'd pick this because this one sticks to the stock design and it goes well even with other solly jackets.
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(x) This one might look good only with Tyrant's Helm but Tyrant's Helm's such a solid solly hat and there's no reason I wont' be wearing this set.
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(x) As much as I love goofy mercs I don't mind occasional serious killing machine mercs.
Bonus point it looks warm and comfy
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(x) Just look at them the sfm's so cute. The grenade design doesn't look as good as the stickybomb one but both are still very good while sticking to the og artstyle
Other submissions i think should be added to the game but don't have much to talk about at the moment
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-> wait this one is actually fucking hilarious
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-> This one has been posted in 2014 but updated in 2022. lovely to see some continued love
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that's it for me today but if there's someone out there to share what they would choose i'll be delighted to read your opinions too
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hyunverse · 2 years
you’re so right hyunjin would 100% write you literally anything you like or would just come up w smth new whenever he felt like it. also would def just give you artwork he made for you 🥲. imagine him giving you little pieces of your fave animal or his fave pic of you guys together </////3 god id be in shambles. also i did not realize malaysia was that hot ?? i couldn’t do it i hateeeeee the heat. but then i also hate the cold. like i’ll literally be going to school in -20C weather where i live😭😭 it’s so awful. so spring and fall are 100% my times of the year like i’m always happiest at those times bc the weather is just normal
so true men are just men. i think we got lucky w our skz’s zodiacs. bc changbin is the only leo man that can exist okay 🙅🏻‍♀️ he is nothing like these average ass horrible leo men. he’s bias wrecking me so hard lately like he’s literally fighting w hyunjin rn for the spot. i can hear them bickering in the back of my head 😒😒
ALSO RIGHT i can’t help but baby him 💔💔 same w seungmin i just want to squish his cheeks 💔💔💔 manifesting seungmo forehead rn 🙏🏼. SO IMPRESSED W THE BOWLING BTW THATS AWESOMEEEE. i hope you had sm fun 😋 i’ll have to try it again soon and lyk. most likely i’ll be shit but it’s worth a try. my day was not the besttttt i’m rly stressed out and have a ton of crap going on but seeing ur response made my day ^_^. i saw it and blushed and squealed not even kidding. ur the sweetest you always put a smile on my face. i hope your day is good today :)) i think it’s like 6 am there rn which is so funny bc i’m about to eat dinner. like it’s cool to think we’re doing our opposite routines at the same time. does that even make sense ?? 😭 this is what i mean w the rambling i’m just 💔 LOL
alsoooooo i’m gonna reply to your other post here too and say i’m so glad you moved on from those pos’s. relationships suck and that’s why i read fanfics like yours to fill the void 🙏🏼. i’m jk i’ve also moved on but im a lover girl at heart so not being in a relationship is legit torture. like i just want to talk to someone and be loved and like go on dates 🙄 KISSES AND HUGS FOR U THO you deserve all of them bae <33
- 🐈‍⬛ (spammed again omg what is my PROBLEM ?? you bring out the talk in me and most ppl can’t do that <33 i can’t help it ur too kind)
hyun <3 painting u <3 with a fond smile in his face <3 they don’t make men like him anymore!
malaysia IS hot bae. . . it’s located at the equator </3 spring and fall seems so pretty, especially fall!! like dawggg i wanna be jumping on piles of fallen leaves too mane 😔🙏 dress up cute ‘n stuff. i will be showing up everywhere lookin like rory gilmore 💯 everytime i see an autumn grwm i gotta stop myself from kicking and throwing a tantrum cs i don’t live somewhere with the four seasons 🤸‍♀ -20°C weather is insane i would literally drown myself in boiling water 🧘‍♀
the thought of changjin bickering IS SO FUNNY like those two istg. . . love how hyunjin rejects every single one of changbin’s affections LMAO i always laugh at them. binnie in the samsung ad got the girlies going CRAZY LIKEEEEE. . .
i get the desire to be loved tbh. likeeee feeling loved is so nice but at the same time i feel like i have no mental span for a relationship anymore 💀 i am so busy during the times i am in campus so having a bf wud probably be disastrous for me.
u need to come bowling with me i Will defeat u 💯 LMFAOOO. or maybe you, too, will find out that ure actually a hidden bowling prodigy. u never know ykyk. also yeah timezones are so odd but it is somewhat painfully endearing. . . ? just two people doing opposite routines but still being able to be friends at the same. isnt that so cute omg. i’m sorry your day was crap my love, here i giv u minho pics to hopefully make ur day today better than yesterday’s!!
mwahmwah sending u my love sweetheart <3
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l-crimson-l · 5 months
And gunpla questions you receive! (Honestly, thank you so much for answering them, you're of a great help to a newbie that's me.)
So, I plan to finally get to partially painting my first gunpla tomorrow, and I also thought of doing a little weathering, but it's just a random thought for now — and so I got curious of what weathering techniques you prefer and for what reason.
Ok so I had to take some time to look up a couple popular ways to do this bc I’ve only weather one kit only half way and it was, of course, the lazy way.
So first I’ll tell you how I did it. It was one of the 86 kits (please reprint those Bandai) and I only weathered the off white parts. But what I ended up doing was using the black, grey and brown gundam pens (typically used for panel lining) and my thumb to first add color the edges and panel lines, then used my thumb to smooth out the color. Using the brown gave it a nice rain rusted look and the black and grey added a nice worn look. The kit is packed away at the moment but I posted pictures of it somewhere on my blog. Probably under 86 lol
Ok so now the more official Modeler Approved options.
First would be using the Tamiya Weathering set. There’s a couple different panels to choose from so definitely pick the ones that have the colors you need. 
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Basically it goes like this: use the brush (either the one included or maybe better, a foam type brush) and dash along the edges. Build up as much or as little as you want (for example maybe you wanna lay it on thick if you’re doing like a mud drenched type look) and then topcoat! If you add too much you can always wipe some away with a little bit of water. IMPORTANT NOTE: this is powdered so WEAR A MASK or at the very least use this in a Well Ventilated Area. There’s a couple brushes sold online for these
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But you can honestly use either a sponge or an old makeup brush.
(Pic at the bottom bc tunglr mobile sucks)
The second method is called Chipping. This is where you use paint and a Very Thin Fine Tip Brush to brush on small chip like strokes on the edges of the piece. Using a couple colors here adds depth and helps it look more realistic. Here’s one example I found online
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Now something to note about this method is that it is certainly time consuming. From what I listened to, this particular method can certainly take a couple days to detail the whole kit depending on how much you do and how big the kit is.
IMPORTANT: if you choose this method be aware of the chemistry of your paint. If you have an enamel or acrylic paint base then don’t go and use lacquer paint for your detail work. It’ll eat those other paints.
I think you could always top coat your paint job before doing this to help preserve your paint? Maybe someone more experience can confirm that.
Third: Washes
This is pretty straight forward. Take your paint, thin it down and then wash it over the part with a brush. Depending on your paint you can use a qtip to help dab away any excess. This typically really works well on things like planes and ships but can be used for gunpla as well. You can use this for any kind of paint just once again Be Mindful About Your Paint Layers. You don’t want a top layer of paint eating through your base paint job.
Here’s a couple links to videos covering each one in more detail:
Tamiya Weathering Set
I hope this helps! Again it’s not something I’ve dipped my toes into to any real depth but I’ll tell ya this: even my lazy arse way added WAY more character and weight to my kit
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muslim-flint · 3 years
never thought you'd see the tag omg... I know this is stupid but your post truly brings me comfort (it's so silly, it's all pictures inside a glowing box) but that's something I want in my life, it's maybe the lights or maybe the sense of peace which comes with having a kitchen and the power that accompanies it (the power to take care of yourself and feed your loved ones etc), but it's really so nice. anyways I'm embarrassing myself but yes yours is the only valid kitchen post to me 😔💖🫂 I love u <3
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yes i saw the tag and i think abt it sometimes and it makes my heart warm also im crying i love you too icon!!!!!
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bridoesotherjunk · 3 years
why exactly are nfts so bad for tumblr? like they're annoying and frivolous and are for idiots who pay big money for digital monkey pics but surely they're just an inconvenience
Buckle up, this is a long one, kids.
Why NFTs suck dick- a summary::
They kill the environment and they fuck artists CONSTANTLY. No self respecting artists want to participate in these shitty jpegs that cost as much as a house, so either all NFTs are ugly as sin or they just straight up steal art from other people without permission. So so so many artists on twitter have made posts about how they don't support NFTs and if people see their work, it's been stolen.
I have seen AT LEAST FOUR instances of NFTs being made of work by artists who are dead. And when family of the deceased ask them politely not to use their work, the NFT bros always throw a hissy fit and basically say ""I can do what I want"" but then they turn around and scream if someone points out that they can right click and save their shitty monkey icons. Or if the family asks for money- HA!! Yeah, good luck with that. The NFT bros haven't given a single family A CENT. They don't give a fuck.
Also, let's remember the horrifically tasteless NFTs made to look like the late Chadwick Boseman's head but in gold that were given away as "goody bags" at an award ceremony. You know... a dead man's face. As a prize... AND!!! The model of his face was stolen!! The artist who made those NFTs literally stole someone's sculpt of Chadwick and just added a gold texture to it and said it was worth hundreds of thousands of dollars!!! They didn't even make the face!!!!!!!
NFTs are basically like bitcoin attached to a worthless picture. The servers used to run the whole operation take up so much space and generate SO MUCH heat that they're contributing to climate change at a frankly alarming rate. There's also people doing crypto like this fucking over poorer neighborhoods by setting up shop there and jacking up energy prices for everyone living there.
The NFTs make false scarcity their big selling point. YOU own this one single copy of this image except you actually don't, you own a line of code that SAYS you own that image but like 50 other people also own code that says the same thing. There's a post that explains it with the Mona Lisa that does it very well. You own a sticky note that says you own the Mona Lisa, but everyone else also owns sticky notes that say the same thing. But you don't get to take the painting home. You get the sticky note! Yay!! ((If the servers ever shut down, your bit of code points nowhere, too. It points to an empty void with nothing.))
People have also found that they are EXTREMELY EASY TO HACK. Each picture is a piece of code, basically, and anyone with a bit of coding knowledge can just use that to hack into someone's account and steal all their ""hard earned"" money. So now that people are using NFTs as their Twitter icons, people are hacking their accounts there and locking them out.
All these fucking pyramid scheme losers love them because they see it as easy money, but it's a fucking nightmare and normal people hate them.
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junghelioseok · 3 years
serendipity: a series
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⇢ serendipity (n): an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident. good fortune. luck.
⇢ a series of unconnected fics inspired by this post (+ a bonus prompt i wrote myself since there were only six lmao). everyone say thank you @jinpanman​, since mai is the one who encouraged me to start with the dick pic prompt in the first place and is the whole reason i even saw the post!!! 
⇢ these are tentatively listed in order of release, but who really knows! release dates are all tbd too, since i am inconsistent and the muses come and go as they please. this is honestly a huge endeavor for me and more info will be added as i figure it out myself 😅
call it fate, or call it serendipity. through a series of coincidences and a bit of good (or bad) luck, you find that love is closer than you think.
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◇ hoseok x reader  ◇ 10.1k 
❛❛ my boss is always telling me how perfect her son would be for me and she promises he’s coming to the next holiday party and don’t worry he’s heard all about me too and ALSO there’s this dude i slept with once a couple of months ago and sometimes he still sends me dick pics when i ask him to at 3 in the morning cause seriously dude’s got a good dick ❜❜
⇢ read it here.
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◇ jungkook x reader ◇ 20.3k
❛❛ our kids are bitter rivals and the only time we ever meet is when we’re both called to the principal’s office and whatever maybe i think you’re kind of cute but your kid’s a monster and ALSO someone keeps buying the last everything bagel at my favorite coffee shop 2 minutes before i get there in the morning and has heard about my plight and has started leaving me bragging notes about it ❜❜
⇢ read it here.
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◇ jimin x reader ◇ wc tbd
❛❛ my friend can’t stop talking about how they want to set me up with their other friend so we start texting each other and they’re hilarious but shy about meeting and ALSO there’s a cute bike delivery guy who brings my mail at work and winks at me whenever i sign for a package ❜❜
⇢ read it here.
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◇ yoongi x reader ◇ wc tbd
❛❛ there’s an overnight IT person at school who always answers the phone when i call about a problem with my computer and i totally have a crush on their voice and their exasperation and ALSO the bakery down the street is always running out of my fave scones and the adorable person behind the counter can’t hide their amusement and i think it’s super rude but also super cute ❜❜
⇢ read it here.
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◇ seokjin x reader ◇ wc tbd
❛❛ i’m obsessed with a food blogger who writes about cheap ways to be gourmet in your 20s and i flirt with them over comments but they never post pictures of their face and ALSO there’s a really cute grocery bagger at the store down the street who teases me and always asks to join me for dinner and i definitely want to say yes ❜❜
⇢ read it here.
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◇ taehyung x reader ◇ wc tbd
❛❛ i hired a dog walking company and i’ve never met the person who comes to my apartment but they leave me really cute notes and they give my dog presents and i kind of love them because my dog does and ALSO one of the artists at this gallery opening is hella cute and i want them to paint me like one of their french girls ❜❜
⇢ read it here.
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◇ namjoon x reader ◇ wc tbd
❛❛ someone keeps shoveling the snow from my driveway and sidewalks before i can get to it in the mornings and no matter how early i get up to catch them in the act they always manage to evade me and ALSO there’s a very cute guy working at the flower shop i just started going to and i want him to water my plants if u know what i mean ❜❜
⇢ read it here.
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robinofinashiro · 3 years
@megumitodoroki: “headcannons (maybe a drabble if you want??) for yan tamaki and yan kirishima with a pregnant darling? ( i saw the hawks and bakugo one, i really liked!!!)” 
characters: yandere kirishima ejirou, tamaki amajiki x fem! reader
request status: OPENED / all fandoms I write for are pinned to the top of my page as well as my rules! feel free to request as you’d like! just please be respectful of my rules and if you have any questions, personally message me!
kirishima ejirou: 
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oooh, fuck, really? you got pregnant with HIS baby? fuck. i mean, kirishima is a great husband, for the MOST part. his issue 99.9999% of the time is that he’s too fucking clingy and it shows. even if he isn’t laying it on thick, everyone can see the way he is around you. 
lets say you weren’t home when he found out. you went through the five stages of grief when you found out. the stick was in your hand as you stared at the wall in panic. you were in no mindset to be carrying a child and you knew there would be consequences the longer you waited to tell him. 
at first, you planned to end it all and just put you and the fetus out of misery but then you realized.....kiri locked all the knifes, sharp objects, and anything you could think of hurting yourself with away. you knew regardless of what you were thinking, you were going to have his kid whether you wanted too or not. 
when kiri came home, you were still in the same position in the bathroom and holding onto the stick in your hand. when he realized what it was, he let out a high pitched scream. you’re pregnant !! like this wasn’t something he was expecting to happen just yet but here you were !! pregnant with his kid. 
the first thing he did was make an appointment for you. he needed to know how far along you were and when your projected birth date was. the doctor hadn’t been able to pinpoint what the sex was yet but he didn’t care !! his child was going to be the next red riot !! he was going to make sure of it !! 
months into the pregnancy, he started to fix up the nursery. while you were still miserable in the fact that you were pregnant, you knew you got nothing out of loathing from the news and tried to look at the silver linings in all of it. maybe kiri would lay off the rules and give you some freedom. he was already acting different. 
when you were in pain, he would be at your call. when he was at work, he made sure someone was there with you. what if something went wrong? he couldn’t trust you on your own. when your mood swings were bad, he would listen to you for once and keep his distance when you asked. when you were starving, he would get whatever it is you wanted. 
the nursery was red riot themed. little linings of red everywhere with black incorporated along with it. he had small figures of himself in the crib and on small shelfs around the room. kiri made sure to put pics of the two of you in the room so the kid could see the love you both had for each other. he even went out of his way to make mini outfits of his hero uniform that fit every time he assumed the kid would have a growth spurt. 
lets say you end up finding out that you were having not only a boy, they were going to be twin boys, kiri fucking fainted. he doubled everything in the nursery and even built an extra room for the second baby. kiri was ecstatic to say the least. he never thought he’d get twins !! you on the other hand went through another phase of grief knowing that you were carrying twins and that meant that kiri was going to be home more than you wanted him to be. 
when you finally go into labor, kiri dropped everything he was doing and fucking SPEED RAN to the hospital. when he got there, you were already under epidural and trying to calm yourself down. the pain was unbearable, even with the epidural. he could see the pain on your face and wanted to cry right along with you. you were even holding onto him, hoping that he did something right for once and tried to calm you down. 
when you finally gave birth, kiri bawled like a child. they were both out within a few minutes and while you held one baby, kiri held the other. they had his black hair and your skin tone. he had never seen three beautiful people in his life and here you were, his wife and kids. his life was complete. 
tamaki amajiki: 
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okay cool, tamaki is not horrible yandere so you’re relatively safe for the most part. the thing with tamaki that makes it unbearable to live with is that you can’t do shit. he’s terrified of you even breathing the wrong way tbh. he won’t let you leave the house bc he’s afraid something will happen to you. 
the day you found out you were pregnant with his baby, it was bittersweet. you were excited bc although he had abducted and was holding you hostage in his home, tamaki as a person was not a horrible person. he wasn’t mirio and he def wasn’t nejire. you had been feeling sick for a while and every morning you woke up you ran to the bathroom vomiting your guts out. 
you refused to tell tamaki bc you knew he would go into full panic if you did. you just had told mirio in secret to bring you a test and drop it off. when he did, you quickly ran to the bathroom and took the test. you were clawing the counter in a bout of anxiety and as soon as the clear blue test rang up positive, you felt dizzy in the head and fell on top of mirio who had offered to stay. 
he quickly fanned you as he basically screamed to tamaki to get his ass home. tamaki had dropped everything he was doing and ran to his house. he had no idea why mirio was there and bc the emergency was abt you, he booked it even faster. when he finally got there, you were chugging back a hydroflask full of water and murmured to him the news. 
tamaki basically passed out three different times hearing the news. it took mirio, a call to nejire, and yourself to get him out of it. when he finally stopped fainting and realized what you had said, he gave you a long hug, murmuring that finally it happened. he had been wanting kids for so long, as weird as it sounds. he was nervous wreck almost all the time but he wanted to continue his family line with you and hopefully they ended up with your personality. 
he scheduled your first doctor appointment a few weeks later and at that appointment, the two of you had found out the exact date and gender. you were having a baby girl !! tamaki was dumbfounded. he was expecting a boy but he wasn’t complaining. he was getting a mini you !! another to love and take care of. that meant that no hero course for his baby girl. nope !! business or support course at the very least. 
her nursery consisted of small sun eater figures and outfits. every now and again, he would had lemillion and nejire-chan themed things. your daughter would have mini outfits of all three of them and would have plushies of the three of them in the crib. hell, even the crib set was the big three themed. he and mirio had painted a mural for her and added photos of all four of you to make sure that even if his daughter didn’t have anyone to be her friend, the four of you would always be there. 
he didn’t take your change in moods well. frankly, he was terrified of you. there would be days where you would unleash your anger like never before and other days, you’d be sobbing to him. the food you did make though was AMAZING. it was a weird combination that always turned out amazing at the end. 
fat gum and kirishima were surprised but excited to hear the news. they bought her a bunch of red riot and fat gum themed clothes as well and fat gum would even bring you food when he was in the area. you were so important to tamaki and he knew that so he had to make sure that you were also important to him too. tamaki upon telling mirio and nejire that you were pregnant told them they were the god parents so they were almost just as protective over you like tamaki was. 
the day you gave birth, tamaki was home with you. you were just laying in bed when your water broke and he drove you to the hospital like he was in fast and furious. you were taken back by his actions but he practically screamed at the nurses as soon as you arrived to help you. he made sure to scream to them to give you epidural the minute you asked and if any of them even slipped up once, tamaki would have blood on his hands a few days later, making sure he took care of those useless nurses and doctors. tamaki in this setting was not one to mess with, that’s to say the least. 
when you finally gave birth, he cried a bit but not as much as you expected. the time he did cry was when he held his daughter and looked at the two of you. his life was perfect. you had a healthy daughter and you were relatively okay yourself post-birth. the only other time he cried was when he made the three-way call to mirio, fat gum, and nejire to tell them you had finally given birth and all of you were okay. 
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Mikaelsons Black History Month
First off, I’m starting by saying that even though it is no longer Black history month it will always be melanin everyday and black people every day. And everything else under the sun, and if you don’t like it then the exit is to your left. Everything you own in the box to the left
Being part of the Mikaelsons is very fickle business and be some bs. Like really, you’re here with supernatural beings who are over 1000 years old. Who have traveled the world, gained endless knowledge, seen a lot of bloodshed, but you know what they haven’t seen? Their token human (black ofc) being ignant for black history month, I mean who even fully celebrates? How does one even celebrate?
Granted, they’re not racist. But with the writing Julie Pleck did she was playing honestly. That was the worst writing I've ever seen since who knows when. Maybe the nine lives of Chloe king or something? But in my originals universe they were probably racist in the beginning to an extent then grew out of it.
Anyways, they never met someone who celebrated until they met you!
Now repeat after me: I’m black y’all, and I’m black y’all. And I’m black and black and black y’all! FYM
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Now…. picture this: A moderately quiet day in the Mikaelson household. Kol is minding his business for once, Rebekah is trying to find the perfect pics for her next instagram post, Elijah is enjoying a good read, and Klaus is organizing his art materials. But then here comes you, the human, opening the door and walking right in like you pay bills (none of them do but you get the picture) in the midst of the most deadly people. Walking in and greeting everyone, walking in with the most hotep, Dr. Umar bullshit getup they ever seen. Coming to America headass.
They recognize your footsteps from a mile away, so when you walk into the kitchen and no one really looks up at first it’ll be a sight to see a whole ass pelted lion on your back. The kente cloth hat (no idea the actual name for it, sorry babes), a saber tooth necklace (for my mans T’Challa), and the red stiletto nails with the afro out here banging.
Once Elijah is done with his page he looks up to greet you, but then stops… Bitch, fuck is you wearing? This was worlds away from the sweats, and skinny jeans you wore on the daily.
“Greetings Y/N you look…. Fashionable.” Mans didn’t know what to say. Did he miss something about your Africna roots? Was there a holiday he hadn’t heard of, doubt it, but what else was there?
“Thank you Elijah.” You fluff out your lion pelt for added effect, if there was ever going to be one time you outdo the Mikaelsons’ especially Elijah in being dramatic with a coat or cloak of somesort, it would be now.
At this point the Kol and Rebekah have already looked up and were confused. Why are you dressed like that?
Kol is the first one to speak up “Darling, Rebekah likes a fashion show more than anyone, but why do you have a lion… on your shoulder.”
Lifting up your large ass shades you supplied an answer: “Black History Month”
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They all looked at each other… they didn’t get it. Like they know what it is, but never actually understood how to celebrate and all that nor did they ever actually give it mind. When you saw that they weren’t making a connection, you started phase 1.
“Alexa, you know what to do.”
LMFAOOOOO you got the white people shook. Klaus just dropped one of his expensive ass bottles of art sealants and is vamp speeding to the kitchen to figure out what the hell is going on. Elijah having a mid century crisis on how tf they even found you and deemed you worthy of being in their presence so casually. Kol is having fun in the back, still laughing at your get up. And Rebekah wishes she went to the mall instead, she wanted a girl bestie and got you instead rip
“WHAT IN BLAZES- Y/N WHAT ARE YOU DO- WHAT ARE YOU WEARING! ALEXA STOP THE MUSIC-” And the big bad wolf has arrived. You put your finger to Klaus’ lips which stuns him bc… you’re still HOOOMAN like damn, death wish much? And you look this man, straight in his mit and say “Looks at, look at me” and pause for dramatic affect, “I am the captain now”
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Room silent as hell till Kol starts cackling
You’ve made Dr. Umar proud, the ancestors are shining on you once again
With that you lead into a whole speech about the black struggle and black history month, bottom line: REPARATIONS. Because being the only nigga in the Mikaelsons (we don’t claim Marcel) is exhausting, white people shit everyday that you complain about in their faces
TBH at this point they’re indulging you in this escapade.
First victim is Elijah, you ask for his wallet. He gives you a look, I mean he does technically give you what you want and whatever (when y’all dating, refer back to my dating Elijah post), so he ask you why. Reparations sis why, but then you stop yourself. This man gives you his wallet every other day, half the time you not even asking. What could you rob this man of…. Ah. You ask him for the deed of one of his estates in Prague, why? Because you bitches can’t even spell Prague. And under section S line 45 subsection Y it does state that estates are eligible for reparations. Fuck 40 acres and a mule, you got 300 acres, some stallions in the back, a quite possibly haunted mansion, and a heavy dicked (yeah I said it, a sis been trying to reality shift) original who will turn you out by the end of the day and the end of the month…. Wait till women's history month boo
We know his pockets figgity fat, and it would be figgity wack to not get some
Ngl you take Kol with you so he can buy you food. Granted, he knows what you’re doing, but if he’s going to spend money on anything it will be thawed and it will be music. However, one thing leads to another and you’re both at Wal-Mart waiting to find a parking spot. You stole one off a white minivan trying to move in. Not thinking anything of it because who in this small ass Mystic Falls ass, clown ass town really about it? Apparently Karen.
But you know who else what about it? Kol (tbh mans had nothing but time, and he claims you so why tf not.) he out here NY stomping on her and coming at her for badly glued extensions. Cheap ass bitch, ain’t even blend in correctly.
After that Kol and you left with some groceries, a new story to tell, and a chopped cheese.
With Klaus, he frfr wasn’t finna do shit. Being ordered my a human? Lmfao, go find another simp sis. But… once you suggest that his art skills may not be up to par on what you have in mind as a new family room piece for your house he’s all ears. He knows what you’re doing, but… he still wants to prove you wrong. But anyways, you give him a theme… reverse racism. IK y’all, it’s not a thing, but mans has ideas. And he outdoes himself. That and the recreation of the moorish chief bc that man...mmmmm that man was giving.
Ok so Google wanna hoe me, but there was a painting of a black man in a kkk cloak and behind him were white people being hung from a tree. Say what you want, but that photo was fire. If any of you seen it please share it below.
Rebekah tbh wants no part in this, but I feel like she’d gave when you ask her to give you all the finest dresses bc it’s an excuse to exhaust Klaus’ money.
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Through the month you give the Mikaelsons a run for their money, and maybe sanity. Klaus is in the back trying to research who tf Dr. Umar is and why is he your inspiration
They had to pull you back when the sheriff asked you for your ID. You ask why you needed white man paperwork!
You are pleasing the spirits, what bonnie could never do lmfaooooo. The powers of you enemies aren’t prospering this month nor next month.
You’re not poor this month, anything you poor of is pouring a little more (bars nigga)
LMFAOOOO imaging asking the fam to go to paris, like, they not invited it’s a self trip funded my the Mikaelson Y/N Trust Fund of Public Decency ™
Klaus would be the first one to speak because this man is TIRED, “Love, why do you need a trip to paris? What’s in Paris?”
Knowing better, you look to Kol to answer the question, “I don’t know, Kol, who’s in Paris?” Niggas b. Niggas in paris…. Lemme chill
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bearseokie · 4 years
boyfriend! oneus
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[ gender-neutral! ]
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oneus m.list | navi. | nsfw! bf! oneus (M)
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selfie game, strong! between his insane visuals and like-minded camera angles, you're never let down by his pretty selfies that he sends you throughout the day. mainly paired with his chin to his chest while he's pouting and a silly caption.
if you think his selfies are good, the way he takes couple pictures? chef's kiss. you're never low on pics to post to social media or to put on your fridge. even the embarrassing ones, but he'll whine about those later.
matching onesies or couple pajamas.
walks up to you just to rest his chin on your head or shoulder and breathe you in.
holds your hand in the way that his entire hand envelops the width of your fingers while you hold on to his thumb.
asks for you to buy him flowers more than he gets them for you. you can't help but want to see his eyes sparkle at the sight of a dozen roses, though.
is probably biting his lip unwillingly but also on purpose. it's a habit you learn to enjoy. he does it when he's focused too, so you always know if he's paying attention or not. as confident as he is, he blushes when you call him out for it.
wraps his arms all the way around your torso and picks you up in a hug just because he can.
will see something out of the corner of his eye and make a whole circle to turn towards it. usually it's a gift of a random item he thinks you'll adore, and you always do. you'll gain a little collection of things you never imagined you'd own being with him.
genuinely not used to physical contact and tends to be rougher than he means to be. he's a temperate boy that has a habit of patting your head or kissing you a little too hard because he's in love and is still learning.
talks your ears off when you're alone. if you don't pull his beanie over his face, he won't shut up.
comes across as intimidating, but is literally the most considerate person. like he will physically reel you backwards just to gently push away an eyelash from your cheek and kiss your lips.
big pant, big shirt. aka his and your big pant and big shirt. sharing is caring. he gets butterflies in his stomach watching your hand caress over the clothes hanging in his closet as you search for something to wear.
unintentional - but completely intentional - lip locking. like he'll bend over to reach across your form laying on the bed when you’re distracted and he’ll be right in your face. before you know it, you're sitting up and your lips are colliding. especially loves doing this in public because your warm face is his rapid beating heart.
will admit to others how much he loves you but will be so stubborn behind closed doors. says things like "are you sure we're talking about the same person? me, wait— me? I'm in love with you? no— no, you're right. I'm guilty."
pouty boy with big, pleading eyes all the time.
runs his fingertips over the lines of your hands. you catch him mimicking them on his own and smiling like an idiot when they match.
take his flannels. do it.
late nights where he bursts through your door while you're sleeping and shakes you awake to run a few lyrics by you. always second guesses himself, but when he sees that you're actually taken back by the words, he gets all smiley bolts back to work.
snuggles into your pillow until you lay down with him, then you're his true cuddle buddy.
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dramatically pulls his coats off to put over your shoulders. his constant body heat can warm you up immediately.
takes you on movie dates just to sit in the very back and have heavy make outs with you. like panting, fingers laced in each other's hair, bodies fighting to get into each other’s seats — make out sessions.
his! laugh! the way you can get him to laugh is definitely one of his favorite things in the world, and his smile could light up a room. also has the tendency to laugh at you even when you're not being funny.
pushes his face into the crook of your neck to fall asleep. his breath on your skin can make you feel weird and loved at the same time, but his sound sleeps are worth it. also pushes you to lay on your back so he can curl up beside you and rub his forehead against you.
more chaotic dates where he does things you're afraid of just to show you not to be so scared. hugs you like a koala for the rest of the day.
matching outfits like crazy. even down to the accessories. loves spoiling you with new outfits even if you tell him you hate getting gifts so often.
hugs your waist and lifts you up to reach something instead of getting it down himself.
will have the same pic of you and him set as everything. his phone’s lockscreen, wallpaper, his laptop’s lockscreen, wallpaper, profile pics, it’s the only post on his social media.
so in love that it can come across as icky. blushing cheeks, sweaty palms, a bounce in his step.
mocks you like you’re already an old married couple. but his loving banter comes off as charming.
the saying 'know you like the back of my hand' had to have been written by him, himself, because he does, in fact, know you that well. he knows the different sounds of your sneezes - aka whether you have a cold or not. he knows the change of your morning voice versus the tone you have in the middle of the day. anything going through your mind, this man has down pact.
random night calls where he just goes 'I'm at the door, let me in." because his hands are too full to reach for his key. stumbles in with bags full of snacks and treats just to have you both sit on the floor eating and ranting until dawn.
the softest kisses. and I mean the softest kisses. like michael angelo adding details to his paintings, type soft. you can hardly ever feel them and barely knows he's there until he starts laughing or vibrating from the sudden eye contact you're giving him.
would rather waddle side to side in a back hug than let you go to walk somewhere alone.
has a list of everything he loves to share with you over time. movies, music, random memos in his phone.
included in those phone memos are literally so many details about you that it can make your eyes roll. he has the smallest details noted and little asterisks to remind him to write them down in a physical journal one day, but you might have to do that for him.
a lot quieter than he makes himself out to be. is basically a ghost when you're around him. the only way you really ever know where he is is if he's lugging around a bluetooth speaker with music playing.
messy! hair! he will literally refuse to brush his own hair until you do it for him. loves it more if you just use your fingers to comb his locks.
squinted eyes because he's smiling at you so hard that he'll probably bump into something in the process.
lets you hold both sides of his face in your palms. especially if he's cold. sometimes you can squish.
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being with gunhak — it is literally a love novel.
warm eyes that sparkle when he looks at you. you notice it and keep quiet just to bask in his affection, but it’s always the first thing people mention when they talk about your relationship.
can’t help but reach his hand across the table to hold yours while you eat.
scrunches his nose when you say silly things.
the most attentive person when you’re telling a story. will sit with his chin in his palm and his eyes going between your gaze and lips as you speak. makes constant “mhm” and “ohh” sounds to let you know he’s right in the story with you. stops you to laugh at the way you say a specific word. you both spend hours sitting somewhere together just telling stories back and forth until the sun rises or sets.
can’t go a single day without throwing you over his shoulder and carrying you around.
has his hand on your lower back all day. like all day. in public, at home, in bed while you're sleeping. as long as his hand is on your back, you know he’s next to you.
his face is always a hotter temperature than the rest of his body, especially if you’ve been looking at him all day. crimson cheeks, red-tipped ears, reddened lips because he can’t stop kissing you.
sleeps with you laying in between his legs and your head on his chest. you fall asleep to the beat of his heartbeat while he plays with your fingers and listens to your breathing.
puts you in the shopping cart before any items just so he can wheel you around and listen to you laugh when he pretends he’s going to ram into something.
will pull the shirt/jacket/top he was wearing over his head and toss it to you to wear or hug if he’s leaving so you don’t miss him too much.
isn’t extremely good with speaking words to express what he wants to say, so oftentimes you find little notebook pages folded around the house with love notes written on them. him telling you how much he appreciates how much you do for him. him saying ‘i love you’ in different colored ink in different kinds of ways. sometimes a smashed flower in between the pages just for added scents. completely a cheesy romantic with love notes.
likes to let you drive so he can put his elbow against the window and stare at you from across the front of the vehicle. while you’re focused he’s grinning and giggling because it’s ‘super adorable’.
sends flowers to your work at the most inappropriate times in order to keep anyone that’s been flirting with you in their place. very subtle about being protective, and thankfully never has to make large leaps to have others understand you’re unavailable. thinks it’s the best thing in the world when someone is eyeing you and you come running to him to dramatically toss your arms around his neck and place a kiss on his lips.
enjoys having cleverly matching pieces. a pair of earrings shared between the two of you. matching bracelets. soft cotton shirts you can wear on your days off. two blankets of the same designs but different colors.
severely embraces breaking his shyness when it comes to pda. will pull you into his arms and kiss you while walking down the street. lets you sit on his lap in a busy place. carries you on his back around big stores.
works out with you around him. if he wants to do sit ups, you're holding his feet. if he wants to do push ups, you're laying under him giving him kisses every time he comes down.
forehead kisses. temple kisses. cheek kisses. literally all of the softest kisses.
terribly difficult to wake up, but the sound of your voice will draw his lids to open in an instant so he can see your smiling face.
super nervous about the entire relationship so you have to guide him at a reasonable pace. hold his hand first, kiss him first, even say 'i love you' first, but he'll return it all in a beat after you express your love.
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would be the one to have that situation where you met by running into each other at full force and had to laugh it off despite how much pain you were both in. he does something like offer to buy you a drink as an apology and then he never leaves your side.
sits with him between your legs and his back pressed into your front so you can hug him around his waist and lean on him.
smells are a huge deal to him. hoards light scented candles and renames them with comic titles or references to your relationship just to make you laugh when he calls them out in conversations.
runs his fingers through your hair as a way of showing affection on a regular basis. if you’re in public, he’ll sneak in a quick kiss just because he isn’t huge on pda.
but not liking pda doesn't mean he won't cling to you behind closed doors. he can't go very long without brushing his skin against your own, even in a subtle way.
physically capable of making meals on his own, or with you, but he's too lazy. enjoy the take out! also huge on getting snack foods to feed you in a romantic way without it being intentional.
quiet. very quiet. he enjoys silence while holding you or waking up in the midst of the night just to hear you sleeping peacefully. it's his solace.
although he gets whiny, he will let you do anything you want to him. test out makeup looks on him, play with his hair, make him dress up for you. just as long as you can reciprocate by going on sweet dates with him or let him read his favorite stories to you, he's all for it.
gets you random, very personal gifts. his attentiveness is insane, so he'll give you something like a better-formed pillow to help you sleep or a journal of your silly inside jokes to keep around when you have to be apart.
pretends he's not emotional during the day only to spill the deepest things to you at night. you're his diary and he loves you for that.
but with his distant state, you're still the one to notice things first. if he's too tired, if he's hungry - you know the tell-tale signs and can quietly get him back on his feet. you’re basically his weakness and muse all at once.
he might be the last one to wake up, but that's just because he enjoys knowing you slept by his side all night.
tilts your head to the side to kiss you because he thinks it's romantic.
doesn't care who you think you are, he will give you a piggyback ride.
does that thing where you'll be doing something important and he'll be sat next to you whispering jokes into your ear to keep you from getting stressed. also has to hold your hand the entire time or else he'll get up.
intuitive to your emotions and feelings. if you're in pain somewhere, he's in pain. if you're laughing, he's laughing.
the most pleasing, deep morning voice ever. doesn't even have to try. it's like two octaves lower than his regular voice and will always give you the shivers.
instead of big things for dates he does tasks like have all of your house chores done when you return or studies up on your school work to help you out. it's his way of showing affection and appreciation. but he does bigger things too like cover your bathroom in flower petals with a nice bath running when you get home.
has a tendency of saying your name the most when he’s sleeping.
makes choreography and dedicates them to you all the time. will tug you into the practice room to show you moves. but then he's giggling uncontrollably and starts complimenting you until you kiss him.
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records everything all the time. has backup storage just so he can film everything you both do or take a thousand pictures. spends literal hours printing out the pictures to make photo albums or put them on his wall so he never has to go a moment without seeing you. carries around a physical, mini album just to stare at while he’s traveling or feels lonely.
loves showering with you. will take the showerhead off of the wall and hold it over you while making lightsaber sounds.
loves the sound of you saying his name more than anything. when he's happy, upset, angry - just a call of his name can settle his emotions. and maybe a kiss too.
will sit or lay somewhere and just stare at you with a big, goofy grin on his face and loving sparkles in his eyes for no particular reason.
claps your hands together before he holds them.
makes music playlists titled with hysterical names that are more distracting than the chaos of the actual list. names them with emojis and such to see if you can code his secret love messages.
his lips are always redder than normal around you. quite literally doesn't know when or how to stop kissing you.
cannot comprehend how he could love someone more than you. it's that dumb love like he'll trip over his own two feet, say your name instead of his own when ordering something, or even intentionally get something he hates just because you like it.
changes the color of the led lights to define the mood. happy, sad, sexy time. the room is a rainbow every week.
contrary to popular belief of the cancer man, he's not clingy until you tell him to be. postpones all physical contact to the last moment when you ask why he's distant and give him consent to holding you whenever he wants. then he never lets you go.
has to be even in height with you ninety percent of the day, even if you're off by a few centimeters. helps you sit on the kitchen counter, hunches to kiss you, lifts you up by your waist.
being on opposite ends of a room while he's doing hand gestures and silently singing you the song stuck in his head.
his most genuine habit is giving away all of his emotions in his eyes. one glance and you know exactly how he feels, even if he isn't speaking about it aloud.
thinks being out in the rain is extremely romantic but will pull you back inside at the first drop because "you might get a cold".
hardly wears clothes when he starts getting seriously comfortable with you. no shirt, maybe some pajama pants, maybe some socks with random patterns on them. if he gets hot at any point, shield your eyes.
pouts without actually pouting. you'll hear a little huff from beside you instead.
put your belongings into the rips of his jeans instead of his pockets. they're 'safe'.
visibly shudders when he gets to hold your hand after a long day.
so many shoulder kisses you can't even keep up with them anymore.
you have a collection of him scrunching his nose when you're trying to get soft couple pictures because he can't take it seriously.
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if you fall asleep on him at any point during the day, he'll wrap you in his jacket or a blanket around you and carry you to bed. he'll let you rest comfortably while he lays beside you and watches you sleep while running his fingers across your face in a loving way.
sleeps holding your hand no matter what position you're both in.
dates are basically: carnivals to sit at the top of the ferris wheel and make out peacefully, picnics in the park to pick flowers and put them in your hair, going to bookstores just to shuffle through the comics and mangas.
bites you. slowly. he’s not the type to just bite into your skin randomly, more like you’ll get big puppy eyes and know he’s up to something before you feel a little nibble.
competitive in an ‘i’ll let you win if you give me a kiss’ way. guess who always wins. sike it’s him because he can use it as an excuse to make you pouty and then kiss you until you can’t even pretend to be angry anymore.
loves singing to you and only you.
hand-makes you jewelry because he finds it more endearing than buying them. plus it's sentimental.
hates blushing in front of others, but you can make him blush from a few words. loves the pet names you come up with. they sound like common conversation pieces so no one questions why you said them until they notice his face is nearly crimson.
unintentionally does romantic stuff. plays ballads over a speaker while prancing around until you take his hand and dance with him. finds a rose bush and gently clips a single flower to put in a vase for you. absentmindedly kisses your knuckles when he sees you for the first time in a while.
has the hardest time showing emotions, but does have the tendency to cry when parting or send you chain texts about how much he misses you when he's away.
random cheek kisses throughout the day.
sweater paws because you're both wearing his large hoodies and holding hands.
has more soft objects than you've ever witnessed a person own. now they're partially yours, so choose a stuffed animal.
random store dates where you go inside and find the strangest items you both fall in love with and get to put on display at home. you know when you go to someone's house and see an object that makes you question how it got there? he gets a lot of those for the two of you. 'conversation pieces', he says.
remembers cheesy quotes to tell you throughout the day to make you smile. if he wasn't in love, he'd never think twice about memorizing them.
probably thinking about kissing you every second of every day, but he uses his kisses wisely.
steals your shirts to sleep with when he's away because they smell like you.
cannot handle more than holding your hand in public at first, but he'll learn to love pda very quickly if you enjoy it.
where has all his phone's storage gone? oh, they're just pictures of you sleeping.
so adorned by you that his eyes literally sparkle, even if you're in his peripheral.
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aphrodite1288 · 3 years
Also why the most famous sasaengs and Kfan are saying d.o is dating an actress
Uhm..becoz they're not sasaengs and they're not korean.
Are you sure they're REAL KOREAN Sasaengs?
And becoz that's the FAMOUS BASIC RUMOR that has FOLLOWED POOR KSOO FOR 3 YEARS NOW SINCE HIS 100 //DAYS HUSBAND DRAMA💁🏻‍♀️ didn't I tell y'all that the biggest Ksoo rumor is that he is DATING NA/M/JIH/YUN his co-star in 100husband FOR 3 YEARS NOW? I posted this three times on this blog and explained everything about this rumor. And I got a Dandanie yesterday who shared that a sasaeng told her Ksoo is DATING IU for 2 years now like WTF? CAN THEY BE CONSISTENT AND AGREE ONE LIE ?? And I talked about this dating rumor very well and I explained everything and how fake that is. And I'm not gonna do this again coz I hate repeating myself and I'm lazy and busy. So..
If you check most of these Sasaeng pages on IG and Twitter who have their bio and ID in korean and from time to time they trick your mind into Believe theyre korean by answering asks with two words in korean and broken english doesn't mean they're korean and doesn't mean they're Sasaeng.
Can you show me the Sasaeng and the korean Kfans you're talking about? I would love to see. Coz as far as I know Korean EksoL let alone dandanies are extremely secretive and won't share anything abt ksoo just like that . And I'll tell you if this source is legit. DM me.
And please if you follow a sasaeng on Twitter or IG please they're not real sasaengs and they're not korean. Korean sasansgs don't go online in big platforms such as IG and Twitter publicly sharing info especially when Essem has made that rule of Sueing sasaengs ! The real ones have already stopped working and are hiding even harder! Korean real sasansgs work in the dark you can't know them! Unless you're in korea or have someone who lives in korea who knows them and added you to their private groups! They work in private groups on kakaotalk and Line and other apps! They don't need to go public and write you a google or papago translated bio for you to believe them. Trust me darling all of those ain't even korean.
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And if they share one or two famous news and info about schedule of Ekso or any other band and share few pics of random asian girls claiming it's sehun or Chanyeol's Ex-girlfriends ( coz that's what they always do.. always accusing Poor Sechan of having zillions of girlfriends in a span of 4months) doesn't make them sasaengs 😂
Oh especially the Sasaeng pages who put "Ask me anything" polls on their IG stories those momfuckers only know 4 to 5 legit info about an idol (which is not a secret and a very famous rumor that is recently circulating or very old famous rumors) and two pics of 14y.o Jung/look with random girls from his middle school and claim them to be his exes (while the poor guy was just taking pics with his classmates) and a bunch of random skinny Plastic asian girls who all look the same and claim them to Be Sechan's Ex-gfs and they would usually say that Ji is either still dating Jennifer or is back with Krys or is now saying a model!
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Oh please I know their dimanics by heart! They always post you random pics and videos from korean streets they find on Google maps or in random tagged places on IG and claim to be there! They share y'all pics of their korean food and rain in the night from their fancy korean window that displays the beautiful expensive korean night lights and big ass Traffic signs written with big white paint in korean on the fancy asphalte or korean taxi 🚕 if that's even a description 😂🤣.
I mean they usually share pics like this their stories : ⬇️⬇️⬇️ to prove you "Oh Look I swear I'm korean and I live in seoul":
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They would also always try so hard to prove they're korean and speak fake broken english for u to fall for their tricks and really think that they don't know english coz They KOREAN ! And if you distrust them they share a pic of a passport to ensure you that they're korean and often tend to lie about their age and say they're 20y.o Rich DADDY girls who travel a lot to Canada and LA in the middle of the school semester for you to not aks them every now and then to show you that they're really living in korea. Or they would say they transferred to a new school in canada and they go on a fake hiatus for you to not ask them to send y'all pics of them in korea coz Duh they got a full scholarship to the fanciest Canadian business Universities. And they usually say they're taking over their fathers company and that they're just Rich by nature and don't have to work . If you're REALLY RICH (like me 🌚🌝) then why charging ur POOR fellow fandom mates real money to send it to u by PayPal for one or two pics you have of Jung/kook and his 14.yo Ex-gfs or a dozen of random plastic skinny girls you found on kakaotalk or iG and claim them to be Sechan's gfs?
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Real korean sasansgs: You can never catch them unless you live in korea or have someone there who knows them and not anyone but someone who has been in korea and an Exol for years with whom they worked on Exo projects for years and whom they trust enough to add to their extremely private group chats and projects. And real sasansgs don't charge you 6 dollars for a video of chanyeol having sex with a girl in his studio??😂 Seriously 6$ for a sextape? Even in porn hub low quality sextapes of random people is expensive how about an idol's Sextape? I had a sasaeng who told me to pay 10$ for Baek's sex video with his gf and 6$ for chanyeol's 😂 just seeing the price I started laughing. Wtf. You can't have those videos theyre extremely impossible to get plus if you got them no matter what the odds are YOU DON'T CHARGE THEM FOR 6$ !!
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DM me and don't be shy don't be scared I won't judge you just share your sources, I'll let you know if they're legit or not.
DM me while I'm still drinking my fancy red wine and happy ever after.
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